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Launching Event Intelligent Car Initiative van de Europese Commissîe

Launching Event Intelligent Car Initiative - PUC Open Data

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Launching Event Intelligent Car Initiative van de Europese Commissîe

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Rijkswaterstaat Adviesdienst Verkeer en Vervoer Bureau Documentatie Postbus 1031 3000 BA Rotterdam

Telefoon: 010- 282 5608 Naam lezer Paraaf Datum

N.B. Tijdig verlenging aanvragen s.v.p.

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Launching Event Intelligent Car Initiative van de Europese Commissie

23 februari 2006, Brussel

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Uitgegeven door: Rijkswaterstaat Adviesdienst Verkeer en Vervoer

Informatie: Tom Alkim & Gerben Bootsma Telefoon: 010 2825797 / 010 2825988 Fax: 0102825842

Uitgevoerd door: Tom Alkim & Gerben Bootsma

Opmaak: Tom Alkim

Datum: 24 februari 2006

Status: Definitief


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1 Verslag Launching Event Intelligent Car Initiative 6

2 Persbericht 11

3 Speech Viviane Reding 13

4 Memo Intelligent Car Flagship 17

5 European research to advance road safety 20

6 Factsheets Demonstratie voertuigen 23

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Launching Event Intelligent Car Initiative

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1.Verslag Launching Event Intelligent Car Initiative

Op 23 februari 2006 hebben Tom Alkim en Gerben Bootsma het Launching Event Intelligent Car Initiative" in Brussel bijgewoond. In

dit rapport vindt u een verslag en achtergrondinformatie van dit evenement.

Viviane Reding, Europese Commissie

Viviane Reding, lid van de Europese Commissie (Information Society and Media) lanceerde gisteren het intelligent car initiative' als één van de drie Flagship initiatieven van het 12010 programma (gericht op het bevorderen van ICT toepassingen).

Probleemstelling. In de Europese Unie zijn circa 300 miljoen automobilisten in 25 lidstaten. Naast het gemak van het gebruik van auto's zijn er diverse kosten voor de maatschappij welke een meer efficiënte en effectieve gebruik van bronnen en middelen in de weg staan; • Congestie kost Europa zon 50 miljard euro per jaar; dit is 0,5% van

het Europese BNP. Dit verdubbelt in 2010 als we niks doen. Elke dag heeft 10% van het Europese netwerk (=7500 km) last van con gestie.

• Veiligheid; elk jaar vallen er in de Europese Unie ruim 40.000 verkeersdoden en zijn er 1,4 miljoen ongevallen per jaar in EU. Dit kost 200 miljard euro per jaar, zo'n 2 % van het Europese BNP. Het aantal verkeersdoden is het equivalent van elI<e dag een vliegtuigramp (110 mensen).

• Energie consumptie; in 2002 gebruikte het wegtransport zo'n 83% van de energie die de transportsector verbruikt (deze verbruikt ca. 26% van gehele energie consumptie EU). De helft van alle

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brandstofverbruik wordt door corigestie en slecht rijgedrag opgesoupeerd.

Commisioner Reding in een Cybercar (volledig automatisch geleid voertuig)

- c

Potentieel Om bij te dragen aan oplossingen voor deze problematiek heeft informatie en communicatie technologie (ICT) een flink potentieel. eCail, het automatische emergency calI systeem in voertuigen, kan tussen de 5 en 10% ongevallen voorkomen en het aantal voertuigverliesuren met 10 tot 20% verminderen. ESP (Electronic Stability Programs) kan gemiddeld 20% van de ongevallen voorkomen en laterale ondersteuning kunnen zon 1500 ongevallen in 2010 voorkomen bij een marktpenetratie van 0,6%, terwijl een penetratiegraad van 7% in 2020 kan leiden tot 14.000 minder ongevallen. Technologie die in slaap vallende bestuurders alarmeert kan 30% van fatale ongevallen op snelwegen en 9% van alle fatale ongevallen voorkomen. Niet alleen veiligheidssystemen in de voertuigen helpen, maar ook verbeterde software en actuele verkeersdata in stedelijke verkeerscentrales kan leiden tot beter verkeersmanagement en leiden tot een reductie tot 40% van stilstaand verkeer en files, wat een flinke energiebesparing kan betekenen.

Alhoewel ze potentie hebben, zijn veel intelligente systemen nog niet op de markt. Als ze al op de markt zijn, duurt het lang voordat er kritische massa is. Het antiblokkeersysteem (ABS) en Electronic Stability Program (ESP) zijn hier voorbeelden van. Het heeft zo'n 10 jaar geduurd voordat ESP 40% marktpenetratie in de EU had.

Redenen voor deze trage marktpenetraties zijn; • wettelijke en institutionele barrières • extreme competitie in de automotive sector • relatief hoge kosten van deze intelligente systemen • gebrek aan klantvraag (vaak ook door onwetendheid) • gebrek aan informatie over gebruik en potentiële voordelen van

deze systemen. Zo'n 50% van de automobilisten weet niet welke veiligheidssystemen in zijn auto zitten.

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Er is actie nodig om deze technologie voordelen aan Europeanen te verkopen, vandaar dit initiatief.

Wat is het intelligent car initiative? De Europese Commissie doet een beroep op burgers, industrie en lidstaten om samen te werken aan oplossingen voor de geschetste problemen. Het intelligent car initiative is een beleidsframework voor acties op dit gebied. Het is gericht op groei van deze technologie ontwikkeling en de marktpenetratie hiervan. De doelstelling van dit initiatief kent 3 pijlers: • Het coördineren en steunen van het werk van stakeholders, burgers,

lidstaten en de industrie op dit gebied. Het e.Safety forum is één van de pijlers hiervoor.

• Het steunen van onderzoek op het gebied van slimmere, schonere en veilige voertuigen (en het faciliteren van het gebruik van deze onderzoeksresultaten en de marktpenetratie). Hiervoor vormen de EU Kaderprogramma's het kader.

• Bewustwording creëren van ICT gebaseerde oplossingen om het gebruik te stimuleren en de sociaal economische voordelen te bevorderen.

Er zijn 12 doelgerichte acties die dit programma ondersteunen.

In de pers wordt gesproken van the largest ever gathering of intelligent cars" over het moment in Brussel van 23 februari. Toch waren er op onze Wegen naar de Toekomst demodag van 24 mei 2005 in Lelystad meer voertuigen. Bovendien waren vrijwel alle voertuigen in Brussel statisch , d.w.z. er werd niet mee gereden. Bij slechts vier demonstraties waren voertuigen betrokken waar mee gereden werd op een afgezet stuk in het park en dus niet op de openbare weg. De media attentie was echter velen malen groter dan in Lelystad.

Demonstratie terrein in het Parc du Cinquantenaire

— — — — —

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Voertuigen die in Brussel getoond en gedemonstreerd zijn: Voor meer info zie de hoofdstuk 6

Statisch (alleen kijken, niet rijden) • Bosch; PReVENT APALACI (ontwikkelingsvoertuig voor pre-crash

functies) • Toyota; pre-crash veiligheidssystemen en Vehicle Dynamics

lntegrated Dynamics (ABS, TRC, EPS, remondersteuning geïntegreerd) in een Lexus GS430. Als je buiten bepaalde veiligheidsmarges dreigt te komen, grijpt het voertuig in.

• Nissan; ACC (low speed following) met LDWA geintegreerd • ARCOS (Frans nationaal project); collision mitigation

(detectiesystemen) • Continental; combinatie ACC en LKS (houdt auto in midden

rijstrook) • AWAKE; vrachtwagen met systeem dat bestuurder in de gaten

houdt en waarschuwt als men in slaap dreigt te vallen (visueel, geluid en gordelvibratie)

• PEIl & SPARC project; drive by wire • PReVENT; digitale kaart in de auto (voor rijtaakondersteuning) • Mercedez-S klasse met night vision • REACT; voertuig-infra communicatie • Citroen C4 met LDWA en ABS en Emergency Braking Assist (EBA) • Peugot (ABS en EBA) • Honda; LKS, collision mitigation en intelligente night vision • Tele Atlas ; voertuig waarmee digitale kaarten wordt gemaakt • LAVIA project; systeem dat aangeeft wat snelheidslimiet • FIAT-CRF;

• PReVENT; Collision mitigation, pre-crash en lateral support • EDEL; voertuig met night vision • COMUNICAR (voertuig-infra communicatie met

waarschuwingssysteem bij mist of ander slecht zicht) • CARTALK (voertuig-voertuig communicatie)

Dynamisch (rijden op een afgezet stuk in het park, niet op de openbare weg) • Cybercars; FROG corinexxion shuttle • Daimler Chrysler; PROTECTOR, SAVE-U, WATCH-OVER, voertuig

dat voetgangers herkent en automatisch remt bij naderend ongeval • IBEO test voertuig; pedestrian protection, AEB, PreCrash en Traffic

Jam Assistant (stop&go) • Mercedes Benz-S met brake assist + en ACC (0-200 km/u)


Deze bijeenkomst hebben we goed kunnen gebruiken om te netwerken met een aantal partijen. Zo was het goed André Vits en Fabrizio Minarini van de Europese Commissie (DGINFOSOC) te zien. Ze hebben ons uitgenodigd om op 5 april a.s. in Brussel mee te werken aan dit initiatief door onze ervaringen met praktijkproeven met de Europese Commissie te delen.

