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Legal Obligation

Jun 04, 2018



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  • 8/13/2019 Legal Obligation


    For the partial fulfillment of the degree course of Bachelor of

    Business Administration affiliated to Kumaun University


    Under the Guidance of: Submitted by:

    Eternal Guide: Abhishe! Sisodia

    "r# S# $E%A&A'AN BBA %th Semester

    Sr# "anager ()&$* +", - KAS)+.U&

    +nternal Guide: &oll No# / 01123

    "iss# Khushboo Guria

    +nstitute of "anagement 4 ,echnology

    Ba5pur &oad- Kashipur (U#S#NAGA&* U,,A&AK)AN$

    Approved by A+6,E : Affiliated to !umaun university nainital


  • 8/13/2019 Legal Obligation


    S,U$EN,7S $E68A&A,+9N

    I hereby declare that the project file entitled LEGAL OBLIGATION

    AT INDIA GLYCOLS LTD !AS"I#$% ha&e been prepared by 'e

    (nder the )(idance of *i++, !h(+hboo G(ria,

    I al+o declare that thi+ re+earch -hich ha+ been trainin) cond(cted in

    partial f(lfill'ent of the re.(ire'ent for the de)ree of BAC"ELO%


    $NI2E%SITY NAINITAL ha+ been the re+(lt of 'y o-n effort+ and

    that thi+ re+earch ha+ not for'ed a ba+i+ for the a-ard of any other

    De)ree3 Diplo'a3 /ello-+hip by !$*A$N $NI2E%SITY

    NAINITAL of any other $ni&er+ity,

    Co(nter Si)nat(re4 AB"IS"E! SISODIA

    0BBA 5 Se'

    Institute of Management & Technology, Kashipur

  • 8/13/2019 Legal Obligation



    Thi+ +t(dy -a+ a no&el e6perience for 'e and -itho(t )(idance

    cooperation of concerned people and -itho(t concentration and hard

    -or78 it -a+ not po++ible for 'e to co'plete thi+ project,

    It i+ a pro(d pri&iled)e to e6pre++ 'y o&er-hel'in) +en+e+ of )ratit(de

    to 'y )(ide *r, S, De&arajan Sr, *ana)er 0"%D IGL for hi+

    con+tant enco(ra)e'ent and contin(o(+ +(per&i+ion -itho(t -hich it

    -o(ld not ha&e been po++ible for 'e to ta7e (p thi+ ta+7,

    Their +())e+tion+ )i&e 'e the ri)ht -ay in the f(lfill'ent of the project


    I a' al+o indebted to 'y internal )(ide *i++, !h(+hboo G(ria

    lect(rer I*T !a+hip(r for pro&idin) &al(able infor'ation re)ardin)

    thi+ project,

    /inally I a' than7f(l to each and e&ery per+on too n('ero(+ in

    n('ber for +harin) their e6perti+e,

    Institute of Management & Technology, Kashipur

  • 8/13/2019 Legal Obligation



    0BAC"ELO% of B(+ine++ Ad'ini+tration

    Institute of Management & Technology, Kashipur

  • 8/13/2019 Legal Obligation



    19 Anne6(reS#N9 ,+,8E

    :1 #reface

    :; /or-ard

    :< Introd(ction to co'pany

    := #rod(ct -i+e IGL

    :5 Ind(+try -i+e IGL

    :9 IGL reachin) their c(+to'er+

    :> *ajor 'ile+tone+

    :? Or)ani+ation +et (p

    :@ *ana)e'ent

    And Code Of cond(ct

    1: Ind(+trial La-+ and %(le+

    Li+t of Act+ and %(le+

    Applicable at IGL

    11 Introd(ction to +e&en Act+

    /ollo-ed by IGL

    0a the Factories Act- 301;

    0b the Air (.revention 4 6ontrol of .ollution* Act

    0c the .ayment of ages Act- 300

    0e Apprentices Act- 30=3

    0f Employees? State +nsurance Act

    (g* or!men?s 6ompensation Act

    1; %e+earch 'ethodolo)y

    1< Li'itation+

    1= Biblio)raphy

    Institute of Management & Technology, Kashipur
  • 8/13/2019 Legal Obligation


    15 Analy+i+ and Interpretation+


    The +hift to-ard technolo)y and technical co'petence in the field of

    B(+ine++ ha+ nece++itated re+hapin) of "('an %e+o(rce, #lant+ and

    factorie+ are e6pen+i&e to b(ild and e.(ip'ent+ are )enerally

    e6pen+i&e to 'aintain, The rapid +hift to-ard ne-er technolo)ie+ are

    forcin) the co'pany to (nderta7e +iable in&e+t'ent in re+o(rce to

    beat challen)e+ that al+o lie+ in the plannin) i'ple'entation

    efficient (tiliation of re+o(rce+ and pro&idin) effecti&e prod(ct+ to

    the c(+to'er+,

    At IGL the e'ployee+ are con+idered a+ 'o+t &al(able a++et and

    +tren)th for +(+tained )ro-th and de&elop'ent of the co'pany, It

    belie&e+ in in&e+tin) contin(o(+ly in h('an re+o(rce+ for

    e'ployee+ per+onal )ro-th, The co'pany i+ led by yo(n)

    profe++ional+, It ha+ an open -or7 en&iron'ent -hich i+

    achie&e'ent oriented and i+ dri&en by A(tono'y, The c(lt(re i+

    +(pporti&e of indi&id(al initiati&e and recepti&e to inno&ation,

    Li7e any other or)aniation IGL ha+ al+o fra'ed %(le+ #olicie+

    %e)(lation+ Sy+te' etc, for r(nnin) the b(+ine++ +'oothly, IGL ha+

    al+o introd(ced &ario(+ +che'e+ for the -elfare of the e'ployee+,

    /or +'ooth b(+ine++ operation and to ta7e ad&anta)e of the benefit+

    (nder the+e +che'e+ f(lly and clearly,

    Institute of Management & Technology, Kashipur

  • 8/13/2019 Legal Obligation



    In the +o hi)hly co'petiti&e and rapidly chan)in) en&iron'ent to

    +(r&i&e the co'panie+ need -elltrained and +7illed -or7er+, India i+

    a &ery rich co(ntry in ter'+ of re+o(rce+ -hether nat(ral or

    technical +cientific, B(t it i+ &ery +ad to +tate that India till no-

    ha+ not perfectly leant ho- to deploy it+ 'anpo-er tap it+ h('an

    re+o(rce for the better'ent of it+ citien+ b(+ine++ )oal+,

    In to day+ the condition of o(r nation i+ not +o -ell a+ it +ho(ld be

    rea+on i+ that -e ha&e )reat .(antity of the people b(t (nfort(nately

    it i+ not -ell trained, The only -ay to p(ll o(t the India fro' thi+condition i+ con&ertin) the h('an re+o(rce+ of the co(ntry into a

    national a++et,

    That+ -hy no- day+ in India 'ana)e'ent ed(cation ha+ beco'e

    'ore pop(lar and i'portant a+ -ell, B(t no ed(cation i+ co'plete

    -itho(t +o'e practical 7no-led)e, So to )et the +t(dent+ fa'iliar

    -ith the real life +it(ation a +(''er trainin) of 9? -ee7+ d(ration

    ha+ been 7ept in the co(r+e,

    /or 'y +(''er trainin) I choo+e the IGL it i+ one of bi))e+t

    co'pany of the $ttranchal, It -ell e+tabli+hed and reno-ned in it+

    Institute of Management & Technology, Kashipur

  • 8/13/2019 Legal Obligation


    field and i+ +erio(+ trainin) it+ -or7er+ and intent to 'a7e it

    (nder+tood that they really care for the',

    In thi+ boo7let I ha&e foc(+ed on the ind(+trial la-+ and r(le+follo-ed by the ind(+trie+ and IGL, I hope it -ill be (+ed a+ a )(ide

    for .(ic7 and refre+hin) 'e'ory, I hope it -ill be (+ef(l al+o to the

    +taff recr(it+ -ill refer to it,

    S())e+tion+ for 'odification -o(ld be -elco'e,

    Institute of Management & Technology, Kashipur

  • 8/13/2019 Legal Obligation


    +N$+A G8@698S 8+"+,E$

    +N,&9$U6,+9N ,9 69".AN@


    The Co'pany -a+ incorporated on 1@th No&e'ber 1@?< a+ $,#,

    Glycol+ li'ited, It -a+ rena'ed a+ India Glycol+ Li'ited on

    ;?,:?,1@?9, It +tarted it+ co''ercial prod(ction of *EG on

    ;5,:=,?@ Etho6ylate+ on ;5,:1,@5 /or'(lated3Speciality Che'ical+

    on :1,:@,@> G(ar G(' on :5,:>,;::1 Glycol Either on :?,:?,;::1

    and Li.(or bottlin) in April ;::;, The co'pany ha+ e6panded the

    Ori)inal capacity of the+e plant+ by ;< ti'e+ d(rin) thi+ period,

    %ecently it ha+ di&er+ified in the area of 'edicinal Aro'atic

    Institute of Management & Technology, Kashipur

  • 8/13/2019 Legal Obligation


    plant+, Co'pany i+ al+o +et (p %ab 'an(fact(rin) (nit in the ca'p(+

    and a Di+tillery at Gora7hp(r $,#, for bac7-ard inte)ration,

    /ir+t and only co'pany in the -orld to prod(ce Ethylene O6ide 0EO

    3 *ono Ethylene Glycol 0*EG fro' rene-able a)ro ro(te ba+ed on

    'ola++e+ +ince 1@?@, Leadin) 'an(fact(rer+ of Glycols-

    Ethoylates- .erformance 6hemicals- Glycol Ethers 4 Acetates-

    Guar Gum and .otable Alcohol#Co'pletely inte)rated +tateof

    theart 'an(fact(rin) proce++ -ith e'pha+i+ on +(perior .(ality by

    deployin) internationally pro&en technolo)ie+ inno&ati&e %D and

    c(+to'ied approach,

    Institute of Management & Technology, Kashipur

  • 8/13/2019 Legal Obligation


    Lar)e+t Etho6ylate+ Glycol Ether prod(cer and th(+ leader in

    Ethylene O6ide Deri&ati&e+ 3S(rfactant+ b(+ine++ in India,

    Global player 'eetin) international +pecification+ and nor'+ e6portin) to

    So(th Ea+t A+ia *iddle Ea+t E(rope A(+tralia and $SA,

    Caterin) to 'ore than 1::: c(+to'er+ in &ario(+ end(+e ind(+trie+ +(ch a+

    Te6tile A)roche'ical Oil Ga+ #er+onal Care #har'ace(tical+ Bra7e

    /l(id+ Deter)ent E'(l+ion #oly'eriation paint+ etc,

    Offer c(+to'er +pecific prod(ct+ to 'eet their perfor'ance 3 technical


    C(+to'er ba+e incl(de+ lar)e *NC+ #(blic Sector $nderta7in)+ and

    lar)e a+ -ell a+ 'edi(' +'all Indian or)aniation+,

    Institute of Management & Technology, Kashipur

  • 8/13/2019 Legal Obligation


    ,E6)N989G@ .&9F+8E

    Glycol+ Scientific De+i)n Co'pany Inc,


    0leadin) Ethylene O6ide 3

    Ethylene Glycol licen+or


    Etho6ylate+ #EGS #re++ ind(+trie+ AG Italy

    0leadin) Etho6ylate+ technolo)y

    licen+or )lobally

    #erfor'ance Che'ical+ Sanyo Che'ical Ind(+trie+ Ltd,


    Leader in +peciality S(rfactant+

    in apan,

    Glycol Ether+ S(ler Che'tech S-iterland

    E6tra Ne(tral Alcohol Alfa La&al India $SA

    Institute of Management & Technology, Kashipur

  • 8/13/2019 Legal Obligation


    The plant and laboratory are e.(ipped -ith hi)hly +ophi+ticated

    in+tr('ent+ +(ch a+ di)ital di+trib(ted control +y+te' 0DCS online

    F analyer+ 'a++ +pectro'eter and lab e.(ip'ent+8 G,C,

    +pectrophoto'eter "#LC /TI% etc,

    Ba+ic ra- 'aterial of the co'pany i+ 'ola++e+ a byprod(ct of +()ar

    'ill+, O(r+ i+ the fir+t plant in the orld -hich prod(ce+ *EG fro'

