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Page 1: Leadership  sameh mousa
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:Prepared by

Dr.Sameh Mousa Supervisor for Port said area

Dr.Ashraf M.Ali

area manager

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Management Major Functions

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What is Leadership

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LeadershipThe Way to Influence Others

one's ability to get others to willingly follow

Does not mean yelling at your followers to accomplish certain task .

Power versus influences :Power versus influences :PowerPower : is using your authority authority to make what you even if your subordinates do not want to do it . InfluenceInfluence : is using your persuasion persuasion to get what you want because your subordinates want to do it .

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You cannot be a leader without a group of people following your direction and putting their trust in you.

Leaders carry out this process by applying their leadership attributes, such as beliefs, values, ethics, character, knowledge and skills.

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Nobody Can Teach You LeadershipYou Learn Principally From ExperienceEffective leadership is based on results, not

effort.The title "Boss" or "Manager" does not

automatically make you a leaderAuthority alone may not produce the best


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“Are Leaders Born ?


Are They Made”?“Leaders can be


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There are some qualities that you have to have.

you should possess, exemplify and perhaps even personify the qualities expected or required in your working group.

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The first differences between leaders and managers: the latter can be appointed over others in a hierarchy regardless of whether or not they have the required qualities.

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Leaders Vs. Managers

“Producing change is about 80 percent leadership...and about 20 percent management....”

“ John Paul Kotter professor at Harvard business School ”

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Leadership versus Management


Promotes stability, order and problem solving within existing organizational structure and systems


Promotes vision, creativity, and change

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Leader versus Manager Qualities

Manager QualitiesLeader Qualities

Source: Genevieve Capowski, “Anatomy of a Leader: Where Are the Leaders of Tomorrow?” Management Review, March 1994, 12

VisionaryCreativeInspiringInnovativeCourageousImaginativeExperimentalInitiates changePersonal power

RationalPersistentTough-mindedAnalyticalStructuredDeliberateAuthoritativeStabilizingPosition power

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Leadership versus Management

An important concept to understand is the difference between:

Leadership–the art of influencing and directing people to accomplish the mission.

Management–supervising the use of resources to achieve team objectives.

In essence, you lead people, and manage things.

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• Trait Theories (1920s-30s)

–Research focused on identifying personal characteristics that differentiated leaders from nonleaders.

–Later research on the leadership process identified seven traits associated with successful leadership:

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Seven Traits Associated Seven Traits Associated with Leadershipwith Leadership

1) Drive2) Desire to lead3) Honesty and integrity4) Self confidence5) Intelligence6) Job- relevant Knowledge7) Extraversion

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Seven Traits Associated with Leadership

1)1)Drive Drive :: Leaders exhibit high effort level , they have relatively high desire for achievement they have a lot of energy , they are tirelessly persistent in their activities , they show initiative .

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Seven Traits Associated with Leadership

2) 2) Desire to lead : Desire to lead : leaders have a strong desire to influence & lead others they demonstrate the willingness to take the responsibility

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Seven Traits Associated with Leadership

3) 3) Honesty and integrity Honesty and integrity : : Leaders build trusting relationships Between themselves and followers by being truthful or non deceitful and by showing a high consistency between word and deed

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Seven Traits Associated with Leadership

4) 4) Self confidence : Self confidence : followers look to leaders for an absence of self doubt , leaders therefore need to show self confidence in order to convince followers of the rightness of their goals and decisions

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Seven Traits Associated with Leadership

5) 5) IntelligenceIntelligence : : Leaders need to be intelligent enough to gather , synthesize and interpret large amount of information and they need to create vision , solve problems and make correct decisions

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Seven Traits Associated with Leadership

6) 6) Job- relevant Knowledge Job- relevant Knowledge ::in-depth knowledge allows leaders to make

well informed decisions and understand the implications of those decisions

Knowledge creates confidence in others.

Source: S. A. Kirkpatrick and E. A. Locke, “Leadership: Do Traits Really Matter?” Academy of Management Executive, May 1991, pp. 48–60; T. A. Judge, J. E. Bono, R. llies, and M. W. Gerhardt, “Personality and

Leadership: A Qualitative and Quantitative Review,” Journal of Applied Psychology, August 2002, pp. 765–780.

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Seven Traits Associated with Leadership

77) Extraversion ) Extraversion : : Leaders are energetic , lively people ,they are sociable, assertive and rarely silent or withdrawn

Source: S. A. Kirkpatrick and E. A. Locke, “Leadership: Do Traits Really Matter?” Academy of Management Executive, May 1991, pp. 48–60; T. A. Judge, J. E. Bono, R. llies, and M. W. Gerhardt, “Personality and

Leadership: A Qualitative and Quantitative Review,” Journal of Applied Psychology, August 2002, pp. 765–780.