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Walter Hagleitner van ADAS consulting was aanwezig; hij heeft het initiatief genomen de transport ministers die op 2 en 3 maart in Oostenrijk (Bregenz) voor een informele transportraad aanwezig zijn uit te leggen wat een ACC inhoudt. Toevallig zijn de auto's waarmee alle ministers worden vervoerd (Audi A8) voorzien van ACC en de chauffeurs zullen door Hagleitner geinstrueerd worden tijdens een rit uitleg aan de ministers te geven. Wij hebben onze minister Peijs gebrieft via DGP, zodat ze op de hoogte is van de ontwikkelingen in Nederland en dit ook kan vertellen aan haar collega's.

Jan van Honk van Toyota Europa was aanwezig met een Lexus GS430 en hebben we gesproken. Hij komt 10 maart in Nederland met een Toyota waar ACC en LKS (Lane Keeping) inzit om het bestuur van RWS hierin te laten rijden. De Lexus die we hier gezien hebben dient als back-up voor als de andere auto niet werkt (kan door slecht weer of instellingen; het is een experimenteel voertuig).

Daarnaast waren nog diverse mensen aanwezig die we vanuit het project Rij Assistent kennen en diverse Europese projecten. Onder andere van Nissan Europa hebben we met de R&D manager, dhr. Kitano, gesproken en van Fiat-CRF met Luisa Andreone, Roberto Brignolo enGianfranco Burza.

In de volgende hoofdstukken vindt u meer (achtergrond)informatie: 2 - het persbericht 3 - de speech van Viviane Reding (Commissaris Europese Commissie) 4— memo intelligent car flagship (12010) 5 - European research to advance road safety 6 - factsheets van de gedemonstreerde voertuigen

Demonstratie van stop & go

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2. Persbericht

P1061191 Brussel, 21 februari 2006

Intelligente auto's: Ievensreddende technologieën verdienen volgens de Commissie meer steun van de industrie en beleidsmakers

Technologieën ter voorkoming van kop-staartbotsingen kunnen het aantal ongevallen in de EU jaarlijks met 4.000 terugdringen als tegen 2010 3% van de auto's hierover beschikt. Met technologieën die helpen bij het blijven volgen van de rijstrook of het inhalen, kunnen jaarlijks 1.500 ongevallen worden voorkomen als tegen 2010 slechts 0,6% van de auto's hierover beschikt. En technologieën die slaperige chauffeurs wakker houden, kunnen 30% van de dodelijke snelwegongevallen en 9% van alle dodelijke ongevallen helpen voorkomen. Dat zegt de Europese Commissie in een vandaag gelanceerde campagne om de consumenten aan te zetten tot de aanschaf van auto's met intelligentere, veiligere en schonere technologieën.

"Intelligente auto's kunnen bijdragen tot de oplossing van onze belangrijkste problemen op het gebied van wegvervoer: veiligheid, verkeerscongestie en energieverbruik", merkte Commissaris voor Informatiemaatschappij en Media Viviane Reding op. "Van burgers en beleidsmakers kan echter niet worden verwacht dat ze in technologieën voor de veiligheid van auto's investeren of deze bevorderen, tenzij de voordelen duidelijk zijn. Daarom roep ik ertoe op de inspanningen van industrie en beleidsmakers kracht bij te zetten door met informatie- en communicatietechnologie intelligentie in te bouwen in alle in Europa gemaakte voertuigen."

Intelligente" systemen kunnen chauffeurs helpen ongelukken te voorkomen en kunnen bij een ongeval de noodhulpdiensten zelfs automatisch waarschuwen (zie lP/05/134). Ze kunnen ook worden toegepast in elektronische verkeersbeheerssystemen of om de werking van de motor te optimaliseren, om zo de energie-efficiëntie te verbeteren en de verontreiniging te bestrijden. Dankzij informatie- en communicatietechnologieën wordt er goede vooruitgang geboekt in de richting van de EU-doelstelling om het aantal verkeersdoden tegen 2010 te halveren. Toch gebeuren er op de wegen in de EU jaarlijks toch nog meer dan 1,4 miljoen ongelukken, waarvan 40.000 met dodelijke afloop. Huidig onderzoek toont aan dat menselijke fouten een rol spelen in bijna 93% van de ongelukken, die een schade veroorzaken van rond de 200 miljard euro, 2% van het BBP van de EU. Verkeersopstoppingen komen voor op 10% van ons wegennet en kosten 50 miljard euro per jaar, oftewel 0,5% van het BBP van de EU. Onderzoek toont aan dat tot 50% van het energieverbruik te wijten is

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aan verkeerscongestie of slecht rijgedrag, problemen die kunnen worden opgelost door informatie- en communicatietechnologieën.

Acceptatie van de technologieën gaat nog te langzaam Meer dan 20 jaar na de introductie van het antiblokkeerremsysteem (ABS) beschikken nog steeds niet alle auto's hierover. Het heeft tien jaar geduurd voordat ESP-systemen (elektronisch stabiliteitsprogramma), die de controle van de chauffeur bij een glad wegdek verbeteren door de aandrijf- of remkracht te verdelen over de wielen die deze het hardst nodig hebben, een marktpenetratie van slechts 40% hadden bereikt. Deze en nieuwere systemen, zoals remassistentie, systemen die waarschuwen bij rijstrookafwijking, systemen ter voorkoming van botsingen en detectie- en waarschuwingssystemen voor actieve bescherming van voetgangers, moeten sneller worden geaccepteerd en zo snel mogelijk in zowel topmodellen als goedkopere auto's worden ingebouwd.

Het initiatief De intelligente auto" van de Commissie - dat een onderdeel vormt van de i201 0-strategie van de EU - sluit aan bij de behoefte aan een snellere acceptatie van nieuwe technologieën om auto's veiliger, schoner en efficiënter te maken. Dit initiatief heeft drie doelstellingen: • coördinatie van de inspanningen van belanghebbenden, burgers,

lidstaten en de industrie om de ontwikkeling en invoering van deze technologieën te bespoedigen;

• ondersteuning van onderzoek en ontwikkeling op het gebied van slimmere, schonere en veiligere voertuigen met middelen van het Zevende kaderprogramma (KP7) van de EU en bevordering van de acceptatie en toepassing van de resultaten. Er zou onder andere een reeks veldexperimenten moeten worden uitgevoerd om de effecten van eSafety-systemen op het gedrag van de bestuurder en op het dynamisch rijgedrag onder realistische omstandigheden te beoordelen (de onderzoeksprioriteiten van de EU op het gebied van intelligente voertuigen krijgen de volle steun van de ERTRAC (European Road Transport Research Advisory CounciD); en

• promotie van de voordelen van de eSafety-technologieën om de vraag van de autobezitters te stimuleren. Hiertoe zullen regelmatig evenementen worden georganiseerd om de technologieën te demonstreren en zullen er gerichte tv-programma's worden geproduceerd.

Tijdens het demonstratie-evenement Intelligente auto", dat op donderdag 23 februari vanaf 10u30 in het Autowereld-museum in Brussel plaatsvindt, zal het Commissie-initiatief De intelligente auto" door Commissaris Vivane Reding worden gepresenteerd. Daarna volgt een show van nieuwe prototypes waarin al informatie- en communicatietechnologie wordt toegepast. Dit evenement is toegankelijk voor vertegenwoordigers van de pers in Brussel. Verdere informatie: .int/information_society/activities/esafety/indexen .ht m—society/doc/factsheets/048- esafety.pdf

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3.Speech Viviane Reding

Intelligent car Launching event Brussels, 23 February 2006

Members of the European Parliament, Members of the press, Ladies and Gentiemen, good morning and welcome to the launching event of the intelligent car initiative. 1 have invited you all - here today to this inspiring museum to present and discuss with you the content of a new initiative in the field of smarter safer and cleaner vehicles and 1 would like to thank you for coming. What better a place to discuss vehicle technology than this museum which provides an ideal connection between the past, with the automobiles here inside and the future, which is represented outside in the demonstration area. To reinforce and support the objectives and the actions described in the document l am about to present, we have organised a demonstration of ICT technologies that is the largest European concentration of intelligent vehicles ever displayed in recent years. Most of these vehicles are the result of European projects supported under Information Society Technologies Programmes 5 and 6. Some of these systems are already commercial products fitted into vehicles that are driving on European roads. Some other systems are the results of National research programmes, underlining the complementarities and collaboration of European and National research programmes. Research and development is the engine of modern economies, and in the areas with a strong technology nature, research and innovation are essential for growth and competitiveness. Under the 5 " Framework Programme (1999-2002), we have invested around 100 M€ in road vehicle related research. Under the 6 Framework Programme (2002-2006) we have invested so far about 150 M€. 30M of this is supporting the lntegrated Project PREVENT looking specifically at preventive safety applications. Many of the results produced by these programmes are on show outside and l am eager to see and try the excellence of European Research in Information and Communication Technologies based solutions. 1 would like to concentrate now on the main subject of today: the Commission Communication on the Intelligent Car. Why a European initiative on the Intelligent Car? There are an estimated 300 million car drivers in the EU Member States, who would like their driving to be made easier with Iess trouble, fewer delays, and Iess chance of getting injured. Of all our daily activities, driving is crucial as our entire life could change in an instant or even end because of a road accident. The intelligent car initiative is an attempt to move towards a new situation, where cars don't crash anymore, and traffic congestion is drastically reduced. The pollution of the environment, traffic safety and congestion are truly European problems affecting all 25 Member States: common European

