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Jan 29, 2023



Khang Minh
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F 'f '7iS'}c


I t th* m tlr If, ID mafa, will b* tb* U« of flTO ihDkaipwtv* th# in jiito rr [ndlcatlT# of 1 Btlll 1# ta r th# CouDteoa Bonnet! of I, according ew Ilch t and vor to a ta ta f “the dark ird Hhaw, by I) cuatom ary

haa certa in la aanalbla, to claim tb a new dlacov- a are excel- jctlon of the espeare. One Oounteaa da ind It aeema

a dlvlalon publlaher of

la Into th ree Indicated by largln, to be im'a original acea of dlvl- :er the l i t t h

In a num- ea the m ar- i the dlvlalon ant.a volume, the sere and Hla Tying theorlea xplanatlon of I Bonneta, and imber of facta 'outh and hla ave a hearing 1 by the eon- loea Into the of "the fa ir

)o the Initial! :he dedication Y refer to the Earl of Pam- forward con-

ftect tha t the td to, She la ere very cloae ire and South-

Soutbampton BhakeapaeTea Itomao, Baa- tel, "Immortal the careleea,

r-poet, aporta- ns hava a car­ton, Inaamucb Virginia Com­ic colonial ex- and Hampton

imeiDorata hla ter. The con- —la even ven- B Interaat In 'riend to com- whlch there la mber of facta fit fairly well BOnneta, eape-

1<”Becend BCrieB, ilnly, to that

author aaya; >ach the tru th , lyaterioui lady of modern de-

lown by Dr. ikea Sherlock follow an ota- a plain one.' ' iteas do Chem- it worth while iftlcer hla prt- ^olmea.tB for the poai- ry FItton amt th rejected by DOW claimant,

n Innkeeper in Sir William

dramatlat. For batwaen Mr«, re the author Uon to merely

thla voltine la Shakaapaaie'a

in the BonaetB. thla honor may re, Chapman.

among whom he Connteaa da ayi the author, to r Soutbamp-

le Counteaa de c»; be waa, to iraeter. H e la

aa the trane- slbn raoialnlng tlcm with him e footatepe of inmenletora on n anagram, a all the ridicule of ctphera and

who “torture nd wayi," aut-

iithera from > tnlaerable and lied Ingenuity, advanced de­h o r teeli th a t fun of a rival, lot a nceeaaary bitter enemlcB. if of great In-

rranged [rough tha Boh- n entertaining on of the bimk vork. Tha next 11 a rearrange-

a "deacriptlve ■erica a te ha-

r within each ily natural, the lulte frequently-

bed. For one r, I n d e ^ th a t innete In auch ice, the authoa II of the proot lew yeara th a t re literary ex- le work of tha a the caae can iomparing KHna ■uppoBed to In- iscB, with aoB- rraty poeti. I t tha Bante criMB tha Uvea of ao a aupreme lit-

Btter and more not D«ceaatrllit leae other Bwn. udieea to tha oluma tba very « by HlehelM

tpeai»” by tha I. P . Putnam ’f

I T U R E SI f W ard, ean- epandant Ma f papart, d li- a S tellar tlb l- 7" Hla oon- lona of tim e, ipaea, Indloata doaa n o t axiat y of Ita betkg. 1 It appaarn to a. I t h f l n l ^ had a haslM-

fhraan B ag for Sodatiao,” by Law t t n t a t 'o

hod," by laaU a

I o f FollUeal iBclndo "Tbodo Btataa: Oenoroll by Hobart f l I of tho W atar*. UouRoa.

r. writaa In A rl t T h a H arg an g other article! It In Art*’ by.

ith Century and le "A Reaidont Irlab Problem." Home PoUey of « r; "The n r a t J. B. WIlUama, o r ’Wbinou;" hf;

sTS’e a t h e r t o n j o r r o w ; P r o b d b l T

w a r m e r a n d r a i n y .

■"J m*: • ^ • W K... • .1 ’F M

■ ’ft*

N U M B E l i lu l l ■ C F W A R K . y . ,1.. M O S D A Y . M A R C H :'.0. 1 9 1 4 - T V V R N T V - T W O P A G E S .


T W O C E N T S .


British Premier Accepts Col. Seely’s Resignation- Former Retires



Dr. Edgar de Moll Stryher, Head of Hospilal, Formerly of Raritan,

Killed by Japanese.DEVOTTD LIFE TO W O R K IN O RIEN T

Pr^mter^oi ( uupe U hollj' IOvfiHiin frflni Ihr Mhermim.

Field M arshal Frrm^’li mni (iemrrml F w art Imistiil I ihmj H etirin*—"iirm r Mmt Hr HFi-misI--NlrKreom |l.rm dtt ot PArlyr |p the r«iramunM.

laONDtiN, Msircli SO motions In Uic FJous^'of I'omnion?! ilila


NKU’ YORK. Sfl.— Member? ofthe TuoditRl ppifo^amn omi or nii?sinn«ry sci'ictlea in th<i ‘ Ily shocked todayt'l kart. tliHt Dr. IMgsr ile MoU ^^UyUfr. furmerty nf Rarltiin. N. J-. snd s ersdu- Hto of tii€ Culk't!e of Physicians and Sur­geons hfre, Find hcon murdered tn Ifolkol, CorRS Kor flv* years lu‘ had been th® brad of a large hOHpttsl In TIntkoi and

A aeries of hod lKhon-ii to modern acienttficntelhivls (if ■•loiiu In a region th;il rlioif

nfternuon In connection wllh ibc a n n y I I" and medieval v,ay« In cHale [■ciifhed Its climax with (he ,ui- Ibe Irenlmcnl uf .Unease, noiincem ent by r rcm le r .tSMuillt H in t ' " d id <>r ,he h lm .e lf would »aaume ll,e poritn llo 'S i '- 'l .... ..... i n r / ' r .of Secretary fo r W ar taratc .l by >1. l.ou.1 of U .MHn?tnn pla-'C B.ooU>mcolonel Seely today. He a.mrd lUa,. aa 1 ^ l i r i b l u ^ r buri Bnd"'iia5provided by law. l>e wmiliJ re tire irom j ^ .j-gjry jap an e io .the House of Coimiions until Ills coii- I '|'y,p in j^na l '*f wlufli Hr. S lryker wee siltuentH lu KrbL Fife re-elected him. ' i|vw y,(xad vas established by the Seoul

The P rem ier's absence frotn P arlla - Mining I'omiiftny ff t\liirh S. L. Selden merit will not laai longer |week*. Hla re-e le rikm for Ihe S '-’t- of n*'nrly lo.nuu ner-ttsTi division iie has repret'cnted ever | ihere and h's frurk has been veilhiTtce he entered P»rHainni is regarded U> ptiysidans and to tlioaft ivho(iH ji foregone com-luwion. have been intcn;at»-(l in itir iiplifi m i Iia^

^I’he deoieivu of the Prtm iei was Oritnbwholly uneMiected. It m om eulanly Message from WIdoff.ovirahadow eil llie retir»’m+‘rits of <‘olo- riuj meai-age recei'-ed by Mr 1.011,9 iidi Seelj', l‘‘ield Mnrshiil l''rei.cli :tiul j readydjutanl'< .icrieral llwurt rolU h'inus. - ‘I\ulkol, t'orea. via Ik ijy lnovvever. were brought buck 10 Uie ' 'lu Edward If I-oud. !.> Arlln.^tonotltflnal fiujse of the M inisterial crisis | |i|are, N : by the aiim lsaions of Viflcociil .Motley- , ' ‘ (.’liily' r«hot hy e ra /.' Ja]i loday alIn the hlouse of lyords. v\ hii h l•< n■ mine LMcd inTnirdiately. U a arefinned many of the rn io n is l rhargea and sav e the tiilhnatlcm Ihul Viscount : M orlo hintficlf intended to retire frotn ; politics, 1

. ‘ColoJiel Seely 's resiRiiHMcm lia^ ;accepted.” Tltla thy •upln'inlMtic oxprcsfliuii i-aipluyed by P rin ticr .^s- ,uulth In .ninuujictnB U> thi' nf’Comniuiis liuhiy ihal Ills War tary had 'p a h i llm peualiv nf his In- dlscrnllriUR ' Ijj addin;; lu a ijah itift docum ent tio ' two pniagrajihs which have arouHid sm h fccting as to th ie a te n the i-xIstMU"^ pr the en tire Ca bluet

P'lrni I ntlmnltou.The first inri)rinftllnTi rot hi\ t-d hy

tr-cinttci s of t Hi Niimcn: I'lat • tibinr-lStudy had H'-flnMely retlrpil finm the riib ilie l w as va’Ju'Ji hf *'mi*rcd the House and took a. nn the h a rkhenchtrs In stfad of amonc h!s lute colleagues

Hdn p a ra f i a jitis whirtf -•HUR' ii ihit ••risis weri.- ftmlMliriui iti n m em orpn- duin \vr1tl<-n in Ih lisrlier * tein m l t iu b o r i G ough iind '•ontii'iied th e fol* low ing;

■ "Tim KovcMiMU’iil mu!<i r4‘iain its rlglH In use Jill tim ftnet s oT Hi'' (’rown In frclam l o- iilsewhm «• tn (Tialntaln o rder ami support llu* civil potv«-r In the o rd inary nxecuiion of their duty, hu t U has no inltfiitloii wliafevei tak in g advantHRtj nf this rlglit In or- der l<i c rush polIUcRl opposltluii m Hie poiit>" or the principles of the homo ru le bill-"

The In ter rernntintion of theH*- g u ar- anieea hy the Gahlnet wns taken hh ft rebu ff by Field Marshal Sir .lohti French, vlrtifwl cninmnnder-ln-chtef of the Krniy, und by Kir John Kwiirl. Uie adiU iant-j^eneral to the forv'es The tw o generalB imm ediatply reHigncd and a ll uffortR made by the King, th e rreh iler and the o ther M inisters failed

, S h a k e 'e m O P f



i I !



Former Proprietor of Hotel Broad i Faces Court Second Time on j Disorderly House Charge.


D o o m ’ A

ilh Hfilhe Kt I'yeiii Vang. .VNNTE II]'. Slfykci' wax Kauwr. In bla famil.v

an "[■urlv.' 'I'bc Herthe referred tu In tli« inrHs'age Is the . iniiiiany a luiBincjs reprcsenlHtl.e at I*.'eng Vang, whieh n fifty miles frnm the mine.s a t llulkol. Etnin [lie message Mr. I,uud JndgciJ that his doiijrhter ami her tw llUle ehildren I,ad t.. Mr. Bertlie'.s resldcm-e af1-r [he tru e d ; . Mr. l.otid w as of the opin­ion ■,l[Mt Ills (laUBhler would. stiirl home ■It on.'o with her huahand's body.

Mr. Seldeti w.ia rieeply grieved over the m urder of Dr. HlryUer. whom ha liiiaw well nml held In high regard.

‘■Heymiil doubt Dr. Strykei- w as killed by a JiipHnese who ticlleved th iit the p]i\slciiiii was v io lating t!ia ancient vuatoms of his eouiiiry ," sold .Mr, ,Sel- den. -Hefore he w ent to the cojintry and started Hie hosp ital th e re was just one ireutm eiit for all d iseases. They would take the T eel'of a dog and boll them and give the eonooctlop to a jta- lien l. The iieople could not uhderstund the mmiern methods, and. of uoiKde. D,r. .Stryker made m any enem ies among

. lire ignorant.Or. Stryker*# W ork.

"Our no.rpltsl found strong om'osition j from the nstlves At firs t Dr. Stryker , hsd a permit to (iractlce niedieine end

. . . ; he worked .night and dey, aavltig many 1 o f lir es tliat would have he<wi sacrifieed hut


Tiitftreat a t th e courlhciu*f tmlay ceiitreil in the second n ia l nf O eors^ K. MttUBerl. w ho la charKr-d w ith hftv- InK conducted Hnt«l Broad a t Broad ami L afaya tt* Hlreeta In n d liord«rly rnaiin#ii‘ The ra trtn l of Nfnitaert waa s ta rted ahortly a f te r 10 o’chM'k before JvidRt H arry V. Oaborrir and a alruck Jury hi the (Tovirl of Quin im' Keatloiia

111 five far'e £>f protcHts nf "unfair- ! tn‘F,s" from Jud^r \^11bur A.

Heinlf.v. couiinel fur M husm . I’ruaecu- lor IIoikJ waa (fiven iiermiaaioii by .liulRe n .sbnnif th la a(ieiiicn»n to hroud- eii the Hcupr of Hie lestinKUM' h*' w anta to luiiiK <»VM Ihrou^rh ihri H ia les wU*ncH.ifji

.\l th r opriiiuK of the nsiil -Ml. Hood jsiwifil ihtii he would puA r Wmi room s m thf h >iel v^ere used for HUkhI pur-

j liPHulea doiliR lliis, he now Iti-I letifiH tki show th a t l ie iuiU‘1 wu« con- ' itutie.l In ft Reneral disnidprly nmn- ' 'OT- hm( pi-raona v.vrt' |»»*rnilited to I n«H ilrunk. th a t flirfHiji wnn nllowed.I .vinl it:U otht-r form s of iw e lry w ere


. I

Tolls F i^ t Dcgenentioi lito At* tempt to Discredit Adumistra*

tion, Says President.N O T ALL O PPONENTS U N P A T R K fflflK xrpntlve keta Ont laeaBalBteneF B e .

tre rre P la a k e In ■eltlaaor* FlattoxM ■ ed Crgea G ren ier In ifertanen n l n reU rn rien Agnlnat knbetdlea—CH«« F rld a r 'e l.lne-np ne P re e t (kn t Fm 4 T.iIIb ( 'en trav en r D em eeratle D eetrtaa

, folprth i d> ii iv t'v:pc<ieU th a t ll.rmjnh ihiB oc-

!asi much longer

3 ^


Seventeen-year-old Youth Tells How I He Slew Young Woman at I Poland, N. Y.

nf PhvslclahS slid Surgeona In Olla city, to tuiluee them to change their jiiimia. I .... ..udled In tne Oaneral Manorial.'T heir realg tnulons wera maile defln llo " " itp .n lte l for WoWl

for his skitb But. because he Introduced the skill of -he W estern World he won the enmity "( the Ignorant, and his per­mit lu practice was taken away from him last year. After th a t ha was allowed 10 tresl unty ohf employes or personswho ll.'ed on our property and applied , _--------------to him for treatm ent. N otw ithstanding [

‘% ? ' ’siJ^^^r‘‘ w . r a T n T f ' * p ’v * V FOR REVENGF

u f f i f o m "r S » C olle,e"tn I ' ” 7 ,^ - he was graduated from th e College kpei-mi gfeeue of tiie AKFS.1901


ITerm er Asgtiitli’s fiirHier niincmnce m ent th a t he liimkelf would tak e up , gpo,,] Mining Company.

aevrotsry for W nr ' g try k e r accompanied him and has

LTII,'.A. klareh 30. —Full details of a Bworn vodfeselon by eeveiiteen-year-old

COMPLEX PROBEMSTrust Supplement Plan to Admit

Foreign Independents and Curb Alien Monopolies.

P U R P O S E AND M ETH O D DISCUSSEDh'roKi IJIB ffoskifijfloa Barfoa of the g l £A-

ISG \B F S .WASHrNQTON, M arch 39, — rt.pre-

een ta tlve Mcfkiy'a bill to spply the


P. S. Employes Speeding Prelim­inaries that Temporarily Will

Change Lines of Trolley Cars.TO LAY R A ILS IN PA RK PLACE

Work Incident to Mie ru b llc Serviee Railway Com pany's plane for re­rou ting Its tro lley lineB. Is being rijBherl m the cen tre Of the city.

the aloane lloapltal for Woman And flt. y ian i,,! of how he m urdered MIbb j sherm an act to th* Am erican ppirfl- I 'j'w en ty laliorcra s ta rted diggingI Jo e e h h 's Hospital in Yonkere. ^^* 1 * * J * J.lda Beecher a t Poland, near here, were ■ tioiie of foreign t r u s ts o r comblna

■ ago he went to the O rient to eatabliah the. " _ LI-... BWInlAur / *ra¥Mna'nv.

Th« io c lo r #indthe portfo lio ofrpine^ In rratui t of t* snrorlw*!. ffav- with hhii aln'*e.IfiR ;iMnouni:ie<l hi? iiUcntloii to tnk^ Ktryker hav«i two rhlldrcn. fn r*-up the h!fK-e» ii«i ri<‘<’lnrc;T liv w cuhl , leiiers that Mra. S tryker has writien tire Iho r»f ronim nna. here she Uaa tuld of the ^vanlP<l to her and lured her lo a

...LI.,.. ..-..a ' PX’ JudlCe ._„u4 IinAl lonely spot where he ooulfl kill her.a rn t. to ?snvr(o» n,y The youth had expelled frou. the f So fatIu-M dr^mfU'CHlly ^onMnK to Anwrloii for a viaM and Voian.J High School at the InaUiiiije of ; st-ruilnifdiHtnlier :imhl frnn- j jt vvonlil be a grOftt relief to get away ' the toHChar and had told her his parents j The su

li * Ub^nils- tlie Nil* i *.-,-xna fniikH for a brief re?t. I w anted to ta lk w ith her In reiruifi to i iudlclui

given ou t today by D istric t A ttorney : ttoua, huS opened up ft brand new F arre ll | phaEu of iru a t leRlrtlallon. U Is re-

To get revenire on the school teacher. , Rurded eiiually as conipHvated as the whosn pupil he had been, GUninl de- ; o lher aapecta of the tru s t probleru and <’lnred, he persuaded her his paren ts perhaps more d ifficu lt and delicate In

execution, becauaa it b rings In m ai­le rs of In iernatlo tu il concerti.

So far, the McCoy bill ha« not been , ly.ed to any conalderable eXLCtil. bject* has baeu pondered by the i

Y'leii*«R tuy vonat taents to panctfon my perause of Ida modern m ediral w thods. re tu rn .”

T!i(‘ P rem ierwflfUn-fl out o f the .................. , _______ __ „ , .fifv flieer-5 froni tlc* U benils, tlie Nii* j fioji) Coien for a brief rest. I w anted to ta lk w ith her In reRuiri to i jud lclu iy com m ittee o f th« House, but \ conipaiiy lo send tJirough Mulberrytlo n a lia ts ^ud ibe Labor meiuhers, the ' - ----------------- - i his re instatem ent- | Uie bill has not y e t received its ap- [ Paterson. BloumHelrl and Cen

upfobhlfc stenea in Mullwriy street, at St* SuiM’seclIuv w ith Centre and f<i\er s tr re l. th is m orning, preparittory to the layir.R nf curved tracks a t these points

Tr:u-kfi ftt^ ro be laid In Centre street and continued tljtouRh Park place to Hroatl sGept When this work Is com­pleted lAU'vert trnokH will be laid at t\]t in tersection of M ulberry stree t with Marked Rlreet, The conipletion of these f hiiiiges will m ake it possible for llie

w hole body of whom ro?e fo th e ir feel ivnd w s^fd handkerchiefs and paper* as he left.

Mr. Aafiullh linvlna accepted ‘*an ioffice of rirofit" tinder Uw* Prowri, m ust*' ___ ______now re tu rn to hi? constituency of F a s t 1 ^ nioiTiOhls th is m orning ItFife. Ki'ollaufl. fur re*electlon. On the j^oked fn .T- Milton K ennedy, superln-

tendent for Joseph M arrone. the


la*(it h'* recrlserl rp.HIJ ^olesORtilnst the 3,J5rfl of hla l.’ulonlFt np- ponen t.

OvnClon for Premier*

"Thev want to nee you." the youth told Miss Beecher. 'T i l take you to | them."

The girl at first demurred, but finally | consented to accompany him. Near the i outskirts of the village the girl again ob- ' jecled to proceedlhg, and as she turned to ■ go baA'k, CianinI pulled a monkey wrench j from hie pocket, and. it Is ?ald. hit her

, cr the head.

cliygarbage contractor, aa if he had a drivers' strike on Ills hands. By anhour’s talk , however, he induced the J about a dozen blows, which felled

v.-hen P n in 'e r Ape’uKIi entered Ihe ' d rivers to continue th e ir w ork and he A»'n? greeted with a '| th e w a g o n s s ta rted on t he ir roynd two ! Then, according to theirrcKi o'Hliun frmn llje member? on tho hours late. I Olaninl pulled a knife out of hi? pocketmlidM rr’Mt «idc. H-' shortly a f te rv e r j | The difficulty. It la said, w as th a t Ihe , r.nd stabbed hla victim . A fter nullingrope h(?fore Mie-itokmIctI chamber to make | Tnanisters' Union hAs ordered its the body over In the bushes GianlnJ^IiIk iirom if'd statement op the arm y i members not to w ork overtim e. The said th a t he went home, pu t aw ay the

"After fu ll '

provaJ nor has the adm ln istru t Ion yielded '(anction. i t has escaped g e n ­eral notice a t th is time, perhaps, be­cause of the overshadow 'lng Im portance of the toll? issue and because of the dryncfcH of the subject.

Back of the bllh how ever, Is a sil-

i iriil cars, w hich now' go through Broad j ?«l[rcet and dow n M arket s tree t to the I P i.rnsylvaoia sta tlo jii The next work the company plans I !f) s ta r t >s Ihiit on High and W arren j Hreota* U w ill he ?orie time before I nny th lng can be done tow ard the con- 1 Mruction of the terminiil buHding In

ualion that )S In tim ate ly connected [ f’nrk plfite. nccortling lo the atatenicnt. . . I \ ‘ T* n te , 1a n ,,h ll.« l4 ir rw b n A rra r- n f

conlvntioti Is th a t thn con tracto rA'r!.ris. The rr«iulcr sad ;deration, i'lrld Marshul French and | pgi more men to w ork and not

,f.ri.(n(ant i:i. neral Mvvarl ’mW 1 Ills fares overtim e. Mr. Mar-b1.. .J..n U- a.. I.... t I# A V g* J*V f I _ . . -rone, according to Goorge -L Colbv.T. thvT dc3>t; ta I'C. rcHoved of ihelr of-

ficcp. fn the pi'itK* interest. I deeply deplore tin; decision ol these Bsllant of­ficers, sTid I cftnimt sponk too warmly

Brutofuhr.' pf Ibc HhllU.s’. UiyHlly fti»l devotion with whTb they In*''© served the BViite a:.»l the Army and 'v'lll. I hope, ccmltnue to serve."

'I'he rriirie Mlniiiter' pro-'ceded in lell ihe lioupc th a t Folonel Seely hnd iu- formed him to hla great rcgr«'t th a t he felt hound to lake tho mine course hthI

Pusineas agent for tho union, has per- slati-d In w orking h is nion m ore than their regular hours and h as paid them

With her back turmwl, be ; w ith the effo rts to b rin g about I'res ident W ilson’s no tions "The New

i F’reedorn." Thia s itu a tio n sh o w n 'o n e prosecutor, | D em ocratic la r lfr act

Imi. failed to reduce price* a s was cal­culated. U Is a confession that the ta r if f act. In itself, is Im potent to a f ­fect a change and th a t an o th e r c iub— the Sherm an ac t— m ust be wielded ag a in s t the A nieiican ac tiv ities of lor- elgn com binations, p a rticu la rly the

knife, which belonged to h is father, and w'eiu to bed. He said be slept soundly a fte r h iding h is revolver.

H urder C harge -Made.On the affidavit of Branard WMIt.' (German "cartels" or trad e agreem ents

eifilU-^en years old, Glanlni has been ! According to the inan who proposed forinsUy -'barged with murder In the \ ih© bill to Mr. McCoy— Horace Stern.

exira. The men who h av e been doing j di-gree and Is locked up in tlie ’ Philadelphia attorney—there 1* a power this w'ork siiy they have been fineii | ] lerkhner County Jail. "WUl swore th j t | operating againat American consuniers

of John L. O'Toole, publicity m anager of Ihibhc Service. Mr. O’Toole said today i )h> jdAns for tl e have not vetlieeii returned hy the n rch iterts wiio hre lookhig H e r ' over and that, a fte r their .iporo \a l Is ohlaincrl, iiids will be I'e- ceiveij. which will t ik e at least th irty davB bcf< re ih© w ork can be s ta rte d

Mr O'TduIc said furllier that It was not possible lo esUmflle when any of tlie reroiiling work will he flnislied, because of the uncertainty In the delivery of ma­terial. SiTi-h special work as the curved lrav:kB, which are tr» be placed at I'nrk plac© aud BrcRd afreet find a t Mulberry and Market street?, ha? l- be cb-'HI in ona piece, and th e ie are larly three com­panies in the country dohig Htich work,

if there are as many fatmers' wftsonshy th* union ami th ey have refused | Giaiilni flought lo induce him to help in j prevent them from realizing the legit. ____ _____ _____to continue. I the luuriler of MIm Beecher and aag- j [.nate benefila of the new ta riff ac t; that ! Mnlherry atreet wi[cn the Paierson

■i'udiiy Mr. Kennedy lalVed to the men. j gested they \ power i« the foreign comblnationB Im- I Kloomfleld and I'entral car., run tlirmighHe told Ihem they could atrllte whenever they saw fit and th a t he could fill thejr

lesign Iron, the Secretaryship for War. j nia, es any time from New York. He Mr A.^[|Uith il’- 'n aprang Ills sensation j declined to commit hlinself on the nnes-

on llie lloiiBc. He eald: ' t.on of overtime. 'The men decided lo"In the clrouinatoneeji, end after much , work hut declared they would meet tu-

eonslderatlcu, T have felt it iny duly lo I lo ronsider the qneetion.aasum* Hie uffh-e of Secretary of S late i There la a "Plrlt “ f unreal among tho for Wor. alllKUigh I have taken the step ■ m m tjecauae of Mr. Colby's recent action, ^jfilv with the Kreetv‘8l rrlPcLAiu’e in w hat | ijg deposed Albert ftlnul a? steward of1 believe Ui he a great nubile e m c r - ' ■ ■■ ------«ency."

Tliat tli« P rtm lc rs aiinuun-jemant was

! that thoronshfnf© aa !h<*r?i w?i#i this arrioi'? congeatloih oo-.ild

result than ’? now' th^ case on Hroud

(Continued un 2d pitgo. 0th column.)


President Tells Her He Will Re­store Her Position if He


lueal .No. -3- and appointed Michael Wllliama. rfltiulB of Kiccl are up in arm s over the change und inalst that RiecI be reluBUtetl. ______


Six peraons were eiinlfGn up and in­jured when at, autninoblle. avoiding an­other car going In th e opposite d irec­tion, turned over In St. G eorge avenue. I.lnden, yesterday afternoon . The auto la owned and waa opera ted by "TlllBin Resh a real e s ta te dealer, of 62R Be!-

I mont avenue, hi it w ith him were hla I wife, hla flva-year-old son and Daniel,

David and .Marlon G oldateln. brothera ' and slater o t Ills wife, a ll liv ing a t 1165 ' W ashington avenue. New York.

Reeh. Daniel and M arlon Goldstein were Injured the w orat. The others suffered from brulaea. M arlon Goldetein

I was taken to th e G enera l Hoapllal In Ellaabeth with her legtfcadlj^ swollen.

Btore a t Poland. W ilt refused to be led | raw m aterial Into thla countryinto Ihe alleged plot. , ] against which there is no American j ,„o,.nlng, more arrio i's congeetloh co-.ild

\Vhat Is regarded the most Im portant I t , T h , „ combinations, j , . I a-piece of evidence so fa t obtained by Dls- | j.j^res Mr. Stern, have not lowered the |

1 Price of H‘r ir goefs In proportion to the p„,,|i^ |ai„„.pr,= B.e also work-reduced ta r iff diitJe*, but, on th* con- l l.yons M\enu? wcHt inward nvr(??nirary, have kepi up th e ir old prices. They j order lh a l th r ‘ ‘llftori line mayfirab. for their own profit, the money tliro*ifth Hrriren alreet in t,von? a%p-thHt they formerly pftid Into our treaaury ] f:il7:*bffiti HVfatiutj and on IJ-iKmfor import duties, so thu t our govern- I air©t>t nouth from Rm ner ■©treet Theyinent not only loses th* pevenu*. but our

wrench with which Glanlni Is alleged to have beaten Mias Beecher over the head thirteen times. Glanlni admitted having carried the wrench In an Inside pocket and further toUl the District Attorney that he had thrown It lo th* ground ‘To the left of the road on top of the hill.’’

This Is near the spot where the body was found, and aa soon as Glanlni made the admlBSion, Mr. Farrell drov* to the spot and found th© wrench a few feet from where the body of Miss Beechar waa discovered.

The whole county is excited over the murder There was a th re a te n Polapd last night to lynch Glaninh and a crowd was appeal«<l to by Rov. Wllllani A. Beecher of Sennett* the murdered woman's father, who. with tears In his

citizens fall to reap any advantage.T a riff Cut Offset.

Mr. Stern Is counsel for some textile manufaclurera and their experience since the new tariff went Into effect Is a case In point. I'hese m anufacturers m ust ob­tain- their silk yarns from Europe be­cause It Is not produced In ,th is country. Under the Underwood act. the duty was reduced frorn 38 to 3D per cent.'^ Tst, since then, the price of these yarns

7v*V begged the men to let the law U ke | which are spun In France and Germany, n iirse tw enty-five per cent.

Olanml's cell In Hie Herkimer County "Even allowing fo r some increase be- i»ii Is the same cell a* th a t occupied by^ enbe® o ' natural conditions and tradejail IS m e » e„.*«l. .a h i . I lf . In

Bprcinl .Cnrlir of lAc Vh'H’N.WASHINGTON, .March 30,—Presi ................. -

dent W ilaon will rcatoro to Mlae Alattie 1 U fj|7 '’iTiid hIs b ro th e r- tn -law w ere sent I t T yler, th e aged g ran d -d au g h te r o f I g ihabelh 'B H oapllal. also In Klls- ;fo rm er F rcsb lciit Tyler, h e r ?«u(>-a- 1 , ’j-|,e th ree w en t home In taxi- Iyear poetofflce Job a t Courtlam l, Va„ | 'after th e ir .hu rts had been treated.- if he can find some way Icgnliy to do l ^ had six a tltches pu t In hie hand I BO. He porecnnlly told Mies T y le r th ie 1 . cut on the face and ear. |foday. Tho obstacle in the way le B. j uoWeteln w as cu t on the fore- (A. W llliim e. who has a lready been I h i. hip and leg were m issioned poatinaeter. \ The Ilesh auto, a flve-paeeenger-car.

Miss Tyler this afternoon told the ] wrecked. The ow ner made ar- Presldemt th a t there had_ been no co m -, ....n^enients with a g a ra g e ow ner to rejilatnt about her worltj "But they wanted tne Job for a man who had a vole." »dd- e-t Mies Tyler, "and so I.had to go."

CLUE IN MISSING BOY CASE ’ LEADS TO BRIDGEPORT, PA.S ffiia l 8*n’ire of file .VJ.'irg,,

PH ILADELPHIA, March 30.— Detec- Itree are today'm aklnif a search' In and iwar Bridkeoort. 'P a., for the covered w agon. in which. It Is thought. Wanwn McCarrick. the aeven-year-old boy. who haa been miaaing fur 4ghteen daye. was taken froth h!s home.

M arch has already been made of Bar- badoee Island, which fee In the Schuyl­kill River, between Bridgeport and Nor- rietdwn. w h ^ . It te thought, th e boy waa Been running • up and down ehortly a f te r the covered wagon had paesed B ridgeport • A bay's footprints wera

-1 found, but. no other traooe jset* dleeav- eted. - ■ -■ ’

move It from the ro a d .____

MORE RAIN PR ED IC TEDLneettled weather tonight end tomor­

row probably warmer, with showere and vari'abts winds, Is the official forecast.

Thia morning a t 'J o’clock the tempera­ture am* S3 degrees, a t 7 o'c'o«h jl « •" ,35 and kt.OOOn s«- The humidity at noon #M too per cent., a t i o clock It was 70iper,Kent. The wind a t noon blew (rom th* eoutheaet a t tho d a te ot six miles an hour and until th a t time .08 of a n Inch of rain had fallen.

Yesterday the highoet tem perature wae 45 degreeu ami tha loweat 85 degree!. The average i'a* 88.7. The humidity aver­aged 80 por cent., varying between, lou and 70. " ‘i“* '’•O* “ tnaxiroumot eight miles an hour out of the eouth­eaet. T h en wee a Irae* o f rain.

-One year ago today th e maximum Use- neratura was 8t. th e . minimum » and tbs avertg s *1,!. The day was oioudy.

Cheater Gillette, who forfeited hla life In the electric chair for the m urder ot Grace

^^'fh^body of Miss Beecher wse taken to aennett N Y„ today to r burial lomor- r o T L fo re leaving, Mr. Beecher called on the fa ther of young Glanlni and .offer- c3 aympathy. The elder Glanlni said that K hie eon Is guilty he would rather etand in Mr. Beecher e place than hie own.

The aged clergvmen then vIsUed young Glanlni In hla cell, and taking hie hand. Held- "Thle Is a tad. sad affair, young man." The youth made no answer. ^


The preliminary work of repaving Broad street v a s continued today, despite the appllcetlon of former Judge Algernon T Sweeney tor a w rit of certiorari lo review the award of the contract to the Newark Paving Company, City Attorney Frank E. Bradner said today the city had no Intention of o rderli* the work etopped. although Judge Sweeney has de­clared th a t If the work were continued It would tie "a t the city a risk.

Hugh p . Gilligan, president ot the Newerk Paving Company, also aaJd that the application for the writ would not h»ll tho work BO ta r as he was con- Mriied At present Gllllgan'i laborers im engaged ehtefly In IneUdllng new ^ ;« e r h Z « along Broad rim e t a t Ua mtaraectlons with aide e t«ets . The ISik lM .01 wood block for the ihorough-

m due to e ta rt Wednoeday a t t l» Mobile plant of the Republic CreoeoUng CJotnjAliy- ■ '• ______ _ ^

rhr) pAJt "ChrtiU*'. ta Kinney U * Martmt •*.—

iir^ paving Yiintw(‘t'n llif* IrarU? on llmv- .thotn* av?nu*.

If tl»* weallKT tfl fA\orabi? L-jinornii ', work will Rtart iri levins tcHck? atRrrffcn Ptrt^ei anri t'lintnft avenup. and ti 1( pjcpectPd that th© Market-Mulhppry glTP*t Piirve win hp laid nnxt Saturday at mldniffht. Th* layifiji of fifty fppl of irai’k on South FiKhtPenih 8li>et north of rlin ton avpnii© wa? r-omplpted Friday.


j NKW YORK. .March 3fl.—.tn cau te of 1 825 ni'ii.rlKI. which haa bern In Inisl for 1 forty years, aloce the desUi of .Tohn ! t 'a rlcr Brtia’n ot Providence In 1S71, Is I sniin in he'releascd io the heirs following

“ ' This

HI lion ilic m a l will

illiin wil-i 111 fii'st cxpecled., The i-hsnyc in Ihe poailloii -if Use pruse- 1 ,'utor ri-gardlng evidence followed objec-

lh>ns hy Mr, liclsley to teallmony of a prlsale ilcte.tlve th a t be had seen n liniiiknn svuman carried from the hotel.

I Mr llelslej' said the lestlmony should he ! leBlrlcled to such m atters as woiilii lend I tu prove' the allegalloii as to the rooms.1 " hen -Mr. Hobd asked perm ission ofI the court to aineml his aUind, .Mr.I Heisley objected on (he ground tlial Iib 1 was uiipieiiared lo uppoBe evidence of

tho kind tho proBociitur wanted lo put In. The I'liurt exam ined the liidlctm enl and..................I th a t l( covered Biicb innUemas Ml', Hood proposed to prove and, for I liar reason, llie proeecuior was w ithin his righlB

W ith Mr. Heisley still oiijectliig. .Mr. Hood explained lh a t the extra two da> s woulil give M uuaert's lawyer tim e to gel an.i e x tra wllneBBea he m ight dc- s irr

.Mr. tleisle,v hap been In the eese out a few weeks, Hiking up the defense Bh.irllv a f te r I'Tuiik Bradner. who de­fended .Miiuserl a t ihe Iasi tria l, was appointed city a tto rney , the la tte r vol- iiiitarlH w lthdi'aw lng.

Thom as Maler of the proaecutor's detective etaff, look th e stand as the f irs t wltnoBB for tho Btete, a f to r tliB defense adm itted th a t M ausert was the proprieto r. He repeated testim ony as to hla p a r t In a raid on (he Broad, Al- fred J. H argan , ano ther county d e tec ­tive. who docs sgeclal work fo r P ro se ­cutor Hood, Is assis tin g the la tte r a t Ih© tria l.

It became apparen t aliurtly After the it la l s ta r te d (hat there will lie much teetlnioriy as to en tries in ihe rogleter of the hotel At the Hrst tr ia l M organ took severa l hours going ovor the hotel books, and it Is understood th a t these and many more records there will he b ro u g h t to Ihe Ju ry 's a t ­tention.

T hat the flglit by Ihe defeneo w ill be h itte r w as also lndlcate(J by ohjec- tlone m ade by Mr. Heisley, One of hie a rg u m en ts ag a in s t evldsnce In tro ­duced by the prosecutor was haesd on the C onetttu tlone o t the United S la te ! and of th e m a le of New Jeresy . Mr. Heleley eBtabllshed th a t the ra id ing party had ouly p. w arran t for the a r ­rest of th ree men. He based eeveral objections on th a t tact, in all of which Judge Osborne ruled against him.

Says H eg le te ' KeldeiH-* I'aetesB, T hrough Anthony Bishop, a fo rm er

b a rten d er a t MhUSerfe place, the p ro s­ecutor so ugh t to establish th a t two books show n the w itness w ere tha hotel re g is te rs Mr. Helaley's firs t objection w as haeed on the theory th a t the books were useless as evidence un ­less it coulil lie sbuwTi th a t M ausert supervised Bishop's handling of the books.

Then Mr. Heisley declared th a t Hie defendan t's r ig h ts aa a citizen w eie violated in th a t the S tale and federal coTistitutlons provided th a t no iiereon could be subjected to any unreasonable seizures, and th a t any man ta k in g (iii- othoi-'s p roperty can only do so when provided w ith a w arran t. On th a t basis counsel contended th a t the books were Illegally and Improperly taken from the hotel and therefore should not be used a s evidence ugainsl the de- ffliidanl.

P rosecu tor Hood made no reply lo -Mr. Ileialoy 's argum ent.

l-'ollowlng Detective Meyer on the H(aiid w ere Thief l■’^Bde^lck Weltner, also of llie p rosecuinr's detective s ta ff ; Probation Officer John J. Gascoyne, Mr Mnrgan and Mr. Bishop, They gave teRtimony aa to the raid and m atte rs of m inor Im portance which form ed tho p relim inaries of tho trial.

An Ir ie s l ig a tlo n Into M auaert's pmeo was s.tarted on Ja nuary 1. 1913. by the tlien P rosecu tor W llbnr A. Mntl. who is now a s s is ta n t to Pi-oseciilnr Hood. It w as April 2«, a f te r Mr. Ilmvl he^ came prosecutor, th a t the Biond was

’ "M ausert was convlcled, 1’!“' nf Krrors and .Appeals set aside thW-vef ilh't. hasitig Its artlon on an taken to a part of the simplom«"tary charge to the Juw hy ■I'"*''*

Judge Oaborne - hinged th a t Mausert ahouhf have known whst was a t the hotel, and tlm upper couit hold that t h a t was a matter tor th . Jury lo d e t.r-

There wars l"«.. wiVh Ihe Broad Hotel-cOeorgs Briggs and M-.rilB W illn er-b u t Ihey have not been tried.

iht ITiJjrAitifltiw BurfflU of-A*

^V.^H^rlNaTO^^ Mareh 30.—Pr«iid*n< Wllm»h Afftitn gave vole* to th* oplnlefi today that th* Panama tolls atrufgl* h*4 lieen uelapd upon aa an attem pt U dia* credit th© Administration. II* dsciartd II a pity Otat dlaouasion ot public m a tttfl ' should Rave deKonerated in tbl* faebtcp* but affirmed hi* bellsf th a t It itiad* th* result till tu« mor* certain. ^

The Preaidnnt does not c h tr i* all th i opponent? of free toll* with a stnlaUi^ live Ctn the conlrarn’. b* knoifs that many of the men oppoalnj hliift af* lion**t and, patriutle In their decision, but thtri^ attem pt lu make the flKht on It* m erit! has been overshadowed by th* clamei aroused by those who de*1r* to humUlet# the PreHfdent

In answ er (o a question today a* to w hether he would say anythlnff to Uv* Hlatpment th a t h« had made a "d**i‘* w ith a ir William Tyrrell. aecreU ry to Lord Grey, P rlilsh Foreign Mlnl*t*r» the Proaldent said:

"Of course th a t ausw era Uself. I t to jiisl the crownlnp Insult of a lUimb^T of Insults which have been lnlroduc*4 inin th is debate.

"Thla whole th ln a rem inds m* of ft sto ry 1 used to be fond of le llln s of ft very effective debater—1 need not Sftf where thia happened—-who sen t ft challeiiK* to debate down in to ft county # very hostile lo him. The peopl* down there did not lltte the Job very ntticM* but they pul up tlie man they Uk*4 best—tho mai] who was generaUy put up on such occasions, a *rr*ftt bill hunky fellow whom they calUd

"The challeutfef was given th* lirftt hour of the two hours a llo tted to tiM debate, and ho hadn 't got mor* thftli ha lf w ay th rough hie speech wb*D tl booamo evident th a t h* w as couvlnc- Ing the audience. Thon one of Toii>*! p a rllsan a In the back room cried o u |t

"Tom. Tom. call him a l i s t and niftW* it a fight."

"That Ih the stage which th is ftgllt has reached." said the I 'resldetlt l*y w ay of comment. jsj,

Cnatr«M(a T laak.Tlie iTesSdcnt directed attontIdO tft

his analysis of ih* HalMmore p lf ttfo i^ us aliowlJig an Inconsistency b«tw**|l the p lank ngalnst ship subsldl*! fttid th a t fRvortiig free loll*- I f wftf hard lo tell, he affirmed, w hich WftS the m ore Im portatit. F or one hundred years o r more, th* party has been nn* A lterably opposed to any k ind o t Itito- sldy. Us position on the queatlon WftV histo ric arid the Daltim ore GOav*atl(Hl re ite ra ted I t

As he viewed it. th e Issue pressntad w ill be w hether an Iniinftlurely coa* sidiired plan favoHtig fvs* toll* subsidy—should be prefe rred to fixed policy of Ihe party ag a in s t sid les In any form.

rsn am a tolls were utterly lncM> sistent with DemucratJc doctrine, said th* president, and the proof of th a t fact vae found In the line-up of Democrats is Fri» day's rob call.

S o expression wae forthcoming ‘ from the Prealdenl a? to the attitude oE [Speaker Clark. Wilson's frlenda hftvft gune as far a* to say tliat th* attem pt 0 discredit the administration did not net* wholly from Bepuhlleans o r Bull Moose source*, but the PresldUfkt nuiks! no comment on this phase ot the coatfO- v*riy. .

'L*>i© rresldejil entertains ao fears M t® j til© outcome of his iwalllon. He beU av^ that Ihe result In Congress ts alrewiF dJscuunted, while adm lnlstralioa ’trom the country credit tho bulk; of publw opinion with HUsUlnlng his stand.

f t i i : agvw

another family alarmedBY EXPLOSION ON DOORSTEP


demand," says Mr. Stern, "we are met with the feet th a t th is article costs mar* merely because the foreign exporters hav* combined and arb itra rily raised th«price. That tn .s t le an Internetlonal , ,ipne.l hy Justi-.'s IVeeks,Gust. mede up of the Gerinen trust, the I Frank tV. Maltesoa, theFrench syndicate, the Ita lian syndicate and the English syndicate. Th«y keep up the price for export to the Cntted States. So m atter w hat w* mak* ocir ta r iff duties, no m atter how much we lower them, If the cost of these articles is to remain the sam e In this country, we are a t the m ercy of these foreign combinations."

9o much for the conditions th a t gav* rise to Mr. Htcrn'a suggestion to make thes* comblnatiORS doing business in America amenable to the Sherman act. Her* is the remedy, as proposed by Stern:

" I t stands to reason th a t the Sherman act, a s It now reads, cannot touch this situation. How are you going to ^ e t a t th a t through the Sherm an act? The Sherman act was made to dissolve trusts. Can we dissolve # foreign trust? Can you e«y to a foreign trust. 'You ceniml Import your goods Into thle country un- leee you are dissolved?’ T hat (vouid be poor eatisfactlon to ue, becanae w« want their goods, and need the ir goods. But no t only that, ho(*' #ould you get eer vice ot) these foreign tru sts? Bupposs tney hove an agent going all through the tihitad States sol letting orders and selting UM r goods: can w* get service on him? And It we do get service on him, 'would H bo atfectlve? Can wo m ate any .«r fectlYO decree against a large tru st li Gennaiiy by getting esrvlee merely (?; some traveling saloaroan or drummer go­ing through ibo United BUtee, or even

I'tn tho men Watch Klnne; A^erUetm eBL

tr't.iec to go forward with the ionp-de- iaved d istribution .

A la rye portion of the fortunr of John Carter Tirown, founder of Br^wn I'nl- verslty at Providence, will go to .loim Nicholas Brown, his grandson, now four­teen yearn old. Thla hoy's father, att- olluT .Inhn Nicholas Brown, died a few daya after Ina hirth and left him a large estate.

Thle. i-ninhihcd with another fortune hequcalhtiil to the tsd by his nneie, lla r- nld Brow'll, nw iunted to more than Itfl,- (iOn.OiiO. With his siisre of his grand­father's estate he will be probably the "weaUhlaat“fourtecn-year-old boy" In the United m ates. The boy's mother was MIks Natalie Dresser, a slater of Mra. George Vanderbilt.

c o u r t ' c a l l s t h i s w e e kThorn will be no Supreme Court C ir­

cuit cBuaaa tried th is week. It Is the - f la o t week of the tsrin and Judge -Adame

will en te rta in moUtma only. The next term of co u rt opens April 7.

Tho call fo r the C ircuit C ourt tom or­row will he Noe. 874. 413, 411, 416. 418, 417. 418. 377 and 419,

'n ie cBsee o be called th e rest o t the n week will he Noe. 4SI, 422, 423. 424, 425, d , 428, 427. 428. 438. 420. 431. 432, 433. 484.

488. 437. 488, 438, 440, 442,-143. 448. 147, 448, 460, 461, 482. 468. 464. 466. 420.

(CO [ 78d peg(J*8th coluiim.)

Rubeeeld nwfing -e^Lsisw g I4<iultr, Sardwers, f t lUrket et-

W feu* t* T ak e Imwcl. drink th* heel Ainorte#

M. I . Dewey U -jldvtrU ieiiw .aad drink th* Msl .t'l!!"!™”,,.I t l . Dewey t fk>ne Oe.. 138 rulten Bt.. H. T.

bomb soar# following does uno[i ttie whirl] haa occupied the attention of the police "Inno Saturday n n-nin.; when the home of Anthony De nniLHa coonlv detsetive, a t 149 Seventh avenue, was damaged by an expiQilon, oi’('iirrpd early yeatorriay- Some one nff w hat the police believe was a gla|nt fir«-]TBcUer on the duoralep of I el lx .Mancosl, 96 Bruen street No damage was done, but the report startled the neighborhood and cenacd Mancual end the members of hla family alarm.

The Thlni rreeinct police who Invee- tineted the caes, believe th a t th e fire cracker was homemade and th a t who­ever se t It off did not expect to have It do any daitias*-

It was about 1:30 o'clock in the morn- log when the explosion woe heard. The members of the family were awakened by the noise which accompanied shaking of the house, hut they were not startled a t the time. Living close to the railroad, they believed th a t a paealng trafn wae reepunslble for the tremor ot tlie build­ing and the report of tho exploalon vtaa not very lend.

Beverel hours later, however, when the family got up, Mancuel'a mother said th a t she feared aorae one had tried to blow up the house. An InveatigoHon was made and on Uie atone itoop In front of the building was found a s^mall heap of ahattered paper such aS m li^ t bo used for wadding In a cannon and the smell of gunpowder could lie detected. -I'here were also powder m arks on th e .

**T*he police are w orking on the theory th a t the alleged bomb planted la s t week In the doorw ay of the De R oga tls home ■wae placed there by lonie one w ho has a nereonal grievance ag a in s t the officer. C o n ta in Cordano sta ted today th a t from the re su lt of the explosion It looks as If th e "bomb" waa a g ian t t l re c ra ^ ^ r .

y.el«ya 8h#t a t la Spata.MADRID. Merch 30.—A dispatch] re ­

ceived here from B arcelona say s th a t an uneuimeaelul a ttem pt woe eaade yea- t#f..lay to shoot Jose -flantoe SSelayo, fo rm er Ffeeldetit of N lcaregne, » t Cuea T o rrie , w here Zclgya Uyea.


From thf Wanftinyluu Uurcau of llu S F fJf- IM i ^FWH.

WAJ^HINGTON. March 30.-^B sprft* aenlnllv© Allan H.'IA’ftlil) ot Trentftit tWS Hft^rnaon entered Ihp House dsl>at* on th f toil? ^ Ith u defense of F'rcsidertt H«n. Mr. WhIsIi wftJi the firs t Jcrseymiiil lu be hoHid on toll?.

Tb<* rotisreimman altecked thos* of th* free tolls cro-wd. hnv* uftst ftspst-slnn? on I'rvflldcnl Wiltion. H* chftTftctSr* iKOd tiiem 'VAlamlty howlers and fatoi rriil*:©" and likenvd Ihelr allcgatloi^s to t\iv "chiiUeriiiii Tnn^ple*.“

" It WAS my orijrinal Intention,* ■tid WalBh. "to occupy tii? position of t n ftt^ tentIVG li?tencr-"^ft student of the m ftttfP / uiider coiislderflitloi’ eeeking InPormatldfi’- to jifuld* my ovn a ttion when th* tin** I’ome? fur cAfilini? my voi©. But since th* diacuBSlim ha? T«a4'iv«d itself to a extent Into cr1tlci?m r.f en Indlvlduelt I f©*! In duly bound to enter Into th* ds- hat*. because th© indi\'ldual h*.ppcns to be my most di.TltnRulflhed confitituent—Ah*

(Continued on -d t s t columhal


Janies Fee of Parsippany, Formerly of Pine Brook, Has Severe


County phvatflan MrKende will per­form ao autopsy thle afternoon, a t Hul­lin'* morgue. In W ashington s tre e t on tha Lody of James Fee, fifty-three yeeT| old. a rarinhand of Parsippany, who waa foimrt ilead yesterday morning i« ap alleyway alongside of the Newark Reel Company's building, a t -8 lAckawanilk aienue. The doctor thinks a severe cut on the back ot the dead man'e head w** received In a fall. There ere n(i eue- pictoua vin-umstancee which would In­dicate aasault. ,

Fee was Wenllfled through the effort* of I'tctei'tlvea Keogh and Daly of p o ll^ hcodiiuarlrra, who Inveatlgatod the de*t«. I’apcra found In tho victim’s p ( ^ ( * brought them In touch with Daniel Fee of Caldwell, eon of the dead man, and t e catne to the morgue and Identified t t ebody. _ . .

Fee wae born ;n Pin* Brook and UyM there moat of his life. Until two ™ n ^ ago he was stable boas for WUteW TV hitcher of Boeeland avenue, beiir* Fells when he left to take a posllkm oo a stock farm In Parelppany. F ^ * M m arried and hla v,lts UvM In thl*A letter from her. dated last NovejnbW, wae in his pocket. I t referred to trpubte' w ithout mentioning what It *A-plained .he was not feeling well ^ r « - quested him to write when ho w a il t^ to

"**B0ridee hie wife and eo«». F te la. atl|w- vlved by a married sietor. . ■,

Tho ’ funeral of F*« «<*•Wednesday morning from 8 t. Aloyetua* Catholic Church, CaWwell. iJ . McEnery will otflclale and birrirt Will be in alt. Hebron (jbnietery. MontBIktr. c-

Are Yon Sbopptkg te T ry Lmweh a t N aaltte tie rd ee—jW e.

s e r i a l O rle-te t




Passage of Bank Stock T u May d ear tkc Way for All U gislatim


i'S?10 r . v c r s e liln fo r n i t r m-lloii o<i q u tn t lon of tol l* exem ption (ioiie BO In th e very teatli of J-’’*

ytuenibty committee lubetlU te on , o f .T l i l r le i i i . which he inuei eve on....... euch nctlon wouhi aroiiee

H off Tormiponifre'rTlJKNTgN, March 30.>—W ith final' ac.

tlon ln the Houee on the pendlntc bill to t ax t a n k Btoek to be taken probab ly lo- niiint, ami the paabiue In th e Senate of £ha / tu en ib ty committee lu b a t lU le on Tueaday or Wedncaday. praetl ra ! jeum inen t of the LeglBlature aoema like­ly t e come next Tliuraday, -tpril <*'* da te 'let In the Senate conMirfent resolu­tion. which la awallink action by the Aaaetnbly.

Thte doe i not mean tha t the Le»la1a- t u r e will adjourn sine die tiiia iveek. for the-Haneral . the aupptemenlary and the Incidental approprlatlona will n o t be au complete by tha t time. receee of a weak; from T hurH ay will have to be

T h is B ank’s E n d e a v o ris to aatisty *11 classes of business people: by welcom-

of small capital equally with th»ine the business man . . . -------- . ■ - _® of larger resources; by paying interest on check-mantng accounts; by loaning money to deserbing enter

prfses: by extending financial service of all kinds.

Essex Counly National ICapiUl and Surplus,

Bank of Newarks . $ 2 ,6 5 0 ,0 0 0

Safe Deposit Vaults of newest safeguards and boxes of liberal dimenaioiw. «5 per year and upward-

n C i n G D C A P r i t ^ r P A Iim il SIIFBACISTS. EWBARMSSTO W S M U S MBI FiELUcK oAKlAolll of dandy oglers, give v r their n R s ts n iE E tr u tA D EON NUGENT‘SHIFTS’ PARIS. M arch SO.-—P a i ia la n l u f f r a f

lata’ f l r i t attannpt a t a a trea t p a ra d e yea la rday “ w ant by lha b o a r d a " w hen th a

a • n __i L a pa r l l c lp a o t i alraply couldn 't lu b d u e tha lfGovernor Agnm Ueoounces Uie ' bluah«i anu wen nrjven to n u t by Jhe

« a a U_

t a k u to permit the approprlutlcmi com ­m it tee to complete III labiirB

"W e have nlvjut forty hmira of work hafere u* yet." lald I iiiemhcr of the Aaeambly approprlwIlona coirttnlllee to-

, day.. . Korty liourH uf work meena uhfiiit tan daya. Iiirjuding today, fo r the rom- Ihltteea of the llbiiie and .Senate cannot inAel under the rulca while the chainbera a r« ffi eesalon.

T h e re ‘la a queallon aa to w h e th e r th e Sena te will w an t to a i lhe re to the prevlploiia of a ru le a d o p ted e a r l i e r r e q u i r in g tha t the a p p ro p r ia t io n hllla be on th e Kenalora’ deak a t leant a w e e k before they a re f in a l ly (onald- ered. T h e Republ lcuna would l ike to aee thie ; and hbpe to e m b a r ra e a the ma- Jo f t ty by an open dlacuBalon of the prsv ia lona of the bin t h a t would na t- iirmlly b r in g Into p lay th e a t ro n g e a t k ind o f a lobby, a t C h a i rm an Henneany o f the oommit tee haa p re d ic te d the re w il l be a cu t t in g down In a l l d e p a r i - man't appropria tlone.

n e e i e r e ot a New Cabal.In -the mean time In le ree t a m o n g the

■lembera la centred In the a c t io n th a t Is t o be t a k e n In the H ouse th i s even ing on th e b i n k tax blit, Liovernor Vielder. M ajo r i ty I Hraiiegati a n d ABaam'- b l v m t n Dabblnet, wbo la hamiUnff tha

"Kor rrty p a r t ! luivo not Hip ullRnt r e t h e s i t a t io n Iti Buying tt***- “ Vart f rom rny ow n read in g of th e Ireal.v cluiiBe In iiue.Bllon; ap a r t from my Hliidy of th e le n g th y dchale upon t In ISIS; . ipar t from the a rgun ien ln nd- canced by dlBUngoluned apenkera d u r in g th e p re sen t de ta tn , title very chniiKe of r l t . l u d e ly the T-reaMent, s ince he h e i a m e I' riBlnenl, torniB to r me an ad d i t io n a l an.l a nioBi powei-rnl a r g u m e n t , In /lucncmK me tn favo r the r. 'penl of, th e cxcnMiibni l.iw wlili my iil.iil lit eiine ami uiv lOiiB-’n i ice a t res t I be lieve tint' p a ” >' p b i l fn rm s and p a n ix a n po lU bv ehm.ld nnl ex- te r i l iiey >tid the hoot dHry linen of o u r (o ii ii tfv ind th a t , at* I 'lealrteni of the I 'n l ied Riatca, he h a t had avem iea of In fo rm a l lon and Knowledge otiened up to h im concern ing im portn ii t, f a r reach ing , d e l ic a te nm1 ii icehnary in- te rna l lon i i l le l j l lm iB which p rev ious ly to a g r r a l e x te n t It,’o' h ten an a cloned book,"

lioremiiB llrglnB.Ftepreiontatlve Iioremos, ih a i rm an of

the Democrat ic ( 'onkrreelooal committee, led off th e f ight on rrpealln* the P an am a lollB exemption In the llooae today. It was the th ird day of drhale nii the t|uea-

F.xpreesing reg re t t h a t ho dlffere il « l t h t h e PreslUftnt, he dBclared th a t CJr«at R r l t a ln had aduiUted the Amerl* rn n r l d h t to e^em pi coa i lw iif t t r a d * i ro m to ll t.

" I f we c an n o t g ra n t free t r a n s i t to ou r s h ip s t h r o u g h the canal, " he said. "Its bene f t ia will accrue to Kngla iid an d no t to ourBelvea."

He dec la red t h a t the C arneg ie Peace

eitiiailoti In their moet In t im a te relationIII rfii'h .

■•IUb there been a trad e . he aflked^ •■Is Ihe Panama Canal Hte price for the c-liTiilnH\lT'fi uf lluerlB ? ^ , i- thm

“An apparen t « r ro r ot j u d g m e n t In the handlln); 'of f'V Mexican «lt"atlonKjjnwlahd i’onnluded, “ h«B nc<’ehBUatoa

latitat move, or a t leebl the Presl- re.-onl edrlrese to Conpreep po in-

cii.Alet The moat c h a r i t a b l e thing to xay Ih th a t the Trepldenl h M been im- jKi.^ed upon."

_ - 1 f t !■ a U ' p i l in g of ve .l lenu of lha p a n d y lypa. r n aBoss tod rrcuicts m vto l ' imllea. callent ipeachae and boTra of the‘ dandlce eo overwheim ad th e denaonetra*

tore t h a t the police finally to ok a hand and eeA’orlcd the paradera to a hall, where th ey made apeechee to each o the r .

An ela1)ora.te dem onatra t lon In th a way nf atpeet p a fe a n t had been ecpectedi T here Imd been alm oat ondTeas public ity given the a ffa ir , but U w as flo »en»A-

, I tionally ndvertlaed th a t m a n y of th e auf-^ I t h a n fragia ia loet the ir nerve a t t h e eleventh

Control An Essex DemocrikDOUBTS “ OWNERSHIP” OF SOLONS

Et^tf i'orrfupoHdtnff■ntENTON, M a n h ........................ ...............

preBsloD of confidence hi The aiivceae of ; hour and did not ap p ea r In th e lice of the hank Block tax bill, a o ' r r n o r P1»lder, march

W ltco n s ln . p ra i ld e d to d ay , and th e ap eakera on th e p r o g r a m WSPO P a t t l e R ja e o b a o f B l r m la g h a m . Ala., and Mrs. J e s s i e H a r d y S tu b b s o f W ash -

'" fn ^ a 'ap ac la l e le c t io n to d p y P « s Molnea w om en vo ted on a p ro p o s i t io n fo r mu- nlclpa! owvierahlp of th e w a t e r w o r k s system. M any o f t h e v lsUora “ 'd«d th e i r c o -w o rk e ra In D ee Moines to g e t o u t the fem ale vo te rs .

Dr. Am elia K e l l e r o l In d lanapoU a ou t l ined th e p ro g reaa o f th e s u f f r a g e m ovem en t in I n d i a n a a n d o th e r dele- d a te s r ep o r ted fo r t h e i r a t a t e e Oen- c ra l dlBcurislon of t h e s i t u a t i o n w a s led by Mrs. K a r r l« t t T a y lo r U p to n of W ar-

a n a Ml88 Affne t E y a n of


Bittie i t Torreon Beliefed to Be Still Id Progress, win Gty

H irdP rem d.


Ign-tilnff th e Latest on hirn byJaiTiea n . Nugent, dell^ 'r ed nnolher Urfadside a t th e NevvarR coi^riacl to- day

l.jcrlarlng th a t a\1r. N'*K^nt Hernhlymhn Godrr«y of thr- Republican minority are acting In cimcert to Ptave off action on hill until final ad jou rn ­ment of the leeglilftlurr. Ihv* Governor placed Mr. N ugen t "ii the aide o ' thoia

French womeri auffrair li la a r e re|X>rla4 tft be more conaervallve t h a n the i r Brit* iFih eletcre In the cauae of "b il le ta pone Icp femmoa.” or anmeth lng like th a t , an4 tbn reaiilt was th a t Iho Inf luent ia l one* ffow!icd on th e plan fo r a pa rade .

Conaequent ty only th i r t y women ap­peared to taka pe r t In the parade. But th e work of the oglera, w ho expfeaaed themaelvea In aucU allurlnir t e rm a aa “ M« pati te ." “A mol, m a A?herle.“ and even the____ II.^e _____ 1, ••Allaw vrqiia.tan '*^rBons who d V ^ the banks o f , ungallant remark ot "Alle* voua-.n,"

K ^ t e to s u n d an equal share of the preyed too much end • broke up the tax burdeiw. , \ t the same time ihe Governor, Indulging In some «arcasm. ex- pressed doubt th a t the KtS'X leader would

u I.. command the votes


blyiL'b ill , a re all confident th a t the bill will

F irr tnllfl for Ihe t ’anarna f 'anal will liP illPc'.iBBed 11,morrow night at a meet­ing !■> he held In the K niegar Auditorium to prnlesl against Ihe dem and of Pres­ident Wilson that the exem ptions clause be repealed. It It predicted that the State,tlatiire will also He erorod for ItH defeat of the resolution Introduced last week prntCBting agalnat the repealer.

The me.-tlng la advert,aed as being un­der the ausidces ot Hi* Oltlaena' lyeagU" of Kaaex roimty. « eom blnatlon of Iriih on,l Herman soeielies of the city. Ar- ranKemente for the m eeting 'e 'e« bv Itichurd McOulneBS, w arden of the e.'mnty Jail. »"<! George Orimme, I.rtimlnenl In the il>Tfuan aocletlea.

The cbU wub Bent nut for the meeting. ,t la aald, because the prospect of New­ark becoming a seaport m akes l<-of j l U lidereet to this city. U Is planned, I l|.e Moose ot rtepreeentatlves does not

I 1 fliinl nn quE'HtU'n irt the Interim, t ' cJlHpalrh trlPKrarns to the *!o

__ 0^ .eevAA liisBinkt tb^ repe*il. toIbcni to vote HBaInht the repeal.K-nd u telegram lu Senatormending him for his stand on the quea

b e passed. Hovelopmenta a lnce ad J o n rp m e m of the A ssembly lae t T h u r i - d a y have given them p ra c t ic a l aaeur- an p a t h a t a lu b s t a n t l a l r e p re s e n ta t io n o l t k e Republicans wil l f i v e t h e i r s u p ­p o r t to the 'b i l l . The R epub l icans , on thelD aide, a s to ld In t h e News, a r e p r e ­p a red to m ake the c la im n e x t fall. If t h e y support the bill, t h e t It wes peeked th rough the i r a id an d th a t th e D em pefs te cannot c la im full c red i tfor ft.

e in low m enl . which dcrlvee an a n n u a l i Itfin- 0 , . , BUggested t h a t them ™ m e of fSDft.ODO from etcOl_ tru^.t , J . h e commlttee^h^^^^^^^^^ ^ebohdB. w as moat act ive lu re s cu in g the [ effect v ; ' *oclellee waren a t io n a l hon o r by p rom ot ing th e le - : heightened peal o f th e law Ihiit G rea t B r i t a in | m march to the aud i to r iu m had ad m i t te d wo had a t r e a ty r i g h t tu

a W a s tAtaarab

r 1

cwbiyoiaa Smith aad CioTcmor. ablyman Smith of EtM x. It la 6x-

pfouds wilt Uke t prominent part In AidtQC in the p a ju r e of the hill, He \a

isfiVe a conference thle afternoon with or Fielder on another m atter, at

tho invitation of iHe Oovemor, but It la prabable the Governor and Mr. bimith win ta lk over the b«nh tax MU alsa. O thsf lhan to say th a t tho Governor de- Mred to talk with him on ‘'pending leg- W atlon,’’ the Rss«x man, when he a r­rived here today, asked to bo excused GxMi oommenting on the subject of tha Oovtanor’i ihl;i>lve.

Ifr. Smith Is said to have received aa- aurances from ftlendi of the Governor that, tho objections to the bill which had bM a mentioned by Mr. Sm ith—th a t It wa*.;tainpllnientary to tha bill to lift au- to ta ^ lo s out of local ratables— would

' no tpO oqnslderod by the adm inistration. I t I i known that Ih* autoraobllo bills War*' no part ot the G overnor's ' plans, b n * w o re suggested by Motor Vehicle “ 'p tisloncr LIppIncolt and S tale

droller Edwards.hen Mrc Smith was asked If he

advocate the passage of the hill and'.Would urge other Republicans to do o a be repUed: ,

“ lin cb depends on w hat I can learn haw th ti afternoon. I f I receive as?ur- aneta that the tmercata ot my constitu­ent* are to b* conserved arid enhanc*o, thain remains no other a lternative dhan

enact. ,Spnalor F all. Republican, of New

.Mexico, gave the controversy a new aspect by In troduolns a bill to forbid th a t lo lls he levied upon American uoastwlee vespels or those belonging "to eltlaena o t any country upon th is con tinen t and engaged solely In trade betw een port* of Nortti and South America, o r both, and duly reg istered


LONDON. March 3 0 ,-P lr Kdword o rev , British Fore ign S ecre tary . In he House of Commons today denied the p.hllBhed k ''^« -t1 o n s th a t th e action of

under tha law a of the country of which 1 President VVliso11 In re g a rd to the queslion of Panuniathe ow ners of said vessels are eltlaena,

He contended It would w ork out to a I logical concluslob, the policies as o r ig ­inally contem plated In the Monroe Doc- ; trine.

" I t would he convincing to B rasil,A rgentine. Chile. -Mexico and o ther

‘Latln-A m ericon countries upon th is continent," aald he, " th a t the United Mtates Is In good fsUh !h Its announced policy of friendship and wlUIngnesB to aes ls t these countries not only ag a in s t a'ggroBBlons of foreign powera, h u t In the developm ent of th e ir own re ­sources."

F rom an Invalid chair In the House,R epressn ln t I ve L 'Engle, D em ocrat, of F lorida, made a speech opposing the repeal, and denouncing th e a ttitu d e of G reat B ritain .

T he Prealden t'a coufee wee v ig o r­ously defended by R epreaealatlve Ham- 'llton of Michigan, Republican.

"This Is not a m atter of party poli­tics," said he. "To Republicans. Demo- | ■ y,, ■,3 o ra ts and I 'ro g rcssiv ti, It ought to be • " au ftic len t to remind ihem th a t a ll have declared ag a in s t monopolies."

R opresen la tlve Montague, D em ocrat, o f V irginia, supported the repeat bill.

Fnefb lgh t In •eg a ie .

I 'a u a l lo lls w as theresu lt of an u n d erstan d in g botween Ihe rovem m onts ol the U nited h ta te . and

'""•Tt* has 'been asserted ," be Bald, "that under the te tin s o f the understand ing G reat B ritain had u n d e rtak en to as- ylst P resident W ilson 's policy in reward to Mexico. T here Is no w hatever fo r. these rep o rts , and I am glad to he able to ta k e ua early an op- pariun lty flayiti? ■<>-


^^^jfcbsrge myail I pan #ay for tho BrMdc tH BttMArttr H a n k i .

A ^ tM lo n h t i bfltn made hy R«puhU- who have be«a standing itolldiy

fdF tha on*-h*lf per c«int. Tate, th a t Wouiil b6 a break tn the ranK# and th a t a number df the RepublJcane would eup-

VGII «wnvli41n» for a t«>

NFjW YORK, M arch 30.—H- Ulonfl Krijigle. of counsel for the four punmen who were found guilty of the mnrder °f Herman Rosenthal, the *»rrihler, left New York tor Albany today with a peti­tion asking Governor Glynn to stay tno

. execution of the death sentence set for ' April 13 until a f te r the second trial ot

t ’harles Becker, form er police lieutenant whose convlcUon was se t aside by the

*'''im,°pe*fuon is fligned by ten twelve jurors who convlt'ted the gunmen,

i contains iB addlUon d^cumenUry

be In a position lo command the of all the Esaex Iiemncrala,

The Governor rc fc ircd to w hat h '(Jared to be the fr huent shifts of ' the boss." and Bympaibir.ed " llh the kssex mcniberB for the u iverle 'n ty "h leh he said niii.1t Iw tn th"1r minde as to how tho -chief" will rinolly want them The U ovoinor'sntalem ent follows^

•T shall not refer to Mr Nugent b latest shirt In position, or nutne his attack on me. I have refiiacd tu engage In argu­ment with him, and 1 certainly (Icdine to descend to h is level and Indu ge m pcrsonahtlea. 1 shall not permit the lasne now before the Ig'glslature m ® aide-tracked In any »urh manner. m e people of the S ta te decided last Noveml^r about niy personal record,, ""•m •'” ■ Nugent secretly endeavored to defeat m-_

The question still Is on the merit of the bank stock la* hill—whether or not the banks shall be compelled to hear a fair and equitable portion of and 1 am on the side of those who think they should.

P lay ing ■ Game to r n e le j .Mr- Nugent In now openly on the

other Side, and we shall soon Fee whether be tan m uater a sufficient number of Ke- ptibllcan allies to defeat the bill. There were sufficient votes Isti week to ta»* had <he final te s t been permitted, but Assemblyman Godfrey, playing ■with the asalaU nce of a Nugent lieuten­ant. succeeded In preventing eellon. ome* then powerful banking and political in* fhienccB have been at work.Bchemo now Is to offer mors amendments and pursue fu rth e r dlletory tactics until llnal adjournm ent, or to secure the adop- tloft of com© am endm ent which will feat the object o t the bill, or make 11 un- conatllutlonal.

“Mr- N ugent boaeta hie ownerahip ol the Aaaemblymen from hla county and continuea to aa ie rt th a t they will vote ua hft rnm m apdi. I had confidence h their Independence laat fall llcly advocated their election, and I atnl believe th a t eome of them will the bill. They have not apoken publicly aa yet end Mr. Nusent atHl claims to have them in. hla pocket. If hla.clelm a are Justified, they must be In e sad atate of mind heceui© the dally ehifta of the boss leave them In complete uncertainty as to how he will finally vote them.

"Bealdee aiaerting ownerahip of the T?3aBex tnen, I note thet the boas claims to have reached over Into Hudson end that he oeaumea to apeak for an unnamed Assemblyman from that counly. counties may be in hla graap for all 1 know and we m ay have to aw ait hla pleasure before th e Legislature can pro­ceed. and then we shall see whether ■big stick’ politics and myeteiioua and devious methodjB 'Mil triumph and whether the boas will have the aaalataTiice of any number of Bepubllcaha who rare for such political company, to kill thla measure. I do not think he will.

SUFFRAGISTS MEET IN IOWAI t 'F 3 MOlNFri, la.. M arch 30.—The

M iaaltslppi VuHey u u ffrage couference opened hualneeH seaHlons of the th ird annual m eeting today w ith Hevenil h u n ­dred su ffra g is ts preaent. The ronfer eiirc s ta r te d with n m aaam ectlng yea-


ren, O.. Boatoii.


SpeWn! Rcnicf nf Iht AWITg.WASHINGTON. March 30.T-The Con­

gressional Union for W omen's Bulfrage today Inauguraiert a movement to revise histories so th e t ihsy shall sey more about woman’s Influence In national af­fairs.

ten lay .Miss l la r r le t te Grimm of D arlington.

■Outside of Marthe W ashington, Betsy Rosa enrt Elliabolh Green we do not Bee any epeclflc allusiona to the part played by women in the development of our country," sal<l Mias Elsie Hill.

Tf boya and girl* of this generation do not know of the struggle In the past how can they appreciate the sta tu s of the movement today? We must agitato among educatore the m atter ot Incor­porating In our histories more of the things th a t have been done by women."

JUAREZ. M ei., March 30.—No repo ita from G eneral V illa were received tills forenoon and H wae aald th a t fig h tin g a t T orreon continued.

An offic ia l m eecags from the fro n t h .st n ig h t s la te d th a t the rebel! now hold a ll poaltiona except the m ath bar- racka and tw o sm aller barracks, In the la s t tw e n ty -fo u r hours It I* reported th a t G eneral Villa took C erto de la t 'r u i and the T orreon Foundry.

.Another te leg ram adm its a rebel 10|S 1r the la s t six days of SOU killed and wounded, and places the Federal loM at a Odd. Aa th e re o re already a t C hihua­hua wounded the repo rt of rebel losses is th o u g h t to have been mln - nilied. Among the rebel wounded la G eneral Tom ae Urbina.


nt Independent foreign producers or m anufacturers by wajlng to the Inde­pendent foreign producer or manufai’- turcr, 'You can have your agen ts in this country to sell your goods or solicit liuslneea; our doors are open to you; w© wflU’omo you to do biialneas In th is coun­try In competition with our own cltiEens;' but to say to the foreign truets. ‘Whileyou can Import your goods Into tlvl«M Ing force

It and abides by our rules, and they can all come tii the gate, and all th a t they have to do Is to dlaaolve their trade agreements. If 1 thought they would not do It, I tlrtnk my act would he futile: but I think by Inviting their compefitors wc compel them to give up their trade agree­ment* and make them come in as individ­ual units inatead uf ae a combination sell-

S enator Owen, one o f U*« adm lnJ.lT*- j nvatter and a b r e y « , tion 'a stau n ch est suppostarji. expfoased J -ayi. the Blood"the opinion today th a t tw o ‘ ' Rosenberg

11 the senate would % hiy flret, that th,would be a fo r debate

ijenator Kern, the D em ocratic leader, death sentem:* meF •>« ohan«ed to a termro-leTi ' OCUllI flViavwsei.w .. — a *VxaY

to rd ’Vnc Freatdcnt th a t while the de-- | after the finalto ld tnc r rc a ia c n i xnai wmii? .*»r- “until after ine nnaibate, would be longer, than ' i ; ; r r m ln r t l c T o f th e T n d lc tm e n r against

becker.been expeclid , the question would be dlaposed of w ith o u t-^ lu y ,

S enator Lewie, Democrat, urged hla


p o rt w e amended bill providing for a tax . r ^ o iy t io n in the Senate to g ive th e o f three-qiiarlerB of one per^ cent. p re sid en t discretion !o suspend tolls.

Ataamblymen Quigley of I He subm itted hie resolution, he said,w lU ik t» dlA'kl practica ly ! f irs t to euggeet a method ot app ly ingqM ftara per cent, with the addition of a , D em ocratic p a rty^ v u o t h a tthe Ibill a t present, th a t the fjtt.V P®f “ iher..'

iQtar 1tai*^whlch la to go to ihe county

shaH he applied to budget purpows in a «*K*er tb Insure that each municipality Shalt he benefited In the county hiidliet to the extent of the tax which le col- Hctta h» the municipality.

■parfy Pledgee H an g in g P tre .TMa oropoeed amendment to the Con-

■Htmlon providing for the election ot Aaaamblyinen by dietricts Is etlll un- dlapoaed of In the Mouae. It wa* voted

the rocks on one side or the



.rvfl© MpeclfievsSenator Isewla pictured th© foreign

reltitiona of the United tita te i, aaaert- Ijig th a t conditions were such th a t if thl* governm ent ihould In tervene in Mexico, Jap an would a t one© leixe the Philippine lelanda and H aw iil and th a t Ruaelas grieved over lym pathy of the United flta tes w ith Japan in the Rua- alan-Japane«e '^ar, would tel*© Alaaka; th a t th© ran am a Canal could not be

Sptflal Servlf" »fBUE.NOS AYRES. March SO.-Prmce

Henry of Frueala and the Prlncees are Ihe guests of the ArgenUne today 'Ihe prlnco Is a brother of th

The visitor desires to promote

m in"* p'‘osr'?o: ? o b”. ' Hnr.bVd- the arm v and navy would bo tb lr« raadlng, but la In a posinon to , defendalng the nationragoBftldered. to th© ' aKalnet It* euemlei. and th a t evenS u t ^ r b y ^ e l r p la « o rin of lU t i-KngUnd would ho t be eym pathellc In # Ti the D em ocrats are not. a l“ i ouch a dilemma.

D la lfo rm of th e Democrat© ! U)adlng up lo hi* picture. Senatortboikgh the p iaiio ^ plank, i Lewla declared he had marveled th a t

evrcFjad th* one- Fr©*ldent Wilson had not dlacuited inGDTbmor Fielder ha» urged the pne «gg« of the amendment In a apeclala. _ ’(xM*«wasxtAix

todayIhrorlncl'peJ refatlons between Germao mterSsts and those In the Southern re-

’"’The'prlnce and princess arrived yeeter- dsy and were ofricially welcomed. In the afternoon they attended a and were the guests of the German Min- liter a t dinner last n ight

w ith thla In view he will visit parts of Brasil. Ghile and the A rgentine and pot- ■Ihiy aome o ther countries.

The official version of the reason for the vlsU Is th a t the princess l» n»f good health and her physicians advised a»ea irlp-

m astace th* '■•'e -W lttpenn D eniocratsfrom Hudson County are opposed to It, believing th a t under the d is tr ic t aya- te* i' the Dem ocratic repreBentatlon fro m Hudson would be ® tw o or three m em bers, H GUo WIU penn m akes no denial m a t he Is op-

*’*’ft^ tiae been sta ted by Republicans th a t when the reso lu iion Is taken up again they will he solidly f®'' ...

The preferential p rim ary hill Is still h a n tln g fire In the House a f te r pas- aage In the Senate. The bill has Pnsaed n c o n d reading In tho House and has been on th* calendar for final action during the past week.

WILSON DEPLORES TREND OF DEBATE(Continued from F irs t Taa*' I

Preeldent ef the fn ltcd States. " (Mr. VTalBh represents the d ie irk t cmurHeing Prlncetoii.l

Touches ou ITHIeleni."Blnre the various nhasps ot this ques­

tion have been so thornupM y diseiissed by dlslliigulBhed Bpeakers 1 will only dwell upon the phase w hich I have in ­dicated, namely, the' crltteibm of the Preeldent. Now It Is being chiefly urged, agslnsl his request for Ihe re-

hi* lolls message that ' nearer” laiue on which he laid stress. The only conelu- Blun tlis t rui.ld be drawn, he said, was th a t there wui In the President's appre­hension "coiiiequfliires so dlro th a t ho preferred "to do a Utile wrong: that he m ight aceompllsli a great right. "

\\ hat such eonsequencea m ight be. Senator Lewie Ihen predicted and aald they would he the fi'ultB of the en try upon "a colonial policy under lha E n g ­lish form or governm enl. " w ith tho re- leiiilon of Ihe PhlllppInDe.

.vlexlco waa Ihe theatre where the first nioveB m ight be staged, he aald, for. If the United Htatea attemptod to Intervene, England, Germany and France might de­clare they would care for their interests In Mexico with their own troopa.

w ith the first effort to drive foreign troops out of Mexico, Japan and Rosais

I would seise their opportunity, he asid. Houth American rounlrles. already un­friendly. wivuld lon'K with favor on an at- lempl by i'olomhla at reprisal for partl- tipn of I'anama, and the canal would "rim with blood Instead of w ater."

Conditions, the Senator said, paralleled those In IMS. when Slidell was a tm to Mexico.

g lrvens od Reprleale.Two im portant speeches delivered

la te Haturday w ere thus* of R epresen ­ta tiv e Stevens of M innesota and K now land of C alifornia, both Republl-

'" ’Bepouslng tho policy o t the Preal- dent, Mr. Stevens said:

"If th e United S tales shall Inslat upon a coursB of d iscrim ination and use of the canal uimn unequal tertns, It Is evident th a t resen tm ent will arle* and Increaee, Those who how l p a tr io t­ism BO loudly end do as we please w ith out own and now lay down Ainatican doctrlh© aa Am«ili’an wftlerwwyii


xinnr-ANTO'WN. W. Va., March 30.— ln " ? n e f t o ^ t o eavo th e life of Mr.

o Price, a leader among West v S i a club w om en, physicians here v irg in , -[■ •ftrng operation which,beg an a « kH ,^ *ra ttrn ^ Bthey oa.y.lomorrow.^w^^tland. director of ath­letic*. and_ '«"._®*';.‘**"'“iun'teered theViritlnl*. Unlv©r*Ity> ’ a -^ akin to m ak e th e operationnec«B©©^y^r*a*Price w as b u rned a month ago

250 square Inches

JERBET CITY. Marc# SO.-i-Th* leg, Islatlve com m ittee of the New Jersey Bankera' A asoclrtion Issued e s ta te ment today over the s igna tu re o t C h a ir­man W illiam C. Heppenhelm er. On th* bank stock ta a controversy the s ta te ­ment denies any alliance w ith any political faction , and calls upon the legislators, w ithou t regard to party , to consider the m erits o t the fax queetipn "to th e end th a t Justice may he done and th a t no undue hardsh ips may be imposed upon those g rea t buelnea* in ­terests w hich touch Ihe life and pros­perity o t all our citlxeni."

.After declaring th a t Assemhlyman Dobbins, who Is In charge of the bill for the G overnor, Is ignoran t of the question, Ihe sta tem ent continued:

"The Indiv idual view s of a large, m a­jo rity of the legislators, aa the b an k ­ers' com m ittee have been advised, a re entirely a g a in s t the plan In the form proposed by the Governor; and w ere it not fo r th e caucus p ressure exerted, the bill would fail of passage. But even w ith th is p ressu re upon the Aa- semblymen. the G overnor's wlsbea have not ye t prevailed; and a t th is late h our a d istinc t a ttem p t la m ade by .Assemblyman Dobbins—rep resen t­ing as the bankers suppose, the G ov­e rn o r—lo befog the situation by the Injection of political en d factional s tr ife in to th e oontfoversy.

"The h an k e rs deny alliance w ith any party or any faction o t any party ; they a re appealing to the leg islato rs Indi­vidually ae leg isla to rs to properly pror tect th is m oat aensltlve bualneea, which Is tho husineaa of the public and no t th e businesa of th# off ice rs who are. rep resen ting th e public n th is contro- versv and who ere only doing th e ir duty tn th e ir stockholders and depos­itors in th e ir e ffo rts to obtain a fa ir basis of tax a tio n . And they ace un ­w illing to be charged w ith any political alliance, o r to be held reinonelble; and they re sen t tho charge made »h»t they a re form ing such alliances w ith which lo wifi th©lr can*©'

“The Governor * Wtl on He c®®*^ the House of Aesemhly ™ , r o f o r ^ J ^

counlry on mall ortiers from tlie con Burner*, or hy meana of correapondem-© t>©fw€efi our ritizens and your concerna ■—w© arc not putting up any embargo*-

do My to you th a t w« will nnt giv© you the privilege of ©*tabli*hing aclllrg agenclea or resident agcnle In tlila co\in* try unleaa you break away from iheae trad© cornbinatloBi.* “

The McCoy hill la butU ^ri the fo re­going Ideal of Mr. S tern. He does not hallave the blit to perfect, bu t h© alma a t the iwo-foM purpose o f m aking it a crim e on th© p art o f an y person In thla country to act aa ae lllng agen t for a foreign truat, and aecondly, nf declar> ing Illegal th e co n trac t ao formed.

In the com m ittee artd. lo Bome ex ­tent. outBlde of th© com m ittee, pointed c rltlrlsm has bean mad© of Stern proposals. The plan Is obpecled to. in the flrat place. becauBe it m ight be a v io lation of In trrn a tlo n a l comity and would Invite trad e rcprlBal. parttcu* la rly ao In Germany, ■where the govern­m ent AH a m atte r of In d u stria l policy, fosters atl norls bf trad e combinations.

As lo thla point, it Is a fuiidameiitaf prim'lplR of in te rn a tio n a l law that a c itizen *«f one sovereign S tate doing b u ttness In ano ther m ust conform him* self lo the laws of the le tte r . The Mc­Coy bill sStnpIy Beeks’ to apply to the*© Am erican agentB of i’o re lgn tru s ts v/hat we apply to our own Industrial enter­prise*: It m akes thcni do business as our c itliena have to do It; the re 1b no d iscrim ination , hence th e re i© no breach of comity.

A© t f C©ai>lt©«tloBB.!n the com m ittee, Mr. S tern w at ex*

pllclly aiked if there would not h© difficulties w ith th© G crtnait Govern­m ent Mr, Morgan of the com m ittee pu t 11 th is w ay :

“W ould there not be com plicatlona w ith the German govern ifien t In under­ta k in g to d isc rim inate betw een her citizens? Under th© G erm an law s the truBta are perfec tly legal. They use them for the benefit of th e country, to prom ote th e ir trade. If the Oovern- m ent undertake© to d isc rim inate and m ak es a th ing un law fu l here w hich is law fu l there, w ould th a t not bo In ef­fect lo destroy th e ir business, and •Would not th a t b rin g about new cora- p licatlons?”

Mr. S tern— ”1 th ltik not. elr. because our trea tie s con ta in only the ’moat favored natioiia' clause. We do not I

Mr. McCoy agreed po thoroughly with the Stern proposition that he took it up further with him on hlH own Initiative and they worked out ih© hill that haa been Introduced. A a heretofore reported, th© President ha© acknowledged tin* im- porlance of the nuestlon thus'Oponed up, but Is not ready to take a poBltion.


AJprdal f!fp*uke nf fhc .VPIVS.EL PASO, To*.. March 30—H arrdw -

ing Btorle© of th© seven-day b a ttle In nn l a rou i'd Torreon, wci e told here to ­day by im arengers from Chihuahua, w ho base th e ir description© op th e r e ­p o rts m ade by wounded Mexican Fed* ©rul und rebel aoldlir© brought from the f ro n t to hoapitala m Chihuahua.

More thnn 600 wounded ConaUlu- tlonullHta arc In Chlhuuliua hoapit©!© and mor© ur© arrlv ir.g daily- Bc©lde© these, the hospital© nt Parra!. Jim lnez and 8 'in la R osalia a re said to be filled wlHi :Mal>ne<*. ttien, iuohL of whom ^ re rebels. B aatd upon these sto^ries, e s­tim a tes today placed the ConslUu- tlO'juUflt lOH© in the battle© of Lerdo. tioniez Pal.'ido ai-d Torreon. a t more than 1,50®-

T here 1-us been no confirm ation Of a rep o rt th a t G eneial Villa him self has Peon wounded. C oneU tutionallst offl- clala a t C hihuahua deny It, but a wounded sold ier who arrived there de­clared h* eaw the rebel coiiim ander-ln-

-ch ief hoin* from the battlefie ld and tak en to the rea r for

Stories told hy Constitutionalist sel- diera allow th a t the Leredo, Gomez Peia- cto and Sacrainontn battles, which p rt- ,-cded the attack on Torreon lt."Clf- desperate In the extreme

tConllnued from First Page.)

a complete aniprlae was evident on every hand. The members on the inloieler at side of the House were momentarily struck diiuih. 'Hien they Jumped iip nn the BBSts and b r^ q -o o t In wild hurralia.

r re in ie r Asquith added th a t Sir John French and .HIr Jo h n E w art had asKect him to say they wore in en tire accord w ith the stat'em ent he hud made to the House uf Cnnimons on h-rlday.

In announcing th a t K ing George had signified h is approval of his aasunip- tlon of the W ar portfo lio Prem ier A s­quith ronctudej:

"1 have tak en the law to the h ighest legal HUthorltlea to , obtain their o p t ­ion and all the law yers a re ®Kreed th a t I m ust resign from the House ®f F o n - mons, 1 therefor*. In accordance w it the law, re tire from the House iiMU

wei;© G«n©ral Vet-

ftfico fiucceeded In dmwiijfi \ Ilia a jncP into two dl>?aHlrou8 trapa.

Tn Ih** firs t Gomez Palaclo attack, th© FrderalB fought desperately for a short time and then retreated toward Torreon- Villa scut Ills cavalry forward a t a gallop to ride down the Kederuls and followed W-IH, his main column of Infantry. As soon as they rushed Into Gomez Palacln, 111* relvels found thr.maelvea lu an am ­bush Mines were exploded In the street* under Ihcm ; machine guns, secreted be­hind the parapets, with which the roofs of every adobe house In Mexico la pro­vided. opened a murderous fire and mowed the rebels down hy scores. Bs- fore the surprised Villa could reorganize his sha tte ied forces and withdraw, hla

my cons'lttuenls shall have g '/® " ,pproval of my acceptance ot thla ot

fit©.’’ , ,Seely E©pl©lo©<

In a b rief personal sta tem en t Colonel Keely told the Houee th ere w as no dtr- terence betw een h im self and his co ■ league in the C abinet on any point of poMcy or rrlnc ip le . He said ho hadpressed his re a tg n a lio n becanse hereappeared, S lthougli such was '®‘J " " Intention, to have been ®(he arinv o fficers reg ard in g the ser vice thev should render to the Crovvii.N e ith v 'hstl. Sir f ^ l . ' ^ V l n sJohn Tiw art th e tn teritlon of m aking

lots© was ©nofmona. Immediately Vela©-t'O'F troops reoocupled Gomez Palacio au4 held It until Thurbday morning: w l n a t torrihl© odda.

At Hacramento. General Rufcnlo B©n»; videa’8 Saragossa brigade, which had borne the brunt of th© fighting up io thfit lime was also led Into a trap and narrow ly escaped annihilation. The F id - erals used almost the same methods, but Ihclr and hidden machine guns were less effective than a t Gomez P ala-

O ne-quarter of the whole brigade had been hilled or wounded before Benavides rattled them and renewed the attack . The -survivors of the brigade covered them ­selves w ith honor fn this battle, chari^lng^ ........... irgion the run over the hudtes^of ^heir fMlen

w e 00 not I'l? 1 ' “cotiTne'l’ ^cely eaid he didour trea tie s gtv* to any nations tha how ever, th a t the House hadr ig h t to do businesa h e re except sub- th a t there should have w en euJect to the same a d v an tag es th a t every , These two officers bed ‘u ther nation has. We a re not dlsorlm- ; uparly ironical circum stances felt it to Ina llng betw een n a tio n s when we say . ^ redgn and itto the foreign tru s ts , w hether R "1®/ i , , of the Secretary for Ytar to doa - -Cto-aTieeA lls lv WtI fflllD d. E lU© © V It ITllght ftCV©! tiP"

r ot tha Crown hadbe of Germany, F rance, TtaDa England ! t®® ^ ^ r f e r th a t It might ®®ver ap_or of any other ®®®htry. W e^do^buel | ^ M inielerness here under com petittve coiiditloiis, , pear crown servants re-and you m ust do th e sam e.' No foreign i mad® a nargnation can claim th a t th e re is any dla- of his speech Colonelc r lm lna l lo j i »■ t fm o n s ihemB^lvefl. In the courseminaitoji «■ n.iiiLiutk ------ --------- - , _

Secondly, how ran any country blame j heelj said.oa for say'ing th a t its c itizens m ust do What we compel our own citizens to do. They m ight say. ‘U 1* not fa ir for you to provide th a t we can not do business tn your country w ith our truBts wii©n you allow your own olllzen* to do It, b u t we nr© only app ly in g to them w hat w© firs t applied to oureelv©©. We Drat asked ouraelvea to do w h at w© now- aak them to do. How can th ere be any com plaint?”

Tke Legal Aspect.(Q .)— “TVould you not have the court©

of th is country In the las t analyBU, passing upon th e law© of every foreign country, to de term ine w h at would b© a conihlnatlon?"

(A.)—"No; because Our courts would be tre a tin g only w ith th e facte. H av­in g been given the fa c ts we m easure them by the Sherm an law. Just aa tf It happened In th is eountry . Given the fac t Uiat th e re ts a v iolation of the Shermnn law by a fo re ign com bination a c tin g tn th is country . Its ag en ts can no t sett goods here, -W* do not say that, a lthough G erm eny a llow s i t to operate legally there, w e a re oondemniPB >t aa Illegal here, Mtnd yOO. th is act does no t contain any such offensive rem ark th a t any such fo re ign com bination la Illegal. T would not, say tha t, becauee If it I.S legal in G erm any -b'* can not aay that It ta tUegal. IVe do not say that it is Illegal- W oiSimply say tha t If that sta te of fact* exists, i t is lllegat for a firm In this country to act ns selling

been raised which„ « y m ra n " th " the 'w ho le army system

'’’■‘hL^XJaVchrs^greeted «which was interpreted ns suggesting the

' ' r s r » r L ; “ r s .?b* absence of the Frem er, but P r ^ e r

,-onirades to sweep away the Federal de- fenders and take the town. 'Thia *n . gagement, cavp Villa control of the ra il­road aUusIlon eastw ard from to rreo n . It Is said General Benavldss himealf WM wounded here, but thla has not been con­firmed. . . .

W hat purported to b© a prlvat© m©i- ttaff© received in Cl Paso wa© ©aid to have contained information from T or­reon th a t in addition to th© Cerro D© L© Cruz, the rebel© had captured th© cuart«l seneral and two smaller cuartols. This dispatch ©aid between 900 and l.OOD reb­els have been slain and as m any mor* wounded-

The message aald no prisoners wer© being taken, contrary to a sta tem ent mode In a pres© dispatch from Torreon; th a t all regular officers were being exe­cuted and regular privates glv©a the choice of Joining the ronstltutlonallet© or being executed. Federal ■volunteers, officers and privates, when captured, have all been executed, ©ccordlng to th© message.

r q u T c e m a r k C d th a t be woutd ^ a j C a'V, .rtvlcs 's a s wanted and then leftr U V . e ^ ® r Which


ship. Merley HesIgB-The reslgnatlen-orV lscD unt Morley of

Blackburn as preeldent of the council, la gererally expocted to follow th a t of colonel Secly, w ith ''h o m he was asso­ciated In drawing up graphs of tho memorandum to the

“ T i ’seount

’’LocdsfC l r U p ^ p e T e d th a t^ 'l f^ th e g ® «

JUAREZ, March 30.—-When Venustiano Carranza, first chief ot the revolutloo. entered this city yesterday, the American . flag was carried by the side of the Mexi­can emblem. American* in the crowd cheered and were joined tn some extant by the native spectators.

The Incident came aa a surprise to the crowd. General Carranza, on foot, had passed and behiml came a troop of his toldiere. Aa they entered the main atreat only the Mexican flag was visible, b u t a t th a t moment the Star* and Stripes were suddenly unfurled and the two emblems were carried through the streets to tha Juarez monument..

of th is House,” the Preeldentt h a ^ e s t t a t , m o . or


less sa tisfactorily ” h

ag©nt for llia t conu©rn.*D ^'bW ™ TaToi™ aTtnd w « bY ’bl™ 5™' l^ere or lUegal there .''

whether legal

anniversary OF POLE DISCOVERY\ r W YORK. M arch 30.—Next Mon-

a a ' J ' ^ w i l ' b ^ h . f i f t h ,

medtsielv m ^ rte d ; and, . . he has atkt«l, he had L i Sven read the b,„ before « - porting it-e v ld e n tly acting under the Stress of political exigency The Gover-

ole by

re tired Th.' even t w ill be celebrated iVh u' rt imei In hie honor, a t which

his hosta will be The mem bers ot the Explorers' Club.

Adm iral F cary w ill be presented a sold medal by th e club.

< 11vnirrE wolf” wars on missions

^ e l i ’of the to lls ettom ption^law th a tsuch a rcqueal on his p a r t la n direct ............. .. — _reM dlalloii of a pluuk in the Demo- nation 's history and for-

plBitorm—s plank In favor of w hat Arnericau doctrine* and princraOc plBltorm—s plank Which he himself is on record as h a 'lh S spoken—and those who have hern csB-

^ ji ^ u UL-!i h i n i; ntld r iV in d anxiously w atahing and w ait .......... ♦.= a,Uv t«kn atl-Ing to r such an opi.ortuiiily

vantage of hie change of a ttitu d e to launch forth in b itte r crUiclam of v im l they suppose lo be rnoiives for the

‘ ‘‘•Wtanted th a t the President was for­merly In favor of the exemption from tolls of our coastwise sUlpping, granted that It WBS a^plank in the Demo,-ratic

get w hat ciplfr© really are.

“For a c©ril\iry w« have Inalateo upon equelliy of ireatm em w ithou t d iicrim - Inatlon to our cltlzans am i confimefc© everyw here. Now It i© proposed to abandon our policy, repudia te our prom ises and reverse cur h isiory . Thai is called patriotism .

" It Is fiercely argued th a t th ie pend'

inNDON M arch 30.—The Peking (o rrV sp o iid c rt of T he T im es says that D r P ark e r of the C hina Inland Mis­sion. who had a rflcent ©acklnj?Province of H o-nan ,* __ ... wn._».#•’ Kan

dc<mrea that ■■White ’W'olf.” ih e 'b a n d it . ha© declaredw ar on lh« ni»©8lonB.

GEN. SICKLES DENIES HE’S ILLNFW YORK, M arch 30.—Contrary to s

report th a t he was stricken with palsysls and dying. General Daniel E, Blcklcs to­day said over the telephone th i t he was better In health than ever. _

"Am 1 ill’ " "aid the general. Non­sense. 1 never felt hatter In my life. There Is nothing to the story. I t* a lie.

mstTdrm and th a t ii« made a speech In ptatwrm an ___

log m easure in terferes w llji tho rlgh ta

favor of thb Irw .ftm nee we oer. draw Is that the argu- W pta which Influenced him to adopt and airiw such a law m ust have heen solid i t a ^ v d n r i n g . for the sIlRblesl aoqualnt- t t a e ^ R b ^ O d r o w YVIUon is sufficient ? n ta v ln .-e any one th a t he Is not the type M a man ■who can l» influenced by trivial argumente in favor of any thing. Awi therefore fn the mind of every s*n- aM s American citizen the change of at- 5 ta d . o T w . p a rt Will a t once argue the Kxitunc© of hMtfons which ©niply JUBtif> S T S S if t lw ^ b e l n g for the andBM»l Skrtnanent interests of the American psepK.

B espsci Ip rreaasd . .." f honored tuid rw pecteil Mr- W ieo n

during his poUtlcaJ career In th* S ta le

of th e U nited S tates lo fix to lls for veaeelB o t Ha own people. I t does no such th ing . Dor contention la th a tC ongress can P™;;' *' ;’ , Jhs" 1 th a t tho United Statesor no to ll , as It may 1 nureau la to r .ta b ll.h four suh-


mltlee to consent to a hearing In the House of Aaeembly In order th«* •■be member* m ight beto Ih© ©conomic prlnclpl©© of Lm bill and the banker* side of the

"This was peremptorily declined by th* Governor, snd the honkers were n o ttf l^ that he Intended to pass the M iljrith o u t sny hearing or discussion of M*™' tion Thereupon there was notW w left for the hanker* to do but to attem pt to defeat the hill In Its then pending form, since which time every h®^f*M e straightforw ard, legitimate m e t h ^ has heen taken hy the hanker* to Mf®™ t^e members of the ®/J*’*m©rita of th© hankcrB ©id© Of th© ver©v. In ordor th a t they m d r '"*©111- gently deal with the queiUon and under-otandlngly vote upon it. __

“Th© bankers lndiKn©nt!y r©sent the effort on the part of the administration (O inject, a t th is late hour and on the eve of final action, Influence* the result (if which may be tn becloud » e re situation; and they call upon th* legisis' tn r, of the Slate, irroape^v* of party or faction, to Individually gtv* eonsldera- llon to the m erits of the qusriton ss pre­sented by the hanker* a* WelV as by the Governor, to the end th a t JustlM may be done and th a t no undue haraablp may be Imposed upon those great business Inter­ests which touch tho Ufa and prosperity of ell of our citizens."

IQ )— "Have-yop know n of sny coun­try tha t has ta k e n th a t a ttitu d e tow ard American com petition?"

(A.)— “I do no t know of any such at- titufle except to th ie ex ten t, th a t Ger- maiiv. while i t help* !•» own trust*, dors not, 1 th in k , love R foreign tru*t. snd Germany,_a* "we a ll know. Is pur­suing a cam paign now to drive the Standard Oil Com pany ou t of Germany.T read about th a t In th e papers only a few daya ago. They do not like ourtru s ts operating over there."

ITa\1n* handled the InternsMonsI comity aspect of the mstlOT, Mr. Stern next takea up q-ueries ae whether we would not be depriving ourselves of necoasary commodities by restricting the

r re m er ASqulth h a . decided th a t he will ta k e only o n e .s a la ry In* end of rhj® Iw© to w hich h©. I©F irs t Lord ot the Treasury and Secretary

'°Vh"^’‘ hy-«lectl®r' in f a s t F ife will probably tak e place on April 13. U the Unionists should decide lo w n te s t the seat, Colonel S p ro tt w ill again be the ircandlclate.

Norl*r'H Admliil©©"'Lord Morley, anewerlng Ikird Curzon

original question, «iM th a t the olrcum^ stance* under which he became aaeoclated with the " te rm s" given to General Gough were that, a fter the Cabinet meeting, he itased behind for another purpose. Colonel Seely showed him the two para­graphs and he did not see th a t they dlt-

BUbslance from the viewe ex-

Sprc-lol Service of (fte NEWS.WASHINGTON, March 80,—T[h# re­

lease of Dr. Lambert, an American sur­geon a t Lo* Mochi*. Mexico, captured by Mexican rebels, was reported today by wireless to the Navy Department.

A dispatch yesterday from th* Amari- can Vice-Coneul a t Nogalea reported L am bert's arrest and the fac t th a t he had been taken a prisoner by the. rebel* a t Topolobampo. It was explained In Ota dispatch th a t Lambert was ordered by a band of Constitutionalist* to perform anoperation on a rebel officer. The officer died, Vriilch, preiumably, wa* the «at«M

foreign combinations. He admit* that fered M „ - . t ln g He made-------------- ------------------ p re s sed a t the Cabinet meeting, n e maue

IL 1- " , eq u a l ly an d w i th o u t j stat ion* In the Connect los t tobacco beltt r e a t a l l n a t io n s q ,boii l May 1 'n o rd e r to give the growers

predicted th a t II th* of tobacco th e henefU of the govern- d iscr im inates RgalKSt ‘ * '

Brum n a t" P an r.!i*th* form of '*‘»®''‘™'"*‘'’' '’'w ? h ? ’t5 S a n d American commerce through the Wellandand Boo canal* would surely follow.

KBswrIsad'B Atfaok- R*pr*i«D t*tlv* Knowland, who l#*di

th* Republican* fighting against MPeai. d irk te d hi* attack to th* repeal bill It­self, * reciting the history of diplomtllo Interchanges Isadtng up to snd including tho Hay-Psunesfota treaty.

Reciting the three vlsite of Sir Edward Tytrall to th* Whit* House, Mr. Know-

mcof© flervir© In ©lorma ©nd froat*-




w here the producte of these trusts come Into compeUtlon with American-mado goods, there 1* no need of the proposM restrie tton f it 1* only on product* n which tho foreigner# have a monopoly th a t the trouble arias*.

To B ring in Independeats,•The object of th ie bill 1* to bring In

the foreign Independents," says Mr. Stern. "We should encourage them. Tho mere fact th a t we say we have a trust does not say you have no Independente. A trust la relative. I doubt If a trust has ino per cent. In anything- When T apeak of foreign trust*, th e g rea t combinations abroad are n o t so much trusts aa we understand them: th a t is. formed of sev­eral corporations under one corporate form but they operate under trade agree­ments. I am not speaking eof the Ger­man syndicate in the eense of a tn isl, hut in every Industry—tuJie, for example, th© ©Ilk or velvet rll>t>oiiM Induitry—©11' the corporations and people th a t m ta* velvet ribbons got together under thulr agreemente. T hat Is the way they oper-

There Is a certain number of them who operate under th a t pool, and they get aa strong a pool oM •*’®F '’®n **•■ w d sell a t the price fixed by th a t pool; but

of th* phyalclan'* arrest.The State Department referred th* cos*

to Secretary of the Navy Daniels, who Immediately wired Rear-Admiral Ho'watd In command of the Pacific fleet to Rtako an investigation, Howard wired laconi­cally today:

" bert released."

one or two verbal alterations, but they did not affect th e general sense of the

"’*™Bcount Morley admitted that the gov­ernment had promised to send O®"®"' Sir Arthur Pagst, th® commander-in-chief of the forces in Ireland. * "»™'

military force from •^®*Mnd. to t<r mjilntAln U « aiw* orderand a

enable bltn Ir. support of th e civil pow er


(Continued from. F irs t Pag*.)


ot the"m n"' uSild” O i L t a t a f « V r b u r ^ e i ' ’5 t wffe." H*’llYodImtita ma tdtf you. Y hdiiorand ^ sm m I of tbs tolls clauses t avenue.' The wit:

The will of Dr. George O. Welshman.who was killed M arch 17, when a Lacka­wanna Railroad tra in struck his auto­mobile a t th* Grove etreet crossing In E ast Orange, w a s . admitted to probate In the su rrogate 's office today. The document wa* dated October J8. 160U.

By Its le r in s Dr. W elshm an leaves all hla propertv , both real and pereonal, to hi> wife. H* ilYed a t iOS-Mt. Prospect

b u t l« t hit*' how, Ihg h o h as

I r r ^ r a i ® 1 w r n T i r a n d W .witnoaee* w*r* H.' M.

It. RockwtIL

acme resident agent, who hae a fsw sample* in New York?

A lta rk s Reside** AgeaU."It has Occurred to me that the only

•way to get at fhl* *uhjecl would he by attacking th* reildoat ogsnM In this country of the** foreign trust*, not In order to prohibit these companies, these i pmhinatlon*... IHata. fccelgn Mipblnarions,from importliH • Into ttutr country, bbt- with fc view '(if Ih toiirt **y discriftthat- Ing against the** ferelgn trusts la favor

LONDON. M arch 80.—David Lloyd George, Chancellor of the w as tak en HI a t W alton -on-T ham et where he sp e n t th * we*k-®“d golf. The chancellor. It w as stated, was unable to p a r t i c ip le In ••'®Ical dlacusalon In th e House of Com­mons today on th* altuatlon b rought about by th* rea lgnstlone o t array o f­ficer* in U lster.

Th* d eb a tin g power of Mr, LloydKPii kiiw |s*■'V— — -r - ^AArv© liftA b©©n • r©i©rd©d a© © BT©©tthere ar© people In I th© irf lv©riitnenting velvet ribbon© who *te not tn ^ ^ _pool*"

gursming up.

^'’"Borarm eTnbers'of the comm)ttet ***m ,to have the Idea .that we »™ *®ln* ^ keep out llm foreign tru st. That Is not In my mind. I say w hat 1 want to do is to Invite In Ihe Independent* and Invite, the foreign tru st, but make the foreign tru st behave when It come* In. Aa I,

WASHINGTON. March 30.—Th* con­tinued 111 health of Mr. O 'Sbaughnwsy hae made some asststaoce necessary, and W arren D. Rohbloa ol Mossachuaetta has been selected to ac t as second sacrelary. Hla nomination will he sent to the San- at© 800*1 and lh©n Mr* Robbln©, now m this country on vacation from h is poat a t the embassy a t Paris, will be ordered to th e City of Mexico. Mr. Robbins w as attached to the legation a t Lisbon and the embassy a t Buenos Ayres belore bis service a t Paris.

Charge O'Shaughneesy ha# reported th* release three Americans. Goldschmidt, Donohu* *ud Crossthwaite. held On charges of aiding tho reb*U. H usrta freed them.

Though the Constitutfonollsta hereto­fore have been fairly succssseful In m ain­tain ing order In Sonora, raiding and pillaging by bands of maraSidefs or* r*- ported. The Sherman and 'WIlUam* ranch**, owned by A m ^lcans, have been robbed, but the authoritlee have dis­patched on expedition tn recover th* property.

Steim put his case

tru st behave ------suggested a hhlle ago, we w ant to build.. . 1 w __k_s wwLanCAiiB vtadrtB/avrt Inw all but I w ant spacious gateway* In ■Yliat ifalL and 1 w * « to .* ta Ih jU .gvW :•body th a t enter# th a t goAeway snM w .it under th* rule* of the gam* os w* Jlsy

m Y ” SUNDAY IN PHILADELTHIASperisI Bsreice of l*« NBTR8.

PHIl^ADYSt-FHIA. March 30—More than SOD D nlver*l(y o f ,Pehd*'ylVant* studen ts # e r e gathered a t the R eading Term inal when "Btlly'* Sunday, th e evangelist, a rrived her* from Refsn-


ton today. The form er baseball player w ill speak at th e un tverslty th is a f ­ternoon snd again thi* arenh tg . Connie Mack and th e A thlstlos w ill a tten d th e evening gathering .. No women w ill he adm itted a t e lthor maeUng.

NEW YORK. March 30.—Th« ravtasd reglittaf loo-ngure* conipllsd for jedas' ! t Voorht*. State superintaodent of eloe- tiono, show that In the five countlea of Ntw York City S.7DI voters reglftersd at on average cost of something mor* than 131.40 splice.

There are 1,7I0 election district*. In the five cetinUei, and the averog* regtstro- t'.on per district was about l.t ,











1 lo»( ) and 9M atithua- rab tl mini' led la

REONirruw- ttle tn sre to- uahuBL he T%’1 Fed*: from ihua natUU’ ispitalD 3 elides fimines e filled [>m ^r«ei, OS' inelltu- berdo.

t more

on of a eif has 8t Offl*

but a lere d e - »der*in*;ld end

list ROl- cz Pala* k h pm*■If. vjexfi >ral Vel­a's men

ack, the a short

Torreoii. a gallop followed I try. Aa

Falaci<j. an am*

le Btreeta reted tM- the roofs0 is pro* fSre and ree, Bo- eorgatilso iraw. his ly VeUa- ilaclo aud1 againatnlo Bena* hlch had ng ip to trap and The F£d-

Lhode, but line guns met Pala*

Igade hid Benavides Ltack. The red them- , charging heir f^len ederal de- This ea»

r the rail- I Torreon. m salf wag been coh-

[vate mes- LB said to from Tor- trro D o L a the cuartel tele. This 1,000 reb.

lany more

mere were statement

n Torreon; being exe- glven the

tutionatlsts volunteers,

captured, Sing to the

ASUUAREZVenuatlano revolution,

e American . t the Mexi* the crowd

lome ezUnt

prise to the n foot, had roop of hla main atreet Bible, hut a t Stripes were wo emblems re^ts to the

OBYRELEASED10,— 'J b * TO- . o o r lo n our- captUTOd by :d to d a y by ;m ent.I t b * A m o rl- ea repoEted a c t th a t ho y tbo, re b e ll talned In UtO ^rdared by b

p erfo rm t n T h o o ffic e r

la th e c tU M

rred t b i c ta e Danlela, 7 bo l ira ! H o w t r t leet to tntka vired t tc o o i-

J6HNESSY0.— T h e con* 'S b tu fb n e a iy eceaaary, t a d a c h o M tU b t a « d aaoro layy. t to th e 8en - )blna, note I d rom b la poet 111 bo ordered R e b b ln a w a * -< t L jebon and rea before ble

a reported th eQoldachmldt,

ite, held on ole. Hueitt

A lla t i h e re to - leetui In m a in -

r t id in c and i ii id e n a re r« - in d W llU a n e ine, h tv o been ea h av e die*I reco v er t h t

nON COSTST h e 'r e v la td

id f o r jo tm 1C d e n t o f e lte - vre ccunttea o f tore re t le te r td H o etb lng m ore

d U trte ta In th e e ra s * r a s t i t r t *

t .5 .



