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Lean Startup Testez, validez, apprenez ! Emmanuel Levi-Valensi Fondateur & Directeur Associé 19 novembre 2011

Lean startup - Testez, Apprenez, Validez

Nov 01, 2014



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Page 1: Lean startup - Testez, Apprenez, Validez

Lean Startup

Testez, validez, apprenez !

Emmanuel Levi-Valensi

Fondateur & Directeur Associé

19 novembre 2011

Page 2: Lean startup - Testez, Apprenez, Validez

PIA est un cabinet de conseil en système d'information,

spécialiste de l'expérience utilisateur et des usages innovants.

Nous réalisons des développements sur mesure et accompagnons

nos clients dans toutes les phases de leurs projets web et mobile.

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Une des causes principales

de l’échec d’une startup

=> Développer un produit qui ne

trouve pas son marché

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Le Lean Startup est une

méthode rigoureuse

pour accroître les chances

de succès des startups.

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Elle a été mise au point

par Eric Ries en 2008.

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Il s’agit d’appliquer les

principes du lean à


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Etre une entreprise


Se concentrer sur la

satisfaction client

Aller voir avec ses


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Elle connait un succès


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Customer Development

Dévelopement Agile

(Scrum, Kanban, XP,...)


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Avec les questionnaires

de 4 steps to epiphany


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What are the most important costs inherent in our business model? Which Key Resources are most expensive? Which Key Activities are most expensive?

Through which Channels do our Customer Segments want to be reached? How are we reaching them now?How are our Channels integrated? Which ones work best?Which ones are most cost-efficient? How are we integrating them with customer routines?

For what value are our customers really willing to pay?For what do they currently pay? How are they currently paying? How would they prefer to pay? How much does each Revenue Stream contribute to overall revenues?

For whom are we creating value?Who are our most important customers?

What type of relationship does each of our CustomerSegments expect us to establish and maintain with them?Which ones have we established? How are they integrated with the rest of our business model?How costly are they?

What value do we deliver to the customer?Which one of our customer’s problems are we helping to solve? What bundles of products and services are we offering to each Customer Segment?Which customer needs are we satisfying?

What Key Activities do our Value Propositions require?Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships?Revenue streams?

Who are our Key Partners? Who are our key suppliers?Which Key Resources are we acquiring from partners?Which Key Activities do partners perform?

What Key Resources do our Value Propositions require?Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships?Revenue Streams?

Day Month Year


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit

or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

Ou comme ça...

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What are the most important costs inherent in our business model? Which Key Resources are most expensive? Which Key Activities are most expensive?

Through which Channels do our Customer Segments want to be reached? How are we reaching them now?How are our Channels integrated? Which ones work best?Which ones are most cost-efficient? How are we integrating them with customer routines?

For what value are our customers really willing to pay?For what do they currently pay? How are they currently paying? How would they prefer to pay? How much does each Revenue Stream contribute to overall revenues?

For whom are we creating value?Who are our most important customers?

What type of relationship does each of our CustomerSegments expect us to establish and maintain with them?Which ones have we established? How are they integrated with the rest of our business model?How costly are they?

What value do we deliver to the customer?Which one of our customer’s problems are we helping to solve? What bundles of products and services are we offering to each Customer Segment?Which customer needs are we satisfying?

What Key Activities do our Value Propositions require?Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships?Revenue streams?

Who are our Key Partners? Who are our key suppliers?Which Key Resources are we acquiring from partners?Which Key Activities do partners perform?

What Key Resources do our Value Propositions require?Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships?Revenue Streams?

Day Month Year


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit

or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

Fournir un framework pour développer des applications mobiles

multiplateformes respectant le design

de chaque plateforme Développeurs solo

Editeurs de logiciels





Projets open source

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What are the most important costs inherent in our business model? Which Key Resources are most expensive? Which Key Activities are most expensive?

Through which Channels do our Customer Segments want to be reached? How are we reaching them now?How are our Channels integrated? Which ones work best?Which ones are most cost-efficient? How are we integrating them with customer routines?

For what value are our customers really willing to pay?For what do they currently pay? How are they currently paying? How would they prefer to pay? How much does each Revenue Stream contribute to overall revenues?

For whom are we creating value?Who are our most important customers?

What type of relationship does each of our CustomerSegments expect us to establish and maintain with them?Which ones have we established? How are they integrated with the rest of our business model?How costly are they?

What value do we deliver to the customer?Which one of our customer’s problems are we helping to solve? What bundles of products and services are we offering to each Customer Segment?Which customer needs are we satisfying?

What Key Activities do our Value Propositions require?Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships?Revenue streams?

Who are our Key Partners? Who are our key suppliers?Which Key Resources are we acquiring from partners?Which Key Activities do partners perform?

What Key Resources do our Value Propositions require?Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships?Revenue Streams?

Day Month Year


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit

or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

Fournir un framework pour développer des applications mobiles

multiplateformes respectant le design

de chaque plateforme Développeurs solo

Editeurs de logiciels





Projets open source

Et définir sa stratégie de


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Travailler sur des cycles courts

Principe Lean Startup #2

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Temps passé (mois)



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Proposition de valeur


Version 1

Fonctionnalité 1 Fonctionnalté 2Fonctionnalité 3 Freemium Premium ...


