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Learning To Spot The Signs Using The Power of Archangel Celestial Inspiration: Learning To Spot

Feb 07, 2021



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  • PB Celestial Inspiration: Lear ning To Spot The Signs Using The Power of Ar changel Raziel

  • 2 Celestial Inspiration: Lear ning To Spot The Signs Using The Power of Ar changel Raziel 3Celestial Inspiration: Lear ning To Spot The Signs Using The Power of Ar changel Raziel

    In t r o d u c t i o n

    Everyone is dreaming or praying for a miracle. Whatever aspect we have in our lives, we wish it to be according to what we desire or have in mind. And in attaining them, we want to be accurate that we’d like to be guided with God-given signs, synchronicities and supernatural wonders that could surprise us along the way.

    It’s cinematic to encounter signs and wonders, right? You may imagine for it like in the movies where people ask their supernatural guides and they have been revealed by a symbol or a message through phenomenon that instructs their decisions or destiny. This may be a fantasy to us, but they are real. When our hearts are just open, faith-filled and sensitive to the leading of spirituality, then the more these things will appear to you evidently and obviously.

    Especially when your spirit is praying for the right path and your heart is set right, the universe won’t stop poking and winking on you through signs and synchronicities that you may be informed, guided and led to the safest paths that you’ll begin to be revealed.

    Here’s one friend of mine, Samantha, that can testify the power of sign and synchronicity as a sign of connection between the universe and you. She was on the verge of uncertainty in her romantic relationship with her five-year boyfriend, James. The number of years got them to be superficially strong, but it didn’t go the expected way.

    Months passed by when their relationship was on a cold thermostat that gives Samantha bulks of questions of “Why is he never excited to see me anymore?” or “Why can’t I feel special to him just like before on our first year’s”.

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    One night, with all due curiosity and shivering heart, the lady asked his boyfriend

    through phone some concrete reason why on earth their relationship went the

    winter way. But the guy told Samantha saying “Sam, I’m working, and I can’t even

    have time for myself! Could you please respect my personal space?”, the guy


    “I am respecting your personal space to the point that you can’t even have time

    with me! But how could you even ignore me for months? Do you still love me in

    this state? Are we still together, huh?”, Samantha asked James. But the guy directly

    hanged up the phone and left Samantha in full sorrow.

    She already had second thoughts of still pursuing it for the next level or just end it.

    But of course, Samantha could never easily give up on him, so she still fought for

    James who’s been her apple of the eye.

    One day, as she was driving home with her daily radio in tune, she heard a story

    from a DJ about the nature of birds. The DJ said, “When we’re caging them tightly,

    surely it will kill them. At the same time when we’re too loose on them, they’ll end

    up free and flying.” In that story of time, Sam was internally sensitive that it signaled

    her innermost understanding realizing her present situation with James. But a little

    while, she took for granted.

    But minutes ago, she saw a billboard flashed in the highway saying “Cheating is

    easy. Try something different like being committed.” This time, the messages were

    not worth-ignoring.

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    This struck her head and heart like it was telling her the concrete sign and message of what’s happening around her world with James. As she went home, she meditated, and everything flashed back on her since the beginning of their cold relationship. Now she has instincts and gut-feelings of infidelity. While she was scrolling on her social media account, immediately, Samantha saw a post of her friend in a bar with James and a certain woman together like sweet flicks. Done.Samantha’s signs and synchronicities were confirmed. She was sensitive to them

    and they were true. James was a cheater and she immediately broke up with him

    because of hurt, wound and pain.

    The more we just become sensitive to them, the more we can connect our desires

    to the most ideal decisions that we make. Truly, the universe has this constant

    noise that sets you in a ready position of listening and awakening. They may be

    archetypes of powerful energy telling you straightly of what to do or a coincidental

    feeling reminding you of an important past you must apply in the future.

    It’s a crosstalk between your mind and the matter that cuts yourself into differing

    decisions that correspond to your natural and emotional degrees. Learn to notice

    these signs. They’re bumps in the road poking and telling you, “Hey dear, this way!”

    or “My child, just do it!”. After all, you’ve got to thank them!

    Behold, beware, be happy when these events attract your inner selves. Ask for

    them constantly because in fact, they’re never silent! They’re you inner guides

    unleashing in your external environment whose ready to serve you and lead you to

    the miracles, and they can never be wrong for you.

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    Ch a pt e r 1

    Wh y D o Pe o pl e Lo o k Fo r Si g n s ?

    Our God is Mighty, and He is the Creator and Sustainer of everything that is in the universe. He has the power to append natural laws just to realize His purposes.

    Moses, Elijah and Jesus and his apostles were all part of God’s ministries

    that created miracles and completed His purpose in conveying His message as God.

    Even today, many people are striving to experience what the people from before encountered in receiving signs and miracles from God. They even go to greater limits just to encounter these things. Here are some reasons of their great desire:

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    Some people want to confirm God by His signs

    There is nothing wrong in asking for signs from God. Actually, God even sent wonders to Moses and Gideon in the Old Testament to confirm His message.

    It can also help a person in building faith to Him.

    However, there are people that even miracles were performed by God, they are still unconvinced. For them, seeing is believing and they want to witness the phenomena before their naked eyes to have faith in God.

    God prefers His people to trust in Him even without these signs. Just like the people in Samaria, they believed in God without needing a miracle. But the people of Galilee were different, before they will trust in God, they want Him to perform wonders first for them to be persuaded.

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    People ask signs because they do not believe those already performed

    Jesus has been displaying His power in his times but the Pharisees wanted more.

    They showed their rude attitude to Him and demanded to see more signs from Jesus. In response, Jesus called them as “wicked and


    They were wicked because they denied to believe the wonders Christ has shown to the people. Despite the witness of the public of His power, they still refused it as their hearts were too hardened like the Pharaoh’s heart when he saw Moses’ doing miracle in Egypt.

