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July 27 th , 2010 reensbor reensbor o o G G The City of North Carolina Land Development Ordinance (LDO)
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Page 1: LDO Changes

July 27th, 2010

reensbororeensboroGGThe City of

North Carolina

Land Development Ordinance (LDO)

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Purpose2. Specific changes

by article3. Further transition


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– May, 2003: Comprehensive Plan adopted, including recommendations for changes to regulations.

– Fall, 2004: Hired consultant team, led by Duncan Associates, to help in developing changes; did ordinance “critique” first.

– April, 2005: 37 “Listening Sessions” @ LDO kickoff process; top priority: make ordinance easier to use.

– May, 2005: City Manager names 18-member Citizens Advisory Team (CAT) to oversee process (37+ mtgs!).

– CC also to receive briefing at each part of process.

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LDO Purpose

1. Make it Easier to:

1. Find: reorganize regulations, more indices.2. Read: give ordinance a new format, graphics.3. Understand: add definitions, clarify standards.

2. Process efficiency: more appropriate (i.e., modifications).

3. Reduce text and districts: combining, move to manuals.

4. More flexible: give options for standards, processes.

5. Comprehensive Plan: changes specified.

– Encourage compatible infill , design & context standards– Encourage mixed-use and urban development– Protect neighborhoods and natural resources

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Now included:Tables and Graphics

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Easier to Read:Page Layout

Header with article and section information

Paragraph indents reflect hierarchy

Variable type size/style

In-line graphics

Ample white space

Page numbering (by article)

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Reformatting and ReorganizationExisting

I.  Purpose & AuthorityII.  Definitions

III.  Permits & ProceduresIV.  Zoning

V.  Zoning: Other StdsVI.  Subdivisions

VII.  Environmental Regulatns

VIII.  EnforcementIX.  Administration

Proposed1. Introductory Provisions2. Nonconformities3. Administration4. Review & Approval Procedures5. Enforcement6. Zoning Districts7. District Standards8. District Use Requirements9. General Development

Standards10. Landscaping11. Off-Street Parking and

Loading12. Natural Resources13. Subdivision Standards14. Sign Regulations15. Definitions

Elevates important information to article/section level –

Much existing text simply moved to new location in LDO.

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Administrative provisions consolidated in the first part of the ordinance.

– Article 1: Introductory Provisions– Article 2: Nonconformities– Article 3: Administrative Bodies

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Article 2 (Nonconformities)

– Article 2:– Clarified current language regarding

rebuilding of townhomes and condominiums (i.e. Mazzurco Amendment) ,

– Separated out and address “Billboards” in its own category

– Clarified and added flexibility on how valuation is determined for a number of nonconformities.

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Article 3 (Administration)

– Article 3:– 4/5ths voting requirement for certain types

of BOA hearings. Applies to variances, special exceptions, and other issues.

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Article 4 (Review and Approval Procedures)– Article 4:

– Codified the notification mailing distance standards (600 foot requirement) for rezoning hearings.

– Clarified procedures for notifications of split-zoned properties; must now apply to whole property

– Neighborhood Summary now requirement for conditional rezonings within 600 feet of residential uses.

– Protest petition requirements found in this Article.– Criteria now established for the Planning Director

to determine if “Substantial Changes” occurred in a development proposal.

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Applicant’s Communications Summary with Neighborhoods

– NEW: Communications Summary on rezonings

– Must cover: 1) what efforts, 2)what issues, 3) what changes?

– Applicant required to present at public hearing on rezonings.

– Some exemptions: conditional zng, near resid., no mtg required.

– Compromise: much discussion with CAT Team.

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Zoning district descriptions, standards, and use requirements consolidated together

– Article 6: Zoning Districts– Article 7: District Standards– Article 8: District Use Requirements

– Primary “go-to” sections for the day-to-day administrators of the ordinance.

– Consolidates Districts – Provides for district standards in one location

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Article 6 (Zoning Districts)

– Article 6:– District conversion table is on first page

of Article!– Very short article. Goes over the district

description and intent statements– New zoning districts introduced:

– RM-40– MU-H, MU-M, MU-L– PNR– ACO – Activity Center Overlay– DDO –Downtown Design Overlay

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Article 7 (District Standards)

– All former appendix graphics now updated and added to the document.

– Added new concept of “build-to” lines– Beginning on page 7-11, all setback,

dimensional, and development standards are now found in charts for each district. Special setbacks on thoroughfares have been eliminated.

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Residential Districts– New Format - Housing types: promotes variety &

choice.– Choices and options for:

– Housing/lifestyle preferences– Ages– Incomes

– Clear standards: helps ensure predictability, ease of use.

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Article 7 (Cont.)

– Residential Contextual Infill Option– NEW!! Provides developers with option to develop in

accordance with established development patterns

– Development standards for new MU districts found here!– Outlines residential and non-residential components

and specific standards– New graphics available to aid in interpretation

– Current PUD districts collapsed into one district, new standards for the single PUD district found here!

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Article 8 (Zoning Districts)

– Permitted Use Table found here!– Table classification format has changed– Provides less “guess-work” in making

interpretations of uses allowed.– Development standards for specific uses

immediately following Table; separated out by Macro-use group

– Many of the uses and by-right uses have changed per districts; look up before giving information!

– Use Groups found immediately after table

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Current Permitted Use Table….

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Permitted Use Table

P-permittedU-Use standards

S-Special use permit

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For example….

– Auditorium….

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Permitted Use Table

P-permittedU-Use standards

S-Special use permit

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For example….

– Auditorium….

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Article 9 (General Development Standards)– Small changes to commonly used development

standards– IMUD now applicable to 2 or more uses (prior

was three)– New!! Standards for outdoor lighting; stresses

fixture type, pole heights, etc; new standard for review in TRC process

– New!! Provisions for transit facilities now required for new development; tied to site plan submission, level of service provision dependant upon degree of development proposed.

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Article 13 (Subdivisions)– No major changes from existing ordinance

– Small modifications for bonding requirements for control devices

– Clarified language related to Homeowner Association requirements

– Connectivity policy is same as existing

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New sign section format with photos and definitions


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– Expanded number of definitions, w/ + 22 pgs.

– Consolidated definitions in 1 place, exc. for


– New & updated definitions to help reader.

– Still use a dictionary for words in “common


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Easier to Use:On-line Ordinance

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Proposed Transition Provisions

– 12 months - choice of LDO or UDO use - between LDO adoption

& date of July1, 2011.

– 12 months – Free fix: priority/no fee text amendments or

rezonings , when LDO has inadvertently created a


– Copies of all Manuals will be compiled in P&CD Department,

draft list available

– UPCOMING!! Book of tables and charts!

– “Focused” training sessions available upon request

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LDO download:\ldo

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