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DRAFT AGENDA The LCBRA will meet FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 2019 at 8:30 am at the Government Center PLEASE TURN OFF & PUT AWAY ALL CELL PHONES CALL TO ORDER & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL CONSIDERATION OF AGENDA CONFLICT OF INTEREST CONSIDERATION OF MAY 21, 2019 Minutes pgs 2‐5 PUBLIC COMMENT DIRECTOR COMMENTS Update: New member for LCBRA CONSENT AGENDA Items of a routine nature to be voted on with one motion ‐ no discussion. Upon request, members may remove any item and place elsewhere on the agenda, with no vote of the commission. Members will vote on remaining items on the Consent Agenda, after the item removed has been placed elsewhere on the agenda. 1. Envirologic-Assessment - Monthly Update pgs 6-12 2. Envirologic–General Consulting Update pgs 13-14 NEW BUSINESS 1. Update on EPA grant applications/requirements (J. Hawkins) pg 15 2. Reimbursement request – Courthouse Redevelopment Group/R. Satterwhite pgs 16‐18 3. Loan Payment to DEQ (in Claims & Accounts) pgs 19‐20 4. Work Order No. 22 – General Consulting Services pgs 21‐22 5. Final report to EPA RE: Assessment Grant (tentative) FINANCIALS 1. Claims & Accounts DEQ Loan Payment pgs 23‐24 2. Post Audit, Budget Amendments, Transfers CORRESPONDENCE/COMMUNICATION ITEMS 1. 2019 Brownfield Conference – Los Angeles pg 25 PUBLIC COMMENT DIRECTOR COMMENTS MEMBER / CHAIRPERSON COMMENTS ADJOURN Leelanau County Brownfield Redevelopment Authority (LCBRA) County website: 8527 E. Government Center Dr. Suite 108 Suttons Bay MI 49682 Phone: (231) 256‐9812 or Toll Free (866) 256‐9711, Ext. 6 Fax: (231) 256-0174 M embers Kathy Egan, Chair Randy Harmson, Vice Chair Rick Foster, Secretry/Treasurer Chet Janik Patricia Soutas‐Little W. Dennis Bushey 1 open position Director Trudy Galla

Leelanau County Brownfield Redevelopment Authority (LCBRA) · 2019-06-24 · Meeting. Also, they are closing out the EPA Grant for assessment dollars and she questioned if the Brownfield

Jul 19, 2020



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Page 1: Leelanau County Brownfield Redevelopment Authority (LCBRA) · 2019-06-24 · Meeting. Also, they are closing out the EPA Grant for assessment dollars and she questioned if the Brownfield


The LCBRA will meet FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 2019 at 8:30 am at the Government Center   





CONSIDERATION OF MAY 21, 2019 Minutes pgs 2‐5 


DIRECTOR COMMENTS  Update:  New member for LCBRA 

CONSENT AGENDA  Items of a routine nature to be voted on with one motion ‐ no discussion.  Upon request, members may remove any item and place elsewhere on the agenda, with no vote of the commission.  Members will vote on remaining items on the Consent Agenda, after the item removed has been placed elsewhere on the agenda.    

1. Envirologic-Assessment - Monthly Update pgs 6-12 2. Envirologic–General Consulting Update pgs 13-14 

NEW BUSINESS   1.   Update on EPA grant applications/requirements (J. Hawkins) pg 15  2.   Reimbursement request – Courthouse Redevelopment Group/R. Satterwhite pgs 16‐18  3.   Loan Payment to DEQ (in Claims & Accounts)  pgs 19‐20  4.   Work Order No. 22 – General Consulting Services  pgs 21‐22  5.   Final report to EPA RE:  Assessment Grant  (tentative) 


FINANCIALS    1.  Claims & Accounts – DEQ Loan Payment pgs 23‐24  2. Post Audit, Budget Amendments, Transfers 

  CORRESPONDENCE/COMMUNICATION ITEMS  1.   2019 Brownfield Conference – Los Angeles pg 25 





Leelanau County Brownfield Redevelopment Authority (LCBRA) County website:  

8527 E. Government Center Dr. Suite 108  Suttons Bay MI 49682 Phone: (231) 256‐9812 or Toll Free (866) 256‐9711, Ext. 6   Fax: (231) 256-0174

M embers Kathy Egan, Chair 

Randy Harmson, Vice Chair  Rick Foster, Secretry/Treasurer 

Chet Janik Patricia Soutas‐Little W. Dennis Bushey 1 open position 


Trudy Galla 

Page 2: Leelanau County Brownfield Redevelopment Authority (LCBRA) · 2019-06-24 · Meeting. Also, they are closing out the EPA Grant for assessment dollars and she questioned if the Brownfield




Proceedings of the meeting were recorded and are not the official record of the meeting. The formally approved

written copy of the minutes will be the official record of the meeting.

CALL TO ORDER: Meeting was called to order at 9:03 a.m. by Chairman Egan, who led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Members Present: K. Egan, P. Soutas-Little, R. Foster, D. Bushey Members Absent: C. Janik, R. Harmson (Prior Notice) Staff Present: T. Galla, Director Public Present: J. Hawkins CONSIDERATION OF AGENDA  Motion by Soutas-Little, seconded by Foster to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried 4-0.  CONFLICT OF INTEREST - None CONSIDERATION OF APRIL 4, 2019 MINUTES Motion by Soutas-Little, seconded by Bushey, to approve the April 4, 2019 minutes as presented. Motion carried 4-0.

PUBLIC COMMENTS – None DIRECTOR COMMENTS Parkside Brownfield Plan Termination Galla stated that the Parkside Brownfield Plan Termination was on the agenda for the Executive Committee Meeting. Also, they are closing out the EPA Grant for assessment dollars and she questioned if the Brownfield Authority had any interest in going after grant money again in the fall. Egan added, with enough time to do the work. Soutas-Little questioned if they would need a list of projects to go with the grant application. Galla said they have used examples in the past, such as Sugar Loaf, so it could be helpful. Soutas-Little said some of the workforce housing projects such as the Suttons Bay School project could be used as an example if those come to fruition. Galla said if they are tied to contamination and assessment work then they might work.