    They were called adulterous in their spirituality because they choose to follow man-made doctrines and rules rather than worshipping the true God. They were not satisfied on what was God doing and they even demanded for more miracles to be completed.

    Commentator Matthew Barnes puts it, “They looked for signs in their own devising.” They were so engrained in rejecting the authority of God then they even would not believe Christ’s resurrection.

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    Some people ask signs to justify their unbelief

    There are many people

    who “tested” God by

    asking Him to perform


    They emphasize that

    the sign is from heaven

    and so they want it to

    be more astounding and

    showcasing similar to

    Elijah calling down fire from the sky or Isaiah’s initiating the sun to setback.

    Their tests were something to see how powerful Jesus is in making wonders but in

    the back in their minds, they hope that he would fail to exhibit it.

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    People seek signs because they want adventure

    Like the people in John 6:2 and King Herod in Luke 23:8, they are eager to witness something unconventional without any intention to know more about Christ.

    People seek signs to benefit themselves

    After Jesus has feed the multitude, a large number of people followed him in crossing to the other side of Galilee.

    Jesus discerned their true intention and later rebuked them saying “I tell you the truth, you are looking for me not because you saw miraculous signs but because you ate the

    loaves and had your fill”.

    The people’s desire was not to know Christ but they only followed Him because they want their appetites to be continually satisfied.

    For God, a faith as tiny as a mustard seed is much better than them relying on great perception of miracles. Jesus would be more blessed to see people who seek His face rather than those people who only seek for His hands.

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    Why ask for a sign?

    Are we using God as our

    directions to go from

    point A to point B?

    This can be reasonable but

    God wants us to connect

    to Him because we want

    a true connection and

    relationship with Him.

    Knowing God’s plans for

    our lives is normal for people who have established a loving relationship with Him.

    Having a personal relationship with God, and not making Him as a substitute, makes

    it more special for us to Him.

    God can also talk to us by reading the Bible, through a mouthpiece or even in

    situations. Those can be signs that He wants us to recognize. He wants us to identify

    His voice through different tools and events.

    In ancient Israel, the high priests wear a vest with two stones in it called Uri and

    Thummim. When a question is being raised about God, the priest would ask God to

    answer for him. If the stone on the left brightened up, it signifies divine approval.

    But if the stone on the right glowed, it means a disapproval from God.

    We all wished to have this kind of privilege from God in answering our prayers.

    Making decisions would be less difficult since He is answering for us.

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    The Bible tells a story about Gideon, a man who was told by an angel that he, a

    young man, would be used to free the people of Israel from the oppressors. He

    doubted his qualifications and became fearful in leading the revolution, but Gideon

    made a proposal to God. “I will place a wool fleece in the threshing floor and in the

    next morning, if there is dew only on the fleece and all the ground around is dry,

    then I will know that you will save Israel by my hand”, Gideon said.

    That evening, he immediately set his fleece outside. Then on the next morning,

    surprisingly, it was soaking wet and the ground around it was completely dry.

    Even with God’s signs. Gideon remained full of fear so he requested the Lord to

    reverse the sign. For the second time, Gideon placed the fleece outside and in the

    next day, the fleece was perfectly dry and the floor was all covered with dew.

    It can be really great if we have this wonderful connection with God in answering

    our queries and in solving our degrading problems in life.

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    How to know God’s will in my life?

    Prayer. When there is a

    need to make decisions,

    always ask God first

    to clear you mind and

    follow His will.

    This is essential in

    making major decisions

    in life like in marriage

    and establishing a career.

    Wait. Humans are sometimes too impatient. We immediately want to hear answers.

    However, it is great if we wait upon God’s movements in doing His will for us and

    letting him to develop the situations and keeping on our devotions while waiting.

    His Word. The Bible gives us the guidance in our living. It is like our guidelines to

    survive the challenges here on earth. In making decisions, the Bible’s counsel is

    always available in effective in educating us.

    Signs and wonders. When we ask for signs, we want it to work for us naturally. We

    should let God do the wonders we have been asking and amazingly witness how

    he can turn the events according to what we pray and according to His mighty will.

    Human Will. Sometimes, God can be happy with our choices. So after we patiently

    wait and pray, if there is no answer, it is our time to use our best judgement.

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    Ch a pt e r 2

    H o w t o k n o w i f a s i g n i s n o t t r u e ?

    Whether you like it or not, you and the universe are one. We revolve around its orbit that weaves our own destiny to the confirmation of we always ask.

    It’s always connected to you no wonder that it sends us messages and

    most of the time the “answers” to our inner-whispered questions.

    Yet only few of us realized that it talks to us through something.

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    And that is through “signs”. The universe constantly talks to us in different ways,

    and that powerful signs wouldn’t like to be felt unnoticed and unrevealed. They

    always delight in timely surprises! They can reveal to you anytime, anywhere and by

    different means and it has no limits when it comes to deal and speak with your life.

    But the problem here is, we’re mostly confused what the ‘real sign’ look like that we

    even jumble it with our own illusions, routines and fantasies! But signs are honestly

    tricky. You really need to rightfully decode what signals from above are truly sending

    and telling you. So, this is something you must know that signs have a right source

    and they aren’t humanly-made.

    A lot of attention and understanding is required for you to recognize its language.

    Here are some tips on how to know if the sign you’ve encountered is false and how

    to get away from them.

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    Not a surprise

    I f   a   “s i g n ”   d o e s n ’ t surprise you, then it just means you conceived it yourself! You already thought of it. And this is ridiculous, you’re making your own signals and stories for yourself.

    When the heaven and the universe give you the

    ‘right signals’, you can be sure that you’re guided and led straight to your rightful destination that you become blown and astounded one day because it left you unaware of it. They are extraordinary and manifesting.

