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Lecture Traverse Comps

Apr 10, 2018



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  • 8/8/2019 Lecture Traverse Comps




  • 8/8/2019 Lecture Traverse Comps


    Traversing - Computations

    Traverse computations are concerned with deriving co-ordinates for

    the new points that were measured, along with some quantifiable

    measure for the accuracy of these positions.

    The co-ordinate system most commonly used is a grid based

    rectangular orthogonal system of eastings (X) and northings (Y).

    Traverse computations are cumulative in nature, starting from a

    fixed point or known line, and all of the other directions or positions

    determined from this reference.

  • 8/8/2019 Lecture Traverse Comps


    Traversing - Computations

    Angle/Bearing Computations and Balancing

    If angles are measured within a traverse, they need to be converted

    to bearings (relative to the meridian being used) in order to be used

    in the traverse computation.Before the bearings and azimuths are computed, the measured

    angles are checked for consistency and to detect any blunders.

  • 8/8/2019 Lecture Traverse Comps


    Traversing - ComputationsFor closed traverses, a check can be applied to ensure that the

    measured angles can meet the required specifications. For a

    closed loop traverse with n internal angles, the check that is

    used is:

    7(internal angles) = (n 2) 180r


    7(external angles) = (n + 2) 180r

    For a closed link traverse, the check is given by

    A1 +7(angles) A2 = (n 1) 180r

    whereA1 is the initial or starting azimuth,A2 is the closing

    or final azimuth, and n is the number of angles measured.

  • 8/8/2019 Lecture Traverse Comps


    Traversing - Computations

    The numerical difference between the computed checks and themeasured sums is called the angular misclosure. There is usually a

    permissible or allowable limit for this misclosure, depending upon

    the accuracy requirements and specifications of the survey. A

    typical computation for the allowable misclosure Zis given by

    Z= kn

    where n is the number of angles measured and k is a fractionbased on the least division of the theodolite scale. For example,

    if k is 1', for a traverse with 9 measured angles, the allowable

    misclosure is 3 '.

  • 8/8/2019 Lecture Traverse Comps


    Traversing - ComputationsOnce the traverse angles are within allowable range, the remaining

    misclosure is distributed amongst the angles. This process is called

    balancing the angles :

    (i) arbitrary adjustment if misclosure is small, then it may be

    inserted into any angle arbitrarily (usually one that may be

    suspect). If no angle suspect, then it can be inserted into more

    than one angle.

    (ii) average adjustment misclosure is divided by number of

    angles and correction inserted into all of the angles. (most

    common technique)

    (iii) adjustment based on measuring conditions if a line has

    particular obstruction that may have affected observations,

    misclosure may be divided and inserted into the two angles


  • 8/8/2019 Lecture Traverse Comps


    Traversing - Computations

    Errors in angular measurement are not related to the size of the


    Once the angles have been balanced, they can be used to compute

    the azimuths of the lines in the traverse.

    Starting from the azimuth of the original fixed control line, the

    internal or clockwise measured angles are used to compute the

    forward azimuths of the new lines.

    The azimuth of this line is then used to compute the azimuth of thenext line and so on.

  • 8/8/2019 Lecture Traverse Comps


    Traversing - Computations

    The general formula that is used to compute the azimuths is:

    forward azimuth of line = back azimuth of previous line +clockwise (internal) angle

    The back azimuth of a line is computed from

    back azimuth = forward azimuth s180r

  • 8/8/2019 Lecture Traverse Comps


    Traversing - Computations

    Therefore for a traverse from points 1 to 2 to 3 to 4 to 5, if the anglesmeasured at 2, 3 and 4 are 100r, 210r, and 190rrespectively, and theazimuth of the line from 1 to 2 is given as 160r, then

    Az23 = Az21 + angle at 2 = (160r+180r) + 100r= 440r | 80r

    Az34 = Az32 + angle at 3 = (80r+180r) +210r= 470r |110r

    Az45 = Az43 + angle at 4 = (110r+180r) +190r= 480r |120r








  • 8/8/2019 Lecture Traverse Comps


    Traversing - Computations

    Once all of the azimuths have been computed, they can be

    checked and used for the co-ordinate computations.

