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Focus On Success Teaching Time-Management, Goal-Setting and Study Skills to 7 th and 8 th Grade Students Ted Henderson LEAP Symposium Project June 2011

LEAP Symposium Powerpoint

May 24, 2015




Slide show to accompany Saturday's presentation
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Focus On Success

Teaching Time-Management,

Goal-Setting and

Study Skills

to 7th and 8th Grade Students

Ted Henderson

LEAP Symposium Project

June 2011

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“In the 21st century, the best anti-poverty program is a world-class education.

- President Obama

Focus On Success

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WHY? (Purpose of the class) To promote a college-going culture- According to

the US Department of Labor, college grads earn more money over the course of their lifetime, incur fewer health problems, suffer less penal involvement and live longer than non-college graduates. Students could have life-long benefits from this course.

Despite many years of interventions, the learning-achievement gap persists, in part, because various study techniques are not being taught.

Parent involvement, time spent on task and study habits, are strong determining factors in student success (Nickerson, 2006). This course addresses all three of those factors to varying degrees.

Focus On Success

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Two principle factors that influenced

my selection of this project

* Nine years of observing declining economic conditions of families in Alum Rock USD

* Poor practice habits of my band students

(I was moved to a site where students did not know how to practice.)

Focus On Success

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Interesting Facts about Sheppard Middle School

Located in Alum Rock USD of East San Jose Total enrollment = 800 46% Latino, 46% Asian, 4% Black, 3% White* 73% of students receive free/reduced lunch* 78% of parents do not have a college

education* Sheppard 2009-2010 API is 774 (highest non-charter school API in district)

API doesn't tell the complete story:

Asian API = 886 while Latino API = 686

Focus On Success

* According to

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“In the 21st century, teachers must be designers of learning experiences.

- James Paul Gee

Focus On Success

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How? (Specific Actions)

Sheppard Middle School 7th and 8th grader students

have a 35-minute advisory period at the beginning of

the day except Thursday. Focus on Success will be a

new elective offered during the advisory period that

will teach study skills, time-management and goal-

setting. This class is open to all students but I am

especially interested in merging “at-risk” students

with those currently having academic success.

Focus On Success

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Course FormatEach week would follow a similar format.

Monday - “PD Tool of the Week” is discussed. Grade Check Forms are Due.

Tuesday – Study Hall and Binder Check Wednesday – Study Hall and Binder Check Friday – Reflection on week's work. Awarding of

Personal Development Point Parent Questionnaire at the end of each quarter. College visit at the end of each semester.

Focus On Success

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Personal Development (PD)Tool of the Week

Every Monday the students would be introduced to a

new study skill, goal-setting or time-management

tool referred to as the “PD Tool of the Week”. These

will be placed in the students “toolkit” to be referred

to and used as needed. Each PD tool will be

accompanied by a handout which should be place in

the student's binder.

Focus On Success

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Week 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr. 4th Qtr.

1 Setting Priorities/Using Grade check forms

The Importance of Exercise and Sleep

The Importance ofBreakfast and Nutrition

The Importance of Playtime, Downtime and Family Time(PDF)

2 Organizing your papers and time

Working in groups(Think Win/Win, Synergize, Listening)

The Importance of asking for help

History Study Skills

3 Creating/selecting and organizing your study space

Science Study Skills Proactive vs. Reactive Scheduling

Spelling Strategies

4 Multiple Intelligences (How are you smart?)

Planning Long Term Projects

Active vs. Passive Learning/Reading

Motivating yourself

5 S.M.A.R.T Goals S.M.A.R.T Goals Check-in (Renew or Adjust)

S.M.A.R.T Goals Check-in (Renew or Adjust)

S.M.A.R.T Goals Check-in

6 Note-taking skills Vocabulary Study Skills Reading Study Skills Finding Appropriate Role models

7 Math Study Skills Creating Study Packets The importance of reviewing your work

Identify your learning style

8 Essay Writing Tips – pt. 1 (Bubble Charts and other visual organizers)

Making Practice Tests The Appropriate use of Technology

Compass Exercise (Which direction are you?)

9 Essay Writing Tips – pt. 2 (writing outlines and book reports)

Dealing with Test Anxiety

Financial Benefits of Education

Career Personality Test

10 Study Hall/Finals Study Hall/Finals/College Trip

Study Hall/Finals Study Hall/Finals/College Trip

Focus On SuccessA Sample Schedule of Lessons

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Tool of the Week (Example)

Setting Priorities

Rocks – Pebbles – Water demo

1. Take a jar and fill it with large rocks.2. Ask the class if the jar is full. (Most will say yes)3. Now, add pebbles to the jar, pointing out how they fill the gaps between the large rocks. Once again, ask if the jar is full. (Now they aren't sure...)4. Next pour water into the jar until it slightly overflows.5. Ask again, “Is the jar full?” (Most will say yes)

Rocks = Biggest responsibilities

Pebbles = Spice of Life activities

Water = “If I do it great, if not, oh well!”