Son of Trappfr Finally Yields Land Fatiur Refnsed to Complete Adi-

rondacks Game Preserre.LEGAL n C H T D ATES BACK TO 1 8 9 2

N, V.. Manh 30,-W ord liUH hci‘.'ii Liml llu: UucKe ■

IfUO I'iiB litf.ii ciuIhiI hy• ne- iifiluti Ilf l,^imora In 8«-ll-ng tbs' cahtn am] groumlH Iffl Mm bv

niti rrilJicr, a tiiiiili-r iimj Itappcr, \v bolu Bfll Imi in'op^rtj n nu»K«r up

Ji tM Wilimm l;ockcl4^1]e■ BaVdllpJitlBi'kh Kii hit- |iri;Hrrvi.-.

U XVa« id I ' . J that Wlllluiii Hoi'kt:* feller ut-t uui to ui'ijuire the pte-oeru'. He bought L3,U00 juTfeB aroutnl tb f tuxxii of Hiamjun, but luuUI iiot ^e‘ eur^ Uliv>i l.uiiKJia'M i-itblii ami clear* hig uhiili Blood Iti H>u Uut ofilpR a kjiiil butllc liclwet'ii th** oilniagidiii; n and lli<f oM

ll wae rNpi'iials'c wtir'k for l.ttitiora. blat t!if n|u i ia r 'p f 'i 'r t le iK la and del^;l*• huTH :} iiipallii;:i d with him ami l anio lu hii\ aid ihutmiall.x

Lainora \\a:-t ano^led for IrrR. tiavlnfci unm t'd iht J.'iui) kIkiih fni- biddlriH Ihi-n |K»Ht«it on (ho presi i Vf ' Bui tuh'i- Ii8 def<)aU'd tin- Kui-kcr>ilei IHgems III i|i> < i.nrr.i !■% Miiowii-g iti, m the ri^lt In luf ftMt l pfL'Ilt J 8t.i ,,1*1 xw'i'f sutudiriJ Its the S iaie I'-'' r..',and that tim sra tf ' lasv iinvim t i ihe 1 pelting awidt of ;;iudi xsaUra ys ;-*i! «-'i'l any privai*

'.Ml tin: (lilid iu-<iK-ion llia l Mie a:; -!,ts K'‘l. Lamurn inl-i n-om t il w i :* - u l Kull foi ilamagoH ll t h u j i 'hH<\fii'Hl •.(.iii'iH. fin a lly ' he• 'uuri of Appi'iilH. ulindi r' iHid 111 Hofkeffcller’rt favor. 'I’h^Hwanled wer- only oighi.rn « iiT'4 l■llf i llir BUin of $R"it in cosin wrs t;d jagaM»s( Irupiier-

■J'idfl \saa an »-!nl-Hrr:is-;-n-; '■! v. " m1 1 hw losrt of (tio ratlin \va»i 1 !i i a j • f"i»* 1 | for tipiH' L,a!m-:ji's friimJ'*!. :;miv ever, provad In.Mil riTnl f-Mlitm ' lo get her 8m-<n .■dsful I ■. to I ho 'Jiini

Tor tlje rcihairdfi of llie o)«! Man's life the Rot'Kefalli'i .ipenlrt 1‘edRS usileHH any iitt'JiipL In uc* him to Bell. After In di.-d, hlH \\hnr.ithe prii|iiil\- fi,.'fl, iiBBiim'-’i ‘ho diuio attitude UK hifi lullicr fnr • 'line, lull he finully has Uf rn indv '



ROCKEFELLER BUILDING BURNED NI‘:W Vi III K, Muri-h H'k \n imi ■ n.ti„.y

firo early yrsifrday ilc'‘trni ”d o i*- .if lh«i outbuild InjTK near nld Imnie' of .loliii D. Uoekfffllei- in Uic' losvi-i p a il of hl.U estiile at 1'ni-a n ti«n MlVls.

I'in-unistiiiircs surromnilni; llu' hlnz^ ]» d WestrlK'Stcr Ci'junly offlriala in t»o- lie v c that yoar'e s-uinpaian of flre- ImHB agalrisi Mr. lioeketc*!kr m:>> Ini'ebeen reiuxved.


r . IT T k i ; U lH 'lv . A rl... .Murib P'lrta of Uv' rn iin ty ra m ru l i-s>itiiimlct'd w liid i ssdl Iiivsit intlay t'l fimvosK the solo caat in U '* Himi««.'rfitlf p rim u ry election nf biKi \\A»dnvHil:iy arc to delirndp-^ w h - t l ir r fn ifo d HTdtoa Son- Slnr .IjiMins 1’. I'lurki' hm bf«-u if^nnrni- iiKtrd nr tiiia hocn il'-fnaltnl by W illd in V. K irb y ii.s{<n.;jHi<■ iii.-ln'o nf the A r- kan.''ue Snpr*‘ inn M ,,nrl

\S'ilh a linn l Inn i^ruall tn u u s liip - miH.fl-Iriff, ihn iinrmal xok- vf xvli'inh dnf.s nnl pxri.'eij .‘J.oini, rt’tnrna inadr ijriiij'l'ii-lrilty ;;lvo Mr. Kirt*y.u btid nf cu lu snipp in U l . l M ivjMirtcd-

Thv uffiii.- l ri’iiiriis h1s#> v>il) 1k' ro-quii'fd tu d c lrr in iti ' «1 bu s t ntio nf flistlirrc I ijMj;reH?«i'>iiiil n<nt>’HlH In l l v .■*»’« - ond I MKtl'is-l Hrpn-Hoiil«ti Vn .\. 'tl'i- r d U B'iBiir«-d of rc-nomiriHtinti andIn Ih'- fl»‘'pro.sf nlRl Ivo W. !■'.Gnndwlii \\p|l in tin- Ifinl. In Ttv:3 tdril, libw'Vi r. Itn' ronr ia t-tnao Ix'tsx' ^n .Inl,n .\. Tilliiinn nf I•’ttvel1fi•vlllc, rnnnnr president i.f fho l iiisr-rsity of Arkuii>HF. bikJ I'liiiKir l-'niirr of l-ajir-kH Si>ririiis. M\ <-Rndidatf.4 I'nUn'd tli ' primary In the Thkii I >iHiri-.i.


Siminl ^{.ifir nj tlirrikP’l-'.W.O. 3". - Aflrt s five-

hunr rnnf*‘V{‘Tii-c brcHklnn np at 1.30' q'rlnnk HiIh nuirninj;; li soitlcnn'nt of tho G'lidd I'rniplrr i.’umpuny strike ai Hc- pi w KOImed fuMher off tliun ever.

Till- iininM Burned to an open .'ihop, isliif'ti lifis l)f»f n the hone of vonlontlon, end nffen-d tn ihH i Ih‘ .Mtr'kr off if the 2.' ‘Id nifii were IkUvu back witldn fiflcon MCS'H uf'.i'r j-;otM''ni*'nl :s. affci'lid.

«bmi.rrd Marm^'r-r llaydnn, fn r the 'b<dd L ompEiny, .'iniojidod hlH nrlglii nffoj l(j takx th* men baclK w ith in fiu. jnot.lhs tn Nil n f f r r in lake Ihom huek w iltitn 'Jirr-e rnnntha. The men w nijld nnt it^'ree In l lia t and Hi the I'nprUiBion of tin; s'util' r< tn fl uiiiinnrK't'fl t l in l ihi^fu liiVnny Hfid its vniplny^'S rc in a Rnrsr^ d n i'J lin k thnii nt ttfiy lim o during the ell- i.e. f

hi. .1. lin'.\nt:.v. "f Ihc Slate linaiii of Mc<liiumn Kiid .Srliitrnlinu Indny -'■■aid that Ik! did not kii.nsv xstiat Inukiiiglo Q B4;U[ s‘-innnt woidil now lie iJossibR.


NKW VlHtK. ATari-li ytb—In a slulc- mnnt Isrnrd today hy Mrnry Hn-en. gon* pral din-i-lm- nf th '’ .American ImmiRrH- ttfin »nil rbatribiitb»n Leag\i<-, annoum-C' ment wa.s nmdr. that the .ungui' would he reorsiaiiizrxl in a In soho the pioblem of ilic h ’gli I' uf Ik ing, tiy ob* tulniiig tho ptopet iHhI i'ibiitloii uf inimi* firaiita on govornmcnl farm lutids In his fitulcnicnt. Mr. Green HnkJ:

“ linuiiffrntlnn irgiplutiun Is needed ynd ncodeu badly, Iml U ninti in* tho right knuJ of legL'iliillrMi What Is needed ts Pot rc.-Ur otivr; liut diHerimlnutury and liidpful Icgistatinii

" if tilt tfnv«'niiii>^nE would Kot aside ftnu.non arrew uf land, rut ll up into ,smuH fnrmlng Irsi'liM then vatahliah a linnk nr fund from whirii l)m -irnnilgrent cohId borrow hi rji votr to ih<* rri’- tion of■B homn, 4||A (|('V4i]npm(MiL of Llm lujid, niul Its pun ha“<0, lh«‘ pruhlein of the high cusl of Iking wnnld d sappeur forever within u few you fa IIutchflcr."

Having a Good Set of Teeth Is One Way to Keep in

Perfect HealthTR U E b ecause food m ust

he p roperly m as tic a ted in o r ­de r to d ig es t. N o th in g should st.^nd ill y o u r way to get your tee th ren ew ed , and v i ' 'n *h:s i’iis accom-p'ish.»-l l;rep tiieui in p e rfec t co tu li‘ ' .n . T h .' w ork m ay >'o* he 3 '.' co 'itly as vou an- t 'c ip a te . C om e in ; let us 's t i iu a tf .

Work ruarjat(«J ]Q Ytart

FILLINGS ?==, 50“


7 8 3 B R O A D S Tr i m n : ihm>«h rtioM m a h k k i’

ovpr Flower J*l«reTr), lilHlI Market

I.rJ} \H rn tia n t—tirrmmrn ?*p«keB Offlrr Hpen » A. M. ia « I*. M. Dmily Kieept Svm4njm. Kundmyi

hy ^ppol1ttl»ellt Omly, lorHrfBji^aturdny F.vrnlnffm0|»en

GOOD PLATES |w ith m y

g u a r e in te e


T h e y Never S l ip o r Drop


Druggist Says l.adica Arc Using Recipe of Sage Tea ano


Hair iliat loses its color and lustre, or when il fades, lurns gray, dull and lifeless, is caused by a lack of sulphur ill the hair. Our '.randm olher made up a'm ixture of Sage Tea and Sulphur to keep her locks dark and beautiful, and thousands of women and men who value that even color, that beautiful dark shade of hair which is so alirac- live, use only this.old-time recipe.

Nowadays we gei ihis "famous mix- lure by asking at any drug store for a ,“0 cent bottle of “Wyeth’ Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy,” which darkens the hair so naturally, so evenly, that nobody can possibly tell it has been applied. Besides, it lakes off dandruff. Slops scalp itching and falling hair. You iust dampen a sponge or soft brush

j with if and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time.

1 By morning the gray hair disappears; 'h u t what delights the ladies with Wyeth’s Sage "and Sulphur Is that, be­sides beautifully darkening the hair after a few applications, il also brings back the gloss and lustre and gives it an appearance of abundance. Ad­vertisement.

rfn fii-


nf th«? laic i'oiLfirCHriinan liohert G, Brom- ncT—hls H'hance I'rum the farm m f_\>n- tfteps—•x'Bfl the I he me of fin mlflresa UvUred here- |af?t night hy James G. Blauv?lt uf Patereuti, In inemoilal exer* visefe ctmduvleil at Hotel Aelor. The fX* orclfieji were given aa a Jotul memorial to Mr. Br*-mtier, J oIilt U. Crosby, a viomi- UBiil salijgle IftNor. urnl ICdwarrI laOjnoynv Heytlockcf. formur HAHlstant tax uoiimi’a- aloii^r.

Mr. H lausf l t told of Mr. Bromner'8 wui'- A'CMs wUh the kapsalo Herald , of h|s friendflhh» fu j TTea tlent WllKun. Mivd of Ills effurtB to CKtttbllflli- a buir^aij of labor safety. The Bueaker bIbo refe rred to Mr. Hrenm<'r'e f ighi Kgu'flt caiiuer, to xvhicb he sucL'iiinbeU last V’ehruHry.

CO FFIN M A K ERS CONSIDER S T R IK ENHW YOUK, Marvh 3D.—.\uuurding to.

t h e orKaiii26*'UB of thu Collin aMakerB’ UnJon, wtii ili wus r e cen t ly formed, ooRhi- inahIng trail*' p robab ly xvlll ho th e ib-x] to ftgtjrc In th e s t r u g g l e he- tweeJi vap i ta l «nd hihor.

b a m u r l Hridel, o rg a n iz e r of th o union, aaid today th a t a re fe ru n d u m vo te hud been-ordfS'iisd on th e queflHoii o f a g e n ­e ra l p t r lk e t o ‘ e n fb fce denia iide for h ig h e r « a g e s ’and b u t te r w o r k i n g con- d i t lone fo r 3.000 co thn m a k e r s in the city.

t e s i n o l h e a l s i t c h i n g s k i n sRESINOL orNTMBNT, witt

Retinol Soap, stop* Itchinf bisUntly.riuickly tn d essfly heals the meet distressing esses of ee- setus, rash o r o ther torm entinf skin or sesip eniption, and clear* away pimples, blackheads, red­ness, roughoeas and dandruff, when other t r e a t m e n t * har* proven only a w aste o f time u d money, ^ w a r e d r haitstions. rh ImI t»*olit br pi»rti«nr «T«rr ires- f tit In tbn L'nlt,* Stnun. bat • »

-- toot It nt nor « ! » • « . WHtn tod« tn D*m. S0.6, Rwlnol, BiWmert, Md, Nr n llbmni trial «f RnMnnl OinOnMit nn* Enttnol SMp.

SEISM O G RAPH REC O R D S ’ QUA K Efipcidnl Hrrniie of thu .VHIPtf.

•.'J.KVIilLA.VD. Mnri'h 30 .— Kniber OiWnt'neli, profe«wr n t St. Ignatlun 'i Unlvcrett.''. lias reilortcd th a t hla «l«m o- araph lohay recorUod an carthuiiuke 3.000 Jiuies away. He thlnka the earth ­quake wan' olilier In Mexico or Beutp Ainerled.-" ' ■

V “ : ..... . . .B e rn u d la n llrtnutn H cbdaaer% C re w .NF5W TORK. XIarch SO.— Tb« steam er

Berm udian, which a rriv ed today from Bermuda, brought seven meralHirs of ih e crew of th e schooner t'i'encca C, Tunticll, which put Inlo B erm uda In disti'eaa w hile ou a voya*e frutn B ruaa . wlclt, Oa, for New York.

IF MEilLS HIT BACKand stomach sours

“Pape’s Diapepain” Ends Indigestion, Gbs, Dyspepsia and Stomach

Misery in Five Minutes,

If ah«t you lust ato l» “eorh'» htoiiiBcn or Uea like B .lumo of Had.10 or. you belch »ao Md «««<»« *““f'unUI*«tod rood, or have a][f6«Itni of dl«l-ncos. hoarUisrn, (ullir..ra, iduMS. >>»d .a*teIn looulh Slid alnoiech headachi. yoo tan fel hlesaoil relief is. five DitnutfaXaK yoor plmi niai-iHl U) tliovv you the for- mulu iiluisiy prim*.! «s these ttfty-cenl ca.e« of l>»i>e'» nispepeln.. Uien you wiunderutond why ?e11evikinitit muHl gn, 8Tld ffliy lIT*y reu®v* KQur. fliiuof-nrdcr or tnJlf»ip«llon infive mlnutra 'Pap*'. Plapepeln 1. htru,. lemi; laelee like candy. thsu«b e^h ifoM will dlteei nsd prepare for BsstmUaites ■>‘e Wood all tho fond y«iyou (o I'll the tiWe with a Ueslthy appeiUe. but, ivhat will pleaue you will -reel that your eloiuMCh and Inieetinet are fleer and treah. and you will not need to rtaofl lo Uxkttvfii or llvor pUJa fnr btU luimneM or _.i

Thlartty wdll have inatiy V'fl"■in” cruiKH. Rii Mom* peoptj tvIII cill tb*i t ’jt yuo N tt ^ ■BihiiRrtaiitiv.'MlbotH tkln n^tn*

IdW-ttomMch pr*p«r«tlon. too. 'I vou I t«k« It for Ui<Jt*€utlo*i. hetrtnurn.KournoM. dy£?opalg or oj>yGot kom« now, thl« mlnulo. rlo your-

of utonueh troubl* Imllfaitlon lo five mlnotejt'^AdvortlHMr'Mit

« M i Mil ts io u m s )■ M )

S o u th eae l. e p rn w . lu t f l '. jx lO O . W U l

S??v*‘1 rN K ? v rp ‘l l o i lSTOEOEL ■ REALTY CORBOIATiOK.

m H a a t te e i : * A id f * " J * i* * r T 3 t t j r , ‘ Pl> *

T*.' . . - .'J

Store Your Furs NowLet us take care of them for you. We plsce them in a pertect cold-storage

vault, cspeciallv built for the aecotmtiodation of Furs during Ihe warm period, and charge very little for this service.

We Insure Them Against Moths, Fire and Burglaryrelieving you of all worry and responsibility. , if you value your "Furs you’ll store them now, railier than wait until the moths begin lo do iheit ruipous work. Drop us a po.sial or telephone fi.NKI Market, and we will send for them In quick time.

The House of Bejiutiful Silks & Dress GoodsThousands of yards l - ‘ suVTnia^' onS l^sioS rrn 'ih^‘ v e r n ^ p o r n ^ S a S

comprehensive display of si of merchandising.

The loveliest weaves you ever saw are shown (many strictly exclusive with us) appropriate for Gowns, Dresses and Suits for every occasion 5* *"infinite variety both in textile and color. It needs only an inspection of our display to realize the important pait ter of Milady’s dress.

that silks and dress goods play this season in the mat-

teral very special items which no woman with an eye to economy can well afford to overlook

Prominent Ainona the New Silks Are \ Repricings on Newest Dress Weavesi r O m m e i l l /» ( J / __ ,i.„ nDu«vi Snrlnff fkhricK ornducod. show the actual mon

I’u tsy Willow TsITela-Rcauliful ment (if the teason's iiwst stylish also white and Mack, yard...............

assort-shadcs,...2 ,2 .1

L'repe Meteor Drapes beautifullv, charni- ing shades varying from white and Mack to dark tones and pastel lints, yard .............2.00

Satin ( harmcuBe--Beautiful finish, street and evening shades, also white and h la A yard ..................................................................2.00

KIviera .Satin—Beautiful finish, rich, plajnshades, also white and black, yard .........1,50

Fashionahle Roman Strip Silks Bold ef- fecla, especially attractive for cnmbinalionwith plain silks, yard................ 1.00 lo l..iU

All Silk Crepe de Chine—Immense range street *nd evening shades, also white andblack, y a rd ......................................................1.75

Fancy Crepe de Chine—Exquisite prim ­ings, unusually attractive patterns and com­binations, y a rd ............................. 2.00 to 2.98

Printed Warp Dresden Silks Fashionable large floral amt »,-tripes, also small to more dainty pattern;. beautiful colorings, yard ........... ......................................1.00 ti) l..')0

Novelty Canlmi (rep e -B e au tifu l Horal designs, in the season's most stylsh coloreffccis, y a rd ....................................................2,50

Crepe Faille Sublime Exceptionally soft, charming plain color silk, while, blackand full range ot shades, yard................ 1.2.i

Cheney's Printed Foulards ln_beautiful patterns, light to dark tones, yd..8.5e &. l.iW

Fancy Vesting Silks Unusually liaiid some in combination colorings ond gold cl-fecls, y a rd ...................................... I.OO lo 2..ifl

Plaid Surah Silks— Dashing plaid and beautiful color schemes, yard .. 1.00 to 1..50

Chiffon Taffeta Silks --Sofi. chifton weight, rich finish, plain and changeable cl-fecls, y a rd ...............1.00. 1.7,5 to 2.50

The.-e goods, represetiling Ihe newest Spring fabrirn produced, show the actual money uiv- int* oppfirtunilv offered you aa result of the new tariff biU

t“ -iiich MMVnfil Jaiituarri TMTela All the:wcsl shades and black; formerly Sl„k|,.

A2-inch .\1I-Wool Satin PrunetU “ Full as­sortment of colors and black; formerly $1.25,

1.2,5 uow’ ......................................................................1.00

Three Stirring Silk Specials1.00 Satin Messaline

One of the fiensi and most charming solid color silks produced; soft radium finish, chiffon weight, free from dressing; 35 inches wide, in full range of various lints, tight blue, pink, mais, hello, Nile, gray, taupe, wistaria, mahogany, American beauty, emer­ald, tan, Copenhagen, reseda, castor, royal blue, brown, coral, nell rose, old rose, myrtle, amethyst, plum, navy, white and black; special, yard...........


75c to 1.25 FoulardsEmbracing the most hcauliful styTcs nf

imported French and American makes. 2.1 inches wide, alt pure silk, in a wonderful variety of styles, including many beaiitilui effects in fasin and jacquard weavings, also

I scores of stvic.s in staple patterns and cnlot- ! ings from the light to the dark printings, as ! well as fancy color designs and P A _

combinations of every description; special at, yard...................................

Ifi-iiirh .Vll-Wool Jai'iiuard Satin Cloth -Splendid clinice nf cnlnrs and black; for- iiicrlv Sl,2,k, now.........................................■'•WO

tfi-ineh .\1l-Mool Creiio do Chine Newestideas ill colors and black; formerly S1.2.S. now ....................................................................1,00

tii-ilvrh .\ll-AVool ( r('p<’ de Chine—InMack iind latest colors; formerly SI..5<',MOW ....................................................................1,2,5

.'.(t-ineh All-Wool Ottnnian Assortment Of latest colors; formerly now.........1.25

l2-ineh Scintillii .Seoteli Mohnir and Silk-.'[wn-im ie effects; formerly SL.kO, now.1.25

12-ineli .Silk and Wool (ieisha—.All colors and black; formerly .si.25, now ................1.00

IL’-incli Hronide .Silk and Wool 1‘oplin —Latest shades; formerly $2.25, now ....1 .98

A2-ineh Brocade Silk and Wool Poplin—New assortment of colors; formerly $2.00, now .............................................................1.50

,>4-ineh All-Wool French Serge— Navy blue and black: formerly $1.09, n o w ., . .1,50

.'lO-ioch All-Wool Shadow Stripe Taffets—Newest colors and black; formerly $1.25, now ............................................................. 1.00

."lO-inch iVlI-Wool Storm Serge--Fult range nf colors and black; formerly $1.00, now .79c

, All-Wool Storm Serge—Navy blueand black; formerly $1,25, now.................1,00

'i4-infh All-Wool Storm .Serge-Navy blueand black; formerly $1.75, now.......... . .1 .5 0

.y4-inch All-Wool French Serge—Navy andblack; formerly $1.50, now.........................1.25

40-ineh All-Wool Bampour Chuddah Silk 4 Mohair Mixture—Formerly $1.25------1.00

Three Important Dress Goods Specialst .25 .All-Wool Crepe Melrose i 79c Check and Plaid Dress Goods


Immense choice new and fashionable checks and plaids; beautiful colors, assorted patterns; new Scotch plaids in many beau­tiful color combinatioas; new goods, espe­cially suitable for present and future

i wear; 40 and 43 inches; special ‘ yard .......................................

™ 68c1.98 C repe M eteo r-* ^” . ; 'the most stylish soft silk; for spring season; line lot

afternoon or evening gowns; in pink, light blue, helio, peach, coral rose, French blue, gray, taupe, leather, carrot, mahogany, canard, wistaria, plum, Copenhagen, reseda, old rose, king blue, tan. Jackrose, emerald, myrile, olive, * r o brown, wine, navy, white and black, mustard, sapphire; special al, per | yard.........................................................................................................................................

Very stvlisli new dress material, made from pure all-wool yarns, shadow stripe crepe weave, soft; drapes beautifully; 42 ins." wide; charming spring shades; reseda, rose, spice, brown, (rahogany, Copen­hagen, Kussiaii green, mode, navy, prune, stone green, black; spe'l, yd.1 - f t G r A a m Q p r trp —S'ricily all-wool of the finest yarns, free from speck*.l.;>0 W orsted L ream aergeand coating serge, particularly stylish, an opportunity to secure Ihe mak- | A A ing ol a stunning suits, dress, coat, or skirt; special at, per 1 * U Uyard .......................................................................................................................................

Delightful New Spring Silk FrocksOwing to Eakit: s laic arrival this year, coming at a time when the weather is soil

and springy, frocks will have the sway. They will be quite as popular as the suits - m laci_ manv women prefer them. Our assortment cotlsists of some .5IK) pretty I rocks, scores ot pretty models in crepe de chine, silk poplins, meteors, taffetp and novelty silks, which may be worn with separate coats. Any dress in the lot will excite your admiration lor its beauty, the softness and fluffiness of its make, its graceful hang, and Ihe shapely- The prices in every instance are at a minimum. Come aud see them. You 11 he delighted.

Silk Dresses—Reproductions of Foreign Models A specially good as- sortment, consisting

of silk poplins, taffetas, crepe dc chine models with minaret skirts, others with one and two ruffles on hip line graduating at back: some have minarets with ruffle edge, a paiticu- larly good model has a minaret with a double ruffle edge and wide girdle, waist trimmed with ruche of self material down front; another very attractive model has a double tunic of flowered silk, each edged with material as the body of the dress; this particular dress has a large corsage rose; the’waist is of lace combined with silk; colors—black, navy, Copenhagen, brown, green and other colors, at

H GDUlMt: (UlllG14.75Beautilul Frocks tor Evening Wear A"? S i'T .

-I___ nAt in <uit/f*r headed desien. knee tunic to mate

:repc Jc lace, hui-

terfly sleeve, combined with black net in sliver beaded design, knee tunic to match, wide girdle of the crepe de chine; front of skirt is caught up at side and is bead- A p ed with large bow; a corsage rose at girdle, pink, peach, maise,white, tango, light blue, tan; without knpwing the price you would say J25.00; a t . . . .

Another Splendid Group o/ frocks .“ ' ..'S l l i lT l . I c l l l l i lmodel;


18.50in many large metropolitan shops. A very pretty one in llowcred shantung.^tuj^ic a very desirable one has a double Van Dyke ruffle, beaded with heavy cording, this in taffeta: a splendid crepe has a short tunic; a crepe meteor has a triple narrow ruffle, and many others, all attraclivc and pretty, a t . .

Dresses for both day and evening wear- crepe de chines in combination of lace, crepe de chines, plain

stylish skirts with waist in combination with flowered silk; others with C ) H knife plait skirts, tunic heavily corded, edged with 6-in. plaited nem;otheis embroidered, and so many more we cannot even attempt description; at..

Superior $25.00 Silk Frocks

Refined, Dainty Spring Lingerie^ in broad selections, elaborated with the prettiest laces and daintiest ribbons imaginable, as wel as the finest

products of the foremost American makers of refined lingerie. An idea of the scope of our stocks may be gleaned from the following;

W omen’s Gowns W omen’s Skirts 2-Piece Negligee SetsRich shades (5f ureen. yellow, coral.

|ilnk Hiid blue, alao w hile; of chiffoii, crepe de thinc, tlKiired nieah hllk, b ro ­cade V eiietten silk, (.'hlntt sUk, iiinll.batiBte. imlnsook, cotton crepe, caitibrlr ancl m uslin; some arrorAllan plaited atio trlmme*d In rlaburatei in' tihnple trim - iiTlng of la r r or em broidery: many have laiioy Jace trimmed bulioni.

Camisoles and BodicesIn unJ1n>Ited nunvbrr of jilyles: made

of lace. net. vreint de rhlne and ctrlentul em broidered lara, some are flfhu sty le , some a re made w^th laee sleeve, some have nottiliijf ocer shoaliler, otherH have lace aiBd ribbon sliovilder

1.00 to 8,lll!!l

W omen’s Chemisef’repe de rhlu'*- nKinsuok aiTd m ualin.

lace and em brotderi trim m ed on bottom In n a t a tj'le ; also chemise P ifi"

FlowHope th e n la e , made of nainsook: does aw ay w ith need of w eariiig d raw er; lace end em broidery trim* ...................................................

Of ratnbriM Hi>d imiiiKtiok: itiHin nusH as well H8 p ra rlli’Bl frts I'-f hI! trim m ed T^ith dHiniy N'iG. ln't'rt .nnl handsome cml>joldc‘vy ........ I.oo i«

Wometi'a Sklrla o f . rcpr, pifiiif, ' im- brlr and tnu$fllTi: nmd*’ plnin wiiti l!nl IrlmmlnK of i-mbi’u ia .ry M-nlloii.

I,W toWomeii'M >klrt« Maii.\ niiiMm flrun

iniy models of 'T fpe de rtiliic, tn o r iu l', Italian nlDi Htid «,biffon. some f iiiiffly arcordloii plaited, some hHv.- tIi’I'P im’- t'ordlon plaited ilouiu'Z'H witti haft trliTi- inlng of iHie N!id nliljini. Stniu’ ri'lilv iriinm ed wltti n*-i ulHitinw and ribbon run; pnm*’ wIlli sjn>cfA imd ipMitd- houncHB of r’-JClUlnlti" soft slashed and open 1 roiil ■ • lo

Cjarter I'anno S k lrl» o f <’ i epw ith lacc floiJii' u\ f j ' ..............

' lie I hinc

Women^N < omliloatloon ol r-n-i.r dft chine; ( ‘hiria mlk. Imuo nnd imiiuiook, trimmed with ex.|ulRlie laces and embroiderleh: many new idens; also manv practical a lyles ami m lngs ................................ ***

1 ;ni Ijl ir td c i C(l I hlffon, e-lasln'd and o ra p ''d uvT-r M ccoidlnn p ln ltcd sk irij*, iLG iil'icr sli^fiticd to m u lch ; H ii'd h c r . hiH iMinu H* i o f w ld trt i liirfo i.. ern- b tn ld c r i'd in ^ ‘ ’1 a iid w h ite w ith r1. ph pink ro u iid a lio n mid .vH I oaa r ib b io i t Id in irih i;i. r iiH tiiicc lo nm ti-li mun>-ril Ik I 14 M [ IU’1 j A O f l \ ICH of ct<d'<' ’h' ‘ h I RC, lai c l l iiiim cd .

W o m e n ’s D r a w e r sI If 1 1 i iiHO'ik. I'U inbrit ;iii<i im is lin un-

limiiriii AHidcly uf h!.s I»s id Ktiapc. iiiid It IfiioiiMrC', 1 tic nr IV ri.4M i)W di awei, | i i* .( il l> in T iiin c d w lih riiil-i o id cry b im I- lo |if 'i iiG o m a lc rU il, niso pi’C lty ff*ncv U f c n iir im iiik iH .............. . H»c <o i.9^

TMRhrllap f Irru lar antJ '^hnpedOrMwers. U lm m rd wiHi ribbon, cm- l-rnid.-rv mol Jure, lifiiiHrltciiftd11(0111.’CH jiM4l Iiln ln hem and nickw.

it i A.6N\ r n W is I .e n f t» row er, m ade of sheen

fiiTii'.A niMtcrini !Hid uHtnuook 5dc to l*dO\ \o f n r n ‘»* llloonicp" o f lU iim n

rrejM - de rh lti" I ’tiiiia s ilk , s .-iu and b a n d a n a s ilk and iiiilnsoo k. Ihcp . eni- l iro ld e ry and rlt'hori trltpmcd 50c to 5dK>

e a s i e r g l o D t r yThere is more to a Clove than its

appearance—there is the Ht, the make, the softness of Ihe skin, combined with its strength, which produces wearability. The "Piaut'7 assortment of Easter Glovery is s«ond to none in Newark, either in point of excel­lence, variety or numbers. Let ua

•suggest a visit to our Glove counlei, just inside the main entrance, some day soon.Women’s tfi-buUon l.ength (jloves, silk

point embroidered backs in whiteand black; pair............................2.50

Women’s Imported Glace Kid (iloves, silk point embroidered backs, all sizes in black, white and tan.

8-buMon length ............... 2.0012-button length ............... 2..5016-button length ............... .1.2520-button length ............... 3.75

Women's Xavier Jouvin French Kid Glovea, Palis point embroidered hacks in tan. fioldcn brown, gray,black and while; pa ir....................1..50

Women's a-Clasp Reynier French Kid Gloves, Paris point embroideredbacks, all sizes; pair..................2.00

Women’s 3-riasp Reynier French Suede Gloves, silk point backs, all sizes in

„ black; pair.....................................1.75Women's :!-ClaB|( Reynier Fanchon

French Suede Gloves in Ihe new shades of gray, mode, also blackand white; pair............................. I .dO

Women's Xavier Jouvin French Kid Gloves, all sizes in white and black.

12-button length .............. 3.0016-button length ..............d-AO20-button length ............... 4..5024-button length ..............5.50

Great Savings in Irish Linen

B u c k T o w e l i n gIn guest and full widths; full bleached,

immense assortment of pretty de­signs, for hcmstitcltiiig and scallop­ing. 15 inch width for guest towels.

Reg. .19c., special at, yard, 25c Reg. ,A0c., special at, yard, 37c Reg. .=i9c., special at, yard, 44c Reg. 69c,, special al, yard, 50c

22-inch for Individual size Towels Reg. .AOc., special al, yard, 35c Reg. 59c., special at, yard, 41c

2t-inch for extra large Towels Reg. 76c., special at, yard, 5.5c Reg, 89c., special at. yard, 65c

Six Very Attractive Muslin Underwear Specials. ........................ _ ____ a- 1 . \ 1 n*n*n*n H AN 1*rlll4v^HN SI

TrUnmeO w ith fine r»ncy ribbon Q A,u n on cover, sk ir t and d raw sr; ape- 0 . ” Uciai. a t .................... ........................................

W um en'a t-«> W o n as-N a lrso o k . fro n t trlni- H r in lra effect w ith wide, handaom e em-

™ ro 1 d * ^ ln ope.“ work design , an o th e r sty le em pire fron t Snd back, also aleeve , of m a fine em broidery lace trim m ed; o lbera of / QVr crepe In pink and whlte^^^aKe^trlnitned^at^^^^^^

W o n e a ’a 1.00 Ceoibrlc D re « » rs --< - 'liiB ti; i tucked and trim m ed with wide em- b ro idery ; p re tty designs; all sizes; spe- U Q W

Re*s Ji60 Skirl* SuMflnliBhed cam bric and trlmitied v l ib di-«p fluuncR of em broidery In various handBomo pattern!*, aoma hava flounce of ro-w Val. Irt<ie InaertiuiTa, ribbon ru»t, em broidery betw een mhu | A A Val. lace edge; regu lar I.&«. special | , U U al .................................................... ..............

\>oinen*N H.9N prliM^enn I'over niadoeipipIrF- wide Val. lace front and bark tun wltli wide rllFlion; fiKii’l hLi.'$ deeji rioiuu'e Rlihdosv lat i’, ribbon niii. lave edge un* | Oderlav: Hpfi.ial a l ......... ............................ '

SljirU —Hon c-ambrJG. a ltraC ' l lv e lv ir lm m o d w U ii Ib re o vows tu’trtty V a l. J at'© insz’ it lo n , 'w ldo .-n ilic o ir i-ry iivRerlluTiH. rib b o n run b u tw eeti itod la f ’C 4'4lgt’, al&o |n ia ii '’ w ith p re t ty luce and eirib i'o idery flou iii'cs; s p e iiia l a t ..................................

John S. Brown's

Irish LinensPattern lable Cloths & Napkins to MatchLxcellcm quality, close weave,

free from dressing; heavy weight, rich satin luster; splen­did damask, for wear; in five good, desirable designs.2x2 yds., 3.98, spec......... 2.892x2'/J yds., 4.98, spec. . .It.fiS

Napkins to match 22x22 inch, 4.50; spec.. .’}.;i9 24x24 inch, 5.50; spec .3.89SampleLine of Napkinsin various sizes, choio# grade,

fineat Double Damask also included in the aale.

Values 5.98 to 1,5.00 Special 4.50 to 10.97

JtrtHlk 6i$t(r mfliiiRfVA t $5, $6, 7.50, $10,12.50 and $15.

5martne.s« onrf mrfjpf character and diattnetivenesa. In our collection pouS V t h e finest ^fSuitBats. T a L e d Hats. Dress Hata. Hats to suit everp fadandtanep

There are the W atteau H ats, th e Louis H ats, th e close fittin g H ats, some w ith Im .I I brTms. some w ith no brim s, m any sailor ideas. Jau n ty , becoming styles

m.. ^ i/ikes o htoad acoDO at this moment, among the moat noteuxuthgThe rUnge f . Sihhnn Fruits Foliage Wings and Quills of the Stove Polish idea.^ l ^ t g ^ Z r i c h X c e ^ ^ : ^ ^ ^ ^ Sdck'fps, Buttonlers ^taneg omnen ^ - indication of a gnat color season. You must see this

. 0/ siem h m U iL n , U, c p ^ U la r«,l m ,M o n i

There’s no monotony of style in our MiUine^,tko^h a hundred hats have the same name, they show a hundred points of interest

La Sylvia CorsetsMade for and Sold Exclusively by Us.

La Sglvia Corsets ideallg supple­ment the natural figure, give correct outlines, and lend sCgllsh proportions^ to the simplest or most elaborate gown, ^epnsent- (ng the latest mode, fitting the form like a glove, theg produce pertect sgmmetrg and correct figure shapeliness, secure com- . fort without sacrificing atgleMght-

,nes8 without loss of durabilltg, the acme of perfect Corset iuxurg

Prices nange Upward ffoiw } 3 . 0 0


- f r



if; UmASe svmrso n e w s . M o n d a y , m a r c h 30 . m i a



U. S. Chamber of Commerce Com­mittee Reports Results of


WA6H1N11TUN. Thetitm qI ihe m rat Huhply prul»U'ni Its up to the United und iiiuit tHki> iheform of inyi^s pruductivtf mt-ihodw ofraittng fotnJ mnlmala. chiefly In iltr Hniiili, la the eoncJuaion reached in h reporl p i>- Liahed today uf an InveatlKailon Juat elided hy the conunltlee on standards of the t ’hamlrer uf CunMtii rrt] of the United States.

I t Ih fruUksa, the fumimli'-'o n-ld«. lu Ieoh for permiineiil relief m antsldt-jpources. Such mjiirtea an: (■raclh-ally confined lu Aiifenttna, Aii»iisl‘tt. adft. B rian and MejfJuo. tMil ui eecli ufthese countries »ho ili'inandfetmhdUy overhauling prudU' tlon. and itonly a (inSetlQn of llmi' tipfnri- n'»0'* »f them will he in « rufiitioii pri-vlri.! tm-al in quantity (or uspiiil to lii'S cimjnvy.

NsierihoJcRS, iHr np 'U t dt'-'laroM that ^hSre ia nu cauac foe Hlarm It f«udt> tlim .the present shortajs*- of jneata m Hue country (s simply h repriiiion ol ^shHl htt« happened lieforc in of ycaincaaalvely hish pri<e-*i Hml ite.rllninc aup- p ika," aa js live repurl. 'Hr« hut iciup'^' rary and pasHlna idiascs "f an cron'Oidi problciTi. of whoflo satipfii' tor.t solution there can Ue no reaftnnable drniid

t'auscH fur n re h o r.F irs t la taken up the Hat or .aupig

for the recent dociUkC in rtu-al produL'llon, Chief among thene Is (he le ’elo|’r ollt of dry farming in the «rjiil-arlrl Wcat. sMiloh hM enabled the growluB of agrlniliurHl ctopa on foniwr cattie ranges, and so crowded Ihc cattle uu|. Th« weather for •ome yeara past liaa been irnfavotaidp. Hot, dry simuners have l»een followed oj •evere winters. In some aci’tlona of thr W eal and Northwest the losaea lia'fl run aa high AB fruro twenty-five lo fifty r*'r oent. of entire herds O op ahorta*oa, i perllcularly In the summers and falls of IIDM. 1^10, l&ll and ISU. foried many fgtmera to rush their cattle to market in ( re a l numbers.' Aa to hogs, the chief causes were the

cf®p shortages in tho years mentioned, aigl Ih* sc^curge of hog f.'holera, which did gm at damage in the Weat, N orth­west. Central v ;eat and Houtli.

* The report then lavlews the situation with regard lo pusslbie supplies of m eat from abroad, reaching the conclusion, aS- rtady stated, that in eaoh of the cnuntrlas th a t has rt-ceatly contrlbulcd Mo mir needs population Ip gaining on production, an t h ^ tl\« local demand will In time taka all of the product,

ttfaanna fo r l‘:i»pouraaemen<." Ercouragem ent ts found In the outlook for domesUc meat jmidiictlon for ihe fol- Ipwlng reasbiw'

The Panhandle of Texas I* being broken up tTito comparatively small farms. Irrl* gated by well«, ou w’bluh stock Is rmteed Intensively and le i»rolCH-led by ihe farm building from the destructive bliie- v trda th a t In foruK-r days, under the large ranch system, declmeictl the herds.

The Bouthorri Stales have l>een forced hy the cotton boll wcevll--a bteasing in

: A dlagi lec-^-tu abandon the onc-crop cotton ayatem and undertake diversified farm ­ing, A result la the production of fodder crops, principally corn. One-third of tha corn crop la now grown In the Souib, and the growing of corn meatuii the rald-

t Ing pf hogs and of cattle. The cattle tickr aow be«n driven from onc-fiftb

Bouthern ai'ea. VV'hen it Is fully ex- larntinated. as it is sure to be In tim^, . t ik tioptb Is certain to he u very large producer of meats.

iMcw < ropr: os .Mlds.The Increasing use of such crops as

fliilo uaU e. K affir corn, cow peas, si- ta lfa gnd fe terlta—largely drought-re- afaiant—la steadily enlarging the agrl- ciritural area, and H idr chief use la for ftKIikei for cattle and hogs, ao th a t In- m itaed supplies may 1>e exported to fallow In t|u)lr wake.

^ e ^ a l r y Induatry is couatsntly grow­ing;: arid \t>la msana. uUimalely, Indirect wMitlons tu the meat aitpply.

Biibstilutea for i^^f and pork are in- :,anaitngiy used, o|id the (ier capita use

'.fof. meat Is dedinfng faster than would W acobunted for by higher meat prices .alone. The poultry industry la growing fa it , vegetartantaqi. has made hfadway, “(bod faddists are ,as niimoroua as tbt. WUwla of the seg.^*

I d substance, the report' Ik hopeful nr taro chief grounds. First, there Is re* aonable prospect of larger snd mure per- fnanent doinastii^ Hupptles uf meat. Kac- ond, there la a probability that less m eat Will be ealen, as a m atter of choice.

SO,—A feature of dlWfjsslou nmoijg aulhoH lies dn3 ttu d en la of N*.w Y<rk University in foonoi'tloh ’ uTil. ihc iisKSrted need of dav<‘loplivg H bocImI college sp irit Is xvhtit Is lornifd u "sore" l•c-l■ew ty for u uiilveri'lly branch uf tlw? V- M. t?. A. lit WHahington Hquarn,

I The fluam-lat rertt/urvea of ih« in- 'H tliu tio ii Hi preaem. It Is said, do not i perm it Jf such m undertHking. but ' u ltschea of ihe u n lv e ru ly express (he

hope tha t so ne duy H university branch ot the V. M V ill bn cstHbiished

the snuare, It would bti eitsb llshed to provide the ui.t-ocMno.-UlInns nsunllv furnished b.x a coJlnlgw duirnJiory^ymiiHSlcm.



v l . ( Mb > Ai hm e enditiires on art tli1.:s j.ess«^n, IV A H VViOi per «i(' I'hllHiielphls has ai-i.uired iwcniy-llve j>lercA of rjlilne.s-* ["Tfeiain for iauiiripju, Thev are from th«-

of Kichnrd Henndt and Ocorae K. h a d e s of London.

The m o s t inipoTlfint nr ihu t w e u l j - f i v e nlijfscu ius( act|ujn*'| h; .Mr. Widener 's »Ti Hpplc-grcen , b cukpr- fo r iued vase, for whikli ho paid tiun.miii,

Fordkam Has ^lout (o iir t I'rinln.I N K\V YOHK. ,Mhr-li IK), — The I’ordbani I I 'n i«er.sH.v Hclc.ol f t basi oraanixeda moot •■oiirl. at « hli h nf tfic Sn-I leme fninL piee.irir PlemKngs are pv«.-pared. 1j> ehirJi HuiimHltiun is ate are (■reHenif ti h nd 11 n d n'f Hi renulnr coutis, Inrluding the drawing nf jurr^ra. Hwe;<r- inK ui wilucsaeH, ■ nf jurv. re-

verdjrt. el'' ,l :«tlce Rtaplep-n nf lihe Appellate Dlvielon in Hfookl>Ti pro- 1 alderj ni the moot .-oert on rt«ttirda>.


. i 'AiMBIUDOE, M ass . March 30.— Much In te re s t has been a ro u s ed h e re ove r thn c h a n g e s m ade In thu Inscrlp- Hons fo r the new postofTico b u i ld in g a t WsshinKtoti. Pr . C har le s W. KMot, p re s ld rn l en ie r i lua uf H a r v a r d U ht- vcrsU.v, HUB a sk ed to w r i te th e In- BiTHdlons. T h is bts did. b u t (he In- Bcrlptlorm. hw ch iseled oii Ihe bu i ld ing , a i r not ex ac t ly ua Prea lden t E l io t wroKY (hen). They 'w e r e rev ised by Presbirtiil VVilsuti. so It Ih aald. Ac­cord ing lo a ta ten ien ts mad« by c e r t a in W ashK ig tnn officials, Pr. Kllol w a s not consu l ted In Ihe m a tte r .

P r KMot s In scrip t ion for the eas t |iavll1on of th e poatofflee b u i ld in g r e a d :

rnrili.*r of new s arid know ledge, Ina trum er i l of tr ade and com m erce , i ' ronuFier o f m n iu s l n c q u a i n ia n c s A m ong men and nstioiut. a n d h e n ce u f peace and good will.

Ah revlsfd. H reads:C ar r ie r of n ew s and know ledge. I n s t r u m e n t of t ra d e and in d u s t ry , Thouuite r o f m u tu a l acr jua in tance , r>f peace and good will A m ong m en and na t ions T he in sc r in t lo h (h a t Dr Kliut w r o te

for the wear pavil ion w as ns fo l lows: t ' a r r l e r of love and s jm p a lh y , Mf^saenKer nf fr iendship , t 'o n so ln r <if (lie lonely.Ibuifl of the Bcaftererl ra ti iiP .

• H rrlarger of the piitilii' Mfe A« th'* line.s Hpprai 4iri the huildit 'ig

Hn-y Hfv.MfHKv’h e r r of B.vmpalliv and lose, .''ifi v,E III i*r [TaMiol frlend.s.I 'onao ler of th e lonely,Pond of the s ca t te re d fam il ' ' , fsnlr trger of the common Iifa,


garet Hodge and .Nflss Uorothy Pethick, two militant dlsriVl<'s uf Mrs. Pgnkburat, but now members uf the new Conitltu-

-ilonai Hodety uf London, arrived hero yesterday from Knaiand.^

Miss Pethink, whu la a sister of Mrs. Pelhlch-lAwrence, said th a t they would he In New York, until April 5 and give lectures un suffrage iu Aitsirallg and then go to Chicago and Toronto, Mias ilodge ajUef th a t she had been out to South Africa and that w^men would get the vole there next year.



NKW YOFtK. March 30.—Champ Clark. Speaker 'T the House of Repre- BuTUatlvek, spoke In o p tim istic vein \fcaterday to a JsrgM audience in ibe Bedford blanch iT the Y. M. C. A. In B iuoklyn. Optiiiiisru was the Speak­e r 's topic.

Incidentally Mr. t ’la rk expressed the hope th a t the peoplr in Guam and P orto Rico would never bo made Am erican citizena.

A bout the lolls question, before he began to speak. .Mr. ( 'la rk said: ■"There's been lou much eald about it a lready ."

"H doemi'l Uk»- hh nmeh senac to be n good P resld ''iit/' ..M!‘<,..rJa.tlL .fflli'd*.

Hs It does lo nmlu* n goorl r'oiigroSM- niati A PrflM' li.*h his r^h inci to advisu him. whiii- a ■'on^ifMsiriHn haj got to think fr.: him .self'

t;'oricerning if|p Moirroc Dnclrlru*, . Il P ls rk said thai n n one of the finuth A m erican repubili s wnuld havi> existed fo r six months whhtuii H.

* ROIIK, M arch SO.—Another fi'Hieral roJIWiiy a tfike Is th ro a tu n ^ a t an early date in Ugly. Railway employes to ih* number of 80,000 are agitating for an ametioratioQ of their conditions of em ­ployment, which would represent an In­crease of 110,000,000 In the Btate budget.

Thft employes held several meetings yesterday, the most important of tl^eae a t Ancona, a railway r-entre, a t W'h c'c1l It was decided that if the guvernnient refuii»*d tu give a Batinfactory answ er to the dem ands of the mvii a general rail* w'ay strike would be proclainied on A aril 15. Hcrlous reprisals were also th re a t­ened. particularly If the government a i- tem ptid the militarisation uf the ra il­way men. which would mean calling them out under arm s and enforcing m ilitary discipline.

At Ihe Ancona meeting, Knrico Malu- tes(a. Ibe anarch ist leader, promised the suppLTt of his party lo the rallw'ay men. and the republican apd soclallet icadera gave ■ sim ilar promise.

liO fREMER FOR ;APAN FOUND YETTORCIO} March 10.--Prlno* Ttftiugawg

has dscldod no t to u n d e rtak * th e ta sk o f form ing a m inistry . T he Em peror offerMi th e . Pr«m lsr»htp to Tokugaw g, w ho Is President of th e H ouse qI Peers, yesterday.

Since the reslgnatioh of th e T am s- moto m lnlstery. M arch 34. th e nam ^i of several p rom inent sta te sm en , in­cluding Oounl Okumo, have been Ln«n- Honed in connection w ith th e fo rm a­tion of a new CablneL^


Instant Relief with Trial Bottle of

“St. Jaeobe OU.'

t \a Small Oh)



rH F t.A nE I.PH IA , March 30 —In d e . pentlcnt R epublicans, identified w ith local reform movenienia, have Insiied an Appeal tu Ihc piirty voters th roughou t Uiariilrj< iiiirl Hiur dcfN-jit Holes |•en^oec for the Sct>i,Turiftl lioujitutlloii

(''rgsuiiz-Tlion Ifj-.l&rB. however, pro- fesn (o l^t'iievc HihI Diminlck's can d i­dacy will III no way Imperil P pu tose’a chances, mid th a t the re tu rn to the parly of runny lliousand Independents will be the result.

NKW YORK, March 30.—ThiTty-five detectives are seadiing today for the m urderer of A rthur J, Slevin, twdnty*SPX years old. former ath lete and graduate of

P'rancis'B roUege, Montreal, Canada, whose body was found yesterdoy after- nuon In the hasement of a saloon owned by Costello A Boles, 637 Sixth avenue. HIh hnsd had been gashed with an axe and a leather belt was knotted around his Ihrfiat

'I'he pockets of the clothes war* turned, blit the police do not believe robbery ■was the motive of th« m urder. Coroner Heiienstein thinks the man was choked to death and th a t the alayer uaed the hatchet lo make sure of his work.

WhsCa Hheufnatlfim? Pain only.8top drufglivg! Not on* coos In fifty re­

quires Inurntl tr*atn irat Rub soothing, peiiBtratlng "Si, OIK’ dlrscUy upontha "teadar spot'* and rallaf comas Lnsia&tly "St Jacobs Oil" (■ s harmlBss rbetmattiDi cure which cannot burp ttia skin.

Limber up! Quit complaintngl Gat a small trial botUa from your druggist, sod In Just a moment you'll be free from rbau- mstlc and sciatica pain, sorenass, itlffnaBi and swelling. Don't lutferl Relief rnd a ours awaits you. “St. Jacobs Oil" has cur*d millions of rheuTnatism sufferers In tha list half century, and In Just as good for ool- atica neursigla. lumbago, hackaeba and MprHins.—Advertlaamant.

Miimmif >lan l.nsen In Cloae f 'n iitfs l.MinDLKTOWN, Conn,. .March

Kr**dehck AHeman-of fcAnmmIt.N J., w«B defeated. It has bet-n an- luiunrod, Ui a tltiBc cunteiJ with Klias W. Hockmhiiry of Pottersvillo for the posi­tion of eeiT etsry-ireajn iror of the Wes- i Ipyan I’nivorslly V. M A. Mr. A He- m an waa made a memher of the T. A4 C. A. f'ablJHd, vvlii-'h d irects the policy of the fisaocintion.

^ ( O N L Y ^ W E E lO ■ *Pn joSDON'T

BROAD ST PRICESJ X r - { / S ’A M • J A W - J v e M T r



Daily Capacity 17,000 Pairs

World’s Largest Factory—Making j.Women’s Fine Shoes Only!,

Annual Business: $8,304,000


T l ^

Member by Invitation of the Rice Leaders of the World Association

i a i l a i l i l iI t a :

i^ a -

Employing 5,127 People

Floor Space: 13 Acres N oth in g but m erit in the a rtic le m ade can bu ild such a bu sin ess a s t h is » ° a n organ iczation of shoe spec ia lis ts w ith but one am b ition : T o M a k e Better Sh oes E very D ayT he R esu lt is that 2 ,000 ,000 Women all over the World Now

Wear and Endorse


A Price for Every Purse

Famous for Fit, Recognized Style, A b so lu te Comfort, and Shoe


»LjNCOliN. Neb,. March 3b.— for * reunluii of the rt-gular ProKresa- Iv* wIngH of thu H^ppbllcan party In Ngbrnakii, repreapntutlv*fH of the two factions mpt today in aeparuta sBaaions and In oftch took up '« dlBCntision uf tbft prov»oKitlK to PeuhlUi for the cutn- palgn next fall.

The 'VoiiaerVtttivcK>,“ undor ihe lead •rah ip of F rank M. (’urriM. itiid ilie J^rogresslvf'a w ith i ’, KppefHon at 'their bead, WFtre expetu-d to imme eonfejeruie uommlUeu ig diaciisd a jUan for reunion. If their jepuri be accepted by tho lu o wtriyB. a loot- Ifar.iiatIuii of the .NehrasUu iL pubiiailiparty 'will tak e phu-*j umlfi' one ('On- Ira l commlHce,

$ 5 * 4 - 5 0SHOES$ 4 . . 2 S $ 4 $ 3 .7 5

A Style for Every Foot

$ 3 .5 0

S p r i n g S t y l e s A r r i v i n g — W a t c h W i n d o w s a n d N e w s p a p e r s f o r O p e n i n g A n n o u n c e m e n t


"Ocod hCHveriH," cxdHimed one of » group of nirn in hih rarroP'FS leatiiti- ranl in Kvem!!' yeyterdio. »h hnuui appenreil In the iTitiaiire ..if the v.-«- tabllstiment " I |om O *1 yon qef COhtlnilOi) tlif; rtuipl-.'.eU lO' . 'Ih*- '-hih*'of the exelainbiio!i .lu ..k l:\u ii hclam fi&li(-rrrutn, v ho wmh ltpli** .ed t" have been dnoMuri UiKt ,liiiy. oith Henry Gill, when tliev F alied fr'iJU ill n pho t' >u B sharnk-

Ryun t-xpiaLiutd ihui h" he.*! m '! Imd decided ••'atii fiwh ris mul hu-lgone to New V.-rli': ' W t 'e 't Hih .Hhnriina t Bay Phorc, kimJ I it fh-aU’d nveito Fite lahinit l>eri> I I. viH.H the iA«\ m Which Ryan if .'fim ted (nr fin'lin^iof the empty .TMfi juii th- rSfilui-imii th a t \\H an<l hi.t cunniiLhli'ii hml beeji drowneit.

Frlonds of ih ' i\t,u mrai hH>l itiriiei* pated in hn ao .w. ' i'i. ' itsi i nioiiy in thatr lionto. ^\he" fi-rwct'i ?*tic\u>upon the Svh e.-. l-? V.a\ if rlr.-kitJS lto:o “gra^eB. '

Ryan aa d H e-t h. ihhi uw t;i||JC0 was hotideE.i tcosL iij Nel. jeiurL

ASBURY PARK, N. J. Steinbach Company


NEW YORK CITY“Queen Quality Shoe Shop’

32 West 34th StreetMidway between the McAlpin and Waldorf-Astoria

HOBOKEN, N. J.Louis Wasserberg

208 Weishington St.

BROOKLYN, N. Y.A, D, Matthews’ Sons Co., Inc.

389 Fulton Street

JERSEY CITY, N. J. Hennes Boot Shop

350 Central Avenue

Flowrf Sknw fur HoMitliftla,NE^\ ^On,K Mftri'h ISM.— I'iiiii-nis in

hospltala will have Uiftr n>r.iri bright tudny a.« fi raanll <if the IuUt - nttioBBl rkjwei' Sho"' in tlranil <>nlrai Palace. Artur nino da;'a the closed lafl nlshi, nnd HiIh mEun-ng off!- cars of the .New YVij-k Fluwer atEtl Fruit GulM begun the dEwtriivuikui tjf ihmisiHTidR <»f cut blEitjiua und eusiin Oie fhp>\(«iln5 and folUg* plaiitsE HEnong lu.-sidtnis and other I'hiuilRbU; iE std inhirij.

New Jersey:AIL.^MIC HIQtlLArSDS, N. J.


Louis S. Sculthrop BOONTON, N. J.

Benjamin Greenmail BUTLER, N. J.

j . M. Daglian BRID GETON, N. J.

W ilbert M. Bacon BERNARUSVILLE, N. J.

Quality Shoe Company,Palmer & Grisseli, Props.

BELVIDERE, N. J.J. A. Jackson & Co.BARNEGAT, N. J.Lewis Abramowitz

CRA N FO RD , N. J.Edward KramerCLIN TON , N. .1.

J o h n M . H a w kCA PE MAY, N. .1.

I . T e n e n b a u m

PHILADELPHIA, PA. A. H. Geuting Co., 1230 Market Street

LAKEWOOD, N. J. Louis Mayers

eCAMDEN, N. J .Anthony Kobus & Sons

N. E. Cor. Fourth & Spruce Sts.

CALIFON, N. J . Frank Pill

DOVER, N. J . ' The George Richards Co.

ELIZABETH, N . J. Estate of

William Hilgendorff FR EN C H TO W N , N . J.

Conjelius S. Hoff FREEH O LD , N . J .

D. V. Perrine FRANKLIN FU R N A C E ,

N. J.Josef Honig

HACKENSACK, N. J. W. H. Roberts

HACKETTSTOW N, N . J. Wade Bros.

JAM ESBURG, N. J . John E rhart

KEYPORT, N . J.A. Salz & Co.

ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. S. H. Schellenberg

TRENTON, N. J.John A. Gallavan

LONG BRANCH, N.J. Joseph Goldstein^

PLAINFIELD, N. J. Alfred K. Willett


M ORRISTOW N, N. J.Clarence C- Bockoven

MILLVILLE, N . J.Andreas Boot Shop

M ANASQUAN, N . J.J. Lewis & SonNEW TON, N . J.

J. Snyder & SonsNEW EGYPT, N . J.

W. T. NashPASSAIC, N . J .J. Abbott & Son

PR IN C ETO N , N . J. Brophy & Lyons

PO RT N O R R IS, N . J.J. S. W allace Co.

PO IN T PLEA SA N T, N . J.D. Abromowitz

PEN N GROVE, N . J.W. S. Leap

RIVERSIDE, N . J .M. Schrieber

New Jersey:

If your dea ler d o e s n o t handle "Q ueen su p p ly you by parcel post.

RED BANK, N. J. Clarence W hite RAMSEY, N. J.

Ernest Keck SW ED ESBO RO , N . J.

Joseph Arom SUSSEX, N . J.I. Po tter & Co.

SOM ERVILLE, N . J.J. & A. Nevius SALEM, N . J.1. C. Smashey

TOMS R IV ER, N . J.F. Lipschuetz Co.

U N IO N HILL, N . J. Birnbaum & M ather VINELAN D, N . J . i F. C. Rieck

W OODSTOW N, N . J.W riggins & Son

W OODBURY, N . J .Theodore Laub

W ESTFIELD . N . J.S ilbergB ros. .

W ASH IN GTON, N . J . H arry A. Cohen

Quality** S h oes, w rite u s for Spring Sty le B ook an d n a m e o f n ea rest m erch an t w h o canTH O M AS a PLANT CO., B oston , Mass-

' i - p






Yivrth aluai\\l]IJlh,

Mlthe(I'tjtil>leR:thebyM l1)pJi:muKio111!lh«bobi:iuf•wcluiIn

att XV i


J 'Jh"Ithmyfthr«'*1



TO UTa Small Old

dnly>* Id nriy rt- lub K>othlnt» dirvctly upon rents lDti*atl)r « rb ttnu tU m cln.itnvl Q«t * druffltt. tQd it from rbtu-

stlffneii Rtl it f m il D Ml" h u curtd m In tbt li«t icn>d for td* nektebt end

0 0

p i e


l a y

t y l e ,h o e

l e n t

N . J.

KEWAKK EV^INING NEWS, MONDAY, MARCH 30. 19U.i - w n s t r - A . •

o c a n

D U D L E Y F . M A L O N E D E N O U N C E S g V N N

Pori Collector Classes CoTentor with Murphy, McCooey


M3W T0I;K . Miin-h S'J. —The Hetn- lilancu of Uunnoriy In ihi- New Vuiic IStklu Ut-niucracy followInjaT iTiu aoluc- lloti Ilf WIIDhiii i.'huioh UKliorii d» S lste chalrm uu and lli« confereiieo held by 1‘rc'bldi.iil W'llbun, NaUoiuil ^'httlniinn T\'IIIJ«iii. l-\ ,Mr<!otiibs ami UovaMior llljinii tms bom HliftUvrrd by the Gl>\ untur'M {cppolnirnunt uf Tam- m any men lo Im pui'tant Slalo puah lions.

<.*olnr*ldinit wHli Olyiui'a labured d t- feiiwij uf [be a |ipo tm uieiils Colluclor Itlulono nut x\lth m Mealbllit: ,demiiK’lHrlun uf ttiu riuvi rnor. wlmau j adinfnliitratluii he deelun-d Ih "douiin- BleiJ by Ihe M urphy inrtur'iicf." H'- i JiMted ijlynii wlili M urphy. MeCoo»> t anti M'.'iJalie anil awberled thu t Ihc frc.U cbt unm ber ol liia uppuiniincnia ’welo ■•hirp'iUasly bud."

As hlle M r Maluiie did not profehs In fur fb fblileiu Wilaon. ho Niild

th a t In. had Uoiui In noribiillnNon \v,th li'Hder.H M tpim ho I'unshlni'cU of tlie WUhou brand nf SirmuorHi-y.

In lilH slaU 'tneiit laanod yctiici'ciuy, Ah', Miilunu .said:

"111 111V Judgmeiil. Ironi Ihe point of ^ il.’V of tff!vli ii[ guvt:i inm.iit, umJ from | C it poinl of \iew of oli,ni i^ iiinriary . fl'a ijrcHlet nuniliei of ijnvoniur Cil«.min le ren i hietila aii' tinpe*lespl> bail. U l» MOW ijuitH ideal that Ihe SL.ilc adiiiIniniratIon la dointnateit by Uuj Murphy tufUioiice.

"troveniur t!l) nn haa i hobOti liis pu- liliru l iiUgiiiiieiit nriil iiHaonialinMH, U8 ])p had ii tieifect riKhl to rlo, Hiid«Atur-

, Mrt'oiu’i ami raid'.f'y imim be salit^ried isilh llie0 ‘'\e n io r a plana (or Jila tniit> s ’dP" Dfl.

' ‘But llic nn-n of the rnnh iind fiJti of Ibe I Ji'UMM I at ii" |m rl\ lu New Soil;

• fciiale iiff au pi oy rorj.sive us in nn> S t.M uf [1)0 fu ion . hihI nut s\ ilhalaiid- h)g nntoiviinl in n d ilto n s they are W uithy uf Lilts deniKiHi. and will koL ]‘i;al piojgresH Otron^fh llie leadership In llielr party."

In an in loriiow a.-i-ompanyii^^ liis SlftiemimP I ’uMoHur Malone took issue ^^illl Hlnlu I'luiirnuni <i«boni. who UaJ exprc&Hcd Ills api>io\Hl of tlie tilyn '’ lippulMtinciilH. "1 reg re t Lo lilffor w ilb Ml, t.iylmni's opitiuni ulroiit these up- lioiliMiients," sadl Mr. Makiiie, "bill I do diffei* iiimhL en i]d ia tiihM.v. No h p- pniiitineiilM '‘nii be good wlii«di in* di»> ta led or InriueuL'ed by tmichlne po''*

i Eyeglasses Will Give You More TAian Any Glasses You Ever

LChesler’s[C om fort kn» .. ...V ii; I[Had, Because He Is an E xpert a t H is Work.I n em em bfr. h« protect* you uualiiBi .

to t e r lo r * o r k J l . r o u B b ^ 1- K u .ro n to o o o b o ^ u t r[ o r m oney ’ r'^un'(1ed—i, "vltl,l fHct w ortli coiisidriintE "'bcu ib u y in i; iiomethlnE n liie-tenlhs of tho people know v u y f l l t l le of- . . . . r ,1 ,u<

I m ik c und *«ll (U sse s from the low est price of Jl.lW tof th e best mode. —

Examines Kyes for (ilasNea and ______________ Makes Eyeglasses Exclusively

r „ . s ; r ; „ . 10 2 m a r k e t s t . , ; ’. v '» " ; ; r ; : : r r ' . vC H E S L E R

tiCtf.'tio\rrr< r U hnii >\ o i.s.sncd n HialPinent

5. - tpnir*y defr-ndim; his oppoditnienU'. ■ Jle doHarr'il d ial hln sf'leolluna hmJ | "liruiiglt moifi flbihty and fHpui’ltj lu j the uf Nrw York .Stat« than the 1appointrnunts of any Uo\eriior of revent I yrara ’ —and tlmn prucrftdf'tl to take up j j eaoli' tiulhidnal nppulnlrnpnt explainiriR ; j th e pct.'iiliar ijuH'ificntkuifl of the np’ ' puiiito© fur Ihft T'Int'e. lie wpecially lauded ' ‘r’Qrlii»y'‘ .Mi-rulie, whom he made cori- j ■orvftiion foMimliSBloner and whose aclii- j itic j as i/harIcK P. Murphy’s personal | iTpresuntalh'e a t .\lbany have been par- ; ticularly obnuxioua lu the Wilson brand j of Democrats. j

“ H e r e ’ s t h e k i n d 1 w a n t ”Yes. The whole family wants

the same kind; wants it decidedly and wants it often, too—

C a m p b e l l ’s T o m a t o S o u pServed sometimes as a plain puree,

sometimes as a rich creamy bisque, sometimes with boiled rice or noo­dles or vermicelli or in some other tempting way, this savory Campbell kind provides many delightful variations upon the one piquant and satisfying theme.

Why not enjoy it at your table again today?

2 1 k i n d s 1 0 c a c a n

C^N YD ER'S ANNUAL EASTER CARNIVAL j]o%v in progress—Even a ivef Saturday could not keep people away from this store to take

advantage of the many special offerings in desir­able apparel for women^ men and children. Every day sees fresh additions to o u r already ample stocks —merchandise which we are fortunate enough to obtain at less than regular value, and which we put on sale at the sam e economy. You have less than two weeks in which to do your Easter shopping. Make your selections now at leisure, instead of leaving it till the rush of the last few days.

\N t) OF MONTH SA LE -€utout this coupon and present it tomorrow together with reg­ular stamp check., and you will receive

30 Extra S, & H. Green Stamps Freewith purchases of 1.00 or more. Good in any part of your hook,no matter how many other free stamps it con fains. These extra stamps are additional to ihe usual stamps, which we give with all cash and charge purchases. If you have not yet a charge account with us, this is an excellent opportunity to open one.

iSllllllHiillithBroad and Cedar Sts.—T h e S to re T h a t G ives R EA L Va l u es— Stamps Free

T h e Best Suit and Dress D ept in Newarkdairy houses, but at pricct within the means of averaRC women.

I ■ '.'Ik hm

We Show Suits at 17.50,19.75, $25and' And at every price von either set better quality and better

siylc or YOU pay less (han a^J^^TlC^e in the city-As> a pafticnlar example, wc cite the new Snk Moire ouita priced here at Slit.75. And when Moire is so scarce.

Take f o r Instance Our Suits at .~Reproduetion.s nf sonic of Iho deverest creations of foremost

Paris desiRncts; every new effect conceived for Ihe new Spring season will be found embodied in these productions. Also S” ..5((.

Special in Boys’ SuitsThe better kind, suitable for con=

Hrmalion or dress wear-- A P Tegular StV50; 75 to be sold Tuesday a t . ...........................

Vviit'-ri you liiho Into copaldoratliun Mio fwrt Umi these nulls lire mHd« of H-ouiu-o ull wool fast color Hlu« Herae, >ou will un tlerstsud vihHl lHf»y wre HotUHUy w orth : tn s roiit Is cut oil llio lult’Hl BuU'uftrtii Norfolk imuli’l w ith kn ife p it l ts fuul iiuivb pock«lH; the pitutH are \'ut pf'B top. full IIiipU. belt loops ivMli wnii'li piH‘k»‘l» liinl side hip HlrupH ttiiil bm-kles; all s ite s lo uiHi't, from fi lo 18.The fine.^i tine of Bovs* Suits in the city at all prices from 2,98 up to 7,50i some with extra pants

S i l k sD r e s s ( j o o d s W a s h G o o d s


Our^pisplay of Spring and Summer DressesI‘hfllli^nffc rum iutrlson not only hi Ihly r ity but n iijw liiit! ( Im.-.See the Silk Fophn Dresses uv sell at J ,

Na’ the Crepe Meiror Dresses u e sell at $H.S0SVt the Serpe unii Bedtord Cord Dresses we sell at $S,95

u f rtniiHo. IW' .‘HITV n-iM RiMibH, but H W ilut uocrss.iiy It> |.MV biph*T pi b -'fl to U'I p iu frr tly i fp iv scn u itiv o ol i'Vor> in wlih;i8e tlilrt Monson’s fuMliluhS.

See Balmqcaan Coats we Sell at*■ II will lh.,1 InrlH ., ...... I lit*-' .V'"l 'KM K 'l

Mi,-h a« »'•' UHMuil.' " I f" '- ' " '"'V I" ; v. b'l ■» I>:uMd rlHKK, KM'Ml Kl.'i'- w l l m;Ml. . r"'K' ! '■"! cuals. Oil Ihe nioilKla llmi ii'K.lii nnlmMvjiiiMS i). KlrKl'l'-.

89f Storm Serge,"-iMch Jill """1 ilouhlo wnrp. Iti plain hlm Je*. lii'-tu 'llM i; p le n ty o f n av y C Q c »

i Hh(l bliivk u remii rUali le b u rgu lnI 111 lilts ITleo. ....................................1 l.fH) S h e p h e rd ( 'h eek HI utt.iiu-h bhn'k Hiid white wool i l Q -

MiUlujff, very epoiTul lomuiTow’I jiL .......................................................:jB-incli All Silk Taffetas

I.TiM all silk lafTi-tiit.. IHMiuh, all tho inoM \v;ilttf*d pbiii) t’ulul’M uf this Ri’R* | I Q tioii'n tiitpijlMr fill fllk tiirTolii, 1 * 1 ^ ulTt’rcd 8i*eol*il ill. y im l..................

All Silk Crepe de Thinehm in iii w id th . HhuwM I" « 7 " ' .P rnnu'n o f w trn ft jiiid eveniuK fthiiiSos. ulao b lin k w h llv . u ff'-rm l HpevbiltuM io iruw a t li'fffl thnti wboleualo value, ....................................................


T,US MllSl.ES. Maroh 3l>.—Uffjolal Invesllgalion of rimrtjyfi made at the BheHff's offlue that tvventy or twenly*-f1ve former lumatea of the Kli>4?‘s I'ark (N. Y.t Insane .>?ylum ^^c^c taken VVe.-?t in a ppedal train ^anii soattered In ae\eral AVi'Stcrn towns. in''ludlnR this place, will I'ft nittile hurc loiiwy. All had been dis­charged, it is suld, and tire luunly officura Jnlend to nseertalii if ihuse coming hereDTrt .‘*anc,

Dr, Carl Vun do Mark, xvho l.i reponed htt^c hruUKhl the patients has j

Jiftcn Bubpoeneed to appear before the t 'l .u n y y I ‘ominlissloii t<^tlay and will Li« |ftuked to cxpluin tho aiuiation. I

NEW YOMK. March 3iT,—Tliiriy 'n- i matey frum Now York hospitula fur tho j insane were aent \V*f‘st In i-hargo of ten | RltenUanls and a nurse on March l!i and j vere turned over to friends or ^elali^■es I Jn variouB Wcaterii dlioa. This iin- j;oijjicement waJ made l»y the Slato Jfospllal L'ummisaiuT; today in explanation c r a di.spHli'li from L'j.s -\ngcSes saying th a t inveatlsallon had i>een started into the rase.

I nder the laws of the Slate alien In- Bane must be returned to the States from wliP ii they came, pruv'idoiJ they are not viulont and may be tranap^rted with Bafely. 'Ihe thirty sent West, the biiicau of deporlation explained, came In this class.

‘■’rhcrc was nothing irregular about these ijorsottfl i ciny sent W est/' said Dr. itichael Ufnato, iimdlial dliector of the bureau, “ In earh case the I'atlents were left in rcsLiunslble hands. Such deporta­tions are common.”

'Ihe doctor added that only one of thu . iiult^nts came from the ko.spital at King’s

Dark, N. V. He Is c'arl Frank, and he was taken to h is-m other a t 320 West iloiinlalnvlew avenue, Loa AnEolea.


NK\A VLfRK, March 30.—The newly legun cxodu.s of iHborera from this coun- ' try ifi a ttrib u u d by sicaninhlp men to the i tc’arHly of work in the West and Middle | 'Western 8tntea. coupled witli the low I Blcferagc ru'ya to Contluental porta. All j Bteainers ar'^ now os'erbooked by Weytern i Hifencles, Up'ward of 10,001) left from i here last week. i

The present sioerafio ralo to northern Kurupean ports is ¥22, while the rate.*? lo ilrltiflh and Modilerranean ports remain Bl The Hudden exodus haa not a f­fected the It.flux of steerage pasyenBera— : th-x Adriatic uf ibe While Blar Une - - tised jeaterday with 1,U3C. ^

The number uf fiteerage [lasscngcra \.ho left thin port laat week h«9 been only (unce cxccctk-d. In 19H7


fjtfi fof BejTfce of the NiTrS.ALBANY. March 3U.—With the w aitra

In the Alohawk niid the Hudson rivers uradually receding. Weather J'’or€ca?ter • fl odd believed today further' daujter of a | nerlouB freshet was probably pasi. Doff' I Bible rain and Ice jam above Sclicncctady, ; hoAvover oi.'cfealun some alarm. j

The JIudHuu hua dropped a fool during j th e last fIfU-on hours, Duinage by the flood liore waa alight. Heavy losses were i experienced In the Mohawk watershed 1 where the froehet reached a crest of j twenty-five feet. There wore two deaths by drowning Saturday Afternoon, when th ree railroad linemen were Imprisoned In en ke-jam m ed rowboat above” Behejieu- lady. The th ird eAvain lo safety.


8TKA8SBi;nO. Oeiman;'. March 30.— A mysterjoua on a aoldier on guard a l the 'Klrchljacli fort waa mado Friday a t niidnlglit. accordlna to a repu.'t laaued by the m ilitary aullioritlea here to- day.

\\ hen a sergeant opened the portal In reply to the boll, which he asaumeil had teen rung by the commandant returning from Ihe city, he heard a ahiit tired and a bullet grazed hla cheat. He advanced to tnvcsllEalc. A second shot wee fired. The bullet struck bhn In the groin, fla t­tening on a coin In hIs pockot and only ■tightly hrulaliig him. An armed patrol was eent out to search for the assailant, but wRIioot result.


• V ,____ ^WABHlNGTONi W areh SO.—B«nfttor

ThompRoii and the CoiirreenlOTial dele- Katloh from Kahsae today asked dent Wlieon to appoint John D. Cald-

S.V well of Fort Scott. Kan.. MtaULer lo - ^F era la . ?

Oalr OM *»rae«* Qwlnii#.",Td got the.genlune, .call for full naing. ^.aratlve llfomo Qulniae. lk)olt fot elgita tiire of E. W. Gruve.. Curea a dol* 1c

M<x--*av«ro*WMi«. _ .

' f tr


Wonderful Waists at LOOVl'c call a tten tion to the special toi, which by arrangem ent with the m ak­er, we are now selling at 50c. below their regu la r price. Made of line B atiste and fea tu ring the new ruffle co llar; ecru medallions in fron t com ­plete the newest and a ttrac tiveness of these waists.

See the G irls’ Dresses |^QQ

Nothing 1111118X181 in the price, hut sec what that price buys; here. We show one illustration. Dainfy girlish frocks, marked by a distinctiveness such as is iisuallv reserved for higher priced dresses. Over 1,001) of these girls' dresses now on display in about 25 dif­ferent styles.

Black Silk Moire3»>-lnvli, Hid p<'iriTiit ffllk In thp m ar­ket 111 Ihe pi<-seiit lim e, about F r t :00 }n\i\a ulYf'ioiJ herv tomoirosv n(, ................................................

l ‘)c Shirling Madras1 About 2<l illfferept diafOiillniJi'd i»1 Blrlpe tlesl;;ny On w h itr o r t.ui O l U ^I very upcvhil wUllo tl 'ry1 at. yu rd ...............................................

25c VoilesImpoj'tu'l and dnmcffib^: to liifh^awide tail »reph. pink. bliM\ bivenflor, u„vy UI- hlnck s trip es lind \ ' ) I U „i t .... .. on 'vhlte RromiilB, Hpe- 1 vclul at. j a r d ...................................

ToraorrckU)— ‘iuesday—M rch 31

E a s t e r S u i t S a l eFavorite Fads of Fashion’s

H our “M usketeer” and “Apache” Customary

^25 Value

The most brilliant concep­tions of the costumers’ art compose these widely' variant creations, many | of which receive their initial introduc­tion tomorrow ihorugh the Bcdch “Easter Exposition -of Elite Mode,' now in progress.

G ib tr d in e t Merges 1-ich Crepes F/arjiirlsP Copenh4gen Leiluce Green

PAvriitA A'a-bV ®b-’ *-BlACkNo style, no dainty trim­

ming accoutrement that has won favor this season, will be missing—soft "crush" laces, lavish silken girdles, pretty little flowered vestees that re­mind one so well of Paris, every latest fashion sleeve, and skirts in a bewil­dering diversity of rufTled,-and tiered novelties.Remember, Alterations . FREE


t Z I K l N D L l I l II

t "A Perfect Dreamis what a customer exclaim­ed over one of the hats she tried on in our Millinery Par­lor on the second floor last Friday. The price was 7.50. She added that in New York on the precious day she had seen the identical motif*/ priced 12.98. It did not sur­prise us in the least. If we charged all that our hats are worth,as others do,we should make biegrr profils, but we should do less business. We prefer to sell on the closest margin and to sell more hats.

See what you get here for 1.98, and then compare it with average hats at that price. And if you buy our finer models at 7.50, 10.50 up, you enjoy «ycngreafertidi’an(iig-«.


Krnl|> Milan Shin**-* -'riif tltiiK qii.illtx, lub of Uif i-' 1111- Ijorl^il shuiu’s, tu rn ­up all UI uuiul. lui !!•i: |i tt II tjtui bIvI f. 111 r -buTis. B iiilc ir^ iuH,- lu suit evei'Vfiiue; r-p. •”1 AO*3 58. spc r ia l ^ , 7 0Ht .............. .

M i l l i n e r yR ib b o n s

M l Ihe Leading Shades. Bows TiedFreeofCharge

25c to 49c Yd.|1r«4‘fltlpfl UlhlMkii*, iwo

wlillhi^. Ill pink. hliiO.V. liiUf. i i im Iz i;, la \ l■luS ■l•*iml N th . r.^*-lii‘ h, Je*iiilui- 3of. fit 2 9 c\a>fi ..................

SiOUn Itlbhon. & U B>id 111., ill WlilD?, pink

uDfl hlur. ii-qnhii' 2i>c {Uld “5r. Hi V'Htd

I 9 c a n d 2 1 cSatin Moire

Itlhhou**, i 4 hi-, r - u l l a h l f I If]' I mi r l»o w:<, ft Iso 5 'k • I lu'h

\s iijih Jor hashrs. in lunk. IjliM- or wlilu-, i'i''p,ii1or 3&C iiiid 2Uv, bji' i'liil, j'Hi'd.

2 S c a n d 2 9 c

Snyder’s Special $4 Oxfords & Pumps

469 pairs in this lot, numbers all from our regular stock, numbers that wc are not reordering this sea­son. Women who have been wearing the Snydei s special may find just the size that they have been wearing—all sizes but not in each style, 2d Moor.

Basement Shoe SpecialVictoria and Rehan Pumps, 1 A A Oxfords and High Shoes at ■ -v rv r

The styles included in this sale wit! not be in our regular stock this sea­son. A fine opportunity to buy very good shoes, which tiO per cent, of the women of Newark know about.


645-651 BROAD ST NEWARKBrooklyn, New Vork, Philadelphia

Exclusive Specialty Corsets

a t l e s s T H A N C O S TWe have purchased the entire stock of a high-class New England

Specialty Shop, and will sell ihem at the following great reduction*.

At SSOU-Elegan! Lily of France models, originally up to SIOAt 2 i r i u c c h s o ModeU (made by Madame Irene) and

AM 25l{!-TSr«a*H;.nd. model*, originally up to S5.00 At and |t .6 0 —Ivey Corset models, or ginally up to S3.TO.M 7Sc. « d S 2 .5 f l-U Reine models onginally up to S6.00.At T5e.—Smart P. N. modelt, otigm i ly up to |3.M .At 75c.— Her M ^ a ty models, originally “ P $2 and f3.60— Iffe custom-niade corsets, special.

Assorted styles and sizes.


V a i i O r d e n C o r s e t C o .1 0 1 M arket Street (Three Doors Above Washington Street)

R u g s

L i n o l e u m s

A T a t t i n g sA jobber's surplus stock, at a big

saving. . .Just in time for freshening up the

home for taster. i /.t Dmrfi -11.7 Superb «xl2 Seamless Wilton

Every piece perfect m e « ry detail .d e s gns and fashions suitable and practical for inoM ai^ luoin, many of Ihem reproductions of the fl*a r choicest rugs of the Orient; reg. retail

$ 1 2

For Experienced H o u sew iv e sI ^ fV^AB«l0An ^ . if .. u t

: TT'*

price SjO and S25; our price in this sale 89 9x12 Seamless Brussels R ugs— Woven m

piece and shown in Persian, Oriental and floral designs; regular retail priceS18; our price in this s a l e . . . , ..........

P 7 9x12 Seamless Royal Axminslcr Rug*— discontinued designs, no leftovers, but all bran^


La lance & Qroselean Famoua Double CoaUd

y Turquolae W hite Lined ^ Enameled Ware

\ t Tom orrowU’fiili. liii-'tl liisirio n ikI NHritlp'1

Mun niilsMe. cvri-y pleuR htrltrlls- flri5t guiillLy, crianii?! rovers on ull

^fUHranilied 1>v th e niHkrr and liy na. CltoUc from IJfiulilr llollrr, fmnll> IDfep IXiib r«DM,1-1 iriN.i W a trr 4 tfuri fi ook FoIn vvllfa i-ov«r* 4t N, H rdcI Id 4|L MUf-N} 'fVa nod {/AtVef- l*otn, 2 wood nl/rni prU-r Ir ‘Hk-' 4o 7Do* allwlib tDBmpI <f«ver«, cbolc* of Riij tomorrovf, only . ,

NrvT IIH* “ Model'*Guts nouirr. w-1th Inrae ov^n uiuler- iieall), t'Mra liroilpr hurnr.j’ Hird extra, biirnnf [or roHsIhiK:

S-buruei- tup,MVar d 'lll«d Iniiiif-r. pnrreliiln liiiudli's: for ihia ftale ^


24 .85Neat inlaid patterns, 2 5 c

JHllUUCM Ufcisi(j«i>a.| «•- ----- .new, up‘to-the-tninute goods; regular retail price S30 and S32.50; our pricein this sale............................................

i (too Yards of China and Japanese Malting -----'also woven carpet designs, red, green or blue colorings, regular .X5c. and 40c, mattings, at. yard, 29c and................................... .. - ______

200 Cases of 2 & 4-Vard-Wide LinoleumIn ti So Vd Large assortment of patterns, Lot 2, Sq, \d. LHii, JH- • |„j,|udiiig tiled marble, floral and

oakwood colorings; regular reuil

4-ltiirncr HnPK« nt ■ . 1 U>N\ ] mo Mold on dbr K»my J'MjmPBd r la n —HM«r- m m l — i:»dri< liMrgi»M. __________

3 9 c prices 65c. and 79c.; our price

1,000 yd.9. of Inlaid Lino- 7 Q « leum, at........................ t 7 \ e \ c \chased on our Club Plan,

NenluB MnrbLurM-—'I’ll'’ hpw* mode

11.50 to 32.50Sold a t l.«M) " Week <ir C, per ir n t olT

for < Rff h.T nllrl »nrt M»«h -tnod* . h 1 ilr rn .

Hinf’li'd, ivitli p itekfr. srapdifri). bin- -Tn«l sh m d : viilue1 25: ss>«2cirtl t oiiioirow a t ..........

Madam IMH»' •4ad Iron* th r r r Irrina* Hland aad cold katidlg'.

\ «'iit <i Imnn

iMutHf. entn*iik6

LlluHtnitloti:7 ‘j In. fill

I'crii dlssh. artid- u Ih I | i Ih i iE find fitticy

I nilrroi- tria- I t.oau. i iQ

hH 101-

:LHurCM‘r Hlue K laior Sdovt-— Mnd®ul ix tL u h fiL vy CHHtlnu. fkM ii»;edblB c a p b u rn e r, pcaafffnle« il n o t li> | ^ 2 9U ii i k fro m h r t t l , f tp « c la l............Arw f.arrn M o f f t r a - - Lvi-ry plil'l iv u f- t'Hhtfd.i.| 12 IT UIf rh IIIUW-1 r. Hi2 .4 9L o H mm t ’lod h rw l lu r . pv)- s a i rt . . . • 1 SjjO

i : i l r a n o u b l r i i ^ d re n g lk .4 u i ' lOcm o u la , ’.T {ftHll'Jii. a l ..........................

t.nN 4P v ro P i-':: in lir ia*e-d ' ‘ U o il u1‘ *r;tH ulOVf, |lUs'5-f Of tlXlTH llOvlVy l.iu-5 trlu’.n f ie f i i : spcr itil . , . .

HrKi 4 liupp*-»'M il ar it tto u r w ted knitpM . No, I g Q gal . . . .

qij J rl NiM niei rwri» —ii-

I ’>c u ii i ’ !■;1, with II

a i ifo l io f i t —■id pijftL bill-

tra tliig aomid 11 iji' cuorage


IM’I t lr ,1 r. U'tol p*' IupA iiiipJ 4 i liy -liesUit-. witii irush huTitni for Hietfr- »«*• w'hr-fl. rllUtfi- of .ill blUBH, briivk with iiLikel irlmmliiise or 2*75liLikel

, fni wain «i4 .................nad tc iy . rtiiHftblo kind, I 9 c



City Hall. Mm-oh »T.Tha follDtUni Iff the list of ihe

d»ln:ea and pH«* of ‘"’’“'""V orCor Uu.nan cooUlnra m i^n 'iinapotUtonn mad» lo thia board to lit*ot lioeniaa lo HU iplrituoua. ,v1r''™‘'„J!,u,had brewed IMom. ana not htretofora publlanan a.-oordltis 10 law, to.V'tti,nr«.Nam*. Plac* of Suamwa, nwiaoBca.

BttTAll2-nEHeW.MA Fred M. Dlataa. Fs* Hawthorn.

V n»a noiahanaf. « M « Stf*"*"**^.* o' p,,co limcry t-ermanu. SSSJfarMt t,iao»Malitew F. H.!U>vAndrtw a . Mftia. «S t« h il-o......plaMM ' M , ?!U

Jirfir.iKh. « * 1 “i h , '*‘2*

ConaUmlro Broii* P |J»'Jdaepli StatSit. iW Jterry •!,......*“ ?•* 2 ! ^ ■Sylno. Jll t - o u w n a aJaHsh oust. IS* Baa* *t- ,V..

lack's-"The S la ii ol So lily '

Sblpmail at.......Somo placa^monlo laimirlo, HOoor*. Onion., 010-517 Frcllnst,uy..^aia^^^^^^Writht & Jarob.. St 16lbWllUam IShrlrh, «l Crauo a ..........1Vran* Sohalt.r,

Prealdenl.JAMES r. CONNEI.t.T.ciiy morn. ,_______ _


‘ G I F T S ,For Easter Bride*

Soon wpddInK belia ivill bn rlnsiru;: in unison w ith ISaator olilmes and am ong the many gifts, those th a t a re tho most laatlog n 111 be from TneUa reliable jew elry slore.Solitaires III) to »60t. I.aavallltsroB ?3 to $10*)- BroochoJS ? I to YVHtchM Va lu


ARK. 1> ilttd CJUunAJ v-r* *-»Seated propoakle will a’ isoffice of the bokrd. batween 4 and 4.15

P M. Tueiday; April 1C 1914. JHtnpubUcly .opened and read, for and IhiualUnr Ibe heating and ventilatingA^DfriON TO THB WB8T SIDE SOHOOl,a d d it io n to '’ t h e HAWTHORNE a V.E-

KUS SCHOOL HOLSF. bolk te b# aompleii^ Bept^dibaraf broSwl ' Kir«y. rrnbl» *dare flssd by ib* apocIflcBllojiff, Bjaijli P^*

6 S 7 A v ^ S k N t t w i l l M i


»-ll PranVlIti sirast. second Itoor. conlraeta bond forma drawlnae and sp.,rtfl ealloii* mag be .xanuned. _The board rwarvet the r!*hl to ae-ept or reieet aiw, *r lU projieaald •"d *si - e t n r o r m ^ k a a t

Uare* IT. » Utts Bfadrtiton- B. n-jeeaU B , **cr*l*ry.

WicdcDiDd^iorjiB O C K B E E R “

The choicest brew of the season, made from the choicest materials, under the most sanita^ conditions, W IE D E N M A Y E R ’S BOCK

In BEER is quite the finest beer you ever drank.Be sure you have a case of it in your home

O N D R A U G H TSupply Limitu^ Ptetc€ Toiir Order A t Once

J GEO. w; WIEDENMATER, 596 Market Su Newark. N, J.wr TelepliMH SUQ Marlui

f t



Keioark t£oening ^tios.PubilKhtd dallr. » c (p t aundir. br

THE CVENINC NEWS PEBLISHINU COMPANYtl4-*lT S»«*l. NtwMh. N. J.»» Ibe N«wt«rk. N. J*. Po*loIfls;« n» ttcond-cl»M


Tel«phbri« 9QWP riv ttt Brincb lixcliingt coon^tllut «I1 departmxat*.

MAIt BT5BS«’nn*TIONS—The N»war.< K\#nlnfmanth fifty m onihi/iw o dollitr* *n_d m if

riv« doilArA, P0»lB|«ranti; one .venr.countrlcn nUJeti. , , ^ ,,j,

V tw Vork OrtM. s :l- i:a BniMwIrli Bulldlnj avenue Tel. eStt-M il Mkillnniv

rh irn io Otfle*. U«3 Telbime bullilint.Winhlnginn, O 0.. nmmii. lot Colorndo l"i‘l“'"J . ^S-anne Kinmh Otrivt. ISi Mein ninev ‘.PP ‘-i''* '* ""

e^eel Tell. Ornnle JeOO SUrPej SuO« K<l'Me . brnnuh en.-UnnBe i-onneiHlnf til deptrimenlt.

Morritlown Branch Office. U South etreet. I Ssnii'lalr Branch Office. t ! l Olenrltlie aniburo-SprliiifltW Braneb Offlcr. '-‘ff V l ,hur»

Bank butlJlnp, Ulllburn avenue. Tel, *•?«aiv|on Brandi Office, i:> Sprint .r.i le uMpinmlt Branub Office. Roum 1 P o. bultdlnj. rel.

Tel. 4>

Tel, St!rover Branch Office. » 1,'oee.v T^JBNTON BUrEALj —17 W tn Stxl*N * J ” KRSBT SESSHORB O TrirE-O O

northeaet corner Band avenue il.iu rf . « . J. real entatn otflcei, OPP- Poein'Oc'-

A)ELAXT1C cn 'V —Th* IJnrIind Artvirll*lBI Afsflcjr, W»1tw %. Edgf-

cS f*e»fl?d*’.t If ' i i.,: '•-V

N E W A H K E V E N I N G N E W S . M O N B a i Y , M A R C H 3 0 . 1 0 1 4 .m e

nn* iriy


T»l 1T2 T#*! TI3.


’Im etreei, llH'e Jillri i ’“ I ] a l l t f * placPi 1 -vfnue,

HI'ftMinIKN.'■ F rom the cconomle alam ipolnl. Itii* s|>ct A eprc tenU tlve Htevene uf Mlnnem'i,, i Hep. th e only (mbstantikl ooiUrtliiHlmi t» the t’£

rh of

nfi msi

toll! debate on Suturdiiy. Mr. MU-vens niailo n jcsnulne argum enl. ami hi.n epcficli mood oiil by itself ag a ln jt the feverieh appeals l'> p re jud ice ^ • d jingolain th a i m arked m uch of Ihe debate.

Mr. S tfvena'a speech clearly nhowa huw the will he touched if we iiislat on

lab o r and indualry, w hich a p p o in ts the com ­m issioner and Is definite ly t esponslble for his a d s . T he coniniliiBloner receives from »u,00i) lo 17.5011, a . Ill* lioard’a dlacretlom

The M clierm uit plan will nol bear ...... .(o r a inom esi with r.iiy one of these Hlt.'rnatlvci:, all of which were ayailab le fo r is le t .Inn, had a soiinri reo rsan lsa tlo r b.‘cn ibo oh;.-M soiight.

Peclion 7 of th e bill declares I hut th e com- niiwiloier id lalutr aoall. "nu iijed to : he lu e s of Ihc S la 'o and the nilcn and rcK ohiti’ui.' "f Iho li'iird . ciigaSr uH liihpei loia iiiid auch o .lie r ciii- I h.ces" us the hoard 's o id ' is -n-iy lc.(iilrc, 'th is loaves open the iiueslhm . o f 'v .la l -i.liori. her Ihe civil nerilce could he Ism urrl. find unless the hill he chaiiyed so ns ilv i.-ly lo rei)iitre ap- po ln lm cnts from the clanmiled civil ao 'ist. Hecllon 7 alone should Insure its

The rnosl dangerous seclloii of lh.s hill, ai art from ii.s general detecis. Is Him len til. Tlilij p ro­vides tliKl 'The offleo of asBislant com m issi,laer of hjl.vor Is hereby aholLshed and the term of office of Ihe Pif.senl com m iasioner shall e;;plre on Itic flisi day of .Inly, one Ihousunil nine 'min- d ied mid fourteen " .Vppurciitly, th e object of th e SCI lion IS lo leglslale i'om nil.ssloiier liryaiit Old of offli'c liy w hat an o n in ls to a trick . If ttie ineaiiitig I" th a l th e presen t a.ssIstHtit com m is­sioner shall go out of office at th e tim e specified, ceruilnlv the language of th e hill ought so In s ta te . “Th+* jiT'-afiil ’ ‘‘hh ni*'Jin no onefeiac lli.iii G eneral h ry an l.

.\jisfniMy N". 1*6 lo Hfi lU-Hilvineiland rlHDlt^roiiN hill. If Bhoiild nol I»d ijerrnitlofl to (TO orif’ Mir>p fa rih e r on ihe ruad lo the ala tu le honk

■ympaithy fo r th e cnmp«hle« co m yleine4 of. ex fu r th « lr reaponeiU k offlcUle.

F o r If all th a t han li^en HlIeRorl Aiiainat eur- vivlng Tithecco T ruat mamherR is w**ll four1<le«1 It would auggeat n murilfeHl cffo ii nt etHBlon of lh«t luw. (*rufto aa the m ethod was. if one considers th e p ro h ab in iy of evasion, It m ight be reg a rd ed us so pal[)Hble ns to m ake It a fHiifls fo r am aae- m enl th a t It h ad not iieen helil up before .

'!’n a lavm an 4‘onveF8ant with the Nituatluh of M inlum ed m onopoly a f te r ihe dor-ror uf diasoiii- ro il, th e plan acem s to !m \e lied ri to Huhatlluie .i fcyinpMtheiii! i-tlnt eelllng agency In I'lore of iho hiiMiii»? cum iotny w hich wah done aw ay w ith, line m nnopollr'llf m elhod may he mriijp qu ite as efft'oi l \ ( l i e o ther, and. nr-iording to m any ivliu Imve b ffii loud in th tur ininplttlnlB , th e w holesale tnbar l o eelllng afienry h.m been Just HH oppi'PMSIve as ihe old plan of a holdiing co m ­pany.

W indow ShowB Draw W ell


She ueire a plume upon her Hat In front U was, Tin sure of that, -\nd yel, nniithcr iJay, I find Hhe Hears Ihe fealher on hehind.

^^aketbook nerve free coastw ise mils. He showed th e follow ing • t^ te of affa irs :' In I87S we miide a trea lv wilh r a n a d a , th ro u g h U real HiTlaiii. ' 'tie clHiiac provided I h s t " th e cltlr,ena of the ^•nlleri States shall have Q u a li ty of trea tm en t w ith those of C anada. " i f m a tim e th e rea fte r C iinsda tilscrlin inaled g fa in s t o u r citlbena In the use of the W elland p |inb l and th e C anadian Poo. .e p ro tested th ro u g h P residen ts t.Teveland and H arrison . We |»gM«d a s ta tu te in re ta lia tio n . It re ta lia ted g fa ln a l Canadians so long ns they d iscrim inated g a i n s t us.

If- C anada heeded our protests. She ceased the jl ic r ln iln a to ry pracllces. bu t still claim ed the f i t h t to dlscrlm inale. B ear In mind th is Insist­ence on th e righ t lo discrim inate, and let us see how Canada ta n come back a t us for our I’ana- m a to lls diBcrlmlnalion. luist year th e re passed th ro u g h the C anadian Sno S7.600,1)011 tu n s _of A m erican m erchandise; th e re passed th ro u g h Ihe W elland C anal 973,OOO tons of A m erican STer- e^andlse. It passed w ithou t paym ent of any to lls i t th e C anadian U overnm ent. f ' ^ I f our policy of dlscrlm lnallotS at Pam im a i» in tls tad upon, the C anadians can re ta lia te . As M r, fitevens pointed out. It will a ffec t th ir ty p tne m illion tons of A m erican goods, as ag a in s t t i e inllllon lone th a t will go th ro u g h P an am a, U tl exem pt. The d isadvantage fa r exceeds w hat- t a e r advan tag e there m igh t be. The W 'elland ilinnal will carry next year m ore A m erican t r a f ­fic th a n all our to ta l coastw ise tra ffic th ro u g h th e P a n a m a Canal, i i I f w e d iscrim inate a t Panam a, C anada will g |rrely d isc rim inate in th e use of these g rea t njaterw aya of th e N orth and w h at will be the f^B iequence ? To our W est and N orthw est, it tlieans th a t w heat will have to pay a dlsciTmlna l i r y duty . As Mr, S tevens well sayB. th a t will Igoreaae th e value o ' every ac re am i every bushel ojf C anad ian land and w heat and .u o p o rtlo n a te ly d ^ re a a e th e value of our farm ing land an d o u r g K ln .

T h a t 's how our pocketbooks wilt be h it by th is eovert business o f subsid ising th e coaslw lse g^llh9lng m onopoly.

. NKW 'VORR POl.iriCS.• P o litica l conditions in New York S ta le can

fffily be fitly described as chaotic. T he In ler

\ \ H O N H sr M A N S" SKNTKNCK.One tif th(» th irte e n el<'ollon offleera In Hubuk^n

B4'ru(’ii<it!cl tn n y r a r And n half In S tale pfinnn for nuikliif< ffilse TP>(urnp nf void's fa s t last fall iR rlf*- f lnri'd lo "bear a rejm lH lion for s tr ic t honesly In |irlVHl<4 llfe.“

A crea t m ony m'=‘ii of th a t kind has’e been puilly of rh 'olloii fraudn in New Jersey in ycani pHfli. Kopuled to be ubNoUilely honeat In th e ir prlvtile JifTHirs. they atlll <iul nol h es lla le lo m anlR ' ulHle elevllnn tl^ures. h ire floalera and Bluff brtl- lol-boxei*. T heir oxoiiae f(H lhi(! was th a t ^'every- body did it." and th a t all wh« fa ir in polUiOR-

The e n a d n ie n l o f ibe en rru p l pracllceR And o th e r elevllon n fta suddenly p u t on the s ta tu te books the checks nf dlehonosiy th a t had long been dem anded by r>otillc o[ji»iion. Tn som e secUons of the Hlate, niBchine poUllclana have not yet fully realtred th a t th ese laws will be enforced. Thene m achine leaders have nol hesilEiled lo use men cjlherH'Jse honRst lo carry out poiltlcpl fraud.<<.

The convictions In Hoboken and Ihc sentences to prison, 11 has been declared by one of the old- line party underbossea. will m ean the reslKnallon of m any men w ho a re now m em bere of election boards, and he Insists It will be d im cult lo till th e ir places. If th is shou ld be so, th en U would t»e a dem onslra llon th a t m any m en had sought appoin tm ent on elecHon bodies for some o ther purpose Than givinK a fair re tu rn of the voles

casl.The co rrup t prac tices ac t p rom ises lo give a

new definition of th e m ean ing of th e term , "an honest m an." m aklnR It app ly to rnh ilc life aa well «s private.

t h k ro isoN fN G isii.ii.t 'lu /.en s of a\ew .lersey may feel K railftcation al

Ihe udViince of hum ane feehng and Bound social K fo n n in !he [UisBage tiy Ihe Sennlo of thu g iiin ji leH4j puLsoning hill. W hen th e snrne nieflsiire was defenled last year. .l4‘rfley had been n ijistripped by nh in , P enn sv lu m la , Mispourl and lllliioiK, all of w hich had adopted ihe provisions w hich o iir lsla tn rs has now approved . T his was H se rio v s reflecHon upon our Senate. In w hich Ihe l)dl had died a f te r the Hnnse had passed it b\ um inlniotis vote. W ith a y ear 's reflec tion and w ith the f a d s fully before il. the Senate Ih ls year fell Into line.

tin e am en d m en t was added in the Qulnti idll, and il rnnsl now go to th e House. 'I’hig Is u dla- rre tlo n a rv clause, w hich perniit.'^ ihe cnnim is- sioner of labor, under ee rta tn < '^mdillona. to waive req u irem en ts for w h k h salisfa< 'tory su b ­s titu te s a re offered by the Industry nffecU-d. 'I'hls proviso m ay be unconstitn llonai. T he Idea of the am en d m en l was borrow ed from the E n g ­lish p rac tice , and there Is som e doubt w h eth er II would be conalrur-d by the cou rts as sound. < n\ genera l p rinc ip les ihcre a jip esrs to be no sound oh.lection lo con ferrin g a m easure of ad m irnatra- tive d isc re llon upon Ihe com m issioner. In New .fersey, how ever, th e exisling Saw gives th e labor com m issioner discretion as lo all ru les covered In the hill. excetJl w ilh re.spect to th o m edical exam Jnallon . Hhould th e am en d m en t bo a t ­tacked on conBtlliitional grounds, the real of the law would atili stand , under a rlauao th a t p ro ­vides th a l Ihe unconslltu tionallty of one portion of the Kcl shall nol affec t the rem a in d e r.

l,HAt night It pointed to the skies.'I <i(iay, if I can trust my oyes,\ HixAid force has lurued It round .'\nd Himcd It fairly a l the ground.

At morn that variable crrai Is iiointcd si|Uarely lo the west. Yet hy the hour of noon, at least. U ImllcairB Ihe souih-Boutlieaftt.

Alas' that va n ami fickle feather Koreltflls for me lio i liunge of weather. It offers mt' no hope of summer,For swrei I'lariH.-ia lovea a drummer.

A man wfti planing a plec^ of wood In a Broad (treat window, Uemonatratlng haw to make a piano eaae, how to put a parquet floor In a parquet store whiduw, how to conatruct a non>akld crutch, or ■onwihlng. and meanwhile a crowding, crushing craning throng pushed and jostled outside for a better view. Heveral thousand other men are doing pracUtally the same thing In factories about the city every day, and nobody goes to see ihein. Hmoolhing off a piece « f wood, painting H placard, rolling a d g a re tie , any one of these things Js easy es can to do. and as a rule nobody pays any attention to the doer unless he plckn out a show win­dow or a prominent street corner for the doing. Then w hst ordinarily would be nothing at all becomes a acnsalion.

A girl sat recently In a Market street window painting a picture that appar­ently had already been painted to say, ahe lackadaisically

'lim t la wielded a

brush bearing, evidently, nothing but water, on plcturea whose coloring before had tteen sufficiently vIvW. Vet Jostling crowds fought for front places a t the window raptly to w atch the operation. If the small daughter of any one of thost contending men had ashed him that evening to watch her paint a picture In her painting book lie probably would have Instructed her not lo bother htin.

What there ie about somebody doing something In a store window that unfail­ingly a ttrac la a crowd Is hard tu tell. There Is a mystertnua something In the human inuke-up th a t will set down a man who makes his ow'n clgarettCB for his own consumption as an economic and public nuisance. But let a man roll a few cigarettes in a show window and ho be­comes a strong drawing card This indi* cates th a t the Aniorlcan public is full of curiosity, or th a t It Is IllYcral In it* patronage) of a free show, no mattc-r what It may be.

Wlten C anada’s “Grand Old Man” W as Tradertn«i.«d of Juinina the Kast India gerv- i long hours hcginnlnx at dawn and end­

ive Ct the age of eighteen, Donald Smith I ing only when work was fiiilPhed gave (the late Stratcona) engaged wait

A NATURAL SUSPICION,fjRtail? of 111*" RoTisevcU acridenl are

incAgor. t'ui promiURnt New Jersey He- puhilcans euHi^eol th a t Teddy rocked the ifoat.

NO FEAR,Oarside—■'Tiie Anti-Suffraaiata predict

a Af>x Her. Do you think there is danger of «i)ch a thing?"

Hillside—' Not while hfilh sid^s are as well supplied with arms ss they are at prcaoni '


I had some bu-Minea.s (o aUend to in Summit on Iasi Th irsriii>', and aa II waa a nh-e, clear day, thoiglit I would travel by iro lky to look over the country en route. The fuUnwing nflme.'< and signs »ame to my notice after I had become tljed of penmlfiK my paper; On a barbsr i5liOp W indow in Belles ille avenue you will read. A M Means "A lasniU ry llarbcr l^hnjv ‘ Thi.s is probably a Up ‘o ■ all In the fcrRiionn. A wagon standing m front of a Imkery nn Broad pireet, near F.lRhlh avenue, hoio thR legend "Crullers &. Donage." In one -of the windows of n Market stro ll cafe a sign reads "All Kinds of Hhines Inside ' and as 1 passed iwo lawyers and a polUlcian came out— whRidyemean alitnea? In the Hilton di*- t r b t you will find the "While Hous Rea- laurant," and in the window of a vacant house further along a caid Informs you that ' This Fine Horse To Lei " This Is probably* a

While I wailed for the W harton car a t Maplewood a fiirnlture van passed by, hearing the caption. In thrce-fool-hlgh leilers, "Moving & Steerage." This had me guessing until I discovered steam coining nut of the horses' nuatrlls. Near Mtllburn there Is a small store kept by a Hebrew, but you would never know It

the Hudson's Bay Company a t HOO ® sear: ami be was assigned to t^e bleak­est, hardest, most desolate s^-tlon of Its empire—Labrador. I happened lo vis l Labrador In '38 and talked to breeds and Indians who remembered him, w riU i Agnet C, L aut In the Anieflvan Review of Reviewa. Though sixty years bed passed, he was still sending out whal would equal two car loads of cloth­ing and food for his old dependenta und the children of bis old dependents.

Ho has told me of his days there, when Ihe Ice-locked harbor barred out the apring ship and the fort waa reduced a l­most to starvation, living only ub arlcd fleh and deer meat, without flour or salt for months «.t a time. lie has told me how In long nights by the tallow-dlp candle he has seen the wolvea looking in the unshaded window of the Utile log hut where he lived. It whs here that he contracted those almost aUstemlouB habits of hla later life.

The enforced fasts, the rough fare, the

him a delicate etornarh, which ho had tu pamper all his life. Half the Urns Strathenuu ate no luncheon. Though the costliest wines were served on Ids table, he seldom partook of them: and lo Ills eighty-sixth year he kept up the rigid lone hours of work disciplined Into him ut this ])eriofl. Il was a l this-period he embodied into his hfe the adagp, "Me who rests out riisls imt."

Ordinarily, he nw'DkR with the dann His personal correspondence was finished i>efore 7, hla tifflce corre.ipondcnce hcfoi*< a. The day was then given tu real affairs; and he seldom ceased vsurk before 7 or 9 al rughl.

riiere Is a curhuis memory of him as a trader In lAlirador. He would not keep books. If by spending uM his llmfl ui trade, hR could double. trcblR, Muadruple returns, then he rffu.sed to waste time, i.n work which "a aemb-oloti'' nmn, or ‘ » ied*if)l! m an" could do. I think this char- acti'iisLlc mark.s nil great cHf'irtlns of men. 'I'hey m aster detail They do nol let It nAaler them.

How Cheese Is Made from Seeds in Africa• Real cheese from the seeds uf a tree tTreculla A frkanol Js the peculiar prod­uct made by negroes uf the KoJiteuin re­gion, In western Africa. A German wit­ness of the process sla tes th a t the seeds are first cooked, then shelled, crushed Into a thin pasty mass, flavored with pepper, freed from liquid by draining, and finally molded into grayish-white cakes.

These itikcs riprn''d Mkr nrdmary AhROSR: \N ilh tune Ihe color cliutibCS toyelltJYv. tbvn 1u lirown. and the u s le alters from a flavor very unlikt* chreer to A distinct sour, and finally becomes that of strung 4heei?e.

