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Law Making Environment Law Making Environment Perspectives Perspectives C. Biagioli, L. Bacci, E. Francesconi, F. Turchi ITTIG-CNR Istituto di Teoria e Tecniche dell’Informazione Giuridica A. Cappelli ISTI-CNR Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell’Informazione V Legislative XML Workshop Fiesole, 14 – 16 June 2006 ITTIG - CNR

Law Making Environment Perspectives

Feb 12, 2016




ITTIG - CNR. Law Making Environment Perspectives. C. Biagioli, L. Bacci, E. Francesconi, F. Turchi ITTIG-CNR Istituto di Teoria e Tecniche dell’Informazione Giuridica A. Cappelli ISTI-CNR Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell’Informazione V Legislative XML Workshop - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Page 1: Law Making Environment Perspectives

Law Making Environment Law Making Environment PerspectivesPerspectives

C. Biagioli, L. Bacci, E. Francesconi, F. TurchiITTIG-CNR Istituto di Teoria e Tecniche dell’Informazione Giuridica

A. Cappelli ISTI-CNR Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell’Informazione

V Legislative XML Workshop Fiesole, 14 – 16 June 2006


Page 2: Law Making Environment Perspectives

OverviewOverview• Law-Making Environment

– Tools for the “Legislator” based on semantic models;

• Model of Provisions and Arguments;

• Software architecture of a module for Planning a new bill;

• Conclusions.

Page 3: Law Making Environment Perspectives

Legislation management:Legislation management:State of the ArtState of the Art

• Upkeep of current legislation through URN and XML standards;

• This guarantees:– Web accessibility of new and legacy contents;– Interoperability among applications;– Advanced search and retrieval services based on semantics;– Automatic consolidation;

• The most part of tools dealing with standards for legislation are addressed to documentalists rather than to the Legislator;

Page 4: Law Making Environment Perspectives

PurposesPurposes• Providing the Law-Maker with a set of drafting

tools allowing to plan organic and well structure bills;

• Strategy:– Ex-ante (Lachmayer) management of the semantics;

• Benefits:– planning a new organic bill from a conceptual (semantic) point of

view;– Metadata are directly inserted by the Legislator

• they will be “authentic” metadata;

Page 5: Law Making Environment Perspectives

Semantic ModelSemantic Model

• Model of Provisions and Arguments:– Amendments (Insertion, Abrogation, Substitution);

– Rules (Obligation, Prohibition, Penalties, Exceptions, …);

and their Arguments;

• It is a standard within the “Norme in Rete” DTDs/XMLSchema;

Page 6: Law Making Environment Perspectives

NIR-DTD document descriptionNIR-DTD document description

• The NIR standards describe a legislative text under two profiles:

– the formal profile:• It considers a law text as made up of divisions;• It describes the physical structure of a document;

– the functional profile:• It considers a normative text as composed by elementary

components called provisions (fragment of a regulation);• It is described by provisions types and their arguments;• It describes the logical structure of a document.

Page 7: Law Making Environment Perspectives

A fragment of legislative text viewed A fragment of legislative text viewed according to the formalaccording to the formal

and the functional profileand the functional profile

1. A controller intending to process personal data falling within the scope of application of this Act shall have to notify the Garante thereof…

Type of provision: “Obligation”


Addressee: “Controller”



Division(or Paragraph)

Formal profile

Functional Profile

2. The notification shall have to be given…

Article 7 (Notification)

Page 8: Law Making Environment Perspectives

Legislative Document within the Legislative Document within the NIR environmentNIR environment

Article 1 (Purposes and definitions)… 2. For the purposes of this Act:

a) "data bank" shall mean any set of personal data, … …Article 7 (Notification)

1. A controller intending to process personal data falling within the scope of application of this Act shall have to notify the Garante thereof

…Article 42 (Amendments to laws in force )

2. For paragraph 1 of article 4 of legislative decree no. 39 of 12 February 1993 there shall be substituted the following:“1. An Authority for information technology in the public administration…”

Definition(definiendum =“data bank”, definiens= “any set of personal data…”)

Obligation(addressee=“controller”, action =“notification”, counter-party=“Garante”)

Substitution(norm=“urn:…”, novellando=“paragraph 1 of article 4”, novella= “#…”)

