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LAWRENCE WEL L MY BOSS - World Radio History

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Page 1: LAWRENCE WEL L MY BOSS - World Radio History


DR. BENJAMIN SPOCK Talks About Your Child





Page 2: LAWRENCE WEL L MY BOSS - World Radio History

Seen On he Video-Radio Scene

ABOVE: JACK LINKLETTER, star of KNX's Radio Teen Club took his show to Boys Republic. Dennis Cook, mayor of the Re-public, shows Jack one of the famed Della Robbia Christmas wreaths made here right: Dennis gives Jack a giant gavel in honor of his being "Mayor for a Day" at Boys Republic; lower left: Jack referees cake-eating contest between George Black and Dennis Bennett during radio show lower right: as a gag, Jack is put under arrest by Dennis Cook and Tiny Rodriguez The Republic gives kids a second chance in life.

% 1.itr Orton. rb Undo, 1 vie% 0000 1.ilr , Irtobrr ?II. 1955. ol. :PI. s,,. 11. EARL M. ItItieslIt, A. Iflit•le). Managing . 1.91,11•41•91 wrrk b al IA.. ‘11gelr.. r.».», ». and Editorial Off irrS : 16 141 Ai. Argyle .5 r,. I.os .%acrles 'slat 000 31111 Orliaa.

l'hoor Hollywood I-ay.:, ',woo,.....pil', Ilk. sob.....dp000 scut » r. .1 -1 44lio I.ifr *as raarrrd as See Mlid (lass Matlrr Srplainher II. 1948• at law .11narles. under Ara of there., 1819.

Page Two October 28, 1955

Page 3: LAWRENCE WEL L MY BOSS - World Radio History

For women only . . . KTLA's Dorothy Gardiner reveals some basic beauty hintf.


OWN through the ages women have been ob-sessed with a quest for beauty. Trying to satisfy

this predilection for the how-to-be beautiful females is lovely Dorothy Gardiner, graçious femcee on KTLA's Milady series. Dorothy, who is a former Conover

model, has compiled a treasure chest of beauty and fashion hints which she presents on the program when she isn't sharing the spotlight with visiting home economist Corns Guy.

Prefacing her comments on basic rules for makeup, Dorothy remarked. "Remember good health habits and well balanced meals go along way toward making milady beautiful.


"I have found that hair is the most important feature in good grooming and attractiveness." she advised. "All experts agree that older women look better with short hair. However, do change your hair style often. It gives you such a lift. Cleanliness keeps

October 28, 1955



The gracious art of living combined with fashion, beauty and culinary hints are presented by pretty Dorothy Gardiner on her popular Milady program.

hair healthy and with all the sham-poos on the market there is one suit-able for each of us. Daily brushing also helps to keep your hair well groomed.


"Eyebrows are your most expres-sive feature. They can make you look cross or perplexed if you do not apply your eyebrow pencil correctly. Using quick short strokes apply your pen-cil, then use an eyebrow brush to blend the pencil strokes together. The brows should start from the corner of the eye and follow your natural line.

"Eyes are the liveliest feature. They are the windows of the soul but don't forget it's a two-way mirror. People can look in and see what kind of a person you are. "To make your eyes appear larger

outline them carefully at the base of your lashes with an eyebrow pencil. And use mascara on the upper lashes only. If your lashes do not curl up naturally use an eyelash curler. But

always check the rubber on the curler to see that it's not split. The protruding metal through the rubber cushion will break your lashes.

Mouth "Your mouth is another important

feature. Always take the time to use a lipstick brush. This beauty hint is a must. It's the only way to clearly outline the mouth. The full part of your lips can be filled in with a lip-stick tube. Use the right shade of lipstick to complement the color of your dress. If you should want to affect a very sensuous mouth for evening try using a darker lipstick as an outline, then fill in your lips with a much lighter hue. "All of these tips will help make a

person more attractive but most im-portant of all is to remember that beauty comes from within. If you have pleasant thoughts and are hap-py and gay inside, that's just how you're going to look on the outside. With a sparkling smile and smiling eyes how can you but help to be beautiful."

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yo114 eke Dr. Benjamin Spock, noted child care authority and author of the fabulous best seller, "Baby and Child Care," in an EXCLUSIVE two-installment feature for TV-Radio Life answers questions of interest and importance to all parents. You won't want to miss reading this scoop!

1— What phases of child care will your program stress? a. Whatever interests parents, since

they will usually decide just before going on the air what topic they will discuss. Past experience with a similar program would suggest such topics as feeding problems, toilet training, play things at different ages, grandmothers, sleep and sleep problems, physical growth, adjust-ment to school, college and career choices in adolescence, jealousy of a new baby, traveling with children, children's questions about the facts of life, quarreling, contagious diseases, parental worries about the first baby, methods of discipline. We will gen-erally steer away from rare and serious diseases, both physical and psychological because of their limited interest and because they can't he


Adusive Page Foe,

clarified or cured by a general dis-cussion.

2—Are too many parents prone to raise children by "the book" instead of meeting the individual needs of the child with parental love and common sense? a. Trying to get help from a book

or articles or lectures is one of the ways in which modern conscientious parents show their love and devotion to their children. I think that printed material is most helpful in technical matters, such as formula making or preventive inoculations, least help-ful in discipline. Parents from the beginning of time

have probably wanted to get advice or compare notes, especially with their first child. Parents used to get it chiefly from the grandparents. Nowadays in America, there is so much moving around that the young parents often live hundreds of miles from the grandparents. Also, many young people feel like proving their independence by not asking for ad-vice and help from the grandparents or by being skeptical of what is of-fered. Another factor has been the popularization of scientific studies on child development, whether they

concern the value of spinach or the effect of spanking. The news of such findings tends to unsettle the con-victions of some parents, particularly those who do not have great self confidence. The effect of these vari-ous trends is to make parents more dependent on doctors, public health nurses, and books. How much dependence on books is

too much? We know in a general way that parents who love their children and have a natural confidence in their own common sense are the ones who most easily rear their chil-dren well. (Worrisome parents can bring up sound children too, but the job is harder.) I would always en-courage parents to trust themselves, their horse sense and their convic-tions. But it won't help those who need to depend a lot on doctors and books, to scold them for it.

3—Eliminating the fads and frills, have there been many fundamental changes in the basic pattern of child raising since the beginning of man? If so. what are the major ones? a. I don't know enough about past

periods to answer this one exactly. Certainly there are very different at-titudes about bringing up children

October 28, 1955

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in different parts of the world to-day. The attitudes depend on what a particular nation or tribe thinks is most important —whether it's friend-liness or fierceness, hardiness or en-joyment of life, devotion to the com-mon welfare or each man for him-self. One group of Eskimos is de-scribed as definitely sweeter natured, more generous, more trusting than the average American. On a certain South Sea island, children are taught to mistrust almost everybody and they grow up to become members of a rather mean, quarrelsome tribe. Parents who have been brought up with certain attitudes transmit them to their children.

But some of the discussions of the conflicting theories that we Ameri-cans hear so often (strictness versus permissiveness for instance) make the differences in our own land sound greater than they really are. All human beings have been brought up with a combination of strictness and leniency, and there's always been a lot of argument about it. A hundred years ago some people were saying that youth was being put in a straitjacket and others were alarmed because youth was soft and going to the dogs. The Greek litera-ture of 2000 -years ago shows exactly the same opinions. Parent attitudes change a little from generation to generation, but not as much as we think. The pendulum has a tendency to

swing back, but never to exactly the same spot. Our grandparents of the Victorian period were brought up with more emphasis on strict manners (children at table should be seen but not heard) but they didn't turn out so different from us. It's more a matter of style than of funda-mentals. Children need the love of devoted

parents. But that love, when normal, always contains, among other things, a mixture of indulgences plus a firm insistence that the child do his share and conform to the requirements of society. The balance varies a little

from generation to generation and from family to family. Twenty-five years ago it was taught that to be healthy and civilized a baby must learn from the start to eat and drink a certain amount of certain foods at certain hours, whether he was ready or not, and that he should he trained to the toilet at an early age. Now that we have learned more we realize that this rigid scheduling was not necessary and was often not wise. But a few parents nowadays, confused by the emphasis on flexi-bility and permissiveness, have been hesitant, for instance, about putting a baby to bed at bed time —even though he was obviously sleepy —be-cause he objected, and have ended up with a real sleep problem. Babies and children still need parents with enough sense and enough firmness to be definite about what's really necessary, even Though the parents are at the same time making allow-ances for age and for individual dif-ferences. To he more specific about No. 3 I

believe that the greatest discovery or rediscovery we have made in the past 50 years is that children don't grow up and adapt to civilization mainly by being compelled to, but because they want —more than any-thing else—to be like the parents and other adults they love. Firmness and correction still have to be used to keep any child in line but he does most of the work himself. He wants to learn table manners, he wants to learn to read and write and figure. This realization has begun to in-fluence the attitudes and methods of parents and school teachers and I think it will do so even more in the future. It won't revolutionize the human race in a hurry but it will make parenthood and teaching pleas-anter. 4—How reliable as a guide is the

instinct of the mother in raising and caring for a child? a. The instinct of a reasonably

happy, reasonably well adjusted mother and her experience in having

HIS LOVE OF CHILDREN 3nd his devotion to his work have brought Dr. Spock the public's respect and admiration.

grown up herself will not teach her all the essential elements in her child's diet or how to diagnose his appendicitis, but it's all she needs to manage him from 'Lour to hour of the day.

5—To what degree and in what ways do the relationship of the parents and emotional tone of the home affect the development of the child?

a. The basic relationship between the parents and the emotional tone in the home are, of course, of great importance in the development of a child's character. But the impact on each child is always somewhat dif-ferent depending on his place in the family and, probably too, on the temperament he was born with. whether for instance he has been, from birth, a vigorous, assertive. eager beaver or a quiet, compliant type.

But this doesn't mean that parents have to be perfectly harmonious with each other or endlessly sweet with their children. There is no such parent. All parents have conflicts and quarrels, at least at times, whether open or suppressed. The main thing is that the parents gen-erally love and respect each other, and that each be fairly well satis-fied with his role in life (even if he grumbles about it a lot.)

All good parents get irritated and resentful toward their children at times —that helps to prepare children for life as it is.

(To Be Continued Next Week)

DR. SPOCK confers with a mother who is seeking advice about her baby. This is one man who issues no platitudes but instead gives sound suggestions.

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Radio's Lonesome Gal ives her ph i/osop h y of religion ill (1C11.(1II.

"Put Legs To Your Prayers!" By Bill Weber

THE LONESOME GAL, otherwise known as Jean Left to right, husband Bill, Patricia and Fargo through faith.

Rousseau, and her family. Jean has built a new life

UT LEGS to your prayers. Don't just sit back and wait for something to happen. You can't expect

action trom prayers unless you act. too." The speaker was a tall, willowy

girl who knew whereof she spoke. As a child a bone disease confined her to long stays in hospitals. When other teen-agers were buying their first high heels for school dances, she was being measured for braces. In-stead of the usual banter with school friends, she was addressed, "Hi. crip," as she sought to join their ac-tivities.

Today this girl, radiating abun• dant vitality, possessed of good. strong legs, is known to radio listen-ers as The Lonesome Gal, heard nightly five times a week over KABC. The Lonesome Gal (or Mrs. Jean

Rousseau in private Wei first learned the power of prayer as a child through the religious teaching of her family.

"But 1 learned it from experience as well as teaching. The failure of too many people today lies not in the fact thàt they do not pray, but that they lack an inner faith- that mir-acles can and do happen or that they can achieve the impossible. Doctors once said I would never walk again. God said I could. "Unfortunately. o u r competitive

world teaches self-sufficiency. How-

Page Six

ever, this does not carry over in re-lation to God. Too many times we see the apparently self-sufficient per-son who approaches God only when his back is to the wall and the heat is on. However self-sufficient we may imagine ourselves in conduct-ing our lives, we are simply deceiv-ing ourselves. For when the cards are down, man instinctively turns to a higher power. How much simpler an individual's • life would be if he daily lived with an awareness of a higher power. "Too many people are seeking God

without realizing that he is at your side at all times. There is no need to search. Speak from the heart. A prayer uttered in the midst of the turmoil of a busy city street is heard as surely as the one said in the quiet of a church. One's approach to God is not so much a matter of time and place as it is an inner faith. "No. I'm not trying to save souls. I

can only speak of my own experi-ence with prayer and religion that has become a way of life. It's only when I don't practice what I preach that I get into trouble. "That's what laid me low last

March and kept me off the air until July. It was simply a case of a young gal being in too big a hurry. too ambitious for success. Doctors had warned me the pace would get me. I knew better. So I thought. And then I collapsed. And there wasn't much consolation in being able to figure out that from 1947 un-

HI that day in March. I had done over 46,000 broadcasts. I couldn't see it at the time. but I think this misfortune was meant to happen. For in the intervening months I had a lot of time to think, to realize I had forgotten a lot of things that I had once known so well. I think we should learn to recognize that mis-fortunes come to us as warnings. which, if heeded, save us from com-plete disaster.

"If I could give any word on faith. religion or prayer, it would be that parents should see that their children receive a strong and comforting re-ligious background. Childhood be-ing one of the most trying periods of life, it is then the individual most needs security. Parents often inad-vertently fail their children as do other childhood relationships with school or friends. But an inner struc-ture of religion and dynamic faith will never fail a child during his difficult years of growing up. And. of course, such early training is the most important bulwark against the later trials of adulthood. It is the surest preparation for a joyous way of life, the strongest insurance there is against the disappointments and heartaches that are bound to crop up in later years. "Religion as a way to happiness?"

Jean smiled. "Well. I've never seen a truly happy person without some form of religion."

And a happier person than Jean Rousseau would be hard to find.

October 28, 1955

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In & Out of Focus General Comment /

.1round Tr Row Bishop Fulton J. Sheen has added

songwritin,g to his career. . . . Spot-light on Opera, UCLA's opera ap-preciation course, -debuts on KNXf, November 5 with Dr. Jan Popper. . . . Tony Martin dons his traveling clothes for a nitery tour. Martin's telecasts will originate from the various cities on his itinerary. . . . Leo McCarey's next stint for Screen Directors' will be "Tom and Jerry," a gay comedy with a Christmas setting.

Steve Allen has signed a long-term contract with NBC. . . . Dinah Shore was named Woman of the Year by the B'nai B'rith. . Singer Lorraine Prato, daughter of the 364,000 Ques-tion winner Gino, made her TV debut on Perry Como's show last week. Speaking of debuts, Harry Belafonte makes his dramatic television debut on G. E. Theater November 6 in the role of a young fighter.... Ted Mack .and the Original Amateur Hour returns to the ABC videolanes, October 30.

Bing Crosby narrates Disney's "Legend of Sleepy Hollow". . . Jack Kelly, who stars as Dr. Parris Mitchell in "King's Row," is Nancy Kelly's brother.... Dick Robbins, KTTV writer, is gaining fame as a sculptor in wood. Two of his sculptures were displayed at a recent art exhibit.... Upcoming John. Nesbitt series goes into produc-tion at Hal Roach's next week with "The Stepmother," a story about Abra-ham Lincoln's foster mother..

Ida Lupino gets writer and director credits 'on "No. 5 Checked Out" on forthcoming Screen Directors Play-house. . . . ABC's Robert Kinter was named "Man of the Year" by the Pulse Research Organization. . . . BUl Ballance; off his radio airer, to devote all his time to his &COP telecast. .. . Jack Carson's protegee, Connie Towers, is preparing a dancing act which Miriam Nelson is blueprinting. . . . Desi Arnaz is dickering for Maurice Chevalier for a "Lucy Goes to Paris" story. M.R.

Tradition The Green Room, long a tradition in

the heyday of Lux Radio Theater, has become part of the Lux Video Theater trappings. The Green Room, now a permanent set on the television show, is presided over by the program's host, Otto Kruger. Green Room idea originated in Eng-

land, back in the days of playwright Sheridan and the fabulous Mrs. Sid-dons. Because of ill-equipped thea-ters during that era, it was necessary to have a room off-stage where per-formers could wait for cues, drink cof-fee or tea and visit with their friends.

Person to Person Still in time for most viewers to

catch this week are the special guests on Person to Person. Person to Person (2) 6:30 p.m. Fri-

day. October 28. Notre Dame's Terry Brennan, youngest college football coach in the country, and General Max-well D. Taylor, Army Chief of Staff, will be visited by Edward R. Murrow.

Loretta Returns. Christmas will have a special mean-

ing for Loretta Young this year. The star, who has been absent from the video lanes for several months because of illness, has selected Christmas night to return to the television screen in a story appropriately titled "Christmas Stopover."

Closed Circuit In the near future pampered guests

of the Beverly Hilton Hotel will have the added luxury of closed circuit television. In addition to major sports events and other sp,ecial closed circuit shows the guest( will get inviting glimpses of the floor show from the Bali room.

Sheriff Ebsen Buddy Ebsen steps out of his

"Georgie Russel" role in the Davy Crockett stories to create the starring role of Sheriff "Matt Brady," in the new series Corky and White Shadow.


e a et eeet e d


Cover: Lawrence Welk and My-ron Floren

Seen on (Jack Link-letter) Page 2

How to Be Beautiful (Dorothy Gardiner) Page 3

What You Should Know About Your Child (Dr. Benjamin- Spock) Page 4

"Put Legs to Your Pray-ers!" (Lonesome Gal) Page 6

Around the Sports Circle Page 43 Art, Gold and Showman-. • ship !Maurice Evans) Page 44

My Boss Man by Myron Floren Page 46

It Sure Paid Him to Be Married (Bill Good-win) Page 47

EDITORIAL STAFF: Evelyn A. Bigsby, editor; Ted Hilgen-stuhler, Jack Holland, Mildred Ross. '

LOG EDITORS: Nancy McClure, • Bill-Kelsay, Peter Rankin. ART DIRECTOR: Kenneth Mc-

Second Glances / Critical Comment

Point With Pride ... to the interesting and informa-

tive Hobo Jungle insert on You Asked for It. Art Baker visited a jungle off Route 99 and the interviews he con-ducted with a handful of hoboes mir-rored the thoughts of the men who were unable to adjust to society and preferred the aimless life of a roamer. The answers to Baker's frank ques-tions came straight from the shoulder. . . . to Leonard Bernstein's treatise

on jazz on a recent Omnibus telecast. The noted composer's methodical dis-cussion and demonstration were invit-ing for even non-jazz lovers. Omni-bus would de well to have Bernstein back for a repeat visit.

Show Biz Sunday, 3:30 ASC-tiliCA, Channel 4 In tÉis season of television spectacu-

lars, the most auspicious telecast to date was NBC's adaptation of Joe Laurie Jr. and Abel Green's historical tome, "Show Rise

The 90-minute color spread traced the exciting era of the entertainment industry from vaude to video, roughly from 1900 to 1955. Selecting the high-lights to illustrate the various periods in show biz history was in itself a mountainous chore, one ably executed by. producer Ernest Glucksman.

Groucho Marx, who was on camera most of the time, proved as' much at home as he is perched on a stool quiz-zing contestants. Grouche Was at his best as medicine man, comedian of the 20's and as a leading man of the period. Beatrice Kay belted her songs In

fine style—first as Eva Tanguay, then Texas Guinan and finally herself. Lovable Buster Keaton revived his old. vaudeville act to the delight of many an old-and-young timer. Dennis Day gave one of his best

television performances as a song-plugger of the early 1900's, as Harry Lauder, a contemporary GI and as a recording star. Bert Lahr was the great Bert Lahr and nothing more be said.

Bertha Kitt, who doubled in brags when Shirley MacLaine had to with-draw from the cast, was tops as a Chariest O n-ShimmY-Black Bottom dancer of the 20's. Miss Kitt is one of the few vocalists who can sing off key and get away with it. This she did and very nicely ,with a torchy ballad. Paul Gilbert's amusing audience

participation sketch was one of the funniest in the entire production. Jay C. Flippen, subbing for the ailing Phil Harris, was a standout in his role. And lovely Rosemary Clooney was in top vocal form. The choreography and staging of

Show Biz was one of the slickest jobs done on a live musical variety show. The technicians, crew and craftsmen added their special talent to those of the stars to make Show Biz an out-standing hit. M. R.

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BY EVELYN BIGSBY ,x0- KT,texe"Á«,t,ht.:>-4« ,tent O><-0-x4.-ehc 0x. ee- ex 0x,e>t.0%tent0-,.«,0x 4>te-xe'e-4'xG

ON THE SAME DAY JOHN HODIAK DIED, CBS-New York received black and white pictures of the actor taken the previous week-end in Hollywood in anticipation of his role on the November 19 "Caine Mutiny Court Martial" tele-cast. As soon as the sad announcement of Hodiak's death was comprehended, Harry Ackerman and his aides gathered their thoughts to obtain a substitute. A decision will be reached this week, with a possibility that Hodiak's part will be carried by Steve Brodie, who was with the drama's road company.

BEN ALEXANDER CAME HOME LAST WEEK from a junket and plans to stay put until Dragnet resumes shooting the middle of November. He wants to enjoy that adored baby girl with which wife Lesley presented him just a month ago. In an interesting chat I learned how Ben has taken off more than 20 pounds and how Lesley dropped to 110. In an upcoming TV-Radio Life story I'll tell more about this accomplishment and its possible connection with the Alexander family.

ENTHUSIASTIC IS THE WORD for Ernie Glucksman, producer of Betty Hutton's NBC-TV show. "That girl is a human dynamo," Glucksman told TV-Radio Life during rehearsals. "She's the embodiment of life, vivac-ity, and she belongs in television. After seeing the show I think every-one will agree with me," Glucksman affirmed. ERNIE KNOWS W HEREOF HE

SPEAKS . . . in case you don't place him, he recently produced the Show Biz "spec" which made quite a splash. It was his own idea to adapt the Show Biz book for TV ... he worked so thor-oughly on the subject that he used only half his material for the tele-cast and claims, "There's enough left

• over to do another show and maybe I will!" MAIL BAG: FROM NO NAME, Ken-

more Ave., L.A. "You said it—why do we have to listen to otherwise fairly good programs completely ruined by those awful, asinine outbursts called 'laugh tracks'? Also, how much long-er are we viewers to be forced to watch—or switch off—re-runs of re-runs and Petes of Repetes?"

MORE MAIL: FROM MRS. C. "No, you are not wrong and it has hit us —that filmed shows do have much too much irritating laugh tracks—and ap-plause. We feel like shouting 'Be quiet!' when the applause comes forth." MORE: FROM N.L., L.A. "I read

your article on Hedda Hopper and I certainly would disregard my feelings if I didn't list the name of Elza Schal-lert, whose charm and personality get over even on radio. With her good looks, pleasant voice, poise and fine sense of humor, she would have been ideal for such a (Beverly Hilton) set-ting. Her coast-to-coast broadcast, a number of years ago, brought joy to many a listener." In a letter from Glendale, B.G.L., noting my comment that Betty White might have been a Page Eight

happy choice for emceeing the hotel opening, wrote: "Betty is the most re-freshing personality ever to be seen on the television screens or anywhere at any time and those Hollywood and New York producers are passing up the greatest box office pay-off of their ca-reers in not signing her up to a BIG show—but it will have to be Betty's show alone." WHEN MARLIN PERKINS OF ZOO

PARADE swung into town last week, NBC gave a party in the Nordic Room of that new hotel in Beverly Hills where someone seems to be giving a press party every day (and how's about frequenting some of our old haunts for a change?). Anyway, em-bellishing the party was a baboon, a couple of monkeys, and a python, curled up in a cage. Things got a little "skeery" when the snake was released and allowed to slither along the floor. While Perkins showed color film of his recent African junket, look-ing on was Ransome Sherman, who told me he and Perkins had been friends ever since the days when Perkins headed the St. Louis zoo.

SINCE IT'S HALLOWEEN, it's the time to drag out some of the stars' su-perstitions, so Director John Lucas passes along the following jinxes: Hal March lives in fear of the day the automatic question machine won't work.... Ronald Reagan shuns walk-ing under ladders. Once he ignored one and ended with three stitches in his noggin. .. . Jack Webb thinks the number seven is good luck. . . . Don-ald O'Connor always wants at least one child on his show—also good luck notion. . . . Bob Cummings avoids eating scenes—once he had his mouth full of steak, had to yell a cue line, and choked. . . . Don DeFore stays clear of back doors—once hurt his hand on an Ozzie and Harriet set when he thought the back door was open and it wasn't.... Ever since she gulped a cocktail which was supposed to be tea but turned out Bourbon, Eve Arden is afraid of sipping pekoe on the set.... Lucille Ball dotes on her good luck number, nine. . . . Richard Carlson thinks a lost script sigpals bad luck. . . . George Gobel says he has no bugaboos and adds, "I'm just me."

* *

TOP NAMES IN TV SOAPER Valiant Lady, TV's daytime soap

opera, has instituted using top Holly-wood names in guest stints. Signe Russo has appeared already and oth-ers booked are Dane Clark, Charlton Menton, Joanne Dru and John Ireland.


You'll LOVE

Next Week's TV-RADI O


On Our Cover:

Perry Como

Johnny Weissmuller

Broderick Crawford

Red Rowe

plus exclusive

features on all our "cover boys"

Also, on the inside:

Dr. Benjamin Spock's second in-stallment on "What You Should Know About Your Child!

An unusual sports story on Dick Tufeld

How Bob Paige clicked!

Gordon MacRae tells what TV

has meant to him

BIGGER than ever

BETTER than ever (especially our enlarged TV listings)


(have you noticed our new

rotogravure color pages?)


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Page 9: LAWRENCE WEL L MY BOSS - World Radio History


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Page Nino

Page 10: LAWRENCE WEL L MY BOSS - World Radio History


8ar, eye Inspire the Pen James Dimitri, Santa Monica

After a lapse of seven weeks, one of the sweetest personalities In tele-vision made her re-appearance on my TV set last Saturday evening. A per-son with her sincere pleasantness should be seen more•often than just once a week.

While Lawrence Welk is trying to get himself elected Mayor of Holly-wood, let me nominate as the sweet-est and most pleasant personality on television .. . ALICE LON.

Mr. James M. Schwab!, Lynwood

It was a great surprise to see the feature story about my army buddy, Ralph Portner. The original Johnny Doughboy justly deserved every word of it and much more. The article neg-lected to mention all the wonderful shows he gave for the lonesome GI's in Northern Ireland. Portner was the originator of the well known "Kwiz-Kapers". It was a quiz show emceed by Portner. All GI's and friends were able to participate. He would conduct community songs, and with his un-usual likeable way had the gift of weeding out many unexpected and surprised performers. Everyone had a wonderful time and always left with the flavor of the good old U. S. A.

Sure! some of his isms were corny,

Page Ten

but what show isn't? Let's face it— Portner always knew when to use it. I'm sure the viewing public as well as the listeners would appreciate this new, different and ever popular per-sonality, Ralph Portner. Incidentally, here is a secret that many of his Wends don't know—he has a very re-markable singing voice.

An Angry Teen-ager, Pasadena

I am writing in regard to a letter that was published in your magazine a few weeks ago. There certainly is nothing "smutty"

about "Oh, Sweet Mama, Tree Top Tall," or "Teach Me Tonight" and any bop fan can tell you that "Dry Bones" was danceable. As a teen-ager, I dis-like being tied in with "filthy" or "smutty" songs. If you look for something, you can

find it, and the writer of that letter must have the wrong outlook on things to find out the so-called "smutty" lyrics. I cannot picture any teen-ager

dancing to music such as "Melody of Love." Any music porrularity poll (the one in this magazine is a good one) will show that the people of today do not care for such dreary music. My advice to the writer of said letter is this —don't look for "dirt", and you won't find it!



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Page 11: LAWRENCE WEL L MY BOSS - World Radio History


8 The Christophers-30m. 2 Give Us This Day



For Daytime (Mon.-Fri.) See Pages 28-29 Alphabetical Program Finder, Page 30



(C85) 1313 North Vine, Hollywood, 28 (NBC, CBS, ABC, Du Monti 730 Miramont• Dr., St. Barbaro

(NBC) 1500 N. Vine St., Hollywood, 28 (Ind.) 5451 Marathon St., Los Angeles, 38 (Ind.) 4233 Park Blvd., San Diego

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NO. 3-3311 BE. 2-2114

HO. 2-2133 CT. 8-7151 HO. 2-7111

HO. 2-7311

Tr Tips

COLLEGE FOOTBALL, (4), 10:15 a.m. Iowa vs. Michigan.

FANFARE, (13), 6:30 p.m. Ralph Edwards headlines a parade of stars saluting the Community Chest.

STAGE SHO W, (2), 8:00 p.m. Guests are Robert Mitchum and Sarah Vaughan.

PERRY COMO SHO W, (4, 10), 8:CO p.m. Perry's guests are Dunninger, Connie Russell and George Prentice.

JIMMY DURANTE SHO W, (4) 9:30 p.m. Jimmy's guest is Peter Lawford.

GEORGE GOBEL SHO W, (4), 10:CO p.m. Tennessee Ernie is George's guest to-night,

DAMON RUNYON THEATER, (4), 10:30 p.m. Jack Carson stars in "The Brain."


8:45 10 The World Today 11. 4 Big Picture

10 Pets On Parade-30m. 11 Rocket to Stardom Autothon

With Bob Yeakel.

13 Early Bird Movie MOV1L. —"THE STEEL IIELMET" with

Gene Evans and Robert Hutton. A wounded sergeant joins a patrol tu accomplish a dangerous mission in

9:15 9:25 9:30 2 News-10m.

4, 10 Fury When Juey and Fury try to earn some money to help Jim Newton front losing his Broken Wheel Ranch, a shady horse trader pulls a crooked deal on the boy and tries to steal his beautiful black stallion. In the cast are Peter Graves, Robert Diamond, William Fawcett, Parley Baer, Jim Hay-ward and Donald MacDonald.

9:45 2 Shakespeare on TV co:Irge credit course with Dr. Frank Ratter, USC. This morn-ing's lecture is the second of three on "Richard III."

3 News-15m. 8 Barker Bill 3 4, 10 Press Box Preview 5 Recorded Music 8 Tiny Town Ranch

Color 10:15 3, 4, 10 College Football

Iowa ys. Michigan.

10:30 2 Public Service Film 5 Playcrafters Club-30m.

Arnold Pike presents "Football runs

13 Rocky Jones, Space Ranger

1 1 2, 8 Captain Midnight A phony spiritualist tries to trick a psychiatrist into giving away the secret machine he has Invented to harness the sun's power.

3 Giant Movie Matinee MOVIE—"PAINTED TIt 1." with Toni

13 Million Dollar Movie MOVIE —"T ELSA" ttith Susan Hayward

and Robert Preston. A woman wildcatter defies the man she loves when he threatens her oil opera-tion in the early, brawling days of the birth of the oil Industry.

MOVIE —"DO WN MELODY LANE" with Bing Crosby, W. C. Fields, Gloria Swanson, Mabel Normand and the Keystone Kops. A parade of nos-talgic film clips is linked together by Steve Allen as a radio disk jiickey.

11:30 2, 8 Tales of the Texas Rangers Ranger Jure ?arson (Will ia rd Parker) poses as an outlaw to apprehend a gang of stagecoach rohlwrs.


12 2 Fairy Tales and Cartoons 5 Movie Matinee

MoY11: —.1 it c Cs'l it t DEB" N\ jib Jack Hawkins. A man accused of a crime turns to his former com-manding officer for help.

8 Winky Dink and You 11 Jamboree—Mr. & Mrs. North

"Hot (link" with Barbara Britton juil Bichacil Denning.

2:15 7 Public Service Feature MOVIE---"THE GAY DOG" with Wilfred

Pickles and Petula Clark. 2:30 2 Barker Bill's Cartoon Corral

7 Johnny Mack Brown Theatre ,MOYIE —"GENTI.E(lAS I It () M TEXAS"

with Johnny Mack Brown,

8 Wild Bill Hickok-30m. 11 Jamboree—Ramar of the

Jungle-30m. "The Sacred Monkey" with Jon Hatt

2:45 2 Fairy Tales and Cartoons 3 Travelog 4, 10 Football Scoreboard 3 Wild West Theater-60m. 8 Big Picture-30m. 11 Jamboree—Orient Express

"European Edition," with Jean-Pierre Aumont. A happy marriage is threatened by a series of phone calls to the husband front a young woman he cannot remember ever having 'met. Filmed on location in Rome.

1:15 4 Feature Film MOV1E —"FIELL To wN" with John Wayne

and Marsha Hunt. A cowhand, in-veigled into a crooked card game, loses money entrusted to hi m to buy eatt ii•.


10 Pro Hilites-30m. 1:30 5 Giant Movies Matinee itoVIE.---r FIE WINS L O W BOY" with

Robert Donal. A father spends his health and fortune to prove his son innocent of a thievery charge in an English boys' school.

8 Frontier Feature Theater MOVIE— TUMBLEWEED TRAILS."

11 Jamboree—Ramar of the Jungle "Drwns of the Junglii," with Joe Hell,

1:45 7 Saturday Matinee MOVIE—"Tor Stn. MULLIGAN" with Nat

Pendleton. Their top sergeant turns out to be the tax collector two drug salesmen hay, hose evading.

10 Yesterday's Newsreel-30as. 2 Saturday Afternoon Show 2

IlOVIE —"\IILIDER AT THE WINDMILL" ssith Garry Marsh and Diana

ker. 3 Saturday Matinee-90ws. 9 Farm and Forest 11 Jamboree—City Assignment

.q)v,akedyt. to Rights, - with Patrick me

13 Western Movie MOVIE —"BEYOND THE SACRAM.Fie nr

With Wild Bill Elliott.

2:15 10 Andy's Gang 2:30 4 Mr. Wizard-30m.

Danny finds out how his senses can play tricks on him and ..11r. Wizard" shows hint how to fool his friends.

8 What Do You Think? 9 Town and Country-30m. 11 Jamboree—Ramor of the

Jungle "Doomed Safari," with Jon Hall.

3 4 Forms and Gardens-30m. 5 Giant Movie Matinee

MOVIE—"SO YOUNG, SO BAD" with Paul Henreid and Anne Francis. An ex-pose of conditions in a girls' penal institution.

7 Cowboy Roundup-60m. MOVIE --WFIEHE TRAILS END" with Tom

Keene. 8 Sagebrush Theater-60m. 9 Feature Film

MOVIE- -BAD MEN OF TOMBSTONE" with Barry Sullivan. Marjorie Reynolds and Broderick Crawford. During the Gold Rush Days, a gang of cutthroats try to make a haul but become involved in murder in-stead.

10 Western Trails Theater-60m 11 Jamboree—China Smith

-Jungle Dragon," with Dan Dur-y.','.

3:15 2 News 13 Short Story-15m.

Learning '55 F.durational series produced In co-operation with the Los Angeles City and County Schools.

3 Travelog 4 Unk 'n' Andy-15m. 11 Jamboree—Ramar of the

Jungle " ,th .11.11 Il ill,

3:30 2

13 Make It Yourself-60m. 3:45 4 Industry On Parade- 15m.

2 Feature Film-60m. 4 MOVIE--"BLACKOUT" with Maxwell Reed

and Dinah Sheridan. A blind man stumbles on a murder; when his sight is restored. he sets out to find the murderer.

3 Wild West Theater-60m, 4 Halls of Science-30m.

"Children's Ears," by Victor Good-

Page Eleven

Page 12: LAWRENCE WEL L MY BOSS - World Radio History

SATURDAY tr LOGS hill, M.D., medical director of the Hearing and Speech Clinic at Chil-dren's Hospital. and Jacqueline Keaster, clinical director, discuss-ing case findings, case handling and research.

6 Horne Theater-3Y2 hrs. 7 Felix De Cola Show-30m.

A live show featuring plano les-sons, specially arranged melodies and stories about the music world.

8 Million Dollar Movie-90m. MOVIE -"CAUGHT" with Jantes Mason.

Barbara Bel Geddes and Robert Ryan. A woman Is trapped in a marriage with a wealthy, psycho-pathic playboy.

10 Western Featurette-30m. 11 Jamboree-My Hero

In "The Fishing Story," Thackery (John Litel) is imprisoned in a sleeping bag when the zipper breaks - and Beanblossom (Bob Cummings) gets tangled in the fishing line of a beautiful girl.

4:30 4 Outdoors with McElroy Jack McElroy with tips for South-ern California hunters and fish-ermen.

7 Rin Tin Tin-30m. Rusty and Rinty ward off an at-tempt by a gang of desperadoes to raid a shipment of gold headed for Fort Apache.

9 Feature Film MOVIE -"ONE MILLION B.C." with Victor

Mature and Carole Landis. The perils of life In prehistoric days biased by a young couple of the present who are projected into the post.

10 Teen Review-60m, Lynn Tits lor and an hour-long show with the Gay-Bon-Lin Trio.

1/ This is the Story John Kieran presents photograph-ic footnotes to history.

13 Award Theater MOVIE -"THE CHECKERED COAT" with

Tom Conway and Hurd Hatfield. The pattern on a coat is the only clue to the identity of a man des-perate enough to kill.

5 2 Pet Showcase-30m. With Tommy Dixon, emcee. Fez'. luring unusual and interesting animals.

3 Mr. WIzard-30m. 4 Norvell Gillespie-30m. $ Double Barrel Theater

MDVIE -"ROARING M 0 U s I S " with George O'Brian.

7 Lawrence Welk-60m, Texas-born Alice Lon sings "Ok-lahoma" and, in conleast, "Sam, the Old Accordion Man." Alice and Lawrence do "The Mexican Hat Dance;" Bob Lido and Alad-din offer "Five Feet Two" in Eng-lish and Italian. The band plays "The Water Tumbler Song" on glasses of water.

11 ar mor of the Jungle "Bride of the Idol," with Jon Hall.

5:15 10 Patio Chats 5:30 2, 3 Lone Ranger-30m.

3 Annie Oakley 4 Mainstay-15m. 10 Story Theater 11 Stu Erwin Show-30m.

Father gets involved in a contest.

5:45 4 Feature Film MOVIE -"TEXAS DEPERADOES" with Bus-

ter Crabbe and Katherine DeMille,


6 2 Fandango-30m. • Mauricio Jara entrees Latin-Amer-ican musical-variety show.


OCTOBER 29 3 Sgt. Preston of the Yukon S Double Barrel Theater


7 Ozark Jubilee-60m. Bed Foley and ois gang go all-out to aid the 1955 Community Chest campaign. Included in the cast dedicated to the Chest will be the 3-to-9 year old Tadpoles, square dance group; recording arttst Sonny James; brother and sister singing team Jim Edward and Maxine Brown; country comic "Uncle Cype" and recording artist Jim Wilson of Louisville, Ky.

8 MGM Parade-30m. 9 This Week in Sports 10 TV Theater-30m. 11 Hopaiong Cassidy

Hoppy stalks hidden killers in a deserted ghost town and gets a clue from a desert sat in "The Sole Sun is or."

13 Road to Freedom 6:15 9 PCC Highlights 6:30 2 Beat the Clock-30m.

With Bud Collyer, emcee; Roxanne and guests.

3 Ozark Jubilee 8 It's Always Jan-30m. 10 Unco m mon Voler 11 Abbott and Costelle-30m.

Lou finds his dream girl - and proceeds to build a suitable home lor her. But when his rival hears of the project, he changes the box numbers-and what a house re-sults!

