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Lecture 3 Theory of Kernel Functions Pavel Laskov 1 Blaine Nelson 1 1 Cognitive Systems Group Wilhelm Schickard Institute for Computer Science Universit¨ at T¨ ubingen, Germany Advanced Topics in Machine Learning, 2012 P. Laskov and B. Nelson (T¨ ubingen) Lecture 3: Kernel Functions April 17, 2012 1 / 47

Lecture 3 Theory of Kernel Functions - · Lecture 3 Theory of Kernel Functions ... In this lecture, we will formally define kernel functions ... Recall: Kernel Magic

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Page 1: Lecture 3 Theory of Kernel Functions - · Lecture 3 Theory of Kernel Functions ... In this lecture, we will formally define kernel functions ... Recall: Kernel Magic

Lecture 3Theory of Kernel Functions

Pavel Laskov1 Blaine Nelson1

1Cognitive Systems GroupWilhelm Schickard Institute for Computer ScienceUniversitat Tubingen, Germany

Advanced Topics in Machine Learning, 2012

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Part I

Introduction: Kernel Functions

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In this lecture, we will formally define kernel functions

Recall: advantages of kernel-based learning:1 Kernels allow for learning in high-dimensional feature spaces without explicit

mapping into feature space2 Kernels make learning in high-dimensional feature spaces computationally

feasible3 Kernel methods learn non-linear function with the machinery of algorithms

for learning linear functions4 Kernels provide an abstraction that separates data representation & learning

Questions to be addressed:1 What properties do kernels have & what properties does a function need to

be a kernel?2 How can we verify that a kernel function is valid?3 How does one construct a kernel function?

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Recall: Kernel MagicExample 2: 2-dimensional Polynomials of Degree 3

Consider a (slightly modified) feature space for 2-dimensionalpolynomials of degree 3:

Φ(x) = [x31 , x32 ,√3x21 x2,


22 ,√3x21 ,√3x22 ,√6x1x2,

√3x1,√3x2, 1]

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Recall: Kernel MagicExample 2: 2-dimensional Polynomials of Degree 3

Consider a (slightly modified) feature space for 2-dimensionalpolynomials of degree 3:

Φ(x) = [x31 , x32 ,√3x21 x2,


22 ,√3x21 ,√3x22 ,√6x1x2,

√3x1,√3x2, 1]

Let us compute the inner product between two points in the featurespace:

Φ(x)⊤Φ(y) = x31 y31 + x32 y

32 + 3x21 x2y

21 y2 + 3x1x

22 y1y

22 + 3x21 y

21 + 3x22 y


+ 6x1x2y1y2 + 3x1y1 + 3x2y2 + 1

= (x1y1 + x2y2 + 1)3

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Recall: Kernel MagicExample 2: 2-dimensional Polynomials of Degree 3

Consider a (slightly modified) feature space for 2-dimensionalpolynomials of degree 3:

Φ(x) = [x31 , x32 ,√3x21 x2,


22 ,√3x21 ,√3x22 ,√6x1x2,

√3x1,√3x2, 1]

Let us compute the inner product between two points in the featurespace:

Φ(x)⊤Φ(y) = x31 y31 + x32 y

32 + 3x21 x2y

21 y2 + 3x1x

22 y1y

22 + 3x21 y

21 + 3x22 y


+ 6x1x2y1y2 + 3x1y1 + 3x2y2 + 1

= (x1y1 + x2y2 + 1)3

Complexity: 3 multiplications instead of 10.

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Kernel Questions

Which of the following functions are kernels?

κ1 (x, z) =∑D

i=1 (xi + zi ) κ2 (x, z) =∏D

i=1 h(xi−ca

)h( zi−ca


κ3 (x, z) = − 〈x,z〉‖x‖2‖z‖2

κ4 (x, z) =√

‖x− z‖22 + 1

where h(x) = cos(1.75x) exp(−x2/2)

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Part II

Linear Algebra Review

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Vector Space

Definition 1

A set X is a vector space (over the reals) if it is closed under an additionoperator ‘+’ (i.e., ∀ x, z ∈ X x+ z ∈ X ) & a scalar multiplicationoperator ‘·’ (i.e., ∀ x ∈ X , a ∈ ℜ a · x ∈ X ) and these operators satisfy;