  • 8/8/2019 Lecture Traverse Comps


    Co-ordinate Computations

    From Angle Azimuth Dist E N Easting Northing To

    1043.87 5492.91 A

    A 172 39 ' 34.15 4.37 -33.87 1048.24 5459.04 E

    E 118 34 ' 111 13 ' 50.30 46.89 -18.20 1095.13 5440.84 D

    D 113 05 ' 44 18 ' 55.19 38.54 39.50 1133.67 5480.34 C

    C 104 42 ' 329 00 ' 41.81 -21.53 35.84 1112.14 5516.18 B

    B 102 11 ' 251 11 ' 72.11 -68.26 -23.26 1043.88 5492.92 A

    A 101 28 ' 172 39 ' E

    =253.56 =0.01 =0.01 Diff=




  • 8/8/2019 Lecture Traverse Comps


    From Angle Azimuth Dist E N Easting Northing To

    A 1043.87 5492.91 A

    172 39 ' 34.15 4.37 -33.87

    E 118 34 ' 1048.24 5459.04 E

    111 13 ' 50.30 46.89 -18.20

    D 113 05 ' 1095.13 5440.84 D

    44 18 ' 55.19 38.54 39.50

    C 104 42 ' 1133.67 5480.34 C

    329 00 ' 41.81 -21.53 35.84

    B 102 11 ' 1112.14 5516.18 B

    251 11 ' 72.11 -68.26 -23.26

    A 101 28 ' 1043.88 5492.92 A

    172 39 ' =253.56 =0.01 =0.01 1043.87 5492.91

    E Diff= +0.01 Diff=+0.01


    Alternative layout

  • 8/8/2019 Lecture Traverse Comps


    Traversing - Computations






    118 34 ' 113 05 '

    104 42 '

    102 11 '

    172 39 '

    352 39 '

  • 8/8/2019 Lecture Traverse Comps


    Misclosures and Adjustments

    For closed traverses, since the co-ordinates of the final endingstation are known, this provides a mathematical check on the

    computation of the co-ordinates for all of the other points. If the

    final computed eastings and northings are compared to the known

    eastings and northings for the closing station, then co-ordinate

    misclosures can be determined. The easting misclosure xE isgiven by

    xE= final computed easting final known easting

    similarly, the northing misclosure xN is given by

    xN= final computed northing final known northing

  • 8/8/2019 Lecture Traverse Comps


    Linear Misclosure

    These discrepancies represent the difference on the ground

    between the position of the point computed from the observations

    and the known position of the point.

    The easting and northing misclosures are combined to give the

    linear misclosure of the traverse, where

    linear misclosure = (xE2 + xN2)



  • 8/8/2019 Lecture Traverse Comps


    Traversing Precision

    By itself the linear misclosure only gives a measure of how far thecomputed position is from the actual position (accuracy of the

    traverse measurements).

    Another parameter that is used to provide an indication of the

    relative accuracy of the traverse is theproportional linearmisclosure.

    Here, the linear misclosure is divided by total distance measured,

    and this figure is expressed as a ratio e.g. 1 : 10000.

    In the example given, if the total distance measured along a traverse

    is 253.56m, and the linear misclosure is 0.01m, then the proportional

    linear misclosure is

    0.01/253.56 = 1/25356 or approximately 1 : 25000

  • 8/8/2019 Lecture Traverse Comps


    Traversing Angular Error

    The required accuracy of the survey in terms of its proportional

    linear misclosure also defines the equipment and allowable

    misclosure values.

    For example, for a traverse with an accuracy of better than 1/5000

    would require a distance measurement technique better than1/5000, and an angular error that is consistent with this figure.

    If the accuracy is restricted to 1/5000, then the maximum angular

    error is

    1/5000 = tanU

    U = 0r00'41"



  • 8/8/2019 Lecture Traverse Comps


    Traversing Angular ErrorThe angular measurement for each angle should therefore be better

    than 0r00'41". The general relationship between the linear andangular error is given by the following table

    Prop. Linear accuracy Maximum angular error Least count of instrument

    1/1000 0 03' 26" 01'

    1/3000 0 01' 09" 01'

    1/5000 0 00' 41" 30"

    1/7500 0 00' 28" 20"

    1/10000 0 00' 21" 20"

    1/20000 0 00' 10" 10"

  • 8/8/2019 Lecture Traverse Comps


    Traversing Angular Error

    The maximum allowable error in the traverse which is given by

    Z= kn

    k therefore depends on the maximum allowable angular error as it

    relates to the least count of the instrument.

    For a 1/5000 traverse, the value ofk = 30", so Z= 30"n.

  • 8/8/2019 Lecture Traverse Comps


    Traversing - Computations

    If a misclosure exists, then the figure computed is not

    mathematically closed.

    This can be clearly illustrated with a closed loop traverse.

    The co-ordinates of a traverse are therefore adjusted for thepurpose of providing a mathematically closed figure while at the

    same time yielding the best estimates for the horizontal positions

    for all of the traverse stations.

