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Lectie Demo Engleza Nivel Incepatori Interactiv

Apr 05, 2018



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  • 8/2/2019 Lectie Demo Engleza Nivel Incepatori Interactiv




  • 8/2/2019 Lectie Demo Engleza Nivel Incepatori Interactiv





    Pentru prima oar n Romnia, avei la dispoziieun sistem unic de nvare a limbii engleze! Cuaceast metod de top, la Eurocor studiul limbiiengleze devine relaxant ca un joc! nvai svorbii, s scriei i s citii n cel mai uor imodern mod posibil.

    Acum vei putea obine postul visat sau vei avansan carier, nvnd rapid i comod la Eurocor ceamai vorbit limb din ntreaga lume! ncepei chiarastzi Cursul EUROCOR deEnglez nceptori!

    nvai comod!

    Primii acas, la cel mai apropiat ociu potal sau direct la birou pachetele de curs,pe care le parcurgei cnd vrei! Studiai fr stres, n confortul propriului cmin, nweekenduri, dup program, vara sau iarna... cnd i unde dorii!

    nvai prin ascultare!

    Pe lng caietele de curs avei la dispoziie CD-uri nregistrate cu vorbitori nativi.Acestea v vor ajuta s dobndii o pronunie excelent! Putei asculta vorbitorii nativide limb englez n timp ce desfurai alte activiti gtii, facei sport, v plimbai,n pauza de mas, cnd suntei prini n trac... cnd dorii!

    Opional, putei studia i online!

    Avei la dispoziie aplicaia denvare onlineMultiMedia Plus i Dicionarul onlineMemoPlus! Este att de simplu, ca un joc! Studiul devine o form de relaxare!MultiMediaPlus v ajut s avei o pronunie excelent, o gramatic perfect i unvocabular de invidiatnvnd cu ajutorul calculatorului. Beneciai de numeroasetipuri de exerciii interactive, nsoite de ilustraii atractive i nregistrri audio. Studiairapid i ntr-un mod plcut!

    V vei bucura de o atenie deosebit!

    Beneciai de sprijinul unui profesor personal, un specialist cu experien, care poate contactat prin coresponden potal sau online.

    Protai acum de ansa de a intra n rndul profesionitilor care vorbesc limba englez!

    Construii-v un viitor mai bun!Mult succes!

    LECIA DEMONSTRATIV v ajut s v familiarizai cu materialele destudiu EUROCOR. Din punctul de vedere al numrului de pagini, aceasta

    reprezint aproximativ jumtate din coninutul unui caiet de curs. Vprezentm cteva seciuni teoretice, exemple, exerciii i un model de tem,selectate din diverse lecii, pentru a vedea exact cum sunt structurate caietele.

    Lectur plcut!



  • 8/2/2019 Lectie Demo Engleza Nivel Incepatori Interactiv





    Studiul ecient al cursului nostru este garantat de structura unitar a celor20 caiete.

    Informaiile noi sunt prezentate ntr-un mod atractiv, astfel nct procesul de

    nvare devine simplu i rapid!Caietele se parcurg uor, ntr-un mod relaxat, datorit semnelor grace special

    concepute pentru a marca diverse componente ale leciilor.

    Scenariile unor situaii uzuale v ajut s v perfecionai uor vocabularul.

    V autovericai imediat cu ajutorul ltrului rou. Textul scris cu rou seacoper cu ltrul din plastic, tot de culoare roie. Dup rezolvarea exerciiilor

    propuse, comparai rezultatele dvs. cu textul din caietul de curs.

    nregistrrile cu vorbitori nativi disponibile pe CD-urile ce nsoesc caietelede curs v vor facilita nvarea pronuniei corecte.


    La Eurocor, cursanii aleg unde s primeasc pachetul de curs! Dumneavoastr cealegei?

    1. Acas, la cutia potal (Cutia potal trebuie s aib dimensiunile de minimum22x30x1 cm.).

    2. La serviciu.

    3. La ociul potal de care aparinei (Adresa declarat la nscriere trebuie s ecea din buletin).


    Fiecare cursant are propriul cont pe site-ul Aici gsii informaiidespre stadiul trimiterii pachetelor de curs sau plile efectuate i nregistrate. Dincontul de cursantse pot accesa i aplicaiile TemeOnline sauPlataOnline.


    Odat cu expedierea ultimului pachet de curs, vei primi i testul de evaluarenal. Calicativele obinute pot :foarte bine, bine i insucient(n funciede punctajul realizat). Odat promovat acest test, vei obine Certicatul deabsolvire Eurocor.

    Opional, dup absolvirea acestui curs, putei participa la un scurt program depregtire fa-n fa, de cteva zile, n urma cruia putei obine Certicatulde absolvire emis mpreun cu Ministerul Muncii i Ministerul Educaiei.Tradus i apostilat, acesta este recunoscut n alte peste 60 de ri, semnatare aleConveniei de la Haga.