1 (Additive Associativity) u+ (v + w) = (u+ v) + w

2 (Additive Commutativity) u+ v = v + u

3 (Additive Identity) ∃ 0 ∈ X s.t. ∀ u ∈ X u+ 0 = u

4 (Additive Inverse) ∀ u ∈ X ∃ −u ∈ X s.t. u+ (−u) = 0

5 (Distibutivity) a · (u+ v) = a · u+ a · v & (a + b) · u = a · u+ b · u6 (Multiplicative Associativity) a · (b · u) = (a · b) · u7 (Multiplicative Identity) 1 · u = u

Example: For any D ∈ ℵ, ℜD is a vector space.

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Vectors I

A D-dimensional vector x is a list of D-reals in vector space ℜD

Vectors {xi}Ni=1 are linearly dependent if there exists c1, c2, . . . , cD (atleast one not 0) such that

∑Ni=1 ci · xi = 0 ;

otherwise, they are linearly independent.

The inner product of x and z is defined as: x⊤z =∑D

i=1 xi · ziNon-trivial vectors {xi}Ni=1 are orthogonal if for i 6= j , x⊤i xj = 0. They arenormal vectors if for all i , x⊤i xi = 1. They are orthonormal if both hold; i.e.,∀ i , j 〈xi , xj〉 = δi ,j = I [i == j ]A set of orthogonal vectors are linearly independentEuclidean norm of a vector: ‖x‖2 =

〈x, x〉Angle between vectors: θ (u, v) = arccos 〈u,v〉


Projection onto vector z: projz(x) =〈z,x〉〈z,z〉z

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Vectors II

Vectors {xi}Ni=1 spans X if for every x ∈ X , x =∑N

i=1 αixi

{xi}Ni=1 is a basis for X if it spans X & is linearly independent

The dimension of X is the number of elements in any basis of X :Every vector in X can be represented as its projection onto an orthonormalbasis {xi}Ni=1 of X :

z =∑D

i=1 projxi (z) =∑D

i=1 〈xi , z〉 · xi

This is a Fourier decomposition of z in that basis.

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Matrices are a N × D grid of reals.

A =

A1,1 A1,2 . . . A1,D

A2,1 A2,2 . . . A2,D


. . ....

AN,1 AN,2 . . . AN,D









| | |A•,1 A•,2 . . . A•,D

| | |

Matrix-Vector Multiplication (x is a D-vector & z is a N-vector):

Ax =













z⊤A =[

z⊤A•,1 z⊤A•,2 . . . z⊤A•,1


Matrix-Matrix Multiplication:

AB =






| | |B•,1 B•,2 . . . B•,D

| | |



1,•B•,1 A⊤

1,•B•,2 . . . A⊤



2,•B•,1 A⊤

2,•B•,2 . . . A⊤



. . ....


N,•B•,1 A⊤

N,•B•,2 . . . A⊤


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Matrix Multiplication as summations:

[Ax]i =∑

ℓ Ai ,ℓxℓ




k zkAk,j

z⊤Ax =∑

k,ℓ zkAk,ℓxℓ [AB]i ,k =∑

j Ai ,jBj ,k

Special forms of matrices:

Lower Triangular

• 0 0 . . . 0• • 0 . . . 0• • • . . . 0...


. . ....

• • • . . . •

Diagonal Matrix

• 0 0 . . . 00 • 0 . . . 00 0 • . . . 0...


. . ....

0 0 0 . . . •

Upper Triangular

• • • . . . •0 • • . . . •0 0 • . . . •...


. . ....

0 0 0 . . . •

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Basic Linear Algebra

Suppose matrix A is an N × D matrix

A square matrix has same # of rows & columns; i.e., N = D

The identity matrix IN is a N × N diagonal matrix of 1’s

For any A, AID = A and INA = A

The transpose of A is denoted by A⊤ (it is D × N

A symmetric matrix is its own transpose: A = A⊤

The inverse of A is denoted by A−1: AA−1 = I & A−1A = I

An orthonormal or unitary matrix is its own inverse:AA⊤ = A⊤A = I. . . both the columns & rows of A form a basis

The rank of matrix A is the maximum number of columns of A that arelinearly independent (i.e., the dimension of its column space). A isfull-rank if rank (A) = min(M,N)

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Definition 2

A matrix A is singular if there exists some x 6= 0 such that Ax = 0;otherwise, A is nonsingular.