    It’s so strange when you generate your own ‘signages’. You’re just even causing your own life traffic instead of going one way ahead. It’s even creepy to create some! So, teach yourself to wait for the universe’ signal and look around, let it personally encounter you. Pay attention and you’ll one day notice it with amazement!

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    Creative imagination

    Creativity is good, but not in this matter. If you’re asking for the right signs, make sure to avoid making illusions or imaginations.

    T h e y   a re   s o m e h o w d e c e p t i o n s .   T h e y become a false guide if we deliberately practice them so better not to

    because true signs are heavenly-made and surprisingly given by the universe; never a cognitive process or an imagination, but an ‘unexplained phenomena’.

    Learn how to separate your own ‘illusions’ or ‘ideas’ to what the universe freely gives you, because those fantasies of yours could may hinder the true message that’s meant for you.

    Only if we begin to open our minds, sensitivity and attraction to the signs, then the universe will delightedly send us more information and tune us to another level of messages. Not from our own minds and creativity, but from the desire of the above.

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    When you know in

    yourself that you aren’t

    sensitive enough to the

    leading of God in your

    life, if you’re not aware

    of the depth of yourself

    and the fields around

    you, then the less likely

    you’d recognize signs

    too. Insensitivity are blocks.

    Most of the time, we become deaf and oblivious due to our busy with our hectic

    and tight schedules for the day. We miss the direction and message of the universe

    to us that we tend to believe the fake ones on our external environment. When

    we’re insensitive to them, then we cannot respond quickly to any advice, warning

    or instruction. Signs also require your energetic sensitivity so you can engage with

    your intuition, guts and patterns even when distractions surround you.

    Live a life that’s attentive to the voice of the Creator, the message of the universe

    and the signs that are surely around your corner. Hear your breath, in and out your

    physical realm. Open your eyes and never close them. Believe that signs are always

    delivered to your position every time, everywhere.

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    Too Pushy

    When life puts you to

    s o m et h i n g ,   n o t h i n g

    could ever set you away

    from it and no one can

    ever steal it from you.

    But if we’re too pushy

    about a certain ‘sign’ or

    ‘direction’ that causes

    other aspects on our lives to be sacrifices, then it’s a red signal that your conceived

    ‘sign’ is not true.

    Signs are well-knitted by the heavens to lead you straight to the path of your good

    end. A quick obedience to it doesn’t even require your energy-draining effort just to

    make things alive around you. signs from above are smooth-sailing, and it gives you

    peace most of the time. If we’re too forceful and assertive of something we want to

    achieve it on our own ways, then it’s no longer a message from the universe.

    Relax, just allow it to come in you and freely welcome them. You will just discover

    the sign closely so don’t act too aggressive or desperate just to achieve your own

    time-targets. These universal guides will surely put you in full peace and security

    according to its beautiful time.

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    Ch a pt e r 3

    Ar c h a n g e l Ra z i e l An d H i s Ab i l i t y To Ma n i f e s t Bl e s s i n g s Fo r Yo u

    Archangel Raziel’s name means “secret of God”. From the name itself, he keeps the secrets and mysteries of the angels.

    If we feel the presence of an angel, they are likely giving us fresh and creative ideas. To understand the truth of

    God and the reality of life, Raziel can guide us in comprehending the principles of life.

    He is described as an angel with blue sings, a bright yellow aura around his head and he is wearing a color gray robe that looks like a liquid element.

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    The book of Archangel Raziel

    His book contains long verses and text about everything under and over the sun. It contains astrology, the processes of life, and even the limit of people.

    Raziel wrote it as he keeps all the secrets of heaven and so that he can convey it to the


    The book expressed that Raziel was sent to help Adam and gave this book so that Adam could have the knowledge of the world and can survive. He helped Adam in comprehending the contents of the book and guided him to be prosperous and in making decision to fulfill his needs.

    If we are having hard time in searching for the right way in life, we can call on Archangel Raziel or turn into his book. He and his book is able to help us with the goal of us benefitting from it.

    He can also help us understand the esoteric nature, manifestation principles and sacred geometry, physics and other higher level of knowledge. He can give us the wisdom in interpreting psychic abilities and in hearing, seeing and knowing divine help and guidance. Like a divine wizard, he can help us in recognizing appearances. Raziel is a kind, loving and intelligent angel. His presence is meek but as we summon him continually, we can become fully aware of his presence and influence our spirituality.

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    Raziel often shines as an indigo ray which illuminates from all the colors of the

    rainbow. It transmits all the holy insights in which he is only in the know. He can also

    help us to enhance our communication skills and clarity of thoughts.

    He is also able to bring us mental healing and regeneration of our physical illnesses

    that held us back from our spiritual growth. Those who suffers chronic headaches,

    sinusitis and migraines can call upon him to heal us from these discomforts.

    His healing power can minimize back pain, kidney disorders, hypertension and

    amazingly calm our body systems and organs.

    Raziel has a positive inspiration in our thoughts. If we link with him frequently, we

    can experience the clear communication he is able to give. We can be more self-

    aware, and our comprehensive abilities will upsurge and our wisdom and thoughts

    will also develop.

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    Reasons to call upon Archangel Raziel for help

    A r c h a n g e l   R a z i e l ’s

    knowledge is absolutely

    perfect. He can solve all

    puzzles, problems and

    mysteries that comes his

    way. When we establish

    a relationship with him,

    we can be closer in

    unleashing the wonders

    of the universe.

    He can guide us in unblocking our spiritual and psychic abilities that are keeping

    us away from spiritual development. By gleaming a bright light in darkness, he can

    resolve all conundrums that are stopping us.

    Having an empty knowledge and a simple understanding of life created barriers in

    meeting our full potential as a spiritual candidate. Raziel can help us with spiritual

    thoughts and bursts of artistry that will extend our experience of the divine love. He

    is also associated with throat chokra and the crown chakra.