  • 8/2/2019 Lectie Demo Engleza Nivel Incepatori Interactiv




    Leciile 1-2

    Vocabular: formule de salut, formule depolitee aplicabile n situaii sociale diverse,membrii familiei, meseriile

    Gramatica: alfabetul i scrierea pe litere;verbul a (to be); numrul plural alsubstantivelor; numeralele; pronumele

    personale i interogative; pronumele iadjectivele posesive; have got noiunielementare

    Leciile 11-12Vocabular: hobby, puncte de interes,disciplinele sportive, teatrul, cinematograful

    Gramatica: like doing sth, hate doing sth,prefer(continuare)

    Leciile 3-4

    Vocabular: casa, apartamentul, mijloacelede transport, direcii, magazine, locul dereedin

    Gramatica: verbul have got; construciagramatical there is/are; numrul plural alsubstantivelor; articolul hotrt i nehotrt

    Leciile 13-14

    Vocabular: frumusee, nfiare, descriereaaltor persoane, mbrcmintea, descrierealocurilor i a imaginilor, cri potale adresate


    Gramatica: Present Continuous - timpulprezent continuu; adjective care descriulocurile; locul adjectivului n propoziie

    Leciile 5-6

    Vocabular: zilele sptmnii, prile zilei,orele, activitile zilnice, mesele zilei

    Gramatica: Simple Present; verbul auxiliardo; adverbele de timp i frecven

    Leciile 15-16Vocabular: numeralul ordinal, orientarean trac, numele magazinelor, can/cantca

    permisiune i interdicie, mrimi, materiale,forme i preuri

    Gramatica: modul imperativ; prepoziiile;gradele de comparaie;some i any

    Leciile 7-8

    Vocabular: locul de munc, meseriile,anunurile din pres, CV, obligaiile la locul demunc, stabilirea unei ntlniri

    Gramatica: prepoziiile in i at; adjectivele;verbul modal can; verbul have to; verbul want

    Leciile 17-18Vocabular: mncarea, butura, hranasntoas, dieta, restaurantul

    Gramatica: substantivele numrabile i

    nenumrabile; much, many; sugestii

    Leciile 9-10

    Exerciii recapitulative pentru partea I

    Vocabular: familia, oraul/satul, casa, culorile,timpul, munca, timpul liber

    Gramatica: Simple Present pentru to be,have got, make, do, can; adverbele de timp,frecven i mod

    Leciile 19-20Exerciii recapitulative pentru partea a II-a

    Vocabular: descrierea oamenilor i locurilor,activiti recreative, mncare, cltorii

    Gramatica: gradele de comparaie aleadjectivelor; Simple Present i Continuous

    comparaie; substantivele numrabile i


    Programa cursuluiEnglez nceptori

  • 8/2/2019 Lectie Demo Engleza Nivel Incepatori Interactiv




    Leciile 21-22

    Vocabular: evenimente din trecut,rememorarea copilriei i sondareamemoriei altor persoane

    Gramatica: Past Simple: to be; verbeleregulate i neregulate; exprimarea timpului;conjunciile

    Leciile 31-32Vocabular: poveti incredibile, accidente,

    povestirea i relatarea evenimentelor, legea,infraciuni etc.

    Gramatica: Past Continuous (timpul trecutcontinuu); adverbe de mod; Past Continuousi Simple Past; elementele de legtur:because, so

    Leciile 23-24

    Vocabular: prile corpului omenesc, bolile,vizita la medic

    Gramatica: verbul modalshould,shouldnt;

    verbele modale: must, need; perifrazeverbale folosite pentru a acorda sfaturi

    Leciile 33-34Vocabular: animale, geograe, mediulnconjurtor, civilizaie; calculatoare,internet, scrierea unor e-mailuri scurte

    Gramatica: Future simple (timpul viitor);exprimarea timpului

    Leciile 25-26

    Vocabular: vremea, anotimpurile, lunile,vacanele, cltoriile, rezoluii

    Gramatica: Present Continuous exprimarea viitorului; planurile din viitorul

    apropiat; want to, would like to, hope to,going to

    Leciile 35-36Vocabular: vacanele, diverse tipuri decltorii, expresii folosite la aeroport,gar, hotel; asisten rutier, mijloacele detransport

    Gramatica: Present Perfect noiuniintroductive: ever, never, been, gone

    Leciile 27-28

    Vocabular: discuii despre trecut,sentimentele, simurile, familia,

    botezul, logodna, cununia, zilele libere,nmormntarea etc.

    Gramatica: Past Simple, adjective,exprimarea datei

    Leciile 37-38Vocabular: pres, televiziune, radio; discuiidespre evenimente actuale, tiri

    Gramatica: Present Perfect just, already,yet; negaiile; rspunsurile scurte

    Leciile 29-30

    Exerciii recapitulative pentru partea a III-a

    Vocabular: vremea, planurile, vacanele,trecutul, amintirile, ocaziile, aniversarea,sentimentele

    Gramatica: Simple Present i PresentContinuous exprimarea viitorului;goingto, would like to; Past Simple

    Leciile 39-40Exerciii recapitulative pentru partea a IV-a

    Vocabular: legea, infraciunile; mediulnconjurtor, civilizaia, cltoriile, mass-media, tirile

    Gramatica: recapitularea timpurilor verbalenvate

  • 8/2/2019 Lectie Demo Engleza Nivel Incepatori Interactiv





    LESSON 36


    Bifai fiecare csu dup ce ai nvat:

    s folosii formele armative, negative i interogative ale timpului Present Perfect

    s vorbii despre experienele pe care le-ai trit, cu ajutorul timpului Present Perfect

    s folosii expresiile care se dovedesc utile n timpul cltoriilor

    s recunoatei i s nelegei tot felul de semne n limba englez care v vor uura cltoria

    s purtai discuii la: aeroport, gar (vam, cumprarea biletelor) i la hotel (rezervarea unei

    camere, cazare)


    Exercise 23

    Bifai propoziia care explic cel mai bine, dup prerea dvs., coninutul citatului de mai jos.


