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Postgrad Med J (1992) 68, 779- 785 i The Fellowship of Postgraduate Medicine, 1992 Review Article Leg ulceration in venous disease S.K. Shami, D.A. Shields, J.H. Scurr and P.D. Coleridge Smith Department of Surgery, University College and Middlesex School of Medicine, Middlesex Hospital, Mortimer Street, London WIN 8AA, UK Summary: We have given a brief summary of the scale of the problem caused by venous ulceration in the UK, and have then reviewed the various theories of causation, including a historical survey, and presented the evidence for and against the two main current theories of fibrin cuffs and white cell trapping. We also outline previous hypotheses of the aetiology of venous ulceration, including arteriovenous microanastomoses, stasis and oedema. The contribution of superficial venous incompetence in the pathogenesis of ulceration is also examined. Introduction Ulceration of the leg is a major cause of morbidity, venous causes accounting for the majority. Other causes include arterial disease, diabetes, and vascu- litis resulting from connective tissue diseases such as rheumatoid disease or scleroderma. Less common causes include hypertension (Martorell's ulcer), trauma, lymphoedema, tropical ulcers, ulceration associated with steroid treatment, and blood diseases such as sickle cell anaemia, thallassaemia, haemolytic anaemia and hereditary spherocytosis. The prevalence of venous ulceration in western countries is estimated at 0.1 -0.3%.1-4 It has also been estimated that for every patient with an ulcer there are 20-30 patients with the characteristic skin changes of lipodermatosclerosis (LDS) which precede ulceration.5 This suggests that 100,000 patients have active ulceration at a given time in the United Kingdom, which causes an enormous drain on the Health Service in both in-patient and outpatient treatment. The cost to the National Health Service for the treatment of leg ulceration has been estimated at being at least £100,000,000 per annum6 and to cost £1,200 for each unhealed ulcer per year.7 The cause of skin ulceration in venous disease is not known and a number of hypotheses regarding its pathogenesis have been suggested. This paper provides a critical review of these hypotheses. History Although varicose veins were probably recognized in prehistory, the first written reference appears to be the Ebers papyrus, dated 1550 BC. However, Hippocrates was the first to note the association between varicose veins and ulceration.8 During Roman times, a number of physicians, including Galen, Celsus, Aetius of Amida and Paulus Aegin- eta advised avulsion and cauterization for the treatment of varicose veins, and the use of ban- dages for the treatment of leg ulcers.9 Following this, from the 10th to the 18th century, various physicians, including Haly Abbas, Avicenna, Fal- lopio and Pare attributed ulceration of the legs to the accumulation of black bile, bad humours, menstrual blood and faeculant humours.'° They believed that ulceration in the legs served a useful purpose in getting rid of these vile substances. Thus, they did not encourage healing of ulcers, and some went as far as advocating re-opening ulcers that had healed spontaneously, as they believed that ill-health and madness would ensue if this was not done. Richard Wiseman" was aware that varicose veins were associated with leg ulcers in the 17th century but, during the 18th century, various authors including Bell, Baynton and Whately did not believe that leg ulceration was attributable to or associated with varicose veins. During this time, plaster and bandages were used in the treatment of ulcers.'2 In the 19th century, writers including Brodie, Astley Cooper, Home and Hodgson stressed the importance of varicose veins in the aetiology of leg ulceration, and the term 'varicose ulcer' was coined.9 Correspondence: S.K. Shami, F.R.C.S. Accepted: 31 March 1992 by copyright. on September 10, 2021 by guest. Protected Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.68.804.779 on 1 October 1992. Downloaded from

Legulceration in venous disease - BMJ · 2008. 12. 18. · surgically than in those with deepvenous disease. Healing rates of90% have been recorded (mean follow-upof3.5years)followingsapheno-femoral

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Page 1: Legulceration in venous disease - BMJ · 2008. 12. 18. · surgically than in those with deepvenous disease. Healing rates of90% have been recorded (mean follow-upof3.5years)followingsapheno-femoral

Postgrad Med J (1992) 68, 779- 785 i The Fellowship of Postgraduate Medicine, 1992

Review Article

Leg ulceration in venous disease

S.K. Shami, D.A. Shields, J.H. Scurr and P.D. Coleridge Smith

Department ofSurgery, University College and Middlesex School ofMedicine, Middlesex Hospital,Mortimer Street, London WIN 8AA, UK

Summary: We have given a brief summary of the scale of the problem caused by venous ulceration inthe UK, and have then reviewed the various theories of causation, including a historical survey, andpresented the evidence for and against the two main current theories offibrin cuffs and white cell trapping.We also outline previous hypotheses of the aetiology of venous ulceration, including arteriovenousmicroanastomoses, stasis and oedema. The contribution of superficial venous incompetence in thepathogenesis of ulceration is also examined.


