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Late 19 th Century Mass Politics England & France

Late 19 th Century Mass Politics England & France.

Jan 18, 2018



Britain: s * The most prosperous period in British history.  Unprecedented economic growth.  New fields of expansion  shipbuilding from wood to iron.  British engineers were building RRs all over the world.  Britain’s foreign holdings nearly doubled. *BUT, Britain’s prosperity didn’t do away with political discontent!
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Late 19th Century Mass




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Britain: 1850-1870s* The most prosperous period in

British history. Unprecedented economic growth. New fields of expansion

shipbuilding from wood to iron. British engineers were building

RRs all over the world. Britain’s foreign holdings nearly


* BUT, Britain’s prosperity didn’t do away with political discontent!

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Britain’s Political Parties

* By the 1860s, the middle class and working class had grown they wanted the franchise expanded!

* This era saw the realignment of political parties in the House of Commons:

Tory Party Conservative Party under Benjamin Disraeli.

Whig Party Liberal Party under William Gladstone.

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The Two “Great Men”

* William Gladstone, Liberal Prime Minister

1868-1874 1880-1885 1886 1892-1894

* Benjamin Disraeli, Conservative Prime Minister

1868 1874-1880

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The Foreign Policy Debate

“Big England”


“Little England”


* Disraeli* Conservative Party* England must be the

greatest colonial power.

* Spend £ on supporting the empire.

* Reform Bill of 1867

* Gladstone.* Liberal Party.* England must invest in

her own people at home.

* Try negotiations, rather than costly military solutions.

* Reform Act of 1884* The Education Bill of


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* Extended the franchise by nearly 1 million urban workers. Vote given to male householders and male lodgers Parliamentary seats were redistributed giving greater

representation in Parliament to larger industrial cities

Conservative Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli

The Reform Act of 1884* Extended the franchise to agricultural laborers.* Added 6 million voters in parliamentary elections

Liberal Prime Minister William GladstoneThe Education Act of 1870

The Reform Bill of 1867

* Provided funds for public non-sectarian schools* Expanded elementary education to create a more literate electorate

The Ballot Act of 1872 * Enacted the secret ballot in British elections

Major Reforms

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The Fabian Society A British socialist intellectual

movement founded in the mid-1880s.

Purpose advance socialism by working through the political system, not through revolution.

Gradually shift the means of production and distribution to public ownership (goverLnment)

Many large labor unions joined with the Fabians

Laid the foundations for the British Labor Party.

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* Founded in 1900 by the Scotsman, Keir Hardie.

The growth of labor unions gave voice to socialism in Britain.

By 1906, it won 29 seats in Commons. Formed a political coalition with the Liberal

Party. By the 1920s, Labor would replace the Liberals as

one of the two major British political parties. The Liberal Party dominated British government

until the mid 1920’s The party enacted a major reform agenda during

this period

The British Labor Party

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* Labor’s Political Agenda: Gradual socialization of key industries & utilities Workman’s Compensation Act State employment bureaus Minimum wage Aid to dependent children & the elderly Old age pension to all over 70 National Insurance Act

The Beginnings of the British “Welfare State”?

How to pay for all of this?

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* The Liberal Chancellor of the Exchequer, David Lloyd George, presented a “People’s Budget” in 1909.

Increase income taxes for those in the higher brackets.

Raise the inheritance tax.* The House of Lords rejected this

budget.* This led to the Parliament Act of 1911

The “People’s Budget” - 1909

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A Political Crisis. WHY? Lords had traditionally approved

all revenue bills passed by the Commons in the past.

By threatening to create enough new Liberal members to control that chamber, King George V forced the House of Lords to pass this bill!!

* Provisions: Lords could not defeat a bill passed three times by

Commons. Lords can’t hold up revenue bills for more than one month. Members of Commons would be paid a salary.

* This severely weakened the power of the House of Lords

The Parliament Act of 1911

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Women’s Social & Political Union


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Emmeline Pankhurst* 1858-1928.* Her husband & children were all involved in the

suffrage movement.* They became militants & were arrested and

imprisoned.* 1917: She and her daughter, Christabel,

formed the Women’s Party in 1917: Equal pay for equal work. Equal marriage & divorce

laws. Equality of rights &

opportunities in public service. A national system of maternity benefits.

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Female Suffrage

* Women over 30 got the right to vote.* All men gained suffrage.

