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Quiz 4 – Nov. 20 Conceptual question from Chapter 7 Griffith observed that the stress to fracture was directly proportional to specimen size. True or False FALL 2014: EMCH 315 1 HINT Oct. 28 Lecture 18-19, see slides 8, 10 _______________ is an engineering approximation that a solid fails in elastic region.


Dec 19, 2015



Erika Ann
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Quiz 4 – Nov. 20 Conceptual question from Chapter 7

•  Griffith observed that the stress to fracture was directly proportional to specimen size. True or False

FALL 2014: EMCH 315 1

HINT Oct. 28 Lecture 18-19, see slides 8, 10

•  _______________ is an engineering approximation that a solid fails in elastic region.

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Quiz 4 – Nov. 20: Conceptual question from Chapter 7 •  The minimum condition for instability is

•  ____ represents the reversible, adiabatic energy necessary to create a new surface

•  In Griffith’s energy balance, the term that opposes crack growth is

FALL 2014: EMCH 315 2

HINT: Oct. 28 Lecture 18-19, see slide 13

•  In Griffith’s energy balance, the term that relates to an increase in elastic strain energy is σ 2


True or False

γ dA True or False

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Quiz 4 – Nov. 20: Conceptual question from Chapter 7 •  From Griffith’s analysis, based on the energy balance, the

critical stress (or flaw size) for design against fracture is expressed as

•  The theoretical cohesive strength (TCS) can be estimated from Griffith’s energy balance; knowing ____ and _____ and assuming a ________________________ (approximated by defect where a = 2-3 atomic spacing).

FALL 2014: EMCH 315 3

HINT: Oct. 28 Lecture 18-19, see slide 15

•  A typical range of TCS can be expressed in terms of the modulus of elasticity as __________

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Quiz 4 – Nov. 20: Conceptual question from Chapter 7 •  An alternative approach, to Griffith’s energy balance, for

failure analysis in the presence of defects, is referred as ____________ mechanics, which considers ___________ _______________ extension

Write the names of the modes described below: crack displaces perpendicular to the crack plane ___________ crack displaces perpendicular to the leading edge __________ crack displaces parallel to the leading edge _______________

FALL 2014: EMCH 315 4

HINT: Oct. 28 Lecture 18-19, see slide 20

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Quiz 4 – Nov. 20: Conceptual question from Chapter 7 •  The term _______ is defined as the

Mode I ____________________

•  Cracks tend to seek out planes _____________ to the directions of the maximum principal ______________ stress.

•  The general equation for the SIF is __________ where y is a correction factor.

FALL 2014: EMCH 315 5

HINT: Oct. 28 Lecture 18-19, see slides 24, 25

stress intensity factor

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•  The material property that represents the critical SIF for which the crack is unstable is referred to as the _________________.

•  Using the material property _______, a fracture-free criteria can be defined as ____________ and fracture will occur when

Quiz 4 – Nov. 20: Conceptual question from Chapter 7

FALL 2014: EMCH 315 6

HINT: Oct. 28 Lecture 18-19, see slides 24, 25

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•  A thin plate is defined by _________________ and this represents a plane _______________ condition.

•  A thick plate is defined by _________________ and this represents a plane _______________ condition.

Quiz 4 – Nov. 20: Conceptual question from Chapter 7 •  High-strength alloys exhibit ___________________ behavior: the

stress-strain response exhibits an elastic-plastic transition when un-notched, but failure during elastic deformation when cracks exist.

•  A _____________forms ahead of cracks in order to relieve otherwise infinite stresses.

•  The size of the plastic zone is defined by the ___________________

FALL 2014: EMCH 315 7

HINT: Oct. 30 Lecture 18-19, see slides 33

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•  The plane strain condition for the ratio of specimen thickness to the plane stress plastic zone radius is rpc/t > 1/5.

•  To ascertain plane stress/strain deformation, compare the _______________ plastic zone radius, rpc to the ________________________ .

•  For plane stress deformation, rpc/t > 1.0 .

Quiz 4 – Nov. 20: Conceptual question from Chapter 7

FALL 2014: EMCH 315 8

HINT: Oct. 30 Lecture 18-19, see slides 42

Fill in the box below the plastic zone sketch with “plane strain” or “plane stress.”

True or False

True or False

True  when  rpc/t  <  1/5  

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Quiz 4 – Nov. 20: Conceptual question from Chapter 7

•  Fractography will illustrate failure between grains,

referred to as _________________________ fracture, or

through the grains, referred to

as_______________________ fracture.

FALL 2014: EMCH 315 9

HINT: Oct. 30 Lecture 18-19, see slides 44

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FALL 2014: EMCH 315 10

Quiz  4  –  Nov.  20:  Conceptual  quesAon  from  Chapter  7    

Fill in only two of the boxes below the sketch with “plane strain” or “plane stress.”