Ulceration of the leg is a major cause of morbidity,venous causes accounting for the majority. Othercauses include arterial disease, diabetes, and vascu-litis resulting from connective tissue diseases such asrheumatoid disease or scleroderma. Less commoncauses include hypertension (Martorell's ulcer),trauma, lymphoedema, tropical ulcers, ulcerationassociated with steroid treatment, and blooddiseases such as sickle cell anaemia, thallassaemia,haemolytic anaemia and hereditary spherocytosis.The prevalence of venous ulceration in western

countries is estimated at 0.1-0.3%.1-4 It has alsobeen estimated that for every patient with an ulcerthere are 20-30 patients with the characteristicskin changes of lipodermatosclerosis (LDS) whichprecede ulceration.5 This suggests that 100,000patients have active ulceration at a given time in theUnited Kingdom, which causes an enormous drainon the Health Service in both in-patient andoutpatient treatment. The cost to the NationalHealth Service for the treatment of leg ulcerationhas been estimated at being at least £100,000,000per annum6 and to cost £1,200 for each unhealedulcer per year.7The cause of skin ulceration in venous disease is

not known and a number of hypotheses regardingits pathogenesis have been suggested. This paperprovides a critical review of these hypotheses.


Although varicose veins were probably recognizedin prehistory, the first written reference appears tobe the Ebers papyrus, dated 1550 BC. However,Hippocrates was the first to note the associationbetween varicose veins and ulceration.8 DuringRoman times, a number of physicians, includingGalen, Celsus, Aetius ofAmida and Paulus Aegin-eta advised avulsion and cauterization for thetreatment of varicose veins, and the use of ban-dages for the treatment of leg ulcers.9 Followingthis, from the 10th to the 18th century, variousphysicians, including Haly Abbas, Avicenna, Fal-lopio and Pare attributed ulceration of the legs tothe accumulation of black bile, bad humours,menstrual blood and faeculant humours.'° Theybelieved that ulceration in the legs served a usefulpurpose in getting rid of these vile substances.Thus, they did not encourage healing of ulcers, andsome went as far as advocating re-opening ulcersthat had healed spontaneously, as they believedthat ill-health and madness would ensue if this wasnot done. Richard Wiseman" was aware thatvaricose veins were associated with leg ulcers in the17th century but, during the 18th century, variousauthors including Bell, Baynton and Whately didnot believe that leg ulceration was attributable toor associated with varicose veins. During this time,plaster and bandages were used in the treatment ofulcers.'2 In the 19th century, writers includingBrodie, Astley Cooper, Home and Hodgsonstressed the importance of varicose veins in theaetiology of leg ulceration, and the term 'varicoseulcer' was coined.9

Correspondence: S.K. Shami, F.R.C.S.Accepted: 31 March 1992

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780 S.K. SHAMI et al.

In 1868, two important books on venous ulcerswere written by Gay'3 and Spender.'4 Theseauthors stressed the role ofdeep venous thrombosisand other lesions of the arterial and venous system(both deep and superficial) in the aetiology of legulceration, and advocated that the term 'varicoseulcer' be dropped. Gay also described ankle-perforating veins and suggested the use of the term'venous ulceration'. Homans's found that deep veinthrombosis was frequently the cause of suchdamage. In more recent years, Linton'6 andCockett'7 have drawn attention to incompetence ofthe communicating veins of the calf as a potentialcause of venous ulceration.