Lesson: There's lots of room in your life if you put in the big rocks first!

Focus On Success

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Focus On Success

Grade Check Forms

On Mondays, students will also turn in Grade Check forms signed

and dated by teachers and parents. Students will also receive blank

grade check forms for the upcoming week. These forms would also

allow space where teachers could indicate any missing assignments

and/or projects. Focus on Success students and teachers would use

that information to help the student develop an action plan related to

each student’s individual workload.

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FOS Grade Check FormsFocus On Success

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Binder Check

On Wednesday, students continue the study hall but will also have a

binder check to ensure they can answer the following three questions

regarding every class:

* When is the next quiz/test and what will it cover?

* What is the next big project and when is it due?

Focus On Success

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Study Hall

On Tuesday, students will be able to work individually or in small

groups in a study hall format. Study Hall is not a free period and

must be used exclusively for school work. If a student has no

homework or upcoming project, they must use the time to study.

There is always something which could benefit from extra study


Focus On Success

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Reflections on Personal Development

On Fridays, students will share which study or time management

tools they used throughout the week. They will also be given an

opportunity to reflect on any missed opportunities to use their new

tools. Fridays will also be the day that “Personal Development”

points are awarded. Students must earn twenty (20) PD points to be

eligible to attend the end-of-semester field trip.

Focus On Success

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Personal Development Points

There are many ways to earn Personal Development Points:

1) Successfully answering the binder check questions by Friday

2)Writing a short paper on how they used a “tool of the week”

3) Write a short paper on how they missed an opportunity to use a “tool

of the week”

4) Perfect school attendance for that week (with no tardies)

5) Provide a log of study time outside of school (signed by parent)

The points will be posted in a public place to that students may keep

track of their progress.

Focus On Success

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Parent Questionnaire At the end of each quarter, parents will receive a short questionnaire

designed to encourage increased involvement in their student's daily school life.

Sample Questions

*Can you name all of your student's classes and teachers?*What is your student's favorite subject? Why?*What is your student's least favorite subject? Why?* Where are your student's favorite places to study?* Which school functions have you attended this quarter?

Parents are encouraged to review answers with their student before returning the signed questionnaire.

Focus On Success

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College Visits Different types of colleges will be visited to expose the students to

their wide range of options. The following colleges have been selected for the 2011-2012 school year.

1st Semester – San Jose State University (4-year public university)

2nd Semester – Evergreen College (Community College)

Both colleges are accessible through public transportation and qualify for free “Class passes” from the Santa Clara VTA

Focus On Success

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“We're getting our children through education by anaesthetising them. We should be waking them up to what they have inside of themselves!

- Sir Ken Robinson

Focus On Success

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(Outcome/Expected Results)

Research shows:

* The deeper the student is involved in studying, the higher the payoff in comprehension and retention.

* The greater the degree of consistency of study, the better the results in comprehension and retention.

* Students must receive adequate training in the use of study techniques. It can not be assumed that student's already possess this skill.

* In general, the more time students study, regardless of the study technique, the better their comprehension.

taken from “Current Research on Studying: A Qualitive Analysis”(Best, Brozo, 1985)

Focus On Success

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Teacher Preparation/Collaboration

While developing this course I relied heavily on three resources:

That Crumpled Paper Was Due Last Week – Ana Hoyayoun

S.O.A.R Study Skills – Susan Kruger Woodcock

7 Habits of Highly Successful Teenagers – Sean Covey

I'd recommend the administrator purchase these books for each Focus on Success teacher to facilitate a bi-monthly collaboration meeting to share lesson plans, best practices and class experiences.

Focus On Success

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California Professional Standards for Educational Leaders

S t a n d a r d 1

A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by facilitating the development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared and supported by the school community.

´ Facilitate the development of a shared vision for the achievement of all students based upon data from multiple measures of student learning and relevant qualitative indicators.

´ Identify and address any barriers to accomplishing the vision.

Focus On Success

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California Professional Standards for Educational Leaders

S t a n d a r d 2

A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by advocating, nurturing, and sustaining a school culture and instructional program conducive to student learning and staff professional growth.

´ a culture in which high expectations are the norm for each student as evident in rigorous academic work.

´ the use of a variety of appropriate content-based learning materials and learning strategies that recognize students as active learners, value reflection and inquiry, emphasize the quality versus the amount of student application and performance, and utilize appropriate and effective technology.

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I suggest that if we expect all students to achieve we must commit

to providing them with the tools necessary to imagine, set and meet

and exceed high educational goals. Research shows that students

learn what they believe to be important (Mitra, 2009). As educators,

we must make a greater effort to convince the students of the

lifetime value of a quality education. Then, we must commit

ourselves to providing one.

Focus On Success

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Focus On Success

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Thank You!

Focus On Success