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MOSQUITOES 7 Things YOU Need to Know!

Table of Contents

Introduction 3

The Scoop on this Bug’s Basics 4

Why do Mosquitoes Bite? 5

Diseases Caused by Mosquitoes 6

Preventing Mosquito Bites in Your Yard 8

Treating Mosquito Bites 9

Minimizing Mosquito Reproduction 11

Mosquito Control Products & Services 12

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Do mosquitoes seem to be magnetically attracted to you?

Are you covered with itchy bites the moment you step foot outdoors?

Southwest Florida is a beautiful place to live. We get to enjoy so much sunshine and lush

greenery year-round, but for some people, living here can be a challenge when it comes to

bugs and insects. Mosquitoes are the most common pest to plague area residents, especially

during the summer. While you may feel helpless, your not powerless!

There are some smart precautions you can take to minimize the threat of mosquitoes

ruining your outdoor fun! If you live in the Fort Myers or Naples area and you have a major

mosquito problem on your hands, this book will teach you the ins and outs of protecting the

ones you love, including how to get complete mosquito control for your home.

If you have any questions as you read through this guide, or would like to discuss how

we can help you control mosquitoes around your home, feel free to contact us anytime!

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The Scoop on this Bug’s Basics

The name “mosquito” is believed to derive from the words “little fly,” but when one bites, it

might not feel so small! Even though we use one word to describe all of them, there are

actually over 3,000 different species of mosquitoes.

Two types of mosquitoes found in

Southwest Florida are:

1. Freshwater Mosquitoes

2. Salt Marsh Mosquitoes

Freshwater mosquitoes require standing water

to lay their eggs, and if it doesn’t rain enough to

allow for water to remain stagnant for several days

their population will not grow exponentially. They’re

generally found near fresh water sources like lakes, ponds, and some of the ‘summer only’

water reservoirs around Southwest Florida.

Salt marsh mosquitoes lay their eggs in the ground and as the tide comes in, the eggs hatch.

Our area is prone to these types of mosquitoes because of our subtropical climate. The

extensive coastline and flat topography creates a lot of salt marsh land which allows for year-

round reproduction. Lee County alone has over 56,000 acres of salt marsh that breed


Coastal areas generally

have the most exposure to

salt marsh mosquitoes.

People living in the

southwest section of Cape

Coral, Fort Myers Beach, Bonita Beach, Naples (by the beach), and the islands of Sanibel and

Captiva are most likely to experience these fierce biters around their home.

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Why do Mosquitoes Bite?

Ever wondered why mosquitoes bite?

Are they just mean and out to get you

for no reason?

Well, the truth is, only female mosquitoes bite.

Their mouths are designed to be able to pierce

your skin and suck the nutrients from your blood

that allow them to produce eggs.

Human blood is thick and tends to coagulate when it’s exposed to air, but the mosquito works

around this problem by injecting saliva into your body at the site of the bite. This fluid is an

anticoagulant, which lets your blood flow freely. Unfortunately, this process is what makes your

skin itchy and inflamed where the mosquito has bitten you. It’s also how

mosquitoes spread diseases to humans and animals.

Some people may feel like their getting bitten more than others, and that may be

true! Mosquitoes have been proven to be more attracted to people who are:

Active or fidgety


Blonde haired


Type O Blood

If you’ve been outdoors, especially at dusk, and notice red swollen bumps that feel itchy,

you’ve probably been victim of a mosquito bite. Your reaction may not happen immediately

after the mosquito bites you, but may take several hours for the red bump to develop.

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Diseases Caused by Mosquitoes

At Larue, we hope that

mosquito disease

awareness will help you

remember to be

cautious and thoughtful

when you are outdoors.

Although it is rare for someone in

Southwest Florida to contract one

of these illnesses, we think education is the best prevention.

Zika Virus has gained national media attention as the threat of infection and risks associated

with the disease increase. While Zika was first discovered in Africa in 1947, the first confirmed

cases outside Africa and Asia occurred in April of 2015 in Brazil. Local authorities link the

outbreak to an increased flow of foreign visitors prompted by the 2014 FIFA World Cup,

coupled with the large population of Aedes mosquitoes that inhabit the region. Since then, a

large, ongoing outbreak of Zika virus has spread to much of South and Central America, and

the Caribbean. In January 2016, the CDC issued a level 2 travel alert for people traveling to

regions and certain countries where Zika virus transmission is ongoing.

Important Zika Facts:

• Symptoms of Zika can be so mild that you may not even know that you have it, but if you do,

it may include a mild fever, joint pain, a skin rash and red eyes.