    By opening the chakras, Raziel can assist us to develop our extra sensory perceptions

    and liberating our spiritual insights. He is a guard of all the mysteries, so it is better

    if we ask for him to help us in understanding psychic gifts.

    Many people feel that they have this psychic gift but is unable to fully use and

    develop them. But Raziel is able to provide guidance in aligning this gift with our

    spiritual abilities to maximize their benefits.

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    Archangel Raziel Invocation And Prayer

    Human beings long to connect with someone or something as often as possible to create a n d   fo s t e r   h e a l t h y and organic spiritual wholeness within.

    It may very well be a higher power or divine deity who can identify w i t h   o u r   p e r s o n a l situations and share in

    our everyday lives and circumstances.

    Prayer is that communion that cuts across traditions and religious practices and without a doubt is the personal experience and intimate connection with our spirituality and to what we believe in.

    Prayer is undoubtedly one of the most ancient and perhaps the most mysterious of all human experiences. People believe that there is an actual science to prayer because the combination of prayers with some feelings creates a powerful connection producing even more powerful results.

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    It is believed that prayer is tested and trusted to deliver results, it is therefore a

    great way to connect with all your angels and cultivate a sense of openness and

    receptivity with them by doing the following:

    • Sit in a comfortable position and take several deep breaths focusing on the

    intensity of your inhaling and exhaling;

    • Allow yourself relax while releasing all forms of tension intentionally all over your

    body as you exhale;

    • Visualize yourself as you are seated surrounded by white light and allow your

    body, mind and soul be soaked in the spiritual energy of Archangel Raziel’s divine


    • When you are fully relaxed, feel his closeness and talk to him either loudly or

    silently as your mind directs you and thank him for the life you live, give him

    appreciation for his guidance, and ask him to protect, encourage and sustain you

    each day;

    • Then light your prayer candle, and proceed in more specific prayer requests asking

    him to send you the help you need from him and the blue ray angels who work

    under his supervision.

    Praying and connecting with Raziel can help a person unravel new spiritual insights

    that were deemed irrelevant, develop acute psychic abilities, remove blockages,

    increase creativity, and access directly the divine energy.

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    Archangel Raziel has a robust and well-rounded understanding of God and of the Universe, and as such he can help a person determine the underlying patterns in their life as well as new opportunities that abound in the everyday life.

    Therefore connecting with him is like uncovering the mysteries of life. He will help to hone your sensitivity and open your psychic abilities so you can more fully understand your gifts, your path, and purpose.

    Archangel Raziel is a burst of light and he shines light into darkness. He is usually most connected with those whose purpose on some level involves abstract or metaphysical concepts, ideas, and principles like sacred geometry, manifestation, divine magic, alchemy, quantum physics, numerology, astrology, the true nature of time, telepathy, remote viewing, ley lines, the crystalline grid, and awareness beyond the physical.

    If you need him however and call on his help and guidance, he will do so with love, kindness, and consistency. Archangel Raziel is perhaps the most challenging Archangel to tune into, as it is very easy for one to miss his presence and just enjoy the bursts of creativity, extrasensory perception, increased faith and knowing that may envelope a person from time to time.

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    The Prayer

    “ R a z i e l ,   a n g e l   o f mysteries, I thank God for making you a powerful channel through which God reveals holy mysteries at the right times and in the right ways.

    Whenever something happens in my life that I

    don’t understand, encourage me to trust God in the midst of the mysteriousness of it. Reassure me of God’s promises to always do what is best for me according to his good purposes for my life.

    Since you have a special love for sacred scriptures, please show me the divine wisdom that my faith’s holy texts contain whenever I read them.

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    Help me to hear God’s guidance more clearly, especially when I’m facing important decisions.

    Give me deeper spiritual insights, and urge me to pray about circumstances I don’t understand that God has allowed into my life. Remind me that God will always respond to my prayers somehow, according to his purposes.

    While I’m waiting for answers, and when unexpected answers come, let the mystery I experience motivate me to draw closer to God by seeking a closer relationship with him. The closer I become to God, the more I’ll discover how good he is, and the more I’ll be able to trust him even in circumstances that I don’t understand.

    Help me understand, evaluate, and apply information well in my life. So much information comes at me every day that it’s overwhelming. Teach me to think critically about it all from the perspective of eternal values, so I can discern what’s truly important and what doesn’t really matter.

    Help me recognize what reflects reality (the true principles that God has designed in the universe) versus what is spiritually false and deceptive. Help me develop and maintain spiritual disciplines (like reading my faith’s scriptures, praying, and meditating) that will help me stay spiritually grounded and give me a faithful perspective through which I can carefully consider all the information that I encounter.

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    Whenever I have to concentrate on learning something new (such as for a project at work or a test at school), help me to stay focused rather than getting distracted. Teach me how to understand the information thoroughly and figure out how to apply it to my life well.

    Get my attention with your insightful spiritual messages in whatever ways would work best. I’ll be alert to any new insights from God that he may choose to send me through you, including through such means as dream messages and messages through extrasensory perception (visual messages through clairvoyance, auditory messages through clairaudience, scent messages through clairalience, taste messages through clairgustance, and feeling messages through clairsentience).

    Show me the spiritual secrets of the universe that God wants me to know, and teach me to apply what I’ve learned in practical ways so I can live with wisdom.

    Amen.The easiest way to call upon Archangel Raziel is to light a yellow candle and say, “Raziel, my benefactor and guardian, please help me now. Help me to see life through your eyes and to make the right choices. Guide and direct my footsteps and open my mind and my heart to your incredible wisdom and love. I give thanks for the miracles that are about to occur.”

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    Recognizing answers delivered to you by archangel Raziel

    O n e   o f   t h e   m o s t

    important things to do

    after presenting your

    questions and requests

    to archangel Raziel is to

    wait for the spirit guide

    to respond.