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solutions need to be found. Moreover, despite the quality of the intelligent systems based on Id, their take up in the market is very slow. Action is needed to make European citizens benefit more from these technologies. The Commission initiative on the Intelligent Car is an answer to the need of the citizens, the industry and the Member States to solve transport related societal problems and to improve the take up of Information and Communication Technologies. This new Communication presents a policy framework for action. It is part of the i2010 strategy as one of the 3 Flagship initiatives that show how European research & policy on ICT are delivering an innovation. Before going into the details of the Initiative, let me first briefly describe the challenges that Europe is facing with regards to congestion, energy efficiency and road safety. Congestion costs 50 billion € per year or 0.5 % of Community GDP, by 2010 this last figure could go up to 1%. Everyday, 7 500 km or 10 % of the road networks are affected by traffic jams. In 2002, Road transport consumed 83% of the energy consumed by the whole transport sector representing more than 26% of the total energy consumption in the EU. But of all transport problems, Safety is the one with the most serious impact on the daily lives of the citizens. With the White Paper" of September 2001, we set the target to halve road fatalities by 2010. Although the situation has improved considerably, every year there are still over 40.000 fatalities on the European roads, with 1.4 million accidents and a cost of around 200 billion € per year representing 2% of the EU GDP. How can we deal better with these problems? We believe that Information and Communication Technologies, which enable the building of intelligent vehicles and infrastructures, provide new advanced solutions that can contribute to solving the key societal challenges 1 have just described. These intelligent systems can assist the driver in the driving functions, thus preventing or avoiding accidents. They can provide drivers with real time information about the road network, thus avoiding congestion. They can optimise a journey or the engine performance, thus improving overall energy efficiency. 1 would like to give you some examples of the potential of these systems. 1f all vehicles were equipped with eCail, the emergency call system, it has been estimated that a reduction in fatalities between 5% and 10% could be achieved in the EU, saving up to 22 billion €/a year. Moreover, eCail could reduce congestion times between 10% and 20% with additional cost savings of between 2 to 4 billion E. Already, Electronic Stability Programmes (ESP) reduce accidents by 20% on average. Lateral Support systems could save 1.500 accidents in 2010 with a penetration rate of only 0.6%, while a penetration rate of 7% in 2020 would lead to 14.000 fewer accidents. Solutions are not only focused on board the vehicles, but improved software and real-time traffic data in urban traffic control centres could lead to better traffic management and achieve a reduction of up to 40% in standstill traffic and in congestion, thus resulting in considerable energy savings. Solutions exist and they are getting better, more reliable and cheaper. Unfortunately, despite their potential, most intelligent systems are not yet on the market, and when they are, large-scale deployment has

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taken a very long period of time due to several problems. This has been the case, for example, with the introduction of the ABS, which took 20 years, and the ESP taking 10 years to reach 40% of market penetration in the EU. The main reasons for slow take up are legal and institutional barriers, the extremely competitive situation of the automotive sector, the relatively high cost of intelligent systems and the consequent lack of customer demand, and, most of all, the lack of information, throughout society, about the use and potential benefits of these systems. A recent survey done by EUROTEST showed that only half the drivers surveyed were familiar with existing basic in-vehicle technologies providing active and passive safety. Only 50% of them, for example, knew the features of the anti lock-braking system that is now fitted in every new vehicle. The Intelligent Car initiative addresses all these issues thoroughly through three main objectives: 1 Coordinate and support the work of the relevant stakeholders, the citizens, the Member States and the Industry.

Support research and development in the area of smarter, cleaner and safer vehicles and facilitate the take-up and use of research results.

Create awareness of ICT-based solutions to stimulate users' demand for these systems and create socio-economic acceptance. The first objective of the Intelligent Car Initiative is implemented with the support of the eSafety Forum. The Forum aims at removing the bottlenecks that prevent Intelligent Vehicle Systems entering the market, through consensus building among stakeholders and recommendations to the Member States, industry and the EU. It was established in 2003 and now has over 150 member organisations. Most of them are present today, representing all road safety stakeholders. The Forum will become one of the pillars of the Intelligent Car Initiative and it will be the essential link to the decision makers. 1 would like to take this opportunity to invite the eSafety Forum to start the discussions on how ICT could contribute more to the cleaner" aspect of the initiative. The second objective of the Intelligent Car Initiative builds upon the ach ievements and results of EU Framework Program mes on research and technological development. The long-term objectives of the Intelligent Car Initiative can only be achieved through co-operative research and will be part of the ICT priority in FP7: ICT meeting societal challenges, contributing to the development of ICT-based intelligent transportation systems and services. The impressive display of smart vehicles you see here today has to large measure benefited from EU research programme funding for Information Society Technologies. This part of the programme represents around 20% of the total EU research funding. It is a practical programme which as you can see gives real results of benefit to European citizens and industry. The negotiations for FP7 - the new programme - will start soon and 1 am sure you will agree that the highest priority has to be given to those areas where we can show in concrete terms that European money is money well spent. That is why we have to avoid at all costs that the IST

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programmes, my programmes, actually do not get the budget we need to make Europe move ahead on economic growth, on forming the basis for new wealth and job creating industries and on rolling out new services for citizens. The Intelligent Cars we see here today that will make for smarter, safer and cleaner road transport - these are the resuits of the money Europe has spent on IST research. On the EU budget for framework 7, we have to be realistic. The overall frame is already largely set. And 1 cannot say 1 am not disappointed: our aspirations are far below our international competitors. 1 remind you again: the US spends 350€ per head on ICT research, Europe spends 80€ per head. No wonder we have productivity growth rates of 1% whereas the US has rates of 3%, 80% of which comes from ICT production and ICT intensive services. With what we do have left, though, ICT research needs to be strongly reinforced; we have the evidence here today that it can pay off. To do less would send totally the wrong message. 1 rely on your help to avoid such a trap! Last but not least, the awareness pillar of the Intelligent Car Initiative will promote in an active manner co-ordinated information dissemination to a wide audience, raise drivers and policy makers' knowledge about the potential of intelligent vehicle systems, stimulate users' demand and create socio-economic acceptance. In the Communication on the Intelligent Car we propose 12 actions. These actions target the 3 objectives 1 have described and range from co-ordination and research to awareness activities. These actions are not exclusive and 1 am planning to add more activities in the future. Ladies and Gentlemen, we have learned that the Intelligent Car initiative emphasises the strategic importarice of Information and Communication Technologies, ICT, enabling the building of smarter, safer and cleaner vehicles, helping to solve road transport related societal problems. The Intelligent Car Initiative is a policy framework to guide stakeholders' efforts in this area, aiming at accelerating the deployment of intelligent vehicle systems on the European and other markets through clearly defined actions. These actions encompass the use of policy, research and communications instruments. 1 would like to invite you all to support the objectives expressed in this Communication and to play an active role in the execution of the proposed actions, together with the Commission, The Member States and the other stakeholders. Thank you for your attention

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4.Memo Intelligent Car Flagship

MEMO/06/86 Brussels, 21 February 2006

The Commission's Intelligent Car Flagship under the i2010 initiative: Questions and Answers

What are intelligent cars" and i2010 flagship initiatives? Promoting the development of cars that are smarter, safer and cleaner is part of the EUs European Information Society 2010" (i2010) strategy to boost growth and jobs in the digital economy (see P1051643). The intelligent car" is one of three i2010 "flagship

initiatives" that aim to show how information and communication technology (ICT) can improve our public services and quality of life (the other two are "technologies for an ageing society', and digital libraries"). The key aims of the intelligent car" flagship initiative are to: • co-ordinate the efforts of stakeholders, citizens, Member States and

industry to accelerate the development and take-up of these tech no logies,

• support R&D on smarter, cleaner and safer vehicles, with funding from the EU's seventh research framework programme (F13 7) and facilitate the take-up and use of research results. This should include a set of field operational tests to assess in real-world environments the impact of eSafety systems on driver behaviour and driving dynamics (EU intelligent car research priorities are fully supported by the European Road Transport Research Advisory Council - ERTRAC), and

• build awareness of the benefits of e-safety technologies, so as to stimulate demand among drivers. This work will include regular technology demonstration events and targeted TV programmes.

Why a Commission flagship initiative on the intelligent car? Modern society depends heavily on mobility. Yet most transport problems, such as congestion of trunk routes and in urban areas, harmful effects on the environment and public health, waste of energy and above all, accidents which cause fatalities, injuries and material damage, have yet to be overcome. The "intelligent car" flagship will be a powerful tool for reaping the benefits of ICT in the transport sector. In the EU, traffic congestion costs amount to € 50 billion per year or 0.5% of Community GDP, and by 2010 this figure could go up to 1% of EU GDP. The number of cars per thousand persons rose from 232 in 1975 to 460 in 2002. The overall distance travelled by road vehicles has tripled in the past 30 years, and in the past decade, the volume of road freight traffic has grown by 35%, contributing to 7,500km or 10% of the network being affected daily by traffic jams.