Special 13 "Fanfare"

Ralph Edwards headlines on a li-ster salute to the 1955 Conunu-nity Chest campaign. Other stars .n order of appearance are: Hust Hamer, Jo Stafford, Tony Martin, Danny Thomas, Ben LesaY, the Starlighters Agnes M Moorehead, Liberace, Marshall Thompson and the Lancers.

6:45 4 Jack Latham-lSm. 9 Bill Brundige-Sportscast

2 Scotland Yard-30 m.

3 Gunsmoke-30m. 4 Dick Cantina Show-30m.

With Gloria Grey and Robert Armbruster,

5 Hometown Jamboree With Cliffie Stone, host, and Gene O'Quinn, Molly Bee, Billy Strange, Buckle Tibbs and lier-man the Hermit. •

8 My Favorite Husband-30m. 9 Adventure Movie Theatre

MOVII. -"t S DER NEVADA SKIES" with Roy Rogers and Dale Evans. In this hour-length feature film, Roy IiiPS a bit of jewelry as his only clue in tracking down a murderer.

10 Channel 10 Showcase 11 Superman-30m,

Clark Kent, as foreign correspond-ent for the Daily Planet, arrives in a Balkan state with a young man who is mistaken for the country's rightful ruler, and the country's dictator plots his death.

13 Call the Coach An up-to-date discussion of Pa-cific Coast Conference football with Sam Baiter, Red Sanders and Jess Hill.


7:1 5 13 Football Roundup With Sportscaster Mark Scott.

7:30 2, 3, 8 Harry Owens-30m. Music from the Islands featuring Filio Hattie and the Rosal lia-

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waiians„ with NiaPua, Moans, Lei Aloha, Prince Wawohi Eddie Bush and Gil Mershon.

4, 10 The Rig Surprise Cash prizes up to $100,000 at, awarded on this gigantic quiz show emceed by Jack Barry.

6 Hollywood Jalopy Races 7 Detective Show-11i hrs.

movIE-"TIlltiA. ON A TICKET" with Hugh Beau mont and Cheryl Walker. Secret plans for a new weapon are reaching a foreign power.

Page Twelve

Page 13: LAWRENCE WEL L MY BOSS - World Radio History


OCTOBER 29 11 Badge "714"

Sgt. Joe Friday (Jack Webb) checks on a girl who disappeared from her home and her job in a hurry. The Investigation contin-ues without results until a phone call sends Friday and his partner (Ben Alexander) hark to the girl's apartment, where they bear an unusual story.

13 Big Star Movie MONIE --JOURNEY INTO LIGHT " with

Sterling Hayden and Vivres Lind-fors. The blind daughter of a preacher in the alums redeems a minister who line become a skid row bum following his wife's suicide.

2, 3, 8 Stage Show-30m. Robert Mitchu m and vocalist Sarah Vaughan guest tonight with the Dorsey Brothers' combined or-chestra. Tommy and Jimmy act as to-hosts and provide the type of music that has made them famous. Also featured are the June Taylor Dancers.

4, 10 The Perry Como Show Perry's guests are Dunninger, famed mentalist, singer Connie Russell, comedian George Pren-tice and the Four Lade.

5 Spade Cooley—Variety-60m. 6 Texas Rasslin'-60m, 9 Mystery Theater-30m. 11 Susie-30m.

susi.01 Lose (Don Porter) is In the hospital with what he thinks is a fatal Illness. Susie (Ann Sotherni learns It is only indigestion and tries to get his mind on other things in "Where There's a Will." The "other things" of course turn out to be the wrong things for Susie.

8:30 2, 3, 8 The Honeymooners in a "Matter of life and Death," Ralph Kramden takes an Ill-timed look into the future and the chain reaction it sets off Is screamingly funny to everyone hut Ralph. Jackie Gleason stars as Krarnden, he is supported by A ud rey Meadows, Art Carney and Joyce Randolph.

9 Legion Stadium Boxing Ralph Dupes vs. I.ou Filippo, lightweight.

li I Led Three Lives-30m. Herb Philbrick (Richard Carlson) gees to work to defeat a Commu-nist plot to undermine American athletic teams in international competition.

2, 3, 8 Two for the Money Herb Shriner, host.

4, 10 People Are Funny Art Linkletter asks a male con-testant to identify a real bubble dancer from a lineup of three women. Other stunts include a Treasury Department man who sees if he can sell real money at bargain rates and a woman puzz-ling over three mystery boxes, one of 'which contains the keys to a new car.

5 Sat. Nite Movies-1 1/2 hrs. MOVIE—"OUTPOST IN MOROCCO" with

George Raft and Marie Windsor. An officer in the French Foreign Legion heroines enamoured of the daughter of a hostile Arab chief-tain.

6 Championship Bowling-60m 7 Al Jarvis Hi-Jinx-60m. 11 Paris Precinct-30m.

A beautiful girl disappears and accepts the devotion of an ex-con-yid. Why does she ask police to tell her parents only that she is dead?



SATURDAY IV LOGS 13 Saturday Night Movie

MOVIE —' PHANTOM CARAVAN" with Don Ameche. A private international detective becomes involved in • number of horrible Indian sect murders.

9:30 2 It's Always Jan-30m. Jan's roommate becounce engaged to an elderly, International play-boy who has already had five wives and who shows he is not over his habit of pursuing things feminine by making advances to Jan. Series stars Janis Paige and features Jeri Lou James, Patricia Bright and Merry Anders.

3 My Favorite Husband-30m. 4, 10 Jimmy Durante-30m.

J immy's guest is Peter Lawford.

Badge 714-30m. 11 Secret File, U. S. A.-30m.

Counterfeit money flooding West-ern Germany is traced to a res-taurant in Copenhagen. Major Morgan (Robert Aide) Is assigned to find out how the money is transported to Germany.

2, 8 Gunsmoke-30m. Tile seemingly fabricated story of a wide-eyed imaginative boy helps Marshal Matt Dillon uncover the weird plot of a highwayman and his accomplice wife.

Jackpot Theater-2 hrs. Fun. prizes and million dollar movies with Keith Hetherington, host.

4, 10 George Gobel-30m, Tennessee Ernie Ford Is guest to-night. George recalls how he first met Tennessee Ernie in a hillbilly night club and the two are heara in a special duet. Peggy King sings "Moments to Remember" with John Scott Trotter and the orches-tra.

6 Movie Parade Movir---WORM'S EYE VIE W."

7 The Falcon Charles McGraw, as Mike Waring, goes to 'Vienna, to investigate the hijacking of desperately needed terrarnyein in "A Drug on the Market."

8 Crossroads-30m. 11 Town Hall Party-3 hrs.

With Merle Travis, W'es Tuttle. Joe and Rose Lee Me ets, Tex Bitter, Louise O'Brien, Collins Kids, Johnny Bond, Lefty Frizzell and guests.

10:30 2, 8 Damon Runyon Theater Jack Carson, Charlie Cantor and Jack Albertson star in "Broadway Dateline." Dateline," the story of a gamb-ling king 'who buys a newspaper with the intention of using it to back a crooked city councilman's re-election. When the young editor lambasts the politician his boss fires him. Later, in a surprise switch, the gambling king becomes an important man in the atty.

4, 10 Your Hit Parade Dorothy Collins, Snooky Lannon, Giselle MacKenzie and Russ Arms, with Raymond Scott leading the Hit Parade Orchestra.

5 Roller Derby-60m. 7 Video Playhouse-3 hrs.

Moviri.--"MONEY NICANS NOTHING" with Wallace Ford and Edgar Kennedy. A young girl unwittingly helps a gang of hi-jackers when her ear stalls in front of their truck.

MOVIP. —"DEADLOCK" with John Slate. A murderer pleading insanity is sent to an asylum from which he escapes to pose as a friend who resembles

13 Criswell Predicts-15m. 10:45 13 Baxter Ward News

11 2 Juke Box Jury-60m. Peter Potter and guests rate latest records.

4 Eleventh Hour News ith Jack Latham.

8 Patti Page-15m. 9 Feature Film

MOVIE—" WHISPERING CITY" with Paul I.ukas and Mary Anderson. Prob-ing the death of an actress, a French newspaperwoman learns that a noted connoisseur has been Involved in the death of many actors and artists.

10 Ten Star Theater 13 The Inevitable-30m.

"The Dear Departed," with Ger-trude Michael and Ian MacDonald. A detective's discovery that the beautiful Mrs. Denby has done away with three husbands leads to luis own death.

11:15 4 Red Barber's Corner 8 Masterpiece Playhouse

MOVIE. t"flIE DIVORCE OF LADY X" with Laurence Olivier and Merle Oberon. A woman hating barrister is compromised when a lady spends the night in his hotel room.

11:30 4 Late Date at the Movies MOVIE —"CHARI-IE CHAN IN SHANGHAI"

with Warner Oland and Irene Her-vey. Chan and his Number One Son become entangled in murder and intrigue as they trail • gang of (lope smugglers In China,

5 Roller Derby Rhubarb \N MI Pick I one,

11:40 5 Final Edition

12 2 Midnitht News 3 Late News

12:15 2 Feature Film-75m, MOVIE—"TH E GAY DoC" w ith retula

Clark and Wilfred Pickles,

11 Rocket to Stardom ‘‘ itt, itoli mike!

1:30 2 Give Us This Day



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Page Thirteen

Page 14: LAWRENCE WEL L MY BOSS - World Radio History



WIDE WIDE W ORLD, (4), 1:CO p.m. Dave Garroway conducts a tour of the western part of the nation.

OM N I BUS, (2), 2:00 p.m. Esther Williams is featured today from Yale Univer-sity.

PCC FOOTBALL, (13), 7:CO p.m. U.C.L.A. vs. California.

FRONTIER, (4), 7:30 p.m. Jeff Morrow and Sally Brophy star in the show's pilot film, "In Nebraska."

FAMOUS FILM FESTIVAL, (7), 7:30 p.m. .1. Arthur Rank's "Notorious Gentle-man" stars Rex Harrison and Lilli Palmer.

ED SULLIVAN SHO W, (2), 8:00 p.m. Tonight's guests are Eddie Fisher, Phil Silvers, Marian Marlowe, Dick Shawn, David Whitefield and Senor Wences.

VARIETY HOUR, (4). 8:00 p.m. Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis star tonight With Dick Stabile and his Orchestra.

GENERAL ELECTRIC THEATER, (2), 9:CO p.m. Kathryn Grayson and John Ericson star in "Shadow on the Heart."

THE ALCOA HOUR, (4), 9:00 p.m. Laurence Harvey, Diane Cilento. Mary Wickes and John Laurie star in The Small Servant.''

ALFRED HITCHCOCK PRESENTS. (2), 9:30 p.m. Pat Hitchcock stars in Alex-ander Woollcott's "Into Thin Air."

TED MACK AND THE ORIGINAL AMA-TEUR HOUR, (7), 9:30 p.m. It's back, gong and all.

LORETTA YOUNG SHO W, (4). 10:CO p.m. Hostess Irene Dunne presents Laraine Day in "Slander."


Rocket to Stardom

8:10 2 Give Us This Day 8:15 2 Feature Film-75m.

9 140 American Inventory Frontiers of Faith

13 Sunrise Theater 'Ii VII -THE AMAZING MR. X" with Lynn

Bari and Turban Bey. A phony medium preys on the beautiful and the wealthy.

9:15 8 Industry On Parade-15m. 9:30 2 Light of Faith-30m.

4 A Look at Russia-30m. A comprehensive fil m report on Russia today. Films show a typ-ical Russian department store, barber shop, school, church, race-track and nightclub. Frank Bourg-holtzer contributes a "man in the street" Moscow-type interview. Also seen is a Siberian corn farm, shots of a tractor factory, a chil-dren's camp and a typical farnt

8 Televespers 10 Dude Bob Show 11 Hollywood Hoe Down-45m.

9:45 8 Bible Class-15m. 2 Lamp Unto My Feet-30m. 8 Let There Be Light

10:15 5 How Christian Science Heals 10:30 2 Look Up and Live-30m.

4 Early Date at the Movies MOVIE -"CHARLIE I HAN IN RE M," with





2 News of the Day-15m. 5 Church in the Home-60m.

11 Great Churches of the Golden West-60m. With the Rev. Clifton Moore Iront the West Adams Presbyte-rian Church.

13 Big Movie-90m. MOVIE -"TLI.SA" ss 1h Susan Hayward and

Robert Preston. A woman wild-catter defies the man she loves when he interferes with her ille-gal oil business in the early, brawling days of the oil industry.

1:15 2 Operation Safety Produced in cooperation with the California Higlim ay Patrol.

8 Western Theater-75m. 1:30 2 Report Card-30m.

A special panel discussion pro-W11111 in conjunction with 1 h e forthcoming White House Confer-ence on Education. Lyman Bryson is moderator. Distinguished guests include Neil H. McElrv, Dr. -James Killian, Roy E. Larsen, Dr. Ralph .1. Bunch, and tia tri nel Brummell.

10 Realty Review-30m. 11:45 9 News Review


Sidney Toler and Phyllis Brooks. 12 The famous gambling tom n is the lotekground for muldei.

5 In God We Trust-30m. 8 What's Your Trouble?-15m, 10 Mustang Movie-60m. 13 Short Story-30m.

10:45 8 Faith for Today-15m. 11 TV Home Preview-15m,


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2 Winky Dink and You 4 This Is the Life-30m. 5 Ask the Doctor-30m. 7 770 on TV 9 Feature Film

MOVIE-- -IS -1NI.t: RENEGADES" with Jim-rii kely.

10 Western Trails Theater 11 Hopalong Cassidy

MOVIE----HEART (1F ARIZONA" with M'il-liarn Boyd, Belle Starr and her daughter are losing herds of cat-tle to rustlers, and it's up to Hop-py to stop the thefts,

BOOKS BY NE VILLE Awakened Imagination $3.00 Feeling Is the Secret 2.50 Freedom For All 2.50 Out Of This World 2.50 The Search 1.00 Prayer, The Art Of Believing 2.50 Your Faith Is Your Fortune 3.00 The Power Of Awareness 3.00 For sale at all lerding Department Stores and Book Dealers or direct from the Publisher.



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Minister-Rev. Win. H. Hunter

Prese»ted by


letg (rrr.trer Lot 1.orgeli, leir till, Year,

F age Fourteen

Page 15: LAWRENCE WEL L MY BOSS - World Radio History


12:30 2 4 5

OCTOBER 30 Adventure-30m. Teenage Trials-30m. Garden Chats-30m. With Joe Littlefield.

7 Faith for Today 13 Saddle and Spurs-60m.

MOVIE -"THIGGER MAN" w ith Johnny Mack Brown.

2 Face the Nation-30m. 4, 10 Wide, Wide World-90m.

Watching a cameraman atop Hoover Dam, Dave Garroway be-gins a tour of the western part of the nation: to Salt Lake City for the first telecast of the Mor-mon Tabernacle Choir; to Las Vegas for an old-fashioned gas-lit stage show; to Tombstone. Arizona for the first TV look at Helidorado. Week; to the Conti-nental Divide atop a Denver-Rio Grande railroad train; to Fort Leavenworth, Kansas where the first wagon train started; to Santa" Barbara, California and a famous old mission; to San Fran-cisco for a rodeo in the Cow Palace; to Oklahoma City where an oil well stands on the front lawn of the State Capitol Build-ing; to Houston, Texas for a pre-view of a premiere-Leopold Sto-kowski conducting the Houston symphony orchestra in "The Mys-terious Mountain"; to St. Louis for a look at the city that once represented the beginning of the West -and back to Hoover Dam and the suspended cameraman who will be ea sed down the facade of the huge concrete struc-ture.

5 Movie Theater-90m. MOVIE -"GHOST TO WN LA W" with Buck

Tones and Tim McCoy.

7 Message of the Master 8 Zoorama-30m. 11 Your Home-30m.

1:15 9 Feature Film MOVIE-"GuILTY BYSTANDER" with

Zachary Scott and Faye Emerson. A drunken ex-cop joins the hunt for the kidnapers of his son.

1:30 2 Let's Take a Trip "Frtv,.1 program for children.

7 Yours for Living 8 Lone Ranger-30m. 11 Auction Park-30m. 13 Jack Tucker Show-30m. 2, 8 Omnibus-90m.

Esther Williams headlines a pres-entation from Yale University's swimming pool. She narrates and demonstrates the Benjamin Frank-lin classic "Advice to Bathers."

6 Movie Parade MOVIE -"STRANGER AT MY DOOR" with

Valentine Dyall.

7 Parlor Playhouse "Full Portrait" with Gene Ray-mond. The death of a scrubwoman uncovers her strange bank account and the key to a series of rob-beries. •

11 Neville-30m. 13 Latin Time-30m,

2:30 4 Youth Wants to Know



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SUNDAY 47 LOGS 5 Twin Movie No. 1-1% hrs.

MOVIE-"THE RED HOUSE" with Edward G. Robinson, Judith Anderson -and Rory Calhoun. Death and mystery surround a lonely farmhouse.

7 Sunday Theater MOVIE-"JACK OF DIAMONDS" with Ni-

gel Patrick. A man uncovers a sunken cache of diamonds that someone else has a better claim to.

10 Johnny Downs Express 11 Jalopy Derby-3 hrs. 13 Sunday Ranch Party

3 4 Dr. Speck Dr. Benjamin Spock, author of "Baby and Child Care" presents a program with subjects of in-interest to parents.

6 Triple Theater-3 Hrs, MOVIE-"NORTH OF THE LONE STAR,"


9 Feature Film-90m. MOVIE-"MR. DRAKE'S DUCK" with Doug-

las Fairbanks, Jr. An American couple on a farm in England come into possession of a duck that lays atomic eggs.

3:30 2 Cavalcade of Books Actor Thomas Mitchell and author Marguerite Hamilton are guests of Georgians Hardy and Turnley Walker. Mitchell, a personal friend of Picasso, discusses the book "Picasso: 50 Years of His Graphic Work" by Dr. Bernard Geiser. Miss Hamilton discusses her latest book "Red Shoes for Nancy," the story of her daughter who had a congenital condition of her limbs, both of which have been amputated.

4 Zoo Parade 8 You Are There-30m.

"Moscow Today." (See Channel at 6 p.m. for details.)

10 Buffalo Bill Jr.

3:45 3 News 5 Twin Movie No. 2-1% hrs.

MOVIE-"THE FIRST LEGION" with Bar-bara Rush and Charles Boyer. Only the doctor who attended him knows It wasn't a miracle that saved the life of a priest, but he keeps si-lent when he sees the "miracle" of faith this belief works in a para-lytic airl.

Cavalcade of Records Record review with Leo Kepler and Ethel Longstreet discussing and playing classical and semi-classical records.

3 Oral Roberts-30m, 4 Faith of Our Children

Starring Eleanor Powell.

7 Gordon's Garden-30m. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Baker Lloyd with gardening tips from their garden at home.

8 Disneyland-60m. "Legend of Sleepy Hollow."

10 Sunday Matinee 4:30 2 KNXT News

3 Industry On Parade 4 Mary McAdoo 7 The Lighted Window-30m. With Jame.: W. Fifield Jr.

9 Feature Film MOVIE -"DESERT LEGION".



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13 Western Trails Movie MOVIE-"PIONEERS OF '49" with Wild Bill


4:45 2 Tom Harmon's Workshop 3 Travelog-15m. 2, 5 8 Sunday Lucy Show

Lucy and Ethel %% angle a beat-up freezer out of the corner butcher and install it in Lucy's basement wiih a choice slab of beef which they plan to keep secret from their husbands. W'hen the boys discover the meat a hilarious game of bide-and-seek foll ows.

3 Game of Life 4 People-30m. 7 Double Barrel Theater

MOVIE--"ItiDING THE DUSTY TRAIL" with Jimmy Wakely.

5:30 2 Amos 'n' Andy-30m. "The Boarder."

3 This Is the Life-30m. 4 Chet Huntley 5 Eastside Kids-60m.

MOVIE -"TuAT (1ANG OF MINE" with the Eastside Kids,

8 TV Reader's Digest-30m. "The Archer-Shee Case" with Sir Cedric Hardwicke.

10 Capt. Gallant 11 Uncommon Valor

Bill Barn's documentary of Marine Corps heroism today follows the Korean campaign from Inchon to Seoul.

5:45 13 Short Story-15m.


6 2, 3 You Are There-30m. Walter Cronkite presents "Moscow Today," a special report by CBS News featuring uncensored film and commentary and narration by Richard Hottlelt and Walter Cron-kite.' The comprehensive picture-story includes a Soviet depart-ment store, an automobile show, a tour inside the Kremlin walls, Moscow's central market, housing and the Moscow subway.

4, 10 Meet the Press Movie Parade-60m.

MOVIE-"YUKON MANHUNT" with Chin-ook and Kirby Grant.

.7 Double Barrel Theater MOVIE-"PHANTOM OF 42 n d STREET"

with Alan Mowbray and Kay Al-dridge. A drama critic investigates a murder to which he was an eye-witness.

8 Sunday News Summary 9 Film Classics

MOVIE--MAGIC TO WN" with James Stew-art and Jane Wyman. Story of a town that flourishes and ex-pands when the people have some-thing strong to believe in, and whatlhappens when this faith is destroyed.

" "-"" ' 'MU M

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P e Fifteen

Page 16: LAWRENCE WEL L MY BOSS - World Radio History

SUNDAY to LOGS 11 Ramer of the Jungle

Ratner aids a giant Jungle Queen fiercely defending her precious jewels and her throne against traitors of her tribe.

13 Who Knows This? Arnold Pike presents an English quiz between a boys' team and a girls' team from Alhambra High School.

6:30 2, 8 Lassie-30m. \‘1,, ii Lassie falls ill with a strange ailment. Jeff and Porky suspect that a spell has been cast on their canine pal by an elderly spinster dubbed 'The Witch Wom-an" by the Calverton youngsters.

3 Halls of Ivy-30 m.

4, 10 Roy Rogers "The Outlaws of Paradise Valley." Boy helps an archeological expe-dition seeking ruins of an Indian tribe, who are being held in an old cabin by a gang of bank rob-era.

S Chico and Pablo MOVIE—"THE DEVIL'S DEN" with Dun-

can Renaldo and Leo Carillo. An itinerant preacher attempts to rouse his town to drive out two crooks who have killed the foun-der of the town. Chico and Pablo come to his aid and help restore the city once again to a decent community.

11 My Hero-30m. Beanblossom (Bob Cummings) is transported in reverly to a South Pacific island. However, a native cannibal chieftain makes things uncomfortable for him.

13 Story Theater-30m. "Cricket on the Hearth," an adap-tation of Charles Dickens' story about a vittitor who cornes to s family on Christmas Eve and who lie turns out to be.

2, 3, 8 Private Secretary-30m. Susie has a mission —a pay raise —and she circumvents the usual procedure of appealing to the boss by calling upon the aid of her friends in an ingenious attempt to melt ber buss' resistance.

4, 10 It's a Great Life-30m. "Double Date." Steve arranges a date for Denny with the intention of switching his own date for his friend. The girls gang up on him, however, and a third man com-plicates his evening.

6 Guy Lo mbardo-30 m. 7 You Asked For It

11 Colonel March of Scotland Yard-30 m. When a wealthy widow is mur-dered. March (Boris Karloff) nar-rows the suspects down to the members of two English a n it French fencing teams in "Passage at Arms."

13 PCC Football-60m. UCLA vs. California.

7:30 2, 8 What's My Line?-30m. With John Daly. Arlene Francis. Bennett Cerf, Fred Allen and Dorothy Kilgallen.

3 Cisco Kid-30 m. 4, 10 Frontier-30 m.

How the death of a baby whose parents were en route to Oregon in a wagon train was directly re-sponsible for the founding of


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OCTOBER 30 Omaha. Nebraska is told tonight. Tile parents are played by Jeff Morrow and Sally Brophy. (This was the pilot filin which helped sell the serles.)

5 "The Movids"-90m. "NE W MEXICO" with Lew Ayres and Marilyn Maxwell. Mistreat-ment of the Indians causes un-rest, and a cavalry captain leads a patrol on a desperate mission to intercept his Indian friend, Chief ,coma, in an effort to head éTf a full-scale rebellion. Sponsored by Barbara Ann Bread and White King D.


Story of the efforts of a retired major in organizing a racetrack syndicate.

7 Famous Film Festival MOVIE —"NOTORIOUS GENTLEMAN" with

Rex Harrison and Lint Palmer. Stranded In Vienna, an English playboy accepts a proposition to marry a young girl wishing to leave the country and escape the Nazis. Her father pays his debts. But once back in England, he re-turns to his amorous adventures, falling in love with another girl. This is the first TV showing for this J. Arthur Rank film.

9 King's Crossroads-30 m, 11 Play of the W eek-30 m.

'Drawing Room 'A' " with William Bishop and Joan Camden. Ro-mance blooms when a beautifal girl has an attack of amnesia aboard a train.

2, 8 The Ed Sullivan Show Ed Sullivan, host, presents Eddie Fisher, Phil Silvers, Marion Mar-lowe. Dick Shawn. David Whit-field and Senor Vences as his guests tonight. Scenes from the new Broadway hit "No Time For Sergeants" will be enacted by Myron McCormick, Roddy Mc-Dowell, Andy Griffith. Howard Freeman, Royal Beal and Robert Webster.

3, 4, 10 Variety Hour-60 m, Dean Martin and Jeri.> Lewis. with Dick Stabile and his or-chestra.

9 Cha mpionship Bo wling 11 Janet Dean, Registered Nurse

Janet warns a thief terrorii,nu a household in Brooklyn Mai 11,. infected with rabies.

13 Dan Lundberg-30m. Dr, Paul Popenoe, director of the Institute of Family Relations, heads a panel discussing "Should Mar-ried Women Work?" Joining the discussion are Edna Gates, assis-tant supervisor, Los Angeles Child Care Centers; a department store personnel manager, and a working mother.



starring JOHN HOWARD

9:00 P. M. SUNDAY Presented by Sears,

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8:30 11 Voices of Victory From the Victory Baptist Church.

13 Church in the Home-60m.

9 2, 8 General Electric Theater

Kathryn Gray son stars in "Shadow on the Heart." The tender love story between Red Harrington, Seaman First Class, and a lovely girl who meet on a Cape Cod shoreline. The girl, maintaining a vigil of import-ance in her life, leaves for a while to undergo an operation and while she is gone makes a decision which changes her own life as well as the sailor's.

3 The Ed Sullivan Show-60m. 4, 10 Alcoa Hour-60m.

Lattrence Harvey and Diane Cuento star in "The Small Servant." The story of a servant employed by an avaricious and acrimonious broth-er and sister who gives aid and comfort to a young man appren-ticed to them. Her kindness pays off and her reward exceeds her wildest dreams. Mary Wickes, John Laurie, Murray Mattheson, Brenda Forbes and fialliwell Hobbs ail' featured. Bandstand Revue-60m. With Leighton Noble and Anita Gordon and guest stars featuring the thirty top songs of your choice.

6 Secret File-30m. 7 Chance of a Lifetime A talent show with Dennis James as host and emcee, introducing three contestants who vie for a $1,000 first prize, plus a host of theater and nightclub bookings.

9 Channel 9 Movie MOVIE—"ROGUE RIVER" with Rory Cal-

houn and Peter Graves. Story of a conflict between father and son which mounts till the only solu-tion seems to be the death of one of them.

11 Dr. Hudson's Secret Journal Using illness as an escape me-chanism, a business tycoon fac-ing possible bankruptcy finds refuge at Center Hospital in "The Werner Story," and Dr. Hudson (John Howard) thwarts his at-tempted suicide. Brought to you by Sears, Roebuck.

9:30 2, 8 Alfred Hitchcock Presents Pat Hitchock stars in "Into Thin Air." The story of the efforts of a

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Page Sixteen

Page 17: LAWRENCE WEL L MY BOSS - World Radio History





OCTOBER 30 young girl to locate her sick mother who has mysteriously dio-appeared while she is on an er-rand for the doctor who is attend-ing her mother. Featured are Mary Forbes, Geoffrey Tune. Alan Napier, John Mylong and Maurice Marease.

6 Crime Report—San Diego

Return 7 Original Amateur Hour 'fed Mack brings back the pro-gram that the late Major Bowes established as an American in-stitution in the days of radio. The format remains the same, offering talented amateurs in all phas(s of show business a chance to show the nation what they can do.

11 Paul Coates' Confidential File A two-part series on capital pun-ishment in California begins to-night. Films of death row are included with interviews, includ-ing a man who spent more than a year as a condemned man. Rev. Oral Roberts Appointment with

Adventure-30m. NeYa Patterson stars in "Pattern for Thieves." The story of an American fashion illustrator on assignment in Rio de Janeiro who unwittingly becomes involved with two (level: crooks.

3 I Led Three Lives-30m. 4, 10 The Loretta Young Show-30m. Irene Dunne, hostess, presents Laraine 1/ay and Ken Tobey in "Slander." The story of a young wife's efforts to encourage talent in a teenage boy and of the vicious rumors, started by her husband's sisters, which threaten her marriage. Corey Allen. Betty Caulfield, f rene Tedrow and Adrienne Marden are featured.

S Pride of the Family-30m. 6 Mystery Theater-60m,

1/111:31SIOND'S 11E-VENCE."

7 Life Begins at Eighty-30m. 11 Stories of the Century-30m.

Mali Clark (Jim Davis) and Jonesy (Kristine Miller) incur the wrath of the U. S. Army in their efforts to stop the I'Apache Kid."

13 Church Talent Hour-60m.

N eie) 2 Life Is What You Make It A new show with a philosophi-cal turn has people from all walks of life re-live the most memorable moments of their lives, with prizes totaling $450 and a $1,000 jackpot awarded by audience applause. Starring are comedian Bobby Sargent, songstress Louise O'Brien and the Bill Baker quartet.

3 Sunday Cinema-75m. 4 Justice Philip Abbott and (;eorgianna Johnson star in "Decision by Panic," the story of a school-

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SUNDAY tt7 LOGS teacher whose fear of ad public opinion allows bins to be blackmailed by a pair of confi-dence operators.

5 The World Tomorrow-30m. Herbert W, Armstrong, president and director of the Ambassador College in Pasadena, presides."The religious program is presented through the co-operation of the Radio Church of God.

7 Nitecap Theater MOVIE—"DIVORCE" with Kay Frances. A

jaded divorcee jets out to recap-ture an old flame, now married and the father (if ton ions.

• Beat the Clock-30m. 10 Victory at Sea-30m. 11 Mr. and Mrs. North

Parn and Jerry (Barbara Brritton and Richard Henning) decide to hire a butler. He no sooner enters their household than murder strikes in "The Silent Butler."

10:45 9 News Roundup 2, 8 Sunday News Special \\in, Clete Roberts. ,

4 Eleventh Hour News SVith Cleve Hermann.

S Eye Witness With ken Graue. Tom Hallen and Jay Elliott.

10 Les Paul and Mary Ford-5m. 11 Sherlock Holmes Feature

MOVIE—"THE PEARL oF DEATH" with Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce. Holmes and Watson are pitted against a European master crimi-nal seeking to get possession of a

• quarter-million-dollar pearl. 13 Answers for Americans

11:05 10 The Hunter 11:15 2 Les Paul and Mary Ford

at Home-5m.


# 4444.4i -



4 Outlook-15m. With Elmer Peterson.

11:20 2 Late Show "Ship With Wing" with Michael Wilding and Michael Rennie. The story of Britain's first aircraft carrier.

11:30 4 Late Date at the Movies movik _ • \\ ll.LIE cum Es TO TOWN" with

t̀l Miami Graham. 5 Televespers

11:45 3 Late News 12:50 2 Give Us This Day

LEGAL 'BATTLE' George Rony's 'Background to

Battle" took the foreground in a legal battle this week. A Mr. Herman Axelbank served Mr.

Bony, station KCOP, the National Broadcasting Company, and the Fox West Coast Theaters with a complaint alleging that his rights had been in-fringed upon as a result of certain films used by Mr. Rony. Until the legal difficulty has been

straightened out, Mr. Jack Heintz general manager of KCOP, has tem-porarily concelled the second-run of the series. The withdrawal of "Background to

Battle" by KCOP has no bearing on the ultimate rightness or wrongness of the case, but it was decided by Mr. Heintz to be the "safe and sen-sible thing to do until the matter is completely settled."



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Page 18: LAWRENCE WEL L MY BOSS - World Radio History


NBC. MATINEE THEATER, (4), 12 noon. John P. M -Irquand's "Beginning Now" launches this daily color series pro-duced by Albert McCleery.

MICKEY MOUSE CLUB, (7), 5:00 p.m. "Border Collie," the tale of a boy and his dog, begins today.

TV READER'S DIGEST, (7), 8:00 p.m. Sir Cedric Hardwicke stars in the factual "Archer-Shee Case."

VOICE OF FIRESTONE, (4), 8:30 p.m. Baritone Thomas L. Thomas guests.

MEDIC, (4), 9:00 p.M. Alan Reed. Jr., Kip King and Jean Bryson star In "When Mama Says Jump."

MEDICAL HORIZONS, (7), 9:30 p.m. A day with a young Johns Hopkins Hos-pital doctor.

2 Space Funnies 3 The Little Rascals-15m, 5 Cartoon Carousel—Con'd 6 Ranger Show— Western 7, 8 Mickey Mouse Club NE WSREEL: Sailing, Sailing! Hunting for Atoms. Bird Brains, Catch a Ghost. MOUSEKETEERS: Fun with Music Day —"Old Bet-sy" and "Green Grass Grows." CONTINUED STORY: "Border Col-lie," the tale of a boy and his dog begins today. It tells how a farmer's son trains his pet col-lie to do exceptional tricks which eventually reward his young mas-ter's patience In a state-wide dog show. C A R T O O N :"Mickey's Steam Roller."

9 Gene Norman's Campus Club Guests from musical world plus teen - agers from local high schools.

10 Ramar of the Jungle-30m. 11 Del Moore's Mysteries

—Con'd 13 Ranch Party—Con'd

5:15 3 Laff Time-15m.


od e *




8:30 P.M•


"HELSINKI" 7:30 P.M.

Don't miss Witter Ward and the !%etvs 3Ionday through Friday, 6:00 p.m.




OCTOBER 31 5:30 3 Frank Webb Show

5 Western Theater-60m. MOVIE —" I) A N 1 \ \ 1.1.1:\"" u th Jack

Randall. 10 Johnny Downs Express-30m

5:35 2 Range Rider

6 With 3,4 k Mahoney and Dick Weq.

3 Beverly On 3-30m. 4 Jack Latha m 6 Ranger Show—Our Gang Comedy

7 Long John Silver-30m. Long John (Robert Newton) joins forces with the Spanish traitor Sal-amander to stage a daring holdup of Spanish mule trains in the Isth-mus of Panama. Their escape route is cut off, leaving them stranded in the alligator-infested swamps.

8 Annie Oakley-30m. 9 Cartoon Express-45m.

With Rill "Cases," Stulla. 10 Roy Rogers Movie 11 Stories of the Century

13 Baxter W ard—Ne ws 6:05 2 Tom Harmon Sports News

4 Weather—Gene Bollay 6:10 2 Clete Roberts Ne ws

4 See Hear 6:15 2 Doug Ed wards—Ne ws

13 Goodwin and Garton—Sports 6:30 2, 8 Adventures of Robin Hood

The sheriff sentences a pease/it to he hanged for failure to pay his taxes. Robin Hood in disguise en-ters Nottingham in a desperate at-tempt to save him.

3 Five Star Final-25m. 4 Oaks Sports Special

With Cleve Hermann. 15 Handy Hints-25m.

With Dorothy Gardiner and Ken Grane.

6 Johnny Jet—Uncle Russ 7 Western Theater-30m. "Ringo's Last Assignment" with Tom Powers. A retired newspaper-man wants to score a "beat" in order to regain his job, but he finds he's competing with a girl cub reporter.

11 Life With Elizabeth-15m. 13

6:45 3 4

6:55 11

2 7

Turning Point-30m. "Goodbye to the Clown" with Gigi Perreau. To escape the reality of her father's death, a ten-year-old creates a dream world in which a clown takes her father's place. World News—Weather Jack Latham Weather Vane-5m. George Putnam—News One of Los Angeles' popular com-mentators with first-hand news of the day. Studio One-450. "Split Level." The tender love Mors' of two 65-year-old people, Carlos de Stephani and Veronica Vermilea. The woman has already accepted "old age" and its frail-ties until she responds to the courtship of the zestful Carlos. A dramatic and unexpected develop-ment brings the story to a happy conclusion.

3 Camera Four-30m. 4 All American Game of Week 5 Gil Martyn—News-15m. 6 Cowboy G-Men 7 This is Your Music-30m. Byron Palmer and Joan Weldon sing Western bongs tonight: "Wa-gon Wheels," "Rose of San An-tone." "Mexicali Rose" and others.

8 Superman-30m. 9 Adventure Movie Theater

MOVIE—"BACK IN THE SADDLE" with Gene Autry. Gene returns west with the irresponsible young heir to a ranch. They meet a devil-may-care gambler who tells them of a copper strike on the ranch. This hour-length feature film will be seen every night throughout the week.

10 Wyatt Earp-30m. 11 Jungle Jim-30m.

A terrorist band has been using a vicious tiger to kill anyone re-fusing to pay them tribute. Jim (Johnny Weissmuller) sets out to end the terror in "Striped Fury."

13 The Golden Voyage-30m. Angola on the east coast of Africa is the scene of tonight's explora-tion: we see tribes making their weapons ana implements, obtain-ing food, dancing, witch doctors treating ailments and other primi-tive customs.

7:15 5 Eye Witness-15m. 7:30 3 Navy Log-30m.

4, 10 Tony Martin Show Tony's show tonight is set around a Hallowe'en theme. He sings "Al-most Like Being in Love," "Hold Me In Your Heart" and a medley of "Someone You Love" and "Black Magic." The Interludes sing "Pe-ter, Peter. Pumpkin Eater." David Pose conducts music. Bud Yorkin directs and produces.

3 Conspiracy-30m. "Naples." An exciting chase which culminates in Italy from Hamburg, Germany, takes Michael Powers in search of the slayer of a fellow newspaperman.

6 7 Topper-30m. Topper's ghostly pals give him a hand when an old school chum of his wife's gets Irksome during a visit to the house. Leo G. Car-roll is Topper; Anne Jeffreys and Robert Sterling are the frisky ghosts.

8 People In the News-15m. 11 My Little Margie-30m.

Margie (Gale Storm) produces In-dians right in the middle of Cen-tral Park. She even persuade her long-suffering father (Charles Far-rell) to don feathers and join the impromptu tribe.

Cisco Kid-30m.

13 Cesar Romero Show-30m. The real culprit puts police on the trail of an innocent man ac-cused of a murder. He is trap-ped in a Helsinki airport when Steve McQuinn (Romero) comes to his aid.

7:45 4, 10 News Caravan-15m. With John Cameron Swayze.

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Page Eighteen

Page 19: LAWRENCE WEL L MY BOSS - World Radio History


8 Local Newsreel 7:50 8 Weatherword 7:55 8 News



2, 8 Burns and Allen Show To help push sales on George's autobiography, Gracie becomes a salesgirl in a bookshop. Sales mount steadily until her friend Blanche Morton (Bea Benederet) clobbers a would-be purchaser whom she mistakes for a masher.