    The answers you expect

    may not come right away

    or when you want them

    to come. God has special plans for the universe and for His people.

    Since He uses his angels and archangels to fulfill this divine will, you will receive the

    answers you asked for when the time is right. In some cases, the answers may be

    delivered to the subconscious mind without the individual being consciously aware

    that they have received a response. The process of receiving answers may take days

    or weeks.

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    Just like with the timing, the mode of delivery may differ depending on circumstances. However, the mode in which the response is delivered will be right for you and will be in line with God’s plan. The mode of delivery and the answer will not be placed in front of your eyes, neither will they be obvious.

    In order to ensure that you recognize the answer from your spirit guide, you should use your intuition. This means that you remain alert and keep an open mind. You should also maintain a relaxed and calm mind so that the answer comes to you and your intuition is able to recognize it.

    God, angels, archangels and the universe work in mysterious ways. Just the same way spiritual beings will manifest themselves in the lives of mortals, so will the answers to your requests and questions. Archangel Raziel may deliver the answers through a sudden realization, commonly referred to as an ‘A-ha’ moment.

    The answers may also come as symbols appearing in different places, an inspired idea, in your dreams or through your subconscious mind. The fact that there is no defined way in which you will receive answers makes it important to remain alert and keep an open mind.

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    With the divine guidance associated with archangel Raziel, he will guide you in the

    direction that you will find your answers. For instance, some people see a connection

    in events that would normally be considered to be unrelated.

    This may be something such as hearing someone saying the exact words that you

    read in a certain book. In case you had used crystals and gemstones to turn to

    archangel Raziel and you notice a similar situation, your answer may be lying therein.

    Archangel Raziel is a kind and loving transcendent being who wants us to lead

    fulfilling lives. Besides calling upon the spiritual guide, we should be aware of the

    best ways to turn to him.

    This should be accompanied by knowledge on how to expect and receive the related

    answers. Human beings should also maintain an attitude of gratitude, a state of

    calmness and a relaxed mind if they want to enjoy the benefits that the archangel

    delivers to humans.

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    Ch a pt e r 4

    U n d e r s t a n d i n g Th e N e e d Fo r Re a s s u r a n c e

    O u r   s e n s e   o f   s e l f i s   d e v e l o p e d   b y continuous interpersonal relationships. We cannot exist and survive if we are isolated.

    T h u s ,   s e e k i n g reassurance can be healthy in expressing our own weaknesses and to

    validate our emotional health and to accompany us in the reality.

    There are some pitfalls in giving and receiving comfort. The people around us can give us wrong or hanging advices that could lead us to worsen our emotions. Although their intention was good, but in the effect, all you felt was fear and ashamed.

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    The negative reassurance we unexpectedly receive is not always by getting false advises but by the feedback we receive from other’s validations. We feel fine if we receive empathy and care than receiving other people’s view point.

    If a person is asking for a counsel from us, we must go directly to what they need and offer a potential solution to lighten the weight in their hearts. We can also guide them in a medical practitioner if it is a concern on health.

    People in this state usually do not seek for answers, but they just need someone who will offer their ears to willfully listen in their weeps. This kind of reassurance rather than advice is preferred by most people. That comfort from a human relationship can give them the guarantee to have someone in their journey of overcome their struggles in life without prejudice.

    If we ever find ourselves asking for reassurance, it doesn’t necessarily mean that we are insecure, it just implies that we are human, and we also feel instabilities. It honestly needs bravery to confess what you feel and ask from help from other people and asking them to have someone to talk to or share and vent out their thoughts and emotions from all the obstacles they are currently facing.

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    But we should also note to ourselves that we must also be extra careful in giving

    comfort to our friends for most of the people have limited attention spans. We

    must be sensitive enough to assess if they have had enough with our words or if

    they got offended or it is already needed to keep distance from digging too deep

    with their issues. We must also learn to distinguish the difference between listening

    and plainly hearing.

    At some point in life, we are really needed by our friend and families. And offering

    our shoulders to lean on and our ears in listening their stores can mean so much

    to them. It is already care being sent to them. But if our arms cannot help the

    assistance they need, we can consult or assist them to a therapist to further alleviate

    their problems.

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    Letting it in

    Frequently seeking for

    assurance is a moment

    where we are not fully

    soaking when it passes

    our way.

    It is human nature to

    seek for care and no one

    in this world is absolutely

    self-sufficient even if

    they act like they are.

    The insecure people are those who do not show and recognize their own weaknesses.

    It is indeed a blessing to find someone who is open in giving us reassurances and is

    willing to build connections and trust in the reciprocity that we created.

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    Ch a pt e r 5

    Le a r n i n g To Tr u s t Th e An g e l sFo r Gu i d a n c e

    In our spiritual journey, we have all experienced to connect with the Source of wisdom from the heavens. It can be our God, the Holy Spirit, the Angels, Guides or the universe.

    If we sometimes feel that the heavens is not

    cooperating or communicating with us, we must reassess our devotions and faith in them. Communicating with our angels has many advantages and it is actually simple to establish rapport with them.

    When we have a relationship with them, we can be feeling refreshed spiritually everyday with a sense of spiritual growth. We can sense that we have a purpose of existence on earth and we can always find them as our guidance in the challenges that are trying to put us down.

    We can receive positive outcomes and find solutions to hardships. We feel like we are always secured because we know they are working for us and helps us in meeting the perfect timing in our lives. And they help us align to become closer to the purpose of our life.

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    We can escape from our limits and experience expansion in our realms. We can

    achieve successes and manifest prosperity in our life. They also help us give service

    to other people and we will develop a feeling of confidence in ourselves with a

    decreasing amount of fear in our hearts.

    Everyone of us has our own angels but only few people communicate with them.