The ripening is found tn be rtiie tn Ihe same bucterlul changes that yield tlia tlavur of cheese fiom milk

T he Coming of a New Comet

iM H'lM NlTfl'kS to favored nw-ners of rnn- dow ned tu b ercu lo sis cows a re said In have tuiel New York S ta le $'.i.000,000 since 1&07. O w ners hsYp been paid ftS high as $12.^ each for cows found to be Infected and disposed of. Is asserted i unless- you entered, aa the sign on the in a s ta te m e n t by iho S e w York m ilk com m ittee.New .Jersey has a law w hereby re im b u rsem en t i« m ade fo r an im als th a t are condem ned by the Com m ission on Tuberculosis A m ong A nlinals, hut

awning reads "A. G entile" ^■arlety is the spice of life, so Springfield, N, .1 . nuisi be there wilh the spice stuff, as the FigDs on one window of a store read "Shaving A- Real Estate," and on the orher windows "H air C unlng & S tory A

The possiblllly of a hhlUant object In the heavens during the last quarter of Iho year is interesting astronom ers.

Dr. Crommelln oC the British Astro­nomical Aaiodation has calculated the orbit oC comet Delavan, and finds that II will reach perihelion about October 28, more than ten months a f te r it was first

soeii. when It was aireatly of the tenth or eleventh inagiilUidc. H alle i’» comet, dis­covered only eight months before perihelion, waa then of only the sixteenth magnitude

It \a bclie\ed th a t the new inmel will become al least a thousand times a« bright ns at discovery, and be visible lo the naked eye after Augusl.

A p rev ision th a t an app ra isem en t ahall nol be C'lurks'a Pinnos. ’ some varietya . ^ at. I In conohislnn I might add that on on®

m ore th a n J j O. anil th a t nol m ore th a n th ree- | north of the l,avkawatma Railroadfo u rth s nf th is valuation sha ll he paid by the | you can purchasR cigars from ‘ Hasa." S late , would seem effectually to g u a rd against any p roced u re like th a t w hich has caused c r i t i­cism In New Y ork Slate.

n actne w ar in th e D em ueiatio party , s ta r te d by ^ I x e r and puntued by T am m an s, has been

■ lU rrod to (rceh activ ity by G overnor Glynn,14 W h atev er wan hoped fo r In the way of h a r- h iony and the effacem ent of T am m any follow ing tb « election of ’W illiam C hurch O sborn a s S ta le c k ltrm a n hae been d issipated ' by th e ev idence o f O overnor G lynn's close alliance with th e m a- eliino con tro lled by C harles F. M urphy,^ T he action of ihe iiepu b llcan Aesembly In ad jo u rn in g sine die w ithou t passing ap p ru p ria llo n ^llla and w ithou t no llfy lns Ihe. G overnor an d the

en a te adds to the confusion. The Inim edlalela u i t ap p aren tly lies wilh Ihe Senate an d the g o v e rn o r, wht* w ere loo busy perfec tin g p lans ^qr th e advan tage of the D em ocratic m achine to i«*y any a tlen llo n to the p roper tran sac tio n of p ub lic business, hut Ihe Assenihiy c a n n o t.e sc a p e jtlitlotsm for Us exhibition of Im patience, t As a conseciuence of both parlies p lay ing ft'r

Olltical adv an tag e Inslead of acelilng th e p u b ■; e lfare , a special sesslcn i-f the L i-g islatare wlil 0 necessary to provide fiinc.x for ru n n in g th e

te governm ent. This, It eslim atetl, will coathe taxpayers $100.iiOO. an ind ilm . . 'u t m ighi

Itave been avo 'd rd hntl hf e il ie in e ither house to sem e ir


r. '■>. -I

TO RItK O N !s apparen tly d f .e P io .! , , ofle n a o l ty a n d d e t e r m i n a t u m i i i iowr 'u .s' . ' .-r un

BUal in t h e .Mexican revo lm ior . . 'i 'tiis ' , ' a v 'n d l - i t ® e i t h e r t h a t th e c n m p a ' ' l t : r , n - i .-. .n '-ed a.s ik ic la l, o r t h a t t h e (. 'onsti tu liomtH sta a r e c o w nu l-

d s o f t h e i r " s y m p a t h e t i c s r s n ' amt: e n ' e r i n g 't a l ly "h o s t i l e ' ' t e r r i to ry , thu-' t ■r"cii,snng e i t h e r

l o n g w a r f a r e or a divlsiofi of .Mexico.

\ H.ABBIT POLICY.W ith dreary perstslcncy T he O utlook suggests

the A. B, C. doctrine aa a p an ace a for Mexico.'fh e A. B. C. doctrine is th e theo ry th a t we

should m ake A rgentina, Rraall and Chile our co- p arlnera in in te rp re tin g and en fo rc in g the Mon­roe Doctrine.

Will The O utlook explain how ex ternal In- riuenoei are expected to se ttle M exican troubles, w hich a re dlaUncIly in te rn a l in origin and root?

Or will it give us a ssu ran ce that theseSlates have any Inclination or purpose to co­operate with US’’

Or will II assu re ns th a t we a re thereby In any w'sy a tren g lh en ed ? Suppose we got a tu rn ­dow n It we m ade advances; would our p res­tige be Increased?

Suppose the tim e cam e w hen Uicse great S lates saw th in g s one w ay and th is country an- o th e r way; w ould our position in South A m erica bo thereby Im proved?

Suppose they s ta rte d In to do soinelh ing dis­tinc tly co n tra ry lo o u r n o rlh e rn Ideals; would we be bound by them ?

Isn 't Uncle Sam big enough and strong enough to stand a lone? Must we confess o u r w eakness by leaning on iho Latin S ta les of South Am erica'f Isn 't th e re som e tru th In L incoln 's m axim about "sw apping horses w hile crossing a stream , oi W ash ing ton 's about e n tan g lin g foreign alliances? Are we to sh irk o u r du ty and re.sponslblllly? Do we feai" the consequences? Must we seek help?

We will have to give up m uch of o u r "sollla lre diplom acy" of th e p as t, we will have increas­ingly lo "sit In ' tile ganie. B ut need th a t mean th a t we IiHie lo tak e pai'lner.s?

.If 'T L K we h a le given ovidenees of our good tsu h in C uba. Kaill. N icarag u a and Mexico— .tC lL t l we have m ade c le a r by exam ple o u r ideas and p u r p o s e s - then , It th e occasion arises, w here Ihesu pow erful S ta tes m ay desw e «r need to m ake com m on cause w ilh us in o u r opposiUon to Kiiro- pcan n^gr.sslon , we. m ay consider an A. H. C. dm n ine.

Bui n h s i IS stopp ing S la tes from ati- V'j>-_'ing a .Moiii'iii l.i(H'hlne of Ihi’ir own and 'h .s p 'attiiig liif-niselHes In com m on aecord wiilv.^ u '.f the occusion arises?

Ciider presen I conditions, especially In Mex­ico. 'I'lie O ulli'ok 'a policy Is th a t of a rabbit. He dodges and run.s away.

W hile a d m ittin g th a t A m erican w om en dress beaiitifu lly . M adam Joire says the m en resem ble butlers. Bhe evidently Is unab le to d iscern any suprem acy of pride over vanity .

papers from "Kaaa" and glass from "Baas." XVhich only goes to show how easily one may become ills or her own silent monologue a tlls t when time hangs hesilly on yoni- hands (or (eel) while riding In the trolley. JOE O'BRTAN.

H pesker C lark says ..there a re lO.flhf) men in | week."

OUT OF HER ELEMENT.Bill Boodle, the Joyville 'w ard leader,

WBS in a b ille r mood."M'omen In politics are a blam ed

nuisance." he said. "Look w hat on« of 'em did to a neat little plan of our*

the coun try w'ho would m ak e good P residen ts . T h a t la, ap p aren tly , 9,999 in ad d itio n to a certa in one Mr. C lark had In mind.

Tile Quee^i of Bulgaria, soon to com e, should not lose herse lf in a crowd of A m erican women It she w ishes to retain any d istin g u ish in g m arks of su p e rio r royalty .

T he proposa! to teaeh debating to th e s tu ­den ts of Ihe A nnapolis Academ y la still seriously discussed in sp ite of object lessons a 'leh as (Con­gressm an Hobson.

.Nugent and Fielder, In calling each o th e r a tr ic k ste r, give proof th a t th e P ro g ressive m ove­m ent h as not applied to fac tional term ino logy .

Only one day in tervenes betw een th is date and lh a t of th e occasion of brick concea ling h a ts and tem p tin g pockeibool.s w ilh s tr in g s a ttach ed .

T annenbaun i. from his prison ro ll, can g u a r­an tee h is 'followers th a t his m ethods Insure at least a y ear of shelter.

"W hat w as th a t ’" asked the barber,"D idn 't j <ju hear about liie aceldant

to our m unicipal laundry deal? It was like this. Mrs. Jonesm ith, who is highbrow from over the cieek, lias been a fte r us for a couple of years Id estab lish a inunielpal laundry In th is ward, so la s t week In council m eeting w'B announced th a t we had decided to build the laundry on Jem sen'a vacan t conier below here, and we gave out the prlee th a t we ihtended to pay to r the plot of ground, aa $45,009.

"R igh t then w hat does th is Mrs, ■lonesnilth do hut jump up In public in c itin g end holler that the taxpayers were being robbed. To prove 11, durned If ehe d idn 't pull out an option th a t .lemaeii had given her three w eeks b e ­fore, agreeing to sell the property to her ns a p riva te citizen fnr $39,009 leas Ilian ws eald we were going to pay him. W hal do you th ink of a woman w'ho would play a trick like th a t on friends that were g e ttin g the laundry th rough for her'.' The place for women is the home, iiy h eck " '

H e r e a n d T h e r e


A THOROUGHLY H I D I'LAN.Assenibly No. 6 76, Dm 'Ml M rcrirgan ire the

State D epartm en t of Labor in ac-o rdunco with he views of 'W alter 1.. McDermott, w hose com - n ittee repo rts il as a sirisU tule for the so-ca lled

t tcD erm oU hill, bearing t; e sam e num ber. Is a lo st objectionable m easure In Us presen t form ,

p a rtly because it is distinct'.." reactionary , p a rtly because It is open In conalru rtio iis th a t woiiid be>vTlClOUE.I As a lready has been pointed out in

e m ajo rity recom m endations of the Lfficlency od Econom y Commission, the p roposal tn erect ,n unpaid board of six m em bers, c lo thed with upram e executive au th o rity over th e com m ls- lOner, la simply a move to diaplaco th e rom -

ijniBBioner from actual conirol, and to sc a tte r r e ­sponsibility . w here It cannot be reached . It co n tra ry lo wisdom and precedent. R ecent re - iirganlzatlonB of S tate labor d ep arlm en is go In Ihe oppokUe direction.i T he Industrial board just ealablished ' in .New ^ o r k is. In no aense superio r tn the lab o r co m ­m issioner, who is cha irm an of the board an d has #x tlua lve executive 'P u th o ^ T . , Its functions a re ixo lu ftv e ly leglilg tlve. h iffm * to do w ith fixing •U n d a rd s and enacting ru le s and noth ing else. P annsy lvan la has adop ted th e New Y ork plan- Tbe contin lssloners In those S ta tes receive $1,990 4 f i t t , ~

i k I n W lico n s i i ) a n d Ohio th e r a i l r o a d c o m m is - MoB m o d e l b a a been fo l lowed, w i th t h r e e h ig h ly (Mid conHDleilonei's h a v in g executive- a n d legle- . la tlv* pow ers . l i v i n g a ll t h e i r t im e to t h e w o rk a n d i f t e« lW e)y re s p o n s ib le ( o r t h e p c r f o r n w i i c e o f - t h e i r du t ie s . • T h e lg * « e lav y U $5,*00 a y e a r

jgB M gcbuee t ls h a i e s ra a t l b o a r d of

t o b a c c o m o n o p o l y i h f ~s h .a k d .It Is h a rd to u n d erstan d how th e four eon-

stltuen l com panies in to w hich th e old Tobscco T ru st was divided ta iled lo u n d erstan d th a t the

' governm ent's ac tion was designed to do Just w hat ' ih e su rv ltin g concerns a p p a ren tly did not do.1 The confei'ence betw een them and th e ir Job- i bing agency, th e M elropolU an Tobacco Com pany, f with a rep re sen ta tiv e of the D epartm ent of .Ju s tice last week was In response lo com plain ts of continued illacnm lnatlo ii In the exclusive sale of Ihe p roducts of th e o ld tobacco combine's,^ Fi.i'cessois th rough tjne concern at prices w hich tended lo p u t o th e r w holesale en ierp rtses out of business; th a t som e Independen t wholesaJers could nol gel fo rm er tru s t concerns ' products except a l prices w hich re ta ile rs had to pay.

Theso ch arg es cam e from th e trade th rough the m etropolitan d istric t, w hich extends from T renton lo S tam ford . Conn. Instances have, been published of independen t tobacco jobbers in th is S tate forced out of huainess in th is way, and th e dissolution of the tru s t did nol lesu lt In p e r­m itting them , or o thers like them , lo tom e back.

It wus toi th is reason th a t th e D epartm en t of Justice got rep resen ta tives of four fo rm er p ro ­ducing inem l'ers of th e In is i and o f 'th e ir selling agency, th e M etropolitan Tobacco Com pany, to m eet and listen to th e s ta tem en t Ihal a govern- mens su it w'OJift be b ro u g h t to dissolve the .Met­ropolitan T o b ^ to C om pany If some plan were not speedily fo itiico m ln g by which Ihe in tent of Ihe decree of d isso lu tion should be compiled with and full com petitive conditions restored.

I t goes w ithou t say ing th a t If the com panies involved do not m eet th e govern m en t's wishes in th e m a tte r it m ight be posslblq to charge w ilful violation of the decree of th e court w hich ordered diasplution, w hich m ig h t suggest con te inp t p ro ­ceedings. No one need he to ld th a t In such an event there would he n distinct lack of public

ED ITIN G OF 1>« ELIOT'S LINES.W hoever revised the in sc rip tions w ritten by

Fharlea* W. E liot Inr Ihe" new ' postofflce building a l W ashington, there can be no question th a t the changes, tn th e ir entirety , s tre n g th e n th e lines. Good in th e first place, they a re b e tte r now; and Dr. EUol him self, with h is lite ra ry au th o rity , (loubtless would Pe the firs t In acknow ledge this, Il is a question wheihor nny lh ing has been gained ijy m ak ing the line. "M essenger of friendsh ip ." rend ' Sei'Vant nf paited friends, " hu t Certainly il wa.= "n h a p p ' il.oiight lo ch ange "E n la rg e r of the pub lic" into E nlarger of the com m on life," an d th e t,dher transpoBilions and alight a lte ra tio n s com inend Ihcm sepes.

The lines, as now chiseled on Ihe building, finely e.xpress the services an d suggest th e rom ance of the post. R eport ha.s It th a t the revision is the work of F re s ld e n l W ilson, and th e re Is an o th e r story to ch anges In the inscrlptionf Dr. E lio t 's knowledge.

Ihe e ffe c t th a t th e w ere m ade w ith o u t

If th is la t te r s ta te m e n tja tru e . It is probable th a t th e seem ing dlacourtesy h as re su lted from .som e official slip to r w hich th e p re s id e n t Is In no wise reaponalbie.

W H D E I T I N G t h e A P P E T IT E ,"We muBi not forget," w rites the secre ta ry of

the H otel and Inn and Tayein K eepers’ A ssocia­tion of New- Jersey, In a In llllan l b rief In favor of Die paasag e 'n f the bill that would perm it the sale of liquor on Sundsys with meals, " lh a t the Sunday d inner ia. to nmsi people of the land, the one moat e labo ra te ly prepardtSAand Itie moat eagerly antlci- paled. The man who fceilH p la in ly th e o th er days of the week looka forward w ith h u n g ry pala te to the Bunday (ea»t U is the 'Square Meal Day* of the seven The cupboard h o ards its Choicest tre a su re s all Ihe els day* to pour them ou t upon th e tab le of (he seventh day. The .fa tte d calf Is on the p latie :. The sw eetest sw ee tm eats are In the sh in ing side diehoa. ding Is In tl>e pan thi) appciieing geatlrig coidial

The cook's p roudest pinl- U la o ften Incom plete unless

ocktall Introduced it and Ihe dl- ■ nds It. It Is the one meal of the

whole weel. upon which the few est llm ifalloiia should be pul. It la a m an's Sunday r ig h t to have th a t meal of all o thers Just aa ho would have I f

MV but doesn't that make your m outh w a te r ’ No, nol w atei. but th irs t for som ething elrongrr. There a re passages In it th a t sound like Dickens, and two or tbi'se lines resem ble som e of tlis say­ing* of Ssm Johnson The whole th in g , druppliig off the liquid part, tvhlch seems to be an Inierpei- lation. remind* one of Byron's

Al! human h isto ry a ttes t*T hat happlnes* for m an—the h ungry sinner - glnce Eve a te apples, much depends on dinner

If such a plea as that doesn 't move even the dyspeptic legislator* who a re hold ing up the bill p e rm ittin g Die Sunday appetizer and d igester, then nothing will. The Assembly Judiciary cotitnilHee which l i refuslrrg to let go of th a m easure (House 614. Mr. M ulligan, "by request"), if ’ It persis ts in It* course, ought to be condem ned to sa u e rk rau t and sausage fo r Its Sunday m eala

JOYVILLLE'S HOUSECLEANING, rressed to RU more Into detail con-

'(‘cernlng Joyvilir'a recent civic housekeep­ing. Zachary Melick said

"A good many things Is likely to ho discovered in a honsecleanlng, things that ain 't exactly complimentary to the servants utorCBuld; cupboard* full of old whisky bottles, for Instance; empty pan ­try shelves that ought to be full of canned tomatoes and preserves; leaks In the 4'oal L'cttars, and things like tliat. 'i'nen. loo, some servants have a way of getting llulo rake-offs from tradesmen for over-ordering, and such things are apt to come to light In a hoiisecleanlng; *o It ain t natural to expect servants to feel enlhiisia.'tlc at Burh limes. Vt'a ahead, however, although the Joyvlll* authorities traveled ' cleat* to the State capital to try to heart us off. We made some curious discoveries.

"We found that the municipality was paying forty cents apiece for lead pen- clla. We fciind th a t a lawn mower th a t you or I .'fluid buy a t Jem Nayles'a hard ­ware Bture for aix dollars coat the lax- pavcin. of Joyville eighteen—and bought by" the dozen, a t that. We .diacovqred that the erasera wtdeh the clerks in the sewer department used to rub out figures that h.xrt been put down wrong coat tha citizens four dollars a dozen, the same kmu that sell for a dollar and a half a gross anvwhere.

‘ We found lhat Joyville had paid Ezra Smallwln $6,999 for his place, which w* winicd aa a poor-farm, and $19,999 to some other parties for taking the six tho-isand to Ezra. W* found th a t ih* ring catcher was drawing a salary of $l,'i00 a year and retaining all ths dog laves snil fine* bealdes, which gave him $?,fi90 more a year than the Mayor got. Sitice we unearthed tha t bit of uaeful In- roriiiatlon the old j(ike about running for ling catcher doesn't sta rt a smile down no r way. Another thing we discovered was that the town comptroller had been drawing $3,599 a year and living in Flprlds, while a young woman did alt the work of hta office for $759 a year. We fired him. doiibied her salary and saved $:,999 a year for the treasury, ,

■ Tea," continued Mr. MellcK, "w e'vs been having some rather disagreeable times down there In our little tow n th a t looks so Innocent and peaceful as you pas* through on your automobile. Hut we don’t expect any more such experi­ence* tor some time to come. You sea, we have discovered what It cost us to b* divided Into a Republican camp and a Demncrallc camp, *o wo have all coma together and organized a JoyvIUs camp, and bur object In Uf* nowadays ain’t to serve a political crowd a t fearful ex­pense to ourselves and neighbors, but to serve Joyvltle.

"We finished our housecleaning by g e t­ting rid of the lervants who had let our home fall into each bad order; m ost of them were the eervants th a t held the fancy executive positions and required heaps of money to support them In the luxury to which they had grown acous- tonied. We found w* had about sixty executive heads, running the toWn to suit

. themselves and putting anything over on us they pleased, there being so many of 'eih you couldn't find OBt which on* l« blame.

"iralk about Invisible government, why, you might as well try to see what tha earthworm* are up lo, out there under the lawn, as attem pt to keep tabs on all those ruler* of our*. So we joined iha list of three hundred other places In tha nation th a t have chosen commiselon gov­ernment, and now we hav# fiva servants lo watch Instead of sixty. Three of tha five are erooke, hut they’re up where every voter tn town can watch 'am and It would fill your heart with gladaesa to sea all five of 'em working together a iii trying their durndest to make tedtLJ

H HI S T S T t o

M a n i f e s t A d v a n t a g e sYou can have any instrum ent in our enor­

mous stock on easy terms of paym ent without being charged interest—and you have a stock to select from that is nearly ten times as big as any o ther in this vicinity.

In purchasing a piano here, you share in the economy that comes of our selling as many pianos as all our competitors combined, and you are assured complete satisfaction by our agreement to EXCHANGE IF NOT SATIS­FACTORY after extended trial in the home.

Then, too, in the event of your decease, PAYM ENTS TERMINATE, and the instru­ment becomes the property of your estate.


If Your Partner W ithdrew

from your business today and took h is investm ent w ith him, would you be able to continue?

W h a t if he died? The results w ould be the sam e, i, Prudential P artnership policies on the lives of all th e m em bers of a firm help s:uarantee the perm anence of a business.

C onsult us for rates and other d e ta ils ........

yT1 '' ' f F .


*Jvte?P?#A I





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New York Jurisl Wini Fight for In­terest on Stock of Spirits Dis­

tributing Company.CONCERN SOLD OUT FOR $1,243,538

IV lre.CbAncellor -Emery haa filed an

nptniiin In whUh b« holrla th a t Jua- t k e Hljur *»f the N»tw York ^^upraino t 'o u r t Ih onilUed in Inlereal. "wHh a n ­nual jests" on K1.S ■■dlHirlliMtlv'e" ahare. uniounttiig to $33,1UD.7U of the

• proceeds of n »ule tw elve yuara ago of the Sph-itM DlBtilbuliriE Company 10 the rilatlMing (‘ompany of .America. l4iat year V njt-Clianceller Emery rmide an nnJer for the ivaN merit of the prlp* cipal attm to Juallct* Bijiur, ' ’w lihout p rejudice to hlH righ t to Income" B arring an appeal. HHlrl to be unlikely, th e uei'iee lu be made on the vice- I’haiiCKllqr'a finding will put an end to H tlgallun th a t hua ciigap;ed the a t te n ­tion of the New Jersey Court of Chun- cery m ore or lose for upward of a riecado. The eoniplulnatit waa rep re ­sented by C ourt & Smith, MoCartcr & Knglleli. H, N. Cardozo and G. H. tCn- KelliHrd, the twq In tle r of the Now Vork bai. end the defendant trustees by L lndabury, Pepue & Faulk*. Devi M ayer o f the IllhiolB bar uiul C. C.‘ Doming, a Now York Inwyer.

Thit Sp irits D latrlbutlng Company In 19t>2 sold ou t to ibe niatUlliiJt Com­pany of A m erica for Il.243,i>38 80. Lia- b llltlea of were imid outof th e proceeds, leaving ll.iK33.ii2S.77 fo r ac tual d letribu tlon aniong the holder* of the flrwt p referred slock of th e Sp irits P le trlb u tln g Company a t The ra te of <82-^9 for ertcli share of the par value of 1100. The eaie was in rea lity a so rt of tranKlation. as the DiatilllnK Company of America already owned ll,9fi6 of the Spirits Dlatrib- iiting CompHiiy'e 12,500 outstanding shares of f irs t preferred stock. Fol­low ing the Bale, th e director* of the i | S p irits D istrib u tin g Company, who ' w are Alvin W. Krech. Edaon Bradley. I H ow ard J, M. Cardeza. .lam rs Webb. 'N. E. n. Hugginp.^ WilHiin^ F. lle r r ity ! and W'. A. Cornell, took step* to d is­solve the corporation and under the | law they became tru s tees In dlsaolu- tJon.

A derree of dissolution, dated July 8- 1902. directed that the trustee* "forlh- wHl. make distribution of this sum of

• *1.0;m.fi2S,77 am ong said firs t preferred stockholders." according to their re- | Bpective holdings aa established by the - decree, with the fu rther provision tha t I "said payments, however, shall not be i required to be made. ex«'epl iti Bueb of I the stockholders a* shall present their certificates of first preferred stock gnd perm it the Indorsem ent of the payment of said dividends to he made thereon "

The Distilling Company of America, 1 the vice-chancellor poinls out. did not | elect to lender receipts fur Us ahare of the amount avallalde for distribution, as ' it was privllcaed to do under the court'* I ] decree, but upon receiving the con - ' veyance paid to th e tru stees $989. tua.54, | th a t being the am ount the d istribu ting com pany would have been enlUled to ! receive in cash a* Its pro ra ta share I had the whole purchase price been | paid in cash.

The conveyance ot the Spirits DIalrib- ' I it in g Company's assets was made by Its I I trufllees without requiring at the lime the | fu rther paymeiu of a balance of $44.- 160.23, wtiich waa ihe amount Bijur, the | late Louis Windmuller and crrtaln otho •tockholdcrs were entitled to receive out I of the entire purchaae money. Thl* par- 1 tial paym ent In ea*h was not dletributed | pro ra ta among all the atockholdere of th e Biprits Dfslributing Company, but was fit once paid back lo ihe purchaser, as if I th a t company wn* entitled to receive the i whole of the price thus paid lu cash and '■ not merely its proportionate share.

From the defendant truetees' answer It appears th a t an other outstanding •hares were presented in aicordanve with j the decree, the truptees utualned from the purchuaer, the Distributing Oompany of America, ilt« amount necessary to ' pay tho holdcTB and t?redUed the payment on account of the Uieirihuung Company’s bid. N either upon iho conveyance of the assets, no. ui'on payment lu tb* Dia- Uibiitin?i, Coinpnuy of Liic entire cash paynieal received from It, the oiHnlon slates, WHS any aKreemcnt made that itm purchaser should \.ey any interest on the unpaid purchsKfl money, nor uaa any Interest asked or paid upun deferred pa)* menls mi thw moio than lOO other shares not turned In at the time of the sale.

0|)|>u*e<l Director* ■* Truatee*.The windin;^ up of the Spirits Dial-

tributing CoTiipHny'ii affairs hy it* direc­tors ae trustees In dlHsolutloTi was con-

* tested a t the outset by Wlndmuller. and otliera, who filed a bill in Chancery

NewarkNew YorkBrooklynPhilidelphii OPPENHEIM.@LLINSs @



to hsva a receiver ujipuinleii Instead. In this move the complainant stockholder* did not succeed, it was nut urilil March ' 10. 1912, that Bijur demanded his dis­tributive share under the decree of July }j. 1902, on 4t*4 shares of first preferred slock gf the Spirits Dif^rlbuting Comiiany held by him, “together with interest thereon a t the rale of six per cent, with annual rests

I t appears that lu September. 19U5* Bijur. as the holder of the 4D4 share®, filed a bill agalnal the Standard Distill­ing and Dlsthbullng Company, which corporation bad gnuraiilced the dividend* on the preferred slock of the Spirits Di* trlbiitlns Company. This suit against th* Standard comvany and itw director*, five of whom were also directors and iruatcas in dissolution of the Spirits com pany, was for the purpose, among other thing®, of the distribution of the assets of the Standard company oh It* proceeding^ for dissolution, until the petitioner's claim against the Slanduril on thl* guarantee nliould be determined. U tlgatlon under Justice Bljur's bill con­tinued in Chancery and the Court of Er- ro ri, until June 19. 1911, when the bill wa* dlsDtlaaad.

W hen Justice Bijur finally demanded tha $38,406.7t coming to him, under the decree for ■ diBtrlbutlon. together with compound Interest from the date of the decree, the defendant truateu* tendered themselves ready ST4d willing in pay the principal sum, but denied liability for in­terest. The answ er also raised the for­mal objection th a t the convplalnam'fl pe­tition Tva& defective, In th a t It did not msKe the executor* of -Trustees Webb $ttid H arrlty . who had meanwhilp died, party defendants. This objection ih* vice-chancellor overrules, saying:

“The general rule that all parties liable to a demand, should be before lha court, ie a rule of convenience In pro­cedure adopted to prevent further auits for coplrtbution, and not a rule to necea- alty."

The vice-chancellor holds the true ttes to have been doubly In default, first. lr> conveying the asiete without requiring payment In cash of the entire purchase money, and. second, In Immediately dis­tributing or paying back to the purchaser alone the whole of the ca«h received upon the conveyance. The result of tha a r ­rangem ent between the trustees and the purchaser. He saya. "was to secure the benefit of the u te In the purchaeer's trade, without Interest, and during liti­gation, which would probably be pro­longed, of the portion of the fund In the hands of these judicial Iruiteei, which belonged to tHe petitioner under the de­cree, and without any notice to hiro of th is unauthorised use of the funds. Under the entire clrcumettnce* appearing In the caae, the trustee* are chargsabl* with In­terest a t ala per cent., with annual rests.'*


ST. PATRICK’S SCHOOL REUNIONT ilt annual reunion dinner of tha

Alumni of St, P a tr ic k ’s Parochial School w ill be held a l llie WasliinRton April Zl. Already acceptances lo a ttend have been so num erous th a t It 1s expected the dining-room w ill be taxed to capacity.

The speakers w ill be Monaignor ta.aao P: IW helaii of S(. P a trick 's Cathedral, B ro ther E dw ard o t the faculty of Man­h a tta n College, Rev. Kellx M. O'Neil of St. M ichael’s Church, R epresentative W illiam F. M urray of Boston and G er­ald El. F. McDonald ot Harriaoti.

B ro ad and W illia m S tre e ts

S ra ia i and Exceptional Kti/ufs

Women^s and Misses* Spring CoatsC o a ts of T w e e d s a n d N ovelty W e a v e s In B a lm a c a a n 1 r v /v s ty le s , w i th c o n v e r tib le c o lla rs ; a lso S e rg e C o a ts , ; | 5 a U i f co lla r and c u ffs of S a t in . to $2S

N ew th r e e - q u a r t e r le n g th m odels In C h eck s, S e rg es 1 ^a n d N o v e lty B e d fo rd , w ith r ip p le b o t to m effec t, S a t in ; 2 2 * 5 U a n d M oire t r im m e d . Values to $J2 j

C o a ts of R ibbed S e rg e , w ith S a t in f r ill , f in ish ed w ith )S ilk Cord; a ls o M oire an d H oneycom b C lo th C o a ts , y 2 5 « U U b e a u tifu lly t r im m e d . Values to $js J

0 ppen h eim , 6 lu n s & 6B ro a d an d W illia m S tre e ts , N e w ark

Extraordinary Easter Offering Tomorrow [Tuesday]

39.75 Smart Spring Suits 28.00

T h e B a i l e e o f t h e S t o c k s i n t h e

D e p a r t m e n t s W e D i s c o n t i n u eAre grouped in one section of the store, where they will be dis­

posed of at what they will bring. The following items show how such m erchandise is now m arked:

39cSilk Remninls. 2" to III inches, good

lengths; value to $1.(K) yard; to close,yard ...............................................

White (loods, assorted kinds and Q _ lengths; value to 25c, yard; to dose, yard, O v

Fancy Linen Squares and Doylies. l A ^regular up to 25c. each; sale. each. . I V v

Fancy Linens. Japanese Drawn Work andothers; values to $1.00 each; to close, SOc

White Dress Linens, yard wide pure linen; have sold at 2.5c. yd ; to close, yd.

Natural Tan Linen, yard wide pure t 'y i j^ p linen; val. to 25c. yd.; to close, yard.liw ' L


Wash (ioods lor Waists or Dresses, | A -values to 25c."yard; to close, yard......... I v v

Fine Satin Stripe Voiles, ivith figures, 27 inches wide; have sold at 35c. yard; to I Q ^ close, yard ............................................... l Y v

.\ll-Wool Dre.cs (ioods, 42 to 54 inches wide;have sold up to Sl.lK) yard; to dose, per CA/'» yard ......................................................... O llW

,Ml-Wool Surah Serges, good assort- nicnt of colors; reg. 75c. yd.; dose, yd.,

W e are also closing out laces, trimmings, toilet articles, notions, art goods, jewelry, leather giMids, upholstei y, wash goods, silks and dress goods.

Tivo of_ the Many Suits

as Illustrated

E xclusive a n d o u t-o f - th e -o rd in - a ry m odels w h ich re v e a l new a n d c h a rm in g fe a tu re s of th e m o s t re c e n t P a r is fa s h io n s —in a ll th e m o d ish co lo rin g s a p ­proved for s m a r t s p r in g w e a r - fa sh io n ed in m a t e r i a l s of M oire, G ab a rd in e , r ip p le c lo th , se rge , sh e p h e rd c h e c k s an d c repe c lo th . All su p e rio r t a i ­lored a n d r i c h l y lined w ith p eau de cygne.

All Sizes for Women and Misses.

Actual 39.75 Values


Women’s and Misses* Silk SuitsL a te s t fa sh io n d e v e lo p m e n ts a re p re s e n te d in a n e x te n s iv e w s o r t -

m e n t of a d v a n c e m odels fo r sp r in g in S ilk M oire, C hiffon T a f fe ta a n d S ilk P o p lin , new co lo r a n d m a te r ia l c o m b in a tio n s .

3 5 . 0 0 4 8 . 0 0 5 9 . 7 5 7 5 . 0 0 a n d u p w a rd

Women*s Spring Bjousj^S im p le a n d e la b o r a te m odels, r e f le c tin g F re n c h in flu en ces , new c o lla r

a n d sleeve e ffe c ts .in Crepe de C h in e ,G e o rg e tte C re p e ,H a n d k e rc h ie f L in e n , M a rq u is e t te , L in g e rie , L aces a n d N ets .

3 . 9 5 5 . 0 0 8 . 9 0 1 2 . 7 5 and upward

Women’s Separate Walking SkirtsA choice se le c tio n of h igh c lass tu n ic , flounce , t ie r a n d ru ff le e ffe c ts

of G a b a rd in e , S e rg e , C repe C lo th , C hecks, a lso T a ffe ta , M oire , R u s s ia n C ord, C repe de C h in e a n d P op lin S ilk s .

T h e H orn of P lentyWill It Be Continued?

This is the question asked us more than any other since we announced that ihe policy of the Straus store would be to carry only wearing apparel for women, boys and girls, men’s fur­nishings and rugs.

It Will Be Answered Soon

Now on theGround FloorW a is t sM u s l in U n d e r w e a r C o r s e ts P e t t i c o a t s I n f a n t s ’ W e a r H o u s e D re s s e s , e tc .

Mothers' Friend Boys’ Blouses of the Better Sort in a Sale

Most ot these are One Dollar ^ y v Blouses; none sell regularly -Z ■ tor less than 75c; all sizes ^ ^ from 6 to 16, at . . . .

All “ M others’ Friend” blouses are good, but in this lot are only the better sort of the product of this well known concern / u r *

^ H E Mo t h ir v Fiuim*


which have been truly named in the adopted name of thegoods they m anufacture.

One Thousand Two Hundred

and Forty-Eightby Acta«l Count in This Lol

Most of iheni are white, plain or pleated, a few of pongee blouses a boy iiiav wear on dress occasions as well as for

general use. They all have the self-adjusting band.Are they perfect? you may ask. Yes, practically so. But

why this reduction on standard desirable goods? Nothing hut a tiny oil spot or a finger mark which caused their overcareiul inspectors to bar them from the perfect class—but iticy as­sure us none have holes nor tears--none worth lessthan 75c., a great many worth $1.00; choice. U 7 v

~ ' ' ''

THE DAVID STRAUS CO., 681-687Broad Street


5 . 0 0 7 . 5 0 9 . 7 5 1 2 . 7 5 and upward

22 Kt (JoI3 Crown io $4, and Bridge Work,

If An Operation Was RequiredTo Save a Loved One of Yours You W ould Secure the Services of a Noted Surgeon

It’s Just the Same in DentistryWould you let an inexperienced dentist or office assistant treat

your teeth when you could secure the services of the highest skilled dentist in the profession? Dr. White has filled, crowned, bridged and extracted more teeth than any other dentist. Therefore he can render perfect service with less pain than any other dentist.

By the use of nitrous oxide and oxygen inhalation, Dr. White can operate on patients sitting wholly conscious in his dental chair, yet coiffpletely insehsible to pain. This is one of the wonders of the twentieth century—benefiting the wealthy and poor alike. They can have their teeth attended to without the least fear of being hurt.

If You HavenT the N ecetaary Money Now I Will A rrange Eaay Paym ent Terms

Anchor Suction


FREEExamination and Advice

FILLINGSGold, ABoy, Enamel, $1.00.

Silver, Amalgam, Cement, 50c. ^

D R * W H I T E j f *“*•Sssiltfs, 10 A. M. Is I P. N.

$ 5 SetT h rz t i t aa * look

Ilk* H ta r a l tee tk .


Hotel A b e rd e e nlO .1 2 -1 4 W a s h in g to n P la c *

R o o m i Slnr lK, D o o b la W i th B x lh 3 MlnuW* tfom Tub*

Real Raincoats^'ou will appreciate the rainproof fea­

ture of our swatTuer Balmaeaaii and Cilen- garry overcoat.s these showery days, They have the style you want, a style not over done, and you may choose ytnir coat froni the broadest variety of bright and somber Scotchy mixtures in town.

From $12 to $25. 1Also, reliable Double-Texture Out-and-Out Raincoats,

in shades of tan, SlO to $25-Umbrellas for everybody, from $1.00 up.Everstick Rubbers, $1 00 a pair.



' ’‘SeiaM n ••aL i K I L . T l*» r"*n a «Ui.r l» lu r *

i c * ConUnu*u*TH EA TR Eiot8<> a. m. t* u r . «.

194 Market St.

Opel Eremsf* Uatil 8 O’ dock l l p M l i l l H I

U p a tB ir a O v e r C h lld e * O p p . N e w a r k T h e e t r e

'FIm# 6659 Karhet


r S O T O D ltA M 4


lECXi HonctsX2il DF

teraa*l W.By virtu* of mo drder *f th* Court of

Cb*Qc*ry of New Jor»er. oi*a* on tbe of th« 4s.te heroof, In • cwtaln oauM «b*ro- 4a Florenc* B. Freeman 1* petitioner. *nd you. temiKl W. Freeman, ore defondont, you ore reuuired to eppeor end pleod. an- •Wer or demur to MilUener'* petlttoa, on or befero l?ie twelfCn d*y of Mop next, orItt defult thereof. ouDh deert* will b* token o^tween you o*d (he eotd petitions, etolnet yon o* the choncellor eholT tklAk RlVcw JIAUNequltoblc omj Juel. * . ^ .

Tho object of eohl eult ie lo obtoln o decree of dJvorre dleeolvlnf the morrlofe

iN CHANOSBY OY NEW Toterauet Gutio. d * fe n ^ t :By virtue of on order of th* Coitft w

Chancery of New Jereev- mode the dote hereof, in o oertoir couee wMreio a d t i t otrti* M fNtoUiw ood ro« " *•; fendoot, yoQ ore fwii»trod to plMd. omwer or domur. to the petttionere i^ l lo o . op « r te fp rr tbo twenty-seveMh doy of Aprti Of, In default thereof,■ueh deorc* witt be token ofolnnt you m the ehonc^ter iboll think equitobi* end**1*fi* oWeet *of eoid iolt lo to obt^n e

decree tn divorce dIeeoivUic the raerriok* . . .Tfit eUect ..of eoid

" n divorce dl*'.nd the ^WUcSn j t l .H ,

Roliolto'r OTid of CoUjieeJ with l^m toner

between you and the n ld petitioner. March II. t»14.

0f40R N B a A8TLBT.XMted

I t H IH I

F, 0- oddreei. lOD Brood'e't.. NeWaili. N. J Doted Newark. N J.. Febniory i c 1IH

IN CUANCBRY OF H£W To fd -ardw t t tk* Cawt ct

LEGAL NOTICESCtiHiicorv of .St»- j o r w . ‘" ‘ ‘I* I f lof Ih. a . t . h.roo(. It. H BMurUy Buliaint «iia xndtil. 4f N<iv»rk xr« i,»bt*. 1,ucll» ChifOodtiif Clovtr xntf |-ou .od om»r.(I|i.xd, d .n i.r or Stiiw.r lo « » bin «Billot on or biiu-* l l i . .l.v.<Uh d«jt o( M irS .jt (H H ). or, in drt»ult tb*r«f; “ Ifwill Da t .li . i i M *onIW»«l • • ‘ ' ' ' “‘. / “ “ k t , mioh d io r .. mxd* ‘¥*e.llor .h.IT Uilnh i* lu b l« x .d jiwL

Th. i»)d hill l i to t*'**'®"}/ 5!rf*i5 m o rif in *w«n by UicH» Oi»oodhy O l« «

»nd V m i.n . Sf . O lov.r. h»r h jirtin d . *ndIxry ■. f . O itoodby. to Hi. *»W complxin-


x .d .r TbomBon. pl.IntlU, v*. Bimond WIlM and Harry R. L.nnoi, .artoor.. f tradMif h H. R. Oonnoi A Co., dafeadanti. ABtl.n a t law. In att.ohni.nt. Nptle.,

DaUy att, aim,

aod » r . M.X.xt Wrok—From the Manfor 10 the l.roei.

O rnh eiim T h eatreHATINEUH DAILY i

BTOwnell-IHork Own MtrH'lc Co., lo“ l.nlu'e .Huehop^ 1

Mte Wk.-Bip Veo WloUe 3 ^ ^* ^ '" lh l r lw m i .b l““ '“ i «OC

’'uSon 'th . m arijxSi^ itiy*****"

KatUta u kaMby i l ¥ u .th a t a a rlt . f ai- \ TOKATUiBonmul at th . m il of AlixifttUf tholMoh | - . . .axalnat (b* rtalit. and cr«Hta. monay. and efTtctH. aooda and chatt.ta. t.n d i and tan- m anta ox Utinond tlllaa and Harry R.Uanaax. Murtnar*. tradln t aa H. R. Ltnnoi * Co.. iKm.rtatdent doblor, (or th* lum ot on* theoaand dollari, taauad on th* twaniy- davsnth day Ftbruary. A. D. nlnaUenhandrad and lawtaen. returnable on the twanty-aavatuh day ot Maroh. A. f . nlna- taan bundrad and fourtean, baa baen earved and dulT tx'aodlad and wa* ratumed on th*(wanu-alfhtb day ot fabruary. A. p , nine- loan Irm R ad •** faurioiM. ^ th* aharltf of tha caaafli *1 HtMi. •

’MhOONOUaM. Olarh, '•aaiuM d ttaikn y.

IVaxhlniton and Market. ‘Phone Market i n • MaUneee Dally.

6IR15 OF THE GREAT WHITE WAY8PKCI4I—dacki* Clark and Mlaler Celllaa.Week April «—•'Bam Hnwe'e t*ve Makere."

S a m S .S h n b e i1 T h e a t r eTwIl’k uelly. !;iA e.iwl M-. the Me*-

nlflcepL Elihi-neel Masterpiece.THE R ise AND PALL OP NAPOLEON

Kaxt wamt-d'T k a U f i *1 Ow •*!!” '

Three distinctive EARL & WILSON collars and the only satisfactory collars of the V front style made. They fit the neck snug and stay there.

° 1 b’OB SS UTS.




MAT 10 ' 15*tvrs IS'- 251

1F» SUDS SON UfUflSH ‘5 ’1



ODEON THEATRKIUHRIhi(iPIP:l,D AVm.a l l t h i s w e e k


T hrilling 'S i, Four Show# Dally, 3, L W

41,1. StnkTB ’




v m m f H U I GMtBED IN WIFE'S CUdllES, SIK S ADMIRATION ™ i S | POSTu m W M ANTIC_BUlEa)AT IN eF E B B S , ™ B “ « «

Rew. diaries H. Stewart, PreacVmg ea Abuse of Pleasure, Says They

Hold the Remedy. *


riru iu re s nnrt their h1ju«o were <ll»- ctia.4F(l Hml the 'Any to In ip ro 'e the tune of mcnltrn aniuseineale were imtnted ru t tan' liltrht Ly Hev. t-’I'er-re 11. Hiewuri. pontor .o f tho Noiin no- Idnned Cliutcli.

A fter UepItTlnR the p icam t trmtem’J o r the Ih tii t r t ond BitmteatliigClmri:!. ought to iiiiihc an ally or It to [trtre til ’t» luU irrIe in tlmmntli- form,Mr, H tcw rrl BugureteU Ihc "u y for m- jirovliig the jiiopul ton® o ' ilrama oy

“(l l» on nlnnnlnt; Ihli'B " In n > oonahlor th a t pl»ys "I n vtilBui nr ite- ■riK lint tyn* are moie inrcely pnlron- 1»("1 thnii Ihoee of n MkI' <'!«"" I rnn morry to admit it, Hut 1 fear I t a l woiiicn are 'olilifly to hliitne for g tm e of aff.ilra. Sc. I hi, ; . I he "o u in i tiavc til® rm in ly in " ' ' I r h u n d a - le t them he trim to the honor and fiuilty HfKl dignity of tlieir woniHiihooil. ho,I the ‘V© ipeaU jiRiiiiifll «o «lro»i<Iy

i«o<»n dlwipi'"*^-The :spn<ki'i’ siFflU*? of the t *n-

eUncjy nf n.odtri nancliKf and Hi' growln.'f pentim nit In favor o1 traH-lilnir tdJt h; ffli 11® Hr iidvlHed agmiial llin rrtti rn rlla n lia l atilird® of liy|po<Tlti®nl MBI'Clily la di liliiilt "1th Ihvae iirolihinia ann nrffVi fiyiniiHihnlr "tmly ol tlimi-

In bCKliinliiy Mr. Stewart aald: "These ■re not rienpl* " h " tlrnr itiid'a aNlsinnre. they aiknowlP'U® H; Ihrv »re nnl imoide tvho have ny fnmi of rellginn. <>n the ,‘iintrfii'y they am drsi’rllied as havlna a form of CpilllnoBS; they am Jimt pml'le will wont tki'IHnesa slid worldlltirHS to ■gn't'igrlhur; they Imllero that they oiiKhl to Invc ftno. I"it tlmy I'*'® plraaiim ni“ro than Uiry lov® ‘ind. .Ml that I have to tey inaight hi dlreided In [mople "hn ■riapt t-i loin if'nl; I am ticl Kolns t® IrS to lay rtimn laws for Ihoee who li*ya. on goi-h deuire. , ,

-rtm i lirlsllBn (•tmrcli ran I'lalin in> ig th o rlly ever the lives nr the fnndiiut nf Ihiiae wlin dn rni wish to listen to her messsK'’ cr amept her t'hrlat, hut sho iM sIn ly does Halm the right to he lieard and heedrd hy her memlierB and idher- wnlP I am f'llly pi'rHiiadPil that If all •who Are mitnented with the nhiirrh would ■iinlv live right, vliit nothing rould stend against her. N'o evil Inslltutlnn rould iMi;: ealit hi this land nr any rtirlntlan land If the yhumh people would only Uvo fhelr gospel end very soon all who are y«t ontalde of the rhiirch vvoiilo M briiuglit In. hut we must win the church.

I “Kt II tleod C arried Too h'ar."' ■•Nearly ail the evil Is Just good car­ried too far. Katins and drinking ara hoth .good In thomaelvoa. both may ha done to the glory of fJod, for, eaya the apoitle. ’Whether ye eat or drink, or whalgoever ye do, do all to the glory of

' t3od.' But when eating and drinking ere agrrled to exlrctnea they end In gliiltimy dO^ drunkennesB, which are very grlav-

' eu f and dlagust'ns alna. Bclf-preaerva- • tlon la a perfectly good and true Instinct ’ of our being, Indeed It la said to he flie

Hrat law of nature, and we know th a t •erlthout U .the. race could not long »ur- Vlve, but when It is carried beyond a eartaiii Itjnit it reaulla In selfishness, ashloh ta the essence of all ain. liolf-re- gpeet la assuredly a most adotlrahla qual­ity, but It may be carried into the region p t haughty and diadainfu! pride, which .'aBd halca.

'■N'ow, the Instinct to play la undonht- ^ l y one of the fiindamontal reuulretnenla ,'*f our IwliiS Vou see It In tho little Ohlld, long before he Is able to llip or toddle; you are U In the abounding en-

' aggy and Joy of youth, even down to old age, men never entirely rid themselves o f the daslra to play, to laugh, to aaek antuaements and to be happy. Tet. this ^ a l r a for play allowed to run riot is rs- .aponslWe for most of the dlasolula pleas- ■ritrs of our time. Now notice my text

^*oea not aay th a t It Is wrong l«> love tlleaaure, but vvlieti the love of plcaeura 'goes so far that men lo 'u a more Ihmi they love (Sod. thon beware, there la ina lanat real and tcirlble danger.

■‘May A Christian go to the theatre, dance, play cards, play goir on hiindav. etc. etc,? These questions are being eon- aU ntly asked today. Very few P*"P'"' nclhapa. have absolutely fixed notlona In

' to them. If people wish tola theae pleasures they do so. uud put the ntost eharltable and lll>era'. .■■■oatru.-ttoii upon their vunduci; those who '"d h ‘

‘dulge to any extent In siivli I'lcnSJiea content lliemaelvea. as a rule, w.lh a mod-

• “ '^ r n e r r « tm « i . to be, however, a groat tack oI definiteness in the a tliu d e of moat ivtople to the who's riueallon of Bmaaeinents. Now surely It ® 'Shl not to r» difficult to aav quite decidedly these things are right or ™ ' “," V l th the whole question l» »o complha rd wit upbringing and tradition M.nd euBlOfrt BBd cnnflplc that st tm phitiv •nsw ers la not by any m tana

***^' f r a e s t’laaa fo r fh u rrh e a . j■'L,et uo look a t the th ea tre for «*- j

am ple; The old pagan dram a becam e I to ta lly depraved, vile and f ilth ;

in the guise of a fashlouah y dressed . woman, a young man who s»id !'• whs f a r l O. Hanson of 4H Helmont avenuu

■ was arrested last night at the ' u®■ wanna Hiatlon. To Ids haks voice Ihe le rsiw h ilo Impersonator owes hhi d o y i-

fall Me was fined |10 today by Judge H err In the Second f’re. Luvt Court,

atltred In a Mua serRs skin, silt s i U.e Hide and a w a l of the latest o t , be­sides a big picture hat overtopping » blond wig, the y«un* man evoked glsniCB of admiration from many a msB, uHna

** tVhilo two young i,olhHrnis lem pllrg i<- -trlk« up ah *with lha aiiprored damHCl, I ulrolnian Krady lio 'o In view.

•■tVhHt'B all thlH ahoui? Inquired I ho

pollcrtnan. sueplcloiislV, «» ha eyed the uiak<-ui> of the "he-she. " „

"Oil nothing a! all," replied "she. nervouHlj. In "her” exeltem enl the Im- uerHotialnr Imd if.vrrled to Ida natuial

Iran Iri.-d to walk awaS’. \Mlh a tw ill II,o p.diceniin knocked off the lull and nrh.-ld a filghtcned young man.

With H Hirloua crowd In Ihoir vvak , ttrudy and hln cantlvo emerged froi"depot «ml the patrol "agonSnndrv remark., !d>« "Oh, >mi kid. and ..CMev" «vcro inadH by the .-roved as the pair awalied lh« coming of the la tro l

" '^T 'rild i'. for a lark." Said the inas-.Iiir-rader In court. In Hiiswcr ..........tiuiu., lie said he was a m arried man liflH Ijnrrirwod lilH wifft'B t'lnlhpft Just for firn.


women arc chiefly m b'anie f,,r ih a of affairs. Oo to uny Ihcatir * will find, aa you find m about three women for every niHii. "• if ,ho women refused to i‘« ‘ * of this kind I have i shpai.y in the world w-unbl be f K>hshenough to try ........ . them "h P ■ ' ■ •II,c women have 1h.- remedy 1. l® r h a iid r .- le t Mictn he irua lo ' ’i'- 'an'l purltv and dlaidty of their ovvn womanhood, and the play which Hgalnsl ao strongly would soon dlaap-

‘"■ "tthat I have HS'd shout Ih® >h*a.rr I, even more true nf Um 'There leema to be Just now a ' ' ,dancing, and all over 'he-worl' « d yIn lo litr lieurdIng which Ihrealeiii |o l>e » ''®ry aerlous

to morn! of jaoi-'pII'."rhese are Ihe cvIIh of inudern am use­

ments The questlmi is. wliKt shall.b o u t It'.’ tv hat alllturio uimlu

rh r ls tla n young people and " 'h e rs to aa^some toward inmterr, " '" " fhavf |if>M*n iTjIiisc to

wurid and we love Heine from poetry, littit.vv from Ihe dram a. Mendrisaom from irvojic, Ncander from h iatorj. l,on- hroso irom surlulogy and Jarobl fr- i »„,lh.-ir>alha, while live v*"®''' a1i vr>M liif* " ‘If < hrIM wouldl.H mulai^hl iiruJrT a slHrlew hiiy . ’


I Druiiimlng up trade for 1,’ncle Sam s ptrcH iHiMt, p o n lu f th f a tItufton arc planning an advarllbing lam - palgn "lo Bcioaint the public with the facimies which the (.arcel post offers for rhf^ap. !>romi>l mid cffcdl^c means u trailHportatlon." Two letters to th a t rf* fe d were received today hy Posttnaater Bock from Firat Asalalant Postmastci- Lleticral Lanlel Itoper and Third As­sistant Poalmastcr-'iJenirHl M. Hockery.

Mr. Itoper In his communli»llon sog- EfUts that (he posimaaler "designate vum or more elficlunt cmiduves fam iliar with ihe i»arcel post I" visU. a t suclr llme.s aa they can he siarrerl. Hi* I’ersona who noi.ld te likely lo palroiiiae tlila aervica nnri learn whether Ihrv a re using llw malls for the Blilpnient "f parcels,

" I f th e persona sr® n.d u s in g th e parce l [ .o s t," auggeHta M r H o p rr, - 'a s e e r la ln t l ia reiiHOii a n d e x p la in lo th e m Its m a n ifo ld a d va n ta g e s .'' . ,

R e iio rta o f such e iw is l w o rk and aug- ge.vUuna a ra I ,, he fo rw a rd e d lo th e M jia h ln g to n I le ra r lrn c n l.

In c lo w o f the m any ih a n g e a ii in l H I- p ro v e m e n ls In th e pare,-! post serv va. M r. I io e k e ry 's I H i - r s ta te s " t h a t m a n y p.vasihic p a tro n s " f Ih® s e rv ice a rc no t fa m il ia r w i th Us n . lv a n la g fs . t o o are

I roquffltftrl, thpref'irf. i" vin»iit' iM ib h r ltv l ' i Ih p nvHfi> fp ritn reB TP furPfd

to , w i th K v|i!W t " In-Ti'Fi.Hinc l l i r oT thfl pa-fctl poji « nu-KfiJi "f hrlnifiMg

U ilo cUiSF^r. 1l‘‘rjriv-i»i«hl m«*nilier« ........ ............. ..

iutfF tin" it»f"mhi*'r«hiii of ihft \ producer nrv) • unFumcrLiiii T*ri*jvlivtrnrin 4'liuroh jeiilprdtj'. 'lola c-ytMiict/’ ^iro.iilhl Ihe total of new members for ; -I'aUing exceiUl.-ri i-' M r., Ibq'er a aliU--

tli4‘ ve>ir siu to ll^ . A siatfinK-nl of tho ^hc i-ni-''' r'""i itliniiti'Hiil rc'iulipnienlfl for thf’ prompt find <'rff'i l i \ r nu'and ' =limitii'iiii rc'i'-Jii' * 1 " ' ..... j Mce a r was m ade and th e < h u rc h " " i r d o f ia n e vo le m -i: p re so n le d a le a o h it lo n fo r H ddU ionn l m lfis lona r.v w o rk . .

nf new tnenibera received ve.sletdaytweiiiv-ons entered on confession slidiwrntv-sevoii presented im tera fromr.lher ,1iuichs3. Several presented letters from oihrr dfiiominath’ris ,

The church emls 11a vear April 1. H was aimooneed th a t in Ihe. 'i * ' t™ ''!S null had been raised for currsnt -X-

.„Hrs and the .horch would end Its car vvllh a small b a lan o - N'c-'t

HhaU w^ 'r e J r t 'tu the

LT‘llf''lh!^’'" r c 'lh '" ' '" I t h r 'b ' ' r " h “ .'X eV "llT'vmll for Slnu'm

Ing away. H would he a very ,|i?iO aolutlon of the question wdib-h w^

U o discuHsIng, perhaps not “ ,jone for the utterly rurllanlcal meim urtevelo|»d a sort of hypocritical aam jlpvthat was neither wIioleBume ;

"On the other hand. * r *let things go. putting the interpretation we can "I'"" mof modern amuaemenls. but allow mg IHom to paas without passing ) idk m ent? This, it seems to me. would o raOtcr dUappedntlnK tu thivM who it a) be lupkliig to Ifhrlstlsn teachers fm g n anew on a question that to m an. ■,

ou;‘p a i r ’; f e : : r . : b r f : : ; . -

""uev. .1. i-V I'armty. si.-.retsrv of lioard nf heuevDlonef. asked that tbe l-l.un'l, .-onlribote to the a.'hooi In ■ orea , .inducted by Ke .. George Md un®

traiiaportallun'," hu-<m®ss men who want in makft long-dlslan.-e »lilpmeiit8 dei larn

I that Ihe rales Imposed ui...n the ex|.ri'ss ;.-ompHidea hy the Inleisiate i nmnier.o ■ r(.minlfiali.n are mi® h i'heal>c-r. limy ' point .ml th a t the g .vfrnm -nl . haryea ' H ?? fur shlpi.lng a parcel weighing

iwentv from this city In I'hicHCo.1'I he Inieralate ( cmimercc l ommlsrinn

ha.s decrenij lim i Ihe tsp ress ccmiioiiles 1 flii.ll handle and ship llm same i-.iireel : for Hixly-foiir cents .' ten-poiind paH'-

BH® to I'hh-ago vvould '-nst sKti-tvv'o i . enla by parcel ,siosl. whereas the es-

pri-ss I'ompanle.s .barge only fnrt.v-two I cents for the same imckage I There la nnt "idv a diff'-reni'e in rams 1 wlii-re the express companies are cheaper

tliiiii the [.areal imet. hut II ia pointed out Iliat the shipijnr Iq llie expreaa .-ompaMvea has the advantage of Ihe aiifer m.-l1io,la of haminng and Um free inaiirar.-e pr

.fosepli M tUler ia preparing to move, after a reaidenr.e of half a century, from

' the little liouic ho built on "Hayee s farm. Threif additions have been built to the rne-story cOttigM Until as It atenda now at IS Magnolia street the paaeerhy ha a llltif Idea of llo hgmhie beginning. Hut as progreaa begrudges It the ground it ocriiplns the old aliucture will he torn down so the factory next door may ex­pand.

When a representative of the News called on ,Mr. .Metrler ihla morntn* It took the oi-togenerlan a moment or two In c.miprehend what was wanled, but, wlirn he did, he willingly talked about

I old times. Whan he wiia three years In j llio country Metzler. a youth of twenty- 1 eight, derided to build a house. He ' bought -the lilllo plot of ground cm the

Hayes farm and liullt the cottage hliii' self after working hour.a.

I.’lfty years ago .Mr. Mclzicr moved Into Ihe house and it baa been bis home altice. He waa a i.loneer. On Belmont Bvennr m ere waa only an old (arm hoiiec, bis i.ottags and two othei m ile houa 3, four in ail. and now there miBl t t.s ihai niiinber of vacant Iota In the same district. Bpringfield avenue was a wagon tiHil and a very Poor one, accord- inq to Mr Motzler, who referred to it aa

“ There wos » trace of the old doriBcm In ,\1r Meixlera laugh th is murnlug when he rofericd to "Stumptown. ' lo get to town re.mlred a ih irly-m e-m lnut* walk, At a good stiff pace. Mr. Metal, r aald he walked It for years and the IS 'i Itial he la hale and hardy despite lil.i iid-

vamed age ho a tirlbulca to the exercise he got then.

bhortly a f te r Mr. Metxler inovcd out. on the fringe of th ings others began to follow-. The flow of homebuilders grew more rapid until Boon a curmnuidly hsi) been foinied. The digging of tha old cistern near Morris aveniia and Bprlnif- field avenue waa fresh In Mr. Metaler's memory. The cistern was used for a supply of w ater to fight fires. Ho chuckled aa he spoke of the old days when the men In the factories would dr-vp

I their tools a t the stroke nf the flra hell In Halsey stree t and rush to man, Hie old hand-pump ongliies. "Firemen got no pay In those days," he aald, hut putting Ids tongue In hie cheek and winking, he added, "we didn 't pay taxes."

Hr. Mctxler talked of days when a blls- iard didn't mean almply Inconvenience until the cars got funning again, when Inky blackness came with the actllng of the Bun; when there were no cate, uml hurdy-gurdies, and neighbors and 'be only nocturnal nolee waa the churua of lha crickets


"W e fo llow o u r recipes. W e te s t e ac h b a tch of P re s to for i t s ba iting perfection.


j r e s t o1 1 0 1



Money in be used for will haj HPl Rslile b.c ih.' Kaav’x division of the• li’erlt'rrtleii

URGES ACTS OFTR U EC O ffTRm O N ] rrnment dw an 'l s. ltl® l.isxea ao Pruin l’ljy.

! .Morlal sin and true contrition i fciiblcct of th® B'Tmoii ,'f Rev. 1 alor l .! .\|, i aughlln. yeatorday '""'■"'.''S,

o'clock mass, a t rit. Josaph * ' atnolle 'hiirih. rolnlin^ o 'lt t" his ronRi'esa*

Ihft iJaii«fr of having lha »oul In a j a latf ff moilal ein. lh« priest iirK ^ , them to rcfr«!n from the hreaM«f? of j any of tli * coinmaTiitni<rut.i uint lo fitlenij maaa regularly. He aald a true act of c.intrHInn, vvlili a pr..mii.e t" kin no more brought the soul bach Into a stale of Kfii**'®-

r I I! ■ I I I I XI X e-- . . c- . -—nor I'ffoT the *arn'* baff^Kuarrls as thft cx- I f -w company. It Ih anacrietJ-


.lo b ' Nani»* Kooi^ty as the re suit " f H det-’Iainn at ft m ortlng yester- d ay In Ih® auditorium 'd Bt. Rose of L im a's C liiirch. The prU cs '.xill lie aw a rd - ed to tho .-hildren of till’ parochial schools In tho division for essay w ork. The host w orks w ill be determ ined by R"V. Hr. W illiam H. t ’an tw ell and Rev. -lohn J. HiMon, superintendent of schools.

At th e a iig g e a tlo n o f W illia m J.

M «de S lro n e en d W ell by Vlnol.\Vh*Ti vte l^ll you th a i \ l u ‘>l i" thn h?at

raiutdy In our whoI« Block for maklnir , puny, a llin * chltdran Btron*. fobUBl and rn«y

wa ara only ta llln * hiu* b««*nI proved by hundreda of inuHtairb- . J. L. Fhrkllfii. Macon, 'la-, aaja: "My

child was very tliln an«J d#‘lk ’Hie. no appe- tlt« nervouB nnd dtil not Bleep well Doc- tori did urjt help her Vlnol »aa recoin*mendod. » n l the chan*e after a fa ir tria lwas wonderful- 8he «teApa soundly alln1*ht, Hhb « Bplendld appetite und hae fjtihed In n e l f h t T wlah every nimher knew w hat Vlnol w ill do for dellk-ete irhtl*

Vlnol did for t li i f l Ultle *lrl It w ill do for every N*-eak and Hiliti* chlM. l>erMUHe etckly children noed il»» Atrrngihenln* o d liver elemente end the Irnn lhal Until

' contalns'-that la >khy M'H'I UuddfA them (|ul»'kly and given them b Hue healthy rolor. It la pl«aH4iil to liiUo and guaruiitee that tbe reaultb win Haiist<y you—money back If they do not,

Pe(l> a Pharmfi'-v. TSI Itroad HI,; John n. Foiler. iJruggJm. Ftosivllle and Seventh Avee. Newark Vlnnl Jp s'.dil in Mrango hy A, Mr.»y)er. and In fr’. Inpiou by Harry Mc- pavit.

r. ts- N you have. F®e emH try our Soyo Wo guarantee It —Adverllsemenl.

A l NIIV OtJiaRV.-:'*'-'*-LvjicU nf the V ailsbiirgh society, tho fc.lerntloii agreert to t jrg a n lie a, base-


Iho thoaire lox ub 11®®...-.a-

s:f,S ' i r . ; " j i . of c. major degree isIhf dtUokte liiiUnrtfl of fUncs» d ^ceticy. If daiicmg ia t® be mir ■ine.nt. let u« »vold. lulaHS uLlerb. ]l i . forma; aurely there 'Ham varletlea and number.^ of ploasi-r.a In wltlch we may indulge vvllboul pan.lvr- injf do tldis« which ar® dftl'ttSii'K- ;

‘‘III 1ht< occond plui'C. 1 tthuuM say tnt j ■u« ap,.ly the teat of m,v text to all l.le.uures. If they faaclhale us ami .-arn ,,a away mull we desert hom®. und"®- mhm hvalth, neglect buameae and wur s'.ilp ar.1l tho serious thinga of life—in a wurd. when It la true of ua th a t we hu.

■,,®.umo lovers of pleasures more thanlovera oF tiodi fnen our m.jdcrn am iue- monta have gone far to achlevo our rum. The aafe role Is to consult your own en­lightened Chrlallaii conadence. Uo not, In Uod'a name, play fast and r-unaelence, but teverenco U aa yon do your King, then Ihe queellon of wmiiav m en u will glife yon mUe 'ro»hle and .v u will have the aallafadlon of wearing th \shito fluwcp of a blamel®k* Hi*-

1 I'l.e usual aumpirr a,'hedu1e of c a l ; |Tu-ea " ill go Into effe.-l W ninodiiy .I .^fler Ih tl, until tli<* fkh irtiTtascfl 1 arc made, all houscimid aixea will he ru-

dut»*d fifty il.l‘I.18 a l"n.Th® prices almul lo go into effect will

lie tlic aame aa prevailed April 1 la d J year, deai.lto Ihe fact that the wtu.lo»ale

■*" , „ „ ri ) Dfh'p Is frv>ni Ihre? to tr'u cifuL* h tonGIVEN TO 100 CANO DATES I higher than It waa last year.U i m i l u lU U ^ ciralere arc preparing to rliKfge' Jon m'Ara than lh<ty

it-um niiuo ew ,',-- ....... -hall team reairlc led to mombera of me orKanlxatlon,

The rollow ing officera w ere re-elei,[- eil I’reaideiil. W illlain .1. H agan; vlce- lucBidenta. AVilllam I. Toohey John J Berrv, Joseph IJ. Maher and Jam es 1. StcKenn.i; aerre tary . tVIlUam r Ken; nah; treasurer. Michael m nrshal. John H. Donnelly.oom m lllce memhera w ere elected ga follow s' John p'lUBimmona. Mnlllam J. I,ym-lv. H ubert J. Rowe, J " " ' " Mooney, F rederick K. L iiaw orth amt Jiim es A- M urmy.


thft ureal problem th a t to® day In pnrgpuirlhff the w^rlci." ’w'aa dta- rushftd la*itHroenlitK in hla flfrmon In Ihe KewanilUi Memorial A^reabyterlan Church. In turlng the strngsle success,speaker attaclied the tlieory of a«me ao- clalltetB th a t the under man has no change. ,

' ‘They need to learn that the age la wliul they iheitiHelveg make tl. * f Hruen'ng asaerted, "To unih r [iwn haa no chance, la to .make Dial

More than 100 candidates received tbe mu.ior d.vgree of the Knights of C'dumbiia yesterday afternoon In St. Joaeph'a ' School Hall ’.Vallaee place. The cere- j

! tnony waa eondu.-led under Hie siiapicea j of Star of lic-thlth.-m ‘ '.mncll No. 411. In |

I. Ihe presence of mure than l,!iHI vlallora.' including hlgb officlala in the order.; l.«at iilglil the coii.-iHt was host a t a I banquet m the t ’ontlnental Hotel to Ha- ; Itora from New V..rk, I'ennsyUania, Lon-

necUcut and .New Jersey. There were I ? ;|| present and addreasea were made by i ufflrers of tlie council and vlaitingI knlghta. ,1 .Xiiiuiig iboae present wlien^ ihe ne I gree waa ..-onferred were I’ev. Edward ! .1 oiiirk, clinplam of the council; Rev- John

.A, Dillon, aiiperlntimdent of parornial avhools of Newark dluceae; Rev. John J, Iluljchcr. aaalatanl rector of the

' A u rc h of Our l-ady of Good Counael,: H®v. W'llhaui P. Brennan, curate of St.I Patrick's Cathedra)'. Rev, lAlor Mc-

Ijiughlin of St. Joseph's Church. State Deputy Edward J- Sweeney of Bayonne and Paat Slat® Deputy CornePus A. Mc- Qlennon of East Newark. Tiiere were also more than a e.rore of v la lU n i^ a n d knlghta and city and county official"

'” ara*nd Knight IVllllani J. Norman vvaa p lv V toastm aster ut the dinner. Am""® tbe apcaker.s were Eugene J. Sullivan, chair­

man of Ihe arrangem enla committee. Father Bulachcr and the following dla- trl.'t dei.utiea: Thomas J. Smith andJohn J . Berry of this .''‘S * Jrick of Kearny, John J. 0 1®'' .’J.t'lty rhumaa Feeney of Bloomfield and Thomas Manley of Paieraon. other .speakcra were auprenie M art Thomas J. McLaughlin. Loinmlaaloner

tvi eniv-five cenia did in llil3, , ,

The Iju-rcaacd wholesale coat is a®- .miinted for by the new Pennsylvaniu mine tax. I.ocal retailer® say they wl pot make tlie householdera and srnall consumers carry this extra charge, but will make It up otmvug the big ciiiiBumora of ylcam coal used In manufatUirlnis

/ 'T h e new prices wiU be; Crate or broken, tb.TB; egg and stove, »«; Hicst- n II fC.Jj. and pea. H.,G. Ihe price of p, a coal never changes, heliig quoted winter and aunimer at H-Ju s

1. A ltm an Sc QIn.

boy falls from roof, BUT MAY SURVIVE HIS INJURIES


h a v e a n u n u s u a l l y l a r g e n u m b e r o f s m a r t e s t F r e n c h M o d e l G o w n s

a n d S u i t s , i n c l u d i n g

UniH r IIMEA MV a , p . -- -under man a W’eakllni. ♦ co%a ' Tnomaa j . ivAtL-nuHnnsi, ------v ,v, v,cruvoB of i Charles P. vRlIen of the Board of M orks,

" I t la to deny the cardinal prlncIpUs or__a_n.4,.1 Inn ITITlV'-


ia r ty C hristian church protested loud .ly. against Ite oo rn ip tln g tnfliieuce. but th a Church liersell. Imving condemnedThe 'dorrupllug ‘'™ “’Vw"'‘''"wm'"KO vou to oroduce li dram a of her own. »" FOd have from the early Chrlstlnn ceiitu-

■ Tins the old m orality and m lrac e p ays.

our national Independence and 'ho g n ernment of our Uod. To aay th a t the under man haa mr chance Is like hrinklhF! a Peary to the (rosen acss and then inak Ing him say It la so bleak, so cold and so

; hard th a t he cannot reach 1 ■■Ya, Jesus waa horn in a manger.I w orked ua -v carpenter, lived » h"'"® ' ! Kaa life, died on a cross, uml was : buried li' horroweri lomb,"

In analy ilng the problem " f “‘'"“’f®" i and the struggle tor It. the m in lsur

former Assemblyman John A. Matthews and Martin A. Ford of Jersey City.

In a quarre l with a woman in his atm-e a t 172 E igh th avenue th is m orn­ing. Annldale Berarvlinello, a d rugstst, was aluelied acroaa the nose and check w ith a rasoi'. Berardinello tobl i a tro l- mau Adubato of Hie Second Precinct lhat Mrs. Grai'C Carleslmo, tw enty-flue years old, of aS Faolory atreel, »a» hla asBuilanl.

BerardliieRu had his wounds a1- teiidod to hy Dr. t.'armlne G. Boiardl- iicllo. his hrother.

The woman escaped a f te r the alleged assault, but la te r su rrendered heraeir ro i-bief W eiiner of the p ro secu to rs s ta ff of detectives. She w-as aent to the Second I’recinct S tation.

Saturday m orning B erard lneli" and Mrs. Carleslmo w ere a rra igned In the F irs t p rec inct Court on against them by the husband of t e woniao. Because the case hah “ Ready been partly heard lu the hec*)ml 1 re cinct ro u rt. Judge Hahn sen t the p a ­pers In It hack to lh a t court.

A ta ll from the roof of s new build­ing in Camden s t r ic t . n-)ai' AVarren stree t, yesterday a fternoon came n ear costing seven-year-o ld John Uay- Iior of 124 C abinet s tree t, his life. The boy was '.Jlaylng tug Ibrough the build­ing w ith several com panions and he dropped froni Ihe root to the ground, a d ls ta n ie of th ir ty fe tt. ,

The injured boy was taken to the n r y Hospital, w here it is declared he IS su ffering from concussioti of Hie brain and deep lacern tions of the head. H is oondltioii w as said to be serious laa t night, hut considerable Improve­m ent w as noted today. The doctors ililnk he iimy recQve,'

C h e c k th e S y m p to m so f L u n g T r o u b le

Ono of thf msny r«a»ont why Lung Trou ble Is bo dItfkuU lo fight Is b ciiUB* th* din- » » l« nf • very flMterlng rnUur*.The patient may Ii ok well, but In reality 1« fast lo*lTig Btreiigth by continued night sweat*® f*vpr iind cough. Thes* ByTTiptoma

f r o m w h i c h r e p r o d u c t i o n s w i l l b e m a d e a t v e r y m o d e r a t e p r i c e s .

S u p e r i o r m a t e r i a l s a n d w o r k m a n s h i p a r e e m p l Q y e d

D re s sm a k in g a n d T a ilo r in g D e p a r tm e n t {T hird F loor)

S(A m erican= m ade)

BWeal*. ISkri turn WW.V**.., ,1.,Bhould h« checked n« quickly as pOHlble. , Eckluan'B AUsralive is beneficial In chack-— i_us A&fo flTi/4 It has



Two white m en s n d a n e ffo enteredI Nonslo Violo's saloon a t 38S Adams street

Siilurduy night, and while the negro held ; a revulver a t Violo's head Ihe other two

„„,n went through hia clothes and took gan by saying; „ , r . r v I «««

"I* tho pruhlem of auccesa • ’*'* ' ' ) trio had a chance to riflemuderu qucatlon? U h®ki"' " -nlng i Hie caah draw er they were frightened

tlie '^M » h / S s ' ’: b o ; ^ ; H.® salnon-kooper's .wdte;s cries

. /h V h ttToi: the p ises of the old fIR hy i 'oHc^agc. ^ f a n p lays, nm1 I ‘h lnk th e c h u rc h lit

I upon Ihe problem of auccess. I t has 1 I engaged the earneat thought of every his- |

r.T {vein After the three had fled, Violo r,.|d the Third I'racinot police he pur­sued them with a revolver and fired asv- eml shots.

S o d era limee made a g rea t m letahewhen she uRowerl the ?,*,'Mass lo completely out of her control.

'If should he veiy glad to see t re- vlvud toilay w ithin the church ttaejt.

■The’ centuries in some w ays a re ever ______________________

tiire's^si'nvilarlty runs th rough Hie agee^ ■ HELD FOR BREAIING m iD O V

■i-be senior class of the E ast Side High School edits the March Isaiie of the' school m agazine. The Orient, th is plan being adopted, so It la etateii. ra th er than to Incur the expense of puhllaliing a separa te paper.

The Haas, the f irs t to be g raduated from the East Side High School ex­po,-ra to take an ediicaUoiial trip to W ashington during the E aster vacu- tiori. and it is hoped to increase the funds for the eicuraion by the sale of this num ber of The u rien t. _

Frank Welxel gives "Rocolleetlrins or Ihe Jionioi'S. thcrR roulvibnlIons nf fk'lion fvt>d vt'rac, and tli« B‘ 1ioo1 n^vi* in ||kre8«nt*d. The maBuzIhft n-ulvca nti a ttra c tiv e appearan^'^-

Ing fever and night aweat* and It haa brought about many complel* recovtrlsa, Reid this esae;—306 W. 3»th St., New York.

■■Gentlemen;—) am vvrltlns you this te.U- monUl that oihera may know what your Alterative liaa done for me. Since t was k very youni woman I waa a aulferer from HrrnVhllla I tried doctor alter doctor. lar- U™. 11U. or no banetU, Finally I bad niibt aweata. weak epella and loat rapidly m welaht and my doctor told me R they ‘■ era nV ckeckad I noulil have t,un» Trou- ti,. Mtaa Mary Korhamer, who la a fr lend 0 mine, recovered after taking your Alter- a tl,^ and. Instated lhat 1 try li, I am now ^ner two yeare, perfectly wall, atrong and‘' 'r i 'J f l 'd a v ID MRS- n ™ A VOBLPET,.

lAbove abbreviated; more on requeat.)irckman'a A lte ra tiv e has been proven by

m any yeara' test to be moat afticacloua for aovera T h roa t and L n u * A ffectlone, Bron- ch itie B ronch ia l A e thm a. Stubborn Colda and In upb u ild in g the eyatem. Containa no narcotic*. poUen. orSold by leading d ru g g is t* , ’t t ^ l te the b ik - man Leaboralory, phlladelphaa, Pj* ^ booklet te llin g o f raooverlaa *n d add itiona l*vldeTH'*-~'Ad'ifertlaana*ut.

is d isp la y e d in an in te r e s t in g v a rie ty of n e w d e s ig n s a n d th e m o s t d es ired m a te r ia ls . In c lu d e d in t h e a s s o r tm e n t a re t h e fo llow ing , q u o te d a t t h e r e g u la r s to c k p rices:


Two m*!n were held In J20D bell eeeh for tha sraiid J'lry In the ThlrJ Precinct

I KCeva ’.h a t the ViterAt^ure of the the met, i ^ t k i n g "V i:;dow^^::iSoVat% S^*^

T i t LmHVriro enl" Hun Tbel^e In " o in d o fa t lg u b ly C ' ' ^^^It * X a of J®bhTo dranialK ,o 1 problem i-t aucceas. ‘ rf,. street. They are Martin Anderson of JS3................... be a s tu d e n t nooy | Frederick Stanton of 94^rta&on

Yi&vewhy the church ouifht no t lo

area t nctors who could p o rtray a moBt effective m anner the many

^ rrea t and w onderful lersona In which ith* Blhle ahovtodM. Indeed tunny p lays

are religion’*, thouph perform ed ■^UUlrte of tbe church these plays nre

■—Ynrth Ttdhlfe hhrJ-elevating. I Uave .oHen come from the Hictitre, aflei' wiiiiesa-

siich pb ijs. v.ltli Hie Bt'tatcat and aplritUHl uplin

\tR5 r.\er sren Fhr Johnstonlug

’’mora l “ Who’■1 IIU lirv-i- • - --

F^orhoK-Rbliortaun In ‘The I assinp \Tiilrd Floor HrcIv iday IIKp ‘Th« ie r v in l In ihe House,' or 'Joseph and i-ilB Kretlirtn,' i*Uhfnil having the noblest 'emotions of hla heart and mind stlrrud to Ihelr depths. Thvsa are all religSoua pla.yB the groat Bhakcepearlan plays and hotia of others of r lighter nalure un- ftoubeldly have their plai-e. Perhaps we have no greater learher or interpreter of JIfe than our grcal Shokespeare. Now, if iui’h prodm’tlons ass theae rt>ukl he captured by the O iristian rhunrU, and made us^ oI hj* a rhnutiel through whi<.'h licr nie».«s.«o should oumt lo men. 1 <an

' D-oneel'o of a nvnrvehnm Increase In her uower effeotlveness. rn funinately , iuero- agahi the gooti effect of Iho theatre Se greatly ininlmlaed by lha vulgar, vde •grid jsUKgcstlve play.

nble v/orbi aeama to xxx,deeply .*tid ea rn tstly at w ork upon , gireetiwofouiid lU'Obleiii of - Hai'dulua nlleped lhat the nven en-presence of th e world a ahaorhln* *f aaloon Just bafor® midnightfort to BUccccd,- wp u iim como .it i asked for a drink. Whanvery bcpIrutiiiB (ace W f"®® I ,,® refused to sem e them he said, on*s r .u t , deep uud sotil-amirchiiiB d"*®' ; togk a pool cue and smashsdliuli. 'W he can iv tll. i. f ■ ihft vhuiow. liHruJUia f'oniplalned to the

-The olhei evening in : ,^ h,vb nivJ the arree ts followed,ilellvercd a® lecture eui|.haairu.K he ■ 1 ----------- ------------

')“h e 'd o o r 'o f” Ib e ''’l '« n t!eU ,-ce ii- j ,.«Itce k reh O e .d B aby'. turv vouiig mail, abow ihk how th e ) InvfsllBatlon la being H irtv.faced and ill'fornie<J t-oya of the i police of thp S lilh r re r ln c t to leam t m ines had ra lsu l th-Tn»el'‘efl plucee i idtstiLily oC thn mother of ^ hftby g ;" ‘ru V o r^ ^ ^ l :c . .c e and a * ^ | jvk,.* was foundState. Somo young ] L?q-.rnoon The body waa wrapped In a* r « d " ^ ' “ h^/creed of^an unbeUevlng | now.paper dated November F The d l, and m aierlaliatlc aociuHam. I t de­clarer! t.vat under Hie p re sen t regime the under man Imil absolu tely no chance

cTvlViaalioI* onTy a’’ Jc'gKermc'ut, crush- 1 < a lvary 4 'barrli b e a te a ReadlBg.m g out Ihe h.jmaii oreamH and hot>es , i.,r. Fred c'laro Baldwliu paM^and aaplLvHona (or suc-eas'.’ Does it | M ethodist 'horch, "Ul * '*oul® lo n u ro uaplrlnif man, Rite "Om® third of a eerlca of Ixinten readings silent lovel.SB peak th a t defies the 1-nuirsdav afternoon a t 4 o clock, m e cliniber who altem pta to reach its sum- j „,b)ecl will be "A !.oat halher m lt? Does it clank a chain of b reak- ] („r m j Son." Before the reading, a

locorporatr IJry FtfW*Papers uf Incorporation of a firm to h®

known 8H Orciodel & Co. Inc., to i3eal trt aivi fidl dry goods, notions and knitted Kondi i werfi filed Iti the offU:e of th® Cmimy cu-rlc today. The fspilub/eCd at tUHkOOO In shares of »l,0ft0 par value each. aj>d tTO.noo Is suhsoTmed bv fbft three Inccrpuratorfl, who are Theo- flnr. Grncdel. vO." h-lds 500 snares: luirry (^roMel. 100 aharos. and tVlinanri K 'thm. TOO Bharca.

If (111 Ate Building. Think nf H«y*ngKieclrU, La* vr Oil

Lighting FixturesCOME AND SEE ‘•Miller" Fixtures

Brogd, near W iU iim St. W illigm Y. W ebbe Co., P rop t.

Don*t Fail to See

coverv waa made hy one of the tenants of the liouse. 'The body was ta k e n , lo Hollu's morgue.

Thsv are well made— marie to laat—from beautifulileslgne and flnlahed fin*. Our awwrtment 4tf fiiyl* 1* great.

“ Miller” Fixtures^iin adnm jo 'ir home BH well tight It.

Edward Millar & Co- ManSllTcmicieU L? i':„ i’a"w':v’:'*vC''«i^:"b'BSi,diag

A Wonderful Presentation With Marvelous Music.All Thi» W eek

A $ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 S p e c t a c l e 4 A c t s — 9 P a r t s

Notable cast of Foremost French Actors.

This (ifeat D ran ii of Huiiwnityarjequately told in fuH for fnc first lime, marking a distinct epoch in

’ work of Motion

•’Surely jiu’TC i* great tlangor of con tam hiatliis th«* mlndu i5f the young «*- peeially, I'lid iicrhapfi the xvurBl thing of all Is that this filth should parade In the Sulac of education. Noxv. I believe in ^ U i’ttlli’ti. Ijtjl not of th a t kind, rcrtalnly hoi in th a t way. N\>. undoubtedly, have -a duty to f>ur ^'otmi; tn^’U and women and jStHkWing buys and girls. 'I’hrough a falac tnwlealy, and an RlloKCthcr mistaken Idea of what fit and prupor. we. who a re jmrehta. h a \k bee>t to blame In the past .for not inntpuctlng mir • hildren more fully *« li> the great my^tenen of life and

"being, and aa to the awful dangers which beget the Ignoran t and the unw'tiry. But gUrgly such instruction aliould l,>e gt^'en, cot In the form of arotise- tnctiti. hut with the greal'^Xt delicacy and ittct by parents, oj'. If thla la nut poHslble >w.ewhlch ia most cases 1 fear it la not —

'gbeOdby wise and fully Instructed leacb-tf8e

•■'Thig work could he done ind 1 l»e- Lave should be done In our public ecboola, •tiigh schi'ols and colleges. I t ought to be done in such InaUtuGona as the Y. M. C.

SV'f iP.. a : aod t v tn la, nurtbiirches.

"AAMiy eliould we not have such instruc

w " ; V a U r . ; ' ; b e : r ' u " “ a n d 'p . o h l b 1 t an y " , T i u be 'R iven by Frederick 0 Shut- i I r o b l e enmr'icipatlon of ourkelvex', ' nmk. o r ( a n l " t of t h . church, and MU,

“W h o con tro ls the m a c h in e for sochiUsm. onllB our a g e p ra c t i c a l l y a mi^rcilesB machine'. ' Man Is th e m a s t e r hand. 'Ilie age is in hla hands- ‘f o ^ Ihe hami of man ofr th e t h r o l t l o and llio b iggcbl (fUglne is bu t cold and life* !e.s* Iron. Take the hand of m a n a w a y troni the loom ^nd th e g r e a t e s t Jat. 'quurd is ns cold and s i l e n t a n d uji- Hble a s death. A the is t ic socialism', In Its theory , makes o u r clvlUzuHcm a cold, bloOtUesB and ty ra n n ic a l m ach ine w h o se , power Ihe hand o f m an whom God m ade In His Imuge. is u t t e r l y un-

I ab le lo deat r ry .•’V e t A inaelilne w i th o u t a n u n s

hand is useiCHfc and unable . T he a r ­g u m e n t Is Illogical, and fa llacious, The

1 Sojiali s l- j n«<d to learn th e agn Is w h a t 1 they them se lve s a re h e lp ing lo m a k e it-

To say th a t th e u n d e r man ha s no rh s n ee U to rfAVi l h a t under man a weaklinff . a coward, en d a c raven."

Mabel Beddtjosulo.

win render a contralto

Fined I W a tc h I c t i a l n s

F A H M Awm tttH Sw m

CIGARETTESp o i ^ s o i r r J J w s ’j o o D Q U A im ES

?e rd ' a! fit* Barker, mlnIiUr *tRe\ . I'srciviu ri. csBinv"*,instruc- Chrlat Reformed Church, spoke last night

tkm given tu the young men o* this i Shakespeare's “MerchanL of 'Venice" ohurch by eotne competent, able and I evening servhie. Me reviewed thefruMworthy Cbtl*ti»n pliyildnn? And hl.tory of Jewi«h peraouutlon and pointer! the youni *1rl«. why ahould they not re- l^y i ,r,s good quallticii of the i»u*. c«!ve k Uke Inatructlon from k'qUdllfled | "There Ib no blacker or more revolting womiiD phyalotan? I believe moet fully stpry In ell hlelory then the elory otthat *11 Ihla ought to be don*. W hen It - - - ................. "U elery nuaalble excuse fot que«tlOn»hle,, * _1. rtv w ill Iwa «i>A 1 vBvk-

A v e iy D istin c t­iv e q u a liQ ^

4t. every possivic vavubxiproduction* ob the atuge will h»v* 'vuiWie 'i Waaiea Wart*

■Tt U «B •Jprming tlilm wtien you cooaldw th a t P<*J* «f » crad'Bg ITB* »■» ™>r* largely p*tTp»li«« Than Ihu-'* of t high dan*. I »i« aorrytu td w lt It, hilt I ** *• Uil*. th * t

atpry In ail hlelory than lh« ilory at Jewish neraecutlona.'' Mr. Barker aald. "This persecution haa eume down to toe pvesent.

"The average Jew is a law-abtding clt* izep. honest and true, a lover of home, regarding uprlghtneae ,a a the highest honor. Charity la one of his many ylr-' iktteax and none of his hrefthreti Is ever burled 111 a potter's fUUla for he cares to r Iflg owtt. T tk i tbe Jew out o{ the j

cents!Quaratiteed5 Y e a r s

the educationalPictures.

Of ii the Boston Transcript says;“ Spectators frequently broke into

applause as tbe thrilling adventurea of Jean Valjean were enacted on the screen.’*

■What will be your emotions when you see the Goodwin’a De Luae I'resenUtion. under the direction of William y . Webbe, accompanied, as it will be, at every performance by organ music of the highest char­acter?

I W f BOW h * ,« on »*le (lentl*m.n's teold-fUIrd '___sr^denar 4Vali-h j

Chain, (the very I n l ^ *lyle).l worn neroti. the veal ho"* tipiiketl lo poekel. nt 4* eenU <weh, Eeerj link I, hnrd Hildered and eannot break, knfetx naleh »wlvel at one I end nnd enring ring for pencil o® I knife nt the other- Made Ju,t uxl well nnd annronteed In every rr- J ,|W.-1 to look like Bolld gold wnlel, ] .‘nntn, for A j-enra. None nnl an ei- ,

inert ran tell the dlffemwo. ^Bverjr . one 11 111 b* aold with the dbtloet 1 unilfnlnndlpf 4 1 ^ Uv W™** ."Mt be promptly rerandM If i ennui eqoal to thin In Myle. ,rtnleh nnd? tislfty rwi Us psrrrlwwd rlwirhfr* I

or t«M thM th m tiniM ihH 1 unouut Afk w JeweUr hjs orice I for ft g«wrvit*«a i-yswr jrrfd-flll«| I chsia. Yoy will thm rM lttr whyt |,an.i. -Mj-_ — jr(m. *

g | tb«i nil** price,filled i ernts ritn i. I

S eats R eservedFor Any Performance.

IhlineN it 2:30—25e.fliiturdny Ufatine*—B ren ta*E r m 8;lb—25c., 35c, SOc

Please be in your seats before hour of beginning

9 5 c ., $1.25, 1.45

$8.25, 1.50, 8.75

9 5 c „ $1.10, 1.45

68 c ., 75c ., 90c.

. $1.50, i.9 0 , 2.25

S 5c„ 6 8 c ., 78c ., 95c.

W a lk in g P e t t ic o a ts 9 S c ., $1.15, 1.25

P r in c e s s S lips . $ 2 .5 0 , 2 .90 , 3 .75

L a w n D ressin g J a c k e t s $1.35, 1.65 S e ts . $7 .7 5 , 10.25, 10.75

N ig M ro b e sC o m b in a tio n s

C h e m ise s

C o rse t C oversU n d erb o d ices

D ra w e rs

u p w a rd

u p w a rd

u p w a rd

u p w a rd

u p w a rd

u p w a rd

u p w a rd

u p w a rd

u p w a rd

u p w a rd


(esp ec ia lly d e s ira b le fo r S p r in g an d S u m m e r w e a r)

N ig h tro h fis • $ 4 .9 0 , 6 .7 5 ,7 .5 0 u p w a rd

C o m b in a tio n G a r m e n ts $3 .90 , 4 .90 u p w a rd

K n ic k e rb o c k e rs $ 3 .5 0 , 5 .75 , 6 .75 u p w a rd

M osses aoid C h il d r e n ’ s

T h e n e w a s s o r tm e n ts of h a n d a n d m a c h in e - m a d e U n d e rg a rm e n ts , n o w b e ing sh o w n fo r S p r in g a n d S u m m e r , a r e la rg e a n d c o m p re ­h e n s iv e , in c lu d in g M isses’ N igh trobes , P r in ­c e ss S lip s , C o m b in a tio n s , C o rse t C overs, e tc . , in d a in ty m u s lin s , t r im m e d w ith e m b ro id e ry a n d lace , a s w e ll a s In C repe de C h in e ; C h ild re n ’s N ig h tro b e s , P rin c e ss S lips, U n d e r - w a is ts , e tc .; a lso a n e x te n s iv e se le c tio n of

C h ild re n ’s Rom per®-

I thle offer « I oerk rlkalBB I Vail i»rderfHall irraerf lUim > rrnis rxirm.

Solid 14K gold froas to 135.00.L Send coin orrlitj ira»r,» «i»r g*«»Fa*»f era mx., mi


SUITS*ft-PlECE PARI/^R Ql,l4Aj|]a*

0 . 0 08U» Co?*r<, Belgian UM*.

. Call. writ.or 'pbew; Waa * 111 o*U w i t * ■ampler

,$liM t

1. A ltm an Sc OIn.

A Special Sale of Boys’ Clothing• Ik. .

t o b e h e ld to -m o rro w (T uesday) wU! o ffe r ex c ep tio n a l v a lu e s in th e fo llow ing :

C H A R L E S A . K E E N E^ A A Olamcmdi. WatHret, Jawrli^t .l o U n ra igdw ay»N ew Yoik

Brta* Bod* ropcdU|**d l |c«**t pri6M;**et our ♦anmaio

Stir Upboltlarln^ 6a.4 0 0 S D r i n a R ^ d A

B o y s’ T a n R a in c o a ts . B oy ’s T a n L in e n D u s te r s


A w tu tr, 341^ oah 35 tii S tn s U , K m faife*






d e

l i p

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le wla S s .

ing ,


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l e n t

h ine> n fo r n p r e - Prin- , e tc . , lid e ry ^h lne; ^ ^ d e r -

ion of


HarrisoD Saloon Row Costs Life of Participant-Proprietor Admits


Follow ing a aaloou braw l In lla r r i- •on w herein one of thrj p a r ltc ip a n u waa Bhol and m oitully wounded, {Sat­urday night, four inen w ere arra igned It) the police court ijf th a t town yes­terday and coiniiiitied to the lluiieon County Jail. Willium Uiihlnaky. the •aloon-keeper, whUp the puUoe may, ad- infta firing the ehol, la hold w ithou t ball on a eburgu of m urder. Tho othera ure w ttnea.vy. A m iiigem enta are being m ade for an liiqvieat.

Tt[t charge againet Rahinsky la tech­nically rnado on the Informatinn and >:«' lief of Chief of Polko Rodgere of H ar­rison.

Coroner John Rurke and a Jury nf atn '*on rci'Oived the beniy last night at wohdon'a imirKuc. Ilurrlaon, arul ao- Jnurjied to nwvt ou Monday nlfiht nt o'clock In JfisRV <3ily tn hear vltne**!'*’-.;,

Juaej»h tw biiLy-nlntt ycuraoldi^nf WuriTii atreet. Ilurrlaon* waa the victim . Ho rrcvlved a huUcl In bin heuk anil died in lui u.iiibnlMnci* wiiilo bekqg lake.n to t; hciHpIlui-

Lncua find Siephi'ii Zulls of m Tgj»paii sircui, Kearny, w ere p lay­ing bold In [lohiiisky’H aiilooii at 7l.i JitLrrteon avenue, H^uiitluy n ight, wt,en M cNamara. John Holy of im tioventh •tre e t, llaiTlson, and two o tlirr men entered. Ao-orUliig to the em iy ee- cured by ihn po|1ue th e n*''vi!ojnotH engaged in n dispute w ith the pool p layers ThlR progressed to r yiolnl. It Wme deidiircd, where tlie io ea Acre w rested rroin Lucus ami Ziilla ami uued as w eapons by M cNatnam and Dajy. Several of ilm men wore badly b a tte red and the in terio r of the Sutoon p a r tly w 'rn ked

H 9b l { ja k y \vi\w no t in th e p la ce


Thi« fi th» Ul» of a iihirt, I t w*» toM thif morning In the Eourth Precinct Coftrl bj. !iow l.e», who rune ■ leundry Bt 15J Howerd itre r t . Th»t Judge H err utideratood what it eti ehout le large­ly due to the office* of Patrolm en Kabua, whose crtana.vo Chinese vocabulary In- cludee such technical term* as "ehlrtee amt 'tickee."

K abul told the Judge that How iJte had ilngled him out yesterday and ex- pljliieil to him that he wished to make a complaint. Some time ago while Iste was absent from his place of baaincsi some one entered and look two ehirta. I.CO said he did not see the shirts again until Kranli Palmer of 173 Springfield avenue came in with ona of them to get It washed.

Palin«r. misert«d. w*® w eiring vW other one. How Lee blinked al Ih# *hlrt lie was handed and then a t the <me I'almer was wearing, but he kept hla own .ounael, ar.d Palmer departed wltn .. for ihft shirt. When he calleda ticket for the ehlrt. When for It Lee refused to give up Palmer refused to give upgot It.

trying to

According to tha Chinaman, Palmer went out and returned a t the head of hi*

drew the laundrym an out of hie ihup Then the uthera ruahed In. »e£!ured the key, locked the door and fled with tha key. l.eo finally broke Inlo hla laundry, and when ho laW the pollm nan tlrolllnK along the stree t acquainted him with tho facta In tho case.

Palmer, who 1* thirty-tw o yeare old, told the Judge he lived In the basement of a saloon at the Springfield avenue ad- dtosB and earned w het money he could doing odd Jobs. I lls wife, he raid, la pay­ing ten cents a night a l present for a bed In an employment agency. Their child la being boarded by atrangeri. Pal­mer eald be was a cabinet-maker. Aoked why he didn't work a t Ills trade he told Ihi. Judge he had not learned it well enough.

Palmer lays hla mlafortune tn the fart that while he waa apprenticed he wee drafted for tw'rvlra in Ih® llu n sarlin aim y. Three year* In the soldiery, he bald, had spoiled hla ohance to learn his liublneafl well. Jud*fa Herr ordered Fal- nier held for an Inveatlgatlon,


allow ing h is vanity to get theFor nine*b r i t t r of him, L»omlnlck T.avUiBe venrs old. of 240 Oliver street. Ifl now o ccu io ln s a cell in the county Jail 1„ dclau lt of 3=0(1 ball. A friend Immlnlck bud his picture takeii In cowboy a au lt hiel week and yesterday Dominick decided to bo In sim ilar garb To otitdo hla friend Dominick to ted a loaded revolver from hlB home to ii photograph gallery at


A* th e eutcom t of a lu l t bver a twenty-nine-acre farm owned by Henry

---------------------- . . . Meyer on tho Pennsylvania Railroad,•‘gang.” iiomo of them made a feint th a t j^.|„ p ^ ri i.. Koavt Coun-a _ .„ ,h . ..,m devw ,.„ out of hie ihup. 'v ice-chancellor- tttevens haa ren ­

dered a finding th a t H orace 8. Miller forfeited hla alleged r ig h t to purchase the farm through hla non-acceptance

. in lim e of the term* ^f an agreem ent I betw een himself and Meyer.( Miller, who la a real e i ta te d e a le tk ^I C linton etreet, w anted Ike farm fdr

cem etery purposes, having prospective I buyers, U Is said, who Intended to es- 1 lab llah a Jew ish cem etciy on the prop­

erty . Dn April . . 1313. Miller and Meyer came to an undcratanding. which waa reduced to w riting , but elgncd on ly 'by Meyer, by the term s of which Meyer covenanted to convey the farm to Miller upon certa in sta ted term s, one of which w as:

"T hat If the party of the second part (M iller) shall accept the priv ilege h ere ­in offered, according to Us term s. In such case he may en te r upon the p rem ­ises," while ano ther waa th a t " title shall pass on Juno 3, 1333. provided tlia t the parly of th e second part shall accept the lerma of th is con trac t be­fore tbo iilnoteenth day of .ApnI. 1313. and sha ll pay a t said tim e the aald sum uf 12.000 '

■•on this language," tha vire-. hancHlor eay.,. "U u Wiry plain that until accepl-

Miller we* not bound to buy or


Clinton avenue, Maplewood, was snoring w ith a am ooth, easy efficiency early yesterday m orning, i 'o r a few lucky hours the te a r of b u rg lars tha t had upset the com m unity, putting every nerve aqu lver, had aubaldod. The Btfeet waa s ile n t w-lth the silence of a g rea t pence.

"B urglars!"A w om an's cry . a acurry of feet In

the darkneaa. Kvery wife along the atreet was bolt u p rig h t tn bed, aw aken­ing her husband. Then, like glow ­worms on a Ju n e n igh t, lights appeared In the w indow s Kllenlly. the .menfolk threaded th e ir w ay dow nstairs In every house, got th e ir guns, went out Into th* back yard and unliitched the doge. T hor, feet m uffled, ears strained and their gu n s held ready for action, they stooped and skulked along the stree t to tho house whence the sound came.

Ae silen tly ns th e Shadows tho men closed In about tho house of Auguetus Schoonm akor a t 41 Clinton avemie. Mystery, au sp e n se —a wom an's aohy came down across the lawn. Kvery man jack of them gripped his gun.


While walking on the wpslbound 'ra -k of the Kria Uallroad, between the Kcaniy Bi'Cnne iiiidgc and West Arlington s ta ­tion, Tlaliiniuv afternoon, tA'nlenly /,.v-

ance,Me>cr to ocll. It la undisputed th a t he

1 tldlilerM d'd nut In any «ay signify his ac 'ep tan .'o o.n or before April 19. Not nmil M*'’ 16 did be tender the sum of

his first art tndtea-Conn., was struck by a passenger engine i j|’ ;^ acceptance. T hat the paper wasand Instantly killed. \ ,>pUon,-and th a t time was of Us

Thomaa Diifry, engineer of the train. | not open to doubt."Adverting to a contention by Frederick

3 I. VUJIs.y g.... IJ g 1\ V IIAUJiA friend of bert, thirty-onc y fa is old. or pern j. ] jo and th l#w

at.t h f (lint*, • hu t hlw \s ife pm loavortti to quiet tha rumprifl w ithout v ilile^o rc il to (ol^phouc to th e pollc<-, b u t watt Dreveuietl, It w as ftiH

The wonuTTi ran out iiiul found bfr husband. RoblnpKy rr-tuiuietl hiuI. m-- cordltiK to his stiite>mr*nt (o the a u th o r i­ties. fired a Hhot from behtiid tho bai. McNaniwra »la>?gTred, but w as held up by Daly, The wounded mnn waa sup- porteil Tor rihout yurda from the •aloon, wIiA'ii lie I'Olhipsefl.

p4)il( I'Mieti A'ainpiuii Kendltig In a. duly cell fmm a hox two hlovlt.R difiianl from the sBhMrn when he heard a shot fired. Ho ran to the place and took tliB r tv o h e r frmn rublnssky. I’nltcpman >VartJ rcft’-lned the saloon shurUy afte r­ward and P'Hrniiifm and hisprisoner in lloj polu‘« kIhUam The wtl- nestfes wt’ie tmiuKhl tn In^ad'iuarters by another officer.

Both KahiiiHky and Zuh.s.'whn had hr^n n it and briilsed ahCMlt the body during* the fight, weie lreaH?4i a t tho police Rta- lion hy r>r, A. Mulligfuj.

Daly told ina polh e b« had attempted to settle the rns\, hnl the saloon-kecpfr became anyry liei‘tni«»e hta wife ilaiitn'd th a t one of the men had Klruck h«‘r. Daty, howeser, t-aid he did not soe the woman hlt,-

Ai’cordlnB to the pciliip. Rahin.'^kj’ nd- mitted hdvltnr ahol McNamara, hut the faloon-keeper would not dUscuss the cane further.

An aiimpiiv. pci-ffirnird yostornayafternoon hy »''Hiriiy Phynlcian George tv . Kin*.- and Hr. A. U. lU eklns of Je r­sey City at Ilia MiorRue, The bullet had entered on the riRlU f'ide tha victim « neck and {severed the juRnlar \eln . the phyalclana ?ald.


Drawing a revolver and terrorlaing a negro family in a house In Bank atreet 1e the alleired offenae th a t Captain Oacar Vogel of the Fourth Prerincl Police hna made the hasls for a charge agalnat Pa­trolman John Weipport of bia force. The A’aptnin eald this morning that he had «:harged >Ve1r«pert with “conduct iml'C- coming an officer and a gentleman'' and had forwarded nffldavllP hearing on the case to Folii:e Chief Michael T. Long

t \» p p c r t was guapended Saturday afleriiuein after, it Is declared, he was taken nut of the house hy an officer de- .failed by the captain as the result of h fr'ghtenod negro's complaint. Weippert bad a day off Friday and Saturday morn­ing, so the Allegations is, he appeared at the Bank street houae and. drawing hjs gun, sta rted a reign of terror. The cap­tain said (Fiat thin In not tne first time th a t the patrolman has gotten Into trouble ha\ing ticcn bcffjre the i>otlce board on prevloua occasions.

his252 M arket street.

When tho pholoR rapher s la rled to pose the younR man for the Dominick drew th e revolver «nd re (jMVSlfd to be allowed 10 holtl U In bis hili.d. W hen the phuloKrupher saw the weapon wae loatleii be “ U ”! ’man Haumann and Kperlal Officer I Dr­ier, who arrcBled the youth. This m orn­ing Dominick waa held for the grand Jury mi a charge of ta r ry in g concealed ueapoiiB.


Seljed w ith a fain ting apell while Billing a t the hrejikfaBt table today Mrs. Mary Moore, eigbty-fivo old of 114 ra b ln e l H reet, (ell 10 the none and received tnjuriee which, on arcnuril of her age. are looked upon 1" the doctors in the City Huapllal aa serl-

" ”.tirs. Mnore had finished her break- (flat when she cp!lup"fd and toppled d 1 bar chair, s tr ik in g her head against the lableleg

FORMING NEW L . C . B . A . BRA NCH•A rrangem ents w ere made for the o i-

sndnatlon of the se v e n ty fU e cand i­dates for ch a rte r niem berahlp in the proposed new branch of the Ladles' I'.ilkollc Benevolent Aaaoclatlon, to he frnned in the Sacred H eart pnrlBli. VallrlnirKb. a l a m eeting held yeoterday

hi the pariah hall. Dr. A. Taneey of 6'26 Handlord

avenue will m ake the medical exam ina­tions of all ap iillran ta who apply a l bis office tom orrow night, U * expected lhal the form al orpoiilzHtion new branch will tak« placa wfelsS.

Ur Tans^y and Hev. H tu ry D. f.oyn^. paator of tho church, talked inform ally at the m eeting. O thers who B p o k e were Mrs. M argaret Herg, Mra. .Mary rieytioldB. Mias Mary Rayre, Mra. Mary Reilly and Mies K atherine Sinn. Mrs. Marla Quinn, suprem e trustee , presided.

otld he blew the whUtle. but the man paid nn heed to the warning. Thr Identity of the vlcllm whs not reveaUd until yester­day, when I>eier'llve-SnT«^'*nt njtver of Kearny dlRvovereiJ In Jersey c’lty Adam KT)dan of l.Tl Pavonla avenue, a coueln of tho dead man, who vlaiied Condon d morgije a t HaiH^on and lilenUfied the body. Oliver ohiatn^d the ilue through a letter among Zyhert'fl effeotH

Zyhert huti been emploved in a min** Rlngwood Manor and Is euppoaeri to have been on hU way there when h« met hlB death- He httd left Jersey City after l;ur- rhaelng a llrk e t for Rlngwood Mannr. Th-* ticket, tinpiinched, was found In one of bifl pockets'. According to the

They w «nl up the walk and approached the f ro n t a tep a

Thore the flower of Maplewood's ch ivalry found a young woman weep* Ing. Hho wu» ft maid lu the Slohoon- m aker home, aho explained betw een Hobs, and she and her "Juirfittiian friend" had been to a <l»nco, HJid when she frnt home ehe found «he had fo r­gotten h er key and couldn't got In. So Bhe knocked, ami Hie cook on the ^^ilid floor heard her knocking and thought she w as a Imrglar. The cook icream eo an alarm . «in1—and—and he ran aw ay.

Just then a policeman canje up ti‘U walk loading a young man by* the collnr. There, while the nian-himtere with their dogs and Ih d r gim® stood about, the maid, iilll weeping, told the pnllcenien that hie prisoner wee her eacort. The mim with the guns railed off their d<»ga and walked slowly bark to their bedr.

But Clinton Hveniio doesn t Intend to be rou ted out again, for a m eeting w'hs held a t the home of N\ CuscwHl Heine of Cllntoi) avenue, and It was decided lo biro H Newark dolectlve agency to sen if Uie robht^rles In the nclghborhooU canni't be stopped.

lor hrtmrhlBl tr<nhlaa.wlUMBtdo*^tfi* stomach with d rtii& lJM d wlUi Itmt eea lorth lrty -fourjeaA

'rhealrcBrrTfi)(tti*ilit)WDtle vapor, la> •plrad with every braatk, nakss breath- in f easy, tooihif tha Sore throat, ana step* th* C0UKn.***a<i]w rwltnl night*, Crrsolan* n tn v a lu h la to mother*with Toenf chill] reo and a teen to inffpran from Asthma.

Send ns fesle l i dtstrifeive ieeUef.

AU. DKOWUn, IT R S s i v W r lilUtrd thmots UiHj ore f«[mfila,e(tK‘UT»«iidaan- Iesrt^ O f ywr drmrfHI «r rramtifv ISo In Oacapktato a t M ^ CO.

tlCsillu***.. W.T.

stfttlC'natrf’ru a t Arlington. Zyiiort applied m hUn fei A tlck-t for Rlngwood Manor a few mlniileB after the o'clock train hadarrl\'ftd from Jersey FHy. man there w'ould be no more trains t» tha t point from Arlington that day.

Th- poltcB believe th a t Kjberl, unahiB to find hlB ticket, had been pul off the train at Arlington.

Ilf t^'cnoon Wllliani

of the In iwo


InvcnUffnt lon of the muddy w a te r supp ly in th e F o r e a l Hitl ned lnn >ee- l e r J a y a f te c p o o n de te rm ined ih a l 11 w;iH due lo tlic b re a k in g of ^ Hixt>-lnch w a t e r , m a in in a tunnel passliiK th r o u g h I 'p p e r M ontcla ir . The supply bft( Rtne imitidy w h e n th e flow was re* ve rsed an d e en t th ro u g h a th i r ty -s ix - Inch line, ("hlef E n g in ee r Morris R. S h e r r e r d s a id to d a j ' Uie break would be re p a i re d In tw-o o r th ree days an d th a t It w as ciiuaed by fros t m ak ing the p ipe ael tle. ,

The break lllUBtraled. Mr. Hkerrerd paid, the advantage of having the water come from two rlirectlons the accident the water was hrmight into the citv by way of Belleville, and the pipea were fluahed tn clcjm oui t le aedijnetit lh a i had been Hlined up by llie reveryal o f the flow,


M F FrsrBB, who rrp rvsen trd Miller, llm l Hi* before quoted proviso w as Incon­s is ten t with other provis ions o( the egreemcnl, tho vice-chancellor says th» t careful perusal of the ag reem ent dl*- i loscii no Inconsistency,

■ ■ (111 the contra ry ," h* says, " I t »eeini ______In m* tha t they are harmonious through- | luirn. Mias It l ta ( 'a r tienter ; out. Its various provis ions a r s to become effective when accepted, not before.