The role of superficial, deep and perforatorincompetence

There has never been any doubt of the role of deepvenous incompetence in the aetiology of venousulceration. However, there has never been agree-ment on the ability of superficial venous incompe-tence alone to result in ulceration. Homans'finding'5 that deep vein thrombosis was frequentlythe cause of venous ulceration seemed to haveeclipsed the earlier observations of Hippocratesand Wiseman to such an extent that, even today,several authorities believe that ulceration is notpossible in superficial vein incompetence alone.This view has recently been reflected in leadingarticles in two of our most eminent medical jour-nals, ruling out the possibility that superficialvenous incompetence alone may be responsible forskin ulceration.'8"9 Sethia and Darke, however,reported an incidence of 28.3% superficial venousincompetence alone in a study on patients withvenous ulcers in which venous function was assess-ed by venography and foot vein pressure measure-ment.20 An earlier study using Doppler ultrasound,ambulatory foot vein pressure measurement andphotoplethysmography had indicated an incidenceof 25%,21 and another more recent Doppler-basedstudy indicated that 43% of 117 ulcerated limbshad superficial venous incompetence; about onefifth had some deep venous reflux demonstrable aswell.4

Therefore, it would appear that venous ulcera-tion is possible in the presence of superficialincompetence alone, and there is uncontrolleddata22 which show a lower rate of recurrent ulcera-tion in those patients with venous ulcers associatedwith superficial venous disease only when treatedsurgically than in those with deep venous disease.Healing rates of 90% have been recorded (meanfollow-up of 3.5 years) following sapheno -femoraljunction ligation in patients with long saphenousincompetence alone.23The importance of communicating vein incom-

petence remains controversial. Since the work ofLinton in the 1930s and 1940s,'6 their role in thedevelopment of venous ulceration has been un-clear, though many authors have ascribed a pivotalposition to them in ulcer pathogenesis.24 Others, bycontrast, have found disappointing results follow-ing their ligation, with very high rates of ulcerrecurrence where venography had clearly shownthe perforating veins to be incompetent.25 Part ofthe problem lies in uncertainty of the definition ofincompetence in these veins. There is doubt aboutwhich direction of flow should be considered'normal'; it may be bidirectional.26 In a detailedstudy using ambulatory venous pressure measure-ment, Zukowski et al. have suggested that poorvenous function associated with 'incompetent' calfperforators is likely to be due to undetected deepvein pathology.27


Homans was probably the first to advance theconcept ofvenous stasis as an aetiological factor invenous ulceration. He suggested that stagnantblood in varicosities was responsible for ulcerationas a result of impaired tissue nutrition.'5 Thisconcept was reinforced by the work ofDe Taktas,28who showed decreased levels ofoxygen in the veinsof patients with leg ulceration. However, manystudies, starting with Blalock,29 have shown theopposite, and demonstrated that the oxygen con-tent of venous blood in patients with chronicvenous insufficiency and ulceration is, in fact,higher than normal.3032 Despite this evidence,anoxia and hyponutrition caused by stasis is stilldiscussed in relatively modern works, and the terms'stasis ulcers' and 'gravitational ulcer' are still used,especially in the American literature.33"- Recentstudies using laser Doppler fluxmetry have shownincreased blood flow in the lipodermatoscleroticskin of patients with chronic venous insuffic-iency,36-39 as has positron emission tomography,37although this also showed marked heterogeneity intissue perfusion. This evidence should be sufficientto dispel any notion that microcirculatory stasisexists in patients with chronic venous insufficiency.

Arteriovenous shunts

The increased blood flow in the skin of patientswith venous insufficiency and the finding thatvenous blood in the legs of patients with varicoseulcers had a higher oxygen tension than venousblood in normal legs29,31'40 led to the hypothesis thatvenous ulceration was due to hypoxia ofthe skin asa result of blood being shunted away from thenutritional capillaries by arteriovenous com-

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munications.30,41,42 Guis was able to identify suchshunts in 13 patients undergoing varicose veinsurgery.43 This work has not been confirmed byothers, although Ryan" has claimed that smallarteriovenous communications at capillary levelplay a significant role in the development of skinchanges with chronic venous insufficiency.

