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LAYMAN' S REPORT Life+ 09/NAT/IT/00213 SOR.BA. Requalification of the affluents to the Bacchiglione River and the SPA IT 3220013 and SIC IT 3220040 Habitats Paper produced thanks to the contribution of the LIFE financial instrument of the EC Photograph by Paola Bressan


Feb 13, 2017



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Page 1: LAYMAN' S REPORT Life+ 09/NAT/IT/00213 SOR.BA.


Requalification of the affluents to the Bacchiglione River and the SPA IT 3220013 and SIC IT 3220040 Habitats

Paper produced thanks to the contribution of the LIFE financial instrument of the EC










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2 Project description 3 Project goals 3 Threats 4 Area of the project, SCI SPA description 7 Project Actions 12 Post Life

Project description The area of application of the project develops inside SPA IT322013 “Bosco di Dueville” and SIC IT322040 “Bosco di Dueville and Risorgive Limitrofe”. Inside is an unused fish-breeding area (19 ha) that was purchased by the Province of Vicenza in 2010 and then requalified with the recomposition and expansion of Habitats 91E0*, 3260 within the site. The Province of Vicenza also purchased about 7 ha land outside the fish-breeding area but within the community site. This area creates an ecological connection corridor for the biotope created by the Bosco del Centro Idrico in Noveoledo, which extends for about 20 ha and is located to the NORTH of the fish-breeding area, and requalified with the establishment of habitats 91E0*, 3260, 6410, and 6510 present in the neighboring areas. Specific species habitats have been recovered for the Cottus gobio (fish), the Latastei Frog (amphibians), Alcedo atthis, Nycticorax nictycorax,

Egretta garzetta, and Circus aeruginosus (birds)

Photograph by the Province of Vicenza


Photograph by the Province of Vicenza


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Threats: Threat 1: The practice of intensive hydroculture The conversion of the natural ecosystems into the production of intensive fish-breeding has represented a serious threat to the land integrity since the 1960s when the progressive construction of fish-breeding farms began to expand across the entire upper Po plain. The water channeling and conversion of the original water network has let to a reduction in Habitat 3260 "Water courses of plain to montane levels with the Ranunculion fluitantis and Callitricho-Batrachion vegetation” and to the elimination of large portions of Habitat 91E0* once wide spread in the spring areas. The species closely tied to the aquatic environment, fish, amphibians, swamp turtles, and mostly fish-eating birds are those that most suffer this transformation. Threat 2: Fragmentation of farming properties The agricultural policy development of the last 10 years and the evolution of agricultural activities have promoted the fragmentation of farming properties and have forced the mosaic structure of the land. This threat has created a reduction in the surface area of Habitat 91E0* and the conversion of Habitats 6410 and 6510. The cultural transformation also determines impact on the fauna, caught within the habitat, specifically the Agile Frog and the swamp turtle in Habitats 91E0* and 6410. Threat 3: Invasion of nonnative plant and animal species Over the last few years, there has been a progressive invasion of nonnative plant species that has let to a general impoverishment of the environment. Given the enormous vegetative capacity of Robinia pseudoacacia, the species is highly invasive and competitive with the tree species that make up the Habitat 91E0*. Threat 4: poor perception of the importance of conservation of the Natura 2000 network area. This leads to the undervaluation of the importance of the habitats and the species they are home to. Which further leads to lack of skills when the issues of land management and operation arise, and are often sacrificed for simple production aims, not valuing the land for its environmental and naturalistic individuality. This has led to the progressive erosion of Habitats 91E0*, the conversion of Habitat 3260 and the loss of Habitats 6410 and 6510. Less eye-catching and less known species, such as the Lataste's Frog, dice snake (Natrix tessellata), and pond turtle (Emys orbicularis) Are at greater risk of not being valued for their ecological and environmental function.