.V contention by Mr. Pearse t h a t the ilefendiint Meyer waa In lachc* lu not hav ing a survey made pr io r to April 13,Hie vlce-cusncollor dlopo«os of with th* s ln lemeii t tha t the agreem ent imposed tha t task equally upon both parties, and tha t If no survey w as made one party WBB In no more lache* than the other, liesldes, be eay*. It need not have been m ade before April 13. Knowledge of the precise acreage was no t then necessary, the finding sets forth, a s the f i r s t pay­ment of 32.000 we* to be paid tn any event, and only th e remainder, about $29.01)9. depended upon th e surveyoj^s a s ­cer ta inment

Upon Miller's fa ilure to avai l himself of his rights under th e agreem ent, Meyer, w ho was represented In the su it by Con­over Kngllsh. cont racted to sell the f s n n to John J. filllen. Kdward M. W aldron and Matthew T. C ay for 336,000. It being Iheir piirpi'se also lo eslahllah a Jewish ccniclcry on it.

SUNDAY TE A S SU SPEN D EDI-tnauBe nevt Sunday ts Palm Bunda! ,

with I'.Bitrir Sunday following, the W om ­en 's Pnlltlcal l. 'nior will aiiapend Its af te rnoon lean In the hcHdquarters, 70 llulacy street.

T he sprakor a t the. t e a yesterday af te rnoon wan Harold King Etaiiloy of tills city, whote topic w as the "M ethods of Advancing the Su ffrage Movement." .Mr. Htanle; advised eon ren tra t lon of Ideas and efforts on one subjec t and working along th a t line. The hoBlessea were Mrs, J. R. Covington and Mrs. J Kbcri.


Final de*l»llB pcrfrrU’v! SBturdasfoe ihft an le r ta lnn ion t t«) glvori lliura- day n ight In ih<r Young W o rw n > *'’hr1a- t lan Aaaoclatlon hy Wdlcflloy rollQKo Rlrla from th l i city and vb'lnRy lo kIiI lliclr a lma m a ta r bcrauHC of ttia loa® oausfd by the M cent flra.

Tha pe rfo rm ance will ba "A Wellculoy Im prom ptu ." T he proKram will G-omprlso coll^ga Btunta» cullvKt" aonK® and other feaiuraa Incident to collena life,

Tha opening niimh#r will bo aclerlUmn hy tho Barn Hwallow Hand, condact^’d hy Mini Hazel Cooper. Tho flutes will ho Mlifl Flelen RaUlwlti and Ml®* Kina brow: drunia, Mlw» Amy Rothxchlld, Ml®® Audrey l^ee and Mlaa Ijonlsr Rallnwn; lumu Mie® Ulla ( ’an ien te r ; ban® vlole, Mlfla Mllward Muchmore and Mi»® Ellra- hoth Beatliei: violins. Miss Kylr'lli* Moryck and MIflfl Hilda Becker, trornttnne®. Mte® ECthel H aae l tnayer and MIhh MiMrrd (irogory: trap*, MIhs J ane t Rrclncgan, and piano, Mias Harr ie t Htralemeycr

One of the arllatli- fealurcii will he an IMualrated pt'em. "Tho hkeli»b>n In Armor ." Mis® M argery SlnneniFin and Mlse Doro thy Applegaie will give a dou­ble-handed s tun t , a iiniuue offering of college life. Ml®® Heulab Hephiirn, a pupil of Flo rence P'leming Noye®, will do modern fancy dance®, and Mia® Florlan Shepard will con t r ibu te piano a«>li'®

A m elodram a enti tled "A H \X X " will he preoentod by Mia® Caroline Taylor. Ml®® Rernice B arne t t . Mies Mary M.-Der- mott. MIpb l‘]mrnH Merklc, Ml®a Hilda liecker. ,Mlaa Amy Holhachlld, .Mlws Dor­othy Clark. Mia® Mildred Muchmorc. Ml®® Aancfl Hnrhe. Miss Muriel BacliY'ltir, Ml®® Anna Skinner. MIb® Audrey ijec. Mia® KIta Carpento’r. Mifi® Ethel llnHelinaycr and Mlsa Adelaide Nile®.

In addit ion lo tho lienfiflt en te r ta in ­ment, th e Wellealey girl® are aTrariging to ra ise a fi re fund for the E’ollege by In- dlviduaUmibacr ip tioni. Donallona to ihia fund may be aent to Mlaa Dorothy Clark, 1?J Clinton avemie.


Kalltng Ihrniigh an opening In the 1r®t fl'iur to the A’t’llar <if the futhilure atm-e of Merrtnij-M'akefleld t ’nmpan.v, 2S7 WH.shlni^l'm sdlrect, RKturday afternoon, | John SV'llllHm®, a colored porter, sunlHined ' ft hroken spine that caused ill® dCHlh to- | dny tn ihn I'lty lB»®|)iUl. ;

Thti luvrtcr. who waa fovl>*eiKhi yrnr® I olfl Hrni Mveil at 4N Malilen iKiie, fell about lw*>nly feat and ttrovk on hU heti<l atul hhoulUer®. He wu® taken (t> the ho®- pltat in a police ambulance arid remained con®c|i-iu® Ui tlift time of hi® dtaih aplnal cilum n wn® broken ®t k point ®ev- cjiiJ lUi he® below Ihe base of the akull.



Take a Tablespoonful of Salta If Back Hurts or Bladder


We ure a nation of meat eaters and our blood is filled with uric add , says a well-known authority, who warm w 10 be consiantly on guard agalnat kid­ney trouble.

The kidneys do their utmost to frth the blood of th is irritating add , but become weak from the overwork; they

111*'get sluggish; the eliminative tIsauM clog and thus the waste Is retained in the blood to poison the entire ayt-

I tern.When your kidneys ache and fedi

I like lum ps of lead, and you have.•(i\ Blot niRchiui'*. tho vain? of wlilrh 1 il}E P * '”? A'' back Of •bO Ufin#

)« piarod lit Ifijo, w *r. coniiBcntr.i hy | cloudy. full o_f Sediment, o r the biad*tho Iiollrn BnliirilM.V night. T iny will ho ,, ■ , v ___hrnkon Uh for ,,ui,k today n iio f Long ! « l i e f duriDE the n ig h t; when yon h a w H4bJ hf* bail not dw‘'fl®rt whethpr m make severe hcaclftChes, -a-m*r«h nrrrimtibiiiitii HKnlnnl the BHlnnn-kt'*'iM'r® In SpclIs, SleepleSSfiesS* flCld atOtTlSCu Of wli'iwr |i|ii< i'® (Jip machine* wero fniind

.M tbs' ilnccilon of th® chief, ]>ptfti*t- Ivct) Miirri® anil Qtilnii anil BatrolmrnRhiimanri arid tA,-broader made h tour of _____tho plavoB in an automnhil* and «pl'i*d ' m orning and in a few days your kidtwo rn«4*liinc® In the waJaon of I'Tarik ------ -.T31 »: — * *riichcnla'il*, 474 Avon avemir; two more In iho ivttloon nf Philip Slcfher, 25.1 Koijth Oraii>^o avntiue, and i)nc carli In the ®a- Innn® nf t-biKimo Petroll, 550 Sprln«flnld a\cnne. and heinhoid VaUn, b\H l':ii;ht- eenili Hvcmie.




Chancellor Walker has aeut word that h4 will comi? to Newark 'ruoBday, April 7. to formally Indiiet Vli-e*Chan<’cllor Howell In to office for a seG'nnd lorm by admlnlHterlnfi the oath to him in hlfl fwn ccKirtrof>JiQ in the BrudentJal building. The vlce-chanoollfjr wan recently ap- prlaed by Chancellor Walker nf his re­appointment for u hficond lerma of seven years.

Upon hi® first appuintment Vlee-Chan^ ciillor Howell took the oath of office before Chancellor Mhgie in the privacy of the laUer'a chambers In Trenton. Ohanoellor W alker first fJeparted from th is Informal procedure when he admin­istered the oath of office to Vice-Chan- (■ellor Griffin Jn Chancery ehamhera in Jeraey Cjt>, In the preeenoe of the Int- tor'a many lawyer and laymen friendf?.

it is e.xpfcL-ted that the awenrlng-in of Vice-Chancellor Mo«vr;ll will llkewlBe b« tha Qccaaion of a laree oulpoitrinf of frtotida dn and out of the profesHton.

HAS PA R O LE D MAN REA RRESTEDDi»plcaso<l a t the rafoUng of i horns*

Cirrltki <»( 3 = j Kolrmmint ovemie, vh .i W8S srraisnod Wednesday in the Fourth Prevlnvl i-'ourt charged with having sluBhed th* face, nf Mery Longo of 16 = flruce atmel wilb a knife, ■ Proaecutor T.oiii* Ifond ordered his arrest. t'lrrUlo 1* now In the county Js'l nn a heiiOh aarrahC

The ila®hlng oiTurred a week ago. ( ir- , rlllu WHB arrested later and arraigned be- | fore Ju dge 'H err who paroled him In nua- : tody of Nlrhulse l-a Vecchia, hia noun- j ael. Detectives Hargon and Slutsky nf 1 the proneculnr's offlm rearrested him Saturday. He was haled before Jiifllc* of the Peace Bloom and hall fixed a t , Si.nijf). _____ j

P E F in O N M ERCHANT IN BA NK RU PTCY jInvoluntar.v hankruptr> proceedings ;

hRw- been Inatliulod by NfW York creditors agniiist Benjamin Ij. Barn- ; hard, dealer in wom en's furntuhlnga, 35S Springfield avenue. The peUtion ■ In batikruptcy wrb filed BUbsequeriily | to an o ffer made by R aruhard lo hi® creditor®, w hereby they w'ould rticclve ' In rash iw firly-flvc per cent, of their claims '* 1

A rovetliig w as laUed S aturday af- | Iprumui In thn 4,fflucH of .Philip J. I Schntlaurt lo I'onshlcr the offer, Tint Uabllllh'a are ata ted lo be $9,690 and j Ihe ae.sets about 34,900. U arnhard wa.s \ petitloiu'd Into bankrup tcy In Decern - i ber. 1907. and received his discharge In July, i90S.

Alxuit f iflv ' mrmhora and nffl'-ers tho Ksac* O runty Icyal Teniperance legions attended tho rally held hatrirday aflenioon a t th« Mulherry Blrcet hea.i- quattera of the XV. C. ''■ ' “ * 'litas t 'la ra B. Gehhardt, State sy rr ta ry , presided. The icghj-ns represented vyre vallabursh. South Orange, ■'''’n ';,'* '''' tiellevme Avenue. SI. John a and Roac-

'^'p*arh J.resident gave a t.rief deserip- thm of the work n( her respeotlve legmn. followed hy a song or rc-IInLltm co-workera'W ho then save the local rally

He was Uken <e,y. uu " H o .' X oung L*m nag^-

Hunterdun' r.iuirty, < h'sed thr program.

M AN A N D W OM AN DIE SUDDENLYShortly afUrr^leavtng th* residence of

her son William J. Hunter, at 21 Third avenue, Mra. Mary A. Huhler, eighty years nld, of ttorBon avenue, Ridgefield Park, -was stricken with heart disease Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Hunter was vialllns her son, and when strtclren was on hr-r way to the home of a neighbor, Ehe died a few minutcB after being taken

"* Anou!exv caused the death of Wilhelm Salsman, slxty-nlne years olrt ^ ^ n f o n afternoon. The aged man was found on the floor of hla home. r^7 Bergen strM t. hv hi® Bon. AafiiPtaTit County i hyalclan Mlnlffhsm viewed both bodies and granted burial cerllfleates.

CHARGES AGAINST SA L O O N -K E EPEROr charges of aelHng drlnka Sunday

and of selling intoxicants tn a minor, Henry Gross, a aaloon-keener of 141 W arren street, was paroled today In the Second Precinct Court (or grand Jury ae- llnii. Patrolmen Neilcr, Goodwin and Volk said they saw a small boy emerge from the ealoon v llh a bundle under his arm . Investigation revealed, the pollce- incn testified, that the bundle contained four hollies of beer.

Give 4H»» W ala l.l»*a Shower.Miss rharto lte C. Walz waa the guest

of honor al a whlat party and lln»n shower given Saturday afternoon hy Miss tiraoa E Kelcher and Mlse taju E. Behug, a t the home of Ih* latter, 236 South Tenth Street, The "sh o w er' waa pre­sented to Miss Walz In a basket covered w ith yeljow daffodils. Daffodlla and white roses prevailed In th* tshla deco­rations. Prizes were won hy Miss Ethel K. Craig and Mtae Mildred M. Conner, cither guests present were the Misses Florene* fiehaefer. Adelaida Marlatt, Grace V. Elader, Rein* H. Newman, Hazel Cook, Flora O arrab rin l, Elsie M, Durye* Charlotte I^ftu* . Marlon Bom- mervllle. Mary T. G. Hever, Gertrude Schug Oltlha Schug, Mrs. A rthur Run­yon, Mrs, William J. W alz and Mrs, John Knef __

4 Treat Five AlleKed Gsnihlera,In a raid early yealerday morning tho

W ILL O F T . A . PADDAIN FILEDTh® will of Thoma® A. Paddaln of

Orang®, w ho ijiart March IS, wu® of­fered today fo r probaio In the office of the su rro g a te .

The will, w hich la dated March 13, provide® fo r nc^’eral hcqucnt", and leave® to the m other of the tc®tator a life IntcrpHt In (he resfrtu® of the e®- ta tf , the p rincipal to revert on h«r death to Annie BmJtb of Orange* who Is hequeathed $lDa.

The sum of |10d I® leTL to Eugene Sullivan of Salern, |50 to Mr®. Mary Dillon of O range, and tlDO to Si. John's TathoJlc Church of Orange for ma®«e« for the tOBtator and hi® mother. ITo- vlalon 1« also made' for the ero<‘linn of n tombBtone In the fam ily plot In St. John 's C em etery. Orange,


The marriage nf Mi^a l.*ar)nH Fit?! Ilan- dolpJu daughter nf Mr. and Mr?. Eualace C. llsridolph of 5U8 Central nvnjn'ip, find f la r iy I*]. Ijunoraon of UnmervlUp,

®ijli!mnizcd Saturday night a t fi lock. Hi tho home of the hrlde'a pnr-

ents Bpv. TYr. William Y. Chapman, pa®- tor nf the Roafville Avenue I'rcwhytcrlan riu irch , performed the ceremony, whirh wa® wllncflpcd hy about Hlxty person® and j folh'V'oil hy a reception and wedding j supper. I

The iiride, who wa® given In m arriage • hy her Ifilhcr, w ro a gown of w!iite cre]H» de chine, out cn train® and trimmed with j diirlv.'isf’ Ifti'c, <m hnIrlooTii Ih l\er family. She had R tulle veil rnughi up with or- i ange bloHsom®, In a enp efiect, and ®ho ra rrlrd an ftrtn h"ui|iict of hrldo rose®. « Tho brido wp® attended by her coiisln, j Miss Marlon Dllt® of Trenton, h® maid nf i honor, who w(*re a gown of pink crepa de i diinc. trlmhicd wtili shadow Iroo, and carried pink mac®. Ml®a Minna Ijotialt* \ of IhtP city and Mis® Anna Wurd of Snuth Orange, who wern the hrldcsmRld®. wore ! pink crpp*i lie chine modelH. trimmed with shadow iacc, and carried arm huunuets uf ! pink sweet peas.

AniJil l.amerHtm, brother of the hrhle* i ; groom. WftS be®t man. Tboae who Bcrvi-il ■ Bfl ubIicv® were Courtlnud f’alin'T and IrfcHny C. Ihoraon. both of thla city, Mia® MHudo Snjder of Bound "Brook fut- niohed the wedding muelr. The house

der is irritable, obli^ine you to stok ic the night; when you h m daches, nervous and d iiry

spelts, sleeplessness* acid stomach or rneumaiism in bad weather, get from your pharmacist about four ounces <jr Jad Salts; take a tablespoonful lu i glass of water before breakfast

nd in a few days your kid­neys will act fine. This famnua Sftltl is made from the acid of grapoa m lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for genetalions lo flu in and stimulate clogged kidneys, to iifU- traiirc the adds in urine so It is iw longer a source of irritation, th u i end­ing urinary and bladder disordera*

Jad Salts is Inexpensive and cannot iniurc; makes a delightful effervescent iithla-water drink, and nobody c m make a mistake by taking a little oc­casionally to keep the kidneys c lem and active,—,^dve^tiBcment.

I G i r ^ 6 s a & G I c ^ l

A warning to nd tho ErhI «'iir«ng« roatofflr®. of rata has h pn rerclvpd hyPcBlmaBLcr K Trary T.antpruian. .......................... -■ u i iward 1.. Bloat, chlnf rDrk of the R a il- ' deox^ratlonH were carrl*?d out with pinkway Mall Bcrvlrr. complain® that r \aT^r i ay.-rat pen® and patma. T mm th®ir r< -| Hvo rat was received at H-ihukcn in a hag ' turn from a wedding trip. Mr. |cf mall sent from East Orange on KrI- and Mr®. DaiYierflon will rcflldo IMday night | Bum^rBct ®lr®Ht, H'uupivlllf. Tho lirldn a

Only n short lime bko Mr T,an1erman ' traveling ault »a.s of Rreeii cloth hi).1 ahehad tw'o larg- htpa ccuiBtrifctPd lu which wore n hlai k hut lilmmcd to m otih herto place perlshahifl articles as wpII a.q caatumc. •'■dlhle® B-m through th® pared® poat, ' Ahnui tw-nnly friend® of ihp cpiipl® nnd hocaupe of the rata that Infest the build- . uf the hrldal iiarty wi*ru enter­ing. l^psplte effort® hy the pneLmaHter to , ts^nwd at the brid« h homo rrlusiy n g i . exterm inate the rodents there are a few Ih e maid of honor rccHvfid u hroocJi set

I with nnielliysifl an-l pcarlH utul Hit* ,i hrlde®rnald» harpln® ®ct In ®Hpphlre. . Th« 1

bt ®l Ypnii rt’4'f” vcil gold «'urr hiittoriti aiKi

S a f e t y R r s tMntconnot be prop­erly insured unlessypu are safety imuRd

" - ‘j ^ V E R P O O L « ^ L O N D O J f

" " G l o b eIneuroace CosmSmrf TniEO-Fif>E resreo

Wstill left



Ihu iiBh»rs were given acarl'-pitiB.

DIVORCED FR O M M AN LONG ABSEIfTChancftTlor W alker has signed a final

divorce deiTee In favor of Mr®. M ar­g a re t ’VVetoBter Mci^ullan o f 203 Bel­m ont avenue, whose huaband, John Mc- Mullun, deserted her June 22. 1910. Wight yeHi's ago, one week after, he m arried her.

An ex-parlo hearing before Thoma® Anderson h» apeclal m aster, a t which Mrs.. McMulIan was represented by Ed­w ard t$. Black, cllncloaed th a t the de­fen d an t d rank and w as Idle and th a t th e c^uee of hiS going aw ay waa his w ife’s re'fuiaJ' to let him have money to spend In aaloon®.

Beaides a postal card mailed by Me- M ullan ifr-oin' B uffalo to n local saloon­keeper shortly a f te r he disappeared, n o th in g has been heard from him since th e (lay ne left.

U T E R A T l AGAINST CANAL TO LLSW ith a vnte. of about S9 to 2 the

P o tra t Mill J-ilerary Society, a t Its m ed ln a Haturdav. favored the p as­sage of the 1)111 re-peallns Panam a loll exemplion. The vote followed an ad- ilresa on the eiibjert. which canto up under the cu rren t event .discussion, hy Jam es Dillingham.

The g a th e rin g w as held a t the home of boonsrd H. Hobblne In Rtdgc stree t 'I'be lite ra ry end of the program waa presented by David B. Corson, one of the nsslalan t superin tenden ts of schools, who spoke on Samuel Adams. PhofesBor P ra n k G. Oilman, the p resi­dent. presided and Mra, Gilman w as the soloist of the evening.

I'oUcc of the Second Precinct caught five men tn an alleged gambling house a t it !,ock street. Peter Jefferahey. thirty-tw o je a rs old. was locked up a s th* proprietor

, of the place and the o ther four were held Suffocated during the night whll* th* , witnesses. Cards and money were

parent a were sleeping. Jeanette Brock, ^.onfiB^ated by Plalnclothesmen Sullivan colored three-month-old daughter of Mr. I and Kenny. So th a t an In terpreter could and Mrs Henry Brock of 153 Myrtle ave- | n* procured the hearing wae postponed nbe T rvington. was found dead In bed today until Friday in the Second Precinct

_______ ___ -e).^ Infant h.d Keen '-OUrt.

F ire did $90 dam age In the home nf Abraham P lttlsh , 686 South Thlrteenlh street, S a tu rd ay night. An ovci lurucil lantern In the k itchen exploded, s ta r t ­ing the fire.

A chim ney fire In the home of Mr*.T. M. W ard, 19 Jam es street, caused Slfl damage las t night. An alarm was turned In fro'm a hnx at Broad and Bridge a tre e ls and the blaze, which w as on the second floor, was put out w ith j many en cxtlngulaher.

Hoot In the chim ney at the home of Mrs. M ary Rogers. 199 Bergesi street, caught f ire th le m orning and neeeasl- la ted the ca lling of the tire engluea.


H eld on D isorderly Bouse Chargr.C harged w lih keeping a disorderly

house a t 123 Academy stree t. George M eintj're , alias "F our Hundred." col­ored, w as held In 31.990 ball (or the g ran d Jury.b)- Judge H alui in the F irs t P rec inct Court today. C aptain Ryan m ade th e ootnplaint. Four m onths ago M eintyrefs w ife w as 'a r re s te d on a charge of conducting a disorderly house ,a t the same address. She Waa released on bail and failed to appear

tr ia l when her case w as oalled In the upper courts- H er ball w as fo r­feited.



CH A PTER O F A C Q D E N T SWhen the re a r w heel of hla bicycle

skidded on th e slippery pavem ent a t Halaey and New s tre e ts yesterday a f ­ternoon, C larence Oennls, fourteen years old. of 102 H alsey stree t, waa throw n to the roadw ay and his left arm broken. He w alked to the CUy Hosplial, w here he w as treated .

R efusing to te ll how he received his Injuries, P asttale F lnaldl. f ifty -fou r years old, of 363 Bruce stree t, w as found a t F o u rteen th avenue and B er­gen s tre e t ea rly last n ig h t su ffering fro n t a cut on tho head and a dlelocated thumb. He w as taken to tho City H ospital, and la te r w eitt home.

A southbound T renton car crashed Into a horse and w agon a t Broad and Bridge S treets th is m orning, and Isaac Konel of 296 Belm ont avenue, ow ner and d riv er of tho w agon, w as throw n to the pavem ent. H is le g w as lacer­ated. H e w as tak en to the City H os­pital.

s tru c k by an autom obile while sw ci'plng the pavem ent a l Rose s tre e t and Deehlne avenue today. I’aaqualo Scapesco, a s tre e t cleaner, of 41 Som er­se t stree t w as knocked down and his back badly bruised. He waa removed to the City H oapllal in a police am bu­lance w here he was attended and la te r went home. The m achine Is owned by Koch & Co, of 40 WlckUfte s tre e t and was driven by Irv ing C. Schuster.

vsBterday morning. Tho Infant had been suffering from a heavy «.ld sod we* smothered under the heddotbes, according to County Physician McKenzie, who viewed the body later In the day. . .

laist week while the Brocks were s ta y ­ing at the home of Mrj. Brock's sister In Mlllburn, the child waa-seized with a convulsion and a physician was sum ­moned to attend the llUle eutterer, who responded quickly lo treatment. 'When the family relum ed to Irvington the haby seemed to have recovered from the a ttack and was apparently In good heslth.

CTTY NEWS NOTESThe sixth annual banquet of the Jam es

A. Bray .Association will be given April 16 a t Koenig's hall, Tenth etreet and Springfield avenue.

The firs t annual reception and dance of the Charles tV. Rooney Association will be held April 13 at Oraton Hall, Broad and Bridge atreets.

A lecture on "Colonization" by J. M, Flavello will be delivered a t 38 Charlton street W ednesday night under th* aus­pices of the Socialist party,

Mrs, A rthur T. Seymour will make an address In Miller Street School tomorrow afternoon on "Campfire Girts' W ork" with a view to organizing a circle in th a t school.

A rrangem ents are being made for th* annual dinner of the Union Club a t the diubhouso. 4# Bank street. Herbert W. Knight la chairm an of tha arrangem ents committee.

Mt. P leasant Chapter of the B rother­hood of Andrew and Philip will be ad- dressed Wednesday by .Aaeemblymaa John B. K ates of Camden in the Sunday- school lemple of tha Mt. Pleasant B aptist Church.

When you seefees, ypu may

pimply, eczema-covtred vonclud* that Its ownsr

g e iia ’t'k n o w any thing about Poiltni—the rtm edr that beseflt* slllftf ektn so grSStlF sad so quickly.

QrtfBiggt t r u ta u a t a lU Paslsin will skew a stirtling improveihent; conipttxlhil* ar* elsarod; b lim lihu distpposr, ^ .

stgg 13 esaks—AdfwtlseulhBL

SO M E M INOR RO B B ER IESFrederick Steck of 56 Orange street

told tb s police today that $8 worth of ankle braces were stolen from hia shoe store 8atl)3jlay gfternuon. Entrance was made by forcing a rear window, while the proprietor of the store was absent.

A s iB.terapted burglary a t the home of Saibukl 2lft*. 8Y flefiehor itreat, Wm t»- uorted to .the police early yesterday. Shortly after noldnlght Mr, Zits was aroused by falllag glass. He went Into the dlnlng-rooin to locate the noise, and j

give oliase, but notified the police.■Mldhasl A- Iian ta ra of 142 I^dge street

reported dt th e Second Piaolnct Station today th a t a thief entered b is room dur-

Jokers Cauae Peltee H uat.While the police of every precinct In

the city wars on the lookout for the stolen automobile of Ju lius Mechanic of 94 Magnolia street Saturday night, tha owner called pullce headquarters and an­nounced that the missing car had been found In Rose street a few blocks away from his home. I t is believed th a t some of Mr Mechanlc'e friends wanted to pley a joke on him, but did not expect th a t I he police would be victims, too.

Observe W eddlag A aw lvenary ,About 169 guests a tten d ed las t n ight

a reception th a t fotlow ed th e fam ily d ihner party given by Mr. and Mrs, David Schw arts of 51 N orth F ifth s tree t in celebration o f th e ir tw enty- fifth wedding an n iversary . The host and hoete»s w ere assis ted .In receiving by their daughter. Miss Pauline Schwartz, and th e ir sons. Alfred, Leo and Jerom e Schw arts.

Otrls Aceosc Oblaese L anadrym a*.Held on charges mad* by Captain RSran

of the First Precinct, Mop Shlng, a Chl- ne.i e laundryman of 36 P arkhurst street, wa* committed In default of 36,960 ball by Judge Hahn tn tho F irs t Precinct Court today The laundrym an was a r­rested Saturday afternoon by Patrolmen Douglass and Walsh a f te r complaints had been received by the police, alleging th a t Shlng harbored school girls In h it laun­dry.

To Plan fo r -C leaa^iip Day,"Plans for "clean-up day." April 8, will

be made at a meeting late th is afternoon of city offlclalB and o ther cltlssns In tho rooms of the Playground Commission a t city hall. The meeting Is to be he'd under the auspices of th* civic a r t com­m ittee of The, Contemporary, the chair­man of which 1* Mra. C, E, C, flmllh.

Gets Papers am R o ab aad 's E atate.Ur*. Amelia l/emmer. who la auffarlng

from two broken ribs a t ber home, -255 South Orange avenue, aa the reault of an automobtle accident Saturday, haa been granted letters of admlalstratlow on tba estate of her husband, Carl Lsmn’er. who died March 11. last. The personal eatate It valued a t 3329.

D ELA W A RE SUBSIDING AT TRENTONstaff Foere.rpeadcnce.

TRKNTON, March 39,—The water* cf the Delaware, which threatened a aevore flood yesterday, had receded abniit there feel St th is point early this afternoou Although the river waa still high the Im­mediate danger nf serloue ennsequencea seems to have pasaed, unices heavy rain­falls should follow In the upper water- ahed. Many cellarsowere flooded lu the aouthorn part of the city, but th r damage wae hiconaoquentlal.

The wall enclosing the new rily park, which Ip being conairucled from the Cal­houn etreet bridge to tbe -tusunplnk Greek, waa submerged yesterday, a l­though apparently undamaged hy tho rushing w ater, which brought down quan- llllea of debris, including heavy logs auT trees which hud been uprooted In tho winter etorma. Tha park, ivlili.'h includea the rear of the Stsla house grounds, t* being ennstructed Jointly by the elty and the Slate. A large dredge used In the operation was praclieally juhmerged, one end having sunk far Into the bed of the river.

BELVIDEUE, March 30 (.‘ipecial).-- Hlgh w a te r In the Delaware Rlvti' Is slowly Bubsldlng today. Much tlamago has been done to cam ps on the Islands and hu lld lnga have been swept away. No. 4 Mil! a t th e M artin's Creek t'em eut W orks w as flooded. The large fe rry ­boat at th a t point w as lost and bridge cribbing and many small boats carriedawsTBORDKNTOW'N, .March 30.—There le a water freshet In the Delaware Blver here. The pier*, docks and the new dike are covered and the lowlsnde In Pennsylvania opposite Bordentown sj-e flooded. Tha water Is four feet above normal. Conalderable Ice from the upper Delaware River has paaaed

Misa Minnie Klelniiiuu, rlHugblrr of Mr rind Mrs. Wolf K ldunian . nf 74 six- t in t l l i avenge, and Hei'inen Holicii of 138 Badger avenue w cie m nrrleil l,i*l n ig h t lu New Arnaterdlim Hull Hulibi Ju liu s Hllherff-ld performed tho cerc-

whlch WU8 foilnwed by u wed­ding supper and i ..■cejil ion, 'I'he t-ndo waa attamlerl by h.'i sle lrr. MIbb Klsle K lelnnian: Miss Ns'l Furst, Miss goplile Schrelher. Mias. Fannie SchrHlier and .Miss Anna Uolleii. a sinter of the bride- • groom.

I’hlllp Kleimiiuii, .I b ro ther of Gib brirle, wr** heal iicm. Tho ushers wore Michael Kiipluu. .Inaeph bi'liw artz. buni- liel Josephson. .loHoph Kolomoii mid Mox Holleri .Mior a Iwo-weeU trip to A ilm uic City. Mr. mid Mrs. lioltcn will reside ul 2V7 .M llff iiveiiue.

HMverman-Solluinan.MUs Anna S, liumaii, (laughior of.vii

mill Mrs, .Miclnirl Schuman. of .V'ls- sex uvemio, and David Hilvermiiu ol :,i| llreiiltliiiH plilie w ere murri'-il lust n ight lit the homo of tlo- tirlrlos pm- onta. Ruldil Ju lius Hlll'oi ii Id rioi foniiod Ihe coi-rnionv. wlilch rolloweil hv H reception I'Pdn Ih' i n iu r n from u w edding trip, Mr .■mi ■Mr*. Silverniau w ill rozlde tn th is • c ’■

Ha.rls-haplan.Miss Anna Kal ian and Williuni Henry

H arris, both of l lasl uralige, wore m ar­ried yesterday uft'^iimon liy Hev. < harlo.s B Bullard. fe,roi'’.r pualor of biinwood Drosbyterlan cb ir, h. Tlio , oremnny took place a t Mr liulhml's hon Parkw ay. Mr “nd Mrs. wer« tho wltn'

1$ He Past the Age Limit ? No on« can tell. HU

eye U atill keen — hli hand is steady-his hair retains Its youthful col* or and life. He keeps it so by the use of

h Mi t nttorM M4®ra/ color ta

§rfuf er fadfd hairs maoTes dandraff. cleaote® the ®c®lp. KMDita ar«gampant«ed* 1fnn* utlifocU r/t fioiMT

Me oBif |) tlyourdFRffiM't) Stnr'* botllifeffTil fot 19* tb4 MUr'* DsAM- Th il* U*7 ip«a Ob- , Ktwvk, N. J.

127 Sninh A Rrown


Glrfs Bader Aga. la lo o a H aa Held.For perm itting g lrla under the age or

tw enty-one to eo n g re g a u In h it saloon a t 3M Grove street, R obert Snyder was held th is morning In 3600 ball to aryalt the action of the g rand Jury. Three girl* about nineteen yeare old and (our young men were a rra ig n e d a* wltneseee. C aptain Corbally of tha Seventh Fre- d h o i was tlie eomplalnan*. ■-- *■

WarkhiBB sirlehCB e a StiwsEBtrlekan w ith apoploay w hll* o n 'h l*

way ta w ork a t tfie N airn L Inolw ra . W ork* in K aarny tod*,v. E dw ard Mc-

Gufrk of th is , c ity fs ll fn Sharidan avenuis, K earny. H e waa taken In the

* K s a rp r *Jnb»laaa* to St, M ichael i H ospital. H * had n o t ragalnad con-


iB oroof Of the fact t t s t Hapatlc iteien- erailon c*n b* saoqsiefully oppos<tl and sotsr iUralnsteil In nlsnycaae* ot Dlahrtea 1n%«o»l* agsd fifty snd upward on May 4th 1*12. we published In San Francisco dalitsi *0 offer til the ettect that If any fdiir phystclapi In good st«ii<Urs In hi* oily BTonld seod u* S DlSbrtlc between fifty an* seventy resro of age, etron* enough to call e t our office, showing high spsdric gravity. Glint and a large quantity of euger. we would attempt to return the pnttent In 10 daje with half tho eugsr ellmlneled end Gilrpl and eymptom* largely raduced, and on the ros'l to recovery.

iJlUr we publlehed the name end ed- drees of * Diabetic patient with an Invi­tation to phyelolan* to take eatnplsa end maks their own tesla and Ihui oae th*BUgar declining week by week.

The abllUy of Fulton’s Olabelle Com-■esod le raduee *»**r l» msap atsM *» Diaheiea In peopj* of fl4ty end upward li aot * mefter of opinion, but t FACT IN FHTS-i c a ana- w* wIlT send lorisula for sugar I , , „ ta. ve-n'ot « t that, Wltf ihaWTin psr^nlage of sugar Spsri®- SeriJce of t_Ae ftom weak tO' week- -3» ih* aUgar disap­pear* Improvsmeat commonly follow* re­coveries having been reported In tnapy onees. Formula end ftferatara' msfled on requeet. ■ Joho Jl FuMba 0*-. San Fran*

JE R S E Y GIRL W EDS IN NEW YORK___ __ . . t’

NEW Vr>TlK, Nfun-h 30.— In th r weddtrj; of MIsa Ktlirl !■: Curllfl. clauj,li- le r uf Mi !'• '•’iirtiM of Tr«'Mt<ir»,N. J . William Lilly uf this oily, whifh took aatur<lny. the uulnilnalloti cfli chilhliood rom anrif v.fl® wacheTJ T lio I'creinupy took place iti the Chiireh of itift Transfigurallcin

Thft oouule firs t m et w hep they a t - lenrted (he Kamo HchouJ yoar® aKo. Th* briilo IB a uraduato of the State hfodel and Normal Hchoole of Trenlcui. Is a m em ber of th#* Conternporary Uluh and of the &ntl-®uffTaKo orKanUallon of th a t 4 Ity. Her failier, who dl^d rcoentiy, waa a railroad man.

Mr. Lilly 1® a grandson of the lain I>r. Samuel Lilly, consul'Konoral to British India under rre'Sldent Buchanan. Ho waa graduated from H arvard In 19(>7 and from the law school of th a t iinlv<T- ftUy In IDID. He la a member of the Son® of the Revolution.

Couple Marrieit Laet Ueoembrr. 4lp®r(oJ JSenke of the Ni^WS.

ABBUHY PARK, M arch 30.—An* nouiiconTenl has haon m ade of the m arriag e la«t December of Mia® Mary B. I>avlti. dau g h te r of Mra. Charles El W. Davis, of 900 Main atreet. Bradley Beach, to John Convery of th is place- T he.w edding took place In Jersey City. Mr*. Corvery kept her marriage a secret until Saturday.

MadBfaff-Keefe*Special Htrifco of the ,Vi,'TF8.

BATONNB, March SO.—Mis® Margaret Keefe and Oscar Manning were married las t night a t the home of the bride. 330 Avenue A. Rev. C. D. Rabbow of J e r s ^ 0 1 1 /officiated. Miss Marie Persson was bridssniald and n^n- The couple wilt live a t 302 Boulevard.


Mi*thrr: D on't IlfjiK etel U|>\erlM li, < <MJ®(Ipatede (ilve “Call-

fomJq hjrup of Fla®*" '

Look flt llif tojijjup, T\\olh r: If coale^It la H h .tf Pitfii ihat y-tiir lUilo one • KtMMtnrih. iKi'r" iiii'l boW'»lK ii4'ud ft getlll®* Tiii’riiiish ’ iFaiiiin® al <iiu;i'

When ucf'viHtT. i:ro*f.Urcp, doenn‘1 I'at nr a- t h fHvi*rlph. • inn iS riti sour, hifiniHi hurh . Eorn n'lrl, iflVQ A teasiMionf'tl of Elss," Hint Irt H fp«'COUHlIpftleil *Mhf' ftoor bll‘i ®riiitiy

doein 'tlunilly. or le

lii-Diiili had; has ilIrtrrh'Y' a- full of

t tiururnia Syrup hiiui9 ftll the foul,

iit!clifi'*!Ue'l food and. .It of Ite littleami you have aboweln wKhGnt

viell. playful flJtl'l * ,»You n-f -ln [ ' rhiUlren to t^ ethia hHrmU.Hi. -rmii lnxjiils<“,’ Ihoy love It* tleUcl'iuh iiii-1 II Hlw.iys makes them

j[Mir f' r :i 60-ccnt bOttl*nf i.’nMforiiJH iSyrup T>f Elf’." which ha* ,lirecll=m® f<T h-MDS., rhlUrm, of all age* KiiJ ft'r Kr.-iwn*iipH plainly oh the botH®, Heware of GouTil«r>rf'"lia Bold htyre. To be sLiro >'hu B»'t thr (roitulne, mnIc m that It \H m a ' l e hv • I 'a l lfo rn ln I't® Hyrup C o m ­pa ny ’ iJf' fiia- Hiiv i iih(‘r k in d w i t h CWl-

— Adve ril ss ’iiiritii. ___

WHARTON, March 30.— sMisa Julia K ertle of Robert s tre e t and Nfichael P rabban t of Main atreet were married Saturday afternoon An tbe H ungarian Ftaabyterian Church by Rev, Marion A, JohikitoD, former paito r of Bt. Johii^a Uethodlat Episcopal Church,




lickaw uuu Pretideol Says East Or­ange Mayor Made Negotiation



DTEW YORK, Mmrrh 30,—Th»l lh<’ a tti­tude aaaimwd by .Titllan A.tKe tJrat time they met had prevented)! ■ny smicabte gdJirHtnient oC the grade crouing Queatlon In East Orange, waa ■uerted today by Rrealdent Wlltiani H. Trueadale of the Lackawanna. Mr. Truea- liale. In reply tt> a oucathm. c3tpre**HRd himaair regarding that meeting, aaylng Mr. Gregory made negotiation “abaohJiely ImpoaalMe/*, ^ muon haa been aaid aboot the prettenl Mayor of Kaat Orange having anobitacle rather th in a help In th<* iiiiUer of aactjtltig from the fju:hawanna Flail- road negotiation luoklhK ta grade-croHaliig alimlnatton In that cHy other than by ilavatlun th a t Mr. Trtiesdalo wan aakrd U th a t were true, and what was iho rca- •on for It: why the Inability of niniHclf wU. Mayor Gregory to get together nn an amicable baata.

Mr. Truoadale appeared very wlilm^ to aaplaln. He eaid tn aubataneH th a t t h e f i r s t time he ever met Mr. Gregory, a a Mayor, was a t u lunrhoon, wFiere ba th he and the present May.fT of Ka^a Orange were Inv1l«l hy a well-kiiuwn reatdent of E as t Orange, to a fford lh«'m a n opportuni ty of Iwjcoinltig aconaln*cd an d ta lk ing over thoir respective vh-AS aa to the beat meana fo r e t lmlni t lng g rad e oroMitvgs in East Orange In a ma*.- a a r which might bo productive «f remilta.

Mr. Truesilale said. Imwever, ho was greatly aurpriaed by the vehomem-o aixl gMftiveness with which Mayor Gregory began, the conferonee by telling what he, a i Mayor, wanted in the way of Kra<le cToealng elimination, what East orange wanted, and by the manner in which it waa made clear that no other negotia- tlona were possible; that the Now Jersey muiddiMsUty'B official inftKl was made up and th a t the whole m atter was a t an end ao fa r as Kiat Oratige was concerned.

M ayor Gregory, at hia law offli-o licre, gave hla version of tiie luncheon and put thd gnua for the failure to negotiate on Mr. *rrufBdaIe. He declared (hat he had offered to use hla Influenee to iHideavor to gedure a oontrlbutlon l*y East' Orange tp meet the uxpenre of depreislng the tracks In eacess of the cost of elevation, but th a t Mr. TruemJale had declined to ppnsider any proposlUon eicep t th a t tnade^by the litckawanna.

**At tha t time/* said Mr. Gregory, lefenrlnig to the hmrheon. ' ‘I told Mr. Yruesdaie, w hen the subject was opened, that, peraunally, t favored d^ifejssion believing H would be tu the beat Intereat of ICast Orangn to have the tracks depreaaed rather than e le v a te , but l elated to him. ‘If your edmpaby will elevate Its tracks through M tit O tange a t Its own oiKpenae, w ithout ebanging the grades of our streets, I will do all !d my power and use the Infhiencp pf -m y official poiltloti to perm it the tr ie k a to be olevaled/

"M r, Trueadale replied to tFial; 'You know this Is Impossible.' My reply w'aa; 'I am not an engineer and do not know w hat la or what Is not lmp<»sslble, but if you cannot elevate (he tracks without de> prsM lng out streets, why not depresr the trabksV

*' ‘I witl not discuss track depression a t a l l / was his reply.

“To this I replied that If It was a Ques­tion of cost. 1 would urge tlie city of E ast Orange to . pay the cipenae of de- praaslon over what it would cost the railroad to elevate.

"M r. Truesdale said we c-Qiild gel no- w bsre except oti the propoaltlon which the railroad had submilled to the city of E 'a tt Orange four or five yesva previous.

Ftvm the flwi'ftfu «/;.VW

WA8UINOTON, M arch SQ.—Tho fu- n r r a l of Mrs. F r e d e r i c k N. Dnlrymplo of th is c lly , m o t h e r of Alfred N. D*l- ryiiiple uf N ew ark , was held lids u f ic r - uooii (roiii h e r immo, l"®1 uroguji avu- IIU-. Mrs. D u lrym ple dU-d S a lu id ay morul tjg .

W ord waa s m t Mr. Dalrymple In N ewark la s t F r id ay th a t hla m o the r w'Bii a r r loua ly HI. « n d la te Fr iday Mr. Lnilryniple, acco inpah tod by bis wlfo and Non. a r r iv e d here . Mrs. I»alryniplc had coii traclod pneu m u n lu and had b e t ^ s i r k J u s t a w e ek w hen alio died.

W€^- Ipairymple w a a bo rn In th is city Hixty-one yon rs ago , Hh«- was thenrarid-daught«-r o f Isaac Ncwloii. Ihofirst coTninlBsloner of th e bureau of s g r ic u l tu fc , tli».‘ f o r e r u n n e r of tho present P e p R r tm e n t of Agriculture . Hhc m arr ied F r e d e r i c k N. Dairymple. fo rn ier iy of M u rr l i t o w i i . Mr. Dal- rymplu died a y e a r ag«». Mrs. Ual* rymplo Is s u r v iv e d by h e r son and tw o d s u g h te r s , M r a ( ieri itd J o hnson of th is cUy and Mrs. J . H o w ar d Wyguii l of 81. Louis.

Wil l iam 1>ewarl, a res ident o f Afont* cl id f fo r the past five years, died a t ilw hom e o f his son. Hugh l>«warl, 5&3

road, t h a t town, th is morning. Uii h ad 1>e ti a n Invalid for the past tw o years . Ooath was due to corapllcat lou of a lhnentn .

Thi! decedent was born In Waruaw, un tarlo , March i, and lived (hereuiitll lic went to Montclair. He was a w riter on contiumb: subjects and claimed tiie dmtinciinn of bavliiK drawn the first ])role< tlvr tHtirr meHSure In I'anada, al- thi>tigh never In f’arl'ftinenl.

I wo other sons. Uobyir!. of Hocivester. N. Y., and WllHam f»rwart of N*»w York, and four daughters. Mlis Carrie I^ewari. .drr. 1,’bdrles Mnclutwell and Mrs. I barlea J. Winslow o f MoiU> lair, and Mr« Henry Drury of l*enn«yh enia. aur\ Ue.

V'tincral nervb'ejj wHI he held from the M ontclair address, ■nmrsfJay afternoon, Ke\ r . UKjge of HI. .lolin'a E|it»i’opal

.Monlrlalr, pffblaling. Iftlcrmviil lEochester.

t h i in h,will bo


Wjvcbif Wendre of thfrAKj^AIC, M a n h a'>.-*Tlte funeral of

Rev. Jam es Hcoll Young, j^aetor of tho Garfield Treahj toi Inn Church, was licld from the church this afternoon. Tba lw>dy wart lakoB from the manse a t IbiHu jj'clock Ifxlay and laid Ir. ntale In front uf the pulpK until the service began. DfpuUlb'iift from the rrcshylerkinCadetrt, of which the minister wa« the ftrpaTileer. guarded the t-Bukel- They will es« i)rt th(» body to the Erie station to­morrow morning when It will be shlpp*^d to KcbBlco ren iclery , Westchestert'ounty, for biitial.

Hervlffts a t the Garfield <.'hiirch yeater- duy morning and evening were memorials li> tb«) dead tisator. Rev. John M. tUc- phensiin of New York offb'lalwl.

Mfa. Mary F. D rrher.«/rrlec uf tltc

\VOGDBIin»<IE, March 30.— MrsMary K, rwcker. sM.vly-ona years old, la dcHfi Hi bor In O n lra l avenue Airs. Irtc^ier bad been euffiBrlnK from paralysis for the last aevrti w4-eks. h'he moved here last year from HUUn Irtland. Mm . Oftckc-T Is au^^l^od by a daughter and three sons, I‘]thel. and Mayes of [ilndm and i'lsu d e and Fred, who Used a l hume.

Mrft, Anna tla rtle .Kperlflf firrviir uf thf

NEW HftL.lN8\VlCK. March ao.— Stricken with apupleKy, Mrs. .\nna Har* tie, widlosv of WllllHin Bartle, died Hsi- iirday a t il»e homo of Imr daughter. Mrs. George K. Par.iell, a t 153 Humersei street. She waa an elderly woman. The body waa taken to Plainfield today for burial.

Mra. M. Garia.rm LIilPH B U H O . March 30.—Mrs

Husan M. G a rla / widow of Hamuel died iSatiirday In FhHadelplilii survived by a aon, of U elgw aro Fark nine ye&ra old

jHinea K. I»« lojiig. furty-nlx years old. died Ibla morn'ng at h‘a hume. 472 Davla avenue, Arlington, IPs death followed an lIJne/s of only two days, snd was caused by heart trouble. Fie had been employed by Ihu .YrlluKton Company of .\rlliigton twrnlV’SU y^ars, IFe wr-nt tu work Match 15. IS^S. lie formerly lived at AdauiH. Mshb

The decedent was a member of Court l.fturel. Foreal'-rs of Amerira: Arlington I'am p Nu. lOOtD. Modern Wondmen of America, of Arlington, and the Mutual Hcnefll Association of Ihe ArMnaton r^om- T»any. A widow- and one child survlva. Funeral sersFc*»s will he held Wednesday evening from his late home. Rev. r»r. Tlot.ert M. Avisworth. pastor of the First Methodist Church t>f Arlington, will o f­ficiate. Interm ent w ill,he In Arlington

I Cf m e t e r ' .

York. T h e fune ra l wil l be he ld from t h e C h u rch of th e Holy Cross on W ed ­n e sd a y morning . I

Huy EHn of l^aeaHottla.Jojuea Dunn, the el«ven*yeajf-g1d son

of i j r , and Mrs. Patrick Dunn df B Wel- laoe a l r a e t Grsrigtf, died yesle rdsy uf Tincuniohia. A high mass will bn offered a t HI, .Fohi/s ChuTch, Grange, WtJdncsday lUurnlnR. Interm ent viill bu m Ht. J u l m s Ccmulery.

F a n e r a l of It. J. Mt-Carsalrk.T h e fu n e ra l of Fllchard J, McCormick,

fu r m an y y e a r s Muperlnleiideiit of m a l l - liouae No. 4 of GiillHnllue's Hrewpry . w h o died Hutui'diiy In b is home, fcl Pe4<- body place, following nri opemiluri . wil l be held lumorrow- m o rn h ig with a mna*: of rvvQulcm ui S iMdock In iii« G h u rch uf Oiir Gudy uf Good Gouuw I. In te r ine iU will be In Kt A gnes’s lletnc- le ry , Albany, N Y. Mr .M‘*«'ornilck im su rv lve t l hy a widow, fou r iJaugl il fra an d tw o aons. all of whom live 1u Hus ci ty .

Futtcral vf Mrs. I'.llsu ^harp.T he fu iicrul of Mrs ElUii Hharp, w ho

died S a tu rd a y nlftlu a t lh« home uf her son E d w in C. Sharp, N or th roud. NiUley. Will be hold iroin the res idence to m o r ro w Afleriio«»n a t 3 o ’clock. Be- HidcH h e r son slie Ik survive*! hy h e r hu sb an d , A lcx an ib r A Sharp . 8he was t e v e n ty -e l i rh t >f »ra old.

Ktberc W Ifthert. b’pcMuf Krndcf itf thft' v/.’u n .

ar. \IMTT. M s n b S'l— Flhert Wlhtiert. fii rmerly *»f M« rri«lnw.Ti, died yesteri lsy *'l HSlhma, a t Ibe h-miO of Ms ciuUQhler Mrs. TiOulfl Glbian. of Fift F rank l in pl«'-e. a f t e r a long; M’’ wbk Mevenly-«>ns Vearn old. The fmTerfll will be held to ­morrow witli s In Gve Gbur<-li ofthe AHSiintiitlori hi Murrlstuwn at 9 o'clock, Interment 'auU ^ In E\ert trsei i C* metery, Mr. Winneri fem e h r r e about R \ e a r ago. Tie r*'aided In Morrlslow-i mos t I»f his life. Me Is .survival by hla wife and four sons and four daughte rs . They a re Albert nnd Ffenry Wlhbert of Summit. William WIM>erl of Morristown. .Fnarph Wlhiverl of BP-.klMi. Mrs. I/*nri Wwigald of East Orange, Mrs MarK«ret West nf New York, Mf». Anna Fields and Mrs. Glbian.


htoff furrcMpondcui'tT KENTON, March to,—Governor

Fie lder visited the Ktate prison todsy in I ' tn ipony witii ihn members of the Court of PardutiM, who aro Invest igating appli ­cat ions for pardons end paroles to be vuusbkred a t the next regula r seaalon of the court.

t ' a r t l cu l a r trklercat Is shown In th e work of the present lertn toicause of tha Itiflueiu'e which hna l^crri lirought to beaf tu accoin |it ish Ute release of potlti<dana frf'ni A dan tlc and llmlson counties, who Imvp iH—ii found gui lty of crime,

Amonx the a tip lb 'ants frrtm .AUanllc County a re i^oulip Kuchnie. ftirmer Itepub- Ilcsn "buHS" nf the county: Eatcl r>. Rlpht- mlre, fo im er cuunl.y cngiiieer, und F rank lOnderlln and Joliu IJnaworth. forn?er memlKirK of Him Rimrd uf Freeholders, viho were convicted with Fllghimire for coiispiracy.

F(>rnicr Hhorlff John Zeller of Hudson who Ijegan hla te rm of from ono to throe years biot lieccml>cr. Is also an applicant fur imnila.

I t Is expec ird t h a t Governor Fieldef will hear in person the pleaa of each ont vf Hm- prluonoru inejithuied. and tha t ho win g l ' s m<»at careful a t ten t ion to every phase of ea<'h case.

BELIEVE a O I 'E R S IN a i V E U N Di pr4 Fsi Krirfcc of fAe .A'b'll'tf.

SUMMIT, March ^0.—A le tU r mailed in CTevoiuad, O., w m received th is morn- itig Hy Air. and Afrs John H. Nelson of ME Boulevard fi Jih their aoiw Claregee Nelson, twenty-lwp years old, who Is be­lieved by Ilia parents and by those of till? young woman to have eloped Friday with Miss Gertrudo Shields, neveuteen ycara old, of Chatham. The g irl's p a r­ents have received no word. The tetter said “ Wc are gulng" to a place foutlecn mllea from Cleveland, and th^ "w e" Is taken to mean himself and the former Miss Hhtclds, who la m«w l)ellovcd to be

Nelwon.Mr. and Mrs, Geor^'c Hhlclds have re­

ceived nu word from their daughter wince hbo home l''riday m<'>rnins. ostensibly for work in Newark. Nelson told his parents he was going to Cleveland, but ■uude tio meiuiun uf tl^e girl.




Garls . Hhe Is Garis , elghty-

Charlea Bhs was


Thoms* Alhr*rf RB''rord, a llfedim** re.^ident of ihia i lly, who for forty ynsrs had hetfn otisaged in tb '‘ plumbing trade s i * lay and FJioad alrrrls. and who died Hi tils home, ofi I'lay elrect rTlday of pneurnodla, will hr burled tomorrow,

P'unerrG services will Ik- belrl si hla lale homo «i 2 u'clo 'k and burial will take place In Ml. I'leaHunl Cejnetery.Kjiv. Ixiuls !■’. HowinRu jiastor of thr*KIk IiGi Avenue MelhcHllat cliureli, willofficia te .

Mr, H*nilf(jrd was seve’Jity years old.. | lalieui lie la survived by three daugbLcra, Mrs.I’mil !■'. Knerht. Miss M aranret Sandford and Miss Jennie gsridford, hII oi' iFiis wi>. Ho was B mrmhfc of Harmony Chapter. Royal Arch Masons.


N.f-M. r f.’(f N/'.'UN.J l ''l is l ':v <‘ITV, Mfiirh 3 ( i . -T lu t Kin.f-

"T I hfl I .Hrk 11 ILll MHi nHlli'dinl, iliii. Ill irolinUpii lit noon ‘lay, wllll? i ‘iisii|iiv; thfoURli lha jmi'.Ib III Niiif’liiPiilli stra i't, Jpf.M'y I'liy . a t l i r n v . ' liti'Cfl slrili'K a aini'ailiUK ntH. Tin: frniii i i in l ; uf tlin Irn ilir Ififl llio IraikH mill |■l('^>0‘l llif Hr-« mul rna.l- tiail U|1 fill- B hl-'. l, licUvtiMi (Iroye and l|pMi|rti'H(jn aireetn.

ThPro w ere fivn i urn In llin tr-iiii. tu n o f w ltiih Wi-rn I'unniiirin. Thft l‘l.■omt>tivn ami Ihn i-ara ri-nminr-l nn ihp Irm '.iB. Thi’ riiilniml l■l■ullHns I'.rovB tini! 111‘ntlftt'Hnii utt'ftylH nn a tfPMl In. ami hinl tllft yTiKitm nr any nf thn crira loft the Iracka they ininlit Imve fallen lo iho iiilililpHlnnon la e iity ftmt lioKiw.

The niHjnrlly nf tlm nnaseilgora iliil mil knntv n h a t liml h,ni|ioncil m- Ihnt tlii-.i hml sin li n tuii rnw i:H(’li1>r Afler n nliBhl ilelay n now Imnnintlyo tvns a ttii.‘In'll nmi ll'ta irnlii awil I'hetl

WASHINfiTUN, Mnri-li ................ ' t u tW, m n , fo r many y ea r s a trromlin'iil offkTuI of ttie A s r k a U i i r a l L'c|i:irt- nifttii, diotl t h l , riiorntnir a l t e r n iiro-t n u t e i i ll in faa at k’ ruiiklMi, Va. U h o n ____ ____ihn SecTflary of ARrlnultiiro f i r s t In'- rvin.aie<.Bine n m ember of Ike Cal.lmH, Mr. lHII !'[QL£j)QANS CONTINUE RIDING

Ihc le rm iiu i l



Jh’pccJrtI Sri 'chf uf ihe .V/ilVfl.RED BANK, Murch 30. Morris P srh

of Monmouth s t r e e t died yesterday from u. com plicallon of dlseaaeH. Had he ll,ved un til Frldiiy^ Mr. I'suh would have been aevonty-seven years old. About H m onth ag o he w as operated on In the Long B ranch Hospital. He re- <’Overed from the operntlon, hut a few day* ago he con trac ted th roat Irouhlf, which termlTiuted In the complication of diseases.

Besides a widow, Mr. F^scli in aur- vived by fo u r ch iltlreu , Ale.vander l.i. mul E rnest Dach of New York, Mort V. Dflch ot Red H ank and Lester Piu’h, II law yer in N ew ark. The funeral will ho held from hia home Wedueaday uf- ternooii nt 2 o'clock. Burial will be In Kairvlew C em etery, Middletown Town­ship. f

W hile s ilt in g in a <’hair Mrs. Ju lia H olm es riled last night a t her re s i­dence, 22 Houtli Arlington avenue. T- ast r^l'a ige. She was e igh ty -lh ree years of age and had been Hi with the grip. Tt WH* though t she was convuileaclng. Mrs. Fioimes w as the widow of E dw ard H. Holmes, wlio riled fifty years ago. She m ade h er home with a sou. F ranele Tfolinc.e. Mhe was a com m unicant of G race Church. Orange.

Tsilah nrnWtt,.\f tc r en illneps nf several dayti from

eryeiprlsB Teniah Rfown of K earny died S aturday



FlttdliiH; thft RHift.oit ottft nlilft of L.tie l.ia3kRwlinnit.'R ijrovft strftftt iiroBslna, KkSt Orjinirc, up on Huturtiny aftri'iiooii, Whila th a t Q ii'tha oppoalta BlPe was lawarcd, Charlfta .S. Urbeti, it buildur, tnVHtlCitteil anil tliscovftrcd tli« i;..!:- loan aalaap In hla •Imiuy. Mr. ;>rlion, who waa drtvtna hla nulonioliUft iiii't wantad to pnaa the craaalriK. roiiBc t the tnatt and told lilin If lie did not ntuh'- taln a better watch he would be ro- ported. Dr Ueoree d. Wel»hmiin of tbia «lty waa killed at the Battiu .roaa- In r on March 17, when he drove nla automoblT^ on the track* In front of gll axpresft train, Two InsluncrK have occurred since then when vehicles were pgrmlited to get on the mils in front of trains, but crnshcf^ were averted.


tglfctlng between tho RonuiKii of I'im l'm in •lid the Unkuwamm Uullrusd wer^ s r ttl td gmlcably at a spRi'ihl s«*sKhm m lb« liprough roitnGI Saturday nlgnt Wiiieit uutlinrization wrs given by Hie cpuocll to lh« railroad lu o ev rtu tour- teeti additional 1nen«>ti In Ua tr>t<k ek>\a- t'On project at tlie YVsshlnKU':i uvenuu tfoaslng,

Tri advance of thk* ihern1ii-oad h;M cievaNd 11.:.- nim.b l.» ■ v 'c.-is of r ix height 4all(Hl .‘or in Gib track cir.vaitun onllimiicc,’fuid ihw e 'u.l-

c f sn injuiu bci.

6‘fyrrFui NrrikT uf the SHWS.ELIZABETH, M arch 30.— Freeholder

J. Logan .I'hiy illed eU D>:10 oolock th is n io rn lng u t the AInxtan IJrolheia’ Hospital, a f te r u tw o-w erk lllncsa from InlsHtliml troub le . Mr, Fny was to n - sldi^red u posnlb llity an a Deniociatiu ciimJIdale fo r e ith e r shorlff or couuly clerk. He run fo r the former office in IDl! und got the hIghftMt voce Iv. tills city ih n i w oa ever givcit u uuihII- dute. lie hull Herved on the large Board of F reeho ldera seven yeurH amiwua also a m em ber of the ousted sm all ! D airfield. Conn.

a ' the home of n con, John Brown. 2 Highland avenue, th a t town. He wua eighly-ulne yesra old find a n a ­tive of England, h'ur the past two yesra <ir mort' the decedent had wandered awny fn-ni rds sem's home on r number of oe- rrtrtlona, remulning away for more than a day III a time. Ho was a favorite wlfh the (. iilldrcn of 'he neighborhood snd would UJk with them by ihe hour. He- alue the sun named he Ir survived by two o ther uud a dRUghier. Funeraltervlcea will bo held lids nfiertioon from Mr laie residence. Rev, WTlIiam J. Tlli'*y. rfci»>r nf Christ Ep IrcoprI r iu irch , liurrlann. will officiate Interm ent will l»c in ArlingUm Cemetery.

MiRii E llsahrtli t s l i l n r l l I tou rrs.Miufl I'^llRabcth (.'aldwell Rogcra, sov-

enlv’-lhreo yearn old. died 3’eaterduy nin honiie ul Kl Cheslniil Htrect, Mont- ria lr. She woR an Invalb! for tho fifteen yeara.

Tim deceuRed waa the daughUT of Ihc late Rev. Vubcnoitcr F. Rogera. l-hc li sur- vived by Ihreci Hlfttern, Mrs. Jam es .J. v ta lker of M onblair and two otherB ii* New York and Hartford i.'onn. The f'l- Ttcral vill he held ^Aednextiuy morning iroiu Hut reaidenc.-c, Rev. Francis L. P at­ton of ITInceton Seminary, u Mfe-lon^ friend, will officiate. Interm ent will be

orgurvlaed the edltyriiil hriiuch and ile veloped the plan «f wideKpread circu

of ftgrklill iiral litcrH lure torim .icr,, a srk u U u rn l Jo u n u la Bn.l the -V .Ttli .l'•|■lel.Jll«

-fBira led .Mr, Itooeavelt, „ l,,,i HvM ] Hiul.v^^^ • " I ; ; / , ' ,S ' „ t';:: u,-ft utlllservice coinmlieloner. to u rge Mr. H'li » selection for that board. He was horn In England, educated ut PariR and Moii- Ireal. and was formerly on ihc edliorlul s ta ff of the Montreal Herald. His *ur- s iv lng son, George Griawobi Hill, U W ashington correspondent of the New Y'ork Tribune.


>’pr#fKl fifixirc uf fAc YJ-.'ir,S.NF.VV TURK. ilarcFi 30,—K v ry

K eith iheatrp in G renier New York w'ss closed IhiH afternoon during the fuiicrrtl of BenjHinln F. Keith, which took place a t 2 o’clock In Newton <'cm- otory, a t Newlor), Mass. .\t 8 o'clock lonlglii. however, itn- Keith thcalres will present their reg u la r perform - an« es.

Many other Keith theatrcB in A m er­ica followed the l. ati of Hie New York houses and dlspHnscd w ith tiielr m ut- Iner-s. 'I'lic funeral Hcrvlccs were a l- teinied only by the family atiri Mr. K eith ’s huslncBS asfluclatc*.

riding free on the s t ree t cars.Ttepurla Issued by the «-ortipmiy today

rcr-oi'd tha t L’2,iMiD ]>ah('en;;or» svero c u r ­ried free J<nt\irdKv. 'Iliut wai* fifteen .< ni. of Uie traff ic . Hundtiy llie p r rc rn l - jige liiid lh c re ’*setl to eighteen. No fufc? nre cnllei-lcd from pHHi*enKer.i who refuse, tti pity more tiurn three cents.

rede rn ! Ju<lne Killits bus de la ted ntlHl Inniurrcw morning decision on Hip com- piihv's app lication fur Injnuctlon re ­s t ra in Ihtj 1-llv fr<-m enforcing the new tl iroe-ceul fa re nr'<llnan<e. Hearing <>f preliminaries in the cUy'a suit in Gonimon P leas I’uurl to cidlocl ilully rrtilulfrom Iho i.omj'Htiy fur the ii.'ie uf streetd cm whicii frunchises have exidrcd. has

' W n poslpon*‘d unti l tomorrow'.

Sprvial finrirf uf the’H.l^MHXrE'KHFFlG. March 30.—Derlnrlng

in hU reply to a letter roccntly r^colvod G'oni lh« t'oiijjresKman th a t he cannot nee any other Inference to bo draw n from Gie, artlon of (’ungressruHn .\rchli>nld C. Hurt of the SiMli New Jcrt>ey Hlatrlct limn thai be |s "tuverliig u]) his real attitude” with refcr«'n«c tu tiie rFilltips- hui'g pu^tmasier.shlp. FtC'. llcddliig ii.

to- I.eet'ii, pastor of the Firsi .Methodist Kplu- copal t^'hurch. has issued* an open letter to Mr. Hart.

Mr,'ci> iia* been leading the oppoal- thjn to the evpeclcd nomination of former Mwvor Joseph H. FIrlii by .Mr. H ail a* pOidniasler here, and made a trip lo the national capital to proleat agains t his name being rc'elved fasurably by the roBtofilce TirpartnicrU. In ilia Id le r ha aaya. In pari;

“ ? am willing lu admit that my public I remarks, lo ivhicii yuu iiiko e-scppHon.I vvepe reported In ii muiiner 4‘saenliully cor- 1 Ihc sinlei.ient ihat vuu were en-I flcavorlng ti» trover youi n-ul a ttitude was I noJ my laM^uiigc, UUI I fail tu eec )mw {tiriy Miber inference can be draw n from

the facSs I staled imd wiilch you grunt- '1 hy your rt-rcresiccj- lu me m

\ uiikli.ii. itiid your htalcuicnl tlia t 1 said r I lliihg Vhoro un many tvho leal

that your pobUhiu in this whole m atlcr ifi uiil'liid In this cumniunity wlib’h haa bccrj rnuUiLg fiUcccHsfnl effurU recciitly lo irn|iru\e mural and civic conditions. You say you are Inu’i'cSRcd hy Hie fact th a t Mr. Firth ha.s l>ocji cltjclcd mayor sevi r'«l by subhlanilnl niajiirltitrs,IL v.oulu enlighten you 10 ln\eHtig»te Did rcaiums ut niutit range.”

Mr. l.iHM-h aalSH the CcmgrenHman wliy he IS not Imiiressed by the dwindling aup- purl given to Mr. iGriU In PliilUpsburg until In November, 1DI2, he was, the pua- lur Ruys, elected by a minority vote, win­ning over two other caudidatGa. He ipiutCH from 4111 odtlorial in thu News at ihe time cuinmiKoloTi guveriimctU waR lo be voted on In I’hllllpsburg. in which U WU6 an d tliat he Iittio iiad cuinc "to turn the whole gang out and a ta r i afresh." i-urlher. Mr, I.eoch takes Mr. Hart lo tank fur InlimatlnK th«t It was Inexcusa­ble to lake f'lr granted th a t F irth was lo be recommended after ihe Cungreasriian had said that his personal Inclinatlona and aympaUdes “were and now a ie" wltJi the former Mayor.

T o o i h T j i l k b y W o o d l i a r ] f


P L A T E • N O -

Dentistry That LastsThe enduring roonaea plate, (o be

had nowhere elae bu t here, beautiful and natu ra l appearin g teeth w ithout a roof above them, perm itting fuR enjoyment of food and iU dalriGeet flavor; alaya In place nil the time; doi'M not ir r i ta te gum s: eiiahlea m ai- licatlon of tougheel beef, tho b iting off 11 f lg a r end or h atuUt of celery. A ihie tr ib u te to the

N ew W o o d b u r y W a yFull Seta of I 'e r th .................... Wi.OOtioFd ^'run'vn, k a r a t ........ . u»00r;«iid F i i i i n a s ..................... i.o<iiipsilver ............................................ up

. \ | | work guai'iintoed 15 years. All exiracil(Aji painless and teeth re- pkieed the ettnie day If wanted-

llours, SvNH to 7 P. M. Sundays. 10 A. M. lo 2 P. .M. Open Baturdaj’i. D A. M. lo 9 P M.

Nothing but the beat m alcrlal used. Germ an apuken.

W oodbury D enta l O fficesNote 781 Broad St.No Ot ti«r l.'ouu ret Lon

loloFatlg'B Drug Htoire for Our Eutraoee



buHrd.Mr. Fay had conducted a hotel and

rrelatirant. »t FireL ami Trum bull S treets for a ln g c r "aclory w orkers for iimuy yearn. A t his deulh he was the ow ner of i oafe ut 331 1‘Trst alreet. He w!ia f if ty years oUl and Is aiir- \ i \e d hy a w idow and three children. The Glty t'oiiiicll will fill hln place on the Frcciiolrjer Board.

JO H N A . FTTZPATRICKHGRu KKaV, March 30.-^The funeral of

Joivn A, Fitxptttrick, a clerk in the local lax oil fee, will l»e held \Voduenday morn- ItJK. from Our Lady of Grace GhAirclp. In- tcTinenl will he in l!t>ly Niime Cemetery.

Mr. Fita)>alrick, who was twenly-neven years old, died yelnerday ;nornlng at his iii>nie. iill WUluw Hveiuie. He iiad long HAiffcred from tiiherculbals. Taken III

i About AilghtT’cn munthB ago, he went lo Ubcrly, N. Y.. In search nf health- At T hrlslniHR he returned bcu»ie fur the hn|

FoDtimont, huvcvvT cm the }ii*lb"r.*ica- | and suffered a severe relapso, slnc-c tirn was far from unruuino i.-- i whii-h time he had been confined lo the.t'OUiifU, th'^ V- ••• I ng Ihrr-, l- i v .s with T-ne u- tule | Pl i«ii nut s'M Pig. ‘Jlie coiii'.i-ilmcn whu '.uiod in favur uf the reenluilon ascit Lawrence Imy, W illiam G. Hadgicy. chairman of tin fM d commlllee, yiul I’pny H. l/im .

house.\ In ren t B. Clark.

SpCtitit f^crvhr uf thf /■.U’f .I.'HATIIAM. Mfirch "H.—Vincent H.

Cturk tlkd S :iiurdiiy ntfiht Dl hi* homeboar who uppurcij it su*rc Jamea.l in I’uhshk nvenue.- He Uail been 111 for

W bitton and W'cBlcy jj. GoijkMn Goi.n- i iwu ycaiS- Mr. I 'h irk waa •-sevoiiiy- cl1ni4>,n Ja u F t Ma«iE*T failed li> M.te. * three y t;ira of age and w-tlh horn In

After the vote %aa «nn«.nmie.d May., declared thnl tlie cuuju.l AYA iUd ;

I'CitTet Us dccl-H;i-n, Tiirn* is <n ji-cii.iii i b> propxMly owners ^lionii v\ aaliiiiT-on ! avenue to the increHard lu'.uiu.

W A R N S O F FAKE PEST INSTRUCTION 11;,;,'JI3KHGY CJTV. Mitrch :ii.i. -,Hui»erin

tSlTdent AVilllnm ItchAney of th e Ihm son t'ouMiy Moa<jidio i;.\i(>rni1nEY(lcn >\tl1Comnilssloii lod.i> IbhugaI a Htatemcni ! froni SI^varnilig cUPieiis uf |li*r cuutAl)' ;Agii1ii.‘»t \ .P tiinttlKIng *'f4tkt vx;i itiliiHl luMM fur tlir pu • j nf| vi ile.aitlon of mosijiiiio limpcctur.”

"In tiie d:tily ]mpt rs h»1el\,*' h;i Ii1 Mr. Dehmey. ”urlvcrliH<’mt ula h.i\<ibeen |>rli»ted uherehi It wus Dfinird that ^XAmliiatlou fur GtP iiopiitlmi of iaioh- <tUitO inspector \y.,ity kooii U> 1>e iirlri and i o ffering lo glv«- insiruciiunH aufl h liin to ry 'o r Hie lift of tlnv mo.s<|Uilo. all o f w hich wouid Ilf mulled ut.-ui ro'- caliri of $1.

"Anybody whu netula a Aloll ir fur iitc 'JltSitruclloiirt' will never any I'IaonaI- cd fc of till- inoau-iiui exA-pjit to rcallio tiu u , he has been 'alunis.' ”

S]H’ingflohl. He .'wu o lo th li sectloiTwhen II >Opng man alul followed llift orcupntlon c f a iiiinw rlghl uiitil his lYcnUI f.iil 'd. F o r fc num ber nf yr ir . i , lie WM* u JuHtiA’'« o f the iKiicr In both I L'JiatliHin n n r M adliun, A whk-w. Iwo 'nA'gtiterfl Aliuy nnd H<leii, i*ml four

Kui M.'iir. V incent. Hf rb*-rl, and Ga (U ge, s j r \ iv p him. He also l''a \eH iw o

At»l4'n D, llehlitigftI Anloti D, Rehling. wh<j was a resident i of Grange for fifty year*, died yeaUr- " rlay a i the home of his son, Hr. Marlin

Rehllng. I'FJ Fast Sistietii street. New York where he had lived for two yearw.

f He WHS sGvnly-nlne years old, and had ‘ Liccti In falling health for several months I iJealdcLT Hr. KehMng he ia survived by 1 ano ther son. Anton Rehling and a Uaugb- 1 tf-r. Mrs. 1't.rd‘(uirid Hasper, both of Gr- I angc. He wrs a mcmi'er of John F.

Morse. I,edge No. 183, I. G. O. P. 1'kmeral * spfvlce« w ill lie held in the F irs t Gerntan

Fresttylerlan I ’hurch, tirange, tomorrow afiernooii, and will he conducled by Rev. Dr. Ilennaii Onihncrt. the pastor. The in term ent will he in Uoseijfile Cemetery.

I Mrs, FMee .Ackerman,! F’’rom Infirinllles hicldont to iidTaTicCAl

age, Mrs. i'Jilcn Ackerman died t«»duv a t the homo of her daughtir, Mrs. Samuel W estervelt, uf is'i W ashington street, Hloumftold. Mr*, .\i krnuan was r. g h ly ihroe years old. and had lived In the s u b ­urban town I'raollctilly all Ijer life Be­side Mra. Wf.stervelt, she is aurvlscd by

I four other children —Willianh John and j Theron .Ackcnutin and Mrs. I)ft\ld Puw'ol- I son. Ft4neritl aervIcoA will be cnniiurlcri

a t th e l>oinc of Mrs. Westervelt tomorrow evenins by ilevx J. Ullu Winner. Inter- monl will 1)0 made a t Bloomfield Ceme­tery ,

Mr«. Ilulpert L. Ilcibh.Mrs. Alla l5t.UHit Muhh. widow of Rob­

e rt H. Guhli. died Haturdav' niglit at tho hume of her t«>n VMIllani W. Randolph. 14*> ITonprct rtlvcct. Kaei Grangf i^he waa scsenty-lw d years "hi arnf had been ill for f i\c inunll).-’. Mrs. Robb's home) w as In King Ueurge’s Gminly. Vh.. jn d (ihe was 4i member of the H\>iiihern So­ciety uf the nranses. She v As twice

i nfarried. her firnt luisband Lnuiig ihe late

IApNHON, March .10.--T ito .Mallei, the noted Ualtaii planiHl. coitipoBer anil cen- Aluetui*. died here today, l |r was born jit yampnhufifli', near Naples, in ISH.

Mattel was liie composer nf ‘‘Maria Hi Gaud” and other operas. He was planbJ to th«' King of Itali and wrote many pop­ular balladn and Aongp.


D R . EGBERT L E FEV RE.NKU‘ YOlilv, March 3(1,—Hr. Fgherl

T.C Fes re, dean uf (he Medical School of Nc'w York I nlvcpstly stne t ISIS, died to­day from Bc&rlet fever. He was bom in lx.'.i a t Raritan. N. J.. and was educated al Rutgers r«llege and a t the New Yurk I ’nlversity Medical School, where he be­came a membbr of (he faA.'u]Ly In 1SB8.

i<ririf r uf t h f VJvh e’.NKVV YORK. March 3fi —.\nm ng Ihe

wilneKSGa who loA>k Hyc stand at police headAiUH-rtera lodu.y at the reHUniptlou of Ihn tr ia l of formei' Police liiapcciur .JaiTTHH Gillen, I’ow redui-ed lo h cap- U iiicy. on the ehargcH of falling to HUppresa ro.soi is in the "Id ''lendcrlo ln ’ d istric t, was I’ririce TMerre Trinjhetakoy. 4Mt iirlis l. The prince H kI iuHo la al r>3 W est T h irty -n in th .Htrcet. near a JiuImI which \V4ia'alleged (a> Imvc flouri.shed w ithout itiierference of the police,

PHiicc ’I’rouljetHkoy la llio huahand of .Vmelfa Rl\cn, wlione name Is fa in^hir in l i u r a r v and art rin'lew. Tho aril.'^l Haul ih o l dljrhig'Uho five years ho had li\od Jn llio nei^liborliuod he hail <‘T*mplaln*'d

frc-iiioTiHy to the landlord. William F., ropjardlng the hotel

‘I'here M,ern about twenty-five wltnesfiCB at the LiJul SAimitTAmed by the proseiU- lioi) lt« flln>w 1h«l tiF' aceuHod |ioU'Ximan should huve been A-ugnlrant of tho leged churaeler of the hole!.

Sick HeadBidie, •' wiir stouai'to, <;aa. Urealby 4Iran Liver noil lluvfel*

.\eccl C'le«naliigft





iMi-. a.nd Mrs. Higble Smith of 14 iTofipcei street, V’aat LTafigc. w1ll*cii- Icrtatii tlifc evening a t the ir homo a t a family dinner In honor of iheir d augh­ter. ST-I.HS Erlnii Mary Bmlth. whoso eri- gagcnienl is aTinuuiiccd to Bteuben Butler M urraj’ Jr. of Germ antown, Pn. Covers will be laid for fourteen. No dale Is set as yet for the Wi^tldirig. Mr. M urray 1* a Princeton g raduate in lln> class of '09.

.MIsa A.Jellne C lark, dau g h te r of Mrs. .Norman F. Clark of Wilcox avenue, Kant Orange, will be m arried ort the afternoon of AprR 9 lo Kugenc R utner- ford D h v Ib of Jersey CUy. The inar- riage will lake place a t 5 o'clock In the Jlyde f*ark lieform ed Church of FJaai (Fange, Ihe form er pastor, Rev. F rederick B I^uUan, officiating. MIm G ladys Blake and Miss Alina H. S trana- iiaii of ]']u9t Orange, wdlL a ttend the bride The boat man will be John W aldron of Jersey CUy, and the ushers will be Andrew Bender of New York and Miigciifl Mahoney of Je rsey CUy. Tho bride will be given In m arriage hy her grandfa ther, Jacob N. l>own£ of Newark. The couple will live In Je rsey CUy. Mlsa BeatHce F ranckc of 15 VMlcox avenue, East Ofangp, gav'c u

WASHINGTON March H).— Mujor- (iCTK’rftl J. Franklin Bell will turn over i'(unmHnd of Ihu I'hilUpplne dlvLsh.ui tu .Mujor-Gencral Barry April ITi, and, re­turning to the riiUcd StiUCH via BIIhtIm and E'jjropo. will have R nmnih's leave of absence befurn taking up ids now nsslgn- m rnt aa commander of the Central I'e- partm enl, Willi hcHdijuarterB Hi Cliicajiu. Hnwever, hi* elay In ciiicagu probably will be short, un he also has boon aa- al#,'iie4l to i-oinnmiid of Uyc second di\ l- blon. with hoadiiuartera a t Texas City.

The prehcnl plan Ih th a t General Bell will rellevH Riigadier-General Funston HH corumaTider uf the Second Diviskin and General Fumrion's fm ure aanignmenl In H m easure drpenda upon wlio is aeleeted fo r ohief of staff when Major-General Wood retires April 22.

If General Tasker II. Biles, comniand- ing ihe cavalry division of the SoulTicrn Departmenl, is sclented, Gcnernl Funaton will takfi command of the cavalry di- %lsion; ‘Otherwise he will remain aa a brlgada tom inander In the Southern De­part ment.

From the TTfuftiapJon Bureau of the tVK.V- ISH

W.ASHINGTON, March 30.—Congreaa- man Fiart of the Sixth New Je rsey Dla- tr lc t explained th is m orn ing th a t he w as busy w ith com m ittee w ork and had hot y^t hud lime to read cu rcfu lly the opeiY letter of Rev. H. H. lioech, a t ­tack ing him on the groiiurJ of hia aup- posed a ltitude toward the T'hlll)psburg, N. J., iiostinuBtership. t ie said th a t from a cursory fxum lna lion o f the le t­ter he had <llscovored no th ing th a t dif- ferod csBenHally Irom th e jillegalionB made hy tl»c m inister In h is uermon of two weeks ago yeslenbiy.

The L’ongreasnian Muld th a t th e IcLlcr from Mr. Lce<^, which did no t reach him until th is m orning, appeared to bo devoted largely to Mr- H a r t 's le tte r in reply to Hm eenimn. He m ade jiq in ­tim ation us to w hether or not he would reply form ally tu the p as to r’s a ttack

lift a 10 '.'eiii P'lx MOW.Sid odd> h"Yv hud yoiir liver. eUMiiach or

bowels; h«>w ui"«'lv your lifad tuhes. heir mlBimlilo and iincoinfortalde you are from (on^dpuli^ni, lridtg«N<)nn, ttllluusYieMs and HbitTgisli l>t>wrl»—you a)«. 4iysi get the do- alml refsulis wiG*- cawcareiH,

DcmT I®1 your stotiuuh. live)' and bowels make you lulweraWc. Take Uaiicareiii lo- nlfibl; pvil uTi ond to tli*’ headache, bll- louwursfl. UlKaiiJoK*., lurvuij.ihi-B.s, ali'k, Bour, gasHy iroimu.b, hHcltHvbe und all vlh^T dla- ircuu: clrunafl your InaPJe urganru of all L’lie, gH»eu atui coinillpuled inalt<.< id produrlng the ml»i«ry.

,\ tO-f*-ni hoN, means hcallh. liappinoai Hir'd a idrar lioad for mohihs. No nu>r« du>B of elciOMi and dlsircsa If you will lake H CuHruret now and then. Ah drug- giHin Bell Caararete. DidAT furgrt the ciilG dren—their IllLle liiHldva need a gcfltlB vJtan?ing. tco.^Adverilaemenl.


SPE C IA L E L E C tlO NE’er Commission Forpi of Govern­

ment, -Town of IrvingtonUllF,KR-^S, Twenty (*40) per crotum t»r

more of the vvlers at the luyi General Klrr- tion for Member* of tho tipuenil .\iw»emruy In tlic Town of Irriagton. in K«*ex t.'oiint^i N. J.. iiave i>etltlAn«d for a Klee-tion, for (hr adoption nr (he rejertion by the town of IrvLngtnu. in the rounty of Es- itex, aforepuiid af the nrovislon* of *b net of IBH entitled. "An Art relating to. regn- Iflting and providing for the govemment of HilfN, (ownw, l»orouglih and other niuttle- ipalltirH within (111* State." .,

\(>U. TIIKRKFOHK, J, Mahlon Stoek- inan. elerk of the town of Irvingioa. do hereliy gUe notii'e that m 8rE('IAI. ELEC- TinV will be held in waid town on

Tuesday, April 7th, 1914


.MI..VNTA. March 30.-“ The case of [..ton M. Frunk, the pencil factory t*u- prrlniejident under .sentence of death fiw the murder of H-year-i>ld Mary F'haKan, WHH iJlficuHHed here yesterday a t the 1‘or- tlcth district cimvenRun of the tiido- JYcndCYYl LJrder of B’Nal B 'R lth. David R. Stern of Grecnaboro. N. dofondiiiK the convicted mun. said;. "When ope cati cry from the gates "f

death that 'The tru th is on tho march;' when I know’ that our leader haa such ideals as hla heart dictates, I have no croaslngfl to anfi fro in my mind as to the trend of justice In th is country of ourd."

sSinco ills ronvirlion I'Tarik haa t»een re-elected head of the local B’Nai B'Rllh lodge.

J of rilnhm avenue went to towh line; fallow Y|"1town line to centre) uf Klmwood averuje;

follow centre Line uf ICItmvood avenue lo Springfield Hvenu*; fallow conlr* line of Springfield avenue to Park avenue; follow ■ eiilre line of Park avenue tn Union iivenue; fiitliiw i-enlre tine of L'rdoa avenue to ClliUoti Hveiii]*. west.8ECO.M> UIHTRK'T—ML I87D 8FR1MG-

1TELR AVENLK.Boundary line. Second DIatrIct—Begluidn^

IftO feet westerly from the westerly line <»'Stuyveiiant avenue and Springfield avenuei

i-entre line of SprlngflelH avenue to



, t ’llN find I'ovindl Bluffs Inen shower and bridge party a t h e r j t,, polla in Ric

bi-oihers. Jo l n I ’htrK of .\fton uml f W. Fiandnluh Srl<l,‘,nl'..s n „ r l ; <,f I.lvlllBStOft. Tl,,, f'l- I ,„u rt, t'’’<.'UrU Cftilnty

t»-' hrJd tom orrow iifienmoA'i’hc body will

\ ' a. , sKhere’ser-

I liu rc h . 1

f'f/rt i'lJnc^a

CONFIRM ED AS POSTM ASTER(/"" HuiTtm .uf Ihe L \ r \ -

fUfJ .VLTFS.WASHINGTON, Murrb 311.—The fioin*.

Inatlon of !dwf^r i■. Tirlnbnck ua pouG m as te r ut .short iiilla has lieen con- firm ed by the Semiie.

Mr, Tldftbiick haa rpc*i\'cd u iHf^- g ram from .Sminlora IhiDjhfM wniJ MhI'- IJ»6 am iounchig the ••onflrmalion. He w aa one uf seven cuitdhhilfa for Die pos i t ion .

C««a In Cur KIHm MlnUter’n Non,BiiAlKSTOWN, March -jii. — Ktiv liJaao

>f. Gondlt. pastor uf tho Yellow Frame Presbyterian •.‘hurcli. haa received waril flioni hi* eon. George t'omllt, wlio waa t»ent to Grand Rnpidy. Mh-h. afler tlie body of hla brother Jamcit. tha t the latter d:ed in a hupplta! from the effects of fum es from a charcoal etove In the re­frigerator cae tn which he was r ’dlu^. The Iwdy will be burled In tho Veilotv l''raiiM Cometery,2V


CASTOR IAFor l&fiuiU and CUldiea.

T k i KIm I YD oH an Always BoughtB w th*


]‘nu1 a I’ft|)l800]iali '\N'. v.iiY Ingen. iTcUjr. will I Buriul will be l?i Springfield ]

rucct'i-N>lrN. John Henordy.

I I i v f uf t h f y I .WS .WOOD. Maii b 3d.—After an ill

f 5f*vcn Mr*. Mary .lnn«2 tKfumerjy. f Ighty-fmir yoRi s old. dlfil ^al- t

j urdny at Ihc rcablcnc** uf her daughter, [ Mrn. JnliM 11. FJccho. whicii harl been the \ j .Kermoily liuincHteRd for the laal forty j

I yi;arft. Mrs. Kennedy was i'uriiterly Miflfl ; ' Armstrun;;. of New lirmiswlck, and i I nuirrh^fl John Jveimedy ylMy-flve years | I agu. Mr. Keiinedy «hed about ten years ! ' Ah’o. Tlirer ilauKhter* and h *on *ur- |

\lvc, aw ^ull'l\^s: .\lra. Bcelie, Mra. .KnnleAiarhuMi’ll. wife v t Andrew MacDowell,

I uf Sprin t Lake: Mrs. !•]. J. Ha\Ison, a widow, of Jersey City, and Thomas Ken- iicily of Spotswooil, The funeral will be held from Ili4* realdeiKfi a t 2 o'clock YVcdnrwiay .afternoon, and later from the Methodist church.

life* .\r ta r AppendfcHlN Operadon. BKANGHVILLL', Mar-'h 3h.—Follow-

ing an i»perai1on for apiiendlcllLs, per- f(»nm'd Wednesday. Geur^’e L. Kymcr, fiiurtci'n years y1<l, son uf Mr. and Mrs. C^eorRo Kymcr. of \ ‘ike1•t^^vn, died yes- terday, Resides hi* parcuta he la sur- vRcil by a aF ter who Uves at home Tho fjiieral will be holti al 1:31.' o'clock \\ erini'sday afternoon al the home of his parents. Interm ent will lie mad» In the Frankford Rlain.4 i.'emetery.

Mrs, K lisaheni Bnyd.4<|!»iriftif Krn’he uf (he .VLH'jS.

K (jrK A \\ AY, Marrh 3D.—Mr* EliEt- hath Hiiyd. elKlit.' -sftvon yftars ftid, widow of William Boyd, died at her home In South Main stree t last night from ptieu- nioiilH after a week s iilnesB. A aUter in Brooklyn ho* been notified and will make arrangcmviiU for the funeral. Mrs. Boyd Ihed in Rockaway about s ix ty , year*, li^ide* her slater she Ib aurvlvdd by a grand-da uifhtcr, .Mrs. Maild. Cahipfleld. and a son-in-law, Wiliigiii Fi Uryaif.

WUIlaiH H. PIsber.ISpetifif KrrrJfr of the SBVti.

WAKH1NGTON. N. J.. March 3b.— William H. Fiabcr. seventy-three years old. (Red Saturday near Anthony, after a long lllnesa frrinn Intestinal trouble. He leave* a widow and several children, one of wtiont la George \V. Fisher, the miDur at Penwelt. Tluk* funeral .w-IJI l*e IiebJ at hia Imnie at 1D:S0 o'clock Wednesday morninfi. Rurlal will b« m the iUcaauni Gro^g Cemelery,

vl)^e« win be held lumorrnw Hfternuon a ttlic Old VhapH Fometerv.

Mr*. Mary Mliaw,IMrs. Mary Shaw, wfduw uf .\n thony

Shaw, w as fuiind dead a l her home, 2?(Y John street. Harrison, nn ,Saturday n ig lit. Death raid tn have beendue lo heni-l irouhle. Deputy t'o u n ly Rhyuiclan Henry Allcra Frranted a h iirla l pernvii. The funera l will be held from tho Fhnroh of Ihe Holy G ross on Wertne»i!uy m nnilufi a t 9 o ’clock, when a hl«li masH of requiem w ill he offered. Interm ent will be tn th e Gomeiery of liie Holy Wepulchre.

Thomas Murphy, ”j h 'ollow ing an operation, Thomaa ' M urphy, sixteen years nl«i, of 26 W ash- I Ihftton street. H arrison, died y esterday

111 tho Boat-G raduate H ospital, F o u rth av en u e nnd Tw entieth s tree t. New

The Changing Age

home Saturday afl«rnoon In honor of Miss I'lark. The hostess wna asaieted hy \i*'r mother, Mrs. F. W. F ranckc und her slater, Ml«s Gladys F'ranckc. The decorations were In pink and w hile ITIiscs were won by Mias G er- ffude Hund, Mrs' A rihur Jcnk lna and Miss Adelliif i ’Lirk. Tho oihe.ra p res­ent were Mi*s. Dliarlen A. Olmalead of Newark, Mlsa M. Klrdsall and Mrs. G. Hirdsall of Jensey l.'lty, Mrs. N or­man rifirk , rnothor of the guest of hoiiur: Mrs. F ranklin Woodward, Mlsa 4H.’tr|>s Blake, Misa Maud Hund. Miss Almn Stranshnn, Mias Blanch lil^-kcr- *OM, Miss Blanche Jumlaon, Mias E dith Bhane, Mias l^thcl Brownell and Mias I'o ro tliy ytout.

Miaa Florence Auatin of HUlaSde av e­nue. West Uratige. w as gueat of honor FjiiunSay a l a luncheon given by th e Misfica Lllhatt and Anna O liver of 63 Taylor slrcel, Newark. Mlsa Austin, who Is a senior at Ml. H olyoke College. Irt spending the sp ring vacation nt her home, where Hhe will en te rta in tomor- row nfiernooh. Among the guests of the Misaea 'd iv e r were Mias Helen A us­tin , Miss Marlon Fondit. Miss Bosalle Gluck, Mlsa Ruth Davis, Mlsa A lfretm H arlc, Mies Vera Harle. Mis# M artha Hannoch und Mrs. I^eo JuHue.

DTlK MOIM'JS, U.. March 30.—Mu- nh'ipal nloctlons were hold today In sev­eral cities nf lowB. thft chief Interest bc- in t in il. ' contftflLfl a t Dcs Moines, Hioux

Many votejs cities, well iSuclallsl can-

SAVANNAH. March 3Q.—Scores of per- anna yesterday w^atched F ra n k M, R egister of thi.s city clim b a tree directly In the rear of tlic c ity ja il here and propose marriHge tu Mlsa Zeta Mai- luck, K girl in tho jail.

R egistar whm accepted.There are nd charges a g a in s t the girl.

; who Bimpiy Is being held u n til aho can I be restored to her parents.

ANNOUNCES S E N A I l CANDIDACYas 111 Uiirlituituu. where the dldatuii were accepted.

Mn.iur J. II. Hanna of l»0fl Alolnca. cumliflalc for rc-decLion, had fur his o4#-i poiHuil Zell R. Rf'O, who fts police com- niisR!< ner In 1911, during the street car

1 strike, 'refused tu pbrtnU policemen tu I mun carfl operated hy fllrlkc-breakcrs. Me , ia (he candidate of some of tho labor I unions. ^! In Ctiunrll Bluffs. Mayor Thomas■ Muhuipy, Dcmucrat. ran for a fourth , term. Dr. M. B. Bnydcr, Rcpublicatb wa-a, hiH oppiment.

rO lA ’MUUH, ind.. .\lurdi 30.—Tlueh T. Miller, furnmr 1 Joulenant-Goveruor uf Indiana, announced today tliat he <would be a csndldato fur tho Kepuhllcun nojnlnation fnr'United Ktalos flenalur be­fore the Republican • B th w convention lo be belli at loillauapoila April 22 and 2.3. Mr. stiller was ejci-icd tu the Lsglslaturc In 1002 ami was elected IJmiienant-Gov- ernor In 1904. In 190S lie sought tlio Flcptihlican nomination for Governor, but was defeated by .lames ll. M’atson.


N'FW YORK, Marcli 30.—tJndftr supftr- visl‘,ri of offloftrs of the Kast .SIdt Pro- leeli.ft Aeaocialiftit. ID,000 jovenlle po- h m nen started today to Rive the Kast (Side a spring elean-up.

I'Mlea will he awaited whorever found, Janitora will t e told to keep flra escapes clear and smokere will he advised not to throw cigarellea on pavomenta or on Ihe floor., of factories or hontea.

G irls and boys from 14 to 19 years o f a g e undergo physical changes which tax their strength to th e utm ost and the strain is always ap p aren t from pale checks, calories* lips, and t i r r f bodies—sometime) cniprions of the 'ik in and the utter lack of the ambttioii and animation with which t h e i r younger years were 6tled.

B u d d in g into womanhood and man­hood,with Iheduties of school or buiinesa, demands concentrated n o u r i s h m e n t which is readily conc-ertible into red blood corpuscles, energy and strength, and the very best thing Tor this changing age i t the’medical nutriment in S e ^ 's E m u l­sion—it possesses the rare blood-making properties of cod liver oil in a predt- geste i fon ti; hypophosphites fo r th e nwrvnua s^ ste tn .'m h the h t^ itift, tooth­ing qualities oi pure glyoeilne.

Its nourishing force promotes aiainula- tion, yields direct returns dn abandant,

I red blood, fills hollow cheeks, tones the ‘ herves, makes all good food do good,

and does it in a natural easy manner.The sustaining nourishment is Scott's

Btnulsioa is so helpful to th is changing age that it should never bo neglected— every druggist has i t

iH lt gaott» gQwae, w asi let*. K.).


by i?aa pouring from an open valv*, George Victoria, f ifty -one years old. w as found dead on tho floor of hla room at 316 Park avonuOs th is morn- Inif. D eath Is believed to have been . due to an accident.

V ictoria waa last heard g^olng lo his room la te U al night. I t la thought he I turned off th« gas a f te r preparltig for bed, and then unconsciously turned U on again. The body w s* »ent to Volk's m orgue.

Nevrarker rsasea KaaBlDStloa.tSamuel Sokubhi of ID Ukhm und

s tre e t has received word th a t he imssed th e civil aervJcc tea t for a tudenl In­te rp re te r In th - consular service, with a ratiJiM uf 80.63 per ueiiL The exam ­ination wa* held In W ashington. It is said th a t young HeHol»Tn la the otilv Jersey candidate tu be auccesiiful. He Is u graduate o f B arringer High ,Schou1 and haa sp«*nt two years a t Oornelt,

FreqneaC Clffeader F laed Again.Arrested a score o f times for being

drunk, Nlclmlaa Verkeran, a carpenter, of UTiliilm street, OraEtgo, was this morning fined $10 for hia latest apreo. Verkeran lu one nf the mnat frequent and ItipfeenwKive visRorK the Orange police have* in -varlibjy bfrjw yt bM tlM .

Show th« greatest varj* e ty of reliable Jewelry, Inclk'diRE the best th a t is produced.


iipo'ifif Sfrvive of Ihc yF.WS.WAFHINGTON. March 3fl.—Ilunband

in tliR iiftnlt^Tillary. her children in an oriJianage, homelftHfl, hun«ry and penni- ]e*a. Mrs. Katlirrlne Hurke awaltowed bichloride of mercury. On her cot In tho Lmorgcucy Hoaplta! she Icalay prayed the dodorfi tu let her die In peace. >

fiilloky . ------ ---- -. - ,.....„ . _ .Elniuiood Hvetiue; folkiw centre Hue of El 13 uml (iveiiuQ to town line; fullow to«'n line lu I'enire tine nf Halate&d avenue; follow iiPTitro line of Hulslebul avenue l«> IDO feet vveHlrrly from tho ue.ilerly line of Hlu.wet)- ent avenue: follmv » line 100 feet ivet-terly from ihe vveelerly line of Hluyves-aiil ave­nue In HpringriHiJ avenue. riniH ) IMhTKirr—fSOlTIlEAHT rORNKR o r PAKK AM> KTrVVKNANT AVENl'ES.

Uouiidary line. Third Dlstrli-t—HeKinntu* lOrt foei ueeterly from tlie wentorly line of. t'luyveiiant avenuft and Wprliigfkld avenue; fullow a line too foel weaterly from the wfMtorly line of Siuyvenant iivenue tu the ceiitrft line of tlulhtead avenuei follow cen­tre Hue III HulelPHil avenue (o tun n tine; follow town line in cenlre of I'Ond leading to Fonnet'tlcm fotlow cenlre Hrte ofruiiil leading to Comiecllcnt FariiiK to Un­ion d\enui»; follow cenlre line of Uujon nve- nue lo i*iirk avenue; follmv oeiHro line of Park avenue lo 10D feel weateriy from the weBlerly line of ^ luyveHant avenue.


AVKNL'K.Houndsry Hue, DiPlrlol—B-pInulng

al a centre line of Springfield avenue iimj Union Hvenite; follow centre IJii of Spring- field avenue to South <;rove alreel; •.follox* ventre tine of Houtb Grove wireet to Collng# Dlreot; follow cenlrR Mna of Oullage Hlreek lu Union Mvetnje; follow cciilre Hue of Union nvftruie tf» Springfield Hve. fjBCOMU DISTHlf'T^NO. 921 CLINTON

AVEMK.Boumiury line, SecomJ Dletrlot—Reglnnlng

Hi liie centre line of Springfield avenue and rtniith Grove atreel; follow centre line of ypringfleltl avenue to < lty line; foltow city

To K ntertaln i 'o a l^ a t WlnnerM.As R result of an attendance conleal

which vaa won by the Bible SUidenla' League of the North Orange Baptist Church, Hic mcmlit^ra qf tho league wilLbe entertained tonight a t a suotal by lha quoBtlon dasfl of the Bunduy-school. Ad- dresBCfl will be given by Rev. Dr. Arthur Thofnaa Fowler, the pastor, tend Rev. Dr. Daniel H unt Clare, paator of the Hawthurnc Avenue Baptlal Church, E ast Orange. The program will also Include contralto aoloa by Mias F rances Ingram and I'Ciitations hy MIbs Sarah H agar. At the dose of the entcrtalnm atit refreah- fnunts win ho served.

Vaudeville a t Bfjoa T h e a tK ."Baby Ann,' a child entertainer, will

be the headliner on the bill a t the Bijou Theatre, Orange, for the firs t half of tile current week. Colten & Boulden, “planu wizards,” will bo followed by the one- act playlet, “The Telenhunc Girl,” In which Jane Dam & Co. wUl be presented. The Three Lesters will bo seen In thelf flying acrobaGc attmts, while the Parisian Trio will give a musical act.

Clogged Kewer MrfondN O ile r s . ;i,Th.e itukm;a<*w*r a l IJncoJii avenue nnd Mechanic s tree t, O rnnge becAfne clogged up yeaterday and ce lla rs In the neighborhood were flooded. The police notified the sew er d ep a rtm en t and the catch basin was cleaned.

rrlea(^a Faflier Ht.Rev. Edward M. Farrell, aaslstant rec­

to r of the Church of Our Lady Help of Christians, East Orange, w as called yes­terday to hl« hume in N orth Adaoig,

whara hia f tth c r t# M riouiiy lu.

Hue lo cfiitre lin<* of Cotlose atreul lu South klfovt- wtreel: fullow centre Hue uf South i,:rnv* str*«t lo Hprlngflelil iivemi^.THIKO m STRKT—WOITHWKKT CORNBR

<»F I.TON A IE M K AM) CHESTER AVENEBft cBoundary line. Third DlMlrlct—Beginning

the centre Hue of Cottage *tr*et and I'nlon iivonue: follow centre Hue ot ('oUngo j-lrf^t to town lino to ceniro line of roHd Ir-Hiitng if> ConnevltcMt Parm« to IJnhM) ave- mie; follow t'nnriHftlicut Fsrjuu road to Vn- lun avenue lo <'’ottaifa *lre<*l.' ft-.........TH1BDAIAJU).........FIRST IHhTKICT—NO. ’960 NPEINGFIKI.D

AVENtK.Bounrlury line. Flrwt WBlrha—Beginning

10ft frft wcxterly fnmi the westerly lino of l.InrJeii Hvenu* M Ollnlon avenue, w‘'«l: fnl- Itin ft line l«ft feet wettteriy fr<mi tha wofti.. erly Hue of Linden avenun to Iho loan Hn«: follow the town line to the centre line of Speedway uvonue; follow centre line nf Kpeeilwav aveniin to EoHex County Speedway; follow coiitre line of Kener Coutiiy Speed­way to Springfield avenue; follow centra Una of Springfield avenue lo Clinton nve- nne went: ruHow centre line of C’Hntun avn- niie vvoet. iq too fuel westerly from Itis westerly Una nf TJnden Hvenue.&ECOND DISTRICT—NO. 44 CLINTON

AVJENtE, (VENT.Boundary line. Sennnd Dij’lrirt—Beginning

lou feet wftrtterly frojp the we.starly Mna of Undati avenue, follmv h line lOfl feet west­erly front the weal'rly line of Linden ava- mjB to the lott-f) line; follow town line to ilie centre line of (-‘Union avenue, weal; fol- lo'tf centre lino uf ('’lluton avenue, west, to 10ft..f«el westerly from the westerly Ihia oC LInJen nvemie.t h ir d d is t r ic t —n o . 7M SCRINriFlfiiai

VEN VEiBoundary line. Thinl District—Beginning

at the centre line of Springfield Rverue and KHsex County Speedway; follow centre line of Springfield avenue to town Hne; follow town line to Eighteenth Kveiiue: follow centra Hns of Hilghleenth Hvemie to South Grove atreea; follow centre Mne of Berniird terrace to l5- jiex County Speedway; fullow centre line of Khhctc County Speedway to Springfield niie.


Bnujidary line. Fourth Dlwtrlcl—Beginning " el the centre 11m? of Eimex County SpeetlWay and Berimrd terrace; follow centre line o( Eei<ex County Speedway tn town line; fol­low town line to Eighteenth avenue: follniv i-entre Hne of tilghleenth itvenue lo ttouth Drove Ktreet; follow centre Hne of Bernard terrace tn Eiwex County Speedway.

Irvington. K. 4., March i$, 1»T4.MAHLON STOCKMAN.

Tun-ii Clevh.


C w tn itu d i


('□urn of liftt for I trafttliic tr«nq of .leflnitel; •-lilftfly f favored the lack I he ateu Intaraat.

B e an atubbom la f l wai tioualy. larre ly worked l l f h t ael

Fitat 1 lloal rae taae, but o f the fi ona-«lth1 A few ol Amerlcai caB Car point ea«

Standa the dive! exerclied movemei baker w I.oQli Bt fetred lo

Covtrl a iteadli th a dam any ,ta« W eakne glihnaei trlbu ted Itig pow

Effon ra lly bi ferlnga pricea urdeiB eharee i fu lly n and Ne'

Thft I I th ru a r vaueed < wettern waek'e i cooaplcii In the I

hetHftftn the heur. i.f d o'rlm'V ■!. M. end 7 e'rliM'b I'. *1.. In Ihe w .eral imlllnK plere* for (be tnuo of Irelnaton a . devlvneled be­lt, .v i


A< ENt K.DriOndurj Mfie. FkaL Dl.likL—fenlle lineti r,.v frt.iL'et lirt*- riiUretu ^

HEY KlDl—Bsrnutn it Btliel's dregs at th* ’ Uardi'D: tlrlrets txnifbt for ill Newark tad

New York iliowi; good serrlce; rsisooabla cIiargiB. leOltTON'S CUoQliiltug Ulinrya Mifiti irt.v Orange.

STtMVle.ATB fllgeetlve orgatiH, avoid hftad- ncher and roiiatipatlon by uhb of MangH«ite

Send POFi; Laboratory, South Orange, lL!c. (or sample.

LADTKit' straw end Panama hats, skilfully ra* modeled; why not have your oM babi rw

blochsdf GUERIN BROS.. fH MefP fL.

BlUVCt.ES—invrte. Ysis. Ivor Jo&Won, EcsiHih ,

NETha 1

mora ai market, Quotktlc tha Ne below;

A laikaAmal. I Am. Be Am. Cl Am. Ca Am. C. Am. Cl Am. H. Am. Vt Am. Sn Am. Sn Am. Bu Am. T. Am. To Am. To Anafton .itchlac Allan. ». A 0 Beth. ! Bat. StB. R. ' Cal. p Can. P Cen. L Can. LC. * C Chi.. G Chl.j 0c., kChino ' Col. F Con. Q Corn- 1 Corn 1 Del. & Diet. B Brie- . Brie, Oen. E Ot. No Ot. No GuR. ! 111. Ce Inter-I Inter-I I. Her Inter. LehlglM. P"< Miami Mo. P Nov. tN. Y. I N.T..N Nor. J Nor. 1 Eao. ■ P. lx)l Penn. Peo. ( Pitta, Pitta. Pr. SI Pull. : Bay I Readli Rep. 1 Rep. 1 Bock Rock Rume Seabo St. L. St. L Bean South South South Btude Tend. Te*. Te*. ■ Third Unloi Unioi U. R.u. s.U, 8.u. s. U. 8. r t a h Va.-cB'abeW ahlTVeeCWeatl



Am.ArrIBuctBerdBordB fit.CentCraaGateHaviHav. Moui Hou ]itt< I Man]TiOhiootiiOUaPrat

StanRtaiStarStaxSwaToh.Unt(VaciUbIIW ai



r^h lVnlTal



JjJliWAHK EVKNIKG NEWS. MONDAY. MABCH 30, i m . 115 ' * ■" ’w- S'fT ^


C u lru tu g Mofenenti i t Outset, and Lack of lotereM Docidet



I.E K M . KwcUnd, March R k— riv* tbouw ad owl ralnor* In th* York, shir* pit* laid down tli*lr tool* today.' demandlu* ih* Introduction o t a mini* m jin r a l t ot a**M . Notlcts hav* b«en banded in by th o u « n d i of miners who may qull work on Thursday,

'Hi* Miners’ Federation ot Great Brit­ain haa given Us Bupporl to the «trika and a long struggle la espsetod.. L ater in the day it was announced th a t an o th e r 100,00« m iners hud given notice to qu it werk, bringing ihe to tal to 170,000,

0 ba tiru l bout

full fleet hne; mas- Itlng lery.



ces■ tir 'iI tot


iisch or 0H. how re fPOm tis anU the do*I howels reiH lo­ne, btl- It. BOUP,her dts- all th«

r which

Hpplncvi ,n fuore iiu wiltII drug- Hr chll*


) No v e m -

llrr-nl.i • :ief’


M. and ijr (tlare*aira tro*

(iFIELDnlle Him i • ; fallow avemj^; enue to lino of

; fnllow avenue:

3 Cllnlot)

efiluiilnk f line of avetme;

venue to of tslm-

own line follow

]00 feet Hluyves- we^lerlx

tml ave-

thethelim:\it\gI of


:tlNTONIfglnulng *nue iiml f Spring- ■ 1; •follow ) CoUnge go Hireet of Union:l in t o >beginning 1 avenue litre line yIIow i‘ltyla l^outh

of SouthroR!>lEH:kter3egliinlnf reet and ( t.'oUiige

of roHd nioi) eve-.d to Un-


[ILINTIANSeginning ly Mne of eet we«i- idenn line to weal; fol-

went. to ly lino ofVGF]£ia>BegtmilTiig 'enue ond Lre line of Mow town entre lino ve 9 tre^’ me to ak- re line of field iLVO'SOUTHBeglnniny' Speedway re line of line: fol- i»e: follow to South

r BerBard14.MAX. n Cletk.

NEW TORK. M»r«h 30.—Tit.e uneven i'Dur«« of ■pMUlutfOii In th* BtCKk mat- he t fo r A tim « today reauUed tn con- trafttififf mov«m tnt«t bui ulUmat^ty th« trend of th e linportun t leeueB bocenie definitely downward.- Uioekb came 4-hlefly from profeseloneT trad ers who favored the Ih o rt eld* on account of the lack of tnveatm ent demand and the iteudy dim inution of ipecuUtW e Interest.

Beare n o verthele is remembered the Ntubbom rcBletance of the m arket on l i f t w eek 's decline and moved cau- tloualy. The general m arket w ib la rgely Influenced by Steel, which worked Lower bIowW on oomparakively l l f h l Belling. Bonds were easy.

F lf i t piiceB held close to ' last wesk e llaa l ra a te . There wae a good under- toise. but th«3 deiuaiid was light, and none of the favortltj shares moved more than on i-elfh th on the opening traneactlonB.A few of the epeclaltloB were kea Biahlo.American Tobacco fell two points. Ameri­can Car and Rtudebaker gained about a

'" ’ n X r d sb s rss ttuctusU d feebly * n i i ' a, ooft!!J HO ■ f«m-th* diverse course of various ipedsllles | Pork—Steedy, mess, i3.00®2J.M, f»m eierc lied no Influence on the general ' ||y , H.00#3fl.00; short clear, !0,S6OI-OO- movement. Canadian Pacaflc and Btude* | Beef—Quiet: meae, IM.OOfjlR.&O; family.