Theorem 3

The following are equivalent:

Matrix A is invertible

Matrix A is nonsingular

Matrix A is full-rank

The spectrum of A does not contain 0; i.e., 0 6∈ eig (A)

If A is square, the (linear) function f (x) = Ax is one-to-one & onto,f (x) = b has at least 1 solution, and f (x) = 0 only has solution x = 0

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Eigenvalues & Eigenvectors

Given an N × N matrix A, an eigenvector of A is a non-trivial vector vthat satisfies

Av = λv ;

the corresponding value λ is an eigenvalue

The Rayleigh quotient is defined by

λ =v⊤Av


In fact, the maximum eigen-value/vector pair of A is a solution to




with x restricted to have norm 1

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Eigen-Decomposition & Deflation

Deflation: for any eigen-value/vector pair (λ,v) of A, the transform

A← A− λvv⊤

deflates the matrix; i.e., v is an eigenvector of A but has eigenvalue 0

A symmetric matrix has N orthonormal eigenvectors {vi} correspondingto N eigenvalues—its spectrum; eig (A)

λ1 (A) ≥ λ2 (A) ≥ . . . ≥ λN (A)

Eigen-vectors/values form orthonormal matrix V & diagonal matrix Λ

V =

| | |v1 v2 . . . vN| | |

Λ =

λ1 (A) 0 . . . 00 λ2 (A) . . . 0...

.... . .

...0 0 λN (A)

which form the eigen-decomposition of A: A = VΛV⊤

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The Spectral Theorem

Theorem 4

If A is a symmetric N × N real-valued matrix, it can be written as

A =



λN (A) viv⊤i

where (λi , vi ) are eigen-value/vector pairs of A. This is called the spectraldecomposition of A

For a matrix with rank K < N, the spectral decomposition of A onlyhas K summands

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Matrix Functions

Properties of diagonal matrix D with entries Di ,i :

For k = 0, 1, 2, . . .: Dk is diagonal with entries [Dk ]i ,i = (Di ,i)k

If ∄ i s.t. Di ,i = 0 then D−1 exists, is diagonal, & [D−1]i ,i = (Di ,i)−1

√D is diagonal with entries [

√D]i ,i =

Di ,i

Functions of A are defined by its eigen-decomposition A = VΛV⊤ &the fact that V⊤V = I

For k = 0, 1, 2, . . . Ak = VΛkV⊤

If A is non-singular, then A−1 = VΛ−1V⊤√A = V

√ΛV⊤ (Note: this satisfies

√A√A = A)

exp (A) = V exp (Λ)V⊤

log (A) = V log (Λ)V⊤

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Part III

Positive (Semi-)Definiteness

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Positive (Semi-)Definite Matrices

Definition 5 (Positive Semi-Definite Matrix)

Matrix A is positive semi-definite (PSD) if all its eigenvalues arenon-negative (∀ i λi (A) ≥ 0); i.e., for all x ∈ X :

x⊤Ax ≥ 0

from the Rayleigh quotient. We use A � 0 to denote that A is PSD

Definition 6 (Positive Definite Matrix)

Matrix A is positive definite if all its eigenvalues are positive(∀ i λi (A) > 0); i.e., A is PSD &

x⊤Ax = 0 ⇔ x = 0

We denote this as A ≻ 0.

