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The Legend of the Blue Frog Berta, Erica, Theodora and Kaya

Legend and myths of aztecs open day

Aug 09, 2015



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  1. 1. The Legend of the Blue Frog Berta, Erica, Theodora and Kaya
  2. 2. The Sun God, Nana smiled when he looked at his treasure, in the tall tree of the pond. Its called a cocoa tree . The cocoa beans grew in many pods hanging from that tree. It was the secret food of gods. Nana enjoys his cocoa beans. Rich and dark, he loved the flavour of his cocoa. This is completely divine. He said as he gobbled it up.
  3. 3. Quetza the God of delight, saw him devour his cocoa. Quetza went near the Sun god and told him You should give some of your treasure to the people on earth. Nana grinned. Ha, of course not this food is for Gods. It is a strict policy. I will never give it to them. Never ever never! Quetza continued Earth people deserve to taste this delicious treat. The God of Sun became angry. Go away and never come back. Cocoa is not meant to be touched by a humans mouth.
  4. 4. Quetza turned himself into a little blue frog and hid near a big leaf in the great pond. He thought to himself and said if Nana will not give it to the people I will speak to them. The frog sat at the edge of the pond and said Rrrrrrreeeeeeeeeep. Rrrrrrrrrreeeeeeep Sun God hides his treasure deep, By the pond inside large pods He hides the secret food of gods
  5. 5. The children and parents listened as he sang the song and they all ran to their town to sing the song Rrrrrrreeeeeeeeeep. Rrrrrrrrrreeeeeeep Sun god hides his treasure deep, By the pond inside large pods He hides the secret food of gods
  6. 6. They all started looking for the treasure. They found a big tree and found the pods full of cocoa. They found the secret food of the Gods. Nana was angry but there was nothing they could do to stop it. His secret was no longer a secret. They replanted the seeds to grow more trees Then they made a delicious cocoa drink. The Aztec people had discovered this and now it is known to everyone as hot chocolate.
  7. 7. Story byThomas, Michele, Dome, Leon and Damian
  8. 8. TheAztecs used to keep all the gods happy by offering human sacrifice.They used to capture people from other tribes and also sacrifice their children.
  9. 9. The priest of theAztecs was speaking to one of the gods and the god said when you see an eagle perched on a cactus holding a snake you will find the place to settle down .
  10. 10. The priest was walking near a lake that had a cactus and they saw an eagle which was holding a snake in his mouth.
  11. 11. They realised that it was the place to settle down because they saw what the god had told them.
  12. 12. The priest ran back to the Aztec camp to tell the people what he had seen. TheAztecs built their city here .
  13. 13. By Eloise, Mattea and Makarem
  14. 14. The sun god, Nanahuazin, grinned as he looked at his perfect, precious treasure. IT WAS HIS CACAO TREE FROM WHAT THE CACAO GREW. Hidden inside the leaf of the cacao plant was the secret food of the gods . Every single day Nanahuazin ate his cacao. His cacao was rich and dark.
  15. 15. The sun god loved and savoured his cacao. The flavour was so good. This is delicious he said as he ate and enjoyed his cacao. Hum num. Nearby, QUETZACUTAL THE GOD OF THE LIGHT SAW THE SUN GOD AND HE GOT REALLY ANGRY. THE GOD OF DELIGHT SAID TO THE SUN GOD YOU SHOULD SHARE WITH THE PEOPLE. THE SUN GOD LAUGHED.
  16. 16. NEVER, I WILL NEVER SHARE THE SUN GOD SAID. IT IS MEANT FOR THE GODS ONLY. HE ANSWERED THE PEOPLE DESERVE TO TASTE THE CACAO . THE GOD OF DELIGHT TURNED INTO A BLUE FROG AND WENT BACK DOWN TO EARTH. HE SANG THIS SONG Rrrrrrreeeeeeeeeep. Rrrrrrrrrreeeeeeep Sun god hides his treasure deep, By the pond inside large pods He hides the secret food of gods The People looked for the treasure and they found the cocao.
  17. 17. One day the god of the wind and the god of the sky were talking. The God of the sky told the God of the wind to find music because there wasnt any music ,so the god set off to search for it. The god of the sky told the other god to find the music in the suns house.
  18. 18. So off went the god of the wind to the suns house. On his way to the sun, the god found himself in a big maze. Suddenly he got lost and kept going in circles and heard beautiful voices and followed it and reached the suns house. .
  19. 19. When he entered the suns house he saw, flute players dressed in gold dresses, the wondering minstrels dressed in blue, the lullaby singers wore white and the love song singers wore red. The Wind God got very angry and had dark clouds around him. He snatched the players and took them to earth.
  20. 20. That is how Music came to the world
  21. 21. Saskia, Clara and Georgina
  22. 22. The god of sun had a cocoa tree and didnt want to share it with the people of the earth. The god of wind stood by him telling to share but the god of sun refused. Then the god of the wind told him that if he will not tell the people than he would and thats what he did.
  23. 23. The god of wind turned himself into a blue frog and hopped into a pond where children and a mother were having a picnic. He sang a poem that told them all about the god of sun and his cocoa.
  24. 24. The children went to Tenochtitlan and told all the people what the frog told them. The frog sang again and everyone went to look for the treasure. They looked and looked. Finally they found it and they enjoyed eating it.