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N'T MISS CHAS. R. TAGGART, AT HIGH SCHOOL, MONDAY NIGHT ROCKAWAY RECORD er justly proud at .rungs-—our Town ir Newspuper; both are asset* II it's News, Ads, or Job ' Printing, phone Rocka- way 220; we lire always idad to serve you XLIV, No. 18 KOCKAWA Y, N. J., THURSDAY, NOVHMHIH S, 1931 $1.00 PER YEAR Week-End Specials xtfs of Spring Lamb, lb. Shoulder of Lamb, lb. porequarter of Lamb, lb. Hrcast of Lamb, lb. Plate Beef, lb. j joint Made Sausage, lb. |>oik I-oh), lb. Sirloin Steaks, lb. . 39c 24c 20c 18c Toe 30c 19c ml Hoast, lb. Sirloin Roast, lb. I Chuck Roast, lb. 35c Fresh Killed Chickens, lb. Fresh (ji round Beef, lb. 19c 29c 20c Hagan's Cash Market 26 Wall St. Tel. 62 Rockaway IMPORTANT NOTICE Commencing October lfit, 1031. Interest on SUVIUL'S IICCIHIMIN will It paid at the rate of 3'/i % per annum. Interest on checking; accounts, commencing October 1st, 1931, will be paid at the rate of I'.'c per annum on amounts In cxc.cMi of free balance of $1,000. FIRST NATIONAL BANK IN ROCKAWAY, N. J. NATIONAL UNION BANK, DOVER, N. J. DOVER TRUST CO., DOVER, N. J. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, WHARTON, N. J. On the Roll of Honor of the Banks of America National Union Bank Dover, N. J. WHEN YOU THINK OF INSURANCE . Think of MATTHEWS FIRE ~~ THEFT AUTOMOBILE Sec Us Today E. J. MATTHEWS & SONS 40 W. Main St. Tel. 146 Rockaway, N. J. Mt. Carmel Guild To Hold Card Party Dover Unit to Hold Charity Event Hiun-o 1 llmrt Hchoiil Hull, I SM-K Ntrert The Mi, Curnic.i Guild of Dover |t\ > •• corMuii/iiiiM unithiij Dover, Hwkuwuy, I' •""• '-usardi, John Crane and Hoyd 1iilcr Hleeted Co Z^ZT^u^Z & l dl '»^ W<>V* *>«»*. Elector; William Crane, " A Moore Wins by Over 200,000 WM. GERARD ELECTED MAYOR OF ROCKAWAY OUII- lln, will conduct parly ill flic Hi,end iii-un, Hull, Klisex illicit, Dnvci, mi eveninc, Novenibci I;II)I, nl li: l"um ilJIfereiil iMuiiri, will l I'd, Driller, wiilNl, Pinoc Hundred, Very lllMiy viil ' ni-iicrul curd Hchool AsNcsor i::io |>. iii. l.i piny iu,,| iq'vi. ili )>)-|'/,l'l. I lie Moore y Imvf been collected'by I),, eoiuioll fee, and these prizes will In- mi dis- play In Die i.lniT wlnildwi. ul New- berry's Clnii mi West, lilackwcll lil.l'ccl., Hover, M"'. Mieliue) Kliiinm, of Wlntrlon, hi clmlrliidy ol Ihc com- nilttiT, mid Mn.. Mlrliucl K.ecse mid Mm, l.otils Moore rcprc.'.cnl I tori: a- way. Tickets me Ilily cenls, niiil Ihc en- tire, proceed:, o| ||,,. nllnlr will f o t o rellel work iiinoni'. Ilic jioor in Ihli; liecllon nl Morris Comity. The ML Uiil-inol (iuild link.', lor support lor thin curd pally Inmi nil I hose dc- Nlrous of rcllcvlui! tin- dli;ire:,:i of our clecflon Tuesday resulted In Kemcirnilic landslide und A. Harry Dcmoerulle eundldiili for fsovenior win, elected by a pimalitv oi over •ftm.tmt). The Democrat... „!:;„ curried die Assembly ticket i, m l v .||| l'"ve full coolrol of ()„. , iollM , Il( Assembly. The result it, very encoiir- m-.tuiic. t o t h e Di'inoenili, who Hi,IIII Hie,|c will be In the Democratic eoliiiiiiK. In t h e HI;I:» election. Ill tin' County ol Moirii. Moore won (.ill by u majority ,,l n|,i,iil I (m» but OIIH rwir.e Ihi- h'epubiieiin nt'iidl-' dulls In,- liciuiloi , Assemblyman and Freeholder:. won l.y maioi'lties around liiid, inilui: tin As- :t:!0; Spariio, :i!,7, 'i'clfer. 2114: Bishop. 2.'l(i; Hi.hei. '•.'i'l: Ijeboul, 21«. For Miiycir, Wllliimi Oenird, 4!>7; D. Mor- ris NiclKili., ltili. I-'DI- Conmilmen. John .1. l,ic.mill, :ivi ; Hllvlc Odicrno, 17(1: John II. Crane, 4(11; <leo. 1-'. Tonl.ln. '.'.\V>, Floyd Idler, 43(1 l''cir Collecloi . Floyd J. Crans. 400 For Assessor. Wlllnun II. (,'rane, 411), Kits tern District, linlrd, :\'M>, Moore. ?,M\ Voiiiir, :c!(i: Van, 1!H>; Kiiili. :i:i:t; Mntdiler. :i;)ii: Kirncr, 1111: Youni'clsoii, |(!7, Kirl'.palrlc.k, :ioi; ,'ipiiiro. :I:I!I; Teiici, aim: Bishop. 100; Fisher, ;>(>:>.. llebout, 111!.: (ier- I I'eference to the board. The boaul:- 1 '' cliieai(on conlrolling t}i< Rockaway Township School Matters Board of ICducution Refuses to Kay Tuition fur I'liiibs Who AtU-nit School Out «f Township Despite the cth.uppruvid of County Superintendent ol .Schools w. U. Duvis, the Kockawny Township Board of Education has decided lu stand put on Its resolution ,,f u month ai'.o rcfu.'inr Id pay luillou for three pupils in school:, out of the township. The action of Ihe board compel:; lb, parent:; o) Ihe three 1.0 cither take udviuilitf.c ol Hie town- ship school.-; or appeal to the tftalc Jlcnird ol Kdiication Members of Ihc l.<iv,ti:,hlp board i xpi e:,:,cd a willing- IM-SS I" have tlie stale hoard pa:.s cm Ihe iimltcr. II was explained (he Rockiiwuy 'J'ownship board had never idven per- mission lor the three lo attend schools oul cil ibc township, the par- eiils clioosini'. the schools without. iieinbly, was hli:h loan on and he with Mrs. J11II11 Miilehlei . fortunate families, and pled,',,;' I"ii-".'-V and YoZv!™"'" Tl "" y ltmilf to endeavor to aid any und nil Prccnt >"i >»"»> CUBISM brought lo lit: notice. The Ml. youur Ir C'arnlel (iiilld workers act as vol- unfeerii, and as Ibere me no salaries lo be paid, every dollin' collected noes for relief work. licliel will l''l;.her, :>«:>. Htil, ill!,; Nlchol: Odleniii. 2'iA; C :!lill; Illlcr, :i:>ii; :ivv. lilKI; ('r l.llliardl. 'Mil; j | | ; Tiinhin , :17!I; (.'nine o (Warns Departments To Cut Requests MOVI'IK County Iliiiml nf » lecliolilelK lli'Ki' l|i:i:! Appropriation:, lie Kept Down A formal warnlni! t.o nil county departments to curlitll all rciiucslii for iipproprluUniiii In (lie ni;|;>bud- Kct iHI iiiiicli as possible win: sounded last, week ul u inectlni! of theMor- liii County Board of Freeholder!!. A messiiKe Id lliln nllcct WUII staled by Freeholder Fletcher I,. Frltti; In r«i- piirtlnK thai bndi<ef preparations for the c.omtUH year will he iitnvled curly In November. All rcqucst/i tiir appropriation" should bo forwarded now or In till) very near future and nhould be limited only to the. bin-cut necessities sold Freeholder r'ritts, U In of ut> moHt Importance Unit the Freelipjdr MB onclunvor to keep down Incicwiod laxntlon anil thin nun only bo iiouom- pllolicd with the full co-operation and aid of tlie viuioim county dt 1 - partnicntii. t "In tliiiiie HmcN of HtrciiK uiul mi- cinployincnt, II. would be iinwlnu iiiacl uiiKyinpathotlc. of thn Buurd of 1'rc.e- holdci'd to put an Increased Inn den on the taxpuyiii'H of Moirln County, stnteil Freeholder Prllt.H. "Kxpen«(Mi should be eiirliilled to the utniont deftroo and no unnee.eHwiry Itcmn should be listed in uny apprnpiin- UonR," In mnkliiK uj> t h e ll)'.V2 bv«l- Kel, we tiro liolim to be iiiiusuully HC- voi'o In tlvnt. all raiments not denned JiiHtlflablc will be denied, - o •• - • - - Services Held for Mrs. A. MacFarland Funeral liervlees were held Mon- dliy afternoon for Mrti. Annie Htavi- Assemblyman won over Frank Auken, lor (Hide ,'icnator by sized majority, J'dr Freeholders Ihe eiimbcnf:,, Kirkpalrleli liiilb were re-electeil ov I 1 ') slier. In Kockawav Township the vole tin (invcrnov vtt:. close, jiniril win- ning out by :!ll voles. In Ihe Western and .Soul bern District;; the Kepiib- lleiin candidates for ,'ienatoi. As- seinblyinan and l l 'ri I choldisrs carried tlie vote, but Ihe Northern District, and ,'lpuri'o i Hlberiiln, went Democratic. The most r lllshop and'' stlrprlsini'. vote in this Township wns Van 1 I'.ooil present In- ! tile election ol Michael Kelly for To 1111 the nnexplrcd term of the . 'I'owni.hip Uonmillteeiiiaii. who won laic Wllliiuu Hasseff. l'etcr A. Teller,!" 1 " " vr|1 <teori;e I,. Decker, Kepnbll- 11I lloonloii. who was mimed by Hie l ' 11 "' I)V " majority of three. Hoard lor the remainder ol Ihe ycur,: T |ic Republican ticket won In Dcn- | vllle Township by reduced majorities. Calvin I,. Lawrence, chairman of the Township Committee, defeated V. Dickinson, Democrat, by (i!>7 to 547. Comiulttceiuan Theodore L. Merck, Hepilbllcan, won over William Pitts, 1114 to hllO. won handily over Helmut Hiicliawa.v llnrii. <>III>K Di'iiioeintle H.etiarded as a Republican stroiii>- hold of Morris (,'ounty and for the past thirty years decline, 11 Repub- lican Ciiiuicll, the Democratic ticket won out, Tuesday easily, The Demo- cratic, candidate for Mayor. William (terard, was elected Mayor. Ills vole WHS '(72 iinulm;!, 1), Morrln Nlc.lioltt, lfepilbllciin. 4(111. The vote by districts was a:i fol- Mean, unopposed for assessor, rc- lowit: Western District. For (!Over-1''elved ll^lt Votes, nor, llalrd, 321: Moore 'Jt'lO; for Ken- (irowlnc, (llssatlsfaction at the Uc- iilor, Yoiinii, M(l; Van Aukcn, :il)2. publican mannKcment of the I3or- Asseniblymen, KhiM, :i!.t): Mutch- HIIKII und Ihe hlnh lux rate was ac- 1 (ii eiiiieaiion conironiiH! me schools jlhcy now iitUnd iiave lieen notitlid 1 by the Roekiiway hoard that. It will not be responsible tor tuition fees. I amoiinlhii! In sail). \ The pupil:; live near (irecn IMim and attend school at Butler and West Milford, desplle Ihc fuel, Hint, several other pupils llvlni> In the vleinily are Ii ansporlcd by bus lo Marcella (School within the town- ship. The bus route, established si'v- cntcon year:; 111:0, passes within I wulkiiin distmiee of their homes. Tin? I county Miperluteiulent of scliools hn>: i approved the bus used on the route. J but. has withheld approval of the route, bti.slni: his action on condition of the road, which runs clown a steep i mountainside. He admitted he failed I to realize the bus route hud been ! established ;;o many years, but in- sisted the road conditions made It 1 unsafe. 1 Elea/.er Henderson, Marcella mem- ber of the board, said there had never Hhinics M. Jnccer. Republican, WHS 11'een an accident on the hill, while rc-eh'cted over Kiiitiucl VmiOrilon, i° Ill V !aKl - Veur the school bus from Jr., '(Oil lo 401). Charles Peer, Itepuh- M d f Ier. 'i\'i. Kor FroeholileiM, KlrkpiitiieU, IKil; Klrner, lill!; Youniielsmi, cepted r.encrally as the cause for the Democrat le victory. Rev. Ralph Davy to Speak at Union Ghapel More Property for Cemetery Sought Annual McctliiK of Cemetery Asso- ciation Held—I'liTtion of Ofllcers Subject Will He "A New Indian (in 11 New Trull," Next Sunday livening Rev. Ralph Davy, of the Board of NuMonnl MlMionH of the Pri'sbytcr- lan, will be the HUCHt spenker at Union Clwpel next Sunday even- Inn, November 8th. He Is to K!V(; tin vllle. with quite 11 number of intcr- Orecn Pond to Duller, operating: over' un Improved highway, was in an ac- cident In which several pupils were hurt. HUf!K<!Sllon that the route operated by Russell Klmbnll from VanDlnc'.s corner lo Ilnekiiway bo extended to ! the section in which the pupils live I to carry them to Marcella School j wan made by SupcrvlsliiK Principal D. B. O'Brien. Mr. Klmball expressed ! a wlllliiRness to have his route ox- i tended If lukllltoiml compensation wns (,'iven. C. W. Hull, clerk of the board, told the county .superintendent that fil- IOWIIIK the three children to go to The annual meeting of the schools out of the township and com- pelling others livlni; In the same area to attend the township schools was Den- discrimination, Mr. Davis replied that vllle Cemetery Association was held I even so, he fell justified In his nc- Mondny niKht nt the home of D. M. RlKtitiM', on Church street, Den- UlUHtmled nddreHH on the mlRslonmy ested persons In attendance, work beluK done In (he dliferent purls of Old country. His subject will "Wed and the regular be, "A NewIndian on a New Trull,"; of the secretary and The work at. Union Chnpcl lion and he would not certify the payment of state funds for them to the township. The board denied the request of Edward J. Cheiswidden that his The president, Mi 1 . RiKhter, pre- sided and the regular routine reports Wuisiiter be allowed to attend Rock- treasurer wore I away Borouivh School Instead of Mt. 1ms, read and accepted as read. Hope School. Cheiwldden said ho been under the loint supervision of After the reports, the annual elee- lived within 400 yards of Rockaway the First Presbyterian Church of! Ho" <>f Trustees took place with D. Boroimh Gnumnar School, but his Rockaway and the New Jersey Dl- ' A. niekerson of c:htirch street. beliiK jdutmhtcr hud to walk about a half vision of fhlii Hoard of National Mis- re-elected for the term of three years. [ mile to meet the school bus running: ulomi for tl«> past, ywr and a hnlf. I.itst year In a similar address, Mr. Davy nave Ihe ronim'iiutlon a com- prehensive Introduction Info the ottl- lcy MaeParland. ninety years old, ol-the-wuy corners of the nation. who died at the home of her (limi'.h- tw, Mrs. Wllllimi llruiuta, of While Meadow avenue, Saturday. Rev. Kl- elred C. Kulwnna, pn.'itor of Hie Roekaway M, V,, Church and Rev. He spoke of the work bclni: done In Ihe mountain districts of the Curo- llniis, Vlntlulu and Kentucky. He also bad slides showing the work on the Indian reservations of Arizona Oooi'RC H. Molt DorcimiK, of Cllrard;land New Mexico, and amonii the Pa., a former pastor, olllclalcd nt the services. Interment was made In the family plot iii the Vtenbyleilun Cemetery. Mrs. MiuT'ailand was born In Manclicslcr. and was 11 Mormons of Utah Following, the election, n motion was made ,tind carried that the Trustees of the Association invesli- Kide and *ee what urruiiKements can be made for purchasini: more prop- crty near the Denvllle Cemetery, as 111 most, nil available ) used. The Trustees will Investigate tills 1mil 1er and call a meellni: in the near future rei'ardlni: it. Following Ihc mcellnr, of Ihe As- Iroin Rockaway toMt. Hope, RettlllK to Mt Hope School at about 7:50. Mt. Hiipe School starts at 9 o'clock. She did not net home until 4:15 111 the afternoon. In order to get the bus the child bad to net up at 8:15 he same Is iirowini', continuously and 1 each mornlnn. lost, nil available properly has been! .. 0 Rockden Post 'i'hln year 1111 even more liitcrestliu: isoclatliin .11 short meellni: of the 1 liw I to be In'ounhf lo Union 1 Trustees were held with the follow new descendant from the Htaveley family!set of pictures for use In the of Stavel.V Hall. Yorkshire, lilnidand. ! churches, We hope the friends lu She wan the widow of William Mae- Finland, formerly MucFnrliuid w»'i of educated Mis. tmwloiiw IK to be- IU'OUHIH to Union 1 Trustees were held with the follow- Hill. Orenl pains have, been taken bur olllecrs belni; elected for the term lo produce and select 11 totally new f of one year: Daniel M. Hlnhtcr, pres- " Ident: l'etcr II. Heally. vice president and David A. Dickerson, secretary and treasurer. To Hold Stag p Riicltaway will take advantage of nml came, lo thte country llfty-one years ano. Hho wan rclnlcd to the late Woodrow Wilson, llesldcs her diuiRhtor, Mrs. IlniRKn, nhe IN sur- vived by imother ilmiithter, Sumuol C. Doty, of Hillside. TO TIIK VOTICHS Mm. 1 take this opportunity to thank you foeyour support Election Day. November 3, which I appreciate. 1 will endeavor to perform the duties of this oflleo us elllelently In the fu- ture as I bellevo 1 have done in Ihe pnst. Sincerely yours, WM. II. CRANK, Assessor, Boro. of Rockaway. opportunity of Hcrliin what is belni; iimoni: done by tlie 1'rcsbytcrlan Church In the Scotch Covenanters In Wdlnburr. | mlnlstciitir. to the less lortuniite communities of (he land, o Miss Alberta Dickerson Weds George Merrill The marrlaue of Miss Alberta Die.korson, dauiihter of Mr. und Mrs.! Albert nickerson. of Fox Hill road, Denvllle, to (Iconic Merrill, of Ken- vil, was solcinulned lust Saturday nlttht. The ceremony was perfonneO at the paiKoniute of the Presbyterian Church at Mendham by the Rev, Iluith Kendall, tl»^ pastor. The e.oupU" were Hllemli'd by MIKB Prun- ees Shannon, of Hlcliwood Plnce, and David Cook, of Denvllle. Mr. and Mi'H, Merrill will reside in Denvllle following their return from a wed- ding! trip. 0 - • AT IT A<iAIN l.ADIKS' AI1XII.IAIIY TO IIOI.I) 1MINSTHKI, SHOW A minstrel show will be slai'.ed the cvenlni'.H of Monday, November nth and Tuesday, November 10th In the ]\ (). S. of A. Hall, Denvllle. at II o'clock. The palronaise of the pleas- ure lovlntr public Is invited. Admis- sion price 50c for adults, children L'r>c, .hikes, soni:s. specialty dancini!, remUnns ami much fun. KXTENDS TIIANKS,,TO VOTDHS .Silvio Odlerno, defeated Coune.ll- man at the last election, takes this means of thnnklni: the voters who nave him support. lie extends his Knotl wishes to his opponents, and hopes the progressive work•• pllshed in the Horoimh durlnit the I past, year will be eonllnned without 1 C.enlrul Uureiui any nddltional burden on Ihe t ax- C)n Armistice niidit, Wednesday. November lltli, the Rockden Post. American LCKIOII, will hold a stau. in the Odd Fellows Hall at T:30 p. m. There will be plenty of entertiiln- ineiil. The Iii'clnn Auxiliary will; serve chowder and colTcc. Do not foriu'l the Arml.sllec service at the Soldiers' Monument In the Presbyterian Cemetery at 11 a. in. on Armistice Day, Wednesday, No- vember 11th. Keimlur meetlni; on Thursday, No- vember Mb. SIII'I'OHT COMMUNITV CIIKST Number of contributors to Morris Community Chest, 50. Amount contributed to Morris Community Chest, $404.50. I'HII.CO McMANUS BROS. (KHlrtblislied lllllOi FURNITURE .1(1 Speedwell Avenue Phone 2021 Our lol'iil contractor, Michael Clements bun Just completed bulld- Inn his Iweiity-slxtb house. The house Is situated on Ilroolc street and eonlulni) till the modern conven- lene.CH. Any one ever llvini: In one of "Mike's" houses-knows that he Is the fellow that builds them rii:ht up to the minute. "Mike" Is a meat nsset to U»0 BoroiIKh, You are look this ont> over. Invited to MOICUIK COUNTY COUNCIL OF l[ll,l(Il(»l!S KDIICATION The Mon-iK Cmmty Council of Kc- lli;lous Kdiication will hold a meet- Ini: of the Executive Committee Fri- day eveulni! at I! o'clock In Ihe South Hlreet Hnlldlnii of tlie Presbyterian Church lit Morrlstown. Arthur W. Fos. of Hockaway. Is president of the executive commit tec. o - Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Bodiue. Sr.. of Frnnklln 'Uenue, me I'litcrtiiltilnp Arnold Smith, of NewYork. l'rec services rendered Hockaway In 1030: All Souls Hospital. 033 pa- tient days: Memorial Hospital, 177 Vmtient days and llVJ piUU'nt visits itlent department. of Social Service and K. V. V-. C. :YMvisits to twen- ty-live families. Morris Count.\ Tuberculosis Asan- i elation 171 visits to HII cases. So- ciety for the Prevention of Cruelty to animals. I) cases. Salvation Army look care of nine 1;iris from Morris County in their slate Inslutions and to prevent fur- ther solicitation In the County by Ibt.s anency each locality is asked to contribute toward the state Institu- tion. Althouiih the Morris Community Chest Includes Hi iwneles In its bud- uet, It Is nsklim Ttoc.kuway to con- tribute to the above seven only.
8, week ul u inectlni! of the Mor-liii County Board of Freeholder!!. A messiiKe Id lliln nllcct WUII

Jan 18, 2021



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Page 1:, week ul u inectlni! of the Mor-liii County Board of Freeholder!!. A messiiKe Id lliln nllcct WUII


ROCKAWAY RECORDer justly proud at.rungs-—our Townir Newspuper; both

are asset*

II it's News, Ads, or Job 'Printing, phone Rocka-way 220; we lire always

idad to serve you


Week-End Specialsxtfs of Spring Lamb, lb.