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PSD Matrices

Proposition 7

Matrix A is PSD iff there exists a real matrix B such that A = B⊤B

ProofCase ⇐: Suppose A = B⊤B, then for any x

x⊤Ax = x⊤B⊤Bx = ‖Bx‖2 ≥ 0

Case ⇒: If A � 0 then its eigen-decomposition (A = VΛV⊤) has onlynon-negative eigenvalues and thus,

√Λ is a real-valued matrix. Thus, let

B =√ΛV⊤ and we have

B⊤B = V√Λ√ΛV⊤ = VΛV⊤ = A

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Part IV

Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces

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Inner Product Space

Definition 8

An inner product space X is a vector space with an associated innerproduct 〈·, ·〉 : X × X → ℜ that satisfies:

1 (Symmetry) 〈x, z〉 = 〈z, x〉2 (Linearity) 〈a · x, z〉 = a · 〈x, z〉 & 〈w + x, z〉 = 〈w, z〉+ 〈x, z〉3 (Positive Semi-Definiteness) 〈x, x〉 ≥ 0

The inner product space is strict if 〈x, x〉 = 0 ⇔ x = 0

A strict inner product space X has a natural norm given by‖x‖2 =

〈x, x〉. The associated metric is d (x, z) = ‖x− z‖2The space ℜD has the inner product 〈x, z〉 = x⊤z which yields theEuclidean norm:

‖x‖22 =D∑



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Hilbert Space

Definition 9

A strict inner product space F is a Hilbert space if it is

1 Complete: Every (Cauchy) sequence {hi ∈ F}∞i=1 such that


supm>n‖hn − hm‖ = 0

converges to an element h ∈ F ; i.e., hi → h

2 Separable: There is a countable subset F = {hi ∈ F}∞i=1 such that forall h ∈ F and ǫ > 0, there exists hi ∈ F such that

‖hi − h‖ < ǫ

Hilbert Space Examples: the interval [0, 1], the reals ℜ, the complexnumbers C, & Euclidean spaces ℜD for D ∈ ℵ.P. Laskov and B. Nelson (Tubingen) Lecture 3: Kernel Functions April 17, 2012 23 / 47

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Hilbert Space

Definition 9

A strict inner product space F is a Hilbert space if it is

1 Complete: Every (Cauchy) sequence {hi ∈ F}∞i=1 such that


supm>n‖hn − hm‖ = 0

converges to an element h ∈ F ; i.e., hi → h

Technical Condition required for potentially infinite-dimensional sets

2 Separable: There is a countable subset F = {hi ∈ F}∞i=1 such that forall h ∈ F and ǫ > 0, there exists hi ∈ F such that

‖hi − h‖ < ǫ

Hilbert Space Examples: the interval [0, 1], the reals ℜ, the complexnumbers C, & Euclidean spaces ℜD for D ∈ ℵ.P. Laskov and B. Nelson (Tubingen) Lecture 3: Kernel Functions April 17, 2012 23 / 47

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Hilbert Space

Definition 9

A strict inner product space F is a Hilbert space if it is

1 Complete: Every (Cauchy) sequence {hi ∈ F}∞i=1 such that


supm>n‖hn − hm‖ = 0

converges to an element h ∈ F ; i.e., hi → h

Technical Condition required for potentially infinite-dimensional sets

2 Separable: There is a countable subset F = {hi ∈ F}∞i=1 such that forall h ∈ F and ǫ > 0, there exists hi ∈ F such that

‖hi − h‖ < ǫCondition required to make Hilbert space isomorphisms

Hilbert Space Examples: the interval [0, 1], the reals ℜ, the complexnumbers C, & Euclidean spaces ℜD for D ∈ ℵ.P. Laskov and B. Nelson (Tubingen) Lecture 3: Kernel Functions April 17, 2012 23 / 47

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Function Spaces

What is a vector? An ordered list of D elements from ℜ indexed by theindex set ID = {1, 2, . . . ,D}. The set of all such lists is ℜD

We can extend this notion to countable sequences x = (x1, x2, . . .) byusing the index set I = ℵ

Inner-product generalizes naturally as

〈x, y〉 =∑


xi · yi

However, we need additional restrictions to make such spaces well-behavedThe subspace ℓ2 for which ∀ x 〈x, x〉 <∞ is a Hilbert space

Further, a function f : X → ℜ maps each x ∈ X to exactly one y ∈ ℜ;i.e., it is also a vector with an uncountable index set (e.g., I = ℜD)

Inner-product again generalizes naturally as

〈f , g〉 =∫


f (x) g (x)dx

Subspace L2 (X ) defined on X , a compact subspace of ℜD , for which∀ f ∈ L2 (X ) , 〈f , f 〉 <∞ is a Hilbert space