Other workers have been unable to show in-creased shunting in patients with chronic venousinsufficiency using a variety of methods includingvenous occlusion plethysmography,45 macroaggre-gates' and microspheres.47 However, reports ofincreased partial pressure ofoxygen in blood takenfrom leg veins of patients with varicose veinscompared to normal controls continue toemerge.32'48 Rapid venous filling at arteriographyhas also been described in patients with varicoseveins, though arteriovenous anastomoses were notvisualized.49 Overall, this hypothesis for the causeofvenous ulcers has been disproved, even though itis difficult to deny that shunting occurs. Thesecommunications exist but are not of haemo-dynamic significance.

Role of oedema

Patients with chronic venous insufficiency andvenous ulceration suffer from oedema of the lowerlimb, especially if compression therapy is notused.9"12'`0 This may interfere with normal transferof nutrients to the tissues,5' and cause tissueischaemia by separation and collapse of the capil-laries due to the high interstitial pressure.52 Furtherindirect evidence supporting the importance ofoedema in leg ulceration is the observation thathealing ofulceration occurs more rapidly ifoedemaof the leg is satisfactorily controlled.53Oedema in chronic venous insufficiency may

result from several factors - increased capillaryfiltration as a result of high intracapillary pressuredue to increased venous pressure, increased hydra-ulic conductivity due to endothelial damage, loss ofthe veno-arteriolar (anti-oedema) reflex, or failureto clear interstitial fluid due to lymphangiopathy.Partsch has shown an increased capillary perme-ability to proteins using labelled albumin.54 Otherworkers, using a variety oftechniques, have report-ed similar findings,55-57 although these have notbeen universally confirmed.5860 Lymphatic obs-truction in chronic venous insufficiency was des-cribed by Veal and Hussey in 1942,61 and morerecently Bollinger62 has described microlymph-angiopathy in patients with chronic venous in-sufficiency using fluorescein microlymphography.In this study, obliteration ofparts of the superficiallymphatic network and increased permeability ofthe lymphatics was observed.

Abnormalities of capillary blood flow and morpho-logy

Convoluted capillaries have been described in theedges of venous ulcers using capillary microscopyin 1956.63 This has been confirmed in more recentwork by Fagrell who has shown that there is often areduction in the total numbers of capillaries in thegaiter area of patients with deep venous insuffic-iency, the remaining capillaries being widely dilat-ed, coiled and tortuous.6465 This is contrary tohistological studies that indicate that there areincreased capillaries in lipodermatosclerotic (LDS)skin,' though it may be that when histologicalsections are taken through a coiled capillary, it isnot appreciated that there are several cuts throughthe same convoluted capillary, rather than cutsthrough different capillaries. Furthermore, histo-logical sections of the skin often include dermalcapillaries rather than just the papillary nutritionalcapillaries seen on capillary microscopy. The capil-laries in venous disease are not only dilated, coiled,and reduced in number, but also more widelyseparated, which Fagrell believed was due tomicro-oedema formation. This may result in aninability to supply enough oxygen to the tissueduring periods of increased demand, for example,following injury. Another feature of the microcir-culation in LDS is the increased skin blood flow asmeasured by laser Doppler fluxmetry. This hasbeen shown to be 1.5 -2 times greater than com-parable skin in normal controls.6738 although thecause of this is not known.

Fibrin cuff theory

In 1982, Browse and Burnand put forward theirfibrin cuffhypothesis to explain the cause ofvenousulceration.' This was based on the observations ofLandis69 who showed that elevated venous pressureresulted in elevated capillary pressure and perme-ability, and of Whimster,' who reported enlarge-ment of the dermal capillaries in patients withvenous disease. The 'fibrin cuff' hypothesis sug-gested that with increased venous pressure, poresbetween the endothelial cells lining the capillariesstretched, increasing the permeability of capillariesand allowing large molecules, in particular fibrino-gen, to escape into the interstitial tissue. Fibrinogenthen polymerizes into fibrin to form pericapillaryfibrin cuffs. These pericapillary cuffs act as adiffusion barrier, preventing oxygen and 'othernutrients' from reaching the skin and resulting incell death and ulceration. Patients with venousdisease also have reduced fibrinolytic capacity toclear fibrin. This work was supported by animalexperiments which showed increased fibrinogen inthe lymph draining the hind leg of dogs following

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782 S.K. SHAMI et al.

