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VBScript: An Easy & Funny Scripting Language I am Rajdip Saha & I am Going To Teach You How To Do VBScripting. Well I Gonna Make You A VBScript Expert. What is VBScript? It is a scripting language. The main platform in which you can programme it is notepad. From my experience I can tell you that it is quite easy. Its proof is that I am only of 13 years & I learned the whole script…. I think this example was enough for you to understand how easy is VBScripting. Scripting language means a small programming language. VBScript is the language used in ASP (Active Server Pages). It is the primary stage of Microsoft’s Visual Basic. It is basically a web script. But being a web script it is used for many kinds of things. VBScript is used as a server-side scripting language. It is not in browser .You cannot see coding in a browser because the scripts are executed on the server. The web pages you see are the output from ASP that is normal HTML. So, I am going to teach you the hidden coding of VBScript & I will make sure that you will find it easy. I am sure that you will enjoy the tutorial. Can’t wait to learn? Ok, so let’s come to the main topic. Dear Learner, if you find it interesting then please, comment & like. You can click here to add a like or comment. Basics of VBScript Ok so let’s get ready to rock…Here are the basics You will just need notepad only to programme VBScript. These are written on notepad and then saved with .vbs extentension. This means that we should save this as anyname.vbs . To do this just write .vbs on the place of .txt & then save it.

Learn VBScript Easily : By Rajdip Saha

Nov 09, 2015



Rajdip Saha

Learn VBScript easily in a step by step format. VBScript is a language by which you can programme small softwares or many other useful objects. This is also used to programme small virsuses or prank softwares :) . So you can have a lot of fun by learning it. This is published by a boy named Rajdip Saha (13 Years). I will make sure that you will enjoy my tutorial & will find it easy.
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VBScript: An Easy & Funny Scripting LanguageI am Rajdip Saha & I am Going To Teach You How To Do VBScripting. Well I Gonna Make You A VBScript Expert.

What is VBScript?It is a scripting language. The main platform in which you can programme it is notepad. From my experience I can tell you that it is quite easy. Its proof is that I am only of 13 years & I learned the whole script. I think this example was enough for you to understand how easy is VBScripting. Scripting language means a small programming language. VBScript is the language used in ASP (Active Server Pages). It is the primary stage of Microsofts Visual Basic. It is basically a web script. But being a web script it is used for many kinds of things. VBScript is used as a server-side scripting language. It isnotin browser .You cannot see coding in a browser because the scripts are executed on the server. The web pages you see are the output from ASP that is normal HTML. So, I am going to teach you the hidden coding of VBScript & I will make sure that you will find it easy. I am sure that you will enjoy the tutorial. Cant wait to learn? Ok, so lets come to the main topic.Dear Learner, if you find it interesting then please, comment & like.You can click here to add a like or comment.Basics of VBScriptOk so lets get ready to rockHere are the basicsYou will just need notepad only to programme VBScript. These are written on notepad and then saved with .vbs extentension. This means that we should save this as anyname.vbs . To do this just write .vbs on the place of .txt & then save it.

Do You Know About Variables In Algebra? Something like, x=8, a=13The letter in the above expression (like x or a) are used to store value (like 8).These letters are calledvariables, and these can be used to store value.As with algebra, VBScript variables are used to hold values or expressions.A variable can have a short letter like a or a more descriptive name, like bumble.But this has some different rules like:i) They must begin with a letterii) They cannot have more than 255 charactersiii) They cannot contain a period. Like (.)In VBScript, all variables are of typevariant that can store different types of data.You can also declare a variants (variable) value using = sign. Like thisExample: Bumble= Msgbox (Honey)In the above case Bumble is the variable, Honey is the message which will appear & we are using a = sign to declare the value of Bumble (variable). We can also see in the above example a word written as Msgbox this is used to create a message box in which a specific message will appear.There are also other boxes like: Inputbox these are used to create a box in which we can input any statement. To create it just write Inputbox in the place of Msgbox.*Please Dont Copy Paste These Codes To Notepad. If You Want To Try Them Then Please Write It In Notepad. Dont Copy Paste It. Otherwise The Codes Will Not Run.Example: Dim Bumble Bumble=Inputbox (Honey)To make a variant Dim is used.Example: Dim Bumble Bumble=Msgbox (Honey)

In this case a dialog box will appear on the screen in which the word Honey will be written.You can use variants easily.As: Dim bumble Bumble=Msgbox (Honey) Dim rumble Rumble=Msgbox (Hey & Bumble)It will show Hey Honey because of &. Array VariablesIt is used to store multiple values in a single variant (variable). An example is shown below: Example: Dim Bumbles(3) Bumbles(0)=Msgbox (Yo) Bumbles(1)=Msgbox (Po) Bumbles(2)=Msgbox (Bo) Bumbles(3)=Msgbox (Go)The number shown in the bracket is 3. VBScript recognises zero so this array contains 4 elements (From 0 to 3). This is a fixed-size array. You can assign data to each of the elements of the array.You can have maximum to 60 dimensions in an array. Multiple dimensions are declared by separating the numbers in the brackets with commas like: Dim Table(3,7).Sub ProceduresA Sub procedure is a series of statements, enclosed by the Sub and End Sub statements can perform actions, butdoes not returna value can take arguments. Like This:Sub Mysub()Some script what you want...End OrSub Mysub(argument1,argument2)Some script what you want...End VBScript Function ProceduresA Function procedure is a series of statements, enclosed by the Function and End Function statements. It can perform actions andcan returna value. It can take arguments that are passed to it by a calling procedure without arguments, must include an empty set of brackets (). It returns a value by assigning a value to its nameExample: Function Myfunction() Some script what you want... Myfunction=some value End FunctionOr Function Myfunction() Some script what you want... Myfunction=some value End FunctionEasy Explanation of Functions: See This Picture:

Codes Used: Function times(x,y) times = x * y End Function

Dim result dim var1

result = times(10,10)

var1=MsgBox(result)This would give you100Let me explain....You told it to times 10 by 10...Result = time(10,10)This went to the functiontimes

x is now 10 and y is now 10So:x * yreturn value with answer.WoooHooooo You have already learned half of it. So you can be called as a Half-Programmer right now. Ok Ok Lets learn more...If, Then & ElseUse the If...Then...Else statement if you want to execute some code if a condition is true or to select one of two blocks of code to execute.If you want to execute onlyonestatement when a condition is true, you can write the code on one line:If i