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Properties of (Separable) Hilbert Spaces

Hilbert space F is isomorphic to H if there is a one-to-one linearmapping T : F → H such that for all x, z ∈ F

〈T (x),T (z)〉H = 〈x, z〉F

Every separable Hilbert space (A) of dimension D is isomorphic to ℜD

and (B) of infinite dimension is isomorphic to ℓ2

Since Hilbert space F is isomorphic to ℜD or ℓ2, F has an orthonormalbasis {φi} & element in x ∈ F have a Fourier decomposition:

x =∑

i 〈φi , x〉F · φi

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Part V

Characterizing Kernel Functions

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Kernel Terminology

Definition 10

A kernel is a two-argument real-valued function over X ×X(κ : X × X → ℜ) such that for any x, z ∈ X

κ (x, z) = 〈φ (x) , φ (z)〉F (1)

for some inner-product space F such that ∀ x ∈ X φ (x) ∈ F

Kernel functions must be symmetric since inner products are symmetric

To show that κ is a valid kernel, it is sufficient to show that a mapping φexists that yields Eq. 1. However, this is generally difficult to construct.

In this rest of this lecture, we will demonstrate additional ways toconstruct & validate kernels

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Kernel Matrices

Definition 11

A kernel matrix (or Gram matrix) K is the matrix that results fromapplying κ to all pairs of datapoints in set {xi}Ni=1

K =

κ (x1, x1) κ (x1, x2) . . . κ (x1, xN)κ (x2, x1) κ (x2, x2) . . . κ (x2, xN)


. . ....

κ (xN , x1) κ (xN , x2) . . . κ (xN , xN)

that is, Ki ,j = κ (xi , xj )

Kernel matrices are square & symmetric

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Kernel Matrices are PSD

Proposition 12

Kernel matrices, which are constructed from a kernel corresponding to astrict inner product space F , are PSD.

ProofBy definition of a kernel matrix, for all i , j ∈ 1, . . . ,N

Ki ,j = κ (xi , xj ) = 〈φ (xi ) , φ (xj )〉FThus, for any v ∈ ℜN :

v⊤Kv =∑

i ,j viKi ,jvj =∑

i ,j vi 〈φ (xi ) , φ (xj )〉F vj


i viφ (xi ),∑

j vjφ (xj)⟩


= ‖∑

i viφ (xi )‖2F ≥ 0

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Reproducing Kernel Function

Definition 13 (Reproducing Kernel Function (Aronszajn, 1950) [1])

Suppose F is a Hilbert space of functions over X ; the functionκ : X ×X → ℜ is a reproducing kernel of F if

1 For every x ∈ X , the function fx (·) = κ (·, x) is in F .2 Reproducing Property: for every z ∈ X and every f ∈ F

f (z) = 〈f , κ (·, z)〉F

Further, the space is called a Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space (RKHS)

By 1st property & closure of F , for any αi ∈ ℜ and xi ∈ X , we have∑N

i=1 αi · κ (·, xi ) ∈ XApplying fx from 1st property to 2nd property, for any x, z ∈ X , we have

κ (x, z) = 〈κ (·, x) , κ (·, z)〉FP. Laskov and B. Nelson (Tubingen) Lecture 3: Kernel Functions April 17, 2012 30 / 47

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Kernel Functions

Definition 14 (Finitely Positive Semi-definite)

A function κ : X × X → ℜ is finitely positive semi-definite (FPSD) if

It is symmetric; i.e., ∀ x, z ∈ X κ (x, z) = κ (z, x)

The matrix K formed by applying κ to any finite subset of X is positivesemi-definite: K � 0

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Kernel Functions I

Theorem 15

κ : X ×X → ℜ (either continuous or with a countable domain) is FPSDiff ∃ Hilbert space F with feature map φ : X → F s.t.