Property qualifications were completely eliminated!

Representation of the People Act (1918)

Women over 21 years of age gained the right to vote

Reform Act of 1928

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England’s Economic Decline?(1870s-1914)

Germany & the U. S. became England’s chief economic rivals. Influx of cheap agricultural products from overseas caused a rapid

decline in British farming. Germany & U. S. overtake Britain in basic iron & steel production. England’s share of world trade fell from 23% in 1876 to 15% in 1913. British science & technological education lagged behind Germany. England is slow to modernize her aging industrial infrastructure. England clings to free trade while everyone else is erecting tariff


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Declared in 1870Established in


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Third French Republic Declared! In September 1870, after France’s defeat in the

Franco-Prussian War Napoleon III abdicated. France was temporarily occupied by Prussian troops.

New National Assembly was created and headed by Adolphe Thiers and was centered in Versailles, NOT in Paris.

This angered Parisians. Thiers’ government was seen as too conservative and

too willing to accept the Prussian Peace terms. The Paris Commune was elected on March 28 and established

itself at the Hôtel de Ville. This led to bloody fighting between the two groups from March to

May 1871.

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The Paris


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Civil War!


Troops from Versailles

The Commune was suppressed by government troops led by Marshal Patrice MacMahon during in May, 1871.

Paris was bombed and troops entered the city

Known as the “Bloody Week.”

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The Commune Defeated

* 25,000 Communards killed or executed.* 35,000 were arrested.* It served as an inspiration to later revolutionaries like Vladimir


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Declaring the3rd French Republic

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The Government

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The Constitution of 1875* The President:

Head of state little political power.

* The Senate: Senators elected every nine years. Very conservative body able to block progressive


* The Chamber of Deputies: Chosen every four years. 600 members elected by universal male suffrage. There was no organized party system.

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An Overview of the3rd French Republic

Politically very unstable and weak.Coalition governments changed dozens of times Despite many problems and scandals the

republic lasted until the fall of France in 1940 at the beginning of World War II.

It’s major challenges came from conservatives and it was rocked by several scandals.

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The Boulanger Affair

* Most of the army was dominated by monarchists.* BUT, the Minister of War, General Georges

Boulanger, was a republican.* Very popular with the troops the government

was suspicious and removed him in 1887.* In 1889, he plotted to overthrow the republic in a

coup.* Boulanger was summoned to trial, but he fled to

Belgium where he committed suicide* Boulanger’s fall increased public confidence in

the Republic.

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The Panama Canal Scandal : (1888-1892) Ferdinand de Lesseps

* President of the French Company that worked on the Panama Canal. Govt. officials took bribes from

the company to withhold news from the public that it was in serious economic debt.

The company collapsed in 1889 One billion francs affecting

800,000 investors was lost.

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The Panama Canal Scandal : Ferdinand de Lesseps

* A high profile parliamentary inquiry was held in 1892, charging corruption against over 150 government officials.

* All but one of the accused went unpunished due to lack of evidence.

* The scandal proved to the public that the Republic was corrupt.

* Because two German Jews were involved it created a climate of anti-Semitism that would increase in time

* Popularity of the Republic weakened.

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The Dreyfus Affair* In 1894, French military

documents were found in the waste basket of the German Embassy in Paris.

* French counter-intelligence suspected Captain Alfred Dreyfus, from a wealthy Jewish family he was one of the few Jews on the General Staff.

* Dreyfus was tried, convicted of treason, and sent to Devil’s Island in French Guiana.

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The Dreyfus Affair


* Public opinion was divided reflecting the divisions in French society.

* The Dreyfusards were anti-clericals, intellectuals & socialists.

* For Anti-Dreyfusards, the honor of the army was more important than Dreyfus’ guilt or innocence.

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The Dreyfus Affair* Dreyfus finally got a new trial in 1899.

He was brought back from Devil’s Island white-haired and broken.

* Results:Found guilty again, BUT with extenuating

circumstances.Was given a presidential pardon.Exonerated completely in 1906.Served honorably in World War I.Died in 1935.

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The Zionist Movement

Theodore Herzl[1860-1904]

* Was motivated by the Dreyfus trial to write the book, Der Judenstaat, or The Jewish State in 1896.

* Creates the First Zionist Congress in Basel, Switzerland.

* “Father of Modern Zionism.”

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Forced Migration of Russia’s Jews

18th and 19th centuries