Objectives: The SOR.BA project has established with the specific aim of restoring and protecting a blighted environment, expanding the scientific knowledge regarding the flora and fauna in SPA IT322013 and the communication of this knowledge to the local population to increase the protection of the area. The objectives of protection, recovery, and monitoring of the community habitats fall within the main objectives and priorities of Annex II of the LIFE+ Regulation; while the reduction of the impact of exotic invasive species falls within the national objectives indicated in Communication COM(2006) 26 dated May 22, 2006 with Priority Objective 5.

Description of the Project Area, SIC and SPA The "Bosco di Dueville “area is important wetlands which give origins to the springs that feed the Bacchiglione River. The farm landscape features pools and spring channels that flow into the larger waterways. There are non-irrigated fields (meadows, corn fields) and humid grasslands in Molina (shafts on humid-clay soils at the edges of the pools and spring waterways). This includes the presence of rare hydrophilic and microspring floral species and rows of hedges and groves of trees. The importance of the site is defined by the presence of priority habitats (to 91E0* Alluvial forests with Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior) and non-priority habitats (6510: Lean low-altitude hay fields, 6410: Molinia meadows on calcareous, peaty or clayey-silt-laden soils, 3260: H3260 Water courses of plain to montane levels with the Ranunculion fluitantis and Callitricho-Batrachion vegetation) as well as the presence of species of fauna of community interest within. Given the diversity of the biotope, the flora is highly varied and bound to the diversity of the environments which are found within the biotope. Following is the description of the vegetation flora assets of greatest interest: HYDROPHYTIC VEGETATION OF THE SPRINT POOLS: The aquatic vegetation of the spring pools features "floating rafts", hydrophilic plant communities consisting of a thick culture of aquatic plants, including semi-submersed boggy vegetation, consisting predominantly of saw-sedge (Cladium mariscus). This large cyperaceae creates a typical belt on the edge of the spring cavities, creating a highly characteristic association in vegetation. HYDROPHILIC VEGETATION AND HELOPHYTES IN THE WATERWAYS: The hydrographic system of the Bosco di Dueville features peculiar aquatic vegetation, highly suitable for this type of habitat. The submerged areas, covered with a fast flow, are characterized by pond water-crowfoot (Ranunculus trichophyllus, Ranunculus pseudofluitans), water parsnip (Berula erecta), various species of water-starworts (Callitriche), pondweed (Potamogeton natans) and the presence of mosses (antipyretica Fontinalis) and green algae. Between the areas of completely submersed plants and those immersed on the banks, there is a particular type of vegetation that cloaks the edges of the ditches almost without breaks. It consists predominantly of watercress (Nasturtium officinale and Apium nodiflorum), from the water parsnip (Berula erecta), water speedwell (Veronica anagallis-aquatica) and sporadically water mint (Mentha aquatica). In the areas where the current slows and where coves are formed, the bur-reed (Sparganium erectum) is present, which consolidates the muddy bottoms and announces the appearance of the exposed areas of the banks that are then colonized by canes fields.