BOSTON, March SO.—Stockholdera ot the Boaton end .Maine Railroad today voted approval of the plan of the dlreo- tors for the sale of the road's holdings In the Maine Central Railroad In order to uhtein funds to rneet prssali« obllgkltonu. Thers wss spirited opposition by ■™eh siockhoiders, but th s vote was 3«).67S to


Stead, : apring palsnls, 4,*064-75; winter stralghte, 4.2064.35; winter patenti, 4,40® 4,75; sprltu; clears, 4.1004,25; es tra No. I winter. 3.5503.76; extra No, 2 winter. 3.3503.50.

Rains where needed In the Southwest, caused e slight decline in wheal th is

baker were alrong. Texas Company, Bl. Loqlt Bonthwestem and Union Bag pre­ferred loot considerable ground.

Covering of sh o rts g tv e the m arket a iteed le i’ appearance a fte r mlddiiy, but th e dem and wee too ligh t too produce any .ta s tin g itnprovum ent In values. W eakness of the oil group and slug* g ish n e n of investm ent shares con­tribu ted in reducing the general buy­ing power to nom inal pi'oportlons.

lENTSCOB i t tb»ewtrif bb4t«AM>OBblB


-old head' MBnoH«n.

angBe ii:c.

klifolly r»* I iMtB rwMifB tUe

I*.’ :

Middle W est, 10.65®

E ffo rts to acce le ra te the afternoon | Leather- ra lly b rought out stork , but tlieae of- | 2S®29.

19.1)0030.00 L ard—Steady

Pelroteunt—^Steady: refined New York bulk. 5,25; bbis., 8.75; cases, 11.25,

Molaeaes— Steady; New Orleans, open kettle. 35055.

H ay—Steady; standard. I.OO; No. I. 1.02’.*®!,55; No. 2, 95; No. 3. *0®90

Htdea—Steady; Bogota, 2916030',4, Central America, 30030 Vi


-Firm ; hemlock lets, 30; 2ds,

f*riogB w ere absorbed readily and prJcBB advanced fu rth e r as ouUide ordei^B began to (-ome in. Hallroitd aharefl and a c t iv e ‘speclaUlea recovered fu lly under loHdf-rshlii of Lehigh and New Haveiu wliich roae a point.

The m arket closed firm. The fostd F'abruary nhowtng made by St. Paul caused an IncfeaBCiJ demand for the May. 8.95: Sept w etterti aharee, wHlch ruae l^eyund last waelt'B final (IgureB. Amalgamated waa coiutiHicuoMBly atrung deaplte the pauae In the donieatlc demand for coppers.

Raw Sugar—Steady: molaasea, 2-30; centrifugal, 2.95; refined, steady; cut loaf, 5.05; crushed, 4.95; mold A, 4.80; cubes, 4.15; xxxx powdered, 4.05; powdered, 4.00; fine granulated, 3.90; dlkmond^ .5. 3,90; confectioners A. 3,50; No. 1. 3.6j .

Coffee— Rio No. 7. 9; futures, firm: 9.26.

Memb*r» o t th e N e * Y ork Cotton Exchange »r* getting Inured to a tte m p te d reguluUon of trad in g In th e s ta p le to t fu tu re delivery, and are. therefo re , no t espoclalty w orried over th e p rospect fu r the su -^ l1 ed S m ith bill fo r reg iita tlng trad in g In con tracU of th e v arie ty re fe rred to.

W hen w ord cam e F riday th a t th e bill had passed the Senate w ith o u t opposition on u viva to ce vote, th e re w as m od era te reaction in q u o ta ­tions for the s tap le , but no excitem ent.

T here w as a m u se m e n t th e next day when it was found th a t th e bill had been tem p o rarily held up and am ended In th e Senate a f te r all because th e sponsors fo r It f ra n k ly ad m itted it would perm it bull pools an d co rn erin g , and o ther S en a­to rs were not qu ite p rep ared to go th a t far.

T he im pression p rev a ils th a t th e m easure w ith a inetidn ien ls m ay y e t becom e a law-, ar.d If am en d ­m en ts a re wisely m ad e no g re a t d istu rbance ought to show itself.

T he bill p rov ides a fo rm of fu tu re delivery con trac t th e use o f w hich Is m ade com pulsory. It would provide (o r specldc grades o f cotton to be delivered w ith in s ta n d a rd s hxed by the D ep art­m ent of A gricu ltu re . If th e delivery of the exact g rade called fo r Is Im practicab le and an o th e r g rade la ten d ered th e com m ercial difference In value betw een th a t so ld and th a t delivered m ust bu paid. A m ethod fo r a rriv in g a t th a t a c tu a l or approx im ate com m erica l d ifference Is provided and Is In sh a rp c o n tra s t to existing m ethods of paym ent of fixed d ifferences an d all th a t has gone

With It, w hich h av e caused so m uch com plain t.The use o f th is new form of c o n trac t Is to be

enforced If Ih* bill Is passsd and beconies law . by denying th e use o f th e m alls In sending p rice lists 6 t sales by an y tra d e r o r exchange w h ich do not conform to It. I t Is also provided th a t no one shall send or receive th ro u g h th e m alls an y p u b ­lication or p ack ag e of th e kind p ro h ib ited — eo n - ta ln lng price Hats o f su ch sales— u nder p en a lly of being guilty of m isdem eanor and tfi.OO# line. Im prisonm ent (o r one year, o r both.

T h is la a suggestion th a t new spapers m ay bo prevented from c ircu la tin g cotton q u o ta tio n s n o t based on tra d in g fo r fu tu re delivery excep* os provided by th is bill, by being den ied th e p r iv i­lege of the m alls an d on violation o f th is , sub - Jecting them selves to penalties of dne a n d Im - prlioiiineint.

T he question w h e th e r th is fea tu re o t th e bill will he i-oiiflldered and ac ted on fu r th e r w h en th e C ongress con tin u es Its d e lib em tio n i on th e m e a s ­ure, will be likely to a t t r a c t genera l a tte n tio n .

T he .New Y ork Colton Bxohange. a t w h ich It is conceded th e bill la aim ed, had p lanned to ad o p t governm ent s ta n d a rd s for trad ing In fu tu re d e ­livery cotton co n trac ts , beg inn ing n ex t y ea r . If th e bill goes th ro u g h , substan tia lly a s It s ta n d s , th e New York ex ch an g e w ill undoubted ly h av e to m ake the i-hunge In th* near fu tu re . I t w ill a lso have to m ake a rad ica l revision of Its m e th o d s of ad jus ting d ifferences In se ttlem en t of f u tu re c o n ­trac t* w here th e g rad e sold is not te n d e re d In m aking delivery.



(n/ iSffTltC ofXKW YORK, March 30.—KqiiUy pro-

cA«<Hnf{B ar^ulnH out of tha Slegtl ttora faiUiro cKliiii to *kn lldfl afternoon, JiiHt months and u day from Ih*app*^lniinent of rtroolv'Qra for th« marenn- \\[^ anti th^t hank.

JudKf KmiKh ordered the dispoiltlon of ihv aaar-ia of Hlm|>son‘(Tawfonl Com­pany and lU dt'livrry ByRlpm, the Mflr-’ ch/intii' Lxiirebti. l umiiany, under a r«or- i;anllfMtlon plan. Mcrcliandlsn and fix­tures of the Kourtoentli ?Ur«el «lor« go on Ihoi block lortbbnaw, lb accordaoc* with the court orxier of Iasi week. They will be auctioned ofl, department by d«- partment.

EHmijUanfousiy with the final equity hearlnK hcfoi'e Jud^e IIoiikI] came tbs (lelHy»*fl appearani'e before United Htaten I'omnilaalancr tJllchrlHl of Frank 13. Vo- ael, copHrtn«‘r with Henry .Siegel in the aiorea and ihe linnk.

^■ogel IihJ been ordered Ion*; aao to appear hrfore ilio commlastonrr, hut he. sent word fmin I'hioaco th a t he was too 111. Filially ' 'omiiUi'aloner UHchrlst per* emrl^^rMy ortJert-d th a t Vogel appear tO" day unless he were adjudged physii'ally unfit by a physician appointed by the rredHora nf l!io tiaiik. Otherwli.e \'ugel would be Adjudged In contempl of court. Tile ortJer had the desired effect and Voted rcadiriti town thia iitornin*;

VoKflu rehirn la New Y<«rk nieans, also. iliHt he wilt appear befoit' Jiidiee }1t>ssltiky SHtnr<lH>\ when lie and Sleael are In pltNutl In the various IitIi- linentH rliRriTlnK them viith recalvini: depnaUs In the Hicpci hHiik when they kur\\ it visa lntiol\r>tM Hh'l s^ith maklnfT state* nicnts in liHnliM to Ret loans.


NEW Y O R K STOCK MARKETTh* rang* of today's prices for lb*

mor* active securities In the New York market. In con trast with previous closing quotatloDS (“ last sale), as furnished for the News by Fast & Flagg. Is fivsn

,----- Today B----- , Prev BHigh. Low. Close. Close. 22%7«%29

A laska G. M.. Amal. Copper, Am. Beel S' Am. Can

2 2 %76

N t;w YORK, March 30.—Senator George Sutherland of C lali. au th o r of the federadl w orkm en’s com penaatlon law, now before Congress, designed (or railroad employes, urged S aturday th a t pending S tale com pensation laws be coiii])ulsory and th a t the paym ent

I . , . 1 etc Iiit.a- of sta led sums to Injured w orkm en andB u tte r -S te a d y ; receipts. ^ ..pendents be the only remedy

ex tras 25026% , the law and th a t th e re he nolitigation . He spoke before a confer­ence of the w orkm en 's oom pentatinn section of lb* N ational Civic F ed era ­tion, over 'w hich A ugust Belmont, ;ts chairm an, presided.

Belmont read a num ber of let-


Am. Can. p r . .. .Am. C. & F .. . Am. Cot. OH.. Am. H. & I . . . .Am. Loco..........Am. Smelt.........Am. Snuff..........Am. S ugar........Am. T. * T----Am. Tobacco. . . Am. Tob., pr .. Anaconda . . . . Atchison . . . . Allan. C. L. . .B. A D...............Beth. Steel . . Bet. St., pr. , .B. R. T .............CAl. P el.............Can. Pac............C*n. Leath. . . . C*n. Leath., pr.C. A O . , ..........Chi.. G, W ........Oht., a . ■W., pr. C.. M, A at, P ,.Chino Cop ........Co!. F. & I . , . .Lon. Oes ........Corn- Prod. . . , co rn Prod., pr Del. & H u d .. ..Dlst. Sec............Brie ■-.............Brie., '3d p r. .. . lien. Ifilec. C o.. Gt. North,, p r . . tit. North. Ore. Oiig. Exicn. . ., HI. Central . . .Inter-M et...........Inter-Met.. prI. Har. o{ N. Inter. Paper. Lehigh Val..M. P."a T., .. Miami C o p ..Mo. P a c ........Nev. C on . . . .N. Y. C e n t. .. N.T.,N. H. A H Nor.

75% •23t,B 28% 91 % 46% 43•4%

68% 89% 88%16(1% 16U% 165%99 99 99%

122% 122% 122 248 249ti*2»l)%105% 105% 105 35% 36 35%96 'J6% 96%

123 122 i ; :89% 911% 89%40% 41 46%83 83J4 83%91% 92 92 '26% 28% *36%

206% 206% 105% 34% 35% 35%

100 lOO *99%63 53% 58

AH12% J ! . .

41-i; 40%

% 129 •122H i41%32%


99_ 41%

;i2% 32'i 32%133 13-2% 132%

,9% 9% 9%86% 65 85% 85

149% 147% 147%*149 18% 18 18 18 29% 23% 29 29 %38% '36% 3641 37%

145 1 44% H4% 145%126% 125% 128% 126%

35% 35% 86% 35%56 55% 56 65%

.. 110% 110% 110% 110% 14% 14% 14% 14%

. . 59 58% 69 59%J, 105 104% 104% 105. . 9 9% 9. . 144% 143% 143b;,


66% 6424 23%24% :4%15% 15%95% 89%

.................. 70% 89%A m er........ 78% .78%Par

:ao. T. A T, ixirlllard








cream ery,®34%1 seconds. 220 23; dreamery, hel ex tras , 23023% ; firs ts , 21022; se c ­onds, 18%®30; process, ex tras, -0® “0%: ladles, curren t make, firsts, i s . seconds, 17%®1S; packing stock, c u r ­rent make, No, 2, I6%® !6

Cheese—Irreg u la r; receipts, 280 boxes; S ta te whole milk, held, while, specials, 19: do., colored, 19%; do..w hite, average fancy. 1S%01S'!*; jlo -’ colored, 18% 019; Wlsconaln, whole milk, daisies, fancy, 18% »19; J l o . tw ins and flats, fancy, 18%®!9; skim s. 1 % ®16.

E ggs—Steady; rscelpts 19,-.09 cases. K rtsh«rc(l, ex tra 2"; fr<?sh Baln- ereti flrala, storag* packed, 21: freflh gathered , firs ts , l9% ® 20% ; seconds, 19019% ; State, Penneylvania and n e a r ­by hennery, white, fin* to fancy, 250 26. do., gathered whites, 26; do., h en ­nery brow ns 21% 022; do., gathered brow ns and mixed colora, 20®21.

Dressed P o u ltry —Quiet, fresh killed W estern chickens, 14®34; fowls. ‘ 5® 18%; tu rkeys. 220 25.

NEW Y O R K C O n O N M ARKET.NEW YORK, March 80,—N ear m onth

I sh o rts w-cre active buyers In the cot- ‘ ton m ark e t a t the opening today and

May con trac ts made new high ground fo r the movement. The opening was

i firm, 4 '0 12 higher and active m onths I sold 6 to 14 net higher during early I trad ing . Bullish Southern spot ad- - vices, b e tte r cables than expected, and I rum ors th a t there was still a scattei'-

ing sh o rt in terest In March, w ere fac ­to rs in the advance. R callilng caused

■ reactions of 2 or 3.May a h o rlt aotsd very nervous la te r

In the m orning and aotlve month* sold ah lu t 6 to 21 0 o ln ts net higher. T ra d ­ing w as less active shortly a f te r m id­day. but prices remained steady, w ith ­in a point or two of the best.

The demand from old crop shorts con­tinued during the early afternoon with prices selling .14 to 28 points net higher, while the now crop held .5 to G points above Saturday 's closing figures.

The follow ing quotations w ere f u r ­nished by Post s; F lagg; „ „ ,2:30 P rev B

Open. High. Low. P. M. Close .March ..13.12 13-1g 13,10 12.26 13.91

the fe d e ra l, w orkm en's com pensation law Is not y s l In effec t In o rder to ehow th a t there la a llll need of edu­cation In the benefits which accrue from compensation laws.

Cyrus W. Phillips of R orh este r ssid th a t uniform ity In S tate law s could only be brought about by a centralized bureau like th a t of th* .National Civic Federation,



KVCifKRTFR, March 3^,—An­other chaplrr m ih« history of Hrrathlitt t ’ounty feuda I'Ogan here today when a special Uirm of the Circuit Fosirt con­vened for tho trial of fifteen men who are chArpe-L viUh the aB«aaainatlon of former Sheriff I-lkluard Callahan of Lrealhltt County.

Callahan af>aaaalnatad Iti 1013 and the I'asea of ihnae a,ccuied hava been dragging Ihruufh the vourta eser altu'e. Two men have already been convicted. Theae two have filed motions for new trials and it la probable that a doclalon In the oa« a will be handed do^^n during the speda! term of the court. Nearly «n of the acruaeil men are under thirty yeara of age.

I t la aald th a t the evidence In the caaea wae gathered by &1ra. I-ilUati Grose, a daughter ot Callahan.


p in n ............. 119% 199% 110% 110%Pee. 0*3Pitta, C'oal -----Pitt*. Coal. pr. Pr. St, C a r . . . .Pull. Pal............Hay Cons . . . .R eading ...........Rep. t ft f3-----Rep. I- f t S.. pr B ock Island Rock Island, pi'Rumely ..........Seabord A. L pr at. L. ft 3. F id St. L„ 8. W , . , Sears, Hoe . . . . South. Pac. . . ..South. R y ..........South. Ry.. pr. . B tudebaker . . . . Tend. Cop...........

122 12321 21 91% 91%43% 43%

163 15321% 21%

1232191 % 13%

153 21

185% 184% 186124






123% •20% 91 .

•43% IftO 2Uy


4 ^

CHICAGO, zMarch SO.— Plen tifu l rain th roughou t the dom estic w in te r crop belt carried the w heat m ark e t today decidedly lower. F avorab le w eather repo rts from Russia counted also ag a in s t the bulls. Commission bouses a t a r j lo wore on the se lling side and there was no su b s tan tia l support. O pening prices which w ore \i toH 0A k down, w ere followed by an additional drop.

Corn fell )n sym pathy w ith wheat, esldes. h a rv ts t repo rts from A rgentine favored the bears The m ark e t opened un :h an g ed to ^ '>4 low er and con­tinued to decline.

W eakness spread to o a ts alm ost from the outset. P it fepeculators w ere the only buy< rs.

Provisions suffered from lack of de* mand. A lter opening 7*A off to 2*A up, the m arket receded ftH t round.

KstlmsLes th a t the w inter w heat crop In the United SlaU s would exceed «P0,- I 00* ,000 bushels snd be the largest evr.r raised tended to prevent a rally. Th** f close wsB weak. 1 9 1 ^ to n e t 'lower. '

Notice that much of the corn in Chicago is winter shelled and may de­teriorate led to a fu rther setback. Tho close was weak, a t ^ fo netcUne.

NEW YORK. March 30.—A conference between I.’nlted Ptates P lstric t Attorney Marshall and counsel for the Metropolitan Tobacco Company, at which suggestions were considered for the reorganisation of the company. Jillcged by the govermnent (0 I’ontrul a monopoly of the tobacco Job­bing business, was held here today. 'Ih* result of the conference, it was sold, would he made public later.

At a conference last week representa*! tlves of the company were Informed th a t It would be prosecuted under the Sherman anti-trust law unless it agreed to revise It^ methods of doing buslneas. The yovernnticnl charged th a t tlie company Is the solo distributer ot the jTodurts of th t componentfl of the fornier Tobacco TriJSt, and that In Ihid capacity It main* tains the Araerlceti Tobacco Company monopoly broken by the Supreme Court decree


W.A3HINGTON, M arch 30.—W ell de- f ln td repo rts In d lplom arlc circ les to­day said th a t A m bassador Jusserand, who has btien th e rrp reae iita l ive of Franc* In th is country fo r th e past eleven ycarii. and who is the dean of tbo diplom atic corps kere. moy he tran sfe rred to Louden.

Il is und*u'stood th a t the B ritish post was the only one w hich the Atnbas* eador was w illing to accep t a f te r hli gOiTerniTient had expressed the desire to advance him to ano tlier im p o rta n t post on account of his long se rv ice here. W hile not offlcifllly conflnned , the rum or which the d ip lom atists nr* d is­cussing came from souroca ih u t lent to Its being widely credited .

Ambaisadi»r Jusserand . w ho h as been very popular in the d ip lom atic world h?re, is a scholar oa well a s a diplo­mat, and has made a derp stu d y of English hialory and lite ra tu re , having wTiLten several on the subject. His wife la an Am erican w om an. The Ambassador was a v rry close Irlend of lorm er President R oosevelt and made frequen t visits to the W hite House, o lther to discuss li te ra tu re o r to play tenn is w ith the fo rm er P resid en t.

Inquiry at the F rench Em bassy elicited the Intorm atlor. th a t nothing was know’H ( f the proposed change and no report cencerning i t had been re­ceived there.


PH1I.AT>E1.P1!JA. March St.—Action quite RS drasLk- as th a t taken by F^nnsylvsnlft. New York Central and other lines, offset declining gr-iss re­ceipts anil Hiharu'ins '^ hit eosla of I'pcra- l!on, is hrlriK taken by the Norfolk Hiid Wester.1 Kmlwaj Company,

An rxi.'5nijive .iffirer is respnnfilbie for tl^e stiUi’mi'nt th a t B#*neral <Jrde ^ ho'* been Issued to slop all cxpeiulUnr!* not absolutely nefcs«sr>. to reduce the wurk- ^ng forces ha much aa possible and to inn- duct the ai'tiJiil handling of traffic with the utinuHi iM-(5Tioiny. Those Instructi'ma, It wsfl slated, a re to remain In force tiTbtll condlliona tnaierially alter.

All double tracking has been dlsrcm- tinued, and ae fa r as possible work on sil other improvements now under way 'jias been Btopj>ed, whll* conteinplaWd betterments will he held In abeyance, it w as said, while th« present adversd cir­cumstances rontlTiu*. Consideration Is belug given lt> a reduction of pasitnger train ssrvice, but no decision has beeti reached on th is point.


Hearint, Plead $51,000,000 Net Income Loss.

TH O RN E A H A C K S GENERAL RA ISEWABHINciTuN, March 30.—A decrease

In not uporatt&g income of t&l.oec.DSg, or SS.& per cent., of the PJastern railroad! Wiu described In a atalement submitted to the In tersta te Commerce Comrotsslon today, a t th e resumption of hearinfs in the advance ra te case cavstlng a period of seven m otiths ended January 31, 1914. as compared with the rorreopoodlng period of last year. The statemant W ii presented on behalf of the rillwaya by George S tuart Fatteraon. general countsl f»r the Pennsylvania Railroad, who ad-*

ihd cominlaslon th a t the (lgur«« had been tabulated from reporta made to the commlaolon by th a roads.

The flgurva Indicated a decrease In to ta l fre ig h t revenues of $16,999,330; an Incrbapie In p assen g sr revenues of t7,73L';i:T; an increase of $2,269,674 In i>lhci' aniirccn of income, and a de- ireaK* In G'IhI upera lliig revenuet of

t>f i.» |ie r cent. The te ta i opera ting exiieiiNcs show ed aii litcrM aa of $39,210,233 or %.i per cent. A getiira t liirroasa also wae show n In varlflu t plniHes of ra ilroad transp o rta tio n . ih« . a g g re g a te show ing th e decrease above sta ted In net o p e ra tin g Income.

C lifford Thorne, ch airm an ' o f Ih* lowu Mtate R ailroad Commiiaion. repre^ aentltig e ig h t W estern s ta te s in oppo­sition to th e proposed advance in r a ta a presented a synopsis of his recent te s ti­mony before the com m ission. ,H e m ain­tained th a t the con test w as one ba- tw een the c a rr ie rs and shippera and th a t any h o riso n ls l Increase in r a ta l would he u n justified .


! NEW YORK. March 30.—Bessie Fried- men^ a seventeen-ycaF-old garm ent ■v 'orker, ^ a s ope of u trio of person* a r ­rested yesterday when the unemployed re­sumed acllvitles and heard speakera fn

I Rutgers square denounce the activities of

rhTc\'*o'“ 'o"aTd"o f w"e?e (u?™1a1?eS . B e 'e rB e lm o n t and Perc>- Xlarmor, th .by 5VllllBm F. Muth ft Co.: Prev a

MayJu lyOcl.


. 12.11




12.46 12.1211.47


166% 186% 186% 187% 94% 93T4 94 % 93‘25% 25% 25% 2

T«*, Co.......... .. J47Tex. & P » c . . , , • 'Third ,^ve........Union P acific , Union Pac., pr U. R. t. of S. F,U. S. R u b b e r..U, 8. Rub.. 1st.1J. H. S tee l-----U. 8. Steel. pr.r t* h Cop..........Va,-C*ro,...........Wabash ............■W»h*»h. pr........W es t U n io n ... W tstln sho iiae ...



159 83%20 81%

103% 103!j 03% 62'''

109% 109 6« 55'31 >4 31 >fi7 %R378 75

23 U '7 \ 6%

10 *10 54% 54%

6 % * 6 % 20 * 21%

'7% 3% 11%

SO 60% ;!2% 31% 36% 34%

146 14715% *15 43 43%

159 158%83% *83% 20 *21% 8H1 61%

106% 103% 63% 63%

109% n o55% 55 Til

'31% 31%

NEW YORK BOND M ARKETThe fallowing uuotatlons were fu r­

nished by Tost & Fh°ln)

Am. 8. S. 61.. 104 Am. H. & L. 6s 103Aleh. 4.9............At.i Coast L. 4s Am. T, ft T. rvtA. T.ftT.cvl4%B- IJ. ft O. 3%s. .B. ft: O. cv. 4%sB, ft O. 4 s ----B. R. T. 4s. ..Beth. Steel, fd.Chea, ft O. 4%e t'en. Leather 5s ». .j Clies. ft Ohio Sfl 106%

NEW Y O R K O i m i D J S E C D R inE STh* following quotations wer*

Mlshed by William F. Muth ft Co.r INDUSTRIALa.

Previous 1:80 Closipg Today

Bid Asksd, Bid Asked Am. W r i t Pap. % t% % A nglo O il........ 1- -■

C. 5c O. cvt. 4% ft Q. 4".

Chi. G, TV. 4S‘ t;..R ,i.f . 4s C.. H. I. ft P- 5s Co|. Indus- 6a. . Col, ft Bo. 4a. .. Distiller 5s. .Den, ft R. G. 4fl ICrIe cvt. 4e. .. Erie gen. lien 4e Oeortga C.N. Ss.

Yj , Gt. %'OBt. 4p... 1 '• Interj-Met. 4%s “ Int. Paper 5s,

Int. Rap. T.. t iIowa 4s ..........Int. Pump. 5 s . . K.C..F.8.& H. 4s Kan. City 8 o ... L ake Sh. 1931



fur- L.,ke Shore 4 s ,.

Open, W 'heat—

May 93 Julv 88% Sept. 88

Corn— May 68% Ju ly 63% Sent. 66%

O ats— May 39% •luly 40 Sent. "38%

P o r k - May 21.05 Ju lv 21.23

t.a rd — Mav 10.62 Ju lv 10.72

High. Low.

8 6 %

8868 %68%3939%33%


Cloee. Close,93%88%S8T4


31.05 21.2310.6310.72

68% 6 8 % 63 %39%39%35%



latter a leader of the 1. W. TV., were a r rested on the charge of disorderly eon-

[ duct The;' were hurried to s stalion- houae. where speakers urged tholr fol-

1 lowers to break down the doora tu liberate i the prisoners.

It was during thla cornmotlon th a t the I girl was taken Into custody. The police i declared th a t ahe urged the crowd to I make an attack on the station-house. In I the Night Court, however. Miss Friedman

denied she used the language attributed to her. The m agistrate discharged her,

I Belmont and Marmor were held In $1,000


WASHINGTON. March 30.— President W ilson today deecrlhed the recent in- alnicUon* to Ambaaaador G erard at Berlin, In connection w ith the O rm a n oH monopoly bill pend ing In the lU-lchstftg. &H m erely In the n a tu re of an Inquiry and not & ppoleal. He toM callers th a t the .Ambassador bad been Instructed to ascerta in If th e re were

ny discrim ination a g a in s t g\merlcan nduslry and to rep o rt hla findings to

W ashington.T h e a t l M u d e o f t h l a g o v e r n m e n t h a s

b e e n t h a t t h e G e r m a n G o v e r n m e n t w h s w i t h i n H e r i g h U i n c r e u i i n g a n o i l m o n o p o l y a n d t h a t t h e c o i i l r o v r i ' s y

I w a s l a r g e l y b e t w e e n A m e r i c a n c o r i - . c e r n s — t h e t i l a n d a r d O i l C o m p a n y a n d I l i u J e p e n d e n t c o r p o r a t i o n s . U I s h o - 1 U e v e d t h a t t h e i n a t r u c t l o n a t o M r . i G e r a r d w e r e t o l e a r n p a r t i c u l a r l y I f I a n y A m e r i c a n p r o p e r t y w e r e t o h e I c o h f l e c a t e d a s t h e r e a u l t o f t h e b i l l .

wllVjout due com penaatlon.I repirirlB th a t the bill m ight

be killed In the R elchslag on account of Socialist opposition have lieen noted w ith Interest here.


____ __ tNEW YORK, March $6.—If Freddie

Bchepper, twelve-ye»r-old son of Frank Schepper, a Sands Bay Inlet oysterman. hadn't "minded hi* m a" and rowed out over the waves of Jsm aica Bay a t sunsst to an overturned launch, four grown men, who are very comfortable a t home today, might have been drowned.

Shortly before dark Saturday Ihe boy and hla m other were alone In their cot­tage when the m other sighted a launch In distress half a mile off shor*. A heavy sea was running and the craft finally was overturned.

■'W* haven 't tim e to get help," said Freddie's mother. ''Tou'll have to lake the boat yourself and row out to 'em."

'The boy rowed out and the men climbed Into the boat. The rescued are: Joseph Rand of 1644 Da Kalb avenue, Joseph Weinstein of 420 Melrose street, Frank Schlensky of 829 Melrose street, all of Brooklyn, and Daniel W ebster of Sands Bay Inlet.


\K \V TO PK . March 30.—Jn R e p o r t JuHi ItiHuefi by tho Chamber o F Com­merce, It is (leclHrcrt th a t "W hat b u il- ■ iicaa mop g en era lly desire, w hat Indua- . iry needa, Ib the ce rta in ty of t * period of rea t fo r the peaceful read** JUtiimtTit of a ll en te rp rise inconaiiten t w ith accepted principle* o t law anil ethics."'

It la alffu u rged th a t the te illm o n y of buHlnrsa men and organlxationa g e n - . ►rally, who can n o t go to W aih lng tan i • be tak en and th a t fu rth e r leglalatloTi on the proponed a n tl- tru a t b ills be d a - . , ferred un til a la ie r lasslon of Con­gress. for a ''p ro d u c t of m atu re ju d g - . i ment."

On F e tru a ry 19 the Chamber •* - preised the opinion th a t the Bherm ani act. AB a lready In terp re ted wae prov­ing m ore sa tis fa c to ry and m ofi effic ien t th in new leglalatlon would probably be for years to come, and op­posed a F ed era l Comitiisslon proposed In th e pending bill.

The com m ltiee elgn lng the reporter Included John C lafli-\ p resident of t h e / Cham ber of Com m erce; pu g en lu s H. O uterbridge ch airm an ; Sam uel W, . F airchild , “W nilam filoane. C harles H. W arren, W illiam MrCarroU, Edw ard I*, R ogers. A lgernon ti. F risaell and How­ard C, tiipllh-


PlJIliAmCLPHTA, March30.—A stretch of four track ! between Vlllanova and Radnor is being fitted up by the Pennsyl­vania Rellread to try out different ftb- toms of overhead wiring for the proposed elcctriric'allon of the main line division. Nesr Wayne four lines of different forms of ccnstrunticri have been itretched for eiperlments.

PROTEST A N T I.™ S T BILLS v iNEW YORK. M arch 30.—The ep*cUl

com m ittee o t (he Chamber of Com-t , nierce, appoin ted F eb ru ary 19. to p u t . Into the form of a b rief the expreaead*. wlgh of th e cham ber th a t P rcaldant WllBoti and CpngreeH "go alow" on th* ' .. P re e ld en t’s t.ropoeed a n tl- tru a t 1*gl*- 'Iff latlon, haa m ade public Re raport.

The com m ittee, of which John CUf- 7111, p resid en t of th e cham ber, l i ch a ir­man, declaree th a t the ten ta tiv e bill*In Cougreea "no t only widely depart, from the sp ir it of the "C onetltutlon o t; Deace.' ou tlined In the P realden f* m**- ga^e, h u t by th rea ten ed Inveetlgatlon* and poBSible proe*cutlone would re ­st ruin law fu l btieinoBS and have a dt»-, a s tro u i effect upon en terprlee n lready| esiahH shed ant] re ta rd Ua fu rth e r ex- tension.''


^}’20 I liall each *■ further hearing today.


Buckeye P. L .. 147Bord. C. M ........U 3Bord. C. M., pr. 165% Brlt.-A m. Tob,. 33% Contlnen. OH., 35o C reicen t P. L.. 54G alena O H .. . . 175H avana T o b . Hav. T o t- p r... H ouaton OH . . M ouften O., p rIn t ir . R ub ........M anhat, T rans. Mar. o t Am . . . N. T. T ranap .. Ohio O il..


17^ 17% n l jlEU 147 150113% 113 113%106% 105% 106%

'J3 23% 22%260 350

58 55180- 175

101 % 95%

.1%169Otla E levator . . . . 78 % Otia Elevator pr 96 %Prairie Oil

OilS25 19%

leg . . . . 9%Oil, Cal 340

WWW..W Oil. N. J 420 tttan 'd OIL K y . 380 8ta n '4 Oil. N. T 235 Swail. f t F inch. 215 Tub. Pro. p r . . . «2’< Union Tank L- > 93Vacuum o il. , . . 340 U n lM c ig a r 8 . 93 ‘Warning

97%; 96iT B35 685

344433385 340 325

' Pc'*95 ■243

03iing ton Oil 48 52

RAILROADS. Am. L ig h t* T . 864 368Am. L. ft 't.i pr 107 lo9

i . MIMING.g raded C o p . . . . 8% 8%

rlt. Col. Cop. 1% 1%U*Vli-Daly . . . 1% 1%F lra l Nat. Cop. 2% JGoldfield Cone. 1% i%Oreene-Cananea 36% 37%K arr 1-ak* . . . . . 4 4%1.« Roae Con*.-. . - I h i -1% Mloa*-C'o.of A. 3% .2%N arad* H llle ... 30 36NIplaP M. Co, 6 6%

J%aW.;;; li

anqpgh E x ^ .

111 111■■ 831

N. Y. Cent. 3%h N ot. Pacific 4e N. Y. Ccnl. 44..Nor. Pacific 3a Ore. 8. L. Is - ■ ■Pac. T. ft T. 6ePei'.n.cv3%Bl915Pub. Serv, 6a..Pennu- 1948... Reading 4 a . . . 95at. L. f. M. 5*., 103Seaboard 4a... 86%Beab'd adj. 6a. 76% So. Pac. 4 a . , . . 91%So. W e. cv. 4s 96%So. By. 4 s.......So. Ry. 5»....... lO^SSt. Paul 4 a . . . . 93%St. Paul cvt. oa 101V. Th Av. new 4* 84%

[T exas Co. c v .. 104%I Texas le t ---- lot %

Union Pac. 4a, »7U Pac. ovl. 4* 90%

I U. H. Steel 5e.. 108 U. 8. Rub^8|._. 103

% 96 94% 95l7g ft M ver.Sa 101 d01% 101 101%L. ft Nash 4s.. 94% 96 94% 95

ft T._^4a 9096..30%68%92 ...............................98^ 08% 98% 98%90% 90% 90% 90%

LONDON STOCK MARKETLONDO.N, March 30.— The atock m ar

ket wae narrow-ly Irre g u la r today. Con sola fluctuated w'lthin a ran g e of a u u a rte r of a point, hom e rail* aagged on account ot th e th rea ten ed coal otrlke and mlnea and Mexican laouee were eaay, but B rasilian bond* and R ubber sharps were supported. A m erican Mar- confea declined % to % on th e dlsap- potntliiff annual report.

American secu rities w ere qu ie t ana steady th roughout the day. C anadian Pacific Improved a frac tion , b u t tha rest of the H it b are ly moved. The eloeing wa* dull.’

Money and diacount rate* w ere easy.The Stock E xchange here and the

Liverpool Cotton E xchange w ill be closed April 10, U and H* E a s te r hoU- (j&ya.

NEW YORK MONEY MARKETKEW YOftK, M arch 30.—Call money

steady, 1%®2; ru lin g rate. 1%:1%®2. Time loans easy, 60 day*. 2%® 3%; 90 days. 2%; six month*. 303% .

STEAMSHIP REPORTSn e w YORK, March 80.—Steamships

95% 95% 96% arriving today Include:Uranlma, Rotterdam.Caledonia, Glaegow.Minnetonka, London.Vigllancia, Santiago.Bermudian. Bermuda.

SAILING TODAY.Kalaer Wilhelm der Gross*. Braraan. Indian Prince, Braall. , <



17105% -106?

105 104% 105



Virginian Ry. 6» W'et'gh'se conv. 94



103 101103 103%

99% 99%

;*» Copper. Cop... Gold.

United Cj>p.. prT ukan


W aaL .P ac . 6a.

2% 3BONDS.'81% 82% 81% 82 %

garsay CI4r N aa Gas VIettm.JE R B E y CrFT, March JO,—Thonun'

Flaharty tit 1881 V<dh atrast waa founii aaphyxiatad In hla room yesterday mom* Ing by hi* landlady, Mr«. Allan Sirilth. Th* fta hW i»lNi WjF Partrt; aunt off. I t W M lia llh v aC eh t.h J* .4 M ^ m * gooK.. dtaU L

NEW A RK SECURITIES M ARK ETThe following quotation* today war*

fuSSahed by J. S.'^IPP.H

Ain*r. D. ft imp. 6* JOJVi JJJV*Cent. H. R. of N. J. Be 1987 118 117Consolidated T action . . . . . . 78% 74%ConeoUdaled TracUon B a... MS 104 Kaee* ft Hudson Gas C o ... 133 136Qom a of Bergen C o .. . . $0 $3a S f t r a : S ( B e r * C o m 6 a l0 0 102 Ga* ft El. of Bar. Co, fen- 5» »7 09Hackensack Water 4s......... 85 88Hudson County Ga* C o .. . . . 130 133Hudson County Gas Co. 5 s,. 103% 104% Jeraey CIM, Hob, ft Pat- 4S. 7i % Dock Co, 8*. 1935. . . I j j 124 T*hlgh Val. T«rin. 5a, 1941.. U1 Mor. ft Esaex a R . l* t 71,1914 100% M l Morris ft Ewe* Con. 7a, 1915 MS 104Newark Codaol. Ga* Co........N ew ark Con. . . . . . MB 106Newat-k Pas*. By, Co, 6* ,. M4% M“ ^ - ■ - — ~ T- J3J J3 t

78% ■79%- 99 98

. ________ ft a. Co, 5*. 101 103P ublic Service C o r n . . . . . . . US I t*P ublic SarvU'* C trilfla U j* . 104 lOBPublic Servlc* C o rp .i* » l » l9% 90%South J*r**r G„ E. ft T Co. 126 120South Je r. Q.. R ft T -C a S* I j 180

Union ft Mid, U g , Co. 75iom . UiGoh ft » . L, Co. 4*.,. J |

A .

r a U D E L P H l A S T O C K M ARK ETTh* follow ing q uo ta llona w*r* tor-

n lihed by Els*le f t K ing ;Cambrl* Steel...........................Kleclrto Storage, com.............Oaneral A iPhut, com .............General Asphalt, p r ............)•Keyaton* Tel. Co............... • • •Keystone Tel. Co., p r . . . . . . •iKsfilgh Navigation - • ' 'Lehigh Valley T ransit, com.I-etalgh Valley Transit, p r . ..New Jeraey Con. T ra o . . . .PhHal ^ a p td T ransit i to e k ,Pblladalphj* >Philadelphia EUetrtc . . . . .PhtladalphiB Eioetrlo 4* . . . .Tonopah M in in g .................'■ « M-1*TATioDah Beltrtont . . . » * ......... * 2t

B«w$ca •M t/ '


................... Jl l M # aDfi public

Qbotad " u n tnt$r*


riTTSB I'RO H . March 30.—A freight irrw on the Monongahela division of the penneylvania Railroad wae attacked early today at Frederlcktown. Pa., by a mob of 500 or more persons. Slones were thrown and shots fired, hut no one was hurt.

The crew was rescued by police from Brownsville. This was the most serious of a series of disturbance* that has char- acterlied the strike of trainmen on th e division during the night.

The Information reached here a t noon th a t leaders of the United Mine W orkers a t Uniontown Pa., had decided to call out members of the union In mines which supply coal to Pennsylvania Railroad on- aines until the strike on the Monongahela division Is settled. The order effective to ­day. will bring out approximately 6,000 men In mines from Rosooo to Rice’s I.and. Ing, and from Brownsville to Braanell.


NKW ORLEANS. March 30.—Dr,Benjam in R- Leigh, form erly of J a c k ­sonville, F la . facing chargee of a rso n In La Celba, H onduras, hae en listed tha sym pathy of the people, w ho hav e raised 81,600 to defend him, according to atatem ents today of passengers a r ­riv in g on the steam ship Roslna.

Th* H onduras blase, It la declared, o rig inated In the d rug sto re of w hich Dp. Leigh w as m anager. S ixteen blocks were flre-sw ept. en ta ilin g a loss eetlm aled a t 81.090,000.

W hen the Roalna Balled from La Celba, passenger* *ald, the tund p rac- t l ^ l l y had been com pleted and an a t ­torney hod been engaged to defend the AinarlcaDp who had baah a raaldoTit oC H onduras for tw o yeare.


E IS E L E & K IN GMeaelxm of N Y- *toek B aekaag* Newibefs a t Phlla.stoekB xelU B ga

New Jersey Investm ent Securities a Specialty

Broad and Clinton Streetsit e w a r k , jr. J.

4 H ataaT■•■*** BalldUg)'P kM aa SK ft 8821. 3832. » 3 S M kt.


Spicriflt gfrrif'C nf the .VffTTg.PHILADELPHIA,-M arch 30.—It will

he ItnpoBsIbl* for th is c ity to hold the special election to pass on the 812.800,- 000 loan for city Im provem ents tom or­row, as a resu lt of the Suprem e Court decision today th a t the ordinance au- th o rlitn g It was Illegal

The court Issued an Injunction ag a in s t holding the election, and this action will Indefinitely postpone the loan unless a new ord inance w hich will satisfy the court's reuulrem ents can be prepared.

Aalrononilral E veata— F rom Nooa Te- day to Nooq Tom orrow .

March 30 Still h igh In th e heavens, bu t sw inging sligh tly w estw ard , the fa in ter and more n o rth e rly o f the two ■'Twins" Is Castor, w hich, b y only two points, escapes being a firs t-m agn itude sta r, standing tw enty-second In num er­ical order. C astor Is m uch farther th an He twin, Pollux. He m eseaga be­ing postm arked 1798, w hile th a t of Pollux hoars date 1864. C asto r is an extraord inary exam ple of an easy and beautifu l double sta r, He own actual hrllllancy being th a t o f f ifty -fiv e ot our suns, and Its m a te s tw enty-five, m aking a combined glory of eighty suns. Castor and Pollux a re both re ­ceding. _____


T h r i f t i n N e w a r ko fFfw people save more money than you

Newark.Saving money is the most essential step in

achieving prosperity, but it is not the only step.You should make your surplus funds work for

you. They should make the largest possible return consistent with the safety of the proposition.

Have you considered the advantages of buying Odd Lots of stocks and Baby Bonds?

We are opening this week a Newark office in the National State Bank Building, Broad Street, near Market.

Througlj the service it offers, you may buy as little as one share of good dividend paying stock or

- one $100 Bond.ten d fo r Buokivt lOA—"Odd Lot InveitiBCiit."

SreClALISTs'lNOdd Lots

Member* New York Stock Exchange.MAI.V O FFICE—74 BROADWAY, N, Y.

B R A N C H E 8 :f d S t . f t B w a y — L o n g a c r e B u i l d i n g . N . Y . l - ’ 5 t h B t . f t 7 t h A v . — H o t e l T h o r e s a . N , T . N a l ' l S t a t e B a n k B u i l d i n g — N e w a r k , N . J .

a 3 , 5 0 0 , 0 0 Q(Total Authorized Iisue)

F j n n k A - S t a l i i aK m o a s r B t n l d t f y .

N o w w i t —& :

IbOfiAtriiM ’B a n M n m i 'e a ! i l l O i i l i i w i S p o r t s

z S y s t ^ t i e S a y ^! • t b t F f tw i te t tM o f iDdopoadM Cft.

B ^r Boada on tbo P*rttal

Nem kw * n o w VOtftA L F R E D L . D E N N I SI K txm ni sn i ip iK *

Hie Denver Gas & Dectric Light Co.Collateral Trust Guaranteed 6 % Three-Year Coupon Gold N jte s

Ditfkl April l „ l S l t I Denomination $1,008.00 “Interest Payable April first and October firet. Principal and Inlereat payable in New York.

GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY. NEW YORK, TruttaeThe Denver Gat A Electric Light Ctf. furnishes, without competition, elec­

tricity, gas and steam for heating purposes, in the city of Denver, Col.N A C a r n I n g S f o r the year 1913, applicable to interest on this issue,$ 1 ,0 2 4 ,0 2 5 .

or practically Five Timet the annual interest requirements on these notes.^ The Trust Indenture provides for the deposit with the Trustee of $ 6 * 6 8 8 , 0 0 0 of

following bonds to secure the $3 ,5 0 0 ,0 0 0 of notes:O neral (Now First) Mortgage 5% Bonds of The Denver | $ 9 3 6 , 0 0 0

Gas & Electric Company due 1949. )First and Refunding 5% Bonds of the Denver Gas & Electric ) $ 5 7 5 2 , 0 0 0

Light (Company due 1951. 1-G U A R A N TY - * j u

Thft nftineiaai end Interest of thete notet ere eleo gutrpnteea Dy CItTe I ’s e Sw GE COMPANY, the ppeeentoutttinding ardftPftclind common etoolit OKOOode $35*000 ,000

: ^ AiditioiialintormaUim onTtqaest. > -' ^pi.Ico 9 9 end IntoroaWylotd


Henry L. Doherty & Company, Bankere■ 60 Well Street, New York - v

^>r ■



r 12N EW A RK E V E N IN G NEWS, MONDAY. M ARCH 30, 1914

m t

LAST WEEKAT Definite announcem ent is hereby made tha t the L. Bam­

berger & Co.’s big dictionary distribution will be brought to a dose this week. Saturday is the final day if the limited supply of book is not entirely taken before th a t time.

This is to rem ind YOU and every other reader of the NEW ARK N E W S that the opportunity to secure this authen­tic, m odem , limp leather dictionary a t a fraction of its actual value is open for bu t a few short days longer. This rem arkable educational distribution positively

ENDSFor This Modern

Limp Leather Didlionary


One of the most sensational book bargains ever offered to th e citizens of Newark.

This Dictioniry it not publishedby the prltipsl p u b I i s h ers of Webeter’s Di e -


tioniry or by their successors.

‘t*’ -1

^ Visit your own book store—price the limp leather diction­aries of any igake. Then come to L* BAM BERGER & GO. and satisfy yqurself tha t this rem arkable book, which can be had for 69c., is fa r superior from any standpoint of comparison

to others selling at several tim es the small bargain am ount necessary to secure it.


R.J.G0EBKE t J - G C R T H

^ Boys’ $4.007 S Spring Suits

Norfolk and double breasted coat style.

Made of neat cray, brown and tan mix­ed patterns; suits that are well made and will give excel­lent wear. Sizes 6 to IS years.

2Sc W ash GoodsTake your choice tomorrow of 5,000

yards of new Spring Wash Goods at an actual saving of 10c,^on every yard; 27 inches wide. Included, are English fops, Corduroys, Crepe Rstine, Pebbk Crepe, Aristo Crepe, Silk Striped Voiles.Silk Slripied Poplins, Silk Striped Crepes. Good selection of newest shades, excellent stylish wash fabrics; regular 25c. value, special at 15c. yard.

Boys’ $5 All- Wool Blue Serge Suits

Norfolk coat style, with full peg top lined knicker pants; all have belt loops, watch pockets and double stitched seams: sizes 6 to 17 years.

89c to $1 IVtessaline30 In. w lrtr; goo l, Arm luu-

tronii (jiialliy. In taiiKO. Ku«»t»n * r .e n . Tii»- tarl«\ Copenhagen blue.k ln a 'i hlue. de lft blue, pink. Boldeii brown, navy blue, w hile and black: f 7 L spec, tom orrow, yard

36-Bl’k Taffeta SilkNice, soft chiffon Hnitb,

rich jet black; a very scarce fabric; exceptionally good value; tomorrow at, 1.00yard

1.00 New Dress GoodsA wonderful sale of 100 pieces of 42-

ineh all-wool imported Dress Goods, which is positively worth SI.00 a yard. Among them are the most desirable weaves of the season—(labard inea , B rocaded Taffrias,Brocaded Granite Crepe, Ottoman Clplh,Taffetas. Serges. Shown in shades of mahoganv, tango, wiatana, pigeon blue, leaf green, cadet, garnet, navy blue and , ,black. The most sensational dress goods bargain of the season. Reguiar SI .00 imported dress goods, special, 59c. yard.

Do not go home today w ithout th is invaluable book. I t will be the best investina it you ever made.

You Cannot Earn More Unless You Learn More

Women’s New Spring Gingham House Dresses, in a dozen different styles and patterns....................Black Satine SpecialHouse Dresses


Over a thousand pairsWomen’s Oxford Ties Pumps and Slippers

Made to retail from $1.7.4 Up to $3.00 a pair—Soldas factory dam aged; black.tans, patent and white.

II la Wholly


Webster’s Home. School and Office Dictionary puts YOU I on the right track. It furnishes YOU with the knowledge 1 which makes YOU more valuable to your employer. It is more

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m a r s t e r s

EASTER TOURSSofrdti.’ RuteaCoverlnt Transt>«Tlallon,IMIKK BSl'ORT iir AtuiuhI Tour. iji].DO

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N ew IllustrationsThe illustrations, including Colored and Mono­

tone Plates, are the most complete, elaborate and ex­pensive that have ever appeared in any Dictionary.

G£TnSBBIlll„,4 .W.VSUlNtiTON ) ■ Ony*SUuguslin0,Flik'nb/,'oh”' ' '6 5 '‘’«

■ ijg.oo01.11 l‘OI.NT Apr. 4, 11. . W.V41llV<lTOM SIN DAVflWftiHlNeTON = 'ITSS1M»K1‘KM)KVT TOI RSTO BOSTON ATI^isTKl 4ITV, .ASBOBV V.VBh. rOK'I'I .VNII, BICH.VIOMJ, OM Point, Ktr, .Spiid fur I'-uliler M. xl'lnK dftHilsM TOVRk TO In .May. June and

E U R O P E July *170 up.

GE0,E.MARSTERS"n" v’7C ‘

Citizens of N ew ark and vicinity will probably never again have such an opportunity as this.

N o man or ivoman, boy or girl, can afford to let

this chance slip by.


This is a greatly reduced illustration o f the limp leather dictionary. Size

inches. V

MAIL ORD ERS— This book by parcel post, include EXTRA 6 cents within 150 miles; 8 cents 150 to 300 miles; for greater dis­tances ask your postmaster amount to include for 2 pounds.

ADDRESS L. BAMBERGER & CO.Market, Washington and Halsey Sts.. Newark, N. J.

ESTATK OF tlHAHLES COMPTON,DKCI-iABUD—Pursuant to th« order of

Isaac Sliopnihftl. KUrmifale of Uio county of UKnex. day made, on the application ofthe uiiderKlgned. nxeoutora of eald deceanetJ, iiDtlco ia herefiy given to llie iTedllorB of HBid deveaaetl to exhibit to Uio auliarrlbera. under uath nr affirmation, ihelr claims and aeinaiidn againat the estate of rta d de- ceaseiJ wllliln nine months froin this date, or they h« forever barred from proM-I’uilng or recovering the aame agalnal the BUl,ai;rlli«rB. COMPTON.

SARAH -M. COMPTON.Charlp.i H. HQlIpenny. proulor.

SOO Broad Htreet, Newark, N. J. March Jii. IBIL

Q sm m -U ^. farriammsMi ereauffTi wSESosass.-------------—


Ths Central aayn'There are real guarantees,!

also talk imitations”There are a lot of guarantees offered on roofings. Most of them are by irresponsible people, or merely conversational! guarantees. It’s a very important thing in a guarantee that! there should be responsibility, and ihat it should be in wnuiig.

O U R G U A R A N T E EWe positively guarantee to refund the amount

paid by any reader who finds, after receiving Webster’s Home, School and Office Dictionary,,K.. « i, . . . . . . lr .1 , “ ■ i | ' j S a R G 0 1 i C r

Get Your Cbpy Today Without Fail


EaTATB OP HARRY PIERMAN. DK4'EA8- ED—Purwuunt lo the order of IsaHc

tUm. surrt-tfale of tho cnunly of k.*** *- ‘2- diiy made, on the appHcailon of the hinnrcl executrix of said decvased. nolle® la herpby' given to the t-re«Ulors of said decesaed tu ejhibit to the sahKrlbef, unket V»"' rli-metloii, their i-lalnia .nil ihe eitale ol u id d rcced . wllhin nine from thia dale, or they will be forever proeecutltl* or revoverln* Ihe eame .*„,nel the .ubevrlher. b ie RMAN.

V«n Liew Sc. Peek. Pr-jotor*.HlO Broad afrt'et, Newark. N. J,

February 24. 19H-

Ce^can-teedQn>BtyC*rt-ili«d Roofing


Aibory Park, N. J.

SpeEvery sHtrictitlii Y ork^ ''l’'oMi‘l'orUibVn^hoHelVond bourd-

■eteide resort, tb mllee south theatres uolt. line au to rouds. Con-Ing-housee. salt wBlvr from E aster fiatur-llnuous proRram of I'ddBr sent on re.iueat by M unldpal_lit...... - - proKram oi sent on re,m eat by Municipal In-day until October. Agburv Turk, .V. .1. New York offleeslr{ S S * R "B "T & “0C B « ” TASK MU, VORTER," a t 32QW est 4!d stree t, or a t Lord & l a j l o r a .

C O L E M A N H O U S EOnlv iioiul open t'ft ot*ean froivi.

M A R L B O R O U G H H O T E LDeUshtlully located u i d Boniellk*.

Send lor raiee and lionkl.t.,A. M. SEXTON, rronrlelor.

HOTEI. ST. OEontrE.Formerly 13ufklnKhain. oor, ' .rand and

itinmerfleld S. B. 1-. BAI.b.Mtl*

IHE METROPOLITANLending hotel In every respect.

Send far booklet. BKANCIS VAKNAI.I,, Maoegrr.

B.STATE Ob” JOHN O. WILLIAMS, DE- CtlASyO-—Pursuant to th« order of

Shoenthal. Burrogat® of the Louniy aex this day mud®, on the application of Ilie'undereiBned, e.c.'innra notice I" hereby given to the “Esold deceeaetl tr, eihlhlt to the Buhncrlbera under oath or afflrmarlnn, eiRldemands aeatnsl the estate of eald deceased,

ithin Ptno month* fPom thla dat®, or theyVsitilln rUTlD inOIlLlI* HUIH %a«».,, ---ISmil ho forever barrnd from proanoutlni or rec4ivpr1ng th® Kamo agaliiat th® 8UbaiJrioer»e


Henry H. Daweon, Proctor.

ESTATE OF PETER WOLF, DECEASBD-- Puauaiit to the order ol Isaac Shoenthai.

.urrngate p i the ,county of th i . day

Since we have been giving a regular written guarantee on C e r ta im ^ Roof­ing, one class of compewors has been saying that their roohng will Itener- aliy last twenty years, or longer.” They don’t guarantee it, however, at sJI. It’s very easy to talk, talk, talk and say any number of years in such talk, but responsible concerns must know allwbout their roofing if they do any momthan talk—they must know their roofings really do last when they sign a pnnted

! guarantee of plain requirements that the roofing shall make good. Ut course, i the irresponsible type—those who are likely to go out of business won

sign anything. It’s very important that the buyer should not be caught in such a trifling manner.Another very important thing is these writing, that it is his best in every ta"k guarantees^are offered on the way, and then have the guarantee in cheaDcst fioods the manufacturcfs writing and properly signed, too. make; not being real guarantees, thereis no risk. They say nothing anout Baaipic—where everything '"u fttheir highest priced brands and quali- depewFupon the »tanding and abiuty B a r S f , offeLhe cheapest thing they or the n-draL-turerd to^m ake good have-offer a lalk^guarantee on cheapgoods equal to tlic Veal g u a ra n te e given p j , ,„ i„ . , r e d Kooflng is soUi a t u ren-

BurroKiue f**- v.w«iiv.F w. ~ rmade, on lh« appllOAllon of exACUlor of aata deuea^ed, nolle® I® nerotjjrexACUlor or aaia aeueanuu, is tivw Klveii to ihB credllora of ®ald d e c o ^ d to exhibit to th® pubBcrlber under oath of a m r - matlon, ihelr claim* andthe eaiato of aald deceased, within nine months from till* date, or they will be for-monins irom wnw «««, vi v.—v ..... — - -ever barred from proaecutlnf or recovering .. — ... lb, faS B11 I he r.lh« same a^Bluat the eubwcrl

F ,b fU « y «, ISlt. ^ h EADLEP.


THIS MAIHIWFN. J. K. Hodman, per day, lli'to Hi P**" week. IS to 116.

Make your tr ip to A lbany, 'f o y . Schenectady or o th er point* "up- S talo" a restfu l recreation on one ol th e Btcamere o t the

New Jersey C entral “Searchlight Route”TRAINS LEAVE NEWARK

, S*tur-sn o a n STtlimT-WccS <li}-., I-MS.-H:« a, M : UHU.

Bimriny. oelj, 1:18 P. H.; Suofl»r., W:3J ^ »■, <1,. b io i ■ m__________ __

J flr.i-riftBs se rv ice of the g rea t d in ing saloons, w atch the? ^s,U h1i«ht* X ? on historic hills, stro ll on th e *pac oue

? aoc^d M ght * rest In a cosy room. S team er. "Tro an"5 '“ 5;L and'amYgoo^d mgh’r*“ « s r r n aVm^ "Trojan"Sea “ Rof.sselaer*^ “ea?e^ PIER 32. NORTH HIVER (foot of Canal nnd Kcnaseiaer joh.v« * ai AA p . m .. ariiv;«4r«etl D A II.r . « !•. M.|‘ W«et "llzd sYreet, Si-W P. 81., a rriv in g ‘r tb a iJs ' a” d Troy m tim e ('>'• e‘"'ly m orning tra in connection*. L Spring fares

Atltstic City, N. J.

le iM viS iTh® hotel wjih the dlRttiuiilv® tea-

, Facihi thd and overiooklnji. . _... a I a* tp ..IIU*®®. 3' *31-8D® aiiT *vy a«.j^th® fimou® BiMkrdwilh. Every roomconnected wuii pHvirt®Inv ' h(Nt end CtflRClty «i>0.

cold runnirii water.WALTER J. BU2CT.

AtlADtic City, N. J,.-ivcrv/kiui A ■T*nn. ave., firm hotel Jrom FREDO NIA Cap fti. Bvary


F re ig h t now being received.

avoi. toraion. SP«ci*‘ *«l.v s ^ n rtw*. UancallvO labl*. BcaikeL U. W. lAHHAHT-

Wemcnvait, Pa.

HOTEL O STEN DKntlra uoch 4>( Oatieli front w(th open »ur- I vfuw from bD rinunr*. CapA-ghnui* utanen vs wroBtodlnir®* UCeami.’Uy 60iJ.*'<orf«rrni( every appointment *ndtemfort—frenhftkllence In oul*utc and fwrvlc®. Orchpuira ftBd iockl <®*hir®B. FtMcUl Hprln* lerni*. Auto m®«U tTmlR*. Urio«r of own-

jrOHN C. OOEtrSjgilR, MenaifM'..or*.

HOTEL C H ^E A: Entire

'room®,block of of«*u from.

tvUh lre*U and ae» water

u w im h Klai. «r.iie. uvw .ton» h o l '^ * ^dttnty furaliililui* 1* •»• ' . -s u-BtuB waocefrood HHKipl® for l Bti

' ritt* duHnl thdrP Pi®®; .or Hwiltk IB ppr beRUlifuHfs iD t »ti*e Wfnefewvnt ■■ Atltitflc City.

ESTATE -OP WILLIAM A. BROTHERS, DE- CEASHJD^PorBuant to Ihe order of iMBo Shoenthel, eurrognte of the eoumy of Em*5x,

till® day made, on the applJcatlon of the un- Uettlirned. admlnlalmtor of *ald deceaeed, notice le hereby slven to the credHor® of a^d dexjeaaed to exhibit to the ■ubacrtl»er. undir oath x>r affirmation, Ibelr claim* and demamt* atalnat the eatat® of wiid deceaacd, wUhIn nine month* from Ihl* date, or they will be fwevfr

: tarred front proaecullng or recoverinf the ’ MamB Bvaln®! the *Qb*crlber»^wme ajainei me CORNELIUS J. KAHRI February S. I8H.

on Certain-teed Roofing. It’s funnyhow many people they catch on such things!When you buy a piece of roofing you should know—and know in writing— that it Is the best quality—best brand goods made by that manufacturer. Remember—make him Jiut this in

ioiVablc price everyw here by d ea le rs! who believe In giving u iieurpaassa i quality a t a fa ir profit. 'The am ount of l> rta ln -teeO Roofing I required forrcqiiiivu ,o, an av erage roof, say teii squares, w'ill cost less th a n $a over the cheap mail o rder grade. This sm all Initial coat Is saved m any tim es 1" the fifteen years’ w ear w hich Is covered by the m anufacture r's guaran tee .nember—make him Jiut this in, the m anufacturer * guara iuye .

General Roofing Manufacturing. Co./ifrVioA'tUl And buiZdifk7 PdJXT#TTorld's iorpett monufocturers o/ poo «b eind buUdintl paper*

ta tL m k lB . Y -k.P^ M*rsrin-.IIt. H.wY^City Chiewo^ I ^ CMfMl— p. 11. SuFiwKtoc. S»ta. I,oodw.Eiwl»iid HM.biirt.GMMW

ESTATE OF ALOIS DOLL. DECBASED- I'ursuant lo the order of' Isaac Shornihal, aur-

1 rotate of the county of Esect. thla day made, on the application of the undorelgned. adminle- trator ot eald Oeceoitd. notlro la hereby given lo the crmlltore of eald deccueed to evldlitt to die euhaorlber, under oath or atormetlon. their claims and demand* againit the estate of eald (lecoaeed, wUbln idne months from thla date, or they will be forever barred from prOTecuUng or recovering the lame

February 24. ISU.

T.I. >T40 Wgtkrt

Tel. 1T8»ifk.* STEAMBOATS

"Th* PtibH* B. PliMed."

Eirape l e n i i t a

SURROCATE;sjOnCK__ES’?AtS '’' oF ~ J * « ^ ^ UUKLLER._D.E' ’ciL^SEIVFursYaiit' to The erder ot J*aao Blioenthat. -aurrogetb

____ ___ . ..... battmOroMHirH. grllL ' Frrsth chief®Ijolf Brtvlteees. Auroi meet train*. BohUlel. .OFen all yeir. • J. B. THOMfwON a



rma‘ irkclG Hiaa3«

ihgtijfs (lOM ia tl ' rC U U U iiiteO N HOTEL

ViruiHu Ayr/iuk. 4i«*I UrdiJli.

as* t-HV* v*Ligi WL - —— “ —ShocRtfiil. ^■urro(i®ti> uf Ih® of E®**».till*,day laaito. i>n ’h*? application of un- d®r*Iei»il. (iBld<d®cB*|«d, nqtic* «

BlYen lo Ut® ' vedhori of «ild il®cca®f;<l to exhibit te the spbsvriber. under oath or at- (IriMthm,. their ct*lma and damiildi against the ostate-af Mli daiaaaed. wlihlir nln* taonth* Irom till. d*te. or they will be forever barred from prooicutlriy ui* tocoverinB iB* tem®against t h . g » ^ b e r , me„SZEG

Pw-**nl claim* to .tH® - 'National Buraly Comparijr* . „ -



B Y R N 0^ felt lilies

ao* niBiw « * _

COLONIAL UNEBOSTON g f f f i " 82.511

p r o v i d e n c e dVeect $1.60

E?TATEJ OK J.AMES VRISBLAND, DSCEAS* KD—Purauani to th* orOer of that. iurroBBt# of ih® couoty of Eimx, rtiU

Gay mafl®. on th® applltatlon of th® und®r* •iKFied. odmlnlatrator of i«ld deceaaed, fiOtlc® li''ti«r«br given to lli® creditor* of mM d*- < eaeed to ezhlhlt to iti® aubaerfher, under oath or affirmation. th®lr clatraa arwl draanda ®Kain*t th«j e®ial® of aald dieceaj*il, 'aithjft nin® iiiontha from thla date, or th«y will bo for '-'or harr#<j from pro*®cutlti« or rocoverlng tho aam*

the VHEELAND.V«t List* 0 Peek. Procter*

810 Broad ittaat, Newark. R. J-January 28. 1214.

e s t a t e o f j a n e BROWN, DBCEASBO-- Purauant to the order ot teaao Bhoenihai,

Burrogate ot the county of Baa**, this dayBUiiv *h& itHseapalrTtsaf!.


CKgtSEUi—Purauant to order of Isaac Shoentlial, sutroiai® of the coonty of Eaiox* thla (lay made, on the appDoatlori of the underHianed, admlnietratrlx of nald oe- ceaBOd. notice la hereby fIVan lO the credl- loM Of aald deceased to exhibit to- the ®ub- e<'rlber, under oath or afflrmatlonj their claima and (iemaiida aMalnjit th® eaiBle of said deceaaede within nine month* from thla date, or tfiey will be forever barred from prosecuilnt or rcooverlng tb® aama ajalnal the aubserTber. ^ PRESTON.Present claims to

Samuel B, Ayore, Proctor, . „ ,l»-U Clinton street, Newark, N. J.

. March 14. 1214.ESTATE OF WlLDIAM J, BAN18TKR, £E-

CKA8EI>--Puriuaiti to tho order of *■■■" fiho®nthal. aurrogato of the t^unty of*a_a. .S-A M sSmHsvm 4 Inn nt frlsA

SURROGATE'S NOTICES^ESTATE OF LUCAS MCBAMD--Purauant to tb« order ofUaac blmntlial, •» - romta of tbe county of &*ex. thla day mode, on the application of the uiidorelgned. ojtew-r" A^MUtl natlTtc la haraliV wIVOI??re notice la hareby vIv mto the crSdlton of aaid deceaaed to ^ I b t t 4oto the creoiiora V* aaiu u«vv«aeu bw cjuiiMik w the eaSSb«r$. under oath or afflnDMICtt. thair'clilma ohd demetidJ atalnat the i dfaw of aald de«e*o*di *0 Ithin nine month! from tbto date- Of they will be forever barred f tm pre#ecutlnd or reoovtrinf the aam® aceiBlfe tM iflbecrlbera ALFRED PRTSR.

WILLIAM PETttl, (icharringliauwn A Hartpenec. Proctora. January 27, 1014. ____ _

I aurroKat* oi vn® couniy a*—jluadei on the applicaGon of the underlined, enecutrla of oolo-

KDdinUe Bdk Keiervd lanciitdr



weA (lay® and Huodaye-dt $ P. M„ fro»a Pl«r SI N. It., ft. 'WeHouaton tU Berth* free. Outalde rooma, II.

Ticket® J. B, Mayer. $4 ^ *"1** ark. ahd Bdw. B-a ilaK#®*' Harrleoa •V*.. Harnaon-

enecuiria oi mhu- e.Ma.wj.alven to the oredUnrs of aald deceaeeci to HXhlblt to the HubaLTlber under oath or af- ftrroatton, olrpa and-demands agalnat the estate of saW . deceaaed, within nine montha from this dale, or they will bo for*

Rnoaninai. BuriusAv* vs i-gbw w*this d*y m*ile, on the *pp Icntlon^ ths Wioe^------- yieeuwr* ot said Seoesuw* »!#«».■tven to the crefilloro (q, uHito oihlblt to tho eubscrlbor*. iMor ,flrmetlon, Ibelr clalme ns* W K?!

JftAIB'Srxo JSVIOA HIJO vo».*.p "we # •»»»»» »*•evar barred from proeecutlnc or recoverlhd aaalnat the tubaorfber.the aamo -

February 9.'1914.• HANNAH V. PRSNTICB-Edw*r4 A. end 'William T, Day. Praotor*

BSTATB OF JOHN IL B. STOUT, DBOEABBD —Funuont to the ordor ot leou BhooDthOl, eufrdgado ot the county of BiSM, tbM day. --al""_alsA avvTiHr,MMsm Pit fhtt *IViyt«FMl>-nw1.

Worcrstoi groni Kloi

88.48) rf**M«tie direct, 81..W.

kT tATK oY' SARAH E, HAVVI^r, PECEAB-— SV.W1. W ****ii(0 Sbo

K^ATg.OP A*E[>-^rUraUant to the_________. . . . _____ ke conaiir ot E s^ .IhU .lay (node, oh the kppllcatian of the u|idar,dfntd. - irtwhiletr*^* ^ ceased.' nofloe fi hereby 'gtWin' to Ol. credl- tors of,s*ld dsewed to exhlhlt to th* *«l>- onder oath or afilfinauoA- thatr ciaJtn® and' demanua' aialnaf Ihe eatate of

t>kAXAs (jr (3A«.-*«8 «i- ggs*.i s.f.**l --jET>-Fur*uant l« th® order of Jeaae SbwS* th»i. eunogan ot Ih* ruunty S2888.JH™ d*y inadv, in tlw applltMtluo of th* signed, jdndnlstrotoi wlih the will «m.**d ol

totXied, Wiuna IHnl*niohaT* troii’ Mt* or they will Bg fouver beried from fitMeoumgIk.* Meewm. 8 h* AULSfitTlbtf-or iney 'WHi o* t«ev®r usti«i « w48*Or r«c«v«rmg th® tame aaoJnii th® aul*>®cn|We MARY W. HAWLSY-Oiiy J. Edward*. Proctor Japi *" '-Juarj^ao^W*.____

NOTtCB OP SfiTTLEMENT-Notfea if her«by ^veu tliat. th® .auMimta ut the auMcrtberfs

the \iii*i«®a uular' tli® Itiyi will fODd i t e ta m ^ t ef Chan®# Nlohoi*. -iteuaaaed. be fudHadana ■mteo ^ •urmfaif ana mi-jTiau «vi i>ettl«ni«nt W th® Urnhen*' Court ®f tho oounty. Maisl... 4, qf

r? lJr iV 'li: ^ S” **DaUy* laaladliiM HUDdaT. A P. M.em ^ * r >8. N ^ . Ne* Torh.Fram f'Biiv »»,»»• f“» “TT.Beekmn. City n « !^ 0 (f lse , 1’, Uotown Tlokei Otfto*. ■ ■

. !>u B'woy. N. 'wav end :id Bt.

SURROGATE’S NOTICES' " ‘ -iF' mi ...... .esta te o f vVtLttAll C. STEWART. DK-

CBABEt>--Furso*ot to the order of leaac Shoenthai, bUito« 1* of th* county o f Bs-

this day ingfl*, on the apglleation of

Olin or auirTnaucti. vijbsi vwmw «»uu aoMrlS)/the MUl* of s.W S o c e ^ , wlthm nine aiMtlis from ihii d«t*. or thoV will kt nrsrver beired from ouWDcutlni or los lb® mtd® aceinet tn® aubacriber.

' reeav^'

January $0. IflH.PHILIP De ELLIOT,

NOTICE OF' SBTTLaMKNT—Kottea la ' hrraby given that the accounta ot tl^ aubaertber, executor of th® la«t. will luldm ' Areported fdf HtUeiheHt to

urmation. w«tr cwnw aqo "y 't _III. estate ot eald deceMoS. wTOta fflw «»atfh« from Iht* date, or they wtll h*. twe tg harm from proMcutlng Ot reoovOfW !>• axalnit the iiibi lberB- — awrawBFR-VNCM «• B A N I^B

WILLIAJ4 A, BANI9TTO. ALBERT L. BANIBTER.Henry H. Daweon, Praetar.January 2$, 19U.

BSTASTE v r ItOTH HALLTBCRTON, I>|I« CHASED—Pttrattant ttt tho order of leiko Shoenthai. aurrosat* of the county of Tfteiiy . thin day made, on the application of ^ e underRtfnad, executor of aaid deceaeen. notice la hereby given to the credUora of laid deceaaed to exhibit tb the aubaccibbr, under o4th or affirmation, their clalma and demanda ugatnat the eatale ®f aald Ae- Qiaaed. arlthln nine month® front'thli daiei or they will be forever barred from proae- ruling or recovering the *ame agaltuit the mbacrlber. ROBERT r . BIBHOPf

March 18, 1 W 4 ._________

NOTICE OF gBTTLEMENT—Nolle® ]® hereby given that th® account® of th®

aubacrlber. one of th® «xecutor* of the laat will and teatamant of.Jennl® Warhawaky, rlei-euod, will be audllad and atated by the BUrrogate and report®d for aetUement to tb® Orphani’ Court of tb® county of Ea*®x, on Fri^y. th® tevenceenth day of April n«xt.

Dated March 6. 't9l4. waieu «•» WILLIAM S. 'RICM.Philip J. Schpllaad. Proctor.

_____ . ............. ..... -wi^hana'. Court of the county of Emmx- on Friday.


NOTICE OF SBTTLEMBNT—Notice la hereby given that the acnounte of the lubacrlber, jruavdJah of the eatat® of Violet

EUaabeth ’nylor. a minor, will be audited and' ethied by th® surrogat® - and* reported Tor *En»i®fl8 Wttl» ewM**- »l Uwcounty of Eaaex, on Friday, the aeventeenta

wiskM *svg ss. vV, 8.** wjg>ri*i,.mk *l#li V.the uiraeralgnod executrix of aald (leceaaed.----- s_ *---k.. *- - - ---------- --ttotioe la hereby ^ven to the creditors of aald d*i'®aaed to exhibit to the aubetu-lbar,. under cMiih or etflrniatlon. their ulalm® and demanda afelnat th® witgl® of aMd^da- c-eauMicl. xvtthtn nine montlta from this dgie. or they wUl h® forever barred from proee- cutliif or recoTirtng tho earn* against th# Butacriber.UABaA&BT BTKWART GRHBN.

l,OUr>. VI l««» MOSMUVJ va BssMiivya. vwtthe B«veiiteenth day of April next.

Dated ^ r c b 18. 1914.THOMAS W. JACKSON- W. BradfOTd_SniHh. Proctor.

day -of April next. Datad March S, L914WALTER B. SMITH.

Frank Benjamin* Prootcr.

NOTJL'B OF SHTTLEMENT-NoHce le hereby jgiven that the Rccnunli of the eubeenber.

admlnleiralrli of Plitrangelo Vaccaro, *•- (rased, will be Mvdited end atated by thd mir- rr>gate end rrporiad for *®t(1*niriit to tb® Ch^hana' Court of the couoty of KsMX. on Ptt^||8JB V.UMJ V4 tIHI VMULsaj W8 4-.Wday, th® Ihlid day «r April aetL *

l^led February ST. T9H'DOMINIC* VACCANO, C ih cln Bcoppsttos* m ete*

NOTICE OF Set tle m e n t—Neiic* i* hereby given that th® aoeouhu of the

eubecHber, executor of th® last will aiul tfatameqt of Tbontaa Wolf*, deceaaed, will be audited aed elated the surrogate aad report®4i for settleiDeni to the Orpbati®' Cotfrt of the county of EeMX- Oh SYIday. the

ESTATE OF LENA WSISMANTEL, m-c-purtuant to the order of laaao Bbois-,__ s . . «V— nS\atw>*» —A ID A Mm B skla itAIMmL'- fnireuant w in® vruar ui imso b» _thel, ■urrOgat® of the county of Eeeea. ihti AaJ'' made, ou th® applIrgUon of the uBdcralgiitiik

m« jbiwymaee, ou m® ui. «va ucexecutor of said d«c®aa«d. notloo vt v m ^ jElveu to Ih® crodUora cl eald deceaetd M ibtt to the Bubacrlber, under valh or alflmta* tIoR. their claims and demanda againtt'the aatal® Of iild deceased, within nine from UHa data or they will be fofover b a m Crum proaecutlng or recovering the eem® Rgalpat th® subacriber. -^ MARTIN B. WEIBMANTSla

lUMtte H. Meyer. Proctgr. „ , lU Broad «cro®t, NaaarK. N* J.

January 2S. 1914.NOTICE OF BHTTLBBpIBNT—Notice la

hereby given that the accounts Of the eubecrll^ra, the oxecutora of the laat inll and teaiament of Mary ClarlM oaaaed- wTlI be audited and etatpd bjr theoaaaeo- wm o® uuaiiea amj »i«kpu vm surrent* tad reported (or seitteai^t » th*

'lau t -of the xDiwtF.. ef- Eeiik •# Frldar. the fim 'llK ' of Mar OUL

Dated March 81. 1*14.nEOBOK H. LSWJSf S1?KNCBK H. HALL.

Chart*# ,H. .Kalfpeaoy, - Frodtor.

VUIlFk U1 L(ia 4.4*|8k4>7 WA SJIWMs Waevenitenth day of April next*

Dated Mgi^ .7,IH VhU' A Rrenrogt.

NOTICE OF BETTfAftMENT—Notica herel^ gl'"®n ' accouiits of UieiubacHlfer, atfmlnletratrlx of the letate ;of

Jeanift Worlendyke, de82®aeed, will 0« an«t- ed and aiat®d by the eurrogate and reported for eeUlement lo the Orpbw*' Coon of We county or SMag, cm FnAay. tb® first ,Qay of Mag fie t.

Doted MODjIi wORTBNDltKH.Vfllllsis C.'-Aapw, rroctor.









■ a n te e s , in s I

Most of :rsational| ntee that ] i writing.

eb iB ly

■teed Roof- ‘‘will itcner- i ever, at all. ich tJk, but ly more than ‘gn a printed j Of course, I

! soon—can! t be caught]

est in every i guarantee in i led, toe. * jvl^lng gooUs S be judged by i rthing must I ; and ablUly |

make good ; rfl in the fu*

jld a t a ren- s by d e a le rs !

uneurpussad 1

^eeU Rooflnir I roof, say ten f ti $5 over the

Thia small times In the

Is covered by .ntee- -

fC o.n y titles Cltf[, C enuM f

OTIGES Il. DKCBABBtV- vc bbMnthfti, mr- . thU day Rmdi. loislgned. it biraby fiVM

sed to exhibit to or Afriraa«.tlaiiu

Exinat iho iMitoto monthA from thto .'«r barred tNm ■amo acaJBife ^FIED PRTBRe LIAM PETBR, et, Froctorte

IBUETOK, 1>B- e order of Itddo county of SiMXi plication of too

aaid doebaWd. the credUora ► the lubacrlMhrp their claims dod .te of Mtd l|»*

frdm thlA dtto» Tod from prop** amo a g a iw tlioT r , BiBHOPa;

NTEIa.of laaao 8bodo»

of EtMx. (hlA d t f the uaucrolgaoae Dotteo la btoaby

d dOCOMtd to 01*‘ oath or a f f ln ^ anda agalntt' tlia this nine wioit00 bo forover baitfd .-«rlng tha n taoWEISMAMTlUa' H. J . ' -li ‘ 1#’’'

BNT—Notice »e eccounti of u e o f the lest m u

larise Liswie, 4s-,0 stated by t i e sottlsmsnt to ^ e rntX’ of may o u t ..iiK R. t/BWia; : e r h . KAX.U' I doctor. . *[e n t —Notice . la accounts of Ota of the (Stats rot

nd, win be aiKHt- gate and r s r a M lans* Court of tpa ay, the first .'Uy


[ New Jeneu*» Greateet Store We Give and Redeem Surety Coupone

15c W hite ' Batiste ai 9\cWhite Batiste in stripes, checks and figures; suitable for women's and

children’s waists and dresses; regularly sold for ISc yard; special tomorrowat ................................................. ................................................................9'/ic

Wash Dress Remnants at 7>/iC—Remnants of Ratine Voile, 36-in. Madras, Stripe Voile and Dress Ginghams; values to 19c ysrd; special a t . .. .7*/iC


• H A IK FLO OH V ^ y

\$ 2 M Printed Foulard Silk ai $1,29Printed Foulard Silk, 45 inches wide and showerproof. There are eight

beautiful designs of from one to five color-printings—all of them this sea­son’s best styles and colorings. Just 1,200 yards to be placed on sale tomorrow. Silk that we regularly sell for $2.00 yard; special at..............$1.2»OV HARM.SI.V TABI.IS NO. 1


The Month-End Sale Brings Stirring Economies Ihroushout the Entire Store

Wom n £ Women's Waists a t $1.19

Hemp Hats, $ INearly all of the Spring

shapes are represented, in black hemp. Some of them are so pretty that only a little trimming would be nec­essary to make them attrac­tive looking. The usual prices of these hats are $1.45 and $1.6 5—special a t . . .$1.00

MF-fNIWD F t . O U H . _ _


Gloves at 8 5 cWomen’s Washable White

Doeskin Gloves, one-clasp style, with Paris point stitch­ing and gusset fingers. May be had in all sizes from SYi to 7'/2. Gloves that are regu­larly sold for $1.00; special during the Month End Sale at ..................................... 85c

MAIN F I . O O H _ _ _ _

Values Up to $2.50

W o men s 25c

Stockings at 1 5cWomen’s Sample Stock­

ings of lisle and fine cotton in black, white, tan and col­ors; regularly sold for 25c; special during the Month EndSale a t ........................ 15c

Men’s Socks at 11c—Sam­ple Socks of silk lisle and fine cotton in black and col­ors; values to 25c; special


A most unusual collection of women's plain and novelty.voile and crepe waists—in either high or low neck models, with the popular drop shoulder effect, long or three-quarter sleeves; sailor collars or collarless effect; trimmed with knife plaited net, val., lace inserts, and pearl buttons. Others have hand embroidered effects and with and without yoke effect back and front. Waists valued up to $2.50; special tomorrow a t ....................................$1.19

Women's $1.29 House Dresses at 89cMade of linene and percale in the low neck style, with com­

bination shawl collars and others in the collarless effect; trimmed with embroidered scalloped edgings or combination embroidered. Three-quarter length sleeves, full skirts and deep hems. May be had in stripes, plain colors and fancy figures. Made to sell for $1.29; special tomorrow a t............................................................

FLUOlt -----

Muslin Underwear

Women*s 5 0 ^

N eckwear, 25cLace Collars in many of

the season’s best styles, in­cluding imitation Baby, Irlih and Venise Laces and Batiste. Regularly sold for 50c; spe­cial a t........... ................... 2i)C

19c to 25c Collars at I l k - Women’s stiff embroidered linen Collars, slightly soiled; regular values range from 19c to 25c; special at . 10c


L a ces a nd


$ 3 Corsets

at $ 1 . 7 5 '•____ • ~ 1

W. B. *tid R. & G. Corsets of batiste and coutil, in low and medium bust, tong hip and back models; trimmed with face and embroidery; strong hose supporters at­tached; corsets that are regu­larly sold for $3.00; specialat ........... ^ ....................$1.75

Brassieres at 47c—In but­ton back or front style, rein­forced under the arms, and trimmed with lace or em­broidery; special a t.........47c_ _ SECOND "■ ""**

59c Lace Edge

Women’s Nightgowns at .39c —Made of good quality nain­sook in the popular slip-over style, neck and sleeves finished with scalloped edge, embroid­ered spray on the front; special at .........................................39c

Misses* Drawers at 39c—Made of excellent quality crepe in the knickerbocker style, trimmed with lace, in sizes of 12 to 18 years.

Children’s Drawers at 2.5c— Of excellent quality crepe in the popular knickerbocker style. They are trimmed with lace and are ideal for the young girl. Sizes 2 to 10 years.

Children’s Nightgowns at 50c—Of fine quality cotton crepe in the popular slip-over style. They are attractively trimmed with lace. May be had in sizes

• from 6 to 14 years., SECOND F L O O R .

200 Pairs Women's $2.00 Shoes a t $1.25

, ‘About two hundred pairs of Women’s Shoes, made of patent leather, gun metal and kid in the new Spring styles. May be had only in sizes lYi. 3, and 4. They are good, serviceable Shoes and sell regularly at $2.00—special during the Month End Sale at ................................................................................................. $1-25

Women's Shoes at $2.20Made of patent leather and gun metal, with dull leather tops

and the new receding toe shape. These Shoes have either welted or stitched soles and spool heels. They are usually sold for $3.00, but for the Month End Sale have been marked a t.................. $2-20

EmbroideriesShadow Flouncings at 39c

Yd.—For values up to 59c; these are 12 to 18 inch flouncings, in white and ecru.

I^ace Remnants at 'j Price—Odd lots, comprising Veny- ise bandings,' allovers, Orien­tal and Valenciennes laces. All on sale tomorrow at half our former prices.

10c and 39c Edges and In­sertions at 5c and 18c a Yard —On, cambric and nainsook.


Toilet and

Drug SpecialsPeroxide of Hydrogen, in

pint bottles, at................. 12cPolo Brand Toilet Paper,

large rolls, special a t....... tkWestphal’s Hair Tonic,

$1.00 size bottles, a t....50cI’almolive Toilet Soap, spe­

cial, each.........................7'/jC

WometVs Tailored Suits at $14.98~

Women’s Men-Taitored Suits of Crepe Cloth in the two-button cutaway front style with French back. The sleeves are made in the fancy set-in effect and fin­ished with cuffs. These suits are lined with Peau de Cygne and have the new draped skirts, with a semi-fulness at the hips. We consider them exceptionally clever models at the low price o f . . $14.98

Juniors* Spring Coats at $7.98Distinctive models for the young girl in

black and white checks, with a fancy back and single-breasted front. The collars are Inlaid with silk, and the belts piped in silk.These coats may be had in sizes 13, 14 and 15 years. Special a t.......................... $7.98

Girls' Reefers at $4.98Girls’ Bedford Reefers in the

single-breasted models with ' loose backs. The collars are made of silk and also the girdle, the latter giving the long-waisted effect. Sizes 6 to 14 years. Special a t ..................$1.98

Suits at $10.95We have secured the entire sample

line of Misses' Suits from a well- known Eastern manufacturer and marked them at a price within the reach of all. There is a wide range of materials and styles—all of them the very latest, but mostly one of a kind, Very special a t .............. $10.95

MUiumn floor


$ 2 Tabourettes

A t $ 1 . 2 5

Scarfs at 4 5 c Sale of Watches!Assorted style Lace Edge

Scarfs, 54 inches long; 30- inch shams; usually sold for59c; special a t .................. 45c

25c Stamped and Printed Pillow Tops at 19c—Choice of square and oblong shapes, floral or conventional de­signs; usually priced 25c;special a t...........................19c

Pillow Cushions at 39c— Large size, cambric covered, silk floss Pillow Cushions in assorted shapes; special, each

39c- M AIN FLOOR _ _ _

Notions!!Samson Dressing Pins, the

paper...............................1'/*®Shoe Trees, well made with

wood ends; 4 pairs fo r.. .25c Sanitary Aprons, large

size, each...................... .. .15cExtra Heavy Sew-on Elas­

tic Supporters, in white, very wide, with button and loop clasp; per pair...................7c


Prices *Way Underprice—One of Newark’s best

watch sties—every watch up to the Hahne standard, and at prices that spell decided econ­omies. Compare our prices, qualities and designs with those advertised—you'll find them hard to duplicate—

Men’s and Women’s $15,50 Watches for $12.98—14-karat Elgin or Waltham movement watches, considered a bargain at $15.50; decidedly unusual a t................................................................. ..

Women’s Watches at $7.00—Gold open-face Watches for women, with plain polished case, and warranted movements.

Women’s Watches at $M—l4-karat hunting case watches, fitted w ith Waltham or Elgin movements (7-jewel), in plain or engraved cases.

Men’s and Boys’ Watches at $3.48—Engraved Watches, engine turned cases, fitted with guaranteed movements and were made toretail for......................................................................................*5.00

Misses’ and Women’s Bracdet Watches at........$7.00 to $25.00Misses’ and Women’s Gold Filled Watches at. .$5.00 to $25.75 Misses’ and Women’s SoUdf Sold Watches at $12.98 to $35.75Men’s and Boys’ Gold Filled Watches at......... $3.48 to $35.75Men’s and Boys’ Solid Gold Watches a t...........$12.98 to $47.75


Made bf fumed oak in brown finish; octagon shaped top, 11x11 inches, 18 inches high; usually priced at $2.00; spe­cial a t .................


. . $ 1 . 2 ^

'Here and Tkere

About the StoreGood Evening!

H Bargain Note*—Bargains are in the air—for it’s clearance time in March, and all odds and ends must go.

fi There are New Spring Cre­tonnes on sale today and tomorrow—worth 25c and 30c —at 19c (third floor).

li Also 15c and 25c Swiss and Scrim at 10c and 15c (third floor).

Ti A few 9x12 ft. Asminster Rug* In new patterns and col­orings, worth up to $25.50, it $19.75 (third floor).

$ The new Couch Hammocha are ready, and priced as low as $4.75 (second floor).

1 On tomorrow, like other days, you'll find that—After all, Hahne's is the best place to shop.

$3.98 Dotted Swiss Kimonos J 2.98In floral designs with sailor collars or collarless effect,

trimmed with lace insertions; beading finish and ribbon trimmed; may be had in pink, light blue and lavender. Kimonos made to sell for $3.98; special a t............................................................. $2.9%

House Dresses at $1,29—Made of percale and lawn in the sailor collar style, trimmed with embroideries and combinations; drop shoulders and three-quarter sleeves; vest effect trimmed with embroidery; may be had in stripes and figures; value $1.98; special a t ................................$1.29

Long Crepe Kimonos at $1.49~In flowered effects and fancy patterns, V neck front trimmed with satin or scalloped edgings, Empire back; value $2.50; special a t ............................................................................. .............. $1.19-

Extra Size House Dresses at $1.79—Made of seersucker in light and dark colorings, square or round neck, three-quarter sleeves; sizes 48, 50 and 52; a t.......................................................................................................

Black Soisette House Dresses, value $3.00, a t............ : ................... $1.98-------- SKCOND FLOOR

All-Wool Crepelle a t 68cIntended to Be Sold for $I

This All-lVool Crepelle is 41 and 42 inches wide, thoroughly steam sponged and shrunk, and also spotproof. The manufacturer intended it to be sold for $1,00 a yard, and we consider it well worth that price. Economical women should take advantage of this unusual offering and purchase a supply for their Spring gowns. Among the colors to be had are—King’s blue, mahogany, Russian green, navy, taupe, Alice blue, Copenhagen, old blue, light blue, dark brown, wistaria, plum, wine, marine blue, navy blue and black.

m a i k Fl.OOIt I I . . ■■

Trunks', Suit Cases and Women's Hand B ass

$7,50 to $10.50 Trunks at $5.50 to $8.35Dress TrUnks made on a bass wood box, canvas covered: five

slats on top and four on bottom; one-tray size.No, 28, regularly $7.50, now...............$,5.r)0No, 30, regularly $8.00, now.-.$5.93No. 32, regularly $8.50, now..$6.10No. 34, regularly $9.00, now..$6,85No, 36, regularly $9.50, now..$7.35No. 38, regularly $10.00, now.$7.85No. 40, regularly $10.50, now.$8.35

$1.00 Bull Cases at 85c—Matting Dress Suit Cases, made on a steel frame, with metal corners and brass trimmings; sizes 14, 16, 18 and 20; regularly $1.00; choice a t ...........................................................................85c

$7.00 to $8.00 Suit Cases at $5.8.7—Rattan Suit Cases, made on a steel frame, with patented handle, sewed on straps; choice of sleeve or cretonne linings; sizes 22, 24 and 26-inch size; regularly $7,00 ro $8.00; special at .....................................................................................................................$5.85

Women'* $2.50 and $3,00 Hand Bag* at $1.59—Made of the finest quality morocco leather, silk lined, and fitted with purse and hanging mirror; choice of gilt-, gun metal and nickel frames; regular value S2.50 and S3.00; special a t ..................................................................................... $1.69

Women’* $5.00 Hand-Bags at $2.69—Pin Seal Hand Bags, made of the finest quality leather, silk lined; fitted with change purse and hanging mirror; choice of several shapes and sizes; gun metal, nickel and gilt frames; regular value $6.00; special a t ....................................................$2.69

Boys* $ 5 Serge

Suits at $ 3 .9 8Boys' True Blue Serge

Suits in the popular norfolk style, with full bloomer knickerbockers. They are well made, stylish and will give an endless amount of service. Any boy would be pleased to wear one. Sizes 8 to 17 years. Suits that are usually priced $5,00, specialat ...................................$3.98

Boys’ Rah Rah Hats, in the newest styles, at............. 50c


Men’s $ 1 Shirts

A t 7 9 cMen's Madras and Percale

Coat Shirts in neat patterns and color combinations, will fit perfectly; made with at­tached cuffs in sizes 14 to 17; regular $1.(W values'at.. .79c

Hayneo Hats at $2.00— Choice of either soft or stiff styles in the season’% newest shapes and colors, a t . . .$2.00


Mens $1 to $1.50 Union Suits at 69c

Men's Sample Union Suits of nainsook, cotton mesh and fine ribbed cotton; various styles; usually $1 and $1.50;special a t ..........................69c

Women’s 25c Underwear at 15c—Women's Vests of white ribbed cotton, lisle finish; low neck and sleeveless style; termed by the manu­facturer as "mill ends;" the usual 25c grade; special. .15c

.. _ MA1N ■JI.fUMI

Men’s $ 1 3 & $ 18 Balmacaaris$l 2.50

Men’s and Young Men’s correct style Balmacaan Coats, just the thing for Spring wear. We hove a good variety of Scotch pat­terns to select from and all sizes. Coats that were made to sell for $!5.(H) and $18.00, special a t ......................$12.50


Men*s ]Qc

H*dk*chiefs, 5cMen's white hemstitched

Handkerchiefs, made of soft cambric, with and Vi inch hems. Handkerchiefs that are usually sold for 10c; spe­cial during the Month End Sale a t ................................. 5c

Men’s Handkerchiefs at 10c—Men's pure linen Hem- s t i t c h e d Handkerchiefs, termed by the manufacturer as "seconds;” the imperfec­tions, however, are very slight; price 10c each, or 3 for .................................... 25c

MAIM floor« ^ ^ ^ _

$ 3 W all Paper

for $ 1 . 3 5— i

10 Rolls of Wall Paper, us­ually sold at ISc roll and 20 yards of cut-out border, usu­ally sold at 7'/2C yard; com­plete at $1,35. Choice of satin stripes, pretty florals, tapestries, two-tone effects, and other pretty designs; papers that are suitable for any room in the house,

Fourfb F lo o ^ —N ew Sir Side

'Five Carloads of Refrig:erators in the Spring Housefurnishinss Sale-Buy Now

1After being delayed flfr several weeks,

the shipment of five carloads of Refrigerators have been received,- Included are Governor and Pocono Refrigerators, also the Eddy and McCray makes. The assortment now com­prises 93 Refrigerators. We also have about 10 or 15 Refrigerators of last season's finish, which we offer at a saving of the regular price.

$1.69 C ut Glass at 98cCut Glass Nappies, Bon 22

Dishes, Olive Dishes and SpoongfeESS^ i t O , Trays, In assorted shapes snd cut-^fCnjBW ^ llngk; usually $1.69; special,,,98e

”$25 P in n e r Sets, $19.98


$1.89 C arpet Sweepers a t $1.59

Bissell's Stand­ard C a T p e t Sweepers; usual­ly sold for $1.89, special •i,,tl-59

$ l ,2 ^ J G lo t h e 8 B a s k e t s , 9 8 cExtra heavy w o v e n Clethei Baa-

withbraided topi, good large

size and strongly made; usually sold for $1.25; special at........ 98c

Austrian China Dinner Sets, 100 targe pieces to the let, including soup tureen, large size plates an d meat dish; pretty border decora­tions; easily worth $25.00; ipeeial

..................................... 118.98

39c* C ounter Dusters, 25cFure Hair

Counter Ousters —large size block; usuelly 39c.; special S t ................................................26*

$11.75 Duntley Vacuum Sweepers a t $8.37

These Sweepers were manufac­tured to sell for $11,75, We pur­chased 350 of them for our March sale and have just 20 left. Special, while they last, at................ e*-®'$1.49 Copper Tea K ettles

^ at 98c IHeavy Copper Tea

Kettles, nickel-plated, czNe, 8 size; well 'made and cleaned thafde; uaually sold for $1.49;special a t .......... .®8e

»BABEWEMT.,ii. -

$2 to $2.75 W ash Boilers at $1.43 to $1.98

Surety Wash Boilers, made of extra heavy bright tin with extra heavy copper bottoms —sizes ran larger tbin the o r d i n a r y boiler. i |No. 7, usually $2.00, now,,. .11.48No, 8, usnally $2.25, now----$1.69No, 9, usually $2.75, now,...$1.98

$3.98 Lawn Mowers, $3.69Surety Lewn

Mowers, made for us by the Phita- delpbia L a w n Mower Co.; four blades, adlustible handles and sell sharpening; your

choice of 12, 14, 16 or 18 inch size; usually $3.08; special at....... |3-69

$2.98 W heel Barrows, $2.69Garden Wheel Bar- rows, Dutchess make —with loose sides; considered the best garden barrow made; usually $2.93; special at ............................. $2.69

49c Cobbler Sets a t 33cCobbler Sets, very

handy to have around the house; made it Newark; usually priced 49c.; special at.......33c ^49c P lan t Sprayers a t 45c

Now Is the....—use them—whU* *b* fnseett and hug* W* dormant; usuallypriced 40c.; special a t ........ 45c

$2.59 Clothes H am pers a t $1.75

Square Clothes Hampers, with strong wood bot­toms ; medium size; smooth in­side; u s u a l l y $2.59; special sale at .............. $1.75

$4.75 ElecW c Irons, $1.98Excello Electric Irons, complete

with cord and plug,-ready for use; usually $4.75; special a t........ .$1.98

Tumblers, 3c EachThin Blown Wa-

ter Tumblers; - fplain el“ s: usual­ly 60c. a dozen; in this sale, each..3c


J lD t t Ordan Pramptty FUhd Buy Furniture o n the Qnh Plan






J»p»nei!e »llh wiit«U In white and fleeh color are epeelally priced. These »r« ojrtremaly cuol for hot lummer dayi »«“ lAUhder odnilrahly.

Ainonr ih* »prln* blmiiM *" "**modeli noticed In one iture »re cherniind M o n e in crepe de chine, r-orliet e ah'! n d lu m crepe, the new colored linen*, •tid lUured and cmhroldered n«W-

Botnlolr cape of net, with Huy * orabroldered In colore, »re trimmed w th ribbon ruchlnge Hie color of Ihu embru d- *r».

gepwrete eklrie of'Kren. t. « r« e , c r e ^ mtbardlne. plelde, moire and chiffon S i f e U come In moru practical th an laet eeoeon, Inaeniuch as they allow « « c o r n ? 'r in w . ^ n , for the wearer,

A n o v e lty in cnrialne la I"* abeer blach net with a peltern of white h n ld applloue. The effect when the

j curtain le bun* letlM net la acarcely dmcernlble, mdy • MMued Ohadlni of the ll«l)l beln . notice- aUe

There If no more satlafaelory «Iove t h a r t h c white pKiue. They have won- dofful w eorlnt nuallUea

Two-tone meah ho.l.ry le ‘" 7 " * ' tiopular. Blaclc-and-wlilte, black-and-


Her Talent Shown in Painting and in Acting—A Good Linguist

and Fond of Athletics.

wrMn. black-and-purple, tan-atid-Wue are ■ e oomblnatloui A novelty Men a Ifavorite oorablnatlc— ,

the hoilery counter la ihe • ‘J’;:.'!'"* ‘ la ihaded, the range of coloring being ? u lf . . . g reat a . In the m e t elaborate o f tta« chiffon oearfa,

Hapd-embroldeted guimpea ara l o ^ found In the ahopa In a torlalt. Some of them are of net. wm, tiM organdie OJaditorie collar.

I t la Burprlaliig how etfectually an old frock la furh’ahed and changed by rnca^ o f ono of the taaclnatlng veateea. Thoae trlm ned with tiny buttona are par- tioularly fetching.■ JBi# new veil with a aingle flfur*

hroldored, io th a t when Ihe veil I* the deelgn ll tellingly placed over one ohoek, are In demand.

Sloamer ruga, moat attraollve to look a t and moat crtmforta«le_to_hav^ om byM tneana confined to uae on ahlpboardF or Oie divan on tha porch, for the back of the InvaUd’a cBalr for Pl«n‘« , for nee In the automobile—theee are but * eagya In which there faacinating plaldi m ay be put to aervice.

In goiectin* a bath mat, ‘j"®th ln x r fe t tbat !■ U undjrtdmid*friiB Ihttt harmonlMi th* Ijm j o f the bathroom Itself. Th» tmtB are m oilotw tirP ii to corneri of lh« bath mat M d faaten acrewa a t tha H«ht diatanca I J i r l on tha back of t in bathroom door. W hen tha I* In ti« . ** «Dd It will alwaya be dry and will keepIta abapa-

B r A KHITIlO^t- IIAUMO^,W hen Mlaa Eleanor Itandoliih W il­

son, youiiffest »lftufihter of the 1'ri‘Mi- clcnla hecioinea the wife of K erreiary of th a TrnuMury Wlllliim U. M.'Afloo there will be uilded In i'atjin»*t ‘'nclc- ^ yohriK wouiari of mooh sbllliy hiuI charm . Mina Wllet-h’s girlhootl and youtiR; womunhtjoil h«» b^en tict l ‘cu- larly huppy anil rarefre**; jind hfi wh<jle-hearted Joy In HvlhK nliows I t­self In every ai’Uk’lly mi whli-h she entrrH. 1'nere an- many suoh su'llvl- lies, for Mias Wlleon )a flci ld fd ly vc-is:i- llle, snd her surceaw In u varlo iy of tinea m akes the [iradiollon anfo ihai she will prove an cffhlftnl and popular Cabinet hostess.

• The neat W'hlte Houan tiridc ha ‘ In- herlletl her m other's lova of uod Rift for paln ilog . Bhr atuilted a r t for se v ­eral y ea rs at llu* Academy of KJrn' A rts In Chllaiklphif*. niid la s t aanuuer a i (lornlah aave aomn time go skutch- Inff. Bhe has nnoUier la le n t In lu-r fftuuUy for Isnffuukea, and hei' (‘otn* inand of French ami <lerman hns itdo^vi to her popularity Isi W k sh ln slo n 'e <os- m opolituii society MIrs W'ilaon a l ­waya h as hni] a fondnef^s fo r p riva te th ea tr ica ls . At i..'nrnlBh las t stin-mer, and th N wlnl^T In New Y ork, she playfcd the luAdlnir role In I’ercy M ackaye's bird .nosniie, ’'SAnciunry," w ith much ubUlty. She la fonil of dancing , rlden horseback and p lays a fine Rame of tennlR.

L ike her father, E leanor W ilaon Is a lover of phllilren, ainonR whom she hAt m any friends, la ist n e c c n h c r hr- fore the T^residentlal fam ily Left lo sp tn d the holldiiyB ut Puss P hrlboan , she filled a 'While H ouie aulom ohlie w ith toye and RnoJtes, Hnd sped awriy Into Virginia. Her destln a llo n w'Ss tlii cabins end coUagea In the v ic in ity of th e U'aehlnRton Oolf Club. F ro m ihrm^ homes children hnd erathered bv the roadtilde alm ost dally lo see the PreHl- den l's car pass on Us wity to the links. And It was to th ese children th a t Mias 'Wilson appeared a s advanra affenr from Banta Claus fo r her fa th e r In W ashington Mlea W ilson le often seen ou t walking; w ith som e child ado rer; her spedal friends arnonif the little people Include S allle McAdoo,

T o ' ' M o P R O W 1 B ( ^M k n u X f!I!! r ^ e e t p s a

BUEAKFASTtJrap efru lt Cereal

Creamed Codfleh C ornbread Coffee

l.CNCHK').SSauiage In Baked ro la to e e

Bread TeaJellied Applea



SoupVeal In Caaserole

ToUtO Halle Creamed Carrota CreHS

Hlce I'udding


daughter nf her fiance, and ^lary T um ­ulty, daiighlcr of the eecrelary lo the I’realdent.


W atch th e grocory fof reduced■Flcea In ovopotated milk. I t le hoap a few catia of thia commodity on Hand. W hen the milk man ta lli o r the •UI ply la abort, one ha» an excellent eub- iH tuto for freah milk Hr preparing d r.- pirta , cream xauc«. loupa and other diahag.

NEW YORK, March 30.— A 1300,000 hotel for working glrle wilt be built In W »it Thirty-fourth ftreel, before January 1, 1915, by men and women who believe th a t It l« an e in lle n t bualneie enterprlae, ae well ae eenalble philanthropy, to -pro


vide good quarters, good food and good

NEW YORK, March 30.—Judge Mary M. Harlflmp. whose work Is with de* linqurot girls in ihe ( ’Ircull t ’ourt of Chicago, Ij in New York for a few day* visiting courts and instltullonB. This woman judge 's of the nplnion lhat la^'k

A Rest of glumlnum stuespana* P*’*’- wMed w ith the lip, la a kitchen conven- lanes appreJeated by any housswifa.

Many of the ihopa are room fltting i In abundanea a t arlcoi. U I* well to take advantage of A eaa eale* H any thing In the way ef a M ^ l a h . mirror, tumbler, holder, towel n e k bath-tub Mat of iponge rack l i ■oeded. ^ ;

W all clolhea dtyora when not In uae occupy almoat no apace; they are a help when ipaca t i limited.

caniaUra for

of parental fare Is reeponsIMft for most

T ha white japanned oucor. flour or other dry arocer...ONlI an d may be kept thoroughly eanl-**IT. ____

One of the long, narrow fla t *■« groat help In keeping the oolli of th e tad ia to ra free from duat.

SrATGnCUNHOFFMAHTEllS OF EVILS OF‘W l C I P t l DUST’F red erick L. Hoffman, a ta tlitlc la n of

th e F ru d e n tla l Inaurance Company, h aa p repared a bulletin to r the federal pgyeau of labor, In w hich he hae gath- «red to g e th e r e irlk lng facte concerning •m o rta lity from conaumptlon and ocou- p a tlo n a w ith expoeure to m unicipal duet." In hie artic le he polnte out th a t liv e yo»ra w ork aa a i t re e t cleaner In New Y ork m akee the average Ind i­v idual a coneumpllve.

H e eaye th a t though a tree t cleanere o ften Include m any old men who have become Ineapaclteted for o ther form e of labor, the tendenciee In larg e clllee la to elim inate thla element he not adap ted lo meet the requlrem ente of econom ical m unicipal adm inistration . "Ar. Increaalng proportion of men," he Bgy,, "are employed at on age period of m uch g rea te r suaceptihlllty to d lecaie th a n In the caae of the old, who In a m eaeura repreeeni the aurvlval of a ty p e m ore or leas Immune"

He saya th a l varloua em inent phy- elclane have pointed out the d an g e ri of Inhiiling elree t dust.

•'It WHS nacertalnsd, according to publlahed reporte, Ihnl about one-thlrri o f the 5,00n e lree t ileanera w ere In ­fected w ith tuberculoela," he ecye. •T hie a ta r tlln g dlecovery wea rm pha- a l i r d by th e alatem ent th a t every crti

care. In aafe aurroundlnge, for working women wheae meana are email.

The offleer* end director! of th e Hotel Trvln for Women, Incorporeted, m et Sat­urday afternoon a t the home of the prea- Ident of the corporation. Mra. Richard Irvin, dlacuxaed the plans tor the now hotel and completed their o rgan tn tlon . In addition to Mr». Irvin, th e otlfcera are Mra. William Herbert, vlce-preildent; W. Fallowea Morgan, treasurer, and Charles IT. Strong, secrotary.

T h e n are eighteen directors, many of whom have made problems relating t o : the working girl a life-long study, and who have been convinced by the euccesa of the Virginia Hotel for W orking Glrle, a t iSg lo S3® Bast Twelfth atreet, that good huilnesa m anagem ent con make the lives of thousands of poorly paid young women comfortable and happy. The Hat of directore Is ae follows:

Mrs. Richard Irvin. Mrs. W illiam H er­bert, Mrs. Samuel P . Blagden, Mrs. Joseph W. Burden, Mrs. Howland Auch- Incioss, Mrs. Henry OllUhelmer. Mrs. W ater 1). Devereui Jr.. Mrs. James Speyer, Mrs. Myron I. Borg. Ml a* Car­oline B. Brownaon, Miss G ertrude Whiling. Alisa Bleanot de Q. Cuyler, Miss Virginia Potter. MISS Anno « . Sands, Charles II. Strong, William M. Baldwin, Chase Molten and W. Fellowee Morgen.

Certain details, such as the exact loca­tion of the hotel, are withheld. But It Is sta ted that the plan lailla for a hotel which wilt provide accommodations for 403 girls, who will he able to got rooms for from »3 to 14.50 a week, and board a t |3 or a little more a week. I ’he inan- egere eay th a t they have found froin e t- pcrlence th a t a hotel of the su e fixed*__ J.aia __ ..\Am trnm t>lA modcrste

of the Juvenile delinqiipr < y In the citif's."WTist 1 am Irylnk to do !.« lo find

cut the ai'lual t-siiBOfl of i]i lli>niten'?y AmonR Rirl!»." h1»p fifiyn believe thatS1- - ___ _______ .4lha preatPBt r a is e of delinquenry In the lark of proi>er parental ra re . Some p&t"* enla are Indlfferenl. some drunken and Inlemperilc ami Immoral In their whole aUiludo toward life, aoma are fffcedy, some too Indulgent.

'Krnnomlc coiuJitlnna end the lArk of rroper houaing conditions have much lo do with detlnquenry. OtrU have a nn- lural desire for rlothes. Almoet all the CRflCB of Ihefl which com*i hefdre mr are due to thin dealre for tho right kind of rlcithe*. And if houalng rondiU«iuti are had, If girU live In hornce of thrr^ rormn which are Inhabited by olghl other peo­ple, they must inocl Ihrli fiienda in norne other piacos, usually the rinnce-halla and movlng-plclnre nljowfl, wher*; nII their troubles begins.

"The glrla tell their p h if 'il stnneft to me In court much more frorly than they

have I’.s rinaH a room

Jl saves tim e If the g rap e fru it Is p re ­pared the nlghi before and allowed to siKtul In A roo! plare. Add a lltllo sugar to each half, by m orning thu ffugap w ill he fliyeolved. Some people like g 'J l t tle honey inelrad of sugnr for A W eft^ing. Jf Ihe g rap efru it Ju lie it p rafe rrtd , prepare Huh the n ight he- fo r t gftd keep rovererl In a cool place, pouring i t In the glaases In the m orn­ing.

To m ake the cornbread, use this recipe: S ift and miji one and one-halfcupfuls each of coinm eal and flour, half A lenspoonful nf ealt, q u a rte r of i cupful of su g a r and two generous tea- epoonfuls of baking powder. Real the yulka of tw o eggs well And add a cup­ful of rich mUk; gradually a tlr the egg m ixture Into the dry Uigredlenla and beat hard for three m inutes, then fold In the w hites of the eggs b ca t:n stiff. Bnke In gem tins in a hot oven.

.Select slsable potatoes fo r the lunch­eon dlfih and peel. With an apple corer tak e out a sertSon through the potalora lengihwiee. T hrough Ihla opening draw « link sausage. I’lose the ends w ith a tiny piece of the potato Bub the potatoes over with shorten ing and bake until tender.

fVel la rge appler and core them. Put a pint of w ater and ft cupful of sugar In Jl saucepan and le i It boll; add the apples Slid cook until they are tra n s ­parent, hut not long enough to let them lose shape. A rrange the fru it in a deep dlah; meiiHure the s>vup and to a pint add a heaping dessertipoonfiil of g»dalln <ll8»olved In a little cold w nter, stra in , and when cOol pour In a Uitle nt a tim e over ihe apples till they are covered with the Jelly- bnniold and serve with whipped cream.