femoral vein ligation.70 Thus this hypothesis couldexplain the high venous oxygen and the low tissueoxygen concentrations seen in patients withlipodermatosclerosis and ulceration.Much work has been done that supports the

'fibrin-cuff' hypothesis. There is no doubt of theexistence of the fibrin cuffs themselves, as they havebeen observed in a number of histologicalstudies.71'72 There is also little doubt that there isreduced fibrinolytic activity in patients with venousdisease.73-76 However, although a commericallyavailable fibrin membrane has been shown to delaythe diffusion of oxygen across it,72 other calcula-tions have shown that pericapillary fibrin cuffs areunlikely to cause a significant block to the diffusionof oxygen.77 In addition, if this hypothesis were tobe correct, it would be expected that the reductionof fibrin cuffs would result in ulcer healing. Studieshave shown that fibrin cuffs and the area of LDScan be reduced using profibrinolytic therapy(stanozolol- Stromba, Sterling Research),78 butthat such therapy was no better than placebo athealing ulcers.79 In another trial, the effects ofstanozolol and compression therapy on LDS werestudied in a double-blind placebo-controlled trial.80It was found that the treatment group had a 28%reduction in the area of LDS compared to 14% inthe placebo group but, when multivariate analysisof the effects of each component in the treatmentwas analysed, the effect attributable to stanozololalone was not statistically significant. Further-more, no changes in the tissue pressure of oxygen(TCPO2) in the skin of either group was seen despitethe reduction in the area of LDS.The fibrin cuff hypothesis is also supported by

studies that have shown reduced levels of TcPO2using a Clark-type surface skin electrode over theLDS skin of patients with venous disease.81-85However, the technique of TCPO2 measurementdepends on the ability to cause maximal vasodil-atation by heating the skin to 43-44°C, and it hasbeen shown recently that it may not be possible tocause maximal vasodilatation in the areas of LDSin patients with venous disease.3" This may invali-date studies where the TcPO2 reading was taken at43-44°C; in fact, when the TcPO2 has been measur-ed at 37TC instead of 43°C, the oxygenation of theskin of patients with venous disease appears to behigher than that in normal controls.86 As there havebeen no direct measurements of the tissue oxygentension in patients with venous disease, theassumption that skin oxygenation is reduced invenous disease remains unproven.Oxygen extraction in the skin, using positron

emission tomography, has been found to be lowerin the affected limb compared to the 'normal' limbin patients with venous disease.37 However, thisstudy can be criticized on the grounds that theapparently normal limb in patients with venous

disease was used as the control limb. This isunsatisfactory as it has been shown that the'normal' limb in such patients often has unsus-pected abnormalities such as a low skin TcPO2reading and increased venous refilling time follow-ing exercise.87

The white cell trapping theory

In 1988, Coleridge Smith et al. proposed a newhypothesis for the cause of venous ulceration.88This was based on observations that a reduction inblood flow through capillaries and post-capillaryvenules results in adhesion of white cells to bothactivated and non-activated endothelium,89 andthat such margination of white cells in the post-capillary venules occurs due to their slow rate offlow compared to red cells.90 Venous hypertensionhas been shown to cause white blood cells tobecome sequestrated in the legs. This was demon-strated by Moyses et al.9" in a study where theymeasured the haematocrit, red and white blood cellcounts before and after lower limb dependency fora period of 40 minutes. They found that thehaematocrit and red cell count increased propor-tionally, due to increased capillary filtration as aconsequence of the increased capillary pressurefollowing venous hypertension, but that the whitecell count in blood taken from the saphenous veinat the ankle remained unchanged. This suggestedthat white cells were 'lost' to the circulation andremained in the lower limb. In a similar study inpatients with LDS and venous ulceration, 30% ofwhite blood cells were 'lost' from the leg circulationin the patient group, compared to 7% in normalcontrols following 60 minutes of leg dependency.92Activated white cells have been shown to bemediators of tissue damage in a number of organsincluding the heart,93'94 brain,95 lung,96 andkidney.97'98 Bollinger et al. showed increased diffus-ion of fluorescein out of capillaries in patients withvenout disease using fluorescence video capillarymicroscopy,' indicating that capillaries in venousdisease are much more permeable than normal tothis molecule, suggesting abnormal endothelialfunction and, using simultaneous fluorescence andlight capillary microscopy, Franzeck et al. des-cribed the appearance of capillary loops filled withred blood cells, which did not appear to beperfused, and suggested capillary thrombosis to bea feature of venous disease.99 Using microscopy,capillaries have been shown to reduce in numberfollowing limb dependency in patients with venousdisease." This suggested that as well as 'capillarythrombosis', capillaries became 'invisible' tomicroscopy due to the inability of red cells to getpast the white cells 'plugging' them.