Photograph by the Province of Vicenza

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Description of the Project Area, SIC and SPA WET GRASSLANDS IN MOLINIA COERULA ON CLAYEY SOIL: Moving away cane fields, next are the so called "wet grasslands" or "molinieto”. The grassy surface of Molinia caerulea , the plant from which "molinieto" comes, represents the outermost belt, that which, following the slight rise of the land profile dub by the spring, extends until reaching the open plain. The "molinieto" features a wide variety of flora which also comes from the neighboring dry grasslands. TREE-BUSH BANK VEGETATION: The bank vegetation of the channels and spring waters includes hydrophilic trees and bushes, including the white willow (Salix alba), the black poplar (Populus nigra), and also shrubby willows, like the red willow (Salix purpurea) and the grey willow(Salix cinerea). Inside the woody area, through the spring channels, the platens, white and grey willows, black poplars, and black alder are prevalent. SEMI-NATURAL FORMATIONS: PASTURE LANDS AND WET GRASSLANDS: The semi-natural formations, within the context of the biotope, involve special types of artificial plant species that, however, retain a certain degree of natural occurrence due to their presence in the spontaneous local flora. These are dry, permanent mixed grasslands (low-altitude hay fields), also called stable meadows, with a composition of flora that includes also wild species (Alopecurus, Anthoxanthum, Arrhenatherum, Bromus, Poa, etc). These formations make up a secondary community in which the periodic harvest of forage, through mowing, becomes an important condition for the conservation of the agro-ecosystem, to prevent recolonization by shrubs and trees. SWAMPY AREAS CHARACTERIZED FROM CANE FIELDS AND CAREX: In the contiguous areas to the spring ponds, on the very wet soil, there is a low peat bog, characterized by small pools of stagnant water. On these pieces of land, the black bogrush (Schoenus nigricans) is the dominating element, along with other types of sedge. Among the various clumps of bogrush other graminoids are found, including the above mentioned Molina, Duvall sedge(davalliana Carex) and swamp grass (uliginosa Sesleria). FARM SHRUBS AND WOODS: The farm landscape is characterized by an extended system of tree-lined meadows, hedges and farm woods of mixed composition. The rural trees (consisting of willows, alders, plantains, and also shrubby species such as the field maple, hawthorn and spindle)are located mostly along the irrigation ditches, channels and drainage ditches. Small semi-natural woods can still be found on limited areas, memories of the vast planes forests that once covered the entire site.

Description of the Project Area, SIC and SPA The environments that most differ from the biotope under examination are home to a legacy of highly interesting fauna, especially due to the presence of species of community interest (Annex II of the Habitat Directive). Recent fish and fauna studies have confirmed a significant population of barbel (Barbus plebejus); souffia (Leuciscus souffia) and nase (Chondrostoma genei) present but not habitual in the site. The bullhead (the Cottus gobio) and spined loach (Cobitis taenia) populations are undergoing strong contraction. The possibility to reproduce the bullhead artificially for release in the areas where it is poorly represented is a significant step for the conservation of the species. The wetlands are also home to a few amphibians in Annex IV of the Habitat Directive, including the Italian tree frog (Hyla intermedia) and a few species that prefer the shrubs and woods, such as the Lataste's frog (Rana latastei) and the agile frog (Rana dalmatina). Among the reptiles there are two snakes, the ringed snake (Natrix natrix) and the dice snake (tessellata Natrix), both included in Annex IV of the Habitat Directive. The swamp turtle (Emys orbicularis) is included in Annexes II and IV of the Habitat directive, has not been seen in this site, but this reptile was once very common in the wetlands of Vicenza as indicated by local naturalists from the 1800s. With the re-naturalization of the habitats, it could be reintroduced in the "Bosco di Dueville" and the neighboring wetlands. Strictly related to the water environment, there are important bird species that will benefit from the expansion and renaturalization of the forecast habitats. The most representative species are the grey heron (Ardea cinerea ), the little egret (Egretta garzetta) and the black-crowned night heron (Nycticorax nycticorax) especially near the spring ditches and in the wet meadows; the river kingfisher (Alcedo atthis) which nests in burrows dug in the banks of water ways. Among the diurnal birds of pray, in the biotope the merlin (Falco columbarius), the Western marsh-harrier (Circus aeruginosus), hen harrier (Circus cyaneus), and the osprey(Pandion haliaetus ) can be observed. Within the SCI (Site of Community Importance) IT3220040 “Bosco di Dueville and surrounding springs” is SPA (Special Protection Area) IT3220013. Outside the “Bosco di Dueville” SCI IT3220040 are rivers and irrigation ditches that are protected according to Italian Legislative Decree 490/99 that regulate the landscape.