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Egan questioned if it was worth all of the time and effort to apply for grant money. Galla stated that they had been successful in the past at receiving the grant money and she feels it is a good thing that they have been able to use all of the grant money received except the revolving loan fund. Hawkins said at some point, assuming they keep similar format, it may be worth it for him to come in and do update on changes that have occurred. They allow for multi-purpose grants now which is cleanup and assessment under the same grant. There would need to be a site(s) that would support this and there would not be as many EPA puts into the “hopper” for selection. Hawkins continued, saying assessment is typically the largest group, then cleanup, then revolving loan like you had in the past, which is open every other year now. Hawkins said they don’t know how this will shake out in the budget process or how much money will be appropriated until this fall. Hawkins continued, stating that the applications now require you to come to the table with a plan stating what your issues are and your vision. If it can be tied into a community Master Plan and there are areas where there is growth or allowance for certain uses or impediments then you have a better shot. Showing that your communities are focused on the process and also an end game for reuse and redevelopment is a plus. Soutas-Little stated, it’s almost June and we are talking fall. When is a good time to have this on the agenda? Galla said she would put “Update/Discussion from Hawkins” on the June agenda. Hawkins said the Authority can start soliciting information from communities as to who has the greatest need and the greatest potential. Hawkins stated people get a sense that all of the Brownfield Sites in the county have been addressed, but people still have trouble understanding what a Brownfield is and there are more sites. CONSENT AGENDA Soutas-Little asked for clarification in Hawkins report about the 2500-gallon tank removal. Hawkins said they were scheduled in March/April to remove those and then the frost laws hit. Part way through that, the facility in Detroit that accepts waste began construction on that facility and could only accept limited waste from regular clients during that time. Hawkins continued, saying they are scheduled for a truck from Northern A-1 to have the tank contents at the facility in Detroit on June 18. It is a strict timeframe to get there and be in line which is out of his hands. Foster questioned what the volume of waste was. Hawkins said roughly 2500 gallons because the tank is mostly full.

 Motion by Foster, seconded by Soutas-Little to accept the Consent Agenda as presented. Motion carried 4-0.


NEW BUSINESS Recommendation of new member for LCBRA (RE: resignation of Kate Sterken) Egan explained that they needed to make a recommendation to the county board on a new member for LCBRA and then they needed to replace her position as Secretary/Treasurer. Bushey asked if the county board would have any other recommendations for the position. Egan said the county had people fill out applications beforehand and two of the applicants were interested in LCBRA. Bushey stated he was uncomfortable recommending either applicant today as he doesn’t know either one of them. He would much rather have the county board take it upon themselves to review the applicants and decide. Soutas-Little said part of what they are trying to do on the county board is get new people on boards that haven’t served before. Soutas-Little said that as a group, LCBRA can interview applicants.

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Bushey thought Winkelman had the most experience because he was on the Brownfield board in the past and is now on the planning commission. Egan said she likes the idea of having a business owner’s perspective on the board. Bushey stated he was not sure a business owner was the best choice for any political board. Galla stated that she notified Laurel Evens in the Administrator’s Office when Sterken notified her that she was stepping down. Because they are in the middle of a term, they look at what applications are on file. Eric Winkelman and John Arens were the two interested candidates on file. Galla continued, saying that Arens is on the Board of Health Appeals Board, which is not very active, and Winkelman is on the County Planning Commission which is quite active. Arens did confirm that he was still interested, Galla did not hear back from Winkelman. Soutas-Little said she was comfortable recommending Arens. If the county board doesn’t agree they will override the recommendation. Foster stated that Arens checked off several things on his application and maybe the size of his “X’s” mean he is more interested in LCBRA and BATA than the others. Motion by Foster, seconded by Soutas-Little, to recommend John Arens as new board member of the LCBRA. Motion carried 4-0. Secretary/Treasurer position Motion by Soutas-Little, seconded by Bushey, to appoint Rick Foster as Secretary/Treasurer of the LCBRA. Motion carried 4-0. 2nd Signature on Bank Account Motion by Soutas-Little, seconded by Bushey, to appoint Rick Foster as the 2nd signer on the bank accounts at Chemical Bank, in addition to Kathy Egan, and remove Kate Sterken. Motion Carried 4-0.

FINANCIALS Claims & Accounts-EPA Assessment Grant Motion by Bushey, seconded by Foster, to approve Claims & Accounts for EPA assessment grant in the amount of $96,078.03. Motion carried 4-0. Claims and Accounts-General Services Motion by Bushey, seconded by Foster, to approve C&A for General Services in the amount of $385.00. Motion carried 4-0. Request for EPA Grant Reimbursement Motion by Foster, seconded by Soutas-Little, to approve submittal to EPA for grant reimbursement in the amount of $96,078.03. Motion carried 4-0. CORRESPONDENCE/COMMUNICATION ITEMS - None PUBLIC COMMENT Hawkins commented on information they found at the Sugar Loaf site suggesting a tank under the building. They broke through the floor and did some checking and there was not a tank there.

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MEMBER/CHAIR COMMENTS Soutas-Little said she had a discussion with Steve Christiansen, Drain Commissioner, following the work at Sugar Loaf and he felt we should have had a permit. To avoid that in the future, would it be prudent for us when a project is approved to send an email to the Drain Commissioner and the Building Code? He was also not aware of the Centerville Township project but not sure there was any reason for a permit. Hawkins said there were no land changes at the Centerville site, just investigation. Christiansen thought it would be helpful to know about things ahead of time. Egan said she believed in over communication. The more departments heads know about something, the better they can do their job. More information, more transparency is good. It is another step but it is worthwhile. Hawkins asked if they were to do a Phase I for someone is that a cause to notify others or is this for field work? Egan replied if we get in the habit of notifying others of projects underway then it puts them on alert that more activity might be coming on a site. Galla suggested zoning administrators also be notified in case a land use permit is necessary. Hawkins apologized to the Authority for this issue. He commented on the Leland site and the process they followed getting all the permits. They do try to understand and know when a permit is needed. Envirologic felt the activities at Sugar Loaf really didn’t constitute a need for a permit, based on their interpretation of the ordinance. Egan responded that most times what you do does not need a permit. Notifying them ahead of time is not to tell them you need a permit, but it is a matter of communication. Soutas-Little agreed that more communication is good. If we feel we don’t need a permit, we should then appeal. Hawkins didn’t cause this. Hawkins said he likes to use a form that prompts us on these projects. He can provide a form to Galla so if there is a consultant sitting here and you approve a project, it is automatic that the form gets filled out and submitted to the appropriate people. We will all be following the same process then. Egan said we should be over communicating and cautious with everything involved with Sugar Loaf as it is such an emotional tie with people in this county. People may want to disagree with activities because of their own past involvement at Sugar Loaf. He also suggested the local supervisors also be on the list for notifications. Egan agreed and stated anyone who would be getting phone calls on an issue should be on our list for notifications. Egan stated that she would not be in attendance at the June meeting. ADJOURN Meeting adjourned at 9:43 A.M.

