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LAVA Contribution to HiLiftPW-3 James Jensen, Marie Denison, Gerrit Stich, Jeffrey Housman, and Cetin Kiris Computational Aerosciences Branch NASA Ames Research Center PID 033 3 rd High Lift Prediction Workshop Denver, CO June 3-4, 2017

LAVA Contribution to HiLiftPW-3 · • Trailing edge had 25 points instead of the 9 specified in the document • Spanwisespacing at the root and tip of elements was based on local

Jun 24, 2020



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Page 1: LAVA Contribution to HiLiftPW-3 · • Trailing edge had 25 points instead of the 9 specified in the document • Spanwisespacing at the root and tip of elements was based on local


JamesJensen,MarieDenison,Gerrit Stich,JeffreyHousman,andCetinKiris

ComputationalAerosciences BranchNASAAmesResearchCenter


3rd HighLiftPredictionWorkshopDenver,COJune3-4,2017

Page 2: LAVA Contribution to HiLiftPW-3 · • Trailing edge had 25 points instead of the 9 specified in the document • Spanwisespacing at the root and tip of elements was based on local

Summaryofcasescompleted:- LAVA,OversetStructured,SA-QCR2000

Case Alpha=8,Fully turb,grid


Alpha=16,Fully turb,grid


1a(fullgap) yes yes

1c(partialseal) yes yes

HiLiftPW-3,DenverCO,June2017 2

Case Polar, Fullyturb Polar,specifiedtransition


2a (nonacelle) yes no no

2c (withnacelle) yes no no

- LAVA,UnstructuredPolyhedral,SACase Polar, Fullyturb Polar,specified


2c (withnacelle) yes no no

Case 2DVerificationstudy

3 yes

Page 3: LAVA Contribution to HiLiftPW-3 · • Trailing edge had 25 points instead of the 9 specified in the document • Spanwisespacing at the root and tip of elements was based on local

Launch Ascent and Vehicle Aerodynamics (LAVA) Framework

Far FieldAcoustic Solver

Structural Dynamics





6 DOF Body Motion


Conjugate Heat Transfer

Other Solvers& Frameworks

Not Yet Connected

Connected Existing




Other Development Efforts• Higher order methods• Curvilinear grid generation• Wall modeling• LES/DES/ILES Turbulence• HEC (optimizations, accelerators,

etc) Kiris at al. AST-2016 and AIAA-2014-0070

Prismatic Layers

Structured Curvilinear


Unstructured Arbitrary Polyhedral


Structured Cartesian AMR



Actuator DiskModels

Page 4: LAVA Contribution to HiLiftPW-3 · • Trailing edge had 25 points instead of the 9 specified in the document • Spanwisespacing at the root and tip of elements was based on local

• High quality body fitted grids • Low computational cost• Reliable higher order methods

• Grid generation largely manual and time consuming

• Essentially no manual grid generation

• Highly efficient Structured • Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR)

• Low computational cost• Reliable higher order methods• Non-body fitted -> Resolution of boundary layers inefficient

• Partially automated grid generation

• Body fitted grids • Grid quality can be challenging• High computational cost• Higher order methods yet to fully mature

LAVA Computational Grid Paradigms


Structured Cartesian AMR

Unstructured Arbitrary Polyhedral

Structured Curvilinear

Page 5: LAVA Contribution to HiLiftPW-3 · • Trailing edge had 25 points instead of the 9 specified in the document • Spanwisespacing at the root and tip of elements was based on local

• 2nd order cell centered• MUSCL Scheme• AUSMPW+ convective flux function• BDF2 with GMRES linear solver (PETSc)• SA turbulence model

LAVA Solver Details


Unstructured Arbitrary Polyhedral Structured Curvilinear



• 2nd order accurate Modified Roe Flux Difference Splitting for the convective terms

• 2nd order central differencing for the viscous terms

• SA turbulence model with QCR-2000 for viscous flux tensor

Page 6: LAVA Contribution to HiLiftPW-3 · • Trailing edge had 25 points instead of the 9 specified in the document • Spanwisespacing at the root and tip of elements was based on local


OversetGridforCase2c 6

GridSystem Case(s) If committeegrid,reportanyproblems/issuesIfusergrid,reasonforgeneratinggridsystem

Committee(GridA,StructuredOverset) 1a and1c Observedsolutiondecouplinginunexpectedareasofthegrid

Committee(GridA,StructuredOverset) 2aand2c Usedcustom domainconnectivitywithcommitteegrids

User(UnstructuredPolyhedral) 2c Customgeneratedwithdifferentwakerefinements


Page 7: LAVA Contribution to HiLiftPW-3 · • Trailing edge had 25 points instead of the 9 specified in the document • Spanwisespacing at the root and tip of elements was based on local

ProvidedtheCommitteeOversetGridsforCase2aandCase2c• GeneratedwiththeChimeraGridTools(CGT)• Thegridwasgeneratedasamediumgridusingtheparametersfromthegriddingguidelinesdocumentprovidedbythecommittee

• Trailingedgehad25pointsinsteadofthe9specifiedinthedocument• Spanwise spacingattherootandtipofelementswasbasedonlocalcellsizes• Usedseparatewakemeshesratherthanaregionofuniformspacinginthevolumes