3 Masquerade Party-30m. 4, 10 Caesar's Hour $ Teieforum-30m. International figures discuss crItl• cal world issues. Rufus B. Von KleiaSmid is moderator.

6 The Pendulum-30m, 7 TV Reader's Digest-30m.

injustly accused of stealing a five-shilling postal order. a 13-year-old cadet nt the Royal Nasal College is summarily dismissed and his case becomes a cause celebre in Eng-Tend in "The Archer-Shee Case," based on an article by the late Alexander Woollcott. Sir Cedric Hardwieke stars and Is supported by Henry Daniell, Christopher Cook. Sarah Selby, Paul Cava-

n a ugh and Anthony Euetrel. Hugh Reilly is host-narrator for series.

9 Big Ten Highlights-30m. 11 The Count of Monte Cristo

The wealthy adventurer and de-fender of the King becomes e m-

broiled in "The Sardinia Affair." George Doterr eters as Monte Cristo.

13 Beat the Champ-30m. Pits trt o challengers from any walk of life, provided they are physically fit, In separate 10-min-ute matches with the wrestling titleholder. Challengers who heat the champ will receive llenó.

8:30 2, 8 Godfrey's Talent Scouts 3 City Detective-30m. 5 Roller Derby-23/4 hrs. 6 Class A Feature

MOVIE—"ACTION FOR SLANDER" with Ann Todd and Clive Brooks,

7 Voice of Firestone-30m. Thomas L. Thomas sings "Mar-chela," "In the Still of the Night," "Granada." and "Il Balen" from "11 Trovatore' by Verdi. Howard Barlow's orchestra will play "Amapola," "Mexican Hat Dance," and Tschaikneysky's "Finale."

9 PCC Highlights 11 Life of Riley-30m.

Riley and his wife learn Inadver-tenBy that the children consider them old. They nearly kill them-selves to nrove the youngsters wrong In "Darling, I Am Growing Old."

1 13 Wrestling-2 hrs. From the Hollywood Stadium. Gary Goodwin, sportscaster.

9 2, 8 I Love Lucy A jewel thief outwits pollee and Is escaping with his loot when he makes the mistake of tangling with Lucy Ricardo. She trips up the thief, hut in so doing interrupts a tra ii scehdule, unnerves hundr.ds



10:00-10:30 P.M. MONDAY Tonight



MONDAY /17 LOGS of passengers and wrecks the din-ing car. Lucille Ball plays the title role with Deal Arnaz portraying her husband Ricky. Ethel and Fred Mertz are played by Vivian Vance and William Fray ley.

3 You'll Never Get Rich-30m. 4, 10 Medic-30m.

Alan Reed, Jr., Kip King and Jean Engstrom star in "When Mama Says Jump." The story of a sev-enteen-year-old boy who is a champion high jumper. However, hie domineering mother, who has been behind his success, Is also the cause of an emotional upset in the boy which causes a severe case of acne. Dr. Styner (Richard Bonnet attempts to help the boy overcome his problem.

7 Vision Theater-30m. "Phantom on the Bridge" e ith Paul Langton, The police are baffled by the appearance of a strange appa-rition. A reporter undertakes to learn its Identity.

9 Channel 9 Movie Theater SIOVIL--"110(,LE RIVER" with Rory Cal-

houn and Peter Graves. Story of • conflict between father and son which mounts till the only solu-tion seems to be the death of one of them.

11 Highway Patrol-30m. Brod Crawford stars as Highway Patrol Chief Dan Mathews in this new series of dramas depicting the courage of the men who pa-trol the nation's highways.

9:30 2 3, 8 December Bride Lily Ruskin (Spring Flingtonl la accused of shoplifting by the local newspaper. She no sooner gets the paper to print a retraction than she discovers that she has Inad-vertently "stolen" something from the store after all. Featured are Franciem Rafferty, Dean Miller, Verne Felton and Harry Morgan.

4, 10 Robert Montgomery Presents-60m.

7 Medical Horizons Cameras will provide a rare be-hind-the-scenes view of the rigo-rous activities of a resident at Johns Hopkins Hospital, Balti-more. Md. He will he seen per-forming the triple function of res-Idencv —receiving training, attend-ing ward patients and training Interns under him.

11 I Married Joan-30m. Reruns of the popular comedy se-ries starring Joan Davis and Jim Backus. Tonight, "The Wall Safe."

2 Mr. District Attorney-30m. 3 Warner Bros. Presents 6 Picture Window-75m.


7 Wanderlust-30m. For the first time on television, the story of a luxury trip to Hawaii. The viewer joins in thé festivity and fun of the Lurline trip to Honolulu. Activities in-clude a thrilling ride on a ka-tamaren, a fast two-hulled sail-b oat. Interesting pointa around the Island of Oahu are visited. Next week: Part Two ef the trip conducted by co-hosts Bill Rurrud and Min; Barnard. au-tomotive and outdoor editor of the Los Angeles Examiner.

8 Douglas Fairbanks Presents "Wedding."

11 The Roy Milland Show Professor NleSuity (Itav in a frantic eftort to get enter-tainment for a faculty dance, fur-nishes a "stripper" instead of a "contralto."

10:30 2 Clete Roberts-15m. 4 Midwestern Hayride-30m.

7 The Hunter-30m. In an effort to help a pretty American newspaper woman get her story, Bart Adams (Keith Lar-son) crosses the Iron Curtain bor-der into Albania.

8 Studio One-60m. 10 Evening Adventure 11 Fabian of Scotland Yard

A young man's frightened fiancee seeks Scotland Yard's help when he is threatened by a gambling syndicate. But Fabian cannot col-lect evidence because none of the victims will cooperate.

10:45 2 The Big News-15m. With Bill Stout, Gil Stratton and Austin Green.

9 Don Lee World News with lee Wood, Bill Brundige and Ted Meyers.

2 The Patti Page Show 3 Late News 4 Eleventh Hour News-15m.

With Rick Latham.

7 Michael Hinn—News 9 Weatherwise

Report by Charles Arlington.

10 Les Paul and Mary Ford 11 George Putnam—News

Los Angeles' popular commenta-tor with news of the day.

13 The Inevitable-30m. "Born That Way" with John Hud-son. An American deserter in a Russian-occupied city of Germany learns the s alite of self-sacrifice.


11:05 10 News and Sports Round-up With Lionel an Deerlin and Sig Smith.

11:15 2 Les Paul and Mary Ford at Home-5m.

4 Cleve Hermann—Sports 5 Final Edition 7 Nitecap Theater

MOVIE—"THE QUIET ONE" With Donald Thompson. A moving documen-tary about a boy's life in Harlem.

9 Christophers-30m, 11 Racket Squad-30m.

A big-time racketeer who is also the owner of a bookie joint is taken for thousands of dollars, nroving"Anyone Can Be a Sucker."

11:20 2 Twin Photoplays "Craig Kennedy, Criminologist," and "Cases of Eddie Drake."

11:30 4, 10 Tonight-60m. With Steve Allen.

8 Foreign Intrigue-30m. 11:43 11 Jackson's Theater movIE—"DEVII, BAT'S DAL GHTER" with

Rosemary LaPlanche. A young girl, the victim of mental shock, is induced to believe she has a compulsion to kill. Night Final Edition 12 a

12:20 2 The Late Show MOVIE —"THE QUIET WOMAN" with

Derek Bond and Jane Hylton. A young woman falls in love with an artist while her husband is in prison. His escape endangers them both.

12:30 4 Movie Museum-15m. 12:45 4 World News Roundup 1:50 2 Give Us This Day



Page Ni r _ teen

Page 20: LAWRENCE WEL L MY BOSS - World Radio History


NBC MATINEE THEATER, (4), 12 nOcitt. "The Make Believe Mother."

MICKEY MOUSE CLUB, (7), 5:00 p.m. Jerry Colonna entertains the Mouse-keteers at a Mad Hatter's Party.

$64,CCO QUESTION, (2), 7:CO p.m. Hal March, emcee.

JANE W YMAN'S FIRESIDE THEATER, (4), 9:CO p.m. Dan Duryea, Gene Barry and Natalie Norwich star in "Nailed Down."

CHANNEL 9 MOVIE, (9) 9:CO p.m. "Casa-nova Brown" with Gary Cooper and Teresa Wright will be seen every night at this time except Saturday.

DUPONT CAVALCADE THEATER, (7), 9:30 p.m. Charles Bronson stars in "A Chain of Hearts."

2 Space Funnies 3 The Little Rascals 5 Cartoon Carousel—Con'd 6 Ranger Show— Western

7, 8 Mickey Mouse Club-60m. MELT SOOTY: Harry Corbett and his star puppet. GUEST STAR: Jerry Colonna entertains the Mouseketeers at a Mad Hatter's Party. Then he indulges in some typical Colonna madcaps winding up with a baseball skit. CON-TINUED STORY: Part Two of "Border Collie," the story of a boy and his dog. CARTOON :"The "Dog Napper."

9 Campus Club Gene Norman with guests from the musical world and teen-agers from local high schools.

10 Ramar of the Jungle 11 Del Moore's Mysteries

—Con'd 13 Ranch Party—Con'd

5:15 3 Laff Time-15m. 5:30 3 Frank Webb Show

5 Western Theater-60m, MOVIE —"RIDERS OF THE WEST" with

Buck Jones and Tim McCoy.

10 Johnny Downs Express 5:35 2 Range Rider-30m.

Beverly On 3-30m. Jack Latham 6 34

(Twin-bed Size

Custo m-


AUTOMATIC BLANKET Features exclusive Sleep-Guard Circuit ... new "Miracle Fabric" with Skinner Satin binding in six high-fashion colors . . . three convenient sizes. See the new GE Automatic Blanket today at your Department Store, Appliance, Hardware, Jewelry or Specialty Store.



NOVEMBER 1 6 Ranger Show—Our Gang Comedy

7 Cisco Kid-30m. In a blistering gun battle tn which the sheriff is killed, Cisco wounds his murderer. He trails him to the sheriff's home where the dead man's daughter treats his wounds.

8 Wild Bill Hickok-30in. 9 Cartoon Express-60m. With Bill "Casey" Stutla.

10 Gene Autry Movie 11 Stories of the Century

Story of outlaw Harry Tracy. 13 Baxter Ward-15m.

6:05 2 Tom Harmon Sports News 4 Weather—Gene Bollay

6:10 2 Clete Roberts News 4 See Hear!

6:15 2 Doug Edwards News 13 Goodwin and Garton—Sports

6:30 2 Name That Tune Musical quiz show a hich stars comedian George de Witt. In addi-tion to quizzing studio contestants, de Witt sings musical clues with Harry Salter's orchestra affording the accompaniment.

3 Five Star Final-15m. 4 Movie Museum 5 Handy Hints-25m.

,th Do roth> ta Miner and Ken i.ra ue.

6 Johnny Jet—Uncle Russ 7 Cowboy G-Men-30m. Shipments of goods consigned to Indian trading posts are being hi-jacked. Pat (Russell Hayden) and Stoney (Jackie Coogan) try to trap the culprits.

8 News in Review-15m. 11 Life With Elizabeth 13 Turning Point-30m.

"vieb)lis circi•••• 6:45 4 Jack Latham-15m.

8 Patti Page-15m. 11 George Putnam—News


Don't Miss ',DANGEROUS ASSIGNMENT" with Brian Donlevy


"THE BODYGUARD STORY" 7:00 P.M. Don't miss Baxter Ward and the News Monday through Friday, 6:00 pan.



13 Red Sanders Show 6:55 5 Weather Vane-5m.

7 2, 8 $64,000 Question-30m. ila I March emcees the gigant ic giveaway show which moves to this new time tonight.

1 Travelog-30m. 4 Capt. Gallant-30m. Captain Gallant (Buster Cra ne) is called in to investigate a mur-der involving a legion recruit In "The Legion Is Our Home."

S Gil Martyn—News-15m. 6 Judge Roy Bean-30m. 7 Picture Party-30m.

"The Deauville Bracelet" with Phyl-lis Stanley and Reginald Denny. An English matron with an incur-able passion for gambling devises a plan to keep her husband from learning of her habit.

9 Adventure Movie Theater MOYIE —"BACK IN THE SADDLE" with

Gene Autry. (See Channel 9 at 7 tua p.m. Monday.)

10 Life Is Worth Living Bishop Fulton J. Sheen.

11 Orient Express-30m. In order to enhance the sale of an Italian castle, a ghost is manufac-tured. All goes well until the real ghost of the castle shows his re-sentment of the fraud. Filmed on location In St. Gregorio, Italy.

13 Dangerous Assignment Brian Donlevy in "The Body-guard Story." Steve Mitchell goes to Paris as a body mard for a girl who was eyewitness to a political assassinetton.

7:15 S Eye Witness-15m. 7:30 2 My Favorite Husband

i.:z Cooper takes a Jot> as 'wait-ress in a tearoom much against George's will. When Liz suspects George of flirting with his secre-tary she not only makes a date with his biggest client but maneu-vers George into corning along on the date also —with his secretary.

3, 4, 10 Dinah Shore Show 5 Conspiracy-30m.

"The Badger Game." Michael Pow-ers comes to grips with an old confidence game known to every police reporter when he covers an European election of great inter-national importance.

6, 11 Waterfront-30m. Cap'n John's grandson Jimmy be-comes locked in a freight car full of nitrate slowly approaching the explosion point. Preston Foster stars: Peter Votrlan is Jimmy.

7 Warner Bros. Presents In another "Cheyenne" adventure, Cheyenne (Clint Walker) helps two gold prospectors find a rich mine, only to run afoul of In-dians who try to rob them of their ore. The "Behind the Cam-eras" portion of the show spot-lights Jim Backus who is fea-tured in "Rebel Without a Cause" and Walter MacEwen, Warners story department head. Co-spon-sored by General Electric.


7145 3 4,

7:50 3 8

7:55 8

People in the News Files of Jeffrey Jones Jeff Jones (Dun ilaggertY) pre-vents a vicious crook from fram-ing a young man for murder and saves two orphan brothers from a disaster In "Angels Never Cry." Spotlite Star-5m. 10 Camel News Caravan

(•;intf.,,,t1 Swayze reports. Local Newsreel Stanley Tomlinson-10m. Weatherword—Sm. News-15m.

Façje it,.:,

Page 21: LAWRENCE WEL L MY BOSS - World Radio History



2, 8 Navy Log-30m. Dani Sue Nolan stars in "Night Landing." The true story of how a quick-thinking young Wave saves a pilot from certain death when • man on duty in an airfield's con-trol tower suddenly becomes ill and is unable to guide a stricken pilot in for an emergency landing.

3, 4, 10 Martha Raye Show Margaret Truman marks her third appearance and Paulette Goddard her first with Miss Ray• and Rocky Graziano.

5 Headline 6, 11 Science Fiction Theater -The Unexplored" with host-nar-rator Truman Bradley, Kent Smith, Osa Masaen, Harvey Stephens and Madge Kennedy. A professor's be-lief in clairvoyance is challenged by his college . and his wife until a vision of a strange accident changes their lives.

9 Hank Penny Show-60m. Hank Penny hosts a musical-variety series with Eddie Marr, Sue Thompson, Wade Kay and the eight-piece orchestra of Har-ry Bette.

13 The Hunter-30m. When the spy-catching adventurer (Barry Nelson) takes on more than he can handle, a pretty news-paper woman eaves him from Communist agents In Paris.

8:30 2, 8 You'll Never Get Rich Anxious to win the award of the month at Fort Baxter, Sgt. Bilko (Phil Silvers) gets a sudden and unexpected setback as a new eager beaver with his own eyes on the prize joins the Bilko platoon in the episode entitled "The Hood-lum."

5 George Raft Series-30m. "Tile Blind Man." Lt. Kirby is asked to use his influence to frighten away the admirer of row-boy-hero Sandy McNeal'a girl friend only to find himself in-volved in murder.

6 Life of Riley-30m. 7 Wyatt Earp-30m. One of the early west's most vi-cious killers sets a trap for Wyatt Carp in "John Wesley Hardin." It's the true atory of the mar-shal's brush with the outlaw when Hardin was in his early twenties and seeking vengeance for a cousin whom Earp bested In * fight. Hugh O'Brien stars; Phil-lip Pine plays the gunman.

11 Liberace-30m. Pretty girls parade the ivories to-night. Selections are "A Pretty Girl Is Like a Melody," "Ruby,'" "Anna," "Vanessa," "Laura" and "Nola." "Yankee Doodle" gets him-self in there, too.

13 First Run Movie "HEAT WAVE" with Alex Nicol and Hillary Brooke. A woman, tired of her wealthy husband, urges a young writer to help her kill him. After the deed, the conscience of the accomplice brings about the strange denouement. Sponsored by Harbor Lincoln-Mercury.

2, 3, 8 Meet Millie-30m, 4, 10 Jane Wyman's

Fun for the Entire Family .. Tonite—Tues.-8 to 9 on Channel 9

The HANK PENNY SHO W Featuring Sue Thompson, Wade Ray, Eddie Marr, Larry Cotton, Harry Betts & Orches-tra, plus guest stars Rita Rehm and J Chandler.


TUESDAY tr LOGS Fireside Theatre-30m. Dan Duryea, Gene Barry and Nat-alie Norwich star In "Nailed Down," the story of "Doc" a fa-mous outlaw whose decision te help a former member of his gang puts his life in danger as well as those of his followers who are dependent on him as their leader.

S Strictly informai-90m. With Larry Finley.

6 Race to the Rosebow1-60m. 7 Make Room for Daddy Danny Thomas packs the family tip and takes them with him to London for his Palladium date. But seating and luggage woes be-set them on their first trans-At-lantic flight —and a grouchy Eng-lishman, played by Cecil Kella-way, adds to the difficulties.

9 Movie Theater "CASANOVA BRO WN" with Gary Cooper and Teresa Wright. Falling in love at first sight, Casanova finds that his girl's family regards anyone with such a classic name as being definite-ly on the loose side. His pro-posal of marriage hits added snags when the family informs him that he and their daughter are not in tune. Complications follow them even into their mar-ried life. This movie will be seen every night at this time through Monday (except Satur-day).

11 The Ken Murray Show The highlights of contemporary history are recreated in dramatic episodes and nostalgic newsreel shots. Tonight, Dr, Ralph Bunche is special ejueat. Brought to you by Bekins an á Storage Co.

9:30 2, 8 Red Skelton Show-30m.


(Ircv is lied's guest. 3 Danny Tho mas-30 m, 4, 10 Armstrong Circle Theater

Maureen Stapleton stars in "My Father Had Five Sons." An ab-sorbing drama based on the expe-riences of the Cradle, the world-famous adoption home in Evans-ton, Illinois.

7 Du Pont Cavalcade Theater l'harles Bronson stars in "A Chain of Hearts." The story of John Stan-iszewski, a Polish seaman who was stymied in his attempts to gain American citizenship follow-ing his service in World War H.

11 Public Defender-30m. Reed Hadley is Public Defender Bart Matthews. Tonight, "Behind Bars."

2 Celebrity Playhouse-30m. "A Very Big Man" with Pat O'Brien and Faith Domergue. Tired of the fight game and living in shabby hotels, a woman threatens to leave her boxer husband.

3 Science Fiction Theater 6 Picture Window-75m,

MOVIE —"STOBNI IN A TEA Cl. P" with Rex Harrison and Vivien Leigh. A comedy revolving around a small dog.

7 Police Call-30m. Police stories from all over the world. Tonight, "Hawaii." A friend-ly poker game is the beginning of the mystery of the almost-stolen Wilkins diamond.

8 Racket Squad-30m. "The Perpetual Pellet. -

11 Eddie Cantor Comedy Theater ilktriCY Coburn and Cathy Downs guest in a skit titled "Romance Wrecker." Coburn. a retired colo-nel, decides to restore his grand-daughter to her handsome boy

friend by diseouriggine ber pres-ent and rather stuffy beau.

13 Hollywood Preview-30m. Conrad Nagel interviews movie-land guests and presents previews of three new movies.

10:30 2 Clete Roberts-15m. 3, 4, 10 Big Town-30m.

Alarmed over ruthless jevenii• gang killings, Steve Wilson t Mark Stevens) organizes • youth board from members of the community.

5 Jimmy Fidler in Hollywood 7 Late Curtain-30m. "Coals of Fire" with Carol Thurs-ton. A young woman sets out to tame and humanize her widowed and skinflint father who has dom-inated her for 25 years.

8 I've Got a Secret 11 Guy Lombardo-30m.

Martha Stewart guests in • pro-gram titled "You're My Every-thing." Songs are "Chattanooga Choo-Choo," "That Old Black Magic." "The Music Goes Round and Round," "You're My Every-thing," "Swanee River," "Think," "Just Too Marvelous for Words"' and "I'll See You in My Dreams."

13 Criswell Predicts-1 Sm. 10:45 2 The Big News-15m,

5 Final Edition 9 Don Lee World News

ith Ted Meyers, Bill Brundige and Lee Wood.

13 Baxter Ward News 2 Eddy Arnold Time-30m. 3 Dollar A Second 4 Eleventh Hour News

lark Latham reporting. 7 Michael Hinn—News 8 Topper-30m. 9 Weatherwise


With Charles Arlington 10 Les Paul and Mary Ford-5m. 11 George Putnam—News 13 The Inevitable-30m.

"Mr. George" with Ann Tyrrell. Living only in the mind of an eight-year-old girl, Mr. George materializes momentarily to save her life.

11:05 10 News and Sports Round-up 11:15 4 Cleve Her mann—Sports

7 Nitecop Theater MOVIE —" Ili. Is tN" \" with Richard

Dix ina/ shill defies the schemes of a greedy banker who got hint into office on the expectation of i•ooperation.

9 Better Living-30m. 11 Racket Squad-30m.

The "eon gamut" is explored—all the wily front the "small con" to

"big grift." 11:30 2 Les Paul and Mary Ford

at Home-5m. 3 Late News

(Continued on Page 22/

meet outstanding personalities

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TONIGHT in New York you'll meet a great statesman. He helped to end a war in a world trouble spot that's still in the headlines.

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Page 22: LAWRENCE WEL L MY BOSS - World Radio History


10:00 a.m. The Turnabout's Yale Pup-peteers present a special program saluting Community Chest volunteers.

NBC MATINEE THEATER, (4), 12 noon. "The Persistent image" from a new hovel by Gladys Schmitt.

20TH CENTURY-FOX HOUR, (2), 7:00 p.m. Robert Wagner and Cameron Mitchell star In "The Ox-Bow Inci-dent."

BLUE RIBBON BOUTS, (7), 7:00 p.m. Frankie Ryff vs. Paddy De Marco.

PRO FOOTBALL, (13), 7:00 p.m. The big moments from last week's games.

SCREEN DIRECTORS PLAYHOUSE, (4), 8:00 p.m. Richard Webb, James Lydon and Rosemarie Ace star in "Want Ad Wedding." Featured are Leon Ames, Fred Clark and Sally Forrest.

DISNEYLAND, (7), 8:CO p.m.—Part One of the 1952 movie "Robin Hood" with Richard Todd and Joan Rice.

KRAFT TV THEATER, (4), 9:00 p.m. "Number Four with Flowers" by Louis Pelletier.

KINGDOM OF THE SEA, (13), 9:00 p.m. "Hurricane."

EDDIE CANTOR COMEDY THEATER, (11), 10:00 p.m. Charles Coburn and Cathy Downs guest.

5 2 Space Funnies 3 The Little Rascals-15m. 5 Cartoon Carousel—Can't.

TUESDAY TV (Continued from Page 21)

4, 10 Tonight-60m. With Steve Allen.

8 Foreign Intrigue-30m. 11:35 2 Twin Photoplays

"Duffv's Tavern" with Ed Gard-ner, "'Pulse of the City" and "Lit-tle Theater."

11:45 11 Jackson's Theater MOVIE—"OH, W HAT A NIGHT!" with Ed-

mund Lowe, Marjorie Rambeau and Jean Parker. A valuable dia-mond is involved in a comedy of romance and suspense.

Night Final Edition 12 12:30 4 Movie Museum-15m. 12:35 2 The Late Show

MOVIE —"SCOTCH ON THE ROCKS" with Kathleen Ryan. The ingenuity and resourcefulness of the inhabitants a tiny New Hebrides island force the British government to build a new road for the island's five automobiles.

12:45 4 World News 2:05 2 Give Us This Day


NOVEMBER 2 6 Ranger Show— Western 7, 8 Mickey Mouse Club-60m. NE \\ SRLEL: Texas to Times Square, Old Fuzzy Wuzzy, Magic Carpet, Dress Parade. MOUSEKE-TEERS: Anything Can Happen Day —Flying Dumbo. CONTINUED STORY: "Border Collie" (part 3). CARTOON: "China Shop."

9 Campus Club With Gene Norman and guests from the musical world plus teen-agers from Los Angeles high schools.

10 Ramer of the Jungle 11 Del Moore's Mysteries

—Con'd 13 Ranch Party—Con'd

5:15 3 Laff Time-30m. 5:30 3 Frank Webb Show-30m.

5 Western Theater-60m. MOVIE--WESTBOUND STAGE" with Tex


10 Johnny Downs Express 5:35 2 Range Rider-30m.

With Jock Mahoney and Dick \Vest. Buck Sureshot, emcee.

3 Beverly On 3-30m. 4 Jack Latham-5m. 6 Ranger Show—Our Gang Comedy

7 Buffalo Bill Jr.-30m. Bill exposes a fraudulent Hot Springs hotel deal in "Devil's Washbowl." Dick Jones stars and Nancy Gilbert plays his kid sis-ter, Calamity.

8 To Be Announced 9 Cartoon Express-60m.

With Bill "Casey" Stulla.

10 Roy Rogers Movie 11 Stories of the Century

Nicirs of Gang.

13 Baxter Ward-15m. 6:05 2 Tom Harmon Sports News

4 Weather—Gene Bollay 6:10 2 Clete Roberts

4 See Hear 6:15 2 Doug Edwards—News

13 Goodwin and Garton—Sports 6:30 2, 8 Brave Eagle

The conspiracy of two traitorous redmen to gain leadership of their respective tribes gives rise to an impending war between the Chey-ennes and the Comanches. Keith Larsen stars.

3 Five Star Final 4 Movie Museum 5 Handy Hints with Dorothy Gardiner and Ken Graue.

6 Johnny Jet—Uncle Russ

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7 Superman-30m. Lois Lane is trapped fifteen hun-dred feet below ground in a coal mine and the mine begins to fill with coal gas.

11 Life With Elizabeth 13 Turning Point-30m.

"The Incredible Luck" with Judith Evelyn. A man makes a startling discovery about the physician who saves his wife's life.

6:45 3 News and Weather-15m. 4 Jack Latham-15m, 11 George Putnam-15m.

6:55 5 Weather Vane-5m.

7 2 The 20th Century-Fox Hour Robert Wagner and Cameron Mitchell star in "Tho Ox-Bow Incident," story of mob violence against three innocent men in the frontier \Vest, adapted from the hest-selling novel by Walter Clark. Wagner plays the cow-hand who unsuccessfully resists the mob action and Mitchell Is seen as one of the victims. Fea-tured roles are taken by E. G. Marshall as a member of the mob, Raymond Burr as the man who deliberately inflames the mob to violence, Wallace Ford as a derelict and Hope Emerson as a hardened frontier woman. Joseph Cotten Is host of the series, which is co-sponsored by the General Electric Company.

3 Disneyland-30m.

4 Carveth Wells Explores the World-30m. Adventure series featuring Car-veth Wells, his wife Zetta and their talking bird Raffles, pre-senting films from all over the world. Tonight: "Pakistan."

5 Gil Martyn News-15m. 6 Laurel and Hardy-30m. 7, 8 Wednesday Night Fights

Patlf4 Marro vs. I. rankie R>ff. 9 Adventure Movie Theater

MOVIE —"BALK IN THE SADDLE" with Gene Autry. (See channel 9 at 7:00 p.m. Monday.)

10 Break the Bank 11 Life With Elizabeth-30m.

Elizabeth gets embroiled in the fol-lowing adventures: "Mother Goose," "Ventura Trip" and "Roughing It."

13 Inner Sanctum-30m. A boxcar becomes a coffin In "To-morrow Never Comes," and a mur-derer is doomed to pay not only for his own crimes but for those his victim committed.

7:15 S Eye Witness 7:30 4, 10 Eddie Fisher-13m.

5 Conspiracy-30m. "Disaster Relief." Michael Powers takes an exacting physical as-signment that is climaxed by a dive from a Swedish freighter into the cold waters of a fjord.

6 Rin Tin Tin-30m. 11 Frank Fontaine's Showtime

Guests are Les Brown, the Cheer-leaders. Tennessee Ernie, Anita Aros, Betty Yeakon and Connie Haines.

13 Times Square Playhouse Herbert Marshall narrates "Es



WEDNESDAY Kcop 9:00 P.M.

Pegs Twente-two

Page 23: LAWRENCE WEL L MY BOSS - World Radio History


NOVEMBER 2 cape to Nowhere," the story of a woman captured by Mexican band-its who persuades one of the out-la irs lo kill her husband.

7:45 4 10 News Caravan-15m. ir rit ri Nwa vie reporting.

7 Sports Page \\ oh Pick, I Weld.

7:50 8 Harold Keen-5m. 7:55 8 News-5m. 8 2, 8 Godfrey and Friends-

60m. 3 MGM Parade-30m. 4, 10 Screen Directors' Playhouse-30m. Richard Webb, James Lydon and Rosemarie Ace star in "Want Ad Wedding," a comedy directed by William Setter. Featured are Leon Ames, Fred Clark and Sally For.

Top Secret-30m. "The Fossil." An important expe-dition is at a standstill because the one man who can lead it won't. He's tricked Into changing his mind but the trick backfires. "Fatigue." A scientist investigates the reason for "metal fatigue" in a new model jet-propelled plane.

6 Edward Arnold Show-30m. 7 Disneyland-60m.

In two consecutive hour-length pro-grams, Walt Disney presents the live-action tale of Robin Hood, with Richard Todd in the title role and Joan II're n Maid Marker).

9 Big Game Hunt-30m, 11 Notre Dame Football 13 The Visitor-30m.

The gallanh y of a cornered bank robber is the key to the solution of a crime in "Reward." Sally Cha berlin. Jay Jostyn featured.

8:30 3 Stories of the Century-30m. 4, 10 Father Knows Best

After Jinn A n nierson (Robert Young) and his family watch a TV family program in which the father is protrayed as a man easily fooled, Jim protests that fathers are smarter in real life-and the family sets out to test the ti tri 5.

5 Olympic Wrestling With flick Lane.

6 Camera Four-30m. 9 Candid Camera-30m. 11 The Lone Wolf-30m,

The Prince of a Balkan country plans a weird murder, and Mike Lanyard (Louis Hayward) under-takes to save his would-be victim

9 13 Pro Fnetbrill-30m. 2, 3, 8 The Millionaire-30m.

An ex-conviet is the recipient of the million dollar windfall, but it only puts him in danger of going back to jail. Featured are James Daly and Rilly Chapin and June Vinrent

4, 10 Kraft TV Theater-60m. "Number Four With Flowers" by Louis Pelletier.

4 Class A Feature MOVIE-"UP IN MABEL'S ROOM" with

Dennis O'Keefe, Bowman and hail Patrick.

7 "The M-G-M Parade"-30m. Host George Murphy presents Cary Grant, Katharine Hepburn. Jimmy Stewart and Ruth Hussey in the

LZU-"Ci„ See



WEDNESDAY tr LOGS opening scene from "The Phila-delphia Story," clipped from the famous motion picture. "Ziegfeld Follies" of 1946 will also be rep-resented by the "Pay the Two Dol-lars" sketch with Victor Moore and Edward Arnold. From a cur-rent motion picture, "The Tender Trap," Frank Sinatra sings to Debbie Reynolds.

9 Movie Theater MOVIE- "CASANOVA BRO WN" with Gary

Cooper and Teresa Wright. (See Channel 9 at 9:00 pin. Tuesday.)

11 San Francisco Beat-30m. Detectives Guthrie and Greb check to learn whether a young girl's disappearance is a missing per-sons' case or merely a telera' quarrel. This puts them hot on the heels of a murderer.

13 Kingdom of the Sea Colonel John D, Craig presents "Hurricane," showing the meth-ods of traveling larger ships through hurricanes, of flying planes into the hurricane's eye and how they are charted.

9:30 2, 3 I've Got a Secret-30m. witil host and emcee Garry Moore.

7 Masquerade Party-30m. 8 Eddie Cantor Comedy Theater Vu ith bar les Coburn, guest star.

11 City Detective-30m. When tile prophecy of a famous artist that he Is about to be killed comes true, his death mixes Bart Grant (Rod Cameron) with models, art critics and priceless paintings.

13 Decision-30m. • "This Man for Hire" with Jack Kelly. ài private detective finds himself hired as a setup for murder, and a bundle of letters spells disaster for many.


I 2 The Whistler-30m. "A Friendly Case of Blackmail" 12 tells how a scheming woman goads her boy friend into turning crim- 12:05 8 Final Edition


Patti Page Show-15m. Eleventh Hour News-15m. With nla , k I ariam.

Michael Hinn-News Dollar a Second-30m.

9 Weatherwise 11 ith Charles .1i hngton.

10 Les Paul and Mary Ford 11 13

3, 11 Sherlock Holmes-30m. "The Case of the Tyrant's Daugh-ter" with Ronald Howard and 11, Ma ruin Crawford.

4. 10 This Is Your Life 7 Break the Bank 8 Ethel and Albert-30m. 13 Western Home Roundup

\\ ••wilik w " Charlie Aldrich. 10:30 2 Clete Roberts-News

3 Lawrence Welk-60m. 4 Oldsmobile Show-30m. 6 Picture Window-90m.

MOVIE -'"ITIE CHALLENGE" with Tom Conway.

7 Late Curtain-30m. "Man of Comstock" with Bruce Bennett and Andrea King. A far-sighted mining lawyer plays a key role in faehioning the Comstock mining area into the 36th state - Nevada.

8 Make Room for Daddy 10 Confidential File-Paul

Coates "Medical Quacks."

11 Flashback-30m, With Paul Coates.

13 Criswell Predicts-15m. 10:45 2 The Big News

With Bill Stout, Gil Stratton and Anctm Green.

5 Wrestlers' Lament-30m. Dick Lane, host, presents wrestlers who air their opinions.

9 Don Lee World News With Ted Meyers, Bill Brundige and tee Wood.

13 Baxter Ward News

George Putnam-News The Inevitable-30m. "'the Man Across the Street" wtttt James Mitchell. Tortured beyond endurance in an Iron Curtain prison, a man returns home with delusions that a neighbor Is a Red agent.

11105 10 News and Sports Round-up nm' s Itihth. Lionet Van Deeriln and Sig

11:15 2 Les Paul and Mary Ford at Home-5m.

4 Cleve Hermann-Sports 5 Final Edition 7 Nitecap Theater

MOVIE- "I ACCUSE M1 PARENTS" with Mary Beth Hughes. A young man accused of murder reviews for the court a history of parental neglect.

9 Big Picture 11 Racket Squad-30m.

Managers it a small business pay off in bribes to a phony tire in-spector who pretends to find fire-law violations in "The Smoke Eaters."

11:20 2 Twin Photoplays 11:30 3 Late News

4, 10 Tonight-60m. With Steve A lien and guest cele-

8 Fhorirtekisgn intrigue-30m. 11:45 11 Jackson's Theater .

I "RED HEAD" with June Lang. A tired-of-life red head marries a spendthrift, much to the delight of the box's father. Meet Your Mayor-5m.


with Chips Rafferty. The story of the Australian cavalry in the North African campaign of World War I.

12:30 4 Movie Museum 12:45 4 World News 1:SO 2 Give Us This Day




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Page Twenty-three

Page 24: LAWRENCE WEL L MY BOSS - World Radio History


NBC MATINEE THEATER, (4), 12 noon. "I'm Straight with the World."

LIFE IS W ORTH LIVING. (7), 8:CO p.m. Bishop Fulton J. Sheen.

SHO WER OF STARS, (2), 8:30 p.m. Jack Benny, Frankie Laine, Marilyn Max-well. Gary Crosby star with special guest star Gracie Allen.

ASSIGNMENT AMERICA, (11), 8:30 p.m. A true life story filmed at the Commu-nity Chest's Orthopedic Hospital.

STAR TONIGHT, (7), 9:CO p.m. Joe Maross stars in "The Little Wife."

FOUR STAR PLAYHOUSE, (2), 9:30 p.m. Dick Powell stars in "Spray of Bul-lets."

FORD THEATER, (4), 9:30 p.m. Gale Storm and Keith Andes star in "Johnny, Where Are You?"

LUX VIDEO THEATER, (4), 10:C0 p.m. Julie Adams stars in "Appointment for Love."

2 Space Funnies 3 The Little Rascals-15m. 5 Cartoon Carousel—Con'd 6 Ranger Show—Western 7, 8 Mickey Mouse Club-60m.

\II\ \ CRICKET PnEhl:\ TS: Ni • Mouse R o k Club."

kr.rrrn ,:: Day — _ .





See Gene in


7:00 P.M.

Don't Miss




7:30 P.M.




8:30 P.M. Ii t Baxter Ward

and the News !Honda', through Friday, fill° p.m.




NOVEMBER 3 Paula and Paulette ftrampoline artists). CONTINUED STORY: Today Is the day of the big dog show in the final episode nr "Border Collie." CARTOON: "Ye Oldeo Days."

9 Campus Club-60m. Gene Norman With guests from the musical world and teen-agers from Los Angeles high schools.

10 Romer of the Jungle 11 Del Moore's Mysteries

—Con'd 13 Ranch Party—Con'd

5:15 3 Laff Time-15m. 5:30 3 Frank Webb Show-30m.

• Western Theater-60m. mo\ II, "STABS 11V E BIZIIS A" with

Jack Band:ill.

10 Johnny Downs Express 5:35 2 Ronge Rider

\Vith Jock Mahoney and Dick West. Duck Sureshot, emcee.

3 Beverly On 3-30m 4 Jack Latham 6 Ranger Show—Our Gang Comedy

7 Wild Bill Hickok-30m. S Sheena, Queen of the Jungle 9 Cartoon Express-60m,

With Bill "Casr:s" Stuns. 10 Gene Autry Movie 11 Stories of the Century


13 6:05 2

• 4 6:10 2

4 6:15 2

13 6:30 2,

Mors of Chief CI a/s Horse. Baxter Ward-1 Sm. Tom Harmon Sports News Weather—Gene Bollay Clete Roberts News See Hear! Doug Edwards—News Goodwin and Garton—Sports 8 Sergeant Preston hostile hand of Chilkat Indians

take Sgt. Preston prisoner when the chief's son dies of diphtheria and they misunderstnnd the cause "t• his death.

3 Five Star Final-25m, 4 Movie Museum 5 Handy Hints-25m.

With Dorothy Gardiner and Ken (*.roue

6 Johnny Jet—Uncle Russ 7 Sheena, Queen of the Jungle

Ivory is being smuggled "tit of the game reserve in "Touch of Death." A chid is hostile toward Sheena's efforts to uncover the plot till she learns the hold an unscrupulous white medicine man has 'VI' I' hi M.

11 Life With Elizabeth 13 Turning Point-30m.

**Faith" a ith Marilyn Erskine and Peter Votrian. When his closest friend is finally adopted, a nine-year-old orphan grows hostile to-ward lii, ss 01.111.

