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Presented by: Kevin Goldstein, Senior Sales Manager, Pardot August 9, 2012 Marke/ng Automa/on For Sales The Compe//ve Edge

Learn How Marketing Automation Gives Sales Teams the Competitive Edge

May 09, 2015




Join us as we explore the ways in which a sales team can increase sales…with marketing automation. This is a great webinar for both sales and marketing teams.
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Page 1: Learn How Marketing Automation Gives Sales Teams the Competitive Edge

Presented  by:    Kevin  Goldstein,  Senior  Sales  Manager,  Pardot  August  9,  2012  


Marke/ng  Automa/on  For  Sales  The  Compe//ve  Edge  

Page 2: Learn How Marketing Automation Gives Sales Teams the Competitive Edge

A  li?le  about  me  •  Joined  Pardot  sales  team  in  2007  •  Daily  &  successful  sales  user  of  markeCng  automaCon  ever  since  

•  Huge  fan  of  jam-­‐band  “Phish”    

Page 3: Learn How Marketing Automation Gives Sales Teams the Competitive Edge

The  tradi/onal  components…    

•  Email  MarkeCng  •  Webinars  •  Search  MarkeCng  •  ReporCng  •  …what  about  sales?    

Page 4: Learn How Marketing Automation Gives Sales Teams the Competitive Edge

What  will  we  talk  about?  5  Ways  Marke/ng  Automa/on  Can  Help  Sales    

•  Lead  Capture  •  Lead  QualificaCon  •  Personalized  Email  AutomaCon    •  Lead  Intelligence  •  Automated  Lead  Alerts  

Page 5: Learn How Marketing Automation Gives Sales Teams the Competitive Edge

Lead  Capture        

Page 6: Learn How Marketing Automation Gives Sales Teams the Competitive Edge

Lead  Capture  •  IdenCfy  companies  on  your  website  •  IdenCfy  and  capture  actual  leads  •  Augment  data  using  3rd  party  sources    

Page 7: Learn How Marketing Automation Gives Sales Teams the Competitive Edge

Lead  Capture  •  IdenCfied  Companies  

•  Based  on  IP  Address  •  LocaCon  •  Page  Views/Interests  


Red  Box  CorporaCon  


Techus  RoboCcs  

Page 8: Learn How Marketing Automation Gives Sales Teams the Competitive Edge

Iden/fied  Companies  "We   implemented   in   November   and   in   December  alone  the   tool  helped  us   iden/fy  prospects  without  wai/ng   for   them   to   fill   out   a   form.   Our   reps   were  able   to  call   in  as   soon  as   they  hit  our  website,  find  key   contacts   and   close   the   business   before   they  could  engage  with  one  of  our  compeCtors.”  

   MarkeCng  Manager  

Page 9: Learn How Marketing Automation Gives Sales Teams the Competitive Edge

Lead  Capture  •  Forms/Landing  Pages  •  Deliver  Qualified  Ones  •  Page  Views/Interests  



Page 10: Learn How Marketing Automation Gives Sales Teams the Competitive Edge

Data  Augmenta/on      Iden/fied  Companies  •  Find  Contacts  

Leads  •  Pull  in  missing  data  points  

Korley,  Dan  Getner,  Barry  Gilliam,  Lisa  Floehner,  Robert  Davis,  Cathy  Clekler,  Bethany  

Sr.  Vice  President  of  Sales  Vice  President  of  Sales  Account  Manager  Account  Manager  Account  Manager  Inside  Sales  Manager  

Page 11: Learn How Marketing Automation Gives Sales Teams the Competitive Edge

Lead  Qualifica/on  Scoring  &  Grading      

Page 12: Learn How Marketing Automation Gives Sales Teams the Competitive Edge

Lead  Qualifica/on  Scoring  •  Implicit  behaviors  and  acCviCes  

•  Track  web  and  email  acCviCes    

•  Rank  leads  based  on  these  behaviors    

•  Pass  only  high  scoring  leads  to  sales    

Page 13: Learn How Marketing Automation Gives Sales Teams the Competitive Edge

Lead  Qualifica/on  Grading  •  Explicit  data  &  demographics    

CEO    vs.  

UnrealisCc  “let’s  get  weird”,  prospects  

Page 14: Learn How Marketing Automation Gives Sales Teams the Competitive Edge

Personalized  Email  Automa/on      

Page 15: Learn How Marketing Automation Gives Sales Teams the Competitive Edge

Personalized  Email  Automa/on  •  Personal  Email  Tracking  •  Rep  Driven  Nurturing  Programs  •  Personalized  Email  MarkeCng  Campaigns  


Page 16: Learn How Marketing Automation Gives Sales Teams the Competitive Edge

Personalized  Email  Tracking  

•  Reps  can  track  their  own  emails  •  No  more  blind  prospec/ng    

Page 17: Learn How Marketing Automation Gives Sales Teams the Competitive Edge

Rep  Driven  Nurturing  Programs  •  Sales  reps  can  pass  leads  back  to  markeCng    