    No matter how widely youhave travelled, you haventseen the world if you havefailed to look into the human

    hearts that inhabit it.

    ~ Donald C. Peattie ~

    The most important is toget to know local peoplewhen you travel.

    It doesnt matter if youget to know local peoplewhen you travel.



    (selecie din Lecia 36, pagina 17)


    Fiecare leciencepe cu o

    prezentare aobiectivelor, astfelnct s tii de labun nceput ce veiasimila pn lasfritul leciei.

    Leciile debuteazcu o mic

    nclzire, carev introduce nsubiectul respectiv.

  • 8/2/2019 Lectie Demo Engleza Nivel Incepatori Interactiv






    Exercise 3

    Asculta]i din nou dialogul, urm\rind cu aten]ie transcrierea lui, inserat\ mai jos. Fi]i atent lacuvintele din text ngro[ate.

    Charlene: My friends are coming round for dinner tonight. I want to make grilled chickenwith fresh vegetables and a fruit salad.

    Nigel: Mm, it sounds delicious.....

    Charlene: I have to do some shopping. We haventgot anything in the fridge.

    Nigel: OK, so what do you need?Charlene: I need some chicken, of course.

    Nigel: How much do you need?

    Charlene: A kilo, .......and we need some fruit andvegetables.

    Nigel: Weve got some apples.....

    Charlene: But we havent got any oranges and bananas. We need something to drink, too.Have we got any red wine?

    Nigel: Yes, but its not enough. However, weve got a bottle of white wine.

    Charlene: Thatll do. The white wine is better than the red one, and lets buy some


    Nigel: But not too much, remember what the doctor says.....

    Charlene: All right, I know.

    Dup\ cum bine a]i observat, n text au fost scrise cu litere `ngro[ate substantivele din sferaalimentar\, precum [i determinan]ii care le nso]esc. n caietul anterior am discutat despre

    pronumele [i adjectivele nehot\rte some/any care ap\ruser\ n dialogurile lec]iilor [i am pomenitn treac\t despre substantivele num\rabile [i nenum\rabile.

    S\ ncepem de la exprimarea:

    some fruit ni[te fructe

    Cu toate c\ pentru traducerea n limba romn\ apel\m la categoriade plural, substantivul fruit n limba englez\ nu prime[te desinen]aspecific\ de plural -s. La fel se ntmpl\ [i cu substantivele chicken(atunci cnd nseamn\ carne de pui) [i wine.

    (selecie din Lecia 17, pagina 2)

    O seciune specialcuprinde reguligramaticale noi,precum i exerciiide consolidare aacestora.

  • 8/2/2019 Lectie Demo Engleza Nivel Incepatori Interactiv






    Exercise 25

    a. Alctuii cu ajutorul cuvintelor de mai jos ntrebri generice cu verbul la timpul Present Perfect.

    b. Ascultai nregistrarea i comparai propoziiile dvs. cu cele citite de profesor.

    Exercise 26

    a. Alctuii ntrebri (generice sau specice) cu ajutorul cuvintelorde mai jos, urmnd exemplul indicat. Folosii verbul la timpulPresent Perfect.

    1. the Saturday newspapers / arrive

    Have the Saturday newspapers arrived?

    2. what / she / give him


    3. why / all the students/ be so quiet


    4. where / your guests / go 6. you / shut / the door

    ______________________________________ ________________________________

    5. my secretary / telephone 7. what / Andy / drink

    ______________________________________ ________________________________

    b. Ascultai nregistrarea i repetai dup profesor.

    n propoziiile cu timpul Present Perfect folosim adeseori adverbul already deja.

    Este bine s reinei faptul c adverbul already ocup ntotdeauna n propoziie locul de dupverbul auxiliarhave sau has, de ex.:

    Would you like something to eat? No thanks, Ive already eaten.

    Ai vrea s mnnci ceva? Nu, mulumesc, am mncat deja.

    The flm has already started.

    Filmul a nceput deja.

    1. she / arrive / at the airport

    2. they / go

    3. Peter, Mary and Sarah / be / to Brighton

    4. Deborah / telephone / her parents

    5. you / be / to the travel agencyyou / anything / eat

    Have you eaten anything?



    (selecie din Lecia 35, pagina 19)

    Regulile istructurilegramaticale suntreliefate printr-unsemn special.

  • 8/2/2019 Lectie Demo Engleza Nivel Incepatori Interactiv






    n limba englez\, cuvintele scurte, monosilabice, precum articolele (a, the), prepozi]iile (to, ofetc.) sau conjunc]iile (and, or etc.) sunt neaccentuate.

    Exercise 11

    Asculta]i profesorul, care cite[te o list\ de cump\r\turi, apoi ncerca]i s\ citi]i [i dvs. cu voce tarempreun\ cu el, men]innd acela[i ritm.

    Fi]i atent cum se pronun]\ cuvntul and n combina]ie cu numele unor produse alimentare. Elsun\ aproape ca [i cum am pronun]a doar consoana /n/. Pronun]\m ntreaga expresie f\r\ s\facem pauz\, dintr-o r\suflare, de parc\ am pronun]a un singur cuvnt.

    Exercise 12

    Asculta]i profesorul [i pronun]a]i dup\ el.

    Exercise 13

    Asculta]i nregistrarea [i completa]i spa]iile goale din expresiile de mai jos. Apoi repeta]i-le dup\profesor, men]innd acela[i ritm (accentua]i cuvintele mai lungi).