  • 8/8/2019 Lecture Traverse Comps


    Traversing - Adjustments

    There are several methods that are used to adjust or balancetraverses;

    1. (i) Arbitrary method

    2. (iii)L

    east-Squares3. (iv) Transit rule

    4. (v) Bowditch or Compass rule

  • 8/8/2019 Lecture Traverse Comps


    Adjustments - Arbitrary

    The arbitrary method is based upon the surveyors individualjudgement considering the measurement conditions.

    The Least Squares method is a rigorous technique that is founded

    upon probabilistic theory.

    It requires an over-determined solution (redundant measurements)

    to compute the best estimated position for each of the traverse


  • 8/8/2019 Lecture Traverse Comps


    Adjustments Transit Rule

    The transit rule applies adjustments proportional to the size of theeasting or northing component between two stations and the sum of

    the easting and northing differences.

    Therefore for two stations A and B, the correction to the easting and

    northings differences (Eab and (Nab are given by;

    correction to (Eab = xEy((Eab/(E)

    correction to (Nab = xNy((Nab/(N)

  • 8/8/2019 Lecture Traverse Comps


    Adjustments Transit Rule

    In this method, if a line has no easting difference, then it will not

    have an easting correction, and similarly, if it has no northing

    difference there is no northing correction.

    Conversely, lines with larger easting and northing differences will

    have larger corrections.

    For example, consider a traverse that has an easting misclosure xEof 0.170m and a northing misclosure xN of 0.361m and the eastingand northing differences are 54.439m and 1.230m respectively. If

    the sum of the easting differences is 587.463m and the sum of the

    northing differences is 672.835m, then

    correction to (Eab = 0.170y(54.493/587.643) = 0.016m

    correction to (Nab = 0.361y(1.230/672.835) = 0.001m

  • 8/8/2019 Lecture Traverse Comps


    Adjustments Compass Rule

    The Bowditch or Compass rule also applies a proportional adjustment,but in this case, the distances between the stations are used in proportion

    to the total distance of the traverse. The corrections are given by

    correction to (Eab = xEy(distanceab/total distance oftraverse)

    correction to (Nab = xNy(distanceab/total distance of


  • 8/8/2019 Lecture Traverse Comps


    Adjustments Compass Rule

    This is the most commonly used technique for adjusting traverses.Using the above example, if the distance between A and B was

    67.918m, and the total distance of the traverse was 1762.301m, then

    the corrections to be applied are

    correction to (Eab = 0.170y(67.918/1762.301) = 0.006m

    correction to (Nab = 0.361y(67.918/1762.301) = 0.014m

  • 8/8/2019 Lecture Traverse Comps


    Traversing - Computations

    2.1.Blunder Detection

    Since traverse measurements involve angular and distance

    measurements, it is possible for blunders to exist in the

    measurements that are not detected until the final co-ordinate

    computations are made.

    Angular blunders manifest themselves in the angular closure and

    distance blunders in the co-ordinate closure, provided that the

    traverse is properly closed.

    In both cases it is possible to localise the blunder.

  • 8/8/2019 Lecture Traverse Comps


    Traversing - Computations

    To find an angular blunder, the traverse is computed withoutdistributing the angular errors first in the forward direction, and then

    in the reverse direction.

    The point of intersection (where the co-ordinates are virtually the

    same) between the forward and reverse computations represents thelocation where the angular blunder was made, provided that only one

    blunder was made.

  • 8/8/2019 Lecture Traverse Comps


    Traversing - Computations

    A distance blunder causes a shift in the traverse section in thedirection of the incorrect length.

    This is detected by checking the size and direction of the linear


    If the linear misclosure is near a round figure (e.g. 1m or 5m) then

    a blunder probably exists within the measurements. The azimuth

    of the misclosure is then computed by

    Az = tan-1(xE/xN)

  • 8/8/2019 Lecture Traverse Comps


    Traversing - Computations

    If the azimuth is similar to any of the traverse legs, then it is

    likely that the distance blunder occurred when measuring this

    leg, and it can be corrected by remeasuring the line.

    If in the above example, the distance from A to B was measured

    as 75.11, then the resulting values for xE and xN would be 2.83m and 0.96m respectively.

    The azimuth of the misclosure would then be

    Az = tan-1(-2.83/-0.96) = tan-1 (2.9479) = 251r15

  • 8/8/2019 Lecture Traverse Comps


    Traversing - Computations

    This azimuth is almost the same as the azimuth of the line BA,

    so the distance blunder has been detected in this line. Thismethod is limited when there are several legs with nearly the

    same azimuth.