Page 9: Law Making Environment Perspectives

LME: Tools for Law MakersLME: Tools for Law MakersU


, XM




XML Partitions Skeleton and Semantics

Provision ModelsDomain Keywords

Meta Drafting

GenerationAutomatic provisionswording

DB Provisions

AggregationQueries on provisions

PlanningProvisions typesArgument Keywords

XML Partitions Skeleton and Text

XML Text (Structure and Semantics)



metaEdit(semantic markup)


XML Partitions Skeleton



Page 10: Law Making Environment Perspectives



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Semantic MarkUp: MetaEditSemantic MarkUp: MetaEdit


Page 12: Law Making Environment Perspectives

Arguments of the chosen

provision type

Semantic MarkUp: MetaEditSemantic MarkUp: MetaEdit

Page 13: Law Making Environment Perspectives

Semantic MarkUp: MetaEditSemantic MarkUp: MetaEdit

Filling theArgument

Page 14: Law Making Environment Perspectives

Semantic markup view

Semantic MarkUp: MetaEditSemantic MarkUp: MetaEdit

Page 15: Law Making Environment Perspectives

MetaDrafting: LME ProjectMetaDrafting: LME Project

• Planning;• Aggregation;• Generation.


Page 16: Law Making Environment Perspectives

Planning basic elements1. Model of Provisions and Arguments;

2. Ontology of concepts and terms of the scenario to be regulated;

3. Definition manager;

4. Visual panel where provisions types and their arguments can be handle as visual objects;

Page 17: Law Making Environment Perspectives

1. Model of Provisions and Arguments

OWL description of theprovision taxonomy;



Regulative ObjectProperty





Provision subClassOf

<owl:Class rdf:ID=“Provision”><owl:Class rdf:ID=“Regulative”> <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="#Provision”/><owl:Class rdf:ID=“Obligation”> <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="#Regulative”/>

…<owl:Class rdf:ID=“Addressee”/><owl:Class rdf:ID=“Action”/><owl:Class rdf:ID=“Counter-party”/>

… <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:ID="hasAddressee”> <rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#Obligation”/> <rdfs:range rdf:resource="#Addressee”/> </owl:ObjectProperty>

Page 18: Law Making Environment Perspectives

2. Ontology of concepts and terms of the scenario to be regulated

• Two levels:– Ontology (classes of legal concepts);– Lexicon (terms as instantiations of legal concepts);

Legal acthas_hyperonym



• These terms are used to provide values to the provision arguments.

Page 19: Law Making Environment Perspectives

3. Definition Manager• Specific terms of the domain of interest not

contained in the vocabulary can be inserted and defined using a Definition Manager;

• Also these new terms can be used to provide values to the provision arguments.

Page 20: Law Making Environment Perspectives

4. Visual Panel• Panel where to handle:

– Provision Types as visual objects;– Provision Arguments whose values are terms from the

“Definition Manager”;

File Edit View Insert Options Help

Page 21: Law Making Environment Perspectives

Planning visual panelFile Edit View Insert Options … Help

ConstitutivesRegulatives >Regulatives >Amendments


Provision >Provision >……

Obligation Addreesee: Action: Counter-party:


- Legal act - Notification - Notice

Notification Definition Manager

‘data bank’shall mean …

‘personal data’ shall mean any information relating to natural or Legal persons…

Page 22: Law Making Environment Perspectives

Planning visual panelFile Edit View Insert Options … Help

Obligation Addreesee: Controller Action: Notification Counter-party: Garante

Definition Definiendum: Personal data Definiens: …

Procedure Addreesee: Action: Notification Counter-party:

Definition Definiendum: Data bank Definiens: …

Derogation Addreesee: Action: Notification Counter-party:

Page 23: Law Making Environment Perspectives

Aggregation:from Provision Instances to

Groups of Partitions

GROUP ProvisionTypes = “Definition” INTO an Article

GROUP ProvisionType = “Obligation” ANDProvisionType = “Procedure” AND

ProvisionType = “Derogation” WHERE Argument = “Action” AND

content = “Notification”INTO an Article

Page 24: Law Making Environment Perspectives

AggregationFile Edit View Insert Options … Help

Obligation Addreesee: Controller Action: Notification Counter-party: Garante

Procedure Addreesee: Action: Notification Counter-party: …

Definition Definiendum: Controller Definiens: …

Definition Definiendum: Data bank Definiens: …

Derogation Addreesee: Action: Notification Counter-party: …







Page 25: Law Making Environment Perspectives


Stuctural partitions

Aggregation Criteria Formal and Functional profiles of a “well-

structured” documents



correlated partitions

• A legislative text where the functional structure fits well the chosen formal structure;


• “Well-structured” normative documents:

Art. 1.Capo I

according to several criteria;

Art. 16

Art. 5.