    1. ______ drink ______ water

    2. ______ lunch ______ three

    3. ______ eggs ______ chips

    4. ______ bottle ______ wine



    5. ______ drink ______ eat

    6. ______ box ______ chocolates

    7. ______ time ______ lunch

    8. ______ bag ______ apples


    salt and pepper/slt n pep/

    fish and chips/f n tps/

    bread and butter/bred n bt/

    milkand sugar/mlk n g/

    A of

    (selecie din Lecia 17, pagina 7)

    O alt subseciuneasigur deprindereaunei bune pronuniin limba englez.

    Un semn

    aparte indicnregistrrileaudio. Numrulv ajut s gsiirespectivulfragment pesuportul audio.

  • 8/2/2019 Lectie Demo Engleza Nivel Incepatori Interactiv





    Exercise 8

    Was it a sad or funny story? Why?Something really amusing happened to me yesterday. Myfriend asked me to pick him up from his work, so I stoppedthe car in front of the building and waited for him. Suddenlythe car door opened and a young, attractive lady got intomy car. She didnt look at me and she just said drive mehome, please. I was really surprised and I asked where isyour home?. Then she looked at me and she blushed. Shewas so embarrassed because she got into the wrong car. Sheapologized and she got out. It came out that her friend had thesame car that I had.

    Exercise 28

    The Nightmare HolidayLast summer we went on a holiday to Greece. Our childrenwere really excited. But they were bored already on the plane.They couldnt wait to get off and start our adventure. When

    we arrived we saw a very nice hotel. Everybody smiled. Ourhappiness did not last for long, though. There were some very

    TAPESCRIPTS 27annoying English tourists at the hotel. They happened to beour next-door neighbours. They were extremely noisy so wecouldnt hear each other talking. But I thought: we didntcome to Greece to sit in a hotel room all day. So we decidedto rent a car and travel around the island. We wanted to dosome sightseeing, so I parked the car, and we got out. Wewere walking around astonished by the wonderful things wesaw. However when we got back there was a police officerwho gave us a parking ticket. We were really depressed so wedrove back to the hotel. When we got into our room my wifesaw her favourite dress was missing. She started crying. Wewere exhausted, and very disappointed. I wanted to cheermy family up and so I took them to town. Our children werehorrible: they wanted ice creams all the time and all thoseexpensive souvenirs, so we spent a lot of money. It didntmake us feel better. And the worst was when we finallycame back home. We found out that we couldnt developour photos. What a nightmare!



    Exercise 39

    extremely happy rather uglyabsolutely fabulous totally brilliantcompletely exhausted bit shyreally gorgeous quite prettyvery lucky

    Exercise 44

    HOLLYWOOD QUIZP presenter, A Ann, D DavidP: Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to our new game show

    Hollywood quiz. If you are interested in cinema andgossips from the cinematic world you have a chance to wina trip for two, to one of the Hollywood film studios. You

    just have to answer a few questions. Today our contestantsare Ann and David. Please welcome them to our studio.Ill ask you the questions and if you know the answers

    press this button. If you are quick you have the right toanswer it first. If your answer is wrong, your opponent getsa chance. So are you ready? Good luck to you both.The first question is Gerri Halliways newborn daughtersname is:a) Daisy b) Rose c) Bluebell

    Ann?A: Answer C.P: Thats right. The next question How many children did

    Angelina Jollie adopt?a) one b) two c) three

    Its Ann again:A: Answer B.P: Thats the right answer! And the following question is

    Who won the Oscar for the best actor in 2006?a) Philip b) Heath Ledger or c) George

    Seymour Clooney?Hoffman

    David, its your chance.D: Answer A.P: Thats right! Who played the part of Captain Solo in Star

    Wars?a) Kevin b) Harrison Ford or c) Richard

    Costner Gere?

    TAPESCRIPTS 28David, its you turn again.D: Answer B.P: That wasnt too difficult, was it? And who can tell me

    how many husbands did Nicole Kidman have?a) three b) five c) two

    Ann?A: Answer C.P: Good. And the final question is Who recorded the

    soundtrack to the superproduction Titanic?a) Celine b) Britney c) Jennifer

    Dion Spears Lopez

    David?D: Answer B.P: Im sorry but its the wrong answer. Ann, what do you

    think?A: Answer A.P: Great. Youve got 4 answers right. Thats more than

    David. Congratulations! Ann, youve won the mainprize and you are going to Hollywood! Are youhappy?

    B: Im absolutely thrilled! I didnt expect to win thiscompetition. David was so good.

    A: But obviously youve read more tabloid press than hedid, didnt you? Ann, are you going to take someonewith you?

    B: Im going to take my sister.A: I guess, she will be completely astonished. Well, have

    a good time and good luck. Maybe we will see you ina film soon!

    Exercise 51 b.

    1. What did the pagans celebrate?2. What are the two very important holidays in Europe

    and America?3. What do Canadians and Americans eat on Thanksgiving

    Day?4. What do Americans do on the Fourth of July?5. Who did Guy Fawkes want to kill in 1605?6. How do British celebrate Guy Fawkes Night?




    (selecie din Lecia 28, pagina 37)

    Suplimentar, lasfritul caietelor decurs sunt prezentatei textele ce aparpe CD-urilecorespunztoarei care nu au fostincluse n cuprinsul

    materialului destudiu tiprit.