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Systems that use advanced ICT provide targeted solutions to today's transport problems. For example, 1f all vehicles in the EU were equipped with automatic emergency cail (eCali) technology by 2010, road accident fatalities could be reduced by 5-15%. Moreover, eCall could reduce time lost to traffic congestion by between 10% and 20%, with cost savings of €2 to 4 billion. Autonomous Cruise Control (ACC), which helps to avoid rear-end collisions, could save up to 4,000 accidents per annum if 3% of vehicles were equipped with it by 2010. Lateral Support (lane departure warning and lane change assistant) could save 1,500 accidents per annum if only 0.6% of vehicles were equipped with it by 2010, or 14,000 accidents per annum if 7% of vehicles were equipped with it by 2020. The AWAKE project, which developed a Driver hypovigilance system that wakes up drowsy drivers, estimated that technology like this could prevent up to 30% of fatal crashes on motorways and 9% of all fatal crash es.

What is the Commission communication on intelligent cars all about? The Commission communication on intelligent cars calls upon citizens, the industry and EU Member States to work together to solve transport-related societal problems and to improve the take-up of information and communication technologies to this end. The communication presents the intelligent car initiative as a policy framework for actions in this area. the intelligent car initiative has three pillars: the eSafety Forum, the ICT research programme and awareness-raising actions.

Who are the key players in this flagship initiative? First we have the citizen, who cannot be expected to invest in technology unless its benefits are dear. Then we have the EU automotive industry, which makes about 17 million vehicles per year and employs, (inciuding its suppliers), close to 2 million people in Europe, with a worldwide turnover of more than € 450 billion. ICT suppliers will also help the automotive industry to boost its competitiveness. Finally, we have EU Member States, which play a vital role in providing political support for technology take-up.

Examples of intelligent car projects

PReVENT PReVENT is a European automotive industry project, co-funded by the European Commission, to improve road safety by developing and preventive safety applications and technologies. The total cost is about €55 million, of which the Commission is contributing €29.8 million. Preventive safety applications help drivers to avoid or mitigate accidents by using in-vehicle systems that sense the nature and significance of the danger, while tal<ing the driver's state into account. PReVENT has over 50 partners, including industry (12 car manufacturers and 16 parts suppliers), public authorities, research institutes, universities and other public and private bodies.

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CARTALI< CARTALK is an advanced driver support system based on vehicle to vehicle communication technologies. It started in August 2001 as a three-year project which is funded within the Information Society Technologies cluster of the EU's 5th Framework Programme for R&D. The aim is to develop a mobile ad hoc network as a first step in the development of future co-operative systems for road safety. A vehicie sends a warning message when it detects a breakdown, high traffic density, congestion, or dangerous road surfaces. This allows early warnings to be sent to other vehicles on the same road, and makes it possible to brake early when a car hidden by the one in front is already braking. This system can also help to prevent misunderstandings between drivers already on a highway and those trying to enter it (7 partners, inciuding a car manufacturer, a parts supplier, research institutes and universities). More intelligent car projects http :// . int/information_society/activities/esafety/doc/med ias /car_showcases. pdf See also P/05/1137


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5. European research to advance road safety

MEMO/06/89 Brussels, 22 February 2006

European research to advance road safety €100 million have been made available from the Sixth Framework Pro gramme for Research that will advance the safety of drivers, passen gers and pedestrians. This background note provides information about a few key pro jects, many of which feed into European and international working groups on vehicle safety and supports European transport and industrial policies.

Reducing death and injury due to road accidents The APROSYS project is looking to make a specific contribution to reducing road deaths among 4 specific groups: car occupants, motorcyclists, truck occupants and pedestrians and cyclists. Results will include new mathematical models of the human body to help with car design; a worldwide, harmonised female crash test dummy for side impact testing; new tools for design, implementation and evaluation of intelligent safety systems; test methods and protection systems for injury reduction.

Reducing whiplash injuries 2 projects are looking at how whiplash occurs and therefore what measures can reduce its effects. The results of these projects feed into legislation on passive safety measures such as head restraints in cars, and a new dummy developed through the project has been marketed to several car companies and research organisations.

Improving passive safety Passive safety looks to limit the negative consequences of accidents through improved vehicle standards and safety systems. A Network of Excellence has been established with 53 partners from industry and academia to create a long-term integrated research programme in the area of passive safety. By working together, the partners will be able to make the most of the research they do at European, national and regional levels and make sure there is better take-up of the results of that research.

Improving crash compatibility between cars Several EU-funded research projects are providing direct input to regulatory groups looking at the issue of car-to-car compatibility, which can be defined as the ability of a vehicle to protect its own occupants in case of a crash with another vehicle. The projects have developed potential test procedures such as a bad sensing wall for assessing

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frontal impact across the width of the car, and tests with barriers designed to measure how stiff the front of the car is. A current project is looking at ways to improve compatibility of impact at the front or side.

Daytime running Iights A project is developing a headlamp system based on LEDs (light emitting diodes). Such a system can produce more brightness for up to 50% less energy than existing halogen lamps, as well as providing a platform for car-to-car or car-to-infrastructure communication in the future.

Better crash test dummies To improve the safety of car occupants and pedestrian, it is important to be able to make a realistic assessment of crash situations to predict and therefore prevent injuries. There are several projects which have advanced the technology of dummies, so they can provide more accurate information. Both adult and child dummies are developed and the work of some of these projects has fed into the creation of an international agreement on crash test dummies. http:!!!mframe.html

In-vehicle system to sense danger Preventive safety applications help drivers to avoid or mitigate accidents by using in-vehicle systems that sense the nature and sigriificance of the danger, while taking the driver's state into account. The PReVENT project, which is developing such applications has over 50 partners, including industry (12 car manufacturers and 16 parts suppliers), public authorities, research institutes, universities and other public and private bodies.

Improved safety through car-to-car communication CARTALK is an advanced driver support system based on vehicle to vehicle communication technologies. The aim is to develop a mobile ad hoc network as a first step in the development of future co-operative systems for road safety. A vehicle sends a warning message wheri it detects a breakdown, high traffic density, congestion, or dangerous road surfaces. This allows early warnings to be sent to other vehicles on the same road, and makes it possible to brake early when a car hidden by the one in front is already braking. This system can also help to prevent misuriderstandings between drivers already on a highway and those trying to enter it. The project is comprised of 7 partners, including a car manufacturer, a parts supplier, research institutes and universities.

Road sector working together to identify its research agenda The European Road Transport Research Advisory Council is an organisation bringing together representatives from all road transport

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sectors, consumers, vehicle man ufacturers, component suppliers, road infrastructure operators and developers, service providers, energy suppliers, research organisations, cities and regions as well as public authorities at both European Union and national level. They have developed a common vision and common strategic research agenda for the sector, which has safety and security as one of its key components.

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6.Factsheets Demonstratie voertuigen

Zie bijgevoegde pdf [factsheets i2010.pdf].

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- Both systems work independently.

Ultrasonic is useful at lower speeds and at

' very close distances. A fusion of both sensor systems improves the overall performance. A camera records a video of the test, which is synchronized with the recorded measurements over the time. In order to check the accuracy of the estimates, a contact switch gives the time point of impact. The data is stored for further analysis and processing in the laboratory to develop the PreCrash functions Preset and Prefire.

APALACI Partners: Robert Bosch GmbH, Centro Ricerche Fiat, DaimlerChrysler AG, Volvo Technologies, IBEO GmbH, University of Parma


PreCrash functions

PReVENT IP - APALACI subproject

system was integrated -- The sensor system is in the front-end of of a based on ultrasonic vehicle. -. and radar sensors.



Early detection of a crash is used for the function Prefire.

A\ This enables advance activation of the reversible restraints in any tentative crash-situation. The most prevalent system is an electronic belt pretensioner. A reversible belt pretensioner

keeps the occupants in position by removing the belt slack. Fixing the passengers in the current position increases the survival space. Furthermore, in slow speed crashes, the activation of a pyrotechnical belt pretensioner can be blocked, as the protection of the reversible belt is sufficent.

AThe aim of Preset is to improve the performance of current restraints by integrating vehicle surroundings information in occupant safety systems. Preset only provides additional information, so that the pyrotechnical restraints are not

activated on this basis. However, this information improves the categorization of the situation and becoms especially advantageous for multi-stage airbags, which require an accurate estimation of the closing-velocity.


co-funded by the

European Union under the

Eiijj1 6° Framework Programme

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. . . . . . . . . . . . EN-6- 16.

Lateral support, driver monitoring & coîiision mitigation Demo



I p

r The LATERAL SAFE application is an integration of safety functions to prevent lateral and rear vehicle collisions and to assist the driver covering blind spots, preventing driver's distraction.

The APALACI application is based on the detection of a collision event some instants before it occurs to improve the intervention of on-board protection systems, reducing the consequences for the occupants. APALACI develops strategies to improve the effectiveness of braking maneuvers, inciuding the driver in the decision loop and integrates enhanced pre-crash systems.

The CRF vehicle demonstrates multiple applications developed in the PReVENT Integrated Project.

Bhnd .pot

C3 The LATERAL SAFE application is based on short and long range radars and cameras in the rear view mirrors; it provides lateral and rear area monitoring, lateral collision warning and lane change assistance.

Medium rango Radar

Long Range Radar

rrn Short Range


The APALACI application is based on a frontal medium-range radar, camera sensors and a specific data processing for collision prediction. Different types of collision mitigation and pre-crash interventions are activated progressively according to the estimated time-to-collision.

2s time-to-collision Os

Co-funded by the European Union under the 6' ° Framework Programme

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Night vision systems Demo

FIAT—CRF - EDEL project - 3

F i2O1O The EDEL project developed a new generation of driver assistance systems for night driving.

Project partners: CRF, Jaguar Cars, Robert Bosch GmbH, Uni. Karisruhe, Osram Opto Semi-onductors, Hella, Uni Siena, Uni Genova.