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Personal Characteristics of Leaders

Physical CharacteristicsEnergyPhysical stamina

Social BackgroundEducation

Intelligence and AbilityJudgment, decisivenessKnowledgeIntelligence , ability

PersonalitySelf-confidenceHonesty & integrityEnthusiasmDesire to leadIndependence

Work-related CharacteristicsAchievement driveConscientiousness in pursuit of goalsPersistence against obstacles, tenacity

Social CharacteristicsSociability, interpersonal skillsCooperativenessTact, diplomacy

Source: Adapted from Bernard M. Bass, Stogdill’s Handbook of Leadership, rev. Ed. (New York: Free Press, 1981), 75-76. This adaptation appeared in R. Albanese and D. D. Van Fleet, Organizational Behavior: A managerial Viewpoint (Hinsdale, III.: The Dryden Press, 1983).

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Autocratic Democratic Laissez- Faire

Which style of leadership is better?• Each one has a purpose, • it is necessary to use the one that will suit the situation.

Behavioral Theories of Leadership

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Adapting Your Leadership Style

“Do what I say” Leader makes decisions without reference to anyone else

The leader has the primary responsibility to make decisions, to determine policies and to develop procedures.

1- Coercive or Authoritarian or 1- Coercive or Authoritarian or AutocraticAutocratic

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Adapting Your Leadership Style

High degree of dependency on the leader

The leader uses position as the leadership basis.

1- Coercive or Authoritarian or 1- Coercive or Authoritarian or AutocraticAutocratic

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1 -Coercive or Authoritarian or AutocraticMay be valuable where decisions need to be

made quickly and decisively in a crisis, and with problem employees.

It is useful when subordinates are new on job and have no prior experience in decision making.

Gets the job done quickly

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1 -Coercive or Authoritarian or Autocratic

Can create de-motivation and alienation of the staff

Unconcerned about relationships with subordinates,

This won’t build a close-knit group.

Followers can’t act independently without leader

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Encourage participation (decision making)

Can be seen as unsure of himself .

Developing trust and mutual respect are part of this concept.

2- Participative or Democratic

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Active participation by employees raises morale and satisfaction help motivation and involvement.

Group is more willing to work together to get the job done.

Improves the sharing of ideas and experiences within the business

2- Participative or Democratic

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Employees develop a greater sense of self esteem due to importance given to their opinions.

Leader trains group in decision-making.

Keep producing when the leader is not present

2- Participative or Democratic

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Can delay decision making

Not suitable in crisis

Some employees may feel dis-satisfied if their ideas are not taken.

2- Participative or Democratic

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33 - -Delegative or Free Reign Delegative or Free Reign or Laissez- Faireor Laissez- Faire

With this style the leader: The leadership for decisions comes from

within the group.

The leader provides guidance, information and assistance when needed .

The leader may be the person who assumes control of the group.

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Good for highly motivated skilled teamCan be very useful in businesses where

creative ideas are importantCan be highly motivational, as people have

control over their working life .Relies on good team workRelies on good interpersonal relations

3 -Delegative or Free Reign or Laissez- Faire

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Factors Affecting Style• Leadership style may be dependent

on various factors:

Risk - decision making and change initiatives based on degree of risk involved

Type of business – creative business or supply driven?

Nature of the task - Needing cooperation? - Direction?

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Range Of Leadership Styles

Amount of Leader Authority

Amount of group Freedom

Autocratic Democratic












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The leader keeps all authority and gives the group little freedom. The leader decides, and the group follows.

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The leader makes the decision, thenpersuades the group that this decision is the “best” for the group.

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The leader states the problem, picks apossible solution, and lets the groupreact to this solution. Possibly acceptingsuggestions, the leader makes a final decision and informs the group.

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The leader presents the problem and asks for ideas from the group members.The group recommends solutions;the leader selects one, and informsthe group.

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The group decides and the leader follows. Here the leader is just another member of the group and agrees to carry out the group’s decision.

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Hersey and Blanchard’s Situational Leadership Theory (SLT)

Argues that successful leadership is achieved by selecting the right leadership style which is contingent on the level of the followers’ readiness.

• Readiness: the extent to which followers have the ability and willingness to accomplish a specific task.

Situational Theories of Leadership Theories of Leadership

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Hersey and Blanchard’s Situational Leadership Theory (SLT)

Leaders must relinquish control over and contact with followers as they become more competent.

Orientation Toward TaskOrientation Toward people

Situational Theories of Leadership Theories of Leadership

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Orientation Toward Task

• Task behavior focuses on the practical aspects of the job or mission. These behaviors include directing team members on:

• What to do• How to do it• When to do it• The leader’s involvement in defining the duties

and responsibilities of an individual or a group Task

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Leader focuses on interaction with his people and uses this to complete the task..

Orientation toward people is relationship behavior. This includes, listening, praising, collaborating, and counseling.

Orientation Toward people

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Hersey and Blanchard’s Situational Leadership Theory (SLT)

Task Orientation


le O








Low High




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Successful leaders adapt their leadership style to meet the mission demands and to reflect the abilities and experience of their people,

Your leadership style must correspond to your team members’ knowledge, abilities, and skills.

Good leaders also take into account their own individual strengths and weaknesses.

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Selected Cross-Cultural Leadership Findings• Korean leaders are expected to be paternalistic toward employees.

• Arab leaders who show kindness or generosity without being asked to do so are seen by other Arabs as weak.

• Japanese leaders are expected to be humble and speak frequently.