Shoulder of Lamb, lb.

porequarter of Lamb, lb.

Hrcast of Lamb, lb.Plate Beef, lb.

j joint Made Sausage, lb.

|>oik I-oh), lb.

Sirloin Steaks, lb. . 39c






ml Hoast, lb.Sirloin Roast, lb.

I Chuck Roast, lb.


Fresh Killed Chickens, lb.

Fresh (ji round Beef, lb.




Hagan's Cash Market26 Wall St. Tel. 62 Rockaway


Commencing October lfit, 1031. Interest on SUVIUL'S IICCIHIMIN willIt paid at the rate of 3'/i % per annum.

Interest on checking; accounts, commencing October 1st, 1931,will be paid at the rate of I'.'c per annum on amounts In cxc.cMi offree balance of $1,000.





On the Roll of Honorof the Banks of


National Union BankDover, N. J.


. Think of


Sec Us Today

E. J. MATTHEWS & SONS40 W. Main St. Tel. 146 Rockaway, N. J.

Mt. Carmel GuildTo Hold Card Party

Dover Unit to Hold Charity Eventi» Hiun-o1 l l m r t Hchoiil Hull,

I SM-K Ntrert

The Mi, Curnic.i Guild of Dover | t \ > ••corMuii/iiiiM unithiij Dover, Hwkuwuy, I ' •""• ' -u sard i , J o h n C r a n e a n d H o y d 1 i i l c r Hlee ted C oZ ^ Z T ^ u ^ Z & l d l ' » ^ W<>V* *>«»*. Elector; William Crane,

" A Moore Wins by Over 200,000



l ln, will c o n d u c tp a r l y ill flic H i , e n d iii-un,Hul l , Klisex i l l ic i t , Dnvci , mie v e n i n c , Novenibci I ; I I ) I , nl li:

l"um ilJIfereiil iMuiiri, will lI'd, Dri l ler , wiilNl, PinocH u n d r e d , Very lllMiy viil


ni-iicrul curdHchool


i::io |>. iii.l.i piny

iu,,| iq'vi.ili )>)-|'/,l'l.

I lie


yImvf been c o l l e c t e d ' b y I),, eoiuiollfee, and these prizes will In- mi dis-play In Die i.lniT wlnildwi. ul New-ber ry ' s C l n i i mi West, l i lackwclllil.l'ccl., Hover, M"'. Mieliue) K l i i i n m ,of Wln t r lon , hi clmlrliidy ol Ihc com-ni l t t iT , mid Mn.. Mlrl iucl K.ecse midM m , l.otils Moore rcprc.'.cnl I tori: a-w a y .

T i c k e t s m e I l i l y c e n l s , n i i i l I h c e n -t i r e , p r o c e e d : , o | | | , , . n l l n l r w i l l f o t or e l l e l w o r k i i i non i ' . I l i c j i o o r i n I h l i ;l i e c l l o n n l M o r r i s C o m i t y . T h e M LU i i l - i n o l ( i u i l d link.', l o r s u p p o r t l o rt h i n c u r d p a l l y I n m i n i l I h o s e d c -N l r o u s of r c l l c v l u i ! t i n - d l i ; i re : , : i o f o u r

clecflon Tuesday resulted InK e m c i r n i l i c l a n d s l i d e u n d A. H a r r y

D c m o e r u l l e eund ld i i l i forf s o v e n i o r win, e l ec t ed by a p i m a l i t voi over •ftm.tmt). T h e Democra t . . . „!:;„c u r r i e d d i e A s s e m b l y t i c k e t i , m l v . | | |l ' " v e full c o o l r o l of ()„. , i o l l M , I l (

A s s e m b l y . T h e resu l t it, very encoi i r -m-.tuiic. t o t h e Di ' inoen i l i , w h o Hi,IIIIHie : . l i , |c will be In t h e D e m o c r a t i ceoliiiiiiK. In t h e HI;I:» e l e c t i o n .

Ill t i n ' C o u n t y ol Moi r i i . M o o r ewon (.ill by u m a j o r i t y ,,l n|,i,iil I (m»but OIIH rwir.e Ihi- h ' epub i i e i in nt'iidl- 'd u l l s In,- l ic iui loi , A s s e m b l y m a n a n dF r e e h o l d e r : . won l.y ma io i ' l t i e sa r o u n d liiid,

in i lu i : tin As-

:t:!0; Spa r i i o , :i!,7, ' i ' c l fer . 2114: B i s h o p .2.'l(i; H i . h e i . '•.'i'l: I j e b o u l , 21«. F o rMiiycir, Wl l l i imi O e n i r d , 4!>7; D . M o r -r is NiclKili., ltili. I-'DI- C o n m i l m e n .J o h n .1. l , ic .mi l l , :ivi ; Hllvlc O d i c r n o ,17(1: J o h n II. C r a n e , 4(11; < leo. 1-'.T o n l . l n . '.'.\V>, F loyd I d l e r , 43(1 l''cirCol lecloi . F loyd J . C r a n s . 400 F o rAssessor . W l l l n u n I I . ( , ' rane, 411),

Kits t e rn D i s t r i c t , l i n l r d , :\'M>, M o o r e .?,M\ Voi i i i r , :c!(i: V a n, 1!H>;Kiiil i . :i:i:t; M n t d i l e r . :i;)ii: K i r n c r ,1111: Youni ' c l so i i , | ( !7 , Kirl ' .palr lc.k,: io i ; , ' i p i i i ro . :I:I!I; T e i i c i , aim: B i s h o p .100; F i s h e r , ;>(>:>.. l l e b o u t , 111!.: ( i e r - I I 'eference t o t h e b o a r d . T h e boaul : -

1 '' cliieai(on conlrolling t}i<

Rockaway TownshipSchool Matters

Board of ICducution Refuses to KayTuition fur I'liiibs Who AtU-nit

School Out «f Township

Despite the cth.uppruvid of CountySuperintendent ol .Schools w . U.Duvis, the Kockawny TownshipBoard of Education has decided lustand put on Its resolution ,,f umonth ai'.o rcfu.'inr Id pay luilloufor three pupils in school:, out of thetownship. The action of Ihe boardcompel:; lb, parent:; o) Ihe three 1.0cither take udviuilitf.c ol Hie town-ship school.-; or appeal to the tftalcJlcnird ol Kdiication Members of Ihcl.<iv,ti:,hlp board i xpi e:,:,cd a willing-IM-SS I" have tlie stale hoard pa:.s cmIhe iimltcr.

II was explained (he Rockiiwuy'J'ownship board had never idven per-mission lor the three lo at tendschools oul cil ibc township, the par-eiils clioosini'. the schools without.

iieinbly, was hli:h loan onand he with Mrs. J11II11 Miilehlei

. fortunate families, and pled,',,;' I"ii-".'-V and YoZv!™"'" Tl""y

ltmilf to endeavor to aid any und nil P r c c n t >"i >»"»>CUBISM brought lo lit: notice. The Ml. youur IrC'arnlel (iiilld workers act as vol-unfeerii, and as Ibere me no salarieslo be paid, every dollin' collected noesfor relief work.

l i c l i e l


l''l;.her, :>«:>.Htil, ill!,; Nlchol :O d l e n i i i . 2'iA; C:!lill; I l l lcr , :i:>ii;:ivv.



l . l l l iardl . 'Mil;j | | ; T i i n h i n, :17!I; ( . 'n ine


(Warns DepartmentsTo Cut Requests

MOVI'IK County Iliiiml nf » lecliolilelKlli'Ki' l|i:i:! Appropriation:,

lie Kept Down

A formal warnlni! t.o nil countydepartments to curlitll all rciiucsliifor iipproprluUniiii In (lie ni;|;> bud-Kct iHI iiiiicli as possible win: soundedlast, week ul u inectlni! of the Mor-liii County Board of Freeholder!!. AmessiiKe Id lliln nllcct WUII staled byFreeholder Fletcher I,. Frltti; In r«i-piirtlnK thai bndi<ef preparations forthe c.omtUH year will he iitnvled curlyIn November.

All rcqucst/i tiir appropriation"should bo forwarded now or In till)very near future and nhould belimited only to the. bin-cut necessitiessold Freeholder r'ritts, U In of ut>moHt Importance Unit the FreelipjdrMB onclunvor to keep down Incicwiodlaxntlon anil thin nun only bo iiouom-pllolicd with the full co-operationand aid of tlie viuioim county dt1-partnicntii.

t "In tliiiiie HmcN of HtrciiK uiul mi-cinployincnt, II. would be iinwlnu iiiacluiiKyinpathotlc. of thn Buurd of 1'rc.e-holdci'd to put an Increased Inn denon the taxpuyiii'H of Moirln County,stnteil Freeholder Prllt.H. "Kxpen«(Mishould be eiirliilled to the utniontdeftroo and no unnee.eHwiry Itcmnshould be listed in uny apprnpiin-UonR," In mnkliiK uj> the ll)'.V2 bv«l-Kel, we tiro liolim to be iiiiusuully HC-voi'o In tlvnt. all raiments not dennedJiiHtlflablc will be denied,

- o •• - • - -

Services Held forMrs. A. MacFarland

Funeral liervlees were held Mon-dliy afternoon for Mrti. Annie Htavi-

Assemblymanwon over Frank

Auken, lor (Hide ,'icnator bysized majority,

J'dr Freeholders Iheeiimbcnf:,, Kirkpalrleliliiilb were re-electeil ovI1') slier.

In Kockawav Township the voletin (invcrnov vtt:. close, jiniril win-ning out by :!ll voles. In Ihe Westernand .Soul bern District;; the Kepiib-lleiin candidates for ,'ienatoi. As-seinblyinan and ll'riIcholdisrs carriedtlie vote, but Ihe Northern District,

and ,'lpuri'o i Hlberiiln, went Democratic. The mostr lllshop and'' stlrprlsini'. vote in this Township wns

Van 1I'.ooil

present In-!

tile election ol Michael Kelly forTo 1111 the nnexplrcd term of the . 'I'owni.hip Uonmillteeiiiaii. who won

laic Wllliiuu Hasseff. l'etcr A. Teller,!"1" " v r | 1 <teori;e I,. Decker, Kepnbll-11I lloonloii. who was mimed by Hie l '11"' I)V " majority of three.Hoard lor the remainder ol Ihe ycur,: T | i c Republican ticket won In Dcn-

| vllle Township by reduced majorities.Calvin I,. Lawrence, chairman of theTownship Committee, defeated V.Dickinson, Democrat, by (i!>7 to 547.Comiulttceiuan Theodore L. Merck,Hepilbllcan, won over William Pitts,1114 to hllO.

won handily over HelmutHiicliawa.v llnrii. <>III>K Di'iiioeintleH.etiarded as a Republican stroiii>-

hold of Morris (,'ounty and for thepast thirty years decline, 11 Repub-lican Ciiiuicll, the Democratic ticketwon out, Tuesday easily, The Demo-cratic, candidate for Mayor. William(terard, was elected Mayor. Ills voleWHS '(72 iinulm;!, 1), Morrln Nlc.lioltt,lfepilbllciin. 4(111.

The vote by districts was a:i fol- Mean, unopposed for assessor, rc-lowit: Western District. For (!Over-1''elved ll lt Votes,nor, llalrd, 321: Moore 'Jt'lO; for Ken- (irowlnc, (llssatlsfaction at the Uc-iilor, Yoiinii, M(l; Van Aukcn, :il)2. publican mannKcment of the I3or-

Asseniblymen, KhiM, :i!.t): Mutch- HIIKII und Ihe hlnh lux rate was ac-

1 (ii eiiiieaiion conironiiH! me schoolsjlhcy now iitUnd iiave lieen notitlid1 by the Roekiiway hoard that. It willnot be responsible tor tuition fees.

I amoiinlhii! In sail).\ The pupil:; live near (irecn IMimand attend school at Butler andWest Milford, desplle Ihc fuel, Hint,several other pupils llvlni> In thevleinily are Ii ansporlcd by bus loMarcella (School within the town-ship. The bus route, established si'v-cntcon year:; 111:0, passes within

I wulkiiin distmiee of their homes. Tin?I county Miperluteiulent of scliools hn>:i approved the bus used on the route.J but. has withheld approval of theroute, bti.slni: his action on conditionof the road, which runs clown a steep

i mountainside. He admitted he failedI to realize the bus route hud been! established ;;o many years, but in-sisted the road conditions made It

1 unsafe.

1 Elea/.er Henderson, Marcella mem-ber of the board, said there had never

Hhinics M. Jnccer. Republican, WHS 11'een an accident on the hill, whilerc-eh'cted over Kiiitiucl VmiOrilon, i°IllV !aKl- Veur the school bus fromJr., '(Oil lo 401). Charles Peer, Itepuh-M d f

Ier.'i\'i. Kor FroeholileiM, KlrkpiitiieU,

IKil; Klrner, lill!; Youniielsmi, cepted r.encrally as the cause for theDemocrat le victory.

Rev. Ralph Davy toSpeak at Union Ghapel

More Property forCemetery Sought

Annual McctliiK of Cemetery Asso-ciation Held—I'liTtion of


Subject Will He "A New Indian (in11 New Trull," Next Sunday


Rev. Ralph Davy, of the Board ofNuMonnl MlMionH of the Pri'sbytcr-lan, will be the HUCHt spenkerat Union Clwpel next Sunday even-Inn, November 8th. He Is to K!V(; tin vllle. with quite 11 number of intcr-

Orecn Pond to Duller, operating: over'un Improved highway, was in an ac-cident In which several pupils werehurt.

HUf!K<!Sllon that the route operatedby Russell Klmbnll from VanDlnc'.scorner lo Ilnekiiway bo extended to

! the section in which the pupils liveI to carry them to Marcella School •j wan made by SupcrvlsliiK PrincipalD. B. O'Brien. Mr. Klmball expressed

! a wlllliiRness to have his route ox-i tended If lukllltoiml compensationwns (,'iven.

C. W. Hull, clerk of the board, toldthe county .superintendent that fil-IOWIIIK the three children to go to

The annual meeting of the

schools out of the township and com-pelling others livlni; In the same areato attend the township schools was

Den- discrimination, Mr. Davis replied thatvllle Cemetery Association was held I even so, he fell justified In his nc-Mondny niKht nt the home of D.M. RlKtitiM', on Church street, Den-

UlUHtmled nddreHH on the mlRslonmy ested persons In attendance,work beluK done In (he dliferentpurls of Old country. His subject will "Wed and the regularbe, "A New Indian on a New Trull,"; of the secretary and

The work at. Union Chnpcl

lion and he would not certify thepayment of state funds for them tothe township.

The board denied the request ofEdward J. Cheiswidden that hisThe president, Mi1. RiKhter, pre-

sided and the regular routine reports Wuisiiter be allowed to attend Rock-treasurer wore I away Borouivh School Instead of Mt.

1ms, read and accepted as read. Hope School. Cheiwldden said hobeen under the loint supervision of After the reports, the annual elee- lived within 400 yards of Rockawaythe First Presbyterian Church of! Ho" <>f Trustees took place with D. Boroimh Gnumnar School, but hisRockaway and the New Jersey Dl- ' A. niekerson of c:htirch street. beliiK jdutmhtcr hud to walk about a halfvision of fhlii Hoard of National Mis- re-elected for the term of three years. [ mile to meet the school bus running:ulomi for tl«> past, ywr and a hnlf.I.itst year In a similar address, Mr.Davy nave Ihe ronim'iiutlon a com-prehensive Introduction Info the ottl-

lcy MaeParland. ninety years old, ol-the-wuy corners of the nation.who died at the home of her (limi'.h-tw, Mrs. Wllllimi llruiuta, of WhileMeadow avenue, Saturday. Rev. Kl-elred C. Kulwnna, pn.'itor of HieRoekaway M, V,, Church and Rev.

He spoke of the work bclni: done InIhe mountain districts of the Curo-llniis, Vlntlulu and Kentucky. Healso bad slides showing the work onthe Indian reservations of Arizona

Oooi'RC H. Molt DorcimiK, of Cllrard;land New Mexico, and amonii thePa., a former pastor, olllclalcd ntthe services. Interment was made Inthe family plot iii the VtenbyleilunCemetery. Mrs. MiuT'ailand wasborn In Manclicslcr. and was 11

Mormons of Utah

Following, the election, n motionwas made ,tind carried that the

Trustees of the Association invesli-Kide and *ee what urruiiKements canbe made for purchasini: more prop-crty near the Denvllle Cemetery, as111most, nil available )used. The Trustees will Investigatetills 1 mil 1 er and call a meellni: in thenear future rei'ardlni: it.

Following Ihc mcellnr, of Ihe As-

Iroin Rockaway to Mt. Hope, RettlllKto Mt Hope School at about 7:50.Mt. Hiipe School starts at 9 o'clock.She did not net home until 4:15 111the afternoon. In order to get thebus the child bad to net up at 8:15

he same Is iirowini', continuously and 1 each mornlnn.lost, nil available properly has been! .. 0

Rockden Post'i 'hln y e a r 1111 even m o r e l i i tcrest l iu: isoclat l i in .11 s h o r t mee l ln i : of t he 1

l i w I to be In'ounhf lo Union 1 T r u s t e e s were he ld w i t h t h e follow

newdescendant from the Htaveley family!set of pictures for use In theof Stavel.V Hall. Yorkshire, lilnidand.!churches, We hope the friends luShe wan the widow of William Mae-Finland, formerlyMucFnrliuid w»'i



tmwloiiw IK to be- IU'OUHIH to Union 1 Trustees were held with the follow-Hill. Orenl pains have, been taken bur olllecrs belni; elected for the termlo produce and select 11 totally new f of one year: Daniel M. Hlnhtcr, pres-

" Ident: l'etcr II. Heally. vice presidentand David A. Dickerson, secretaryand treasurer.

To Hold Stag

pRiicltaway will take advantage of

nml came, lo thte country llfty-oneyears ano. Hho wan rclnlcd to thelate Woodrow Wilson, llesldcs herdiuiRhtor, Mrs. IlniRKn, nhe IN sur-vived by imother ilmiithter,Sumuol C. Doty, of Hillside.



1 take this opportunity to thankyou foe your support Election Day.November 3, which I appreciate. 1will endeavor to perform the dutiesof this oflleo us elllelently In the fu-ture as I bellevo 1 have done in Ihepnst.

Sincerely yours,WM. II. CRANK,

Assessor, Boro. of Rockaway.

opportunity of Hcrliin what is belni;iimoni: done by tlie 1'rcsbytcrlan Church In

the Scotch Covenanters In Wdlnburr. | mlnlstciitir. to the less lortuniitecommunities of (he land,


Miss Alberta DickersonWeds George Merrill

The marrlaue of Miss AlbertaDie.korson, dauiihter of Mr. und Mrs.!Albert nickerson. of Fox Hill road,Denvllle, to (Iconic Merrill, of Ken-vil, was solcinulned lust Saturdaynlttht. The ceremony was perfonneOat the paiKoniute of the PresbyterianChurch at Mendham by the Rev,Iluith Kendall, tl»^ pastor. Thee.oupU" were Hllemli'd by MIKB Prun-ees Shannon, of Hlcliwood Plnce,and David Cook, of Denvllle. Mr. andMi'H, Merrill will reside in Denvlllefollowing their return from a wed-ding! trip.

0 - •



A minstrel show will be slai'.ed thecvenlni'.H of Monday, November nthand Tuesday, November 10th In the]\ (). S. of A. Hall, Denvllle. at IIo'clock. The palronaise of the pleas-ure lovlntr public Is invited. Admis-sion price 50c for adults, childrenL'r>c, .hikes, soni:s. specialty dancini!,remUnns ami much fun.


.Silvio Odlerno, defeated Coune.ll-man at the last election, takes thismeans of thnnklni: the voters whonave him support. lie extends hisKnotl wishes to his opponents, andhopes the progressive work••pllshed in the Horoimh durlnit the Ipast, year will be eonllnned without1 C.enlrul Uureiuiany nddltional burden on Ihe t ax-

C)n Armistice niidit, Wednesday.November lltli, the Rockden Post.American LCKIOII, will hold a the Odd Fellows Hall at T:30 p. m.

There will be plenty of entertiiln-ineiil. The Iii'clnn Auxiliary will;serve chowder and colTcc.

Do not foriu'l the Arml.sllec serviceat the Soldiers' Monument In thePresbyterian Cemetery at 11 a. in.on Armistice Day, Wednesday, No-vember 11th.

Keimlur meetlni; on Thursday, No-vember Mb.


Number of contributors to MorrisCommunity Chest, 50.

Amount contributed to MorrisCommunity Chest, $404.50.


McMANUS BROS.(KHlrtblislied lllllOi

FURNITURE.1(1 Speedwell Avenue

Phone 2021

Our lol'iil contractor, MichaelClements bun Just completed bulld-Inn his Iweiity-slxtb house. Thehouse Is situated on Ilroolc street andeonlulni) till the modern conven-lene.CH. Any one ever llvini: In oneof "Mike's" houses-knows that he Isthe fellow that builds them rii:ht upto the minute. "Mike" Is a meat nssetto U»0 BoroiIKh, You arelook this ont> over.