6:45 4 Jack Latham-15m. 11 George Putnam—News

Ins Angeles' popular commenta. Inc with news of the day.

6:55 2 Weather Vane-5m.

7 2 The Johnny Corson Show .1":11111 t at son slot, I,, a com-edy-variety program with Jill Co-res. and guest stars.

3 Western Marshal-30m. 4 Steve Donovan-30m. 5 Gil Martyn—News-15m. 6 I Search for Adventure-30m. 7 Studio 57 Joan Leslie. Ann Harding and fle Forrest Kelley star in "Vacation With Pay." À young woman, em-ployed as secretary to s writer, learns (times( t.n late that she has

been lured to a small town for a plot against her which threatens her whole future life.

IS Dr. Hudson's Secret Journal Nlimites Laic."

9 Adventure Movie Theater MOVIE- -"BACK IN THIS SADDLE" with

Gene Aittrs. (See Channel 9 at 7 :no p.m. :Monday.)

10 K Theater-30m. 11 Annie Oakley-30m.

Annie comes to the rescue of a widow ss hose properly and son are in danger in "Widow's Might."

13 Gene Autry Show-30m. Milky, a 'irking for the Border Patrol, thwarts an attempt to kidnap the daughter of a ranch owner. An alie n on the ranch follows as smugglers try to ter-rorize him into selling his land.

7:15 5 Trojan Review N‘ MI .1) ss

7:30 2 Wanted-30m. Dorimicolary progratn dealing milli most wanted criminals in the United States, with film clips and interviews with crim-inals' friends and associates.

3, 4, 10 Dinah Shore Show S Conspiracy-30m.

"The Alibi.' A dying man's words spoken to Michael Powers appear certain to upset a political party drspite their conflict with physi-at evidence.

6 Western Marshal-30m. 7 Lone Ranger-30m. "limo vicious gunmen perpetrate erimrs which pit homesteader against rattle rancher. resulting in killings whieh bring the Loor Ranger and Tonfb into the middle of the fight in "Outlaws' Trail."

It People in the News-15m. 11 The Open Road—Travel-60m

Lynn Rogers, host, presents films of Interesting places.

13 I Search for Adventure Tex. Ziegler. a,, Arctic hush pi-lot, shows how he effects res-cues in the northern woods. A rescue operation is followed on film front Ille first alarm to the return to safety.

7:45 3 Fashions and Fun 4, 10 Camel News Caravan

John Camelot' Swayze reporting. 8 Local Newsreel

7:50 8 Weotherword—Sm. 7:55 8 News

Hli 2, 8 Bob Cummings Show

Collins (Hobert Cummings) finds himself in a peck o' poi when a dancing girl in Hawaii miscontrues his lighthearted re-quests as a proposal of mar-riage. Lovely Del Finn Poshe, who was Miss ,Hawaii of 1953, plays the dancer who follows Doh hack to the mainland, ae-eompanied by her match-mak-ing mother, portrayed Jity Hilo Hattie. and her knife-th.rowing brother, Freddie Letuli.


'IL—e?;7rete •

TAPE RECORDER 4 PHONOGRAPH CO. 3108 Venice Blvd. A. 19-8E. 4-8078

Page Twenty-tour

Page 25: LAWRENCE WEL L MY BOSS - World Radio History



NOVEMBER 3, 4 10 You Bet Your Life With Grouch() Marx. quizmaster.

S Hans Christian Andersen "Steadfast Tin Soldier." A little boy receives many birthday pres-ents among which is a tin soldier with only one leg which becomes the favorite of the boy. Adven-tures befall the little soldier which separate him from his master.

6 Mark Saber-30m. 7 Life Is Worth Living Each week Bishop Fulton J. Sheen discusses topics of major impor-tance and offers practical analy-ses of modern living.

9 Blff Baker-30m. 11 Boston Blackie-30m.

A neurotic actor goes berserk after failing in his attempt to kill a TV producer. Blackie gives pursuit and a hand grenade nearly kills both of them.

13 Paragon Playhouse-30m. "Panic" with James Kenney. A young factory worker Is coerced by subversive agents into plant-ing a time bomb in the plant.

2, 8 Shower of Stars-60m. Bill Lundigan, host, presents Jack Benny, Frankie Laine, Marilyn Maxwell, Gary Crosby, the Sports-men quartet and special guest Gracie Allen In a special "Auto Show." Benny portrays a TV emcee who becomes panicky when he learns his new sponsor is Chrysler Corporation. He hastily sells his four - wheel antique and then runs into nu-merous backstage complications when he tries to line up acts for the new program. Featured numbers tonight are "Por Favor," "Rockin' the Cha-Cha," "Women In Love" and a special violin solo by Jack. Sponsored by Chrysler Corp.

3 Ellery Queen-30m, 4, 10 The People's Choice Sock Miller (Jackie Cooper) finds his first task as city councilman is to clear his basset hound Cleo of charges that she bit his rival Roger Crutcher (John Stephenson).

IS Touchdown-30m. 6 Class A Feature


7 Stop the Music 9 Ski Tips-30m.

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11 Assignment America Hitishass's As America sa-lutes the Community Chest cam-paign. At a birthday party for eight-year-old Carol \Vixen at Or-thopaedic Hospital, we meet the family of the courageous handi-capped girl, the nurses and the doctor who have seen her through her eight years at the hospital. Every contributor to the Commu-nity Chest is also a part of the story of Orthopaedic Hospital.

13 Olympic Boxing-1 1/2 hrs.

3, 4, 10 Dragnet-30m. Sgt. Friday (Jack Webb) and Frank Smith (lien Alexander) are as-signed to a marriage-bunco case in which the suspect has been "borrowing" money from elderly women he has promised to marry. After getting the money, he disap-pears. The suspect is apprehended but police are unable to make a case against him until he is charged with burglary and taken into custody.

S Talent Corral-60m. 7 Star Tonight-30m. Joe Maross stars in "The Little Wife." The story of a fear-ridden traveling hardware salesman who races against time to be at the bedside of his dying 'wife and newly born son.

9 Movie Theater MOVIE—"CASANOVA BRO WN" with Gary

Cooper and Teresa Wright. (See Channel 9 at 9:00 p.m. Tuesday.)

11 Wrestling from Las Vegas With Bill Welsh calling the holds.

9:30 2, 8 Four Star Playhouse Dick Powell stars in "Spray of Bullets," the story of a Western sheriff who is threatened by fail-ing eyesight and who tries des-perately to keep his affliction a • seceet.

3, 4, 10 Ford Theatre—Drama Gale Storm and Keith Andes star in "Johnny, Where Are You?" The story of a family mixup and a wife's full-scale investigation of her husband's past.

7 Down You Go 2 Harry Owens Show-30m. 3, 4, 10 Lux Video Theatre

Host Otto Kruger presents "Ap-pointment for Love," a sophisti-cated, romantic comedy revolving around the marriage of a young



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woman doctor who knows all about love as a scientific equation, and a handsome actor who is an impetuous emotionalist. Julie Ad-ams portrays the doctor, the role created by Margaret Sullavan in the motion picture.

S City at Night-60m. MOVIE —"THE AMAZING MR. X."

7 Camera 4 "The Lilac Bush" with Ruth Ro-man and Marilyn Erskine. The memory of a son who died at an early age is linked in a woman's mind with a lilac bush she plant-ed for him. When the bush dis-appears, she fears she is having hallucinations.

8 Warner Bros. Presents-60m. 13 Ten O'Clock Theater

10:30 2 Clete Roberts—News 7 Late Curtain-30m. "Kerry Fallon's Birthday" with Albert Sharpe. An Irish squire dies leaving no will, but his son sub-stitutes another man in his fa-ther's death bed to have him dic-tate a will.

13 Criswell Predicts 10:45 2 The Big News

With Bill Stout, Gil Stratton and Austin Green.

9 Don Lee World News Lee Wood, Ted Meyers and Bill Brundige.

13 Baxter Ward News 2, 10 Les Paul and Mary Ford at Home—Sm.

3 Late News 4 Eleventh Hour News-15m. 5 Final Edition 7 Michael Hinn—News 8 Stop the Music-30m. 9 Weatherwise—Sm.

With Charles Arlingbm.

11 George Putnam—News 13 Look at Bowling-30m.

11:05 2 Twin Photoplays-60m. "Duffy's Tavern" with Ed Gard-ner, "Pulse of the City" and "Lit-tle Theater."

10 News and Sports Roundup With Lionel Nan Deerlin and Sig Smith.

11815 4 Cleve Hermann—Sports 7 Nitecap Theater

MOVIE—" WHY GIRLS LEAVE HOME" with Lola Lane and Sheldon Leonard. An ambitious girl runs away and gets a job in a night club.

9 Feature Film MOVIE—"ONE TOUCH OF VENUS" with

Ava Gardner, Robert Walker and Eve Arden. A department store dummy comes gloriously to life.

11 Racket Squad-30m. Capt. Braddock (Reed Hadley) ex-poses a phony check-cashing swin-dle in "Check and Double Check."

ao 4, 10 Tonight-60m.. With Steve Allen and guest celeb-rities.

8 Foreign Intrigue-30m. 11:45 11 Jackson's Theater

MOVIE—"PERILOUS WATERS" with Don Castle. Just out of the Navy, a man finds adjustment difficult and hires himself out to a big-shot bookie as strong-arm man.

8 Night Final Edition


12 12:05 2 The Late Show-90m.

MOVIE—"EDGE OF DIVORCE" with Val-erie Hobson. A sentimental stor3 of divodce rind its effect on three young children.

12:30 4 Movie Museum 12:45 4 World News Roundup 1:35 2 Give Us This Day

Page Twenty-five.

Page 26: LAWRENCE WEL L MY BOSS - World Radio History


NBC MATINEE THEATER, (4), 12 noon: "Progress and Minnie Sweeney."

GILLETTE FIGHTS, (4), 7:CO p.m. The middleweight title fight bet wee n Champion Carl (Bobo). Olson and for-mer Champion Sugar -Ray Robinson in Chicago Stadium.

SCHLITZ PLAYHOUSE OF STARS, (2). 9:30 p.m. Don DeFore stars in "Gift of Life" with Barbara Billingsley.

STAR AND THE STORY, (11), 10:CO Patc Judith Anderson stars in "Creative Impulse."

CRUSADE IN EUROPE, (13) 10:CO p.m. The landing in Normandy and assault on Omaha Beach.

2 Space Funnies 3 The Little Rascals-15m. 5 Cartoon Carousel-Con'd 6 Ranger Show- Western 7, S Mickey Mouse Club-60m.

\I.\\ SHELL: Fun on a Volcano, The Space Man, Little I.og Church. The Missing Lynx, What's Buzzin', Cuzzin? MOUSEKETEERS: Tal-ent Roundup Day-Crawford Bros. Jon Robertson. CON TIN UED STORY: Introducing "Spin anti Marty.' CARTOON: "Mickey Mel-lerdraminer."

9 Campus Club Gene Norman with guests from the musical world and teen-agers from Los Angeles high schools.

10 Ramer of the Jungle 11 Del Moore's Mysteries

-Con'd 13 Ranch Party-Con'd

5:15 3 Laff Time 5:30 3 Frank Webb Show-30m,

5 Western Theater-60m. 10 Johnny Downs Express

5:35 10 Range Rider \\ .th Jock Mahoney. and Dick \\ , .t Buck Sureshot, emcee.

3 Beverly on 3 4 Jack Latham 6 Ranger Show-Our Gang Comedy

7 Andy's Gang-30m. From a dying man, Gunga (Nino Marcell learns the whereabouts of two little English girls who ilisappeared mysteriously 1.3 years before. To rescue them, Gunga and Raina must brave the dangerous Leopard Hills country. Up to their usual 'ricks with Andy Devine


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NOVEMBER 4 are Midnight the Cat, Squeekie the Moir:, and Froggie the Gremlin.

8 Ozzie and Harriet-30m. 9 Cartoon Express-60m. ‘‘ 1h 13;11 "Casey" Mona.

10 Roy Rogers-Movie 11 Stories of the Century

StoeN ot otillaw Black hail. 13 Baxter Ward-15m.

6:05 2 Tom Harmon, Sports News 4 Weather-Gene Bollay

6:10 2 Clete Roberts, News 4 See Hear

6:15 2 Doug Edwards 13 Goodwin and Garton-Sports

6:30 2, 8 Adventures of Champion liicl North i and his police (log champion, Rebel, race against time to prove Rebel innocent in the death of • grizzled old prospec-tor when gold is discovered in th, i.o,•k or his camp site.

3 Five Star Final 4 Eddie Fisher 5 Handy Hints-25m. 6 Johnny Jet-Uncle Russ 7 Cisco Kid-30m.

'rule public prosecutor, stealing shipments of quicksilver, kills their owner to avoid exposure. Cisco and Poncho% in tracking him down, are almost blown to bits in a laboratory explosion.

11 Life with Eiizabeth-10m 13 Turning Point-30m.

"One Summer Night" with Andrea Ring and Walter Coy. A woman who made a marriage of which she is ashamed sees her daugh-ter in danger of making t h e sanie mistake.

6:45 4 Jack Lathan-15m. 5 Handy Hints-10m.

With Dorothy Gardiner and Ken Grane

10 Roy Rogers Movie 11 George Putnam-News

los Angeles' popular emninenta-tor with news of the day.

6:55 5 Weather Vane-5m.

7 2 Life With Father .1.11, Da> ranitiv bra:. w ith Father as he has "An Early Spring." Lurene Tuttle and Leon /times are Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Day.

2, 4, 10 Gillette Fights Middleweight title fight between champion Carl (Bobo) Olson and former champion Sugar Ray Rob-intron from Chicago Stadium. In two previous meetings. Robinson flattened Olson In 12 rounds and gained a 15-round decision.

5 Gil Martyn News-15m. 6 Captain Z-Ro-30m. 7 The Whip-30m. "Retribution" with Faith Domergue. While trying to avenge the deathi of his brother, an ex-cop finds that his girl and his best friend are involved with the gang, re-sponsible for it.

8 Channel 8 Playhouse-30m. 9 Adventure Movie Theater

MOVIE-"BACK IN THE SADDLE" is ¡di Gene Autry. (See channel 9 at 7:00 p.m. Monday.)

11 Success Story-30m. I.ive cameras explore the opera-tions pf United Parcel Service.

13 Your Amateur Show Harry Kaplan features local tal-ent and presents new performers lust breaking into show business.

7:15 5 Eye Witness 7:30 2, 8 Person to Person

Ed Morrow host. Ed Morrow visits the home of Sammy Davis, .Jr.

5 Conspiracy-30m. "Propaganda." Exciting chase scenes provide a graphic tour of

Stockholm as Michael Powers evades foreign saboteo rs ii, the Swedish capital.

6 Ellery Queen-30m. 7 Rin Tin Tin-30m. Learning from an almanac that an eclipse of the sun is due. Rusty uses this knowledge to force a hand of superstitious Apaches into releasing a hostage.

8 People In the News

11 Colo Pet Exchange Frank \\*right offers free pets. Sponsored by Calo Pet Food.

7:45 3 Sportscene-15m. 4, 10 Camel News Caravan

1,11i, Cameron Swasze ïeporting.

8 Local Newsreel 7:50 8 Weatherword-5m. 7:55 8 News

2 Mama wit ii Peggy Wood.

3, 6 Soldiers of Fortune Ad% torture series ol Issu men who perform difficult and dangerous tasks all over the wor

4, 10 Truth or Consequences With Jack

5 Orrin Tucker Show-60m. Starring Roberta Linn with the KTLA Crystal Tone Orchestra.

7 Ozzie and Harriet-30m. Poc Williams buys a flashy, high-powered sports car and lends it to Ozzie for a few days. This brings on a complete change in thr. Nelson personal it

8 Death Valley Days-30m. 9


Favorite Story 11 Victory at Sea-30m.

"Design for Peace" tells of the dropping of the first atom bomb and the surrender of Japan, the titial victory and the aftermath

13 Adventures of Ellery Queen Ellcry queen (thigh Marlowe; in-vestigates an old Spanish good-luck coin which brings not but bad luck to its ow nee.

8:30 2, 8 Our Miss Brooks-30m. Connie Brooks (Eve Arden/ has her fortune told and learns she is going to meet a stranger "with big ears." As it turns out, she meets dozens of strangers, and they not only all have big ears, but they are all wearing fur coats. Featured in the cast are Gale Gordon as Osgood Conklin and Bob Sweeney as NIT% Nitinsey.

3 The Whistler-30m. 4, 10 The Great Gildersleeve 'la, w Ward Waterman

6 Mr. District Attorney-30m. 7 Crossroads-30m. 9 Gang Busters


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Pige Twenty-six •

Page 27: LAWRENCE WEL L MY BOSS - World Radio History


NOVEMBER 4 11 Racket Squad-30m.

(apt, Braddock (Heed Lindley) tells how a phony farmers' union col-lected handsomely in a fake at-tempt at organizing the workers.

13 Stars of Grand Ole Opry America's favorite western stars in a half hour musical-variety program.

2, 8 Crusader-30m. An underground worker, freed from an East Berlin prison to dispose of a defector in the West and thus earn freedom for himself and his son, holds the defector a hostage instead and demands that free-lance writer Matt Anders (Brian Keith) effect the rescue of his son. Featured in the cast are Harry Bartel, Werner Klemperer a n d Peter Miles.

3, 4, 10 Big Story The drama of how Bruce Benedict of the San Francisco Chronclle saved an innocent boy from dis-grace.

5 Western Varieties-60m. •lloye O'Dell, host, w ill) Eddie Dean, Roscoe Ates, Jimmy Wake-ly, Gail Mosier, Joan Barton, Eddie Cletro, and the Twintones and the Y-Knot Twirlers.

6 Highway Patrol-30m. 7 Dollar A Second-30m.

Popular audience quiz, game and stunt show with emcee, comedian Jan Murray.

9 Movie Theater .NR)VIE—"CASANOVA BROWN" with Gary

Cooper and Teresa Wright. (See channel 9 at 9:00 p.m. Tuesday.)

11 N. O. P. D. "The Case of the Crook Who Liked Shakespeare" concerns a profes-sional check forger who spouts Shakespeare. A slippery customer. he slips through every trap laid for him by the New Orleans Po-lice Department.

13 The Hunter-30m. When the spy-catching adventurer (Barry Nelson) takes on e than


Stars of

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FRIDAY tt7 LOGS he can handle, a pretty newspa-per woman saves him from Com-munist agents in Paris.

9:30 2, 8 Schlitz Playhouse of Stars-30m. Hustling sales representative Don DeFore collapses in a strange town and four anonymous blood donors save his life in "Gift of Life." «hen he realizes he is living O H

borrowed blood, he determines to find out who his four anonymous friends are. In the east are Bar-bara BillingSley. Robert Corn-thwaite, Dabbs Greer, Jean mues a nil Jeanne Ba

3 Break the Bank-30m. 4, 10 Star Stage-30m. Dennis Morgan and Gloria Lenel, man star in "Doctor Jordan." 11 i story of a man betrayed by wife to foreign agents in sell, I

a ,e. .1.1't formula


6 The Whistler-30m. 7 The Vise-30m. 11 Paul Coates' Confidential

File—National Show Tonight, Coates explores one of the oldest and most ,consistentl successful confidence games. It is used to bilk elderly women out of their life's savings. W S

called "The Pigeon Drop."

13 Startime Revue A new musical show featuring Allen Marlowe and his 18-piece orchestra debuts tonight. Fea-tured are vocalist Dallas Frazier. the Doris O'Brien Dancers and the Ray Babcock Dixielanders. 'rhe show originates live from theValley Garden Arena in North Hollywood.

2, 3, 8 Lineup-30m. Women prove the downfall of a robber with an uncanny knowl-edge of the most profitable time to commit his thefts in "The The-atrical Bandit." Inspector Matt Greb (Tom Tully) and Lt. Ben Guthrie (Warner Anderson) of the San Francisco Police Department find the culprit isn't what he seems after he is finally identified.

4 To Be Announced 5 Modern Movies-90m.

movIE—"THE BELLES OF ST. TRINIANS" with Alastair Sim playing a dual role. Helm the headmistress of an English girls' school and her gam-bling brother. The former keeps rectifying the latter's mistakes in a comedy involving sultans, race horses and pretty schoolgirls.

6 Sherlock Holmes-30m. 7 Ethel and Albert-30m. 10 Lawrencp Welk Show-60m. 11 The Star and the Sterv-30m.

Judith Anderson stars in "Cre-ative Impulse." the story of a

• woman writer whose snobbery toward lesser intellects. including her husband, almost proves her undoing.

13 Crusade In Europe-30m: The initial landirp• on the Nor-mandy coast is followed by the bloody battle of Omaha Beach. We see the famous floating harbors for men and materiel, and Bill ()elf f iths' in-person guest tells , hat it fill I i ke lo be there. _

11 Ten-Thirty Tonight—China Smith-30m. Dan Duryea stars in "The Devil Chaser."

13 Criswell Predicts-15m. 10:45 2 The Big News

With Bill Stout, (ill Stratton and \iistin (own

9 Don Lee World News With Ted Meyers, Bill Brundige and I ce Wood.

13 Baxter Ward News 2 Hunter Hancock's "Rhythm and Bluesville" Variety show specializing in "8 xtBï stsw.ith guest musicians and a ocai

4 Eleventh Hour News-15m. will) Jack Lathan,.

7 Michael Hinn—News 8 The Vise—Dra mo-30m. 9 Weatherwise

wit h 10 Man Behind the Badge 11 George Putnam—News

Los Angeles' popular commenta-tor with news of the day.


10:30 2 Clete Roberts—News 3 Premier Theater-90m. 4 To Be Announced 6 Hollywood Wrestling-60m. 7 Touchdown-30m. Presenting filmed highlights from the five top collegiate football games of the preceding Saturday. Byrum Scram narrates.

8 Johnny Carson-30m.


13 The inevitable-30m. 'flic Worried Man" with Sheila Ryan and Paul Langton. Worried about her husband who is per-petually worried, a woman takes her worries to the FBI. Their in-vestigation uncovers a crime ring.

4 Cleve Hermann—Sports

7 Nitecap Theater MOVIE—"SHADOWS OVER CHI-NATOWN" with Sidney Toler. After an unidentified murder victim is found, Charlie Chan traces the murderer to a Bay City escort bureau in time to prevent another murder. Brought to you by O'Connor Lincoln-Mercury.

9 Feature Film MOVIE—"THE HUNTED" N, iii Prl ,t011

Foster. A man released on parole immediately gets involved in an-other crime.

11 Racket Squad-30m. Capt. Braddock (Reed Hadley) tell. about a swindle conducted through business-opportnnity ads in "Flight or the Flying Dish."

11:30 2 Twin Photoplays "Duffy's Tavern" with Ed Gard-ner, "Pulse of the City" and "lit-tle Theater."

4 10 Tonight-60m. Steve Allen. host.

5 Final Edition 8 Foreign Intrigue-30m.

11:45 11 Jackson's Theater MOVIE—"MURDER BY INVITATION" will,

Wallace Vo n A newspaperman. sojourning on the estate of air eccentric spinster, helps solve a series of murders which occur there. Late News Night Final Edition

12:30 2 The Late Show MOVIE—"HOUSE OF THE. SPANIARD"

w ith Peler Hackie». 4 Movie Museum-15m.

12:45 4 World News 2 2 Give Us This Day

12 Z


On "Nitecap Theater" KABC-TV 11:15 P.M. FRIDAYS

Page Twenty-seven

Page 28: LAWRENCE WEL L MY BOSS - World Radio History

OCTOBER 28, 1955 T V- R A DI O LI F E

Monday-Friday Daytime TV Logs 6:30 8 This Is My Faith

6:45 4 Alarm Klock Komedies 8 Fil m

6:55 2 Give Us This Day 2, 8 Panora ma Pacific

w it h Bed Ito is r, Grant Holcomb and George Wolfe.

4 Today—M 4 With Dave Garroway and Jack Lescoulie, newscaster Frank Blair, and J. Fred Muggs, world-travel-women's editor. Lee Merriwether, Miss America of 1954, reports on weather and fashions.

11 Sheriff John's Breakfast Brigade—M-F \\•111 J run Itoiick.


7:25 4 Chet Huntley 7:30 4 Today—M-F 7:50 8 Les Paul and Mary Ford

— M, W, F 8 10 Today— M-F 11 Top of the Morning— M-F

with Bill Leyden and the Clam-pot Gang.

8:15 11 Time for Beany—M-F 8:25 4 Chet Huntley

8 Morning Sports Desk-5 m. 8:30 4 Today—M-F

11 Top of the Morning—M-F With Liill Leyden and the Clam-prtt Clang.

8:55 8 Local News-5 m. 2, 8 Valiant Lady— M-F

4, 10 Tennessee Ernie Ford 2, 8 Love of Life—M-F 11 Janet Dean, Registered

Nurse— M-F 9:30 2, 8 Search for To morrow

— M-F

4, 10 Feather Your Nest Bud Collyer and Janis Carter.

9:45 2, 8 Guiding Light— M-F With Herb Nelson and Ellen Hem-ming.

2 Jack Paar-30m.—M-F 4, 10 Ding Dong School

With Dr, Frances Horwich,

9 9:15



Special Red Feather Schoolhouse- W The Yale Puppeteei s of the Turnabout Theater make a rare television appearance Wednes-day. Foreman Brown will pre-sent some of the Turnabout's favorite performers and popu-lar puppets in a special pro-gram saluting Community Chest volunteers and instructing them in making their neighborhood rounds.

8 Invitation to Spanish— M 8 TV University—Tu 8 Warden Training— W 8 Oceanography—Th 8 TV University—F

11 Heart of the City— M-F Starring Patiick NleVry.

10:30 2, 8 W elcome Travelers—M-F Human Interest Interviews with Jack Smith.

4 Search for Beauty—M-F Make-up artist Ern Westmore gives hints on health and beauty care.

10 Morning Matinee—M 10 Schooltime TV—Tu, Th 10 S. D. State College— W 10 W ords and Music—F 11 Star hoppers— M-F

11 \Vitt] !till \\'cisti.

2, 8 Robert Q. Lewis 4, 10 Home Show— M-F 11 The Little School House

Witt] Eleanor fiempel.

11:15 13 Music—M-F 11:30 2, 8 Art Linkletter's House

Party 7 Romper Room— M-F

11 Sheriff John's Lunch Brigade Wall John lioviek.

13 Ballance 'n' Records— M-F With Bill Ballance, popular disk jockey.

2, 8 The Big Payoff— M-F Audience participation program with Randy Merriman, host, Bess Myerson. hostess, and Betty Ann Grove, singer-actress.


New—Color 4, 10 Matinee Theater-60 m.

NBC's new block buster in day-time programming, hour-long dramas broadcast from the Bur-bank color studios. Albert Mc-decry acts as executive pro-ducer for the series which will incorporate his "cameo" tech-nique, calling for a minimum of stage props. This week's schedule: MONDAY—"Beginning N o w," adapted front a short story by John P. Marquand. Directed by McCleery himself, this is the story of three generations of wealthy but decadent men who have extricated themselves from various escapades through their money, their power or their per-suasion. It remains for the the youngest of the trio to face up to life and accept the re-sponsibility for the disappear-ance of college funds.

TUESDAY —"The Make - Believe Mother," adapted from an un-published short story by Ricky Zurer. A childless couple find a small boy in pajamas one night on a street corner. He is crying for his mother, 'whom they discover in a near-by bar in the company of a sullen young man. lihey learn the young woman had been desert-ed by her husband and offer to be "second parents" to the boy until one night a policeman calls on them and tells them the mother's boy friend has been in a fight and has a po-lice record. This in turn brings out a secret the young mother has kept and brings the story to a climax.

WEDSESDAY —"The Persistent Image," front a new novel by Gladys Schmitt. John Reber is a small businessman, owner of a record shop, who has lost his girl to a handsome army cap-tain. However, after the birth of a daughter, Sissy, the marriage breaks up and John wants to win the mother back. But Sissy proves to be his stumbling block, for she bears an intense resemblance to her father. When the captain returns at a com-promising moment, he and John become involved in a tavern brawl. Afterwards the captain tries to take Sissy away, which brings John to the realization that he loves the young girl. THURSDAY —"I'm Straight With the World," an original teleplay by Theodore Apstein. Annie and Sid Bercer are a couple in their fifties who are still in love after years of marriage despite one outstanding difference In tem-perament. Sid believes in tak-ing a chance, whereas Annie wants security. The difference comes to a head after Sid's lin-en shop goes bankrupt and he wants to buy a rug mill in Georgia. To finance the new venture, they would have to sell their house, which is to Annie a symbol of security. FRIDAY —"Progress .and Minnie Sweeney," starring Ann Harding, from a story by Ed Kellso. Min-nie Sweeney is an old-fashioned schoolteacher who is at odds with the powers in a small town. They want her to re-tire so they can introduce pro-gressive methods of education. The crisis comes when Minnie disciplines an unruly student who happens to be the son of the superintendent of schools. The boy's mother is outraged and demands that Minnie be ousted immediately.

P A N ce Tze.A. m.ree.l# 1: A:c I P-s et- y


7-9 a.m.

Channel 2


Page Twenty-eight

Page 29: LAWRENCE WEL L MY BOSS - World Radio History


Monday-Friday Daytime TV Logs Continued 7 Tufeld at Twelve-15m. Dick Tufeld reports the news and conducts timely interviews with headline personalities over the tel-ephone.

12:15 7 Mildred Younger—M-F Informal, human interest show in which Miss Younger interviewee distinguished guests on civic and family problems based on ques-tions submitted by viewers.

12:30 2, 8 Bob Crosby caturing the Bobcats and the iheerleaders.

7 Beulah-30 m. 12:45 11 Buffalo Billy—M-F

2 The Brighter Boy-15m. 4, 10 Date With Life

Rarhai, Urnton stars as a young woman who learns on the eve rel her marriage that the couple she had believed to be her mother and father are foster parents. The locale is Bay City, a fictional com-munity. F.ach "(Ira ma centers around Ray City as interpreted by its daily newspaper. Logan Field plays the paper's editor.

A Movie—M, W, F 7 What's the Na me of That Song?-30m., Hammack and his musi-cal group join Bill Gwinn's audi-ence participation show this week. They rontinue providing the mu-sic for Jack Owens on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I,,,,.

Ot 11 Martin's Double Drama—M-F

Dramatee film sequences. Steve Martin is host.

1:13 2, 8 Secret Storm 4, 10 First Love

1:30 2, 8 On Your Account 'Vit h Dennis taro,

4 World of Mr. Sweeney 7 Bill Gwinn's Theater

MOVIE—"S TR A s E IMPERSONATION" with Williatit ()organ and Brenda Marshall. A masquerade rompli-rates the love triangle in this ro-mantic drama. (Monday)

MOVIE—"NIGHT BEA*I" with Jack Mut-halt and Patsy Ruth Miller. War fronts and crime-ridden cities are compared as two ex-(;.I. buddies find themselves pitted as gangster and (Tuesday e

MOVIE —"JI•NGLE ROOK" with Sabin and Rosemary DeCamp. Rudyard Kip-ling's story about a boy brought up by wolves. (Wednesday,

MOVIE—"THE 1.0N(l VOYAGE HOME" with John Wayne and Thomas Mitchell. Several of Eugene O'Neill's short sea plays make up this movie about men of the sea. (Thursday)


13 Lou and Lindo—M-F Featuring Lou and Linda Cros-by. their dog "Toeky," and Cleorge W right. Organist.

1:45 4, 10 Modern Romances 5 World News—M-F

1:55 5 Police Calls—M-F 2 Red Rowe Presents—M-F 3 News—Tu, W, Th 4, 10 Pinky Lee Show 5 Major Movies—M-F

MOVIE—"THE WINSLO W BOY" with Rob-ert Donat anti Sir Cedric Hard-wi ne. A father spends his health and fortune to prove his son in-nocent of a thievery charge in an Eneligh boys' school. (Monday e

MOVIE—"THE INTRUDER" with Jack Hawk-ins. A man accused of a crime seeks help from his former com-manding officer. (Tuesday e

MOVIE—"ST. BENNY THE DIP" with Dirk Haymes and Nina Ent.h. The story of three eon-men and their regen-eration in a R o w e r y church. (Wednesday e

MOVIE—"%0 YOUNG, M1 RAI)" with P1411 1 Henreirl and Anne Francis. in es -liner ronelitinns in a girls'-penal Institution. (Thursda))


A Woman's W orld

MOVIE —"PARDON MY FR EN C H" with Merle Oberon and Paul Henreid. A Boston schoolmarm inherits a chateau in France. ('pun arrival she finds it overrun with postwar ,quatters. (Friday)

8 Garry Moore

9 News After Noon 13 Dick Garton Movie— M-F

T HONEYMOON" with Ann Richards and Franchot Tone. While suffering from amnesia, an ea-t:. I. marries an English girl and becomes t h e father of twins. (Monday)

MOVIE—"PAPER ORCHID" with Hugh Wil-liams and Hy Hazel. (Tuesday I

MOVIE--"MAGIC FACE" with Luther Adler. To revenge himself on Hitler for stealing dis wife, an actor devises ut plot to kill the dictator which provides a fanciful explanation for his death. (Wednesday)

MOVIE—"DELIGHTFULLY I) A N E ROIS" with Jane Powell and Ralph Bel-lamy. A teenage girl suffers a great disillusionment upon discov-ering her sister is not a Broadway slit r — liii t a strip-tease artist. (Thursday e

MOVIE--"G. I, JANE" with Jean Porter and rom Neal. A TV producer, now in the Army. finds life pleasantly. complicated among \VACs in Alas-ka. (Friday I

2:15 3 Search for Beauty—Tu, W, Th

8 Musical Varieties—Tu 9 Mama Weiss

11 Ed Reimers' Movieland Matinee— M-F

2:30 3 Ne ws— M-F 4, 10 Howdy-Doody

8 Joe Graydon-30 m. 2:45 3 Modern Ro mances— M-F

6 Matinee—M-F 2:55 9 Headline Report—Sm.

2 Garry Moore Show-30m. features Denise [Mr, Ken

eleerson, Durward Kirby and How-ard Smith and his orchestra,

3, 8, 9 Queen for a Day With Jack Bailey.

7 Chucko the Clown-30m. Chucko, the Birthday Clown whips up a collection of colorful balloon animals before your eyes.

10 Lynn Taylor's Pantry

Playhouse Arthur Godfrey Time—M-F

3 Star Matinee—M-Th


3:30 2

3 Robert Q. Lewis—F 4 Feature Fil m

INFOIINIATION" with Jill Esmond and Jack Watling. A woman finds herself involved in international intrigue when her daughter unintentionally sees some classified doeuments. (Monday)

MOVIE —"OPERATION DI P 1.0 M AT" with Guy Rolfe and I.isa Daniely. young surgeon performing an op-eration in an empty country house has reason to believe his patient is a high-ranking British diplomat who disappeared with. secrets re-lating to \\*esteem defense. (Tues.)

MOYIF. —"BLIND MAN'S BLUFF" with Sid-ney Taller anti Zena Marshall. A blind man, a gang of jewel thieves anti a murder made to look like Aniclde all baffle. Scotland Yard. (Wednesday)

MOVIE-- "IF I N A I. APPOINTMENT" with John Bentley and Eleanor Stunnier-field. A maniac is at large. His one desire: revenge. (Thursday)





STINE OFF remora, groans from patios,

brick, carrion', blacktop

Rep. AR .;

A hillbilly harmony session with a p rade of western and rural stars.

4:30 2, S Strike It Rich—M-F 3 Andy and His Gang—F

Andy Devine w ith Squeekie the Mouse. Midnight the Cat, and other pets.

Ran gbr Show Adventure serial.

9 Mark Saber—M-F 4:45 4 Feature Film MOVIE —*"IrROURLED WATERS" withJ ernes

Mason and Margaret Rutherford. Villagers, raising money to pro- le spring waters, find them-selves knee-deep in an arms-smug-gling plot. (Monday

MOVIE—"THE BLACK BOOK" with Robert Cummings and Arlene Dahl., cit-izens' committee in France after the Revolution foils Robespierre's attempt to has-e himself made dic-tator. (Tuesday)

MOVIE -- rtili BIG CAT" with Lon MeCal-lister, Peggy Ann rifirner a n d Preston Foster. Story of a savage, marauding mountain lion and the effect of its depredations on the lives of the inhabitants of a mouh-lain town. (We(lnesday)

MOVIE—"LOST HONEYMOON" with Fran - ehot Tone anti Ann Richards. An ex-L. I. while suffering from am-nesia married an English girl and beranie father of twins. (Thurs.)

MOVIE --rill: AmAzoor; mil. X" with Lynn Bari and Turhan Bey. A phony medium preys on the beautiful and the wealthy and plots a young ° man', death. I Friilny)

8 News Window—F 11 Del Moore's mysteries

4:50 3 Cartoon Capers— M-Th

5 Milady—M-F Corns Guy, T. - Th; Dorothy Gardiner, M, W, F.

7 Glamour Girl—M-F Four wo men are selected from the audience and each tells why she wishes to be glamourized. A winner is picked, and the staff go to work. She returns next day as a "new is omen."

8 Arthur Godfrey Show—M-Th Gary Moore Show—F

9 Bill Stulla Show—M-F Terrell Lea appears on Friday for the first 15 minutes with more news of Label Bank.

11 Bill Leyden's Theater 3:45 3 Industry on Parade—F 4 3 Travelog—F

5 Cartoon Carousel— M-F W¡th Skippel I lank.

6 Continental Chef—M-F 7 Jack Owens—M, W, F 7 Make-Believe Ballroo m

—Tu, Th With Al Jarvis.

13 Town Hull Ranch Party—Me?


4,..."... .m. dium, mmexmen4..44M104 6



No Cover — No Mini mu m



Page Twenty-nine

Page 30: LAWRENCE WEL L MY BOSS - World Radio History


.0%0%,4b%0K OK4 oex0x ~ .0)•0"› 4x 4>‘On

TV PROGRAM FINDER Listings after 12 noon ere indicated by dark type, m orning by light type. Channels are indicated by ( ).