  • 8/2/2019 Lectie Demo Engleza Nivel Incepatori Interactiv






    Word bank

    Exercise 11

    Privi]i cu aten]ie imaginile urm\toare [i citi]i informa]iile care le nso]esc. Marca]i cu imaginilece prezint\ activit\]i care v\ plac. Acoperi]i apoi exerci]iul cu filtrul ro[u [i spune]i singur n

    englez\ ce activit\]i reprezint\ imaginile.







    /kla m/

    c\]\rare pe munte,











    scuba diving

    /skub dav/












    /ski /






    /snb d/


    (selecie din Lecia 11, pagina 8)

    Seciunea dedicatcomunicrii

    cuprinde cuvintenoi i exerciii deascultare, citire,vorbire i scriere.

  • 8/2/2019 Lectie Demo Engleza Nivel Incepatori Interactiv





    1. He wants to work for a travel agency. A \F

    2. He hasnt got any experience. A\F3. He can speak three languages. A\F

    4. He is a disorganized person. A\F

    5. He cant ride a horse. A\F

    Exercise 40

    a. Citi]i cu aten]ie anun]ul [i CV-ul persoanei care dore[te s\ r\spund\ la el.

    b. {i acum scrie]i n numele lui Adam un r\spuns la acest anun].

    Dear Sir/Madam,







    Yours faithfully

    Adam Niculescu

    Curriculum vitae

    Adam Niculescu

    Address str. Lalelelor 61

    60-472 Suceava

    Telephone (0040) 231 230

    Email [email protected]

    Age 28

    Profile Well-organized and hard-working.

    Independent and communicative.

    Computer literate.

    Fluent in German.

    Work experience Three years as a Marketing

    Manager in Newsweek Romania.

    Education Degree in Marketing at Bucharest

    Academy of Economics Studies.

    Interests Classical music can play the violin.

    I want to apply for the post of a

    (selecie din Lecia 8, pagina 27)

    Exerciiile reectsituaii concrete dinviaa de zi cu zi.

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    n aceast\ parte a lec]iei [i dvs. ave]i [ansa s\ deveni]i buc\tar. Ve]i afla despre mnc\rurilespecifice buc\t\riei engleze, pe care le pute]i ncerca [i n buc\t\ria dvs. Ve]i afla re]eta celebreiYORKSHIRE PUDDING [i, dac\ v\ iese bine, i ve]i fermeca pe cei dragi nu numai cu solideledvs. cuno[tin]e de limb\ englez\.

    S\ ncepem!

    Exercise 53

    Asculta]i-l pe Richard povestind despre buc\t\ria englez\. Apoi bifa]i care dintre propozi]iile demai jos sunt adev\rate [i care sunt false.

    1. British food is delicious. T/F

    2. Pasta is traditional English food. T/F

    3. On Sundays they usually eat Roast Dinner. T/F

    4. You can eat Yorkshire Pudding and Black Pudding as a main course. T/F

    S\ vedem acum re]eta pentru Yorkshire Pudding.

    Este vorba despre un aluat de cl\tite mai gros, turnat ntr-o tigaie unde s-a adunat gr\simearezultat\ n urma pr\jirii c\rnii. Se serve[te fierbinte, cu sos de ciuperci, pentru a potoli foameanaintea felului de mncare principal. Untura de vit\ n care se pr\je[te poate fi nlocuit\ cusucces de ulei, iar n aluat se poate ad\uga piper proasp\t m\cinat, alte condimente, parmezansau brnz\ mucegai.

    Exercise 54

    Acum acoperi]i re]eta cu filtrul ro[u [i ncerca]i s\ completa]i singur textul cu lexicul care lipse[te.

    How to make it

    Put the flour and salt into a basin. Make a well in the centreand break the eggs into it; add a little of the milk and mix itin the well. When half the milk is in, beat well for 10 minutes,then add the rest of the milk, still beating. The batter shouldstand for at least 1 hour before it is used. Add about atablespoonful of cold water at the last minute for a reallylight pudding. Get a little fat really hot before pouring in thebatter, then bake in amoderate oven for 30

    minutes, raising the heatjust enough to brown it atthe end.


    (selecie din Lecia 18, pagina 30)

    n rezolvarea unoradintre exerciii, veifolosi ltrul rou,ideal pentru studiulindividual.

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    Dac\ nu n]elege]i sensul anumitor cuvinte pe care le-a]i ntlnit n text, `l pute]i c\uta n MINIMINIMINIMINIMINI



    (to) make a decision /mek dsn/ a lua o hot\rre

    (to) spend /spend/ a petrece (timpul liber);

    a cheltui (bani)

    civilization /svelazen/ civiliza]ie

    (to) arrive /rav/ a ajunge, a sosi

    (to) find /fand/ a g\si

    (to) hunt /hnt/ a vna; vn\toare

    (to) get to know /get t ne/ a ajunge s\ cunoasc\ (mai bine)

    mobile phone /mobal fn/ telefon mobil

    dangerous /deindrs/ periculos

    (to) say /se/ a spune, a zice

    b. Bifa]i sfr[itul de propozi]ie corect.