• Scandinavian and Dutch leaders who single out individuals with public praise are likely to embarrass, not energize, those individuals.

• Effective leaders in Malaysia are expected to show compassion while using more of an autocratic than a participative style.

• Effective German leaders are characterized by high performance orientation, low compassion, low team orientation, high autonomy, and high participation.

Source: Based on J. C. Kennedy, “Leadership in Malaysia: Traditional Values, International Outlook,” Academy of Management Executive, August 2002, pp. 15–17; F.C. Brodbeck, M. Frese, and M. Javidan, “Leadership Made in Germany: Low on Compassion, High on Performance,” Academy of Management Executive, February 2002, pp. 16–

29; M. F. Peterson and J. G. Hunt, “International Perspectives on International Leadership,” Leadership Quarterly, Fall 1997, pp. 203–31; R. J. House and R. N. Aditya, “The Social Scientific Study of Leadership: Quo Vadis?” Journal of Management, vol. 23, no. 3, (1997), p. 463; and R. J. House, “Leadership in the Twenty-First Century,” in A.

Howard (ed.), The Changing Nature of Work (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1995), p. 442.

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Leadership depends on three elements

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Three needs These three needs are the watchwords of leadership and people expect their leaders to Help them achieve the common task

Build the synergy of the teamwork

Respond to individuals and meet their needs .

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leadership functionsDefining the








Providing anexample

The Role

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Defining The TaskObjective

clear concrete time-limited realistic challenging capable of evaluation

• By the last point I mean that there is a simple ‘success criterion’ that will enable you – and the team – to know that the objective has been achieved.

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PlanningPlanning requires that the

• What….• Why…..• when….• How…… • Where….• Who……

questions are answered..

The Basic Features Of Planning





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Briefing• Briefing is the function of communicating

objectives and plans to the team.• Briefing, in fact, is part of a much larger

communication skill: effective speaking.• Here are some guidelines:• Be prepared.• Be clear• Be simple.• Be vivid.• Be natural.

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ControllingRegulating organizational activities so that

actual performance conforms to organizational standards and goals

Success at directing, regulating, restraining or encouraging individual and team efforts on the task (and in meetings) is the criterion for testing a leader’s effectiveness as a ‘controller’.

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Evaluating• people need to know where they are in

relation to the end result they are aiming at.• Here are some of the criteria or hallmarks of

an excellent, high-performance team:Clear realistic objectivesAtmosphere of opennessBest use of resourcesHandles failure

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MotivatingMore recent thought suggests that we motivate

ourselves by responding to inner needs. As a leader you must understand these needs in individuals and how they operate, so that you can work with the grain of human nature and not against it.

Maslow’s concept of a hierarchy of needs

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Providing an example

• ‘A manager will take six months to get to know his staff,’, ‘but they will take only six days to get to know him.

Organizing• Allocating and arranging resources• It can mean systematic planning

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Types of Injustice• Laziness• Inaccuracy• Rapid reactions• Personal benefits• Seeking mistakes• Determination

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Requirements of Justice• Competencies• Sense of responsibility• Equality• Proper selection of subordinates• Courage• Massive effort

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Above all, Leadership is about :

0% 10% 20% 30% 40%




Energizing people







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VISION One definition of Leading is “influencing a group of people to move

towards the organizational objectives.”In order to do this, the leader should possess

the ability to identify the best road, detect the obstacles and finally recognize the capabilities of his followers.

By achieving this; the leader acquires the vision.

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Components of vision

Acquiring the vision

Transferring the vision

Supply by proofs

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Acquiring the vision• The leader must continuously analyze the past and

current situations and monitor the changes occurring trying to extract the trends.

• During this analysis, the leader can define the areas of strengths and weaknesses and how far it will affect his team.

• By the end of this step, the leader will predict the future results including to invest in strong points and avoid the hazards of the weaknesses.

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Acquiring the vision by :

Detect areas of development

Discover opportunities

Identify the required effort

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Transferring the vision

This acquired vision should be communicated for the subordinates.

This transfer helps the subordinates anticipate the future challenges and the amount of effort required to reach this end results.

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Transfer of vision will have the following benefits:

Direct the efforts of the subordinate towards a unified goal.

Establish the importance of each task performed by each task performed by each subordinate.

Sharing the responsibility with the subordinates. Build the ownership attitude towards the

organization. Enjoy the success. Guarantee continuity even in absence of the leader.

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Supply with proofs

During the journey, the leader should supply the subordinates by proofs which documents that his vision is true.

He should take every chance to remind the subordinates by his original vision and what is achieved so far matching with this vision.

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Supply with proofsPerforming this step will achieve the

following advantages:Keep the subordinates on track and

protect against deviations.Build up the trust relationship.Enhance confidence and enthusiasm.Achieve a total cooperation with the

subordinates in any future projects.

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Improving Your Own Improving Your Own Leadership CapabilitiesLeadership Capabilities

Set direction

Set performance expectations

Set an example

Clarify and build paths

Cheer on/ appreciate

Reassess and




Skills Expectations Motivations

Constraints Opportunities




Adapted from Exhibit 11.14: Improving Your Leadership Capabilities

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