Invited to


The Mon-iK Cmmty Council of Kc-lli;lous Kdiication will hold a meet-Ini: of the Executive Committee Fri-day eveulni! at I! o'clock In Ihe SouthHlreet Hnlldlnii of tlie PresbyterianChurch lit Morrlstown. Arthur W.Fos. of Hockaway. Is president ofthe executive commit tec.

o -Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Bodiue. Sr..

of Frnnklln 'Uenue, me I'litcrtiiltilnpArnold Smith, of New York.

l'rec services rendered HockawayIn 1030: All Souls Hospital. 033 pa-tient days: Memorial Hospital, 177Vmtient days and llVJ piUU'nt visits

itlent department.of Social Service

and K. V. V-. C. :YM visits to twen-ty-live families.

Morris Count.\ Tuberculosis Asan-i elation 171 visits to HII cases. So-ciety for the Prevention of Crueltyto animals. I) cases.

Salvation Army look care of nine1;iris from Morris County in theirslate Inslutions and to prevent fur-ther solicitation In the County byIbt.s anency each locality is asked tocontribute toward the state Institu-tion.

Althouiih the Morris CommunityChest Includes Hi iwneles In its bud-uet, It Is nsklim Ttoc.kuway to con-tribute to the above seven only.

Page 2:, week ul u inectlni! of the Mor-liii County Board of Freeholder!!. A messiiKe Id lliln nllcct WUII



Remodel Historic Mt. Hope HouseLinked With Revolution Events!

Mt. Hope's oldest house, where I The property on which the house jGeorge Washington frequently tands, approximately 1.000 acres.'warmed himself before its huge fire- j was purchased from William Alex-1place, when his troops were in campalong Loantaka Brook, near Morris-town, during the winter of 1777-78,

ander, better known as Lord Stirling,'by Jacob Ford, Sr., in 1750, and wus

d t hi J b J i— [conveyed to his son, Jacob, Jr., inis being remodeled Into a two-family 11168. The big house on the southern ;•house. ! side of a steep hill was built at a cost |

Six of its twelve rooms will be Ineach apartment. In the cellar, whereHessian prisoners taken at the battle

of about 1,400 pounds sterling by theyounger Ford. To the east of the hilla quarter of a mile from the

of Trenton were punished for infrac- is the Mt. Hope mine, one of the old-tions by their mine-owning captor, est in the country. To the north WHSwill be the latest form of heating ; Middle Forge, now the site ol theplant. Electric fixtures will take the j United States Nuva' Arsenal and aplace of the tallow dips and kerosene j few hundred feet o the west WA;,lamps which have supplied Unlit dur- ; another forge where it is presumed-ing the 157 yenrs MUM- the building the nuils used in the building, allwas erected. Modern bath tubs will haml-mude, wire fushioiied.occupy rooms Ink™ from I he ieur ol ! j m . , C ( , l o m . i Vwa, who thenthe great entrance hall which has • u | t ••ivcmmatk." leased Hiebeen Bpit m two o make a hallway | ., ., ( l l .,;,,„, ,hin>u r . l ( , s ( . h „„•for eudi side ol the Hiwlon l.v|»'|a t ( , , .m „, ) o J . ( v . . t w o veari:. 1"H«;<-1I

U ' t t ii Hiwlon

apartment. ,ITic lioiif,c, coiiHlnu-leil ol neat

pieces o! s ,,m- wnarne.l i.cuiUv, wa,-,bu t by C'nW1 l a o b 1-oHl w.«,built and owned Uir hmist al Mori-is-town oraupied us a heudtiuuHen, \>yGeneral now P ^ r m las a museum and shrmc by theWashiiHjton Headquarter:, Associa-tion. The outside walls aljr approxl--mately Ilirec i.-.-l thick and thebeams, ratters ami upnithls, as wellas iioor;;, are nil of .solid oak, hand-

was presumably Hie fii'st to live ii:j I lit: house. There also \va;, on theproperty some 400 apple trees, a fnistimill, a hemp mill and considerable!improved tanning land, in addition ito tiie mine. Faescii, who was barn in i.Switzerland in 172!), had come t.oAmerica in l'i<>4 to iiijertite tlie Hini'.-wnod mine.1, but hail an altercationwith the: owners and his place wastaken by Holjeit Erskliie.

v;a.Li built by Fncsct:


! A [\imiiti ..Jiewn from trees fill in the nearby after he leased the property and thisforests. The wood is in an excellent | was operated lorn: alter his clcatli infctate of pre.seivai.ion, according toHudolph J, Meile ami ills workmen.The beams across the cellar are ap-proxlmately a foot square and studs

^ walls m;c two inch,,;thick and from twelve to thirty-sixinches wide, each hand-hewn withmachine-like precision.

In tearing away n section of thesecond floor celling Lucius Daven-port, one of tin; carpenters workingunder Metclc, discovered a brownwallet, rotted with age. As lie liftedIt a half dozen coins fell out androlled down between the walls. Meieleripped a hole in the wall in the cellarand found some of the coins on topof a beam. They were mostly English

Spanish coins, one of the Eng-

was operated lorn;j 17it!> at. Boonton. Faesch and his wife'were buried In Morristown.j ,.,.'id wis sold bv the

[l™ T[fVaoa U Mos '- Philips

with (J31 acre.s. In 1UH the propertywas leased to McQueen & Co., whomade pig iron. The fui-iutcc was al-lowed to go out in 1827, althoughmining was continued. In 1831 theMt. Hope Mining Company was in-corporated by Samuel Richards, Mr.Philips. Samuel C. Wright andThomas S. Richards, with a capitali-zation of $60,000. The property isnow owned by the Warren Pipe nnd jFoundry Corporation. j

One side of the remodeled housettsh pennies bearing the diilu 1737.1 will be occupied by Edward Wright,An iron wood holder, to hold IOKS for] who operates a store in Mt. Hope,the fireplaces, presumably wrought ' » • - " - -at one of the nearby forges, also wusfound In the closets. A huge woodenchest, securely spiked to the lloor,was found In the low attic over asmall secondempty.

floor room. It was

and the other by his assistant In thestore. Except for a couple of roomsused by a Pennsylvania family dur-ini! the .summer the house has beenunoccupied a number of years. Dur-ing the war it was used as a boavdinghous for mine workers.


A. A. MEYERSON, Propi ietorKockauay, N. J.

Hark! What is that funny noise?Why, it's Santa, unloading toys:Where? Why in Rockaway,He's leaving some every dayHis headquarters have beuunWith A. A. M«yereon

The toy shop.

Make a call with your mother,CaU" with sister, or your brother,Call a t night with your dadI am sure, you'll be glad.Oh, the gifts for girls and boysWhat thrills, what fun, what Joys

At the Toy Shop.

Pencils, pens, books and pads,MuHt things for the little lads;Bapy carriages, desks, for little girlsBlackboards, baby dolls with curls;Many, many things, too many to

mention,Just call you'll receive attention,

In- the Toy Shop.

There are mnny places to buy,But, give A. A, Meyerson a tryHis prices are always low,Look in the window, before you goAnywhere else to do your shoppingI'm sure with glee, you'll be hopping

From the Toy Shop.

A gift for mother, a box of candy,Writing paper, or something dandy,Perhaps a story book, a magazine,Make her happy, your earthly queenYea, these things nnd plenty moreAt Rockaway's Santa Claus Store,

The Toy Shop.

Oh, a gift for Dad, a box of clgnrs,'Or, Prince Albert in nice glass Jars;Perhaps a gift of razor blades,They have many sizes, many grades.Maybe cigarettes in a nice cartonNow is the time to get.startin'

Toward the Toy Shop.

Call and chat with Mr. Meyerson,You'll find he's jolly, likes funWhether you buy or not, it's a smileThat surely is always worth while.Yes, call and see the fine display,Then you will be happy on Chrlst-

mus dnyFor the Toy Shop.

Listen, a few more lines to you,Every line will be really trueWhen you rend the Toy Shop Ad,For everything to make you eladRecord announcement in November,Please read and remember

The Toy Shop of A. A. Meyerson.


DR. JOHN J. LUSABDICouncilman Elect


Singer, "And for Bonnie AnnieLaurie, I'd lay me down and die."

Listener (rising), "Is Miss Lauriepresent?"


Miss Betty Malott. of Lincoln nve-nue, was a recent guest of hercousin, Miss Sarah Fraelich, in Tren-ton.

Mrs. Florence Pqrrlne and MissGertrude Wortman, of East Orange,were week-end guests of Mrs.Martha Spaigo and family In SouthMorris street.

A son arrived last Friday at thehome of Dr. and Mrs. Leo Schoen-brun, in Elk avenue.

Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Parker, of Mc-Farlan street, have returned from avisit In Washington, D. C.

Mr. and Mrs. Preston O. Elliott, ofBronx, New York City, spent Tues-day with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence E.Puder, in Harvard street.

Announcement has been made ofthe engagement of Miss Elida dark,of Wharton, and William Stephens,of Bassett Park, Mine Hill.

Miss Dorothea Reeves, of Bakerstreet, entertained a number offriends at a masquerade party ather home last Wednesday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur T. Paquette,of Mine Hill have returned from avisit to Ashville, N. C, where theyvisited Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hoch,formerly of this place.

A masquerade party was held Sat-urday night at the home of Mr. andMrs. Wilbur B. Searing, in Randolphavenue, in honor of Dr. and Mi's.Grey S. Clark, who were recently

! married in Poultney, Vt.

Jack Hnrper, of Locust street,spent the week-end at West End

(HelBhts, N. Y.

Harris L. Friedman, a student ofNew York University, spent theweek-end with his parents, Mr. andMrs. Meyer Friedman, of WestBlackwell street.

An attractive restaurant, known!as the Duplex Coffee Pot has been >opened at the corner of South Mor-ris street and Dlckerson street, byJames Pappas, who has conducted agrocery store in Central avenue forseveral years.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Gill, ofSanford street, entertained as guestsover the week-end, Mr. and Mrs.Harry Burton, of Erie Pa., and Mr.and Mrs. Raymond D. Gill, of Phila-delphia.

Miss Stella Marks,' of McDavitPlace, entertained a number offriends at a Hallowe'en party at herhome Thursday night.

JOHN CRANECouncilman Elect

FLOYD HILERCouncilman Elect

Old Lady, "Look,old fashioned girl,


Near Sightedthere's a dear, gHer dress buttons all the way up theback."

Her Daughter, "Nonsense, mother,that's her backbone."


Roger, "Mummy, I have such asurprise for you I"

Mummy, "What Is it darling?"Roger, "I've swallowed a nail."

Magistrate, "Miss, have you ap-peared as a witness in a suit before?"

Bashful Miss, "Yes sir."Magistrate, "What suit?"Same Miss, "My blue voilo."

MAGNAMIMOUS POPFather, "Yes, my boy, I'm a self-

made man."Son, "Gee, Pop, that's what I ad-

mire about you. You always take theblame for everything."


Eloise, "I had a quiet little even-ing alone with a book last night."

Vlvienne, "I'm nfrald that's goingto happen to me some night too."

First Soused Tourist, "I'm shcr-talnly surprised to see you here."

Second Soused Tourist, "Thashfunny—I've been here half nn hour."

First Drunken Tourist, "But thlshish first time I've looked on thefloor."

WILLIAM H. CRANEAssessor Elect



we havef |


have!be a;


Iti Die last year or sohi aid much ol the English dole, from ,.hi .umdixiinls of both those who

;c it and those who favor it. Weiiim. heard that the dole is essen-liai (or this country, and welikewise heard that it wouldmenace to our institutions. i

of this talk has dealt with jBut a letter printed in the

Manchester "(England) Guardian,l j-oii) sin actual recipient ot the duledeals viUi facts. He sensitively (ie- jscribes the humiliation and the mis- iery ol thousands of the people who!arc i:iv«n it. And he says ••Politicians |wiaiuUe and governments change,;but there is no new program, no sug- jpest ion of how to find the money topay you for the work you are willingand anxious to do. This uuemploy-1ment is an effect, not a cause. Only!a cure which gets at the root, whichtiaees the causes all over the world.!can carry a message of hope." .

This is from Eni'lanri, and eondi-'tions'are iur better hen.-, liven so,1

it. is some! him: v/e cannot insietuird. jK'niploymeiil. is I lie cure lor the dole— and for Die de.struciioi) ol char-acter and pride which i lie dolecauses. Industrial leaders are now;woikinr, on the problem, and several:uri'sil business;!::; have instituted cures!

j for unemployment within their or-ganizations. Kvery business .should jdo likewise, so far as it i.s able, and

[every citizen should do hi.-, hit tokeep (lie need for the dole awayfrom American shores. !


Even one small bad habit will .sinka man morally, physically and linan-'cially. In the ease, of f he nations ofthe world the small bad habit is war.It. is at, present a millstone aboutevery nation's neck that. ni> nationsseem to know how to gel rid of. Bil-lions of dollar;; arc spent every yearby the nations of the world for war1

and tin: preparations for war. It isall wasted but until we learn betterhow to live it all seems unnecessarywaste. If the money spent in waranil preparation for war wen; usedjin a constructive way, the whole |world would be revolutionized in tenyears. During the past fiscal yearthe United States has spent on arms ]$707,425,000. This would have built18,000 milt's of hard surfaced roadsthis past year and would have em-ployed enough labor to have endedthe depression. It would have builtfour one million dollar hospitals inevery state in the Union and pro-vived each with a two and a halfmillion dollar endowment. It wouldhave built a $50,000 library in everycounty in every state in the Unionand have provided each with an en-dowment of $50,000.


Fourth Estate GivesRadio a Neva Star

NELSON BODY, baritone of thenew full hour program heard

every Friday tiiKlil, in a young manwho roKt from "obitH to opera." InPiiiladelnlna fionn; years ago he be-Kan liis riiieer by writing obituarynotices for Hit local newspapers.II« was more lntcrent«cl in music,however, ami lihortly found himselfwinner of a content which e.aussedhim to be ea;)t an AmomiHro isi"Aids." Mill iu journalism liennilied from a print Hhop at seveno'clock oao evening to nil his rolelu opera at Philitdolphla'e Academyor Munlc. Thorn lie hid his inUiali;tui;c frlBlit behind the dark maslcof Hie Klhiopian king. Eddy haobeen uuce.CKHful both in conceit andrailio work, but hla recent dehut inthe new Hoffman Hour, broadcast,over WOI1 and WIP-WFAN,Inini^lit V.ini to individual stardomon the air.*

OMBTIMKR in summer you willS OMBTIMKR in sfintl a lake

FLOYD CRANSCollector Elect

Divisions in the church are to bedeplored. There is a more charitableand tolerant attitude on the part ofco-religionists today than ever be-fore. The wind is in the right direc-tion. Plain spoken men, rnen ofpositive conviction and: utterance, atthe same time maintain a right,spirit and hold in high esteem their!opponents, giving them credit forintelligence and sincerity. The manwho severely criticizes the church be-cause of denominationalism mightask himself why our several thou-sand fraternal organizations do notunite, or why our political partiesdo not consolidate; in short, why donot all men view things in the sameUgjit? The settling of a question maydepend upon mental calibre or uponInformation, or upon both. Theanalogy is not perfect, however.There is a final authority in religionthat may not exist in other realms.Christ dealt in general principlesmore often than in specific com-mands, but He is crystal clear onthose matters that are fundamental.


This Week in HistoryNov. 2—Accession of Czar Nicholas

n, 1894: Washington's farewell ad-dress to his army, 1783; Kansasadopts prohibition, 1880.

Nov. 3—Austria signs an Armis-tice, 1918; Russia declares war onTurkey, 1914; Close of the Thirty,;Years' War, 1648. j

Nov. 4—Grover Cleveland elected'President of United States, 1884;Battle of San Jacinto, in the Philip-pines. 1899.

Nov. 5—Battle of Rosbach, Sax-ony, 1757; Battle of Inkermann,1854; Republican victories in Con-gressional Elections, 1918.

Nov. G—Battle of Jemappes Bel-Blum, 1792; Klnu-Chau surrenders tothe Japanese, 1914.

Nov. 7—Battle of Belmont, Mis-souri, 10ei: Bolshevists capture Pe-trograd, 1917; Battle of Tippecanoe,1811.

Nov. 8—General Cadorna succeed-ed by General Diaz, 1917; AmericanRainbow Division reaches Sedan,1918; Montana admitted to theUnion, 1889.

No siovnis disturbs. No rollins; billowsbreak

Upon UK shun-, It is n pliiec ofpence.

Yes, hi'ie it Si'.i'ms the things thattrouble cease

Anil trouble '"»» »n mure, No tlmn-iliTK rot!

Across the sk.v, across the human soul,lie not ileceivoil; no hike, however

still,• tut has its winters, as nil waters will.

Soini'liinoK In living someone you mii.vllmt

To whom l>anu> Fortuno must he al-ways kind,

The vnier1 so ciulet, dignified the moin.That they remind you of that syh-jvn

pcfncI'ain, gn^f anil nnger, they know non*

of these,The little lakes so far from wider

Kens.Be not deceived. The calm may have

their care,A greater burden they more bravely


There Is no shelter from the stormsof life,

We do hut differ in the way Its strifeIs suffered In the way Its grief is

borne.They feel the nwmt who do least loudly

mourn.The aspen quivers when unmoved the

palm;In controversy greatness is most calm.And t!(i\v perhaps may hold the denr

most dearWho pny the Irilmle of the unshod

tear.(!B. 1531. Ouuslas Hajlooh.)— WNU Scrvlc*.

Few Wood-Carveri LeftAs far baclt aa 41KI0 K. C. we know-

that people liked to cut designs Inwood with a sharp Instrument, ninlexcavations In Kgypt have shown thatpeople of that ancient time wore skill-ful nt the art. From ttint ilutp on,"In-nlinpst every land, curving has hrena widespread mill popular nrt.

Hut today, in most, parts of theworld, wooil-earvinp: exists nnly In the-hobby or pastime of wliitllin^. Thehand working of wood is too slow forthis rapid machine age. Only InSwitzerland, France find, to a lessotextent, Hiiglund, dues the art hold itsplace among other occupations, andeven In these countries there Is littledemnnd cxrept for the work of thomost famous rnrvern.


AH Hepir W

Telephone Hockaw,, , -KOCKAWAY. K. , ,


ContractorCarpenter and B«||jM

T»L -


TailorWall Street, BoeUiw,, j ,

Cleaning, Pressing m D/ ' '

a Specialty

Special Attention Given to Talta,



West Jlaiii streetRockawnj, j c

r s e jEverything In Hardware

I'aints, OIIF, Vai nislicB, IStualiu «,

JOE DONOFRIOGeneral Carting


Telephone Kocltavvay fjo



FLOORS FINISHEDProper Equipment Insures

Satisfactory ItesullsTEL. 555 HOCKAWAV, s. I. j



Carpenter and BuilderEstimates Given

Tel. 4C P. 0. Boitl!JoMiIni; a SiicclaltjUOCKAWAY, N. J.

/GEORGE fl. WHITHAMV?Emhalmet SJttd Funeral DirtcltrCareful service and prompt attain

given to all calls, day or night,Tel. Rockaway 75

Funeral Parlors—Main StreetROCKAWAY, N. J,


Analyzed as the Purest Spring Witoproduced. Taken from a BDlUqSpring. More stimulating anil n-freshing than other waters

GEORGE V. TOSKISTelephone 275 Itoclawi;

J . H. BLANCHAHD & CO.Manufacturers Of

ROCKAWAY IIAMt SIA1)£ AIEJwith or without handles

All klndu of Edge Tools and U«oMowers Sharpened

Union Street Phone i


Washington, D. C. Septemtw 4, IKWhereas, by satisfactory evidence w

sented to the undersigned I W ^made to appear that -First "" ' f f iIn Hockaway" In the Bnrous i nin the County of Morris ana Sta«H«'Jersey h M compiled with nII_hog™fB.of the Statutes or the Dn'tefl a»«« frquired to he complied " ' * ^ '"JJnBBoclatlon shall Be authorized to com™the business of Banking; m

NOW therefore I. E. H- °0UEd°'wnfcr

Comptroller of the Currency. M 'certify that "First National BnnK in ™oway'? In the Borough of B°cf™ 'JmcCounts ol Morris ami State of •«« s , |Is authorized to commence tMimBanking as provided in Section "^hundrcS nna sixty-nine <>t the «•Statutes of the United fatates. ^

In testimony wh"™' S "Von*hand and seal of otto•«»day of Scpteinbcrlgl

10-t9Acting ComptroVlfr ot the

He (as they drive along aroad), "You look lovelier tomminute. Do you know whatsign of?" , . , jo 0

She, "Sure. You're aboutout of gas." „


The business* of tomorrow will allbe done by the cash method. Thechain stores are forcing the issue.Every merchant who extends creditloses a certain per cent of his ac-counts. A merchant who extendscredit either has to take his lossesout of his profits or he has to addthem to the cost of the goods. Afew years ago it was common forcustomers to settle with their mer-chant once a year. Now, no merchantcares to extend credit over thirtydays; In a few years through theforce of economic necessity all busi-ness will be done on the cash basis.

i • o .

If it Is true as the enemies of pro-hibition suggest, that more liquor isbeing consumed since the passageof the law, how would It be to passa law forbidding the sale, manufac-ture or possession of bread? Thatought to s ° l v e t h e wheat problem.

Jay -walking is a short cut to thehospital.

Put Your Savings in- a, fcfiitUfll Sayings

The MORRIS COUNT! SWMGS BANK21 South Street, cor. DfeMW Street


A MjiinnI Savings Bank



Interest Paid Since 1928at the Rate of

Assets over $15,000,000.00

Put Your Savings in a Mutual Sayings

Page 3:, week ul u inectlni! of the Mor-liii County Board of Freeholder!!. A messiiKe Id lliln nllcct WUII



fc|jef Given to Distressed Helpsin Meeting Serious Situation,

Chairman Payne Says.


• • • ] • ) ,


l ,rl>


year of the great drought,"pant twelve or more months

IIB known to future generations,mill great damage to millions.alone, did the crops, which were,.j in the llelds In twenty-three.,., in the summer of 1930, depriveral million peraons of food, butdrought disaster continued In the,1,,-r of 1881 !n the northwestern.v. and also brought other minor

icy in it* wukt\ such as for-aiid the Kiussbonper plaKiie.