κ (x, z) = 〈φ (x) , φ (z)〉

ProofCase ⇐: Follows from Proposition 12.Case ⇒: Suppose κ if FPSD & we construct Hilbert Space Fκ with κ asits reproducing kernel; i.e., Fκ is the closure of functions: fx (·) = κ (·, x).Thus, for any αi , xi , g (·) = ∑

i αiκ (·, xi ) is in Fκ &, by the reproducingproperty,

〈g , g〉 = ∑

i ,j αiαjκ (xi , xj ) = α⊤Kα

where K is the kernel matrix {xi}, & thus α⊤Kα ≥ 0 since K � 0.

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Kernel Functions II

(Completeness) Follows from the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, but beyondthe scope of this course.

(Separability) Separability follows from κ being continuous or having acountable domain, but is not shown here.

Finally, the mapping φ is specified by κ and φ (x) = κ (·, x) ∈ Fκ .

Note, the inner product defined above is strict since if ‖f ‖ = 0, then forall x, |f (x)| ≤ ‖f ‖ ‖φ (x)‖ = 0

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Part VI

Kernel Constructions

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Simple Kernels

Clearly, the linear kernel defined by

κlin (x, z) = 〈x, z〉 = x⊤z

is a valid kernel function since it is an inner product in XFor any N × N matrix B � 0,

κB (x, z) = 〈x |B| z〉 = x⊤Bz

is a valid kernel function

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Closure Properties of Kernels I

Proposition 16

Suppose κ1 & κ2 are kernels on X , a > 0, f : X → ℜ, φ : X → ℜM , & κ3is a kernel on ℜM . Then these are all kernel functions on X :

16.1 κ (x, z) = κ1 (x, z) + κ2 (x, z)

16.2 κ (x, z) = a · κ1 (x, z)16.3 κ (x, z) = κ1 (x, z) · κ2 (x, z)16.4 κ (x, z) = f (x) f (z)

16.5 κ (x, z) = κ3 (φ (x) , φ (z))

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Closure Properties of Kernels II

ProofLet K1 & K2 be the kernel matrices of κ1 & κ2 applied to any set{xi}Ni=1—both these matrices are PSD. Also let α be any N-vector:

(Part 1): K = K1 +K2 ⇒ α⊤Kα = α⊤K1α+α⊤K2α ≥ 0(Part 2): K = aK1 ⇒ α⊤Kα = a · α⊤K1α ≥ 0(Part 3): Take the spectral decomposition of K1 =

∑Ni=1 λiviv

⊤i and

K2 =∑N

i=1 γiwiw⊤i . The spectral decomposition of their element-wise

product, K = K1 ⊙K2, is then K =∑N

i ,j=1

λiγj(vi ⊙ wj)(vi ⊙ wj)⊤;

i.e., a summation of rank-1 matrices with positive coefficients ⇒ PSD.(Part 4): κ (x, z) = 〈ψ (x) , ψ (z)〉 where ψ : x 7→ f (x); thus, κ is PSD.(Part 5): Since κ3 is a kernel, applying it to any set of vectors {φ (xi )}Ni=1

yields a PSD matrix.

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Closure Properties of Kernels III

The feature spaces for these kernels are as follows:

For kernel κ1 (x, z) + κ2 (x, z), the new feature map is equivalent tostacking the feature maps of κ1 & κ2:

φ (x) =


φ1 (x)φ2 (x)


For kernel a · κ1 (x, z), its feature space is scaled by√a

For kernel κ1 (x, z) · κ2 (x, z), if φ1 has dimension N1 and φ2 hasdimension N2, φ has N1N2 features given by

[φ (x)]ij = [φ1 (x)]i · [φ2 (x)]j

It follows that the features of κ1 (x, z)d are all monomials of the form

[φ1 (x)]d11 [φ1 (x)]

d22 . . . [φ1 (x)]


i di = d

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Additional Kernel Functions

Proposition 17

Suppose κ1 is a kernel on X & p : ℜ → ℜ is a polynomial withnon-negative coefficients. Then, the following are kernels:

1 κ (x, z) = p (κ1 (x, z))

2 κ (x, z) = exp (κ1 (x, z))

3 Gaussian or RBF kernel: κ (x, z) = exp(



Proof(Part 1) Constructing a polynomial kernel from base kernel κ1 proceedsdirectly from Proposition 16.1, 16.2, & 16.3(Part 2) Consider that exp (x) = 1+ x + 1

2x2 + . . . 1

i !xi + . . .. Thus, it is a

limit of polynomials & the PSD property is closed under pointwise limits.(Part 3) Left as an exercise.