The EDEL development of a new generation of driver assistance systems for night driving is based on near infrared sensors and on semiconductor illuminations via the design and development of an automotive high dynamic CMOS camera with non-linear response to reduce glaring, pulsed semiconductor near infrared illuminators synchronized with the camera, image processing algorithms for vision enhancement and obstacle detection.

The human machine interface is available on direct-view or on head up displays.

The competitive technologies for assistance systems for night driving

The near infrared night vision systems are based on the use of vehicle headlamps that emit also near infrared lights and of CMOS high dynamic cameras able to avoid glaring effects.

The far infrared night vision systems are based on the use of thermal cameras that are operable also in complete darkness and are able to reconstruct the thermal map of the external scenario.


The functions


1 The basic functionality of the EDEL night vision systems integrated in the CRF demonstrator is to drive by night with a visibility that is comparable or higher then the visibility offered by the high beams but without glaring effects. Additional functions can offer the possibility to warn the driver about potential obstacles.

CMOS automotive camera

Co-funded by the European Union underthe 51h Framework Programme

1 Ilt(1 .t1.1'i ft

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rwa d Safety in fog & vehicle to infrastructure communicatïon



munication in the

Fiat cooperates to create an Integrated System that guarantees driving safety in conditions of poor visibility.

The infrastructure is equipped to monitor road visibility and traffic conditions and to warn the drivers via Variable Message Panels, Intelligent Light Guides and on-board devices. The ROAD SAFETY IN FOG vehicle is a CRF-ANAS SAFETY CAR equipped with the COMUNICAR intelligent HMI, anti-collision systems and a variable message bar based on the innovative ChipLED technology, the safety car task is to guide platoons of vehicles through the fog.

The ROAD SAFETY IN FOG project is one of the initiatives at national level from which the European SAFESPOT Integrated Project, co-funded by the European Commission (DG INFSO) and coordinated by Centro Ricerche Fiat, has been initiated.

The SAFESPOT Integrated Project aims to understand how intelligent vehicles and intelligent roads can cooperate to produce a breakthrough for road safety.

F>}i2010 The COMUNICAR concept is the intelligent management of driver-vehicle information flow ac-cording to different driving conditions. Project resuits re- present one of the main building blocks for the European AIDE Integrated Project activities, currently in course, on the design and development of an adaptive and integrated HMI (Human-machine interface).

Co-funded by the

4J European Union under the 5th Framework Programme

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Pre-Crash Safety & Vehicle Dynamics Integrated Management (VDIM)

LEXUS GS430 Demo

5 The LEXUS GS 430 displayed is equipped with

J t U 1 Pre-Crash Safety (PCS)

> PCS is an innovative system that activates safety devices before a crash occurs

Toyota believes PCS will effectively reduce fatalities in frontal

TOYOTA collisions

PCS is currently available on Lexus [S, GS & IS

A millimetre-wave radar sensor detects obstacles in front of the car and works in combination with the Pre-Crash Safety computer, which monitors vehicle speed, steering angle and yaw rate inputs to help determine in advance whether a collision is imminent. In such an eventuality, the system pre-emptively retracts the front seatbelts and prepares the Emergency Brake Assist system for maximum braking farce and optimum reduction of collision speed. Together with Adaptive Variable Suspension (AVS) the system also automatically regulates the suspension's shock absorber rates to minimize vehicle nose diving under emergency braking

Vehicle Dynamics Integrated Management (VDIM)

> VDIM supports safe driving and ensures driving pleasure

It integrates key active safety systems allowing intervention before safety limits are reached

> VDIM is currently available on Lexus GS, IS & RX400h

With comprehensive status data provided by sensors throughout

— a the vehicle, VDIM integrates the GS's Electronically Controlled

t - ,,,, .. • 1, 1 . Brake (ECB) four-wheel

- . independent braking, Anti-Lock

• - ."- -. ;-- Brakes (ABS), Electronic Brake • . -- farce Distribution (EBD), Traction

Control (TRC) and Vehicle .- "-- Stability Control (VSC) active

safety systems with the Electronic Power Steering (EPS) and Variable Gear Ratio Steering (VGRS) systems.

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FIL bi

Lane Departure Warning & Intelligent Cruise Control

NISSAN Test Vehicle ,- ] i 6

1 W o. M-1 Lane Departure Warning System

The Lane Departure Warning System recognizes lane markings through the use of a small camera mounted behind the rearview mirror. The camera's signal and the vehicle's speed are sent to the system's advanced micro-processing unit, which combines the information to calculate both the distance between the vehicle and the lane marking and the lateral velocity to the lane marking. A assessment is then made as to whether the vehicle is moving out of the lane (depending on the distance and lateral velocity to the lane).

The LDW system is temporarily disabled by driver activation of the vehicle's turn signals, which informs the system's control unit of intended lane changes. The system also features a manual cancel switch, which allows the driver to turn the system off when desired. The system automatically resets when the vehicle is restarted.

intelligent Cruise Control with a Low-speed Followinci Function

The Intelligent Cruise Control system adds a dimension to traditional cruise control systems by allowing the driver to maintain an appropriate distance from the car ahead. Using a combination of laser sensors, throttle and brake actuators and the vehicle's braking system, a laser signal measures the distance to the car ahead, then automatically adjusts vehicle speed to maintain a pre-selected gap.

Nissan has newly added a 10w-speed following function to Intelligent Cruise control. This new function enables to maintain a preset headway distance to a preceding vehicle in the same lane according to the driving speed, even at low speeds below approximately 40

kmlh. The addition of w~m this low-speed following function helps reduce the driver's workload not ~l Y in the high-speed range, but also at low

• : ... speeds such as when traveling in congested traffic. Intelligent Cruise

-• Control and the low-


- J conve n ien ce.

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1 7 Demo Collision Mitigation

ARCOS Vehicle

This prototype vehicle presents a collision mitigation application developed by LIVIC (INRETS-LCPC) within the ARCOS project (Research Action for Secure Driving, French national project in the framework of the PREDIT 2 Transport Research Program).

TT' :]E


The detection system is based on the fusion between stereovision and laser scanner. The behavior of the system is as follows:

- when the Time To Collision (TTC) = 1.5 s, an acoustic warning is generated to alert the driver to start an obstacle avoidance or a braking maneuver;

- when TTC = 1.3 s, the warning lights are turned on to warn the surrounding vehicles that an emergency braking is going to be launched,

- when TTC = 1.0 s, the emergency braking is launched in t order to decrease as much as possible the velocity of the

vehicle before the collision.

We have two demo possibilities:

Static Demo: Detection of obstacles in front of the vehicle (a pedestrian waiks toward the vehicle to simulate a collision)

Dynamic Demo: emergency braking in front of a pedestrian mockup.

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Vehicle-to-vehicle communication Dem]

FIAT-CRF - CarTALK project 1. 8 1 »12010

ir IrInhiyp

CarTALK is an ad- vanced driver support system based on vehicle to vehicle communication techno-logies to develop a mobile ad hoc network as a first step in the development of future cooperative systems for road safety.


Information and Warning Functions

A vehicle sends a warning message when it detects a vehicle breakdown, high traffic density, congestions, or dangerous road surface conditions. This allows an early warning of the vehicles on the same road.

Communication-based Longitudinal Control Systems

Existing adaptive cruise control systems only react on the vehicle directly in front. By integrating communication, these systems may adapt the longitudinal control to the traffic in front and can anticipate an early braking manoeuvre when an invisible vehicle beyond the direct predecessor in front is braking.

Co-operative Assistance Systems

CarTALK2000 Project Typical scenarios for co-operation are highway entries and crossings.

partners: Today, misunderstandings between drivers on the highway and on the

DaimlerChrysler AG, entry-lane cause critical situations. By exchanging information up to

Centro Ricerche Fiat, simple trajectory plans, critical situations can be foreseen and solved

Robert Bosch GmbH, by the vehicles themselves. CarTALK 2000 actively addressed market

Siemens ICN, TNO, introduction strategies performing cost benefit analyses and

University of Cologne, addressing legal aspects.

University of Stuttgart KEY ACHIEVEMENT

The assessment of the feasibility of future co-operative driver assistance systems.

,) ((4




FIAT-CRF demonstrator vehicles implement information and warning fu nctions

co-funded by the

ïi'1Ef1' European union under the 5th Framework Programme

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9 Continental Automotive Systems. Forward Thunking

Adaptive Cruise Control! Lane Keeping Support Vehicle

The Lane Departure Warning System (LDW)

LDW warns the driver if he unintentionally moves away from the lane he was following. This driver assistance system determines the current lane relative to the vehicle by means of a CMOS Camera and the image-processing algorithm. In other words: the system recognizes the road and where the vehicle is going. 1f a warning algorithm detects an unintentional departure from the current lane, the system wams the driver haptically or acoustically. Series production will commence in 2006.

Lane Keeping System (LKS)

In a following step, it is possible for the vehicle steering activity to be controlled - this technology is offered as Lane Keeping System. LKS is an active lane keeping assistant, which in a manner similar to that of LDW measures the vehicle position relative to the lane but actively supports lane keeping by intervening in the steering system. The driver has the initiative at all times - ie. he feels the steering change proposed by the system as a gentie movement of the steering wheel but at any time can override the system.