Abbott and Costello...--. (11) 6:30 SO Adventure (2) 11:30 Su Adventure Movie Theater (9) 7 M-Sie Alarm Klock Komedies

. (4) 6:45 M-F

Alcoa Bout. ..' .'....(4) 9 alt. Su Allen Steve .... ...(4) 11:36 M-F Amateur Hour (7) 9:30 su American Inventory... .........(4) 9 Su And Here', The snow (4) 10 .sa Andy's Gang (7) 6 F Annie Oakley ---(11) 7 Th Answers for Americans_ (13) 11 Su Appointment with Adventure (2) 10 Su

Armstrong Circle Theater (4) 9:30 alt. Tu

Ask the Doctor 151 12 Su Assignment America...--(11) 8:30 Th Auction City -(13) 6:30 Sa Auction Park (11) 1:30 Su Autry, (lene.... -_(13) 7 Th Award Performance...- ----(2) 11 F

Badge 711 (11) 7:30 Sa Salience 'n' Reoords.-(13) 11:30 M-F Bandstand Revue.._--- . (5) 9 Su

. Barber, Red .. 11:15 Sa Barker Bill (2) 12:30 Sa

Beat the (han1D---- --- •••(13) g M Beat the Clock (2) 6:30 Sa Benny, Jack..._...........,....... (2) 7 .it. Su Beulah ___- _.(7) 12:30 M-F Big Game Hunt- . .(9) 8 W Big Payoff (2) le n M-F Rig Story .. -- _. ... . . . . . . . . .. (-I) 9 F Big Surprlse.... — .-_ _.(4) 7:30 Sa Big Town ----(4) 10:30 Tu Boilay. Gene .' -._.... ... .151 6 :55 M- F Boston Blackle .... (11) 8 Th Boxing (7) 6 W: (13) 8:38 Th; (4) / F

Brave Eagle. -- -.... - ..... (2) 6:30 W Break the Bank: . - (7) 10 W Brighter Day (2) I M-F Brokenshire Norman...-- (2) 1:30 Sa Buck Sureshot ..... _ ...... - -(2) 4:15 Su Buffalo Bill, Jr. (7) 6 W Burns and Allen - (2) 8 ',I Caesar, Sid.•- .--...- . ------(4) 8 M Call the Coach ..__...(131 7 Sa Call the Play .......(5) 7:15 Tb *Camel News Caravan - WI 7:45 M-F Campus Club (9) 5 M-F Cantor, F,ddie (11) 10 Tu Capt. Gallant — .- (4) 7 Tu Captain 31 1dnight __ _- --(2) 11 Sa Carson, Johnny....- (2) 7 Th Cartoon Carousel (3) 4 M-F Cartoon Club ........ ...-.. - (11) 0:30 51-F Cavalcade at Books -. (2) 3:30 Su Cavalcade of Record» - (2) 4 Su Celebrity Playhouse .... ......(2) 10:30 Tu Championehip Bowling... .... .(9) 8 Su Champion, Adventures ;L. (2) 6:30 F Chance of a Lifetime_ _ .. ._. . (I) 9 Su Chef Milani (13) 3 M-F Chico and Pablo... -- - (5) 6:30 Su Children'a Corner_ _ (4) 10:30 Sa China Smith ..... _ _(1l) 10:30 81-F Chucko the Clown _........(7) 3 M-F

Christian Science....... _ _...(5) 10:15 Su C hurch in the ¡tome (5) 11 Su Church Talent Show.. -. -(13) In So Cisco Hid (7) 6 Tn; 6:30 F; (11) 6:30 Sa, Su

City at Night (5) 10 Th City Detective..--- __(11) 9:30 VD

Climes - ..... (2) 8:30 Th Close Call ._ - _..- . _ .... (5) 10:311 Tu Coates, Pan! (11) 9:30 Su: 9:30 F Color Spread- - ------(1) 3:30 Su Comment . (4) 8 Su Commando Cody (4) 11 Sa Community Chest "Fanfare" (13) 8:30 Sa

Como, Perry. Show (4) 8 Sa Confidential File ¿Cotten) ,...--(11) 9:30 Stu 9:30 F

Contino. Dick. (4) 7 Sa Cooley, Spade 15) it sa Count of Monte Cristo (11) g M Cowboy G-Men (7) 6:30 To Craig Kennedy, Criminologist ..... . . 11:15 M. Wt 11 T. Tin 11:30 F

Crosby, Bob (2) 12:30 M-F Crossroads (7) 8:30 F Crown Theater- - - --- -(13) 9 Su Crusader (2) 9 F Cummings. Bob (2) 8 Th Damon Runyon Theater....(2) 10:30 Se Dangerous Assignment --..(15) "' Tu Date With Life (4) 1 ‘SI-F Dear Phoebe (4) 9:30 F December Bride _-_ __ (2) 9:39 M Decision ____ (13) 9:30 W DeCola. Felix (7) 4 Sa Dennis, Matt (4) 7 :30 M Destiny Theater - --(13) 5 M-I1

Page Thirty

Detective Show (7) 7:30 Sa Ding bong Schoot. --...- (4) . 10 M-F Disneyland (7) 8 W Dr. Hudson's Secret Journal (in s su Dollar .4 Second (7) 9 F Double Barrel Theater ., (1) 5 Su Down you Go (7) 9:30 11; Dragnet. .. .(4) 9 Th DuPont Cavalcade -Theater (7) 9:30 Tu

IF rante. Jimmy (4) 0:30 alt sit Earn, Wyatt...-- - --- _.(7) 8:30 To Eastside Kids -. (:.,) 3:3(1 su *Edwards. Doug (2) 6:15 M-I1 Eisenhower, President (4) 2:30 W Ellery Queen - (13) 8 F Essa) t datest (13) 2 ni-15-1;

- ...- . 2:15 Tu-Th Ethel and Albert......- ....... .. .. (7) 10 r Evans, Maurice (4) 12 n Se Eye Witness (à) 11 Su 7:15 M, T, W, F

Fabian of Scotland Yard (11) 10:30 M

Face the Nation ,...--(2) 1:30 Su Faith for Today (7) 12:30 Su Faith of Our Children (4) 4 SU Falcon, The ,. - ...(7) 10 Sa Fandango (2) a Sa Farm and Forest_ _ ............ _-_ (9) 2 SD Farms and Gardens... _- (4) 3 Ss Father .Aaans Gee. (4) 8:30 V. Favorite story - - (9) 8 P Feather Your Nest.-- -.(4) 9:30 M-F Fidler, Jimmie_ _ ....(3) 10:30 Tu Files of Jeffrey Jones....(13) 7:30 Tu First Love (4) 1:15 M-11 Fisher, Eddie (4) 7:30 W; 8:30 F Fishing clashes (9) 7:31( Tu Flashback (11) 10:30 W Fontaine. Frank Ill) 8 W Football, College. .(4) 10:13 Sa Football, High School..- - __ (3) 6 P Football, P.C.C. _- - - --(13) 7 Su Foi (I, . en nessee Ernie. (4) 9 M - le Ford -1-enter (4) 9.111 Tit Eour sl.:r ilavhouse. (.) 9,91 Th Frandsen, Tom (4) 1:45 M-F Frontier .(4) 7:80 Su Frontiers of Faith (4) 9:30 Su c un Time 121 9 M-F" Fury (4) 9:30 Sa Gang Busters____ _ (9) 8:30 F Garden Chats (5) 12:30 Sy Garton, Dick, Movie (13) 2 M-F General Electric Theater (2) 9 Su Gillespie, Norvell .........(4) 3:30 So Gillette Fights (.1) ' F (armour Girl (7) 3:30 MA' Gokel, Geo -- . (1) 10 Sa Godfrey and Friends. - 2) 8 W imutrey eme (2) 3:' it-Th Godfrey s latent Scouts (2) 8:30 M Colden Vounee (13) 7 il Goodyear TV Theater.-.(4) I alt. Su Goruani s Garden (7) 4 su Grand Ole Opry (13) 8:30 F Great Churches of the Golden %Vest __ _ ............ -......-- ....... -- (Ili Su Great Gildersleeve, _.._..(4) 8:30 F Guiding Light (2) 9:45 M-F Gunsmoke (2) 10 Sa Gwinn, Bill (7) 1:30 M-F Hallmark Hall of Fame....(4) 12 n Su Halls of >cleave (1) 4 Sa Handy Hints (5) 6:30 111-Th; 6:45 F Hans Christian Andersen..., (5) 8 Th *Harmon, Tom (2) 0:05 M-F Hayes, Sam (9) 4 Su Heart of the City (11) 10 M-F *Hermann. Cleve ..... ..-..(4) 11:15 S11.-11 High School Game of the Week

(3) 5 F Highway Patrol .(11) 9 M *Hinn. Michael (7)" 10:45 M-F Hirsch, Elroy (7) 6:45 W Hitchcock, Alfred, Presents (2) 9:30 Su

Hollywood Hoe Down -(11) 9:30 Ste Hollywood Preview.........--(13) 15 Tu Home Show (4) 11 M -F Hometown Jamboree... ---- (5) 7 Sa Honeymooners (2) 8:30 Sa Hopalong Cassidr .(11) 4 Sa O nline Party (2) It1:311 M-l' Howdy DoodY (4) 2:311 M-F

Hunter, The. (7) 10:30 M: (13) 9 F Hunter Hancock (2) 11 F *Huntley, Chet. (4) 5:36 Su 7:25. 8:25 M-F-

I Am an American (4) 9 Su I Led Three Lives----(11) 8:30 Si' I 1.411>e Lew, (2) 9 M I Married Joan ....... - .. --....(11) 9:30 M e '.:u1.*( .41 for Adventure..,. (lai 7:3te be impressions (4) 1 Th industry on Parade ....... _ (4) 3:15 Si' Inner Sanctum (13) 7 W Inside Baaeball ........ ._-. ___ (9) 4 Sa It Pays To Be 3:30 M-F It's a Great Life...,._,,,,,...,,.__.. (4) 7 Su


It's Always Jan _._.. _.(2) 9'10 Sa I've Got • Secret. - - (2) 9:30 W Jalopy Derby (11) 2:30 Su Janet Dean ...(11) 9:20 M-F Janis, Al -.. —(7) 4 T. Th; 9 911 Jones, Rocky (13) 1 Su Juke Box Jury Sa

Justice ..._-(4) (11)):31017 Jungle Jim

Su Keaton, Buster__ ...... (11) 9 Su itey to the Kitchen.....-(4) 2:30 M-F Kingdom of the Sea.......-- (13) 9 W Kings Crossroads ....... _____.(9) 7:30 F Kraft TV Theater (1) 9, W

Lamp Unto My Feet..,, (2) 10 Su Lassie (2 Latham. Jack (4) 9:45 M-Sa) :3 ; 161 M0 Su Latin Time (13) 2 Su Laurel and liartly__ _ .... (2) 4:40 Su Lea, Terres Learning '35 (9) 3.10 F

(2) 3:30 Sa Lee, Pinky ...(4) 2 M-F. lo Sa. Lees Take • Trip.--_-(2) 12:30 Su Lewis, Rohert (.4 (*.D 11 M.? Leyden, 1E11 (Il) 3:30 il-F lAherove (11) :3 Life Regina at Mt 0 1 10 T 0 s?, Life Is What ion Make It

(2) 10:30 Su Lue With Elizabeth (II) ; ‘1,

......... .................. __ _____6:30 M-F Life With Father__ (21 F Light of Faith.

Lineup ---(7) 4:30 Su (2) Pe Su

Lighted Window . . __.(2) 10 F

Linkletter. 11:30 M Linn, Roberta..- - -. (5) 8 F Littlefield Joe - ..... - -.45) 12:30 Su Little Rascals......_.- _ (2) 5 M-F Little School House.--,-...(11) 11 M-l' Lombardo, Guy._-- -.(11) 111:30 Tu Lone Ranger_ _ _____ ..... (7) 7:30 Th

Long John Silver -- ...... - 1) 1) ;-(8.7\33g0)6)*a WM Lone Wolf...

Look Up and Live --(2) 10:30 Su Loretta buns 10 Su Lou and Linda......._- (13) 1:30 M-F Love of Life. -(2) 9:15 M-0' Lucky Sport Time. .. Lundberg, Dan.....,,,,, ,,. ..,,,(13) 180 W Su L,,* idreedo .. 310M T-Fh

Mainstay (4) 5:30 Sa Make Believe Ballroom (7) 4 Tu. Th Make Room for Daddy (7) 9 Ti. Mama (2) s F Mama Weiss . .. ._ __ (9) 2:15 M-F Starch of Medicine (4) :30 u Mark Saber (9) 4 ;930 m F Martin's Double Drama (11) 1 M-F Martin, Tony Show... --(4) 7:30 M *Marlyn. Gil

Mason. Jam « - -...(1)(5140):7185MTS1 Marx, Grouch«)

Masquerade Party Matinee Theater__ ...... ....(4)7) :3° W 129n M-F McAdoo, Mary (1) 1:30 So McElroy', Jack ..... .... _ (4) 4:30 ,Sa Medic -. - - (4) 9 M Medical Horisone_ __-___(7) 9:30 M Meet Millie ....... (2) 9 Tu Meet the Press_ .... ...... _.._ (4) 6 Su M.G.M. Parade ... .... . W Meesage of the Master------- 1 Su Mickey Mouse Club ....... ___.(7) 5 M-F Midwestern Dayride_. _. :(4) 10:30 M Milland, Ray (3) 3:30 NI-F Milady

Millionaire. The (11) 10 M 2) 9 1 W

Miracle Man of Music....(13) (5:31 Su Modern Romance

(4) 1:45 il-F';Montgomery, Robert

Moore, Garry ...... . (4(2))93:30M-MF Moore, Del..... ..(11) 4:45 M-F Movie Museum (1) (1:30 Tte-Th

M r, I/infec( Attorney 12:30 M-F Mr, Wizard. 12) 10 M

(4) 2:30 Sa Mr. and Sire. North (11) 10:30 Su Murray, Ken ..... _ .... . (11) 9 Tu tible . 0.30 1

MY Favorite Husband --(2) 7:34 Tu Sly Little Margie__ ..... __,(11) 7:30 M Name That Tune..._ ...... .....(2) 6;30 Tu Navy Log (2) 8 Tu Noble, Leighton. -. _- - (5) 9 Su Norman, Gene._ ..... _ - __(9) 6 ell-F

. (ll) P Notre - Dame Football: ... (11) 7:30 W Notre Dame Highlighte....(7) 10:311 W Oldsmobile Show (4) 10'10 W

Boxing. ......... _._ (13) 5:30 Th Omnibus 1 S On Sour Account -- a r (12:),30 31-fu' o e,,,-. "nail (11) .;:la Th Operation Safety ........ ......(2) 11:15 Su Orient Express (11) 7 Ti, Our Miss Brooks (2) 8:30 F uutdoors With McElroy (Ai 4 ". , '"q

Owene, Harry (2) 7:30 Sa: 10 Th Owens, Jack.... ---(1) 4 M. W. r

&ale and Harriet....... _ _ . (7) 8 F Ozark Jubiliee...-- - ----(7) Ii Sa

Pear, Jack Show — (2) 10 M-P' Page, l'atti ........... ------(2) 11 M 4 W Paige. Robert (1) 9:311 Ti, Panorama Pacific..- ---...(21 7 M-F Paragon Playhouse —.--(131 8 Tin 1 mein. :.• 'Dune 14) III ...0 J1.1.' Paris Precinct — (11) 9 Se Parraih, Helen --..-..-..(2) 7 M -W-F

Pasadena Poo Concert..-_ _..(7) 18 F Penny, Hank - (9) 8 Tu People Are Funny.. _.,....... (4) .9 Ss People at (tome ............(4) 10:4:. M. (' People's Choice...--- ---(4) 6:30 Th Person to Person.. _ ___ (2) 7:30 F Pet Exchange ....... _ ....... .........(11) 7:30 F Pet Showcase Philco Playhouse__ ___. (4) 9 alt Su Flare the Face ...... (4) 8 Tee Playcra fters (5) 10:30 alt. Sa Playwrights '38 ..... .. ....... (4) 9:30 T Prepare ....._(2) 12:15 Su Pride of the Family... ......... ....(3) IS Su Private Secretary ___.(2) 7 alt. $u Profeesional Football (7) 2 Su: (13) 8:30 W

" •• ..v•vard Theatre (7) 2:30 in Public Defender (11) 9:30 Ti, rumic . roeectitier Go 1:39 ru * 1'lltliam. George....(11) 6:45. 11 M-F Queen for a Day. _........ (9) 3 M-P Racket Squad___-___(11) 111-F; 8 F Raft, George ...... -(5) 8:30 To Ramer of the Jungle------..... (11) 6 Su Range Rider (2) 5:35 M- W; 5:45 Th: 5:311 /1

Raye, Martha (4) 8 Tu Record Room --(e) 8 Su Red Feather Schnolhouse....(5) 11) W Red Rowe Presents (2) 2 M-F lien:errs. r;c1 (lb 2:15 il-E Rin Tin Tin -(7) 4:30 Sa: 7:30 F Road to Freedom.._ ............. -- (13) 6 Sa Robert Montgomery Presents

(4) 9:30 SI *Roberts, Clete (2) 6:10 M-F Roberts. Rev, Oral ........(13) 9:39 Su Robin Hood _(2) 6:30 M Rocket to Stardom (Ili A Sa Rogers. Roy --(4) 6:30 Su Roller Derby (S) 2•10 M Romero. Cesar ....... _.. - (13) 7;30 M 1-Naliper llo no --....(7) 11 :21, .4-1- ' Rowe, Red.. (2) 2 M-F1 Roy, mike (4) 3:30 M-F

San Francisco Beat • (11) 9 W Sanders, Red (13) 6:45 To Santa's North 'Pole Relue (I) 3 M-F Schlitz Playhouse Ill 9:30 P Science Fiction Theatre.-- ill / 8 I. Scotland Yard - (2) 7 Sa srs.•o;«, Mars (13) 11:15 "i-,-

Screen Director's Playhouse 14) 8 W Search for Beauty (4) 10 :30 M-F Search for Tomorrow__ (2) 9:30 M Secret Storm (2) 1:15 M-F See Hear ..... --••----- ........ (4) 6:10 Per s.0 It Now (2) 9 W Sergeant Preston (2) 8:30 Th Seven Seventy on TV ...... (1) 12 n. su Shakespeare on Iv ....... _ (2) 1(:45 Sa Sheen, Bishop (7) 8 Th Sheens Queen of Jungle_.(7) 6:30 Th Sheriff John (11) 7, 11:30 M-F' Sherlock Holmes (11) 10 W Shore, Dinah ......... ..._...(4) 7:30 Tu, Th Shower of Stars.... ........ ... (2) 8:30 Th Sixty-Four Thousand Dollar Question (2) 7 Tu

Skelton. Red --. -....(2) 9:30 Tu Ski Pips (9) 8:30 Th space Funnies (2) 5 M-F Sp eck, fit...... -...-...:-,....------(4) 3 Su Stage Show__ ...... -.-... --.. (2) 8 Sa Star and the Story (11) 10 F Startime Revue....... _ ....... (13) 9:30 F Star Shoppers --(11) 111:311 M-F Star Stage ____ (41 9.30 P («Relate Playhouse_ __(2) 7 alt. rh Star 'i ,,night 171 :e é et Steve Donovan (4) '7 Tb Stop the Music (7) 8:30 Th Stories of the Century -. -( l) 9 Su Stork Club (7) 9:30 Mu Strictly Informal __._ ____(5) -9 Tu Strike It Rich ---(2) 4:30 MA' Studio One (2) 7 M Studio 57 (7) 7 Th Stuns, Bill - (9) 3:30 M-F Success Story.......,, 111) 7 V 'Sullivan. (2) 8 Su Sunday Lucy Show (2) 5 Ste Sincrman (11) 7 Se: 6:30 W Susie . _ (11) 8 Sa S., .pects Wanted.. ..... ... (9) 1:25 M-t *Swayze, John Cameros

(4) 1:45 M-P Talent Corral (5) 9 rk Tales of Texas Rangers. (2) 11:30 Sa

Pleitee turn to oeue page •. . .

Page 31: LAWRENCE WEL L MY BOSS - World Radio History


Pick of the Pix By Aubrey Dahl 6

Channel 9 and Channel 5 both switched their major movies at the last minute a week or so ago and jammed up logs all over town. I'm assured there were good reasons. OK. I'm weary of complaining, anyway. I'd much rather tell you about the television situation in Las Vegas as I saw it during my recent visit there. Except that I didn't see any. (Editor's Note: He was on his honeymoon.)

"Notorious Gentleman." (7) Oct. 30, 7:30. Originally titled "The Rake's Progress" when it was first released in England in 1946, this TV premiere offers Rex Harrison as another of those characters he por-trays so well, a charmer without scruple. We first see him as a tank officer walking across a bridge which just might have been mined by the Germans, a suspenseful situation resulting in the inevitable flashbacks. It seems he was sent down from Oxford for a series of unsavory pranks and then proceeded to become involved in some unsavory love affairs, some unsavory business deals, and a spot of auto racing, with-out which no gentleman can be con-sidered a proper sport. He is an in-gratiating cad through all this and only redeems himself slightly in the war. Lilli Palmer plays a Viennese beauty who wants to marry Rex pri-marily for a passport and it might seem that he has a few reasons for treating his fellow humans with such disdain. The film is amusing in a flippant sort of way but possesses nothing of the earthy wickedness that marked Hogarth's immortal series of paintings, "The Rake's Progress."

"Casanova Brown." (9) Beginning Nov. 1. 9:00. Gary Cooper has it times been just about the cutest thing any-one ever saw and he is given full rein in this 1944 opus to demonstrate his particular brand of boyishness. He plays a college prof who goes to New York and becomes embroiled with Te-resa Wright, marries her, has a fight

with his in-laws and goes home to become engaged to Anita Louise. Then he hears there has been a child of the marriage, kidnaps it, holes up in a hotel room and has his own little struggles with formulae, diapers and the like. There is, of course, the final reconciliation with Teresa and I thought everything was too precious for words . . . or even pictures.

"New Mexico." (5) Oct. 30, 7:30. The time is 1860 and it seems to be a pe-riod of peace between the red and white man, but cavalry captain Lew Ayres knows better. He has informa-tion that the Indians are plotting an uprising and he tries to secure a truce with Chief Acoma (Ted De Corsia). As a condition of the truce, however, the chief wants the army to give up a rock on which the Indians have stashed their ammo. Lew refuses and decides to defend the rock, a situa-tion the Indians view with reserva-tions and they attack. There is lots of shooting and the rock finally is blown up, along with most of the prin-cipals in the picture. Marilyn Maxwell is a dancehall singer named Cherry who inflames men's passions and the film was made in 1950, a good year for domestic root beer.

"Heat Wave." (13) Nov. 1, 8:30. Alex Nicol and Hillary Brooke, two Ameri-can actors, went to England and made this movie in 1954. Gadabouts who have given us nothing to be glad about. Hillary is tired of her wealthy husband and prevails upon Nicol, a struggling writer (tie too tight?) to help her dispose of him. He does, be-comes conscience stricken and con-fesses all to the first available de-tective. Channel 13 recently bought a flock of J. Arthur Rank films and I expect that things moviewise will im-prove considerably here in the near future. "Gay Dog." (Look It up in the logs

. . . what do you think we print 'em for?) Why not? He's a Scottie with wet strength.

COMPOSER Jack Owens is the author of "Hut

Sut Song," "Hi Neighbor" and "How Soon."

g rain



"Engineer" Bill Stull&

I recently found out that one of the many impractical ideas tried by early day railroaders was what they called a "sailing car." These early railroad men thought that they could harness the wind to move a railroad car in exactly the same manner as it moved sailing ships. Such a car was actually built and it worked fine, but only when the wind was behind it; a head wind would push it back in the wrong direction, and it was feared a strong wind would simply blow the whole thing off the track.

Many years ago, throughout the country each railroad ran on its own time. Of course, this created a great deal of trouble insofar as time tables and operating schedules. During 1883, all of the major railroads got together and adopted standard time. This time divided the country into four areas with standards of time (the four time areas were and are Eastern, Central, Mountain, and Pacific). As a result of this, on November 18, 1883, nearly 100 railroads went on the standard time setup. This time division is still used to this very day.

We've been coming out to meet all of you for nearly a year now, and it sure is wonderful to see all of you, especially those who have been com-ing to our appearances since the very beginning. This Saturday, October 29th, I'm going to be out in Garden Grove once again. This was the loca-tion of one of our very first appear-ances. I hope I'll see all my old friends at 9858 Garden Grove Blvd.

WHICH NAME TODAY? In Southern California, two names

that stand out among cooking enthu-siasts are Jane Sterling and Corns Guy. Did you know that they are one and the same person? Corns Guy is the name Jane Sterling uses on her KTLA telecasts.

TV PROGRAM FINDER -- Continued Teenage Trials (4) 12:30 St( Teleforum (5) 8 M feletespers (5) 11:30 Su is Is the Life (4) 12 N Sn

This Is the Story- -_—(11) 5 Sa lius is lour tile ________(I) to t. This Is Your Music. ___ (7) '7 M This Week In Sports (9) 8 Sa Time for Bean, (111 1,1:,1 Times Square Playhease....(13) 7:30 W Today 14, i T-might _.(4) 1130 S1-1, Top Plays of 15 (4) 7:30 Su Topper (7) 7:30 M Top Secret (5) 8 W Touchdown (5) 8:30 Th: (7) 10:30 F Town and. Country__ ........ .(9) 2:30 Sa Town Hall Party . (11) 10 Sa Town Halt Rs nek party (13) 4 s(_n Trouble with Fether --(11) 5:30 Sa

Trojan Review (5) 7:15 Th Truman, Harry Si (2) II hl Truth or Consequences._ ....(4) 8 F Tucker, Jack ....... _ ....... ........(13) 1:30 Su Tucker,Orrin (5) 8 F Tufeld at Twelve (7) 12 n. M-F TV Home Prevlew...___(11) 10:45 Su TV Reader's Digest. . (7) S M TV's Top Tunes..... --- (2) 7 Sa 20th Century-Fox ....... .........(2) 7 alt. W Two for the Money. . (2) 9 'kJ U.S. Steel 7 alt. W Uncommon Valor.. (11) 5:30 S Unk 'n' Andy..-.. 3:30 Sa Valiant Lady (2) 9 M-F' Variety 8 Su Victory at Sea. 8 F Voice of Firestone__.- -(7) 8:30 M Voices of Victory-- -(11) 8:30 Su Wanderlust- - (7) 10 PA

Wanted (2) 7:30 Th Warner Bros. Presents (7) 7:30 Tu Witten root .. —(11) 7:30 Ti, Way of the World__ (4) 4 M-F Welcome Travelers (2) 10:31, M.), Welk. Law ence. (7) 5 Sn Wells, Carveth.. .._ (4) 7 14 Western Varieties (5) 9 F What's My Line (2) 7:30 Su What's Name of That Song

(7) 1 M-F W.-e'er. Je-kson (11) 11•45 M-'• Whistler, The_ (2) 10 W 1.0itialgaill dick (4) • M-••• Who Knows This? (13) 6 Su Wide, Wide World.., (4) 1 Su Wild Rill Hickok (7) 8 Th Willock's Workshop...-----(1) 5 Sa WinkY Dink and Yott-.-...(2) 12:00 Su World at Home.--- --(4) 10:45 51-F

World of Mr. Sweeney....(4) 1:30 M-F World Tomorrow __......(5) 10:30 Su Wrestler's Lament (5) 10:43 W Wrestling (5) 8:30 W: (13) 8:30 M Wrestling from Las Vegas (11) 9 Mx Wyman, Jane, Fireside Theatre —(4) 9 To

Yon Are There ____---- (2) 8 Su You Asked for It __ (7) 7 Su You Can Do It ........ ........(7) 12 mid. Su You'll Neter Get Rich.....(2) Tu Younger, Mildred (7) 12:15 M-F Your Amateur Show (13) 7 F Your Hit Parade (4) 10:30 Sa Your Home ....... ________...(11) I Su Yours for Living (7) 1'30 Su Youth Wants to Know __ (4) 2:30 Su Zoo Parade (4) 2:30 Sa: 3:30 So

Page Thirty-on•

Page 32: LAWRENCE WEL L MY BOSS - World Radio History



4ogobt.debuenue?-ev.e.oxe,,e,er.o,,,e-.4-,ox.e.,9,cei49,,o,49-,«,«,«-. 4,49.).. ~%,

A lot of people are going to be con-siderably surprised when they see Liberace in his first picture, "Sincere-ly Tours." Having been considered primarily a personality—and a differ-ent one at that — Lee proves himself lo be an accomplished actor in his first acting job. The same warmth and sincerity so obvious to those who know him come across with real effect in the film. It is not a superficial role he plays. Rather, it is a dramatic and co mpelling character—a musi-cian who goes deaf. Lee handles the more emotion-al scenes with con-viction, for the most part, and his playing of the lighter moments is entirely believable. In fact, he has a rare sense of humor. As for his work, it is in true Liberace style but with just the right emphasis on the purely classical. How• ever, in one scene Lee explains the reasons for his TV popularity. After he had finished playing the Tschai-kowski Concerto in Carnegie Hall, the manager of the Hall told him he had a new audience now and that he could forget the other types of people for whom he had been playing. Lee re-marked that he couldn't see why he couldn't have both—and he went out and played, naturally to a terrific re-sponse, the lighter kind of music. At any rate, "Sincerely Yours" opens a new career for Lee—and Warner Bros., who produce the picture, should reap E,t harvest of greenbacks.

Went out to Disney's to watch "Corky and White Shadow" being filmed—and unless I miss my bet a young girl by the name of Darlene Gillespie is going to be very, very hot ‘then this new series for the Mickey Mouse Club is released. She's four-teen, an amazing little actress, a very funny comedienne, and she can sing. She is set to go into a picture with Fees Parker next. The news here is that Darlene is the first child star to be brought into prominence strictly by TV. Her work in the Mouseketeers brought her to the attention of Disney —and she went on from there. At any rate, keep your eye on her. You'll be seeing the series sometime in De-cember or January.

George Putnam is well known as a crusader and fighter—and as the town's most popular newscaster on ICTTY. But you should see him in the guise of father. He has a four-year-old girl named Jan Noel who keeps things humming at the Putnam house. Jan was supposed to be born in Janu-ary but she arrived Christmas Eve— hence her name. According to George, she is an especially intelligent child, so much so that when Gene Fowler.

Page Thirty-two

author and friend of George's, heard her talk he said, "I'm going to hock my typewriter, get a recording ma-chine, and just take notes from her." Jan's closest friend, outside of her mother and father, is Irene Dickerson, her governess and closest companion. Miss Dickerson has a master's degree in Education and has taught Jan all she knows. Too bad you can't drop around and see George trying to keep up with his daughter and her friend. You'd be seeing a new Putnam for sure.

Maybe its accidental, but what gives on $134.000 Question? A couple of times now so many minutes have been devoted to chatter with the con-testants that there's little chance to ask any questions. Then, recently, a contestant got in the isolation booth and before he could be asked the pay-off question, time was up. Yet—there was endless time for commercials and long listing of credits. Does this sort of thing just happen or is it planned? We'd like to know.

Those of you who saw Carmen Mi-randa's last show before her death — the one with Jimmy Durante— must have had the same mixed feelings I did. It was probably right to show the film. Carmen would have wanted it that way. But it was still a strange, eerie feeling. You may remember the scene where Carmen fell down after doing the dance. Well, this was the first indication that there was some-thing wrong. Those on the set have said that at that moment her face was lined with pain and that only the whites of her eyes showed. And yet she bounced back to finish the show, after which she went home and did the whole program again for some friends. It was a tragic thing to see Carmen Miranda go, for here was a woman who loved every moment of living. She will be missed.

Ted Post, who has directed Water-front, Medic, Screen Gems, and other TV shows, is now turning in fft cork-ing job on his first motion picture, The Peacemaker. a Hal R. Makelim production. He has found the demands in movies much bigger than those in TV. Where he once shot fourteen pages a day in television he can only cover about seven in the picture be-cause of the larger scope necessary. But he's doing his usual excellent job, and the cast and producer have been more than impressed with his know-how. Ted is another example of how valuable experienced TV directors can be to the movies.




TALENT ... for his 13 Hour Talent Con-test, directly from his new car showroom, WILSHIRE OLDSMO-BILE CO MP A NY, 690 South Western Avenue.




It you're an Amateur and would like to appear on TELEVISION, fill out the contest blank in this column and

Take It As Your Ticket For Admission to

1600 NO. LA BREA

Hollywood, Calif. FOR AUDITIONS

Wednesday 3 to 8 p.m.





Page 33: LAWRENCE WEL L MY BOSS - World Radio History



How would you like to win a 1956 television set for yourself or $250.00 in cash for your club or organization? I think the answer is fairly obvious. Nearly everyone

could use a new or second TV set and most everyone that belongs to an or-ganization is in-terested in increas-ing their treasury. Well, here's how it can be done. Label Bank is

running a big CASH FOR CHRISTMAS CONTEST for clubs and organizations. $250.00 in cash will be awarded the club that turns In the largest number of com-plete sets of Label Bank labels. A complete set for the club must in-clude one each of the following labels: American Beauty Macaroni Products, Austex Chili Products, Baker Boy Con-fection Roll, Canada Dry Beverages, Case-Swayne Canned Foods, Doodle Dandy Pickles & Relishes, Chicken of the Sea Tuna, Nu-Trishus Meat Balls, Dr. Ross Dog & Cat Food, La Victoria Mexican Products, Fels Naptha Soap, Diaper-Sweet, Nutt Bros. Cookies, Red-dy-Fruit Pie Filling, George Super Cleaner, Pacific Crackers, Rupert Frozen Fish, Sioux Bee Honey, Rain Drops Water Softener, Morton House Canned Foods, Spencer Olives, Onions, Cherries, Tom Sawyer Foods, Tropical Jams & Jellies, TV-Radio Life Maga-zine, White House Dressings, Buis-man's Coffee Blender, XLNT Foods, Shady Oak Mushrooms, Chun King Oriental American Foods, Orabella Olive Oil, Kaiser Aluminum Foil, and Woody's Bar-B-Cue Sauces.

Label Bank is also running a big CHRISTMAS BONUS CONTEST for in-dividuals. A 1956 television set will be awarded to the person who sends in the largest number of complete sets of Label Bank labels. A complete set for the individual must include one each of twenty of the Label Bank brands listed above.

To be counted in this contest, all labels must be turned in at Label Bank, 727 No. La Brea, Hollywood 38, Calif., no later than midnight Tues-day, Dec. 6, 1955. For further infor-mation call WEbster 8-2438.

Make this a merry Christmas for your club or your family. Start saving your label sets right now. These are products you use every day and prob-ably have on your kitchen shelf now ... so let's enter the big contests with enthusiasm.

Don't forget to come to the big opening of Tops Market at 11246 E: Whittier Blvd. in Whittier. I'll be there Nov. 5 at 2:00 with some wonderful prizes for the big drawing.

More Label Talk next week... 'bye for now.

Man's Values, Beliefs, Dignity And His Love 6f Freedom

This is the gigantic thetne which KFI's "American Adventure" delves into each week.


ojoiDVOCATES of educa-tional broadcasting are justly proud of the University of North Carolina's American Adventure series. It's

entertaining, informative, and the dramas are based on the highest of principles. The theme of American Adventure

is that man under God has dignity and deserved freedom. The programs reflect the basic values which under-lie and are part of man's dignity.

Because the series is produced on grants-in-aid from the National As-sociation of Educational Broadcasters made possible by the Fund for Adult Education and the Educational Radio and Television Center there is no catering to sponsors or networks. The university dramatizes the facts as it sees them. John S. Clayton, director of the

series, bluntly states, "There is no fear of offending minority groups, or catering to the prejudices in any of our productions. We have no sponsors or agency to worry about. And we never make a conscious effort to win approval from national audiences. Our programs have been done on grants and presented, mostly, on non-commercial stations throughout the country." The university was highly elated,

if not somewhat surprised, when NBC decided to carry American Ad-venture. One spokesman expressed the reaction on campus with: "We thought they (our programs) might be a bit controversial for a major network. But this didn't seem to con-cern NBC in the slightest."

The diversified dramas on Amer-ican Adventure narrow down lo the most interesting subject of them all— Man, his values, his characteristics, his beliefs, his dignity, his love of freedom.

Casual Preparation

Although the dramas in this series are ofttimes weighty, their somewhat casual preparation would throw a New York or Hollywood producer into a frenzy. The writer of the series, John Ehle,

and his assistant, Dorothy O'Sullivan, research an incident in American history which seems to them to re-veal a basic value to the American people. Ehle writes a radio drama based on their findings and sends it out to nine professors of the univer-sity who read it and discuss it with him.. What one of them likes, another might dislike; the favorite script of one professor is inevitably the least liked of another. Ehle collects these

different points of view and re-writes his script with an awareness of what a critical audience might like. When he completes his revised

script, and there are no deadlines to be met, he turns it over to John Clay-ton, who incidentally obtained his master's degree from the University of North Carolina. Clayton takes care of the casting in a most leisurely fashion. He'll phone a few actors and ask them if they have some free time on Thursday nights. If they do, he schedules the show, selects the music for the bridges and background and looks around for an ambitious stu-dent who might know something about sound effects. On Thursday evening the students,

professors and townspeople who have agreed to take part drop by the radio station about 7:30. They read through the script with Clayton mak-ing suggestions. After one or two mike rehearsals the dramas are re-corded. Out of this unhurried proc-ess comes a top-notch product that professionals could well envy. Frequently American Adventure

takes up con. troversial subjects, such as political witch hunts or the Negro questions. "We try to develop all sides of an issue," explains Ehle, "or at least represent them. Of course, if we have a point of view we express it. It does little credit to an audience to deal with a subject of importance and leave the impression that we think the two points of view have equal value. On one of our programs a critic felt that we had dealt un-justly with a subject, and we could not agree. But we did offer to delete two or three minutes from the show, or whatever time he needed to record his criticism of the program so we could incorporate it at the close. We were rather happy with the idea but disappointed when he decided not to take us up on our offer." What better example could radio

have of democracy at work?

* *

HOOVER PROFILE An hour-long autobiographical TV

profile of Herbert Hoover will be screened on NBC, tentatively set for November 6. NBC's news cameramen have been shooting film of the in-terview between Ray Henle and the former president at his Palo Alto home. The film will highlight Hoover's

very active life, covering not only his presidential years but many other facets of the famous octogenarian.

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Page 34: LAWRENCE WEL L MY BOSS - World Radio History





Ti me Station

8:00 a.m. KF WB Erik Paige 8:20 a.m. KHJ Sportlites 1:55 p.m. KBIG UCLA Sports

Package 4:00 p.m. KGFJ Today in Sports 4:15 p.m. KF WB Sports Flashes 4:45 p.m. KABC Hank Weaver 5:15 p.m. KABC Bill Stern

KF WB Erik Paige 5:30 p.m. KNX Tom Harmon

KRKD Sports Dial 5:45 p.m. KHJ Bill Brundige

KRKD Race Results 6:00 p.m. KMPC Bob Kelley 6:10 p.m. KNX Tom Hanlon 6:15 p.m. KFI Sports Report 6:30 p.m. KMPC Today's Races 6:55 p.m. KHJ General Sports 9:00 p.m. KMPC Inside Football 11:10 p.m. KNX Tom Hanlon 11:15 p.m. KFI Sports with Rollie


Saturday, Oct. 29

8:15 a.m. KFAC Sports Briefs 8:25 a.m. KMPC Sports 10:00 a.m. KGFJ Football Today 11:00 a.m. KGFJ Notre Dame vs.

Navy KFI Game of the

Week KF WB Football Flashes

(on the hour and half hour to 6:30 p.m.)

11:15 a.m. KABC USC vs. Minne-sota

KHJ California vs. UCLA

KF WB Sports Flashes KHJ Bill Brundige KMPC Bob Kelley

Sunday, Oct. 30

5:00 p.m. KMPC Braven Dyer 9:30 p.m. KHJ Sports Time

Monday, Oct. 31

9:45 p.m. KHJ World of Sports

Wednesday, Nov. 2

7:15 p.m. KABC Paddy DeMarco vs. Frankie Ryff

9:45 p.m. KHJ World of Sports

Thursday, Nov. 3

9:30 p.m. KHJ Football 30

Friday, Nov. 4

6:15 p.m. KFI 7:00 p.m. KFI

1:45 p.m.