Cible 1 Cible 2 Prix Channels





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Proposition de valeur


Version 1

Fonctionnalité 1 Fonctionnalté 2Fonctionnalité 3 Freemium Premium ...


Cible 1 Cible 2 Prix Channels






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Important pour cet après-midi

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Mechanical turk PinocchioVidéo


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Prototype fil de fer interactif

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Prototype haute fidélité

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Important pour cet après-midi

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Sur 10 entretiens, nous avons

obtenu 2 lettres d’intention

1500 personnes ont

demandé à être informées

de la dispo du produit

J’ai obtenu une trentaine

de rendez-vous pour

présenter le produit






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Engagement et cohérence

ou comment des décisions et des

concepts s’ancrent en nous.


Le biais de confirmation

Voir ce que l’on veut...

Effet de dotation

La survalorisation de nos idées.

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Tests marchépour vérifier (quali) ou valider (quanti) l’utilité

Quali : interview face-à-face, focus group,...

Quanti : questionnaires en ligne, stats web,...


Tests utilisateurpour vérifier ou valider l’utilisabilité, l’attractivié

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Tests d’utilisabilité

Vos utilisateurs / vos cibles

5 personnes par segment cible

Tests marché (utilité)

Les cibles pressenties

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**** En savoir plus sur leurs comportemens *****

- Ont-ils le problème ? Comment le règle t-il ?

- Combien de temps passe t-il par jour à ... ?

- ...

**** Pitcher votre produit / service ****

- Demander leur de catégoriser le service

indispensable, utile, confort

- Quel serait l’impact du service pour eux ?

note de 1 à 5

- Acheteraient-ils le service s’il coûtait ?

0¤, 100¤, 1 000¤, 10000¤,...

- Y’a t-il un service connexe qui leur paraitrait plus important ?


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- Quelles fonctionnalités voulez-vous tester ?

- Préparer le brief du tests

Vous voulez organiser un week-end entre amis et vous

rechercher un gîte sympa et pas cher en Bourgogne.

- Déterminer les scénarios à tester

Scénario 1 : Recherche sur Google (test SEO)

Scénario 2 : Recherche sur le site

Scénario 3 : Passer la commande

- Prévoir un mécanisme d’enregistrement vidéo et son

(ex : Silverback)


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- Présentation mutuelle

- Expliquer l’objectif et le déroulement du tests

- Rappeler que le test concerne le service pas le participant

- Soyez à 2 : 1 interviewer et 1 observateur (qui note)

- Demander du feedback à la fin du test

- Remercier le participant

- Prévoir des boissons, snack ou goodies


Penser à Tester le test (si, si !)

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Scénario Statut Notes

Trouver le service sur google ok - ko -avec de l’aide

Rechercher un gite ok - ko -avec de l’aide

Passer la commande ok - ko -avec de l’aide

Participant : ............ Profession : ............ Age : ..

Date : ../../.... Interviewer : .......... Observateur : ..........

Remarques du participant : ............................................................

Segment : .....

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Pitch RecommandaJon


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What are the most important costs inherent in our business model? Which Key Resources are most expensive? Which Key Activities are most expensive?

Through which Channels do our Customer Segments want to be reached? How are we reaching them now?How are our Channels integrated? Which ones work best?Which ones are most cost-efficient? How are we integrating them with customer routines?

For what value are our customers really willing to pay?For what do they currently pay? How are they currently paying? How would they prefer to pay? How much does each Revenue Stream contribute to overall revenues?

For whom are we creating value?Who are our most important customers?

What type of relationship does each of our CustomerSegments expect us to establish and maintain with them?Which ones have we established? How are they integrated with the rest of our business model?How costly are they?

What value do we deliver to the customer?Which one of our customer’s problems are we helping to solve? What bundles of products and services are we offering to each Customer Segment?Which customer needs are we satisfying?

What Key Activities do our Value Propositions require?Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships?Revenue streams?

Who are our Key Partners? Who are our key suppliers?Which Key Resources are we acquiring from partners?Which Key Activities do partners perform?

What Key Resources do our Value Propositions require?Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships?Revenue Streams?

Day Month Year


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit

or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

Fournir un framework pour développer des applications mobiles

multiplateformes respectant le design

de chaque plateforme Développeurs solo

Editeurs de logiciels




Réseaux sociaux



Open Source / Gratuit

Abonnement Annuel



Projets open source

Fournir un framework pour développer des applications mobiles

multiplateformes respectant le design

de chaque plateforme Développeurs soloRéseaux sociaux


Open Source / Gratuit

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Il n’y a pas de silver


Valider vos hypothèses avant de

construire le produit

Ne perdez pas votre temps

et celui des autres

Tester, apprenez,


����������� ������

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Emmanuel Levi-Valensi

Fondateur & Directeur Associé

[email protected] | @pia_emmanuel

A vous de jouer !

Des questions ?