    1. Manuel is ___________________.

    a traveleller

    a manager

    a reporter

    Nu uita]i: nu trebuie s\ n]elege]i chiar toate cuvintele, pentru a

    putea rezolva exerci]ii le din lec]ie. Str\dui]i-v\ totu[i s\ intui]isemnifica]ia lexicului necunoscut din context . Ve]i re]ine multmai u[or un cuvnt dac\ l rosti]i cu voce tare [i l asocia]i cu oimagine concret\, de exemplu: spune]i jungle [i v\ imagina]io uria[\ p\dure tropical\. n felul acesta prelungi]i n memoriereprezentarea vizual\ [i grafic\ a cuvintelor.


    2. He goes on holiday _____________.

    and lives with the natives

    and stays at hotels

    and relaxes

    4. Another jungle is ______________.

    his home

    his city

    his work

    3. In the jungle he_______________.

    takes photos of the natives

    hunts with the natives

    takes a mobile phone

    a manager

    (selecie din Lecia 11, pagina 12)

    Elementele noi devocabular suntevideniate printr-o

    grac special.

    Gsii diversesugestii pentru onvare ecient.

  • 8/2/2019 Lectie Demo Engleza Nivel Incepatori Interactiv





    The world of English

    Pentru a face o pauz\ de la lumea calculatoarelor n care v-am introdus n aceast\ lec]ie, v\ purt\mntr-o c\l\torie n frumoasa Irland\!

    Bro[urile turistice care facreclam\ acestei ]\ri vorbescdespre peisaje care ]i taierespira]ia, despre stncicol]uroase care coboar\

    abrupt n mare [i, nu n ultimul rnd, despre plaje de nisippustii. Dublin capitala Republicii Irlanda nu seam\n\ cu

    alte metropole occidentale zgomotoase. Poate [i datorit\faptului c\ num\rul locuitorilor ora[ului dep\[e[te cupu]in o jum\tate de milion. De obicei, colindarea ora[uluiDublin se ncheie cu o vizit\ la celebra fabric\ de bereGUINNESS, care dateaz\ nc\ din anul 1759. La fa]a loculuiputem degusta delicioasa bere [i vedea n ce mod sefabric\ aceast\ popular\ b\utur\. Merit\ s\ vizit\m [i alteora[e, precum: Cork, minunatele Kilkenny sau Limerick.Vizitnd Irlanda, nu putem ocoli minunata peninsul\Dingle cea mai vestic\ parte a ]\rii. La intrarea n portulDingle ne ntlnim cu delfinul Fungie care s-a stabilit aicidefinitiv, devenind atrac]ia turistic\ a ora[ului. n parteade vest a ]\rii, ne suscit\ interesul Stncile Moher, careating n\l]imea de 200 m. La poalele litoralului Clare sentind insulele Aran, adic\ pe scurt Irlanda tradi]ional\. Oalt\ atrac]ie turistic\ o reprezint\ ruinele fortului preistoricDun Aengus. n comitatul Conemar putem vedea turb\riicafenii, lacuri, ziduri de piatr\ caracteristice sau poneis\lbatici care pasc liber. Cu ct naint\m mai spre miaz\-noapte, cu att peisajul devine mai s\lbatic [i mai auster.

    {tia]i c\ simbolul Irlandei trifoiul verde cu trei foi a devenit att de important

    datorit\ Sf. Patrick care nu a [tiut cum s\ le explice irlandezilor ce este Sfnta

    Treime? n cele din urm\ i-a venit ideea de a le ar\ta trifoiul cu trei foi, pe care l-a

    comparat cu un singur Dumnezeu n trei ntrup\ri diferite. Sf. Patrick este patronul

    Irlandei, iar s\rb\toarea lui este pe 17 martie. Aceasta este zi liber\. De obicei,

    n aceast\ zi irlandezii se mbrac\ n verde [i se ntlnesc n baruri pentru a bea

    berea de culoare verde. :)

    Exercise 45

    a. nainte de a citi textul de pe pagina urm\toare, spune]i n cteva propozi]ii ce p\rere ave]i despreIrlanda [i locuitorii s\i.


    (selecie din Lecia 34, pagina 31)

    O seciunedistinct prezintsecvene din viaai cultura rilorn care englezaeste limb ocial.

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    Cnd rezolva]i exerci]iul urm\tor, trebuie s\ ]ine]i cont de faptul c\ verbul must se folose[te cu referirela ceva ce este imperios necesar, n timp ce verbul modal should sugereaz\ mai degrab\ cum ar fi

    indicat s\ proced\m ntr-o anumit\ situa]ie sau ce ar fi bine s\ facem.

    Exercise 6

    Completa]i propozi]iile urm\toare cu should sau must, dup\ caz.

    1. You look tired. I think you __________ go on holiday.

    2. You __________ speak English if you want this job.

    3. I __________ get up early on Friday. Ive got a plane at 7.30am.

    4. You __________ do more exercise. You are too fat.

    5. You __________ eat it to be healthy.

    6. I __________ write to Jim one of these days.

    7. Where are we going? You __________ decide now.

    Verbele modale nu nseamn\ acela[i lucru ca verbele auxiliare (do, have, be). Fiecare verbmodal are o cu totul alt\ semnifica]ie, foarte bine definit\.

    A[a cum am precizat, verbele should [i must fac parte din categoria verbelor modale, la fel ca [iverbul can, pe care deja l [ti]i din lec]iile anterioare.

    S\ ne aducem aminte:

    Verbele modale se deosebesc de verbele normale prin faptul c\: sunt urmate de un alt verb la infinitivul scurt, f\r\ prepozi]ia to.

    Compara]i propozi]iile:

    You should go to bed. I want to stay in bed.

    nu primesc desinen]a -s la persoana a 3-a singular, timpul prezent simplu.