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DATE: JUNE 18, 2019 This memorandum serves to provide information regarding invoices and updates that are being presented to the LCBRA for services rendered on various projects related to the 2014 EPA Brownfield Assessment Grants. Please find attached several items for your consideration: 1. Community Outreach (W.O. #2H/P-14)

Update: The Grant Term ended on March 31, 2019. No further outreach activities under the EPA grant will be completed going forward.

2. Programmatic – Policies and Procedures (W. O. #10H/8P-14) Update: A draft of the revised Land Bank Policies and Procedures has been completed and will be reviewed with the County Treasurer and the Land Bank Authority in June. All activities have been invoiced for this project under the EPA grant, no further costs will be incurred under the grant.

3. Centerville Township Hall Fuel Spill (W.O. 9P-14)

Update: This project is complete, no further activities will be occurring under the EPA grant. All activities have been invoiced for this project under the EPA grant, no further costs will be incurred under the grant.

4. Sugarloaf Tank Removals and Asbestos Survey Work Order (W.O. 15H-13P-14)

Update: The remaining 2,500 gallon tank removal has been delayed due to the disposal facilities ability to receive the tank contents. This final activity will occur on June 18, 2019. All activities have been invoiced for this project under the EPA grant, no further costs will be incurred under the grant.

5. Tax Increment Revenue Tracking System (W.O. 13H-11P-14)


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Update: The LCBRA has adopted Brownfield Plans for certain properties including some aided by assessment activities funded by U.S. EPA Assessment and Revolving Loan Fund Grants. A system of tracking the capture and disbursement of tax increment revenues is needed to demonstrate compliance with Act 381, the Brownfield Plans and Work Plans, to assist with demonstrating leveraged funding resulting from the EPA Grants and to assist in the annual reporting requirements to the State of Michigan. Envirologic is developing a system of tracking TIR for each Plan, itemizing the eligible costs (including EPA Grant funds) incurred described in each Plan, and tracking the reimbursement of those costs. The system will track the capture of school and local TIR separately to ensure compliance with limitations on the capture of school TIRs detailed in each Plan. Further, the tracking system can be used to communicate the status of each Brownfield Plan with local units of government and EPA. Envirologic met with Trudy Galla to review existing information related to tax increment captured to-date and we continue to develop a tracking system for the LCBRA. All activities have been invoiced for this project under the EPA grant, no further costs will be incurred under the grant.

6. The Mill at Glenn Arbor (W.O. 16H-14) Update: This project is complete. All activities have been invoiced for this project under the EPA grant, no further costs will be incurred under the grant.

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Leelanau County Brownfield Redevelopment Authority2014 EPA Petroleum Assessment Grant and Hazardous Substances Grant Monthly Budget Update

Budget and Cost Summary

Revised 6/18/2019Page 1 of 5

Project ProjectBudget Budget Invoices for Task

Estimates Estimates Consideration Hazardous Petroleum Hazardous Petroleum CompletedLCBRA Grant Work

File # Plan Task W/O Project Site/Phase Hazardous Petroleum Initial EPA Grant Award 200,000.00$ 200,000.00$ Envirologic Contract Amount 96,200.00$ 96,200.00$

Task #2 1H/P-14 140554 QAPP 1,000.00 1,000.00 01018 4/15/2015 1,997.50$ 998.75$ 998.75$ 1.25$ 1.25$ XBudget returned (1.25)$ (1.25)$

Budget Remaining -$ -$

Task #4 2H/P-14 140555 Community Outreach 3,000.00 3,000.00 01010 4/15/2015 1,190.00$ 595.00$ 595.00$ 6,905.00$ 6,905.00$ Amendment #1 - Approved by LCBRA 2-21-17 meeting 3,000.00 3,000.00 01092 5/14/2015 420.00$ 210.00$ 210.00$ 6,695.00$ 6,695.00$

1,500.00 1,500.00 Total Budget from Grant Work Plan is $15,000. 7,500.00 7,500.00 01479 9/10/2015 385.00$ 192.50$ 192.50$ 6,502.50$ 6,502.50$

01552 10/8/2015 490.00$ 245.00$ 245.00$ 6,257.50$ 6,257.50$ 01952 2/8/2016 140.00$ 70.00$ 70.00$ 6,187.50$ 6,187.50$ 02144 4/5/2016 825.00$ 412.50$ 412.50$ 5,775.00$ 5,775.00$ 02281 5/12/2016 487.50$ 487.50$ 5,287.50$ 02282 5/12/2016 487.50$ 487.50$ 5,287.50$ 5,287.50$ 02439 6/14/2016 252.50$ 252.50$ 5,035.00$ -$ 02438 6/14/2016 252.50$ 252.50$ 5,035.00$ 02474 7/11/2016 140.00$ 140.00$ -$ 4,895.00$ -$ 02475 7/11/2016 140.00$ 140.00$ 4,895.00$ 02588 8/8/2016 45.00$ 45.00$ -$ 4,850.00$ -$ 02589 8/8/2016 45.00$ -$ 45.00$ 0 4,850.00$ 02904 11/15/2016 70.00$ 70.00$ -$ 4,780.00$ 02905 11/15/2016 70.00$ -$ 70.00$ 4,780.00$ 02934 12/6/2016 35.00$ 35.00$ -$ 4,745.00$ 02935 12/6/2016 35.00$ -$ 35.00$ 4,745.00$ 03469 5/11/2017 262.50$ 262.50$ -$ 4,482.50$ 03413 5/3/2017 262.50$ -$ 262.50$ -$ 4,482.50$ 03574 6/13/2017 775.00$ 775.00$ 03575 6/13/2017 775.00$ 775.00$ 3,707.50$ 3,707.50$ 03792 9/8/2017 280.00$ 280.00$ 03793 9/8/2017 280.00$ 280.00$ 3,427.50$ 3,427.50$ 03874 10/4/2017 228.11$ 228.11$ 03875 10/4/2017 228.11$ 228.11$ 3,199.39$ 3,199.39$ 03967 11/1/2017 35.00$ 35.00$ 03968 11/1/2017 35.00$ 35.00$ 3,164.39$ 3,164.39$ 04094 12/19/2017 510.00$ 510.00$ 04095 12/19/2017 510.00$ 510.00$ 2,654.39$ 2,654.39$ 04364 3/12/2018 982.50$ 982.50$ 04365 3/12/2018 982.50$ 982.50$ 1,671.89$ 1,671.89$ 04426 4/6/2018 402.50$ 402.50$ 04427 4/6/2018 402.50$ 402.50$ 1,269.39$ 1,269.39$ 04548 5/9/2018 70.00$ 70.00$ 04549 5/9/2018 70.00$ 70.00$ 1,199.39$ 1,199.39$ 04618 6/7/2018 411.10$ 411.10$ 04619 6/7/2018 411.10$ 411.10$ 788.29$ 788.29$ 04721 7/10/2018 175.00$ 175.00$ 04722 7/10/2018 175.00$ 175.00$ 613.29$ 613.29$ 04815 8/15/2018 341.25$ 341.25$ 04816 8/15/2016 341.25$ 341.25$ 272.04$ 272.04$ 04982 10/10/2018 70.00$ 35.00$ 35.00$ 237.04$ 237.04$ 05053 11/7/2018 140.00$ 140.00$ 05054 11/7/2018 140.00$ 140.00$ 97.04$ 97.04$ 05118 12/6/2018 70.00$ 70.00$ 05117 12/6/2018 70.00$ 70.00$ 27.04$ 27.04$ X