    'ola++e+ ro(te a+ a)ain+t the con&entional petro ro(te,

    Institute of Management & Technology, Kashipur

  • 8/13/2019 Legal Obligation


    "ANUFA6,U&+NG FA6+8+,+ES A, +G8:

    The 'an(fact(rin) co'ple6 con+i+t+ of the follo-in) prod(ction (nit+,

    UN+, .&9$U6,+9N 6A.A6+,@

    Di+tillery Ethanol =::!L3DAY

    Bio)a+ *ethane 0f(el 15:!N*5:N"

  • 8/13/2019 Legal Obligation


    B+9$EG&A$AB8E 4 &ENEAB8E


    IGL+ 'ain feed+toc7 i+ "98ASSES a rene-able re+o(rce -hich i+ a

    byprod(ct obtained d(rin) proce++in) of S()ar fro' +()arcane and i+

    hi)hly biode)radable,

    IGL+ plant i+ +trate)ically located at Kashipur in the heart of the

    +()arcane belt -here 'any +()ar ind(+trie+ are ba+ed en+(rin) ea+y

    a&ailability of 'ola++e+,

    IGL+ ha&e lar)e+t 'o+t 'odern di+tillery to 'an(fact(re Ethyl


    F+N+S)E$ .&9$U6,S AN$ ,)E+& USES

    Institute of Management & Technology, Kashipur

  • 8/13/2019 Legal Obligation


    3# "EG $EG ,EG

    e 'an(fact(re *EG 3 DEG 3 TEG in +tateoftheart plant in

    technical collaboration -ith Scientific De+i)n Inc, $SA,

    S(pplyin) to 'ajor #olye+ter 3 Che'ical c(+to'er+ by 'eetin) their

    +trin)ent +pecification+,

    "9N9E,)@8ENE G8@698 ("EG* i+ a colorle++ odo(rle++

    non&olatile li.(id, It i+ co'pletely 'i+cible in -ater and 'any

    or)anic +ol&ent+,

    $+/E,)@8ENE G8@698 ($EG* i+ a +table hi)h boilin)

    odo(rle++ hy)ro+copic li.(id co'pletely 'i+cible in -ater,


    "#E#G# #olye+ter +taple fiber+ polye+ter fila'ent Yarn pac7a)in)

    'aterial e6plo+i&e+ Coolant+ -ireena'le+ (n+at(rated re+in+


    $#E#G# #e+ticide+ r(bber co'po(ndin) brea7 /l(id+ pla+ticier+ etc,

    ,#E#G# Oil e6ploration and refinery,

    # G8@698 E,)E&S

    Institute of Management & Technology, Kashipur

  • 8/13/2019 Legal Obligation


    *an(fact(red -ith 7no-ho- fro' *3+ S(ler Che'tech

    S-iterland -hich i+ the lar)e+t Glycol Ether #lant in India and the

    only contin(o(+ proce++ Glycol Ether plant in India en+(rin) con+i+tent


    *eetin) +trin)ent international +pecification+ of 'ar7et+ in E(rope

    So(th Ea+t A+ia and *iddle Ea+t,

    It can 'an(fact(re other )rade+ of Glycol Ether+ +(ch a+ *ethyl

    Glycol Ether+ B(tyl Glycol Ether+ #heno6y Ethanol -hich al+o find

    application in &ario(+ ind(+trie+ +(ch a+ antifoa' a)ent perf('ery

    paint+ coatin) etc, Used inInd(+trial +ol&ent+ for paint+ coatin)+

    poly'er+ and a(to'oti&e ind(+try,

  • 8/13/2019 Legal Obligation


    Leather te6tile -ool +co(rin) pe+ticide+ a)roche'ical+ co+'etic+

    deter)ent+ 'edicine+ E'(l+ifier etc,

    1# GUA& GU"

    Stateoftheart facility to 'an(fact(re 1:::: *T#A of G(ar

    #rod(ct+ +(ch a+ G(ar Treated #(l&eried G(ar G(' #o-der and

    Deri&ati+ed G(ar +et (p a+ an E6portOriented$nit,

    Co'plete proce++ i+ operated by a /(lly A(to'atic #lant andpac7a)in) of the +a'e i+ controlled in 'o+t (ltra'odern plant

    (nto(ched by hand,

    Caterin) 'ainly to /ood /eed #har'a Te6tile #rintin) ind(+trie+

    etc, and +peciality prod(ct+ in the area of Oil Ga+ and L(bricant,

    Capability to prod(ce &ario(+ &i+co+itie+ ran)e+ and different 'e+h

    +ie+ a+ per c(+to'erH+ re.(ire'ent,

    E6port+ to entire )lobe (nder the brand na'e of IGG$A%,

    Appro&ed (nder $,S, /ederal %e)i+ter a+ Generally %eco''ended a+

    Safe G%AS Cate)ory for /ood /eed #har'a application+,

    ># +"F8 69UN,&@ 8+DU9&

    IGL ha&e e+tabli+hed +eparate facilitie+ for Blendin) Bottlin) of

    India *ade /orei)n Li.(or 0I*/L Co(ntry Li.(or,

    Institute of Management & Technology, Kashipur

  • 8/13/2019 Legal Obligation



    Li.(or Be&era)e+

    +G8 +N$US,&@


    IGL offer+ a (ni.(e blend of IGS$%/ Serie+ for EC for'(lation+

    de+i)ned for application in '(ltiple to6icant+,

    "i)hly +table and free flo-in) broad +pectr(' e'(l+ifier+,

    ettin) and di+per+in) a)ent+ for -ettable po-der+ and +(+pen+ion


    %an)e of ecofriendly +(rfactant+ for ne- )eneration for'(lation+,

    IGL offer+ G(ar G(' prod(ct+ -hich are (+ed in tobacco fine+ reco&ery,


    IGL ha+ tailor'ade flotation a)ent+ 'eetin) c(+to'er +pecific


    It de&elop +peciality prod(ct+ for flotation of iron ore+ cleanin) of

    calcite and collector+ for different type+ of +ilicate flotation

    IGL i+ the leadin) 'an(fact(rer of E'(l+ifier for E'(l+ion


    Institute of Management & Technology, Kashipur

  • 8/13/2019 Legal Obligation


    IGL offer+ G(ar G(' prod(ct+ -hich are (+ed in coal 'inin)

    concentration of ore+ +tic7 e6plo+i&e+ etc,


    Co'prehen+i&e ran)e of prod(ct+ re.(ired at &ario(+ +ta)e+ of yarn

    fabric proce++in) ba+ed on international technolo)ie+,

    A co'plete ran)e of )lycol+8 *EG DEG TEG and #EGH+ of

    'olec(lar -ei)ht ran)in) fro' ;::=:::,

    E'(l+ifier -ettin) a)ent+ di+per+in) a)ent+ le&elin) and l(bricatin)

    a)ent+ -ith lo- #EG content for better +(rfactancy,

    IGS$%/ +erie+ of +peciality che'ical+ de&eloped -ith 7no-ho-

    fro' *3+ Sanyo Che'ical Ind(+trie+ apan,

    Lo- foa'in) 'erceriin) a)ent+ (ni.(e blend+ of cationic and

    nonionic +oftener+ and a ran)e of dye le&elin) a)ent+ for i'pro&ed

    fa+tne++ of dyed fabric+,

    9+8 4 GAS

    ide ran)e of additi&e+ for oil e6ploration and refinin),

    Institute of Management & Technology, Kashipur

  • 8/13/2019 Legal Obligation


    EO3#O bloc7+ copoly'er+ hi)h 'olec(lar -ei)ht re+in+ and

    polya'ine Etho6ylate+ for cr(de oil de'(l+ification,

    En&iron'ent friendly -ater +ol(ble prod(ct+ for oil +pill control,

    #o(r point depre++ant to i'pro&e flo- of oil at lo-er te'perat(re+,

    Glycol Ether+ are (+ed d(rin) oil drillin),

    IGL offer+ G(ar G(' prod(ct+ -hich are (+ed in deep oil -ell

    drillin) enhanced oil reco&ery pl())in) hole+ po(r point



    /or A$TO*OTI2E Ind(+try IGL offer+ .(ality


    Bra!e Fluids

    IGL 'an(fact(re both DOT< and DOT= )rade+

    of bra7e fl(id -ith 7no-ho- fro' *3+ S(ler

    Che'tech S-iterland -hich are the lar)e+t Glycol

    Ether #lant in India and the only contin(o(+ proce++

    Glycol Ether plant in India en+(re con+i+tent .(ality,

    O(r bra7e fl(id+ 'eet international +pecification+ and appro&ed by

    A%AI #(ne and a leadin) a(to'obile re+earch in+tit(te in India,

    Institute of Management & Technology, Kashipur

  • 8/13/2019 Legal Obligation


    #rod(ct %an)e4 DOT

  • 8/13/2019 Legal Obligation


    )EA8,) 6A&E 4 F99$ .&96ESS+NG

    +G8 offer:G$A% G$* -hich i+ )lobally (+ed in Dairy

    /roen /ood+ Ba7ery Canned /ood+ Sa(ce+ Be&era)e+

    and &ario(+ healthcare recipe+,

    IGL ha+ Stateoftheart facility to 'an(fact(re 1::::

    *T#A of G(ar #rod(ct+ +(ch a+ G(ar Treated #(l&eri+ed G(ar

    G(' #o-der and Deri&ati+ed G(ar +et (p a+ an E6port


    Co'plete proce++ of G(ar G(' i+ operated by a /(lly A(to'atic #lant

    and pac7a)in) of the +a'e i+ controlled in 'o+t (ltra'odern plant

    (nto(ched by hand,

    Capability to prod(ce &ario(+ &i+co+itie+ ran)e+ and different 'e+h

    +ie+ a+ per c(+to'erH+ re.(ire'ent,

    E6port+ to entire )lobe (nder the brand na'e of IGG$A%, Appro&ed

    (nder $,S, /ederal %e)i+ter a+ Generally %eco''ended a+ Safe

    G%AS Cate)ory for /ood /eed #har'a application+,

    Institute of Management & Technology, Kashipur

  • 8/13/2019 Legal Obligation


    .aints 4 Emulsion .olymerisation

    ide +pectr(' of +(rfactant+ for application in

    paint and e'(l+ion ind(+trie+,

    E6cellent e'(l+ifyin) and -ettin) propertie+ in

    adhe+i&e 'an(fact(rin),

    Co'prehen+i&e ran)e for paint+ and e'(l+ion

    poly'eriation ind(+try,

    E'(l+ifier+ to achie&e fine di+per+ion of poly'er+ and de+ired

    con+i+tency in e'(l+ion poly'eriation,

    Glycol Ether+ Acetate+ act+ a+ e6cellent +ol(bili+er en+(rin) (nifor'

    application dryin) of paint+,

    IGL offer+ G(ar G(' prod(ct+ -hich (+ed in adhe+i&e+ )l(e paint+,

    Nonto6ic free of i'p(ritie+ polyethylene )lycol+

    -ith 'ini'(' free EO and dio6ide content,

    ater -hite SLES -ith lo- +alt and dio6ide


    In)redient+ for 'an(fact(re of +ha'poo+ -hich are

    +7in friendly,

    Institute of Management & Technology, Kashipur

  • 8/13/2019 Legal Obligation


    IGL offer+ G(ar G(' prod(ct+ d(ly appro&ed (nder $,S, /ederal

    %e)i+ter a+ Generally %eco''ended a+ Safe G%AS Cate)ory for

    /ood /eed #har'a application+, The+e prod(ct+ are (+ed in

    toothpa+te co+'etic+ +ha'poo+ hair dye+ etc,


    ide ran)e of +(rfactant+ for application in paper,

    ide ran)e of defoa'er+ for application+ +(ch a+4

    o #(lpin)

    o Bro-n +toc7 -a+hin)

    o #aper 'achine

    o Coatin)

    o Effl(ent Treat'ent #lant

    2ario(+ tailor 'ade +(rfactant+ +(ch a+ 4

    o /elt -a+hin) and conditionin)

    o Any other +(rfactant+ a+ per c(+to'erH+ +pecific re.(ire'ent+,

    Stren)th Additi&e+

    IGL Offer+ G(ar G(' prod(ct+ -hich are (+ed in red(ction of

    fine+ increa+in) +tren)th b(r+t factor i'pro&in)rattlin) etc,


    Institute of Management & Technology, Kashipur

  • 8/13/2019 Legal Obligation


    IGL offer+ a &ariety of nonionic ethylene o6ide

    conden+ate+ that are +table in 'ild acid+ and

    electrolyte+, #rod(ct+ (+ed 'ainly in 'an(fact(re of

    tablet+ +yr(p+ etc in the phar'ace(tical+ ind(+try,

    +G8 also cater to other industries here our products find various uses:

    FE&,+8+E&: IGL i+ leadin) 'an(fact(rer of defoa'er+ antica7in)

    a)ent to the fertilier+ ind(+try,

    6E"EN,: IGL ha&e de&eloped tailor'ade )rindin) aid+ for Ce'ent


    6E&A"+6: IGL ha+ de&eloped Speciality Che'ical+ for &ario(+ cera'ic

    application+ +(ch a+ decorati&e tile+ printin),

    &UBBE&: IGL ha+ de&eloped prod(ct+ for &ario(+ r(bber co'po(ndin)

    application+ incl(+i&e of antitac7in) 'oi+t(ri+ation and airtrappin),

    +G8offer+ G(ar G(' prod(ct+ -hich are (+ed in &ario(+ application+

    +(ch a+ air fre+hener )el+ a)arbattie+ incen+e +tic7+ photo)raphy

    cera'ic con+tr(ctionind(+try +ynthetic re+in+ pet food,

    +G8 E6tra Ne(tral Alcohol i+ (+ed a+ &olatile carrier+ in /la&o(r


    Institute of Management & Technology, Kashipur

  • 8/13/2019 Legal Obligation


    & 4 $ 6EN,&E:

    The co'pany ha+ +et (p Stateoftheart %D Center to cater the

    re.(ire'ent+ of EO Deri&ati&e+ And their application b(+ine++, It ha+

    been reco)nied by Depart'ent of Science Technolo)y

    Go&ern'ent of India,


    Direct e'ploy'ent >:: All e'ployee+ are +7illed and .(alified Science

    Grad(ate I,T,I+ Diplo'a De)ree En)ineer+

    *,Sc,+ #hD+ *BA CA etc,


    #re+ent t(rno&er of the co'pany i+ abo(t %+, 1::: crore+ incl(din)

    e6port of %+, 15: crore+ -hich i+ li7ely to increa+e f(rther,

    +G8 &EA6)+NG ,)E 6US,9"E&S

    Institute of Management & Technology, Kashipur

  • 8/13/2019 Legal Obligation


    U#K#U#K# U#S#A#U#S#A# U#A#E#U#A#E# .)+8+..+NES.)+8+..+NES

    6)+8E6)+8E +&AN+&AN +N$+A+N$+A S9U,) K9&EA S9U,) K9&EA

    EG@.,EG@., S)&+8ANKA S)&+8ANKA B&A+8B&A+8 S9U,) AF&+6AS9U,) AF&+6A

    'A.AN'A.AN '9&$AN'9&$AN ,U&KE@,U&KE@ SAU$+ A&AB+ASAU$+ A&AB+A

    +&E8AN$+&E8AN$ GE&"AN@ GE&"AN@ 6ANA$A 6ANA$A NE,)E&8AN$SNE,)E&8AN$S

    ,)A+8AN$ N+GE&+A,)A+8AN$ N+GE&+A .AK+S,AN AUS,&A8+A.AK+S,AN AUS,&A8+A

    S+NGA.9&E 6)+NAS+NGA.9&E 6)+NA "A8A@S+A "A8A@S+A +N$9NES+A+N$9NES+A

    "A'9& "+8ES,9NES


    Co''i++ion of ;:::: *T#A*EG plant

    Co''i++ion of 1;:!BL per day Di+tilleryplant ba+ed on batch fer'entation


    Co''i++ion of 9* capti&e )eneration (nit,


    Co''i++ionin) of ;:::: *T#AEtho6ylate+ plant,

    Co''i++ionin) of 1///

    Debottlenec7in) of e6i+tin) *EG plant to increa+e capacity fro' ;::::

    *T#A to ;5::: *T#A,


    Co''i++ionin) of 1:::: *T#A /or'(lation plant,

    Institute of Management & Technology, Kashipur

  • 8/13/2019 Legal Obligation



    Debottlenec7in) of e6i+tin) *EG plant to increa+e capacity fro' ;5:::

    *T#A to

  • 8/13/2019 Legal Obligation






    /or'(lation +(lphation

    Glycol ether

    Bottlin) plant

    G(ar )('


    boiler+ D,*,plant

    #o-er "o(+e

    "A+N,ENAN6E 4 .&9'E6,





    ,E6)N+6A8 SE&%+6ES///

    Technical +er&ice+


    /ire Safety

    J(ality Control

    & 4 $///

    %e+earch De&elop'ent


    Institute of Management & Technology, Kashipur

  • 8/13/2019 Legal Obligation






    .E&S9NNE8 4 A$"+N+S,&A,+9N///

    "('an %e+o(rce+ De&elop'ent

    #er+onnel Ind(+trial %elation




    Institute of Management & Technology, Kashipur

  • 8/13/2019 Legal Obligation


    6A,EG9&@ 9F E".89@EES

    1, E6ec(ti&e+ S(per&i+ory

    ;, Clerical Staff

  • 8/13/2019 Legal Obligation


    L1;B t, General *ana)er

    L1;A Dy, General *ana)er

    L1; Sr, *ana)er

    L11 *ana)er L1: oint *ana)er

    L1: Dy, *ana)er

    L@A A+tt, *ana)er

    L@ Sr, En)ineer Sr, Officer

    Sr,E6ec(ti&e Sr, Che'i+t Sr,

    Alcohol Technolo)i+t Sr,


    L? En)ineer Officer E6ec(ti&e Che'i+t

    II Alcohol Technolo)i+t #ro)ra''er

    L> A+tt, En)ineer A+tt, Officer A+tt,

    E6ec(ti&e A+tt, Che'i+t A+tt,

    Alcohol Technolo)i+t

    A+tt,#ro)ra''er #anel Controller

    L9 r, En)ineer r,Officer r,E6ec(ti&e

    r, #ro)ra''err, Acco(ntant Steno

    A,/,* S(per&i+or

    Institute of Management & Technology, Kashipur

  • 8/13/2019 Legal Obligation


    /68E&+6A8 S,AFF

    Grade8evel $esignation

    S5 A++i+tant Steno Typi+tS= Cler7 typi+t

    S< Cler7 typi+t

    S; Attendant

    S1 *e++en)er

  • 8/13/2019 Legal Obligation


    < S7illedB Do

    ; S7illedC Do

    1A Se'i S7illed A Attendent1 Operator+

    r,electician r, /itter

    r,elder %, *achini+t

    r, In+t,*ech r,%i))er

    1B Se'i +7illedB AttendantII

    : $n+7illed


    Grade8evel 6A,EG9&@ Dualification

    T? *)r, Trainee *,B,A,C,A, #hD

    T? En)), Trainee Grad(ate 3 #,G, En)ineer

    T> E6ec(ti&e Trainee *,Sc #G De),

    T9 r, E6ec(ti&e Trainee *,Sc #G De),

    #rofe++ional Dip, >/A..&EN,+6ES

    Grade8evel 6A,EG9&@ Dualification

    AT? Appr, En)ineer de), In En)), Techn,

    Institute of Management & Technology, Kashipur

  • 8/13/2019 Legal Obligation


    At9 Appr, Technician

  • 8/13/2019 Legal Obligation



    "#8# Bhartia 6hairman of the Board- "anaging $irector

    U#S# Bhartia "anaging $irector

    S#K# Sood .resident (Finance*

    8alit K# Sharma 6ompany Secretary

    Institute of Management & Technology, Kashipur

  • 8/13/2019 Legal Obligation


    +N$+A G8@698S 8+"+,E$

    69$E 9F 69N$U6, F9& $+&E6,9&S AN$ SEN+9&


    3# +N,&9$U6,+9N

    India Glycol+ Li'ited 0the Co'pany i+ co''itted to cond(ctin) it+

    b(+ine++ in accordance -ith the applicable la-+ r(le+ and re)(lation+

    and -ith hi)he+t +tandard+ of b(+ine++ ethic+, Thi+ code i+ intended to

    pro&ide )(idance and help in reco)niin) and dealin) -ith ethical i++(e+

    pro&ide 'echani+' to report (nethical cond(ct and to help fo+ter a

    c(lt(re of hone+ty and acco(ntability, Each Director and Senior Official

    i+ e6pected to co'ply -ith the letter and +pirit of thi+ Code,

    Institute of Management & Technology, Kashipur

  • 8/13/2019 Legal Obligation


    A Director and Senior Official '(+t not only co'ply -ith applicable

    la-+ r(le+ and re)(lation+ b(t +ho(ld al+o pro'ote hone+t and ethical

    cond(ct of the b(+ine++, They '(+t abide by the policie+ and proced(re+

    that )o&ern the cond(ct of the Co'pany+ b(+ine++, Theirre+pon+ibilitie+ incl(de helpin) to create and 'aintain a c(lt(re of hi)h

    ethical +tandard+ and co''it'ent to co'pliance and 'aintain a -or7

    en&iron'ent that enco(ra)e+ the +ta7e holder+ to rai+e concern+ to the

    attention of the 'ana)e'ent,

    Thi+ Code of Cond(ct ha+ been adopted by the Co'pany to co'ply -ith

    the applicable r(le+ of +toc7 e6chan)e+ -here +ec(ritie+ of the Co'pany

    are li+ted,

    # GU+$E8+NES F9& 69N$U6,

    Each Director +ho(ld +ee7 to (+e d(e care in the perfor'ance of hi+3her

    d(tie+ be loyal to the Co'pany act in )ood faith and in a 'anner +(ch

    Director rea+onably belie&e+ to be not oppo+ed to the be+t intere+t of the

    Co'pany, A Director +ho(ld +ee7 to4

    'a7e rea+onable effort+ to attend Board and co''ittee 'eetin)+8

    dedicate ti'e and attention to the Co'pany8 and

    See7 to co'ply -ith all applicable la-+ re)(lation and confidentiality

    obli)ation+ and corporate policie+ of the Co'pany,

    Institute of Management & Technology, Kashipur

  • 8/13/2019 Legal Obligation


  • 8/13/2019 Legal Obligation


    1#69NF8+6,S 9F +N,E&ES,

    A conflict +it(ation can ari+e4

    a, hen a Director or Senior official ta7e+ action or ha+ intere+t that

    'ay 'a7e it diffic(lt to perfor' hi+ or her -or7 objecti&ely and


    b, The receipt of i'proper per+onal benefit+ by a 'e'ber of hi+ or her

    fa'ily a+ a re+(lt of one+ po+ition in the Co'pany

    c, Any o(t+ide b(+ine++ acti&ity that detract+ an indi&id(al+ ability to de&ote

    appropriate ti'e an attention to hi+ or her re+pon+ibilitie+ -ith the Co'pany

    d, The receipt of nonno'inal )ift+ or e6ce++i&e entertain'ent fro'

    any per+on3co'pany -ith -hich the Co'pany ha+ c(rrent or

    pro+pecti&e b(+ine++ dealin)+

    e, any +i)nificant o-ner+hip intere+t in any +(pplier c(+to'er

    de&elop'ent partner or co'petitor of the Co'pany

    f, any con+(ltin) or e'ploy'ent relation+hip of any +(pplier

    c(+to'er b(+ine++ a++ociate or co'petitor of the Co'pany,

    The Director+ and Senior Official +ho(ld be +cr(p(lo(+ in a&oidin)