    Compara]i propozi]iile:

    She can swim. She likes swimming.

    verbele modale formeaz\ interogativul [i negativul f\r\ ajutorul verbului auxiliardo.

    Compara]i propozi]iile:

    Can you swim? Do you like swimming?

    Should I stay? Do you want to stay?

    verbele modale nu sunt nso]ite de prepozi]ia to la forma de infinitiv, nu au form\ departicipiu prezent n -ing [i nici form\ de trecut simplu n -ed.

    Exercise 7

    Ad\uga]i desinen]a -s acolo unde este cazul.


    I want ___ to go home.

    She like ___ swimming.

    He can ___ dance very well.

    They must ___ get up early.










    Can you play the piano?

    Margaret work ___ in London.

    You must ___ meet Carmen.

    Susan should ___ phone her mother.

    (selecie din Lecia 23, pagina 4)

    Un semn aparteevideniazalte aspecteimportante cetrebuie reinute.

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    1. Exprimarea evenimentelor recente cu ajutorul timpului Present Perfect

    Timpul Present Perfect se folose[te [i atunci cnd vorbim despre evenimente de ultim\ or\, de ex.:

    Peter has bought a new car. Peter [i-a cump\rat o ma[in\ nou\.

    (adic\: Peter are o ma[in\ nou\.)

    The plane has crashed at the airport. Avionul s-a pr\bu[it la aeroport.

    (adic\: a avut loc o catastrof\)

    Mary has eloped to Spain with Mary a fugit n Spania

    a stranger. cu un str\in. (adic\: ea nu mai e aici)

    The Prime Minister has arrived Primul ministru a ajuns la

    at Bucharest airport. aeroportul Bucure[ti.

    (adic\: se afl\ deja la aeroport)

    2. Folosirea timpului Past Simple pentru aflarea detaliilor evenimentelor

    Atunci cnd aducem la cuno[tin]\ cuiva [tirile de ultim\ or\ folosim timpul Present Perfect,

    n schimb, atunci cnd inten]ion\m s\ ne mbog\]im discursul cu mai multe detalii, folosim de

    regul\ timpul Past Simple, de ex.:

    Ive had a terrible day at work. Am avut o zi ngrozitoare la serviciu.

    I spilled coffee on our best customer. Am v\rsat cafea pe clientul nostru cel mai bun.

    He got very angry with me and left S-a enervat foarte tare pe mine

    the office. [i a ie[it din birou.

    De fiecare dat\ cnd cerem detalii, folosim timpul Past Simple. Cu alte cuvinte, dup\ o informa]ie

    care ne-a fost transmis\ la timpul Present Perfect, dorind s\ afl\m mai multe am\nunte despre

    cnd sau unde s-a petrecut evenimentul despre care se vorbe[te, punem ntreb\ri cu verbul la

    timpul Past Simple (folosit ntotdeauna dup\ when), de ex.:

    A: Peter has moved to London. A:Peter s-a mutat la Londra.

    B: When did he go? B: Cnd a plecat?

    Nu uita]i c\ ntotdeauna cnd indic\m cu exactitate momentul ac]iunii folosim timpul Past

    Simple, [i nu Present Perfect. Compara]i propozi]iile:

    The plane crashed yesterday. Avionul s-a pr\bu[it ieri. (Eviden]iem

    momentul producerii catastrofei)

    The plane has crashed. Avionul s-a pr\bu[it. (eviden]iem efectul:

    Avionul s-a pr\bu[it cu siguran]\ exist\


    (selecie din Lecia 38, pagina 31)

    O seciune distinctsintetizeaz toateinformaiilegramaticale dintr-olecie.

  • 8/2/2019 Lectie Demo Engleza Nivel Incepatori Interactiv





    Exercise 24Karen: Therell be the IT test next Thursday. Oh, I hate

    computers. Im sure Ill fail it.

    Daniel: Stay cool! Youll be fine! Ill help you tomorrow if

    you want to.

    Karen: I wont manage to learn all of it!

    Daniel: Believe me, you will. Its not that bad.

    Karen: Im going to stay at home on Thursday.

    Daniel: It wont do any good. The teacher will give you the

    test when you come back anyway.

    Im telling you we will practice all the tasks

    tomorrow and you will pass the test easily.

    Karen: Ok, Ill try then. Thanks

    Exercise 25

    1. I dont think she will come.2. You will need a visa if you are going to the USA.

    3. I hope she will rememberto buy chocolates.

    4. What will your fathersay when he hears this?

    5. He wont say much as usual.

    6. I wont find it!

    7. Do you think Helen will recognize me?

    Exercise 26

    2. Its Sams birthday. What are we going to buy him?

    3. Alice isnt going to change her job.

    4. She is going to post the letter.

    5. Watch out! You are going to drop it.

    6. Lucy isnt going to study maths.

    7. We are going to have a holiday next week.

    8. What are you going to wear this evening?

    Exercise 27

    2. Im going to see

    3. Will you turn

    4. Ill write

    5. Its going to

    Exercise 28

    1. am going to go out

    2. Ill turn on

    Exercise 30 a.

    Stop the clock. The coffee is in the pot.

    Exercise 30 b.

    I saw the plane fall. I thought about the law.