• Zika is the only mosquito-borne virus known to transfer from pregnant women to their unborn

child which can lead to microcephaly, causing babies to be born with undersized brains and


• The Zika virus can live in your blood stream for about a week, but it can stick around in other

bodily fluids like saliva, urine, and semen, for much longer.

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• If a mosquito bites a person that’s carrying the Zika virus, it can pass it on to anyone it bites

later – as many as 15 people in their one-month life span.

Chikungunya Virus has also been

making news as it’s appearance in

Florida steadily increases. Currently,

it’s spreading across the Caribbean

at an alarming rate and generally

cases that have been reported

locally were imported by people

returning from those regions.

Once a person becomes infected,

there’s an incubation period of three to seven days before symptoms present themselves. The

most common signs of the virus are fever and joint pain, typically in multiple joints. Like any

viral syndrome, chikungunya can also cause headaches, muscle aches, rash and joint


Rarely lethal, there is no cure for chikungunya, and its effects can be quite debilitating. While

some patients will suffer a minor fever and mild joint pain, others can experience very high

fevers and sustained joint pain for several weeks or even months.

West Nile Virus is caused by mosquito bites. The symptoms of illness include a rash, fever,

headache, nausea or vomiting. Those with more severe symptoms may experience neck

stiffness, disorientation, vision loss or tremors (shakes). Most people who are infected with

West Nile will not experience symptoms, but those with a compromised immune system, the

elderly or infants are more likely to feel the effects.

Encephalitis is another serious illness transmitted via mosquito bites. Although it is very

dangerous, it’s also very rare. Infected individuals may feel high fever, stiff neck, headache,

confusion, and lethargy a few days after a bite. The infection causes swelling of the brain and

can damage the nervous system.

Fortunately for us, we are not likely to experience malaria or yellow fever, but if you are

planning on traveling to a less developed country, where these and other mosquito-borne

illnesses are more common, be sure to check with your doctor first.

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Preventing Mosquito Bites in Your Yard

Mosquito bites are most common at dawn and

dusk, but bites can occur at any time of the day. It

makes sense to avoid staying outdoors for long periods

of time around dawn and dusk and be especially

cautious in heavily wooded areas.

When you need to be outside, wear light-colored

clothing, long-sleeve shirts and pants will provide extra

protection and avoid wearing perfumes or scented


Insect repellants are a great way of preventing mosquito bites when you are spending

time in your yard. To provide reasonably long-lasting mosquito protection, The Center for

Disease Control recommends products that contain the following active ingredients:

• DEET (Off!, Cutter)

• Picaridin (Cutter Advanced, Skin So Soft)

• Oil of lemon eucalyptus (Repel and Off! Botanicals)

• IR3535 (Skin So Soft, Bug Guard Plus)

Many Floridians invest in a screened in patio or lanai

which allows you to be outside, but still have a protective

barrier between you and the bugs. Make sure to use a

fine mesh screen, and keep it in good repair because

insects and mosquitoes can easily make their way in

through holes and tears.

Keep windows and doors closed at all times, unless they

are screened. Your house provides the best protection

from mosquitoes. Don’t forget your car windows, keep

them rolled up to avoid getting bites in the car!

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Treating Mosquito Bites

So, you tried hard to prevent getting bit, but somehow you ended up with

irritating mosquito bites?

Many bug bites that are thought to have been caused by a mosquito may actually have been

the handiwork of other insects or bugs. Because mosquitoes are so common in Southwest

Florida, it’s fair to say that they get the majority of the blame.

In most cases, treating mosquito bites will work the same way you would treat any other bug

bite. Your symptoms (itching, redness and swelling at the site of the bite) may last as long as a

week, but you have a few different options for dealing with the irritation.

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Here’s a list of ways to treat mosquito bites:

Over-the-Counter Anti-itch Cream: You can find

these at most drugstores.

Oral Anti-histamines: Oral drugs like Benadryl

can also be taken for more severe cases, but the

side effects, which includes drowsiness, can make

this option less appealing.

Baking Soda: Baking soda mixed with water will

make a paste that can be applied to skin, which

reduces swelling and itching.

Honey: It’s natural anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties make honey

a sweet choice for treating mosquito bites.

Ice: Putting an ice cube directly on the bite can offer relief and reduce


White Vinegar: Apply white vinegar on a bite to reduce the itching.

Tea Tree Oil: Often available at natural health food stores, tea tree oil is

also thought to reduce the itch and swelling of a mosquito bite.

Damp Green Tea Bag: The cold helps soothe the itch and compounds in

the tea help with inflammation.

Scotch Tape: It’s another sticky solution that may help you remember

not to scratch, especially at night.

Witch Hazel: This plant-based astringent draws raw fluid out and reduce swelling at the

bite. Apply in a paste with baking soda.