I Jet A soup bone and soup m eat early in the day and make the aoup so it will be ready for dinner.

jjlet two pounds of the neck or shoul­der of veal and cut In sm all cubes Dredge w ith seasoned flour. Rut the veal In a casserole, add a teaspoonful of chopped parsley, season wUh pepper nml salt and cover w ith milk, ('over U\e casserole and let H cook very slow" ly for an hour niul a half. ThU ken the gravy w ith a llu le flour, cooked In butter, If nercasary, and serve.

Cut the potato In small balla and copk till lender In saUed w ater. Sea­son w ith b u tle r and minced parsley.

Dice the carro ts and cook un til ten ­der In boiling w ater. Drain and reheat In ft cream sauce.

M arinate the cress tn a French dress­ing and serve garnished w ith a rlced hard-boiled egg-

Waah two tablespoonfuls of rice well and then put In a pudding dish with ft

a r t of milk, two tablespoonfuls of gar and a q u arte r of a teaspoonful

of salt. Bake slowly, s tir r in g often till it begins to thicken. T ake from the oven, add a cupful of da tes cut In aniall pieces and re tu rn to Ihe oven: occa- alonally lift the pudding up from the bottom, so the da tes w ill not settle. W hen amooth and cream y le t It brown. Serve very cold.

P u l a q u a rt of beana In to aoak to bnke for next day, Alao pu t a pound of p ru n e , to aoak.

Cook sny kind of cereal and mold it to fry for b reak fae l next day.



OF NEW DRESS FABRICSFor evening wear the chiffon tnffstM>

crepe de chines, silk crepes, nets and cbl£- fona are shown in the pastel shades. In- eluding the sweet pea colors. Froinlnent among the sweet pea colors is a delicate lavender pink, Creamy white, delicate golden yellows, sea-foam green, apricot, k peachy ruse color, huntsm an's pink and pale coral, all a re popular.

Changeable taffetas are shown III brown shot with rose, pale blue shot with gold, green and a delicate pink, blue with shots of green, and a host of other com- blnatluna.

The wools for tailoring frocks for aarly spring wear arc shown In a greenish blua, castor, smoke grays, m ahogany and rust red. Among the blues are C openha^n, royal, ('aprl and "stygian'’ (which, nalur*- ally, is almost black).

The greens show linden, olive, hronxa, bottle and hunter's green.

Burnt orange, chestnut and tobacco brown also arc In evidence.

The ptalded materials show the colon of every known rlan, and m any for which no clan under the aun would be respon- fljblft. The small checked wools are shown In n'tany unusual and charmlrtg corablnn* Uona. _____________________ _

Atj rx trem ely p re tty houuo dress of errani whilfl crepe, challle or waah vull*



Is trlmrupil w ltb rharrapusa bands and girdle (if deep D eauville green.

The hloUBe )» a Ioohc plain kimono wllh the BUnd aw ay Japanese vollur that le so p o p u la r thla spring and th a t showe the gutm pe to such advantage_ The gulmpo In th la model la made nf su rp llre bands of cream shadow lace.

The sk ir t faatena a t the side of the front under a fold of the green silk. Three folds fall alm ost s tra ig h t from under the g ird le In fron t and three more folds a re cau g h t by three huttons at Ih* knee, d ra p in g the sk ir t allghlly.

The sk ir t opens In a very elm '’' >’ curved and inverted V a t the feet while the fold down the sk ir t front Is broad- ened out Into a w ide hem nf s Ik.

The back of the sk ir t is tul er at the waist The n arro w fold of ellk Is re- neated In bark , bu t there is no opening a t th e feet. The th ree draped folds arc

lowered The back of Ih.- blouse plain save for collar and cuffs.

The gli dle of crushed silk should not he loo wide; the seeh ends are em- Urolderetl In heftvy silk In bluF aiiu ffuld. If one prefers tlu’ CJida m ight be gjilhered and weighted with ft greeu

Kor coalfM' days rreurn w hite Merge would be p re tty —and for summer wear, perhapa a wide Valenciennes or H am ­burg Insertion w'ould be more p ra c tic a ­ble th an silk folds.

JU LIE GRISWOLD.The num ber of thia pattern is

enjoys the Mg, fat ten cent loaves o f Crispy- emst Bread,

heavy cirust and meaty above number In writing Home rage of tho N'cwa for number and make of pa ttern on which the drawing la based. Send addres.«ed and starnpcil cnvclupe,

WiliamsBaking Co.Makers of Criapycruot,

Snowflake, T e d d y Bear and Potato Bread.

Sarah L iiiner. G ertrude Sirabler, Lewi* Schachteh H arry Ellas, H arry ■Harry Schenkel and Herman Kassel,

Miss Graco E. B'®:"*’:;. tli6 Tf’outig ljS.dlc* Auxiliary

ome for crippled Children, a»d Mlsa May Champenols. vk-e-prcsldent.Ella


Wth rocrive the guests who ('bU a t Ih®

Look in the GlassAcd see w-hal havoc the long w inter season haa werked with year complev- Inn mernlshea have likely appeared, end Ihs tone of the skin seeme lost. I I the skill In drawn and iir«d looking, ai'd the complexion aallow aiul muildy or made unalahUy by blackheaTlB fuid plm -

begin the Velogeft Irealm eiit ut

Rev. Dr. William Hayes W ard spake or "The Old Tlmea and the New" a t thewould tn a man. t

An posalble, bo ae to keep out all the on- Qf tha aerie* of Ijenlen teas. Baturlookers 1 can. Meti are never aUuwed ^ afternoon, under the auspices of the unless they have snme *t*.-‘al and legitl- mate Interest In the particular caae. All these girls are nuirk to dec and feel Injustice, and they reason thing., out well. These n'lalitles are (|i the.r fnvor If only Uicy are giver a chance.

"All the girls who enme tn my court ara under eighteen. At present there Is a law in Illlnola allinun:? glrla from four­teen to sixteen In W'lrk If It le necessary. I am trying lo have thla age mads six­teen for all girls."

upon win provide, from the moderate charges th a t working glrla oan and do pay for hoard and meals, an Income ample to pay all expenses, repairs, detorlorat on charges, rive per cent, for amortization and rive per cent. Interest on the total co il of hnlldln* and land.

In making these calculations, th e Tier cent, has been allowed for vacancies, a l­though the Virginia Hotel has remarkably low average of only pf nn« per cent. vRcanclc*. A t tb* \ l r - ginia Hotel tn® girl*In the last year because oI 'kn!*and there are more than t i t ty names onth e waiting list.


Slo y# bad. pr«vlouB to Mu em ploym ent , te n exam ii'rd by civl) le rv lce phy-


tVASHINOTON MbtcIi 33.— Designed to check w hat Is declared to he a g row ­ing tendency on the p a rt of th e Amerl-


tic lan * urid proiioiinctitl free from or- gflinlo d1s4 Ate.

**Conlra8t.'' drawn bfttwf^en IbecODditlont In Berlin and Greater New T otk , and U t^aa held that In the former c ity the ilraa t cleaning forra wae quite healthy and free from tubercular die- eaeea. while the s ire d clcanlni? fore* In G reater New York was particularly liable to th is dlaeaoe. chiefly on account of the fac t th a t the dust wa* collected In many caaea without the street having been previously eprlnkled.”

Mr. Hoffman then refer* to *n article in the New York Medical Journal, which aoserta th a t the tuberculoelB germ alone doe* not render tlie itreet cleaner* con- aumpUve. " i t l* the constant inhalellon of all kind* of dvmt and the consequent Irritation of the pulmonary aervlces which m ake the Invasion of tho germ of tuber- cuLosie more easy." aay» the Medical iloumal. "The eweeplng of elreet* in th e dry sta le ehould be considered a* a crime against our fellow men.

* lt it not the air, but tho dust in the a ir , v h k h renders New York such a dan- ^ ro u s place, particularly In sunmier, to people predisposed lo pulmonary troubles. W hile as a natural conBequence of being la closer proximity lo the dust the sti^et cleaners are the first to suffer, the citixeme a t large who are obliged to re­main In New York during the summer months suffer also to a considerable de- trae.*’

Commenting on this, Mr. Hoffman •ayai "Tti consequence of such exposure there Is a decided Increase to the IJablDly to tuberculosis and other respiratory dis­eases, chiefly pneumonia. Other factors BO dpuht complicate the problem, and among these roenljon may he made of the llablUty to overstrain on the part of ashmen, who often suffer from Injury re­ceived from lifting heavy barrels, oo much •o th a l any tflvi*n street cleaning force h as continuously a number of men laid p ff o r on half pay on this account."

can people to m ake th e iCaater season Ihe occHslon fo r d lap lay lng fash iona­ble c-lotliGH, a m ovem ent hae been launched here to th e "Sorlety forIhe rreven tlon of E a s te r Desecration. The members of th la society would pledge ihem solves no t to w ear new ar- t id e s of clothing beg in n in g w ith r d m Sunday and uniil a f te r E a s te r Sunday.

In prnposlng the new so d e ty . the l is- t r k t of Columbia C h ris tian Endeavor Union d ed a ras th a t the rea l m eaning of E asier often is lost flight of nowaday* bflcHUfle of the popular e ra se for n iw and fashionftble clo th ing , and predicts th a t the movement will v as tly Increase the calm devotional sp ir it of th a t sea- sun.

WIUi varied programs, the formal part of thfl t'am ptiro Gtrls' exhibit vlosoil Bat- urday night In the Free Puhlio l.ibrary. IlamI craft work will lie shown until Wednenday, hnwever. A svmbolicHl play, entitled "Kvery Girl." written by Mias Rachael l.ym an h’lelrt, w a , prewnted Sat­urday night before a large audience. Those In the cast were aa follows: /.1l»a Mary Zimmerman. Mias Marlon Dunn Mis, Marguerite Miller, Mias Florence Weber Mias Mildred Dunn.' Mias Minnie ledSan: Mlae l.llllan Weber. Miss Lillian Ninicr and Mlaa Kdiia A. Atz.

A grand coiindl wa* held hy three Campfire olrdea of the Memorial P res­byterian Church, with Airs. A B. Twltch- ell Jr. as chief guardian, and Miaa Ger­trude n. Kuehicr and Mlaa Jeannette Klm- merman a.oalaUng. Right elaasea in hand craft* e,xhn>lled work Raturday afternoon, under Inatructora, aa follows Mlaa Ruth Tapping, wood blocking; Mrs. Jam es O. Bmlth, knot tying and hand signs; Miss Anno B. VVIlacin. stenciling, and -Mra. M. E. HInkcr and Mrs. A rthur T. Seymour, basketry.

The making nf meah hags was shown by Mlaa M argaret Held's group, head hand* by Miss Ella M. Ha.vward, and coatnmo decorations hy Miss Dorothy Clark.

Hembcr? of lot, M ary's Guild of fit. Mary Magdalene's P. E. Church were In charge of a *al« ° f home-made bread, plea, Oakes and aprons, held Saturday afternoon at the home of Mr*. Albert Johnson of f.3 W((equahlc avenue. A sim­ilar sale will he held April 11. a t the home of Mrs. B E. Haskin, 15 Mapee avcmi*.


SALLY llfflN

Wi" 'A tr ia d reclpa fo r thfll flellcloua bot fcrooA la a Itu l* d lffercht from the one ttiuo lly »een in cook book*. Cream h a lt a cupful of b u tte r and a cupful a t (Pgar, and then alowly a tlr In a Bint of milk, and the yolka of th ree O tga beaten hard. G radually add two cupfu l! of flour »ltted w ltb tw o tea- •poonfula of baking powder, and when tborotighly blended, fold In Ih* w hitee o f th e egge beaten xtlff- Pour into a bu ttered cake pen and bake fo r from tw oaty to th irty m inutes, according lo the hea t o f the oven,

Belleville Avenue Congregational Church, in the church parlora. H e compared old and new methods In various forms of activity. Miss Lois Eddowes gave so­prano solos, accr.mpanled by Miss Flor­ence WInans, who also contributed piano selectlona during the mueical program that followed the talk . Mrs. T. M. BammSa and Mra. C. L. W hitfield served as hoat- eesea a t the tea. "Thlnga Hcalistk and Ideal" will ho the subject of the talk to be given a t the last of the teas, next Sat­urday afternoon, by Miss Frances C. Haya. Mlsi Florence Wolfe ^e th f aololet. accompanied by Mr*. Whitfield. Mihs Stella Meyer end W right Burnett will g h e piano aelecllons. Those who will servfl as hnstesBes Mrs. F rsdsnek tiurnmis and Mrs. T. M. Sammls.

• * *' Miss Gertrude Slclwald. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ,T. W. Stelwald, whose rn*r- rlage to Charle* W. Eleder. also of this city will take place tho latter P*H •>[ April, waa the honor guest a t a whist party given Saturday aflernoon by Mra Homer J. Van Duyne of .81 South Twelfth street. Pink and white roses were used In the decorative scheme.

Among those who played were Mise Edna Raach, Mioses F.dlth and Natalie tValtera, Mias Winona Beach. Miss Jules Chandler, Tdls" Edna Baker, *!?;*■Gi'i'ver Brown, Mrs. A. M. KllloU, Mrs. w illiam M. tV’hlteaell, Mre_ Themes Hoover, Mrs. ( 'harle i Perris, Mj"" H™'* Rleder, Miss Elsie W ashington Gibb, Miss Madeline Hill, Miss Jeati J^ h so n , Mrs. J, H. Heatherton. Mra. AlheH Martin, Mrs. Halsey Meeker, Mrs. Y\ Hllam Heyl jT Mis* Oertrudo Rsynolds, Misses An- n ah ar.n d Ada Vogeler. Mrs, SMon H<r rock Mies Florence Farrand, MIbb Lillian Clirrjan and Mrs, John Flynn.

Hlfth flror«fl were made by Miss Key rolda. Miss N atalie W alters, Miss Far- raiid. Miss Gibb and Miss Ada Vogeler.

Mrs. lAwrence Dean end daughter. Miss Marjorie Dean, of 1130 Brosal itreet, are spending a month a t A U ant^ CUy, where tliey are regletered a t Galen Hall.

hflss M ar C. M cC itth r. whose m arriage to T h o m .. H Hely will Wke P l« « » 15 waa the guest of honor a t a mlscel- law ous shower given t.v Mies Elsie M. Koegel of 579 Hiinter. don street. W hist was p l ^ d a ^ high scores were made by Ml s i Orac* Hyland, Mies Helen Baschong and Mis* lAiulse ■. Ball Other guest* present were Mies Maud A Horner. Ml** Catherine Nolan, Mrs. Florence McCarthy. MIm Kamerine Harding. Mlee UlUan KoegM, Miss Ma- rletU Hylend, MIbb Anna O’Rourke, Mlee IirniJn McCarthy,

.pring sale and tea to he he ''' " "S L e Clifton and P ark »';fm.e ft ednee- nav afternoon from 3 to ® V n* 1H arry B arker and Mis* EUsanem will prsside a t the tea urns. Mrs. .wm iern Gehln will bo ^ “ ''f 'the 'aux- ' jardiniere and o ther member* of 'he aux m in ' will serve «s floater* and have general charge of the cake, candy and anron tables. A musical program vimalel. hSJ of selections by a string orchestra

a num ber of vocal eeloctionsw will be a feature of ihe^afternoon.

Miss Florence Kehrl of 207 North Sev­enth street will entertain a t cards next Raturdav afternoon In honor of Mias Agi^ c. T. Richard* of Brook yn. whose marriage to W a l te r England, also otii.rt/5lflvn will tak© plarft Muy i*- Kehrl, "homeld ,if honor, will bn assisted '" tng by Miss Hague and Mrs. Rnencer Harden of thi* city, MIsa Ethel Bradley of New York and Mra. John Layng of E ast Orange.

Prior to tho boItoo daniante to be given E aster Monday night i t the Wash- fjrgton for the benefit of the Hd»P t? ' ' ' St. Bernaha*. Mr. and Mrs. L u ^ lp h I I Conklin of Mt. Y * """ J!” ' ^a dinner parly a t the hotel J"® '': will he Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. Athe Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H- Douglas, end Mr. and Mrs. P ierre B. Hos"-

Far her d au g h le r - ln - l iw , Mrs. Georgeft- .McCarter. bir.'<. Robert H M. -[’ori^ir will Kiv© a reception a t her r*ai- denTe "-'"oe '’‘■'“ t' Thursdayafternoon, April 13. In 'h* party with the hostess end daughter- n Uw will be the letter-a sisters Miss Sally Parker and Miss Adalalda Parker, and ____ V.*— 4hA ViaftteB*. M!a* Eleanor J.

°"when y« u fot up 1ti the morning, utT r washing yo'Jr fiice, dry llKhtly, Jh«n ruh In a Vrto^en thorough­ly, WUh a iJry towel wipe off ail the j ii'hin has nnt ah?nrh#d. -v Refnrc gnlnfr in hsd ftt your facw In ’wnTrU w*tF*r to open th* pores, dry off nioat nf the nvntHlure. Rub \'eloren In well; w1p« off U*hlly.You win find B flay’* umi" make* f»n Improvement—ft week’s reeuUr uae w’OTvIerful difference.,\t our l>njf*l*t'H,In toHapsIblr Tuliee. Ifh’, Kach.■—AdvertlaemenL

Heard on the ’Phone—

[]f. Grocer—jC

Royal Butter—A Pound-Print W ill D o. T h ank You.”

The May Manton Fashions34 to 42 bust,

■laughter of the hostess, Mias Eleano McCarter.

Mrs, D ew itt C.’ K. Ricketts of Point Pleasant entertained the members " t Phi Kappa BoroHty a t lun^eon Satur- tav Bl th e home of her motllcr, Mre. h . K Sailer of 62 Osborne terrace. Cover* vere laid for Mr*. Sydney Dunham nf Toronto, Mrs. P h ilip Blattla of Mrs. J. !^w l« Fiacre. Mr*. Marshall A. Congleton, Mlesca Mabel Landmesser, f.prtrude Kuebler, Henrietta Cooper, Marlon lAiland, Amy Williams, Florence Hemming, N. R*e Smith. 1 heu<iof» Wurth. Helen Brown, Beth Rlcord and lAura W orrall. a ll of this city.

8202 F ancy Blouse,W ith long or th ree-qua rter sleeves.T he blouse th a t gives a vestee effect

Is a fav o rite one and thla model ahnws the vestee porttons sligh tly full so th a l they a re especially adapted to n e t and o th e r d a in ty m atertato of sum m er w ea th er, and H includes alao eleeve* th a t are sewed to It a t the drooping shoulder line. In the Illustra tion , It Is m ade of one of the em broidered silk crepe* w ith chllar and cuffs of plain m ate ria l and vestee of net, hu t the model could be used quite as success­fu lly fo r an entire net blouse o r for chiffon and for the much sim pler c o t­ton fabrics, fo r there is no fea tu re o7 the season more rem arkab le than tho use of the same design fo r the rtressy hlause of fine m aterial and to r the usefu l one of plainer fabric. C o t­ton voile Is alw ays p re tty bo th for dreSBes and for separa te blouses, and th is one could be m ads of th a t m a­te ria l w ith collar snd cuffs of b rig h t colored silk , as orange or cerise, to ho exceedingly sm art, the vest portions being of m arqu isette or cotton net.

F o r the medium size, the b louse w ill requ lro 214 yards of m aterial 27, 2'A yard s 38, 2 yard s 44 Inches ■wide, w ith 14, yard 27 Inches wide for collar, r e ­vere and cuffs, 34 yard for th e vestee.

The p a tte rn of tho blouse 8202 Is cutIn sizes m easure.

from 34 lo 42 Inches bust



Miss Mllllcent 6pe«r. The decorations wera in yellow and green. , . *

The "W A C.’’ enterU in ehent250 members and guoat* a t a w ht.t parly and dance tomorrow night In the Rose- rille AthlsUo Club bouae. Boventh avem« ^nd North Bsventh .trae t. Mis, Irene Kay la chairm an of the committee In cha^o , which ha* a r r a i ^ t n play whlM until 11 o'clock, a f te r which there wlh be dancing Mis* K ay’a asstitan t* are Miss K»ther*"« achroedar. « '* " Arabella Booth, Miss Anna C«>Mn, Mis* Anna Balenmdt and Miss M attie Barnett. The oMU-ers of the club, who will receive the m.eMs lU President, Mis* Lillian M. Fttlckel; vios-prosident. Miss Hattie Ru«- ger; secretary. Ml** Anna Caparn. and treasurer. Mis* Kay.

Often th e a trn w h a t worn last season may be used, a t leas t tor the early weeks of th e aoaaon, H It Is freshened up I t th e h a t la of black chip, brush It well, an d then, tak ing a piece of black v e lv e t dipped tn olive oil, rub the straw w ell; go over the straw care- fully T he re su lt w ill be moat ftftUfl- factory. A w h ite straw ho t m ay be appreciably w h itened If a f te r It la well brushed It I* tre a te d with a gentle scrubbing of lem on Jules to w hich a li ttle pow dered su lphur has been added —a sc a n t teoapoonfol to the Juice of a wood-ilxed lem on le the proportion. After rubbing well with thle liquid, rinee w ith ,c *d w ate r; rub It off sev­eral tim es w ith a cloth dipped In cold w ate r an d th en le t It dry In e subdued light.




MAY m a n t o n P A T T E M iB -T h e M^y M anton P a tterae^ Illustra ted above, can be bad In all "J*®* -ad res* plainly.

PfttternB 1* carried by TH E QOERB ■treetfl, N ew ark,

CO.« B rosd and M arket

e m b r o i d e r e d u n e n f l o u n q n g sF or oummer gowns the embroidered

flouncing* w hich oomh a yard and a quarter wide a re o i practical os they are dainty Some of th e pattern! have the embroidery done In French blu^ light blue, pink or black, whUe others are en ­tirely In white. ___

i \ \ j t K o p w l Miff Chadytr ‘kavcrw ctvfF . i

Mies Gladys H avensoroft end Miss Muriel ttodd. w ho sailed from Ne-w T ojk for Englaod Isnt w eek, a l te r elx menlhe away from home, a re undecided Just when they will appear ag a in on American linka Miss R ayenscroft, tho present A m e r i ^ tlllehafder; w m the British woman golf cham pion In 1912. and Miss

1 Dodd le t|M presen t B r lt le b ^ n d Canadian ubamplou.

A concert for the benefit nf the new organ fund will be g'ven a t the First Oermoh Baptist Church. Sixteenth ave­nue and Holland street, Wednesday night. April 15 under the direction of Miss Mae E isel. Schunk. A chorus w_m render "Penltericfti PAjdon ana Pftac*, aMlitad b r c i m r l e s Mortens, violinist; Misses RM i Behunk and B dlth K u g e l^ n , Horry W Qrtiy and Frederick w A d ^ , quartet of the Vocal A rt Club of New­ark. . . .

DoableEconouical snd good.

HISS Henrietta Keioel ontertolnod at her home. 14T Ferry etrwt. T— r^r, A ’musical program wae glyen by Mlie H o.. Kohat. MM Basel* HeitW,Bertha Kalb, Lewli Berman and Alfred Goldstein. A buffet supper woe seryM. Among Ih* gu«et* wer* th* Mlesee Bell* and Lena Julian, Frnncei Wddleman,


Monsieur's Fifth Ave Hats240 Washington Street

miincM ve MillineryOritrinal French Hats and Reproductions of Sveciallv Imported French Materials.

i £ J

V U te R m s C tO w , N M r B e l t t f

Exclusive creation

fro m t h e le ad in g1

P a r is m o d istes a n d

o rig inal p ro d u c tio n s fro m otff w o rk ro o n ^

Moderate PricesBranch Establishment of S46 5th Ave., New York

t Hr.\L: !•: y'-vf-l

OH a ta iTr*m rlca'4' In Id parts Br«v

Gr^n^Uoitrnv ihouft

F o rd Ike i


W /“ Kr«P«1cItDniWt9tV

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K eys !■ drai'iiatl K ari D coineUy aurpnss

BKL(•'Tho Sri Heriisle lead I III; tire ly h au t feu

Bl lU' Opening Moffe.

CASI J in k s ,"liig S ort by Biel

c o ll ash au' well act clever i and-sul

COM ty Mac adm irs life, uii ran y .

COR' «■ My . an : cui deligbti Am orir figh ts anobbis noons, posite I Taylor

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New York

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a farre>ruaie(lya Bdlapteit from (he F*r«Mrh by W llllaai M urlbul, w he c leverly JttftKlee w tih a in tx -ap la (d ra tm rii for the foN -u tak laaS arpcMr. K uartril by (h r S to rk -

rewBcll Stock Comfieaya'^Thc (ilrla nf th e

threat W hile W ay" ( om paay la ^D oids i'arlia*’ a ro lllrk ln a ex- travaa«B ea of the burlcenne huaae order.

|•RtO( TOH'S— \ nudrvIMe. w ith Ford^e llnn rioa H rvur fea tu re d th e fire t hnlf of (be n e c k .

K1>:KNK\'N_ ^audevkllr. (he h cad llae r iiu tbe p rog ram to r H ocila}. Turailay and W edneaday b c lu a I'idniird Ateblaum Hly to Ullky^a Touib»i|DBea."

W 'ASHlXiTON-^audrxIllr.iTlth **Kr<»m I'.iQcy Ulniid to the N orth Pole" booked w^lh o th e r a t tr a e - ttoaN for the flra t h a lf of thew*ek4

.XF.WAHK—T br "S m aab U s the Vice T runt" motion pli'turea.

k i l l HHUT—»1'lie Klee and F a ll 9I Napoleon" photo dram a.

tU lF tlN —"The t awe of Mendel lle llta" 1u motion plettirea.



A R E Y O U G O IN G T O L E A V E N E W A R K ?If 7M ore ibout te Uere

tlk* city for.* better potmea, plit'e ynur foodi In euf fuml' lure etorefe emrebouaet until you beve bad tin* (e select a suitable botue. Oar stnrtf* t» la/r, clesn tad low priced, and we will forward tbe poodi when you aay th* word.

Tcl. 23S6 Harrison The Ltriest Fireproof Wnrehouse in the State

412-420 H A RRISO N AVE„ H A RR ISO N , N. J .

T>or«mua of WllllamaoD avenue. Dyoni Farm *. Thn ran taU will b* ffivan on a dato to be choeen In the Elisabeth av*

*'oniie Proabyteriaji Church under the ' auapices of the Mlaalon Bond.• About 116 waa reaJlaed from a aale

held Saturday afUrnooti a t the home of Mrs. A rthur Johnaon, &S Wcequahlc avenue, under the ausploca of Ht. Mary's Guild of 8t.' Mary Magilalene'a Episcopal

t Church.I Mlaa Mery Foreley of ^^'atHon and

Johiiocin avriuica wOl eniertuiu tbe J, d. H. (7lub at t-ardit tomorrow night.

I A t a apevial communion ui rv'ic'e yes* (erday morning In the Weeijuahli,* Preaby- terlaii Church twenty^flvo persons imltod

I wiUi the church.

R, Garis

THE FUZZYTAILS AT SCHOOL• Copyright by Howard R. Garis).

N EW YORK THEA TRES IN B R IE FASTOR. H’Nkny end 45th St.— "8even

Keye to lialdpule.” Ucorge At. Cohan s ia n ie tlz u U o n of the niyaiery story by B a ri Uc(T blgtfcre. Well ac ted larc lca l comeUy of -\jncrlcan rural life, with s hurpnae a t the end.

BELAbCi), 4Uli St., near Sixth Ave.— *''Jfhtjefck.i»cl," front Hie Froiit’h of llcnrl BcriibUm. with Kruncufl Htarr in the leudidg pun. Weil but nut en>llrcly Kbiocalile unulyala of an uiu>leas a tu fetiiulo fimracier.

HiiU'l'Jl, 15111 St., wf’sl of Broadway— Opening week of ’’I’aiilhcH. ’ Yiy .Muiu'klon

CASINO. U'v.ay and 39th Ht.— ' High JlDbs," Blrl-aiid‘inusic show ot a rollick*Ing Sort, with III-.: tun supplied i>niK liially by tklellu Mujtiew. and Tom lAiWJfl.

COHAN'S, n \v.iy ami 4od Si. — “i ’oi* aeh and l*erlni'iUer," the hiughahle and well Helen pla> iiafied on Montague Glass d clever sludies of Jevvish life In the cloak- anU‘Siilt trade.

COMICDV. *l«t St. and fitli Av«.— "Ivit* ty M acKay.> (. lean, InteresUiig and moat admlrald.v lai-ghuhSe comedy of Hcolch life, unuhnally well acted by Soolcn com- ra n y . Well worth seeing.

COR1^ 4Slh St., east of 7th Ave,— "Peg 9’ My H eart.'' Hartley Maimera'a pleas- an : ronifdy with Miws Ijauretle Taylor'a delightful Impersonation of the Trlah- Amerir&n girl who goes to England and figh ts her way Into the affecllt»rjH of her anObbSah HrillBli relatives. irrUlay after- nouha. »"xcept April ]•’, Interesting com­posite bill of three playlpls, Hhowlng Miss l i y l o r hi widely dlvniBifled characters.

ELT1N(.5H, 42d t-l., w est ot 7th Ave. o l- 'T hc Yellow 'rickel." IrileresH ng and brail enst nielodnuna of R ussian life. In v h ic h an American new’spnper rrt»n •av ea a Jew ish g irl from tnc Riisalan •a c re t polio*.

EM PIRE. R'wny and 40th St.—Maude Adfttns in J. M. Barrie'a "The I^egend of Laonoro." A curious com binalton of com edy and burlesque, very well done, b u t w ith neither au tho r nor a la r a t fiia lr beat. Beginning April 13, Monday, Tnwaday. Thursday and hVlday matinees o f "p e te r Pan."

FORTY-FOURTH STREET, 4*th St.; *r*at of Broadway—'"The Midnight Olrl. U usical show with a number of author* and compoaera. Tuneful, diverting, well ■uog and elaborately staged.

FORTY-EIGHTH STREET, 48th St-i •M t of 7th Ave.—"Today,’' a medlocro d ra m a of New TorK a s It Isn’t, and dapandlng upon one unclean ac t fo r Sta d raw ing power.

FULTON. 46th flU w est of 7 th Ave. • - " T h e Misleading Lady." A m using Add well acted farcical comedy. Im ­probable. but Am erican and laugh* able,

g a i e t y . B'way and 46th 8t.— "Along Cam e Ruth.'* Comedy adapted from the F rench by Holpiari Day. Amusing ad­ventures of an attractive young business woman wso wakes up a sleepy Maine U llage and furn* It into a lively city.

GLODE, B'wny and *llfb Bt.— "Tb* Q ueen of the Movies." G lrl-and-m uaic. •how w ith good tunes w ell sung ; •m u s in g book and e labo ra te ly staged.

GRAND OPERA HOUSE, 8th Ave, and I8d S t.—<.’hartotle W alker in ''The Trail

th e Ijonesome I'^ne," a t popular prices, in te restin g siege version of John Fox's novel of Southern life.

HARRIS. 42nd 8t., e a s t of « th A v r— “•ITie Rule of 3,"- by Guy Bolton. A dlever comedy Idea of the predicam ents of • woman who finds herself under' the game roof with two former husbands and <me de facto. Not very expertly handled by the author but well acted. •

HIPPODROME. 6lh Ave. and 44th St. (o-Opena April 9 with big production of P in a fo re ."

HUDSON. 44th St., near B 'w ay— Opening week of M argaret Anglin in Oacar Wilde’s "Lady W lndermero's Fan."

KNICKERBOCKER. B 'w ay and B8tb 0 t.—Julian Eltlnge In "The Crinoline O lrl.’* Frothy but amusing farce, with th e s ta r 's Impersonation of a really pretty girl as the main feature* Unlike others o t th is kind of entertainer. Mr. Eltlnge hiseps ou t of his perform ance all un- Ideasant suggestloiL

LIBERTY, 42nd SU n e a r « th Ave.— * ^ r l . " Viennese g lrl-an d -m u slc show.

LITTLE, 44th S t, w est of 7th Ave.— d o se d . Opens ICaster week w ith Grace Oeorge In Clyde Fitch 's "The T ru th .”

LONGACRE. 48th 8L w est o f 7th HLt *.—F arcical comedy by E dw aJ4 Peple, ttntltted ^ A Pair of Sixes.” OiflT of the b righ test and most laughable pieces of th e season, very well staged, well cast •Old well acted.

LYCEUM, 4Sth 31., ea s t of 7 th A va— M iss BlHle Burke In "Jerry ," by the a u th o r of "K itty MacKay." A clei'er •n d laughable farcical comedy, w ith the g ta r in the full glory of her prettiness end h e r funny little mannerisms.

LYRIC, 42d SL, w est of 7 th Ave.— Q uy Bates Post and good company In *‘Omar, the Tentmaker." Picturesque, |>oet1c and fairly Interesting Oriental dram a, based on the life and quatrains of O m ar Khayyam, .

MADISON SQUARE GARDEN—The B arnu in & Baltey circus, which Is less d re u a and considerably more spectacle tb a n In former days. The spectacle Is twally Imposing and the beat of th e circus fsa tu re s are retained, so th a t th e change !• In fact an improvement.. MANHATTAN OPERA HOUSE, 34th 0 t., west of 8th Ave.— "The IJ fe of Our ^ v lo u r " In moNlng pictures.

MAXINE ELLliujTT’S. 39th St., east of IS'way—"Help Wanted," Dram a of the business world with exploitation of the tem ptations th a t await young women em ­ployed In offices. Fairly am using but not pointing much of a moral.

NEW AMSTERDAM, 42d S t , near 7lh lAve.—"Maids of Athena," a comic opera, t y F ra iii Lchar and Leon Victor.

PLAYHOUSE, 4Sth S t , w*«t oi 7th — "The Things th s t Count.” Pretty

a n d ten tlm en ta l s to ry o t New York liig h and low lirs. W ell done.

PRINCESS, 39th St. and «th A ve,~ Comedy, entitled "M srrylng Money." B a th e r a weak eftort a t a portrayal o t the hum orous side ot society's alleged fond- hess fo r financial matrimony.

BHUBEBT, t t th Bt„ west of 7th Av*.— Opsning week of Bam Bernard and Caby D eslys In revision of "The Girl from ^ y ' s , " entitled "The Belle o t Bond B treet.”

THIRTY-NINTH ST., 89th St., e a s t Of B 'w ay— "Too Many Cooke," w ith F rank c rav en . Clean, clever and laughable aonsedy, describing the m isadventures of h young couple trying to establish a •oun try bonis. Well staged.

W A LLA C K 'a B 'w ay and SOth BL— ^ r l l Mn'ide and his London company h i "Grumpy." Comedy tre a tm e n t o t a metodramaUc plot with Mr. Maude's fin ish ed ac tin g In th e ro le o t the e lderly hero, ■ «

W EST END, 8th Ave, and 125th St,— T he vivacious and tuneful Blanche Ring tn diverting musical play, "\yhen C laudia Sihllea,” a t popular prices.

w i n t e r g a r d e n . B 'w ay and *0th * t.— "Tbe W hirl of th e W orld." Big ^ d brIlU aht g trl-an d -m u slc show, •ocenting quantity ra th er th an quality.

j o ROSEVILLE SECnONThe Eleventh Ward Building and Lcnui

(Association will meet tonight.Russell Riley of Ninth avenue spent

the week-end with his parents In Phlla- tciphla.

Miss Jessie Olllot of Fourth street en- Isrtalned In honor of her birthday Friday h JK ^o o n .

Edward EIcke of Fourth street has Mtumed from a trip to Europe.

Iilr«; C. Anislung of .111 South Eleventh Btr«st has announoed tbe enmamant ot

Once upon a time, not so very many ycurH uKu, there were two Utile boy Inien and u little girl fox. who Heed with their papa und iiiaminB and grandm a In a nice stone house on tlie side of H hill. If you had seen the house you m ight not have thought It a very good place In whlcli to live, for really, a f ts r all. It looked lust like a pllo of stones th a t had fallen from a stonewall In the field.

Ilul Inside, th a t house was Just as iik'O a.x 11 could be. There were a num­ber of rooms all carpeted with aoft leave.s, and there were wlodowa to the rooms and rocking-chairs made of pieces of wi.cmI, with soft, downy cuslitona from the nillk-weed piant.

line liltlf tioy fox was named W uiilc Fnzzytdil. and hla brother, who was nut u'jltc as i'lrgc, was named Woozic. The Mule girl fox was smaller than either of her brothers. Her name was WIzzle.

Then,- aa I liave said, there was the papa and mamma fox. and laet, but not leasl, was Grandma Sharpnosc. .She waa a tcry wdae old fox lady, and there was no use trying to keep anything from her. for she conld find out anything.

Oiri'p, a hunter m an and his dog tried tr) get Cluee up to the stone house in r'utrdi Wuzzle and Woozle, hut Grandma Sharimnse could Eir.ell [»wder smoke from the mull s gun. and she and all the 1 uzzy- tall family ran out Ilia hack ilaor and hid. and the hunter man and hla dog didn't get them.

Not far from where the Fuzzytalls lived was the hollow stumphouse of t:ncl6 Wigglly Isjngears, the rabbit gen­tleman. and close by were the homes of many other animal friends—Sammle and Susie Llltietail, th e rabhlls. Johnnie and Billie Bushytall, the er,uirrcla, and Charlie and Arabella Chick, the chicken children. ,, ,

On<* morning Mra, Fuazylail, tn* fox lady, callfid up sta irs of th s stono house to the rooms where Wlzsie. Woozle and Wuzzl* were sleeping:

■■Come, chlldren,ftlm e to Kst up. You TmiBl s ta rt for school today, you know."

"School?" cried W'oozle. "W'hat i* school?" ,

"I know. I t ’s a place where you learn things." said his brother Wuzzle.

"Ijearn things!" cried Wooric. "I know all 1 need to know. 1 can and aJeep and run when 1 see a dog. W het elso need 1 know?"

"Oh, many more things than th a t must little foxes know!" said Mamma Fuzzy-

"I lost niv ta ll by beltig r a u s h t in u trap." c'aid the fox school leather. Re Very careful about traps. ! Khali g i\e you a lesson on them snun, telling you how to ke<‘i> out of them ."

"Does It hurt to lose your tall?" a.ikeU fizz le . ,

"Well. It did a t the time." said the fox school teai'lier, '*i»ut It does not hu rt now. I am used to it. Now go to your Mats and we will have a lesson on how to get away when a dog chases you. ’

”I think it looks real fashionable “not to have a ta ll,’’ said the little fox ffirl, as sho put her fuzzy, brusiiy tall to on© side of her seat so she wouldn't sit on It. A fox’s tall le Just like a duelinK brush you know. The fox Is the handle.

"Hush! You mvjHtn't U lk In school." said the anim al school teaciier, as he went to the blackboard. Tlien lie drew a picture of a dog, with ciialk, and ho showed how a dog runs after a fox, barking loudly.

"Anil when a dog cha-ses you," the leachor said to the little foxes, of whom there were m any more than the Fuzzy­talls a t school, "when a dug chaNes yotj, dodge from s id e 'to side, and run iti a brook If you can /'

"Why should wc run In a hrnok?" asked Wuzzle. wlio, like hla brother, al­ways wanted to know ahnnt things.

"Because a dog cannot smell your tracks in w ater/'l said the teacher fox. '"Vou know a dog^ran track you or smell you when he cannot sc.» you. Rut he cannot smell if you run In w ater. So don't forget— whenever you a re chaaed by a dog run In water for a little way, and then come out on land and hurry home as fa s t a« you can. Now we will practice runnlrig away from dogs."

8o the lUtlo Fuzzylaila and the other fox and animal children practiced this lesHon out in the school yard, where there was a lllUc brook. The fox teacher pretended he was a dog, and chased after the pupils. I t was lots of fun and a good lesson.

Then came recess, and then more les'


To fAf t'Mitor of fArS ir—No doubt your reporters envered

all you cuntfldcred of in terest l-> the i*ul<‘I lie in regard t>> tho debate Ik-M u ueek • ago rtunday at the Court 'ITiealie between . Enm ia Uoldinun and Samuoi )>^vine on j the auhjoct of "Revolution ve. Ib 'fi.rm "I in the effort to be of help to our fellow . Citizens and In order th a t tlien^ may be

'■fair play '' shown, I desire to add u few I suggestions In regard to the debate and

to call attention to Us significance as a m eans of civic and fra ternal welfare.

At the Invitation of Mr. Ijeviuo, one of tiso delvitcrs. 1 attended the meeting, the theatre being d1)mfortably filled by a well-dressed and interested audience* and without any nemhlance of disorder or a t­tem pt to stampede the galherlug There seemed to he a purpose l<* t»h'2W fair play and llsteii to the speakers.

The iiasic posilloTi o f both ppeakers in Hgreemerit was th a t social and Indus­tria l conditions are radically wrong and needing great chavgoa to bring back to the i»Pop]« "there own." The disagree­m ent was as to the m anner and means of bringing about the desired change-— one advocating revolution or reconstruc­tion from the bottom up. as she termed it— the o ther advocating a gradual re ­form. nr getting "w hat yon cHn" If not "bN you want."

I'niJiift liuldniHn aay!? the anarrhlet finds uui V, hoi the people want foiiJ then t* lla them to "help <hein.Helvc«t"—wijat-

■ever she may Jitean by th a t. Mr l>*vine f’uyR the people ahnuld ftccepl now what they I'hn get by proper ag lta li' n —a half loaf being better than none—thus ndvanc* Ing und streijglhenlng iheir presiont posi­tion and thence working on lo fje| more and m»‘re, but not dcmandliifi m-Te then they can master or as.Hindlaie, b-.Ht ilicrc be a reacllnn arid they fall budiwurd.

W'ilhoui further coiiimenting "ii the de- l»«te, 1 ileBifi- to call a llentlon nt all citl- Scena of whatever party affiliation who are looking and working for th« helpful uplift of nil classes af to wheth<»r lli« 111- HUguratInn nf a sy&tem of piiblb- debates on all these subJcRts of social, induslTlal and civic m atters m ight not be the means of much instruction and help in th® life and work of our community. all need to get the viewpoint of others, to assume the "other fellow's" position, to give him (jiir v'lewpnir.i—in o ther words, to follow the Golden Rule and do unto others as wo wnuld vi'lsli them tu do unto us In like clrf’umslnni'es,

I believe such debates fnot polltScai harangues just before electloni would be of Irnmenre benefit for good order, good iiridoralundlnK, goo<I fcllow'&hlp, good con­science, good govp.rnnjent. TIuibo of ua who decry the wrongful and violent poal

eonn, and in the middle of the lesson on bow to dig a hole In the ground to hide from had animals. Wizzie, the little fox I tlon of the anarchist, or the radical and girl, called out: ' im practical stand of th© Socialjal, owe

"bh, I forgot to ask if I could bring j U lo each of these parties to give them my doll to school." • wisest and best counael—given not

"Hush my dear! Don’t talk out loud ; a t yard 's length by occasional criticism,In class," said the fox gentleman. "Yes. you may bring her sometimes,". Then school was out, and the FuzzyUlls were the last to go, as they had to stay to get their new books. And, Just as they weretall. Who h « r d w hat her little boy had , ^

saidTea. Indeed;" cried Grandm a Sharp-

nose. "For one thin*, you m ust learn how to keep out of traps. Come, set your breakfast and so to school.''

" i la y I take my doll to school, asked W iizle Fuzxytall, as ahe hopped, out of her lied tn the w arm leavea and looked to see If the ras baby was still asleep.

"No dolls In school. I think." said

Oh, dear! I forgot to ask some ons to stay In to clean off the blackboards I would do It myself, only I have no tali: Oh, w hat shall I do* The boards m ust be cleaned of the chalk marks. '

"Oh, we'll clean them oft fo r youl" cried Wtissle FuxzytiJI.

"Indeed wo vrlll!'' said h!s brother. Then the two little fox boya and the little

Mamma Fuisy tall. "Still, you may your teacher when you se t to your class." . . . .

Boon the little fo* children had eaten their breakfasts of cornmeal mush and maple susar gravy, and o t they started for school. The school was In a hallow

something like the house where

ask I fox girl wiggled their bushy ta ils over. . . ■___ as_ ...IsTwas, ■ An/qthe chalk m arks on the blackboards and soon the blackboards were as clean a s a piece of pie, all ready for the next day s lessons.

"Thank you very much, children, said the,',fox teacher.

Then tiie Fuzzytalls went home and

! i ? { n f i ? % x " b t L 7 n 2 1 h a d t . ; I tty ’l r d ’d - t,B,I lose vour tall*" ashed 1 A^id lomuiiow night, If the hot w ater How did you lose your | ,^ tch cold In _the stoppjr ^ d

fox^boy.'^*'curlouV " you ' k means | cry for *■" „wanting to know about everything. about Wizzle FuzzirtaM^ P.

I'll tell you

her daughter Carolyn lo F rank E, Drake of Nutley.

Jam es Martin of 66 North Ninth street attended the reunion of the veterans ot the Eighty-fourth New Jersey Volunteers tn the Ninth Regiment Armory In New York .Sat rdoy night.

"The Outdoor Llfrf' will b» the subject of an llluelrated lecture by Jam es A. Crulkehank tonight In the North Sev­enth Public School auditorium.

Henry M. l*n d sb o f has purchased through the Oeorge E. Mutchler Company a house at 311 Seventh avenue.

Hr. and Mrs. Richard Relnlnger of South Seventh stree t gave a whist and dance Friday night in honor of their daughter Lillian. F ifty guests attended.


gons to Osneaeo. N. T.. whtr© they will be th© guests of Mrs. H art’s fa ther until after E aster.

"Th© Church and th© Children' will the subject discussed a t ‘>>6 'ay m i^ 'ssocial service conference a t tn© i o rest , Th© Progressive p a rty haa announced

i'Ul by the hand of fetlov/Bhlp In moeiJiii; them on a common platform of consider­ation and diBcueslon.

And w hat better m eans of under­sta n d in g our fellow citizen than m eet­in g him face to face,, challeng ing his sin cerity and tru th a s he measure* our position.

The churches cannot m eal th is prob­lem a© they do not have th© ear of th© deBtrod hearer; ne ither can the political p a r tie s as such solve It. W hat is needed le a determ ined e ffo rt on the part of a ll tru th and o rder-lov ing citizens to m eet his fellow citizen In friendly and helpful counsel.

This will resu lt in d lsa rn ilng th© "b igo t" and w 'eakenlng the Infiuenc© of the ‘‘ag ita to r," both o f whom by rea­son of BophlBtry and fa lse S tatem ent ten d to Incite th e ir h e a re rs to ha te all o rder and governm ent.

W e cannot longer overlook the u n ­re s t of many of our people who have long brooded over w h a t they consider th e ty ran n y of the tim es, and wlio may a t any tim e be Incited to ac ts of vio­lence. R ather had we b e tte r meet con­d itions now ami not only m utually dis­cu ss (pot cuss) these v ita l m atters, hut follow up the (lIsi'UBSJori w ith earnest e f fo r ts to establlah social and indun- tr in l ju stice by tru e reform , before w© m ay he compelled to m eet them by revo lu tion in Its deepest m eaning.

The day of the po litica l p a iiy as such, is waning, and the dawn of the

Mrs. Jam es EUls of W est End avenue held t cake sale a t her home Saturday afternoDn for th© benefit of th© Ladies’ Aid Society of the Kllburo Memorial Presbyterian Church.

Shlgco Kojlmo of Toklo, Japan, will speak a t St. George's Episcopal Mis­sion Wednesday evening. The parish guild of th© inlssloyw iU m eet tomorrow afternoon a t the dsurch a t 3 o’clock.

The ends >^r th© Richelieu Young Men's Club tiilnstrel show will rehearse tomorrow night a t the home of Morris Wfieeler, Richelieu terrace.

The T. 0. T. em b of th* Kllbum Me­morial Presbyterian Church will repeat their recent m instrel performance on Thursday night, April 16.

Miss Ethel B. Pearce of Alexander stree t la a t Brooklyn for a short stay.

Mias Dora Becker Shaffer will give a violin r e d u l tonight a t th e Lincoln Bchool on ‘'N ational C haracteristics of Violin Music."


Hill Presbyterian Church tomorrow night, Mrs. Jam es Duguld Jr. Will be th© leader.

E, Stanley Terhune, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Terhune of Mt. Proapect ave­nue, has gone to Peoria, III., where he baa entered Into partnership with PhllUp Horton and will engage in civil engineer­ing.

Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Ayers of T iffany Park will leave th is week for W ashing­ton. D. <2.. where they will m ake their home.

Dr. Henry H. Rusby of De Oraw ave­nue Is in Chicago.

Mias E lsa Disbrow of P arker stree t has as her guest Mias Ruth Haynes of Ohio, Miss Haynea Is Miss Disbrovr's room mat© a t Wellesley College. They will take p art in the Wellesley benefit to be held this week a t the Young W om en's Christian Association.

Mr. ^ n d Mrs. F . A. Terhune of Mt. Prospect avenue had oe their guests yes­terday their son and daughter-in-law , Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Terhune of Arling­ton.

Judge and Mrs. Alfred Skinner of U n - coln avenue returned horn© th is m onjlng from Pass Christian, Miss.

In one of the highest score games ever played on the basketball court of th e Forest Hill Presbyterian Church, the Youths' Bible claas Saturday night de­feated the basketball five of the Second' Presbyterian Church by 94 to SO. Th© game w as preceded by a game between th© mem bers of Troop No. 7, Boy Scouts of America, and a troop from Bloomfield. The la tte r won by 32 to 17.

ogressiveIn unequl\^cu i language Its purpose to m eet tbeec crying iieeda of th e people, bu t whether by th is party or by some o th e r agency we sh a ll accomiiHsh the desireti end. viz.: Justice to a ll—makes li t t le difference, the essen tia l thing be­ing the best resu lt and n o t the m eans o r p a rty by which It is atta ined .

T ou rs respectfully,W. S, KETCH AM,

24 G ou ld avefibc.


The work of th e Silver Lak© Welfare ABBociation was presented, la s t night to th© members of Young Peopl«’s Union of Kmmentiel Baptist Church by Mrs. Rob­ert Ivijobler. president of th© aseociatlan

Mrs. William Broemel will be th© h o i - 1 the piano fund tees tonight of th© Arc-en:cell Club. The firs t rehearsal for th© can ta ta

Mrs. Ray H- H art and daughter. Miss "Ci'ruciflxlon," will be held tonight a t Jan© H art of t>© Qraw av«nu©, hav© * the home of Mr. and Mrs. David II.

A home-made cake, candy and le* c reu n sal© will be held Saturday a f te r­noon "at the home of Misses E thel and Grace Johnson tn Evergreen avenue, W a- verly Park, under the auspices of th e ir Sunday-school classes of ih© W averly Park Chapel. The proceeds will go to

Make It a Point* to save something now for your future needs and

pleasures, in the mean time, let your money wjirk for you in the

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Fidelity Trust CompanyPrudential Building, Newark, N. J.

Accounts opened on or before nex t Friday will draw interest from the first of next m onth. O n deposits from $5 up to a n d including $1,000 this company pays 4 per cent, interest. All sums over $1,000, no m atter how large, draw 3J4 per cent. The FIDELITY is the

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To Kdiior o/ rh© NEWH:Sif—If nim cr is corrset, th© announce­

m ent In th* N©ws of March 21 th a t a special meeting of th© Presbytery of Newark has been called to meet March 31 to consider th© dissolution of the Third Presbyterian Church and Its ex­tension into a collegiate system la not altogfither accurate. Of ih© many assur* itnees which have been given by the Third Church In carry ins out Us plans to encroach upon the field of the Park and Forest HIH churches, ther© la only one which has not been violated, and it la expected that a t the meeting on th© th irty -firs t instant th© Third Church will endeavor lo obtain Presbyterlal sanction fo r violating the on© in question.

CD Assurance was given th a t a t th© l)«glnning th© Third Church would ©reel only a small chapel.

I t has erected on© of the most ex- pensive church edifices in th© city.

Tt agreed th a t In erecting and ©quipping such building U would not ex­pend more than $8S,000.

Tho contracts filed in the courthouse for th© mason, carpenter, painting and electrical work, plumbing and healing, and a vacuum cleaning syitteni aggregate 5H7,392.5<), Tills sum will be Increased greatly by the coat nf the furnishltigs and equipment, Including organ and lighting fixtures.

(3) The new hiiiUIlng was to be simply a branch ot Ih© T h ir t Church.

The present sit© on Broad street is to b© abandoned within a few months, and th© present pastor. It la said, will transfer h is activities to the new field. Efforts wer© mad© to locate th© comer-ston© of th© edifice in TIroad street, In order that Its contents might be placed in the corner­stone of the new edifice. Nothing could mor© clearly Indicate the Intention to tran sfe r the principal activities of tho Third Church to the field of th© Park and Forest HIM churches.

(4) I t waa agreed th a t with the ex­ception of th© funds required for erection and equipment. 685,000, th© new church should be self-supporting immediately.

The Third Church now w ants to read Into th is agreement the words "In so far a s possible/' and It may seek presby­te ry 's sanction therefor a t th e meeting next we«k. The Park and Foreat Hill churches were erected, and their work Is maintained^ by the sacrifices of memt^rs of those churches. The new Third Church, in the same neighborhood. Is being erected w ithout th© contribution of a penny by those who propose to worship there (al­though th© section Is the w ealthiest tn the city), and It Is now suggested th a t th© presbytery shall consent to their being relieved of a t least a T>krt of the cost of m aintenance. It would be difficult to find a more glaring Instance of selfishness In religion.

It should be borne tn mind that th© funds which the Third Church has used tn erecting the new building, and which It prop<»as to us© In maintaining the work therein, were not oontrlbuted to tbe Third Church by It* membera, but are pert of an original grant made by the early itttlon of Newark, Inwi before the Third Church waa organised, and to widen the Third Church h u no more moral r i^ t than all the other curclies. t f the Third Church claims that It has other funds which It Is Justified la using to selfishly It would be Interesting to know what they ore and bow they were acquired. Tours truly* •

KL RHODES,Vlos-Prerident Mutual Benaflt Ufe

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Th e telephone brings orders fh)m the best

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If you have a telephone you can turn t e l e p h o n e trade your way.By making it easy for customers to reach you at all times )^u can buildup a profitable, satisfactory telephone order business.

And this increased business more than pays for the slight cost of the service.

Have you a telephone in 3 u r place of business?Orrr imipwsf Commmtcted OWe* uaff g /o d ^g^u y o u fu U rn^emiAtion ofroat ts/spAons oor*pic«» if you unU Jaot rafepAon*, unr et catf*



n - u

E. W. WOLLMUTH, Local Commercial Manager,

281 Washington Street, Newark, N. J.


l^OPSERVICE CORSETS have brought happi- ^ ness to a great host of women whose former efforts to attain the “nature figure” have caused them to suffer in health and purse.

They are a welcome relief to corset dealers whose shelves are filled with all manner of

freaks and experiments, which not only fail to pro­duce a rational * 'corsetless” effect but are positively dangerous and in every way unsatisfactory.

Talk can never take the p/ace oFfem 'ce. Theie won­derful new Nemo KOPSER- VICE model* ere one hundred per cent, eerut'ce.

Four M odels] t jF or A lt Figujre*, a t j ' ^

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KOPSERVICE Corsets em­body an entirely new principle in construction. You’ve nev^ seen anything like it before. It’s a combination of the com­fortable old short corset with

the sweeping, easy lines of the “corsetless” mode.Nemo KOPSERVICE Corsets enable every woman to

attain the true, healthful and graceful “nature figure” without discomfort or menace to health, and with no danger of losing her shape permanently. Every woman who aims to be up-to-date, yet values her health and comfort, will derive much benefit from studying these new models.SOLD EVERYWHERE [Ql Nemo HyKieiuc-Fothion Initituta, N. Y.

D u tc liMaidCocoa

The best hot drink. Almost as easy to drink as water — almost as easily digested — quite as easy on the nerves.

And it's full of nourishment and vigor.

Everybody likes i tOrder Dutch Maid Cocoa of your grocer today

10 and »5-cent package*

Brewster Cocoa Mfg Co Jersey City N J

Spring Tonicfor

Y o u r T a b leThere fe e foed^uff hditt than mp dm etion of A$ doctor far peiOng new eigw end paHiti into gout heaeg W inkrlboi.

It ia clean, and pure, and good, and mighty welcome.

W hen you were ■ jrounittet your mother, about tbi* time of th*

How nrach sugar do gtm lose through the spilly old paper bag?

T)>W( botene wajrtobnr (afv—io SaaUd Carton*

iPure Cane Sugar A lw ayt faD w e i^ t Never arid in bulkwit «tmDw «ioi* *■*■■« Oftw m t m a



year, uied to feed you t spoonful of molas*e» and lulphur every day and brew you tome sassafru tea.

"G ood for your blood” ihe said.

But why did you need lomethuig for your blood?

^ c a u te the heavy, meaty, oily winter dieD -^e heat producins foods of cold weather—made your blood heavy with oils and fatty - •ubrtancei, and in the spring you needed something to Ain yrntf blood and reduce it to summer contittcncy.

Sulphur and molisset and laK safras tea were aU very well in Aeir day, but now in this present age of better understanding on dietapr guestions the greatest blood tonic ‘ is conceded to be Ice Cream

Castles Ice CreamBecause it is Ae purest and

most wholesome. It is made fresh every day from sweet country cream which is full of the vegetable and mineral substances just tight for Ae blood.

O ur Ice Cream will stimulat* the sluggish winter blood lAe neir wine at a feast, and put Ae spiing and sprifhtlinets mto your step that b ^ k e n vigor and renewed life.

Did you ever before Aink of the medicinal qualities of good Ice Cream?

Did it ever occur to you that Ipe Cream—especially^ our Ice

CrcamT"Could be of such benefit to you m Ae ipiing.

Did you never wonder w ly y«s crave Ice Cream in Ac spruig and •uramer?

Cut down your pit* and pastries and try our Ice Cream and ace

what an invigoraiion you will have in a ahort while.

Order by phone from Ae neareat Pharmacy, Confectioner or Ic* Cream stand.

S o t fin tfout own «oH

Be a u k S ’/

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Very Artisticresults can be obtained by the use of

Johnson’s Wood Dyesfor the slaininc and coloring of all kinds of soft and hard woods.

Made in sixteen standard shades, which penetrate the wood and bring out the beauty of the grain without raising it, and can be finished dull or with a glass as desired.

J.J.Hockenjos Co.829 Broad S treet

A CLEAR COMPLEXIONRuddy Cheeks—Sparkling Eyes

— Most Women Can Have

Bars Dr. Edwards a Well-Known Ohio Physician

Or. r . M. EdTvanh) for 17 roars tr*at*d ■core* of lYomen for liver and bowal ©H- raento. Durl&ir these yeora h* favs to h iS ' pailonts a pres«ripiloa mad* of a faw voll- knowQ vegetable lugredlenta mlzod with olive oU« namlrtg them Dr. Ifidwords' Olive TabletOv xou will know them hr th«b? ©live color. f

Theoa tablets ore wohd«r-workar« oa th* liver and 'bowele, which caoMi « aormol ■z;: oetlon, earrjlng off the wosU and pou©B«« w m atta r th a t oha‘s Bratom ooUset*.

If j w hmv* a pal* face, oollow l«o«r 41011area, plmplos* coated toBfua, hoodoi^sS^a > IlsUets. no-fOod fetltof, all oat of eortob ia* oetlv© bowels, rou taka ooe of Dr. Edwaras* OUva Tablets n lfh tir for a Uma a«d aot© the ploosMic results,

Thousaods of womoa, os wall oa maa* Uk# l>r> Edwards' Ottra Tablata mow and than Just to heap la ths plah of condltlan.,

Dr. Cdwardo' Ollvt Toblats. the i MBhSSic fol mbstltuta for oaloutol-"-^ ©hd ID« p«r box. The Olive Tablet Co., Clavalhnda 0« AIS hniialstai'—Advertissmtat*.



DEATHSAfTlRBAIAV—At RioOV0<'ld, N, J-i 20,

» H JSl “ o M ^ iMic AcUrmin.

^ if. W T n.;r^iuwii*t,rj »t 'I” iDO,enl«ii« of tue

ANNICAR—On Mori'h It. )IH.Jnnc! »lr« o( jAin,n *'■ -Aonur. i«d rnl.ilvM or* r.qurottd ‘lITftinofol oervlini *t h*r lot* rr«l<l«n**. 51 Diw ttr**!, B»ll,*tne. N. J-. on W.dneo- d v , April 1. ot 5:!» f. M. Im trnirnl ot B u t HidjclHwo Cilnetvrjr*

BHOCK—Pe»r*fullr hhI**p , MatcUi»i*. j< “ ‘ '___ Butti, bolovrt Intollt Aouohurcf Hsiliy opt! ju**plltn* llr<'*;l:. H«l»llv,» ■nil frUnd* or* invInU to utlem) ih* (ii- norrl ot U*r lot* rooltl*"'*. ' ‘ J “ i r l ' t - n ' ' ; nu*. InlnitoD. on Tu««U*y. bUrrh 11. At t P. M. In tw ^fn l At llollywooil 0«m*1«ry-

• At K««t Or«n*A. N. J.. Mirch l!S.CAUiWW ----- ........... w,- ,b*r Mr*. ” *J'tiir k. Tr«wi»in. Narlti J^uriwii !»*'faelU L’Hrwn. Ated IM y t fn T mofitba I day*

*«rvir.ei will ba b«li Id *-11,***Ortuir*. on Tutadiy March 81. i t 2;J0 P. M.IjitArtnAat at poMdala CwftMtery.

CI.ARK—Al <'hMham, N. J..JSI4. VlDMifil V. Clark, la hi* l-llMral arrvU u fnim «t. Paula rhwrrh, Tuaaday. Maruh 31, at RalaiWaa and rrlriulM ar* kindly lnvlt«*ii. Inltrmaiit Chatham. N. J.i c o w jn o v ll—At ih« family.

atraat. oranfa. N. J.. an *tijnda)‘.J«4 , Mortln Cooprovio huiboBd of ih . lot. Mary Coagrova (naa Kallyl- Nnili-# df fu nara) bcraaftrr.

DE LONQ-On Morrli W, l»l|. J*™'"Wr«) hoohond ot .Bmill* l>* ^ n j '■ml trltodi. olm m.robrro "( M, B. A. of th* Arlinaton Courl lAwr«i No. 7. r . or a.. •nd ArHiifWii toiiip. HH’Ri. M- yllod to «tl*nJ tb« funor.l ,111* tv: Oovlt svenli'. Arllr,l irrN. J.. on Wt-dre«doy otonluK. Awll I, nt * I'elocl. jDtorm.iit i t ArlInplon U.mtttry-

Mnnti'lalr. March >1^

BJIAW-PiMt Morcll S*.widow of th* lot* Anthoity Bhow. B » l i ’.vvTS_Blort o m*ll *rd»r builim# ofond frl.114. or* MnJly lpvlt,rt_^ •J.'irjnhn * '± ^ 7 n ; r ‘"moU Moli.i! w .r . tlm.;_IT


TJtt Jt*hn ■ Hluiierat ffotn hw la la • , .* afiraM, Harrlaon, on \Vt<Jn«aday. ^*7» o a *m A. M.. Ihrnc# (o Holy T i^a . i ® *• M. ahara a High MaN r>f Rapulam will lia^ y-rH for til* r*i>.« of lirr «nil. Inwrn'o'" m ftowtory ot Holy Sopulclire.

«HKPHKHl)-On Mtrtjt J ? ".o,T. r*,1<l.n.;.. Arthur ,Miirrl«. VI!

your own, omoil eoplioli op*^ platti; aand_ for■MKAia, Mi(U JVP jy«.* ---portunitidt JCachaaga. Buffaldi n. T»

>.r» raMfianre. Anni*' v«ararunerat Pfrvir«* V»JI. r : Pr^wl*da^.:!"N '’j.“ "n lifm «T 'P r«bn .V iao liry. N«w ProvIJfnca, N. J.

UMITH’-Paacarully fall aalrep. Maich 'Jil. m il H#tiy F.. twlovd*!! mother of William and icri-d fiiiiltb alatrr df Henry Hmlih Rnd l.u(> iuK# at har lata raairtmee. -J42 Main airetl. Kael Ortiiga. Notlc« of Mm»-ial



l.iJNU nuAU MfiAMuNS, KKPAIRfl tJAnACK. DAV DR KVENINH; Wh FK U ’ TU HECrKE POfllTICNfl; IN THECITY i.’AKPIj;NTER. l#7 JJtlLLKVlLLK AVK. _______ .Ai>VKKTlfilNa aotirltw td call on fhmticiftl and bualrwraa liou«i In Monlctair for R Jargrty pdironlifd In that i’laca: f« ^tnuncy for a raw weeka. Addiaa* Box ho, Niwi ufflc-c. .Ai:it

ATEFKKY^At Irrlngton, on M*rcb »li W'lMtam. aoM of Manoy and iha ialt laniurl Hii'ffay, agad 4'» >rar» JtnlaUvra

Mra IIm1 mi.iber,

i n .and'frtoijcia ara in-ritad lA art^nd iho lum r* m| Bf rvIcRa from hia tMotliar-lti-Ikw b rcBi* clenre. Mr. fi. <i. Haihcr. ii9 I'liininlnga firaet. Irvington. N. J.. on Tijcaday, Marun Jl.. a( T'. M. Iniermont CUn«on Ceme­tery.

KTflCMPFU-lt-f'm Mnn l i ' . Mart li fid. IWH. ai the replilence of her ilRUninef,Wehel. aid llnnyon alMcj.lary ‘J’. Hien-hr. witinvv .......... *r.*--ilfd jeara. Ntrll -t of fun-rnl lu'raafier.

fl.K O rE—tin Man'll :5- I>1(. NIrhol*, II., h.lov.d huibooil of Ami* I'- ' Irop*. In hi* tipth y»or. FuiutkI "ii 'r'i'''i<luy rrm'- 111*, Morvh SI. 01 » o'l'loi'h. ot hi. lot# r'lii- il.Tu;*, 3# North 8*v*ntU *tr**l. ond frl.nill, *l«o Hiw.vlH* tom p no. Wondm.n Of th* tVorld, *r* lnvlt*d to ot- tend. Interment al th* rnnvenlem:e or iti* family*

w im n i. rf New Jeraey. 3fi2-3M Hal *ey *1., nnrl largem In fh# rttaj*. im

llmlfeii i.tirae; luense ggarameed, day o: ♦ cvrihig: afait nn»* \ _ _ _ _


BOY warned. H> make hlmaeif lenerallyunefiil, Kftod chen^ fnr advani-etneni.

Apply >4 A. M.. Tueiffky, H. BACHMAN &Market at.

H'lV, arvehteen yeara of age, In financial In- 1 fUliuMori In [UodntfleW Addfeai In own

handwriiing. iiaiiitf reference. Boa I.W,I JikHimriHd, N. .1.

yea re.Wanted, two ptrf-nf boyp. IR- vurk ■i'f)Un4 ffnre a l>etweeji 3-6, 2JS Waehinfton

BOY wanted lenred Itunrerdon

vagatakle wagon; (.’all between 4 and

tgon; eiper- 7 P. M.. 173

BOy. wbnut U. to learn optical trade. AN»PA<*K PROS-. 613 Broad al. \

UHV, IS lo la year#. Call a | 67 8Uie at . city.

DRyV ABT AIW11MAnrV>eivai1* al the i»'>ine of hie aoH; Ilugl| DaM'iyi «.Vl tlrange mafl, Mi*niclalr. l-iinernl

rffspe all! h* h<ld addreai Thurtilay

VAN NKflft- Mary A. Van R4)OK 1>KLIVEREK-^Wanled, InIiewla Van Neaa. on Suntlay. March ■ lng puhllahlng houae, an eaperle

r Hie home uf her ilBughter, Mra. /'■ J '; ;■ |hH(tilni«iiT ilellvnrer. a gnod uularjby H lead- enced bonk

•'— • ...... , 1 ; I^"^IlInjijii urii»n«ei. t» o«lary am) per-Itninali.e. palerwon. N. r. * ' * 1 manaru poalllon. bond and referencea re­al the I'oniplon Plair w church. Wedneaday. , Applv by letter giving full par-Apill 1. 1:30 f* V Train Jeavea Norin p„ former eiuplo) merit. I'. O. Boi

Will be appreciated by the Advertising Department of the Newark Evening News, especially on Wed­nesdays and Saturdays, our most popular real es­tate days. If you want to buy, rent or sell real estate, you should use our columns. We carry your message direct into the home.

HELP WAmiP:::WOMEW____HOt'BEWORK—A flrl for (.M r*) hoM*-

werk; lounarr work Inqlud.d. f i t Bprln*- daJa av*,, Baat Oranga; taUpbone 46l0 OP'wnga; taiia croi* town oar to Brighton a v .HOUSEWORK—Oirl to a * ltl with houao-

worki muat bo fond of chlldran; good Kama, rlfh t pay, 160 South Btatoonth at*, niai Clinton avo.; 'phono UHM* Wavorly.HOIThBiw o rk - Saporlrncad wbita glrl«for

gtnoral hoUMWorkV no waahliyfs roforonq* ro-- J.qulrtd. Wh Clifton av*-, n**r Ballantlno park' way. Ml. Proopart ctr- I' aro paid.HOUSEWORK—touDf |IH. Uarman .

ferrad, tti aiaiat with light houwwork and carr of rhUdr go home a l night*H I.. BROWN. 17 Lincoln ava.


HOl.'itblKL iSPER — MIddla-agad German woman; taka full charge In wfdower'a

hoiiiB, liiust he fond of children. Call even- Inga, 106 Nineteenth ava,

HELP WANTtlMiEll AND WOKEN EMPLOYMENT W A N T l^ ^ W ^ ^RAOTlICft—U-M iH oau, b0DlU*ti Utal lio- ME1.I*—Molt. kiB h » « Mryek jjyjwf

■on tn o; Un ■onetHi, n o lM . lio . plo**i thli I* whot w* ho** to ^ o r . CLAHK-WINN Studlon, ST HoIh i it .; »lon- Cortfc hoUMWork.ii. ehoiab«fn»ld*._ wnit- loti wontod u t*ooh*n *»*rywh*r*. nioao, nurMi. **omrti«*io»., io um i* * *

- r —r houi*k**»«iA prootiool Inlnodploi. liutf.ri, lU .; oil hind* and o U iW of. -------------- ---------— . (amalli bain- whU* or QPlorod: we don t a*pg .awy

plecea only>; huatwod aa ^oHar abd houM* th* riEht kind; aak irour neighbors tno**« have lUDpIled, and you won't go *rong.

TUB d l^ V B AOBNCf.

COUPLE urantad, axparlanoed for prifat* family; wife aa cook and lanndrr

worker; wagea M6 par month; rafvoocei requirad. Call at It? tipper bfoUDiain av«.* Ucmtclalr. N. J.. today or tomorrow after 11:14 P. H.

I4t Main at., B**t Orange; 'phone Orangt 1411; open lilt I P- M-

m an and wife wanted Immediately to ea- RouaKHOLD HELP <»PBCTAL> 0 * ^ * 1 * ' ■let on general farm; muat ,b* willing, ORADJSS CaN B® ffUCUBlSt) BT JB®8I-■lat general farm; mu« w ORADJM CaN « • «wn.w.weober and honeit: eoch a couple will find d BNTB DP THE CITY OF NEWAAK^J^TIl;

-------- OUT DBLAT OR COST ANT DAT._rROM Iroom*, garden, milk, egg* and auttabla pay. Today. *6 North Ninth at.. olty


HOlJbEWOBK-ConipeteiU white glr! fop gen­era] houeework; no laundry eork. Call or

arils ftJ Berkeley av*.. city. Take Mt. Pro*- P«.-l car: rarfare ik*lrt.HurSH:KEKPKR for buetnaaa couple; care

cf E-yaar-olil achool child; refitted and teriiperata: middlt-'Bged. UBE 62 Eaton pi.. Kasi Orange. _____HOUflPHVORK-iJirl to e*iUtt with hcuaawork.

niy objection to foreigner; email family; good-TioA ' /.oil -affAF K n'ri!ru<lr MWMh-nine; rail after B o clock. 'JAS Littleton ave.


h o u s e w o r k —Girl (while) for generalh'tueework and plain cookirif; good wagea.

■ - MBS. DAVIDSON.Telephone Market 147, UK bpruci ) at.HOrSEKKKPEB—WHew for hooaekaeper.

with or wlihnut chiMren. Call between 6-8 V. -\1. good home: imtH wage. 63 flomeriet ■1., aeconl floor.


Mflrdj . ethrhie Wlitlnkcr.

iDiiNewark HtalUin, II A

WJIlTA K Kil - At UPjomf lUiN). huetmrti of „ v. ,,.'i7 y.Hrs e.rv|.-M frn:n 'Dion Lef-

I 'hun'li on Tsip.’fil*'' . MHrt-h «ll. at

Ne irk, N;*,j HIlAlvEME.N. firemen, raliroa/ie en’erlng .sew-

IlHtMflermtoh at 3 o'clock.

DlJHKfi-At Orange. N- ol., Marrh :*. I9ILi'lrwk

H Iterl.neUtLcNihiennent

Btvi fr1«'mla ere khi-Hv In- ni-i-imfield Cemetery.

•m «V bi(J«d wn'Vt/■»<rlfk 01 JU rf .rr t I Mnn (nee Kane)* llelatlvea ami frlei'-le Stinilay, Mar<l» nil.

fpll eeteep, on at Sammlt. New

nn :<n*. KO.I.K | ? r i 7 ' , ^ i ^ i ' . ' ' ’ v i ih .r i : ;o g ,,i .T i .y ."* '« tVallai-e

i-> JS

are kindly irrvHed to from hla Mreni*' rwldente. - , . , .street, on 'ft^dneeda)’. April 1. al I ® ‘ thence to Bl. John’# Church, where a H *h IfgM of liequlem will be offered for the rtpoae of hi* aoul. Interrment In Si. John* Onnelery.

EB-On JIarrIr 28. IDIL ,Jamea Pe»; *«;;]*


TKM y«to i t i

I*—., nelailvra and friend" at* Invlird ftiend the funeral nervine* on Wedneaday.

April 1. at m. Alu>elui uhLInterment Muntglair Catholicwett* ar 3 A/ M

Cemetny.FIBCHEI —Oh March 24. 1114. Ahtile T.

Flecher Itie* McCann), beloved wife o. \Ylillam Flwl'tr. Rnlatlven and frlemli are Kindly Invited to atteuo the funeral from Her fate realUence. 9 Ifouaton at reel, on tVednetday* April >. at S A. M.. to Ht. Jemea'a CJjunn, where a High ala»t of YUQMtfiiL will be offered frr the repnae of K^.eoul. Intnrnient m the Cemetery of the Holy ^pulchre.

g r a n t—At- Eaat -Oraage. N. -L. .March £4. 14)4. Harah E.* widow of Geon;* W. Gmut, hi her I2d year. Funeral aervlcen «lll be halcl from her laU reatrlence. U Park •venue. Tueidav, March 3L, at 2 P* M, In* twgtent at Fetrolla. OnUrlo. Canada. Tieifiton, N* J>. paper* plea** copy.

HRMLER—Suddenly on March 29. 1914. Ireti*. wife of I.iOUla E. Hcmier and daugh­ter of Artanf F. amt Bello Kull* In her 22d year. FVneral vatvicea at /.elllg and Ruan rhopel. Newburgh. N. Tueeday, March t l . At t o'clock '

HotitBS-Pcaccfully fell aeleep on Marrh 20. IftU. LtK-y, detmtJ mother uf Jainci Henry Th^paon. Late rMidence, 166 OtHweml nv* •tir. Ck’angr. Remain* at H. J. Drown'i Un derriklng Parlon, 2H2 Bank llreet, Newark, ^ t lc e of funeral hereafter.

HOOH-At Montclair, N. J., on March W,i iX4. Charte* WeaJey Itooe, age 73 year*, 10

fgple Place. Relafivea and frienda are In

fnrnieriy nf MorrUiiown. New .l^raey lermenl M Bvergr^'^n Cemetery, Morria- luwn. on Tuaadey. Marrh Cl.

WIUUllT—On s»!,inl*y. Morrl, 1>U. SiiiKli. t>«loved huHhanil uf Mary tVrlghL «(*n :.9 ytoro II.loll'*" «'«1 (rl^„l. «r» Invited lo aiian^l hm funeral on Tura-iey, Mann 51. ol « :li A. H,. <ruiii hi. lot* r*. - ,l*,ii'*. )16 B,.;,l*n .ire*!, Ilinnro In w, V, lik o rotti.drol, whir* nt I, A. .'I. « H k 11

Hboo of'll'ni "III I,* n'f',” '',. I" ',,'I ' I'.IIOM of 1,1. «oiil. lotfririnlit In tS* L*m- *l*ry of th* Holy S-pni-hr*.

/.BINTIEX—On K«lunl«y, Morrh TH. 19H. FrrdnrllH. hnlo-*d "On nf Alh-rt .no enrlno /hinilon 111"" I 'l-t/n , * o '‘' :o "A'?"V.’;!12 daya. ItelaHvf" and friend" at* kmclly Invited to Attend the funeral from hla par- eni'a realdenee, faS .lacob iilreet. on Weilnea- rlay. April 1. at 2 R- M. Interment in the Woodland Cemetery.

ark; wage* 4100; eaperle/ve unnecc**ary; ig>*. poetage. Hallway Awtclallon. Dcpc.

II, Brooklyn. N. T.lJAIlTE,si)ER-F"iTii-rlBM. lU* young tnan.

lOQfl itilxrr and careful drawer of beer. M. If. MI'RltAV. Jtrn .Sfarhei at. _____BfjOK-KKLPJNfJ taught prlvatelv by public

accoiintan). tlO; a*»l*i to poalHon. Addree* PublJe Accounianr, Hox tin, New« office._____

■ ......... Job c a l -RARBBR-Unlf barber wanted.ANGELO, 2T5 Mprlngfleld Ave . city.

BAimUR—iloftd bnrhar wauled, ateadyv.-orh* Apply-It 1-one al.. Orahse._____ _

DAniiER Half barber wanted, t ra I a ve.. Eaei Newark.

AHOEa—Flrer-flaea turn m-n on ladlei' fine alippera; aieady work. H. WBIL A CO.,

PfKalh av#.. Brooklyn8IIUU aaleaman. Junior, and two e a t r a ^ r

Waturday; ateady poatUon*. PL'RNBTT. )iiU Springfield ave.

HOl'KEVfOItK’ — Wanted, maid for general houitowiTk; muil have rt*f#rencea. Apply

Puperlniendrnt. Hebraw Orphan Aaylum. 534 ninioTi av* ___

ACCOUNTING and auditing In all branebei;Inveallgator*; eyatemalltlQg; monthly iuper-

vlalon. CONSTAM Audit Co.. Eoa#* building; telephone 623S Market. Founded IfiWV,BAllBER. flrat claaa, American, wlehea poaL

tlon, city or country; will atart any time after Aptll 1. Addrea* Barber. Box 86. Newa office. __________


tlon for (*n*m houir*c"'V In F^*vot* fomlly: will fo t* country of oeomoi*. Coll M Barbof* •*- ____ _________

RnflliS tirli,I.*!"’ b l tUj.A',1 ] f??.‘ .»V.


BUTi'HER. eaperleneed, wlahea poaUloa d ty family

Office. 140 Springfield ave ; 'leL 8 4 Mkt-HOUSEWORK — Young German glYl wl«l»e*

BencrHl houaework In family of two uf a#or country firtt-claaa \x>% man; need to good nurte girl. 36 Charlton et., aecond floor.

trade Addreea Buluher. Box 46. New* office.BOOK KERPKR—liSperleDced double enO'y bo®jj-

kcrji^r and uR'- man dealiea poaltlua. Ad- rirra* Ufflfp. Po* HO. New* u®*?#. __B A nTtNDl^H—Young man want* work.

city or country. Addrea* Bar, Box :0, Newa office. _______________Bo'y (U) epeake Oerrnan and Engllah: good

handwriting, wanU any Kind of work. 45

CHAUFFEUR, light colored, wtahe# poaltlon 111 private family; will go any place, beet

of reference, four yearH In last pla< «! repairing, willing and obliging. 'Igh t year* eaperletice: can «]»ei‘ate any car:

nOT'HKWORIC-Uungarlan, Gemian girl* d*- alre poalllon; wagea <16 up. HILL Employ-*

ment offlc<>. 328 Springfield av*. Tel.____ _HUUSUWOItK—German woman, mlddla-

aged, waiita house or kitchen work: aleep heme. 476 South Fourteenth at.HOlTdKWOHIv—Two neat colored flrjk

wluh general houeew<B'ki plain cook; r*f“ ere lice. 76 Crane et.HUl’Sr.WaRK—German woman

houaework In "mall family. Addre** Work, Box 11. Nnwa office. ________ .

HOUHEVVOKK -Wanied, al once, two eer- v*nt glrla for g«ne[a» houaework In a

O nnan family. Appiy 263 Stile* at., lulla- abr.-Ui. N. .1* ________ _

STABLEMAN wanted: one who underiiande waahlng wagon* Call 70 Hawthorne ave.

HOt'BEtvOHK Wanted, girl for houeework In family nf two: bring reference; gogd

home for right peraoo. 121 Myrtle ave.* "lore. Irvlnglivn. ____________ ________

TAfLOIt wanted; general work for ladle*and genUam#n, gnod pay and *teany

work. Inqulra BO Main at,* Midiaon, Js. J., or tel. iri. ____

IfOrsEWOP.K—Wanted competent girl or wouian general hniiaework; tmall famHy,

681 OruraT ave., Eaal Orange: aecond apart­ment,

TAll.^)RS—Two firai-ciaei tellora, alao helper -Aanted. .). HURDI. Ftfteenlh ave.

TAH^uHS wanted, two mnkere; two buah- elmen. at nni-e. Ml Fmy at.

Jj i Ti 'MER wanted, good raference, "leady poilUou 10 right peny. Apply G. KLEIN,

fiuaeet ava.

MONTH’S MINDrONNKl.I.V —Month" M|11<I M*"»

of(",*d for th* r*po*« of th« *onl Elizabeth Cunnelly on 'fueaday. March ai 1414. M 7:Sn At at. Joneph'i t.hur»,h Reia- Uvea and friend# are klmliy Invited to a t­tend. )

CANVASSl'lH.S wanted, houae lo Uou"# men on a niplil nelling H»-cent. article uved In

"Very home. nrfJi.a. atore. and gataga, per inanent mnnecilnn with Halery to man #ho»- lng rcaulia; <all from 7 to 9 ihle e\-*nlng or 10 to i : Tueiday A M. The Uejuvenaior Mfg. Cr... lit North Fifteenth el.. Kaat Of- angc, N. *1. _______CCUjLKCTOR for Elisabeth and Orange

rmrC" for Inntalment furniture house, muei coiM wall recommended; good lalary

AUdreas Corieclor, Boxtu the right part) 144. Nevv« off(< e.

ANNIVERSARY MASSrilDUY—S«c.ontl A*iilv*f"»ry Hl»h

,,f HeQ„l*m will be offerfd for th* r"po« nt ih* ioul of John J. <uddr 7 "„ ;(Itiurrh. i)r«ni*. Wodnendoy, *5' ' ' t „"iioioii^oo'ina frleml. sr*r*.p*ci(iillj Invited to »n*nd.

(IBOVES—FItih Annlverwr/ W»*" of n*- rtul.jn wiu b* offered for the repo"* of Ih* ioul ot Alery t*rm'*" <ne* "J'inhrTa Church. Oranga* Tueaday, March Ji. i^M. at 8 o'clock RclatWea and frldnda ara kindly Invited ih attend

•W* mlM you moat vho loved you beet.’’yitid 1v •uend her funeral, Wedne*d^y. at |

CHEMIST-Yoimg, energetlr, graduate chem­ist, having had eoine practVqal factory iX-

nerlence, to act a# euperinirnderu and chem- lat In a amall plant: good chance for ad- xancement; "tart 114 week. £. I. P.i.'O.- 126 KIrat at.

TCmJLMA KER—Exp^rienred m«n on higheet gnule Jewelry wurk. KFlKMKNTX Sl CO.,

49 f'healnui *i




WANTED—Firet-rlifs filler and helper on carriage and r.utumohlle spring work for

work on day fir*. Apply l'» Watertown Spring Rnrke. Watertown. N- V. __

CARPENTERS. pla*terer*, bulldera; ctvU aervlce Jersey #)iamlnat1oni; telephone op­

erator*, rodman. CAP'T, O'BIIIEK. II2 Roal T«.«ti»v.rhi»-fi Ifmjrih ave.. New TorkT^

WRITE moving picture pI*';*. apare time; no correipondlng courae; deieil*. . . (free. Atia* Publishing Co.. Cincinnati, 0

CAPPBNTKHH warned. Box I, NewH office.

Addresfl Carpenter,

vlteii to attend.


Itet. . . __ . . . .K SI-. from Si, Mark’* M. E. <Tiurch. j^q^Rjomfh-ia .vctiu., ot Ml. Hel.™ ' Annlv. rH. ry Hlrb M""* ■•‘•f' ■ nf'^lS'iuletn will bf olt«r*'l for 'h* r*po«*

HU.N-T—tJn »Iirrtl 51. H U , J»m*". th* **ll1 of Mlrh«*l J'.,®te i'4 Of Ih" Ut* Alli-e Hunt <nee M*dHn). I t,'huri;h, Tu*"il*y. Mnrch 51, *t^ftitlv*" (nd frlsnii" *r* klndlj liivltrd to ( , j(. n»l*tlv»« *(id friend* »r* kindly In- CItand the funeral from Timothy F. Foyle’* ' fiffers. Ko. nsi W'arrert street, on Tu*>- m x . March 11. at 8:80 A. M.. to Si. Jo-

Church, where a High Masa of ReQUiem will he offered for the repos* of hie eptiL Inlenttent In Iho Cemetery of the Holy JtopuKhre.

KEIdLKR—On Saturday. MerHi SI. J4H. f)ur beloved father. Jacob Keltar. aged 74 yaar* I month* IS days, husband of the late (H^rud* Keller (n»« Stoll). Relatives •Ad trleiid*. almj Phil Bborldan Post, O. A.JL, and I#*fne»' circle No. 6 of the Phil Hherlda." Post. O. A. R., and Arbalter H. t;, V, No* 1* ere reepectfully Invited in al- tend th« funeral on TueaUay* March 41, at Y'P* M*. from hi* fata reeldenc:*. No, 10 BdmereH itreet. Interment In Woodland Cetttetery.

KNOTVLKS—At Orange, N, .L. fludtUy._

CAKE hftker'M helper warned. I l l Wash- Ingioti Pt., Granj,'". N- _____ _

blKMAKEH—Puiii.h and-ilie maker, who is rapid, accustoiricd to blanking, bending,

forming end comhinttlon die*; stale age. •xperlanre, referent# and wage* wanted; #tao slate how soon you could sLart work. National Aluminum Works* W'eJlivlIie, N, V.DRUG saleeman wanted; talUng on trade

In New Jeraey: iion-confllctlng aide line; liberal coininissloti; reliable house; oppor­tunity for live wires, others save poelage* K-G Chemkal Co.* Dea Motnee, Iowa.

lu m.mnry «t twloved '.""‘•'"Y, **u-ho P"Mi'II »-»*y Marcli -’ll. IMIII.I \V* Ihink of her In ,ili'nc*.

Nn eyva lo so" ue wri-p;Yet ever In uur schlns iiearl*,

, Her memory we will k«*P-CinANfi t'AUOlITKRS AND Mtl. AND MflB. GEORUK BTIU3U15E

DRIVERS \V*nHil York drlvFr*. f , . . press. 413 Manlson ave.. iisiTlson,

LVniNEKFl for factory, 122; bartender. I3S. boani. n>om: stsbleinan. $14; butler. |2*); g*r-

dmicr i:i5; janitor, married, 440: coachman. CKirl' r for cart); other vacancies. The Reliable Agency, entire grountl floor. 626 Broadest-__

Margk S9; Retta Grace* Infant daughter of | JW'ftiamt Mr*. John Knowles ine« Braaaell) of I t RteUon street. Funeral Tuesday at 3 o^dack. Interment. 6t, John'* Cemetery.' KOPP^—Suddenly, on Sunday, March 34.

lili* Thereea E., beloved daughter of Fred a«d Theteaa Koppe (nee O’Natl), aged 4 taonth*. Relativea and friends are kindly Invited to attend funeral from the real- danca of her parenli, 466 Springfield ave- nliMa'Oft TuaetUyi Marnh 41. at JD A Af- In-

CARD OF THANKSW» rt*"lr* to fjpr*"" our ‘ "J

heartfelt thai'k* to our many relatLe* ann. frl«nd* for their hlnillieBii, "ymvAthy And h*»atlful flMAl ofterins" tji* of our beloved "on »nrl h™lh*r, 0«en TV* «l"0 wt»h to Ui»hk the H*v. 1 einer Hlieh"! for hi" klndh*". durli'k neii", th* (enllemun who Acted ‘0 “p*llb*Arer"--Me««r"- ^ Thorn*" ulbnej. Edward Ryan, John amitn,

. _ r- E*i*>Ah Tnhn Oiilnn—and w# also * ^. CoInmh. L h n Qolnn-and w. aUo tii thank tho undertaker, Mr. John

"m a HoU hET s m it h AND/ a m il y .

larmeat in th« Cemetery of the Huly Sep-tafgrnuloiT«Mi<eDONAU>-On March 38, 1914* Thomai,

•an'of Archibald and th* lai# Annie HacDon- aM. igad 38 years. Funeral eervieea will b«nW...........iTt tho. home of hi* brother* Archibald

lODonald. 17 r ’__________ .. MapTe atroet, Kearny. N. J .TOHday ancraoon, March 81. at 2 o'clock RtUttvaa and friend* are kindly Invited, tffmeot at Arlington Cemetery.'^JltAIKR—On Monday, sMaroh SO. 1414, al (toe late realdenoa* 47 william atreet* after a lingering Mlneas, a t T:4B A* M.* John l i ^ r , beloved huaband of Mamie Maler

Connell), and eon of iho late Qottlleb a u i liOMlaa klaler, aged 48 years 4 montha I I day*. Funeral will take place on wed- naaday. April l, from the rcaldenca of hie brotber, Mr.Auguat Maler, II William atrset, a t 2 P* M, Ralatlveg and friends are kindly melted td attend* Interment in Falrmount Oaisetery,

MeCARTllY—At the family reeldance. 14 Willie alroet, Orange, N. J.* on Monday, March M. 2914, Patrick McCarthy, the he- laved huaband of Catharine McCarthy (nse Clark), Notice of funeral hereafter.

MoCOHMlCK—Od March 31* 1414, Rlohard 3,i tMSloved huBbsnd of Murgaret McCor­mick dice O'Nell). Relatives, friends and rpamber# of Holy Name Society of Our Lady fit Good Counsel are kindly invited to attend the funergl from hi* late renldence* 41 Pea­body place, on TUMday, March 81, at 7:45 A. M,. to Our Lady of Good Counsal Church, wliera a High Mass of Requiem will be of> tired. Inlerment in 6t. Agne* Cemetery, Al- bafty, N. T.

MASONIC NOTICEn o tr je . . , „

To the memher* of Northern Lodge No. -6,MsmbeA ^rr^summoned In allend an emer-

g«nt oommunlcatloft to J®. mom*. 472 Broad street, this. Monday evening. At 7:80 o'clock, for iho purpoM of auendjng The Mfvtowi of our laie Bmther ThnmaaA. Handford, a t hla l»ts rssldonc#* 64 Claystreet* i t S o'clock. _ .Hy orfar rtf the Worshipful Maaiar.

[; nKN k aiAPJN;_Kecrsiaiy. .—Atteir



• i t n tin* )>l**li broadnlnUi. wbit* or i l lw iriT pluih ciakei. wlUi m*Htv* Inr h*Ddl<*. *n|r*v*d a*m* pl*M, *uk*t b«iuUfull|r lln*4 vltli tin" "Ilk or Miin: ouuM* cael. «ur*rU»- Irf. •mtalnim*. drenlo*. •havlni. oruojni, oondelabra* glovte* cbalra* hearfi and threeooacbea to any ntty oonaatary-----LE'*'------- 'PEOPLE'S BITIIAL COMPANY

WILL FURNIBU FOR M6 ^* funeral th .f njeneur** up to mdf hlio pne* undertaker'" RW fup"r*i; funeml rarjp™ fr«w



MaDONAI.D— On Bundny, M arch 59, m ( , m * n , belnvfld wife of F n lrlc k McDonald. R * !* tlv « and friend* a re re"p*ctfu ll* In­v ited to a tten d the fu n era l tron r her let* raaldenc*. 41 O rlen lal ttr ra c * . W ednesday.

NSrVVARK BURIAL COMP^T.Ua Broad i t , b*lw**B Brldfe and Lombardf

•t*.. oppoalt# W aahlnitoE P a * laiy-COMPLETB FLNERAL-(JB

Black hroadoloth. whil*.. pluilj, w ";2oak caaket, handleaor aatln. outalda caai. advertlelnga eml-alin^- drgaelng. ibavini. crucifix and capdMabra. glovea, chatta. hearaa and three nogehea to *n».a__ .____1 M«dl,v*M HVIM rnrclly cem etery;leaa money th i '* ‘

April 1* al «:J0 A. M.. to 8t. Mlchanl'n Cnurcb, where a Solemn High Maoa of He-gulem will he offered for the repose of her ogui. Interment Cemetery Holy aepulchre*

McNAMARA-rOn March 28. tBH. jneeph H., beloved son of Michael and Bridget Me* Namara (nee Hlavk). IlelatWea and friends^^ttae deceOBed are kindly lnvlt6d_to attend

fu n e ra l from the renldspoe of his par* •n ta . Ko, 614 W arren stree t, lla rrleo n . <m Tueaday* M arch 31. a t 7:30 A. M.. to the C hurch of the Holy Croae, w here a t 1:10 A. M. a Low Maaa of R equiem will be of-

I fayed fo r the repose of Ms aoul. Interm eD t la , th e C em etery of the Holy aspu lchre.

M EEK ER — E ntered Into re s t otj Sunday. J la ro h 29, 1814. Kmma, beloved wife nf M elancthor B. Meel?er. R elatives and friends a re kindly InvUed to a tten d the fu n era l aarvlreg in th e parlor* nf the Peo- pla 'a B uria l Company. 380 B road s tres t. on W ednesday* April J. flt 2:80 P. M. In te r ­m en t In Arllngiorv Cem otery.

hCOOHK>~NoTa. a t Die Essex C ounty Ho*-

rita l. Cedar Grove. N. J .. on M arch 3R, 4)4. aged 66 years; civil rondlD on, single; occupatloih don iestlr: n a llv liy , Ire lan d . Ad*

m tlted to hospita l from New Jersey S tate H osp ita l June L'3. 1410.

MURPHY'-A'n Blar<'h 30. 1014, et the resi­dence of his j-srenla. No, 2'! ^^■nshlnglnt1 ilreet. H a r r ^ n , Thonias J . belnwd son of Thninni and Bridget Mi.Tplsy (nee f*tnliiil, aged 16 years three months Nndce of funeral here­after.

M U n P IlY -A t Rparny. N. I . on March 2fl, 1014. a t hi* Isle Tosldenr**. Bin Tarparv sirnet, V glrlrk, beloved luisband t»f .Anna Miirplty (ftae ciallagher}. Nolle* of funeral hereafter.

,.j*n ofrtpta aiMwh.Mi »p«sl*l at iiatlnn li 4li«t»1 to our t!r*l-ola*a llv*rr hither priced fun«r»l» If d**lr«o. n I w ARK b u r ia l COMrANY. M8 8ro*a a t

Tal. >nil Uafkai.ADOUFII P F E IL ; for H5 I wl’.l p im lih a fiiai-

Clin tun*r*t, IncluUIn* frav* m rfeniatlon, 17* Court *t.. n « r W o tt o t , loiIarlAkw **» pwfeMlonsI •m balm er; L. D- *phone IW7 Mar- lis t; open day and n lgh l; funeral parlor* free,


CHAPEL, OFFICE AND FURNISHINGS.broad mt. 'P h o n e m a r k et lasA. J . * J . H O L IrE JH. KST. IIBI* Funeral Directors and Embalmer*.Office and Funeral^ Parlors. _8_8hl^man et,

Livery und Automobile Funeral" a apsdalty, 4*6-8-10 flhlpman el. T#U Mkt. 44JR,

two •iperlencsd New Apply O'CONNOR'S Et

KNt.HNKKR for emoll plant, dn onn flrln*.?iiu!*l be liiduftlrloue aud slrlclly eober.

plant 16 ininiiiert fiom Newark^: J*end quuUdcsDun#.

N ew s offlrS-AddreiB Engineer, Box

TOLNG MEN-Tbree cJeao-cut well-educated )rtung men Id qualify for poallloni sa

men with big company Any men chosen will be i*ru to a aBls-nianshlp school snd wMii at- tending satne will receive a small sslsr.v. Ii St Ihs expiration uf three weeks a man ihai he le capsbie of Intelllfnt reprcsentalion Ii* will be pcrmsnejiilv emplnyrd si * ”ealsn. Apply P Box S64 Newark, N. J fh h if full panicujars.TOUNO MAN. slngl". to travel In Jersey.

visiting eatablleUsd trade, on comm aslon hasl" earnings low to start; psfsotial ap plication; mornlnes bbly. 45 Lakeside eve, Oraiii*. .YOUNG GIRL wanted lo live out, take care

of four-year-old haby; good homo; housework. Inquire Glob#Slure. 317 Springfield axe.

D and i® Cent

TOUh-a MAN for opllrtan * oftlre; one with "orn* experience PtB(yreA; 7lne

fnr ailvancenienl. AddrsM Opilclan, Bui 35, News office.

nOi:KEWOnK^ir1 or women for general housework; good home and position lo right

party; Derrnsji preferred. 140 Seymour ave.HDI’SEWCMIK—Waiiied, Gompetent girl for

general housework. Apply 3Sl North Mounialn ave.. Upper Montclair. N. ,1.HOUSKKEFPER aanted: prefer young

woinau; must come well re<’Otnntended. Address Rak"r, Box 84, New# office.HOUSKWORK—Wanted. glH trt asHlsl

houe»*wor'k i help - ivl(h rhlldren; aleep hnme. ('all TiiSBday. 281 Park ave.

It age*, rue.

AdilresB PrlvBl*. Box US. New" of-

IIOI'SEWOBK—Younf lafly would Ilk* ta moderate I In ,llkbt,liouMwork (of a good home.

CHAUFFEUR anil auiomobUe*Npenrnrorii fonipeinnl. wlin

refen'ines; prlv'ato fsiuiily hie, Box 2L Newa office.

mechanic;.... hlgh-clas» Addreaa Rella-

rni) UJI High "L _ linuHVJWunK—Young girl wishes position

for hnujiework. MRS. SCHWARZ. 136 Hamburg pi ___ . __

CHAUFFEUR—Young man wishes position a* chauffeur; 3 years experience. AR­

THUR JOHNSON, 18 Lemon at., clty^____ _CHAUFFEUR, married man. wlshte po"!*

Hon In prlvite family: five eipofl-ence. F. MOSER. 176 Brunswick ftt.______

ex-CHAUFKEUR. mechanic, ■ev«hperlence* wania work. A- C,, 3 Ninui

ave., FJaal Orange. ______________CHAUFFEUR, white, eight

en<t. van RI'HKIRK. 116 Third ave.CHEF—Uellahle rolored rhef. niurrled.

wishes slowardshlp p.-DDmi In cUhhou**e;

nollHiKWOHK—Neat colored gli'l wlibe*Mon as general houaework or upatalva maid

42 Warri.-n st.iit.n;.SE\VOUl<- tJernian refined glrU gen-

eml housework and cooking. Call a t 101eriil housework and cooking. Clinton pi.UOUHEWORK—Gernian girl wUhea pO*lttDft

Hi general housework. Inquire 70 Maga* xino vt. _______ _________HOUS^EWORK—< fllored woman wsoi" place for

KcnerBl hiiuscwoj-ki no waabing. Uil BoydenSt.

personal News office,

reference. Adilres# Chef, Hox - ’»

CHEF wlsDfn Btead.v jioslihm; dinner mid order cook. H. U-, J WlUUm "U. Laai

O r a n g e . ___________ __HOrsEWOTlK -An experienced colored girl for

genernt hmiirwork; no washing; reference; wagns S7 a we«.'k. 4 Russel) terrace.

CARFENTFR wishes p< sit Inn. Ahv or con- iracl work done neat snd rraSAiriabl". Ad-

dteaa <'KANE, Rox 67. News Office.________

ll''iUHt-:\VT»RK -Wanted, competent girl tn HSNiat M Imuaewark: reference required,

('all .’<ij North Eleretilh at.HOILSHIWOHK—German or Irish girl to an-

slet with housework and care of child. MEYER, 61 Pennsylvania ave.

g girl to RMlst withhousework: no washing. 0alifi6 RtiiQer av*.,

Ml- Pospeci or Muln Line car.HOUSEWORK—Wanted, girl for

housework ih small famriy. S. BAi'HER. 183 Lluleion ave.


HOUSEWORK— .Icneral housework: family of three, must be neat: no colored; refer-

"uces. 186 Washington -it.RCJUSEWORK -- Gin to assist with genprali

houaevKork: with or without washing. 167 IJellrr pirknay, clly.KOUSEWOltK^Wanlsfi, white girl, general

houBowork; nmall family. 16 Caeleea pi., Fast Oiypge, N. J.H(.)l.’3EWUltK-»-Compelent girl for general

h<YUg#work MASON. IHi Hawthorne st-. l'as» Orange.HOUSEB’ORK—Woman or girl wanted for

general bouaework. ElS Broad et.* corner Lomhardy st.

Yf>u.NCi MAN warned to make himself use­ful' unrtrrsiand car* rf horse a*id wagon,

16. Call 2S8 goBih NinthYOI'NG MEeN wanteil to Join a nawlv formed

orchestra; no profes.Monal». Address N.* Box 126. News nfflce. _____ ______ ___ _

HOUSEKEEPER—Working housekeepsr inmnall family. Addrsae T. V., ^ o a

Nevks office.IIOUBEIVORK—Girl wsDted for geseral house"

work. 11 Ejouth Twelfth st.KITCHEN maid, white. 102 Court it.

TOUNO MAN wanted fatnlllar with carpenter moi". 1*11 "flfr IS. ana TiiirU.nlh a.e.__

HRFM.4N for hotel, WD tnottlh, board, room;aui-rlvner'Uaefulman, private pl^or;. alio

i-nSi iniiiM-usefulmsn, white; driver for exprtBScompany, two ord-T cooks for lumdi wagon. lunt'linian-counuTmar, — *'______ ___ ____ yil week, no Sunday

four men, factory work. week; mantrt care f( r bowling allaya: tall, neat, colored footTnaft for holsl- GERUAN^AMERICANAGUNOT. entire eecmid floor. 19 Cedar at.FIflEMAN, experienced, for heating.

HTEIUBR Trur\k Co.. 867 Ogden «l.ilaVND FILE GRINDER wanUd: ateady

position.. Colutilal Fils Neponset.Maas.MEIs'_ . |jXJ,|MITED AUTOMOBILE IN­


YOUNG boy wanted In a grocery butcher store. 68 Warren_*U______



AI.TKRATTON HANPS WANTFtl. Experl-rired eewert on Women »

.11 add Skirt. Tor our AllCTallon Pe- nartmont Apply «t once, *"1>1 (Ice, .ecopa fltior. L. B I LALT & CO.. Newark. N. J.

MSN—Start a mall order bualseaa of your own; email capllal; npare time; 87 plans;

eend for particulars. Mutual Opportutilttea Rxehanga, Buffalo, N, Y.MEaV—I made large anaual Ibcome with a

irmll mail order hLBlners; hkgan with IS; eeftd for tree booklet; tella how* H&Ai.'QOK, flSfc, l.ook*>nrt, N- T.MEN for city and Slate poaltlona; rlvtl ser­

vice; Jersey examltiitlona, CAPTAIN O'HRIEN. I l l Eael Twenty-third a t, Fourth ave,, New York.

sMEN—Ha a detrtcilve: earn ITS to pH mr**.; travel o*er world. Write flupt. LUD - - -------- •' City,WIQ. tilT WeatrtVer Bldg., Kansas Mo.

MEN with patettiahle Ideas write RANDOLPH Jk CO.* Patent SnUcltors. WaablBgtu)!* D. C.,

for lists "Needed Inveotloiia."MAN—tlenara) utllliy man twhliet, that un-

dcrslrinds gardening end will tic* general work arnund place, lake care uf grounds, wash au- tomx'ibllea, elu.; muat furnish raferennea aa lo lionesiy and sohernaai; salary $2D month. bc«r\l and room. Call Monday nr Tuesday evenings. HERBERT T-*. RAWLL, Biantwood, BhoTt Hills. N- J.

BGoK- KEEPETl. HO week bhd meals; fitet-elflis wHllres". two In family* IHO, eoeks. f?*'-

S-IO; nuras, rare two children. 130: gnvernrs*, |8fl. German:Teasp". »2A: two laundreMee three hotel waitresses.If'AN AOKNf’T. entire Jd floor. 1ft *1-BOOK-KEEPER and atsnographer; gls-e full

InformaOen Hilary 110. Address Bleno., Box 26. New* o f f i c e . _____________

Ij.AUNPHT—Two capable young women for finishing liepartmeot; tight steady wnrk

plean. aunlil workroom: references required.Columbian Steam Laundry, 1ST Tlaleey at.I.AUNDRY—Marker and aisortef, and girl Co

assisi; also good Ironer for plain Ironing. S\ipfrlor Laundry, 84 North Nineteenth at., b)aet Oran».

c a r p e n t e r , experleiKsd. wania work In fartory, or with builder. Address D. J..

15 South Orange a v e . ________________CA RPENT7Hl--“Y'oung Gertnan. e.xperlpnced

carpenter, wsnls steady wor)t. Address 90 Belmont ave. _DROP end nresa hand wishes position,

of liking charge of pros* work st dlffcrrDt firtorlee: experienced; I>"*t references. Address PrPM. Hoi llli, News office. _ENGINEER. IJcensed, thoroughly compe-

uu t. any mathlue. piping, repaira* Aa- • • ' " 70, News office,dresa UeUahle* Box

IIOUSKWOKK—General housework wanietJ: bmoll family. V.: inuntli. 4k l-crgusqn

HTii:;tk:W('llK—Woman wants housework. Address W-, Hnx of ljJS-___ .

iLinift or oiu Hy tlie il«y; a '”*! rrffrcriLO. IWI'lirrow si.. Grange.____ _rAU^ciTKIIS. first cls^s, Wedtiesday and

Thursday; colored. A«ldTcss haumlrcaa. Bp*Ni bs I’fflice. ___ ______

LVTNLUILSK wishes work MondJiV and Tues-lHy. U liuigers si.,

stronrl floor,MHS, YOUNG*

.Al'NOHI'l-Sii-r.oeil launilrws ean l" work out ais Feshlne eve; phone 1137M,(»ul. i

Wavorly.LAlALStnSK—frfH>rl lauurtress wishes dey'a work

oul Slid washing IiumeH 31 Belleville avi., sei-oiid floor. ______________ -UAUNURK8f«—Flrst-rUss. hy the dayj_ at

home or out. also cleaning; 'phone lDi3«, Or« nge.

fa r m h a n d s—Two young, strong, neat Danish farmer*, Juet landed, want ® Uj-

atlrtfi OUTTRUP'S Emplovmont Agency. «« rniiire sr . Orango; tel "32; can be eeen Tuesday et office. ____ _______________

LAUNDRESS wants washing to take home. Call or wtUo all week. 19 BchoOl et.

work forLArNDRESS-- Ulrsl-.'ldss vvHnt"Tuc-iduys. HI Msld*ri lane, top floor.

work Moii-GARDMNKR Bnrl fsTnier. single. StvIhs; ex-

psrienc.ed vegsublau. flowers, fruit, lawns, etc.. b#al references. Gardener. 266 Rldjfp- wOod road. South Orange. ___________

LAl'NDHKbS, PPBt, wishrs dny's ■jays Htiil lYieeiHis, RIfi bouih et.

GARDENER—Single, experienced In and outdoor gardener; wlshee poslllon on gen-

Heman s eatale. Address Gardener, Box ii«. News office. ______QARDRNER. firs! class, want" poslllona or

Joba aa contmotar around iinusea; RUHrantce work. STEPIfEN MELBRUDA, m LiifayetteSt. ___________ -HANDY man w-aMls^gjsIllon: _any(hjn*rj wlll-

Nl'n^l-N fTactl{:iil nurse wUhea matemtlY i-rtjws f'T oih^r ca.'iPB, or to dsbIi I In poc^^*

ifflce- hoeplUl experience and doctorsence, MRI . TICE.

Ihg. Address care i BMITH. 51 Shipman*1.LA N DSCPE gardener and florist wishes posl-

lion on privet# refldencs- 21 Xuji«»lpon at.MEt.'UAMC—Ift there a concern that Is In

need of a good all-around factory man I'marrlcd) that knows hi* buslnesa. and Is wimne !0 do anything? Tf so. aUdrosa Ma- ohinlal-Miriwrlght ’=Boa 15, News office.

La d ie s who have leisure time at home will be interested tn Hellottnt, w-hich la highly

profitable for al) or part time. 43& Broad, room 2.NURBE OIRI>—Wanted, competent nurse

girj; 0*rman*Am«rlcan preferred: will*lng to aaalst with upstairs work* S49a ML. Pmepecl ave.NUR8E wanted, or mother's helper, to go home

Addreaa iM Tre-nlghlj; ^references required, mont ave,« Orange.-


BIKHES. b e n ja m in a auHNB, 6b BANK ST. k ,

MAN. married. uiul#ratanJs all klrtUs of gartlcning and fermlng. with house on

plflcp vvishe* poKiilon, Apply l>y loiter, ki.9BPH M1CHALC21AK. I l l Third a t. Pae sale. ________ _m an—AU-aronnd m*n desire*, .position on

farm: steady placa; hard worker; mar­ried man. RlCNl. 68 Downey at _______MASf»N went# Jobbing on concrete, dny of

contract. fiMITH, 63 Crawford *l.. Last Or­ange Tc|. -17153.1. __________________

OPERATORS—Muat be experenced on un­derwear and chldren'a wear. Apply all

week. COGSWELL A BOULTER CO.. " Eighth a v * . _____________________


BOOK-BINDINd. paillna: I 'r l wUh »™ 'nUCHAN SALES CO., 920 Mar-perlence. kei st.HHAMBERMAIO • WAlTKESa,

rook", >20-14(1; houseworkera tH-130. nur"f". llO-aVi; Hutiflren*". •'■W-K.- pul yourself on our list for the eeashOT#, we Mink# no promlWH. but w# give you work; we handle work all over New Jersey; call OQ u» and we will convince you

t h e g r o v e agency ,MS Main st., near Grove, Eaet OTaiig#: open tm ft P, M. ___________'“LERK-Re pared ehnuld opportunity pre­

sent. or opportunity" BtenographTtaught In about thirty days of «udy;III fnur months evening oludy. -SO-Day Businoas L'nlkg". Briiad and Uedor sH^

MAN—Wanted, steady man to work in cow alflhle; mu«t be extra good milker. Call

746 South Eighteenth at., near .Springfield ave.

COOKS 195 |8D.’ wallr#ssps. 43(1. 126;lioupcw rnkers. |30. »25-. kltchem nalds.

cham bormald-HHanistresa. 126: 300 a ltua-lions a t OUTTRUP'aS. la igcal and oldest Uorman-Scttnillnavlan-Am #Tlcan Agency, 7B O n tr e st.. O range, side door.______________^

OPERATORS, experienced, on ladle#’ fin# walal*: week work; 47 and 48 per to

s ta rt. Apply J. * M. COHN, O range and High at*. _________

O PERA TO RS on ladle#' bow tle a j ex p e ri­enced only; bom# work. Call F . B oTD ,

21 Rob# st., Tuesday, afler t A. M.O FF IC E — Finish your I#aao P itm a n short-"

hand by moving pic ture slide m e th o d ; quickest, easiest, Bhortest; c lub now fo rm ­ing for public night school stu d en t# to go on from w here they l#ave off w ith o u t ch a n g e ;speilBl rates, fiky or night; all sludenta have

• • ■ employniant department.pi-ivUege of our Merchants and ■Broad at.