4:15 p.m. 4:45 p.m. 6:00 p.m.

7:25 p.m. KFI 7:30 p.m. KABC

9:45 p.m. KHJ

Sports Report Carl "Bobo" Olson vs. Sugar Ray Robinson Sports Digest High School Sports Rally World of Sports

S \ I \I STAR Noel Owens of KABC-TV's Jack

Owens Show at the age of 10 held the AAU backstroke swimming champion-ship in California.

Page Thirty-four

Radio in Review Radio Rambling:

Biographies in Sound returns to the NBC airlanes and will be hend every fourth Tuesday. . . . Jack 'initialler starts a new program, Under 21, on KNX. . . . ICFI's Farm Director Jim Todd was cited by the San Marino Woman's Club for his outstanding service to the farmers in Southern California. In the many years he has been

broadcasting, Gene Autry has never missed one of his CBS radio programs. . . . Lillian Randolph celebrates her first anniversary on KOWL and her 15th as "Birdie" on the Great Gilder-sleeve show. KNX has signed a five-year con-

It act for coverage of the Junior Rose Bowl Games. . My True Story aired its 3000th anecdote last week. . . . Standard School Broadcasts celebrated its 28th year of broadcasting. . . . Minetta Ellen, "Mother Barbour" of One Man's Family has retired at the age of 80. The veteran radio actress vows retirement does not mean in-activity and to prove her point she has enrolled at the Valley Junior Col-lege. M.B.

Commanders Palladium Performance

Disc jockeys of radioland are spin-ning quite a few of Eddie Grady and the Commanders' tunes this week. And for good reason. Eddie and the Commanders are cur-

rently playing before a packed house at the Hollywood Palladium. It's the first appearance for the Decca Record-ing Artists at the famed Sunset Boule-vard ballroom. It was actually at the request of

Southern California disc jockeys and the dancing and record-buying public that Sterling Way decided to bring The Commanders into the newly-dec-orated Palladium. So in a way the deejays are on a

spot. But judging from the reception — especially the good turnout on open-ing night—their expectations are be-ing fulfilled. Radio fans can hear The Com-

manders "live" on KFI radio direct from the Palladiu m on Thursday night, 11:30 to 11:55 p.m., and Friday, 9 to 9:30 p.m.

Rourke Reports Jack Rourke, a familiar face and

voice in Hollywood, has a new show on KABC from midnight to 2:00 a.m., Monday through Saturday.

One of the novel features of Jack's program is the telephone calls he makes to the Hollywood police sta-tion to get news of crime. Very often he scoops the morning papers with

.0%0'1 1

the news he gets from the police blot-ter. Other recorded phone calls in-clude conversations with movie stars and other celebrities. Jack also calls hospitals and unusual places of in-terest for stories. Between interviews Jack spins sweet music.

Rourke in Hollywood is sponsored by the Shop-in-Hollywood Association, a group of some thirty leading busi-ness men who feel that more people will shop in Hollywood if they are re-minded to do so often on an entertain-ing show such as Jack's.

Rourke has been active in both ra-dio and television for several years. He produced the Horace Heidt Show, Music from Hollywood, Presenting Son-ja Henie, Beauty Parade, I Want to Get Married and Ladies Matinee. He has also produced and emceed several telethons.

If it's post-midnight interviews and music you like,. Rourke In Hollywood is a program you'll enjoy hearing.

From Mrs. L comes a note about summer shows: "When you were talk-ing about summer shows I feel you came in 'out of the money'. I think programs like Climax that continued right through the summer and didn't jam re-runs down our throats should receive a pat on the baçk and a bit of appreciation .. . I have one major complaint—Producers' Showcase. We are forced to miss its every perform-ance because of the early time and with its usually good reviews we hate to miss it. Here's hoping it will some-day go on a little later." . (Mrs. L. is right on both counts. Climax does deserve a pat for not doing re-runs. Other shows should be as imaginative. I do hope, however, that Climax goes back to doing more of the suspense type of production which was its original premise. As to the early time on Showcase and other spectaculars, this is a ridiculous state of affairs that should be cor-rected fast.)

Calm Wild Bill "Wild Bill Hickok" stars, Guy Madi-

son and Andy Devine, tired after a day of personal appearances in Dal-las, were waiting for the hotel eleva-tor when an affable but inebriated fellow who introduced•himself as Fred approached them and insisted they join his party.

After declining several times, Guy and Andy caught the elevator to their tenth-floor suite. A few minutes later there was a loud knocking at their &ion

"Who is it?" asked Andy.

"It's Fred—I just won't take no for an answer!" came the reply.

"We've gone to bed," yelled Andy. "Come around to the window!"

Page 35: LAWRENCE WEL L MY BOSS - World Radio History

RADIO Logs for SATURDAY, Oct. 19 500 600


700 740 800

*Indh•ittes Nett scast. TBA -To Be Announced. 0 -11ABC-Russ Record..

RIT-Sldney Walton Show. KH.I--BaNil de Soto. KNX -Robert Q. Lewis. KRIG -Catalina Bandstand (to 5:13).

ICFAC -Saturday Showcase. RFWB -.Sports: Erik Paige. KGFJ-World Bible Society.

*KLAC -News. ECMPC -Story Circus. KPOL-Hids' Bible Club. RPOP-Hesperia. KRI M -Messianic Hour. KRI M-Latin American Rhythms.

*RXLA-News. 8:15-KFI -Look to the Skies.

*KHJ-News. KFWB-Zeke Manners Show (to 9:30).

ICGFJ-National Guard. BLAC -Diek Haynes. KMPC -Business and World News.

RN:LA.-Sacred Records. 8:t5-RMPC--sports. 8 :30*K ABC -News Reporter.

KFI -Monitor. KHJ. liFICM-Haven of Rest. KBIG--Catalina Bandstand.

*KPOP-News & Views. Cadwell.

KGER-Volee of l'Ilina. KGF.11 -College of Illy. Science KMPC -Diek Whittinghill. KPOL-Atnerican Masterpirees.

B M W-Breakfast ChM. K WK W-Bob Mercado.

/1:35--RABC-Russ Records. 11:13-IINLA--Gospel Book Store. 8 :35*ICASC -News

9-KABC-No School Today. *KFI-Lneal News. KHJ-Back to the Bible.

*KNX-News: Bill Shadel. KBIG -Catallina Bandstand. RFAC-Morning Coneert. KGER -Bethany Freer Chapel.

RGFJ-Time for Mottle. *IIMPC-News: Dick

Whittinghill. B M W-Modern Melodies.

it :05-KN X-Story Master. KFOX -Saturday Swing.

9:15-11(FI-Dose O'Dell. JINX-Guest Star. RGER-Hour Of Ecneetant7.

9:30*KABC -Jim Boysen & News to 11:15.

ECHJ-Your Pharmaelst and You.

KNX-Gunamoke. RFAC-Concert Grand. RFWB-AI Janis Gill 11:311). RLAC -Peter Potter. RPOL-Bob Scott. RPOP-Reeowl Room to 11:341. K WK W -Festival With Finn. XLA -Sarred

9:45-1(HJ-Batiii DeSoto. 11XLA -Mutdc.

9:55-BNX -Tremendous Trifles. 10 I IIK AHBC-1,-isiewet:.s Reporter,

-KNX -Memory Lime. KBIG-Catalina Bandstand (eont'd.).

KEAC--Concert Stage. KGER-Rev. Emma Teylor. Wi n-Football Today. liMPC-Ira took to 11*:. K WK W-Teddy Pretest..

10:03*KABC-Jim Boysen. lo:15-KHJ-Basil de Soto.

KGFJ-Notre Dante vs. Navy. KRI M -Health Talk.

10:t5*KNX -News. la:30-1(.1.1 -Phonorama Ti me.

KNX -Galen Drake. &VAC-Curtain Calls. KFOX -Top Twenty luttes. HGFJ -Musical Portraits. KMPC -Ira Cook. RPOL-Merchants' Quiz. KGER-Itet. I.P Roy Kopp-

10:33--RNX -Top 0' Pops. 10:45-1(11 -liame of the Week. 111:55-1(11J-Frank Elan,.

11 *KABC-News Reporter. tat ABCQ-Bandstand - Grand-stand (till 1 Leo.).

900 1 000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1540 1600


tilt1(. -Iflatalitta Bandstand (eourd.).

KC tt -Masters in Minion' e. Kill It-Football


N otre Da me vs.


KGFJ dial 1230

Sat., 10:1 5 A. M. E 10-game schedule

Direct from the field g

.= Presented by Delco f- The only battery guaranteed 4

by General Motors on


M1111111111111111111111!11111111111111111111111111i111111M111111111111111.1111111111111r e KGFJ -Notre Dante is. Navy.

KRI M-Morning Melodies. 11:15 -KABC -USC vs. Minnesota

(to 2 p.m.) 11:15- Mi n-Notre Dante is.

Navy. II :311-KNX -Do It yourself.

KGER-Mary Livingstone. RPOP-ShoPPing

*KRICD-News. BW MI -La Horn 1)e Los Angeles.

11:45-1CRIELD -Lawrenee Welk. BY/LA-Western Musk.

11)-KABC -Football. Ka KFI -IPoothall.

KHJ -Sid Fuller. *KNX-News. KBIG--Catalina Bandstand Ironed.).

M AC -Luncheon Concert. *KMPC-News: Bill Stewart. Kpop_Courtesy Chevrolet. KGER -World Tomorrow. Kt:led-Notre Dame is. Navy.

yrICLAC -News: Peter Potter, RPOL-Time for Norma. KRICD -Hit Tunes. KXLA -Musle,

It.:(es-EABC-Football. It :15-KFLI -Basil Desoto Show.

KNX -I'arm Reporter. B WIZ-Top Teen TUI1O14.

It :30-BI1J-Frank Evans. KNX -Philip Norman. KFWB-Football Flashes and Bob MeLaughlin (to 4:00)

KGER -Chureh World Ness. ICLAC-570 Club (to 4:00). KR/CD-Hit Ti,.,.,. 1- BABC -FoMball. KFI -Game of the Week. entd. KNX-Maurier Hart Shi m, KFOX -Western Hit l'arade.

fie1it al Center.

RGFJ -Football. KM PC -Bill StewrIrt. KRI M -Polka Time. K WH W -Hont de Los Angeles.

1:15-KIT- Monitor. *KGER -World News. Kt;FJ -Rendeztous with Mu sic.

1 :30-RABC -Football. RI1 -51onitor. KHJ-College Salute. KGER -People's tiospel Hour.

virRPOP-News R dup. *RXLA -News: Music. BWK W-Ted e Fregoso Show.

I :15-RABC -Foothall. H MI-California is. UCLA. (to 4:30).

1:55-BRIG-Cause for Alarm. 2*KARC-Newe Reporter. RBIG -Catatina Bandstand. RFA('-Saturday Matinee, KPOP-Harlem 5latinee ((o 4:00).

*KGER-News: L.B. Band. KGFJ-31uttical Matinee.

*KMPC -Newtt: Johnny Grant. oroL-The Wiliddre Hour,



REDID -Tops in Pous ((ii 4:45).

B WK W -Teddy Fregoso. 2 :05-KABC -Dick Megaton Show

Ito 4:30) 2:30-RPOL-Hall's Music Hall.

K WIK W-Norm Palmer Show till 3:45).

2:45-KFW1.--Bill Daniels.

3- KFI -Saturday Session. H MG -Catalina Bandstand. RFWB-Bob McLaughlin. KGER -John Brown. liG n-Musie in the Air.

*RNIPC -News: Johnny Grast. KPOL-Tacit Turner.

3:25- -R MO-Homebuilders' News. 3:30-RABC -Dick Wesson,

ICFAC -Muslo Hall. 3:45-R WIC W-Bill Garr Show

(till 5:00).

4-KABC -Diek Wesson. M I-Saturday Session (entd). *KNX-News. BRIG-Catalina Bandstand. RFAC -Musleal Masterpieces. H MS-Football Flashes and Larry Finley Time.

RGE 4-Youth on the March. Kli n -Musical Moments.

*BMPC -News: Johnny Grant. IIPOL-Light. ( m era. M Ind e.

*RPOP-News. RXLA -Musit..

4:115-1IFON-Melody Tinte. KNX -Mauriee Hart.

4 :15-RFWIS-Sport Flashes. KGER-Youth on the March. KGFJ -51usical Moments.

4:28-11 M11-1,arry Finley. 4:311-RABC -Bill Ewing Show.

*K11.1-Newe. RLAC -Ales Cooper. KPOL-Nlueical Comedv Theater.

4 :45*RFI -Newe. KILI-Bill Brundige. Sports. S-KFI -Polka Party (till I). RH.1-Frank Evans.

*KNX-A. Jackson -News. KBIG-Catalina Bandstand (cont'd.).

IIIGF:It -Aubrey Lee. KOFJ-Musicil Resrriet..

*KMPC -News: Jul y Grant. RPOP-Reeorded Music. IL MCD-Ten Top Tunes.

5:115 *KNX-Kenneally-News. 5:15-KNX-Toda• in LOS Angeles.

IliFWB-Erik Paige. 5:341-KNX-Tom Harmon.

KI MR-Football }lashes and Larry Finley TI M

KICELD -Sports Dial 5:45-BUJ -Social Seeurity.

*KNX-Frank Goss. BLAC -Sam Baiter. Sports. RRHD -Race Results.

5 :53*KNX -Local New,.

'6 ' ',5 V R M.-Hawaii Calls. *KNX -News. KGFJ-Request Performative. KMPC -Bob 'Kelley. Sports.

11:05--ICARC-Platter Show. KNX -Make Way for Youth. RFAC -HI Fi Hour. KLAC-Alec Cooper.

5:15*KMPC -World News. 6:30-KABC -Dr. James Flfleld.

KHJ-VNIt'A Show. *KNX-Cuder 21 with

Jack LInkletter.


IsFAC -Ballet Tinte 'C MS-Strictly from Dixie. KMPC -Today's Races. KRI M-Right to Live. 7-KABO-Larman's Hour. BFAC-New Worlds In Musk. RFI-National Farm & ROMP Hour.

ICHJ -Jasz Club. KNX -Best of Hope. KFOX--Johnny Otie Show, KGFJ-Flesta Latina.

Stewart. 1 :05-RNX -Country Style. 7 :30-K ABC -Dr. Gene Bartlett,

FIFI -Tex Ritter Show. KHJ -Magic of Music. KNX-Jimmy Wakely Show. RFWB-Bill Daniels Show. Mi n -Hollywood House Party.

1:45-K MB-Rootary Hour. 7:55*KNX-News.

115)-HAEIC-As We See It. BFI-The Merle Trails Show. KHJ -Mueic. JINX-Juke Box Jury. RFAC -Evening Convert. BFWB -Larry Finley. Mi n- World Bible Sagely. KM PC-Bill Stewart,

8:95-IKLAC -Ciene Norman. 8:15-RABC -This Week in

Washington. Rli n -Dot Meyberg.

13:31-BABC -Your t'hild and You. AFSD -Music for 11

Folks. K1F1J -Sounding Board.

8:43 -RABC-The Smog Show. 8:55-*IINX -News. 9*.CABC -Nene Reporter. itrICHJ-News, KNX -Kathy Godfrey shi m, RGF.1-Hunter Hancock. ISFOX-eileepy Stein Show. BMPC-Bill Stewart.

9:95-KABC -Dancing Party. 9:15-111..1-Forbes Reports. O :30-BABC -It', Time.

KFI-Andy Mansfield (11,4 hrs.).

KHJ -Monica Whale,,. KNX -Rornatire. KNIPC -Dance Tinte. KWIC W-El Monte Legion Stadium.

RXLA-Cliffie Stone. 9:35-KABC -Daneing Party. 9:45-KHJ -Heres to Vets. 9:55-KNX -This I Believe. leavirICABC -News Reporter. V ICILY-This Is Civil Defense. *KNX-Ten O'Clock Wire. HFAC-Crossroads of Musk, RFWB -Larry Finley Time. KPOP-Art Lebo. Show,

1(8:05-RABC-Narl Juke Box. 10:15-KI1J -Mueir,

KNX-Carroll Aleott. 111:30-KABC -Lawrence Nelk.

KNX-PhIlip Norman. - KABC -Freddy Martin. KFI -Monitor.

*KHJ-News Wheel. *KNX-News,

11:10-1ENX -Sports. 11:15-KNX -Bobby Troup Trio. 11:25*RABC -News Reporter. 11:311-RABC -Lawrence Welk.

RFI-Monitor. KNX -Dance Band. KMPC -Illance Tinte.



FOOTBALL, KOFJ, 11:00 a. m., Notre Dame vs. Purdue. FOOTBALL, KABC. 11:15 a. m., USC vs. Minnesota. FOOTBALL, KHJ, 1:45 p.m. California vs. UCLA.

What's Playing GUNSMOKE, KNX. 9:30 a. m. Dodge City Marshal (William Conrad)

has a dead man's story to unravel.

What's New BEST OF HOPE, KNX, 7:00 p. m. Bob Hope's most popular radio

shows are rebroadcast every Saturday night. at this same time.

Page litiMy-five

Page 36: LAWRENCE WEL L MY BOSS - World Radio History

RADIO Logs of SUNDAY, Oct. 30 *Indicates Newscast. TBA -To Be Announced. 0 -KABC-Morning Song.

Kit-Funny Paper Man. 111FX - Wings of

Healing. *KNX -News. KRIS-Catalina Bandstand (to 5:15 p.m.).

SFAC-Liberal Catholic Hour. HEWS-Funnies. EGER-Helen Markham. KGE.1 -Arinehair Concert.

*KLAC. KWK W -News. KM PC-Religious News Reporter. PPC-Morni ng Devotions.

KPOE-Biblical Research Hour KPOP-Rev. Beatrix Pagan. KRI M-Record Shop. K WK W -Variations.

8:05-KNX-Invitation to Learning. IMIG-Cluidren's Church. KLAC--Catholie Hour.

11:15-11 ABC-Showers of Blessing,. ILEAC-Federation of Churches.

KMPC-Start to Live. 8:30-KABC -Light & Life Hour.

KFI -Jump-Jump. KHJ, 6E1131-Back to God. KNX-Salt Lake Tabernacle. EFAG-Catholic Topics. HEWS-Tales from Magic Land.

EIGER-Bible Treasury. KGFJ -Dix ine Science. KMPC--Challenge te Youth. RPOL-Church of the Air. KPOP-Church of Christ. IIIWK W -La Sombre De La Cruz.

:45- ROER- World Literature. EGFJ-Goodwill Visitor.

9*KAISC-News Reporter. Rut -Rending from the Bible. INHJ, ECENM-Radio Bible Class.

*KN X-News. KBI 41-Catalina Bandstand. KFAC -Sunday Morning Concert.

KFAVB-Al Jarvis (till 2). AC-News.

KMPC-Vance Graham. E POP-Clem Davies Ministry KRI M -Sunday Serenade. KW KW- Dania Hour.

9 :05-K ABC-Message of Israel. KNX -Onlversity Explorer. KLAC-Christ Unity.

9 :15-KFI -Christian Science. KNX-Farm Topics. KGER-3-D Bible Lessons. KGFJ -Spotlight Parade.

9 :30-13,‘ BC-It • s Time. S il-Eternal Light. KB& KEXM -Volee of Prophecy,

• N.-Howard R. Smith. Fr Ens:- Robert Noble. KGER-John Brown. • EJ-Peoples Independent Church.

KLAC,- Peter Potter. KPOL-Joe White. EPOP-Rev ie wing the News.

9 :35*KABC -Bill Ewing and News (to 11:00).

9:45-KNX-How To Live 365 Days a Year.

Ieli*KABC -News Reporter. lE*KEI -Flerbert J. Mann. *ICHJ-Newspaper of the Air. KNX-Top O' Pope. KB1G-Catalina Bandstand. EGER-Radio Revival. KGFJ -Hits of the Week. III 51 IN ra Conk Show. KPOP-Voice of Israel. KV1KW -Mast ro Arni m. EC XLA-Cont I nen t al serenade

10 :05-KABC -Bill Ewing Show. :13.-g Et - Rom et ow n IlarunenIngs.

KHJ -Christian Science. KEON-Angelue Hour.

*KBIG-Sport News. 10:30*K 4 BC-News Reporter.

Kit -Sunday Report. K M -Frank & Ernest.

ER-Chosen People. 'UPC-. -Songs of Faith. liVIE W-Italian Melodies.

10 :35-KABC-Bill Ewing Show. 10 :45-KEI -World of Books.

KHJ-Songs of Devotion. KGER -Dr. Dan Gilbert.

10 :55*IIN X-News. -K Alt( •-It's Time. 11111--(•atholie Hour. K M-Frank Evans. 11N X-Symphonette.

Itaindean& EFAC-First Methodist Church.

111 EH -Church of the Open Door.

KGEJ -Sunday Showcase. KMPC-Music City Show (till 1:30). 1•1111.-Bantlet Ch urch.

KPOP-Flollywood Baptist Ch. RNI.A-9,eneeldn' Da mn.

11:05-KABC -Bill Ewing.

Page Thirty-six


:30*KABC-News Reporter. *KF1 -Local News. KNX-New York Philharmonic. JUNIN-First Christian Church.

KW K W -All Saints Episcopal Church.

11:35 -1C ABC-Bill Ewing. 11:45- KEN-Tips from Kiplinger.

12* K ABC-N ews Reporter. KFI -Monitor (2 hre.).

*KHJ -News. KESCQ-Bandstand - Grand- • stand (till 6 p.m.).

KBIG -Catalina Bandstand. KGFJ -Anybody's Hit Parade. HP0E-Victory Baptist Church KPOP-Grace Memorial Church of God.

K WK W - Maestro D' Arnie°. 12 :05-11ABC -Bill Ewing. l.t:L5*KH.J -ltlll Cunningham.

R M.-Ivory Portraits. 12 :30-K ABC-Bill Ewing Show.

KHJ -Frank Evans. KGER-Earl Opus sings. REED-Gordon Browning Show (till 3:00).

K WK W -Portuguese Hour. 12 :55*KN X-News.

1-RAMC- Dr. Charles E. Fuller. KFI -Monitor (rond.). ENS- Woolworth Hour. KBIG-Catalina Bandstand. KFAC -Sunday Theatre. KGER-Oral Roberts. KGFJ -Serenade to Afternoon KPOL-Music of Italy. Kin)P-Latin American Rhythm.

K WIZ-Top Teen Tunes. R WE W -Latin American Rhythms

1:15-KMPC-Ira Cook. EKED-Gordon Browning Show.

KEON-Top Fifteen Tunes. ELAC-Jim Ameehe (to 4:30).

I:30-1CMPC -Ira Cook. KPPC-Afternoon Concert. KICLA -Church in the Barn.

1:35-KIII-Foothall Martino,. 1:50-1111J -Pro Football (to 4:45).

.---1CAIRC-Chnrch in the Home. ilro *KFI-News.

KFWB-Don Sherwood Show (till 6).

*KNX -News: Phil Norman. ROER- World Tomorrow. INGFJ -11011yvvood House Presents.

KMPC -13111 Stewart. KXLA -Church of God.

2 :05 -KE1-Ntitrilite Radio Theatre KNX-On a Sunday Afternoon.

2 :25-11.411C-It's Time. 2 :30-K ABC-Grea test Story Ever

Told. *KHJ -Football. EFAC -Sunday At The Pops. GER-Colonie l Tplwrnnule,

KGFJ -5Insic In the Air. KM PC-Bill Stewart. KPOL-Family of Stars. POP-Christadelphian Eccles' a.

11 NI A- Worthington Motors. 2 :45-1911J-Football.

IC POP-Christian Science.

3-KABC -Dr. Billy Graham. Kit -Young America Sings. PHI-Football. KNX-Face the Nation. KPON -Assembly ut hod. KGER-John Brown. INGFJ -Music in the Air. KMPC-Johnny Grant. II POP-Your Spiritual Hour. K WK W -Paramount Ballrootà

3:30-K AM .-Nereid of Troth IFIFI-KEI Scout Jamboree. KNX-Guest Star. RGER-Tem °le Vine RPOP-Ith Day Adventist.

3 :45-EN X-Philip Norman. A *B M W-News Reporter.

KFI-Monitor. KHJ-Football.

*KNX-News. KF M-Musical Masterpieces. KGER-Old Fashioned -Revival Hour.

KGFJ-Harlem Jukebox KMPC-Dick Whittinghill. KPOL-Figueroa Church of (hrist.

SPOP -Bible Study Hour. K PPC-Cinema Classics. K WK W -Rosita•e.

4 :05-K ABC-Pligrimage. KNX -Edgar Bergen. Charlie McCarthy.

4 :30-11ABC - Wings ot dealing. KGFJ-Moods In Music. KLA(' -Alex Cooper ( tu 8:00). KPOP -Church of Christ.

4 :45-KHJ -Scoreboard. KPOP-The Quaker Speaks. 5-KABC-It's Time. K M-Monitor (con'd.). K M -Reviewing Stand. KNX -Hollywood Music Hall. EGER-rIllible Treasury. EGFJ-Jive At Five.

KMPC-Braven Dyer. KO WL-Chinese-American Show.

[( Me-Hellenic Greek Hour. liKKII-Gospel Assembly. K WK W- Westmlneter Church.

5 :05-és A BC--Christians in Action. 5 :15-EM.IPC -John MeShane.

KPOL-Sunset Serenade. :30*KAMC-George Sokolsky.

EFI -Shirley Thomas. RHJ -Lutheran Hour.

*KNX-CBS News; Sunday Desk.

KGFJ -Visit With Vi. KM PC -John McShane. KRI M-Record Shop. K WS W -Eirst Church of the Nazarene.

KNEA-Lineoln Ave. Church. 5:45*KABC -Pri ate Wire. e-HABC--Yant Harvey Show. 111*KFI -Loeal News.

KHJ-Walter Winehell. KNX -Vicnettes. RFAC -Family Hour.

*KFOX, MCLA-U.?. News. KFWB -Bill Daniels Show. KGER-American Soul Clinic. EGFJ -Musical Digest. KM PC -Bill Stewart. KRRD -9t. Germain Founda-tion.

K WKW-Milt Nava. 6 :05--KN X-Our Miss Brooks. 6 :15-K ABC-Cent rill Alarm.

KEI -Boston Symphony Orch. KHJ-Tomorrow's Headlines. IC RA D-Record shop.

6 :30-K ABC -Mickey Katz Show. KHJ-Rin Tin Tin. KNX -Two for the Money. RIO X-Dinner Music. KERB -Events and You. KGER -Lutheran League. KKK D-Record Shop. KVIIE-Bible Center. HMS V4 -La V oz de la Profeeia.

KXLA-Gospel Hour. 6 :45-K FWB-Vour Radio-TV DM. :55*KAB(•.--News Reporter. ot -RABIC -Town Meeting.

Eli-Opera: "Faust" (3 hrs.) RH.I-Music.

*KNX-News. KBIG-Guest Star. KF 4C-H1 Fl Concert. KEW13-11ill Daniels Show. KFOX -Bell Full (.ospel, KGER-Dr. Gordon Palmer. KGFJ-Ave Maria Hour. K MPC -Bill Stewart. KPPC -Evening Concert. ¡U M W -Pan American Hour.

7 :05-KN X--Gene Autry. 7 :25-KHJ -Tomorrow's World. 7 :30-K FI-Opera (con'd.).

KILI-Flopaiong Cassidy. *KNX-News. EFOX -SundaY Serenade.

• ILFWB-Blind Artists' Guild. KGER-Dan Gilbert KGFJ-Nevr Hope Church. KM PC-Bill Stewart. K WK W -Proudly We Hail. K XLA -Church of Open Door.

7 :35-KNX--Gun smoke. 7:45-K FWB-Rosary Hour.

KGER -Bethel Reformed Church.

0 *KABC-Monday Headlines. KFI-Opera (con'd. ) KILT-Dean Clarence Manion.

*KNX-New SFAC-Sunday Concert. KFOX -Church of Christ Scientist,

K FMB-Presbyterian Church. KGFJ-New Hope Church.

*KLAC -News ; Gene Norman. KMPC-Le.•ion Salute. K WK W -Maple Chapel.

8 :05-KN X-Miteh Miller. 8 :15*111ABC-Erwiri Canham.

Kilt -John T. Flynn. KMPC -Studlo "A."

13:30-s ABC-It's 'rime. K it-Opera (rond.). KHJ -State of Nation.

EMPC-sServiee Show. KPOP-Family of Stars.

13:35-RABC -Sammy Kaye. ti:45*KiliFJ -News.

K3IPC-Freedom Story. 8:53*K ABC-News Reporter.

*KNX-News. eg-KABC- Voice of Prophecy.

KIFX31 -Newspaper of the Air.

KNX-Juke Box Jury. UFO X-New Hope Baptist Ch. EFWB--tinion Reseue Mission.

*KLAC-News; Listen Los Angeles.

K3114• -News; Easy Listening. 9 :15- K11.1 -Bob Considine. 9 :30-K ABC -Mexican Daydreams.

II El-Opera (eon'd.). M U-Sports Time. KE RB-community Hour.



K3114.:- Dance Time (till 12:00) 9 :45-K ABC-TBA.

KIIJ -Men's Corner. 9 :55-KNX-1 remendoue Trifles.

10-K ABC-Os rseas Assignment. *I{ FI-Richfield Reporter. KFWB-Community Hour. KIIJ-Hour of Decision.

*KNX-I0 p.m. Wire. KFAC -Gateway to Music. KGFJ-Antioch Evangelist.

*K LAC-News-I% no 1. 1,005 This?

10 :15-KABC -ScIence Editor. Kit-Mayor Poulson. KNX -Carroll Alcott News.

10 :30-K ABC-Revival lime. KF1 -Conversation. K M-Global Frontiers. KNX-Treasury Show. KFWB-Echoes of Eden.

of Stars. 10 :45-KHJ -Britain Sings.

11 -KABC -Marines ln Review. Ell-Supervisor's Report. KAI -News- Wheel.

*KNX -News. *RI AU -Gene Norman.

11:15-FCFI -6th Army Rand. KNX-The Leading Question.

11 :25-K ABC-Musical interlude. *KBIG -Southland News.

11 :30-K ABC-Lawrenee Welk Oreh. K it-Show Time. KEWB-Bill s'els Show.

11:45-KNX-Look to the Skies.

12--"Bc-KNX -Nlusle Till Dawn. Dr. Billy Graham.

KFAC-5Iusic Out of the Night *I( 51 PI '-Ne we-On Till Dee m EKED- Moonlight Serenade

FM STATIONS KCRW 89.9 KUSC 91.5 KFAC ..... 92.3 KNX ....... 93.1 KFMB 94.7 KABC 95.5 KRKD 96.3 KWKW ........ 98.3 KCBH 98.7 KHI KUTE KFOX KNOB 103.1

SU N DAY PRECASTS What's Playing

INVITATION TO LEARNING, KNX, 8:05 a.m. Dr. Lyman Bryson leads a discussion on Ellen Glasgow's "The Romantic Come-dians."

NE W YORK PHILHARMONIC, KNX, 11:30 a. m. Di mitrl Mitro-poulos directs the orchestra In the third act of Wagner's "Die Goetterdaemmerung," "Waldeweben" from Wagner's "Siegfried." Soloists are Astrid Varnay, Ramon Vinay, Luben Vichey and Clifford Harvuot.

OPERA, KFI, 7:CO p. m. Gounod's "Faust" is presented on your opera program tonight.

Wh o's Guesting W OOL WORTH HOUR, KNX, 1:00 p. m. Nat "King" Cole, Edye

Gorme, Clark Dennis and Larry Logan Join Percy Faith in presenting " What's New in Music."

Page 37: LAWRENCE WEL L MY BOSS - World Radio History


4e)senten. 0)" 49'0 Ox. C)t.dw 0›,,X 4r-(70,0" -Owen ielt et.-01‘0,~ W.0" O v-tent19'0~ ..9" Ur<Pt ex eby.e›.49. 4"- oe

t Monday-Friday Daytime Radio Logs k$ &Indicates News Broadcast. TB.4.—To Be Announced. 0 —KAIIC—Breakfast Club.

EFI —Johnny Murray. aK111--Cli It Engle. KNX—Ralph Story Show. RALI —Dr. Stanley Banes. KBIG--Catalina Bandstand (till 0:30).

KFAC —Stock Market KFWB—Sports; Erik Paige.

*KLAC. E M.A—News. KOFJ—World Bible Society, KGER—Mizinah.

*I MPC-- World News. RPOL —Child Evangelism,


"SPIN and WIN" 7:00 to 10:30 A. M.

Mon. thru Fri. Mora Music Every Minute

T1 ,9 Popular ...non 1020 .4 Me Wet

KPOP —Spin & Win (to 10:30) KRKD--Christ Church Unity. K WK W—Latin American Rhythms.

g 9)5—RFOX--Coffee Ttime. .154rliHd, KFXM—Boh Greene. &JINX—News; Dave Voile. RFWB--Zeke Manner..

Sersice Programs.

*KLAC —Sam Baiter. 1151PC —Business News. KPOL—The Voice of Calvary. BRI M— Music, M —Country Church of Hollywood. Tu-Fri.

O :t0—RH.1 —Sportlites. 4:25*HHJ, IIIFX.M —Ilve Star News.

IKMPC —Sports. 0:30&KFI —Pat Bishop Reports.

KILL ILF.XM — Bible Institute—M. W. F; Raven of Rest—Tu. Th.,.

KNX —Make Lp Your Mind. KGER —Voice of China. RI)FJ—College of Divine Science. PC —Dick liVhittinghlil (te 10).

KPOL—American Masterpieces L.A. Breakfast Club, W

KWK W—Bob Mercado. ILXLA —Haven of Rest —M, V; Music for Von—Tu, W, Th.

0:35-1ERRD—Sweet Harmonies. 8:45—KFI--Andy and Virginia.

KNX—Howard Miller Show. KFAC—Unity Viewpoint. HGER—Bible Treasury.

0: M*4/BIG—Southland News.

9--*-11ABC--Garden Guide. *ICHJ—Ceoll Brown. IENX—Wendy Warren. KBIG--Catalina Bandstand KF4C—Morning Concert.

*RFWB—News. Pat McGinnis, KGE.R—Lutheran Hour.


9:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. NE WS 10 MINUTES BEFORE


Mon. thfu Set.


KliEJ —Time for Music. KRKD—Modern Melodies.

9:05 —I/LAC—Haynes at the Reins. 9 : I àilr KABC—Bob (tarred News.

*KHd—Flve Star News. KNX—Backstage Wife.

9:20-1/11.1—Here's Hollywood. 9:?5—IEHJ—Mulde.

*RBIG. EMPC. KPOL—News. O :10—KABC —My True Story.

KIT—Ladies Day. • Kind —Norma Young. IIIN'X—Helen Trent. BFWB—Al Jarvis Ito 12:30). KGER —John Brown. KIEV—Lawrente Welk. KLAC —Peter Potter.. KPOL—Bob Scott. R WIC W—Festival With lins.

0:43—KNX—Our Gal Sunday.

9:55—KABC— Whispering Streets, 4r1/1.1— Mid Morning News.

1A-111,1—Art Baker. IF & Mad, KFX3I—Newspaper of

the Air. • IINX—Road of Life. RFAC—Concert Stage.

* KFOX—U.P. News. *RGER—News; Earl Lee. IIGFJ—Huslcal Portraits.

*ILLAC—News; Peter Potter. *fiMPC—News: Ira Cook

(te 2). II WK W —Teddy Fregoso. KXLA—Lou Stesens.

10 :05—RFOX —Sentimental Journey. 10:15—KABC— When a Girl Marries.

RFI —Melody Time. RAJ, KFKM—Tello-Test. KNX—Ma Perkins. KRKD—Dr. Richardson.

10:e5..cliFi—Renneth Banghart le:30-11ABC—Cornpanion—M-1.

/WU—Strike It Rich (Friday - T.B.A.).

K M. RF XM —Jack Wagner— M, Tu. W. F: Standard School Broadcast—Th.

KNX —Young Dr. Malone. KFAC—Loom of Music. KGER—Helen Markham. R M.—Merchants Olds. ATOP—Shopping Hilites.

*KRI M—News: Melodies. 10:15*HABC —Bob Garret!.

RISX —Gulding Light, RGER—Rev. Leroy Rote.

It :50—KARC —Georne Putnam 10:55 —J1E1—Pauline Frederick.

11 —KARC —Orvals• Tales. KFI —Phrase That Pays.

*1/11d—News. KNX-2nd Mrs. Burton. KCI1411—Bandstand - Grand-stand Ato 5:15).

KFAC —Masters in Miniature. KliFJ—Musical Festival.

*RLAC—New.; Peter Potter. HO WL—Lillian Randolph. 51-P.

RPOP—Bible Institute. RICLA—Music.

11 :115—RHJ —Story Time.

I : I 5—R ABC —Beat tile Record. KFI—Mary Ilickos. KNX —Perry Mason. HOER—Sunshine Miesion.

11:30-1KFI—Mary 51argaret McBride. KR& K ULA —Queen for a Day.

KNX —Nora Drake. KFAC—Int•I Music Hall. HOER— Mary Livingstone. KPOL—Magic Music Box. RPOP—Ret.cue Mission, HXLA—Hornetown Jamboree.

11:35-1/F1—Norman Vincent Peale. 11:4511d/1E1—Lunch Hour News with

Pat Bishop. IENX—Aunt Mary. KURD—Lawrence Welk.

il :511*KGFJ—News. 1 ,*RABC —Noontime News.

Ku —Jim Todd - Farm Reporter.

ilyirlid —Sid Fuller. *KNX—Renneally's 'News. KBIG—Catalina Bandstand. RFAC —Luncheon Concert. KGER—Through the Bible. RGFJ—Moods In Music. KMPC —Ira Cook (till 2). KO WL—doe Adams Show. II/POL.—Time for Norma.

&RPOP —Editor of the Air— W: Noon News—M W. Th. F.

KRKB —Loulse Martinson Show.

12:06—KLAC —Peter Potter. KFDX—Mild and Mellow.

12:15&RABC —Paiii Haney News. KII —Calif. Agriculture. KILT—Nelson Churchill.

*I1NX—Nelson MelnInch. 12:25110/1110, KRIED—News. 12:30&KABC —Sam Hayes.

&Till—Local News. RIP—Jack Wagner. RC X—Art Linkletter, KRIG —Catalina Bandstand (cone.).

IlFWB—Boh McLaughlio's Clubtime (to 4:00).

HOER—World Tomorrow. KLAC -570 Club, RIPOP—Bible Class. »MLA— Music.

le:45-1CABC—Mlidred Younger. U n--Fibber McGee and Molly.

&IBFAC—Dick Joy, News. 12 :55&K ELI—News.

&R WK W —News. Sports Now É min, bet, each br. & }‘ ler.

1—HABC—Make Mine Romance. KFI —Right to Happiness. ILEIJ—Plack to the Bible. laNI—Arthur Godfrey 11,4 bra.

EBIG—Catalina Bandstand (cont.).

RFAC—Serenade. *RFOX —U.P. News. 11GFJ—Rendessoub with Music.

&KLAC —News; Sports. HPOL--Time for Norma. RPOP—Harlem Matinee to 4:00 KRI M—Polka Time.