Task #1 and 2 3H/P-14 150070 Courthouse Redevelopment Group, LLC 01011 4/15/2015 835.50$ 417.75$ 417.75$ 2,332.25$ 2,332.25$ Phase I ESA and BEA 2,750.00 2,750.00 01126 6/3/2015 347.50$ 173.75$ 173.75$ 2,158.50$ 2,158.50$

02936 12/6/2016 85.00$ 42.50$ 42.50$ 2,116.00$ 2,116.00$ 03255 3/14/2017 2,371.75$ 1,185.88$ 1,185.87$ 930.12$ 930.13$ 03313 4/3/2017 700.79$ 350.40$ 350.39$ 579.72$ 579.74$ 03415 5/3/2017 1,143.75$ 571.88$ 571.87$ 7.84$ 7.87$

(7.84)$ (7.87)$ X 0.00$ 0.00$



Project Budget Expended Project Budget Remaining

Invoice Date Invoice Total

Project Complete Budget Returned

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Page 9: Leelanau County Brownfield Redevelopment Authority (LCBRA) · 2019-06-24 · Meeting. Also, they are closing out the EPA Grant for assessment dollars and she questioned if the Brownfield

Leelanau County Brownfield Redevelopment Authority2014 EPA Petroleum Assessment Grant and Hazardous Substances Grant Monthly Budget Update

Budget and Cost Summary

Revised 6/18/2019Page 2 of 5

Project ProjectBudget Budget Invoices for Task

Estimates Estimates Consideration Hazardous Petroleum Hazardous Petroleum CompletedLCBRA Grant Work

File # Plan Task W/O Project Site/Phase Hazardous Petroleum Initial EPA Grant Award 200,000.00$ 200,000.00$ Envirologic Contract Amount 96,200.00$ 96,200.00$



Project Budget Expended Project Budget Remaining

Invoice Date Invoice Total

01478 9/10/2015 15,063.82$ 15,063.82$ -$ 4,916.18$ Task 2 4H-14 150262 Leland Residential Project - Discreet Sampling 19,980.00 (4,916.18)$ X


01551 10/8/2015 490.00$ 245.00$ 245.00$ 380.00$ 380.00$ Task 3 5H/P-14 150341 GTRAC - BFPlan Review; Reimbursement Agreement 625.00 625.00 01710 11/12/015 350.00$ 175.00$ 175.00$ 205.00$ 205.00$

01740 12/3/2015 385.00$ 192.50$ 192.50$ 12.50$ 12.50$ (12.50)$ (12.50)$ X

-$ -$

Task 3 6H-14 150374 Fmr. Leelanau County Govt Complex 01739 12/3/2015 525.00$ 525.00$ -$ 5,475.00$ -$ Brownfield Plan Amendment and Act 381 Work Plan Amendment 6,000.00 - 01899 1/12/2016 140.00$ 140.00$ -$ 5,335.00$ -$

01954 2/8/2016 3,860.00$ 3,860.00$ -$ 1,475.00$ -$ 02075 3/7/2016 1,295.00$ 1,295.00$ -$ 180.00$ -$

(180.00)$ X-$

01900 1/12/2016 127.50$ 127.50$ -$ 29,772.50$ -$ Task #1 and 2 7H-14 150449 Two Peas, LLC - 206 N. St. Joseph St., Suttons Bay, MI $29,900 - 01950 2/8/2016 3,470.75$ 3,470.75$ -$ 26,301.75$ -$

02079 3/8/2016 9,581.04$ 9,581.04$ -$ 16,720.71$ -$ 02146 4/5/2016 1,190.00$ 1,190.00$ -$ 15,530.71$ -$ 02283 5/12/2016 1,736.25$ 1,736.25$ -$ 13,794.46$ -$ 02435 6/14/2016 614.60$ 614.60$ -$ 13,179.86$ -$ 02477 7/11/2016 669.15$ 669.15$ -$ 12,510.71$ -$ 02580 8/8/2016 258.61$ 258.61$ -$ 12,252.10$ -$ 02722 9/13/2016 956.25$ 956.25$ -$ 11,295.85$ -$ 02937 12/6/2016 5,207.50$ 5,207.50$ 6,088.35$ 03058 1/6/2017 795.00$ 795.00$ 5,293.35$

Project Complete Budget Returned (5,293.35)$ X-$

02435 6/14/2016 4,507.84$ 4,507.84$ -$ 3,992.16$ -$ Task #3 8H-14 150449 Two Peas, LLC - 206 N. St. Joseph St., Suttons Bay, MI $8,500 02477 7/11/2016 795.00$ 795.00$ -$ 3,197.16$ -$ X

Sub-Slab System Engineering and Design Project Complete Budget Returned (3,197.16)$ -$

B2017-02 9H/6P-14 170332 Jack Daniels Estate - 515 W. Harbor Hwy,, Maple City, MITask #1 Phase I ESA and Eligibility 1,500.00 1,500.00 04277 2/13/2018 505.00$ 252.50$ 252.50$ 1,247.50$ 1,247.50$ X

04362 3/12/2018 1,959.80$ 979.90$ 979.90$ 267.60$ 267.60$ Project Complete Budget Returned (267.60)$ (267.60)$