Bankers' School, 6S4

PAPER BOXES: exprrleiiced str tp p en and tnm ■ ■ idy work. W. B. Paper

164 Summit at.

MAN—Single man who had experience In kitchen. AL HILFIKKR'S Cafe, corner

N. .1. R. R. ave, and Wright st.IrLALE rc-sidenta of the rity of Newark whi

OiR unpinployed may register free of chargeat the cicy'i fre# #Tnj)inymeDt offic# jn the clly hall ann#:t buUdlug on Franklin ■(; hours fornien. 0 A. 31. to 12 noon. The Municipal Bureau of Vhnpicyment, city hall, Newark, N. J.M ANAGER--Gentleman with some sxperlenr#

as salesm an, wanted to mauag# and take In­te res t In branch Hellotliit offlr#; atao men to solicit, collpct end do HgHl Indoor work. 688 Rroad ai., room 2.M A CH IN IST—A pprentlre snd young man

who h.vs some experlenre |n Jobbing shop. AddresH Muclilnlsl. Box fil. News nfflr:*.

H AEBEnlJ;* BARTH. "UCceJirit" to llaebtrl" Brol,. funeral dltactori (lelchenDeelatlW);

Huah Uarth. AHiert Htabati* Jr ; op«u i t s “ ■! Tjlfnt; prle*" miMl*r*t*.N«»ark, N. J.j 'phon* 10T8 Wevenjn

TELEPHONE 4SIW-4S01 MARKET. RMITH SMITH, u n d e b t a k e r p ,


EICH A Hn HAEHEHI.B, funerel rilr-otnr. MW a t tiW la th av*., June- of B p r iu f f l^ « v t . ; tor-

m<#r la rtn e r of ifseberle eerHfee a t ree-aotwhle ra te i: te l 304k W #v.; funeral cbapsl free.


Opptall# Grove Pi, RiuHon. E»#t Oning*. Geo. B. f'a llen In «!frodance; lel- conn-

PAVNi^—On M arch 2i. I f t l t . .Sarah G„ wife of th# la te A. Jam es Puyiie. nt her ^ale residence. No. 2s Etat# stree t. F uneral p r i­vate, Inl«TiDent a t F alrm ount Cem etery.

P R IC B -A t Brooklyn, N. T.. on March 36, J9J4. Charles 7’rederlck Price, son of Charlei C. And Helen A. Prliu-. Funeral servli^** will be held a t Falrnm unt Cemetery Chapel. Tues­day, Memh ul, ut 1 P M.■ RLH LIN O —At New York Clly. form erly cf Oranga, K. J , on Sunday, M arch '.;9, 1914. AMon D-, husband of th e la te Mary Hehl- tag, aged 'fS ycurs. R elallvea abd friend#, e1#o Jo h n F Unrae Lodge No. 1S3. 1. O O. F „ a re Xindly invited to a t te n d th# fur*«ral fr^m hla son 's residence. Mr. A nton Rehllng. 6 t TVlIlUm s tr e e t O range. N. J . on Tues­day. M arch SI. u t 2 P. kl , and 7:30 P- th e l^ ra t Gorman P resby terian C hurch, ■Will- la in M reet In te rm en t In Rosedwle Cem etery.

RK ILLY -O n ifa irh 2I>. HG4. Thonioa F. Tlellly. belnved e<»n of th# late Jam es and Ana liellly, and brother of Mrs. Calherlne Smith. Relatives aytd friend# ore kindly invited to a t ­tend th# fun‘?ral from hla late residence. No. 107 Lafayelle street, on Wednesday, April 1, 1414. a t 8 A. M-. to S t .lam rs'a Church, .where a High Morn of Rvquiem win b# offered for the rtpuse of hie soul. Interm eal In the Csmetery of the Holy Bepulchre

ROBB—At th# reoldanee of her /cm, ■WMlllani W'. R andolph. 14Q P rospect s tree t, TCoat O range, N. J«* on M arch 21, 1414, Ada R tbart Robb. I r te rm e n t a t Old Chappell Cemalery. Clarke County, Ve.


M4 Orange nl : prEva!# funeral chapel. Tell- Mfl3 B. B. and 194 Orange.




OFFtOK—Finish your T#«ac Pitman short­hand by moving plctur# slide method;

qulck#Hl, eastesl. fihorleiil; Hub now forming

COOK STbd w'ftllrea# and chambermaid want- #iL or mat! and wife to do entire work of

fRinlly rtf four. Call Tuesday morning, MRS. W. T. BAIRD. 212 Scotland road. South Orange. Tel. "32 ___ .COOK and laund ress w anted for fam ily of

iw n; wAgej. ; ref«T#ltc#a requ ired , on y w hile ne«*d apply. C-al) e t IS P ennsylvania R'r "., d t y ; te lephon# 4437 M arket.COOK. cortk-laundress. cham borm ald-w aU -

rpss: gpneral g irls; weekly wages N«w Jorsey H ous'diolil flervlc# Club and T ra in ­ing Srhortl. 33 H alsey s t , _________

andCHAMBERMAID «nri a*Hr*«>. eipcriencrf wlill* Biri w an tfi In f»mllj of thr"8 lim it".

Ai.pll 24 Btillrfroml "v*., E n t Orta i"MAMKERMAIP b iJ wBllrfH. n«"t >nd re- spf.i't*b>: boartlln , houHC: eo horns nlffht*.

2(1 WplMinr 111 . Bni-k C ' h i i r c l i . _______|•SIAMnEEMAI^^-t■ap*ble aim w lllnr S ir' for

Ohamtwrmald fthd waltrea"; Food wa**". Call ,W1 Mt- Priwpecl * c .. __________________f'ARHrKR »'mit"ilT TSstdlnS In Bloomflsld.

HEEKRI. BROS,, C*ntT* Markst, Bloom-(I.M, N. .1. _____






PA PERH A N G ER anrt d*c*r*tDr, flrsl-c las", riaaonahli., w ant" w ork; <1“ Y v J

Call or w rits JO SEPH COHEN, (OS South Seventh a t,._______ _________

w ishes P'IdiPO R T K lt—Colored m an

porter or helper on wagon. HAYEfl. 69 pHerson Hi., Orange.

oaltlon. A ddress A

PLATER wants poaltlon: hustler. GKO. SMITH. 51 Shipman #t,

AddreSI COJe

s a l e s m a n —T horoughly eaperlenced huat le r; excellent references, A ddreaa Sales­

m an, Bog 13S, News office. ___________

aged. Addreia care GEO. man #i.

ITH, 51 Bhlp-

THE Municipal Bureau of Employment of Ihe city of .Newark. N. J., furnlahes male and

female employe# free of charge: w# Invesll- gatB the record* of all registered employea; tiourg from 0 A. M. to 12 nood. Th# Municipal Bureau of Employment, cUy hall annex build lng, on Franklin at-, Newarlr____________TAILORING—Young man wants situation,

Cleaning, repairing; experienced: clly ref ersncfl. Box J06, Linden, N. J. ___WORK wanted on farm by m arried m an; good

recommendation, F. 'VEDUTK3, 64 New York av#.YOUNG MAN. 21. a tudylhg chem istry ,

wlahea poalllon In labo ra to ry of m am ifac- tu rc r or w holesale d rug houM ; 6 yeara re­ta il drug experience. A ddress Phyto lacca, Box 64, News o f f ic e .______________ _____




YOUNG MAN, now employad Inside, wishes outside p<»«lt!on where there Is rhanre for

advancement; best raferencea. Address Ad­vancement. Box HO. Nbw's office*YDl'NG Ma n , 22, wTshes permanent posl

tlon with chance of advancement; Al ret erenees and security If required. Address Advanc#. Box S4. Newe office.________TOI'N'l married man wants position at any

thing expcrlfncetl collector and driver. Ad' dres-fl Willing. Box 16. News office.YOUNG MAN, 24. wishes employment

strong, willing and honest. AddresM Cap able. Box 122, News office.TOUNO MAN. colored, wlahea position at

anything Al roHrenc*. Apply 107 Lol- den st, -------------



DKVt »NRTBATOR—Young woman. neat.Hmall pePBon, about 21, lo demonstrate

useful article In department store; wanted in every home: Newark flrwl. New York and Uhllartelphla later. Addr#*s Manufacturer, Hi-v 62. News office. __I)KKSflM A KlNO— Waist hands', ex

improvers: also errind girl. FBINLR

for public n igh t S{:h'«ol s tu d rn ls to go on from w hor# they leavt

RISTP1R8. 41 lUlsey «l. DREmCAKINt Ajpprsntlce# wanted; paid

off without changeHp«clal ra tes , day <»r n igh t: ell s tu d en ts hava p rlv llrg s of our #nvploym#iit d ep a ri- inent. M erchants and Banker#' School. 6&tiHrOBd "I.

whll* Ifarnln* Fim ER.' 3W CUntonave . city.liRKfiSMAKER- Wanted Improver! and ap-

firt'hticcB. Apply 52 Carlton at., B ait Or­ange. _________________ ____________ . . . ■ _






Unfl*rt"ker and Embalpier, FIB AVi.hlnaton avr*., B«Itevlll«, N. J.; (•!, BAH BalltvIH*.




JOSEPH J. MANQER. f u n e r a l DlHEr-pOR AND EM RALM lR. T«l. TS3 W av. <aa BPRINDFIELD AVR.

O F F IC E MAN—K iiv .rltlie"d: m u«t h a v .som e know ledge of bonk-kroplng; atn te

rcfpr#»ic#, ag# and salary cxjjected. Ad- dr#s# O ffice. Box 74, N#w* o ffk e .

D»h;s.SMAKING—Apprentice warned for dress♦ making. ApiOj- 22W Falnripunt ave._______

rA IN T K R . paper-hanger w an ted ; good «H- a ro u rd m an; al*o tn apprentlcev w ith

hrtme e jperlen i'# . Call JOS. MATTACH, 38 > B road at., Blooniflei*!- _____

yKSIA LU rc ilden ti of lb* city of N e w ^ k who ■ are unemployed may register free of charge u the c ity 's free employment office In the city hall annex building on FTSfikllTi a t.; hour#, 1 to 4 P. M. The Municipal Bureaa of Bmploy- inem. city hall, Newark, N. J - _____________

SALESWOMEN.B. PLAUT & CO, require th e aer-

v|< PS of #xperl#noed laJeswonien for rihhnni. Veilings. Jewelry. H osiery, kiilTi and Millinery Y>epartmentB: good saiarlc* to competent people. Apply IIV HupUs. Office, aecond floor. ______

SEW KRS-Opportunity to moke com fortable living next 12 months; plain aeam aewlng,

wlirtip or apare tlrue; a ll home w ork; a#w#re wanted; sina.ll lowu* eapeclalty; no trlflera; i»«nd Ilw postage; samploa, etc. 7 re tu raed If not eatlsfactory. Home Sewers Co., Jobbers Sewing Dept., 10 Rehoboth. D elaw are.________SALESLADY—Experienced mlllltierT sales*

I [idles wanted; tboae who can asalst In irlmtplng bats; apply by letter only, giving ^'rperlenre. Webster Millinery, Webster at,, rnrner Bloomfield ave., Newark.BALUEiLADlES to sell a household anllaepUc;

■alary and commlaston. Call D A. 1!0Union It., French-American Chemical Oo-SALESGiniA wanted.

Qrang" ave. BENDE2V877 South

SOWING—Wanted, whiu ‘roman to do plain sowing by the day; mu« be neat aew*r. Ad-

<Iip*s Sewing. Box Ifl. 7*ews office.WOMAN—w'anted, white woman for wash­

ing, Ironing end cleansing; muat he flrst- claasi call at once. 140 Oletiwood ave., East Orange. _

FAPKR HANGKR wanled. must furnlah ref- ertmiei. Call rtetuidav and Monday even­

ing. 140 Hlllalde av#.. C»range. ________PARQUET floor laysra, nailer*, scrapers and

finisher#: union mnn only, Apply BROWN Brnihera. 115 Rosevlll# #ve . after 6 P. M.

FITTERS wanted In aUeratlofi room; must bs e*perlenr*d. Apply to superintendent

at 4 o'clock Tuesday mornlnf. BEDELL'S, *46 Broad at. ______

WOMEIN, government Jab*; 97D inoBthj IhHk* ence unneccisAry; list free; write SniuUta

InaMiute. dapt. fltkbL. Rochester. N* Y*_____

GIRI-S and ladles leern telephone oper­ating: day, evening Inttroctlone; flMjig,

I‘'LUMPER’fl Improver wanted: five reference and salary cxpeclcd* Addreaa Iroprover,

Box 21, New* offlee.

dlslaphone operating* CAPT, RIEN. 119 East J*d st*, 4th ave., N. T.

.W OM AN-W anled, medium aoUcUIng orde

22 Glenwood pi

ged woman for^___ ______ _ agiaoUcUIng orders tn vicinity m Summit. Call ■ ■■■ ■ ' Summit, N, J.

CHAMBERMAID ind seamatreae. light col ored. reflhsd* Intelligent* de*lrea position

with private family: will also do watting If necessary; reference to suit* Adaresa 14 Windsor ph. Glen Ridge, N. J* Phone 26&1R. __________________COOKS—ranleh. Irlah, German, Hungarlai

Norwegian cooks. waitresses, nurafts, houteworkera laundresees, ladles’ i'''A)d|5 help any capacity, city or country. GL f TRUP'8, largest, oldest, best and only Ocr maii’Amerlcan-Bcandlnavlen Agency. 78 Gentr# at., Orange; tel, 283; hour# and ' phon# csLle. 9-6. __________

,.5 rNf'TtUSS wuhlfl vv'uli. Mond,iJ slid luei* "lay U-7 Highland a>e ■ _______ ,AUNURF..' ^ : whlt«; wanit day's work; bail ref'-TmuH. 2W1 iJeniral «ve. _______^

LAUNDhESa wants washing, Warren st., n<i floor.

home. 111


v-rnsE—I'raoil-'Hl nurfl# wishes few more ‘ case" 478 Main st., Baal Orange. Care MRS. DONOVAN.______________ _______ __Nt.iRSK-—Conflnrnianl and other

gonO housekeeper; beat reference, Beraen bI. ___________


FI'BLU: sienography In all Rt b ran ch y MISB KUOELM4,N. room 7. US M ark e t

'Phone 6SB1 Alarket. _______________ _STnNOURAPHKR. experienced, wishes po*

,|tUm wllli n rellRble firm. Addreaa E i- BrtX I'S, News pffloa. _perlence.

STENriuIlArMEH. dlrlaphcm*. comp«l*Bt;three .veare' experience. Address SteQe«

Box I a. Nes’s office ________________

WASHING. ^f iv e REAFONS why Uie UtLLlEfl ROUGH dry se r v ic e Is the mist satlsfoctoryj-A perfected Bjatem gi^'ci you lack eli the clothM you send: delivery la made when you erpect Ui each mass of linen (s washed separately; U»g- rela are laundeped hy our "eoft and flunjr method; we have had ten j^ars''nilKlilnr fa m ily liOLOH DRY TV A S H l^ and have learn«»d bow to plfcoae tivir a.DW bOUicholdi.

at 5 CENTS A POUND very bit of your bed and table linen, loiralo,

*.tc, wltl Iw Inuued itady for uiei ell the other clolbsi will bs dried, many cf them by ouf process will bo quits fl» for Immediate wear­ing. not much Ironing left for you. _WILL TAKE AS LITTLE AS 50o. WORTH*

Th# Laundry WRh the ^'Blue" Wogono,h il l ie r bo ug h d ry la u n d r y CO.,



Did you ever stop to think wbat the word# BOUGH DRY meaneT

IT MEANS nothing relumed to you wet fpr you hang cut, , __

IT MEANS we wash everything coming from the houdehetd.

IT Mfl)ANK we dry everything.IT MEANS GUR method of d--ylng la “ P'l

yftur clothes through a large Ijoolng machine, which ftnishex all your flat woi^ ready for use, nnd mughly Irons all other plecea.

IT MEANS hJI your wtHhlng and the largeat atid hard«»Bt part of the Ironing .done.

lb PCiU.NDF FOB 7S CENTS.Ovtr IB pounds, 4 cants per pound extra.

WARDKLL STEAM LAUNDRY,38 CBUSB HT.. NEWARK; TEL. 1706 B. B.WASHING—Stop sweatlRg. over the w oahtub;

let thil TJNEEDA VYBT-WASH LAUNDRY, 221 High at,, do your entire fam ily wash for TO cents: returned with 24 hours, ready fo r the ;ine; give us a (rial. Tel. 20D1 B. _________WASHLN’G—M’oman would like two or three

rough dry waflh*s. Answer by letter, L.. 647 North Eleventh at., first floor, cUy.

~ wieheeW'ASHINO—Respectable womanbachelor’s nr dentl«fs washing, mending,

C R.. 483 Hunterdon s t . ______________WABHTNO—Woman would Hke^wo^ washing

or cleaning: home or out, 206 Bergen fiTrt f lo o r._________WASHING—Hungarian woman wlslhe* woeU-

Iryt and cloanlng. PAKAY, IDS West at. •WASHING—German woman wlahea waah­

lng. home- BS Magnolia st.________ •. .WOMAN—German womdfti wants w ^k,

mornings only. Address Day's Work, Bex 44. News office.

LOSTCU FF LI NK— a gold lover's k n o t ,c ^ f .

link, with small diamond In caatiw. Ke- ___ ** t 1 W TtrCRGrPlB. Xls ddor-w ara'tt returned IQ W. BEBOBR. 118 Mor- ton at,, Newark,

COOK—Raapeotabl# color,©d woman wlahes cook's position; 130 per month; prlvat#

family; best referencs. Address Reliable,Box 86, News office. .COOK—Excellent PcaiuUnavlan; private Chris­

tian family; going «o Long Island or Con- tientlcut. 47ft William at.. Eaat Orange. Phon# Orange 4 0 f t 4 * _____________COOKS, assist laundry. 425; child s nurse; light

homework, 43 a w eak; housaworkeri, |22-|*0. Iniernailona.1 Bureau. 2643 Waverly.COOK^Uompetant g irl wJshsa eltuatlon aa cook

or hous«work; private family. Address Com­petent. Hox fl7. News office._________________COOK and laundress or housework; refer­

ence. Tel. 8098R B. B.

DOG—Tjost. smftll black curly hair bouse dog with white breast and feet; answers

W n fk J of T*ddy. Fl*d*r p!*a** r»lu™ ‘® IBI Elwood ave. and receive rewara. ^DOG—Lost, light cotbred

out collar: anawers to Friday morning; reward. Addreaa KuNBi. IS Hamburg p T . ______________DOG—Lost, on M arch 14, E ng lish b rind le

bull pup. answering name of Toim reward. BALDWIN, 17 Elatpn road. Upper MontelaJr.

CHAMBERMAID—Young girl wishes position a* c ham berm old. Cali IB Ralph at.* Belle-

CHAMBBRMAID-Young girl wlahsa positionas chombaniMild* Ckl

city.JOd Belleville ave,*

M IiFF-Lo,t, hl.c* muff, Siturday ev*ftln^»n P*nn.yl v** I* .* * 1 " j,'*;.

nnd Ltncnln P*fK: «*’ward. B*I 1<1». Now, office,XTirjr*irriru’rE —Loet, narrow, black, fur heck-d»j? f(S p I M Reward It returned to 12 H*d- den Urraca.ppiNr^ANT^Lost, Sunday night* Maroli 2t»

sn ^o ied pendant and silver chain, frbm. A nakwood court to corner letter-box; re­ward. CONTESSO. 6 Ookwobd court* Or ange.T5r>rKETnOOK—Tyrtet. on Rroad and M arket

■tl or South Orang# ava. c a r; keep but return pocketbook and key. 117 Bodth Or­ange ave.

tyoAWTllInO R B I " ”

PLUMBER hslpir wanlsd. GBBENRLATT 38 Call a f te r 4. B.

Falrvlew ave.

G IR l^-W an ltd , exporlaoced hotel chamber- mntil and w allrrsa. Hotel Alvord., 18 South

Clinton el.. Es*t Orange. ______ _

WOMAN, m iddle-aged, fo r g en e ra l k itch en w ork . 44 New at*

DBBBSMAKBft—Bxpertencad, re liab le dreaa- m aker w an ts daily engagetnenta. A d­

dress TITLER* Box 34* N ew s office.

UMBRELLA— Lost; rew ard fo r re tu raM g um brella left S atu rday n ig h t on p t a m r m .

- 84 N ew l«awnof South Orange ave. car. ave., Arlington.

Cemalery. Clarke County.HALXUANN-Suddsnly, on f^aturday, Marrh

28. 1kl4* at hie realdence. 527 Bergen street. Wilhelm, widower o; M*jrgapcua Cbrlitlna HolynMPS. aged (i8 yrora snd T months. Notice of fiftiarol h«reaft«r,

B*^DrORD—an March. 27, 1914, Thomas Albert Bandford. In his Ttat year. Funeral MPtHoes will be held from hla la te home, M Clay street, on TuaBday aitemeon, Mamh tt* a i i;40 o^fiudk, HelaMve* and friends are kindly lAvUed. Xnteroieot a t UU Pleoa- aot Cometary.

<A W rO fin-^a Mgreb 27, 1914* Tbodtaa Ab ' — - - f l o r a l aar-

vkev wttl be belt) a t hU la te bone. 9ft Clay atfvK. a i Tueeday aftornoou. Utyeb 81, a t 2:30V T-----------------------------*-. .*1

iK PrO im -^a Mgreb 27, 191 ; fifftfotd. Id hi* 71«t year, w be bald at hU late

*4f«K. ai Tm^ay aftornoou. Ut o'4lati«. uHafir#* mod friends are Iriadi XatdtfMttt at Mt; P lau ln t OKBVtery.

toiCULESINQERr-Ott i unftgy. March 14. 3914* Ira. heleved child ^ Berpofd and Jeeiia4t achieolnger Mewartto). Bela-

NLOURNING GOODStl-H O U R service, fas t blech: guaranteed; o r­

der* received and sent parcel post. J, LIBO- NA'TI 292 N orth P ark *t., Bast Orange. Tal. 1612W. Branch Bib Main a t . tel. 2172,DYED IN 24 HOURS AND DELIVERED BY



CEMETEWESt ITk T tv E R O R K E ir 'c E S E r B R Y V ^ ^

1863; be tW M Newark and E liaabetb; on Main

R EA L E 8 T 4 T E MANAGERS tvan ted for our poUab. Slavic and H un g arian d e p a rt­

m en ts ; Kood nalary or big oom m laslon. Cali a t b ran ch office, room 444, 198 M ark e t at*, N ew ark , N. J.

GtRLS w+ntert. at dressmaking; Improver* and apprentices. ZO ■Washington Bt.. East

Orange. __________________

W O RK —W ould you like to o b ta in w ork th a t m ay be done a t hom e? F o r p a r t ic u ­

lar# addreaa H. M.* Box 11, N ew a office, M ontclair.

DRBSBUAXBR, by a«F. BO«Ur evening gowda* talloiipg. yaittodellDg* French method, Oranga 44S8J._______

HAiLW^AY mall elrrke: ceramence |7B month;N ew ark exam#, coming; tem ple question*.

F rank lin InstUute, D ^ t . Rocheater.N.T.

GIRL—Wanted family,


ip e ten t g irt in sm all A ddress H. B., Box 141. New*

■WRITE moving ploture plays, |50 each ; all o r spare tim e; no oorteapondence couraa; deialla

free. Atlas Publlihlng Co., 8g. Clndlnnatr, O.

DRESSMAKER wl"hei aewlng out im medUlely by the day, |1.60. A ddreii Reliable* Box 84,

Newa office.

WATCH lost; w ill p a r ty w ho woa* eaen to pick, up w atch in ^ r in g f le ld

pleaa# re tu rn to MRB. CKAfl* B k OWN, Morris, n ea r B u rn e tt ave.', Union* w . J , ; ra- ward. _____ ' .

g i r l , w hite to mind child and sosUt with hous#w.ork: another girl kept- fi? High at.

W AITRESS—Wanted, competent w alireaa and eliam berraald; g o ^ wages. 32 W aldron ave.*

Summit, N. J.

B R B 8S M \K IN 0-B ty i'"h »nd up-to-d»«* <>««■- makings prices moderate. M Colt at-, Ir­

vington. ________ __________________

W ALLET lost, Monday, March 28, on Wkf*- Ington ave., containing about lift; Hberkl

reward to finder. B. J, T., 61 WaahLogtoik ave,_____ __ __________________

DRESSMAKING or plain iew ln* by day. •Phofis 1194J B. B. _________________



Bring References.J PHILLIPS. Room 12, IftS M arket ft.

Call after 4 P. M.

G llU ^ W a n te d . w h ite f lc lj m ust he good cook. lOft Glenwood gve.. E ast Orange*

W 'AITRESS w anted. Apply a t th e E dgem ero , ................... “ et ‘lO l W illiam at.. E a it O range.

g TRL—An experienced ootered girl for aecond work and waiting. 4 Bugiell tarrafe.

WAITRESS—B*prrl*noed colored waitreae wanted. 7ft Court s i . ______ ___ ______

SALESMEN tvoiiiiMl; Axpenunceo oanvateera moke big money seUmg honaebold epeoiaitina;

tleo^ly posIMopa to right partlea C. F. ADAMS CO.* 3b Marker at

Idna ireilev roult: 9 cents; not a stock 'idtftMnyi money ■pontln iinprov^matua; bsaif- tlful section recently laid out; permanent ^ e

SALESMEN to call on bualneaa meti. Good rropoalilon. Liberal oommlaelon. Call a fte r

4 P. M. W. J. PHILLIPS, room 12. 198 M tf- k*l st.

h o u s e w o r k ^ W artted* k competent w hile girl for general housework, family of three;

muat apeak and w rite Engllih; no washing or Ironing’ good wage# and good home. DR. T.. SCHNEIDER. 684 Bpringfleld ava.. near Irvington.

TOUNO lady for opttclan '* o ffic e ; one w ith som e experience p referred ; fin e ohan o e for,

advancem ent* A ddress E x perienced , B ox26, News office.

recentlye t lawn plot and ‘awn creet lo t^ caah tial paywiente. Addreea HENRi M. LOOKEK. Bupfiliitendeat, Bllotiietb, N, J- _____

STEWARH waflted'for ^liubheuge: miurc be a competent man and familiar with

H OU SEW O RK —tl 'a n te d , girl fo r genera l housew ork ; m uet apeak English, an d

h av a re fe ra n c e i: tw o lb fam ily : good hom e an d w ages. Call T u a o ^ ^ afternoon o r . ---------- *— Thli

YOUNG GIRT, about 1ft to wash dlghri f.Xfm ft-8 evenings, for 924 Brood it* and 1101

Broad sL; ^rla living in oome neighborhood preferred. _

W edneoday iR o m l f , M l 'T h lr ie n th aifa*

TOUNO GIRL or middle aged woman, light housework; a good home; low w ages. 23

W est CHntos sve.* Indoftoft,

care of b a r and lunohss; ratiet com erecommended: Ovrman-Amer^an: aalary 415 per week Addresa Sleward. Box 7, Newe of-

BA IT RIDGELAW N C EM B ^E R Y .^pelsw ann^ flc*IV. J.: on ira)iey lino batw««n Newark

invitedl Pxmaloi f1n«a< In S tate; perpetual c a ^ f m ;lota of four graves ISft up. ^Phone 1731 Pas- galc. Mswarli office* 938 Moaft at; tel.ftHTSMIttQLBNDAl E CEMETERY. Pranklym ave. and■ -■ • Bipomneld

S H IP P IN G CLERK In Iron fou&dry; m ust b« sober and induatrlouB; cue w ith ex p e ri­

ence p re fe rred ; s ta ta salary. A ddresa flober. Box m . Kau’s office.

HOUSBWORK—OIrl <whUe) for nnerai heuaework and plain cooking; good plooa

for right person. MRS. SHEIK, Bowdoln at. (brick house), near Springfield ave. and prospect a t, Maplew<»d.

tiyes and friends or* kindly iRvltsd to at­te n d th e fuaero ) eervloee from tols p s rsn lg toeiPft* ,.>9ft F e ^ l M avsntM . o n . Tuesday,

vn.k,iw '.>■# 0*■ « I r>ajoraleOioft M*. Bloomfield. N.

ear to Frankism iv e .; Ibts ef four intermefita. fijft u p ; perpetual para free: tel. 13K8 BlTd-


MJMck tit Al e p. M. Ifltersksat « l tk t efta- vsk)«ao4 of fonOy.

ARL7NQTON CB^ETEBY* ABUNGTOM, N.J* *Pbone IT: m a n y ear to Aflinttan

pspso, tkoMS firs gMaMg* waft to esmetanr*

SHOE CLERK—Experienced youngwith references; must apeak German.

ACELBaiNGBR'S Big Shoe Hors* iTi Fer­ry at.

HOITSEWORK—A young or nUddla-ogsd woman to do genarat housework In a fam­

ily of two. Cn4i Tuesday morulnd. i Everett et.. corner Brlghlon ars.* East Orangej Cropstown trolley- _ _ _

SHOE iALBfVAN W nUd; e ^ r l« a o s4 . 131 Market at.

HOuaEKBSPER — Neat young roman.working hottsekeBper; m^bar and ^ u g h -

tar: omau aM itm ent; good bom# prvllegee; wages 111 m«nlk. I f KolIrwMd avA, East Osotogo*

TOUNO lady wonted tor convaailng: gw^ money for right party. B, SHAFlnO* 441money

Orange st.y o u n g woman* need to pollsblng and fin­

ishing. Apply United Silver Co.. 139 OH-

HELP WANTED~MEM AND WOMENa o V E B N U K IT lob*. ta*H «iia Uw*-

sends ef eppoinimeitts* list ~ ' “_ poolttoDs free.rraakfift’fnatUute. 4 e ^ aaft-L Rpchsstsr.KT.

DAY’S IVORK-Colorta WOtO»» work, waahlng, Irenlng claanmg; In the Oranges or Montclair, rer ]*^*^"**^*^^^“' * day or Friday of this week. 91 Porrow st., Orange. •DAT'8 WORK-—Colorsd rom an want# aay i

work or housswtwk-: sleeping home.- ............ NoRODGERS. *1 W ick llfft St* Newark*

DAY'S WORK—W om an w ant# day 'a work, washing* i to n to f ria an lo g . M.

K 0DG E8. 19 Qgk st.* E a st O rauge.________DAY’S wORK^Wemon wants work by day

or week* MRS. TUTTLES* £3 South Or­ange a v e . ______ ______________ _DAY'S WORK—Wdmaft wants hsit day*s

wcakv M W K ad£R * 111 South Orkni*eve. ____________________________ _DATB WORK wanted, or weekly: rafar-

anca. MRS. JOHNSON. 480 Washington etDAY'S WORK—Woman wsnta day's work

gf any kind. 37 Uberty st., city,______DAY'S WORK w anted . 117 W arren o t s Ul.

I f f tl M a r k e t . ___________

FURNITCYiIe and piedoe moved In padded vani: stored In clean, dry and Tentllated rooaa:

furnished; tb« b ee t N a tlo u lrates and help fun Storage Oo., 854-8fl0 Rlana at.ALL your furallure stored* t l monthly* moY-

lng. elugte lead* IS; padded vans* H i oars guaranteed. Modern Storage, ISS Bol- sey at*; 'phone 7ftl9 Market.__________ 'WASHINGTON STOHAGB CO,» 274-9T6 Wash-.

Ington It., corner, light* wall venttU ted etop- aso. ILIIO monih: moving ra tes teosonablaCHAB. SORHAOBN, BTOEAOEi NEW-



School, M« Brot*L opp. C*ntiml at, . , lAO” - - ---- *-ihool In city; opSh i k

TlniritoSr eveau— ,, Individual Instruo-

and only f¥m-olaaa scl also Monday, 'Tuasdoy.spring season now open; Individual ibsowj- tloBiA Eatabllsitsd IBftl.j^MART K LT^CIL

96 TOUNO PEOPLE for new bustnsss cc bast In eouDlry; not oatirss: «pplY ut

A4drsoa h lvois. Bw UK Msvs oOtco*

colltfi; ' OROO.

g i r l —Germ an g irl w ishes w ork In re s ta u - r s n t. 84 Llvlngfltoa at.

HOUBBKEEFEA—Wonted, by an Amerlcaft woman, poaltton as housekeeper -tn wid­

ower's fkdiar. AAdrsa* IL* B«k U* Nsws offics.

BETTY Irbies* Tailoring Co„ ftOft Broad si,, will mijce a perf^-fUtlng suit to Dfder jfw-

LiihIQ, or akin for II; funtwh your matsriaLP b «e kUrkot W29.__________ ___________


UET/.1It stop# I i t our ol


A Vein work, a ihu regui but wr a .fix up coamsi la

ALL KFI Ruinxii

and guar and low standard tern wai klti-hrn s era; ck>s< all klnilH to be plui ARD. H lei. ftlXH

lArge e<j tsrial,


elig taUi 'i




ruRO. H


B. W1LI9CS fo o r e r * ^ **®_S** mics' suits, ftloika* gowns, | l np: v t i s ' .■* •>"—K a i ^ ^ i S r f t * CsloiBblk OLT MM9 ■ DEE



' a i LKS8X-


} MKT.I pi>al« it. prl* ^■hor*>

flrlf,I £mp. « Mfetwl«h«t

irliEmploy- \ _____ _fnlddlO'* ;; sleip

f lr li .k; r it-


liko to 1 horn*.


■ po«l- mai6

sen-i t 191


lee for Soyden




arnUj' Ktnr e rtfoT'


Lchoa.ark tt


pa<iftted roomat eat.

I ro ug hifactory-^ Che olothM pxpact It;

lely; flaa> nd fluftjr*' cxperleoea n'ASHIl^Q <ivar 2.000

Ml, towela, I the ortiar im by our lata vaar-WORTH.

Vasooa.iRT CO,. KST ^383.

TINO.tba word*

'ou wet fpromlpf from

S l« to put s macbina.

ready for }caa.the l&rgmt

no.TS.ind extra. ?RT.1706 B. P.

« waehtub: j AUNORT, wash for 00 idy for tba

________VO or tbra*

letter. L.. r, cUt- n wlahea . mendtns<

irb waabtnff Bersea «t-.

inhea waeb*Weet at.

nta work, Work, Box

i knot) cuff, antra. Ro- l, llg Mor-

ba!r bouse at: answare e return to ard .B bill wlth- if Ted; lost im KUN8T,

Hah hrindle om; reward. T MontoleJr.lay eveblnfr n Aator ib Lddrsas Ra­

le. fur n«k- lerraoa. Frl- 3 to 12 Had-

. Marob 2t, chain, from, ter-box; r a - ‘

court, ■

and Mkrkat keep motiay

IT Bomb Or-

r raturnlbv on platform . New Lawn

waa'aoan tod Saturday, !, BROWN,

X on Waah- tlO; HbarAl Wa^Liistoii

.ddad eani: ooma:


^•2Td Wasb--. rntIUted atof* raaaonaola.LO&i NBW< ANB. ftl-TI > R K B T ^ ^ ^

L U N E K Y ,M iU JN E A t

I *v,., a tm

•v o iu .|i ; . 140,1 t i i t r w B. LTNCa

SOS Bn»4 A . t to atint tar rour motorisl.

It In tvoI f up: airtia'


lontbly; uu. Hi food igB) iSo HAl-

F O R SA LEA raitV OtLKrBot'iUNbs

. for paluilas Ho or maial rooftb|. uia u b t ;£I£L'B r u b -on pa in t .

tl wUl Q»ka AD old roof water tlsh t For repalrlus lyka In •sny Kind of rooflni uaa

UETABL'P RUBNhH RCKiP CBHlTNr11 atopa uH laaba. Fqr aale a t all daaJara, orat our ofRce.

KHT. (i HJCrZKL. f t UAINB f t ., NBA/a r k , N.

A. C. Q m tM iV * A fX}a,Iff HAftHRT vr.. NBWaAIL It. J.

HAVE tOU B\ CH PKKN iANlFLATYA velvety an/+ finlah fc» walla and iDierlnr

worli. a waababi* aihi i^rDacmt flat paint] Ihu r^ular rrlea in*- ima ''liaaa tif ROOda t» 13, but wr are r.HIns fj.Tf y«i|6ii.. Fix Up yuur beattr bbd acevea, our nova pipe tflamal la iduoualed' I5c. '.IjO,. 75o, par can.


H * w A o U G w d t u d F o r u t v tnRUiWELd m 'o a tuJay. I®;

m Inner ruga. month by •*">1.,,^?!£oh>X lo Eurup^. cheap to oukk buyer. JOHN EDWARD w e s t , Pk isouth Orattfe


HAmiAlNB-* Parlor Uta and chair, jJ-JJ- NOYEl CQ.. Ifit F>RbT 8T.. TEL. »•giiB ran it, *3 s i PULLET BET. V> ANDtngrHlp carpet, like new. M.»*. ru t. f3f*- ptyntLANp LADWCR TO., 130 on^NGB

J9 Bridge at., near Broad. ____ IST.; NEWARK. J. TljL fil4 B. B.

Lm Mv «, D t r f k b t a d P la ip e k ta rn r tO H r AND k x tik bidk L A D D w a

lie AND 11^ PSH P^- VF'. PULI.BYMA80NI AND-pAINTBB*' *a*m J!.D lN p.

liADllBR <X)„ SUOi;i:«liJ« To MStCM CQ- i n PIRST ST.. TKL. l.» l D D.^uiXisT .......... . •■■'

ALL K.'NDS t-t plutnhin, (litaiTi. pipe. »n4 flitinjr. for ..3 , e ' I'."' iirl.'.*; nil

and gunrunteiai. i>»tiNisiine of bathiuba, liLfh and low pa.tirrn 'Kuk natrr rioa^ts. al! alxcN ■tandard rnani« 1 'rlt-s. flvs iiirffrent pat­tern wash trayr. tirmc* sat'lnx wa»b trays, kitchen sinka: Utifh.-n nnd rnn«a ImH-era;. ch>a«>r kiiM aH ne.ratrl>': repairs foralJ kinds of plimiMiiK flxturri; not neceiusary to be plumber Hi r*'JrcfiMft same. E. B. I.GON- .ARD. H l.'■mtlil-dy sL, ppp. WaaiilnKton Park; lei. K m Market.

ALWATB OSs 4 a NDelA n . of .e n rd 'iu M buHdia, ms-tvUL UavL’i. Joi.u. Umber. H.P ukI dsnn.

VAN KCriREN » SON.- _101 pa p«ato .ave.. bast NEWAEE.


AlPRALT flint RHlflng frU. 11.50 prr O'H. 10" square feet, markr-t prliT Id: HltudSfo foodi;

reanaati |1 per mil-, exn'llent over shlnxle« or tin roefc; aspliall snd irtHfalllc palati; iHphalt fiOf.'. red. T5c. Btlloii: largeat dealer in Nt'W Jtnef: city deRvorlpa tree: eslablliheil In IRIH. rtclory N. J It. It. avc.: tel. 0037 Mark ^ASPUALT ROOPINO. .? roofSn*. II per roll. n»i!!i and Cement free. AKpliall paint, black, 16c. per gaHon*, Irjn-Kiioie. 9uc.£ eetliiiBies tiven. Victor Roofing Sales Uo.. 1i-l9 Wright at.; ItL i l l Wav.; free deilvertew. __________ _AIA, klodi of tlxturca, counlfra. ahvivea. ebi>w-

cDMi. ooff»t nU'ilA ecxlee. ic« boxea etc., at rtaaonabie pricee. 2C2 Bruce it., nearBp«4(kgflBtd ave.1 tal. UfRM Wavarly.ALL WESTON LADDEHS ARE THE BEST PORTLAND LADDER *'*). 1,10 ORANGE 8T. PRTCEB 10 CTS. TO l^PEFl FT. TEL hM B.R.ATTENTION — High-grade window and

gorcU acreepa, any alee; get eallmale. Newark Screen Worke. IS-n efhjey _a t t e n t io n —Newark Parquet Floor gom-

pany. SSO Rank a l.; (el T0J6 Market. Old fleera made new: etaira covereil. toj. _ASCHENBal'H, Plane it., repaire bwga.

BUU caaea; hHtiiMee pul on: goiid workBROWN REHOK. ffirl'i new SUl anil; ikirt biuI

i.oai, riylc. 13. mzc 1(1 lo IH yeara;handictno aiirlnij n'ai. alic f lu 1'- ytarfi gaa ranRe. Ntw Pniceia. II,7o. 81 Ilr<'ai1 at.

IngrHlji c a rp e t . ...............Jf Bridge at., near Br<>adb u f f e t , fio. coal $3f; aldaboard. | ^ ,

round dining table, ff; leather chaira I x a t»«il.&e couchea, IH Halsey at., near , ,um*wwAcademy----------- ------—A ' ei MiaiWi. isitT*an» oaivv^i.'^i'RAHY oarriagea rJ.otl, coal !} ??: CHINKR-Y CO.. W CMEfrTKUT OT.COM Bl; Icebox |2.M(. I’oal >H Jer chaal • ! .» . -------free Uellicry MR. CAHH. j^eademy^at^gOt^"'s7oT^A~ii'**coit 115; Hiding couch *1;

kkchen chain, itjee waiheund oOv, coat Id,MR. I'ASK- bl .tcatlcroy at.______________URRSSER. oak, lU&O; mahogany dflv,*iea.

17 50’ chlffontere, 12.19; waeheianda,It.IQ; brass bed, 15i lion hedi. all akea,♦ ending couchea 12; other furnliure^cheap. I3i Halaey a i.^ ^ "DREKWER nlth large mirror Iki. coat |13:

round tup labia II.A". coat |S; extenaiOA tablca with lra^oa I3.yi. coat Ilf. MR. CAtiH. 61Acajdemy t- _ __ _ _ ^FINEST and lurgexi aeeorlmenl of lecond-

hsnd furniture In ihe cliy; all good* equal tn new; low prices; large Roll-top Desk. tl2.S0. lej-ge Walnut Hcokcaae. f lf ; lioather iJouch. f t; Morris Uhalr, |3.S5. I.i- brary TahU. |S7o. Parlor Suita. 111.25;Her Mirror : Oval Parlor Mirror, 15.60;Round Table. SlF Sideboard. I l l ; t-foot Squar* Table. |6; Huffoi. |10; UhlnD t ’losefc• II: Heavy Iron Bed. IS; small While DrchBOf, |i.2o; Oak Dresaer, il.59: Chif­fonier, 15: l-rInceHe Dresaer, flOi Mahogany




I W a tc h e i ahiI Jew elry'DIAM«i\)f)' Tiffany ring, 2 lO lOf carats.

T»erfect: vary hrllliaul; an extraordinary bargain for *MQ, HUftCIl. Jeweler, Spring- field ave., cor, .High et.

O o e bNVHITE Peking durkx, (he big kind; heavy

layera; eggs guararTteed fertile: 91 per WM. H, trypHERa. Washington,Bitting,

.V, J

Dr.>»9o;‘ and Chiffonier. 130: large Droeaer.■ mgr. 1*: Cook Stove

|4j. Wardrobe, 93.60. Kllchen Ctoael, IH:Its, I'osi 965. lias ftangr.few (jf our many bargains; vans for mov­ing. n. J HL'NT. 397 Broad kt.. near f.ackauanna Station, open eveninga until Io'clock__________________ __________FRENCH parlor cabinet, lie. cost 166; b a ­

nished Martin stojid with drawers. |1P. email TurklHh rug. 97: Axmlneler carpel. |H . ‘_’9 HHdge at., near Brnad. ___

ARTISTIC SIGN8L show cards and lettering.RT-JAR.VF. aiCNB. euc. lo Ben-a-Tar. t «

Broad, near Uarket; 'phouj AOCB Uailcat.

A wBM fi, W iw law S b ad e t M il S e m w: AW'KJNOS put ,up and taken di^wn; alao re- ' naira made; giving my peraonil and immeill-

ate BUentlon: send poaial. JOHN FURBANK, lau Ijal^y^at.

FOR SALE—Hsndiiome |^a lo stove;936, year ago; will seil for |16.

MANDEVILLE. 663 Itrond at.. NewarkcostDR,

WLNDOW ahd porch ecrrcqa made to order; all work guaranteed; dJreot from factory,_JOHN

KOPP. 4S2 south Ninth al,; 'phone 3m Wav.

CftwtFRESH co w ' » llh ^alf fur sale.

169 Joralem y at.. Heiloslllt.M,\CE.

VERY gqpu. Ireah Jeracy cou’ for sale, with calf; rnllk very gcod 161 Newaik ave,.

BANKRLTT stex-K of gtCK-cry and butcher fix­tures. In excellent condition, for aatt; chesy;

ccunlere, ehoacases, coffee mill and boxes, etc. 47- Mulberry $i. _ _BILLIARD. ;kk>‘ table tupDiles; tablei houghi,

sold; rapairing a specialty, LUDlAiW. w Marim at., cor. Weahtogtuc, tal. 34.^ Waika‘>.BlU rtJaFF 'ftcT ljiTTort"'ind sharry wiPK,

•I W per fHuon up, 'Phune 776 Wsverly; JOHN B. I.RAiiSISR. Newark N. J-

FOR SAT.E-Oaa runge and olher srllclea I’Bll nionilUKt. dh Hfti lsun *1. East OrMiigf».

OAH llJTTtOK. New PriK'SBB. good qondHlun.♦ &.60: small gas range. H : targe gaa range.

Deir«d( Jewel, good for restaurant. lU aO, cost 140. 136 liwlaey Hi-_____ ' ________LOT luTu^liol.l gcVHls, wll cheap: dressern.

ws.hlisiatida. beds. sprlngK. maitreiws. uprightElsno parlor auUc*. boi'kcasei. sideboard,

Itcljpn closel. kJtrhcp cabinet; lot other giKOle, moving vans. Stsndard ^Varehoute, 73 North Fourteenth at . East Orange ________LI BRA IIY table, mahogsny. J 12.60. tost

93(1. parlor suite. 916: large pier mirror. IT.SO. davenpopi, |10; large walnut ward- luUe. ttllli inlrrors, $20. coal 1100. 136 Hal­sey Kt.

CASH RBfilfiTERa.Nationals boughi. aoid. exchanged: sU albctrlc or haod: suitable f<‘T nnv business; like

raw; two yeare' gtiaraniee; cajiy njrms- rofm- ----- - ■ .,«'#rn«elehlng and repairing bv cxp*rler.c»-tl merhamex: ' Friday, comnjuncliig at 10.3ii A. 5!., are filled - ^ • • ■ « - - " -.. ----- - ^ynj, furnliure and household goods of all

Near corner Fifth a\rnue.3 WEST FlFTV-fll.\TH ST. NEW YORK.

European family sacrifice,h contents of their nrl'Kie residence Of 22 rooms, niostl]' Imporled fumhure. AnliqueH, Mirror. Ward­robe. player-Plann, I-uunges. Mirrors, Brlc- n-Brsi. Oil Paintings. Rugs. Artlatlc Lold Parlor from Paris. 1Dining and Tea Rooms, compleie.Library, solid leHther. con^plete; | Beautiful 3 new Stilting RoritiiM, complete. I Home.» brand new Rednxjme. coinplew. \ |160.Only huyara need call, dny nr * evening. Sullable for young rou- ! pie starting IruUBekeeplng. Alsu taorlfice one piano. |40: one mahogany ri*RH;HT. brand new, made lo order, arllsllc Insirumeni. with five beautiful, large Itnporled lace coscr. st<K»l. all for |130. Nu dealers.

PRIVATE HKMirjKSfE.RARE chance for housekeepers at REID'S

auoilon rooms, lb Arlhigton si., near Market; our regular fcriinure sslea every Tuesday and



BLi«l.'6 HEAD LOAlUlb^iON STABLES.4M-407 BROAD ST„ N'EWARlt N. J.Thia It the aafetl and beat pjs^e In the East 10 buy or gall horses. Regu- Ur stmii-wrekly auoUojt evwiy

TUESDAY AND FRIDAY at 10:311 A. M.. raio or shins.

HORSES, CARRIAGES, ETCNlUB ponv for ttale; will werk anjrwhera.

Newark at. BOftTSRa.FOR Ha l e --(H agoBS End harnesi. 91 Bell

at.. Orange.

H onei u d CurriagM WantedASl'HJ^NB.VCH^lRd haVne^s bought, sold

dr taken In Fxehanga, 346 Plane at., near Market

s o s i a t s F o y r O T i i u mATVEV'ffoN-TSSftfTBi^ NOiaON-~rr.

racagnixed aa Nawark'e leading Ruelnesa Brokeva, and if you have a busiikena of any kind that you daaira lO sell, ae nould l>e ptaaaed in hava M call at our office; if you are unable to call, 'phona 9661 Market and our rcpreagiuatlve will call on you; we poalllveiy du nift make any false eistrnients by lalling you that «a have cskIi buyers waiting to buy your business, sx that Is dona lo inialead you And la an uoirue atat«' laant itoottia / f l and 415, Union bultdlng, 9 Cllniun al.I960 BL'YIS good-pAglng corner grocery and

oonfectlonary iit>ra; canira of <iiy, weekly racelptH fsg, rant 119, wRh ihree rouma; fvlly storked. NORTON A NORTON, room 4tl. Union building, f Cilnlon at.|IOo Bt.'YS one of iha fineat furnlxhed-room

and hoarding housea on Broad si.; posi­tively worth 91.500. .NORTON A NORTO.N, roi»m 419, Union building. 9 Ullniun eb9 .606 BUYS good-paying corner hoi<*l with

i>ar-rooin ai Rockaway Beach. jN. Y.; .veai-ly bualneea. 9:5,606; eJegsiul> fur-tdahedi ono block from ocean, reni 9-,660 yeaxly; poaitlvely a frand i>iJporiun1ty. NORTON A NOR'TON, room iK. Union building, 9 Clinton at.EXCEPTIONAL opportunity; DiOO buys

good paying conteoilonery, tiaiiunory and cigar eioro: weekly recalpia average 1156. rent 9H3; any iriveatlgatlun flowed. NOH> TUN A NORTON, room Union build­ing. 9 A'llnton al.


no charges for llstlBg; buyers on hand. In buying a sacond-hand automobile you WKRFRL'5 Exchange, U t WaOhlngton at., are on the right track If you buy a high-

............... ^ ‘ ‘ class car. guaranteed by a responsible dearerA aeonrtd-riafid I'JIALMEUB car overhauledcorner Bank a(7, 'p^ona . OTarket,

S.ALOON Corner; excellent lecatton; re* celpta 9:m weakly: Rqo whisky trade;

reawn fur aclJlDg, family trouble; price 11.136. U'LRFKUa. U i Washington si.




In our ahopa and guaranteed can be bought (ha I

. cheep ....... . .iBtni; aiuf. In addMlon, you nave the aaiia-

mfor about haw, ohea

MTue price ss yen can buy the kind, and It will outlaet two of

faction of owning a good car.SAlAMJN-'Ai auction: independent* leaae; re- ^,We aae agents for CHALMERS CARS la

pefpts 9230 weekly; good whtlky trade: New Jersey and are ponstaolly trading 1*09,reason, (llsagreemeiit In partnership; prka 16. ’ll. '1* ami 'IS models fur th t latest 9J56, WERFKL'S, H* Washington at. models \Vs put the tradad-la cat in our

___ shop, thoroughly overhaul, and. If hseaed,guAI. BUHINKB0 -EatabMshtd. over thirty repsini. and tnen guarantee the eame us a

yemra; good, aatahllahad trgda: rleara 690 new car. At Ihls lime of lha year we buva weekly, reasoti. disagreement In partner- bsrgalna It will pay yob Id lookahip: Invrallgatlon Invited, price 91.9*0.WKHFKL'B Kxrhaikgf. 293 Washington at.CDNFKrTIONKRT. a(utloosp>. cigar store.

nilh targe newspaper trade, also poat- offli’e atatiun. good location, receipt a 9150 weekly: prh-e |0t)0. WERFET/d. K? Wash­ington m,FURNISH»D-ROONphouaes: we have i-hem;

pricea ranging from 9156 and up; many - See WBRFKLs. ‘


(Near itarkel and lli^ad), NEWARK. N. J.




call and l>e (Mn^lojed and shv,; money. EflSFX T OAN OFFICE.

2W Mark"! at.: ‘phone 253JR Marketkinds, from various conilgnors, and sold at 'Our own. price to I he hirheal bidder: a vlalt will i>ay you. the hiKU. _______TASH RE^JIf^TKR; NftH«inHl; almoal m 'n ---------------------------------

Cijat Il'-’.V sell for 930; walli-ane euUablei fur SKWIN'S MACHINES. \Mi«lrr A V llcox. li- milliner or tHll"i': iaT|?e Musler r»fr, 125. cost9RS. MR. C.\HH, d4 .Araileniy biCAMERAS—.Manmioth Hale hankrupi Syra­

cuse dealer's slock; l.oO i parkaKSs Cyko. Argo; uaineras. Icrisss. i-hrmli-alft, everything phuiograplilv. about half prlee.SI Scout cameras. 9L'J5, 143 Koronus, 923. Newark Photo Supply. Ill Washiiigloii st.CAMHRAR—3A Special Kodak. Zel»s Tes-

sar lens, Lompound shinier. I'omhlnalloTi back, three holders, portrait aliai bmt'nl: complete; <-«>at 92 4. bargain 913- .Sowark Photo Supply, III W a.-ihlriainii si. _* CANVAS.** I’OVKRS.


A.vD OGDEN S T B . ______CLOTHlNti. slighily worn or misfit xiflls.'

coats and pants; also ladles suits, very cheap. Call 117 South Orange ave,. near Norfolk at.rAHD8 'on tba Junjp;" low

pi'lvee; rardr. 7hc. up; cuts, dealgea iabnia. Rusi' FreiJs Hulsey en'i Market over tbaerra.FIXTCREH FOR SALE; SBi 'ONU-HANP


»uli Hit.. Imu-Iici-. ;■», «1I mate. rflpalrHd ritfht hi your iKimc .i itliHiit ileloy, Write hr calJ MR, MirCHKM., <» nilrlettnth ave.Phnne d&73J Market.

SEWING MAf HINl'^L'DnmeaMc, N«w Home,12. Klnger. W. A W- -dc,. *h MPJ 'repairing aiir! parts: all make*. Phone KERR-

LING He. DOUGLASa. Ik yeara 2fl3 Norfolk at,

w n ,L Ml! very rcflHonsbte. a'^^nat new' fur- nltura of my house: SR-NOTE PLAlER-

PlAeNO. parlor, library, dining and bedroom furnliiire; dishes, DAVENPORT, cut kUm . bronxftf, OIL PAlNTTNHH. hrlc-a-brac.4.1m ke, mirrors, chairs, leather '•M.MK.''T Iv'pRKJHT PIANO: ‘-ALL DA^OR FV'ENlNG; NO REASONABLE offer re-

36^jV*st_8^d, N. T. Cltj j____WAUDROR^94, east $17: bed. spring and *oS,r'a 'r,t.^^ ' /reT-’rH v e l;' MR.-’c'aSH, « W.

Do not inlast our Big Auction Sale of Hriraes i>ii i’ueMay. Llsrcli 31. 1914. XVewill have the largcal and beat IM of horaes of all types that waa offered at auction anywhere.

J. C. Pender of Indiana will have 96 head of Express Chunka and General Pur- poae Horace, that are consigned for ab* soluie sal*.

Dod' Donald of Liberty Comera, Indiana, will have a consignment of big, c^hcap. rough Work. Horses, that hB wjlT m H for .the high dollar

Will alao have a load of cheap Bacond- hand Horaea from Fannaylvania that are right out of the hardeat kind of work-

T’rlveie party ulll sell Tuesday at I o'clock coinblnallon saddle and-drying horse, safe for any one to ride or drive.

When you purchase a horse from us YuL , a r e p r o t ia 't e u our g u a r a n t y .the only one of lt« kind in existence.

ALL MONQT REFUNDlCn IF YOU AREd iss a t is fie d w ith to u r pu r c h a se .


SALESMEN:Wlillini ParkburaU william Fatertoa

J. S. WILLUlU* Auctlonav.


No special prlvUege or mouopoly under tha gplaa of an ordinance can deprive you or us of our rights, Tou own your hone, dead or allve and an one can cennaate your property

Aiart4-my ot. _________WHITE enameled douhie hedatead and

Rprliig. tor po^e: iilao other arllclee. Call eveninga, 2u Edmund at.

Chickeni413-417 BPRINGFIEl.D ' ( Ml< KB for lala 3M South Twentieth st.

IRyfl SALK -Udlanii plionogTBph, large horn. ' 3 1 Fproriui'ers, r>T) r^^orda. 1! and 4 mlnui»'S. and cabinet ch fap lo a quick hiiy<*r. Call evoiihigs. W4.10D, 4 lfi KIghieehth ave., flrat floor

fo r SAI.K—Thin >• ffirda mlveti w ttnd A O. H A H R , 112 :4prlrig flc ld ave., Sum m it.

FGH SAl.K.—All Blue Orplnglona and Pari- rldgn Rorks, nn aicnunt of lunvlng and

celling o'»t; crrk for hatching: Blue Orplng- tnii.4 and I'arifldge Rncka.. Write D. K. MAllSHAtiL. Newloti. N. J. _F u l l SAl.E--i'«»mpl4-»i-' ito u lli '- i-ouipment, von-

elRlhig of 'Jo I'MlDTiv hnu»M. 2 long hnnaef. 7 ln< iibnlcirs. bm odet, Pie., i f taken entire w ill sell ut cxcc.illng l}' lo'.v price. Address Union?, Ro.\ RiS. N e n f office.

I'.'E nonua. RErnroiinATORs, LAWN TUM.I.l'ns, T.AWN MOWERS.




or atop us fram doing a lagitlmate bualnets- "■ III__ .dual k>armlt te a proi .rntnner. pay the highest mailiat price a»dlagally pr«l«Gt your lAtartn as vtU aa our owm

ecHWAAX DBOB c a .HOD HAKRIBON a v a . k a a r n t . n . j .

lionf-diStsDos 'pbon* 22i0 and Sill BarrkaoB' Local 'pbooa M Uarrlsaa.

9350 BUYS confactloiMry, staunnery amt cigar store: weekly rcoaipla 165, rsnt |29

with three rooms. NORTON & NOHTON. room 413. Union, building. * Cilnlon it.9666 IlUYB confectionery, stxthmerj' and

cigar Bt4>r«, FJaei Orange; weekly receipts average |75; rent 923; fully eim'ked. ele­gant fixtures. No r to n a No RTuN. room 4le. I'niuii buihllng. 6 Clinton st}i.0i)u iiificlern and up-to-date con-

feitbmery. stationery, and cigar itore; elegant tk^catlon. weekty rei^eiple average 911 6. rent |35 wKh three rooms. NOR- TU4N i- NLfRTGN. ii>om 416, Union building.6 Cllntun fll-

I 91.106 HUVB modern and up-loMlate con- fentloitery ecorn and Ice cream parlor.

! aino brunch of Beck's hakery. ncekly re- IrplptB avprage 9i'06; rent 933 with three

moms. NORTo.N A NORTON room 415.Uhlon buiUlIng. 9 Cllnlun at.EX E.’TIO.VAI. i>prwriuiilly. Iti'’' hu>* f«r-

inancil-rouiii house, near LiCknivuiina Mta- itvHi. ii-n r>'<'na. hII Improveniehfs. sipum beat; rent 1:., VnliTGN * NORTON, room 413. Union buihJluB b I'ilnlon st.Rt ii.Dl.Nii and loiitrartlng bueiii'-s for sale.

Including hnupcs and Inti. In tuhurban (own near Newark; houses have all linprvtvemrtlti'. anntiin of rHsh r-'quhf'd 9I0,Cmsi NORTON A NoRTfi.V. room 4U . Union building, I* t.‘Mn- lmi it.EX<'EI'TrONAJ. npiioriunlly: tru<king hual-

ricaX fur sale; tw'Ivc liorxae. tvv 1 wa^^na; tatiarru(k». inomhly rscslpfs H’lrraga |Tf)0; eiLipTviyH six men: has large ccmlre 'ts for truck­ing work wlih karUiig Newark luatiufai'turers: MiabllilH'd sf’v e t y»>pta: prli-c -V»6 NORTON & NORTON, i-oiim 416. Union building, 0 Clln-l''TI SI.trtyi H ri> cl-'Kiiiu furnished mom houee, near

Broad ai.d Market ale.; 14 mnms: all Im- pn^^emetiii. alwavp tilled: grand nnnortunlty NORTON A NORTON, room 41A, Tnlnn build­ing p cHninn eiIB.oixt Rl’YS gortd-pnylng bak^rv v\lih property:

must he soH oi. a'-count of deiith In family. NORTON & N'<iRTON, mom 41,'t. I'nhm hulld- iPB P h'1lntf>n St, '__________________ATTENTION’ The name of our long-ea-

tabllsnctl. reliable iruetworlhy firm, un- ' der any of nur advertised pr''fn»‘-ilHt>nB for buj'era and seilera. gives an absoluif* aecur-

; Uy for Quh k. honest atul urnfliHlde deal. KImlly keep this Ith mliid and gha US a chance to prove It. We never slop our efforts tinill ae reach roauU. ooNSOLl- DATKD Buslnean Exchange,. 866 Broad.RKSTAURANT. finest location. huslneas

■ entre, off Drosd s(., rent and lease sitls- facior>. kitchen and dlnlng-rncmi outfit hr**t-olaea. receipts 11.206-11.200 monthly assured, serious Illness forrea sale for ridiculous low price—91.606; place tias fin­est reputation and well patmnlxed. I'ON- SL»LIDATKD Busltieas Exchange. 160 Broad.INCORPORATED manufacturing buslnesn i>f

cUemlca! produv’ts—dislnfs^ tan ts. n»oa- QUllor killer, deodorizers, innal poUshea, Blrew liat ■ leaner and many others, sold quick for $'250; or partner taken; complete Im'ornorallou papers, stock, customers, of­fice fixtures. UONROLIDATBD Business Exchange. 860 Broad.M'lTlON picture theatre. 10i . admission;

new hullding, upper rilnton secilon. nn opposlllon: positively clearhjg 9S5-I66 wesk- Ij ; II.4I16, hut awaiting offer, niust sell. i.'ONSOLl DATED Business Exchange. sOO Bniad-

largatns on hand W'sabington at.Rk’STAURANT, two minutes' walk from

Brodil and Market ata.: heal IpcatioTi In iity, receipt! 9356 weekly; price tli566. WKRKKL'Ss 239 Washington «i.SAiALL~PART lNTBRisT--Toung man. Z*",

huslneas knowledge, Including typewrit­ing and book-keeping, holding government poaRlon, dealrea lo devote several hours a day ubere aervlrea nould be appreciated; willing to Invest small amouht of <‘eplle1; full parlif'ulars treated sirlcily confldendei. AddresH Hustler, Hox 29, News office.8AI-OON—Wanted, a small saloon. In Belle­

ville. N. J .: state price and locality, Ad- drsM Aaloon, Box 24, News office.HAIjOt.lN for isle; good stand on the •'HIH;*'

l^rgain. tail at ORAEHALE’S. 226 W'averly■15. ------------------------------------- ----------------TAILOR RHOr, doing good buslnaei; preeslhf

marhlnr; rrasonabte; good location, reason for a"Illng. leaving town 462 Central ave.WANTED, steam laundry In Newark or the

Oranges, good paying, well equipped lani preferred; no nutice to answera unieea

exact location of laundry le given. Address Reliable. Box 186, Newe o f f i c e - ___ _92.660 CASH down buys stsam laundry on

paying basis, with dwelling: balance on easy terniv; nn agents. Addrtsa Bargain. Box S3, Neua office.

a 5t O AUl'TIU.N KALK.Thursday. April 'i, at 16:90 u'rlock. Auc­

tion sale u( twenty-five automobllee. Tliuru- ■lay, April 2, at 11 o'clock A. M.. at 2*1 Halsey at. This nale will be held each Thursday. ' <mmprUiMg (he Iveat and must popular makes of automobllee, Fords, Max- nellB, ('adlllacB, Ohalmrrv, Overland, Sim­plex. Ohlsmohllee, Franklins. Heoe. Hudson, Dhalmcrx, Pullman; Herreahuff. Jewell. E. M, F.. Stoddard'l>ayton, JackiM>ns, Thomas, Winlon. Vftle, Oakland, Buirk. &loog, Hup- nioblie and many other runabouts, roadsters, five ami sersn paesengrr touring cars; also husihrss care: bodlse. limousine, latidaulet, touring, runabout, panel; many auto sup­plies. cars may (■« seen any Ume previous to sale; private sale Jally^ AUTO AUC­TION EXf'llANGE. i t l Halaey a t . __ ^

I SOLD for storage and repair bill. Haynsj I farrdoor i-paasenger lourliig car. cont ' $2,666, onlv u e ^ (wo oeaeons. hsa top, n}nU- shleld, speedometer, time clock, rreoollte lank, extra lire; extra brand new Inner tube, kit of lonis. etc : guaranteed in perfect order ond demonstrated to buyers sallsfacllon; price |ti* . Ree manager. V. illUimaburgh Garage, 111 Clymer eU, near WlMlamaburgh Bridge, Brookly n . __________________1*11 MITCHELL touring. 9356. 1911 Moline

louring. 9356; 1*1) Hudson touring. 9956; 1*12 E. M. F. touring, 1496: 1912 Flandere touring. 9I&0. I l l) Auburn touring, *43*1 1*12 Stoddard-Dayton touring, I960; new gludebaker six louring. 91.160, lOll fUude* baker rosdalsr. 94|0! 1*16 National r«»adHter, 1450; all In good condition. NEWTuN-HUM- PHRBVILLE t’O., 124 Washington sL

BtUDENTg ADMITTED A t ANT X mGoarees: leaae 1‘liman and Oregg ihp

band. Touch TijtewrUlngf BdoIe iNirporatlon and Coat AMOuntlbgi.Bnglisb Brancbea, Civil flervloe. ^writ* for booklet, ^Qffke open Hoiwr« Wednesday and Friday evealBca.


WILION FARRAND, HEAD MAlTBIU Thorough preparatloa for aay eaUafi a*

•cleailflo ichoel. or for butlnaas Ufa. Ottg^ logue on raqiMit.

Uttstna** College, m boak-kebplnt. ehorihe^. ‘Al; dav and --------rial; dav and svenlag; epccl

aveuBge for emoley^ stenf O A L V E ^ Pros UTRA U

THE NEWARK BKUINa RT*Hlae Whitmore's Boarding and D a/ iehoaL

172 Cllnioo ata. ^All departments; cerll(1i,;AU admita to All- leading ootleges; rataloguaa.

Miuic , .MARluN 5TEVNNB, Trinity College. LoadMl

piano. [..eMhetiaky method, limltsd nemW of pupils; rivnientarV or advanovdi pupils aoo- ceeelul In Jloyal College Mntio ixame.i L u - don, Rngisnd. tRuUlo, 37 West Fa7k It.



S uR ck

1*13 SELDKN fhe-paasihger louring. Gray A Davla electric lighting and Hiurtlng,

Bpeedomater. demountaole rFmii. a«st ci»vsrs, etc.; only run 5.066 mlleei AI condition1»0 PACaiMILB tjp«wrltt*n f * 'i I ,„irt , t ono«

h'a LL ^ i other b l? ,n ’n;r OhElm.,r,. Mitchell,feet wqcl^ Tel. D6. Mkt. HALL CU.. .33 MM- gt^vens-Durysa. »l56 up. ELLIS Motor Car, Co., 414 Central ave.WANTED

IlfGHEST fssnpricea pafd for ladles and geiiti' cssi-off clothing and ahoee; extra

high prices paid for men's suite and ladles' fancy dresses, send postal and 1 will call at once; or 'phone 4316W Market. MR. C'AHN, U7 Souih Orange ave.. nesr Norfolk si.lluaT prices evi>r paid for winter and lum-

im-r cast'iflff ulothlng: aj>eclal prices forrvening end fancy dr«H«s, also Tuxedi> an«l full dress suhe. seiid i<0!<tal; business strictly I’onfldenilBl. MR DH .^RLhiS. HO South Ur-siige avtf. ______________ ^HBiHKS-r PRICKS PAIDFOR LADIES' AND


hate and shoes, M. UANSQN. lecond-hagd olnrhij for ladies snd gents, m Hartford s t.; ‘phone 4174W Market; send poital._______TRADING fltAMP BouKH bought: highest

pricea pajd for loose stanipn, milk labels, soap wrappers, eit*. New Jersey Coupon Co., 236 Plane st., near Market.

I CADTl^L^C. 1612 toy tonneau; Re.> the fifth. Uupnioblles. Maiwells. Franklins. Stvde-

baker*, ijakisnd rujialmut. P*iters'’ii Knjpirt, Ruick*. Rruih and many other*. 9S-“ lo ll.inn; all bargain*: new arrival* /Islly; 'xlds arid end* of every ilsacripilou at >0ur own prl.-ei. TOWNSEND^B AUTo EXCUANaU. 2UT. Hal-a»y ___________________ ______ -___fo r d s—iioveral'^argaln# In used Ford car*

and u««d oar* of other maksa; Immediate deliveries on new- Ford car*. Motor Bales Agency of the Oranges, 4*0 Main hi., East Orange: dlrsct Ford agent* for the Oranges and Uaplswood. 'Phone 185*: open evening*.ALL metal parts of automobile* and machinery

welded and actual tv fu i^ . ftnmSum work a specialty. D. ITEIOENAUR, tt6 liaJiey *1-. i4fta Warkii.

ATlSULl'TEI^Y full Value nald for cast-off cloth Ing, special prlres full ‘ ' "■

fhoes; jmslal. LIFMANrlres full dress Tuxedo; also

16 Fatrvlcw SV*.

LADY leaving (own will leU baby Persian lamb coat cheap; perfect cDudllloii; size

Sti; length 28 Inches, Ad'lresi Persian, Box 74. Ns\v» office,*” MERCHAMHPE OHBRIl CHRCKfl.

Wf Issue Order Chseks on tl>e Rcpsrtnieot and Cash Stores ft?r sny kind of MercbSDdlse. You pay tha anroe iTlce* csali buji-rs pay end i«ettlu yotr account with us fn ensy wpeklj nsyment*.

IDEAL OHDEB SYSTEM.Room VVlsa HnllJlog. 071 Kroad st.__

OLIVE OIL—If .vou want to grow fat and rosy, use Lily Brand, abnulutely pure olive

oU, of Nice, France; a positive flesh and blood builder; no rhsumatlnm kidney, liver • or itomach trouble* can exist where this oil j Is used: It insure* perfect health. Bold Olivo - Branch n o Newark Arcad*. 64* Broad at,, opp. Arcade Theatre. W. B- TURNER ___ROOF PAINT, "Degnan'fl ’V'erlbeflt;" your

money ha<’k If not aatl*fled. write fore trllcularn for trial order, DEGNAN, 390

loomfleld ave.RL'DRER HTAMPa

Y'our slgjiaiure sianu', atcnrils. T76 Rrosd *t. BOGARDi;S A HEMPRTKD; isk« elevator,

BPEGIAL.We are tvrucklng h mansion, corner of

gouth Fullerton ave. and Union st,* Uont- cialr. N. J.


Grand and Henderson at*,,Jersey City. Tel, 2431 Jersey.

UENriNF Tho:Mpf«on ringlet rockerel. %3 or exchange for iwu hens; alno two amall

brooders; tao smell chick, coops; lot for |4 or exchange for thrao hens. 45 Klllot »t._nTn E yearling hens and ntrong vigorous

cockerel: FJshel strain White Flocks for sale vheap lo make room. STILWELL, 45 Linden ave.. Irvlnglon._________ _

hiioriT H irxs I'uL'i.Tity f a r m ,SPUTNaFlELD. N. J.

hUe Logjmms. hen*, pulleis, cockerels, hsinhmg eKgs, baby chicks; Ihoueanda lo se- l<H-t fiom: iliugtrah-d catalngue: telephone conn.t h r e e White Wiandatie rooster*, twelve

months old; no reasonable offer refuaed. F. S.. corner of Main and Willow els. Wilburn. N. J . : postofflre box 168. _________W1T,L buy h«Hliby chlejten*. any kind, any

iluantUy. If you Tvant to clean up atook, <vrite us. stating lowest cash price by pound, lUe «vcigh«. WTLMOUNT FARM. P. O, Box 3fi2. LHrchmonl, N. Y'.WANT winter egga? Get '^U ctrlc Btealn"

a C White Leghorn pullets; 1.000 for sals this Humtner: eaulogue free. .Colum ­bia poultry Farm. Toms River. N. J.WHITF: ORPINGTON. White Rock. BlacK

Minorca, Wyandotte baby chicks: rabhils- pigeons: rH kltKjs of chtckeu* and rabbll* iHiUKhi and sold. MonmoUnth County Poultry and Produce i '=». W. P. IIARTU. «3 Mechanic al. _________ •__________WHITE llOi'KS. Black Minorca*, White Of-

phigtona. White WyandoUea. rabhlte and all kind* of pigeona. Monmoutb County Poultry Company, W, P. HARTT. 6S Me­chanic at. __________106 PULLEt S, B to 8 Iba. each: very fine

bird*- all laving; munt dell: 1 move w*d- neaday. JAKE 8HINDLER. Mountain ave,, North Caldwell: rear of sanatorium. ___ _46 WHITE Leghorn, 10 black Mlnorcas;. go^

stock; iruat evenings after 7 o'clock.224 High *t.. Nulley, N. J.






Always on hand to sateot from, welgblng 1.000 to L6O0 Itw. Uaiur matad pair*. All accitcnitad,

p a w n t ic k e t s B0U<^JHT; alao, silver and platinum: confidential.

Addreea* Platinum, Box 15, New* office.TRADING STA.Ml'S bought; highest prloss

t>ald for hooks and l<v>*e coupons, milk label*, soap wrappers. lOS Market st., room 21.DtAMONOfi, old gold and sliver bought; also

watches and Jewelry repairing called for. P. a IJCVT. 641 Broad at ; E*t. 18».OLD GOLD, allver. aortpa of Jawslry, dia­

monds and platinum bought. 7B1 Broad at-, over Petty's, H. H. RALEVREJ.HIGHEST prlceitpald for gente* oaat-off cloth­

ing and bed feathers. Send postal lo J.BBCKER, 66 Mohtgomtfy at.f'ASH paid for old feather beds. Addrees W, HANSEN, Box S6. News office.

HouMhold Goods Wanted


yiMirs st the London Con**rv*tor: aln^Bg rlialian method), t*Im p . . . evt, s lsn and open, pialio *Ad kldUii

Washington st.: Ul. welTMatmiW&7. WALLACE CANOM,

_ .jia speclMllst, slnjiing. dtudioi, tiiiit*rO*,ilie Clifton avf.; tsi. 48R U. B.; volo* tftal gr*<«bV'lOUN. MaNDu LTN. b a n jo , g u it a r * . LB8HONH. ROo. MR*». MINBTTA W IPR Ttt'HENOlt, 143 >i PENNaVLVANtA ATE.FREl»*k 5ii:kKlCRi limited number ptipliar

thorough piano Instruction^ ap«cl«1 att*atl«Mr to brglimers: trrrnti reaspnabls, 48* JalllFf Ave,POPULAR ■ lUSll' 3-5 leasona;, . - ra c ily

booklet: trial tesaon fret, CLARK* WINN aiudln, 67 Hulsey st.; 4*3 Waltmt at.

EDWIN WTCK&NHOBjnBH.Violin Instruction Btudl6a» II Waai F tfll gL,

Nswark; *0 Cottage a t, Ooptb ONmni.RauTIMU-POPUi7aH— We Will taauh BOTS

to any beginner In elflU lakapna OT moaajr, refunded. BOLLBa. 17 West park it*BANJO. AND0LiN7“ b'uiTAR V IO I^

LcBioni. flOc. decood-hand Inatnupaata d * sale. A. J. WEIDT. m Waahington ____'PIANO, violin, flula clarinet lasUMtIds* OL

HANOOLD, studio, t i l B d rm "t„ «at> South Orange ave.; Inilnimeftia Wr aU*.UANIX1L1N Instruction, aolo or

regular and plectrum style; gUltAr. vMR. » riacilICR aiudlo. l!T Oliver a t _ _ _

1612 FOKEftOfJR 7 paseengpr louring, Just overhauled-and fully equipped; *5lk>, A- L,

PABIIPY, 2tS| Halsey st.: or phone l l iUn r d . 1612 inuring. ■atH ^ eold at auction.

Thursday, April 2. 10:30 o'clocki^prL'ato ealu dally. Auio Auction Exchangr. kM1 Halaey st.

will be sold a( auutinn ....... - - (• o'cliK'k: prlvme oali

dally. Xut'o Auction Exchange. 291 Halsey siTC M. r.. smalt tourlrif.......- -Thursday. April 2. 10:3(| o'c1.K-kprWai#. nale

A tiro radltiers, lamps, Tepslrnl and rebuilt by expert mecbsolci; prompt services. Anierlraa u(Q Bsdlstor Whs, 4d WliUea *t., aOFJW UkI-

BOStJH magneb'^a and Mohawk Urea: all magnetos and tires quickly repaired. Tire

Trailing Co., ftn Wllllsin el.. Newark. _MAXWELL truck. aoUd Hresi good condlll^!

■ultahle f<»r mechanic: price resjonabla. 221 Thlrlecnfh ave.

at MR. L*ASH':3. 64 Academy got lo sell for cash 7 we buy

end everything for cMh. second-hand furniture.Whet have ]

buy anythingold carpets, rhulre. tables, pillow*. quHt*. rugs, stm'ea. dressers, with or without nilrrorH, an

rOl'R UVLISDUU 8t«>ddsri|-TlaytOD. UlO, 38 Moaircee si , pear Hoiitb Orange Rve,, ^alls-

burgli section. __ ^ __HAYNES 7-pas*enger automobile fer aale;

reesonsbls price. 46 Chadwick ave.

For Sale or ExchangoA HIGH-GRADE aeven-paesenger touring

car guaranteed in flrst-rlao* condition: driven only fifty-five hundred mllea; will sell or exchange for flv#-pans«nger car. Address Auto, Box 30, New* offUe.

For ExchanteWILL exchange email auto trurk In good run­

ning ordrr. for tnelde decorating; have eiockilque and jnyihlng lou want to salt for cash; I on liand- Addrece Auto. Box 47, News office. pay more than eny dealer or auction house In -------the cHy: I have no agi> n(B lo pay oommlailon;

islf p'r'rsonalTy. that's why ] can pay I'^ptlicrs; gel my prices first; aand T^l call at once; buslnefa strictly il. TpI. fWfldW Market.

a tt e n t io n .\U kinils of business plarns bOUghr and sold. For quick n-sulie try

MlTrilELL'S Business Exr-hang*. 26 Pnuth Gr­ange ave. Tel. ItTSO.T Market.1225 BVTrt oonfe'dlonery. sfalton«tr\. cigar

store- bceuilful lo-atlon: rent 9S6: four ntre ronm*: re.‘.-l|.t* I7IS wefkiv fuMv flMKked: bar­gain. MITFHELL'P. M South Orange ave.SJiNi UUYa ronfe'-Onnery. stalinnerv. vlgwra.

rent II2‘ iwo roims: receipts weekly;large stock: sacrifice. Ml-KCHELL'S, 26 South Oratige a\c.GRckTURT and butcher. Clinton Hill section,

rent 925: four rpoma; receipts 92BO weekly; beautiful *fixtureif fully stocked, price fkxi: Investlgaie. MITCHELL'S. 26. South Orango avB.J7U) Ht'Yfi grocery. American srctlnn: rent

933: four rooms; rcceipla I2CK) weekly; fine fixtures; laiige stock; good opportunity. M1T«I'HELL'S, 2ft South Orange ave.

AfAVAYS reliable HA5IUEL SIMON nays tha highest for MconJ-hand funtliuve nf every

doicrlpllon: mihlng too large to handle: busL neas ■inctly runlidenilal: also buyers of cad- (ent!i of Etnr*6! a ltd hnerchanJIse; open * ‘an- u\i* mull H P. M. Send postal SAMUEL HIMON. tft. 6P4M Market. tn!l Warhlngioti at., lust In from Academy st., near canal bridige.AI.I, KINDS llF HOU«KHbj.D OfiorjS ANH

MKRl-HANPIflC. KNTIBK CV>NTFINTS Or itoret, bnuses and flat* or anything you hay* lo sell. Itougirt for i-aeh: c«n»Uil us before •eil-

f o u r -c y l in d e r auto truck, 4i-loti; for decorating. Address Exchange, Box 48,

News office.

Antomobilct for Hir«NEW three-ton auto truck for long dis­

tance mnNlng or lor rtuilng* of all kinds, ni resKonable rate. GEO. FRICK, Fourth and Dickerson *(*•PRIVATE car for builnas* or pleaaure:

apsclal attsutlori given coinvatascenta and elderly folks. 91.66 per hour, 'Phone 1141M VMiverly. ___ _______

bCPRANG wants solo work In chupch S attlr Huuduy. 95 two nervkM. Addrsa* Bopran*.

Box 17, News office.CONTRALTO weeka

May 1.Office.

huTcb poalM^h AddreH* C'ontrallo, oox 91, Nsgr*

D u c in fTUB DAVia BUHOOl, O r DANCIWO,' .

UtSS W UliLlilN KAL'HUaH. PRI)«CtPAU 466 BROAD ST., NEAR D.f I*. AND W, Claa* KrldiR evening*, 9:46; alt U a la9*al

dances taught In private and cU private le*pat>* day or evening I. meni, Tsi. 3188 Branch Brook. RECEPTION IN THE B A L L R O O k^.. TIIW WASHINGTON. ON WEDNSIDAtEVENING, APRIL 2*. _________ ^PROPER tmu-hlng holds th# irads; iin-loiTe (he opportunity of being (aught prop-

■ "II dances.. HaaUt, haalla* tioh. one step, etc, M. O. RiCKAJRDSp

nroiior (muhlng never made a masUri'wby -*• being (aught p fo r-

«S.. MaxU*. haaltl........................... M. O. RICKARD .Hiiidio, 453 Broad st.: Open from I A. M.* to 16 p. M. Loiilee and,,,gentlemen tiacher*. i.'lais iiiKl private lesaoha |n or Out nf tOwiLUR. AND MHM. EDWARD^F,

vale achool of danulng; Magonla bdlldln#* 301 Main st.. Grange; all the modern danovd taught correctly: couples coached In M u l|t | Instruction by appolnimtiU; 'pjkona 469TW O r a n g e . __________________ ^VOr~NULADY will glvs lauon* In claeaiA

and esilietlc dancing (o children uaAsr 14 yoars. at ihalr own home; price* raaaok- ah<o. For particulars addraaa Leaseai. Bog 63, New* office. .

TANGO AND LATENT DANGSi. Private class Isasodi, 10 A.M. to lO P itM

advanced olass Tuesday avsbltif. Dancing flchool. 839 Broad at. Tal.llItlYPRIVATE denulnr leaauns a SpaolaUF It' FOttf

ronveulenoe. T Belmont Sv*., fisAf BpniR* field avs. PROF. L. BRILL, Inst,: o*tl #y«ir»

Dramatic and ElocntiosOEO. C, OLMaTEAD, ProftMtonal CoholL

cut ion. atage (raining, amai«ur and vaudsvtij* act* eoacbo^ 8p*alai tttaiBjM #leru^lon^UjdyU*^^tijdl^^^jfevy^jy^^y|A

E wSAFE—Cash register, counter cases; two 4 ft., one 8 ft.: I8-ft. centre table; nine-

ghslves; fixtures; mirror, 3x4 ft.; Holophane glasA ahades and window refleolors; wood window dividers and othnr flxturos; private party; call evening*. UNGER, 1,1 Stirling el.sdiJA FOUNTAINS. ne^7~and Mcond-hand;

all stock v>ni bu tuld below cost on account of ^emo^al oivlrig to Biuiiford,' pi. gpunlng.HAUBSLING Soda Apparatus Manufactur­ing Co., 26 Arlington si-_______________flCRBSNS, floorlngj celling, siding, sash, j fijGGS.fer hstohlhg and baby chteka from buff

doers, frames, screens, molding, bunga- i L'‘ghorn. buff Orpington. Pittsfield Rock; $1 lows; apadsi pries from manufacturer. Ad- < iRUng COOK. IS New at,. Eaat Orange. dreia»Manufacturer, Box 37, New* office. • --------------------------- —■

BLACK Mlnon-as and WhUa Leghorts. 14 per 100: C’ampine*. Orplhgt‘>ns. Wyandottea,

Rocks and R<>ds: fcrtnity -guarantied. HILL Hatchery, 2W6 North Seventh- Tel. 235J. B. B.

! BARRED UUCKS, Imperial Ringlets; $1 per sitting; shipped, tl.lO; nothing bstter;

I here Is a chance. OUTTRUP, 78 Centre st.,I Orange; tel. -9L _______________ _______ _

SLIGHTLY uied Odell rsxor blade stmpplog ma- ehitt«; aiijr terms to n-spooilble party. Ad­

dress 4>6«11, Box 10. News o0c«, Mootclalr bnaefa.BSCOND-HAND bnlldlnc material: bulldldga

bnght and rsmoTod. A. P llA5inLEK. 110 ■ j a - Otanga: 8^8J Orahga,

st o n e SETTER’S tools nntl bench for sale chsap, no use for same. Address Jew­

eler, Hox 43. News office.TREES—Fur sal*, a number of large trees:

located near the Aldens (N- J.) Depot. Welle A. BMADBAUK, 46 Weal Thlrty- lourth at,j New York City,

^TYPEWRITER, 98. Flat top desk~95: cash desk. 99,&0; bookcase, $6.AO; office rug.

f t .76; hall stand. 96.50. SS Bridge st., near Broad,

HATCHING eggs and broody hens for sale.BISHOP'S Saybrook Poultry Yard. Bay-

brook, N. J.. near Lyons Farm*. ._______OUR BUsiNPiaa


Tl'hlte'Rock Egge 6c each Barred Rock. Egga 6c each

wmte IrCgUorn ILSO per tOO Mixed Egg» 99.60 per lOO

EGGS LAID TODAY, by Parcei Post, prepaid, 2 do*,,

86c.; 4 dos.. I1.5U. RIDGEMERE !» TARj|*fl,

Basking RldgSr N. J.

We rcceliiva a-eekly iblpmeai* of Paunayl- vsttla horae*. consisting of Ih# best beavy draft, good farm chunks and many handy busl- cso* borsaf. We can show the beat variety at popular price*. .

Lot of secobd-hand horaes alwajra oo hand.MULES-Of which we carry a'large varleiy. Touof

and closely mated team*. ^76-HORSBS TOR >nRH“ »


HARRY F. ,L. D. 'Phone 446* UaiRat.


Always on hand, from 10# lu 116 bead of accllmatad Pennsylvania tn^rees to ##l*ot frun*. We will receive March 29, ene fresh load of flrat-oiKea draft horse#, weigh- Ing. from 1,400 to t.**#. #«me nlo# dilver* ana some fine lauUa also oanoad «*

TBIAI. o r » MAll boraea mu# be a# represabted. a»

money refunded. ^ ^S. B. HUDD, ialeemdb

ffrUDEBAKERD a llv ^ Wagene. Farm Wagons, one or two homo TruekA rieagruy# VehTolea of every description^ also full line of hemegs. .

ImmedtaU dellverlee. Caah or eaer tama. fi^r sale a t _SORHAGBN'i WARBHOU8R

«t-T$ SHIPMAN ST.. NEWARK.Tal. 8518 Market

SINGLE Comb White LegTiorna. the large white kind, bred for heavy laying; hatching

eggs: baby chloka; price list mailed. AbovePoultry Farm Co,. Inc,. .Chatham, K. J.

TWO evening dresses: also (wc suits, *!%« 14 and 3*. 4& Wltiana a ve,; ring first bell.

VIOLIN, bow aAd uaae. tIO; rIao fine Stradl- varlUR violin and outfit, 926. KILL. IBS

Vr. Prospect a re .; telephone 126SW.

' H ou d io U Good* and FnrnitnroAT Mil. CASH'S. 41 Academy at , the great-

eat bargain houHo In the city tor aecontl- kaiid furrlture. slightly used, for less than half price.UT spscia) for this munth, we have to make

room for mors goods from storage. MB. CASH, 44 Aoademy at.; open evening*ENAMELED beds, trimmed with brass. 6Sr.;

matlrassej, 91 • washstands, 50c. and up; gas healers. 91. HR. CASH, 54 Academy st.

.1VARDR08EK 94.56, coat Vl8: sewing ma- .t-hlne. 93.56; Morris chair, 11.50, coat 916;

parlor table. 76c.. coat 18.60, 54 Academy ■(.DRSHBER. larga mirror. 93-uQ, cost

I t l ; chiffonier, |4 , coat $16: large feather beds, 9*-96, worth $36; rockers, 66c, and

•4 ,

D opABUHENBACH'8. headquarters Aechenbach

dog harneea. leaahea. whips, chains, col­lars. AfiCHENBACH. U i Plane at, nearMarket.BEAUTIFUL toy King Charts* ana ruby

apanl,) pup, (pr i«T« M«on»W»; p,di- greed VON TERRACE Keimela, <41 6tuy- v ^ n t ave,, Irvington, N. J.


d r , h , vandbb r o c b t r __HpaPlTAL FOR DOOB AND C A m ' 12. 14 Orchard rt. 'Phone 8080 M a r^ t

up. Academy at.BtDEBOARD, t6.50, coet |18; Ingrain csrpeL

l*c. a yard: W f# t. 97.^0. cost 919; kitchen ehaJrs, 35c. 44 Academy a t.; open eveningsunLlt 9 o'clock.

ONCJC~~Grand opportunity; cimtente of a Utely-fumlalted home; slmoet new: mutt be

i(m aeparaiely or together; elegant parlor. • bedbbem end .dlRlngcvonm. fnrnllure, -ruga, cut glasa; ^egan i parlor mille, everythihgit k ■acrlfice: chanc* for a codpis starting houae- Veeplng; mn b« aecn today and tomorrow; no deiuya; fliat floor m touth Thirteenth et.AT UR. CASH, B4 Academy don't for­

get the number f l !• right, we have the Jargeat aasortinant of second-hand furniture, sub tly used; ernne mad see for yourtelfMio trouble te show gOLda; free delivery: open until 8BtA U ^irU I, rta maliojany frandtilhsr’.

dock to folni order. Onnxe.

SB Bplioc EOlt

DEFORM yvw buy ytnr furnlttire etaaorheim irr litS H*]*ep et.. tin largut-cnd dMopfOt

•U r, lo SULte, XB'X)* SeMvered Ire*.

FOR SALE, two thoroughbred. cocker span- l«l pupploB, price 120. Addrens Doga, Box

•2, News office, ________

T jpew rtlm and SuppliMRented. ___NEWARK TYPEV

8 Beaver a t

All Hike’* Typewrttert,

Qao block east of Brodd ^ n » « Soori frnai Miikot H.

JOHN KOPYTA. ^85 top wagons, suitable to any bpflns#iB; rtx

top peddlir wagons: seven, carpenter or plum^ era* wsggns; two hand-made top wagon*. #uit- ebl« for honied beer or sny other bualnssaj^one new single Ice wagotK ell kinde of seebiid- hand wagon* and carriages.SB4-8M SOUTH ORANGE AVB.Tel. 7788W Market. Open Sunday naomlngeI AM gclng fo puhihafY eulomobtle: wni «U

8 mare#pM horee; suit grocer. mllltman, farmer or any general buslneti, tnl« le a chance to buy cheap; I need room; call

MR VREKLAND, M irvlMton; Broad or BprlngfleM-ave. j* r s , off Mapli ay*.: come as epon as posilbie, make offer. ___________



ItOa FIREMEN’S INSURANCE BLDG. t e l e p h o n e 2888 MARKET.

ATTENTION — Blockmakora' opportunity: block, sand end gravel hill, Including

building; sacrifice sccount other business; Indspondenf fortune. Jj. NICHOLSON, Lynahiirsi. N', J.ADDITIONAL CAPITAL desired (o incrraae

ihe business of an Al ertlj-le; good profits; partnership Intereat. Addrsse Chsmlcal. Box 38. News office.BIG BARGAIN—Grocery and dellcateseen

store for sal« cheap to quick buyer, on. account of death In family. Address Btora, Bov 10. News office.B.ARBEK shop for sale; three chairs; marble

fixtures; w-orth 11,900; sHI for $800 on ac- rriunt,of I'jOjirlelor having (o leave town; good buKlnets; cheap rent- D. AMME.tN. 51 Bloom- fl**M a\e.B.4RBER shop for sale; two chairs, shop 4iqd

throe chair shop. Inquire to V TNi’ENT TOR- TORlELLO A SON. fl«5 North Sixth al.BARBER SHOP wanted In a small country

town. Address Country, Box 71, News office. _____CONFB<’TIONKRY Store, wholesale and ■ tall bualneiia; landy and Ice .cream-making malerlala; also an outside route, with one horse and (wo wagons; established over (hiny y«ara on the Hill section; retiring from buil- nes!i Address Sacrttlce. Box 33. News oftloe;CORNER confectionery, atatlonery, tobacco

Ktore; paper route; doing good buslnesf; price 9400; five rooirs, rent lao t6B Walnut at.DEI/AWARE Rhartera sacured; most liberal

corporation laws: malntaJn Delaware "of­fice and furnlah directors; every detail a r ­ranged under our supervision; reasonabt* chargee. Delaware Charter Agency, 161 Roseville ave., Newark, N. J.

f e b r l e b s garb , l im o u sin e HOUR. DAY. MONTH


lug. eatmidle;. cheerfully glvau; send postal or AVE„ EAST. ORAN<lE TEL. 1881 ORANGE'phone HVZi Merkel.

nniD'B A u rn o N bcom .Ilf ArllnglOD at., ueor Market

V.'R RUY eecond-hand fuftiliure in large or small loia or anything you wlab to sell for

cash: we pay 35 per cent, more than dealsra or any auction houae; need them fur rooiulng- houet-a; that's why I pay Iht mnat; send puelsl; will t.-a1l a\ nne^: btlelness confldetUial. MB PERRY. 211 Washington s(._______ _

7-ton S-ton 5<ton

Tnu-glng In nr out of town.


1|4 Mulberry trt.Pa cka rd s—Best ami claanesl servloe;

limouelnes; hour, day or week. Packard Itentlng tJo.. 11 Fulton *(.; ’phone 716 Wkt.'

Aatonobilet WantadTORD. lUl'k model T; must be perfect In

even' i-eaned: If not good ** new don't snawsr: give fuU paMhulara. how old, mjhdue.


FUU., VALUE and USB HONORABL7. - .......METHODS AFTER YOU HAVE TRIED «|KiI cash price, to gel any ulteiiUofi. no deal-OTHFRfJ WRITE 42 SOUTH ORANGE AVB.. «rt. Addree# I’asb. Box 2S. News office.OR FHONB 2071 MARKET.______________iT T r^ T T sT T rC m i m u « 'b . InWILL PAY fair prices for household gonds, good running urder aud good puint: elate

office furniiur^: vane for moving and IrK'ked f^n particulars und towett canh price. ..\d-storegc niomB- H- J. HUNT. Btnff. SS7 Bnjad jrera TouMna, B( x H, New* office. Urauge.rt. Newark; warf'iwotns. 73 North FourloctUb ------------ —T]----:—T— —'7 .St.. F aet Orange; 'flione 357d Branch Brook I'M THE OUT who Is linking to buy old cais------- -------- ------------------- ' - - —— I , r burned rara for Jimk purp*)setL i am pay-TO furnish up large hotela and sumrner re- ^p k> )fo0'. postal, or 'phone 50tM>.L

eon*, will pay best price* for furntiuro and MAYKIt HI Day st.. Monlelalr. household goods. LEARM AN.69 B ir^o^d pi, - ------ ------KUR.MTIJRK wanted In amall or large loti;

will poy good prices; send pontal. TS Bruna- wlck at., or 'Phone 470ft Market. _____

AUTOMOBILESASUH ENB A'-H—Headquortere—Aachenbach


Auto flohee:Straps made or real leather.

ASi 'HENBAGH. 84B Plane et.. near Merkel.MAll.NETOP, rll hinds of g<?nerator*. bought.

floM, repaired 'In four hours, strictly guaran- tw<J. magneton transf-'rred from Independent (o dual, distributors and service statloD of siminr, Mkhlgsn and National magnetos. HUi 'HT'B. T4esi 4ftth 8l.. N. T._______BuT7'K. model 16. four-paaaengor tourabout.

\ery fast, wonderful hljl climber, motor JuBt overhauled, all perfect tlree, top. wind­shield, shock absorbers: first offer oif 9»25 rakes It. Telephone Orange 1468. or call .3 Ivy court, g range. ____________

LIGHT louring 'Sr of late inodet «nd goonl nsake wantclT; nmst be In Al fonfllllnri mid

reaeunAbiw J . ' D Nli'HOLi?. 760 Broad *1. 'Phone Market -*371 _w a nted 10 coniniunl-'Sls with no,nnr end

driver hf autoi-sr lru<*l( or two-ton trui:H needing work. Write VAN. 126 MsdtSon ave., FJltiihPth. _FORD runabout wanted. 161* model; In

good i-ond1t1on: mut-t he cheap, spot cartu Addreee Runabout. Box 128. News office.^FOTlD 1UI3 runabout mupit be In gooil condl-

llon and reasonable for cash. Address AuiO, Box 10", Neve officePORR 1U13 tnnring car for cash. A. 8. TKR-

HUNK. :i4 Ufllevllle Rt«.. Blooinfleld. N. J. Tel. 1665 W.w a n t e d , late mnd»*l rofttlsler.

RondHter. Box 12j. News ufflre.Address

A8CHENBACH, ^. " M Newark # hsadquarUra lor Karness.

ASCHENDACH,941 Flans *(.. uaar Uayket

'Fhon* 7*79 Market.b o s e d a ij ; rtibiM fw » *»?. ®'-w*gori call. Oh iusa 1 botlisr with no trash. ! have never lost roy contract, I am ■ never goiiit asfay, I want to inaka m rtt It the bonMl. WEy. ^LW A M M. BLAKC.. 1i T«l. itWflW Orant«.

WATSOtTDUMPIN15 WAOONS A r, tjMd bT. »t1 th» l»Adtn» oonlriotor,. c:»ll Lhd w« mjf mw ,10011 ■. wigon, jotfl on «a*y terms to rsaponslhla people- i* ra , ? o o * ^ Contt, ,t. m" 0. FUBMAN, Afont, 1*1 FAuslh *v».; 'phom 1>6» B. B._________

DANDY 17-room boarding or furniahad room house, all nicety furnished; filled with

steady people; old setahllshed'house. ataam heated: central; bargain at 9^60. Addreaa Inveailgaie, Box 117. News office.DEUGGI8TS lako notice! Grand oi^rtuoltF

In CeJdweU; no store in the mort thickly •sttlad husfoees and realdendaJ section of (owh; beautiful store; 20x75; ready for that purposs- Apply ' ' B. CANFIELD. M9 Bloomfield *V6., Caldwell, N, J.FOR SALEI—Cleaning, dyeing *bd a prog-

parous tailoring ehop; good opportunity for th* r ^ h i party, Hi a desirable location. Addreaa Tailoring. Box 116, News office.FOR SALE-Delsctlve agency; will give buyer

raeaon: established 10 year*; no onargea for good will of the bualneae; no agenti. Addreaa K., 12. New* offlce.FURMIdKED-ROOM house; 14 rooms; al­

ways full; rent 966: 9126 monthly; good tMAona for eemng; full Invertigatloa; alt convaalerues, Addraaa investigate. Box J9,, News office.

XAVB tan head of h o r^ «id ^w yeai* been working ror th* Newark

Expr*,. C9.: Kl! ch»P. M. «nniJ rwiin (o rjm m hopi»; c.11 prices Utt to ITO, a* we want to asll at cmc*. H. -BROW. lOT riane s(.

ALL m ak ^ tiO up: ,l*iffert■Ilea for alt machlaea: repalrappitee 1

rezitala. n and » i aMd on rasy uayrow p« save 46 to TC jKff rant. OEO. M. jU j f f . Acadamy a t , Irawark, N. J-! tal, T>W Mkt>

U.T m,i machiaea; *-»—-i .m l « ld * a H a M ! ^ t

AN Underwood Standard Visible. No. -4 model, abeoIuiBly perfect: 9**1

Uvar for iBagaotion. Address O., B o*''74* New* »f<l6» ^FOR aAJLB-r?99, I Ollrar typewriter; little

oaed-rUM W I w^falB. Academy at., second floor,RKMING'rON NO. 8. witk table and chair,

fi6: alao Uadorwood* late style, chsa^. Cali 966 Elm et-. near Qdlncy, Kearny.TWO new model ijoible BUckenaderfer l>‘pe*

writer*; one Bcieutlflo and one keytMtarda; your choice 916> JOHN 846 Broad at.


BRCWCOS and range horaes; juat received load of the*# horaes. coftsiptlng of single

double drlvirs; some eaddle horeee; leVe Wert or Oninto c .r to Sw.iBB' I4n«. A.

RnJ3<Pia Jr,, » M.ln . t - W ot Or«t>*..BLAtik BBAUCT: m .« ; l<>“ l

llfW cAirlAfii.od udOJ* )ior.« imifi* .m l <rM! ( “ r.n lftrt wund: will

m V uK*- h BIGO*. ,1M Ptrts *+•-. Orinf*. T«l«iilion. »7»J. .IDS Tmr* *®od. Mued, hlihbrrt hor.e; no

faad’.too loti* for Ittm: .ullntil, for irocer. bulOInf of doctor.' KBS2LBH TH* Co.. ttObutOInt’ oT CUtrtQti »v*.WORK Itorm* biiiInMi «**»■*. to him

,U» fiirSlDrt I p . tn o t lw ««;»*•■ C lA t- .t,. N.wwh.

fsK!~~ dwiry »»■

Ip food-odhdt- t 11 Berth Foor-

* w i hMMM tor ■«# Plum Point l.B*.

F n len u tl Fabi a r t Eh U h h

teeiWb rtri- h o r se , market

cbeaiuUy, ■ _______

BOWUHO fob., - i t . 0. U / A.coot chOlp.; o*n M .M to botto* ibfc w*Wi

•llfc iMdcw; nIUloM Mllea*. ^ a i r u k W - M«ta Co- im b i n > , Mb h h

■■_■■■£ : f »!i B t f r t *te«’w ' i apits Mjto^ AM " f ' n*i«. iW tL B llI i l* Co.. 4D CUnloo AT*.

FJ^CTORY' for manufacturing ladlae’ under­wear: 3,900 ft. Boor space; light and airy

work room; fully '■quipped. Address Fac- tory, 126. News office. -GOOD PRINTING: 1.661} bond letterheads.

IH a l t , I1.2S: blUhsada. 91.26; onvslopea, QCrda etc-, II .56.per 1,0*6: M60 envelopee <9M) *9-66: aamplea sent. STRATKMORB PR1KS8, 1ft lAfayetfe at., near MoWborter.1 HAVE some flrit-clasa corner saloons for

sale ehaap. Call on O. B. LIBIEWBKL 20-46 HayM at.lOB bwlnega for sale. Inquire J* B. Mo-

CRACKBM. 166 Broad e |., Newark*KORT is the time to find alptofltable buaineaa

Investment; we can offer you an exceptional aeteetton of stores, nvenuf^lurtng buainener and partnerehlpe in ciiabllined enterprtaee re qulrlng Inveoimenta of 9600 to 125,000,. with eervicea; strictly raliablc proposllloni, ewriy. REEVE ft A8HMALL. 706 FIremeti'a bldg.PRINTING OFFICE for sale, doing a first-

clasa buaineaa, In the beat part of (he city': owner wants to retire- Addrees BOND, Box 41. Nsa's office.PARTNBIR wanted »lth $906; live up-to

date btnrtticen: chsncs for a hustler: with or without aervicea. Address Aim, Bex |16, News oflle*.

lUIS KINO Touring car; perfect condition: run only three (houaand nili***: fully equipped

Bopcli jviagneto, demountable rlma. extra tire, ■elf Biartrr; five hundred dollars. CsJl *i 7 R'esl I’ark st.; or 'phone -7973 5farket. MR. 0-SMUV

J V A J d L W P E R - P A ^ R H ^ ^HERMAN <* CO.

IF YOU contamplete having any palntin or decorating done, do It now; by havir an estimate at tho preeant time you wirin

FOR SALE-^Three-ton make, flrst-ctass condition,

win Hell for 9LS00: new tires. Uned eight months; this ta an enepilonel bargain. Ad- drros Auto, Box 62. News office.LAIIGK rtorc and ba»en-i -n(, 247 Httnk SI,, flire 30x110; tvoulil make a good store for au{oniobil«a end supplies; several hundred auinmobll4‘S Bank »t. dally. paMlng Lhlaattractive location.FOR SAiJe~ on a c co u n t o f DlflCON-


■eve at least 10 per cent.; wa guarantee complete satisfaction In every detail; our

------ ----i I long exptiienca and akllfui workmanahlptruck, eistidarii ( items that count; an InspacUon of our

cost 94.006. rooma at 73 Bank ml., will convinceyou that we have everytnln(( in decoratloiin ihai can be desired; a postal nr 'phone call (42*8 Market) wilt bring our repreeenlative to esLiniate.

PORTABLE garage for aale: Mg bargain;si^e 12x16 Inside; aubatantlal; easily set

up; nine month* old; splendid condition. MATTHE3EN, 19 Highland ave.. Orange, 'Phone 713M.


rLEAHL TAKE NOTICE that Hahtt* ii Co. will sell at public auction all at th* hsrsiriafter TTionliuned goods and cuattelA on the Ihlrteenth day of April, dlhairatt hundred and fourlren, at the hour Of 9 o'clock P. M.. al the warsredm* bf Hahn*A Co., 14 Heix 'y ■*!<. Newark. N. J., th* said sale being held for the purpflae qf re* covering (be amouni of ninney due (he aala Hahiie & Co. for labor and . malerlala be- Blnwed or employed In the repair of said furniture. The animint ilua thereon having reiiiaineri unpaid for the space of thr** months and more since the same beoam* due anti payable, in accordance with th* staiuie of the Slate of New Jersey in such cose mads and pruvidrd. '

The fullowlng is a list of tba goods and thr owuei'N (hereof: ^ _

H. C. DutineH. 76 Valley al„ South Or­ange. t Bofa, 1 arm chair. .

Hoffman. 42 WfHl Bttd ave.. Valisbuffll,J divan. 3 ilde rhalr*. 1 armchair.

Compton, 119 MlUon ave., Hahway, 3 Sid* chain. I rockrr, 1 antiohair-

('ampflrlri. Crane ave.. Caldwell. 1 chiMr.K. A. Crisch. U4 Main it.. Belleville, t

Munihouar, Walnut at., LlvJjigslon, 3 eld*McGregor. 177 Ave. C. Biyonne; 1

*^%?*Kniereon. 48 HMlyer at., urange, t sofa. Grlhblc. 3 North Ninth et., 1 armchair,,r. M. \V>di»n. 309 Frerman sL, Bloom-

fli'ld, I leather vouch. 1 chair, 1 mahoganyHAHNE a co„

By E'slrcs A llpovar. Attdrhey*.'763 Broad al.. Newark, N, J,


W W REID, a u c t io n e e r .Hells loTTiorrow, TUESDAY, MARCH 31.

ronimencin* at 10:10 A. M.,0.1 salBsrooJn. 18 ARLINGTON ST.,

nrtar Market,Parlor und Library a«lts. Library Tabl*i

and ('halts, ('-ahlnsis. Desks, Book- i cases, Hugs. etc.

DIMNO-IIOOM FURNITURE In suit* end odd pieces. Buffet*. Chin* rioaels. Exlerslon Tables, I^eather wfl C3aii* Seal Chair*. KldehosTds. Mirrors, PIclureit Pouches. Sewing Machines. Curtains, BrlC-a- brac. fete-

BEDUOOM FUltNlTURE.UrfHiiers ,nd Ohif(onl»r>. B .m i B«di..

Snrlnrs and Mnltresies, Sliding Coaoheft' Enameled Bods and Bedding, R efrigerator Btovss, 9xl'J Ruga. Carpet*. Linoleum. Oll-

Ma Medium Furniture. Store Fix­tures. e(t-, ____ _________PFFJT’LB^ ~LG,\N CO. f»f.

THE well known H. liasiilflt of ;iin Bank si ha* moved to IIB llflrfford st., comer F lnt

St, 1 am doing first.'lass work in palming, paperhan^ng atid drcoratltig, mason and pias- i0rlng work a speclaU' The only TeJlable and rMponslble insn Jn ih*: cKy. Note the number Ufi Hartford it., opp Hergea at. Eatlm'atss chesrfuljy given. ____ ________

WHY not have your paper-hanging and palot- Ing done now, before we gel very busy 7 We

HKBREHHOFF, small flve-pasasngsr. Bosch magneto, full eQulpmnnt. will b« sold at

auction. Thursday, April 2. 10:30 o’clock, private sale dally. Auto Auction Exchange, 211 Halsey si. .

_______ , L verycarry (he newest waUpapers of the finest de sign: will guarantee to oo your paper-hangtng and painting, flrsi-das* In every reap*** at the loweat price*: catimatea furnished- Ckil

a. COHEN.261 UARKET ST._________ Te) 6980 Market

BIG WALLHAPER SALIl.Blaake. 2Wc. - gilto. 9o,. areboaaed. 74^,;

two-tons art vebur* for Iftc.; vamiahod tUoe-- -------------------- t24i7.: papering rfF-m* for 93, painting at

AUTOIBT—Overhauling, repairing: eetl- prices. M ROTHOUBE. 9 South Orao|*matte given: towing In of broken cara: we . •]] ^f,rk guaranteed. 'Phon# 7g2lU fk .

alao buy. sell and exchange, Newark Auto -----Renatr Co . J6I-I96 Haleey it/; (el. 31 Ifkl. HA'V'B the urigtoal 8. ROPIN8DN, 201 Mul-—” — -------------------------------- - ------- —" berry s t.; room* papered, |8 and up; paintingAT;T05IDBILES of evtry description wanted and decorating work i t lowSalpricea; all work for OUT Auction Sal* ev^ry Thuraday begin* | guaranteed; eetlmate* glv«h. Tel. 8763 Market,

US*JACKSON small seven-paasenger: Ruttenberg I eaUmaies chrarfuHy alven. WILLIAM GDJ.D*

motor; will he sold st auction Thupwlay, TrK'rux’t. on av#.: Wavarlv 24Sf>.

jell a( (iill.M.! BUi'tlofi all utir*flMn.*4J M em i«fi over on- year, on rueiday, March 31, 1914, a' 10 A, M nl VAN fGZNAK'9 auction Tooms. 42 south OTange av«. M. O. EMMER-



$250,000for moTlgage loan* In Now Jaraay amounie to suit. prlBclpal* aim brokers send full property. Address L. B., Box 169, News office.