LKS functions and possible extensions

• Warning the driver when departing the lane • Keeping in lane through active steering actuation • Recognition of traffic signs • Visibility estimation • Controlling head lamps • Networking with further driver assistance systems such as

ACC, Stop & Go etc.


Lane Keeping Support:

Using innovative technologies we have managed to gain control over a very dangerous cause of acc idents: unintentional driving lane departure!

Cntinental t, ''

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Driver hypovigilance detection and warning Demo

AWAKE project 101 V'2> 12010


AWAKE consists of several 'smart' systems, which monitor the driver, totally unobtrusively. Those systems, among others, can monitor the driver's eye-blinking rate, the driver's hands force on the steering wheel and the vehicle's position in relation to the road lane and the surrounding vehicles. For this reason, a variety of sensors are used (radar, cameras) inside and outside the vehicle. AWAKE can detect in milliseconds possible driver's drowsiness.

The AWAKE warning system adapts automatically to the current driver behaviour, traffic situation and driver vigilance state and is adjusted according to the driver type. The AWAKE warning system consists of the following functionalities:

• use of special acoustic and visual warnings, variety of warning sounds and speech messages,

• visual warning in the rear-view mirror of the vehicle for improved performance,

• use of seat belt vibration,

• use of sound emulation of the rumble strips sound for lane drifting warning.

AWAKE is expected to have a significant impact to the reduction of traffic accidents attributed to driver hypovigilance, by stimulating the technological development in the field of 'intelligent cars', and by contributing to the 'eSafety' programme of the European Commission aiming at reducing traffic accidents on European roads by 50% until the year 2010.

Within the framework of the project AWAKE, three prototypes have been developed, one for city-cars (Fiat Stilo), one for luxury-cars (Mercedes S-Class) and one for heavy vehicles (Mercedes Actros). AWAKE targets all driver categories, with special focus on professional drivers and thus, during this event, its heavy vehicle prototype will be demonstrated.


AWAKE components integrated in the AWAKE heavy-vehicle demonstrator

___________ Co-funded by the

European Union under the

ïIIiI14I]1 51h Framework Programme

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The base of the next generation of assistant systems

PEIT & SPARC projects Demo L'i


The philosophy is to build up an intelligent powertrain, which provides an interface to serve all accident prevention and driver assistance functions of the vehicle. Only a kinematical task (the motional vector) is then necessary to telI the vehicle, where to drive; an approach, which is already successfully used for flight control (fly by wire) in the aerospace industry. The intelligent powertrain becomes the basis for an intelligent automatic control of the vehicle dynamics.

The powertrain interface will make it possible that steer by wire, brake by wire, shift by wire and accelerate by wire systems can be easily integrated into the system.

To demonstrate the philosophy of the electronic powertrain the system can be operated from persons interested in Drive-by-wire technology. With new kind of HMI (Human Machine Interface), a sidestick, the truck can be steered in a 3D-simulation either on highway or on country road.

To achieve an overall improvement in safety, a fully electronically con-trolled powertrain is necessary. o m

Co-funded by the European Union under the EIIj11 51h and 6 Framework Programmes

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Digital Maps Demo

PReVENT IP - MAPS & ADAS subproject [12

1 .>}i2O1O -7 - Digital maps have large potential for road safety to enhance or enable preventive and active safety applications by extending driver horizon. As a predictive sensor called ADAS horizon, the in-vehicle digital map is an important source of information providing look-ahead capability for ADAS (Advance Driver Assistance systems) applications and providing further information for on-board sensors to enhance environment perception.




0 55 Km'h

--- ---

Developed as part of PREVENT Project MAPS&ADAS, NAVTE Q 's A dvanced Driver A ssistance Systems Research Platform (ADASRP) is a Windows-based framework application and software development kit (SDK) for prototyping map enabled ADAS solutions.

Using this framework enables users to develop and test an ADAS application efficiently. During the development of a map enabled ADAS apphcahon n sof

a standard Navigation System. f -- ADASRP provides all the core

functionality of a navigation system and the components necessary for rapid prototyping and simulation for map enabled ADAS applications.



Co-funded by the

îIi-.N'1EE1 European Union under the 6h Framework Programme

Ir t European Commission

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Automotive Electronics Driver Assistance Demo




Night Vision strument Cluster Camera



The Re-configurable Instrument Cluster, investigated in project ACTIVE, is based on an 8 inch Color-TFT-LCD monitor. The display serves as multifunctional Human Machine Interface. It is used in standard mode to display speedometer and operating menus, but is displaying also the live camera image from the Night Vision

system when switched on. This new type of re-configurable instrument cluster enables a more flexible human machine interface, where different functions can share inputs and!or outputs with a common central unit. In addition, "Eyes-off-the-road" time can be reduced by taking over operations from the center console.

i2010 lflt'i1li.

The Mercedes S-Class is equipped with two Advanced Driver Assistance Systems, a Re-configurable Instrument Cluster and a Night Vision System, which have been investigated in previous EC projects, namely the projects ACTIVE and EDEL. Both systems have been developed and are produced by Robert Bosch GmbH. The market introduction was in autumn 2005 with the new Mercedes S-Class.

The Night Vision System, investigated in project EDEL, is based on a high-dynamic CMOS-Cameraand active near-infrared

(-1) BOS CEl headlamps. When switched on, the infrared headlamps with high-beam characteristic -. illuminate the road ahead, while the camera

provides a live image of ... the illuminated road scene within Inc instrument cluster. Because the infrared light from the headlamps is invisible for the human eye, oncoming road users will not be blinded. The Night Vision System enables therefore an enhanced view especially in situations, where standard high-beam headlamps can not be used and is particular helpful for elderly drivers.

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sensing traffic together

REACT Vehicle 1 Demo


11» 12010 Y Iti1V9

REACT is developing a co-operative system that will work towards the Community's objectives of reducing road transport fatalities and increasing road infrastructure capacity. This will be cost effective, acceptable to users and other stakeholders, and will contributes to the achievement of other EC objectives such as increased competitiveness and employment, higher economic growth, and greater harmonization of different regions within the European Community. REACT is working cooperatively with existing road authority traffic management systems, where they exist, and imports and uses data being collected by them. Thus, REACT integrates data collected from existing traffic management systems, combining them with the new data to be collected from REACT's mobile sensors, and analyzing the combined data in REACT's models, generating better, more customized recommendations aimed at achieving better safety and efficiency results than otherwise possible.


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Citroën C4 Temo

Safe and relaxed driving [15


Launched in 2004, the Citroën C4 is two mid-range vehicles in one: a hatchback and a coupé.


Primary safety

The Citroën C4 is fitted with a very complete set of active safety equipments. As a standard equipment it encompasses ABS to improve braking capability on wet soils and the EBA 5emergency Braking

Assist). The ESP, to widen the already top level road handling of the car, is available as a standard feature or optional on different versions of the C4. C4 offers a sped limiter (associated with cruise control) in order to permit the appropriate speed management by the driver. The C4 is also equipped with the very innovative LDWS (Lane Departure Warning System), which prevent the driver from a lane departure in case of drowsiness or inattention.

Secondary safety

In terms of passenger protection, the Citroën C4 received five stars in EuroNCAP crash tests, with 35 points out of a possible 37. In pedestrian-impact tests, the C4 achieved one of the best score. The C4 also achieved an outstanding score in child-protection tests, with four stars out of a possible five.

Tertiary safety

An emergency calI device is already available on the Citroën C4, included for free with the Navidrive option. This one can be activated manually (a "SOS button" is set in the front of the Navidrive

+ \ ca*. p a1form 1 or automatically in case of /

- 1 '

pyrotechnical 1,4 order during r a crash.


- k"t~ ~I -t'

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Peugeot 1007

A unique set of safety standards in the B segment


Li Primary safety

The Peugeot 1007 is fitted with a very complete set of active safety equipments, quite unique at this level of range. As a standard equipment it en-compasses ABS îo im- prove braking capability on wet soils, EBA (Emergency Braking Assist) to assist the driver in case of emergency braking and ESP to widen the already top level road handling of the car. Those equipments take place in a stuff body and give alongside with this one an exemplary behaviour to the car in any living situation compliant with the basic rules of physics.

Secondary safety

Designed to resist even the severest impact, awarded a 5 star Euro NCAP, best score ever, occupant protecting rating, the structure of the 1007 and its Open-Sesame electric sliding doors provides the most effective protection possible, supplemented inside by numerous restraint systems for the occupants.

Seven air bags (including a steering column air bag) protect the safety of all occupants, while an audible warning and warning lights in the display alert occupant if a seat belt is not fasted or has been unfastened.

F» 12010 u i1!Iicnt Cr rIIjlgve

Launched in 2005, embodying all of the promised innovations to make life so much easier, the 1007 writes a new chapter on the design and safety standards of small family cars in the B segment..

_.c 7-

1 '

Tertiary safety

An emergency cali device is already available on the Peugeot 1007, included for free with the RT3 platform. This one can be activated manually (a "SOS button" is set in the front of the RT3 platform) or automatically in case of pyrotechnical order during a crash.

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Advanced Driver Assistance Car

MflA 1 Demo

17 Lane Keeping Assistance (LKAS). The LKAS system assists the

driver in keeping the car within the lane. It detects lane markings on motorways using the images of a camera mounted inside the front

4.* windshield, and applies

wheel to reduce the workload in keeping the lane. The LKAS system is combined with the

Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) which in addition to maintaining the set speed, is also able to regulate vehicle speed and distance relative to a vehicle ahead traveling in the same lane. In combination, these two systems reduce the burden on motorway driving, enhancing driver comfort and safety. LKAS is made available in Europe on the right-hand drive Accord and Legend. ACC is available on all Accord and Legend cars for Europe.