-$ -$

Task #2 Phase II ESA 9,650.00 9,650.00 04362 3/12/2018 4,510.37$ 2,255.19$ 2,255.19$ 7,394.82$ 7,394.82$ X04428 4/9/2018 7,711.21$ 3,855.61$ 3,855.61$ 3,539.21$ 3,539.21$ 04551 5/9/2018 140.00$ 70.00$ 70.00$ 3,469.21$ 3,469.21$ 04614 6/7/2018 420.00$ 210.00$ 210.00$ 3,259.21$ 3,259.21$ 04724 7/10/2018 42.50$ 21.25$ 21.25$ 3,237.96$ 3,237.96$ 04818 8/15/2018 983.75$ 491.88$ 491.88$ 2,746.09$ 2,746.09$ 04863 9/5/2018 922.50$ 461.25$ 461.25$ 2,284.84$ 2,284.84$ 04981 10/10/2018 426.33$ 213.17$ 213.17$ 2,071.67$ 2,071.67$ 05055 11/7/2018 50.00$ 25.00$ 25.00$ 2,046.67$ 2,046.67$

Project Complete Budget Returned (2,046.67)$ (2,046.67)$ -$ -$

7P-14 170396 3015 N. Omena Point, Omena, MITask #1 Phase I ESA and Eligibility 3,000.00 04152 1/8/2018 1,079.80$ 1,079.80$ -$ 1,920.20$ X

04279 2/12/2018 1,920.17$ 1,920.17$ 0.03$ Project Complete Budget Returned (0.03)$


Task #2 Phase II ESA 20,750.00 04363 3/12/2018 6,443.76$ -$ 6,443.76$ -$ 14,306.24$ X04423 4/6/2018 6,962.95$ 6,962.95$ 7,343.29$ 04552 5/9/2018 113.75$ 113.75$ 7,229.54$

Project Complete Budget Returned (7,229.54)$ -$

Phase I, II ESA and BEA, Due Care Plan, Brownfield Plan and Act 381Work Plan

Project Complete Budget Returned

Project Complete Budget Returned

Project Complete Budget Returned

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Leelanau County Brownfield Redevelopment Authority2014 EPA Petroleum Assessment Grant and Hazardous Substances Grant Monthly Budget Update

Budget and Cost Summary

Revised 6/18/2019Page 3 of 5

Project ProjectBudget Budget Invoices for Task

Estimates Estimates Consideration Hazardous Petroleum Hazardous Petroleum CompletedLCBRA Grant Work

File # Plan Task W/O Project Site/Phase Hazardous Petroleum Initial EPA Grant Award 200,000.00$ 200,000.00$ Envirologic Contract Amount 96,200.00$ 96,200.00$



Project Budget Expended Project Budget Remaining

Invoice Date Invoice Total

B2018-01 11H-14* 180093 Madison Street Property, Suttons Bay, MI (Land Bank Authority)Task #1 Phase I ESA and Eligibility 3,000.00 04422 4/6/2018 226.25$ 226.25$ -$ 2,773.75$ X

04546 5/9/2018 318.25$ 318.25$ 2,455.50$ 04615 6/7/2018 1,735.00$ 1,735.00$ 720.50$

Project Complete Budget Returned (720.50)$ -$

Task #2 Phase II ESA - Hazardous Materials Building Survey 3,000.00 04546 5/9/2018 100.00$ 100.00$ -$ 2,900.00$ X04615 6/7/2018 2,702.56$ 2,702.56$ 197.44$

Project Complete Budget Returned (197.44)$ -$

Task #4 10H-8P 180157 Programmatic - Policies and Procedures 2,000.00 2,000.00 04545 5/9/2018 1,912.50$ 956.25$ 956.25$ 2,543.75$ 2,543.75$ XAmendment #1 1,500.00 1,500.00 04616 6/7/2018 807.50$ 403.75$ 403.75$ 2,140.00$ 2,140.00$

Subtotal - Policies and Procedures 3,500.00 3,500.00 04725 7/10/2018 1,260.00$ 630.00$ 630.00$ 1,510.00$ 1,510.00$ 04980 10/10/2018 140.00$ 70.00$ 70.00$ 1,440.00$ 1,440.00$ 05504 4/4/2019 2,880.00$ 1,440.00$ 1,440.00$ -$ -$

Project Complete Budget Returned -$ -$

14H-12P-14 180158 Sugarloaf Resort Work Plan Development 2,000.00 2,000.00 05052 11/7/2018 197.50$ 98.75$ 98.75$ 1,901.25$ 1,901.25$ X

05116 12/6/2018 3,448.75$ 1,724.38$ 1,724.38$ 176.88$ 176.88$ 05212 1/7/2019 340.00$ 170.00$ 170.00$ 6.88$ 6.88$

Project Complete Budget Returned (6.88)$ (6.88)$ -$ -$

12H-10P 180227 Bayside Gallery - 204 N. St.,, St. Joseph, Suttons BayTask #1 Eligibility 500.00 500.00 04819 8/15/2018 787.50$ 393.75$ 393.75$ 106.25$ 106.25$ X

04861 9/5/2018 196.25$ 98.12$ 98.12$ 8.13$ 8.13$ Project Complete Budget Returned (8.13)$ (8.13)$

-$ -$

Task #2 Sub-Slab Gas Sampling and Indoor Air Sampling 4,600.00 4,600.00 04819 8/15/2018 431.25$ 215.62$ 215.63$ 4,384.38$ 4,384.37$ X04861 9/5/2018 7,121.90$ 3,560.95$ 3,560.95$ 823.43$ 823.42$ 04985 10/10/2018 700.00$ 350.00$ 350.00$ 473.43$ 473.42$ 05057 11/7/2018 913.75$ 456.88$ 456.88$ 16.56$ 16.55$

Project Complete Budget Returned (16.56)$ (16.55)$ -$ -$

Task #3 Sub-Slab System Engineering and Design 4,500.00 4,500.00 04985 10/10/2018 2,294.25$ 1,147.13$ 1,147.13$ 3,352.88$ 3,352.88$ X05057 11/7/2018 4,770.00$ 2,385.00$ 2,385.00$ 967.88$ 967.88$ 05120 12/6/2018 183.75$ 91.88$ 91.88$ 876.00$ 876.00$

Project Complete Budget Returned (876.00)$ (876.00)$ -$ -$

9P-14 180228 Centerville Township Hall Fuel Spill, CedarTask #1 Eligibility and Data Review 2,500.00 04820 8/15/2018 1,097.50$ -$ 1,097.50$ -$ 1,402.50$ X

04862 9/5/2018 1,006.25$ 1,006.25$ 396.25$ 04984 10/10/2018 393.75$ 393.75$ 2.50$ 05505 4/5/2019 2.50$ 2.50$ -$

Project Complete Budget Returned -$ -$

Task #2 Additional Site Assessment 19,900.00 04820 8/15/2018 270.00$ -$ 270.00$ -$ 29,730.00$ XAmendment 1 4,400.00 04862 9/5/2018 52.50$ 52.50$ 29,677.50$ Amendment 2 5,700.00 04984 10/10/2018 5,515.05$ 5,515.05$ 24,162.45$