(bun » 5'«U' lias elupsfad lilneeHed Cross launched, In

I [!t,'SU, IU tlrsL inuvfcb for relief. drimghl-utricki-n fanni-m, and! lime, more tlian 2,'n>(l,00ll \n-r

, ..vcir jilveii rood, clotiilii;;, rued-I aid, iilii'ller or other lypi; or as-

i, I nice- ^t rit> P(1i'ifH* dui'iiij?; liiiji( [ were there fewer than 7(1.00(1, nii.i being aided anil at the peak

[ iim relief work on March 1, last,mil- Ibllli '2,00(1,000 persona wen; be„ tiolnetl.

jodav, fitill us it reyiilt of (heloiiphl, tiie Heil Cross Is KiviiiK ex-

•linili-tl H'lH'f I" pai'fa "' North Dal ;>la,"HasliiiiBl"" " '" ' M»iil"»a. where re-d u c e s of hundreds of families were

•ml out tills past siniiiuer, when s, oml anil more severe ariell of dryilher was prolonged In that region.I Ills drought relief presented thepileiil task" that lioa ever been nn-lUken by the. Red Cross as a peace

ji'lma activity. The Mississippi Valley'.loud of 1927, while more spectacular,and calling for relief of a costlier typo,

ciuiee hollies and possessions were:nd>t away, affected hardly one-fourthhe number of people who suffered be-luio of the drought.

'•* In addition to the broad nrngrniiiit droiiKht relief still being carried

John Marlon Payne, chairman oflie American Rod Croaa, lias Riveslie following suggestion to Chaptfr.lialrrni'ii. In regard to unemployment•dicf: "Where tbere Is autferinK andint fiotii any cause,and the fundaicntal local needs are not being met.liapters may participate In the com-unity plans tor meeting tbo need."Some typo of. general family relief,iptlier for the drought victims, theemployed or the war veteran and

ill family, were carried on by ranvp,n li.000 Red Cross Chapters last

•ar. Judge Payne said.I'lio drought relief work of lflliO-

il lie ndded, "the relief now heiiiRitended following last summer'sIroiiRlit, principally In Montana andortli Dakota; the assistance which, lielns given to ex-aervlce .nisn and

Ilicir families; and the part whichicveral hundred Chapters are takinglocally In (heir communities' relief

-asures are activities of the Uedrow, national and local, which havenet and nre meeting some of the serl-

needs ot the present situation."

D m V r\c u i r r n T i i . ™ i J l , Chamber of Commerce is a his course may find himself indebtedK U L t U r V I C T I M "youthful organization and the parti-, to the Chamber for that airplane

cuter creation of these times. Its an- sign.cestry cannot be traced back to the ; The Factory Committee of themiddle ages as Is the case with some Chamber is also active and is con-other societies. The needs of our per-1 stantly making efforts to secure hewjod and the spirit of industrial Amer- j industries for Rockaway. It may belea have forged this new Instrument j well to make known here that freeof an economic regime. The institu- factory sit«s are available to legltl-

She Confe»»e« Planning Hoaxto Hold Affection of

Boy Friend.

Mllii, Maine.—Kctir tlint she mightlose her boy friend caused Ono Rogers,Iwtnty-three, to nlny a hoax of tdeatli threat on police authorities.

The Kirl confessed to InvestigatorFrank J. (logon nt Hangar, who hartbeen -working on the case wHU CountyAttorney Jerome ('lark.

Miss Kopers. who had been workingfor tir. A. H. Canle for four years,was friendly with Murray f.itttetiekl.

One nifrht she showed Donor ('aidea Idler she said she had picked upthe hi<rltl l-.efin-e when she answeredthe doorbell, hut found nuliudy I here.

T o g e t h e r ! l n - y r e ; n ! t h e l i - ! l , - r I h r e a l -

e n i u K h e r w i t h i l e n l l i . T h e d n e i m - I I H -

tion of the Chamber of Commerce' mate enterprisesis a spontaneous expression of this! The swimming pool and skatingage. It has no traditions as yet but! rink in the old canal bed were con-it may play an extremely Important gtructed at considerable cost by therole In the future of the nation. At Chamber.present Its only power derives from i The effective action taken by thethe unified opinion and creative ideas! chamber o f commerce against theof its members. But such a body | petition of the Lackawanna Railroadmay acquire new powers to meet, to abandon its line thru Rockawayneeds that arise from the eomplica- i is so well known that It need onlytion of our civilization. \ be mentioned here. Some controversy

I has arisen concerning the partition

white or

Bride—"The kind I want are whitewith a yellow polka dot in themiddle."

Angry Customer, "These eggs arenot fresh "

Indignant Orocer, "Not fresh? Whythe boy brought them in from thecountry this morning."

Customer, "What country."

HistoricalThe history of the creation of ' °\ "ed}1 far Ule defense

f!'h:it evenin;; IMinefield Iwdcin;:the letli'i- Mild Henmimuy would i-

weni oul mid leftfler 11n- •.•ill, since-

unly in ibe hny'.si-lu- he suit-.

ino OK Floor.Miss l ingers reiuiirlteil

inul si-ill l . iltlclield

Chambers of Commerce in the na- o l H-oekaway's interests before thej tion will be dealt with in another P u b U c Utilities Board. Such u con-I article. We wish now to deal with "oversy is irrelevant and uiifortu-i the history of the Chamber of Com- "?"-"• Tllt* C'»»»ber took action sup-I mere.e of Rockaway plemcnlary to und in cooperation! On the evening of the second of w l U l t l u ' n'"'ough Council as befits] March, 1927, a group of Rockawuy l t s I l i l ( u n ' »>'<' purpose, It will coii-1 business men met at the Yellow

About l(l:-l."ishe. was tircihome.

In II few minutes 1 KX-IIU Chirk re-tu rned with Coinily Attorney Clariceami l ' o lke imnl Alinm Ihiy In find thegl i i g ronnlng mi the vest ibule Itoor.

They placed her in bed ,-inil a f lerfiiilne effort quieted her sulliclenlly t(igel t he s tory of lbi> Mlli-scil nssnnl l .

Khe showed them inarKs on herth roa t nml si-ratelies Indiciiling aistrug^le. niul explliiiieil th;ll when left liev ^he \ \en t yii> Hlnivt! tor e t i r e nnii the duorbell runs .

She went down nnd us she s teppedin to Ihi' vi'silhiile » lull niiiskeil iniinKei/.ed her, (linked her, she suiil, andthroutene<l to shnot her If she

BCl'OllllK'd.T h e r inging of ihc te lephone frigbl-

oued him away , .lust tiefoce the doe-tor came, bill she didn ' t have t hestreiiKlh to eel to t he te lephone, sheexpla ined .

Deputy Hlnrlff Walter I'.lake andState Trooper Slieppnrd, 9 fingerprintexpert, went to worlt. A checkup wayinnile on everv person who had accessto Doctor Cilrde'f office.

Machine Traced.It wns learned the machine upon

which the letter WIIH written was sim-ilar to one in I he doctor's ollice. Thepaper used was from a pad, nppiir-enlly the same us one on tiis desk,Tlte niiirUs on the girl's thronl weremade by a girl's fingers.

I'lidor questioning by Invesiiyiimr rio-{Tim, Miss Hoger.s broke down anil con-fessed Ihe svluile siory wns fnlse. Shesaid she wrote the note I" herself andlollicled the scratches on her face nndtbroiit to iiuike It look more realistic.

She had loved Mtllfflcld tor a longtime, she asserted, and thought theletter would make him jealous of theman who "loved her so much he wasgoing to kill her to get lift" out ofMurray's reach.1'

Born in Steel Plant, HeLabors There 54 Years

gales of n steel and wire pliinf here,after tire bad dexlro.ved the familyhome in 1SIM, I'litriek Catdim went towork for the firm while lie was stilln bo.v. The oilier day be retired nflerT4 years of continuous service.

Ring Found After IS YearaFall Kivei1, Muss.—A Uinnmml ring

wnrtli $ril), which Clifford Krlghfmmilost 18 .vear.s ago was found recently>>' Mnmiel Cnbrnl while- worklnjr nearilie \Vesl|iort I'olnt home of u rela-te of lirlglitninn.


menBowl. Mr. William Gerard was madechairman of the mc-etinf; and Mr.Smith was chosen us recording sec-retary. Mr. ISdwurd Killers, Ur.Vlam; and George Blimchmd. ofBooiiion, were umone; t.hcspeakers. It was thatwhich gave- u lormal existnnci; tothe Chamber oi Commerce of Hock-away. The first, officers were Kdwlr

tiluie iu lul;e action l.o lnvtiicv tl:interests of the town. II. will ph*ya sujisjlenieiit;uy, a subordinate orckmHiiaUup. role m any enU-vprise dt~:;i(:n«i for i.he advancement ol thecommunity. The Chuiuher i:; not

niificipur "iix'eitK-d the. credit, it re-ceives, it is concerned with the .suc-cess of Us efforts.

One contest, with tins Lacknwitn-lia having t-erminatf-il Iliere iinmiv

J. Matthews, president; Edward Do- «>«tely «»)S(' anolht)- to occupy tinland, vice president; Silas Hiler, sec- Camber. l')u- rise m fares and is-retary, and Arthur Lynch, treasurer. l |('™»y ">' commuters' lares has nolA committee of three, consisting of yet. born r.i ited but Ihc railroad hasWilliam Haggerly, George Fisherund Edward Uolftnd, wus appointed .to draw up the by-laws of the or- services of Lawyeiganizatlon. About fifty membersconstituted the original Chamberwhich began at once to hold itsmonthly meetings.

On the thirtieth of April, 1930, aresolution was passed authorizing theofficers to hcorponite the organiza- , ,,tion. The papers of incorporation j m m t s o f t h e Chamber of Commerce,

tickle u f nxmd ?"n»B H« short term ol

a fairly stionp, rase in Unit, discus-sion. The Chamber has reserved the

W. II. Hawjertyto pvoLecl the commuter.1, of thevicinity.

Similarly the Chamber has en-tieu\ netl to secure u reduction in busfares thru the UoroiiRh from thePublic Service.

Such, in brief, are the achieve--

wore made out by Francis Stickle [immediately. When next it met theChamber of Commerce was a cor-porate body. i

OrganizationThe organization, purpose, limita-

tions and rules are defined by the

existence "f?lvcs us reason to hfiveconfidence In Its future.


The old home town has changed alot since I was just a lad

by-laws. In general its purpose is to P o r i n those days the home ownedfurther the commercial industrialand civic interests of the Boroughof Rockaway; to provide for com-munication of ideas between men indifferent varieties of business; tostimulate trade in Rockaway t>y

stores were all we ever hadI remember how the boss would

come and meet us at the doorAnd IKS always made us feel at. home

when we were in his store.

work was done,Tho owners of our local stores were

' always called upon.When other things were needed to

'. make a better town,i They were always glad to do their

share, they never turned it down

mbusiness that has characterizedAmerica and to provide a new bodyfor the formulation and expression of.economic opinion.

The Chamber is non-partisan, non-sectarian and non-sectional. It ispledged to abstain from all political \ , . „ , , ,activity and from using its influence | All(1 » o w i l m i t h c n tw°uld happenin the election or appointment of, folks would need ft UUc stuffany public official. It may not ln-jTo keep them through the winterterfere in any dispute between em- •" when'I lines-were .kindI of toughPlover and employee unless it be in-i t it didn t seem to matter for thevlted to act as arbiter by both par-'uv uuni uui- m a n w h o o w n e ( 1 t n e s t o r e

ties. It is devoted to the impartial: Would always give these folks someconsideration of the public Interest.! "-edit and deliver to their doorBeing free from any formula, dogmaor prejudice the Chamber is evi- i But everything is different now. Itdently in a position to make the Isn't like it was \most use of a free intelligence andto observe-the facts clearly and nc-

Woree.ster. Musx.-l'.orn within the eUThe governing body of the Chnm-

When we were kids. Do you knowwhy? I'll tell. It's because

The chain stores all have come' totown, it seems they have control

And it seems as if a man don't ownhis body or his soul.

ber is a board of directors composedof twelve members who are chosen Ifor a term of two years and six' ofthe directors are chosen at each an-, oh, yes; Their stores arc pretty andnual meeting. The directors choose! their windows have a flash,from among themselves the presi-' But they never know a person if they

j dent, vice president and treasurer.! haven't got the cashI They also elect a secretary from i For their bosses live on Wall Street• among their number or otherwise j And we're a bunch of fools| who shall then become a member of' if we think these fellows give a durni the board. The present officers are about our church and schools,!Floyd Hller, president: W. H. Crane'jvice president; W. Gerard, treasurer; N o w a s l e a foiks: Can we afford toI Wlllard Apgar, secretary.

The Chamber, like otli r organiza-sacrlflce our rights?

Shall we neglect our townsmen to

ultima! y ln a bought stricken section of West Virginia was one of thiPa U t """owners of the foodstuffs o'ven by the American Red Cross In tl«-—J[!^- M»f« than 2,760,000 persons were fed by the organization^ ^

t by means of committees. Those! shall we forget the pioneers who'which are particularly active at. this; builded this town?Itime are as follows: Factory, ath- j shall we allow the outside stores toletic, finance, membership, ways and tear the whole thing down?means, publicity, social executive and ,the by-laws committee. : j think I know your answer, folks,

Achievements J hope you'll sayThe past activity of the Chamber Let's own our little city like we used

has been fruitful of profit and ad- '° y e a l s nR°- , , , ,„.vantages to the borough and its citi- Let's patronize our local stores and7,ens. A brief review of its achieve- keep the cash at homenients may be warranted. Following, And let the dogRone chain stoicsthe disastrous explosion of the Pic- start n city of their own.atinny Arsenal on July 10, 1926, thepeople whose homes had suffereddnmage presented claims to the ROV-ernment. Two appraisers were dele- iginted by the government to inves-tigate the extent of the damage andto either accept or modify the claims ias presented to the government.'When the Chamber came into exis-tence in 1927 it found that the gov- Ieminent, in its usual Irresponsible Iway, was not dealing justly with clt- •teens of the borough and vicinity. It jconsequently organized n committeewhich went to Washington to confer

i with the Navy board and to urgej payment In full of the claims prc- (isented by local property holders. Thei committee also wnited on Represen-tative Ackerman and Senators Edgeand Edwards to solicit their support.The Chamber nlso sent letters to theGovernor, to the Freeholders., tomembers of the State Legislature nndvarious well known citizens of thestate to urue them to support the ef-forts of Rockaway to secure a satis-factory settlement of claims for tlam-n»e. The Chamber co-operated with w,. i te the English language,the Mayor and Council In this mut-ter and its action was of materialbenefit to the community.

The signs Mint you will observe onRoute 6 indicating the road to thebusiness center of Rockaway nndvarious other signs on roads aroundRockaway were erected by the Cham-ber. Another sign that is only ob-seivable from an airplane was placed was reappointed."

Greta Gitrbo in "Susan Lenox (HerPall and Rlsci" coining to the BakerTheatre. Monday for two days.

o — —George I, King of England from

1714 to 1727 could neither speak nor

Chnnk. (buttonholing Scotn, Isay, I want, you to join the Anti-tlpping Society. The subscription isonly n quarter a year."

Aberdonlnn, "Hoots, mon, it'll becheaper tae tip!"

Hubby. "Congratulate me dear, I

on the roof of the Bank Building bythe Chamber. A pilot who has lost

Wife, "Honestly!"Hubby, "Shh!"

New Electric Alarm MayEnd Burglary BusinessHin-glars and house-breakers

will have to go out of businessif the electric a la rm now bc-iiig|jcrfectc(i by the Jersey CentralI'owcr and I.iglit Companyin-ovcs successful. The bulilc-.!or mo:it cautious iuvadi-r ofhome;, will lint, be able to jne-vent tin- :,otlmliii(/ of the iiliuinif In- u|i|ii'iiu(<lii-^ within Ihn-i-feel of il mile:,:; he <im find.Holiit- way to lid M,s t;y;;trh! ofthe eleclricity in liis body.

Tin- new device h; :>o deikati-thut it make,-; use oi limt smalljunonnL (if magnetism , : o | l_tamed in every living humaniii-iii).;, report* the .New Jer-sey Public Utility InformationCommittee. Ajijironch withinUii'ct- tVet of it t a u w n I1H- mag-netism from a person';; body tobecome amplified thousands oftimes in a .small receiving netwhich in tu rn operate* u smallelectric switch that .sounds thealarm.

Football Crowds FindRelief in Street Cars

The thousands of IHTHOHH whoattend football panics all over th«country every Salurduy cause tre-mendous I'ont'ustiou near the play-ing fields, and the parking1 prob-lem hecome;i more acute than everbttesuisw t>f the need of space tostore privute automobiles. Anyavailable space near the field or innearby streets is needed for spec-tator*.

Hen- the .street our again Knowsthat it has no superior as an ef-ficient vehido for moving massesin the shortest time, commentsthe New Jersey Public UtilityInformation Committee. One streetcuv will carry move passengersthan twenty automobiles, but willoccupy only us much space na twomotor cars of average size.

U. S. Coast Guards Use RadioMan's ingenuity is gradually

winning the age-old struggle withthe sea and many lives arc savedevery year because of modern in-ventions. Now. the more than11,000 men of the U. S. CoastGuard aro equipped with smallportable broadcasting stations pro-

Trees Save WatershedsThe value of a heuvy growth of

trees on the watersheds of theKtate was demonstrated during thelast summer when several stormsof unusual violence caused consid-erable damage. Because the forceof the vain was broken by thetrees, reservoirs and their tribu-taries were kept free from a floodol* soil and surface dirt that other-wise would have vun into, them.Reforestation is gradually restor-ing New Jersey watersheds totluMr proper function of untler-Ki'ound drainage.

Don't Use Leaky Gas TubeAt this season of the year when

gas heating appliances are broughtnut. niter bi'ing stored all summert hey slum Id be carefully testedrind inspected before being putinln it.-u'. HiMit and humidity areHk.'ly t'» crack ruhbor liose amicause it to leak, therefore, it iswell to j-vive nu'h tube and conmv-tion a most exacting test. Repairsto a loaky tuhiii^1 tire seldom satis-factory or pi'rniancnL and it is farsafiM' to buy a new one and avoiddanger from leaks.

Care For Electric CordsAn iiiilirlu'vaUe number of ehv-

tiii- cui'ds niiiiH'rtin^ household;pnili:i!!ct's a re every year put outnl" coluiuis;-inn by abuse or cureles*handling. In giving cord^t propercare that will insure longer life itis wcil io n-im-lliljiT not to pull thocord itself when disconnecting it,but to g rasp the plug. Don't, twist.or snar l the cords because tluitmay break some of the tiny copper-strands of which the cord is com-posed. Don't roll up cords tightlywhen not in use, but bang them up.



A Negro was pleading his own ca.srtto save the price of a lawyer. H».called the chief witness to the standand said, "Joshua, where was I whenwe stole dose chickens?"


A little girl who had been left towatch the soup was presently heardto sing out, "Oh mother, come quick,the BOUP Is getting bigger than th*spot."

A successful man is one who ha/»tried, not cried; who has worked,not dodged; who has shouldered re-sponsibility, not evaded it; who ha-igotten under the burden, not mere-ly stood off. looking on. giving ad-vie.e und philosophizing on the sltu-ution.

• • — - o —

Htcnogniplier---"Your little girlwuuts to kiss you over the telephone"

Busy Manager - "Take the mes-.'.ut-<-. I'll gel. it from you Inter.



No need to nufler the tor-turous ill health of Con-stipation when you mayobtain RGXUII Orderlies ntthe Rcxull Store.Por more than tweuty-five years Itexall Order-lies have been the ac-cepted method of reliev-ing Constipation — with-out the violent and hablt-forminR effects of manylaxatives.

ORIGINALChocolate Laxative

Box of Sixty 50c


I'lione 1(1

Many WomenSuffer Needlessly

Scientist Perfect! Remarkable For-mula That End! Nervout De-

preHlon and HeadacheMany women aro callod on to

suffer at certain times sever*headaches, nervousness, pain, Irri-tation and depression, yet tastesmust be performed nml work doDA.

A remarkuble new scientific pre<scrlptlon, now liolnR prescribed bydoctors ami mirsoH, quickly r^*llcvos the nervousness, pain, Irrita-tion and depression experiencedat certain tlmca by every woman.It Is pleasant to take, stimulating,and yet It docu not depress th«heart and In absolutely harmless.

Great factories, telephono offices,department stores and shopa era*ployini; many women use A-VOL,dally tlirougb their doctors todnursoti because Ibe.y know It Is safennd bnrrnlcns, does not depress tbaheart, is non-narcotic and non-habitforniiUK 'jut docs stop beadacheB,depression, rellovn colds, fever,neuralgia and perloi) pains.

Wo recommend A-VOI. to tlmsewho lind tbo old type pain reliefsdo not nsreo with tbem or producethe desired roaulln.

CAUTION: A number of Inferiorand In many Instances hnrmtnl sub-stitutes, nro belnR offered for saleof late. He nurc you net the. conn-tno A-VOL.

WOMEN; wafch your

BOWELSj Wlial slioiilil women do to keep- their

bawls moviiii! lifel\? A ilncinr should! know the answer. Thai is why purej Syrup Pepsin is so good Fur women. It.1 just suils their delicate organism. II i.i

(he prescription of im ulil fiiinily ilmlorwho lws treated thousands oi womenpatients.

It is line fur children, Inn. They loveits taste Let tin-til have il every limeIheir imiKiies an' nwti-il or Ihi'ir s l i i ! 1

is sallow.' Dr. Calduell's Syrup Pepsin: is'made from frcsli laxative herbs, pure,j pepsin and other harmless ingredients.

! When you've, u sick lu-siduche, can'tlent, nre liilious or sluggish: and "I Ibe

times when you arc most apt to be.I constipated, lulu-. « little of this famous

prescription (all <lni(f stoics kci-|i itready in bi« bottles), and you'll knowwhy Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is Ihe(avoritc luxulive of over a million women.