    Kconflict+ of intere+t -ith the Co'pany, In ca+e there i+ li7ely to be a

    Institute of Management & Technology, Kashipur

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    conflict of intere+t he3+he +ho(ld 'a7e f(ll di+clo+(re of fact+ and

    circ('+tance+ -hereof to the Board of Director+ or any

    co''ittee3officer no'inated for the p(rpo+e by the Board and a prior

    appro&al +ho(ld be obtained,

    ># .&9,E6,+9N AN$ .&9.E& USE 9F 69".AN@7S ASSE,S

    All Director+ and Senior Official+ +ho(ld protect the Co'pany+

    a++et+ and property and en+(re it+ efficient (+e, Theft carele++ne++

    and -a+te of the Co'pany+ a++et+ and property ha&e a direct i'pact

    on the Co'pany+ profitability, The Co'pany+ a++et+ +ho(ld be (+ed

    only for le)iti'ate b(+ine++ p(rpo+e+,

    =# +NS+$E& ,&A$+NG

    The Director+ and Senior Officer+ +hall ob+er&e all applicable la-+ and

    re)(lation+ incl(din) the Co'pany policie+ and code+ a+ applicable to

    the' -ith re+pect to the p(rcha+e and +ale of the Co'pany+ +ec(ritie+,

    It i+ the re+pon+ibility of the each Director and Senior Officer to

    beco'e fa'iliar -ith and (nder+tand the+e la-+ re)(lation+

    policie+ and code+ and +ho(ld +ee7 f(rther e6planation+ and ad&ice

    concernin) their interpretation if re.(ired,

    2# 69NF+$EN,+A8+,@

    Institute of Management & Technology, Kashipur

  • 8/13/2019 Legal Obligation


    The Director+ and Senior Officer+ +hall 'aintain the confidentiality of

    confidential infor'ation0+ of the Co'pany or that of any c(+to'er

    +(pplier or b(+ine++ a++ociate of the Co'pany to -hich the Co'panyha+ a d(ty to 'aintain confidentiality e6cept -hen di+clo+(re i+

    a(thoried or le)ally 'andated, The confidential infor'ation incl(de+

    all nonp(blic infor'ation 0incl(din) pri&ate proprietary and other+

    that 'i)ht be of (+e to co'petitor+ or har'f(l to the Co'pany or it+

    a++ociate+, The (+e of confidential infor'ation for hi+3her o-n

    ad&anta)e or profit i+ al+o prohibited,

    ;# )9NES,@ AN$ ,&US, 9&,)+NESS

    "one+ty i+ an e++ential co'ponent of tr(+t, itho(t tr(+t an

    or)aniation cannot f(nction effecti&ely, The Director+ and Senior

    Official+ are e6pected not to 'a7e deliberately fal+e or decepti&e

    clai'+ abo(t prod(ct+3+y+te'+ b(t in+tead pro&ide f(ll di+clo+(re of all

    pertinent li'itation+ and proble'+, The Director+ and Senior Official+

    +hall act in accordance -ith the hi)he+t +tandard+ of per+onal and

    profe++ional inte)rity hone+ty and ethical cond(ct,

    69$E 9F E,)+6S F9& $+&E6,9&S

    AN$ SEN+9& 9F+6+A8S

    Institute of Management & Technology, Kashipur

  • 8/13/2019 Legal Obligation


    "one+ty inte)rity and +o(nd j(d)'ent of the Director+ and Senior

    official+ i+ f(nda'ental for the +(cce++ and rep(tation of a co'pany,

    The profe++ional and ethical cond(ct of the Director+ and Senior

    official+ i+ e++ential to the proper f(nctionin), The Director+ a+ -ella+ Senior official+ of the Co'pany +hall be bo(nd by the follo-in)

    code of ethic+4

    a, Act -ith hone+ty and inte)rity incl(din) the ethical handlin) of

    act(al or apparent conflict+ of intere+t bet-een per+onal financial and

    profe++ional relation+hip+

    b, *a7e f(ll fair acc(rate ti'ely and (nder+tandable di+clo+(re in

    report+ and doc('ent+ that the Co'pany file+ -ith or +(b'it+ or

    'a7e+ periodically to the +hareholder+ )o&ern'ent a(thoritie+ and to

    the p(blic

    c, Co'ply -ith )o&ern'ental la-+ r(le+ notification+ and re)(lation+

    applicable to the Co'pany+ b(+ine++

    d, Di+clo+e to the Board or any co''ittee3officer de+i)nated by the

    Board for thi+ p(rpo+e any 'aterial tran+action or relation+hip that

    rea+onably co(ld

    e, E6pected to )i&e ri+e to any &iolation+ of the code incl(din) act(al or

    apparent conflict+ -ith the intere+t+ of the Co'pany,

    Institute of Management & Technology, Kashipur

  • 8/13/2019 Legal Obligation


    f,#ro'ote pro'pt reportin) of &iolation+ of the Code of Ethic+ to the

    Board or Director+ or any co''ittee3per+on de+i)nated for thi+

    p(rpo+e a+ 'ay be nece++ary,

    ),%e+pect the confidentiality of infor'ation ac.(ired in the co(r+e of

    e'ploy'ent (nle++ le)ally obli)ed to di+clo+e and en+(re that no +(ch

    confidential infor'ation i+ (+ed for per+onal ad&anta)e3benefit,

    h, *aintain the +7ill+ nece++ary and rele&ant to the Co'pany+ need+

    i, Act in )ood faith re+pon+ibility -ith d(e care co'petence and

    dili)ence -itho(t 'i+repre+entin) 'aterial fact+,

    j, %efrain fro' any inappropriate or (nd(e infl(ence of any 7ind in all

    dealin)+ -ith independent a(ditor+ and a&oid any act(al or apparent

    conflict+ -ith analy+t+

    7,Achie&e re+pon+ible (+e of and control o&er all a++et+ and re+o(rce+

    e'ployed or entr(+ted to the'

    l, #ro'ote ethical and hone+t beha&ior -ithin the Co'pany and it+


    All the Director+ and Senior Officer+ +ho(ld adhere to the both code of

    b(+ine++ cond(ct and code of ethic+ of the Co'pany,

    Institute of Management & Technology, Kashipur

  • 8/13/2019 Legal Obligation


    Any de&iation3-ai&er fro' thi+ code of cond(ct and code of ethic+ can

    only be affected on the +ole and ab+ol(te di+cretionary a(thority of the

    Board or any per+on3co''ittee de+i)nated by the Board for thi+


    B&EA6) 9F .&9%+S+9NS 9F 69$E

    9F 69N$U6, AN$ E,)+6S

    It i+ one of the i'portant re+pon+ibilitie+ of the Director+ and Senior

    Official+ to help enforce thi+ code of cond(ct and ethic+ in the be+t

    intere+t of the Co'pany, Any ob+er&ed &iolation of thi+ code or any

    other policie+ of the Co'pany or other %(le+ and %e)(lation+

    )o&ernin) the Co'pany or any probability of occ(rrence of +(ch&iolation +ho(ld be bro()ht to the Notice of co'pliance officer

    0Co'pany Secretary,

    The Co'pliance officer +hall in ret(rn infor' abo(t the +a'e to the

    KET"ICS CO**ITTEE a+ con+tit(ted by the Board, The Ethic+

    Co''ittee con+i+t of the follo-in) *e'ber+4

    1, *r, !,N, *e'ani

    ;, *r, #radip 0#into !haitan

    Institute of Management & Technology, Kashipur

  • 8/13/2019 Legal Obligation


  • 8/13/2019 Legal Obligation


    cond(ct and Ethic+ a+ per the for' pro&ided in Anne6(re F I to thi+

    code -ithin 15 day+ of the receipt of a copy of thi+ Code,

    The Director+ and +enior official+ +hall al+o )i&e ann(al declarationaffir'in) the co'pliance -ith the Code a+ per the for' pro&ided in

    anne6(re F II to thi+ Code -ithin 1= day+ of the clo+e of the financial


    +ndustrial 8as 4 &ules

    6ompany Secretaries Act- 30;H 6inematograph Act- 30;H

    Air (.revention 4 6ontrol of

    .ollution* Act-30;3

    6ontract 8abour (&egulation 4

    Abolition* Act- 302H

    $esigns Act- 3033 Employers 8iability Act-30

  • 8/13/2019 Legal Obligation


    &egister by 6ertain Establishments*

    Act- 30;;

    "inimum ages Act- 301;"onopolies 4 &estrictive ,rade

    .ractices Act- 30=0Negotiable +nstruments Act- 3;;3 .artition Act- 3;0 .ayment of Gratuity Act- 302

    .ayment of ages Act- 30;

    ,rade Unions Act- 30= ,he All +ndia Service Act

    ,he or!men?s 6ompensation Act-

    30H.ayment of Bonus &ules- 302>

    .ayment of Gratuity ( 6entral*

    &ules- 302

    .ayment of ages (.rocedure* &ules-


  • 8/13/2019 Legal Obligation


    of .roceedings* &ules- 300=

    ,he All +ndia service ($iscipline

    and Appeal* &ules- 30=0

    ,he All +ndia Services (.rovident Fund*

    &ules- 30>>

    ,he All +ndia

    Services( &emittance into and

    .ayment from .rovident and

    Family .ension Fund* &ules- 30>;

    ,he or!men?s 6ompensation &ules-


    8+S, 9F A6,S AN$ &U8ES A..8+6AB8E A,


    The &ario(+ Act+ and %(le+ fro' ind(+trial la-+ and %(le+ applicableat IGL can be ea+ily (nder+tood thro()h di&idin) the' a+ (nder the

    follo-in) cate)orie+4

    1,Social Sec(rity

    ;,a)e+ and Co'pen+ation

  • 8/13/2019 Legal Obligation


    Social +ec(rity pri'arily concerned -ith +ocial protection or

    protection a)ain+t +ocially reco)nied condition+ incl(din) po&erty

    old a)e di+ability (ne'ploy'ent and other+, Altho()h +o'e

    p(blication+ (+e the ter'+ M+ocial +ec(rityM and M+ocial protectionMinterchan)eably +ocial +ec(rity i+ (+ed both 'ore narro-ly 0to refer

    only to +che'e+ -ith the for'al title of H+ocial +ec(rityH, Social

    +ec(rity 'ay refer to4

    Social insurance -here people recei&e benefit+ or +er&ice+ in

    reco)nition of contrib(tion+ to an in+(rance +che'e, The+e +er&ice+

    typically incl(de pro&i+ion for retire'ent pen+ion+ di+ability

    +(r&i&or and (ne'ploy'ent in+(rance,

    +ncome maintenance 'ainly the di+trib(tion of ca+h in the e&ent

    of interr(ption of e'ploy'ent incl(din) retire'ent di+ability and


    Services pro&ided by ad'ini+tration+ re+pon+ible for +ocial

    +ec(rity, In different co(ntrie+ thi+ 'ay incl(de 'edical care

    a+pect+ of +ocial -or7 and e&en ind(+trial relation+,

    "ore rarely the ter' i+ al+o (+ed to refer to basic security a ter'

    ro()hly e.(i&alent to acce++ to ba+ic nece++itie+thin)+ +(ch a+

    food clothin) +helter ed(cationand 'edical care,

    "eans/testedbenefit+, Thi+ i+ financial a++i+tance pro&ided for

    tho+e -ho are (nable to co&er ba+ic need+ +(ch a+ food clothin)

    and ho(+in) d(e to po&erty or lac7 of inco'e beca(+e of

    Institute of Management & Technology, Kashipur
  • 8/13/2019 Legal Obligation


    (ne'ploy'ent +ic7ne++ di+ability or carin) for children, The

    a'o(nt of +(pport i+ eno()h to co&er ba+ic need+ and eli)ibility i+

    often +(bject to a co'prehen+i&e and co'ple6 a++e++'ent of an

    applicantH+ +ocial and financial +it(ation,

    Social security system: Se&eral le)i+lati&e act+ pro&ide

    +ocial +ec(rity to -or7er+ in India, The 'ore i'portant one+ are

    a+ follo-+4

    E'ployee+H #ro&ident /(nd and *i+cellaneo(+ #ro&i+ion+ Act

    E'ployee+H State In+(rance Act,

    *aternity Benefit Act,

    #ay'ent of Grat(ity Act,

    or7'enH+ Co'pen+ation Act,

    6ertain other a'enitie+ +(ch a+ canteen+ re+t +helter+ fir+t aid

    center+ crche+ 0daycare center+ for fe'ale e'ployee+H children

    and ed(cational and recreation center+ are to be pro&ided by the

    e'ployer in factorie+ 'ine+ and plantation+, Lar)e ind(+trial (nit+

    o(t+ide the 'ain citie+ +o'eti'e+ pro&ide +(b+idied ho(+in) fortheir -or7er+, So'e +tate+ re.(ire the +ettin) (p of a -elfare f(nd