Photograph by the Province of Vicenza Photograph by the Province of Vicenza Photograph by Luigi Sebastiani

Photograph by Luigi Sebastiani

Photograph by Luigi Sebastiani 5 6

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ACTION A.3 - Alternative evaluations to purchasing lands Specific land and land registry investigations have been performed to identify the land that is most suitable for purchase by the Province of Vicenza for requalification and to establish the ecological corridor connecting the renaturalized "ex-fish breeding" area and the Bosco del Centro Idrico biotope in Novoledo. Specific maps have been prepared that characterized the land and allow a comparative analysis of the areas that fall in the ecological corridor. ACTION A.4.1 – Executive planning of forestry and naturalistic intervention The executive plan identifies the types of interventions required for the habitats to be re-qualified including the working procedures, the identification of the operations, the timing, the human resources required, and all information useful for performing the operations. ACTION A.4.2 – Executive planning of structural and hydrological interventions The executive plan identifies excavation and fill works for approx. 1500 cu. m as well as the positioning of hydraulic management of the re-naturalized sites. ACTION B.1 – Purchase of land for creation of an ecological corridor for connection About 7 ha of land have been purchased that have been partially re-naturalized and that function as an ecological corridor between the ex-fish breeding area and the Bosco del Centro Idrico biotope in Novoledo.

Actions: Preparatory actions and Purchase of Land ACTION A.1 - Updating of the Nature 2000 Card for the SPA and SCI. Following the preliminary environmental investigations and the habitat re-qualification actions, modifications to the Habitat Maps for the Veneto region have been proposed. ACTION A.2 - Preliminary scientific investigation Specific sampling has been performed to verify the consistency of the presence of the main plant species inside the area where interventions will be performed. Furthermore, the presence of the infesting plant, the Robinia pseudoacacia, has been evaluated in order to provide operative instructions for the containment of the species within the areas where Habitat 91E0* has been restored.. Two sampling campaigns were preformed (spring and summer) to evaluate the presence and density of the main fish species that colonize the springs. Specific sampling has also been performed to identify the most common amphibians in the site and to highlight any reproductive sites of the Lataste's Frog. Information has been collected regarding the bird species of greatest interest present in the area, with special attention given to the black-crowned night heron (Nycticorax nycticorax), kingfisher (Alcedo atthis) and herons and bitterns, and birds of prey in the area.

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ACTION C.3 Reconstruction of the original morphology of the springs and the course of the Bacchiglioncello (Habitat 3260) From an analysis of the historic maps, the presence of a buried branch of the Bacchiglioncello fed by a system of three springs has been identified. This area, called “Mulino del Bosco", was completely overturned compared to its original conformation due to the excavation of a series of channels and interring of a section of the Bacchiglioncello. This project calls for the reconstruction of the original bed of the Bacchiglioncello in order to contrast the loss of biodiversity and to requalify one of the most important areas, on an environmental level, of the Province of Vicenza. Basically, operations were performed to reopen the old springheads. The morphological remodeling action has called for the elimination of the ground tanks of the old fish-breeding and reshaping of the paleochannel of the Bacchiglioncello with the original springs. The area was cleaned generally. Fords were constructed for crossing the Bacchiglioncello River to provide access to otherwise unreachable areas. Other hydraulic infrastructure for regulating the new course of the Bacchiglioncello was also constructed. Specifically, new deviating equipment was constructed at the head of the pond to improve the water circulation, and few new spill gates for regulation were built along the Bacchiglioncello. These additions were necessary to maintain a sufficient water level within the renaturalized areas and to allow suitable water input for the aquatic and riverside plants planted.