*KV OE—News: Open flouse. É WK W —La flora de Los Angeles,

KXLA —Frank Simon. 1:1111—ELAC -57u Club.

RFOX—Mild and Mellow. 1:15-1(FI—Stella Dallas.

*lifiER-- World News— H-F. 115*RBIG —Who's la the News. l:30—KABC —I'll Take Romance.

KHI—Jack Wagner. RBIG--Family of Stars—Tu. tEFAC —Coneert Matinee, KGER--Adventures In Music — M; Quarter Hour on Quarter Deck —T; Let's Es-pliure— W; Story Hour—Th: Story Book Time—F,

Kt:I'd—Rendezvous II Hit Music, entd.

AWK W —Teddy Fregoso. KXLA—Farm News—NI: Garden Chats—Tu, W,

1:45—EFI —Pepper Young's Family. RXLA—County Schools— M, T, W, Th; Music—F.

1:05—KBIG--Men of Troy— M: Pass the Word—Tu. W, Th: Sports Package—f'

2_ A MIC—Oave Showalter. RFI— Woman In My House, KBIG —Catalina Bandstand

(cont.). *RGER—News: F.S. Lady-4:

*News; L.B. Band—Tu-Fri. litiFd—Musical Matinee.

&KLAC—News: Sports. RMPC—Johnny Grant (till 3). KPOL—The Wilshire Hour.

Service. 2:05—IEFOX —Take It Easy Time.

KLAC-570 tint). !AS—R R —Pr...eating Claude Rains

EGER—Guest Star, M-111. Lc: Freedom Ring, F.

IHP01..--musleal Comedy.

O :1S—KINIO—Southenng Dateline. :30—RFI—The Lone Ranger.

RNX—Ruth Ashton. HOER—Peter Slack, Organ. KPOL-11a1Ps Magic Hall.

&IIRKD—News—Tops in Pops. till i:30.

EXLA—Continentni Serenade. 2:40—JINX—Gil Henry Show, 2:45 —K WB W —Norm Palmer Show

to 3:45 :55*RF1 —News and Weather.

*KNX—News. 3—KABC—Rddie Cantor Show. K IT—Andy and Virginia. HHJ —Behind the Story. NN—englp Norman.

HBIG—Calalina Bandstand conta .

KFWII—Bob McLaughlin. *RGER—News; Good News

in Music. Kt:Ed—Music In the Air.

*HLAC, EXLA—Newm, RO WL—Joe Adams Show. IRPOL--Taelt Turner.

3:05—RFAC —Reyboard Styling.. 3:1à--RHJ —Melody Manor.

KXLA —Tom Brennen Show, 3:25*KHJ. KFXM —F1vo Star News. 3:30—KARC —Hank Weaver Show,

KIT—Hotel For Pets. Looks at

Hollywood. RNX —Matinee (to 4:55). ICFAC —World of Opera. HA ER—Commuter's Caramel Ito 5).

fiGIL--Melody Time. 3:45—KFI—Dick Sinclair,

Nfld, IEFXM —Tello-Test. KALI —Saivador lieniandet. R WIC W—Bill Garr Show (to 5).

3 :50*Ii(iFJ

4—KABC—ilank Weaver (cued.). *1(11J —Fulton Lewis, Jr. KFAC—Musical Masterpieces.

*RFOX, News. RFWB—Larry Finley (to 6:30).

HGFJ —Musical Momignts. *IteMO—News: 1001, Club. KPOL--Light. Camera. Music. RPOP—Spirituals.

*RVOE—News: Music. 4:05—KFOX—Musical Highlights.

R WIZ—Top Teen Tunes, 4:le*ILFI—BurrItt Wheeler. 4:15*—KH.1, KF5011—Frank Hen, -

IngwaY. 4 :25a1K1116 —wmthland Newa. 4:311—KHJ, KFXM —Here'•

Answer. . KI,AC—Alex Cooper. KRKII—George McLain.

4:41)*RABC—News. 4 :4311(KA teC—Hank W • Sports.

*KI M KFX. M —Sam neCe«. 4:55*KFI —Lnedd News.

N•C —City PAO* or.


TODAY IN LOS ANGELES Correll illcott reports

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Page 38: LAWRENCE WEL L MY BOSS - World Radio History


RADIO Logs for MONDAY, Oct. 31 See Page 37 for 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Daytime Radio

Log Listings

S*KABC —Len Beardsley. KFI—Investor's News. KHJ —Better Tomorrow.

*KNX—Ed. R. Marrow. ERIC —Catalina Bandstand. KFWB--Larry EGER—Aubrey Lee. KGFJ —Musical Reveries. KLAC —Alex Cooper. KMPC —Bill Stewart. K PAL—Mimi en I C nmed1. KPOP—Reeorded Music. KliKD —Ten Top Tunes.

*K WK W—World and Local News

5:05—KHJ—Bob and Ray. 5 :10*KABC—News.

KFI —Southland Weather Summary.

5 :15*ICABC—Bill Stern. *KFI —Roll le Thomas. *KNX—Carroll Alcott. KFOX —Top Ten Tunes. K WK W—Race Roundup.

5 :30—K ABC—Wm. Winter. *KFI —Feature Wire. KHJ—Bob Greene. KNX—Tom Harmon. RFAC—Cnntinent II Varieties. KGECE--Frieda Neuhaus.

*K LAC—N is ; I.. 4. 1 oday. KRRD —Snorts Dial. K WK W—Hora de Oro. XLA--Suueakin' Deacon.

15 :43*K ABC —Bob Garret]. *KFI —Dave Shaw News.

Brundige. *KNX—Frank Goss. *KFWB—Bob Kennedy. KLaC—Sam ii.11 ter. Sports. BRED—Race Results.

:55*KHJ—Five Star News. * ENX —News.

6leliABC—John Vandercook. *KFI—Elmer Peterson. —Giihriel Wetter. *KNX—Clete Roberts News. KFOX —Johnny Otis Shuw. KFWB—Larry Finley.

*KLAC. KFOX. KLAC —News; Music.

KGER—American Soul Clinic. FIGFJ —Request Performance. KM PC —Bob Kelley. KRKD—Tops In Pops. K WK W—Italian Radio Melodies.

6 :05—KLAC—Ten Top Tunes. 6 :10—KNX—Tom Hanlon. 6 :15*KA liC—N ews it sports.

KFI —Sports Report, KHJ —Guest Time.

*KN X—Lowell Thomas. *KMPC —News.

6 :20 —KBIG —Maritime Edition of the News.

6 :25—KABC —Paul Masterson. 6 :30—KFI —American Way.

*KHJ—Viritil Plnkley. KNX—Amos 'u' Andy Musk Hall.

KALI—Programs Pan Americana.

KFAC —Muslcal Milestones. KFWB—America Dances. KGFJ —.4ntliony Norvell. KM PC —Today's Races. K RHO —Right to Live (Spanish).

K WK W—Hoyos Hour. KXLA—Frank Simon.

6 :45*1FCHJ —Sam Hayes. KGFJ —Outdoor Broadcaster,

6 :55—KABC—Bob Garret!. KHJ —General Sports Time.

*KNX —News. 7*KABC —Edward Morgan. R1F1—Art Baker's Notebook. KHJ—True Detective Mysteries.

RN X—Talent Scouts. K InIG —Southland Salute. KFAC —Musie at Seven. KGER—Family Bible Hour, KGFJ —Fleta Latina.

*KLAC, KENO, RIMED. KV « —News; Music.

IDIPC—Bill Stewart. KXLA—Lou Stevens.

7:l KABC —Paui Masterson. ¡CFI—Fibber McGee & Molly. KRI M —Dinner Music.

7 :30—K ABC—Strange. F M—Cisco Kid. KHJ—John Steele. Adventurer.

*KNX—News. FA('—Echoes 8 Encores.

KFWB—Chet Huntley. ROER—Rey. Victor Glenn. KOFJ —Hollywood House Party.

K RED— Dr. Richardson. K WK W —La Hora Popular. K XLA—Tonstm.isters

7:35—KNX —Jack Carson chow.

VIOLET SCHRAM "SHOPPING HiLites" 10:30 A.M. Daily Monday thru Friday

The POPular Mahon 1020 on the die/

REVIEW Edgar Bergen

Sunday. 4:05 p.m. CBS-KNX

Radio, the good old-fashioned kind, is exemplified by Edgar Bergen's new show on CBS. Listening\to Bergen and the gang is an hour well spent.

The sharp-tongued Charlie McCarthy, slow but sure-witted Mortimer Snerd, humorously diversified Jack Kirkwood and the musical talents of Gary Crosby, Carole Richards, the Mellomen and Ray Noble's orchestra are an un-beatable combination.

Repartee between Bergen and his dummies sparkles. He did a very funny bit with Charlie who was re-luctant to study his history lessons. Charlie dubbed Henry VIII the origina-tor of Queen For A Day.

Program has been formatted into various categories, the poet laureate corner, special events and the round table for square heads. Interspersed with all this humor are the delightful efforts of a wonderful music crew.

Page Thirty-eight

7 :45—K ABC—Saga. KFWB—Rosary Hour.

7 :55*KABC —News, Bob Garrett

a —KABC —Tom Baxter. 0 *K M—News of the World. *KHJ, KFYLM —Reporter's

Roundup. *KN X—N ea s. KFAC —Evening Concert. KFVVB—Bob Kennedy Halting. KOFJ— World Bible Society. KLAC —Gene Norman (to it). KMPC —Bill Stewart.

*K XLA—News. It W K W—Musle.

:05—KNX—Tennessee Ernie. 8 :15—KFI —Oue Man's Family.

K XLA —Charlie Aldrich. 8 :30— KA BC—Voice of Firestone.

*KFI—Henry J. Taylor. KHJ —Pop the Question. KNX—Johnny Dollar. KXLA—Lou Stevens. KVVIC K —Japanese Program.

8:45—KFI —The World We Live In. KNX —Bing Crosby. ROER— Dan Gilbert.

*KOFJ —News. : 55*KF1 —News.

9— KABC —Lee Zimmer. KFI —Telephone Hour. KIM—Charles Arlington.

*KNX —News. KFOX—Sleepy Stein Show. ROER—Dr. Vernon McGee.

*KtiFJ—Hunter Hancock. KMPC —Inside Football. K WK W—Fire Face« and FULL

9 :05—KMPC —Bill Stewart. 9 :15*K H.1—Ful ton Lewis. Jr.

KNX—My Son Jeep. *K WK W—Neas

g :30—tr BC-1.. A. Concerts. KFI —rninterrupted Melody. KHJ —Musie. EN X —Gil Henry Show. KFWB—Jazz W est Coast, KM PC—Dance Time. K WK W —Pract, Catholicism.

9 :45—KHJ—Footnotes to History. K WK W—V alley Party Line.

11:55*KHJ —Five Minute Final. ▪ a *KABC —News. ▪ V *etirl —Blehfield Rennrter.

*ICHJ —George Crowell.

*KNX —Ten O'Clock Wire. KFAC—Crossroads of Music. KFWB—Larry Finley Time (till 4 a.m.).

KG ER—Camp Meeting. KMPC—Dance Time. K WK W —Clar-Mille. KXLA—RIck Lsizaar Show.

10 :05—ROER—Tommy Baird. KLAC —Jim Ameche.

10 :15—KAISC —Dr. Frederick Ballet. KFI —A Joy Forever.

Kennealiv. K WK W—Farms and Gardena.

10:25—EN X—Tom Hanlon. 10:30—KABC—Lonesome Gal.

KFI—This Thing Called Life. *KNX —Philip Norman. 1,C WK W—Noehe De Rood*. ROER— A. A. Allen.

10:45—its. 1—Al Pork's Show.

11 —KABC —Terres Lea. *KFI -11th Hour News. *H MI —News-Wheel. *KNX—Max Roby. KIFOX—Midnight Serenade. KGER—Brother Clarence. KMPC--Dance Time (con'd.). K XLA—Joe Nixon.

11 :10—K NX —Hanlon's Scoreboard. 11 :15—KABC—Say It With Music.

KFI —Sports, R. Thomas. KNX—Merry-Go-Round.

11 :30—KFI —Night Music. KGFJ—Continental Gems.

11 :40—KNX—Tom Hanlon Show. 11 :45—KABC —Manuel Cerecedes.

KGFJ—Continental Gems. 11 :55*KFI —News. 12' ABC—Rourke in Hollywood.

(till 2 a.m.). KFI —Midnight Flyer. KFAC —Musie Ont of the Night.

ROER—Sepia Serenade. KGFJ—Night Club (till 6).

*KMPC —News. Kill Brooks, KMPO—Pete Lombardo. KURD— Moonlight Serenade (till 4:00 a.m.).

KXLA—Charlie 12 :05—KNX —Charlie Williams. 12 :05—KNX —Bil I Ballance Show.

KLAC —Ales Cooper. i—sn—Ben Hunter's The Other

Side Of The Dar.


VOICE OF FIRESTONE, KFI, 8:30 p.m. Thomas L. Thomas sings "Marcheta," "In the Still of the Night," "Granada," and "Il Ba-len" from Verdi's "II Trovatore." TELEPHONE HOUR, KFI, 9:00 p. m. ,Barbara Gibson. soprano, Is

guest with Donald Vorhees and the Bell Telephone Orchestra. Her selections Include "Una Voce Poco Fa" from "The Barber of Seville," "If I Were on the Stage" from "Mademoiselle Modiste" and "Possetied" by Delibes.

Carole Richards' rendition of the simple ballad "Love and Marriage" was top-notch; Crosby's "Learnin' the Blues," was delivered with sock; and the Mellomen harmonized with plenty of verve.

Bergen's special guest was Professor Jan Popper, of UCLA's Music Depart-ment, who announced his new CBS-TV opera serie!, Spotlight on Opera.

Yes, Bergen is back and radio really needed him. Scripting by Hilda Black, Zeno Klinker and Sy Rose was never put to better use. M.R.


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Page 39: LAWRENCE WEL L MY BOSS - World Radio History

RADIO Logs for TUESDAY, Nov. 1 :30—R ABC—Strange. See Page 38 for 8 a.m. to Kin— Dragnet.

K 5 p.m. Daytime Radio Hp —Broadway I. up. Log Listings 5*Ii A BC —Len Beardsley. KFI—Investor's News.

KHJ —Better Tomorrow. *KN X —Ed. R. Morrow. KBIG—Daiwing at Avalon. KFIVB—Larry Finley Time. HUER—Aubier Lee. KG Ft — Musical Reveries.

*K LAC—News Sports. *KM PC—News; Bill Stewart. t: "tit T KPOP—Recorded Music.

en 'Cop Tunes. *K WK W—News.

5 :OS—K M—Bob and flay. KLAC —Gene Norman.

5 :10*K ABC—News. KFI —South land Weather Summary.

5:15*HABC—Bill Stern. *KFI —Rollie Thomas. *KNX—Carroll Alcott, KFOX—Ten Top Tunes. KFWB—Sports; Erik Pelee. ilCFJ —Here's to Vets.

5 211—K W K W — Race Roundup. 5 :30—KA FIC —Win. Winter.

*K 11—Feat ure Wire. KHJ—Bob Greene.

*KNX —Tom Harmon. K FAC —Continenta I Varieties KFWB—Larry Finley. KGER—Frieda Neuhaus. KGFj—Muslcal Reveries, KLAC—Ales Cooper, KRI M—Sports Dial. KVIK W—Hoyos Hour. KXLA —Squeakin' Deacon.

5 :45*K A BC —Bob Garred. *E n —Dave Shaw New*. KHJ—Bill Brundige.

*KN X—Frank Goss. KLAC—Sam Baiter: Sports. KRKIIIM—Liace Results.

5 :55*K HJ—Five Star News. KNX —Local News.

6*KAIRC —John S'andercook. *K FI—Elmer Peterson. *KHJ—Gabriel Hea t ter. *KNX —Clete Roberts, News. KFOX—.7.11 ttttt y Otis Show.

*KFO X. KIFAC. KI. AC—News. KGER—Anierican Soul Clinic. KGFJ —Request Performance. K M PC—Bob Kelley: Snorts. KRKD—Tops in Pops. K WK W —Ita Ilan Melodies.

:05—KLAC—Ten Top Tunes.

:111—KNX —Tom Hanlon. 8 :13*K ABC—Netts St Sports.

KFI —S port s Report. KHJ—Eddle Fisher.

*KNX —Lowell Thomas. *KM PC —World & Local News.

:25—KABC —Paul Masterson. 8 :30-1K FI—KFI Calling.

*K M—Virgil Pinkley. K NX—Amos 'u' Andy Music

KFAC —Musical Milestones. KFliVII—America Dances. KGFJ—Anthony Norvell. K MPC—Today's Races. KRKD —Right to Live (Span.) KWK W—Hoyos Hour. KXLA —Frank Simon.

:45*K HJ —Sam Hayes. II:55*K ABC —Bob Garred.

KHJ —General Sports Time. *K NX —News.

*K ABC —Edward Morgan. KFI—Art Baker's Notebook. K HJ —Tren so ry Agent. KN X--$64,000 Question. KALI—Latin Festival. K FAC —M »lc at Seven. KGER—Family Bible Hour. KGFJ—Fiesta Latina. KMPC —Bill Stewart (*111 8).

*K }MD...News. KXLA —Lou Stevens. KIU M—Dinner Music.

7 :15—K ABC—Auto Show of the Air. KFI—Fibber McGee and Molly

*KFWB—Chet Huntley. ISGER —Rev, Sictor Glenn. KGFJ—Hollywood House Party K RHO—Health Talk. K WK W—La Horn Popular. IRXI.A—Mrtry Burke Ring.

7 :35—KNX—Jack Carson Show. 7 :45—K A BC—Saga.

K NN —Johnny Dollar. KFWB—Itositry Hour.

7:55*K ABC—Bob Garred. 0 -1I ABC—Tom Baxter. Igl*KFI —News of the World.

KHJ —Fachatited Hour. *KNX—News. ir F se—Evening Concert. KFWB—Rob Kennedy Hailing (till 10).

.ews Gene Norman (till 121.

KM PC—Bi II Stewart. 8 :05—K NX—Tennessee Ernie. 8 :15—K FI—One Man's Family.

KGFJ —ftoclai Security. 8:30—KABC—Life is Worth Living.

KFI —People Are Funny. K/1.1 -1 Ask You. KNX —Johnnie Dollar. KGFJ —College of Div. Science. K WK W —Greek Church.

8:45—KNX—Bing Crosby. KG E'R—Dan Gilbert.

*KGF.1—News. 8:55*KABC —Admiral News.

9-1( ABC — Zimmer Show. *KFI—Local News. *K M, KEN:VI—News. *KNX—News. KFWB—Bob Kennedy. KFOX—Sleeny Stein Show. KGFJ—Hunter Hancock. KMPC —InsIde Foot

9:05—KFI —Your Radio Theater, KMPC —Bill Stewart.

9 :15*KH.1—Folton Lewis. Jr. KNX—My Son Jeep.

9 :30—IC A BC —BIll Hamilton. KN X—Gil Henry Show. K KM PC —Dance Time.

9 :45.—KNX—World of Sports. 9 :55—K HI—Five Minute nerK ARC— News.

Ai V Wu field Reporter. *KIM—George Crowell. *KN X-10 O'Cloek Wire. KFAC —Crosioroade of Music. KF% B—Larry Finley till 4 a.m.).

10:15—K ABC —Dr. Frederick Bailee. KFI —A Joy Forever.

*KNX—Bill Kenneally. 10 :15—KNX—Tom Hanlon. le :30—KABC—Lonerome Gal.

KFI —Burritt Wheeler Show. *KNX—PhIlip Norman. KM PC —Dance Time.

10 :45—KFI —Al Peak% Show.

11 — KABC —Terrea Lea. *KFI -11th Hour News. *KHJ —News- Wheel. *KNX —Mas Roby. KFOX—Midn I alit Serenade.

11 :10—KN X—Hanlon's Scoreboard. 11 :15—KABC —Say It With Music.

KFI —Sports with Rollie Thomas.

KNX —Merry-Go-Ronnd. 11:30—R H —Night Music.

KGIL'Family of Stars.

HUNTER HANCOCK "HARLEM MATINEE" 1 to 4 P. M. Mon. litro Sot.

Th• 1•01•Litar stitilon 1020.


CLASSICAL DISC JOCKEY, KABC. 8:00 p. m. Tom Baxter Inter-views Richard Lewis, noted English tenor singing the role of Troilus in Walton's "Troilus and Cressida" with the San Fran-cisco Opera.

What's New 864,000 QUESTION. KNX, 7:00 p. m. Hal March, emcee, is heard on

the radio version cd the gopultir money-quiz show.

RADIO Logs for WEDNESDAY, Nov. See Page 38 for 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Daytime Radio Log Listings S*K4 BC—Leu Beardsley. K FI—In vectors' Newe.

KHJ —Better Tomorrow. *KN X—Ed. R. Morrow. KALI—Voice of So. America. 'WIG —Catalina Bandstand. KFWB—Larry Finley Time. KGFJ—Musical Reveries.

*KLAC —News : Sports. *KMI'(' —N w,I Bill Stewart. tt giro I Ci•metir• KPOP—Recorded Music.

en 'l'op Tunes. *18 WK W—Nrws.

5:05—KHJ—Bob and Ray. .AC— Alex Cooper.

5 :10*KA BC —News. KFI —Southland Weather Summary.

5 :15*KABC—Bill Stern. *KFI—Rol I ie Thoinas. *KNX —Carroll Alcott. KFOX—Top Ten Tunes. KFWB—Sports: Erik Paige.

5 :20—K W K W—Race Roundup. 5:30*KABC— Wm. Winter.

*KFI—Feature Wire. *KI1J—Bob Greene. KNX—Tom Harmon. K FAC—Cooti nent I Varieties. KGER—Frieda Neuhaus.

*KLAC —.News; L.A. Today. KRKD —Sports Dial. K WK W —Hoyos Hour. KXLA —Squeakin Deacon.

5 :45*K ABC —Bob Garred. *KFI—Dave Shaw News. *KHJ—Bi II Brundige. *KNX—Frank Goss. KLAC—Sam Baiter, Spurts. K RK11—Race Results.

5 :55*K HJ—Five Star News. *EN X—Loral News.

e*HABC--éolui Vandercook. *KIPI —Elmer Peterson. *KHJ —Cabriel Heatter *KNX —Clete Roberts. News. *K FA(:. K FOX. KLAC—News. KFOX —Johnny Otis Show. KGF,R—American Soul Clinic. KGFJ —Request Performance. K.MPC—Bob Kelley. Sports. KRI M—Tops in Pops. K WK W —Italiase Melodies.

:05—KLAC—Top Te nTunes. :1O—KNX—Tom Hanlon. 0 :15*K ABC—News Ji Snorts.

KF1 —Snorts Helmet. KIM—Guest Time.

*KN X—Loweil Thi ones. KFWB—Fan hi the Stands.

*KMPC— World and Local News.

:SO*KBIG--,Mari time Edition of the News.

:25—K A BC—Pe til Masterson Show. 6:30—KFI —Truth or Consequences.

*K M—Virgil Pin kiey. KNX —Amos 'n' Andy Music Ball.

KFAC —Musical Milestones. KFWB—America Dances. HOER—Rev. Al Harlan. KGFJ —Anthony Nome'. ILAIPC —Today 'a Races. KRKD—Right to Live (Spanish).

K WK W—Hoyos Hour. KXLA—Frank Simon.

:45*KHJ—Sam Huyes. KGF.1—Outdoor Broadcaster.

:55—KABC —Bob Garred. *KFI —News. KHJ—General Sports Time.

*KNX—News. *KABC —Edward Morgan. KFI —Art Baker's Notebook. KIM —Gangbusters. KNX—F.B.I. In Peace and War.

KFAC —Music At Seven. KGER—Family Bible Hour. KGFJ —Fiestis Latina.

*KLAC. KRKD—News. KMPC—Bill Stewart (to E. IL/CI A—Lou Stevens.

7:15— KA BC -111 ue Ribbon Bouts. KFI—Flbber McGee Ji Molly. KRI M—Dinner Music.

7:30 —KFI —Cisco Rid. KHJ —Public Prosecutor.

*KNX—News. }IFAC —Echties and Encores. KFWB —Chet Huntley, Kt:FR—Rev. Victor Glenn. KOFJ—Hollywood Bouee Party.

K It K D—Dr. Richardson. K WK W —La Hora Popular. KXLA-51usir.

:35—KNX —Jack Carson. 7 :45*—K A 11C—Bob Garrett.

*KFOX—U.P. News. K M'S—Rosary Hour.

elt —KABC—Tom Baxter. 11.*KFI —News of the World.

K M —Evening Serenade. *KNX —News. KFAC —Evening Concert, KFWB—Bill Daniels Show, EGER—Bible Treasury, IFIGICJ —World Bible Society.

*KLAC—News : Gene Norman (to M OO).

KMPC—Bi II Stewart, KWK W—Teddy Fregoso.

:o5—.KN X—Tenneiesee Ernie. l4:15-1181 —One Man's Family.

KG ICJ— Marine Recruiting. KXLA —Charlie Aldrich.

8:30—KABC —Eddle Cantor Show. KFI —Collece Quiz Bowl. EH! —Family Theater. KNX —Johnny Dollar, KGER—Voice of ('hina. KOFJ—College of Div. Science

:45—ANX —Illn a Crosby. 8 :55*KF1—News.

9—K ABC —Lee Zimmer Show. KFI—You Bet Your Life. *K11.11. K N X—News. *KNX—News. KFO X —Sleepy Stein Show. RUE R —Ki n g's Service.

"HUNTER HANCOCK SHOW" Real crazy' Music

'Real crazy' MC


9:00 P. M. to 12:00

Monday thru Saturday KGFJ 1230 Kg.

KGFJ —Hunter Hancock. KMPC —Inside Football.

9 :01—KSIPC —BUI Stewart. 9 :15*K HJ —Fulton 1.1,0S. Jr.

KNX—My Son Jeep. 9 : 30—K A ISC—Freddv Martin—

Stereo Sound. KIF1 —Uninterrupted Bel ay. KIM—Music. KN N—Gii Henry Show. KI% IS—Jazz West Coast . HOER—Dr. Orr Bible Study. KNIPC —Dance Time.

9:45—KHJ —World of Sports. 9 :55—KFI —Travel Bureau.

*KIIJ —Five Minute Final. I gi*K ABC —News. Ai *K FI—Rich field Reporter.

*KHJ —George Crowell. *K N X-10 o'Clock Wire. KFAC —Crossroade of Music. KFWB —Larry Finley.

10 :15—KABC—Dr. Frederick Bolles. KFI —A Joy F •

*K N X—Bill Kenneally. 10 :?5--IINX —Tom Hanlon. 1 o :30--K ABC —Lonesome Gal.

KFI—This Thing Called Life. K M —George Crowell.

*KNX —Philip Norman. KMPC —Dance Time. K WK W—Noche de Ronda. HUER—A, A. Allen,

10 :45—KFI —Al Poeka Show. —KABC--Terrea Lea. *KFI -11th Hour News. *1111J—News- Wheel. *KNX —Max Roby. KFOX—Midnight Serenade.

11 :10—KNX—Hanion's Scoreboard. 11 :LS—K ABC--Say It With Musk.

KFI —Sports With Rollie Thomas.

KN X—Merry-Go-Round,



FAMILY. THEATER, K HJ, 8:30 p. m. Marshall Thompson, host, presents John Lund in "Turn on the Lights." The story of a Navy medical officer who helps a young Korean veteran out of a severe psychological trauma.

Who's Fighting BLUE RIBBON BOUTS, ELAEIC, 7:15 p. m. Paddy DeMarco vs.

Frankie Ay« f f

Page Thirty-nine

Page 40: LAWRENCE WEL L MY BOSS - World Radio History

RADIO Logs for THURSDAY, Nov. 3 RADIO Logs for FRIDAY, Nov. 4 3ee Page 38 for 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Daytime Radio

Log Listings

SecK ABC -Len Beardsley. *KFI -Investor's News. KHJ -Better 'I' bbbbbbb rrow.

*KNX -Ed. R. Morrow. KBIG -Cata lino Bandstand. KF WB -Larry Finley 'time. KliE It - Aubrey KiliFJ -Musiral Reveries.

*K LAC. K WK W -News. *KMPC -Newe; Bill Stewart.

P01. -Musice I Comedy. K POP -Recorded Music. KRKID -Ten Top Tunes. K LAC- Ales Cooper.

5:le -K M -Bob and Ray. :111*K AB(7 -News.

KIT-Southland N'eather Summary.

:15 -KABC -1011 Stern. *KFI -Rollie Ti tttttt as. *KNX -Carroll Alcott. KFOX -Top Ten Tunes. KFWB -Sports: Erik Paige. KtiF.1 -Tra vet Newt.. K POP -Music.

5:C0 -KU H N -Race Roundup. 5 :30 -K ABC- Wm. Winter.

KIT- Feature Wire. KHJ -Bol) Greene. KNX -Tom Harmon. KFAC -Coutinenta 1 Varieties.

E It-Frieda Neuhaus. KGFJ -Musical Reveries. K! MD -Sports Dial. K WK W -Hoyos Hour. KXLA -Squeakhe Deacon.

:43*K ABC -Bob Garrett. *KFI -Daye Shaw News. *KHJ -Bill Brundice. *KNX - Frank (Msg. KLAC -Sam Baiter. Sports. KRI M -Race Results.

:55*K11.1. KN X -News.

6* KABC -John l'anderrook. *KFI -Xlmer Peterson. *K M -Gabriel Heal ter. *KNX -Clete Roberts, News. *K VAC, KIT) X. KLA(' -News. K FT) X-Johntly Otis Show. KGER -Ameriran Soul ('linic. Kt:FA -Request Performanee. WRFC -Rob Kelley, Sports. K IRK 1)-Top In Pops. K WK W -I t titian tlelodies.

T HS111011. 6:15*KABC -News & Sport..

K Ft -Sul-bet s Rennet. Ki p -Eddie Fisher.

*KNX -Lowell T1 tttttt as. *KMIN' - World and Locist

News. :25 -K 5 Iti '-Paul Masters°. Show :30-KFI -Record Album Revue. *KHJ -S trail Pinkie,. KNX -A 'n' Andy Music Hall.

KALI- Programa Pan America KFAC -Musical Milestones. K FOX -Music Till Seven. K FW It- America Daneest. KGER -Rev. Al Harlan. KGFJ -Anthony Norwell. K M PC-Today 's Races. KRKD -Right to Lit e (Spanish).

K WK W -Hoyos Hour, K XLA -Frank Si .

:45*KHJ -Sam Hayes Kt:F.1 -08'1door Irroadcast.

:55*KABC -Itob Garrett. KHJ-.13eneral Snorts Time.

*KNX -News. 7* KABC-Edward Morgan News.

I 'momentary. KIII -Art 'hiker's Notel k. KH.I -Offiria 1 Weevily e. KNX -Godfrey's Digest. KALI-Latin l'estival. - KF'AC -Music at Seven. ILI:I:It -Family Bible Heur. Kt: Kt -Fiesta Latina.

*K LAC. KKHD -Newe. KMPC -Bill Stewart. KXLA -Lou Stevens.

:05 -KLAC -Ten Top Tunes. 7:15 -HABC -Auto Show of the Air.

KFI -Fibber MeGee & Molly. KR HD -Dinner Mimic,

7 :30-KABC--St range.

*KIT -NKr Nei. s. K H.1 -I 'rime 11 slot ere.

*KN X-News, KF4C -Fehoes and Encores. KF WB--Fishing News. KGER -Helen Markham. KG KI -Holly wood House Party KRKD -Dr. Wylie rdson. K WIL W -La Hora Popular.

7:35 -KFI -X Minus Due. KNX -,Jack Carnon Show.

7 :45 -K AB('-Saca. *KFTIX -1 1.P. News. K FW It -Rosa ry Hour. KRK1) -1'atholie Hour. KX LA -51usie.

7 :56*KABC -News,

8- KA BC -Tom Baxter. *KFI -News or the World. KIIJ -Rseoiung Serenade.

*KNN -News. KFAC -Evening Concert. KF WB--Bill Daniels Show. Kt:ER -Bible Treasury. Kt:IA - World Bible Society.

*KI.AC -News: Gene Norman (to 12 MO).

KM PC- 8111 Stewart. K RHD -Polk a Part y. K WK W -Teddy Fret:moo.

8 :65--KN X -Tennessee Ernie, KGER -Dr. A. 11', Mirltelson.

8 :15 -K FI-One M all '14

KGFJ -Know Your Schools. K X LA -Charlie Aldrirli.

:30*KFI -News from N W'. KHJ - Wheel of Chance. KNX -Jol y Dollar. KtilLII -% oice of China. K FJ -Col. of Di sine Silence. KXLA -1.4m Stevens.

8 :35 -KFI -Grea t Gilderslem e. 8 :45 -K N X-Bing Crosby.

Kt:A M -Dan Gilbert. KGFJ -Army Air Force Rec.

9- KABC Zimmer Show. KFI -The (loon )thow. *KHJ -News. *KNX -News. K FOX-Sleepy Stein Show. KGER -S.D.A. Laymen Hour.

*1(1:1'.1- Hunter Ilancock. KG11. -51tis i ea I Scrapbook. KNIIN' -lnside Football. K WK W -San Gahriel Sym n1108 ».

9 M5-KFI -I terropted Melody. KMPC -Bill Stewart.

9 :15*K 1.. W 44. Jr. KNX -My Son Jeep. KGF:R -Sintlight Mission.

9.341 RAH(' Steretipl ' d. KFI -Uninterrupted Melody. KHJ -Foot hall :to, RN Henry Show. KGER -Dr. Orr Bible Study. KMIN: -Ihtnee Time.

9:55*KHJ -klye Minute Final. I A *KABC -News. li*K 1 I- Richfield Reporter

KHJ -Unit entity Esulore. *KNX -10 O'Clork Wire, KF WB -Larry Finley (till 4 a.m.).

10 m5- K ',AC -Crossroads of Mi,,.,,. 10 :15 -K A BC -Dr. Frederick Haile..

KIT -A Joy Forever. KHJ -Grorge Crowell.

*KNX -Itill Kemseally. to ;.es _KNx _Tont Hanlon. Its :341 -K A BC - I ttttt e Gal,

*KFI -Iturritt Wheeler. KILI--George ('rowell. KNX -Phil Norman. K MIN '-Day nee Time. w K w _Noche *de Ronda.

111:45 -KFI -Al Posit* Show. -K A BC -Ter rea Lea. *KFI -1111) hour News. *K 114- News-Wheel. *KS 5.- Mas Roby. K Ft) N-M isl,uiglut Serenade. K RI M-Uncle Charlie.

11 :16-K N X-11n1111111*. Scoreboard. 11 :15 -K A BC -Say 11 With Music.

KIT -Sports ; Rollie TI s. KNX -Merry Go H I.

11 :311 -K In -Holly Wood Palladl . KMPC -Danee Time.

II :01 -K N X-Tom Hanlon Show. 11 :45 -K ABC--Bill Pannell Drell. II ::15*K FI-News. 12' ABC -Rourke in Hollywood.

(till 7 a.m.). KFI -Midnight Flyer. KNX -Mnsle Till Dawn.



AUTOMOBILE SHO W OF THE AIR, KABC, 11:15 p. m. Jac Le Doff Interviews top executives of manufacturers of Buick cars who describe the 1956 modals.

Who's Guesting CLASSICAL DISC JOCKEY, KABC. 8:00 p. m. Tom Baxter presents

a taped Interview with Sir Willia m Walton whose new opera "Troilus and Cressida" Is being perfor med by the San Fran-cLsdo Opera Company.

Page forty

3ee Page 38 for 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Daytime Radio

Log Listings

5*K A BC -Len Beardsley. K FI-Invest or's News. K M -Better Tomorow.

*KNX -Ed. R. Morrow, KALI-Voice of So. America. KFOX -Todav In Sports. KF WB -Lart:y Finley rime. liliF.11 -Musical Reveries.

*KLAC, -News: Sports. *K5IPC -News :Bill Stewart. K POL -Musical Comedy. K POP -Recorded Music. KRKI) -Ten Top Tunes.

5 MS- K W -Bob and Rap. K WK W -News.

5 :10*K ABC -News. KIT -South land Weather Summary,

5:1S*KABC -Bill Stern. Thomas.

*KS: X -1 'e mit! Alrott. KFOX -Ten Tap Tunes. KF WB -Sports: Erik Paige.

: 70 -K WK W -Race Roundup. 5 :311*K ABC- W m. Winter.

KIT -Feature Wire. KHJ -Kob Greene. KNX -Tom Harmon. K FAC -Contittent al Varieties. KGER -F'rieda Neuhaus. K(iF'.l -Oiusicah Rey eries.

*K LAC--News. KRKD -Spierts Dial. K WK W -Hora de Oro. K X LA -Squeaktee Deacon.

5 : 15*K A BC-Bol) Garred. *KIT -Dave Shaw News. K HJ -Bill Brundi re.

*KNX -Frank Goss. KLAC -eiam Halter: Sports. KRKD -Race Resulte.

5:55*K11.1 -Five Star News. *KNX -Lorat News. e*KA BC-John 't andercook.

KFI -Eltner Peterson. *K11.1-I Mbriel Heatter *KS: -Clete Roberts. News. Kt:TIN -Johnny Otis Show. Kt.F:11 -Anneriean Soul ('tinte.


FOOTBALL" r•rieleil by

,=ENTURY OLDSMOBILE Fridays - 6-6:1S P.M. KGFJ 1230 KC

KGFJ -Ficiating Irish Football KMP(' -15011 Ketley. Sport*. KItK1)- -Tops in Pops. K W K W -It alien tlelodles,

6.05 -KI,Ae -Tino Ten Tunes. :10 -KNX -T Hanlou. :15*K ABC- News and Sports.

KIT -Sports Report, KH.I -Guest Time.

*KNX -Lowell Thomas. *KMPC - World and Local News

11:25- KA K42-1's oil Masterson Show ::111*K FI -TBA. *KII.1 - Virgil Plohler. KNX -Amoyi 'n' Andy Musk Hall.

K FAC -51usteal Milestones. KFON -Musie till Seven. Kr Wlif -America Dances, KGER -Rev. Al Harlan. KII:F.11 -Anthony Norwell, K(:11. -Memory Melodies. Kai PC-Today's Races. RK11 -Ricist to 1.ive (Spanish

K WK W -Hoyos Hour. K XL-A-Frank Simon.

: •15* K H.1 -saist Hayes, Kt F.I -Ou tdoor Broadcast er.

6 :55*K ABC -Itoly Garred. KHJ -General Sports 'Hose.

*KNX -News. 7*K.411C -Edward Morgan. KFI -Itoting Routs. KHJ -(' terspw. KNX -21st Precinct. KALI-Latin Festival. KFAC -Intermesso. KGER Family Bible Hour, Kt: VI - nests Latina,

*KLAC. KRKI)--News. KMPC -Bill Stewart. KXLA -Lou Stevens,

15 -K A BC- Paul Matters «. KIT -Sports Report.

Ki OX -Report from Westin. 7 :75 -K 1-1 -Sport s Digest. 7 :311 -K AISC -Hich Sri ttttt I Sports

Rally. K 11 -TBA. IC NJ -CI ty Editor.