    -ith contrib(tion+ payable by the e'ployer e'ployee+ and the +tate

    )o&ern'ent for pro'otin) acti&itie+ connected -ith the -elfare of


    Institute of Management & Technology, Kashipur

  • 8/13/2019 Legal Obligation


    ,he various Acts under social security are folloed by +G8

    hich as follos:

    E'ployee+H #ro&ident /(nd and *i+cellaneo(+ #ro&i+ion+ Act

    E'ployee+H State In+(rance Act,

    *aternity Benefit Act,

    #ay'ent of Grat(ity Act,

    or7'enH+ Co'pen+ation Act,

    AGES AN$ 69".ENSA,+9N


    Thi+ i+ (+(ally the +in)le lar)e+t co'ponent of a co'pen+ation

    pac7a)e and not +(rpri+in)ly the 'o+t co''on point of co'pari+on

    (+ed by e'ployee+ and potential e'ployee+, Salary +ho(ld be tied to

    Institute of Management & Technology, Kashipur

  • 8/13/2019 Legal Obligation


    a per+onH+ +7ill+ and e6perience, S(b+e.(ent increa+e+ need to be

    ba+ed on an e'ployeeH+ perfor'ance &al(e and contrib(tion to an


    Chec7 +alary +(r&ey+ and -ant ad+ and +co(t o(t co'petitor+ to +ee

    if they are (nderpayin) or o&erpayin) their +taff, #ayin) too '(ch i+

    an (nnece++ary drain on yo(r re+o(rce+ b(t payin) too little -ill

    'a7e it diffic(lt to find and 7eep the be+t people,

    The 'ini'(' a'o(nt yo( need i+ al+o )o&erned by +tate la-, hen

    yo( b(y -or7er+ co'pen+ation be +(re to choo+e a co'pany

    licen+ed to -rite in+(rance in yo(r +tate and appro&ed by the

    in+(rance depart'ent or co''i++ioner, Dependin) on the +tate yo(

    are in the b(+ine++ o-ner -ill be either a(to'atically incl(ded or

    e6cl(ded fro' co&era)e, A better -ay to red(ce pre'i('+ i+ by'aintainin) a )ood +afety record, Thi+ co(ld incl(de follo-in) all

    the Occ(pational "ealth and Safety Ad'ini+tration )(ideline+

    related to yo(r b(+ine++ creatin) an e'ployee +afety 'an(al or

    in+tit(tin) a +afety trainin) pro)ra', Another -ay to c(t co+t+ i+ to

    en+(re that all job+ in yo(r co'pany are properly cla++ified,

    To 'a7e it +i'ple thin7 of -or7er+ co'pen+ation a+ a le)al

    co'pro'i+e4 In ret(rn for co'pen+atin) e'ployee+ -ho re.(ire

    'edical treat'ent or -ho 'i++ -or7 beca(+e of a -or7place inj(ry

    e'ployer+ a&oid potentially co+tly la-+(it+, or7er+ co'pen+ation

    al+o protect+ e'ployee+ -ho 'i)ht not be able to +(pport the'+el&e+

    or their fa'ilie+ beca(+e of a -or7related inj(ry,

    Institute of Management & Technology, Kashipur

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    9B'E6,+%E +N AGE AN$ SA8A&@


    In an or)ani+ation the -a)e policy ha&e to be 7ept (nder control and

    (ptodate for the effecti&e deci+ion'a7in), The objecti&e+ are4

    control of co+t8 e+tabli+h'ent of fair and e.(itable +tr(ct(re of

    re'(neration8 (+in) +alarie+ and -a)e+ a+ an incenti&e to )reater

    e'ployee prod(cti&ity8 to 'aintain a )ood p(blic i'a)e8 and to

    attract talented per+onnel,

    AGE 8EG+S8A,+9N

    Go&ern'ent ha+ enacted le)i+lati&e 'ea+(re+ to protect the -a)e

    earner+ ri)ht+ and to e'pha+i+ 'ana)erial obli)ation+ in thi+ re)ard,

    Le)i+lation only +et+ floor belo- -hich rate+ and obli)ation cannot

    fall8 nothin) pre&ent+ 'ore liberal ter'+ bein) ne)otiated thro()h

    collecti&e bar)ainin) proce++e+ -hene&er they e6i+t,

    ,he important legislations hich are also folloed by +G8- as


    The #ay'ent of a)e+ Act 1@

  • 8/13/2019 Legal Obligation


    La-+ related to or7in) "o(r+ Condition+ of Ser&ice+ and

    E'ploy'ent are ter'ed a+ (nder the -or7in) condition, And the Act+

    and %(le+ (nder thi+ field co&er the follo-in)+4

    1, The /actorie+ Act 1@=?

    ;, The #lantation Labo(r Act 1@51

    , Apprentice+ Act 1@91

    ?, The Contract Labo(r 0%e)(lation Abolition Act 1@>:

    The Contract Labo(r %e)(lation %(le+

    ,he Acts and &ules under or!ing condition folloed by +G8


    1, The /actorie+ Act 1@=?

    Institute of Management & Technology, Kashipur,1961.doc,1961.doc
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    ;, The B(ildin) Other Con+tr(ction or7er+ 0%e)(lation of

    E'ploy'ent Condition+ of Ser&ice Act 1@@9


    The Contract Labo(r %e)(lation %(le+

    =, Apprentice+ Act 1@91

    5, Boiler+Act+1@;, 9ccupierof a factory 'ean+ the per+on -ho ha+ (lti'ate control o&er

    the affair+ of the factory,

    ?, .rescribed'ean+ pre+cribed by r(le+ 'ade by the State Go&ern'ent

    (nder thi+ Act,

    @, here -or7 of the +a'e 7ind i+ carried o(t by t-o or 'ore +et+ of

    -or7er+ -or7in) d(rin) different period+ of the day each of +(ch +et+

    i+ called a ;PM)ro(pM or MrelayMQ and each of +(ch period+ i+ called a


    Institute of Management & Technology, Kashipur

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    1:, )a5ardous process'ean+ any proce++ or acti&ity in relation to an

    ind(+try +pecified in the /ir+t Sched(le -here (nle++ +pecial care i+

    ta7en ra- 'aterial+ (+ed therein or the inter'ediate or fini+hed

    prod(ct+ byeprod(ct+ -a+te+ or effl(ent+,

    11, @oung person'ean+ a per+on -ho i+ either a child or an adole+cent,

    1;, $ay'ean+ a period of t-entyfo(r ho(r+ be)innin) at 'idni)ht,


  • 8/13/2019 Legal Obligation


    1>, "achinery incl(de+ pri'e 'o&er+ tran+'i++ion 'achinery and all

    other appliance+ -hereby po-er i+ )enerated tran+for'ed

    tran+'itted or applied,

    The 1@=? a'end'ent lay+ do-n ba+ic 'ini'(' re.(ire'ent+ for the

    +afety health and -elfare of factory -or7er+, It i+ applicable to

    ind(+trie+ and factorie+ in India e'ployin) 1: or 'ore per+on+ and (+in)

    po-er, Ind(+trie+ and factorie+ not (+in) po-er b(t e'ployin) ;: or

    'ore per+on+ on any day of the precedin) 1; 'onth+ are co&ered by the

    Act, *ine+ and plantation+ are e6cl(ded, Altho()h the Act i+ a central

    le)i+lation +tate )o&ern'ent+ ad'ini+ter and enforce it thro()h their


    The follo-in) para)raph+ o(tline +o'e rele&ant +ection+ of the Act,

    )ealth: the act pro&ide+ detailed in+tr(ction+ on cleanline++ di+po+al

    of -a+ta)e &entilation control of te'perat(re d(+t and f('e+ o&er

    cro-din) li)htin) latrine(rinal +pace etc, 0Section 11;:, It obli)ate+

    factorie+ not to +pill effl(ent+ into open drain+ re'o&e dirt di+po+e of

    -a+ta)e and effl(ence 'aintain proper draina)e and -a+hin) -ater

    re&arni+h or repaint -here nece++ary once in fi&e year+ 0Section 111;8

    to pro&ide ade.(ate &entilation and fre+h air a 'ini'(' -or7in) +pace

    =,; c(, *etre per -or7er in a ne- factory and 1,@ c(, *etre of +pace in

    an e6i+tin) one +(fficient and +(itable nat(ral and ordinary li)ht clean

    and cool drin7in) -ater d(rin) +(''er+ in factorie+ -ith ;5: or 'ore

    -or7er+0Section 1< 191? ade.(ately li)hted and &entilated toilet+

    Institute of Management & Technology, Kashipur

  • 8/13/2019 Legal Obligation


    +eparate for 'ale and fe'ale 0Section 1@;:8 and in 'an(fact(rin)

    fir'+ to pre&ent the acc('(lation and in halation of d(+t and f('e+

    pro&ide e6ha(+t fan+ and control ordinary h('idification 0Section 1=


    Safety: The act pro&ide+ ;: different +ection+ on obli)atory +afety

    'ea+(re+ e,), the fencin) and co&erin) of dan)ero(+ part+ of 'achinery

    in operation prohibition of yo(n) per+on+ and fe'ale+ fro' handlin)

    cleanin) and l(bricatin) 'achine+ pro&i+ion of +(itable +tri7in) )ear

    ca+tin) of ne- 'achinery ca+in) and )(ardin) of e&ery +et and +cre-

    bolt +pindle -heel and pinion periodical e6a'ination of appliance+

    +(ch a+ hoi+t+ lift+ crane+ and chain+ pro&i+ion+ of +afety appliance+

    +(ch a+ )o))le+ +afety hat+ and )lo&e+ and ca(tionin) a)ain+t fire

    f('e+ and ri+7 to eye+ 0Section+ ;1

  • 8/13/2019 Legal Obligation


    In addition e&ery factory that e'ploy+ 5:: or 'ore -or7er+ ha+ to

    'aintain an a'b(lance roo' of the pre+cribed +ie and e.(ipped -ith

    'edical n(r+in) +taff, It al+o ha+ to pro&ide -elfare officer+ to

    i'ple'ent the+e -elfare 'ea+(re+ 0Section =@,

    or!ing hours for adults: the act +tip(late+ that no ad(lt -or7er

    +ho(ld be allo-ed to -or7 'ore than =? ho(r+ per -ee7, Daily -or7in)

    ho(r+ +ho(ld not e6ceed nine and the total n('ber+ of ho(r+ +pent in a

    factory not 'ore than 1: R ho(r+ incl(+i&e of re+t pa(+e+ 0Section+ 51

    5= and 59, %e+t inter&al+ of half an ho(r +ho(ld be pro&ided bet-een

    fi&e ho(r+ of -or7 0Section 55, S(nday+ or any other day +ho(ld be

    declared a holiday, If the factory i+ e6e'pted fro' )rantin) re)(lar

    holiday+ co'pen+atory holiday+ +ho(ld be pro&ided 0Section 5; and

    5,:: p,', and9,:: a,',

    Institute of Management & Technology, Kashipur

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    ho-e&er r(le+ can be 'ade pro&idin) e6e'ption+ to thi+ r(le 0Section