1. [OBLIGATION, Arguments X,Y]2. [PROCEDURE, Arguments X,Y]3. [DEROGATION, Arguments X,Y]

Page 26: Law Making Environment Perspectives

Semantics StructureDocument Construction

Obligation Procedure DerogationDefinition Definition

Chapter Chapter … Chapter

Document (Law)

Paragraph Paragraph ParagraphParagraph Paragraph

Functional profile

Formal profile

Article Article ArticleArticle

… …



Page 27: Law Making Environment Perspectives

XML Skeleton Editor view<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>

<!DOCTYPE NIR SYSTEM 'nircompleto.dtd'>…

<capo id=“cap1”><disposizioni><analitiche><dsp:definizione><dsp:definiendum>Personal data<dsp:definiendum></dsp:definizione>…

<articolo id=“art1”> </articolo>…</capo>

<capo id=“cap2”><disposizioni><analitiche><dsp:obbligo><dsp:destinatario>Controller</dsp:destinatario><dsp:azione>Notification</dsp:azione>…</dsp:definizione>…

<articolo id=“art7”> </articolo>…</capo>…

Law n. Chapter 1

Art. 1

1. [to be filled]

2. [to be filled]…

Chapter 2Art. 7 1. [to be filled] 2. [to be filled]

3. [to be filled]


Definition(Data bank,…)



Procedure(..,Notification, ..)

Derogation(..,Notification, ..)

Page 28: Law Making Environment Perspectives


• Aims:– Supporting provision generation

• Features:– Provision text generation on the basis of

• The grammar of a specific provision type• The content of the arguments

Page 29: Law Making Environment Perspectives

Grammar of each provision typeGrammar of each provision type• EBNF productions for each type of provisions

1) <ProvisionType> <Definition> | <Competence> | <Obligation><Permission> | <Procedure> | <Penalty> …

2) <Definition> <Definition syntactical structure>3) <Competence> <Competence syntactical structure>…

… <Obligation> <Obligation syntactical structure>

• Each specific syntactical structure is related to the structure of the arguments of each provision type

Page 30: Law Making Environment Perspectives

Benefits of “Generation”Benefits of “Generation”

• More clear legislative texts;

• It limits the ambiguity of texts;

• It helps legislative drafting even for unexpert users as regards legislative technique;

Page 31: Law Making Environment Perspectives

XML Partitions Skeleton and

SemanticsLaw n.

Chapter 1Art. 1

1. [to be filled]

2. [to be filled]…

Chapter 2Art. 7 1. [to be filled] 2. [to be filled]

3. [to be filled]


Definition(Data bank,…)


Procedure(..,Notification, ..)

Derogation(..,Notification, ..)

Law n. Chapter 1

Art. 1

1. "controller" shall mean any natural or legal person

2. "data bank" shall mean any set of personal data …

Chapter 2Art. 7 1. A controller .. shall have to notify the

Garante … 2. The notification shall have to be given in

advance …

3. Simplified notifications may omit certain items …


Definition(Data bank,…)


Procedure(..,Notification, ..)

Derogation(..,Notification, ..)

XML Text(Structure and Semantics)


Page 32: Law Making Environment Perspectives

Uses of the Provision Models

• Drafting LawMakingEnvironment– To provide a semantic guide for planning a new bill.

• Consolidation– Management of amendments;

• Searching MetaSearch– To query a legal information system according to a semantic

point of view;

Page 33: Law Making Environment Perspectives



Provision types


Argument keywords

Page 34: Law Making Environment Perspectives


Retrieved provisions



Page 35: Law Making Environment Perspectives


• The LME is aimed at supporting the Law-Maker in planning a new bill from a conceptual point of view;

• The classical process of drafting is reverted:

Traditional drafting structure text content semantic markup

Ex PostMeta-draftingsemantic markup structure text contentEx Ante