*KNX -News. KFAC -Erhoes and Encores. KFVVR-Chet Huntley. KG ER -Precious Word, KI:F.1 -Hiellywood House Party KRKI) -Dr. Riehardson, K WK W -La Hora Popular.

7 :35 -KNX -Jack Carson. :15 -KAB( '-lazz International

Show. *KFOX -U.P. News, KFIVB -Rosary Hour. K RKI)--Ca t Indic H Mire

7 :55*KABC -News.

8- K ABC -Toin Baxter. *KFI-News of the World. KIIJ -Army Hour.

*KNX -News. KFAC -Evening Concert, KF'VVB -Bill Daniels Show. KI:ER -Bi Me Treasury. 1(61.'4 - World Bible Society. K51P(' -Bill Stewart. KRKI) -Polka Party (to 16:30) K WK W -Teddy

*K X I. A- Ne,.... :05--K N X -Temiessee Ernie. 8 :15 -K 11 -1 hie 51an's Family.

KNX -Temiesser Ernie t rntd). KGE.1 -Fulk Fare, K XLA--Charlie Aldrich.

:30 -KF1 -Art Baker's Notebook. IL/LI-Richard Hares Show. KNX -Johnoy KGER -Voice of China. KG FJ -Col. of Dis In,, Science. 'Ex-LA -Lop Steven.. ' ME W -% ariations.

8 :415 -K FI -Sereetade. KNX -Iting Crosby. KG ER -Dan tiiibcrt.

*KG FJ -New s. 8 :55*K.4115C -People in the News.

*KIT -News.

9-K A BC -TB A. KIT- Hollywood Palladi ttttt .

*KH.I -News. *KNX -News. KFVVB--Bill Daniels Show. KIN) X-Sleepy Stella Show.

*Kt; P.1- Hunter Hancock. K PC -Inside Foot bail.

9 :4)5,--K5IPC -Bill Stem art. *K W K W -Neu s.

9:15* M-1.1 -Fulton Lewis. Jr. KN X-My Son Jeep.

9 :30-K FI-1 ',interrupted Melody. KH.I-51 ask. K Hein, Show. K INV It--.1ives est Coast. KGER -Dr. Orr Bible Study, KM PC -Datice Thor.

*KV0E -News: On Stage. K WK W -Pasadeasa Quarter-backs.

9 :45-IL H .1- World of Sparts. 9 :55*KH.1 - nve Minute Final. foirKAlic -ABC Late News.

X V *111 ield Reporter. KH.1 -l.eorge Crowell.

*KN X -16 O'Clork Wire. KFAC -Crossroatis of Music. K FIV 8- La rry (till 4 a.m.).

KGER -Camp Meeting. K W K W -400 Club. K XLA -Rick ',wetter.




10:15 - 10:30 p.m. KABC every day, Monday

through Friday 6:45 - 7 a.m.

KRKD every day. Monday through Friday

10:15-K Sill - Dr, Frederick Banes. K I I -A Joy Forever.

*K \ KennetillY. KV, hIS -BIlly May Show.

10:75 -K s. -Tom Hanlon. 10:30 -K.S lit *-1,gene.onie lial.

K FI-This Thinc Called Life. RH J-George Crowell.

*K N Norman. K ( E -Stirred Songs. KM PC -Danee Time to M. K K W - Noche de Ronda.

116:45--KFI -Al Poska Show.


GILLETTE FIGHTS, KFI. 7:00 p.m. Carl "Bobo" Olson vs. Sugar Mv itelhasera See she inthdLeweàhht «gy m

Page 41: LAWRENCE WEL L MY BOSS - World Radio History


RADIO PROGRAM FINDER Note: * Indicates programs of news and commentroies

*Alcoa, Carro11. — .KNX. 5:15 p.m. M-F; ..... .... p m. Su; 10:15 p.m. Sa

American Way - — .KFI, 6:36 p.m. M America', Town Meeting..........KABC. 7 p.m. Su

Amos 'n' Andy Music Hall_KNX. 6:30 p.m. M-F Andy & Virginia KFL 8:45 a.m. M-F:

3 p.m. M-F' Armchair Concert KGFJ, 8 a.m. Sun

Army Hour KHJ, 8:041 p.m. F Ashton, Ruth ..K.NX 230 p.m. M-F Autry, Gene ....... ........ 7:05 p.m. Mu

Ave Marla Hour...... -- -KOFJ. 7 p.m. Su Bailee, Dr. Frederick....... KABC, 10:15 p.m. M-F

TI MED. 6:45 a.m. M-Sa Baker, Art KFI, 10 a.m. M-F; 7 p.m. M-Th; 830 p.m. F

*Ilanithart. Kenneth.. .KFI, 10:25 a.m. M-F

Basil De Soto Show KHJ, 8 a.m. Sa Baxter, Toni KABC, 8, p.m. M-115; 8:05 pan. F *Beardsley, Len....... 5p.m. M-F Beat the Record — _KABC. 11:15 a.m. M-F Beck, Fred ...... ...... -. --KABC. 6:00 a.m. M-F Behind the Story.. .KHJ, 3 p.m. M-F Bergen, Edgar -- _-___ __KNX, 4:06 p.m. Su Best of Hope ............. _____KNX, 7 p.m. Sa

*Bishop. Pat.. - -KFL 6 a.m., 8:30 eau. M-F Bob & Ray. K M, 5:05 p.m. M-F Boston Symphony Orchestra....KFI, 6:15 p.m. Su

Blue Ribbon Bouts.. -- --.......KABC. 7:15 W Breakfast 8 am, M-F Broadway Cop - - MU, 7:30 p.m. Tu *Brown, Cecil, News KHJ, 9 a.m. M-F

Cantor, Eddie KABC, 8:30 p.m. W. Th: 3 p.m. M-1,

Carson, Jack...-_-.--.__KNX, 7:35 p.m. M-F Catalina Bandirtand- -.KBIG, 6:30 p.m..

8 a.m. Su Catholic Hour .KFI, 11 s m. Su CBS Sunday Desk KNX, 5:30 p.m. Su Central Alarm .KABC. 6:15 p.m. Su Christian tielenee........._ ... _ .... AFL 9:15 am. Su: _....KHJ, 10:15 aan. Su; KPOP, 2:45 p.m. Su

Church or the Open Door KGER. II a.m. SU Cisco Kid-- ..... 7:30 p.m. M, City Editor__ ....... .............. 7 :30 p.m. 1

College Quiz Bowl _ _ ..... 8:30 p.m. W C. collingwood KNX, 6 p.m. Sa Community 9:30 p.m. Su companion__ .._ —_KABO. 10:34 g.m. M-F *Considine, Bob. _ ..... KILL 5:15 p.m. Su:

..... • ...... 9:15 p.m. Su Conversation ............... _______KFL 10:30 p.m. Su continental Varieties. -_.KFAC. 5:341 p.... 11 -1 Cook, Ira..... —._-....----KMPC, 10 a.m. M-Sa Cooper, Alex_ - -&-_ _KLAC 4.30 p.m. D

12.05 a.m. M-Sa Cnunterspv _ KILL 7 a.m. F Country Style. - KNX, 7:05 p.m. Sit Crime Fighters KILL 7:30 p.m. Ti, Crosby, Bing KNX, 8:45 p.m. M, Tu, W, F Crowell, George....KH.11, 10:30 p.m. M, Tu, W, F Daniels, Bill. _ KFWB. 8 p.m. Sa; 7 p.m. Su: Davies, Clem. 61Luistry___ ....... KPOP. 9 a.m. Su Do It Yourself. KNX, 11:30 a.m. Sa Drake. Galen____.___ .KNX. 10:311 a.m. as Dragnet 111,7, 7:30 p.m. Tu Dyer, Heaven WRFC, 5 p.m. Su

El Monte Legio& Stadium..K WK W. 9:30 p.m. Sa Enchanted Hour K M, 8 p.m. Tu Eternal Light. .. KFL 0:311 a.m Evans,Frank__KHJ, 4:34 p.m. Se; 10 p.m. M-F Ewing, Bill K mee. 9:35 a.m. Su Eye Opener. .15.FWB. 6 a.m. M-1 Family Theater K M. 8:30 p.m. W Farm Topics — .-- -.KNX. 9:15 a.m. Su Farm Reporter KF1, 12 noon M-F Fill In Peace and War ._ _. KNX. 7 a. m. VW Fibber McGee and Molly...K W. 12:45 p.m. M-F: 7:15 pan.

Fificid, Dr. James..._ .. .KABC, 6:30 p.m. Sa 1 uilry, Larry KFWB, 10 p.m. M-Sa Fisher, Eddie.......- KH.11„ 6:15 p.m. T, Th Flynn. John T KHJ. 0:15 p.m. Sin Football KFI, 11 a.m. Sa: KGE.J, 11 a.m.; ----Kill, 1:45 p.m. Sa; KA M', 11:15 p.m. Sa

Football Today IIGFJ, 10 a.m. Sa Football 30 ..... KILL 9:30 p.m. Th Fuller. Dr. Charles. — KABC. 1 p.m. Su *Fuller. Sid. _KHJ. II noon M-F Funny Paper Man _. — EFL O a.m .Sa *Garred. Bob........ KABC, 5:45. 7:55 p.m.

Tu: 9:15 a.m. 51-F General Sports Time Kill. 0:115 a.m. M-F Gilchrist, Norma._ _-____KPOL. 12 n M-Sa Gillette Fights....... —. — __ .KFI, 7 am. F Global r̂atifiers_ K11.1. 10:30 p.m. So Godfrey, Arthur_.KNX, 1 p.m M-F; 7 p.m. M Godfrey, Kathy KNX. 9 p.m. Sa

Goon Show 9 p.m. Th

*Goss. E'rank_ —__KNX, 7:30 a.m. all-Sa; .5:45 p.m. M-Sa

Graham, Billy — KABC, 3 p.m. Su .... 12 a.m. Su

Grant, Johnny KMPC, 2:00-4:30 p.m. M-F; 2:00-5:30 p.m. Sa

Greatest Story Ever Told....KABC, 2:30 p.m. Su Guiding Light ___KNX, 10:45 a.m. M-F

Gunsmoke KNX, 9:30 a.m. Sa; 7:3.5 p.m. Su Hamilton, Bill ____KABC, 9:30 p.m. Tu Hancock, Hunter KGFJ. 9 p.m. M-Sa

Hanlon, Tom ..... .....-- -.KNX, 10:25 p.m. M-F; - _11:40 p.m. M-F

Harmon. 5:30 p.m. M-Sa Hart, Maurice KNX 1 p.m. Sa

*Harvey, Paul ...KABC, 12:15 p.m. M-F 6 p.m. Ñu

Haven of Rest KILL 8:30 a.m. T, Ti, Sa Hawaii Calls KHJ, 6 p.m. So *Hayes, 4:15 p.m., 6:45 p.m., M-F;

______KABC, 12:30 P.M . M-F *Heatter, Gabriel KHJ. 6 p.m. M-F

*Hemingway, Frank KILL 7 a.m. 4:15 p.m. M-F henry, Gil KNX. 2:10, 9:30 p.m. M-F Hesperia. KPOP, 8 a.m. Sa Hickok, Mary - -Kr', 11:15 a.m. M-F Here's Hollywood_ ___.KHJ. 9:20 a.m. M-F Here's to lets _ Kill, 9:45 p.m. Sa Hollywood Music Hall KNX, 5 p.m. Su Hollywood Palladium KFI, 11:30 p.m. Ti, Hollywood Sound Stage .....KFI, 7:30 p.m. F Ho rnet,,,,., Happenings__ Kil, 10:15 a.m. Su Hopalong Cassidy KHJ, 7:30 Su Hotel for Pets__ KFI, 3:30 p.m. M-F I'll Take Romance KABC, 1:30 p.m. M-F linestor's News KFI, 5 p.m. M-F Invitation to Learning___KNX, 8:05 a.m. Su Jar% Is. Al....K1'W11, 9 a.m. Su: 9:30 a.m. II-Sa Jazz Club KILL 7 p.m. Ma Jazz International KABC, 7;l3 p.m. F Joanne Dollar KNX. 8:311 p.m. M-1' Juke Rot Jury KNX, 8 p.m. Sa: 9 pm. Su Jump-Jump KFI, 8:30 a.m. Su Katz, Mickey KA M'. 8:30 p.m. Su Kaye Satniuy Orch -......__KAISC, 8:33 p.m. Su Kelley, Bob KMPC. 6 p.m. M-Sa Kenneally, William ....... KNX. 10:15 pan. M-F;

KFI Calling.. KIT, 6:30 p.m...Tu Ladies Day 9:30 a.m. M-F Lea, Te rn-a KAIIC, 11 p.m. M-F Lewis, Fulton-- -.KILL 4 p.m., 9:15 pan. M F Lewis. Robert Q.-____ KNX. M a.m. S, I.ewis, Ted K M', 9:30 p.m. W linkletter, Art KNX, 12:30 p.m. M-1, LInkietter, Jack KNX, 8:30 0. m. Ma Little Night Musie....KFI, 11:30 p.m. M, T. W. F Li4ingstone, Mary KGER, 11:30 a.m. M-Sa Lone Ranger KFI, 2:30 p.m. M-F Lonesome Gal KABC, 10:30 p.m. M-F Look to the Skies KFI, 8:15 a.m. Sa Lucky Lager Dance Time KMPC, 9:30 p.m. Su- Sa

Lutheran Hour..... -__ __._... KHJ. 5:30 p.m. Sa Lynn Looks at iloilywood-KHJ. 3:30 p.m. M-F Ma Perkins - -___ _KNX. 10:15 a.m. M-F Magic of Music _KHJ, 7:30 p.m. Sm.. Make Mine Romance KABC, 1 p.m. M-F Make ii, l'ouir Mind .......KNX. 8:311 it.m. M-F Make Way l'or Youth__ KNX. 6:05 p.m. Sa Fil , Dean Clarence _. .1(114, 8 p.m. Su Mann, Herbert J... - -___ KFL 10 a.m. Su Martin, Freddy.. _ —_ —.KABC, 11 p.m. Fla Mansfield Andy... ...KFI. 9:30 p.m. Sa Marines in Review__ ....KABC. 11 pan. Su Mart, Grouch() KFI, 9 pan. W Masterson, Paul KARP. 6:25 p.m. M-F

------7:15 p.m. M, Tu, Th. Fr Matinee KNX, 3:30 p.m. M-F McBride. Mary Margaret KFI, 11:30 a.m. M-F Melninch. Nelson_ ....... __KNX, 12:15 p.m. M-F Mclainghlin's Clubtime KFWIt, 12:30 p.m. M-F Mel.alui. George KI M/. 4:3n p.m. M-F McShane, John KMPC, 5:15 p.m. Sn

Men's t'orner _ 9:45 p.m. Sn Mexican Daydreams_ _ KABC, 9:30 p.m. Su lleyberg, I/ot 111GFJ, 8:15 p.m. Sa Midnight Flyer p.m. M-1 Miller. Howard...........- 8:45 a. m. M-F Miller, Mitch Show KNX, 8:05 p.m. Su Monitor KFI, 8:30 a.m., 1:30 p.m., 7:00 p.m., 11 p.m., 12:30 a.m. Sa: 4 p.m., 6 p.m. Su

Murray, Johnny Talks It Over KFI, 8 a.m. M-F w row Filward R... ...... .4N% 5 F. 01

My Son 'Cep KNX, 9:15 p.m. M-F National Farm and Home Hour...KIT. 7 p.m. Sa *News-Wheel KHJ. 11 n.m. id-Sa Newspaper of the Air KILL 10 a.m. Su-F; 9 p.m. Su

New York Philharmonic........KNX, 11:30 a.m. Su No School Today-- KABC. 9 a.m. Ss

Nora Drake KNX, 11:30 a.m. M-F *Norman, Phil _ KNX, 10:30 p.m. M-F; 12:30 p.m. Sa; 2:05 p.m. Su

Notre Dame Football KGFJ, KFOX, 11 a.m. Sa Nutrillte Theater Kfl, 2:05 p.m. Su O'Dell, Hoye KFI, 9:15 a.m. Sa Official Detective..._-. - -...KIIJ. 7 p.m. Th On a Sunday Afternoon..., KNX, 2:05 p.m. Su one Man'« Family — KFI /1•15 p.m. M-F Opera KFI, 7 p.m. Su

Otis, Johnny____..KFOX, 7 p.m to 9 p.m. M-Sa Our Gal Sunday. KNX, 9:45 a.m. M-F Our Miss Brooks JINX, 6:05 p.m. Su Overseas, Assignment KABC, 10 p.m. Sa

Paige, Erik, Sports -...KFWB, 8 a.m. M-Sa: .5:15 pan. M-Sa

Pannell, Bill, Orch KABC, 11;45 1/111 • Th, Peale, Dr. Norman V —.KFI. 11:35 a.m. M-F

People Are Funny... - --___KFL 8:30 p.m. Tu Pepper Young's Family- -....KFI, 1:45 p.m. M-F *Peterson, Eimer __KFI, 6 p.m. M-Th; 6:30 p.m. F

Pilgrimage KA M.% 4:05 p.m. SD *rlakleY, 6:30 p.m. M-F Polka l'arty KFI, 5 p.m. Sa Poska, Al...-- - - -KFI, 10:45 p.m. M-F Potter, Peter. - .KLAC, 9:30 a.m. D Public Prosecutor-- _KHJ, 7:30 pnv. W

Putnam, George_ ____KABC, 10:50 a.m. M-F; Queen for a Day.. - - -_KHJ. 11:30 a.m. ld-F Record Album Review Kfrly 6:30 p.m. Th Record Room. — KPOP, 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 Mt

Rendezvous with Musle___KG U. 110:4 Six -F. su

*Richfield ReporterRight to K Ilappiness. _______KFI, 1 p.m. M-F Inn Tin Ti,, Ritter, Tex . .KHJ, 6:30 p.m. Su Romance KFI. 7:30 p.m. Se Rourke, Jack... KNX, 9:30 p.m. Sa

.KAIIE, It mid. M-Sa lisiailgat Lake Tabernacle ...... 8:30 a.m. Su

KABC, 7:45 p.m. M. Tu. Th saturtlay session KFI, 3 p.m. Sa Say It With Music KABC, 11:15 p.m. 51-Th Showalter, Dave K Sixty-Four Thousand Dollar tAtirreailot pm. 111-17 KNX, 7 p.m. Tu

Smith, Howard K ---_____KNX. 9:30 a.m. Su Smog Show KABC, 8:15 p.m. Sa Sounding Board. KILL 8:30 p.m. Sa Sportlights ...KHJ. 8:20 a.m. M-F Sports with Rollie Thoinits_KFL 5:15 0.m.31-F Standard School Broadcast KABC, 10:30 a.m. Th

Stella Dallas_ __..- ____KFL 1:15 p.m. M-F Story Circus....-----___ KMPC. 8 a.m. Sa Story, Ralph KNX, 8 a.m. M-F Storytime_______ ......... 11:05 a.m. Strange — KABC, 7:30 p.m. M. Tu, Th, 1 titedkaey ItneRsi r - KFI. 10:30 a.m. 61-F eit ..KNX. 5:30 pan. Su Suspense ..K.NX. 7 p.m. Tu Telephone Hour. _.KFI. 9 p.m. M *Ten (I'Clock Wire. .KNX. 10 p.m. 11 Tennessee Ernie This Is Chi' Defense _ XNX 8;05 p.m. M-Fri KHJ, 10 p.m. Sa This Thing Called Life_KFI, 10:30 p.m. M. W. F" *Thomas. LowelL.... - -KNX. 6:13 p.m. M-F Thomas, shirley______ _____KFL %:30 p.m. Su Travis, Merle KFI, 8 p.m. Sa Treasury Agent KILL 7 p.m. True Detective Mysteries_ KHJ. 7 p.m. M Truth nor Co sequences KFI, 6:30 p.m. W Twenty-first Precinct_ _ ............. KNX, 7 p.m. F Uninterrupted Melody KFI, 9:30 p.m. M, W, Th, F

Unity Viewpoint. KFAC. 8:45 a.m. M-Sa *Vandereook. John ..KABC. 6 p.m. M-F Voice of Firestone...---........ .KABC. 8:30 p.m. M Volee of Prophecy KHJ, 9:30 a.m. SU: Wagner, Jack K M, 12:30 on.. M-F 10:30 a.m. M, Tu, W. F, Hank. .. KIKI. 3:30 p.m. M-F Welk. Lawrence..KABC. 10:3« p.m., 11:30 o.m.

KASaBc;.112:,3005 Ss: Wesson, Dick Whalen, Monica. ItH1. 9:30 p.m. Sa Wheeler, Harlin X....KFL 4:10 p.m. M-F

10.38 p.m.. Tu-711 Wheel of Chante KI.RIJFI: 1.H8:.230 6 pp.p..m an.. . Su MTli Fu- Winchell, Walter K Winter, Wm HA W'. 5:30 M-F Woman In My House Woolworth Hoar .......... --- FINN. 1 p.m. World of Books .... ...... ....KFI, 10:45 a.m. Su World We Live In. __-__.KF1, 8:15 p.m. M X Minus One......... KFI, 7:35 p.m. Th

vliMonCnag. o Shonnw 111,1K , 6:30 p.m. Sa bot. liet Your Llfe - - ...KF1 .9 P.m V/

Your Child and You -KKKA313C. 9.:380:30n.m11..mM. S-Tra

rape Forty-one

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Time Channel 6:05 p.m. 2 Tom Harmon 6:15 p.m. 13 Goodwin and

Garton 10:45 p.m. 9 Bill Brundige 10:45 p.m. 2 Gil Stratton, Jr. 11:15 p.m. 4 Cleve Hermann

Saturday, Oct. 29 10:00 a.m. 4 Press Box Preview 10:15 a.m. 4 College Football:

Iowa vs. Michigan 12:45 p.m. 4 Football Score-

board 4:30 p.m. 4 Jack McÉlroy:

Hunting and Fish-ing

6:00 p.m. 9 This Week in Sports

6:15 p.m. 9 PCC Highlights 6:45 p.m. 9 Bill Brundige —

Sportscast 7:00 p.m. 13 "Call the Coach" 7:15 p.m. 13 Football Roundup 8:30 p.m. 9 Hollywood Legion

Bouts 10:30 p.m. 5 Roller Derby 11:15 p.m. 4 Red Barber

Sunday, Oct. 30 2:30 p.m. 11 Jalopy Derby from

Culver City. 7:00 p.m. 13 PCC Football:

UCLA vs. Calif. 8:00 p.m. 9 Championship

Bowling Monday, Oct. 31

6:30 p.m. 4 Cleve Hermann 8:00 p.m. 9 Big Ten Highlights 8:00 p.m. 13 Beat the Champ 8:30 p.m. 5 Roller Derby 8:30 p.m. 9 PCC Highlights 8:30 p.m. 13 Wrestling from the

Hollywood Legion. Tuesday, Nov. 1

6:45 p.m. 13 Red Sanders Show Wednesday, Nov. 2

7:00 p.m. 7 Blue Ribbon Bouts Paddy DeMarco vs. Frankie Ryff

7:30 p.m. 11 Notre Dame Football

7:45 p.m. 7 Sports Page with Dick Tufeld

8:30 p.m. 5 Wrestling bouts 10:00 p.m. 2 Lucky Sport Time 10:45 p.m. 5 Wrestlers' Lament.

Thursday, Nov. 3 7:15 p.m. 5 Trojan Review —

Jess Hill 8:30 p.m. 5 Touchdown 8:30 p.m. 9 Ski Tips 8:30 p.m. 13 Olympic Boxing 9:00 p.m. 11 Wrestling from

Las Vegas 11:00 p.m. 13 Look at Bowling

Friday, Nov. 4 6:00 p.m. 4 Gillette Fights

Bobo Olson vs. Su-gar Ray Robinson for middleweight title

10:30 p.m. 7 Touchdown Page Forty-two

Bill's Corner By Bill Brundige

tox.exenu9-.. ~...e. ~..e.o.,9-4 ~-xenttexe-.8-4

I was thinking the other day (ad-mittedly no habit of mine) how lucky we are in Southern California to have three outstanding football teams. And, I hope you fans follow the progress of this trio through our KHJ broad-casts of the games.

As of this writing, the Rams are tied for first place in their division of the National Football League . . . UCLA is rated 5th nationally . . . SC 9th. No other city can make this statement ... three of the nation's top teams wearing the label of one city. Detroit has the

Lions . .. but can-not claim Michigan and Michigan State as local college en-tries in the gridiron galaxy. Cleveland has the Browns, but no Ohio State. Chicago has the Bears, but Northwestern, ugh. Phila-delphia has the Eagles . . . and Penn . . . but would rather be rid of the latter, I'm sure. So . . . Los Angeles alone can boast of three top clubs.

Though the season is just at the halfway point, ttiis is about the time conjecture begins of what players ap-pear good enough to make the all pro and all America elevens. Actually, if fans knew how far in advance the ballots were counted, these 'dream' teams would command far less at-tention. But, it's tradition .. . and re-gardless of when or how they're select-ed . . . we'll have them each season.

Unfortunately, deserving western players don't receive the national sup-- port they merit, for most of the syn-dicated columnists and wire service headquarters are in New York City . . . and they fill the nation full of glowing reports about the players they see most frequently . . . which, natur-ally, are those who play east of the Mississippi. But, maybe this will change gradually as the western powers etch more deeply their con-quests into the football charts. It would be a shame. I think, if

SC's Jon Arnett and Orlando Ferrante were overlooked on the All America selections this season. They certainly rate with the best college players of 1955. Westwood would be shocked, and

rightfully so, if Bob Davenport and Hardiman Cureton didn't receive berths on the majority of the post sea-son elevens . . . for they, too, have no peers on the college gridirons this season. Professionally, the Rams have sev-

eral candidates for the all pro eleven. For rookie of the year offensively, Ron Waller must be assigned a high spot on the list of those considered. He's come along surpri3ingly well, and is a big reason the Rams got off to such a fine start.

When you begin to think of defens-ive Rams who demand attention . . . the list could become quite lengthy . . . yet it's hard to narrow down to one or two the members of the defen-sive squad who've made broadcasting the Rams' games on KHI and the Don Lee Network such a genuine pleasure. For instance, safety men Burroughs and Sherman —corner backers Hughes and Haynes —linebackers Richter, Griffin and Morris (see what I mean about numbers) . . . the entire front line of Miller, Robustelli, McFadin, El-lena, Hauser, all key men in the de-fensive brilliance the Rams have dis-played this season.

/ wouldn't care to pare this list for fear I'd arrive at an impasse . . . but this serves as an example of how many Rams should have their names on these lids of those who vote the all-pros 'in.'

But, getting back to our fine foot-ball fortune here in Los Angeles. We have without doubt one of the great-est places in which to view a game. The Los Angeles Coliseum stands out with the finest in the nation . .. with hardly a bad seat . . . even though it might be high and removed from the field . . . the vision is vastly better than some choice seats in other sta-dia. Bill Nicholas runs one of the most efficient plants in the country . . which certainly adds to your enjoy-ment during the games.

Naturally, I could ranible at length about the radio, TV and press facilities at the Coliseum, but, frankly, you fans aren't concerned over our com-fort unless you're Jistening over K M and Don Lee or watching on TV. But, take it from me. Nicholas here, too, has set a standard for others to copy. Yes, we're lucky, football-wise here

in Los Angeles. In fact, we're pretty fortunate, I think, to live in such a city . . . smog or no smog. I'm not a native, but, man, I'm an enthusiastic convert.

'And, there's the final gun.'

* *

CHUCK ( ()\ \ ()Rs Actor-athlete Chuck Connors stars

in the Community Chest's promotional film, "Boy With a Knife," which Rich-ard Widmark narrates. Chuck plays a social worker who goes out to con-tact juvenile gangs at their source, gaining thèir confidence and thereby effecting rehabilitation. The film will be shown on TV during the Chest's campaign.

Utilizing television in another as-pect, the Chest uses ICTI.A's facilities to instruct and inspire its 75,000 vol-unteers. The Yale Puppeteers will hu-morously present the do's and don'ts in going from door to door for the Community Chest on Channel 5. Wednesday, November 2 at 10:00 a.m.

Page 43: LAWRENCE WEL L MY BOSS - World Radio History


r •


THE 49ER COACHING STAFF (left to rfght) Mark Duncan, Frank Albert. Head Coach Norman Red Strader, Phil Bengston and Howard "Red" Hickey have their boys all keyed up for the big game with the Los Angeles Rams next week at the Coliseum. No TV for Southern California, but you will be able to hear the play-by-play on KHJ radio. (Cal pictures.)







THE 49 ers


Page 44: LAWRENCE WEL L MY BOSS - World Radio History

Maurice Evans, the theater's most rurcessful ac/or-manager, turns his talents to 77/ as producer of Hallmark's new play series.

Q444%%1 HE PREMIERE production

J °sernts thMaureiceHatElvaanrsk Hall

of Fame series, scheduled by NBC, is a clue to the success of the American theater's most astute actor-manager.

And that brings up that old saw— Are such productions "too arty" for television?

This first production will be Alice in Wonderland, the Lewis Carroll classic that has become as much a part of a child's growing up as the legends of Santa Claus and the Eas-ter rabbit. Dramatization of the be-loved classic is by Eva La Gallienne and Florida Friebus, noted actresses. Caliber of the production is also heightened by the appearance of Miss La Gallienne in this starting play of the Hallmark series. Costume design is based on the famed John Tenniel drawings for the first edition of Alice upon which readers ever since have based their pictorial con-cept of the Carroll characters.

Although Evans will not appear, the naked details of such an an-nouncement bring a whiff of theater magic always associated with Evans as a theater and television star. Functioning primarily as producer of the series, he will appear at a later date in two or three productions. Too arty? Although such an argument prob-

ably first arose when the first actor trod the boards in ancient Greece several thousand years ago, the time-resistant question now haunts television, although at this point in art's history, "too arty" has boiled ' down to a more or less sliding scale

Page Forty-four

By Bill Weber

of personal values—that is, what is "too arty" for Joe Blow may be some-thing else again for Josephus Blough. Weighing heavily, and indisput-

ably, in the Evans ledger of art vs. box office take is the final balance sheet. Whatever the findings of oth-ers in attempting to juggle art and money, and the path is liberally and literally strewn with disaster, the Evans record is something else again. Briefly, he has found gold in art. Sharp business acumen and sensi-

tivity as to how much the public can take in the realm of weightier drama has put Evans in a very special niche as the only extant actor-manager. And while functioning in this dual capacity he has emerged as a start-ling phenomenon of the theater. Not one of his productions has failed at the box office, artistically or finan-cially. This sensitivity to public taste has

also led him wisely to diversify his own talents as an actor. Although •establishing his first success as a Shakespearean actor, he has since achieved notable success in Shaw's Man and Superman and more re-cently Dial M for Murder, a modern murder mystery. This nimbleness in refusing to let himself be typed in the public mind is, of course, a gilt-edged security in television where many top performers exhaust their bag of tricks within one or two seasons. • Though the general public is fa-miliar with Maurice Evans, the ac-tor, they are not so familiar with his role as a manager and producer, al-though the success of Evans, the ac-tor, correlates directly with the suc-cess of Evans. the manager. As an

actor-manager Evans is a holdover from the earlier days of the theater when an actor was not only a great star, but his managerial and busi-ness abilities went hand in hand with his artistic talents. This actor-manager was as sensitive to the cart-age costs of moving scenery as he was to the nuance of a line —a far cry from the actor of today who can-not write a check without an okay from a watchdog manager.

In addition, Evans has a sixth sense, that rare genius for reaching audiences on two levels —appealing to Joe Blow who likes blood and thunder in his drama, and appealing equally to Josephus Blough who is seeking an artistic interpretation of a playwright's poetry and philoso-phy. Perhaps more than any other factor, this is Evans' touchstone for transmuting art into gold.

Evans sharpened •his native in-stinct for audience communication when as a major during World War H he not only played Shakespeare for GIs, but showed them that in-stead of being a bore, the Elizabeth-an playwright was lively entertain-ment worthy of the most culture-re-sistant GI's attention. Too arty? Not if you're out for top entertain-

ment put on by one of the shrewd-est showmen in the business—or art world!

MAURICE EVANS as he appeared in his famous production of Hamlet The noted actor is now bringing a series of outstanding shows to tele vision.

October 28, 1955

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Page 46: LAWRENCE WEL L MY BOSS - World Radio History

Myron Floren tosses around a few impressions of Lawrence Welk, who not only is his boss but also can squeeze some nice - sounding notes out of an accordion.


By Myron Floren

SHOULDN'T really call Lawrence just my boss —he's also a good friend. It's some-thing to work for a man who takes such a personal inter-est in everything the mem-

bers of his band do. He is almost as concerned about us as he is about his own family. Any of us can come to Lawrence

when we have anything on our minds —and most of us have done that at one time or another. If we have prob-lems he doesn't close his ears but he tries in every way possible to help. It's easy to listen to any advice Law-rence may give, not that he fashions himself a counselor. He is one per-son who practices what he preaches and preaches what he practices. For instance, he is a sensible man about money. He is not at all "tight" with a buck and yet he doesn't squander his money. He looks ahead to the future and, subtly, encourages us to do the same. We have a club we call the Champagne Club. Each of us in the band puts in five dollars a week. I'm president —why, I don't know. This money is deposited in a bank and then it is invested in gilt-edge secur-ities. This was an idea of Lawrence's and has been a sound proposition.

Hard Worker Lawrence had to work hard to get

where he is, so it is natural for him to be wise in the way he spends his money. Yet, he can become quite ex-travagant in gifts to us in the band and to his friends. Last Christmas, for instance, he gave each of us an insurance policy.

Plge Forty-six


(Editor's Note: When Lawrence Welk decided to hire Myron Floren to play with his band, his advisers thought hz had lost his marbles. Myron was a terrific guy with the accordion —and that was the in

Lawrence played. Law-rence admitted Myron was a lot better on the instrument than he • was--and that was why he wanted him.)

As a leader of a band, Lawrence is a perfectionist. He works long and hard. In fact, most of the time we have to remind him to take a ten minute break. He has set high stand-ards for himself —and for us. He be-lieves, first and foremost, that the public is our only consideration. Nev-er do we fluff off the public. As a result, we don't look upon our work as a job. Rather, it's an obligation to the public.

I've watched Lawrence keeping an eagle eye on a crowd at the dance hall. He can sense immediately when the crowd isn't getting what it wants. For instance, we may be playing some novelty numbers but if Law-rence sees the public is getting a lit-tle tired of them he'll do a switch to the reliable "Josephine" number and get them right back into a dancing mood. This remarkable awareness of the public's demands has had much

to do with the success he found on a recent road tour and on his shows for ABC. Lawrence never tries to be the

whole show. He delegates respon-sibility and gives everyone a chance. Often, when he's not on the stand, I'll direct the band and I arrange the programs for our ABC radio show.

New Talent

Because he doesn't want to be the main focus of attention he is always interested in encouraging and discov-ering new talent. Take Larry Hooper, for example. His recording of "Oh. Happy Day" is a big hit. Lawrence heard him singing with the boys one night, liked his bass voice and asked him to do a solo. Larry balked at that, so one night Lawrence got all the band singing a number and then we all stopped just when Larry came in for his little spot. Larry had to go on singing then. There was nothing else he could do. And he was a sen-sation. Then there is Jira Roberts. Jim

asked Lawrence one day if he could audition for a singing spot in the band. Lawrence listened to him, liked him, and signed him at once. Jim is now our featured singer and the only man in the band who doesn't play an instrument. Band life, they say, is tough and

demanding. That may be so in some cases. All I can say is that working with Lawrence Welk isn't even work. It's a pleasure. I hope we'll be to-gether for years.

October 28, 1955

Page 47: LAWRENCE WEL L MY BOSS - World Radio History

It Sure Paid Him To Be


Bill Goodwin is one emcee who really believes and lives up to the principles he advocates on his NBC-

Tr show.

MON FELLAS, let's quit the kidding. Let's he serious for a few moments. Let's bury the oh - you - lucky - bachelor routine.

Despite the hundreds of jokes to the contrary, the institution of mar-riage is not only a very secred one, but it can and usually does turn out to be a pleasant and even profitable venture for all concerned.

As most daytime TV fans know, popular Bill Goodwin. veteran of stage, scree and particularly radio for many years, is the emcee of NBC-TV's It Pays To Be Married.

Naturally, the sponsors, network, agency and all others concerned with putting on It Pays To Be Married wouldn't be playing it very smart if they selected an emcee who beats his wife daily, or gets divorces as regularly as Tommy Manville, or drinks like an alcoholic fish. In short, they need Ito use the

('linche') "a good solid ‘ itizen."

A Day With the Goodwins

If you spend a few hours with Bill and his family, as we did one after-noon at the NBC studio in Burbank, and then at a quiet lunch, you soon discover that Bill is just about as "solid" as they come.

As it should be, Bill's lovely wife, Philippa, was primarily concerned with the way her four children—

October 28, 1955

BOTH IN HIS private life and on his NBC-TV show—where he awards plenty of money to married couples — Bill Goodwin has proved It Pays To Be Married. Congenial Jay Stewart pulled a switch on Bill and interviewed him and his family on the daytime show. Bottom row: Mrs. Goodwin, Sally Lou, and Lynn. Top row: Bill, Jr.; Bill, Sr.; and Jill.

Jill, 16, Bill, Jr., 13, Lynn, 11, and Sally Lou, 10, looked and acted. Both Bill's mother and mother-in-law, who live with the Goodwins —were able to take care of themselves. A a matter of fact, the two ladies, almost stole the show from the professional Goodwins.

"Philippa,you know, was one of the original Goldwyn girls," Bill ex-plained "She vowed she would never marry anactor —and look what she ended up with!" he laughed.

At the time they were married back in 1938, Bill had had some share of success in the radio field. but nothing really sensational.


Shortly thereafter, every t h i ng seemed to click for him —including movie assignments and announcing chores on the biggest shows in radio, such as Joe Penner, Burns and Allen, "Blondie," Charlie McCarthy and of course, Bob Hope.

"I almost had to make good," Bill explained. "Philippa and I had bought a house in North Hollywood which was really too big for us then and too expensive. After being mar-ried a year, we laso had our first child, Jill. And houses and children cost money, you know. I will have to admit, however, that getting mar-ried was certainly the best thing that ever happened to me, and in the long

run has saved me money," he smiled. While It Pays To Be Married con-

centrates largely on fun for the family, it does have its most serious and dramtic moments.

"I think the most dramatic story we've had so far on our show was the case of Ray Norman. He is a musician, and only a short time ago a helpless narcotic's case. But with the help of his wife, Vera, he was able to come back. It was really something to see this man on our stage display so much emotion on a subject that you just knew he had kept inside of himself for so very long. "Each day I think the people who

appear on our show, tell some won-derful stories. Someti mes they're funny, sometimes sad, but always very warm and human. It certainly gives me a great deal of satisfaction to be doing this sort of a program," Goodwin said.

As a sort of final proof of just how happy Bill, Philippa and their family have been during the uast 17 years, they still live in the same house which was originally too "big" and "expensive" for them.

"We've grown so attached to it by now, I don't think we'll ever move," Bill concluded. "And with eight of us in the family now," instead of the original two, it certainly isn't too 'big' anymore!"

Page Forty-seven

Page 48: LAWRENCE WEL L MY BOSS - World Radio History

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