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Common Kernel Functions

Linear Kernel: κlin (x, z) = x⊤z

Polynomial Kernel: κpoly (x, z) = (x⊤z+ R)d

RBF Kernel: κrbf (x, z) = exp(



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Kernel Questions

Which of the following functions are kernels?

κ1 (x, z) =∑D

i=1 (xi + zi ) κ2 (x, z) =∏D

i=1 h(xi−ca

)h( zi−ca


κ3 (x, z) = − 〈x,z〉‖x‖2‖z‖2

κ4 (x, z) =√

‖x− z‖22 + 1

where h(x) = cos(1.75x) exp(−x2/2)κ1 is not a kernel. Consider x1 =


1 0]⊤

& x2 =[

0 2]⊤

. Their kernelmatrix has eigenvalues −1 and 5.κ2 is a kernel because it can be written as the product f (x)f (z) wheref (x) =

∏Di=1 h(


)κ3 is not a kernel because it is the negation of a valid non-trivial kernel& thus will have negative eigenvalues

κ4 is not a kernel. Consider x1 =[

1 0]⊤

& x2 =[

0 1]⊤

. Again, theirkernel matrix has a negative eigenvalue

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Part VII

Transforming Kernel Matrices

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Operations on Kernel MatricesSimple Transformations

Adding a non-negative constant to the Kernel Matrix: corresponds toadding a new constant feature to each training example; i.e., given thematrix Φ of features such that K = ΦΦ⊤,


Φ c1]


Φ c1]⊤

= K+ c211⊤

Adding a non-negative constant to its diagonal: corresponds to addingan indicator feature for every data point

φ (x1) c 0 . . . 0φ (x2) 0 c . . . 0


.... . .

...φ (xN) 0 0 . . . c

φ (x1) c 0 . . . 0φ (x2) 0 c . . . 0


.... . .

...φ (xN) 0 0 . . . c

= K+ c2I

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Operations on Kernel MatricesCentering Data

Suppose we want to translate the origin to the data’s center of mass. . .












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Operations on Kernel MatricesCentering Data

Suppose we want to translate the origin to the data’s center of mass. . .












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Operations on Kernel MatricesCentering Data

Suppose we want to translate the origin to the data’s center of mass. . .












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Operations on Kernel MatricesCentering Data

Suppose we want to translate the origin to the data’s center of mass. . .












As we will see next lecture, this transformation can be expressed askernel transform

K← K− 1N11⊤K− 1

NK11⊤ + 1⊤K1

N2 11⊤

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Operations on Kernel MatricesNormalizing Data

Suppose we want to project all data to be norm 1; i.e., ‖x‖ = 1. . .












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Operations on Kernel MatricesNormalizing Data

Suppose we want to project all data to be norm 1; i.e., ‖x‖ = 1. . .












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Operations on Kernel MatricesNormalizing Data

Suppose we want to project all data to be norm 1; i.e., ‖x‖ = 1. . .













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Operations on Kernel MatricesNormalizing Data

Suppose we want to project all data to be norm 1; i.e., ‖x‖ = 1. . .













This transformation can be achieved using only the information from thekernel matrix:

κ (x, z) =κ (x, z)

κ (x, x) κ (z, z)

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We explored a formal framework for kernels

We saw a formal defintion for kernel functions & matrices

We saw the properties that kernels must exhibit and how thoseproperties can be used to validate kernel functions & construct newkernels from existing kernels

We explored some operations that allow us to manipulate data infeature space

Next Lecture: we will see basic kernel-based learning algorithms

We will explore how to take the mean of data in feature space & use that toconstruct a novelty detection algorithmWe will explore how to project data in feature space & use that for a basicsubspace algorithm

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Bibliography I

The Majority of the work from this talk can be found in the lecuture’saccompanying book, “Kernel Methods for Pattern Analysis.”

[1] N. Aronszajn. Theory of reproducing kernels. Transactions of theAmerican Mathematical Society, 68(3):337–404, 1950.

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