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Page 8: LAVA Contribution to HiLiftPW-3 · • Trailing edge had 25 points instead of the 9 specified in the document • Spanwisespacing at the root and tip of elements was based on local


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• Decidedtousea“geometric”basedwakegrid

• Originalplanwastogenerateanwakegridbasedonthestreamlines• Thestreamlinesvarygreatlywithangleofattacksothestreamlinebasedwakeswerenotgeneral

Page 9: LAVA Contribution to HiLiftPW-3 · • Trailing edge had 25 points instead of the 9 specified in the document • Spanwisespacing at the root and tip of elements was based on local

OversetStructuredandUnstructuredPolyhedralMeshParadigms• Closelookattheslat-wingjunction

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• FirsttheDCFroutinesinOVERFLOWareusedtoprovideaminimumholecutandensurethattherequirednumberoffringelayersareavailable(withminimumhole)fortheflowsolver(doublefringeinthiscase)

• Theglobalwall-distanceisalsocomputedandstoredtofile• NexttheMIHCcodeisappliedtotheoversetgridsystemwiththeminimumholescut

MinimumHole FinalHole

Page 11: LAVA Contribution to HiLiftPW-3 · • Trailing edge had 25 points instead of the 9 specified in the document • Spanwisespacing at the root and tip of elements was based on local

WakeGrids• Thedifferentconnectivitycodesincorporatedthewakegridsdifferently

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MIHCWakeGrids Peg5WakeGrids

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• Somesolutiondecouplingisexpectedwithintheareasofoverlapbetweengridsbecausethesurfacepointsareslightlydifferent(notpointmatched)

• Thisdecouplingissomethingthatreducesasthemeshisrefined


Medium Fine

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• SawlargerthanexpectedsolutiondecouplingintheslatCp plots

• Firstsuspicionwasthatthesurfaceswerenotidenticalbuttheyweremadebysplittingonesurfacemesh

• Differentvolumegridgenerationmethods

• Leadstoadifferentamountofsolutiondecouplingatthegridinterfaces

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• Liftisconvergingwellatbothanglesandhasconvergedtoanalmostidenticalvaluefrombothsolversatbothangles

• Dragisconvergedat⍺=8andisconvergingat⍺=16• Thesolversarewithin10dragcountsofeachotheratbothanglesofattack

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Page 16: LAVA Contribution to HiLiftPW-3 · • Trailing edge had 25 points instead of the 9 specified in the document • Spanwisespacing at the root and tip of elements was based on local

JSM(Case2a)Cp ComparisonsD-D

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• Atbothanglesofattacktheflapisfairlydifferentbetweenthetwosolvers

• At⍺=18.58° thedifferenceinthesolutionsattheflapbecomesevenmorepronounced

• OverflowappearstomatchthepeakbetterandLAVAappearstomatchbetterintherecoveryregion

Page 17: LAVA Contribution to HiLiftPW-3 · • Trailing edge had 25 points instead of the 9 specified in the document • Spanwisespacing at the root and tip of elements was based on local

JSM(Case2a)Cp ComparisonsG-G• Thedifferencesbetweenthesolversismorepronouncedatthisstation

• Atthehigherangleofattackthedifferencesbecomemorepronounced

• OntheflapLAVAisclosertotheexperimentatthepeakandOverflowiscloserattheTE

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Page 19: LAVA Contribution to HiLiftPW-3 · • Trailing edge had 25 points instead of the 9 specified in the document • Spanwisespacing at the root and tip of elements was based on local

JSM(Case2c)Cp ComparisonsD-D

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• AtthelowerangleofattackOverflowismorecloselymatchingtheexperimentaldatabutatthehigherangleofattackLAVAmorecloselymatchestheexperiment

• OntheslatOverflowandtheLAVAUnstructuredresultareclosertotheexperimentatbothanglesofattack

Page 20: LAVA Contribution to HiLiftPW-3 · • Trailing edge had 25 points instead of the 9 specified in the document • Spanwisespacing at the root and tip of elements was based on local

JSM(Case2c)Cp ComparisonsG-G• Atthelowangleontheflapweseeasimilartrendasbefore;OverflowisclosertotheexperimentnearthepeakbutLAVAiscloserintherecoveryregion

• Atthehighangleofattackallofthesolvershavesimilarpredictions

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Page 21: LAVA Contribution to HiLiftPW-3 · • Trailing edge had 25 points instead of the 9 specified in the document • Spanwisespacing at the root and tip of elements was based on local

Summary• GeneratedthecommitteeoversetgridsystemfortheJSMmodel(used“geometric”wakegrids)

• ObservedsomeunexpectedsolutiondecouplinginCase1duetothewaythegridshadbeengenerated

• LAVAforceresultsagreedwellwiththeOverflowresultsforCase1

• TheCp andForceresultsaresimilarbetweenallofthesolversforbothCase2aandCase2c(flapisareaoflargestdifferences)

• NeedtoexploretheinfluenceoftheRCaswellastransitionmodels

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Page 22: LAVA Contribution to HiLiftPW-3 · • Trailing edge had 25 points instead of the 9 specified in the document • Spanwisespacing at the root and tip of elements was based on local

Acknowledgements• TransformationalToolsandTechnologies(T3)projectunderAeronauticsResearchMissionDirectorate(ARMD)

• NASfacilityforcomputertimeonPleiades

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