Page 4:, week ul u inectlni! of the Mor-liii County Board of Freeholder!!. A messiiKe Id lliln nllcct WUII

THVRhl if, V

B O C K AN A V •- < ' " " "


/Entered Post Office, noekawuy, N. J.! PrcKldunL Hoover i<t«u«<l u proclu-us Second Class Matter i mullein Turaduy «umiiioiilng itw pro-

'pie ut tlii! (lulled SWten to Join inAN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY iolWflTuti«ti' of November 28 UK

Issued Every Thursday |Tiiuiik«vlvitiii I>ny Thf produmulion1 f ullou'h:

We itpproitcti lh<; mttiMon whrn. u o'('ui'dlixt l.o ciiNlonifi clutlMK from DieiK.irnennw of Uu- lirfit. hurvuHl. by ouiiloiclatlicih In tin- Niw World, u du.y


Telcphoni! Connections jOffice 220 Uockuway House 256

434-M DoverOf fife: Muln Struct. lloclciiK'uy, N. J. in nut upurl to (live ihimkH. uven umld

liiiidKtilpn. to AlmlKhty Ood, for ourUmiuorul Ulid hplnluiil blwutlngn. It"Of the. riironjft, by ll i« ueoni" and

the IH-OJIII'." tiiut'i. the uiin of tin. W£'>rii j | m ( j i j e c o m B u hallowed tradit ion foroV'VS'Si 'Lereii t" '""ilcickuwii" »n<j"'v1-! lh« Chliff MiMllKtrule to proclaim un-eiiiity, to pruiHiut nil the luiw'h rof tim: nuitlly II nullonul duy of ThunkHrflv-or p id judlee Ui ii rW-un, ! ,

* • I ht!4 ILllfll l'l>fallli/'1 I l l l / .i ,

chn Innlleinthlcthereby rriuklni!


jiil Ive milliner. ifmli«^UliK

l of our rftl/.t'uw;th r U

I mirlKliullmilr




O n e (if H i e I n c i ' l t n b l c I-<-C>Iill;-.h i t n l l l i i i i 'H It, r e n e w e d ( t o i i i u u d : .f l i r l h e r e x t e n s i o n u l t i n 1 n r l l v l f l i( h e I ' V d e n d < t o \ I I i i m i i i t

1,'iiil.v (il Ihi;. I'lnwniTshlii oi

I1MOur count ry him tiiutie for

tudtt to the Almtfdil-y. We huve beenwidely hltititM'd with ubiiudunl, hu r -vi'litii. We huve tjeen npurud from(iciilllenci- MH\ ctiluinltleH. Our hi

•hi n a t i o n s luive .nerved I lie peopleKiiowlcdije hns multiplied nnd oillive.'* a i r enriched v.'llh tt.h li|jplica

•lion, l'liliiciillon IHC: iiilvitnecd, Unhi1 ! !) ! ! ! of UNI |>rn|>ir hilf. hie jc i i MM I

<- (hvr l l In [ learc w i l l . MV V i 1

I I K H sun;nienlt'l 'iiiiie"n-llel IKIIMI



iiirdlvnriv !,, ; , | , l , 11 ol

• l l | >




i.nd• l o

rollThe l

I l l l U T l on. \ I l l l i lnation,



! <ii-i ) \ y . ;,u Ii,rv r r o l I t n vi H I v d ic: ,far1 n t i c m- V I ' I O I J I I I C I i l

e r e I:,

Vdend Ci.illCUic lineI-1. V.M till)

I).V IC'.lllClI:; only n

il llidll.'.lind diIlllil. will pill men lo v.'olk Tinonly one e ine lor i!ipic;.:,Joii H newllllllix ol licl.lve enpllnl Into Im.'ill »•:,;;.

I I IKII (itxeii mid uovi i iiini'iil In ter-ference ure u liiirrlcr In the wu.v olijolh tliejie ciire.-,. No Individualwould, for exmniile, hiill.l IL newInline if he believed II, would cuiin liefuxod Ije.vond hi;; nullity to pity. Andno m o u p of investors would build unew fucUiry II I here wn:; diiiicei- oftuxutlon itrowlni; no eji'iil an lo makeproflU Impoiiiiibie.

G o v e r n m e n t Hliould do everylblm:It cull to encouiRjie liidii.-itr.y, inveiiL-mcnlH, employment , Hut H certainlyshould no NIOW In fipendlnr, lumilrcdiiof mlllloiiK of dolliirii of the l.itx-payern' money for l.riiii.'.icnl uncl

• dubtoUH "relief" .ICIICHICH.

i n i l 1 , . - . In

o i l ! I h c I. • . . • e u r l l yl o o , lilll.Vn u l l - 111 I

a . - r l l i .H u l l

l l ' h l i . n : , u r eli . - .v . ind I l i e l i <

i n n o l t h e I1 nal lon should

• vcr I Id), wihuve lull eid.-i H

Miuli'hl.v.Now, then-Ion-, 1, Hi

I'reiilili-nl nl 111.

• ol Ihepulhli.-.olhel:.

I'.i'. Man;\ need ivomnlroi nnd f In

l.ll|-OII|!ll:Mir r t h e i rfind t h e y ,)(< par l . lc | .

I r i a l ll.ude lo I IH-


ll.l 1!», lll.'ll,'f 'luiiiltfiidvliu:;l.hul our peuplluhor.'i, uiid Iti

it. Hoover ,l l l i l t i ' i l llt.lltei',, d o

U: 'Jhtii 'fidny. NOVCII I -;; a nu l lo iu i l d a y ola n d do r e c o m m e n drent I r o m t h e i r d u l l y

t h e i r hnme.1; m i d fie-eiKifoiued pliice.'i ol wonildp, fdve de-vout thitnki; foi" thai, whleli it Mere!-lul r'ather huti bnitowed ii|ion un.

In wll.itenii whereof, I huve here-unto liftlieu! of

roii i no in,II r

The Htory l;i told of u farmer whouoUKht to I'ediK'e file imiiimil, of r,u(,nhln horae wuu entlim liy l.ukluu nwuyone ffi-ulu id, a time, on the daywhen lie took uwuy the liinl. «nuiithe iioi'HK died of iniilnufrll.ion. Homemerchants KIVIIIK an the reiiMun, thedcprenslon, huve reduced their ud~vci'tliilnir a lll.fle id, it time. Mice thefarmer they IUT KOIIIK to wake upNome mornlni! and ihid UIIHIIMMInone. Now 1» the Uine when udver-tl«lll(f Is needed modi,. A certainiimount of the puieliii.'ierfi liitv<; nothad their buyhiK power irdnccilthroimli wane reduction. Tliene e.aube appealed to and rtold if tulver-tlMiiB IH maintained an iiMiul--bul.lfndvortlsliiK Is dlmwnl.lniKrd and cutof! a little nt a tlnio the client willbe n eurtnllmciit and a dmwhiK Inof even thoKe who are In u poiiltlon tofcuy.


The history of the Church of Clirlnllias boon written. though thu end IMnpt yet, The htntory of the punt IH

•one of hero, martyr, sacrifice, perw.'->cutlon. Tho history of the iirenenlmay bo Hummed up In tho wordit or•education, liberty, civilization. AH tothe future, Hacitnce i»nd per/iocutloniruiy pluy their part, but the Hindi1will be victory, Ki'uiid, iilorlotm andeternal. We lmv<! no fenr for theChurch of tin- llvlmt Clod. JIM,tinChrlHt founded It. He .'add. "thegates of hell shall not prevail umdiKitit." It IH U divine lUKtttutlon, It, Inmade up of Imperfect human mate-rial, but It can not full In II:: mis-sion and Him, becuuBi! It In of Ood.How Insignificant tho man who pre-sumes to criticize the church - unInstitution that hus utooil throiiRh

• centuries of nttack from without and.U-oocYiory within. No merely hunmiiHWganlzatlon could huve fiiirvlvort.The Church Militant will become tho

Church Triumphant,impossibility.

Uufeut In nil

my bund anil rau:.ed 111'1

the United HlutrM to be uf-llxi'd, Uone iil. the (Jlty of Wuiilillii:-ton, thin third day of Noveutlier, hithe year of our Lord 1IKI1, and of fhrludepeiideueii of the United Htiiten,the llillfh.



107 (.'hureh HI,., llockavvay, N, .1.Noveiiibur it, l!>:il,

To the Editor,Uockaway Record,Hoi'kaway, N. .1.

HIr: The deplorable condition ofIhe plityim: Held Imnlde the l.lni ohiHchoo! lntii been leouu'ked by niunypeople and nhoilliJ be called to theattention of the I own.1,people In i:en-eral. The field In (|iient.lon IM mieddillllli: a eiin/ildiTahle pail of (lieday b.v the organized play molip".If IK In Mieh hud luindltlon an to be

for mieh use. A member ofthe medical profession was particu-larly vehement In speukhu: of thedaimer of (inch an uneven, rocky,bumpy, unmaded lot us ; pluce forK A« he iiulil, tieoph; would

scarcely permit their children to playIn Much a place but the Hoard ofEducation makci no clforl to pro-vide hotter fiu'.lUli™ for a valuableeducational activity. A broken ankleor ten may convince the Hoard thatI heir refusal to npend money liuis beena false economy, Fortunately mu:haccidents have been avoided in thepast but the Mould ill 111 dciervo:: tic-vere crltlelmn for not IIIIKIIIIK thefield. The Director of Athletics andI'hyiilunl Culture rei|ii(!«ted that thelli-ld be put Into suitable nhiipe forKames four years uno. Nothing hu»been done In them! four yearn. Suchindlll'crcncc on the part of the Hoardhctruyn a lack of Intercut In thu edu-cation of Uocknwiiy'n youth.

An Inspection of the other athleticfacilities leveulii u Hlmllar ntato ofalfitlrs. Iiock<Ts have been ln.'ilulledonly this year. Bhowcni for thu boynare Ju«t belnit Installed and they area makeshift. The ulrls intuit KO with-out Kliowui'ii for time. Thu


Tho post ofilce d(!partmeiit will runbehind $1511,000,000 thin your. PostalcmployecK In their tncctliiKi lire dc-mandlnR hlKher VVUHCN tuul HhorUtrworkliiR hour.M thoiiHh thn po.'itul tier-vlco la now the Ijt-.'it paid clericalwork In thin Keetion of the country.Tho pont.ul workoi'H' IINKOCIUIIOIUI replyin answer to the delU'lt (hut postalrates should br ruined. The post of-ilcr department tried un Inlcrrslltiif•experiment recently of rolslnn tlierato on post cavdtt t<i two cental. Tlivresult wan thnt inuller.'i quit UHIIUIthem and rcvemitiK dropped fiftymillion dollars, The ruto wonpromptly rcntored. The point In (hutthere Is n point beyond which noteven the post (inlet! can no In themutter of rates, When It (IOIIH, till)public censes l.o uw Ilie service andthe ravenuc ilnipii.

o -1 huve reached Ihe ni.'e when I or-

der about the siuiic thlim.'i to eul.when I um away from home II nil. IKct nt home. When I wan younnei'1 used to experiment nnd try the nowl.hlnil.s but now I nm suUslled l.u lukethe IhliiKii I know ubout and mn mire

• of, I llnd II, simpUlltwi the mileollonol my food a (,'reut deal too.

o -The return ol liquor will mean the

return o( the Kaloon, TUo two c.tu\not be Nepuriilcd. Prohibition hud Unfaults, but HO will liquor. The ques-tion each OIK! muiit nettle In whetherthe faultH of i,l.i: one are. thanthe fimltH of Uio ithor and! htmeflta nf one outwelHh Ihi)U(!iioflt,i of the other.

Why Is It that men luniKt on vkl-Inn to thn noir links and chlldronInsist on rlclhu? to their iiymnuslumcliwsea.

Kymnasliiin in entirely too nmull andIts enllri' equipment conslstH of twobanketii for tho basketball court. I tIn only liti'Hc I'liounli to accommodaten K.vmnastle clann of about twenty,but the actual clttxiie'i are muchlamer.

fliwh a ntato of ulfulin nhould notbe allowed to continue. We luivespent too much money on roads andnot nearly enouuh on the educationof youth. In the near future wemum build a new nchoul nnd It IHtime to think about It now. We mayhope for a complete plan of civicdevelopment in tho near future andHie tichools must receive thu majorpart of attention. I'ubllc opinionmuiit be iirouiied to the Importanceof iiehool'i In the community.

Sincerely yours.CIIAIILEH M. TUTI'lilS.


Fear Spread of CancerThrough Tarred Roads

Tim KVHletii nl' t nn i l iK I'fiudH Inuleoino l a in Kii'iil vniiitn Ih rmi id iou tli'riuico mill Heventl ohjeetlntiN h a v ebeen riiliieil. In Hie liinl plnee, It InMilil liinl Hie IIIIHI III'IHIIIIC fhi'i'i)ri'<ifiiKi'iiiliinlly HlnuiKh'N Mn' Irceii aloiii; Hie

j rontlsiilc, haf u nnire lierhniH ii iull iT| 1H Ibnl l i o e l o r KiH'Vi'iiu iTr iloiirmelleit' hiet nl leri ' i l a c ry of II In I-III find iiwidc-

eueil Hie frill' llnil tn r rc i l hlit l iwaynlllli.V eiuise nil liiereiim1 of eiinei1!'. lli>liuru'i bin I'PIII'H on t he I'xliileni'e ofo\|)i (rli i 'iilul c i ineer |u ai lee ruieceiMl-liil loi ill it|iiilleiilloiiM of l u r on thoid;Iil mill mi ei tnceni uliin'rved In U'oi'lt-men who liunille t a r .

D o r l o r (''oi'vi'iiu I'eiii'fi flint Hie dieil.of t | i e I'cmil, when ciMiiiiniieil »f nlll-COIIII.H KI'IIIIIIII'H wllli iihiirp puliil 'i milleilKeit, mill litiiircffiiuli'd wi th lur , tunyeanIIn ll'iillllialliiiiin nf Ihi ' liiiico'ine ofIlio renplrnloiw nnd dljjenllvo tniel i i ,ca| iul)le of proilucliiK n m c e r , Juiii; unmilniDimry tiilici'ciIIXMIM may lie fnelll-tn le i l in eidtnn< of inll l i i ionoi hy t h »ulllci 'ous (hint Hail I hey I


(Kdltor's Nole: Thin series of articlesby the (:<imnilst;loncr of Motor Ve-hicle" In beliu; presented by Rocku-wiiy ItceiHtl as Its par t In the cum-

lrii 'if eduiut lou to futrilllurlzc imi-i1.!;, wllli Hie luwu which remilale

(heii1 condiiet (in Ihe rotul i.

Hi.;;: iH'i;i;,ti.ilii>ii'.

l-iiieh :dud in.i

lielc1, l(.olnr leI )V (HI'S1


I IT.Ih'

..ill, t.

-. it iicce:,:,;! iul t h e I U I I V

il ynl ioi t o l il o l l o v . i n r y

ll ol

I l l I ' V l l

iil:; nvered


, f l HlDitu idcnlhuinn the

•xtendi-d.'ollld not

r i m - H i e l i r e : . : , ! • : , n l m u l l'V, II i,\ m-re . 1 , . ill .V I o a d d d i e

i n i l l o n I n n i l i l ' e n p i i l l c n l i o l l f o ri'«-i:J.-.l i- :> I i tu j i ; a n d d r i v e r : ; ii

p:. ei i r l y ( U nd i w d l y I h e a d v i u iof i H i d u n i t e a l l y a p p l i r i d l u l l 1..

! n i f p l C ' i ' . e d l i t i n l i I h . 1 e o l i s e l o l l . 1 ;o l I h e d r l v n i i ' [ i i i b l i e , b u t III '1! ' '1

m e m a n y w h o d e l a y u n t i l l i n

nilutdf1, Ihi.HVliiK hiiiiciidoii:.iiiiiiice.','.aiy buidrn on (he rlcr-loreeu of the lleen::e uneiiclc!,

last weel: ol tfte year,1', till;; yeur the period Is.

I leri-loloie, uppliiudloube utudf unlit Novcniher

Hi, The l,c|<li.liituri! ul Un la.'il, lie.'i-(ili saiicf Itined udvuiicliiK the date

to November 1. 'Mils week, therefore,inarkii Ihe beiiliinlin: (if the 1ICI2 II-letinhiH period, and motorist.1; lirelined to uvall themselves nf Ihe op-

portunity to obtiilu rcitlMtrutloM un-ler comfortiiblc (ilrciinml.iini:(!S uvold-

the ldiii: delnys iitiuvoidablt! Ifthey wult until the end of December.

Kllmliiutlon ol' nomc of the MUCH-Idini I'orinerly asked has simplifiedhi! upplleittlon blank:; and I hisihoiild iipeed up reid.'ilrallon work,•'or those who have purchuscd oursilniMi July 1. when 1,1 le iww bill ofinli! law went Into ellect, u numberif addit ional r|tic:,lIon:; must be nu-

ll your cur wu.'i piircliuHcd•Inly 1 you new I i>».y no nU

.entlon to theae (iiUTiitlonn, which nsknlOrmutlnn on hill of nulc, abstnictnumber, name of nollrr. cliuudllcutlonv, nt!W or used, uiid ownor'n setuirltylltll!.

'1'houe ri!|/|;(l.erlni! CIU'M owned prior.0 ./lily 1, iniifil, of (Mjiirse, fill In thuiiuiul tiueiitlons us to nuine of cur,v.iu", model, body type, color, cnitluelumber, serial number, lioniepower,lumber of cylinders, line of uppll-1

nut, tnilllc violations. Insunuicc andaccidents. Quentlonn ellmlnuted ln-uliide those referrlnn to e(|Ulpmeiilmime of headlight device, type of.vheels und purchiise date.

Ainoni! the clmiiKcs In the dlrversllceni.c uppllcutlon form IH one refer-ring to addrcs.'i. The. applicant muslnow fdve the locution at which he IsIVIIIK ut the time of Illllni: out the[orm. AppUcuiits huve often idveniidrdeiificfi other than that at whichthey were llvlnn, maklnit It dlfllcultto locate them.

No lomtur .will the applicant be^impelled to unnwer (luentlonii onil:. ability to iipoak, read and writeKnidliih, Impntrmeiit of eyeHluht orK.'iirliiK, nnd knowledRC of motor ve-lilt-l(! and trnfllo uctts. Tho miHwerii to:liesc qucstlomi are of little value In

prulslni! tho uiipllcnnL'.'i rlnht. torenewal. Hhico tho orlRlntvl re-Uemont in tho nxnmlnntloii In that

the applicant ut lennt be able to >il|;nhl.'i name, and Nlncc at that time henusl doinoniitratc to the satisfaction

of the limpcctorH hlti famlllinlty olthe law. tluuso quoiitlonn on renewalapplication blanks merely slow downho work In tho iiKeuclefi, without

BOinpoiiHiiUnK advantngcu,I'UtUiiK It all briefly: Applications

for reKlNtratlbn and drlvor llccniic»art" now bohift recelvetl. Pluton for1032 may be lined bciclnnliiK Decem-ber in. Please do It now I


All tho mcollnitfi of tho church andchupel mi iinuiil tills week.

Church nchool at 10 a. in.MomhiK nervlco nt 11 u. m. Hub-

Ject: "War and Pence,Intcrmedlato ChrlNtiun Endeuvor

Society wan iiturtcd with a line itroujiof boyu and Hlrla. Mitia Bnrnlcu Livw-runco IH In chariio. Moetlnpt Bundayaftoinoon at 3 p. in. This IH for boysand Rlrlfi between tho UKKH of 0 and13.

The Mliislonnry Boclety Is holdlimtheir antiiuil biwniir In the Ladles'Parlors Thursday afternoon andevenhiH.

nv« hehl every other Hun-day ut Mnrccllu.

Tho Choir at Union Chnpi-l HIIH|Ifor tht! llr/it time Sunday nliiht, Theydid Mplendidlv.

S t u d y of G o o g r a p l i y

111 lln> l leimlmti i i in ' pi'rloil Keoiti'irpli.v w a s liiilidic elite H.v im nn nld t oIhe iiiiderNlsnilhii! of 11 ii ••!; nnd Itoin11II url lei 'H, T i le s ludy WIIN confined,dici ' i ' fmv, l » \\w wot-iil IIH In IUKIWIIill Itn? I'hiK.ilcnl iierliul. Tln< Ih'MI moil••I'll M"iiui'iipli,v In HIIMIIHII H'lllli'U exillellly Inr use In HCIIOIIIH nppen red Inl'i Id. It v.nn ciilU'il "Intriuliii ' l lDii toiii'oi,'i'iil>b,v," mid WIIM iiiihllsheil In l')ni:IIIIIII liy .1, Cowley , )r(Mi|;ruphiM' m IIIHiiin.ltMily. 'I'lu! Ih'Hl nrofcMiior of (tooK-rapliy I ii im iMuiTlcun u n l v m n U y wim

Arnolil Hunry (lnyot, who wiui npnilnleil to n cliidr ut I'rliici'iim miln'PHlly In IS5J.

A Trust Fund That Assures

New SeriesOpen Now

BOOKS and pluy and friends arc aboutall that matter to your youngsters now,

It's entirety up to you to anticipate liis fu-ture and provide for his education, or hisstart in business. A savings is your silentpartner in building for your children's in-dependence. Why not start with a buildingand loan savings today?

Denrock Building & Loan Ass'n40 W. MAIN STRKHT ROCKAWAY, INI. J.

MIlliiiUIMI4i)v. forcoinpiu



t l j


nil tuln,

fur inctUo itcnvor c(JHt.



A Inthin columnUllf l l l Hi LO 111(1 U C -


It IH fount;10c will bn

.. - A.i'. oil HUNT—six "win<:<>m|>lot.«iil, on Ilrimk ntroi't. All IIUKI-

iin lniprovciiKiutH. InrKc uttlc and eiu Knnvisc. IIHIMIVV of Mlchnvl Clnn-•ntM, llrocik ntrnnt. lll-U

TO l.l'.'l' (I lixniiH mid i;uniK<'. All lm-ir.iveini'Utii; (in Huckuwny Avo. Apply ut

VII ltoekiiwuy Ave.. Rncltiiwiiy. N, .1., or


1 (lit IIIN'I Hlx I mini hduni) (in KontMiiln lit. lOlci'trle.lty, KIIH mid h(illniKliwutcl'. lUiin rlHlit ronin halini1 wltli liiitli.nU'eti'lrlty. iit.'inu hunt nnd Km.. Inquire,lllirvuy llller. 313 K»»t_Miilii III. _ _ 10-12

v o n ' ilKN'r- l'oiif Vooin""roltiiBr. ii'nli'umid wutor. Ui'lll $^0 prr incintli, IUCIUIUIIK

iruid'. Apiily 100 Muln St., Hiickiiwny.