30,000.00 05056 11/7/2018 15,973.47$ 15,973.47$ 8,188.98$ 05194 1/7/2019 2,845.18$ 2,845.18$ 5,343.80$ 05256 2/7/2019 3,356.00$ 3,356.00$ 1,987.80$ 05505 4/5/2019 1,987.80$ 1,987.80$ -$

Project Complete Budget Returned -$

Task #2 No Further Action Request 5,000.00 05056 11/7/2018 651.25$ 651.25$ 4,348.75$ X05119 12/6/2018 1,401.25$ 1,401.25$ 2,947.50$ 05194 1/7/2019 1,050.00$ 1,050.00$ 1,897.50$ 05256 2/7/2019 1,865.00$ 1,865.00$ 32.50$ 05505 4/5/2019 32.50$ 32.50$ -$

Project Complete Budget Returned -$

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Leelanau County Brownfield Redevelopment Authority2014 EPA Petroleum Assessment Grant and Hazardous Substances Grant Monthly Budget Update

Budget and Cost Summary

Revised 6/18/2019Page 4 of 5

Project ProjectBudget Budget Invoices for Task

Estimates Estimates Consideration Hazardous Petroleum Hazardous Petroleum CompletedLCBRA Grant Work

File # Plan Task W/O Project Site/Phase Hazardous Petroleum Initial EPA Grant Award 200,000.00$ 200,000.00$ Envirologic Contract Amount 96,200.00$ 96,200.00$



Project Budget Expended Project Budget Remaining

Invoice Date Invoice Total

15H/13P-14 180304 Sugarloaf Tank Removals and Asbestos Survey XTask #2 UST Removal 50,500.00 05196 1/7/2019 4,528.03$ 4,528.03$ 45,971.97$

05267 2/7/2019 1,523.75$ 1,523.75$ 44,448.22$ 05307 3/5/2019 1,032.50$ 1,032.50$ 43,415.72$ 05503 4/4/2019 43,415.72$ 43,415.72$ -$

Project Complete Budget Returned -$

Task #2 Asbestos Survey 15,000.00 05267 2/7/2019 411.25$ 411.25$ 14,588.75$ 05307 3/5/2019 10,109.61$ 10,109.61$ 4,479.14$ 05503 4/4/2019 4,479.14$ 4,479.14$ -$

Project Complete Budget Returned -$

Task #2 Project Management Report 3,750.00 3,750.00 05267 2/7/2019 70.00$ 35.00$ 35.00$ 3,715.00$ 3,715.00$ 05503 4/4/2019 7,430.00$ 3,715.00$ 3,715.00$ -$ -$

Project Complete Budget Returned -$ -$

Task #2 Phase II 25,900.00 7,900.00 05307 3/5/2019 6,672.50$ 4,670.75$ 2,001.75$ 21,229.25$ 5,898.25$ 05503 4/4/2019 27,127.50$ 21,227.50$ 5,900.00$ 1.75$ (1.75)$

Project Complete Budget Returned -$ -$

16H 180305 The Mill Glen ArborTask #1 Phase I 3,000.00 05195 1/7/2019 242.50$ 242.50$ 2,757.50$ X

05261 2/7/2019 2,560.55$ 2,560.55$ 196.95$ 05308 3/5/2019 25.00$ 25.00$ 171.95$ 05502 4/4/2019 171.95$ 171.95$ -$

Project Complete Budget Returned -$ 13H-11P-14 180287 Tax Increment Revenue Tracking System

Development of Tax Increment Management Systems 2,000.00 2,000.00 05310 3/5/2019 420.00$ 210.00$ 210.00$ 1,790.00$ 1,790.00$ X05501 4/4/2019 3,580.00$ 1,452.32$ 2,127.68$ 337.68$ (337.68)$

Project Complete Budget Returned -$ -$

21 Former Government Center - Geophysical Survey not covered by RLF 9,262.10 9,262.10$ 9,262.10$ -$ -$ -$ X

Subtotal 167,417.10 163,525.00

Totals 167,417.10$ 163,525.00$ 302,666.97$ 149,302.58$ 153,364.38$ 366.47$ (312.39)$

Budgeted Grant Funds for Envirologic Activities 167,417.10$ 163,525.00$ Envirologic Contract Budget Remaining Subtotal* (71,217.10)$ (67,325.00)$ Check 96,200.00$ 96,200.00$ *Adjust budget against remaining Community Outreach Budgets

Budgets Returned from Under Budget Projects To-date: TotalQAPP 1.25$ 1.25$ Haz Grant Invoiced 149,302.58$ Haz Grant Budget 366.47$ 149,669.05$ GTRAC - BFPlan Review; Reimbursement Agreement 12.50$ 12.50$ RemainingTwo Peas, LLC - Sub-Slab System Engineering and Design 3,197.16$ Two Peas, LLC - Phase I/II ESA, BEA, Due Care, BFPlan 5,293.35$ Pet Grant Invoiced 153,364.38$ Pet Grant Budget (312.39)$ 153,051.99$ Leland Residential Project - Discreet Sampling 4,916.18$ RemainingCourthouse Redevelopment Group, LLC- Phase I and BEA 7.84$ 7.87$ Fmr. Leelanau County Govt Complex- Brownfield Plan and Act 381 Amend 180.00$ -$ 3015 N. Omena Point, Omena, MI -$ 7,229.54$ Madison Street Property, Suttons Bay, MI (Land Bank Authority) 917.94$ -$ Jack Daniels Estate - 515 W. Harbor Hwy, Maple City, MI - 2,314.27$ 2,314.27$ 3015 N. Omena Point, Omena, MI -$ 0.03$ Sugarloaf Resort Work Plan Development 6.88$ 6.88$ Bayside Gallery - 204 N. St.,, St. Joseph, Suttons Bay 900.69$ 900.68$ Subtotal Under Budget Projects 17,748.05$ 10,473.01$ Total Envirologic Contract Budget Remaining (53,469.05)$ (56,851.99)$

* Pending approval by LCBRA

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Leelanau County Brownfield Redevelopment Authority2014 EPA Petroleum Assessment Grant and Hazardous Substances Grant Monthly Budget Update

Budget and Cost Summary

Revised 6/18/2019Page 5 of 5

Project ProjectBudget Budget Invoices for Task

Estimates Estimates Consideration Hazardous Petroleum Hazardous Petroleum CompletedLCBRA Grant Work

File # Plan Task W/O Project Site/Phase Hazardous Petroleum Initial EPA Grant Award 200,000.00$ 200,000.00$ Envirologic Contract Amount 96,200.00$ 96,200.00$



Project Budget Expended Project Budget Remaining

Invoice Date Invoice Total

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DATE: JUNE 18, 2019 This memorandum serves to provide information regarding invoices and updates that are being presented to the LCBRA for services rendered on various projects related to General Environmental Consulting activities. Please find attached several items for your consideration:

1. General Services (W.O. #22)

Update: There have been no activities to report for this month. Since there is no remaining budget for activities under the General Services Contract, which was extended through December 31, 2019, Envirologic is requesting an additional amendment to Work Order #22. This Amendment #4 is for $2,500 which is anticipated to cover activities as requested by the LCBRA, including the State’s TIF Annual Reporting requirements. Project Invoices for Consideration: There are no invoices for consideration this month.


