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LBJ’s Presidency – 1960s The Great Society. LBJ Takes Office On November 22, 1963 – LBJ takes office after JFK is murdered LBJ - Assured the American.

Dec 20, 2015



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  • LBJs Presidency 1960s The Great Society
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  • LBJ Takes Office On November 22, 1963 LBJ takes office after JFK is murdered LBJ - Assured the American people that America was going to keep moving forward "A nation stunned, shaken to its very heart, had to be reassured that the government was not in a state of paralysisthat the business of the United States would proceed. I knew that not only the nation but the whole world would be anxiously following every move I made - watching, judging, weighing, balancingit was imperative that I grasp the reins of power and do so without delay. Any hesitation or wavering, any false step, any sign of self-doubt, could have been disastrous." - quoted in Lyndon Johnson and the American Dream
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  • Johnsons leadership style Born in the hill country of central Texas Unlike Kennedy, Johnson had a rugged leadership style Known for building consensus (or general agreement) among members of Congress, making him an effective leader. 26 years experience in Congress
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  • Passing JFKs Anti-Poverty Bills Economic Gap The Other America Michael Harrington -Poverty is hidden -Inspired: JFK, LBJ, Americans Prosperous economy Fed. Govt. could afford new program LBJ - 26yrs. experience in Congress helped him push through several bills
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  • War on Poverty 1964 Economic Opportunity Act - establishing programs to create jobs and fighting poverty Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO) to coordinate the new programs Neighborhood Youth Corps work/study programs Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA) domestic Peace Corps
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  • Lyndon JohnsonBarry Goldwater
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  • The Great Society LBJ Day 2
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  • The Great Society Vision for a perfect and equitable society (Utopia) FDR- New Deal CRM gained momentum Strong Economy could finance SPEECH AT UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Outlined goals
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  • Great Society PROGRAMS HEALTH CARE Medicare health insurance program funded through the social security system Medicaid financed health care for welfare recipients (poor) Created entitlements Costs = part of the US Budget Obama Care? Between '65 and '68, more than 60 programs were passed
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  • Great Society PROGRAMS EDUCATION Upward Bound college prep for poor California Master Plan improve higher education facilities ensure that all CA residents who graduate in the top percentages of their high school class would be able to attend a CA university. LBJ was a school teacher in a poor area for 2 years
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  • Great Society PROGRAMS Poverty & Immigration Department of Housing and Urban Development Robert Weaver secretary Model Cities - authorized federal subsidies to many cities nationwide. IMMIGRATION ACT OF 1965 changed the composition of American population eliminated national origins system widened the door for immigrants of all parts of Europe, Asia and Africa Fighting the War on Poverty
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  • Legacy of the Great Society Successes Improved millions of Americans' lives Sought to close the economic gap of America Some lasting programs: Medicare Medicaid Dept. of Transportation Dept. of Housing and Urban Development Project Head Start Failures LBJ was rushed to pass these bills, which grew very fast, and as a result, some problems arose: Managing Funding Vietnam War Evaluating Entitlement Free Rider v. Invisible Hand
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  • Important Questions to Consider Questions????? NYT wrote on LBJs Programs How can the fed govt step in to help those who are economically disadvantaged? How much can govt help society without weakening the private sector? How much can people receive without losing motivation to provide for themselves? "The walls of the ghettos are not going to topple overnight, nor is it possible to wipe out the heritage of generations of social, economic, and educational deprivation by the stroke of a Presidential pen.
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  • Consumer and Environmental Protection War on Poverty EducationHealth & Welfare 1-Medicare 2-Medicaid 3-Child Nutrition Act 1- Elementary and Secondary Education Act 2- Higher Education Act 3- Project Head Start 1- Water Quality Act & Clean Air Acts 2- Highway Safety Act 3- Fair Packaging and Labeling Act 1- Office of Economic Opportunity 2-Housing and Urban Development 3- Demonstration Cities and metropolitan Act