I'Ol't "HAI.K One Wiillicr Viix Ildiiuii'Viiirtolio nintill. hmnul. I'rlc.eii cuivKiiuuliU1. lu--,..lro nt I'lrliter'ii Cliirune. m phono ftdek-iiwuy 210 or SIS. _ 15-tf

I 'OII iinN'i'-iiiuiiiiror 7 Toimin, iriiHu-...-oviMneiitii, ntoiun liout, (itu. Oni! (I ruuuiiiliiii't-iiiciiL 111 thu Fox lltUUlluit. pint lin-

Jjrovi'lnenln. Apply t(j Flxlirr Ai:(jncy urlohn P. Yiincho. itnnluiwnv, N, .1. lllf

KOIt UKNT—Twu iipiutniimti. In tlioQulKlny Iloimii on Now Btuto lllnliwuy, Ap-nly Floyd Jlller, Hunt Mnlli St. Itncltuwny,N. .1. l- t l"WAN'l'UlV '^Iluiimi-r (ii lliiiiiilcr. i'l'iuiirHnckliwuy 2M. 10-tl

F<lll IlKNT- -Two llvn room Ilntn racout"-ly ronuvntnil. nil Improvement)., rent inoilu-llitc: illlil) two funil'ihell tuuiuu lor Unlitliull.iekci'plni!, lloor, with prlvuto••ntrnuco. Iiii|iilr<i nt 1:11) Moiiln ntroetlluvor, (ir iiliiiiin Dover 4:H-W.

SIlMl-l.llMTltt. A Mhi'nvni-wuiuiTi'nTI'nlnt. UIIIHI on your wall,! or wood workRiven u luml, il\in\hh\ wiuiliiilile llnluli—Wltll on PIIKIIIK'II KIO.III, Kiuiliint or nil Ilinllltn to upply. Iliutley'n Pnlnt Htorn!a N. Ouiuinx St.. Dover. :iott

M I I I I H I I I ' S HAI.i:

IN CIIAN(.!i:[lY o r NKW JKUHIOYlletween lloriniui (I. Mle.l. Mimnlnluiiiit

mill Uoiu. t l . ILIKI Linn lierlmn\»nnii. ni'fen.iniiiii

I1'!, lu. for mile of mortmmeil pretnlmuiltetiniliilile Jiiiinury 7th. A I) lima


Ily Urtii,. or I lie „!„„,. ,,tlite,lBwJit"0'1f

Vli'ti liicliui In my Iniiulii. I nhull ennimefor mile nl. I'nhlle Veuilue ul, II,'. c:, mllonne In Morrtnlnwn. N .1 on Mniiili v

"' ' ' : ! '"»• '• <» "' November f [

5 • i v a i v , i t r i . i1 , s i i

1 1 1i i i , v r i v i r

l l ti ! i , " • • " • ?

Ill t l m II IUM'I I I IOII i.r ,u, i | | , | ,,v " " ' • " " ' I 'All t l ionn IIIIM. ti-mii.., o r p i i l i e l n of h u m

• " " 1 i m - m l i l i e i e l nu f t , . ! p i . r t l : 1,,,' vii.MlUed. nli . tuiti ' , Ivliii- i n , . IWII IK i n t l ip

>."n V,"" , ",' , ' t " , ' k " W " V l " ' ' " " ("illlltV "t

11!;IN<I Ihe inn,,,

PlayhouseTol. Hover 312



MON., TUE8.—ItcstlcsB Virgin

WI:I»., minis., rai.—sco

(.xoeiUlo.'1'1""*1""11'' " l n o"»» duo on thin

linlwl: Novemlier 2nd. i|i:u,FUEIJ a. MY10HB

Adwrtlniul In nmiy u,H,or., r[of?i'0'i1'1


John Halliday Joan HoroholtGrata Nltson , Myrna Loy

Dud" M a n lenrns by K

ExperleniM' stlniin and l"tM"ruluH."

A. resident of tills to*"11"yot to claim Hint l« »' *was stuck when biiylnf I*eerlcii or incuts nt tW» «*Our hlidi iiimllty unit..vice assures us Hint » "true.

Chucli Kimst, II)Round Steuli. 1bI 1b. Peanut IlutlcrTomntocs, Com. l|Mtli'

No. 2 CanMince Meat. 'IMlncc Mea,

Fredericks & W01 MAIN ST. BOCK*'1!.

What fire destroys novor retunui.Wife—"Will you love mo If I «row

fat?"Husbnml—"No. I promlaod for

_, oettcr or worse—not throughu and thin." «»«u»«


For theli'Ol' Hie ween. • •• p. c|,|(1031, 'AHSoclati-d ciiiK ^J'ml |,|itern reports clectrlo o


!' one Psame week of In«| J'"1 ',,milefi t o o t h e r " I 1 1 I U ' „ . ,

n- i\\\» week \uihput fort i l l ! <'(.IIV:.POU(II"I'


:ui«,i10.3 per e.oiiiof lust yeur.

l.u' the »'«

''I'l'elow ill" s

n.... t-oiltllll"111

mont us <:«.... ..,,coun ted for u liuic 1"'clccrcnsa.

Attention of [llf,llBhtly of ajlvcri J»«faot that the ad"""1-tlon of one Iteiu „.dru« stores, I »i l l lu ,$2,500,000.

Page 5:, week ul u inectlni! of the Mor-liii County Board of Freeholder!!. A messiiKe Id lliln nllcct WUII

NOVEMBER 6, li»8»R O C K A W A Y B E C O K D


kaway RecordJ; , - , IJAY- N O V E M B E R 6, 1B31

Local Briefs

MIH, JamuB Ryan and RaymondHUllwcll were the first prize winnerwfor the beat dre>»i«d uernonH ut, theinuwiui-rMdi: ball Hulurdny iilxht(jlven by the Rebekuh

Lhe . .speakOdd

.iiiliHNon, of Keller avenue,,IMcd from u trip to Boston.

i,,iii BurroWB and family, ofi,.,,'„i lmve moved Into their new

in Union street.

••.,. i iiizens Lodge will hold aLn rind party tn the Three Links£.,!,. west Muln Htreet on Tfrurn-1 inn, November 19th.

:ii/abeth Youmann, of Hilli,r, returned home from aluee weekH with her niece,II••! Hehnert, of Lake Hopul-

l|Vnhc iiil.'itiinu u Ki)i«l chair limyI On :,IIIIIC nl the hoinu of C'oniiuc|Ml,,i, ,,!, church Blrunt. H WIIK

,- mi Jfiillowe'rn nluhl. bywli'i'VOUK yiuiMK.'itri',1..

mill Mri,. Thoiniili 11. Allen, ofl u l l i n in ' i ' i iuc, riil ,criiillli:il over

1Vi, I: eiul l i i e i r w m - l n - l n w imd,,|'ili.|, Mr. a n d Mrii. H u m i d

i l l M l l K ' O l l L , I ; l l l l | : I . ' i l l i l K l ,

I'lrtcliiT 1.. J', Jr., linn1,'1,'i-iioldei- Jc'li'l.t:hfr ) i . l'Vltts, of„.,• |iii.-; bren niil«)iii!.i:d u'i'iiiiil nl neiiduni>rtei:i Companyi''|.',liliiinie Military Ijchool. l ie illI, H iniiiiher of Uie honor coiniiilt.-

...iiidi'iil I'.ovrnnlni'. l«nly.

hiille lliivvKliiii, noil of Mr. mill'; |,'ui're.',f. llawkliiK, of Keller iivc-'L who lint- been ti l»tt,lent u(. thy.j v , . | (leneral lloiijiiliil fur two',,|ts .•.iillerlni! from a double Irac-•c »l lil.'i left arm us file, rcmilt of';Kll, luiii returned to Ilia home,

ftn nvcrhi'iited liropliici' wuii themil. DI u lire In tin' home of Mr.j | Mi". Mamuel V. Morrlii, of Ju-ju Lake, early Monday evenlnif.e (lumaiie, estimated at aboutO was confined !.o the IIVIIIKmi. The house iti owned by Mni,A. ItH'.hUT.

On walklni! around on hl« KI'Cruulii'rry Iiiiko, Monday after-

on, Chiuies J. Hlicrin could hard-bdlleve lll.s own eyen, an HUC:1I niiiB Is unreiird of In November, heme upon a bimh of riiie raspberries,picked them and thoroughly eii-

fcrd ii (ll'ili "f tlii'in with hl.s dln-

I'mdi'iick Deck, of DcnvllU1, him!cn to the county Jaildelimit of ball to await the actionIlii! Cirimd Jury, Deck IN employedmi Irvliiiiton laundry firm and

s (liken Into custody upon com-nliil ol a Chatham husband whoK that hln wife, now living In

niTistown, has been "kooplni! com-my" with Deck.

( The fall meeUni! of the Woman'iiorclim Missionary Society of theatcrsim District of the Ncwiuic Con-

Itcncc will be held in the Ilockawiiyp. Ii. Church on Wednesday, Novoin-jw 11th, with mornlni? and nftt»r-. ion sessions. The main npeukcr of|ic afternoon ficsitlon will be MinnWith nulls, a inlftHlonary from thelorcnn Held.

Twcnty-ulKht more workers at theIcntlimy Animal wore dtitchiu'Hllie Unit part of the week. It In be-ovefl Hint the practice of dl.schmu-

employees is done to preventJicin conilnK uudoi' the civil nervier.pile through continued lonn service.i number of UVOHO lnld off a short

Jlmc ai:o lmve been ro-oiiRiiKod In•tlicr lines of work at the arsenal,

[Mrs. Elizabeth L. Murray of St.nncls Health Resort, Denvllle, Is! solo beneficiary In the cotate left

|y her law husband, James A. Mur-By. of New York, according to a re-

ort filed In New York City last week7 the Now York State Transfer Tax

JPcimitmoiit.. she receives $100,003.lit. Murray died December 23, 1030,I c l i ! an «.Btato appraised at $107,-

Mr. ivnd Mrs, Fred Adcr havepoved Into the old Kd Mott house onfust Main street. Whllo ploying Ingno rear yard Tuesday, Harriet, theirraUahtcr, lined eleven years, fell from

I1 Pile of lumber and broke her rightCB between the knee and anklo. SheJj>» filvori first aid by Dr. Erwln Mc-'Iroy ami then taken to Dover Qcn-

Hospital where tho bone was

The Al|Unu-Yonkcrn ferry HOI'VICCls now on its mil and winter sched-™ wlilcli will prevail until afterimuiuy 1st. Service will commence•acii uny ut « tt. m. and continue un-:> iniimlnht on n flftnen minute'uwwny, oxcopt In the early hours

l? Hie moriiinK and late at nlitht..'""•"• wlien It wil l bo on a huif-

. °w hemlwny. Perry service will con-

i'1,,,1"s '""I! us w«athor and river

f "muttons permit,

<>f the into HopresentntlveUntm r'1 A(: l t0"»iw. of Morris andIB .C(111»l|ra. who dlod Octoberb» ' m h l s h o " u " l n Plnlnilekl, has

' « ' ' n r »n-olJivUi ln the BMV-s court In Union County. The

V'1'"111"'" million dollar Htiimp!i !«" *.o his wife and

oZ > 1 , h " y Mo "tooutorH of thetiit T 1 " 1 " " ' 0 t h u nisiduary es-C l collertlon.


| ! c U / ) | m ! l u ( 1 ( n l uU I u l t l M ! Nuhlenbnri:' W , Plalnllehl V.,

. M, C. A. and"nt of"" 'vendty for tho enlanie-thn p . , , .Ul"lf bualiicHs library andYovk ni KixI" MtX Society of Now

l l ? r a r y o f Conitress re-tt


Yovk« l«clvcatl,,rill?rary o f Conitress re-hl, ,t "'° u»ltcd States proofs frombrclK,"',(iolcoMon, His ancient um-'o Ho I l c h . h 6 carried 710,000 miles

" «ovmtrles, la loft to his wife.

Odd FelTuesday,

Ernest C, Burke, mund nmHter ofO. O. V., of New Jersey, willon the interests of Rebclcuh

Fellowship on the evening ofTuesday, November 17th ut UieThree Links Temple.

St, Bernard'K Catholic Church ofMl. Hope was bequeathed $1,000 un-der the will of Joseph Momn, KportNpromoter and theatrical producer pfNew York. Mr. Morau, who died ohOctober 21, 1821), left a net estateof $1,068,061, Sixteen lelitjious ln-BUUiUom share In legacies amount-ing to if>7,000.

- •- o -

"Honeymoon Lane"Has Big Cast

Many Kturs Now at the 1'layliuunr'I'lututrr

- Dowlliii: headfi a blK caul, inmunii 1 ,une" the lainouii .slai'e

play, iceeiilly brought to the tiilklni!i.erecii. The cm;!, Indudei, Miiry Citrr,U h lleery, Jtiiymniiil I l i i l tun, June(.'ollyi-i1 null iiilien,.

f l u ic l i l r |ilei, in Ilic |i|,)l i,l J'lil-clli- Oiivvllni:':, " l lonrymoii i i l.itne,"bill Uiey me iinl " b i i i v i n ' " pie:, Ukrl.lin.'-.e ill Key,',tone < 'oiiiedie:, 'J'tieyUlr " I ' l l l i i r " |jlei, like HIII.M- imillierUlH.'d l.o lillilli '.

y ' 'n i l , who play:; the lo.'il.ej'motlii'i ' In the picture, bul;e:; thepie:, und !*;duie iimkt:; In-r ;i lul, otmoney by aelllnr flieni to the public.

'!! pleture I:; Uie year':;ncn.'iiil.loual thriller, "The Mystery'J'luin." 'lee wiiul, lm])peiieil at, mid-nlHht, iibnard the Irani lieaded formi embankment,

On Monday and Tifesday ,'ialiyo'Nell and many other iitars appeurin "The Ural," or the reddens vb-liln, a pleture you'll never forget.

Aiinliier biK smash hit l!> schcil-uled for Wednesday, Thurmiay andI''rUlay, when Edmund l«wv. aniveiihere in his latest picture, "Trans-utliniflc."


City of Montreal Rich

in Historic InterestIn Mimtri'i i! I l l , ' vlnlLor IIMIIN iiin|ilit

Hluro of iilciiKui'idile rxiierlenee, fromhlHloiie HJIIIIH null HlnielureH In I lieIIIIINI vnrled mill IIIIIIIIM'II " f niiiii'ie-llieillM. l''ll'Hl 111 Interest ci If IK* ti l l 'i i i ' i i i l let i i l l i i l mill oilier relies of IIH.100 years lit hlHlury, Mini Hie nil<••>,und Hiiniellinen lhe nclinil 1'nlnli'H, JIMHiielllleil wllli Hie I'llllintis esplnierH,Inulei'H anil IIIIMHII'HIIrlen wlm net outIII Hi,' Sevenleelilli unit I-:i;-,1111•• • 11111eelitiirleH lo open In <'IMINI linill.v millelvil l/f l l l i i l i lilt* whole mlilcnnl Iliehl nilIKI I I I Hides (if the preHeni lutcrtnilImiiilIMIUIIIIIII'.V.

l lc i ' i ' I lie Anierleiin VIMII'X* CIIIIH'Hiipnii Iniri'H nf i,n Hnllr, MuniiK'lli ',Cildllllie. I l l l l l l l l i , lleiinepln mill ol IMTiliimilli'ss pliiiieeiM who fiMinilcl Hieil l les which Imliiy perpi'liliile I l i i i riniiiicM in1 Ihi'lr motlior speech la MmMiddle U'CNI of Hie Uiillcil Hlnli'H.llulldliiKH illillliR hiiek to l l l i l l l ; in,,nil-incntH lo Hurl tor. wlio vlHllcil InillnnHueheliiKii nt Ilit; foot of Mount Ituyid,In 1f,,'lll; lo I'hillllllllllll, who Illlllt Hfoil there curly In tlie Hovenlei'iillien i l i i ry ; mid to Mi'lNoiiiieiivc, whofniiniled Montreul i\n Vllle Mnrle InKM1.'; IIIIIICIH HIIOWIIIK where I.II Sit 11 plived before HelllUK out, In illHrnverthe MIHHIHHI|I|II ; unit where (leneriilMmitKOinery lodKed hoforc ]»llllii|tHelicilli't All iuli l III Ilielr nimlli'CCH^fillnltenipt lo enpturp Qucliw—IIICHP nn>Hiiine of I hi' Hhilnen of n hlNloryNliurcil Pi|iiullsf li.v (lit' people of theUnited Stilton nml Ciimnln.— I'lilliulol-

fill 111 IlOI'OI'll.

Eastern Nations First

in Use of "Fireworl^s"

Tin' orlKln nf pyriiloeliny Is un-known, but the nrt WIIM curly pnie-llceil in the Knsl, AI I I I I I I IKI I liilliiin-niiihlp compoMltlonH (UIIIIWII IIH (li'oel:lire) woro ii-n'il In lOiiropoiui wnrfurelioforp. Riinpuwiior hud bernine UnnwnitinniiK the weKleni nulldiiH, llrewni'tc^,In I ho modem HOIIHC nf Hie wnril, I,,'-(.'lime knnwii In I hem iiliont Die nilililleof I ho Koiu'loonlh eenlin-y and iTcnrdIn foflud of Ilielr liuvln;; heen IIHI'II :I-.mi iici'osHnry of pulille piiKounlry Inth(> year IMS, The onrly develnpini-nlof lli'PworkN In Kimipo uii'i due lo I heKloronllnoM. I'MicwmUn lmve heen asKiieliileil with Hie Kniirlh nf .Inly in,inI In- lieidiinlni: Al tin' H nf lhehlKlllllfT nf the Peelnnillnli of llnleponileneo, .lohii Adiiins, In u teller Inhlii wire, mild: "1,1 (Inilepi'iiileiire ihi.v •)oiii :lil In he Miiloiiinl/eil wllli pi>ni|i unitpiirildoM, Wllli HIIOWN, Ijilllles, H|inr|t,CIIIIH, bellM, linlilll'i'M Mint lhlmlii;i[ ionsI'l'nin one end nf this ennlliieiii m II,,'other, from HIIM ilino fnrwunl I'm'evernuire."

Town Cl i i iB i lo Old M.-tliod

III .'iplte of lhe elii'lniiehiiii'iil nl lli>'tele|ihntie unit the t,'li'j>ni|ili, lhe Inliiihllil l i l ' i nf Kuiii;-;lier''er, Svveilen,Jinvit dei'ldod lo relidn lhe meilhniil" l i l i l- i t lek" eniiitiillllii'iillnn sri^l,1,'.

Tile •'hlil-Hlli'li," II Ml,'I. « l l l i ii writfiisleneil nroiuul IIH reiiler, 1 r l rr i llined iniioili: Hie lnh:il,ll!inl . <•! HievIMili'i1, mid every one wlm rerehe'i It1ms In carry II In llbi nenresl neh'hhnr ul'lor reiiillni; lhe iiiotMiii-o.

Tho Kuiinliorner \ 11 IJI»:<'t-- deehireI hill IIM Is iniieli iiiini' ilepeiiilnhleIlilill PIINIOIII'IIH or leleplii IIIIM.Slneo (hero l« n line of .Wl.rii for uny.line wlio Uoo|nl (lie "hid :illrl(" Ion ImiKor who IIOKIOCIS In fnr»nrd II. HIP"sllek" li ' l i ini|i l i i over Hie liniiloriiiiioiins of eiimiiniiih'Hlli'ii.- Iliilllmni'OSim.


Harrowing Adventure Over-take* Fishing Party.

Ifumiluhi, l luwnll,-. I'liini Ihc leper•Hiflemeiit ill Kiiliiii|iiigia. Ihluml ofMiiloldd, COIIH-H a l;ih. of hcrnlKin In-volving HI'VI'II men In peril nt nea, filed<*«perul<s veHi'ile of hue win* fell over-IMMII'II, nml lhe xeillltlir of a pieelpllnlKCliff !i,m> feet liluh |iy one of Ilieli'liuilllier In xenivh ol' nlil, nl'ler Hie limithail laMMi lii'iit'hvii In an lthiumi Inne-eeHHlhie upot nil Hie rocky whore ofMdloliill.

'1'llln WllH K'lillK o|| while nil' Ilil'i MIC-fiiee veHneU of tlte United stnleM navymill whlpH mid phinc* of Hie Inler-hihilid Nlenin Nnvlnil ioii rompuny nmlInferhlund; were si'iu riling I'm'tilt- ndmdiii; men.

I''lve men It'll Kithiiiji:i|t.'! lo ^u lidi-Ili;- III mi IS l,n,l . l.n.j, li'lnpol'nrll.vrlrc.eil mid wllhnni a I.eel. .\ ri •-•- ihoyhiiil hei>n Initial;1, u li".v hum's Sippselli'ill.ion uie; I.-II nl Ilii- i.'-M (I'lln'Mt,Jilni I wn ol lier ini'ii • el i.uf iu ;i I Ifoul |-<i« liOil 1 eiplippeil u IIh ll I'.' hoi' .epower mi 11 -,| OIIIIMI' lo !.i..n-,'li |..v

11.. :: i

!,luop Uiini.-in.iui'ililc.

Tie' hloop |M <M cil IMI Ilin N.IJ'e.tlilrwlo'ii il t'hiMMii1''rt'il ;iii niir-. jierl edi,I r '. I'li'.l v. hid. U'illlinn KiihinniV.';e, \sin:l|i'il o\ i-lhoiilil IJ\ M lii-iny MNImill Wie; re;;rl||.(| hy HeiM\' lMI\\e\\clll,Wllll ll'll|ll'll Illlo t i l l ' MMI 1)1,1)1 |)||. lll'll'l-inn i'i"il nml jil.ii'e<| n line JIIIHIIHIK n III inn,

The iiloii|i he,.mi lo lenl, Iniilly. 'I'lie.vinnile no hendwivy lowntil K!ilnti|ni|in.Kiilllinu, nl lhe helm, llniilly FI eil forl i i i ' heneli nl Knnmmiwnlill, nml liyeoinhlneil luck Mini iiklll . l inrl. in Mle| thl'oll|',h Ihc reef nUolll '.HI feel wlile,llii'i'llllh u'hleli Hi" IIOIII '.-,:i'i hi'iieheilIn II heavy inirf.