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Leelanau County Brownfield Redevelopment AuthorityGeneral Environmental Consulting Services

Monthly Project Update

FY 2017 Budget and Cost Summary

6/18/2019Page 1 of 1

LCBRAFile # W/O Project

22 160397 General Services 2,000.00 02908 11/15/2016 70.00$ 70.00$ 02938 12/6/2016 140.00$ 140.00$

Amendment #1 2,500.00 03057 1/6/2017 70.00$ 70.00$ Amendment #2 1,000.00 03253 3/14/2017 210.00$ 210.00$ Amendment #3 4,500.00 03308 4/3/2017 560.00$ 560.00$ Amendment #4 Proposed 2,500.00 03414 5/3/2017 105.00$ 105.00$

03573 6/13/2017 1,390.00$ 1,390.00$ 03656 7/12/2017 553.75$ 553.75$ 03726 8/10/2017 385.00$ 385.00$ 03791 9/8/2017 1,006.25$ 1,006.25$ 03873 10/4/2017 105.00$ 105.00$ 03969 11/1/2017 140.00$ 140.00$ 04096 12/12/2017 140.00$ 140.00$ 04151 1/8/2018 875.00$ 875.00$ 04278 2/13/2018 455.00$ 455.00$ 04361 3/12/2018 665.00$ 665.00$ 04547 5/9/2018 420.00$ 420.00$ 04613 6/7/2018 140.00$ 140.00$ 04723 7/10/2018 105.00$ 105.00$ 04817 8/15/2018 140.00$ 140.00$ 04868 9/6/2018 938.75$ 938.75$ 04983 10/10/2018 275.00$ 275.00$ 05051 11/7/2018 197.50$ 197.50$ 05115 12/6/2018 70.00$ 70.00$ 05213 1/7/2019 105.00$ 105.00$ 05309 3/5/2019 350.00$ 350.00$ 05507 5/15/2019 385.00$ 385.00$

9,996.25$ 9,996.25$ 2,503.75

23 160347 Former Leelanau City, Govt. Complex -Leland 10,000.00 Remnant Subsurface Features - Excavation 03001 12/9/2016 5,179.94 5,179.94$ *note: not funded under RLF 03099 1/11/2017 575.00 575.00$ This Project is complete. Budget zeroed out. 5,754.94$ 5,754.94$


Totals 22,500.00$ 15,751.19$ 15,751.19$

General Updates:


1. Budget Expended includes "Invoices for Consideration" amount.2. There are no invoices for consideration this month.

Invoice # Invoices for Consideration Budget1

ExpendedBudget Remaining Task

Completed Invoice Date Budget Estimate Site/Phase

Project Subtotal

Project Subtotal

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s of



e G


sAAssessment Grants Cleanup Grants MMultipurpose Grants

CommonEligible Grant Activities

inventory, characterize & assess sites; revitalization

planning; site-specific cleanup & reuse planning; community


cleanup activities, reuseplanning, and community


assessment & cleanup activities; revitalization

planning(Assessment + Cleanup)

ApplicantEligibility (see full list in Section III.A.)

Government, Quasi Government, Regional Council, Tribe, Nonprofit Organization (501(c)(3)), Qualified Community Development Entity (45D(c)(1))

Nonprofit Organization not organized primarily for profit

Amount of Funding Available for Sites Contaminated w/ Hazardous Substance and/or Petroleum

Community-wide• Up to $300,000Site-specific• Up to $200,000 or up to

$350,000 with a waiverAssessment Coalition• Up to $600,000 • EPA encourages the lead

entity to partner with two or more entities that have limited capacity

Single-site• Up to $500,000 per siteMulti-site• Up to $500,000 per

proposalApplicants may submit 1proposal totaling up to $500,000

Community-wide within a Target Area• Up to $800,000

Cost share Requirement

n/a 20% $40,000

Period of Performance

3 years 3 years 5 years

Anticipated # of Awards

114 35-40 10

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Policy on TIF Collection and Disbursal:

The Owner and/or Developer of a brownfield site shall pay all real and personal property taxes levied on those portions of the Development that are subject to such taxes on or before the date said taxes become subject to interest or penalty. Tax Increment Financing (TIF) shall be collected for a brownfield site as follows:

a) After summer tax bills are released, and after winter tax bills are released, the County Treasurer, or designee, shall submit a written request to the local taxing jurisdiction requesting collection and release of TIF funds to the County Treasurer.

b) The County Treasurer shall verify funds collected and transfer said funds to the LCBRA account.

c) The County Treasurer shall provide a brief summary to the LCBRA of collected, and non-collected

funds. To the extent captured revenues from Tax Increment Financing (TIF) are available in the LCBRA account, reimbursement for Eligible Activities for a brownfield site shall be prioritized as follows:

a) First, to be applied to any amounts loaned to Owner and/or Developer under a Brownfield Redevelopment Loan Agreement between the Owner and/or Developer and the LCBRA, and/or, to any loan received from the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ), including a reasonable reserve for future payments to assure availability of funds.

b) Second, LCBRA administrative/operating and accounting costs and other eligible activities as incurred by the LCBRA, as allowed by law.

c) Third, to be applied to any amounts properly submitted by the Owner and/or Developer for Eligible Activity expenses, provided that the Owner and/or Developer is in compliance with the applicable agreements and instruments relating to the project.

The Owner and/or Developer shall keep all taxes and other accounts current, in order to be eligible for TIF reimbursement. The LCBRA review and approval process for TIF Disbursement will be as follows:

April of each year – Review of requests. May of each year – Consider TIF Disbursal October of each year – Review of requests. November of each year – Consider TIF Disbursal

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The above review and disbursal meetings will be held at a Regular scheduled LCBRA meeting. In the event a meeting is cancelled or all materials for the request are not available, they will be reviewed at the next Regular scheduled meeting. Requests will NOT be considered for projects that have unpaid taxes. Under no circumstances will TIF reimbursement be made from the Delinquent Tax Fund. Approved September 21, 2010 by the Leelanau County Brownfield Redevelopment Authority Approved revisions to policy by the LCBRA on 10-20-15 to update named department of the State of Michigan – Michigan Department of Natural Resources and Environment (MDNRE) to Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ); update the “owner” to include the “developer”; and to update the prioritization of TIF disbursement.