Collision Mitigation Braking System (CMBS). This system mainly supports the driver to

.ih•bt ,it' - IJn* avoid rear-end collisions It makes use of a radar

nOr to det''t Ir,uj inig, ,,p, 1neU imo lI*cl. nkIO

dangerous situations . .

ahead and provides visual •'•

and audio warnings to prompt the driver to take preventative action. It can also initiate braking to reduce vehicle speed and impact speed. The E-pretensioners retract the seatbeits in anticipation of the collision to hold the driver more securely in place. CMBS will be available on the Legend in Europe.

Intelligent Night Vision. This system supports the driver to recognize pedestrians at night time. It uses images obtained from two far infrared cameras to detect heat-emitting objects and determine whether they are in or approaching the vehicle's path. Based on size and shape, the system also determines if the detected object is a pedestrian. In addition to the conventional night vision function of

giving the driver an enhanced view of the road ahead by displaying pedestrians on the heads-up display, the system is the world's first to provide visual and audio warnings that inform the driver of the presence of pedestrians that are on the road or about to cross the vehicle's path.

summer 2006. The system is available on the Japanese market.

>i2010 Honda - as the world's largest internal corn-bustion engine manu-facturer, meeting and exceeding the needs of 21 million customers annually — is presently offering a range of innovative advanced driver assistance systems for increased safety and driving comfort. The car displayed is the Legend; Honda's flagship car, which incorporates a combi-nation of longitudinal control systems, an Adaptive Cruise Control and Collision Mitigation Braking System, and a lateral control system - the Lane Keeping As-sistance System. The Legend is also equipped with the Super Handling All Wheel Drive SH-AWD and the Intelligent Night Vision system. These eSafety technologies combined in one single car, make the Legend probably one of the world's technically most advanced cars on offer. It was hence nominated the Car of the Year 2005 Award in Japan. The Legend is launched in Europe in

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-- zuropean Navigation Map Demo

Tele Atlas Mobile Mapping Van 18

j' i 201 0 Tele Atlas has identified two ways in which these challenges can e me

The creation of the European eSafety map poses new challenges to the tele-data collection and map production process. Compared to the European navigation map the European eSafety map needs to contain more in-formation, needs to be of higher accuracy and must have an enhanced quality. At the same time, the costs associated with the collection and product-ion process needs to be minimized.

An optimized data flow needs to be established between the public authorities in charge of the eSafety information which needs to be represented as eSafety attributes in the eSafety map and the providers of the European eSafety Map.

2. Wherever the dataflow between public authorities and map providers is missing or not yet established, Tele Atlas needs to enhance its own data collection and production process.

To optimize the data flow with public authority Tele Atlas has together with other representatives of the private mapping industry initiated the working group on Digital Maps of the eSafety forum. This working group has issued a report containing recommendations for a business model and an implementation scheme of such data flow. Currently efforts for implementation are being undertaken.

To optimize its own data collection and production process, Tele Atlas has developed together with the Polish company Geolnvent Mobile Mapping. This cooperation has resulted in the acquisition of Geolnvent by Tele Atlas in late 2005.

Essential in Mobile Mapping are the Mobile Mapping vans. Mobile Mapping Vans are vehicles which via D-GPS, inertial systems and odometers are very accurately positioned on the earth surface (<2m, 23). In addition they are equipped with up to 6 cameras facing different directions. Of these the two front cameras are stereo cameras which allow very accurate position measurement of objects visible on the images. As such objects can be positioned with an accuracy equal to the accuracy of the car position (<2m, 28). As such, Mobile Mapping allows collection of eSafety attributes like traffic signs, speed

restrictions and priority regulations as well as high accurate geometry with a speed of normal car driving. This greatly shortens the collection process which has important benefits for the up-to-dateness of the collected information. In a second step the information needs to be transferred form the images into the Tele Atlas eSafety map. This takes place in an optimally tuned office environment which has

1 important benefits for the resulting quality. The images also allow rigorous quality checking without expensive revisits of the scene. This also greatly contributes to the resulting quality.

In this way, Mobile Mapping is already now contributing significantly to the realization of the European eSafety Map. However Tele Atlas is working hard on realizing new advanced possibilities. Automatic object recognition techniques are currently being developed to optimize the data extraction process. It is expected that these can be implemented in a few years in the production process as such realizing another big improvement in the realization process of the European eSafety map.

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LAVIA project EI1 [ 12010 1 What is LAVIA?

A device which heips motorists to keep the speed limits.

LAVIA project partners: 2. Objectives of the project: LCPC, INRETS, CETE To test the system in operation and its acceptability to users, to Sud-Ouest, CETE Medi- evaluate changes in individual behaviours to measure its terranee, DREIF (LROP), PSA, Renault, LAB effectiveness in terms of individual risk and also to detect and

evaluate any adverse effects

How does LAVIA work

Using GPS and a 0 km LaboratoireCentral number of in-vehicle

iiPontsetChaussées sensors (an odometer to measure distance 1 traveled a gyrometer

toeasur: o direction) the vehicle knows its position at all - - times (Figur:A).

. processed by an on- - board navigation system that contains a digital map of the region in which the vehicle travels. By applying appropriate techniques the navigation system can determine which road the vehicle is on at any moment (Figure B).

Once the road has been identified, the on-board computer can find the speed limit on the road by consulting an on-board data base that contains the speed limits on all the roads or streets in the region where LAVIA is in operation (Figure C). The vehicles remain completely autonomous.

A demonstration in the Yvelines (France) 2004-2006 100 drivers will test the systems during 8 weeks each, on a fleet composed of 20 vehicles. Data will be collected automatically and interviews will be performed All these information will be analysed afterwards by researchers.

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Navigation and Coflision Avoidance 1201 CYBERCARS project LJ

F. The Cybercars concept encompasses public, friendly

} 201 0 vehicles that are available on demand to anyone anywhere in i a specific zone where private car access is limited. The advantages of the system are better mobility, better environment, less energy and more safety.

Cybercars demonstrate a concept of new mobility using the ad-vantages of the automobile but in the form of a public system where a small fleet of cars shared among a large number of users using automated vehicles.

Cybercars are road vehicles with fully automated driving capabilities. A fleet of such vehicles forms a transportation system, for passengers or goods, on a network of roads with on-demand and door-to-door capabilities.

The fleet of cars is under control of a central management system in order to meet particular demands in a particular environment. At the initial stages, Cybercars are designed for short trips at 10w speed in urban environments or in private grounds. In the long term, Cybercars could also run autonomously at high speed on dedicated tracks.

Co-funded by the European Union under the 5th Framework Programme

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Pre-impact Pedestrian Sensing Demo

PROTECTOR, SAVE-U, WATC H-OVER 21 projects - Daumler Chrysler

Every year, approx. 150.000 pedestrians are injured and 6.000 killed EU-wide in traffic. Passive safety features at the vehicle front can provide only limited benefit in case of a crash. We are dev-eloping a driver assistance system which uses sensors to detect dangerous situations with pedestrians ahead of time.

The system combines 24GHz radar sensors for detection with a video-based approach for recognition. It has learned from a database of tens of thousands of images how pedestrian look like, using machine-learning techniques based on shape and texture features. Individual detections are integrated to trajectories. An assessment module determines the risk of the traffic situation, based on relative position and velocity of the pedestrian with respect to the vehicle. The system output involves acoustical driver warning possibly followed by automatic vehicle braking.

The current system is integrated on-board a research vehicle (Mercedes-Benz E-class limousine) and detects pedestrians in a distance range of 5-25m, up to 4m lateral to the vehicle. It is considered unique in its ability to detect pedestrians from a moving vehicle in real urban traffic.

Research activities are supported by EU projects PROTECTOR (2000-2002), SAVE-U (2002-2005) and WATCH-OVER (2006-2008).

Dui\ILERCI iivsiii


Co-funded by the European Union under the

5" and 6th Framework Programmes

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F:•:» 12010 Alasca XT is a product of Ibeo Automobile Sensor GmbH. Set up in 1998, the company employs 30 people at its location in Hamburg and hoids more than 40 patents on object and road detection based on laser scan ners. lbeo is majority-owned by Sick AG, the world's leading manufacturer of sensors and sensor solutions for industrial applications. 2=

L Demo

22 J Pedestrian Protection, AEB, PreCrash and iratfic Jam Assistant

Ibeo Test Vehicle

Pedestrian Protection: A child runs onto the road from behind a parked car - a situation that calls for vehicles to offer protection. The Alasca XT detects all persons in the range 0.3 to 30 meters in front of the vehicle. It analyzes the object outline, speed and leg movement, and reliably distinguishes people from other objects. 1f a collision cannot be avoided, the lbeo sensor issues an advance warning of 300

ms to activate safety systems (eg. airbags in the bumper) and thus protect the pedestrian, and even save his life, BEFORE initial contact is made.

AEB (Automatic Emergency Braking): The AEB application developed by lbeo seeks to save lives without wresting control from the driver. The built-in ALASCA XT reliably detects all stationary and moving obstacles in front of the car and recognizes their outline. But the AEB system is not activated until the driver is no longer able to avoid a collision, whereupon it brings the vehicle to a standstill by applying maximum braking pressure. It substantially reduces the impact velocity and thus significantly mitigates the consequences of an accident for all those involved.