    Unfortunately, they follow misconceptions about angels and thought that it is

    complex to connect with them where actually there are simple and direct steps.

    We all have goals. We know it. We have challenges and desires in life that we really

    want to surpass. With all these aspirations, our angels can help us reach these

    things and gives the assistance to elevate our perceptions and knowledge to get

    the highest good with our choices. They make the variable known to us and they

    will work for us like our trusted advisors.

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    By allowing our angels to help us, we must follow these tips:

    • Create a quiet area where you are less likely to get distracted from external sources

    • Hold the motivation to connect with the angels to glean assistance in your

    decision-making ability. By keeping this intention, we give our guardians a chance

    to intervene to us.

    • We must feel free to tell our angels what we feel, what we think and what we

    are concerned about, we can even share to them all our dreams, aspirations

    and inhibitions since they are always listening. They already know our dramas an

    dilemma in life and they can always guide us beside us and giving us the free will

    to use our human choices.

    • Ask then angels to intercede with us and fill us with their presence.

    • Seek help from the angels for guidance with any specific situations you are in. Or

    when you feel like you are about to make a huge decision in your life.

    • Notice the deep emotions and thoughts you gave in response to your queries. It

    will give us clear signs to which path to undertake.

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    • Their divine guidance will be sent to us as creative ideas, thoughts, motivations

    and other ways as answers to our prayers.

    • Pay less attention on how to figure out how the angels will answer our prayers.

    They will be at work at their capacities and in the right time and order they will

    respond. The Universe also is abundant in giving available solutions to us. We just

    have to claim and accept it.

    • Another step is when we ask angels to give us options in the future. We should

    still maintain our quiet space and thoroughly experience their presence. We must

    analyse our intuitions thoroughly and remove any feeling of doubt and anxieties

    from our thoughts and emotions. We must trust our guts and inner being to

    guide us and the angels will whisper us directions.

    • If we still need further guidance and clarity from the angels, we should put our

    intentions well to get close with the divine experience. We must take note of

    their impressions and trust our intuitions.

    • Communicating with our guardian angels can be performed everywhere and

    anytime. They are always available to help us and unleash opportunities to us

    with unconditional love.

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    How angels manifest themselves in our lives


    Nature is spiritual ly

    c e n t e r e d .   I t   i s

    unsurprisingly wonderful

    that the angels work

    naturally with humanity.

    Common messages come

    from rainbows, birds,

    and animals. Animal

    symbolism is interesting

    because it represents different message from the visitor. Even birds, they have

    signals to follow our intuitions. Angels have many animal friends and we should be

    able to determine on how they send their messages through them.

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    T V   C o m m e r c i a l s ,

    Billboards, social media

    posts and etc. Angels

    can also work their way

    through technology.

    They use methods to

    reach our attention

    to convey to us better

    information. Maybe we can encounter a random email or readings that relates on

    the topic that we re currently deciding and thinking of. This phenomenon is unique

    yet very possible.

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    Songs and music

    Music is a tool for universal communication. The angels can use sounds and music to deliver messages in many different ways. The lines of the songs and its lyrics maybe the answers to our queries and can uplift our emotions and reassure us. A song can also come as an answer to our prayers.

    Sights, sounds and smell

    The angels use some various and creative ways to send us messages. They can even deliver it through light, sounds, perceptions and smells. Any spark of light or senses can be a way of communicating to us.

    The different scents can also be a sign on the message they want to convey to reassure us in times of need. These are not coincidence for they have many different direct ways of connecting with people to send their support.

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    People messengers

    People can be definitely used as a tool to deliver messages to us, they are mouthpieces to give us encouragements and inspirations to keep going.

    They can use many persons in our life to tell us directly the answers

    or show the signs to what we really need. These experiences are ever common and it usually happens when you have been anticipating and meditating a thought for a long time.

    When we need guidance on a decision, they can confirm through the people around you to help in your saturation. It can be through a casual talk with a friend or from random people you meet.

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    Ch a pt e r 6

    H o w To Kn o w If Th i s Is In Yo u H i g h e s t Gu i d a n c e ?

    B e i n g   c o n t i n u a l l y

    connected with your

    signs means having

    a good linkage with

    universe as it gives you

    the right directions to

    your ongoing path.

    If we have a sign that

    we feel is in line with

    our objectives, we must move our intuitions with it trust it and follow those


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    What do we do when the sign is unclear?

    What are the best things

    we should do when the

    signs that we have seems

    unknown to us? Or you

    feel like it is not going to

    lead us to any help?

    The answer to it is simply

    to turn back in. Clinging

    on to prayer and meditation can get us back to our focus and purpose again.

    Signs are given to us by the universe to guide us and to give us comfort when we

    feel uncertainties in every process we undertake. Acting on a conversation with the

    universal realm is based on a free-flowing energy that provides us assurances and

    steps in our desires. They give us ample guidance and assistance in meeting those

    aspirations by giving us signs.

    But if we feel utilize these signs from the universe to control the process of the

    results of our desires, it is not the right thing. It means we are not aligned to out

    progress. We must reaudit our hearts on our true purpose and regain true and tried

    strength with our relationship with our inner self and the universe’s power.

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    Practicing spiritual surrender

    We are all undergoing many anxieties and worries as we go on through life and aspire to overcome several struggles.

    We feel like we have been all too exhausted for bringing out the bests in us but still nothing

    changes. These belief needs to rest and we must shift into surrendering our spiritual selves that brings true relief.

    Once we are realigned from the stressful patterns of the world, we can release the feelings of neediness and gain a clear and rational mind. This state can give us better directions and have better receptions ahead. When we let go of controlling the things, we can feel more lightweight in our spirits and trust the results of our understanding.

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    How to have patience in the universe’s plan

    Some signs can arrive quickly, and others come in slow. Because of these uncertainties, we create fear in waiting or too burdened of the process of timing in our prayers.