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June 6, 2019 Ms. Trudy Galla, Planning Director & Director Leelanau County Brownfield Redevelopment Authority 8527 East Government Center Drive, Suite 108 Suttons Bay, Michigan 49682 [email protected] Dear Ms. Galla: SUBJECT: Brownfield Redevelopment Loan Payment Leelanau Residential Development

Tracking number: 2008-1083 The County of Leelanau received a Brownfield Redevelopment Loan (BRL) award for $1,000,000 from the Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE), for the Leelanau Residential Development project on May 9, 2008. A BRL contract was executed on June 2, 2008. Under the terms of the revised agreement, the next repayment is due on or before June 2, 2019. Due to an administrative error, this letter is being sent later than the due date for this year. Please be assured there is no penalty for missing the payment deadline. A BRL payment is due annually on or before June 2 of each year and ending on June 2, 2028. Attached is an amortization schedule based on the actual amount of the loan, $512,322.54, which includes the annual balance and interest due. Please remit payment in the amount of $41,394.52 by check made payable to: “State of Michigan.” Mail the remittance check, with a copy of this letter, to:

Regular Mail: Overnight or Express Mail:

Cashier’s Office for Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy

Cashier’s Office for Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy

Michigan Department of Transportation Accounting Services Center

Michigan Department of Transportation Accounting Services Center

P.O. Box 30657 Van Wagoner Building, 1st Floor West Lansing, MI 48909-8157 425 West Ottawa

Lansing, MI 48933

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Thank you for your cooperation. If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact me.


Mark Kussro Remediation and Redevelopment Division (517) 284-5124

[email protected] Attachment cc: Ms. Madeleine Hill, Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Ms. Carrie Geyer, EGLE File #2008-1083

Hot Key Location Amount

BRLP 6830 33,957.92 Principal

BRLI 6830 7,436.60 Interest

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Scope of Services

General Environmental Consulting Agreement for Services

Leelanau County and Its Land Bank Authority Applicable to Agreement Dated 3-25- 2008, as amended (October 23, 2018)

Work Order No. 22 Dated November 22, 2016 Amendment No. 4 Dated June 18, 2019




ENVIROLOGIC TECHNOLOGIES, INC. (ENVIROLOGIC) 2960 INTERSTATE PARKWAY KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN 49048 Subject Matter: General Services Funding Source: TBD as appropriate CLIENT requests that ENVIROLOGIC perform the work described below in accordance with the terms of the above-referenced Agreement, as amended and as described in this “Scope of Services.” ENVIROLOGIC will begin work on this Work Order and complete the services as described in the attached "Scope of Services." ENVIROLOGIC and CLIENT have designated the following representatives for this “Scope of Services:” Jeffrey C. Hawkins (269) 342-1100 Name (ENVIROLOGIC) Phone Trudy J. Galla, AICP, Director (231) 256-9812 Name (CLIENT) Phone If CLIENT accepts this Scope of Services, please sign this Work Order on behalf of CLIENT and return to the ENVIROLOGIC Representative above: ACCEPTED AND AGREED TO: LEELANAU COUNTY AND ITS LAND BANK AUTHORITY (CLIENT) ENVIROLOGIC TECHNOLOGIES, INC. By Trudy J. Galla By Jeffrey C. Hawkins Title Director Planning and Community Development Title President Signature________________________ Signature________________________ Date ______________ Date ____________

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1. Scope of Services From time to time, the Leelanau County Brownfield Redevelopment Authority requests that Envirologic engage in various small tasks or assistance with reviewing or designing strategies for specific projects. These activities may include assistance with existing Brownfield Plans, tracking of tax increment revenues from the Plans; State reporting requirements and other project assistance. The LCBRA Director has requested a Work Order to provide a budget for the compensation of professional services related to these tasks through December 31 of 2018. This WO#22 provides a budget for various tasks as requested by the LCBRA Director. Amendment #1: Due to an expedited review of a Brownfield Plan amendment for the Westshore Project, Envirologic exceeded the original budget by approximately $500. Due to the review and other activities associated with the Plan Amendment, Envirologic is requesting additional budget funds to finish this project as well as to for other projects that may require assistance in the coming year. Amendment #2: Primarily due to the review of materials related to the Westshore Project, i.e. Brownfield Plan, Development and Reimbursement Agreement, Envirologic has essentially expended the budget for the General Services Contract. Envirologic expended approximately $2,300 toward the Westshore Project to-date. This accounts for almost all of the second amendment to this work order. Envirologic is requesting additional budget funds to finish this project as well as to address other projects that may require assistance through the remainder of the year. These costs should be recoverable from the developer’s fee for this project. Amendment #3: Envirologic has incurred approximately $2500 of the budget toward the West Shore project, i.e. review of brownfield plan (not including the most recent review of the Agreement and the current review of the Act 381 Work Plan). In anticipation of additional review activities associated with the West Shore Hotel project (estimated at $2,500) and other general project/LCBRA assistance (estimated $2,000) for the remainder of 2017 and through 2018, Envirologic is requesting an amendment to Work Order #22 in the amount of $4,500. Amendment #4: In anticipation of general project/LCBRA assistance including State of Michigan Annual TIF Reporting; project review, etc. through December 31, 2019, Envirologic is requesting an amendment to Work Order #22 in the amount of $2,500. 11. Compensation Compensation for services provided under this Work Order will be invoiced at the rates provided in the Agreement for Services between ENVIROLOGIC and CLIENT. Envirologic proposes to complete work as directed on a time-and-materials basis and shall not exceed the following without approval of the Board.

• Professional Services $ 2,000 Amendment #1 $ 2,500 Amendment #2 $ 1,000 Amendment #3 $ 4,500 Amendment #4 $ 2,500

Total $ 12,500 111. Schedule Work performed under this Work Order will be completed as expeditiously as possible as directed by the County. H:\Projects\Projects_L\Leelanau County\Work Orders\General Consulting Projects\Work Order No. 22, Amendment 4- General Environmental Consulting.docx

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6/11/2019 National Brownfields Training Conference 2019 1/5




Registration and Housing for the 2019 National Brown�elds Training Conference is nowOPEN!

We look forward to seeing everyoneDecember 11-13, 2019, with pre-conference programming December 10 in Los Angeles,


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