The live men, OIMI i>( wlioin eonhinot n\v!m, wer*' til rimilfi i InMween Ilieriii;lli(C wit und lhe prerlplloin I'HIV.W111 I'll Illlii never heel) lli'illed.

Wlllliiin Kiilllina ami Knnekoa I'llnee, 111 tttt' oiillvoiu'tl moioi- hnnl, nl'-rh-eil llliollf Mllli'iel nml alnhored nhonlM yiinls oir 0hi>r«>, feiirlnn; In eoinorloMi'i1 In I he pniimlln^ f,"ii;-f,

Heacuo Bo;U Olnks,

Killllilut, reiili^.ln;: Mini one of lheHli'iilliled pnrly eonhi nol swim, rann.'ilinre hllnnell' llironjth IIM1 nurf ear-rylni^ a Minnll line, liileinlin^ In fiiMlen

II lo ili'lflvt (I In lielp Ille |i;ll1yiilionril.

<Mi thin lifeline tlie enllre |iurlyreneheil lhe reseiie honl, nml Knlllina,wlll i nil nhniird, nlleinpleil lo'ilIn l\iilail|iil|in. The nvet'londeil huntIllleil will) wilier nail he^nll In Mink.

IMlnee IIIMII WIIH nimble lo HWllll. l lochilli; In the HlnldllK Imnl while I'lllllKueiiliill [iinl Kiilllnni helped Ullin, lheolllel' lieiiHwInililer, to shore. KnlllinnIlien iiilinltilHlei'i'il i irll l leliil reHplrnllolito K J Jut tvlille I In* nlhei'H rftunii1!] toremiue I'IIIIIMV

Till1 pnrly I'lMiialiii'il nil nljjlil mi lheliencli wlllimn food or wnier. In themorning Kneiiliill voluiileered lo illmli(he cliff mill iiUoiiipt lo reueli thf mi-llelllelil ovei'lnliil to lirhiK nlil. Aflei'a ilcNpenite nllenipi he reneheil I In'lop nml innile Ii IH way lo I lie Nii I le-nient lo report to lhe nlllliol'llles.

Meiinwlille the flxhlni; miiiipiin l<'u.l|.Muni, Ciipl. K. Knjlinnlo, piiHHCd with-in Iliree lulled (if lhe Hlriilldeil punynml HIIW their HIUIIIIIM. Knlllinii swumnut to Iho Hiiiiipnii nml n ineinlier ofIlio eri'W neeotniuiiili1!! liiiu linelc Inthi< lieiK'h, wllli lines In their leelh.'I'hey lllilll n ruTI lo convey lhe lion-nwlnilllei'H nml the sk men renelii'ilKiilnii|)iiiiii li.v Uie HitnipMii.

Charles R. TaggartAt High School

Kwond «r Series of Kntertainmrnts ito tu- VretmnttA in Auditorium, I

Monday Muht I

Man Drowns at His KinBargain for His Rescue

TIIIIIIKIII,—'IlnruiilnliiK rohillves oust0 TIOII IHII I mini Ids life recently.

Whllo on u pleiiHiiro tr ip ho fell IntoIho u'ulor nl Sliiiiiliiilluinii. ni'iir here,ltolnllves und frli'iidH nlleniplod lo him hut ftdlod.

A llMlierniiin olTored to nu\e him forS.MH), Ht'llltivi'H IhollKht lhe plire InnIIIKII hill offered SKIO.

The llHlieruiiin liirneil iiwn.v. Thentln> roliillvoK oft'orpil $IN(I.

The llHhrriiiiin HtIII refused.• IIIHI US HK' n'lullvoH rolonleil und

niii'eed lo I lie $."iOO prlco tlio ylcnin'Hheiid dlsnppeiired In the wntor fnr Hiethird Iluii'.

Petty Fraud Is Workedin the Name of Charity

Siiulll Illirhlll'll. I'lllll1. 'I'lle eniinlr.vIIII.H heeii o\'erritn with ruckcts, hulstill lUlolher one eunie U) ll^lil helpWhen ,'IIKI | pie dlsenvered they hudheen hilkcil mil of u dollur iiplec,', \\ i ihlln prnspcel of ll I'el'llliil.

According lo luillee, u ymum wmitnuund II liinn, nnMlli:: us elulrlly wnrKi'l's,well! llhnllt lhe etly Melllll;: Ih'l^cls .,1si ench lor II intisli'iil eoiiceri whichI hoy suld woilhl tie presented Uw chili1

lly hy il i:rnip nl' iniiMichins.

;,. .:,.;,.i..: ;..;..;,;

i The Fireman's Lot t•'••' Is Not a Happy One '••',}', Clle.'iler, 1'a, • The Cllflon AI lleliilil.'i l''ll'e I'rnleollve |'•• iilnllon, ul'ler lllnlilliH of prepiira ...X Him. wan (>IIJII,V|IIK a Ihlrly Mfih [%<!• iiiiiilver.inry eolein'allon. 'i1

i Keiillvllle'i weroiil Ilielr hel!;lil |<|> when lhe ilepiirlineiil wan enlleil ;'

out lo CXIIIIKUINII one nf lhe hit;- %Item llri'H 111 ItH career.

Till) itieinbern I'eltiriieil a few 3hours In ter -mni enlleil oil' I IKI'elcurntlou.

Ch.irles lli.i.s T.lUHart

imrle.'i )(.n.',.'. 'rni'.i'.uri. the did|(( iunt iv iuldler. '1'hir, eliiei-iiiiinnenl.\v. entirely tiiiiiinc II 1:, nnl like any

l lmve e\'er i i l tendeil. ('barle.s'•:> 'I'Hi'i'.iirl. " Ihc limn l in in V I T -

inoli t ." i.F. u Illinois; enlerti i iner ;indI'.innvn the eimiil.iy nver tlirmii'.h lii.sVictor i,nil i'ldiiion phniHM'.rajili rec-1.. l:i. He wnN one of the firsl. to inuke .l.ulltlni! mil l ion picture:; lor the Do-!l''nre:;l I'hoiiotllniN.

He i:; not only u liddler tnil. alsoa !,lory teller, a iiiiuiisl. and a yen-,Irlloi|iii:il,. He don;; his fiunou.'; feltllint and liiioc.laclc:;, take:; his tkldle jand chat:; confidentially about. Illsadventures in the bU; city, keepingeverybndy In u road of laUHlit.ei'. Andwlien It comes to Uie iiddlini:- oilboy how he doe:; play the old-time \\\.Uli.'i. that. :,el, your nerves u-tlii|:liiiKand your feet, fupplni;.

We promise you a happy eveningiin<l Jolly, henKhy liuiglUei withC'liarle.'i Hoss Taiwurt.

All perlormiuieeK bewin lit U:15.Cienernl udiiiis.'iion to each perform-ance is fifty cents. Se.huul children,Imlf price. BerioK tiekets may bepurcliased for $1.00.

o - — -


t-truing !.">( -Sor-d



MON., I'HI'.S.. Nov. 9-10


WI;D., TIIUKS., NOW 11-13

Devotion:«li i UiUt HOUWM

TniiuirrdW will IJO the First Fridayof the month. Muss will bo at sixforty-live o'clock. Confessions will beheard on Thursday evening.

TIK; Holy Name Society will re-ceive Holy Communion next Sunday,November 8th. at the II o'clock Mass.

Till' renuliir monthly meeting ofthe Holy Name Society will be held111 I lie Parish Hall on Monday eve-ning at (1:30.

The Boy Scouts will meet on Tues-dny evening.

The Girl Scouts will meet on Wed-nesday afternoon.

There will be Sacred Heart devo-tions on Friday evening, starting at7:30 o'clock.

The block of granite which wasan obstacle ln the pathway of theweak becomes a stepping stone lnthe pathway of the strong.

T 1I10 happiness of the Indi-vidual family und the wel-

fare of our nation revolve aboutthe Institution called home.Ours ia tho finest plan, ever de-vised, to help toward homeownership.

RockawayBuilding & Loan

Association(<eo. IC. Flslior

JOHN A. BIZUBFuneral Director

1000 Main St., lloonton, N. J.Phnno Rnonton 14!>7


Lehigh Goal

HltiimiiMiiiH Coal

Tel. HockniTnj'lOH


Prompt Deliveries






CHRYSLER offer in the New PLYMOUTHFloating Power, Free Wheeling, Hydraulic Brakes,

Hydraulic Shocks, Double Drop Frame

A beautiful automobile at a low cost'The smoothness of an eight—-the economy of a four

Roadster $535 Coupe $5652-Door Sedan $5754-Door Sedan $635F. O. B. Factory—Eltht Models

Absolutely vibrationless

DOVER MOTOR CO.DOVER, N. J. Telephone 1150

tiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiii tiiinniiiiiri


Scrantnn-Lehigh, Old Company's Lehigh,and Plymouth Red Ash Coal

trait & Freeman Coal Co.I'honc 12 or i!-W 'liono 2Ki or -i:t<! Itoekuvniy

Not Effective Subst i tut

Out' ccust

tlvi' fur ridllH' folks is bi'r:il

Daylil'.ht savinr. lime expired the, iii'st, of Oelobev and we are back to

''•v l"'"yer is II Hei- n, | ;11i,u. luuiis, bill (i o'clock in the

""'>' nioniini,' seems lo tome just as earlyll\v lo suhslltiilc il fur liniins HIM!IIOW t:'n';i<t'. ('IIPIM'T'S \W" ' . I \ .

;i.s It ever did.


Loiulos kept, his mat crown by

tossing Klrllenko In 13:52 at the


Twenty-three million letters andpuckHRCS went to the dead letter of-fice last year because of faulty ad-dressing. They contained $5,390,000.

Page 6:, week ul u inectlni! of the Mor-liii County Board of Freeholder!!. A messiiKe Id lliln nllcct WUII


IN THE PORT OF SPORTAs Broadcast From Your Old Home Town

=z=—~-——Rockaway A. C.

13th Lose Close Game

Hang oiii ehthey (my * ""

t*h o,,! HUm o u !your vttev


John.,. Uisk.. and ^ ™ » > r i ;K i d " ;

Boxing Exhibition

! t e A a « t u m stow lor boxing -; lam. of

, _ H o p « to BIUM» Outof Uwinc Streak

Look this over good

^methtag to

PACE IN ROCKAWAY LEAGUE! Defeat WildcatsNovember

Presbyterian Bowler Hitting the Pins in Great Style-Three Teams Tied for First Place

Condition Plays Important Part in! Victory by Scholars—Play Again| Next Monday

mJ. BetzEd Sapp

Tuesday night the Butchers took! October 27. 1931three games from the Atwater Kent i BUTCHERSteam. The highest game of the match j S. Oula .142 157•was bowled by Pete Green, the star! T. Carolynbowler, who was with the Presby-|P. Green 149tertans last year. He hit the pins fora score of .218.

The Atwater Kents are hitting in-! H. Greento bad luck for the two games they '•lost to the Butchers were lost by ', 844 852not more than twenty pins. We only! ATWATER KENTShope that they will «.-t the breaks • O. P. Dlckerson .. 169 155in the future. | s . Chionpi 131 200

Wednesday ninht the Presbyterians j C. Decker . .. . 181took on the stioni; .luckson team but ;N. Compuno



;believe it or not tli(; Jackson:; went Red Lakedown to defeat, not only in one Dr. McKlroygame but thine ijames. Tsli. Tsli. boys IH. Porterbetter days arc coming when you'will be able to turn the trick. Thebig Kun of the Presbyterians, U. iBuchanan went wild and hit the!pins for an average of .]87 for the,three games. Not bud lit all for anjH. Conditamateur. ! P, Decker

190, 145171102




October 28, 1931JACKBONS

Friday night the Lchltfh Coal Co.and the stingless Hornets went tobattle it out and the Coalers sentDr. Mott and his Hornets to theshowers. We saw a couple of newlaces on the Coal Co. team and hopethat we will be nble to see themagain. We are [soing to take thatcake that S. Odierno not the other-week and give it to J. Grands, forhe bowled a game with the score of-108. There should be a prize up forthe man who bowled the lowest scoreand then there sure would be somefun to see who wins that award.

N. NormanR. HilerL. PeerL. PeerJ. Zeh



155155140 145


I The Rockaway High School juniorj varsity football team strengthened byI several varsity players defeated the

168 Wildcats Monday afternoon for theirj second straight victory. For three

218 | periods the two (.earns fought furious-1651 ly and neither could Bain much111 I yardage althoui'h I lit- Wildcats had148 1 a slight advantage. In Ihe second

period Bradley walloped around endUTO' mid made (id yards before beiiu:

stopped on the litree yard hue. There191 I the inch line held lust and I he155 j Wildcats lost, tlic ball on downs. Jn129; the third period a lour, pass, Morris

' to Lake, yielded a touchdown but1 the play was called bade for oilside

197! play.182 1 in the last period the poorer con-

; dilion of the Wildcats began to tellU54 i upon tin: players and the High School

scored two touchdowns. Ray Mur-i Kinnon, who hud been shifted to tinoacklield, after being thrown foiseveral losses finally got started andran forty yards for a touchdown andadded the extra point with a rush

brag about

The Wandering iieporter pickedthe mltrhty Rockaway A. C. to bentthe Wharton We*t Inner*, 6#-0. %suppose that was another one of

' those upsets.

Do the A. C « think they can playfootball?—W.alt Donahue.

Is a good aHbl for your de-The ground was too wet. We


Best wayup you

A localcomment on tiicbeing dibDr'ti.'xxi [•nd Jill went, upmodem liquor ,he wits through

and drinks will be furnished andfrom rumors heard about town theInvincible A. C. offer 100 cents fo>

ihe eveiung'V'ill bring together Johir-ny Risko and Sammy "Kid1 Ptckens.Both these boys are welters and alew weeks ago foimht a draw atKearney. Both boys were not saliK-lled with the decision, hence they

; expect to settle their differences at(lie'smoker. This exhibition should

Ihi ot Newark, meet:, Johnny Wold:,-! worthy nl Wliaitoi. In i i " - bout the ;

built:, will billif tonetliei-Cfiitcr l,al.-, Hi: VS. Maurice Laurie: Hie, Bill

: Manager Johnny Qulla ought toi play Johnnie Best, Pete Green, Dicki Bonno and Harry Green in the! bttckfleld. Then we may see a little


Judy Juyiie blames the officials fortheir loss. Judy don't let a little thing

but ii'it I' iWn I In

-SI Heath .stated that If they lost

v. Riiyiuoiid vs. Kid


... 138.. 163.166 178


Team Standing:Week Ending October 31, 1931

Lehigh Coal Co.Butchers .....PresbyteriansHornetsJacksonsAtwater Kents .






L. CrundelJ. SwentyL. HungerbuhlerP. MuellerR. Buchanan .




J. RyanC. ReeseD. MoranL. SmithJ. J. ReeseJ. Kepler


October 30, 1931

Team Features D"'- MottHighest team score—Pres., .981. s - OdiernoHighest aver. R. Buchanan, 188.2 G. YoungMost spares—H. Porter, 46 ' J - IsherwoodTlghest aver., 1 match, 3 games, R. J- Granda

Buchanan. Presbyterians, 205.Highest score—R. Buchanan. .256.















Again in the final ^0 seconds Puro-sic scored from the ten yard line butMacKinnon failed to kick the cxtrupoint.

The losers showed [jreat defensivestrength, often tuckltw: the HichSchool backs for substantial losses.The offensive strength of neitherteam was very impressive and theWildcats lost much ground on penal-ties, especially on plays on whichthey made long gains, while theHigh received few penalties. NextMonday afternoon the High SchoolSeconds have another game sched-uled for four o'clock.


The biK .smoker of the season willj be staged by the Invincible A. C utjMt. Hope in Middlotown Hall, onj Novemberplei .drinks will be served the fans. Gyour ticket early.

The A. C"B sent osit un B. O. H. foi: Johnnie lle-it. He wus to dynamite u,'lew hole:; for Jov Punchy Kovallc.

H would be a diHt;niei: to publishthe lineup of the Whni'ton team

I They shaped up like u tichuol team| . . . .; ivte fireen and Johnnie ISestformed a blitner Hue than the wholi

i WlutiUm team put together.

J The nnicty yard run und Whm-ton's only score wus made by UUKeyford. Hill received ii pas:; on tlutwenty yard line and luBtfed for theIlackawuy goal. Il« did some fiiwc-

inake a touch-


1ST ^191202851








. FB



H. MacKinnonMorris


November 13tU. Local boxen; will see | t t t C u l a r runtittiK to>lenty of action that liiuht. Euts and j d o w nIrinks will be served the fans. Get j

( Lewis H. Hungerbuhler must have, . a grudge udttlnst A. K. Oulu, stfttlilB

The U. S. A. boxers broke even In j h(J l s l n c m o s l s a r c a 8 t i c fellow orFinland, the score being 4-4. Franklin avenue. I guests this wll

Tilden won l,7a^"many but Hun-1 h o l d y 0 U tOr ft W h f e ^ter lost. I

Benny Friedman .signalized his re- !j turn to the pro Gifints by throwing jpasses for victory.

At last we have found out how tobecome a good bowler. All you haveto do is to go to Dr. McElroy andhe will give you the dope. "Doc" saysthat the book he bought tells youjust how to bowl and get some ofthose big scores you hear about andvery seldom see. Here is the way the"Doc" tells us it should be done.First get a good grip on the ball and•then deliver it down the center ofthe alley, then as It is going downit takes a small turn to the left andgoes into the pocket for a strike,tout if it hits the head pin and youget a split, "Doc" says it is just toobad. The writer of this columnwould suggest that the "Doc" get asupply of these books and distributethem around to the bowlers in theleague and then perhaps it wouldmake the league the sensation ofbowling circles.


Sports Editor, Rockaway Record.Dear Sir: What do you think of

a Dover-Bockaway High School foot-ball game for charity? I have beenpondering over the matter for a fewweeks and if it could be arranged,don't you think a neat sum wouldbe realized for the poor and needyof this vicinity?

Dover, being a larger school, withmore candidates to select its teamsfrom, is usually considered a littlebetter than the local boys, but this

Touchdowns: B. MacKinnon, Par-esic; point after touchdown: R. Mac-1Kinnon. Substitutions: High School: iWellington; Wildcats: Bertoll and!Chambers. |

Referee—Holloway.Umpire—Malone.Head Linesman—Raymond.Time of periods—10 minutes.



Olympic gymnastic tryouts will bedivided between New York and LosAngeles next year.

Londos kept his mat crown bytossing Kirilenko in 13:52 a t the

OurJob Departmentis at your service

Kid Chocolate easily defeatedFeldman in a ten-round bout.

Peter Gulla. the Rockaway HighSchool quarterback, suffered an at-tack of appendicitis and was rushedto the Dover General Hospital Sun-day at 0 o'clock. He is now underobservation. Pete is a great playerand a fine sport and Is greatly missedby his teammates, who wish him aspeedy recovery.year Rockaway has a very fast and bP«e<jy recovery.

aggressive eleven, while Dover's „ _ ? * . w^c. te popular on the team, eeleven is just mediocre in its class,and a good game could be expected.

Rockaway closes its schedule No-vember 20 and Dover about the sametime, so there would be plenty oftime to ring down the curtain,

I am anxious to know what othersthink.


and in Rockaway, has been the"spark" of the High School attack,and to say he will be missed, is put-ting it mild.

A local man, according to the so-ciety reporter, got called down hardlast Sunday by his wife for swear-ing because he couldn't And theBible. •

Rockaway High travels to ScotchPlains Saturday to meet the strongHigh team of that place. A greatname is predicted.

Rumors are being heard abouttown that a movement is on loot tostage a game between RockawayHigh and Dover for the benefit ofthe unemployed. Personally It wouldbe a great game to see. What sayyou?

The relative merits of both Doverand Rockaway High football teamshave been thrashed out pro and con.Now ls the time to see which is thebest If a game could be staged forsweet charity.

Andy Chewey, the star bowler ofthe Butchers, Is on the road to re-covery. Andy had an attack of ap-pendicitis and the operation was asuccess. It won't be long now beforeAndy will be hitting the pins in MBold-time style.


Warden. "We iet,t their own ua outftldu i In-

ter, or whateveryour trttdfc?"

Prtdoncr, ' r m aman."

IN CHANCKttY or «»» .Betwoni Liliiiuiin J , f* i

• n t . *(Ul Muiy M fl """












REG'LAJR FELLERS They'd Better Keep Away From HeadlinesBy GENE BYRNGS

Klli()4Jy vlrnir i,r i in- ,,|,,,v,

ftule ut. I'ulillr. Vein I •%Huuae In MiirtlLiuwn v i " *•!I . . I t t l l . l . r u v , . , u I I ? , , " ' » « aB H'olouk r . 1,1, U,I,I |h i, '" " t |111 till' uMi'Hicu.i, ,,| rVi,, ,i ><"J

.id" rn'm'';1.!1*'1''1- ' ' " ' ' ''"'

(, t,.)i

. „ i-.Uli. llui- i,l ,.a|,E'lifiurlni;. IIUI'UI Ihlrl-y.iwo itf

vvrhvtl hiwiritiR t>i nit Ji hljitfiLHi tWbllty-r.tx inluulo. «L« tw

nin' th conii-r ol i.uHl whu/c 'inr 7uhmu UH- vinhU, Urn- ui\\uhouvini-: ri-viuftitfl niniUi lift(-fiK<ftlUrt\-ni)Vt>u m i n u t e wnl fiJut o u Ht,itkr In mi id ii|f/}iti, \\Uf ji n u mtM,hwi>ni.Miy fjlrtfctlon i«tHlxty-eovmi tivt jiiuni ur im to»f D<!f!lttniiiK. •

Mury M. Horuititi liy ilBiVfri'ia'1^

find rtxwrriml In ihn MurrU Cuunu&Ollifiii in Hook r-iiB IIUKCH jufez Till) upittujillimH1 iMiiyiilil diiiel!K(K.MltlOll lit y->:,:'M)MU \H-HMH !;ir,',

Dated; Ortot)cr Stilti, 10.11,FUEn a. ml

Atlvt-rtlmul In Unify I(cRecord. If-i

'/onA N Y BABV1

WE can never he mm hi amukvH un iiifunt rfJfiuilj

the remedy cim ulwny» lie m*Good old Ciintoriu! Tliiire'inwevery drop of this pure vcpl*Dration, und not UionliftlitatlipMfrequent HHO. As often m m*fretful spell. i« fcvcriiih, orcriei«!sleep, lot Custoriti HUOIIIO nnn QUMSometimes it is u loiicli w ».*or constipation. Or drcnfled 01n condition tluit nlmuM »,without deluy. Just koon C|»l»«iand give it promptly. Uclitl »«1very promiilly. if it dowii'tywcall a physician.