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The 'white cell hypothesis' postulates that anincrease in venous pressure during standing orwalking causes a reduction in capillary flow rate,resulting in trapping of white blood cells in the leg.The trapped white cells may cause 'plugging' ofthecapillaries and result in areas of ischaemia aroundthese capillary loops, and become activated, releas-ing toxic oxygen metabolites (free radicals), proteo-lytic enzymes and chemotactic substances thatattract more white cells. Monocytes, particularly,on activation, release the cytokines interleukin-1(IL-1) and possibly also tumour necrosis factoralpha (alpha-TNF).'0' These may also activateendothelial cells resulting in increased vascularpermeability,'02 which may be the mechanism bywhich fibrinogen passes into the pericapillaryspaces and forms fibrin cuffs.The first part of the 'white cell hypothesis'

suggesting tissue hypoxia as a result of capillaryplugging cannot be supported, as there is no proofthat there is tissue hypoxia in LDS skin. However,there is evidence that white cell activation occurs.Skin biopsies taken from patients with venousdisease showed that there was a low number ofwhite cells in the skin of patients without LDS,while in patients with LDS without ulceration, thenumber of white cells in the skin was increasedeight-fold, and in patients with ulceration, therewas a 40-fold increase.'03 However, neither the typeof white cells nor their relationship to capillarieswas addressed, and this study may be interpreted asconfirmatory evidence ofthe presence ofinflamma-tion in the skin of patients with LDS and ulcera-tion. There is other indirect evidence confirmingwhite cell activity. Pentoxifylline (Trental,Hoechst), which antagonizes the effects of alpha-TNF and IL-1, has been shown to promote ulcerhealing when used in conjunction with compres-

sion therapy,104 although it has many other rheo-logical properties which may also be important.Prostglandin E,, which prevents the release of freeradicals from neutrophils, has been shown to bebeneficial in patients with venous ulceration,'05 ashave free-radical scavengers applied topically toulcers.'" To date, there have been no studiesshowing activation of white cells and the release offree radicals on increasing the venous pressure.This is because of difficulty in measuring thisphenomenon, although we are currently attempt-ing to address the problem by measuring chemi-luminescence from activated white cells in vivo. Aswith the fibrin cuff hypothesis, the white cellhypothesis waits to be proven.


Of the many theories of venous ulceration outlinedabove, all postulate raised venous pressure as theinitiating agent, and all agree that damage to themicrocirculation is the initiator of cell damage.However, only two theories are currently in vogue -the fibrin cufftheory and white cell trapping theory.Of the former, although the presence of fibrin cuffsis not in doubt, their -role as causative agent isunproven, as currently no adverse effects directlyattributable to their presence has been shown.Plugging of capillaries by white blood cells aspostulated by the white cell trapping theory has notbeen shown, although there is considerable evi-dence of their margination and migration fromwithin the circulation during periods of venoushypertension, and some evidence that free radicaland proteolytic enzyme release could be the causa-tion of venous ulceration.


1. Nelz6n, O., Bergqvist, D., Lindhagen, A. & Halbook, T.Chronic leg ulcers: an underestimated problem in theprimary health care among elderly patients. J EpidemiolCommun Health 1991, 45: 184-187.

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17. Dodd, H. & Cockett, F.B. (eds) Pathology andSurgery oftheVeins of the Lower Limb, 2nd ed. Churchill Livingstone,Edinburgh, 1976, p. 248.

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Page 7: Legulceration in venous disease - BMJ · 2008. 12. 18. · surgically than in those with deepvenous disease. Healing rates of90% have been recorded (mean follow-upof3.5years)followingsapheno-femoral


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