    Perhaps we need to strengthen our faith first before we deserve to receive the answers we are longing for. Because

    being too impatient or having a negative attitude in waiting could discourage the process in them getting in their ways and may block the roads to us.

    We become impatient because we do not trust on what is coming. We are too afraid of what may happen, or the outcome would not be the same as what you expected it to be. Worse, it can decrease our joy in waiting and aspirations.

    Our lack of faith in the heavens and of the universe can reflect us and our prayers. There is a mindset in all of us that if something doesn’t fit in our timeframe, anything bad can occur. This loses our sense of fulfillment.

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    Love and peace is our true power

    If we fix our eyes only by being secured of the outcomes, we can lose sight of the wonders in the making.

    We can eventually cut off connections from all the cosmic and infinite probabilities that can happen. The secret is not to have the complete control in our needs and

    obsessions but to release it and let love and peace cover us. We must surrender our selfish desires and be filled with purity and joy.

    No matter what the outcomes will present us, we must remind ourselves that real joy is found in inner peace and understanding, and it can be achieved by connecting to the universe and trusting its plans.

    We must always ask ourselves of the real intention of our requests. If it is ego-driven, the results can be vague. But if it is in line with the objectives of love, we can expect a clear direction for us. We must always be conscious on what kind of energy and motivation we hold on to if it is in alignment with the greater good and in faith.

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    Ch a pt e r 7

    Kn o w i n g Wh a t Ar e U n m i s t a k a b l e Si g n s

    Archangel Raziel can work with our extra sensory perceptions and his message to us come in creative ways depending on the abilities we possess.

    He can even get to us through clairvoyance wherein we keep on

    seeing uncanny visions. He can also speak to us through clairaudience where we can hear him in different patterns by sending his information. It can also be clairalience which is receiving spiritual message through smells, clairgustance through our sense taste from a supernatural source, clairsentience that is perceiving messages by feeling a touch in our emotional and physical bodies.

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    Deeper faith

    One of Raziel’s aim for our lives is to achieve a deeper faith. He sends missions and visions to increase our faith to increase our devotions.

    He gives us mysteries to reveal us wonders that will clear out our curiosity about God and developing a more intimate relationship with Him.


    A sudden uplift in artistry can also be a connection that Raziel can be speaking to us. He can send inspirations to us by giving us fresh and creative ideas in solving matters and increasing our understanding of solving a mystery before us.

    He will help us to come up with greater thoughts and ideas and answer complicated questions and confusions where he can infuse his wisdom and knowledge to us. He can share his amazing assistance in clearing out our thoughts.

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    Light of rainbow

    With the electromagnetic

    energy that Angel Raziel

    is possessing and able to

    release, he can display it

    magnificently when he

    visits us.

    A beautiful frequency of

    color rays appear and a

    light yellow aura shines

    in a huge form.

    One of the key signs that Raziel is present is when we can perceive thoughts that

    are beyond our physical senses. Since he wants to reveal and answers mysteries to

    people, you may notice our senses get stronger and higher. We can also witness a

    rainbow light and when this happens, we can pray in Archangel Raziel’s name.

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    Calling on Raziel

    In calling upon his name, Raziel wants us first to purify our hearts and make it as ever new that even our thoughts are free from any judgement. Prayers with bad intentions will absolutely not be heard. We can pray to Raziel with these steps:

    • Have clear deep breaths and free our minds

    • -We must only set our thoughts in the objective of praying and not allow any ideas to interrupt us

    • -We must have faith that the angels are able to answer our prayers and solve our problems

    • -We state our prayers but we must not control on how Raziel will work on it rather allow him to naturally maneuver our requests in the best possible way

    • -When we are done praying, thankfulness must be expressed to him acknowledging that he has heard us and will answer us

    • -Take deep breaths in ending the prayer and drinking water after can help us to refresh and relax.

    This process of prayer can be thought as easy, but it actually needs a lot of cleansing, focus, and chastity of intentions. Once this state is reached, your prayers are sure to be answered and we will be astounded on how he can help us. We should not doubt and be hesitant in his might and abilities.

    Revealing mysteries are his forte and Raziel can guide us to learn the different sides and dimensions of our selves. He can emanate light to those who are in darkness and clear out questions that are boggling us. He can even let us see the brighter and bigger picture in every situation that may be discouraging or helpless. He can help us see the meaning and purpose in every pain, traumatic history, unwanted circumstances and shadows that suffocate us. Until then, he can lead us to the victories in our lives if we continually trust in his power.

    Archangel Raziel is also good in removing any hindrances in our journey. He wants us to live the best of our lives freely.

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    Ch a pt e r 8

    Fo l l o w i n g Yo u r O w n Pa t h In Spi t e O f Ch a l l e n g e s

    C h a l l e n g e s   a r e undeniably present as we live in this earth.

    These can be obstacles that keeps us back to the progression and successes of our endeavors and it can also be a stumbling block in our perseverance and


    Even if you have prepared the best details and plans, stressors are colliding in our realities. These can even weaken our self-esteem that leads us to breakdowns and emotional stress. It is therefore very important to have a strong will that will help us become resilient in life.

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    There are points to remember to overcome different challenges:

    1. Stay away from the drama

    When we are faced with obstacles, our emotions can be at its peak and we can be unstable leading to different gush of reactions. When we undergo this kind of situation, it better to distance yourself, take a break, breathe some fresh air and receive a new perspective to deal with the struggles. Having a

    rational mind while getting over problems is much better than making a total fuss out of it.

    2. Seek out help

    We may be struggling with our finances, material things, socially or with opportunities. This time, it is good to acknowledge that we are needing of help in these areas, so we are asking for favor from reliable people around us. It is never a sign of weakness for we all have our different power cards and asking for guidance to lift us up is a chance for them to

    use their advantages as well as us receiving positive resources.