NEURALGIA, CCWhenever you Iwvc """'JJJftior pain, take mmw tn *Aspirin. Relief in i i " i i ' * t u

T h e r e B s c a ^that Bayer A»Pirm wnever a time wlH;i.y

The tuhlcis will.Bafe. Th;-y

or dlBComforl. Just «' >' «genuine. Examine lhe »imitations.

Aspirin is tl.v " ' " ' " ' Xmonufnctiiru of nm^M



Page 7:, week ul u inectlni! of the Mor-liii County Board of Freeholder!!. A messiiKe Id lliln nllcct WUII



'Upper left, i.(.rl«l view of Uell I Moratory station «t Whlppuny, w i n , , ic.etiich and development work InHo l,ro»il(.f.Mln(i l» tarried on. Upper right, the luiiuilng latently e.octed «t Mcndbam for studies In air-/nt r»iilu telephone torvlce. Lower left, enalneer teen measuring frequency of mi nlrplmie radio tran»,lt«r »t the uround station at Mendham. Lower r l u ! , l , the Holmdisl station where retenrch studlm I-irtwnxi reception are curried on. Center, large unlcniuiii nt the Deal Beach ttatlon used for t' •• •

t wave trarHsirilttei's.


Director of Telephoneinipany I.isti Simple


CI1211 Hi.'l-," l» Iho title of miwtil>li nppeuritil In a ruvciit Inllio New .lol'noy Doll, monthlyto [UtlillHlied by tho Now Joi'Hcyleiilimie Coiiipuuy for I lie 1 l,m>iy (iiuiiloycoH In (lu> Htule.In nut, of ruiirHo, n now Icleminlmr, but If* an nr l ldo pie

llio Meallb illrecliir of I Inan Tdleiilionn and Tetccruplii);. enllliii: iilleiilliin li> I lie poxanil ilci.l i n hi IH y of Kolllni'

I next yonr'H crop of Influenzamil not only with II I I IKII I I I IH ofmiiployeefi, llio health depnri-f)o iliri'i'li* a Kdierni eumpal^ui Ilium well, ami It IIIIH lii-euIlllll inlliienxii, and ol her ciini-UHMOi'liiled illMeafieif of theory «y»linn, nlvu I'IHO lo mni.t

Hmili'llly In Hie Hell

llfnl uuy In prevent KllrIi >D

,0 111 ftihriinry or Muv<ii, 198t,tun MOW In 1IKI1," tho ui'tlcia"Wtthuut worry, or the

from wulllng tooit nliout putting our

order now," ,brief HiiKKcHllonii «re llndil

m:Sdo ymtr iliwtor nml huv«

if II I I'liccliiii), iiiutlciiliiily ufi, tliroiil mill IU»K3.

•r-lli'i;ln in talio cure Inyoni' limly wurin uiul youv tciM

'oar ciiuiiiili iilollicn to bo wnrm

UMil ciiliifni'lnbli1 ill dial riiiillmil fjiiiirI li'i'ciul"'!' --• I'Uivun nt)'" mlniu'.il n

Vl'lllllllltoll null pi'liprr li'lnpl'l'llturu IIIy o u r U v l u ) ; i i i ' i * 1 ' ' ! ^ - ''^'" H m t y(Mil*w h i i l o w w In N l c c p l i :; ( | i i i ir lor' i l ire k e p tiipi'U id lit Kil l .

• l u N u i i r y - C i i v c r I l i c I I I I IKII a n i l t h eH I K K ^ . B nu<l i i v o l d IIIIIHO w l i o d o n o tul inri 'vo I l i ln | ir<<i'(ii i l lon. A v o i d n n -iivccHKury CI-IIWIIK. l i n e c u r e In l i n n d -IIIIK n i l l i ' l i 'H III r i i i i i m o i i , n m l pny npn-I'lul ( i t l c t i t l o u t o n i ' i l u i l i c , w i t iU i lu j ; utI h e Iuin (IH.

I ' c l i r i m r y u i u l M u n l i K c c | ) n i l u t l y<li<> k o n .voi ir l l c n l l l i H u l i l t H — t h e(HilliiK d l IKIIII ' IHIIIIIK ( t iml o [ prot><Mi | i i n n t I t y m i l l v n i l i ' l y . m i d l l m d r l n l d n gor c t i o n u l i wi i t i ' i 1 ; I'ci'.ulnv c l l m l n n t l o n ;HiifflrU'iit Hlttcp; d u l l y o u t d o o t 1 o x o r -';l'so; f i ' c c d o n i f r tnu w o r r y .



2,000,000th TelephoneInstitlh'd in Huglitrul

Tlio 2,Q00,000(.b l«laithon« In-•iliillcd In Cn.'iit Ili'ltuln wiia recent'ly iiluuvd In IlueliliiKliain I'ltluco forthe poi'Moniil IIHO uf Kliifi; (li.'orf,!).Tlui liiulruniPiil In tlvilnluiil li\ oldKiiUI. Tliu tclcpliiino ntinitioi' ofIHl('lllu(;lilun I'uliu'c Is Vlctoi'lu <S',\'i,nml iiiiponrs In tlio l.omloij le lophono dliiKtoiy, hut tlita dooRii'tiiioun tliot It In nn uuiiy mailer tocut tlio KltiK iioiHOiitilly ou tlio tolo-pliono. for his tulcphono (loor In aa(.•nicfiilly giiurdcrf mi In tlio i;nlo totlio niiluua Itnotr.

Tlio Klug, howovcr, niulioa fro-quont uno of tlio tclopliouo, mid allthe royiil rosliloncoH, liioludlug Wind'nor Castle, HnnilrliiKlinin IloiiBOnndllolyiood I'nlncc, Imvo tolcplioneodmioctluiia, for »rfulra of tints•oniotlmos inn lie It iidi'oanniy for tli«HaverolKii lo be ipilckly •CCOHHIIHIOto till Mlnlstoii.

is of Busy Cables Are LoweredfoMake Way for Highway Widening

l o i l ,

|C'I« Uf tOIIH » t ( ( ( | B y o n , | , , v .

» lopl iono cnlili'H liuil l o b o l o w .

••••» i 'uliMnon • I ' l i r n p l h o , n o n r

t o m h o «•«, for wMonlng of

;, 1 h u »'">vo pliotoKnipli

"1"10 « «>f l lm wny It WI.B

I'1 loloJ"«mo .no,, l i m l | | c d thorn-Kv . ', " l°"1 rt|n>cult mid mi'

olmmlrodHot wires without

J t W n nlt"»R with tlio mnon of

l w ? 00 l ( " » « k 9 , , p o n o o f the

i8- lno, ' " " " " ' " Now Jornoy.

Vo ta«Zw<"] m avornRo or

too « ' o r oU'orwlBO It

for tli«

nutl rmmtrnctlon ( H I T M . At llm wnn«Ilino, -l.WIKI Toot uf now miliwiiy Illo, con-tlvlnliiK 'U iilMiulurrt I""' l 2 ovornlzpiluctii for new cnhi™, wcro phirad Intlio ti'ciicli I" »•«'•(' for tulun- trl(>i>l,(iiH'Iti'uwth,

Twolvo luili'tit, sp iucd uliout ten tretnimrt, find <mt'li briirliu: morn tlm" nliivlt ton ot ilfiul wolRlit. w«ro IIH'-II.Thin nllowi'd fur loworliiK i'1'""' •••'I1

font of Ilio imliwiiy nt u t i m e •»»*-•» I'yInch iilimiHt linpci'ccplllily lo Mio l>'i-mnn <<yo ttiul without Imowlodno ofinnny I'lormiiiH InliiliiK over llm wlren«t ttin Hum, tlio imiMK of cniiiiroto con-diilt. wriippod to wnnl i>rr ilnnm/io, minlcilownwuril IOVCHI (Itmlly on U>o floor ofIhn (imiiiotifd Ircncli. Kour of Ilio en-Won loworod run hcHvoon N o v Yorli

tiii.l Allmiiy: on twi-oii Now York,Union Olty, I'liti'iFioi, and (lonlijin, nndHire--, liotwi'i'n Union r i l y nml >'«'<"••noli.

Annual Outing at Aibury ParkAttract! Largest Crowd

in History

PIoni'diliiK dnyn of Ilio tolophono InNow Jcriioy wci'o rollvod over thoweek-end of IIIHI. 8i'PI«iiibcr It whenin«inlKii''t of N<'W Jci'H y'K II, Q. Mr('ully Cluiplor, TflupliDiio I'lom'i'l'a olAiiKM'leii, |r,uthci'Ril wtlli tliolr fvlonilBfor I heir II 11 n ii a 1 uiitluK lirld vncli yourlit Anbury I'nrk, Approxlinutely 1,200poiBonu from nil ncclloim of tlio ututoiittciiilt'il, tho lai'Kdnt i;iillieiliii; In thehlnlorv of ilio oi'Kiiiil/ullon.

Tlilts event ouch year culls togetherIlionn who woro i«iiponslblo for thobnllilliiK of Now Jermiy's curly cQJtiiminlciitlon nysloin. Tho taloa they tellmo tho dniniu of human strugglg nndiicblovomoJit which iluulo Llio roatlzatlon of nioiloiii far-lliinA tolopbono fncllltl(!B possible.

This yonr 2D0 now muuibors worowiil(7oinod Into tlio 1'louoor orgmilzu'tlon, nil of I bom having completed •«ii loipilroiiiciit fur inoniborsblp nt Ion HIIwouty-ano yt'iirn of survlco In tbo telephono Industry. Conlblnod their curoorg totnlod nioio Uiim 6,000 yonri.

AtnoiiH HIOHO now niuinbcis was OW.-McRno, of Mnplowood, Vloo I'rcBldont nnd (lenonil Mnnngor of tbo Ne«Jernpy Dell Tolopbono ("onipiiny.

Formed N<nc Ve»r« AgoPint of a nntlonnl oitrnnlxntton with

n mombcrshti) of muro Ibnii 20,01)0, theNow Joincy Cbnpior was formed InVi'i'l wltli only n few Inindrod membora. J. I1'. Nuylou, now KCIIOIIII plantwnploymcnt 8«porvl»or for tho Newloraey Hell Tolophono Company, WIIBone ot tho OI'KIUII/IM'S nnd WIIB clccteilan Ilio II 1st priiHlili'iii.

Tlio nntno II. tl. MtCiilly, tor whomtbo Now .loi'Noy Cliupter Is niiniod. willnhvuyn bo nBnociiituil will) tho earlydavolopuieut of Ilio tek'phono IndustryIn this Btntfl [or n qvmvlur of n century.a giontor part of I ho tInto ns nianago,ot llm icloiihnnc voiinwiiy In northernand contrnl Now JITHCJ1. TIIOBO wereIndeed ploncci'liiK (Inyu for tho tolo-lihono In Now Jersey. Mr. McOullyImd tlio whole 1'unpouslhHlty tor tholuifllnoBS nnd onnlrd It personnlly.TUey wore tho duya of llttlo nnd trro^iiliir finulM. Hut In npltu of thinold thuorfi roeuil Hint ho wna nlwnysnblo lo provldo for pny-dny.i, Wbnlover inlfdit bo tho Htroiinonii condltloiia, no employee under him evcihud to wnlt for hlu wnci.'n. After nriilnifill curcci' ihulni: which tho founilutloiiH woro laid lor I ho ninnilm:Ki'Dwth of llio Kyaloin which wna toconio, Ml*. MdOully retired from nellveleleiibonn worl: In 11)09.

Tho nnllomil Telopbono 1'lonocrs olAinoi'U'a or^nnlzntloii In mndo up ollorlyoiio elinptoi'H eon'l lni; llio entireminilry and onrollliiK employees olllio Hell Laboratories nnd Woutornl.'leelrle ronipniiy, nn well as nil olhciInloi'OHlii nHBorlnlnil with llio IJrllSy Hi (Mil.

200 Central Offices In riewr YorkKlKht now tolmilloiio ceiurnl ofllep.'-

Imvo boon opnuod riu'entl)/ In NowYorli ('ll.v, nml throo moro will IMDIM'IIIMI lnler III tbo year. Til In bring*llio total number of central olllcen Inllio city up to l!00, wlileh excoods theooiubliieil lotnl of cnntrnl ofllrcn In thenext llneo UiiReHt eltteB In llio UnitedHIIIICM: ChlcaKO, I'hllndelpbln findPelrolt.

Police Intorrupt SlumberHnumUt of dliilreHii doti'Cteil l>y nil

nlert loloi>hono opurntor tooli pollorIn n hurry reemitly to n. homo In IllueInlnnd, 111, They (ouml Mr. I1OIIM>holder HOIIIKI ualeop. Ho hud nccldoiitnlly UiiBcluMl tlio telnphono downIn liIH Bleep, nnd unn snoilne Into thetrnnninlllor. I

"Words in Ink MakeLittle Folks Think**

YesrAnd Big Folks, too!

How would your Adv.look here?

Would People Read It ?

SureYou Read This

Think It Over

Our Advertising Rates are the Lowest

Page 8:, week ul u inectlni! of the Mor-liii County Board of Freeholder!!. A messiiKe Id lliln nllcct WUII


[ Z X X X X X X X U O V E I ' I M E T R O P O L I T A N S '

Men around townare talking



'ADAM AND FALLEN MAN" willbe the subject of the Lesson-SermonIn all Churches of Christ. Scientist.on Sunday, November 8. 1931.

The Golden Text, is: "Awake thouthat sleepest. and arise from thedead, and Christ shall give theelight" (Ephesians 5: 14).

Among the citations which com-prise the Lesson-Sermon is the fol-lowing from the Bible: "There istherefore now no condemnation tothem which are in Christ Jesus,who walk not after the flesh, butafter the Spirit. For as many as areled by the Spirit of God, they are jthe sons of God" (Romans 8: 1, 14).

The Lesson-Sermon also includesthe following passage from theChristian Science textbook, "Sci- jence und Health with Key to theScriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy: ,"The real man being linked by Sci- (ence to his Maker, mortals need onlyturn from Kin and lose sight of mor-tal uelfhuod to find Christ, the real,inun and his relation to God, andto reeofMnzc (he divine .son.shij)" ' p.a 1 (> > .

oA wine jinui would ra ther preserve

iruce than t:uiii a victory.


The card parly which ua;, ) eld lorthe benefit of the Girl and Boy

: Scouts was a s;reut success. We. wishto thank all who helped mnke it so.

All Tenderfoot Scouts are havinglessons in first aid. On Monday. No-vember 2, a Hallowe'en party washeld in St. Cecilia's Hull. Prizeswere given for the best dressed andfor the most original costumes andmost comical costumes.

1 Prize winners were: Lenore Cun-ilit, Pompey Clements, James Kelly,Elizabeth and Anna. Reese, MildredCtiaw and Elizabeth Chewey. SamAniala received a prize in a contest.

Last week being Girl .Scout Weekall Scouts tried for a perfect record.On Kunday for the first day's per-fect record we attended a Girl ScoutService, Father Hen et son Rave a tulkmi the promise' of the Scouts.

The names of the mils who haveperlect records \(ill be published nextweek.


Everything hasIf s Price—

In these days of low prices, it is well to remember thewords of Ralph Waldo Emerson who said, "Everythinghas its price and If that price is not paid, something else,not that thine Is obtained."

For during* times like this, manufacturers of inferiorproducts tempt retailers witii unheard of bargains, tryto foist their merchandise on the public under the ban-ner of low prices.

Therefore it behooves you to shop at a store that knowsvalues . . . that thoroughly investigates every articlebefore It is purchased with the yard stick of quality.Here at this store you can't go wrong.

The Crown, S. FRIEDLAND & CO."Dover's Metropolitan Store

Sirloin Steak, lb.Fresh Hamburg, lb.Plate Meat, 3 lbs. for

Legs of Spring Lamb, lb. —Shoulder of Spring Lamb, lb. ..

Fresh Hams, lbSwift Smoked Hams, lb.Shoulder Veal, lbLoin Pork, Half or Whole, lb. ..


20c1 lb. Roll of Brookfield Butter, lb.Fresh Fowl, lb.

Fresh Picnic Hams, lb.

Dixie Bacon, lb. - ...

Mome-Made Sausage, lb.

Fresh Side Pork, lb.hi - - - _ . . . f


—with enthusiasmabout this sale of

Suits and Overcoats


Louis Yoerk, Sr.. of the Morris-town load, and his son, Louis Yoerk,Jr.. arc repairing the steeple of oneof Newark's tallest churches.

A meeting of the executive com-mittee of the Morris County Wom-an's Christian Temperance Unionwill be held at the home of thecounty president, Mrs. Walter R.Richmond, in Boonton, all day,Tuesday. November 10th.

A large crowd enjoyed the mas-querade dance sponsored by theDenville Co-Eds and held in thePublic School building last Fridaynight. Miss Dorothy Truscott of theMorristown rond, captured the prizefor the prettiest costume, and MissDorothy Curtis, of Rockawity, re-ceived a prize for the most originalcostume.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry MacMane andfamily have vacated the Charles Kel-so house in Richwood Place andmoved to Morris Plains. Mr. and Mrs.Ray Bayles and family have movedinto the Kelso house from the houseof D. M. Righter, on Diamond Springroad. The Righter house is againoccupied.

Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Stephens, ofOrchard street, will soon move toDover, where they will occupy thesecond floor of the Dover Women'sClub buiding.

Many summer residents visitedDenville Tuesday to cast their vote |at the polls.

Miss Patricia Truex, daughter of •Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Truex, of the |Morristown road, celebrated herbirthday on Sunday by entertaining |a number of little friends, those |present being Eleanor Sampson, Jun- [lor Hastings, Jackie Wilson, MissLeonard, of Denville; BIJly Truex, ofJersey City, and Genevieve, Alvene,Ward and Duane Hull, of Marks- |bora. Little Patricia was six yews of j

age on Tuesday (he thi Aguests at the Truex " 'and Mrs. Barton


. A " "< ices held m the P os<A. Hall over (he Denville PostOfe

Church school classes for miat 9:30 Sunday morning, f*not now a member of some Zschool you are invited to t *of our classes. > join id

T i l K M A N ' S ' S H O P

38-42 West Blnckwcll Street 'phono Dover 02I J It II V I! A II (| K ,i B I, I A II 1 I. I T Y UCXXXXMT1



Chic New Hats inNew colors, 1.98


$7.95usually to 10.00

38-,42 West Blackwell Street Phone Dover 92•23RD VK/in OK IIF.I.UDILITY


Sheer WoolsCrepesSatins

Blues, Reds, Greens,Browns, Tile, Black

Sale!Pure SilkHosierv


Sunday morning worship it ll(Inspirational sermon. Solo wk.

Sunday evening worship stints7:45. Song service, pictureseadfe.ture and special musical

Those who missed seeing the utures last Sunday evening on iWwe are told, missed something *'able.• A welcome awaits you

church services.The Ladies' Auxiliary will hold

regular monthly meeting Himevening, November lGth, atthekof Mrs. Emmons R. Freemanmiscellaneous shower will be >ture of the evening. The leistarting to prepare for thebazaar next summer.

Rev. Andrew G. Podlesneyspend Thanksgiving week tamidst visiting members and MiSeveral surprises are in store for:during that week.

At the reorganization meetingthe trustees, held Tuesdayat the home of A. H. Doremusofficers and committees wereMr. Robert Ford is president rfBoard of Trustees and A. H.mus is secretary. The flnantest]mittee is Messrs. Emmons R. "man, A. H. Doremus andP. Hunt. The church commilteelded to purchase new songThe committee appointed tothe selection are S. R. SoileM,timer F. Hunt, Emmons B.and Miss Anna G. Hall.


Whether you believe it or ituberculosis has declined from •to seventh place on the l»,Jcauses of death in New Jersejffl"past twenty-five years, accort'fjDr. Harold S. Hatch, medical Oftor of Shonghum sanatorium.berculosis enn be arrested or Ptically cured even in moderately;vanced stages as is attested DJ»ex-patients of New Jersey saralive and working today.

,The careful tuberculosis Inot a menace to his 'an ,friends, although he will avoid«contact with children if 1='•»>1positive sputum. Tuberculosis»|infectious in the same sewsmallpox and diphtheria. W «depends on the quantity of ^fection. Tests have shown »large percentage of the adiffllation have been infected wiberculosis germs but with »dosage and good resistance'tained by healthy living Uie>show symptoms of activeThe greatest danger iswhen contact with the 0.1..- ™advanced stages leads to™1 ^doctors call n "mbefore the child'schance to build res

Dr. Hatch said that Iwere suggested by nnrecent public (fathering « '% „An Influential gentleman si» lMIn his opinion there isculosis now than ever wdenced by the increasedsanatorium beds. !"<-

s convinced that only P« ,incipient stages recoV

ne["c of

cated the drastic measure,,strictest segregation m• * „for every tubercu osis; person f

"After all we have '"statements seriously. •'although we may P<

.hey have a somewhai •ettual basis." The stair


ing iutii;««. ••• .based on the increasedsanatorium

There is no pluce

things for an idler.much money n mnn •maycountry he is s " P P Sand as a rule, if he succwing his money at wort, ^telligently invested nosjonably busy these days-

k c P I '