    No child belo- 1= i+ to be e'ployed in any factory 0Section 9>, A

    child -ho ha+ co'pleted 1= year+ ha+ to be certified fit for -or7 by a+(r)eon, The certificate -ill be 7ept by the 'ana)e'ent -ho -ill i++(e a

    to7en to thi+ effect -hich -ill be carried by the child all the ti'e d(rin)

    -or7 0Section+ 9? 9@, No child -ill be e'ployed or per'itted to

    -or7 for 'ore than fo(r and a half ho(r a day, "e +ho(ld be allo-ed a

    -ee7ly holiday, A re)i+ter of child e'ploy'ent -ill be 'aintained

    +ho-in) the nat(re of -or7 and partic(lar+ of the fitne++ certificate

    0Section+ >1 >

  • 8/13/2019 Legal Obligation


    ,)E A+& (.&E%EN,+9N AN$ 69N,&98 9F .988U,+9N* A6,- 30;3

    An Act to pro&ide for the pre&ention control and abate'ent of air

    poll(tion for the e+tabli+h'ent -ith a &ie- to carryin) o(t the

    afore+aid p(rpo+e+ of Board+ for conferrin) on and a++i)nin) to +(ch

    Board+ po-er+ and f(nction+ relatin) thereto and for 'atter+

    connected there-ith,

    "E%EAS deci+ion+ -ere ta7en at the $nited Nation+ Conference

    on the "('an En&iron'ent held in Stoc7hol' in (ne 1@>; in

    -hich India participated to ta7e appropriate +tep+ for the pre+er&ation

    of the nat(ral re+o(rce+ of the earth -hich a'on) other thin)+

    incl(de the pre+er&ation of the .(ality of air and control of air


    AND "E%EAS it i+ con+idered nece++ary to i'ple'ent the

    deci+ion+ afore+aid in +o far a+ they relate to the pre+er&ation of the

    .(ality of air and control of air poll(tion8

    BE it enacted by #arlia'ent in the Thirty+econd Year of the %ep(blic

    of India a+ follo-+:/


    Short title- etent and commencement:

    Thi+ Act 'ay be called the Air 0#re&ention and Control of #oll(tion

    Act8 1@?1,It e6tend+ to the -hole of India, It +hall co'e into force on

    Institute of Management & Technology, Kashipur

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    +(ch date a+ the Central Go&ern'ent 'ay by notification in the Official

    Gaette appoint,


    In thi+ Act (nle++ the conte6t other-i+e re.(ire+

    0a air pollutant'ean+ any +olid li.(id or )a+eo(+ +(b+tance

    P0incl(din) noi+eQ pre+ent in the at'o+phere in +(ch concentration a+

    'ay be or tend to be inj(rio(+ to h('an bein)+ or other li&in)

    creat(re+ or plant+ or property or en&iron'ent8

    0b Air pollution 'ean+ the pre+ence in the at'o+phere of any air,

    0c approved appliances'ean+ any e.(ip'ent or )ad)et (+ed for

    the brin)in) of any co'b(+tible 'aterial or for )eneratin) or

    con+('in) any f('e )a+ of partic(late 'atter and appro&ed by the

    State Board for the p(rpo+e of thi+ Act8

    0d Approved fuel'ean+ any f(el appro&ed by the State Board for

    the p(rpo+e+ of thi+ Act8

    0e Automobile 'ean+ any &ehicle po-ered either by internal

    co'b(+tion en)ine or by any 'ethod of )eneratin) po-er to dri&e

    +(ch &ehicle by b(rnin) f(el8

    0f Board 'ean+ the Central Board or State Board8

    Institute of Management & Technology, Kashipur

  • 8/13/2019 Legal Obligation


    0) 6entral Board'ean+ the PCentral Board for the #re&ention

    and Control of ater #oll(tionQ con+tit(ted (nder +ection < of the

    ater 0#re&ention and Control of #oll(tion Act 1@>=8

    0h 6himneyincl(de+ any +tr(ct(re -ith an openin) or o(tlet fro'

    or thro()h -hich any air poll(tant 'ay be e'itted

    0i 6ontrol eIuipment'ean+ any apparat(+ de&ice e.(ip'ent or

    +y+te' to control the .(ality and 'anner of e'i++ion of any air

    poll(tant and incl(de+ any de&ice (+ed for +ec(rin) the efficient

    operation of any ind(+trial plant8

    0j Emission 'ean+ any +olid or li.(id or )a+eo(+ +(b+tance


    o(t of any chi'ney d(ct or fl(e or any other o(tlet8

    07 +ndustrial plant'ean+ any plant (+ed for any ind(+trial or

    trade p(rpo+e+ and e'ittin) any air poll(tant into the


    0l "ember'ean+ a 'e'ber of the Central Board or a State

    Board a+ the ca+e 'ay be and incl(de+ the Chair'an thereof

    0' 9ccupier- in relation to any factory or pre'i+e+ 'ean+ the

    per+on -ho ha+ control o&er the affair+ of the factory or the

    pre'i+e+ and incl(de+ in relation to any +(b+tance the per+on in

    po++e++ion of the +(b+tance,

    Institute of Management & Technology, Kashipur

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    0n .rescribed'ean+ pre+cribed by r(le+ 'ade (nder thi+ Act by

    the Central Go&ern'ent or a+ the ca+e 'ay be the State


    6entral Board for the .revention and 6ontrol of Air .ollution

    The Central Board for the #re&ention and Control of ater

    #oll(tion con+tit(ted (nder +ection < of the ater 0#re&ention and

    Control of #oll(tion Act 1@>= 09 of 1@>= +hall -itho(t

    prej(dice to the e6erci+e and perfor'ance of it+ po-er+ and

    f(nction+ (nder thi+ Act e6erci+e the po-er+ and perfor' the

    f(nction+ of the Central Board for the #re&ention and Control of

    Air #oll(tion (nder thi+ Act,

    6onstitution of State Boards

    01 $nder thi+ Act the State Go&ern'ent +hall -ith effect fro'

    +(ch date a+ it 'ay by notification in the Official Gaette appoint

    con+tit(te a State Board for the #re&ention and Control of Air

    #oll(tion (nder +(ch na'e a+ 'ay be +pecified in the notification

    to e6erci+e the po-er+ conferred on and perfor' the f(nction+

    a++i)ned to that Board (nder thi+ Act,

    Institute of Management & Technology, Kashipur

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    0; A State Board con+tit(ted (nder thi+ Act +hall con+i+t of the

    follo-in) 'e'ber+ na'ely4

    0a a Chair'an bein) a per+on ha&in) a per+on ha&in) +pecial

    7no-led)e or practical e6perience in re+pect of 'atter+ relatin) to

    en&iron'ental protection to be no'inated by the State


    #ro&ided that the Chair'an 'y be either -holeti'e or partti'e a+

    the State Go&ern'ent 'ay thin7 fit8

    0b +(ch n('ber of official+ not e6ceedin) fi&e a+ the State

    Go&ern'ent 'ay thin7 fit to be no'inated by the State

    Go&ern'ent to repre+ent that )o&ern'ent8

    0c +(ch n('ber of per+on+ not e6ceedin) fi&e a+ the State

    Go&ern'ent 'ay thin7 fit to be no'inated by the State Go&ern'ent

    fro' a'on)+t the 'e'ber+ of the local a(thoritie+ f(nctionin)

    -ithin the State8

    0d +(ch n('ber of nonofficial+ not e6ceedin) three a+ the State

    Go&ern'ent 'ay thin7 fit to be no'inated by the State Go&ern'ent

    to repre+ent the intere+t of a)ric(lt(re fi+hery or ind(+try or trade or

    labo(r or any other intere+t -hich in the opinion of that )o&ern'ent

    o()ht to be repre+ented8

    .oer to declare air pollution control areas

    Institute of Management & Technology, Kashipur

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    01 The State Go&ern'ent 'ay after con+(ltation -ith the State

    Board by notification in the Official Gaette declare in +(ch 'anner

    a+ 'ay be pre+cribed any area or area+ -ithin the State a+ air

    poll(tion control area or area+ for the p(rpo+e+ of thi+ Act,

    0; The State )o&ern'ent 'ay after con+(ltation -ith the State

    Board by notification in the Official Gaette,


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    &estrictions on use of certain industrial plants

    01 S(bject to the pro&i+ion+ of thi+ +ection no per+on +hall

    -itho(t the pre&io(+ con+ent of the State Board e+tabli+h or operate

    any ind(+trial plant in an air poll(tion control area4

    #ro&ided that a per+on operatin) any ind(+trial plant in any air

    poll(tion control area i''ediately before the co''ence'ent of

    +ection @ of the Air 0#re&ention and Control of #oll(tion

    A'end'ent Act 1@?> for -hich no con+ent -a+ nece++ary prior to

    +(ch co''ence'ent 'ay contin(e to do +o for a period of three

    'onth+ fro' +(ch co''ence'ent or if he ha+ 'ade an application

    for +(ch con+ent -ithin the +aid period of three 'onth+ till the

    di+po+al of +(ch application,

    0; An application for con+ent of the State Board (nder +(b+ection

    01 +hall be acco'panied by +(ch fee+ a+ 'ay bc pre+cribed and +hall

    be 'ade in the pre+cribed for' and +hall contain the partic(lar+ of the

    ind(+trial plant and +(ch other partic(lar+ a+ 'ay be pre+cribed4

    #ro&ided that -here any per+on i''ediately before the declaration of

    any area a+ an air poll(tion control area operate+ in +(ch area any

    ind(+trial plant +(ch per+on +hall 'a7e the application (nder thi+ +(b

    +ection -ithin +(ch period 0bein) not le++ than three 'onth+ fro' the

    date of +(ch declaration a+ 'ay be pre+cribed and -here +(ch per+on

    'a7e+ +(ch application he +hall be dee'ed to be operatin) +(ch

    ind(+trial plant -ith the con+ent of the State Board (ntil the con+ent

    applied for ha+ been ref(+ed,

    Institute of Management & Technology, Kashipur

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  • 8/13/2019 Legal Obligation


    Laboratory of +a'ple+ of air or e'i++ion for analy+i+ or te+t+ the for'

    of the LaboratoryH+ report thereon and the fee+ payable in re+pect of

    +(ch report8 S(ch other 'atter+ a+ 'ay be nece++ary or e6pedient to

    enable that Laboratory to carry o(t it+ f(nction+,


    01 The State Go&ern'ent 'ay by notification in the Official

    Gaette appoint +(ch per+on+ a+ it thin7+ fit and .(alified to be

    )o&ern'ent analy+t+ for the p(rpo+e of analy+i+ of +a'ple+ of air or

    e'i++ion +ent for analy+i+ to any laboratory e+tabli+hed or +pecified

    (nder +(b+ection 01 of +ection ;?,

    0; itho(t prej(dice to the pro&i+ion+ of +ection 1= the State

    Board 'ay by notification in the Official Gaette and -ith the

    appro&al of the State Go&ern'ent appoint +(ch per+on+ a+ it thin7+

    fit and ha&in) the pre+cribed .(alification+ to be Board analy+t+ for

    the p(rpo+e of analy+i+ of +a'ple+ of air or e'i++ion +ent for analy+i+

    to any laboratory e+tabli+hed or reco)ni+ed (nder +ection 1>,

    .enalties for certain acts


    0a de+troy+ p(ll+ do-n re'o&e+ inj(re+ or deface+ any pillar

    po+t or +ta7e fi6ed in the )ro(nd or any notice or other 'atter p(t (p

    in+cribed or placed by or (nder the a(thority of the Board or

    Institute of Management & Technology, Kashipur

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    0b Ob+tr(ct+ any per+on actin) (nder the order+ or direction+ of

    the Board fro' e6erci+in) hi+ po-er+ and perfor'in) hi+ f(nction+

    (nder thi+ Act or

    0c Da'a)e+ any -or7+ or property belon)in) to the Board or

    0d /ail+ to f(rni+h to the Board or any officer or other e'ployee of

    the Board any infor'ation re.(ired by the Board or +(ch officer or

    other e'ployee for the p(rpo+e of thi+ Act or

    0e fail+ to inti'ate the occ(rrence of the e'i++ion of air poll(tant+

    into the at'o+phere in e6ce++ of the +tandard+ laid do-n by the State

    Board or the apprehen+ion of +(ch occ(rrence to the State Board and

    other pre+cribed a(thoritie+ or a)encie+ a+ re.(ired (nder +(b+ection

    01 of +ection ;