Conservation Activities. ACTION C.1 Production of plant species for the requalification of Community Habitats (Habitats 91E0*, 3260, 6510 and 6410) This action consisted in the greenhouse production of seedlings of the characteristic plant species in the habitats that the project is to expand, to requalify, or to reconstruct. Overall 60,122 seedlings, of which 20,000 forested (18,550 tree species and 1,450 shrub species) and 40,122. The greenhouse production has been performed by collecting material for propagation (primarily seeds), pretreatment of the same, planting in greenhouses in suitable substrate and containers (honeycomb or single). All the material for propagation was collected inside the site or in the immediate vicinity in order to protect the intraspecific genetic variability of the population to be reproduced. This action was the responsibility of the Azienda Regionale Veneto Agricultura (Region of Veneto Agricultural Company, associate beneficiary), and was performed in its Greenhouse Center in Montecchio Precalcino (VI). ACTION C.2 Forestry requalification interventions and reconstruction of the Habitats (Habitat 3260 and 91E0*) Forest thinning and cleaning operations were performed in the areas within the “old fish plants", with the residue being ground up. Interventions were performed to contain Robinia pseudoacaccia. Interventions to reconstruct Habitat 91E* and plants were planted at the "base" formation of the Alneta, enriched in modules with herbaceous parts. Furthermore, Habitats 3260 were built and expanded, and the species in 6410 and 6510 were used. Overall, 6 ha of Habitat 91E0* were reconstructed, of which 2.6 ha within the old fish plant and 3.4 ha in the ecological corridor, , of which 2,6 have inside of the former fish farms and 3,4 have in the ecological corridor, 1 ha inside of habitat 3260 of the former fish farms, and 1 ha of Habitat 3260 within the old fish plant.

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Post Life Technical documentation with the information for management of the areas of intervention upon conclusion of the SOR.BA project was written. The content of the Post-Life Plan is the following: 1. SOR.BA PRESENTATION 2. ZONING 3. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS AND PROHIBITIONS 4. MANAGEMENT INSTRUCTIONS FOR "FORMER FISH FARMS” AREA 5. MANAGEMENT INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE ECOLOGICAL CORRIDOR 6. SYSTEMS FOR MONITORING THE SITES The Plan contains specific regulatory information of the management of the area with the objective of nature conservation. Furthermore, specific maintenance activities are identified for the systems area to optimize the plant development. Special attention has been given to the community Habitats and the species of interest for conservation.

Awareness and Information activities ACTION D.1 - Meetings with interested parties Informational meetings were held with area operators, with the population and with interested parties in order to make them aware of the activities being performed and to illustrate the environmental characteristics of the site. ACTION D.2 - Construction of educational paths Within the project area, hiking paths were constructed for entering the site to appreciate the environmental characteristics. A network of about 2500 m of paths was constructed, of which 200 m in wood, made from stabilized gravel. The pedestrian structure is equipped with bridges and enriched with 34 metal informational signs which indicate the environmental characteristics and the naturalistic emergencies in the area. ACTION D.3 - Construction of the website A web site dedicated to the project was created. The site provides information about the SOR.BA program, Nature 2000 Network, and general information on the LIFE Nature projects in Italy and Europe. ACTION D.5 - Educational activities with schools Educational tours with the local middle schools and elementary schools were organized, for a total of 18 days, to bring the school children into contact with and inform them about the environmental characteristics of the site. ACTION D.6 - Holding conventions Two conventions, one in May 2013 and the closing one in December 2013, were held. The SOR.BA project was presented at the Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences in Munster, Germany. ACTION D.7 - Printing of pamphlets and informational texts In order to make the local population aware of the project and to provide them with information, 3500 pamphlets were printed about the site of community interest, 2000 pamphlets were printed with a description of the fish species in the site for fishermen in order to make them aware of the problems of poaching, 6000 pamphlets were printed for the schools, 300 copies of 2 booklets about 100 pages each were prepared on the plant and animal species on the site, and a booklet was printed regarding the bicycle-hiking network in the area.

Monitoring actions ACTION E.1 - General coordination and technical-scientific activities The action was performed throughout the project and involved both the management of the technical aspects as well as the administrative and economic ones. ACTION E.2 - Fauna monitoring: Fauna monitoring was performed to verify the presence of potential species that could benefit from the environmental improvements to the areas where environmental requalification was performed. ACTION E.3 - Plant monitoring: Plant monitoring was performed to verify the phytosciological evolution of the implant area and the surrounding areas. ACTION E.4 - Inspection and financial audits:: Audits were performed by an independent auditor to control the financial statements. ACTION E.5 - Post-LIFE conservation plan: A post-LIFE conservation plan has been prepared. ACTION E.6 – Networking Intense networking activities were performed with other LIFE+ projects during the entire project, with the exchange of experiences and technical and scientific documents on the habitats of community interest.

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