PreCrash: By evaluating all the scanned environmental data, the PreCrash function warns of an impending collision at least 100 ms in advance, irrespective of the anticipated accident pattern (e.g. skidding). The ALASCA XTtenders reliable collision probabilities and determines the point of first contact These data are used to deploy safety systems, such as airbags or belts, with exact positioning and extremely early.

Traffic Jam Assistant: A remedy for commuters - banish the annoyance of constant stops and starts on the way home from work with the Traffic Jam Assistant of the ALASCA XT. The driver only has to steer the vehicle. This function has been perfected for the typical traffic jam speed range of 0 - 30 kmlh. The associated moderate acceleration and elevated deceleration (frequent braking), combined with the dependable detection of pedestrians, make this application particularly safe and very convenient.

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Brake Assist PLUS & Distronic PLUS

Mercedes Benz S-Class Demo L 21


SARA is an industry consortium which heips to pave the way towards enhanced traffic safety based on innovative radar se nso rs.

By combining the long range radar (77 GHz) with a newly developed short-range radar (24 GHz), Mercedes engineers have been able to introduce new driver assistance systems designed to enhance driving safety and comfort:

• Brake Assist PLUS registers the distance from vehicles ahead, warns the driver if the gap is too small and calculates the necessary

Dj\I1\lIERCi-IRys1Ep. brake force assistance if a rear-end collision threatens. 1f traffic tails back and the driver operates the brake pedal decisively, the new Brake Assist PLUS instantly increases the braking pressure to the level required to manage the situation.

DISTRONIC PLUS significantly enhances DISTRONIC (adaptive cruise control: AGO). Operating at speeds from 0 to 200 km/h now also encompasses Stop and Go functionality. When the traffic tails back, DISTRONIC PLUS automatically brakes the S-Class to a standstill and accelerates back to the set speed as soon as the traffic situation aliows. To move off automatically, the driver only needs to operate the DISTRONIC stalk on the steering column or briefly depress the accelerator.

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reventing possible skidding Demo

BOSCH ESP® Simulator .24

An incorrectly assessed traffic situation, an obstacle appearing

i 7fl fl suddenly out of nowhere or icy patches on the road - every driver is confronted sooner or later with critical driving situations. Despite observing appropriate driving speed the driver can lose control of the vehicle.

(j) BOSCH ESP® prevents possible skidding from the start. This is achieved by instantaneous interventions in brakes, engine management and transmission-shift control.

From the steering angle and the wheel speeds ESP® calculates the driver's intention. From the signals of the yaw-rate and lateral acceleration sensors ESP® recognises whether the vehicle threatens to skid off course. In this case ESP® reacts as fast as lightning: By selectively applying braking pressures on each wheel ESP® "steers" the vehicle into the desired direction. This way ESP® increases directional stability in all driving situations.

The BOSH ESP® demonstrator offers a virtual drive in a car with and without ESP®. The visitor experiences very close to reality how ESP® prevents accidents and saves lives by simulating two driving situations (motorway and national road drive).

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Tertiary safety systems

Emergency Cali System [



Emergency cail system PSA Peugeot Citroen vehicies ate nvrniable with lhe omorgency cail function, a tertiary salety sytem

that speeds up the eesponse tme of the emcrgency sorvices. in partnership wilh Inter MutuelPos Assistance (IMA). PSA Peugeot Citroën is one of the flrst manufacturojs to provido this innovative

assistance sertce en a Iarge scala.


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Driver assistance systems

Lane Departure Warning System Demo


The Lane Departure Warning System (LDWS) is a new driving aid that detects unintentional lane departures on motorways and dual carriageways at speeds of 80 kph and above.

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ContinentalAutomotive Systems. 27 Demo

Forward Thinkung

» i 201 0 APIA - Active Passive Integration Approach

« To maximize the potential of our technical knowledge base now and in the future, our operations are organized into customer and project

To maximize the oriented business units. These operations inciude networking and

potential of our system integration developments, as demonstrated by the APIA project

technical knowledge (Active Passive Integration Approach) which aims to develop a vehicle

base now and in the that avoids accidents and injury. We have already presented prototype

future, our operations vehicles to our customers, with functioning APIA and subsystems

are organized into ready for manufacturing.

customer and project Hybrid Systems - Pleasure in Saving oriented business units. These operations Another topic we are focusing on is hybrid drive

inciude networking and technology. Automakers the world over are

system integration turning to hybrid drive technology in reaction to

developments, as the current oil price development and stricter

demonstrated by the environmental protection regulations. We

APIA project (Active recognized this trend at an early stage and

Passive Integration designed a "mild hybrid" system that has been in

Approach) which aims production since 2003. Mild and full hybrid sub-

to develop a vehicle systems based on this trend will be available for p-

that avoids accidents all vehicle classes in the near future. 41W .osW

and injury. We have Today's requirements on vehicles with internal combustion engine are already presented characterised by more sophisticated emission regulations, rising fuel prototype vehicles to prices and higher driver's demand on driving dynamic, comfort in line our customers, with with increased environmental awareness. For that reason, more and functioning APIA and more car manufacturers throughout the world are focusing on vehicles subsystems ready for equipped with hybrid technology. We recognized this market tendency manufacturing. early on, and Continental Temic is the first supplier in Europe supplying

since 2003 a mild hybrid system for production applications.

To react flexible and cost effective on ContinentalS todays and future market demands Continental Temic has developed a modular hybrid system. This system enables the design of an optimized hybrid drive for applications in various vehicle classes. A basic distinction is made between these system variations based upon the power output of the

electric drive: On the 15 kW hybrid systems, for example, the electric motor pro-vides supportive power, which is put to use mainly when starting up and accelerating at low engine speeds. The 70 kW hybrid systems, however, have a much more powerful electric drive system. The electric drive remains active into the up-per speed range, making it possible to cruise without the combustion engine for a limited period of time.

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RfSCU-E P,rt ofT

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Emergency cail in a multimedia concept car

Orange Sequana L Demo

28 j

emergency cail implementing the RfSCUf architecture

Bluetooth hands free car kit combined with GPS

ra off-board navigation

virtual keyboard with a screen integrated into the dashboard

communicating car linked to the GSM/GPRS/EDGE/3G netwo rks

access to Drange portal:

traffic information, webcams, automotive content, multimedia: music, videos, TV channels,

D --

Co-funded by the Euro pean Union under the

Framework Programme

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Car-to-car & car-to-infrastructure comm unication Demo

Dashboard Demonstrator 29

bThe dashboard demonstrator illustrates some of the capabilities

1 201 0 of car-to-car or car-to-infrastructure communication. It replays different recorded real traffic situations (scenes) based on car-to-car (car-to-infrastructure) communication in an endless loop. The following scenes are shown:

• emergency vehicle warning

• • • • local danger warning (stranded vehicle)

• virtual convoy (follow me)

Dii LERCIIRY • electronic payment (filling station) SLER

info fueling (Internet access via roadside units)

All scenes are shown from the driver's view on the left monitor while the right monitor represents a map based overall view. Cars and roadside units (hot spots) are represented by blue bubbies, direct radio interconnections by blue strokes.

The headunit shows among others the surrounding area of the car (map based) and the detected/received events independent of their relevance for the driver (early detection). 1f an event (warning) becomes relevant a sufficient audio-visual notification is given to the driver (represented in the tachometers display).


(windscre:n) -


map based overall view

optical and acoustical


TrafficMonitor (headunit)

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.sû-camera system for driver monitoring

SENSATION IP - Subproject 4: industrial apDlications

Demo L 3i SENSATION aims to explore a wide range of micro and nano sensor technologies, targeting at unobtrusive, cost-effective, real-time monitoring, detection and prediction of human physiological state in relation to wakefulness, fatigue and stress, anytime, everywhere and for everybody.

Based on the findings of AWAKE, there was a dear need for improving the monitoring system, using innovative and improved sensors and going beyond the use of costly vehicle mechanical sensors to a near-market, vehicle-independent, driver hypovigilance monitoring system. Within Sub-Project 4 of SENSATION lntegrated Project, major focus is given to the development of a reliable hypovigilance prediction integrated platform for real-time driver monitoring, based on physiological and behavioural parameters of the driver, aiming at a really innovative vehicle-independent system. This integrated platform will use a robust algorithm processing, measuring parameters of various sensors (eye-behaviour parameters, head posture, body posture, hand movements, etc.), communicating with the driver via an intelligent warning system.

One of the major sensors of this multi-sensorial platform is the STEREOVIEW-EYE sensor, a 3D-camera system using pCMOS technology, monitoring a wide range of eye-parameters, vital for the reliable driver hypovigilance monitoring in real-time. The early prototype of this innovative sensor is presented in the figure below.

First prototype ot SENSA1]ON STEREOVIEW-EYE sensor

[»12010 ri1(lIqn , , r lni11.:

SENSATION (Advanced Sensor Development for Attention Stress Vigilance and Sleep! Wakefulness Monitor-ing) is an FP6 Integrated Project co-funded by the European Corn-mission under the 'micro and nano sensors' area of the Directorate-General 'Information Society' (DGINFSO). The total project effort reaches the amount of 17 MEuro, of which 10 MEuro are funded by EC. SENSATION has been officially launched in January 2004 and is currently undergoing the 3td

year of its research life.

Co-funded by the European Union under the EW1 6th Framework Programme

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