Banana Peels: The sugars in the chemical makeup of the skin of a banana can sooth

and draw fluid out from a bite.

Lemon & Lime: These citrus fruits are anti-itch, anti-bacterial and anti-microbial.

Milk & Water: For a soothing compress, soak equal parts milk and

water into a towel and apply on the bite.

Aloe: It’s not just for sunburn! Aloe is known to reduce itching

and swelling.

Basil: Basil’s aromatic leaf contains camphor and thymol,

two compounds that can naturally relieve itching.

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Minimizing Mosquito Reproduction

While your efforts may not match the effects of the county’s mosquito control program, you can

still help reduce mosquito habitat by eliminating potential breeding grounds around your home.

Look for all the places around your property that may have standing water and get rid of them.

This will help you deter future populations of mosquitoes around your home.

If you have completed this checklist, but still have a major mosquito breeding ground on your

hands, you may need to call in reinforcements.

Call Larue for a free evaluation of your property to determine the best approach for

controlling mosquitoes in your yard.

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Your Home Mosquito Control Checklist:

Throw away, or turn them upside down, any containers that may collect

water, such as jars, flower pots, wheelbarrows, children’s toys or play

pools, so they don’t hold water.

Clear out pipes and gutters. Make sure there is no standing water; clean

out any dirt, leaves or debris that may be blocking the flow of water.

Repair leaky pipes.

Maintain a regular schedule of pool cleaning, using the proper

chemicals. Drain swimming pools that are no longer maintained or used.

Make sure outdoor garbage cans are covered.

Check your septic drain fields. Make sure water doesn’t accumulate.

Don’t let water sit on tarps, swimming pool covers or plastic sheeting

over patio furniture.

Get rid of old tires. If you have a tire swing for children, drill holes in the

bottom so that it does not hold water.

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Mosquito Control Products & Services

If you want to be outside with minimal

mosquito interference, there are a few

methods you can try.

First of all, we just want to tell you don’t bother with

bug zappers that use with UV light, as they only attract

bugs that are drawn to light, not mosquitoes. You’ll end

up killing beetles, moths and other innocent bugs.

Mosquitoes don’t respond to it.

Citronella candles and tiki torches are common tools in

the fight against mosquitoes. Since the odor is what

repels mosquitoes, you may have to sit close to the

candle for it to protect you. Citronella is most effective in

small areas without wind and won’t work very well in

large, open areas.

If you’re serious about getting mosquito control for you home,

Larue offers two Residential Mosquito Control Options:

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MistAway’s Mosquito Misting System

After extensively searching for a high-quality mosquito misting system, Keith Ruebeling, owner

of Larue Pest Management, discovered MistAway Systems out of Houston, Texas. He knew

that this was a product he could stand behind after experiencing the difference it made in his

own backyard and decided to become an authorized MistAway dealer in 2006.

MistAway Systems are appealing to homeowners because they’re effective,

blend in with the environment, require minimal upkeep and are easy to use.

How it Works:

• The automatic mosquito misting

control unit is located anywhere on

your property that is convenient to a

water faucet and electrical outlet.

• Precision-engineered mosquito

misting nozzles are installed about

every 10-15 feet around the

perimeter of your property; on fence

lines, trees and risers positioned in

the landscaping for a mosquito-free


• The misting unit's electronic controller is programmed to automatically initiate a 30 - 60

second mosquito-killing mist around dawn and dusk, when the mosquitoes are most active

and other beneficial insects - like bees and butterflies - are not.

• The fine mist drifts around the property and settles on the grass and landscaping, killing any

mosquito that comes in contact with it. MistAway's mosquito misting systems also helps

control other unwanted insects, like spiders, flies, gnats and noseeums.

• The MistAway Mosquito Misting Systems works automatically or with a handheld remote and

provides worry free outdoor mosquito control.

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Larue’s Mosquito Abatement Program

This monthly service is designed to significantly reduce the mosquito population in your yard,

so you can spend more time outside during the summer when mosquitoes are at their worst in

Southwest Florida.

How Our Service Works:

• First we thoroughly inspect your property to identify key breeding sites.

• We’ll educate you on ways that you can help

eliminate mosquito breeding sites around your home

(refer back to page 11).

• Our skilled technicians will treat key breeding sites

with a larvicide when necessary.

• Adult populations will then be targeted with a

mosquito killing product that’s sprayed around the

lawn and shrubs on a monthly basis.

Larue’s residential mosquito control service allows you to get out and enjoy your yard more.

Life’s to short to be held captive indoors all summer!

Please contact us online or call (800)314-8813 to schedule your free on-site

evaluation today!

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