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FALL 2014: EMCH 315 11

Quiz  4  –  Nov.  20:  Conceptual  quesAon  from  Chapter  8    

For the case of completely reversed stress amplitude what is the value of R: R = ______. When σmin is equal to zero, R = ______. If σmax = 0, R = ______

S  (MPa)


Define S. Define N.

magnitude of the reversed stress amplitude, endurance limit

number of cycles to failure, endurance

Which of the materials has the higher UTS. _________________

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FALL 2014: EMCH 315 12

Quiz  4  –  Nov.  20:  Conceptual  quesAon  from  Chapter  8    

For the variable amplitude stress histories, we introduce the concept of cumulative damage. Write the equation for di, the damage associated with the “ith” stress amplitude. ________

For Miner’s rule ,loads are applied in any arbitrary

sequence. True or False When determining the number of cycles to failure corresponding to the “ith” stress amplitude in a variable amplitude stress history, we consider that the stress is applied in a ___________ _____________ sense.

dii=1,2,3∑ = ni

Nii=1,2,3∑ = 1

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FALL 2014: EMCH 315 13

Quiz  4  –  Nov.  20:  Conceptual  quesAon  from  Chapter  8     When σ m ≠ 0, the Goodman correlation is used to obtain the equivalent completely reversed alternating stress σao: what other three parameters must be known in order to calculate σao? _________ ___________ _____________ What is the value of the fatigue stress concentration factor,

when notched and unotched members exhibit

the same endurance? Kf = _______ The other extreme value of

Kf is Kf = ________________. To determine intermediate values of Kf, we define q as

________________________ and the equation is


K f =σ e(unnotched)σ e(notched)

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FALL 2014: EMCH 315 14

Quiz  4  –  Nov.  20:  Conceptual  quesAon  from  Chapter  8    

Describe the physical phenomena in the three stages illustrated in the figure below.








I  =    


II  =    


III  =

da/dN is referred to as ________________________________ ΔKI is referred to as the _______________________________ What is the name of the mathematical model that governs Stage II. ______________

fatigue crack initiation: initial micro-cracks propagated along planes of maximum cyclic shear stress

fatigue crack propagation: crack seeks out and propagates along planes with maximum tensile stress amplitude

fast fracture: crack has reached critical size for local stress state

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Maxwell model of viscoelastic response: stress relaxation.

FALL 2014: EMCH 315 15

εo absorbed by the spring

stress decays (relaxes)


with time, motion occurs in the dashpot strain in the spring decreases

instantaneous strain εo applied suddenly results in σo




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Maxwell model of viscoelastic response: stress relaxation.

FALL 2014: EMCH 315 16

elastic strain εe is being ______________ by creep strain εc

total strain ε′ is held constant with time

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Formulation of the constitutive equation governing stress relaxation of a Maxwell material.

•  The  applied  strain  is  held  constant  and  thus  εo  =  ε  and    

FALL 2014: EMCH 315 17

Separate stress and time variables and assume the solution σ (t) = AeBt

Solve for the constants

A: B:

At t = 0 the stress = σo



= 0

⇒ dεdt

= 1Edσdt

+ 1ησ =

∴ σo = Ae B(o) = A; A =

σ =σ oeBt and dσ

dt=σ oBe


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The equation governing stress relaxation of a Maxwell material is:

FALL 2014: EMCH 315 18


We  can  define  a  Ame  constant,  τ,  (aka  characterisAc  relaxaAon  Ame).  

σ = σoe

τ ≣ = _____________________ η E

when t = τ, _________

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Ames  on  the  order  of  τ  →  _____________  viscoelasAc  response:  _____________________    Ames  orders  of  magnitude  _________  than  τ    →  _______  ________________  and  only  ________  deformaAons    

FALL 2014: EMCH 315 19

Interpreting characteristic times…

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Taking  the  natural  logarithm  of  both  sides…    

                   ____________  line  on  log  of  stress  vs  Ame  plot  implies  __________  decay  and  material  is  therefore  Maxwellian.      For  a  Maxwell  solid,  the  ________  is  -­‐(1/τ)  or  –  E/η.  

FALL 2014: EMCH 315 20

ln σ = ln σo t τ –

Based  on  the  characterisAc  relaxaAon  Ame  constant,  we  can  determine  whether  a  material  is  Maxwellian.  

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FALL 2014: EMCH 315 21

In-class problem A fiberglass fastener is installed where it must sustain a minimum tensile stress of 2000 psi. The composite has an elastic modulus of 6 x 106 psi, a tensile strength of 24,000 psi and a viscosity of 900 x 109 psi-min. The material behaves as a Maxwell solid. When initially assembled, the fastener is instantaneously strained to 800 x 10-6 and this strain is constant during its subsequent life. What is its maximum service time, t (in minutes) before its stress falls below the minimum acceptable tensile strength.

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FALL 2014: EMCH 315 22

Re-thinking/organizing the problem statement A fiberglass composite fastener is installed which must sustain a minimum tensile stress of 2000 psi. The composite has the following elastic properties:

Maxwell solid governing equation –

When initially assembled, the fastener is instantaneously strained to 800 x 10-6 and this strain is constant during its subsequent life. ε


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FALL 2014: EMCH 315 23

What is its maximum service time, t (in minutes) before its stress falls below the minimum acceptable tensile strength.