  • 8/13/2019 Legal Obligation


    ,)E .A@"EN, 9F AGES A6,- 30

  • 8/13/2019 Legal Obligation


    a&era)e one tho(+and and +i6 h(ndred r(pee+ a 'onth or 'ore, Thi+

    'ean+ that only tho+e e'ployed per+on+ -ho are nor'ally dra-in)

    le++ than one tho(+and and +i6 h(ndred r(pee+ a 'onth are co&ered

    by the Act,

    $efinitions Msection

    (3* Employed .erson includes the le)al repre+entati&e of a

    decea+ed e'ployed per+on,

    (* Employer incl(de+ the le)al repre+entati&e of a decea+ed


    (* "ine ha+ the 'eanin) a++i)ned to it i+ a+ defined in The *ine+

    Act 1@5;,

    (=* .lantation ha+ the 'eanin) a+ defined in The #lantation Labo(r

    Act 1@51,

    Institute of Management & Technology, Kashipur

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    (2* .rescribed 'ean+ by the r(le+ 'ade (nder thi+ Act,

    (;* ages 'ean+ all the re'(neration e6pre++ed in the ter'+ of

    'oney or capable of bein) +o e6pre++ed -hich -o(ld if the

    ter'+ of e'ploy'ent e6pre++ or i'plied -ere f(lfilled bepayable to a per+on e'ployed in re+pect to hi+ e'ploy'ent or

    of -or7 done in +(ch e'ploy'ent and incl(de+:/

    Any re'(neration payable (nder a-ard or +ettle'ent bet-eenthe partie+ or order of a co(rt8

    Any re'(neration to -hich the per+on e'ployed i+ entitled inre+pect of o&erti'e -or7 or holiday+ or any lea&e period8

    Any additional re'(neration payable (nder the ter'+ ofe'ploy'ent8

    Any +(' -hich by rea+on of the ter'ination of e'ploy'ent of

    the per+on e'ployed i+ payable (nder any la- contact orin+tr('ent,

    Any +(' to -hich the per+on e'ployed i+ entitled (nder any+che'e fra'ed (nder any la- for the ti'e bein) in force8

    &esponsibility for payment of ages Msection

  • 8/13/2019 Legal Obligation


    Fiation of age/periods Msection 1

    01 E&ery per+on re+pon+ible for the pay'ent of -a)e+ (nder

    +ection < +hall fi6 period+ in re+pect to -hich +(ch -a)e+ +hall

    be payable,

    0; No -a)eperiod +hall e6ceed one 'onth,

    ,ime of payment of ages Msection >

    01 here le++ than 1::: per+on+ are e'ployed in any rail-ay

    factory ind(+trial or e+tabli+h'ent+ -a)e +hall be paid before

    the e6piry of the >thday after the la+t day of the -a)e period are


    0; here the e'ploy'ent of any per+on i+ ter'inated by or on

    behalf of the e'ployer -a)e+ +hall be paid before the +econd

    -or7in) day fro' the day on -hich hi+ e'ploy'ent i+

    ter'inated or d(e to the clo+(re of the e+tabli+h'ent for any

    rea+on other than a -ee7ly or reco)ni+ed holiday +hall be paid

    before the e6piry of the +econd day /ro' the day -hich hi+

    e'ploy'ent i+ ter'inated,

    ages to be paid in current coin on currently notes Msection =

    All -a)e+ +hall be paid in c(rrent coin on c(rrently note+ or in both,

    #ay'ent 'ay be 'ade either by che.(e or by creditin) the -a)e+ in

    Institute of Management & Technology, Kashipur

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    the ban7 acco(nt if -ritten a(thori+ation of the e'ployed per+on i+


    "aintenance of registers and records

    01 E&ery e'ployer +hall 'aintain +(ch record+ and re)i+ter+

    )i&in) +(ch partic(lar+ of per+on+ e'ployed by hi' the -or7

    perfor'ed by the' the -a)e paid to the' the ded(ction+

    'ade fro' their -a)e+ the receipt+ )i&en by the' and +(ch

    other partic(lar+ and in +(ch for' a+ 'ay be pre+cribed,

    0; E&ery re)i+ter and record re.(ired to be 'aintained (nder thi+

    +ection +hall for the p(rpo+e + of thi+ act be pre+er&ed for the

    period of three year+ after the date of the la+t entry 'ade


    .enalty of offence under the Act

    01 In any contra&ene+ pro&i+ion+ a+ +ection+ na'ely +ection 5 >

    ? 1: and 11 to 1

  • 8/13/2019 Legal Obligation


    ,)E E".89@"EN, EC6)ANGE (69".U8S9&@

    N9,+F+6A,+9N 9F %A6AN6+ES* A6,- 30>0

    Thi+ act pro&ide+ for the co'p(l+ory notification of &acancie+ to

    e'ploy'ent e6chan)e, thi+ act -a+ enacted on the reco''endation

    of &acancie+ to e'ploy'ent +er&ice or)ani+ation co''ittee +et (p in1@5;, The co''ittee+ reco''endation+ -ere a+ follo-+4

    0a The e'ployer +ho(ld be re.(ired on co'p(l+ory ba+i+ to

    notify to the e'ploy'ent e6chan)e+ all &acancie+ other than

    &acancie+ in (n+7illed cate)orie+ &acancie+ of te'porary

    d(ration and &acancie+ propo+ed to be filled thro()h


    0b The e'ployer +ho(ld be re.(ired on co'p(l+ory ba+i+ to

    tender to the e'ploy'ent e6chan)e+ ret(rn relatin) to the

    +taff +tren)th+ at re)(lar inter&al+,

    Institute of Management & Technology, Kashipur

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    The infor'ation +o collected -ill help the e'ployed per+on to )et

    +(itable job accordin) to the +7ill and .(alification+,

    The E'ploy'ent E6chan)e+ 0Co'p(l+ory Notification of 2acancie+

    Act 1@5@ i+ the re+(lt of abo&e +tated reco''endation,


    The 'ain object of the act a+ follo-+4

    0a To help (ne'ployed per+on+ both +7illed and +e'i+7illed to

    +ee7 +(itable e'ploy'ent

    0b To enable Go&ern'ent to for'(late it+ policy of trainin) in

    technical ed(cation and

    0c To acce++ the e'ploy'ent potential in &ario(+ cate)orie+ of

    e+tabli+h'ent+ and ha&e a better appreciation of the labo(r



    It e6tend+ to the -hole of India,

    Application of the Act

    The Act co&er+ the e'ployer+ in e+tabli+h'ent+ both in p(blic and

    pri&ate +ector+, The Act i+ applicable to e+tabli+h'ent+ -hich are

    en)a)ed in nona)ric(lt(re and e'ployin) ;5 or 'ore -or7er+,

    Institute of Management & Technology, Kashipur

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    The+e e+tabli+h'ent+ are re.(ired to notify all &acancie+ 0other than

    tho+e e6e'pted to the appropriate E'ploy'ent E6chan)e a+

    notified in the official Gaette by the State Go&ern'ent in the

    pre+cribed for'at, Thi+ Act -ill not apply to &acancie+ in anye'ploy'ent in a)ric(lt(re 0incl(din) hortic(lt(re do'e+tic

    +er&ice (n+7illed office -or7 e'ploy'ent connected -ith the +taff

    of parlia'ent and if the total d(ration of the &acancie+ are le++ than

    three 'onth+,

    The e+tabli+h'ent+ are al+o re.(ired to render .(arterly

    E'ploy'ent ret(rn in /or' ESI for e&ery .(arter endin)

  • 8/13/2019 Legal Obligation


    0; 6entral Employment Echange 'ean+ any E'ploy'ent

    E6chan)e e+tabli+hed by the Go&ern'ent of India *ini+try of

    Labo(r and E'ploy'ent,


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    0iThe p(blic +ector office+3e+tabli+h'ent+ other than tho+e

    belon)in), to the re+pecti&e State+8 and

    0ii #ri&ate +ector e+tabli+h'ent+,

    09 Section'ean+ a +ection of the Act,

    # Employment Echanges to hich vacancies are to be notified

    0i The follo-in) &acancie+ na'ely4

    0a &acancie+ in po+t+ of a technical and +cientific nat(re carryin) a

    ba+ic +pay of %+,1=::3 or 'ore per 'onth occ(rrin) in

    e+tabli+h'ent+ in re+pect of -hich the Central Go&t, the appropriate

    Go&t, (nder the Act and

    0b 2acancie+ -hich an e'ployer 'ay de+ire to be circ(lated to the

    E'ploy'ent E6chan)e+ o(t+ide the State or $nion Territory in

    -hich the e+tabli+h'ent i+ +it(ated,

    Shall be notified to +(ch Central E'ploy'ent E6chan)e+ a+ 'ay be

    +pecified by the Central Go&t, by notification in the Official Gaette

    in thi+ behalf,

    0ii 2acancie+ other than tho+e +pecified in +(br(le01 +hall be

    notified to the local E'ploy'ent E6chan)e concerned,

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    01 The &acancie+ +hall be notified in -ritin) to the appropriate

    E'ploy'ent E6chan)e on the follo-in) for'at f(rni+hin) a+ 'ay

    detail+ a+ practicable +eparately in re+pect of each type of &acancy,

    0; The &acancie+ +hall be renotified in -ritin) to the appropriate


    1# ,ime/limit for the notification of vacancies

    01 2acancie+ re.(ired to be notified to the local E'ploy'ent

    E6chan)e +hall be notified at lea+t 15 day+ before the date on

    -hich applicant+ -ill be inter&ie-ed or te+ted -here

    inter&ie-+ or te+t+ are held or the date on -hich &acancie+ are

    intended to be filled if no inter&ie-+ or te+t+ are held,

    0; 2acancie+ re.(ired to be notified to the Central E'ploy'ent

    E6chan)e +hall be notified )i&in) at lea+t 9: day+ ti'e to the

    Central E'ploy'ent E6chan)e fro' the date of receipt of the

    notification to the date of de+patch of partic(lar+ or

    application+ of the pro+pecti&e candidate+ for p(rpo+e of

    appoint'ent or ta7in) inter&ie- or te+t a)ain+t the &acancie+



  • 8/13/2019 Legal Obligation


    ># Submission of returns

    An e'ployer +hall f(rni+h to the local E'ploy'ent E6chan)e

    .(arterly ret(rn+ in fro' E%I and biennial ret(rn+ in /or' E%II,

    J(arterly ret(rn+ +hall be f(rni+hed -ithin thirty day+ of the d(e

    date+ na'ely

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    The ter' apprentice i+ deri&ed fro' the /rench -ord apprendre

    -hich 'ean+ Kto learn, The act define+ apprentice a+ Ka per+on

    -ho i+ (nder)oin) apprentice+hip trainin) in p(r+(ance of a contract

    of apprentice+hip,

    An apprentice i+ bo(nd by a le)al a)ree'ent to perfor' the

    follo-in) d(tie+

    0a to obey hi+ 'a+ter+ in all hi+ la-f(l co''and+

    0b to ta7e care of hi+ 'a+ter+ property

    0c To endea&o(r to learn hi+ trade or b(+ine++

    0d To perfor' all the condition+ of the contract not contrary to la-8

    0e Not to lea&e hi+ 'a+ter+ +er&ice d(rin) the ter' of hi+


    An apprentice+hip contract i+ a contract to teach and to learn and thi+

    'a7e+ it di+tinct fro' an ordinary contract of hirin) and +er&ice,

    Thi+ contract only offer+ trainin) (nder certain ter'+ and condition+,

    Therefore apprentice+ are 'ere trainee+ for a partic(lar period and

    for a +pecific p(rpo+e and the e'ployer i+ not bo(nd to e'ploy the'

    in hi+ -or7+ after the period of trainin) i+ o&er, D(rin) the period of

    apprentice+hip they cannot be +aid to be e'ployed in the -or7 of the

    co'pany or in connection -ith the -or7 of the co'pany,

    Institute of Management & Technology, Kashipur

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    The ba+ic objecti&e behind the enact'ent i+ to pro&ide for the

    re)(lation and control of trainin) of apprentice+ and for 'atter+connected there-ith, The act +ee7+ to pro'ote cond(ci&e cli'ate for

    trainin) and i'partin) +7ill+ on the yo(th+ to prepare the' to 'eet

    the )ro-in) need+ of fa+t e6pandin) ind(+trie+ trade and co''erce

    to be )ainf(lly e'ployed therein, It al+o +ee7+ to create +(ch healthy

    condition+ -ith the e'ployer+ -herein apprentice labo(r 'ay not be

    e6ploited and &icti'ied, Th(+ the act i+ a +ec(rity and -elfare


    Etent and Application:

    (3* It e6tend+ to the -hole of India,

    (* It +hall co'e into force on +(ch date a+ the Central Go&ern'ent

    'ay by notification in the Official Gaette appoint8 and

    different date+ 'ay be appointed for different State+,


    3# All +ndia 6ouncil'ean+ the All India Co(ncil of Technical

    Ed(cation e+tabli+hed by the re+ol(tion of the Go&ern'ent of

    India in the for'er *ini+try of Ed(cation No, /, 191:3==E,III

    dated the

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    # Apprentice 'ean+ a per+on -ho i+ (nder)oin) apprentice+hip

    trainin) in p(r+(ance of a contract of apprentice+hip,

  • 8/13/2019 Legal Obligation


    0# establishmentincl(de+ any place -here any ind(+try i+ carried on

    Pand -here an e+tabli+h'ent con+i+t+ of different depart'ent+ or

    ha&e branche+ -hether +it(ated in the +a'e place oral different

    place+ all +(ch depart'ent+ or branche+ +hall be treated a+ part ofthat e+tabli+h'ent,

    3H# graduate or technician apprentice'ean+ an apprentice -ho

    hold+ or i+ (nder)oin) trainin) in order that he 'ay hold a de)ree

    or diplo'a in en)ineerin) or technolo)y or e.(i&alent

    .(alification )ranted by any in+tit(tion reco)ni+ed by the

    Go&ern'ent and (nder)oe+ apprentice+hip trainin) in any +(ch

    +(bject field in en)ineerin) or technolo)y a+ 'ay be pre+cribed,

    33# +ndustry 'ean+ any ind(+try or b(+ine++ in -hich any trade

    occ(pation or +(bject field in en)ineerin) or technolo)y or any

    &ocational co(r+eQ 'ay be +pecified a+ a de+i)nated trade,

    National Co(ncil 'ean+ the National Co(ncil for Trainin) in

    2ocational Trade+ e+tabli+hed by the re+ol(tion of the

    Go&ern'ent of India in the *ini+try of Labo(r,

    3# State incl(de+ a $nion territory,


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    reco)ni+ed by the AllIndia Co(ncil and (nder)oe+ apprentice+hip

    trainin) in any +(ch +(bject field in any &ocational co(r+e a+ 'ay

    be pre+cribed,

    3># ,rade apprentice 'ean+ an apprentice -ho (nder)oe+apprentice+hip trainin) in any +(ch trade or occ(pation a+ 'ay be


    3=# or!er'ean+ any per+on -ho i+ e'ployed for -a)e+ in any

    7ind of -or7 and -ho )et+ he i+ -a)e+ directly fro' the e'ployer

    b(t +hall not incl(de an apprentice referred to in cla(+e,

    Dualifications for being engaged as an apprentice

    A per+on +hall not, Be .(alified for bein) en)a)ed a+ an apprentice

    to (nder)o apprentice+hip trainin) in any de+i)nated trade (nle++ he

    0a I+ not le++ than fo(rteen year+ of a)e and

    0b Sati+fie+ +(ch +tandard+ of ed(cation and phy+ical fitne++ a+ 'ay

    be pre+cribed,

    #ro&ided that different +tandard+ 'ay be pre+cribed in relation to

    apprentice+hip trainin) in different de+i)nated trade+ and for

    different cate)orie+ of apprentice+,

    The Apprentice+ Act 1@91 'a7e+ it obli)atory on part of the

    e'ployer+ both in p(blic and pri&ate +ector e+tabli+h'ent+ ha&in)

    Institute of Management & Technology, Kashipur
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    re.(i+ite trainin) infra+tr(ct(re a+ laid do-n in the Act to en)a)e

    apprentice+ in ;5= )ro(p+ of ind(+trie+co&ered (nder the Act, The

    pro&i+ion+ of thi+ Act +hall not apply to 0i any area or to any

    ind(+try in any area (nle++ the Central Go&ern'ent by notification inthe Official Gaette +pecifie+ that area or ind(+try a+ an area or

    ind(+try to -hich the +aid pro&i+ion+ +hall apply -ith effect fro' +(ch

    date a+ 'ay be 'entioned in the notification8 and 0ii any +(ch +pecial

    apprentice+hip +che'e for i'partin) trainin) to apprentice+ a+ 'ay be

    notified by the Central Go&ern'ent in the Official Gaette,

    Directorate General of E'ploy'ent Trainin) 0DGET in the

    *ini+try of Labo(ri+ re+pon+ible for i'ple'entation of the Act in

    re+pect of Trade Apprentice+ in the Central Go&ern'ent

    $nderta7in)+ and Depart'ent+, It ha+ +i6 %e)ional Directorate+ of

    Apprentice+hip Trainin) for the p(rpo+e located at !ol7ata

    *('bai Chennai "yderabad Kanpurand /aridabad, hile State

    Apprentice+hip Ad&i+er+are re+pon+ible for i'ple'entation of the

    Act in re+pect of Trade Apprentice+ in State Go&ern'ent

    $nderta7in)+3 Depart'ent+ and #ri&ate E+tabli+h'ent+,

    Be+ide+ Depart'ent of "i)her Ed(cationin the *ini+try of "('an

    %e+o(rce De&elop'ent 0*"%D i+ re+pon+ible for i'ple'entation

    of the Act in re+pect of Grad(ate Technician Technician

    02ocational Apprentice+, Thi+ i+ done thro()h fo(r Board+ of

    Apprentice+hip Trainin) located at Kanpur !ol7ata *('bai


    Institute of Management & Technology, Kashipur
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    The 'ain pro&i+ion+ of the Act are4

    Central Apprentice+hip Co(ncil 0CACha+ been e+tabli+hed a+ an ape6

    +tat(tory tripartite body to ad&i+e the Go&ern'ent on layin) do-n of policie+

    and pre+cribin) nor'+ +tandard+ in re+pect of Apprentice+hip Trainin)

    Sche'e 0ATS, $nion Labo(r and E'ploy'ent *ini+ter i+ the Chair'an and

    *ini+ter of State for Ed(cation in the $nion *ini+try of "%D i+ the 2ice

    Chair'an of CAC,

    No per+on +hall be en)a)ed a+ an apprentice to (nder)o

    apprentice+hip trainin) in a de+i)nated trade (nle++ +(ch a per+on or

    if i+ a 'inor8 )(ardian ha+ entered into a contract of apprentice+hip

    -ith the e'ployer,

    E&ery e'ployer +hall ha&e the follo-in) obli)ation+ in relation to an

    apprentice na'ely4

    to pro&ide the apprentice -ith trainin) in hi+3 her trade in accordance

    -ith the pro&i+ion+ of thi+ Act and the r(le+ 'ade there (nder8

    to en+(re that a per+on -ho po++e++e+ the pre+cribed .(alification+ in

    the trade i+ placed in char)e of the trainin) of the apprentice8

    E&ery trade apprentice (nder)oin) apprentice+hip trainin) +hall ha&e

    Institute of Management & Technology, Kashipur
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    the follo-in) obli)ation+ na'ely4

    to learn hi+3 her trade con+cientio(+ly and dili)ently and endea&or to

    .(alify hi'+elf3 her+elf a+ a +7illed craft+'an before the e6piry of the

    period of trainin)8

    to attend practical and in+tr(ctional cla++e+ re)(larly8

    to carry o(t all la-f(l order+ of hi+3 her e'ployer and +(perior+ in the

    e+tabli+h'ent8 and

    To carry o(t hi+3 her obli)ation+ (nder the contract of apprentice+hip,

    The e'ployer +hall pay to e&ery apprentice d(rin) the period of

    apprentice+hip trainin) +(ch +tipend at a rate not le++ than the

    pre+cribed 'ini'(' rate or the rate -hich -a+ bein) paid by the

    e'ployer on 1+t an(ary 1@>: to the cate)ory of apprentice+ (nder

    -hich +(ch apprentice fall+ -hiche&er i+ hi)her a+ 'ay be +pecified

    in the contract of apprentice+hip and the +tipend +o +pecified +hall be

    paid at +(ch inter&al+ and +(bject to +(ch condition+ a+ 'ay be

    pre+cribed, "o-e&er an apprentice +hall not be paid by hi+3 her

    e'ployer on the ba+i+ of piece -or7 nor +hall he3 +he be re.(ired to

    ta7e part in any o(tp(t bon(+ or other incenti&e +che'e,

    The -ee7ly and daily ho(r+ of -or7 of an apprentice -hile

    (nder)oin) practical trainin) in a -or7+hop +hall be +(ch a+ 'ay be

    pre+cribed, No apprentice +hall be re.(ired or allo-ed to -or7

    o&erti'e e6cept -ith the appro&al of the Apprentice+hip Ad&i+er -ho

    +hall not )rant +(ch appro&al (nle++ he3 +he i+ +ati+fied that +(ch

    Institute of Management & Technology, Kashipur

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    o&erti'e i+ in the intere+t of the trainin) of the apprentice or in the

    p(blic intere+t,

    Board of Apprenticeship ,raining (Kanpur*:

    The Board of Apprentice+hip Trainin) 0N% !anp(r -a+ e+tabli+hed

    in the year 1@>:, The Board deal+ -ith Apprentice+hip Sche'e a+

    per Apprentice+ Act 1@91 -ith a'end'ent+ fro' ti'e to ti'e in the

    +tate+ of $ttar #rade+h %aja+than "aryana #(njab ! "i'anchal

    #rade+h Uttranchal National Capital Territory of Delhi and $nion

    Territory of Chandi)arh,

    The Act define+ MGrad(ate Technician 0Diplo'a "older and

    Technician 02ocational Apprentice+ a+ an apprentice -ho hold+ or i+

    (nder)oin) trainin) in order that he 'ay hold a De)ree or Diplo'a

    in En)), or Technolo)y or E.(i&alent .(alification or 1:; pa++ed

    certificate )ranted by any in+tit(tion reco)nied by the Go&ern'ent3

    All India Co(ncil for Technical Ed(cation and (nder)oe+

    Apprentice+hip Trainin) in any +(ch +(bject field in En)ineerin) or

    Technolo)y or in 2ocational Co(r+e a+ 'ay be pre+cribed,

    The Officer+ of the Board are de+i)nated a+ Apprentice+hip Ad&i+er+

    (nder the Act, The Apprentice+hip Ad&i+er+ notify the n('ber

    of trainin) place+ on -hich En)), Grad(ate Technician 0Diplo'a

    "older and Technician 02ocational apprentice+ are to be en)a)ed

    by indi&id(al e'ployer+ (nder Central Sector,

    Institute of Management & Technology, Kashipur

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    En)ineerin) Grad(ate+ Technician 0Diplo'a holder+ and

    Technician 02ocational apprentice+ are paid +tipend at lea+t at the

    'ini'(' rate+ pre+cribed (nder the Act, 5:U of the 'ini'('

    a'o(nt i+ rei'b(r+ed by the Central Go&t, thro()h the office of theBoard to the e'ployer+,

    The period of Apprentice+hip trainin) (nder the Act i+ one year, The

    re+(lt+ fro' Technical In+tit(tion+ are declared +o'e ti'e+ in

    (ne3(ly e&ery y