    Exercise 32surf the net

    to look through the information on the Internet without

    looking for anything specific


    a system for sending messages to people by computer


    a page or a collection of pages on the Internet where you can

    find information on a specific subject


    log onto start the computer and go into the system


    Information technology, the communication of information

    using computers


    place on the World Wide Web where you get information

    from specific computers


    connected to the Internet

    Exercise 33 b.


    downloading the music


    keeps in touch with her friends

    from the USA: talks in chat

    rooms, writes emails, uses the net

    to talk and see her friends at the

    same time


    is learning Spanish on a distant

    Internet course


    chats and does shopping (browses

    through on-line catalogues,

    compares prices)

    Exercise 34 b.

    Exemplu de r\spuns:

    1. Yes, I will. Id like to be a manager.




    marketing specialist

    computer programmer

    web master

    database administrator

    Exercise 35 a.

    Tom b) Lisa c) Freddy a)

    Exercise 35 b.

    1. Tom computer programmer

    2. Lisa e-commerce manager

    3. Freddy database administrator

    6. Ill clean it.

    7. Ill ask her.

    8. Ill telephone

    3. Ill help

    4. will control

    (selecie din Lecia 34, pagina 39)

    V autoevaluairapid cu ajutorulrspunsurilor laexerciii.

  • 8/2/2019 Lectie Demo Engleza Nivel Incepatori Interactiv





    DICTIONARY 29-30

    36 ambition /mbn/ ambiie

    (to) arrange /rend/ a aranja, a planica

    arrangement /rendmnt/ aranjament, plan

    bad teeth /bd ti/ dini stricai, dini cariai

    (to) bite off /bat f/ a muca din

    blew /blu/ (forma de trecut de la: blow) a btut, a suat

    (despre vnt)

    (to) blow /bl/ a bate, a sua (despre vnt)

    (to) break down /breik dan/ a se strica (despre aparatur)

    breeze /briz/ briz

    bronchitis /brkats/ bronit

    byway /bawe/ strad secundar, periferic, drum lateral

    cancer /kns/ cancer; zodia racului

    car mechanic /k mknk/ mecanic auto

    case /kes/ caz, situaie

    chain /ten/ lan, serie

    chaotic /ketk/ haotic, -, dezorganizat, -

    charity ball /trti bl/ bal de caritate

    charity work /trti wk/ aciune de caritate

    charted course /ttd ks/ curs ales

    (to) chew /tu/ a mesteca, a rumega

    chicken pox /tkn pks/ vrsat de vnt

    chilly /tli/ rece, rcoros, -oas

    choir /kwa/ cor

    (to) damage /dmd/ distrugere, pagub, stricciuni; a avaria

    danger /dend/ pericol

    (to) dedicate /dedket/ a dedica

    departure /dpt/ plecare

    diagnosis /dagnss/ diagnostic

    discreetly /dskritli/ n mod discret

    (to) distribute /dstrbjut/ a distribui, a mpri

    dramatically /drmtikli/ n mod dramatic, drastic, -, radical, -

    (to) eat up /it p/ a mnca tot, a devora

    (selecie din Lecia 30, pagina 38)

    Dicionarul de lanalul caietuluicuprinde toatecuvintele noidin cele 2 lecii,traducerea itranscrierea lorfonetic.

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    Completa]i spa]iile goale din dialogul de mai jos cu formele corespunz\toare ale construc]iei begoing to sau cu will.

    Jack: Mum, Ive got a headache.

    Mum: Have you? I ________ get you an aspirin.


    Abby: You arent ill!

    Jack: I know, but I ____________ go to school today.

    Abby: I ___________ go to the cinema later. Do you want to come?

    Jack: No, I cant. Mum ___________ stay with me at home all day.Mum: Jack, I __________________ go to the chemist. Do you want

    anything else?

    Jack: Some sweets, please.

    Mum: All right. I ___________ get you some.


    Asculta]i nregistrarea [i bifa]i animalele ale c\ror nume le auzi]i.


    (selecie din Lecia 34, pagina 34)

    Temele v ajuts v xaicunotinele.

  • 8/2/2019 Lectie Demo Engleza Nivel Incepatori Interactiv






    Numele [i prenumele


    Observa]iile profesorului:


    Cod po[tal Localitatea


    ATEN}IE !

    Adresa:C.P.: 61-15Cod 041293 - sect. 4Bucure[ti


    Nr.Lec]iei:33[ i34

    Nr. cursantului

    Completa]i spa]iile goale din dialogul de mai jos cu formele corespunz\toare aleconstruc]iei sau cu .

    Asculta]inregistrarea [ibifa]i animaleleale c\rornume leauzi]i.

    be g oing t o will









    Mum, I've got a headache.

    Have you? I ________ get you an aspirin.


    You aren't ill!

    I know, but I ____________ go to school today.I ___________ go to the cinema later. Do you want to come?

    No, I can't. Mum ___________ stay with me at home all day.

    Jack, I __________________ go to the chemist. Do you want

    anything else?

    Some sweets please.

    All right. I ___________ get you some.


    Listening 62

    Temele se potrezolva peformularelespeciale inserate ncaiet (dac se trimitspre corectare prinpot) sau online, ncontul de cursant depe site-ul profesorpersonal vndrum pe toatdurata studiului.

    nvarea unei limbi strine este o poart spre o noua etap din viaa dumneavoastr!Totul va diferit din clipa n care vei vorbi o limb de circulaie internaional!

    ncepei chiar astzi cursul Eurocor deENGLEZ NCEPTORI!nvai s atragei succesul n existena dumneavoastr!

    Succes la studiu!

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