Determine instantaneous stress corresponding to εo = 800 µε

Determine service time, t (in minutes) to sustain 2000 psi for a Maxwellian material.

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E  MCH  315    Mechanical  Response  of  Engineering  Materials  

Lecture  25  ViscoelasAcity  II

Chap.  9  

FALL 2014: EMCH 315 Lectures  25  

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_________ Deformation: _______________of strain when the load/stress magnitude is held ______________.

FALL 2014: EMCH 315 25









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•  Recall the governing equation:

•  The applied stress is held constant and thus _________ and •  Hence the creep response model for a Maxwellian material is

FormulaAon  of  the  consAtuAve  equaAon  governing  creep  of  a  Maxwell  material.  

FALL 2014: EMCH 315 26

σ Maxwell model

⇒ dεdt

= 1Edσdt

+ 1ησ


σε 1dtd


dtd +=

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Increments  of  strain  accumulate  linearly  with  Ame:    

•  Solve for strain at a given time t - ε(t) - by integration, with εo corresponding to instantaneous σo

FALL 2014: EMCH 315 27


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The Maxwell model of creep predicts that strain accumulates linearly with time (constant rate) under constant load.

FALL 2014: EMCH 315 28

Imposed condition σ





= 1ησ o

dε = 1ησ odt

ε(t) = εo +σ o






___________________ ________________________

models _____________ creep (i.e. ________________________ )

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FALL 2014: EMCH 315 29

The creep response is the sum of a spontaneous elastic deformation, εo, plus permanent flow, εp (plastic or creep strain) σo

__________________ tr


____________________ εo





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Simplify  the  stress  history  

FALL 2014: EMCH 315 30

σ (ksi)



σ σo

time t t′

σo′ = σo/2


Method  1:      Given  a  stress  history,  determine  strain  at  Ame,  tr  =  t.  


∴ε(t ) = εo +σ o


Governing equation Solution

Solve for permanent creep/plastic strains ε(t) = εo + ε p(0→ ′t ) + ε p( ′t →t )

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FALL 2014: EMCH 315 31

Method  2:    Given  a  stress  history,  determine  strain  at  Ame,  t.  

ε tot =


dσσ t=0

σ t1

∫ + 1η

σ (t)dtt=0


σ (ksi)


t1 t′

Integrating governing equation to obtain total strain

=σ t=0

σ t1

∫σ t=0


∫ +σ


σ t1




t '

∫ +t '


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Maxwellian models oversimplified viscoelastic responses and thus give approximate predictions.

FALL 2014: EMCH 315 32

______________ ε






t Most materials don’t relax as _______ or ___________ as model prediction

Most materials exhibit _________ creep rates

Materials may exhibit Maxwell type responses in both stress relaxation and creep if __________ temperatures are in _______ of ______ of Tm or Tg.

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Maxwellian models oversimplified viscoelastic responses and thus give approximate predictions.

FALL 2014: EMCH 315 33

Creep ε




Maxwell Model

To overcome limitations of Maxwell model alternative arrangements of elements have been proposed: e.g. ______________________ Model with_____________________ arrangement of spring and dashpot.

Most materials exhibit nonlinear creep rates

models steady-state creep (i.e.  constant  creep  rate  )  

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Response of Maxwellian model with spring and dashpot in series.

FALL 2014: EMCH 315 34

εo absorbed by the spring

with time, motion occurs in the dashpot strain in the spring decreases

instantaneous strain εo applied suddenly results in σo

σ =σ s =σ d

ε = ε s + εd

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Voight-­‐Kelvin  Material  Model:  beder  represents  ___________________  _______________________  creep.  

IniAally  the  dashpot  must  carry  the  enAre  force  because  the  spring  can  carry  a  force  only  when  extended.  The  force  in  the  V-­‐K  model  will  be  equal  to  the  force  in  the  dashpot________the  force  in  the  spring:  hence  ____________  {_______________________}    Strains  are  no  longer______________  as  the  dashpot  will  __________  the  spring  to  have  the  same  deformaAon  thus  deformaAon  compaAbility:      _____________      

FALL 2014: EMCH 315 35


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Equilibrium and compatibility arguments can be rewritten to convey that the response is ____________________.

force equilibrium: σ(t) = σs(t) + σd(t)

compatibility: ε(t) = εs(t) = εd(t)

stress-strain relationship for the spring:

stress strain relationship for the dashpot:

FALL 2014: EMCH 315 36





σs(t) = Eεs(t)

dεd/dt = (1/η)σd(t)

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To determine the governing constitutive equation, substitute the equations for the spring and dashpot into the equilibrium equation. The  governing  stress-­‐strain  differenAal  equaAon:            Stress  depends  not  only  on  the  strain,  but  also  the  strain  rate  SoluAon  to  the  first-­‐order  linear  differenAal  equaAon  (see  next  slide)      

FALL 2014: EMCH 315 37

σ =η dε(t )dt

+ Eε(t )

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FALL 2014: EMCH 315 38