5  days   15  days   30  days  

Page 18: Learn How Marketing Automation Gives Sales Teams the Competitive Edge

Personalized  Email  Campaigns  •  Email  markeCng  blasts  come  from  sales  reps  •  Reps  get  all  replies  and  noCficaCons  

YOU  (markeCng)  

alerts  replies  


Page 19: Learn How Marketing Automation Gives Sales Teams the Competitive Edge

Lead  Intelligence      

Page 20: Learn How Marketing Automation Gives Sales Teams the Competitive Edge

Lead  Intelligence  •  Track  all  online  behaviors  

Visits Page Views Google AdWords Google Keyword Searches Yahoo Keywords Site Searches Drip Nurturing Email Clicks Email Opens Email Link Clicks Webinar Responses Twitter LinkedIn Facebook

Website Chats

•  Put  into  CRM  for  easy  viewing  for  sales    

Page 21: Learn How Marketing Automation Gives Sales Teams the Competitive Edge

Lead  Intelligence  •  Allows  reps  to  profile  &  frame  the  conversaCon      

Now  that’s  music  to  my  ears,  sales  guy!  

He  aiended  this  webinar…  

viewed  these  2  product  pages  on  the  site…    

showed  interest  in  these  white  papers…  

and  searched  for  “pricing”  on  the  site.  

Page 22: Learn How Marketing Automation Gives Sales Teams the Competitive Edge

Lead  Intelligence  •  and  follow  up  emails…      

Page 23: Learn How Marketing Automation Gives Sales Teams the Competitive Edge

Automated  Lead  Alerts      

Page 24: Learn How Marketing Automation Gives Sales Teams the Competitive Edge

Automated  Lead  Alerts  •  Allow  your  sales  reps  to  act  faster  •  Real  Time  •  Daily  Summaries  •  Mobile  Alerts  


Page 25: Learn How Marketing Automation Gives Sales Teams the Competitive Edge

Automated  Lead  Alerts  •  Real  Cme  by  email…  


or  by  pop  up…    

Company  name  Visit:  3  page  views  Apr  10,  2012  3:44  PM  

Company  name  Visit:  12  page  views  Apr  10,  2012  2:29  PM  

Company  name  Visit:  6  page  views  Apr  10,  2012  1:16  PM  

Robert  Smith  

Elizabeth  Foster  

Greg  Raymond  

Page 26: Learn How Marketing Automation Gives Sales Teams the Competitive Edge

Automated  Lead  Alerts  •  Daily  Summary  Reports    

ABC  Company  


Blithe  MarkeCng  

Prospect  University  

Bright  Trends  

Top  Management  Recruits  

Blue  Edge  Brands  

TriCompany  LLC  

Page 27: Learn How Marketing Automation Gives Sales Teams the Competitive Edge

Automated  Lead  Alerts  •  Mobile  Alerts  

Basics  Media  Company  

PointBreak  Technologies  

Connect  Personnel  

PCR  Solu/ons  

DemandSessions  6  page  view  Apr  27  2010  11:55  AM  

93.25.395.159  12  page  views  Apr  27  2010  11:54  AM  20  page  views  Apr  27  2010  11:50  AM  

Unknown  3  page  views  Apr  27  2010  11:22  AM  

Ken  Henderson    Bendra  CorporaCon  Visit:  3  page  views  Apr  27  2010  11:22  AM  

Bethany  Minton  InsCtute  of  Health  Visit:  15  page  views  Apr  27  2010  10:14  AM  

Cathy  Sarpier  B4  Visit:  26  page  views  Apr  27  2010  10:07  AM  

Devon  Price  Verdamin  LLC  Visit:  2  page  views  Apr  27  2010  9:52  AM  

Page 28: Learn How Marketing Automation Gives Sales Teams the Competitive Edge

Automated  Lead  Alerts  •  Lastly….don’t  be  creepy!  

Page 29: Learn How Marketing Automation Gives Sales Teams the Competitive Edge

Some  stats  before  we  close…  •  451%  increase  in  qualified  leads  •  47%  larger  purchases  than  before  implemented  •  7-­‐10%  adopCon  rate  by  B2B  organizaCons  


 *provided  in  industry  study  

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Closing  Thoughts      

Page 31: Learn How Marketing Automation Gives Sales Teams the Competitive Edge

Closing  Thoughts  To  recap:    

•  Lead  Capture  •  Lead  QualificaCon  •  Personalized  Email  AutomaCon    •  Lead  Intelligence  •  Automated  Lead  Alerts      

Page 32: Learn How Marketing Automation Gives Sales Teams the Competitive Edge


Page 33: Learn How Marketing Automation Gives Sales Teams the Competitive Edge

Kevin  Goldstein  Senior  Sales  Manager  

[email protected]  


Pardot  950  East  Paces  Ferry  Rd  Suite  3300  Atlanta,  Georgia  30326  


404.492.6845  x120  877.3B2B.ROI  

Contact  Informa/on