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    3. Have a perspective

    It can be overwhelming to witness circumstances that we have never anticipated. Getting stuck in a crisis could be difficult for us to generate logical decisions.

    Getting a perspective away from these distractions can help us stay away from these distress

    with the help of opening up to our friends and relatives for ideas to have a way of thinking differently from what we are being preoccupied. Having a different perspective means detaching yourself from illogical way of thinking, rather we must see situations in a vantage point.

    4. Assess the problem

    We must consider our problems objectively instead of taking it subjectively. Logic and sound judgement must be practiced to produce better decisions.

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    5. Stay focused and committed.

    Problems are discouraging and

    it can definitely make us weak.

    But actually these challenges

    are making us more strong and

    less vulnerable to the atrocities

    of living.

    Because of our firm commitment

    to get through these problems

    and our perseverance to solve it, we can be sure that we will end up positive. We

    are all bound to many setbacks but if we view it constructively, it can really help

    us out and mold us into a better individual with renewed strength, wisdom and

    courage. Every time we face a problem, let’s counter face it, set our thoughts and

    see it as a victory.

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    6. Develop a growth thinking

    To reach the top, everyone is bound to go through yield, stop overs, traffic, reroute and others can even be lost.

    I f   w e   k e e p   o u r m i n d s   f o c u s e d   o n the negat iv i t ies we underwent in reaching that goal, our purpose will definitely fade away

    and slowly becomes discouraged.

    But if we take it in a different way and think of those paths as part of the pruning to grow, sooner we will finish the race triumphantly. If we put our minds to think of these setbacks as an opportunity to grow and soar higher, no wonder we will reach the peak of our dreams with a leveled-up attitude and perseverance. This can help us thrive even in the middle of overwhelming challenges.

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    Ch a pt e r 9

    Le t t i n g Go O n Yo u r N e e d To Pr o c r a s t i n a t e So Yo u Ca n Be Fr e e

    Procrastination is very common in all of us. It can be in our workplace, our school, in our homes or even in personal matters.

    It is a silent thought, but it is actually a large block to us in our accomplishments. We are all guilty of being procrastinators. We all

    want it to go away but sometimes our flesh is too weak to resist.

    Time is running fast and if we keep on practicing this attitude, we can really lose the game of life. It can cause a ripple effect until our desires and dreams are too far away from us and it’s hard to get them back together in our hands. We want to reorganize our ways and to do that, here are few tips:

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    Write down your to do lists

    Listing down all the things you need to finish can give you a thought on what to prioritize. This can also be a reminder for deadlines to finish.

    Making the goals specific

    The more general your objectives are, the more it can overwhelm and discourage us. We think it is too huge to accomplish. But if we want to overcome it, we can break it down to smaller pieces and make it one by one. With this idea, the goals would not

    be too intimidating and can create noteworthy creative ideas to finish every little detail on time. Your next moves can also be foreseen and can be easier to think about.

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    Materializing what you really want

    W e   m u s t   i m a g i n e ourselves in what we really want to achieve and visualize ways on how we can finish the job and in reaching the goal. And after every thing, we can see ourselves celebrating the achievements we have made.

    Remove the fear

    We can all be threatened by the long list of responsibilities and goals we have. But if we focus our minds to our end point and if we don’t let fear overtake our actions and emotions, we can eventually make it and finish successfully. Fears are just lies that are

    trying to distract and discourage us from our goals.

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    Have an accountability partner

    Gathering with people with same objectives in life can be rewarding. We are accountable of the steps and success of each other. When one needs uplifting, they are able to provide and remind of the goals we have in line. They can also share resources whenever we

    are in need and give moral support.

    Reward system

    Giving yourself a reward f o r   a c c o m p l i s h i n g something can help encourage yourself to maintain and be better next time. This system is widely practiced in many organizations and is even more effective in setting goals for our success. It can be a massage for

    yourself, a party with friends or planning a vacation for rest.

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    Be brave and start today

    When you made a goal,

    you have been already

    starting the process and

    building a momentum. If

    it is cut, it is hard to turn

    back all the efforts and

    mindset to lead you back

    in finding the line.

    It is better to leave first

    your comfort zine and avoid excuses to make it continuously progressing. Have an

    inspiration and create a motivation to keep going and sooner, you will realize that

    you have completed your tasks gracefully and it is very heartwarming to witness all

    the results of your hard work!

  • 64 Celestial Inspiration: Lear ning To Spot The Signs Using The Power of Ar changel Raziel


    Signs and synchronicities are dearly made for us as a message, a direction or an instruction.

    When we just ask for them, if we only pay close attention to them and if we try to open our eyes to our surroundings, they can surely reveal to

    us in meaningful ways.

    Signs are your guides as a form of confirmation from heaven. Even in Bible times, the people used by God had experienced the beauty of signs in different forms, whether through physicality or spiritual realm. Much more today, through synchronicities and signs, they pattern the rhythm of our lives that tests our choices and connect us to a higher level of wisdom.

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    When we pay close attention and follow these signs, we flow with the deeper senses

    and distinct feelings that intersects with our inner selves and instincts.

    It’s rather an evident and profound meaning of understanding that more of the

    heart results to less head. More intuition comes more intelligence but the more

    you’ll gain deeper life, deeper senses, deeper understandings, inner intellect which

    are but the vessels of power.

    They’re never a fantasy, but they are points to ponder in the line if life we are

    presently connected to. Their ways coincide and confirm to your life principles, to

    the natural laws, to the universal precepts and the Godly standards. Once they talk

    and teach you something through symbols, geometry, words or people, then be sure

    to consider and follow them. Behold, they are you’re your inner coaches. They’re

    not called to be as mysteries or “clues”, but honestly, they are your life “cues”.