April 1 l0:3b o'clock; private sale dally Auio Auction Exchange, aftl Halee.v st,juJTO TIRK EXCHANGE. maniifaciUTers of

double tread (Ires: nlfo new and MC<ind-hand tlree In stock: we pay 614c. lb- for old tire*. 226 Halaey S(.; tel. 9176 M arkat,__________

AUTOMOBILE OWNERS, ATTENTION! Algto colls and magnetos repaired: all work guaranteed. Ignition Coll and Magneto Rf- pair Shop. 60 Bani^at.. Newark,FRANKLIN small flve-paasanfVr: flnsch mag-

nrto; will be sold at suctlosi Thursday, April 3j 10:80 o'rlortc; prlvtle sale dally. Auto Auction Exchange, 281 Halaey *t.RTO four-oylinder. five rasnengar; will be

sold at suction Thursday. April 2. 10.80o'clock: prival* talc daily. Auto Auction Ex­change, 181 Halsey at. _________SIMPLEX eevan-pssMnger, to be aoid at

auction, Thursday. April 2, 16:90 o’clock; private oals dally. AU(o Auction Exchange, 291 Halaey et.VELIE, flve-posHnger. will be sold at auc­

tion, Thursday, April J. 16:30_ o;cl(M'k: private sala dally. Auto Auction Exchange, SJil Halsey it. ___________

mcSARKXtiLE cpporiunrty lo r«Dt »t a r t r y low figure a factory, e lth steam power, suit­

able for any hasfnees. ^all St 41B High gt.,K. J , _______ •

RHRTAtniANT for uK . U A " *lldin). «)UAp' to quk-k buvw. l i t Hul-

b«riT «t._____________J______ ^VAt/KItlKaniraM' wortlniltlM - P w n irInrilo « n » r . •Alans: buaintw Innclij tu n y

.............................. .........

WAMTKD-Ali ' lit* thinc

tow W lw y.“T lA m >iL rsi A o o „ K iu m m WaMagtaA,

e u IhiBk of Km.f ym VMIOU wrttt tor‘ "BW to Ott fo a i — “■

A 00., SMot At.

I/O ZtER , • I -p A w n » o r. forodoor, s tw ly p ain ted an d overh au led : M hft be M id a t ice; m ake offar, ^Phone 716 M kt-1 i l Ful«once

ton at.b rear.BOSTON Tech. School of Newark; redeots, law,

medlcai. engloeerlng, prep.; prlTste tutor; |iAntiii,'riraw4>Ft day or aeoplaf, 2ftt BaU*< riUft tw .HUDSON. 18U, roadster, will be sold at auc-

non Thursday, April 2, 10:|D o'clo^jjhri^ats gale dally. Auio Auction Bibhange* w HaJ-■ey/ st. _____ ■ ______ ■PAClCARD« with two bodlwa. good con^-

tlop. 2 extra \lree, wUh domoiwtaW* rtniA 'Fhorkb 116 Market* Roar 11 INii^ bat. _____’STORAGE battartea aad wohfnringjw* rtkj*

RNTIIAL. Bd Sixteenth ave.; Wavarly 24S8.THE BROOKiTyN w a l l p a p e r CO.

will paper rooms from 92.50 up: painting and kaipnmSnlng done st vary rsasonable prices. Betid poatal or call a t S71 Bank et.________FREE estlmatee cheerfully glva^ on dec­

orating and painting; hJgh-grada work; low prioes. 1. MEYER, room 680, Esaex building;, telephone 4646 Market.WOLPF A IRVING. ,

and papering: eatlmatee niahsd. Office. I l f Washington at., Nsw srk.

painting, decorating latea chaatfuUy fur-

MAKHATTAN Deooii : Co,:, to). 7918 Mkt.papering rooma 1186 up; Minting* tL75;

outride work. J. LBVIMa i f e Eouth Orange av-PAINTINO. paperhaagtng; loweat priera: aU

woik fuarantiedi g w b»* a trial.WEISB, m «o. Orafig* ar.; te l 1217W Mkt,

& REUA11LE pMCOlUTlNa UG- _ pwr rooma, ufLl « Unootn avfb. Onaget tel. 40w. if, WAT

HAVM TOUK h o m e F IX U a Beat grad* work,

SOFF, l ie Faafaloa a v * ; to l H lb Waverly.FAPRA-HANOtNG. W.W up;

Inslda and oulride; JJffk gaarenWed. SMd postal. DAVE AHONOWrrg, &4 Jonea st.fl. FISHER CO»—W# do panting _and P*P*J;

hanging a t iwaaonabla pricea, Inquira^ 168 frifoic^ ot-i ..............

IH STRPOIO NL tSfB SfllTH« bx m jts HBooi. o r UANaoMW

)M Wdlbun Ifwwai. 8*m«iiluuABjUo^,•<• •Cbool or O. r . A u b nPKCNCH, OMmM. WAOUfc lUUblli U tta

getoot of. ¥Alats.. Coot Orange: oMCSOl <w reildoao**

MONEY to lo»n on ftrit and gage, aume to ault, at H BCHECKNER. tenth floor, room *006,

Union bldg.; 'pftone 378 Market.___MONEY to loan on'first bojid and morig*M

In arnouma to suK. submit Ybur catlona: quick srilnn aaHured, ta il JOB. II. BVRNK CO.. M«i Broad st._____ -iioNEY™r^~l^eM for the ^ l l d l n , » ; plnri, 'urnl.Ufd; Alia ^ Im jl for aac-ond moftgKgpa. HYMAN tiARmOb 21 Bodth Orange ave._________ 'tSOO Odd 'TO LOAN on bond and Bwrtgsgt, \M

turns to *uli et 5 per cent., without Raa^ EWARD S. black, counseto?. 820 FfudsntiaUmoney to loan on first, aeuond and build*

Irri and loan mortgage; quick aetton. BDWAftD a BfiaSMAN, 811 Union bldg;money to taan on first and oecond niorinM;

any amount; red* eetate bought and o o llB ,

Lo a n s w a n t e d - r e a l e s t a t ecent, on

i ^ e s ^ ^ tf ir s t nfortg'ige, $5,000; 6^ per can*, on

property worth 9i0|D00; good In^esUnopt for SKlate; no deduction allowed Box 32, Now* office.$15,000 WANTED on aecond r n o r tg W . ' '^

Broad st. property; centrally locAtM, lor a lArm of three yeara. Address'Broad, Box 43, N«wa qffee. ___MORTGAOBI) monay wmotKl fn™ .

perrv large or small amount l prlnelpaia Call gj 'eiinton tt,. ro o m ^

PAT __Ctwfwl on to*B, of l » o“!f_ fwo weak! from d*W a t J r OMR PRB SBnjL ? r~ON BOMB OP IK

Two pot OWlt. M »----IJOWIMI n r* l i« m o l^ J»W*

•t lb* old rellwtio c , , C. BI, "J S i 19 C E D A . .OfflCA houro, 8 A. H, to If*. i*l Partial payments acceptoA o*:


I Iq m .wFIUVaTE lutorliw. OermAn. Latin. Rbc- OrfUilBd br

. ■


r e i t s o N A i

k .« b » «(v« th»t I «Tii "'•n-

PIANOS AND O R C A N ^»rv'£'.l»0 TO »).«,

o r ouK- " i . .V. »r 80VJU

OCm V W t«« lb* Cuurl 0lh*M In lb* M>unlT iSTbilrJ.

4W. Arm 1. or « - r s J “*!rG'S{!r--'- ■!mHW BTUBtiNVOLU

V^dTro’ln'.tni". KlndJy " l b " .;0NNBl.l.V, J OUd.lon. *VOn. W*W*Pfc. M- J

AMAl MilchelK 3< Houlh Or*o*«I X U . Woiilonory„„ .1 Wollitr Co», All IjHI*“ jw tt r t Blmoo, : ' l 2“m“ik c a r U S Javft ffttin lUl*. ANNiB

IluiUrOa u\IA Jvi.. - , .fiv% 4*yi rr*»n

W i? MBirUrt ot m 8l»ie«nih 1 ]^«* iht Clilwdnniiin 0»t«- AH ».T*dl*ori

wn. bi«<»- '"'-"'yeKjAMiN r b iS T t..

i i JiinlK'. Hlmon, JI1 Louri *t..* S*'® MORRIS KOTll._TO whom ti m»)' »in.»rn: '^’’o «[■'" J* ” h 'v l

'n un4«r uoiitrkcl »lll be (lb-a s a briuiiyiA r haaseINTORiaTWN nAmM

*fT . . ea « ir-le rt I iiainnpf LAbio HoRerer « »er*t. wbo iw tr"'" "■ •(.. NoMrh. R')<D Kew» *fllct. _

LAbli Hoiierer or , , p,nniiifionVnf’nrm.ilon. Bb«

|j i* l vnrji/ ” *7. j. i j l* % u y -

TBR«S. ■

" “ ' ‘ to BUT HURK. ouTi KXfc'fcJNHl'-'8 AKfcJ •

P* TMu5 V /^ ‘nb'^ mV'L a r ';? ' w u b k .II 8pr1nJ p 1KU? BVKN1NOB.

Ill' nPt*0

'n £ " f c 'o c b ' r r i - ' i X ‘'^ror**';*%^.T^^.'’'.Ti.*' .lV «nei.., . v . r n h j n i ^ c o j j -


niAI. iAKOAlNb

niib. ;;;# , « - n , r ,fio-tou *'nol®f- “L‘‘*Vo %r ' p "•jif .;;n s’nn:?K r.,.;trt“c ■r.n.'Uill., u to t B W,; v»inll*tlni mooniuer*

t ! .r“ N“ j'"T»r.phon. I*LAnrf«nL-i i( .UirktL.

iw d Siorjr t CUrk merlr o - ? ‘''.r® ” !!;*''’/ ' . *llktt T1#W| Ivh Of *1*)' 9**** | 1E TO 1-00 KKUUOT J.*NJiu h or rw r p-rmem.

■lory * ClirV. »iyle *• »»• ! i i :

i hVi'o !« :" • ' ^ ; E i - u i "S J I ; A oikrk• » i S ? ^ ® s S a : * A !

hRri.ffroBf « ulabkm halsb^ T iiJ ' ' ^ " _____

L'TRRB o n l t .■pfi*' “ / OU.PQR CASHBt?fiiB«w Cpr\«ht Plen«.DtVoll Oom lliwry <||rnu-

UMVKBBAI-. .ebopert, pie Here. •p.aiti end htnd mllllinUllln*. ei*«l

lllS rin d SlIlM. mlndl. 'irill.. .dr.* M-

iliTJ.r bellliw. h.n»er.. then

IV N, |»> WONTMU .bell, 'ii It. lot. *11 <“

led; H Boutli Twenllelh ii ,m tr CfDtnl nu# fininp. T ru<

rrd «ir««t;li it. -JH ft !•><■

iied: eJOR* fo •f*tluo. IW*

TvH'ifVmuy.’ MwTilih f-nih

Jill MullVM) OiborDP tern

MifOO 'l**.* .repel" ll>■l l« •, enlrenree endTwuftiDlli', nintuti HI1Tiro fiialiT.'l!*er*)niiB' Ri" Nnrili 1000 1111

all ImproieineiiU. ,!im«T hree houere . en li*tri ri • ' ""y U*

el ibov* iddrerere ii_„,r.JOHN H in N' A '? / 'n lir rTop btinr ITn nirii ■ hullrllli*

HIUMI.ASD AV*, STA'ITOSi. U n llllttl. cUirm “ 10. ^oo trf b«oei loc.llon l>d tlonel; rl.hl roonie. ttiree tutbi. hird»“o4eleira, lee. eleclrielly; '7 , ? ' I Ju*",...-.^1*1. nrnnr'rtt rOClplilR I*

n r i n u l « to EiitOroo.1 Uerot. M imeei •*».. Boet Oriotr-

iinwii'. property ronplrlei,j:W!ii briibi, 7""j .“®%‘,r u ; ‘| , J ‘ Bn>t««itb|p offer r-ut^rtilnwl. BLAU>EI-T. u: : » ■ .nuolBrick

nmrrti NUtlon. Bi«t Uriife.fjVaiHAHl-B boun. nine j-oome end b M locRtlon, n«ir ■**** *"'-f'£*-*’S *HAMrL' wood flioTi. E\>W. R HAMl -T, *6 HfrudwR’ton a I-*0. Sew York; oppo-Hillf *tellon, Orifif*. leicpbow* M . _____

Digiil jurili W 1 M___

j*miU I’tiib pM>niriii "i"l «**y.houee of the I'celS h e - l■*^ I'eUi'f Uellln.- hen.ere.ES-rfSK^^-ARii* MR lA n ra u ib b s o puuJiey


term* will buy .h« hiindiheeonetrilttlon end riiH' Sla locEled on plot I " 'l l " *"d “ L " " I e j":„nd lenenta; inuri '(..a

fiiliil inr MnP nnilI mnCR of i-ompeny'I li’ihtcen rrni.

all, uranie.

Red BeakttS’O RANK N .1.—Tcn-prM>m mi^trn home.

M I0a:«l; fro". •'<•■■: >">* w*<er b « i ; Im-mldlolH poueaalnn. Addrea. 17 Rector pi.

VKRONA—Fum lebcd or unfumlilnod, leii'rdoaa bouM. Ill 4c*lr*bl* e»1d«n< * etnci;Dtof fruit, etc.: immedUt# pwMMpM. rent

S S d e ra f i A* M. Q R lv rK S . •vd..Verona.CHATHAM- fomlaliinl Inwaee for ™®* *" '5 ,^

tier HPtaoq; unfuruUticd byWAHU U. LUM, 4SI Prudctttlal bulialPf.

NEW atora to lai; auKaWab ar: la a a lac tnc . w ata r. toHal.

10 B ruen al., naar f-a fa y a t ta at. i ren t t i *BTORB -elth «hrbe roonie to lot. for >**r^

or Bboemeker. «:» Bl.bieenth •»*.. «"■ Nineteenth at. ____________ .

PUHNISHED cotliKa forull Improvementa. Inquire R. GRIMBB.



Upper MoatcUir

« • E " wLHBlJdT. nelcl.rnekrT. le'f 3,h-f|.r. end Mr». iJd'r.a A

lid’ MtrBai at- ^ iJ lv a ' ~bfiurhl the but*ln*-‘*a tif ' l5o^»^*P^?*y end Produ.v CO.. « Mechanic

ami .lot b. 7..1-n-bl. t..r et^ < tbHr dabta. _______ -J<3SfON 4 HORTON, N®''*!"'* taolnaoa brrihare here itila rtn> ajujacttoriwy. ai.tloiiary end cigar eiora for nfglk WOLF, ua Hentbonie ere -

FT* ilool Coyeri Tunln. a n d ^ ^■rand-iw*,^;” "

DIraci Iron' factoryCASH,.-.- ..•■::■■“ ■*_riae, M Boh. and Moai'c Cever. T.0ing and fiellvarr.

baail ,_ ____

FAT A Si'ljW letbe. lOid, *lib • -^dSu'R '.°t» '^wmriee n't.. Namark.

ri,u..k, I'orke

S,“ ..'!!i'‘i^ld h^ Toi."dai'” !iin. ;i*.v M.rktl *t : j ^ _ j. .n, jinrral -Hilnl flo"»r. _________ a------- bullil on* of th» n i - ‘ ^

’l^^ta'.* 'H 'altloj.'lj^rno^^ V x n ^ tl’NGE j S’.mS^a m^fliodrrhcHireVni'o.hTr^ M «

ELKO R1C._ k,,. rlabl 1 BIVO.^TII ST., -'li Une-fnmllyi.nli. heal . all lateal

mt^tra. Ws II Impia. *x-

UH <i. ala* !i*J( dnub!»® p<irrhae.

ryltsaae, yanlTld** piamj 'tnrnlahed. ala" ..1..■ family hou.r. t family him**,M*cn: money irieurti rur hig. KAPIaAN

I contractor; I

bi u.dinii I.IIT isaaoo ft.. A*®’*"'’*.',,®''!;'1 nri*r Montclair; improvement*. 136 ft. friiin M VOl.KAKRfR. tOl «<- H">'®® roa»1. Muhiclair HeUhls.

Furrilehie4 cottage* for r*nt for aeaaon of 1H4; Uel on r*qu«t.

Call or a<ldra«e NBIL K. m il l e r , to* NinthOppoelte R. K. Depot, •phona 64Q, ________________ ■ . ,-r

BTORB to lei, 2'iti Central ave..Lock el. YllCNDL & GAN8. Beaex Bldg.

8TOHK With four roonw: good bualneai wc* lion on Ferry «t. Inquire SlH berry at.

STORE to let: t&m Fifteenth ave. Inquire In liquor atore. ______________ _

gpRlNOriELD AVE., «4. Junction of South Or- aaic are.—1b A1 Imutiou: good

of buRlseM. Inquire A. PIBCH, o*'Mr, 800 Broad at. ' _________SOCTH ORAMJE AVR.. dOtS—Horc with tbm

bright adlololiig rooiue, belli, Itnprovemeati. Apply WILLIAM H, BTKAUB. OT HuDt*rdon »t.SUITABLE for butcher, vegetable*, barber^-

Parlt ave. and Fitteanth ei,. Bast Oranga; rent IH . Ownar, 111 laabellk ave,. N a* 'a^

-Bungalowe, flv* roorne,

3-miHlrl h‘>uH* ‘Sn

(Hire i-oei: "f S Houib Tviclfth «1.

F.^.'. t'ANN, IC nfii^nanlck_elj^^I_;^7®7'_T VTOUN# R * f* 'f l5 2plANil TUNlN"

Wanted—Men i« join ma u®"®',‘'Tl'j:5"n Club; fine aqulymentl »g iiiaai lu^

iketTUiiuPluate with *J. n H iits .son. LJummuiUcate *1,.-,-^ r « v a Hotel. CeUar^Lrove, S . J . _______

W A N T S b— Good hotiti for gondwMlItil to w ork , eleven

t K Plan* Hf., Newark.raaommemtedggkra old.

h Z no runlng'rep«»ring, aclloivorUera pmnipHy Mktm an . «d Munlfoinrry .1,, phone .t» iw AIM.

West O r«n|«COAT home, on mounlbth.ld.: h l* ^ Bee"b-

till h.rielne; ceay larma; why t* r rent, n .. O I CRBBH. gilt Flraman’k Bldg-


*}uhy*furn'ieti'od ' nll’ 'mprov™anjaj_^<M rnln-MiVrmm bra-'h now oi>cn for mepeotlan: pro*- « ”,u a V m™ M. srHt-'CK. Boy IM K;;.".-

' •• . or -.CIM Niirfolli >r., Newark. N.. J

BIIOF for rent, brh.k bulldog; Ik Ten Buren at., near Murket at., for any pur-

tiure. N .; .es3i.


I WANTED to T**t email store with three----- ------ - K-thdi ■ rooms; must l>e gCKhl for grocery end con*

The Brick Hou.n, ten rooma^ind^wo b«t|i|k (jt-iKwer^ Addre*. Ik; AJjbot.fonl » « .all Improvemotua. flrelBruBThl-Ba ia«». ^Rruad It • rent only WO fwr month . , - . Eiruao j i . . rpii I rooms end balhi

'* %di Dw-kJi-


AT’'A8iu nY CARK, N. .t -Two ’’"“W!,®,*"*Ilo,in l...«l l.eb' 'Ji'i:' .™.mcco"’ ‘room.. Ihnroughly nindern. el"Jf® ilSlfl.V.. ■'<«'; to eult, O.mSKill.K. .Vahiiry fe rk. N. T


............ t % iL E V K N T R ST_


OltUET. I2S ___ ve. PhoneFermerly with B r ^ b n ^

j,V.llanl mehoeany uprlyhipiano. t<j.


lu im tH PtrMMtbH PEKCKLLs n Broad ei.

cor, W »i Pbtk ti.SpaclaJIal In

Hl.'lilAN HAIR.Flaaet QualUlea Only Bofi, w avy. Luatroua

•ujd ' In naiural color nayirnayad, un iraatad In

’.lajiy way.Thia la lb* only houaa In the cl.y Imiiorting lu own hair good..All tha sawtan Pirla and tymdoa Idaaa ard ahowa hare wblla lhay aro Haw

n tH r tm m ia In Manicuring. SbainpH ng. I H alrd reialn i.

dng. iriclbl MkiBAge._______w lni. „ ,

Cblldran’a H glr-cuttlng * Specialty.


E" UCRjr HUSON____lUKDATC ib.TO i.

TH it:. NEW TORK f'rrr.

■ any u lie eve.

’iboTi*'”4 ^ T _ '^ re n g e .*

fo r SAlIw^Pelouhel A J*®,""" ' ’‘ 'lypeds.1 n rgsn ; *'eo lady e b icy c le . '* ry


pedal nrae .. i®h»ap. to TIan*HOUARR Plano. In perfec t condU ien;

f if ty V ictor rernfde. A ddrese P tano . Bo14, News office

PlABW iw l Ot|BB ' W u l tdWANTED 'l/prtght pl8lw,for

■how; an} ctmdlllvn* etiU prlc* n first 1*1- L.t,«t.*fhia Id. Newi . oLfk-e_

nrid*e: raeb nr time, ' ^ U r 'c T enfr^rU.b ■ r huv"2i'‘rr"rl*m % " 'c . ;^ B c « l rAnd M.M«r 2AA H a l e ^ ^ W«^,ax-ip i®T 11 I' rwrfFle ^nglii*rtM': J- n . fkiKTil niliing m-t'


bTlrkhouee. seven rnon.i - - .irw.!An,r.;rV;nd n ‘«v'm. .. ..


FRSU . TFN n™ . houae," all Iniprovemenla .(earn Bi^yo.MF'IKI.D—liarge ntnrn lo la l; good for I ™ictrl.. Ilghis, largo r«rch aod lawn ,, gu„dn. Hhoe auire. fiirnHuie; "c r""'-' .hare trc « I 'W « 1.,- p.Mtlo.t; Aood for nii> bu.lne... ,rcnt l i t ;

iho Form Hill accilon. near

amell monthly pojn.n.i". . '"i’lim iin-■ iiffh-a » HONK, ownara, nrrmon a l'ii"'"ng. oiri a,,pen linin ) 1> M. "''•'■y doy^_____

*:h*> Plan* ■« N*i*‘ark, N

Michinery W inttdWANTKp.. v r .'l .n d■«* eng'"- ‘ ................. While

Vhiiper: mak* price *ndAffilrepB ilarage, lIiO South

FROM BROAIl FT ’ ^','T ,: r-\S?c| V * A V b’'

TLJ FriAKllA nhllgatlon must.■ctt..; i t onr. newly pelnted, dacoreled „nd fu'niahad. »!« “ triv. nilliutcn from "'*"'n*';T‘tnn tIAHOl DISxiOO, worth i;.t.00; »*ll HAROl-t;.R. BANCROFT, I'pper Lnd.L'xk*. N, V



with Of wiihout ffarsg«’ 02. Newe office.

Address 'b,,. o®* ■’®"’*®Forest, w a rQ -nry Htore.Inquire in

.ISO'. .14*Q-il6GOOD corner elore; fine posHlon; iJlenwqod............... l . 01ave. and Lackawanna pHloomlleld; rentwenna depot, Bl-ANCHAltD & PltU L,

ippcelte Lacks' rent | »

U1oomft*id.10 r o om s and bath, laundry, only-

t rix>me. bath. j.V'P)*'• u,',, ' ' tin ■ room*, ell Impta.; C J ‘ ' iio lissa ri’knme all Irnpte.; Hill eecUon. - - -**v **o ----PSTitculirB. see ORHEN. *»0 Firemen e ^ g . j^rroRt. n „ h cellar. i:Se Glenwood-------- --------------- — wi.h .»«hu tnr av* Bloomfield; newly ilecorated; reiiL■ 'V lghfV .™ r".™ ''"w egr.h :iiI' S t ' V v . Apply HBANCHARD ^ P.UCB, Bloom-and large gardm; r*ni rraBoneUle. _.tpvly. F. field.H M'»iHM.tNN. <lrn\r avr., Blndmifleld. N. J

it end BlgumfUld

Tdi-'t'iiTiK'Junr 1 1 vould like lo iw"**,«chen*. for aomc. dMlrehlf hulld-WASHINGTON ST,. .'.IMe-El^f rMm*. h ^ . hMl: ell ‘niprovomcnla: thul.a ce titraM ^

S FWKiMS, over elor*. tmliebl* for "ff*' **____ — ; uih*r l>uaJn*Bs; lAatkewumia pi and Glen'Eight iroomia bath; ' mnml av*.. BlooiTiflel<l; r*iil tlS BLANC rl-

• ■ ■ - ^ PHIf’E. Tiloomflelclid'fme. a 1*11 ■■Aiaie; ,. iry. my thre* well rented

PMALIa housw and »'nbl* Owm-r tW'- FtfifinU^ H'.t' —

N«|dt (.-hesj*. ihn*r. of Its main iho^ughfurea. Maiiufwf

b u s in e s s n o t ic e s

n r DEB * CO.C*rp*» »n« ruga of overy KindAf itiuiL. vermin ah€ moths, ny>ermln atiA

aur aV»»»T1 a-l»»ar. — »Mads over relaid sad stored.

t e l . m MKT. U MECHANIC BT.

\y cisartd of dusl.•ur dtSBWi Cleaning and V ^ u m Proceaa. ansi MtAPaW.

PATENTSand trnrle'n»arki;

at., Phlledalpblel.uunaLsij " ,i'‘ ' tnvefttlcins tradsmarbi

ppTirpVrig"!*'?®*"!*ana om'yf’S"®"- ..*4 u.rketFirenirn'e hulld Ing; tel i4M Maraetj_______

REAL e s t a t e FOR SALE— ROSE­VILLE__ __ _ _ _ _ _

H*paralP hteam


■ IKhla. "Frthealer and entrancfs, hatha, hreullfiil d^;iirHl|,iii, GEaRiiB E,

,u ,hr f in d re.ld.n,!al ! '•« of Will ecu tor ainall . imOUoI of cell end IM 'lieiin'e It, jol.e i'::'"&iK;

REAL e s t a t e FOR SALE— OUT OF _ _ _ _ _Arliafton

HEWAnK ROOFINO CO.. 1 Cotl»I« *•■ lo have your root ropelred

IIIToofa kJid put on now roof, end guirenlaa wwtcrtlghl tor ton yawrei.wo ^ h«at_ ea-ol.elluin"aleallc ptint in»do; old, worn-out

C « ^ .rk t .^ ? n .F » r worb 0*471.".,?.?

A BICHARDS. P*'*"' ’'®* 5”'‘ fiireign paieots. trade-r . S ’ hl3".?X 1il.hid'^A5"^Tol. iW jtk .^=••■ ‘KthiN^T^R^Df *_____RRf>AI> AND MARKET STS. ^


■ ‘^ X o rS u rrh l’ n"aW;;a of heerl. KIdneya. atomKj.

you the coot.

t f tpm ' dll---bliMer " rt^6 a \ff hmite i to 4 P. M. AM

Kfci'W IKRBRY Roofing and fiarpentering '•-Ot will do ell the work on top of your

,lao '^ ts tey And Friday mora*P. Van aiM Tutsaay anq rrv U U. OCftce ckieed iuftdaya

V ^ .ik:* i“ . en?.*rt I*®


c k iropo d ist .UM U S. SIIBUT.

JMNa-FAriALMiss "iSSrictt*

■ CJUygK Bt!' 'PUGN'S Min

having U' refinlah your alKer- * rasa bedaleade,SAVK «non*.v by having U'

I lW ;m W new* "y llil^T in Tha'mVLil l[n. S lliu b ld Lid tlc lA d V l “ parlor e l ^ r poUah " " ™ lienJ. Write , ®hono M «.

ick’WARW NIl'KBiL PLATINO LXJ-,M end « Welnut •(.


APPRAtSAb-S A spec ia lty .JH CLINTON 8T.

SArRIFICE^H.hdh^m.^^prlje.enlB Itii'luiTft ateam h*ait ’healnui at-.

and garret; Improt • ‘ • — ilmItig; plot 37x1

Arilniton; al*• enm Itli'lasking |H.70<';



forji.HN H DLNN a «0NS. «men'e building Offlr^ open until D P. «•


RK31 PENCES for two famine* and Wia; alao

Ilis-nNE MONTH KRKB.N'nv high*r1aaa on* finiUy hrUk noui*

room., tiled betb; evrry m.ulrrn 'r"fr®'*'“®?7 i halt niluule fioili 'tlona. Room SIM. WIsa bulldlnii, Ne^erk. _ _

niuE MONTH RENT FREE Breutlful cmc.Iemll> all room houae. e.ery

miMern improvemenl. resfrlclpd aertkm ; rentpvr niftnth. Inquire 450 NuMh T'V'elflh ai.,

Newark, N J. ________

__ _ , p lurnher:I BlontiifleUl. r-nl f l l Apply

liT A PHU'E. Bloomfield

STABLES, ETC., TO LETI F I R S T -C L A S S hua li ieaa p l u c . co rn e r ffprlng-

f l e l a e r e . e n d Hroonnn a t . ; froTit e n d In- t e r lL r n ew ; h e a e n i e h t I n . feet h ig h . In -

Iterlor new: haaemenl

nn. T.HHMArHbll

CT.lFTnN AVK., 21fi. near Park ave.-- Manslnn. 13 large, tlghi. a*7 room*; all

Improvementai ateam heat, large plazaa, lawn: laundry: rent $50 per month- Inquire on prernlaea. ___________ _ __HOi' sB of aeven roomi on North Broad it

i*i-faiiii1y for nne family: buslnea* orly: farma and loin for otbar

■WE CAN MATCH IT, Ilrirk_rhureh,.St^^

810 broad PT.


RFAL FSTATF AN tHNSCBAN^.loans on BOND and ^m ortgage.


HolKiken. ____rm'nutiTON N .1 —I'oMage of six ri'omS

■Tid bath:menta; n*sj- ^WARD A HTRONil. Hrt ____ARl'lNGl^N N .1 -Hp to (late rfUtaae; eight

m i™ all bnst nH gb ^ jrh ^ :f4,2tw liberal terma. LDftARD A STHOMj. mb Mldlaahd ave.


AmpereFOR SALE—Nliia-room houee. will, e"J™ '

prnvemanta: dlrert from builder, m etBell et once; riser Ampere Station N. J. A1 dreBB Quick. Bn, 71. Newa offl l*.



TELKI’HONE USl m a r k et .ST.


MIMtKy $■ k ■i’item of tnedlMna: dlataaea Are trgg t^ mainly by nmnlpuUimna in- t l i i l l U reatore mlapiaccil parU of the iS G r M tH*t iha natural forcea. being un- SS m icted . may ckra; all diaeaiea tr^^ed. ifflirpTOW, riglatarad oattopaih, 1501 Fire* . lmlt41ng; meralurt fre* _ _ _ _ _ _

^ ^ 'y C e ? ^ ’ ■^U^*kRLh^n.'b1lS .t?*‘H*‘a 'fB’AllVwEIN, tmifltir, Itti Peehin* gv*. i w .

£ \ n “ i’mr.iirA.cTm"Sid:i;!™i^

“ MTHON W. MOHRE; , , , . nh REAL ESTATE INSl,r a n ;

^ RKOIiTCRCD MIDWIFE,K M , o i i j w i l BRANpTi^_iaj__Mulb*rry itCORNER MARIaBT-

D A P tn ' PRIVATB NUBeiNp. lllO Il-C LA iS EXPERIENCE.--------- a-, .m«<m

MAfiOV work plaeleHiig; amoky chimrieya a ■pdrially: guaraaiemS t® filean*'!. top u bottom. I2 a flu*- JOHN

REAL K ^ ’5^n‘ F f i{ » R A N C E . REAL f,(,,,_j;t.TIONfl.

as--10 CLINTON « T . _______ _

e ig h t bo om s, «ith Jn"iit:gee end elfclrli.. herdwoud flDorB,_nll l_tt_

ALL-YEAR country home, ^orrlatown dlttrlct, h g,h Ml«vailcn. leii acre*: all klnda iiuii,

flower* * larg» lawn; fin^ shade: houa*. f^ur- teen roira*. three betha; oleetn ®!®‘' niHrafc larK* plaMa*: barn and oUtbulldlhgB Miifflpioni; thU 1* excepilonallym $32f)Oii; oth**« at lowir prlcea. aome wiji

Lyona Farina, oppoalte Wtequahlo Perk; allImpruvpmenla. Inr'mniMR.

ateam, etc. InquireA. I*. MORRIS. tW North Bioad at.

PL.ANB 3Te. 1S8—Ten rooms and attic;large yard; rent ISOO per y*ar. aultable

for furnlflhed rooming houae. Inquire VAN HORN Ma Warren pi, ___


APARTMENT, IT.a l.mluuo»"«® ®Y®._ " ■ "e(:;Vtnrenti for Ayill nnd M'OI Ltnil ■ 'e '

MKbtr oulaid^. comnirlable rooma. Ul*d Wh. ai} nir**iv flnlthcd' Dl*niy ot htat end hot wa

ae.vl« ""l®"® ■’®"''®''ter;phone 54|4 Mkta p a r t m e n t . Warren at-, bel'iw-I.ghl. cheeiful room, ai.d t««'>latest con-

MYRTLE AVE.. 4ft—Nine rooma: all Im- provomenia esccept heat, newly painted- imediatA DOiaeaalon; 128. OBO. E. VANImmediate poafeaaion; 128.

DYaNE. 18ft Oratige »i.

ren^'fSmL'bct or,/m;urn^ahed^___-Slimmil. N. J.

E C. HOLMES Agency.

LINCOLN AVE.—Seven-room bouse and attic steam heal, all improvementa; rent at ft per month. Inqjulre on the premlaea. 31 : 1e*c.Teen$33 per

I.incoln ave.BERGEN ST,, fill, f"^ doors from (’llnton

av*.—Kla large room*, laundry, all Im* ift; moderate rent. Apply bakery,

ball room, separate r*!ventem,ee: Janitor Hervlre: *V,

and '; in Mih-t, . 1 •,ulriutc» Horn Brof.l "* "* { ’"(jl.. nml uunlngs lurnlsha.l, rent un.F

8»o the luiitor. 388 Clinton h A e .__— IJI

, k’e HOPATCONn-Four-room bungalnw in Miiilin Park: ill Jurnlahcd; IIBO sraw'tt. t»n-

roimi ' tiungnlov.; (Tr,;HER. 41 Florence av*.. Irvington. N- J-E1‘

half m'nuiv to sH trol-. 'balance mortgage.

Builder. 87 Bay ave.. Bl^mfleld.H-room houae:

f iVE-ROC»M bungKlow. five mlnules to ata- tlnn: splendid wpH;

April 1: enme and a**- R- ROGERS. Berkeley Hi-lghta. N. J. __—


all im provrincrda; S®'-""®, m enta; near Fairview school, t h u n h. aiores. 130 Jerom e pi.

BellcTilleaFVERAL iwh-fanilly hutwea f"r lala. |!®f'®_.Vnnderalh price; mtV c .h redulrcd Bruce M . ■phone Mdi'ket 387.

cleaned, top n Doimm. *- -BROWN, laT bUitaal ava. ■ <gl-


M A .T TM SSB 8 ranovalad a t ctw tom ar'a real* by t h . I t n g r o r . d w . l b ^ ; «

tiuL and dl* making and all kl"’'®,,'"' matal arnda [hada To nrdar; alao flrat-claaa,"keT-Pl5™l Uhinaatlo Nsv-55 camCaid at.— . ally Ca,


B e il J L t r " ! ' - -R-iirBSTATE

(iCMMlT. N. J. _______ _

E u t OranE*


Summer homes fur r#ni for eaaBon, or rtle. 1914 booklet onGEORGE W. plTTENUEl^

400 Main at., opp- new poalofnce, Pai'k, N. J*

provementioppoalie.BPJR'SEN ST., fttl. fea‘ door* from Clinton

ave.—Six large room§. laundry, all Im- pfovementa; moderate rent. Apply Bakery, opposite. ____________ __

a p a r t m e n t . Belleville ave..* Orlant.I ,1.-Blx, ™ fp '. J® ' "® 'h « t ;” lL i* io r 'la n 'lc iLpremliea or owner H4 BprIngftalQ a —

SIX rooms; part Improvemente; |l®: n*ar South Orange ave. Inquire 6.

ave.. or 4-3 South Orange ave. TEAGUk* BROS. ____________

a pa r tm en t Broderaon, oriier High *L*F?elntuaU hl.-U.rgee. elccaln^house In the oily; beautifully dHinrated a m ^ of five n onii* and baih: rent IJaon |.,remlsea or Euiuie

iLseex buHdUig.

HIGH ST.. S34. corner Baldwin—Seven rooma two baths; ateatn hoai: re^nt rea-

aonabla, FRANK PILKINOTON. 81 Court at.

month; supeflniendeni on ------- NGER ................BCliLESimiER Inc ,


TTivB ell light- newly decorated rooma, tiled bath, private halU. steam heat. JanG

_________________ tor service, moderate ^ n t . __ _ _____ _ta2.50-HOUSB, S rooma, bath 7;BTBf'MlcNT” 3umVior ’court~7Tve light

n.lnutea South St. Station, block from Clin- : Jaiillor, heat, aanitaryton ave. 19 Parkhuril. coriirr Brunanlck at. . clouet: l.nniidlato_ pMuo»lon;


FARMS FOR SALETi,-v.4f‘Rrc truck farm, with three-room ^bungelow: price 1800; m fiouthern State;

May I :near rail-

rno,,,.. largo Tot. ...nrlMBO; toad; good; markot-;_7<;BOro 5a^^^ D,50^,

h o u s e seven room s; If nereseary divide commeneea May 1. In to tw o fla ts , four and th ree rqomH; 84 , 'tjhone B. B.

409 Summer av*.;

Falrvlew ave. inquire 70 aixtemth ave. nTTirTMENT The Myrtle. Suecex Rva. and rooma; all. Improva- 1 W'arron » , . - f ; i - ’''’Rra’aillli:THREE-STORY, l l ----- •t t

menta: steam heat;at tftS Belleville ave. .lOHN JACKSON.ELM 8T., -—Mouse, 17 riome; bath and

lark* laundry; n*wly painted and papereathroughout. r * n t_ ^ 5 0 ^ ^ afle rn ^S r____

residence, lh3

inipTovemontB *,„.5 „ oInquire J iniior. phone 34^- B^p

iv-tO'dkia Una o t bedding And_ i.-_ pfie^; re*tig«r «*vtTrng gi lha lowait HOFF-t ybur inapaction. - ,IHKOW. ♦! Market iL. fwmarly

■ANITARY a^amltai, fireproof flooring for kltcdi*n \iihfoem . etore*. eie-: a a m ^ , lal. MM »• Nawark Lompoaltlon

FJwrIhg Cu.. Ml Waahlngion mva_________ _

ti tal. «Hl Martiat.________liAt1>*V( ramadr tor n g a r diabaiaa an

r ta tu U n n . Ah barb galhtrad In llja wnotj aiRinwda Into laa, nrt a paiant wrtlirtna. I

« l “ u^''I-roirr..T^ni.So11nir".:n‘kM .'^r-,o,k > '.'r"S."‘ r.l'LLltN, MOB’laaoh wAyk attended to.Kttnyon at.: giiWW waveriy.CHIUNKTS r^ullt, eleanad from i0P ,i£ .^V /

iMi balped many edth thi®M dread dleMsea tM l Win halp you Raftrancaa '» l g « | for BartleHlare and priewa. CHARLES t Od DLB. Waahlngton^ N. .4.

tom: M K r'flu t-’plartarlng HABAi F Tc I Soulh Drang* avr.. phona 38IU


AGBNCT. NEW ARK, N J,Tbla aganey haa tha adrahtaga al mora

than I f yaara^ aagarlanoa In elvlf and crlm- tiial w attara B afirt dktagrapb awvloa.

gUPBBtDUOU* HAIR. V aita, Hol*i and BlrthnMUia rainoaad <

n s Waahtiftoa at

" “ ■T& 'fiflo t mV auft. %‘at'V A '^- . n T

g t ’ tfuiiSl, Ig Now at. I pbon* Mitt, STIK

BI'8aEU.-«CHWARZ CO, tfm-tlJ Ftallnihuyitn av*.

C arpanlar and cib lnat ao rk ; wood novfitl**. atlU work. Jobbing and repairing. Phona Jo W avarly.

Market.CHARLF.S MADBR, oontractor for »al«r

plantt fifl. rllloa. lowna anil fuctotlf,. "'■'"'y ■eara" «i»rienc*. IM Flftwntb av*.. Newark.

REAL ESTATE FOR S A L t-£ lT YMile hiMiie.

BUILD yaur home im the Nye Wk«. ."'.■ arvton. (<«IO; alreote Improved, rfrif®;*®.

term, t i eult; take Broad. pare to Oabortio lerravv, "alk eouth tliiirue are.: He.wilicrnc s '^ ; through the Nye 'r ^ L R .\N K L SHIELDS, ■Hl^Cnton hmWIng.__

MAHON WORK'Chlmni-yl rebuilt. '■'P«lr*d"plKli’rln'g.'alterali™.. 'jobbingT. H. PERMODY, tin Tinnk at., tel. JnftiM Mkt,

m eta l c e il in g s a n d w a i.ij i .Eltlinfttea given an all kinds of

RG8BNHTEIH. W HeUvY ■» ■ 442MA Mkt.promptly, ell branches;

new er repair . _5ty or contract, kubt*CA FPFN TK RINOnew ar repair.


CclLlnta I t UP- FRBD BOCK. IT-tl BlHi .V*.. noaT fSlntoi* 'phone > 1^ y*v*^*y-

m etal CJ.II.1NHB A.Nrt WAlA.S arecud In all kli^a ofJAMES J. MAGUIRE. .Sl.T Holay al.. Newark.

K ASCN work ■ ohimneye rebulll, plajlarlng, alieritloTia and .lobbln g. JOB. A. nidlLLT.

ANA nthk chaek tint for tlptiag a b a ^ Jina: abaolutely harmleea and orin h<F

aiaro. orw y T r^ B WaahlxiglanmmS. b. imSr^slif

au. Nawark. N J.URB GRUICE. ..

PRACTICAL NURSE.LadlaF nrlaat* nureina- Iraatmant at bom* otnTB raVerakea. W gmjtb Orange a*. SkOa «I3«W W ark»i._______________ _

MATTBES8ES, dullti. made over, cunomere realdeiice. 11,50 up; beat work guaranteed;

matlrcMH. bed iprlnge, factory price*. LON- tIA’II. Sir Bprlttgfleld ave. Tal. SfdW .Wav- a r t y . __________ _HUMAN HAIR goodj; fielil mitaafe; acatp

trakiiriera; ehlldren’t hair cutting, hair dree­ing a «p*c1alty comblngi mad* up. M K_ AQHEW. TTS Bread at., oppotlte Howard M *.

'0 6w Tenth ,i ; Ul.>lng, JOB. A. tinii.1.1, Btfflo B. H, or aend card

SOUTH EIGHTEENTH ST.—Uholc. build Ing Iota, between Alpine «t. and ^edlaon

ave,; convenient to Cllmnn ave. troWtf, Apply MERSFELDEIl tonalTUCtlon Co.. room n i l . Flromen'o building. _.'HAPEL BT,-Five .loop loti north nf tanol

Chapel al.. n ilvn’ 'o'" ' ““' ’’i vary low to cluao eatai*. Apply to LLSVAUt.H , L G M . W 7 P r u d M i U a l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _F'oh »ALE“ .'w.'llTllM;~Snuth Fifteenth

,t.. near Central ave,• aa friT ihrp«-Btorv hoUPfr. TMKdltOKU.


FL’GKNK a . KKLaLY.Main at. and ArUngton ave, ^

l \ _i>«nily TCBlden<ie. «tiht n'orn*

FIfleenGi >*'■ t'or._Lati^n_ p».____ ^t-’ijR Orans*. N. J-. ten

ftn.l bath; hardvvofld Addreul Blot 43xUiD. room for garago, AdoreuaBnv fifl. N*wa OffR*. ________ ^

Idealeaay.imonlhly paymenU.WARD FRANK. 4&1 Bprlngfl^^lq

lIUIo farm Jil WW Jnralamon *'■plnoe for pnullry; g..v>d

l,lentv of fruit, v.vachos. aPP'o®. 'MARTIN, W FttMSic *v*.. PelleMII*. __IFRSEY FARMS, iarga liai, ami ax-

aJianr* fruit, stock, chlcksn farms, tract^ comlDy^homoa SLAUVBLT. I! Brick Church eStatlori. ISast Oranga.

RKALTTFUL li rooiD brick riinton av*.; hatha; up-lo-dato Itnpta.; r*a- tonable. inquire ZKLMAN, 24 Alplnajl.____

a pa r t m e n t , ion »ve.-F!vo hando..m0 tiled hem. .t^ m beet end electric, docnrnlcd. ImmedlJt.poaB<*ailf*n. Inquire i**_** i.;___ _____

and fivtvPARTMENT. PrtMia at , 44--FoMrirird«r;,.r';;,% uiiv'Sut^“; L ,X ‘:r 'i« ; ,- :

CLINTON HILL houiei, ip^m en ti; reolrlcted j a n l t n j _________3 4 " 1 l t " j r / t i S r t e r . f c * ^ . ^ y : ^ ’ ^ APAiTMENTrUO^Mt. Proepect ,ve._-BUCENTRAL AVE.. J2S—Houo* to let for

ocilorad people; «tfhl rooma: rent 112.60. MKNDL & UANlft, RaMit bUtUIlng.

light rooms, proveritenta, jjleamrent rBaaonahle ^___

tiled hiith. verv latest Im- heal. Jatut^f service.

Hh build- rice

heat, ileeplng porch; ®0“r ___• Ull Main el.. E. Orange tel 1HM, slram h*ai;

plan for ihrea-atory house.10ft Fourth a l . ____ _____ _WAVEJTtLT, Hanford at.-Five lota: singly w

toaethrr; . title guarant*ed; terms to abh- Vt>1irLAMRpURNK, Htt W*at Nlnety-olghlbNew- VorltCORNER property Houlh l^Tanfie av*.:

I-Rl-DKN _SANFORD ST.. i:4,Y-B*S'ld#®no|®:

DtprlTl'-Uv !G,siX) vain* ..... ,tall premlii^B. prlc*® $4,47h: n<®fd S4... vahi.

•j4-ArRE fruit and poultry farm, ,sri,.gkInga arid poaaeaalon; I alt* *

ll.flOOi ISoO fash, J R. McUUMgAL tt SON. Dover. Del. __

SPRUCE ST.e 4D. near Um’oln Park—“Nina rooma. laundry, bath, hot and cold water,

from May 1. Inquire oa prw;il*aa.MONTOOMERY ST.. 10-Slx * i'J"!

nrov'ementa; rent |2ll. Inqulff STOUTENr . . e.

APARTMENT-The New Orle«n,. Crlcane et.. M c^nvr tverren Flvc_r.'„ni.; all .ImptA

earept heu4; central Janitor.

r I k u I ■ .''HI*. F . •'F - -icicailim inquire of

prov'ementa; rent m«iBURGH A CO.. 7DT-9(>5 Bread

APARTMENT-Flve light ™I nnd door, front; convenient

____ j irnlley ami aiatlen; ''eiii S_l'-_°} wluthrop »L

tish fttffr,

Glen RtiiceUIIMF of thw heel pr.iperty In town, hnu*n

for .r 'e l" HO 10 ^L I a IlV v, 37 Herman el., Glo® RWke

Irfin g to iiwith imprcivfiiiroi^

"good bukln*;« propertyId. Inquire fto Mazelw>uci __ , \sold

U.T for Hate on Grove el,: i g n ” “i7iwent of Nineteenth av*. K TKTe BSU.n. Um Bnu'evard. Afttorla. L. T ........ ....... ........... ...

iim-^F *U r*u->ms. wlin impritv.-m. tup. l''1

'" '" ■ ^ 3 ' near SaodfoTd av. ,; l,rl.-e FJ,®®®:i at-•bo'iidiiTg lot. in e i 'eTi

rilE-KP farms for sale; alib f®T Mchange

CLINTON bathroorr

CO.. TH7-8»i5 Broad al.AVE . Ift-Fourteea rooms, two I r;n^7 p ^7 ^x Mode. K Ewt Kltiney abl

bathropma^ _ Inquire ■ STOUTBNBURGH A , (^r^t-claas; 7 rooms: hot w at«r^l seer; mod-

' V.iV Vity' and" auburbati p r o ^ y :i-ni.fialtv PONNELleY. IPS Market aU .

FARMS TO LETifiiR RENT—Farm; twetity-aeven acres, ideal

ItK-atlOD. on automobile road; ■IfM'atlon. on auvo,,,™,,„ , «n,ilo-all Iniorovcnienta: large barn*. ®®®"7S men.; l.'jtw capaclly. Addreae Farm. Boa fn.

LOCK ST.. 43—House to lot, eight nvome;rent IIS. MENDL * CANS, E « e i build­

ing. 31 Clinton Bt. _____ ^ _____CLINTON HILL—Eight roome, bath, alt Ini-

provemonU; largo yard; desirable location. 10 Homeatoad Park.

ern'lU;T~'lnt|'ui: ''M-'OKaT»J.;’:g:_________ _AT 30 East Kinney, ciirner Orchard—Seven

nice room, and bath; all ‘'VP” ;®"'??';-Janitor eervice; ®®°™,®V,,?£V o'*aE?;tf*r<i Apply Janitor, or BHtL UHRY, - airatioru

BRICK houio to let, » Aitor «.; 10 7<>9f®®J all modera imiprovamenta Inquire 661 High


JOHN BROWNE, carpenter. 51 Bieecker rt.: ■phone H ark« 4»t4 J ; Jobbing neatly dune,

•atiniatta given. Workshop. Eeaea et. _

J i i . im M srh tl^

t h r e e lot. or Hedden^nt.^, ^Vj*;SftUlh; price low

KHtab«ih ave,TWO UOT8 in Ollnlon Hill

wcrlfii'*: Q'Alf}n buyer H HPbDJ‘ J ' Hobson S I . ____ ______ ______ ■ro h KALE-DesIrable InU Jh Vifo'*fixlI2i must be sold, supply -iil Uinculrt a'e-


MATTRESSES If renovated hy BMCK BR' S bear the GUARANTEE of perfect SATIS­

FACTION; prlc*i very riaionahle; 'phon* or evmt. S*« Hruc* ,i.; *phone 443 Wav.STAIE DETECTIVEAGKNCV—Cdtiiuilaalon-

*4 by Oevernory operator* *e®l 44 r r i ' ettper. l i t Broad st. JOHN GREG- OUT, Chief. 3>7i Hkt. Night t f t l War.UraOL8TEKING-Havt your ««rk dn»e by

yjirtiBfa and Art Btora, 1ft Wtw g t _______ _itld li k inds of typew riltng an d itanoF raph lo

iraik i l teaaooable pTioaa; -?**■'Ttcg. MlRk KUOELMAN, roora 7, 111 Mar* l ^ t at. 'Phone ftftftl Market.


DUCuDv _TO GET REDUCTION, MlSNTlON ADD. ^ ALL GUARANTEED WHBBW Attar 15 year* oh Oraht* at* ^45*

ahaasd our oen bulldlfif at 21 7 to g*( th* rooiti wa TAttat cbhdanaa our aiookIVI1r”7 oHn 5oN.''p1ERCK AND « L ^ ^

BTEARNS. NIAGARAHulhlredi to eelecl from. Now whrtli M i™

aa itY sfi If you buy a coaaiar brakeIlVul.r^IJS Vhe.l.%,owoSdrich gd»«nl«®a. J r?*lit Alt' aoecfal. ftS cenla; EvtrlaBithg. Qwdwrar oHproOf, -, lamp*. .T(K. l Band ivjnipt. lOe.; tie* bel, Jbe-1 oil. 5c.. UpA 5c*: coiaitr brake*. •&-

DweUinitrw n .fa m ily house, separate healers, *n-

irancoa and stairways! lot SOMOO; cl^e

Minalilc pHcM.^ktuyveeant a^'*» __ _ _,-------- --------------

^ ; ^ \ n W . l t ' ’l^vaJ?r pfetDONALD. J62 .Tames at . N easri^ ^

KvPtMS—Will buy for cash ajid exchange IJsr“ S " ..l tv inconle. ! ,X 'a 'N e w « k I■ IVRREN. Firemen ■ building. Newark.


TO rioie an ®''V®- \[°Rv?*r!r/lT^DLER^rf^ ' l illANDl.(■(►SY home*.► vma in *uii. YF.itc v. uaF.EN. 810 Firemen a bustling

.-•i’VTRALLY loca-ied: ihraa-story building. m i S J iXovementa: eieam heated:

noweiL *n«n*. electric, water, igni aft i';^<lr|v*way. jai'd and

111 modern lim i holler A. powex-^engirr v “" f o r q u l " » l » '“A V r- . central. Boa S,News offk-a. ____ _____ -

LIST your vacant houtea. flat* or menta with u*: we Ivave a great many d^lr-

able tenants looking for nme; phone, call or write: we can aaaure you good results. l.i N' n e t t & WOLF, 221 Clinton, ava._______

pi.A lw ays on t h e move

VANDERHOOP'S MOVING VANS. Seventh and RoeevlUo avea »■. ^tif.atjTIFL'L ten-room corner *P8*[5/'V*J*i*

auliable for bhyalctan dent let diet, nlio ils-rooin apartmenle, lanltor eer Vice; rent very low; location KDVV. BLAUr 20? Market Bt-


MODERN S to 11 room houie, with barn or garag*; will pay m to |B0 If excel­

lent nelghburhood, Addrea* Modern, Box 104, ^aws office* _____________


npAIlTIFUL ftkt. 3*4 Wsshlngton eve.!«v^I; light rooVne. all M r a ’smenu 133, S-'y promises; CHARLKB

SPENGLBR. 800 Broed Hi.BEAUTIFUL flat, five roome. bath, {••'‘IJ;

atoraroon.: aecond fl<jor: ranlal only ^q u I r r ^ E R C«.st.

Ju.t volnpletcd, they ar. gom»; itvma to ,ult. tVrlte or eee CHARLES S.

to '" te \“oiv“'end"TrDll*y»; all 4 “?1 — _- exihanga tordawn balance munthl.v, iota. JOHN H. DUNN & SO-Nb. JwneM* Firemen’* building; office open until ft F. M, dtlly^_____ ________ __________ __________ -

DIVORCES, damage claim*. Inveatlgfttlona.leo l ad>lca, Writ* for eppolntment#. dsY

dr eirenlaf p rsliab** rtfareflce. Affdr*M D. C.d VtN). New* office,

OSTRICH PLUMES MAD* OVUIt CtMliftd. dyed or repaired: " * '5 '

e»tiefactl6n guaranteed. BOCK, i t Heiaey eLAMKRtCAN AdJuatTnient Co*—AccJder.te. all

Kindt. IfOllBy. *team. railroedj_ autos; no ttfu.Mlgklte. ho charge. Office Broad at.


ivarjO H N SoK ; PKAr.iNO s. motor­c y c l es

Expert repairing; w* have cur can vulcfth-''^"Ie^'w HEELS th DOWN 81 *

Only ageiue In town for I*«r J^n ion md Pteroi. Look out for old « he*la Open eveolngi. Old whaela tek'P >o t™™- HERBERT AUSTIN.

SI Oran** at,.21 William *t- ihalf block from Broad tt.).

1914 fly in g Me r k e l MOTORCTCLEa ^ s ; get dem*n»tr*tt*n of b ^ ^t®.p=Yo'* "**'’•■BICtCLSlB AT COST...........Carload well-known blc]riH**| owtlhg 81*75

whSeMte, wTii 1*11 et coit: ‘ ®,’®‘*,„yt,’' ,1! had weather iKUlipel* ua to •aorillc* ovir proJItto meke room for further l*r*» ihlpmenie. new bloyulti. IIJ.IKI to 8(10; 1»1S ftOY®®*- ,**84.w Puncture rhr>of tire*. 88;,,Soeolala 04o--

OBUHARD ST. bargain; gt^^fraji® rooma and bath, heat, auttable for turnlah^

room or boardln* houte; good oondltlon,price 84.800: terme |7W “ " ' ’..S I 'Suh monthly payment*. Ownrr need* Util* M«n OUk'kIy; muat eoll. FIACHE. 978 Laadk bldg.MERSFKLDtn Gonetruciton t'o. offer mod­

ern one-tamily houae amt hungalowa on s n th It ■ one blovk north of Clinton ave

J«ri«7 City Height*

Tn“o:” ?h re ran ll''" r-f.^ ;T i;™ “iit'J.'JOO upward; home, with atore. 83 -Wi; 5®"®; V.I1II factory, i3,400, Ivouar, with liable. 83.800,

family ’ opt«rt_unJl.l5i. _ .Ea!.'__.Or^ngf^^1j.13,300 ArUngton, 83-500. ' KRUSE. OO Newarl It . Hoboken.

steam beatdeco'raled. prlcei moderate. Agent on

K e u ib o r it\ F.ST KKASaSURG FARK—Two lota, !8l

l&D 47 5 each; trolley ami host creek run- n in i 111 rough p roperly , « m inutes b « u h . <;. KRBIBOTT, HUile o03. F irem en s bulltl- iiig. Newark.


TONK BROS.SJ7-‘J39 HIGH ST___________

furini? BruenT:-Addre« H ^ R T ASCH.Rjtrit. 71 York-


lo fts to I*«s *t**0' *I“ Lpower and Hint,

EAST ORXNGE>“ AU lataat convenlenrea. rent only MT.IO lo 147,60; worth fJiO.

®®t*T/T uDbiT 31»3 ClliUon ave.’—Six Hgl»L “a?^;“ room, and ha.n; .heatj„.*«*l;

lent aervlue; rent 13#. Inquire Janitor onpremlaea.

W*Bt Orgngo, coiy horn*.', rent only 8J0. 8^2 | ® ?^^.^^houaeheight room"and bath; all and |!5...WrUe_er «ee fo,>arllcul«._CHAs. | , ’g?a* .le"ri®

Steam.B. ORBENe 810 Flrenjeh’a bldg»» Newark.81X-ROOM bouse; all Impro^^emanta; ' n l*y IX'p® m —Threeway, cor. Maple at.; alM fouT-r^m flat; BALMONT AVB.. J** rooTua- Ihft-imprivom.nte. iMuir'e "t HOMAS bEVINE; Innulre tgO Balmont »VEn s Valley way, w<Vest Orang*.EAST ORANGE. Urge Hat. ono-famlly mod­

ern r**ldencee, 8SS to 875; tw o -fam ily ^ up- Iieain-heated apartmenu. BLAUAEILT, at Brick Church SUtlon ___

JA M #9‘m . BBTHOnR JR .M-53 Lawrenoe at.(Or any broker.)

Phone 78 Market.IRVINGTON "Houae, alx rootna; all Improve-

mente excepi; heal; 'phone 1046W tVa%-ei Inquire I3fi Orange ave., Irvington.


FVC’ELLENT loft. *6**0 f®**- bright and H? ntatly tlnlahod throughout; ga* and iTjr, n»»i.i/ A* i»ayoin*.- fins eondLelse rlc ighta: freight elevator: fins cond«*:ioSfc',n?lj'qc.ttoh;_r.a.on^^^^^

lieroracea. ui8i.eo iiiuaua.. — - - n - _____ .laea. or Inquire room 1301, Firemen B B l d ^ | j^iTS In Bam-a.v Park. K.aniburg—8150 up;

------------------------------------- buy now while th« price la low. BROWNA KINGSLAND. FIrsmen a building, Newark (itfhB op.n Tuesday nnd Friday nlghll.

terrace—Two- ,r r tnTON H1LI-. C.abnrne ^ hinny hou«. loi alt iateat Improvenunta. 8600 down, I-

office open until ft P. M. _

; £ r " : ^ S r r i « r - s f . - s ? ? rnear Harkat

TWENTTJTlRaT ST. and B*''®"!""**—wRtucco houae built two years, 3 stores,

A fam lllM - rents for ILSft*. modsrn !m® * w ill Mil for 112.00ft; m ortgsgeS rooT M. JBDEU S'* South atktl. at.TslephoTie 7403 Market. _

W 'V S f ;regular II.J6 aaddlaa. with 0*11 •Prlngi lunoe. 35c.; wimpa belle, grioa, fc .; all other

parquet flnori; .l.rtrlc 'Ighta Je^ated: aJ.0J-ram ly„5™«-

i M - f X BELM tnlff- OTt'LB GO.,BELMC34.3 Broad «. Branch. fJii So. Orange av*. DON, McDOUGALL, m anager.___________

MANICURING—MADAME VAN. from New- • fk : EHeabeth car to Slith at.; walk to

808 Elleabelh ava , _____


LaU .t modal (18 not*), ellthtly uitd rtf dsmonetritlon purpoaea: goofl ae new, nut Mis* greetly reduced; call and eaatnins *hf r before ptirchaalng elsewhere.purchasing


BICYCLES of beat quality; 4T South Ortnge ava.; our prices the lowest:

113.4ft up: double bar guaranteed bicy*lea. ilS.ftO; Velodrome r a o m 130 t o IIJ ; Peer- leu. 114.*1 to ISA; ooaeter brake, l>; Hart­ford. Goodrich. Diamond lirea ftlo. up;

rtq u ". r»m~tlUl, Flrem.n’. bldg., or on prem-iaoi. ___ _. - ---

N.Tth Sixth it.; ilaiidy two;lnmlly

Lfont Fanat

WHOl^buHdln^g, ‘• 'V a rd ^ « - . ,„ .„May 1* 1.400 eQuare feet; three

owner on premieeft. A. vBNIn u ________

“.[eVplnV’ r b « u Tfit SOxlOft; aoo ft. from ti **” *^fu l' hom e: ftO.ftOO; «»*ylUl ww.uww, --- .Broad it., Lyone Farm*. *>. J.31X ROOMS, fine attic; all l a t ^

manta, harriv«ood trim- .Iraraed floria; mirror door. Ill* bathrooni hullor-B pintry; lot . ‘’. ' I f ;1441 Ntnlh Broad i t - Lyona Farm., N. J.


) p&«y .ernie. COMfTOf irme* N. J.

»A, ♦'■fOVf. 1441

York C l^ manufaoturera for ever IB yeare. piayer-planoe and piMoa.

•ome at 7*c,; U, 8. No. 77. *2-4*; ©»-pTOOi ftLftft: pumpe. belle and wrenches, ftc.; reg­ular ftfto. foot pump, ft**®- 4 lampe. t i c .» aS\. 4c^ brsM pluga U , rubber pfuie. ftc. per doa.; eee wheeV I6 <io^"-.•* andond.hiRd Wheels taken in M diold at your own prices. BCBULTZ ctt* clery. 47 Bouth Orange a v e . ________ ,BAFETY ^ T 're r ta in ty you will find In the

Exoalelor Auto Cycle; eo before you hujrIfsvs'rli ealeerooma. ' B66 Broad et.

(Oppoelte Hhvbert Theatre.)V. CONNOR, noted for It* deep, rich ton* »a4

er*gi4iv quallttei; th* celehrated Bailey. fuOO. ■M • ^ w h t r * im : elegant new uorj-*-K ♦ c iw . Teel■thlgs sl1 pianos warranted lof ten years;

sesJT or cqvsr. one yeaFe’ used upriKhta on hand: open evening* . HKNRT HORNS Estate.. h\

O riiit* av*'. corner nowsrd et.: con* and hssr the rraftet* t'onnoT Wsyer.U^t)T win eell. very reaeonahSe. Ri-NO'ni

PLATER'PIAKO. BENCH, COVER. CAB- iMlATi music roUr ooai new December 4.

yogr 1114 machine M sure.•oon daclde the machine yoft ought to rtde end the price you ought to pay machine with clutch control on bsr>. Bee the iwe-speed they all tala about Deaiare write for ageitclee

“ ;:?7m?;ovim7nt'.': g-;Vdi-^arion; alao gon.l j s io id ,t.rL ?t™ Karma

^ e n d - « i " IBaton p u _ c « r j i . r a y i _ a m ^ ------, ” < ',X v ’ l’ne; «">®"‘ 3t'V„d“ lim R E a r KILL SBUTlON-Two-famlly hou,.; water; Ihla It th QBO^ l « n n r ^ l r Improvement,; aieam. electricity. | ^ , 'n , „ id for the henefU of tht heira GEO. ■vjmj g .iFAMt- cost fnrin*

etil Hal**y ati.f 5 ^ T gt J7« Hal**T at.-O ne good lo«

.BilM- tWgjn h*at; elevator! «pa(|at* en-t r e n d : to r l ig h t • e T 'u “/ J i i y " t j M s! rsfit I tf t p e r m on th . Apply to w. o- tiRAKF,, 88^H elle r perkw ay . N ew ark.GHANE fectory McWhorter and

nuere t*e4; goM,

IRVINGTON houae, tlx roome: Immediato pos- eeielon: rent 114. Inquire 3 or 6 Mill rd..

n.jar Htuvveeant eve.

wniiKA D. 761—Flat five rooma, rac*p-rion hall; ee'parat* entrance; .team heater,

niht«. all tmorovemenn, rent t-O:BenoBN°i'f|g i . " ‘'airimprovement.;_____Wauv ST S' B near courthouse—Elate 4

ST., 24I-8U rooma, and _bathjBROAD dumb w arier;"IB^mlntite.'atetm .>-;«^®Ii,“ :-^rone~»W’B. B.


walk to t u b e , ________________B1 ;RNBT 8t“ M. _ j*'M*'aAVRB,roooA, large lot. Ibw tent, v 20 Avon ava.CLINTON H “ 'J ^ T i '\ ‘wo'-rtmtl /'dwalUng'-

rnenv. «'?■',^ Jj5 JS ,,V T .°‘ra r .. front an j 146 Bhaw ave.

LONG BRANCH, N. J.-i-riaplgan’* Columbia Hotel: flrel-cisai. modern: slUyear howl;

[Dtxl propOiUlon for reliable

STORES, OFFICES, ETC, TO LETATTRACTIVE, large corker etore and

small stores; eultabi* for tailor or con­fectionery; a t traoafer point. Avon ave« and Bergen st. ______ ___ _____________BROAD 8T.. 4tT (cor. Laokswanns

Third floor: d ^ rab U o ffl^ ; wsU UgbledU Apply to MAAcus L. WABft room 308. 810 Broad a t . __________________

acreeniL re^r porch.

.11 improvement.; / J ^ J ln p L

H",wThorM .'ve: 3Y1TJ WaverU^

Cimton^ 3,lHtL116.CORNER


r h j s r v r ‘7 i l s r s r ^ »J TTi:ittl*ton e.v«.


r,'7 rm.Cfretu?Kr;prpo.X'Ap;ry"t“c".nii--Ollvar M.,1 loft^yt ,'^ ;® „ H :;f:- .u i,b li- forlightneer,

cost fnrm«rowner overiV..^L.P''^* W.7ft0. AddressOwner, ^ x 115, New* office.■ ‘TWtTrAMlLY HOUSE. *4,660

Large barn* and eheda In rear; JPl®* -'® r*!- frontage on two atreelA. *11 tnMii. R. 3. BROWEU. Eea«* building, Newark, N- J- ________ _____m x modern, home* in N ew ark a heat rr^l- * dance aecllon. |j*iwe*n Seoood ave, andwiTrjTini Dark wav' very convenleni termi, fvILLI AM "D.tVBSi’ORT JONES, 31 . Hn

belni_ eold for the neneriiCOBfTYiN. Lyoni Farme.

L « f BranchJERSEY coaat real « U . . l

S rH rr^ io rT * £ > N ."’lim fX r.« ch . N J.I


en LAWRENcm err_______

- ^ V ' r ^ - m W f o

ARTH write your wants

M tp k w n n d

ion at.

nsrlbero Mrt of New JerMy. Raverxerd

for egt —Brcycle* fronfor

111 up Co., >4* Broad e t

TALE MOTORCTCLEfl.Iftli two-ipaed modalo, come and have a

ride on a real two-epeed moterc>cIe_wh*ih«r

,4rttTCF'®r oT —-''wfamilv brick: 12 rooms..-ftv'.wu B?lli?lTle"Ivet rorne?. near Bloomfield. .$15,^riark it -one-family'brick; » room,.. . -ILSOO


you ara going to buy ona er not. Wa have fMd ueed mtchlnee lhal_ we

t||g?*|lM ."M ]l aH for 8260 ca*h.- Gall al MM. OWNER. >3 W’. 8SD ST- Raw York. yeSihM e £huyler ill* ._____________f o r tALE-Beanllfkl mahogany Rpflgtit pUne,

la aMottiiely nerfeci «on*lt1w' only need a jgMr; 1U nuUvt; «UH » l« r '™ aeU *«■ 8l®*

^c**t Bli* tguel aeijal olWk. Adtjrew R*tg*ld. Beg |W'>lTWg''«WRi»: "

acn..ante* the aeme ss new ones. Time paymc:ii*: ; iw fl repairing. OORNIBH. 31* Clinici ave.


Reading-Standard. W er«, ^ror ^hnien.*«..rn.‘' ' y i m r ’Na¥onii: Paerl..., ato.; blsyeles; ceaC or *"*L *•*■“ *' eundrlea and

“ f £ i ^ E '^ . S S U • k n r t ^ S M ^n - mnfeeri prtoM ewL ^ N. J.

r*w V 4«*n *_ Co, td Hoof- 8* AMdemr «LW lrtlLITCnn etaetiie orokantrlon, oojGn*

m S m : wilt MorlUce qulov *"*«■ * • « 1 lUW new. Addre** Court Tke»tre, M arket

High ete,.■TsiNWAr uwi*LJ*u2i-^ ” ^' ' rrtaheganp.w o r=. 0*0- SCH LEICH ^

I m TnurWehth *t- Bt«r Sixth *ve.. New

S T -8 1nit^TCLEs.

levifilMB yeti* *4 • • • “HTnot price but quality, w* «•«* JET™?,tees. Bee us before buylnf. CORn IBH, -ift

BOTUEN st .. 4 and 2 family frame......IJ.oWBighib avs.. 1 family f r to r ...................OrUana at.. 1 family Vi ■"Ji',"

UEISER A MA’M. __ ___ _TWO'^AMIlaY "houee. thirty

kam* rrtcular ftfl.aVin value; qulck_i^ati prl'eheit. regular •«.'*«> value; qukK p n ^lA.ITh; write offer*. ELROY ilEADLETT. *00 Broad at , Newark.__________ _________■■ -

— « «ii,A r ivMiw and ba^h. stucco NEW one-femW. 7•vT. fiwAfklkd' n n Mvlna-hooae; trim a-no #ir«ftlaM !n living.t : :L T .a 'e d '“ «h''?tfme li'* Jit’Sfn

**y!* S!lar- will sell on monthly renislor eVhiM: vebrVeX'”Sy. 10 8alt*r pi.. M S plr»W ^^ VERRIER.

a " i !pV, Apply Nil. Iftr sf VERRllfiR, 664 Or- sftge at., city.

ro t; R-STORY houae, brivk: all In good wn- dlllon' brings fl2f» rent monthly: private

m o r t« « :V ll for IlS.OW. D. AMMEAN. himortgage: forBloomfield ST-e,lie's CASH, and balance on long terin* td

mortgage, for Boston plan house; pr*« ft »<.4ftfr. Address Dwell, Bo^-ftS, News office, _________ _ _

Clintoa ive.1*13 TWIN Exoalaljr metorcycle for tale;

guaranteed in Wrat-6l*»e condition, call epIngE n, BLOOMriMLD, Y»4 BprlBgf.elU•xtpIngE

an*.n u HAJuST-DAVIDaON* la *IOGkt eeeiHid-

■ ingaMnev. *11 IR*I“ ^ *•*.'•£'.1*'?* n o ifc * MeDOPO^L. » lt Hi4»*yIntel*.

c 6»Y frem* houee. 15 M ^^rro !:„S 4 '..A JfS fiHim roowa, ohottn neignborbood a ^ * » m for a homencker. Comuli J. M. BATRK. 20 Avon ave. ________ _CLINTON HILI. •Ktlon, two and IhrM fnttl'F

houtea. part and all_lmpia, for Mle__cnenp.AddrMe'Onporttmliy. Bog 185. Newt office.FINE one^rnmily^iouH. 881 Booth 8eventeenth

at near CHnlon eve.; 60 feet frontage; pric* reduced Apply owner, onwemleea

“ S 2 . ‘ i W i . s r . - . K t L . i ’ i J i i a s iIgaw. Mcond floor. _______n ^ ^ ^ lS t o iy y c l a ter Hi|i*, H I.. U* Sec-

NO, 74 BtOBLOW ST.—terme eney; lero- fnmllyv houee; gai end water; prIc* low

U t Ella»Mth ave.; 'LOWER.K08 SALE—Four-family hou»a; lot >**1881

pric* I4.800; 18*0 CMt r»qulr*d. lattulf*

MonaUio ViewWV.O net E_Two acre* of I*"'* t'cmi®* ®o » ™ caiamS.d ro*d; flnoi vie* 10 .he Bt.W 0™}!** Jerwiy; »»»“' ten mlnulee' wilk to D L and W. etatten: beet amo-

L O F T S e-ld a n d 4 th is f is : 4*106 id- f t. s s A ;light sit sldss; sprthhlsrs, pow w slevMoYg

host R 8. TOWNLgT. M Whipmut rt _LARGE, light ground flPOL 15,000 Hi ment floor thruaghotit. ftiqulrs ^ preniiiment floor ■ wiiTstw2S8 and $85 Mltb ftt. WILLIAM F. MIiLLIff.INiLCTORY room. S,Sftft *Q. ft-. With pftwsr

and heat: deelrabU for tight manufactur- g L. A. SAYRE, l>ft Mulbtrry *

f. S S K R IK .! l“iyo.i a t ; t«l. 1878 Wav«rlFl o f t to lat (brick). " ,

■Id**: two c*r lln**: 180. WOLFF, gS B Afactories TO LET-OUT OF TOWN

BAKER shop to lat; two ovsns: Sll ^m- Drovemanis; also aiabla for four horaw

and shsd. Inquire SCALA, 217 Belmont ave. __________ _______CORNER o r HALSBf AND NEW fTILj ^ jW BUlLDlNq; SMALL A o B M .


"V e‘c% M S il" ‘833V MARKlg:^ '= * % '5.^R ES?LSS!kLW “c“§:.


CORNER itor* to let. oorner Summer ave- and Billot ,l.:*rolendld opening J**

■tore or any other bualneai. Inquire H. MwL ODIN, 111 Winhliigton a v e . ______ _

CORNER atore to rent! w™*' f 'S S , and Golden il-l large etore with « f « ' ' y, in* room*; rent reaaonable. Apply THOMAS Ha X a n , 818 North BUth It.___________

S t r T l S , inquire J. KORN. IngtonsL

i e l S t h ea t CLARIL *»« BroadbLF I h e r e A p a rtm en t* —T o le t.

.M m a B a r tm e n l; s team hea t,. aopf very m oderata . Apply on prem lM L

^ ' h '. w rltV iD lN . i n W a .h ln g to n av a .. atty .J7, near Clinton pl. wj*

ear 11®®“ * !??_EDMONDS PLrn ? ir :‘ ure" b a i r d u f b w^imr.;- ia te tprovsm anta; reaaoPShi*.BUKABBTH a v e . and

apartment. T roome, ®^™vate porch; flue view. Inquire «4 Parkhurgt gL

CORNER fibre for butcher and gw o y weAhMi. hiiKinpM. with roeinii warfwij eorrerothST bualnpis, with rooitii. Hantardon it.CLINTON AVE. end •!‘'®8£ ’* ‘ de­■ItA ; vacant May 1. J. IL 8ATRB. A\on

CORNER •tore; Hee A ^ U»*»» •“ *PP‘f CLARK 83* »to*« *L________________

BVERETT COURT; f'885 ™n»®„i • '■ •"-5V ± em iinprov»m*nt; «l*v*tor. central.* FEIST, 788 Broad.

' rK inFintrTFENTH AVIS.. H*. »•*<• Bergen M.—

s” ” r « m . and bTth. with improvem.nfg. Inquire IH Bouth Orange av*.

r H u n r h * . » - n . * r a - r s f !*^F.1?H5pMA8r 811 Be*** butHW

,t.V k ta ia c( New Jerw iy; about ten nilnuiei

if tu . forty .minute. .b|j ^auto

H T ! ' i « ®‘' ■ O'*"*®-H n tc b t r

micW..FA 111LT tioua* for sale, in klontclalr;106»160' It! OOT Inquire real e.tat* of-

flcaVviNCENT TORTORIELLO A SON. 6«6 North Sixth bL *

PlalifuidraiTAfa^wi 1C country boitie for talc In st*

N e tS S ^ ^ o w c.lon of PUInflel.t,^■ *7 . ... B. _ 1X. Ffl,.tfw*mw.

41 UBOOlh *L

elMtilclty. modern plumbUig; chmer lot I lxH f: acceailble t* two railroad *1*1100,; on* block

tM4l«-t price gW.OOO; portkm oa mortgege. A d d t^ S- «*n" I- r. iRtnTSMaN j K, 05 Johurt. Hew York; or t* » Witchugg Ava, FlAtnOeld, N. J,

MANL'FACTURBB'B OppOrtuntty^Hoboken;Krick factory T.Bftft squ*rs fast, tl,6Dft

yeSrly: n « ? ferolee, ^unneia ra Iroadaewatnehlpe. KRUSE, 86 Newark elb o k e n ------------


REAL ESTATE WAMTEDb u il d in g s . »*ll«.„ sned and prstseted. CtYNES COMPAN phorer* and houssmci^ra. 28 Clinton e*-, j^ghy. 'phono. • ft3iW

nKRinA.BLB officss ts 1st In t1)j* Bxchang*“ ?5i l d C « “^ t o « ,?Li Meyaroabuilding, *8 Ltmtou m.. ...u j,.i t .h t l i i f lanltor MfTl«! ront renaonableDE8KROOM to rent! reaeonable.

I l8n North Seventh el.


iin« L y i» t r ' ^ ? ' " i iirk or euburbe; muel be cheapjar ojeh: fun a.V.ii. ^S:i.WL > 1 8 ^ ^ e a T W hutldlng.


at BRADLEY BEACH. N. J.Modem furnleked cottage* now rantlkB tor

Moaon 1*14; choice loMHouj iMig eiW"™ HSSJSd? p r l^ t tW toM MO io m obCLfiend for ioklat. ^

ricT aSSid K;NWi4rt>5M»!*9!C'■mad *811101. I

f i r s t -c l a s s bnilneea piece, corner Sprlng- flald l**- l i d Broom* et. r freht *01 lb-

l*rlnr new; lerie b*»ement, 16 f**t hlgbl from April L .Inquire DR. LBHMACHER.f r u it eihd Cindy etore for rent. 814 per

monlh: etock and fmlnge be bougbt cheap.» SknmW et.BALBET st .. 6T-Ottlcea etudloa: all

n o to 117 monthly: cheapeit. oKy. .Dwier, A. O, PETIT, 734 Eawx BWg.. Clinton H.

Market.PLAT TO LET—24 Morton et., I'ro

o k fN , 133 Weehlngton M.FLAT, four room., balh, e.nlt*l !oc*«IP»...Hnleev at., itenr Hlnnc^^retri Ilh^poMyee Immediately. Inqalm BIHO. CRONapm. rt-oad It.. c«r. Mirkct.. _______ ■Broad et., 'c«r. Mirkcl-,FLAT, two or [our light rooma In 8® ^ |

iva; mil neotlon.~Ftv*. e la . lays#

witbMt stsam best; MSr trolley* rsot rss !aosible-

beiwssn end*'Mu*bTrry^rta?^irtoi»'HxlPS; r u t reanooafata liqnlr* JOBBPK OKIN. 44iKWa*lBgtop ft.BBkWa*J

F aS K edI palter.

FLATS moved, padded vane \ H Ilenced help; planoe moved fee l E H l l i *

fvm N N Q R . Pb4 Hprlngfleld a»e.. ISggW W iy^ j

FLAT 40 l*>. »*4* H*®* 1^tCrga-famity hou»e; rnni reoHontriile, la - a u K OKIN, 884 W»®hl«ct»p *Lqulr*

meved i



•4 load; rfttislls I• i i i ---

tnenheu*plyNonKitwo-or 1NOIiro^NIN

- I all f Mvh s taN EI







L E T -

}lenw<M>d e L^ckH'nt | »d.Csitnwoort :ti\ ; wnt n Bloom'

nfficea or iiid GI*k- 3LANOH-

p«nlsr orf)od ftvo..n c h a r d


UttUton »i.d tUfil

atest coTi' only

Icioti kV«M iiaing.^Kiv« nict.tiot wiit«r

►ocl. t trol- >U.:

rent oniy II n^e.291. corntr I nali; •iK-’ :T)ti; «l«am Irraulre od

[talo ay-iiith iiL tnd

apart matU-* <rat d vtiUca . (D s&r»9 or LOUISng. _^

AVE.lad room*,heat.

-Vlv* llfht ai. sanitary esaion; rant mmor *v*. ;

ten ava. andruomai *ii

n Ri-«vUl«. 3.ilT Waahlng : tH*d 'alil: tJ. Inimadldt*

otir and fiv*siedtn-:»dlaie

jci ave.-^SI* y lut«5l im- itor aorvico:

I. Orloana fit., i«; at) imptt.

innulra of

and balli, **C' 'aalilQgtOB *M. Winthrop at.


ji Kltmoy at ; all year; mod- = TL__'c h ar d —S*v an -■■mprovemant*; r: ■■ My dororaUd. f, 3 Slrslford

10VEa VANS. , ,B. Brk- U®I

ir apartm*nt.Bt or chlro|W>- a; Janitor a**"- loti eacellMt.

hlniton avO-: d«rn Improve- isa; CHARLES

" ^ ^ h , psiitry. i1 only lid. lu­re., cor. Barf**

7 a^S lx H lltiin heal; excel* •ire Janitor on

i>© room*'Ifllmonl 4V*.



St, (pltnSMtaW"im t, jM lw r mr~ .pply on pnmiHP. n«toB *v«-. wty-Clinton pi. 5 ^

lln*—Wv* l|«htnltnri; lnt««t m -

lllnr H.. f e n n e l . fteam Heet. yrl*■e U Parkhvm St,

'0003*; «v*ry m o^ ,j central. FKIW

near Berien e t ^ th improvemetttl-

on ft., five roatu taouee:Intfuire

It reema. In tlJS« I clable colored Pd?* I M.s oflor W w ttly I

i.^ rtve. *ix.. tMfS ovemanta; vrltii or \ r troUeyi rent


A PA R T K E N T S, ROO M S A K D P U T S . A PA R TM EN TS,R O O M S AND FLA T S FU R N ISH E D RO O M S T O L E T _ t M A R D J F A ^ ^_? I a A a an SB _ni'-.nnnn ... n I #a Hr, lla WnS&TO LET TO LET

FLAT, five rooma. Oath, all InaprovemenU.eteain heat, a i 11 SMcdway ave; rent |30.

laggire LQUIB LEMKR. St Waricet at.____' FLiATt Ridfewood ave., id—Third floor; ala

PdOlMl ill impta. eicept ateam heat; rent lib; t|t» children Iriqulre tecond floor,FLAT to iei; I larf* rooma; all Improve-

mebta; Mouth teanCb eve,; rent |11

I VAHOKRHtFOy eaya *’Our boalneae le mov- Inf.*' What? Houeeltold effecte In laive

vana. 'Phone VAN'S WaretWKjer. I>51 B. P.

fe room*; _Twentieth et-. n—r 8lx>

; eecond floor, «

ini I* .ovod f e t 1id gve.. 1>“• i.-^ lv T reoRtf-Is i >nt reuHQaahla* JA*•t

FLAT to let. 201 Lincoln AVe,; eeven rooma, bath and pantry; all improvajoemaFIVE end *li rooma. Hill eectlcii, |ld, US;

fl, 0 roume, hath, Woodalde. lid, lib; S foome. beth. Woodelde. ISO. Bee CHA& &ORHKN. RIO ytrenien'e building. Iy|VA end aix roonm and tUe bath: all Im-

hfii'eimnla: rtiit tllO'l-''- Intjulrt uJl 8c»uth ' Tvralfih ei. and 410 Thlne+'nth ave,. or Met* j * j*.»o)ii*,Ti Hteliy CO|______________________ 1FIVE room sparimem*. c^nirelly located, j

Mea»i livHt and Janllur ker<.lce, from April > 1; rt-m* end 127 S8 Weel 'VIVE iarae hxima; ImpU; central; M Wallace

112, tl4; t«l. 2G1T Wav. Apply > Bi;'ei>«r*. ISih av« and Wallace. __ |FIVE lleht, I'teen r-ioiiiw. hath; all lmpr>ve- .

meniH. lhree<fnnnly hou»e. bSS bergen el, 1 Inquire n?xt houtie, etni^e »toree.

VINE at., T. between Waahlngtoti and High rooma; water and MOa; ProLoatani

fantjly, _________________ _______-wru-iAM KT.. ao-Two L j[«

each; Hi; large yard. PFRUMMKR*WKBER CO.. 002 Metropolitan, bultding. Uarket and Wtehlofton ata .__________ _ ____________ __Wa tSUN AVK. I l l , corner Peahliva ave.—

Hi* nice rooma; elacirlu IJfhte: all Im- provementa: new building. Inquire In dry rood* btore. __ ______

HIGH BT., 44fl. Bra mlnutea from IdAfitat and Broad ^Pleaeant, cotntenably fur*

nlohad room, luirabl* one or^iwo. all con- venleiKoa ____ ____HiaVrbT’ .'^W h-Mfbl Itouaeltfwplnf. alj^le

and conurctinf frunl roonii; alnk In kitchen, uae of laundry, all consenJenco*; hoar coun

BOARD and rooma In pirivata family Cor three ladlaa; May 1; "OAf

Station. Reply by letter to M. M» CLARK, IHlh el, and Mveulh ave,, N. V. C ity.___

HHlU ST., 43S—liarre, light.llhg

wall healedalngle and connecllng rooniH. houeehe^'P-

fng; reaennablo; neatr courlhs^uea and car^iTlOlT^ST.. 2TH, near Ceniral av*.-I.*rfie,

pleoaani. fruiu room; clean, all itnpruwM- mefua; neam heat; 12.llAUiEV sf^SasTwalhlnamn *t.. R4S-Kr<ml

houaektwv'ing. aleo aleeiilng momR. II DO; Db- ■ aping, li

LADY would like board in alrlc tly p riva te fanilly In Kaet O ra iig e ; TeTwrineefl e**

changed Addreas Box 41 Yeeger'a Adv,

12 up; Impte.WAUKKN ST., T*. city—Two •p .r tn u n li ot tour rooftia each, aecond and third floora,

reRpetillwaly. Inquire a t premlaea of MKS.TESiPLB_________________ ___________ 'W gT H m tiT O N ST.. 4«*--Tnp floor; Dva | - Rfl_vu-«lv forrtU hed roomsrw rne: all Im p io v am en u except h ea t; re n t I H IL L . _8J ) - N I ch1>_ jurniattr^^^H*. Inquire HEKM_AN A <’0.. 73 Bank at-WKUSTER ST., near bl'-Hamfleld awe.—Flai;

fuur nl«^ rooms, with hnpia.; rrn l, |12.M .Inquire S2A Webatrr ai.. flral Door_______ _WathON a v e .. Ilifi—F'our room* In a two-

fmnhy house, all iinprovemciita. with eleam hrat; firit floor. ■ ___

eriy at., 44. Houaekeepltig,HAI J LY ST Ti>-l4irgf. fr«rt)l ruOm; electric

lights, tiled bath OHine lao hlocka fromterminal; ta m 14. K. ___

Inpfliftte family; centrally located, gen

^ BOARDING— SEASHORE___KAHTKll neek epaclal. Uoulrvani Inn, IS

liroadnay, Ocean tirove: PrhlRy afternoon to Moiidtt> morning. tS-SO; hy we»k. apevlal prl'B, II p"f day; flr*t-cla«i laliie, lomfort- at’lc beds, atisulule cleanllnoea: flneet loca* Hull I ..mat, fqfljii_JiOi2L-2£»M-iBlL-!,£jilL^


ill linpruvemeniB;SIS, 4J7 Jildge-

FIVB rooma ghi] hath;newly tlecuraied; ronl

wood gva., 3il tluor, left.FIVE rooms. |12; bIwj four rooma. SIO; on

MoDtgoniety «l . ntiar High el. Inquire 4deprlfigfltld jne, _ ____________—FIVE nli-e ntoraB. with laipmTcmenti. newly

detwrated; rent IIO- 140 I’arki'T. Inquire 142 Parker si. _____F n b nil Hghi Toouii and hath, all ImproTc

menta: lop flour and drst flwr. brick bouae. iLRruve at. ________FIVE rooma. flral floor; J16; part Improve-

inente. -4 |lo*te m.FOUR rooma, new hrlrk houae; gaa. electric,

range, balh; rent |lb , flecond floor. 14 Brueti atFOUR rooms; water, gas. rent 112. first floor,

77 wnUani at, _ ___ ______ _FINE corner fist. f«'ur roonia and hHth; all

hnplB,: Jtnllor Bervk<; fcni il4 fA). 4il2 South Thlni-enlh Bt.. cor. Fifteenth ave.GOULD AVE, To. corner Kiflvemth it.—

EecOdd apartment of * roonpi. heat and Janitor Bervico, near three trolley llnta and atatloa Mav l. |40. GEOllfiE L VAN i>YNE. 4i6 Orenge at., at Norih Seventh.OAFIDEN ST., I'j—-Five large roomu, on

aecond floor, newly papered and palmed. rant reoaoiigble.______________ __H10H 8T.. 445—Eight light rooms and balh,

hardwood ihroughoul, every modern Im- provetnent and canveiilert e : nnf*t reKldeu- Ual section. Apply UR. tSTRAUBBEllci, on premlBea. ______ _ _ _HUNTERDON ST.. c;i. uaar Clinton ave.—

8lx nice, all light rooma; all Improve- wienia; dumb-walipr, sepaj-aie heater and entrance; nice nelghborhoud, rent reason­able. ___ _ _ __HUNTERDON ST,, near Clinton ave.—De-

•Irable rialB of five and hIx rooms and hath. In thrae-famlly flat-hnnae; halln light­ed all night, HKIN. HBli Hunterdon at.•'HEWLE r I'T* Plmie 'it.—Five. bIt

room* and bath; f enirally loi^ied; e.*c«1- lent M'^vloe; rents S4D-I&2. Inquire Janltnron pTemiues. _____________HAWTHORNE AVE.. 247—Four rooms ani

hath; rent JIV. _________ _JOHNSON .\V>:.. U3. wroml floor —8 rooma.

all Tftodero Improvement*. 428; garage In rear if reqiiln’d. tv pt r month e.Ura. In- quire 12) Johnson H»e, __KENT ST.. 3C—Four light room* and baiti;

newly dernraled, ren' IM. fnriiilre Jani­tor. or KRIL'Wihfl. -7 Hillside pi. ____illNXOLN PARK. 37-Modern tii.Hrtment; m1<

rooma, hath un-1 s^'ra^'c room ttenm lie.i‘-:<l

w a ln u t ST-. Six rooma: |1«. Inquire W. H. IdtAKE. 24 Schiay bI. Pbon#

f,37W Wavrriy.


C'lLT'Li: 'vjijit five and CUnlfUi »'■*

H.ii. News (►ffn;e.rooms, nesr Addresa Couple.

tleinen preferreiS.6IAR*11iXt l” hT , 7, near city hall-Neai'y

fuMilsheil Ihfge front nHUu for light hou«-keei'JtJs: hcBled: Bit lmpn>vem^ta.___ _NKLBfi.V PI... 12—Nicely furnlBhed. large

or small roum. with private family; five minutes Bmad and Market ate.__________iJn/'FLAUU ST.. 42. near rlt> hill-N^ftHy

furniihed room, hirht hnuw keepJng, running Volet, eteam hej*te«l, all ImiM'uvemenlB, «i*o■Ingle room. _ _ ________H.ANK FT., 22d-Nicely fnrniihed hou*e-

keeping rooma; also alceplnii ri'omi; ac -nnd I floor front, alt improvemftriia. very i-entral;

Bro.d «i. ! ___________________— ,Box

Sealed propuaala wlll be receded by the Mayor and Council ' *■■■ "Hulherford, N. J,. un Friday April 3. I t 14

of the Dorougii of Rutherford. N. X ..unlll t o'clock F, li..

list )injr vecani flats. apartinentB Or houaea with u»: «e have many di'fcifable lenant*

loiiking for same; 'phone, call op **•'•an anaure vtu good rcaiilti. LINNFiT A\Ui|.F, ”-ji Chrlnn M«.e._______ _________ _.MOTHKIt and 3 aduUe desire apapln^ent,

alioui A T'jitn™ oi'd bath, heating, aniall porch from becond ave. to rity line, and near Wuahlngiriri ave-. w|lh landlord pre­ferred. not ground floor. Addresa 8.. Hox l2l. .Sew* nffh-e. ___

PKNNSTLVANIA AVE.. 17—I-Afge and ainall room; electric llghla. hath: modern

Btyle; ahower; referenrea; rroaonaole: re­fined; convenient South Bt. Btailon. __HOhEVILLE. Warren at.. Wd -LATge fur-

rlaii'**! r\*nni, rutiicnlTt fnr couple or one nr iwii genM<-inen; kU improvemeniPi thnn- m'n uli-B to |ioic\lll* SUMon: up;«oBlta Roievlllaa p _ ______ _______tt7,j].'Virr,K dl Two or there .■.>nn*’ri-

ing roomi. complete for dr? bath; alio aingle rjoin I roHev

laying blue atone nldewalk.2_For laying cimcrete and cement aide*

walk, ^uuu feet, mure or le**,3^Fur ionatruLlhig comrele and cement

curb and gutter, t.OCD feet, more or leoa, and such other Uama of Btreel work aa ap- near In the apaclfliAtlona and pruportla.

P'or the y**ar abdilng April 1. HlE.Bpecificallona can be aeen and blank pro*

nuHala olnalnrd at the office of Ihe borough ilork Dli Fark avenue, Rutherford, N. J.

A carilfled check for MOO payable to th* ordtrr of the Borough of Rutherford muat ai-rompatiy ihe blda.The Mayor and Council reaerve ibe right 10 rejficl any or all bid*.

By order of th i Mayor and Council,F. A. STKDMAN, Borough Clerk.

Dated Huiherford, N. J,. March li^ I9i4^i NOTICE TO TRAP HOCK CONTIlACTORK

Sealed propotiala will be received by tha Mayor and CouriuH of the Borough of Ruth- erfnrij. N. J.. Until I o'clock P. M-. on It I* day. April 3. 1914. for furnUhlng L0<M) toiia


But Former and Present Official of Sparta Township Together Turn

Over $4,000 Fund.



Donor of the $300,000 Structure, It Is Recalled, Ignored Athletics

While Student.


Passaic Plamtiffs Demand $600,000 from Three Mannfactnrmg Con­


nf Iran rock*, more or leaa. In the fttlluwlna ttl-ln rh , H4‘lnch, %i-lnch, ana

near etatlun and

TWt* iir Miree mnm H^iiirrmenl: muni have ■ plram heal, gae amt balh. refined nalgh-

briTh04id: mlrtrlle-Hgeil louple. H. N. __PI-ANTri, W toUlK ______ IsrHING'HTTsT h.'<«n~rrr,M -I bM EUSlhWANTED, three unfurnished rooma for | uve., near D.. U and W* urnlahcJ

light housekeeping, all Improvensenu. rnmn* ii: llaliii hoiieekeeiung. wh'Te one don’t nave in beg for hot water aiid heal; wlltliig lo pay for It. Addreea B., i

vT*.. , ........ - -- -Bi-reenlngB doUveratl on the arreel. or ai BUi-h place aa .may be deelgnated by ibe auperlnlcndeiu of Public Works.

ICaili t’ld rcuBl be accompanied by a car- J lifted chock for the Buni of IlOU, payable to

-- - ; ihe order of the Borough of Huiherford.ll<)FE3 II-LB. Boulh Tenth *1.. <3. n*4r , g^mple. of rock muat be dellverad with

Ninth av..-1-iirBe fv n t rnniii for rnupl«or l-ni gMiltemen, private, alao Bmallef one. ifayor ami Council r*B«rve the right

’ lu reje«i any or all bl<l*.By order of the Mayor and , .aa wm Fa ■ jr t IlI XJ I'l

Bn\ 7.7 Nvw»alc tvellnea

SS'ANTi :D. by three adu ltfl, five rnoiriB. In i- prnved o r p a r t ly ItnprOvedi ID m inutes

vta jc from HudrtDn tube, rent not lo ei« ?! . AdtlreH.H U. 30, News n f ft f^ . _

■\’i'l N'i couple dSHlres ilve-room fait: all Ir iprovementx. rent im| to exc^d 114 .

orRuon central. Addrea« i.Duple. Box U*. offli e. ________ _

rootua, | l : light hoiieekeeplng.THIRD AVE., IIH -Furnlihed. large,

room: also single roo^;^car ihre* n __V, RnGTOS' HT,, Dh", Morki from

pOBlofflce two large, mimectlng. b. ronri f1o(»r wliti range, atrk atanonriry luhi, reH-lv for honaeki epnng, $3'd. liHtli sani^ Hour. nniMi; sferping roOnia. |1. ____ _ .


142—NRsiy fiirnlshe<l■ine iir I’.**’', also three

(fl 50 w pek lmpr<!ve-

ADAUTMENT—P.lght pojnia. iwi»-famlly houis, all improvenienia; iiet'orate<1:

stnaTHtion: ntup trolley and deii -t: lily 01 Hillalda n\« . LyonB Faims: phone 1939MWitvarly. _ _____ _Ar.ARTMENT—Second fhior In «lect two-fam­

ily ropl'leih**. aev pn rt‘oms ' ‘1. his>ir ...414 i,/SI IVKinr fUl III-IMRII ,-T , Glen

Janitor eerilce;NE-

rent (40 Arudv at Ll'^-'4ETTS.

MADIRUN AVE. :if.7-?1li roomB and haih;' KDOnd floor; all Impro'emsntB oirept heal;

tlk. FPROMMLK-WEHER L'O.. tiV2 Melro- polttan building, Miirket and Washington bIb-"MADlSON." 4t» Itldcswoml uve.—FDs. si*

light, airy rooms h:h1 bnlh: excellent aer- vice; renlfl U8-130. Inquire janitor on prvni-|B*S. ________ ____ ^ ________ _MOVING—flJngta load. t l.Vi: padded van, |l ;

VlanoB, 12.W'; etorags. |l monthly; good care; prompt atienllon. IS-'p Halsey ai Tel. 7510 Market. MUDEHN fiTORAi^ ROOMS ____MARKET, corner Mulberry si.—Four and

five rciom flata. lop floor, all linprovo- mentB except heat: adults; rea»ionable. In­quire l31 Mulberry et, _______ _

MovIng-^Storlng Fhlp(>iTig. VANUnni-RHiF ;4TGRACiE WARt-HIOL'SU

882-39a Hfcvirtlh a\e. H. Hr-ook 1357NORTH SIXTH sf . u78. near liloomfleld

ave.-^SIs rofiTUh and bath, all Improva- tnenlB except licut; first flonr of twn.fMniily hqua*: plenty of cIobpI room; rent |15. Ap­ply at prtunlscH nr ILJ Elghlh uve ■ __NORTH FlNTfT ST.. HT*.. |i***r Bloomfield ave. -

Kls roniiiB. nI) impTviremenls, fl'Vir ofIwo-fBinUj kmiec. rent (12 Apply at prejalsea or I2» Uighlb Bvc. __NORTH SIXTH tfT.. I t l—Lower Kpartm--nt;

seven ruvms, newly ilecoraierl; nil Im- i‘roverr.ent«. Call t i 199 North I4lxlh si.

five rnmns iwo-fainlly

three m!’i- "d floor. II

NINETEENTH AVE., S. near Springfield ave.—Four ntoma, first floor; two famlly house;

All tIghtT (11. PFnOMMER-WLIJFR CO.. iW2 MetropoUtsn building, Market and Washington • ta _NELSON PI. -Fine Iffrye fist, wiven rooma.

bath. I'uiilry; leniHl -'Oiy I'-!.'! Inquire DANIEL .M/r. I'liemen’B building,o rch a rd HT., Ill [teouffut front parlor; aL

cove; t»alh: ncul; every impravcmenl; in private family: muai lr« aren to Iw appreclat^U; foasonahle. _________ROSEVILLli, 17 North tilith Beautiful flat.

*lx rooms and hath; hteam heal; all Im­provements; dfr-oTHiPd: awning*; nsiir ihrae troilrvB and Rnaevlllc Station; April 15-_____RDSEVII.LK. Moth ave,. HI—Fl\e light

rooms, aecond floor, five minutes' walk from Roa. vme aiail'in. Aduii* pu l-1 rod; t' jit (lis. MARTIN-_______ ______________ ________EOSEVTIJ.i:. Hjrtk ave., IJl. one hlnrk ahore

HoKsvllip iitur tVarri'ii at.—Se^oi) room*,parquot lioora, gas runfe, safe, elfiftric; bwd-W ^ IS S . _________________ ___________ROSEVILLE. Noilh Kixlh Bt.. 54—Desirable

avcond fli«)r Rpanmenl. Iwo-famlJy house; ■lx rooms, bath; aioam heat; adult* only; (30.ROSEVlLt.K AVlC.. 4l;J'41t)—New aparlmenia.

all Itnprovi-iiicnlt': inudcrate rent. KEIHT & FEIST, brnnrb ofiicc. 8»'J UoaevUle its .______ROSE 8T.. 33—Four rooms, with improve­

ments; rent (13. Inquire on premlaea. or 13 Siraiford pi., BRODY.BOUTH SIXTEENTH ST. 4!0-4l2-“ Hftcond

floor flats, hIx rj'>ms; all improvemenia except heal,; newly decoralad and paint­ed- all tight Tnoma ; rent (1>. Inquire first floor. 41ii. or U LH IaN A Co.. 73 Bank sLSOUTH SEVENTKENTH ST.. 4«8. near

South Or*ingc Act.- .luat flnlHherf; all Im-J rovemenle; four fuul flee Dom apartmenla,

IS, $14 and (15.bO. MENDL & GANS, E«- sex building _ _SOin iT'iBVENTBBNTH HT. 4^ . near South svfl.-Four and five room Data; all Improvements; Jest fom[det'?d; renta (13. IH and (15,50. MENDL A GANS. Eaaex building.SOUTH OHANGB AVB. and Bievenlh *l.»-8lx

or seven-roont flats, all Improvementa, bath, etc.: all llghf ToomBt first and aecond fJoon Ipqulrt SSl South Orange ave.___________aOUTH^KLHITi'rCNTll BT.. 434. penr Rouih

Orange ave.—Four light rooma and bath; all tBipfovementa; newly decorated; Inquire prem- l«a. _____________________ _iuRSEX" AVE., 32S—Five rooms end bath,

aU Improvemehtd; Janitor aarvlce; renta Inquire Janitor on corner. t ( North

Fourth Bt________ ___________SOUTH BELMONT AVB.. B9D—Se-jOnd

floor; eight-room apartment; nil Improva- laama; rent (: 8. Apply on premlaea.SOUTH ORANGE AVU. :iti4-5 rooms and

bath, herween South 8lxih and Seventh Bla.; (7fi. HARTII, 3113 bmith Orange Rve

liiipsl improve-nuni* heat arm UOl wajnr fundahed by u^trden. fJowen.Iti.lK*-. __________________________COLORBD-Kasl Orange. Sfl or E Prtn<«tnn

, fOe rooriis, buHi; range, hot wiler; lUPa.»lti. BNOVBR. 1175 Mi^bal^ry_Bi._______ _KA^T ORANGU—rifBi floor, five light room*:

Bulruhle for coUi'le; chol'''' n^dghborli«>"d: near Uickuwarma wlatlr-n ai,1 trolley; plenty lun-hlric, Jiao iharie. imprnv < in< iita. rent r**a-

nabl*- Address Owner, U x Newi officeE.\ST Op.4 N*il —Beautiful ilernraled apart

lufUila: only appreciated when seen; 4 and fi loiijiis' hath; ('J.'.-CJT; hrat; hot water; janitor acrvki. Ill Main »t . hl.Jck_d_ep.M_SeeJamijW.

IL\t-T (>R.',NC|K, lhif*e inllUJir.'i Brick Church J Stallon Thre** roornn find kh'-hencUe; unfur- I iil:*||fd i r furniblicd. firat-c’as#. Apply 17

l‘ius|icct a t . ______________________.L \N'iVu tVe f Bl , 7n-Flat. aJ« rooms

and I'Htli. aieani hia(, gfla rangt: lepamte cntraili'e, large I’nn h Hfid aith', routt'ni'H ilmwly n.-o]ns; m provemenl!*; Si:.

iiu:r,t l>e hecn In l>c npiircr latorh M \ al­ley al,. Urange. _FLAT, 4 large, light rooma, (13. 397 San­

ford Hi.. East Orange.____ ____tUARniSON, Harriaon ave,. £30. corner Third

,t,- riv e rnoma. all Impmvemenis; private hall: janilnr aervUe, rtnl (in, (Ml and (17. Inquire Janllor, or owner, 141 Springfield ave ,

I Nfv.nrk Olliluih hinre ________ _IKVlNilT< 'N — I.o»ver apartmcni

and light ami Blrj'hogwa; nrparato iHnivetilencee; utcH to ifoMeya. Apply owner,Banlord ave. ________ _________1 RVTNtiTtiN—Eight-room up-to-daia flat. *H

Ihe latewi improvemenlji; antrame;no Neahlt terrace. Owner. fllT Fralinghuyaen evi.: ipleiihone i£d)4W.IRVlNiJTON-H$\ eral nice houacs fnr one and

two faTniHea: al®o several nice flat*, with hiipro'enionta. N- IVEfiEIl, Springfield and Sluyvesanl aves. _____.IRVlN'iroN-FIve light roomu niid toilet, eec-

ond floor: tubn. gHf: ne»f echonl: place for chickens. 113. LAFFCBTY. 27 Ml. Vernon.ftve ____________ ______ ___ _____________litVINGTGN, Twomy-Hecond at.. 137. near

Elghtcenili avff. — Five rooniB and bath; In two-family houwe; rent reaHonaMe._____LYONS FARM?!—Eight-room apartment.

private $n1r<iru.'e; every cofivmileinje, doc- oriitod, shitdeH, bcrecha; nenr trolley; fine vle»v, CiB per month. H4i North Broad at., Lyons F'arins. N. J.SIX-ROOM hnuae; all linprovemenla: rent

J:3, nlth npilfun to purchase at 43,700; Ini 40x100. GKO. COMFTON. 1441 North Rroad at., Lyons Fanns. N. J.__________ORANGE—ReBpeclahla colored famillee; four-

room flats; gaa. water, toilet, (9. dS; Vojlay road and Crosalowti car* pass dtM'r. Inquire2 Girard ave.. cor I>odd et.. East OraTifo-SlX-ROOM flat to let; all Impt*.; Vauxhall •terrace; 3 mlnntea» from trolley. Call even­

ing*. or write T4l Hiinierdinn at., Newark.SIX and aeven large light rooms; all Im­

proved; corner Twsnty-seeond s*. and Twentieth nvs., Irvington, N. J.8TI:YVESANT a v e .. ri73. cor. Ijaui-ai ave—

Six rnonis; all tmprrivenicnti; one block from Springfield and Br-’mil carH.TO LET—6e Marcy Ave.. Baat Orange, aec-

ond floor, four rooms; all Improvetneote; no heat: near .“iprftgue'B and Weatlnghouse A. J. McDEVTTT, 2S5 Main »t.. Orange;

WASHINUTl'iN HT , akepliig morn fur

rnnisi f^lrnl 'hed flat.mem a _______ _\Y AHJh S iITON ST . 3f«1 Two plenoant n n-

n'cUrul, front, furnished ro^me. \>ii(h impr '^c- meris, fm- light houHekirep1ng._T^^yJ<h(^rn'ed .M A L N U T ST R7 -L a rg e hniieekeeping

morn. (2. also connecting h*mBiekeep;iig gaa, t<Hth. hot ccaicr. Klerplng. II, nearrliy hullw k r T KINNFTS' ST , J4—FtHBUTlfuV newly fi:r

niahed ri'onv [irls,ate, c tn lm lly h^a ivd , rea Bonablc. T im o S S ia J i

FURNISHED kOOMS WANTED^FUnNESHBD r«*itn Uianieil. In vlrinltv of

Warren and I'amdeii ala.- by ganilenian, mu more than | : week. Addromi T. T . Hni 3'.'. New B office.WANTED, by a geuHeman........... _

farnil^ diin lly ot Hroad and_ ni '€ clean room.

Marker s?». Addreea JOHN SMITH Raker F'flntlng To.. :f.l_ Market a t . ___YOLN'J MAN wishes rnom with private

nflrl> . no other rimmerp, i iusr be home­like. slat* price and full partl'-uiars: aU HiiBwers strictly confidential, give dlrec- lloiiN. / Idreaa H.. Box 55. .New* o f f lc ^ ^

FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET—OUT _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OF TOWN ___EAST ORANGE. GlenWnod ave.. 5—Lirgo

rrom, amall one adjoining. In private fni’»- lly; light houaekeepiiig f •,iJrIck Church and trolley. Teh ^EA*bT ORANGE. Harrlaon at., ?4—Ijirge

furnleheil room, Lif one or tun: tvvocioefili next to hath, i mlnutea Lo train i r trolley. Tel. 4871 O iu n g ^ ^ _________ _EAST OKANGE. N. J-, 17 South Burnett

furnished room, with private family; 3 nilnutcs from station; pleaaani lo- cailcui. lernis reasonable, __j^AST^U-HANtlfc^-Exiept loyally pleasant

front num . bbi oiid flf"-r i»o closcis el! Im prove mrtht r ppLnle faiitlly near ifolley 'ihteti. Tel 4H ; R o r o n g e . _____ _______EAST UKANt.E. WHeldngt'ii 4—To >1

fnrnihljed rnorrs; hR improveinemte, nice roo-ne for right party. _________ __EAST UBANLE. Washington tt.. ;0--Two

nP ely furnlnhed roemw to let at Brick Church. 12.50 an*! ( 3 . ________ORANGES—Live in the Orange*. New

Y, M. C. A, Durntllory otfers Mcul bachelor ^Ufirter* Telephone. Bhower bathi, e\«ry convenletiye; |2 pei’ week, V. IL A., 419 M»in et., Orange.CiRANGE. Ward Bt., 23--One 'T two nicely fur-

nlahed roomB; light hiiuaekeeplng If desired: near troJIey atu3 staMun

F. A. STEDMAN. Borough Clark.Dated Hulherfor^ ^ J-, March

NOTICE TO c o n t r a c t o r s .Healed pr4>pooal* will be received by the

Mayor and Council of the Borough of Kuth- tTfi'rd N. J.. until 8 o’clock I*. M-. nn Fri­day. April 3. IRU. fur the construction of a laleraJ aaultary sewer in Sylvan street, frimi near Woodland avenue, to connect with Bvwer In Flerropont avenue.

Flaija and specifications may '■« esarnmei amt lnIi>rinatfon and blank fornii of pro- i)<>Hala obtained at the office of tha borough i k-rk ill the I'iiy hall, Bark avenue, Ruther- furd, N. JEach bid must he accompanied with a (sriltled I he-k for Die sum of ilOO. payable lo the order of the Borough of Kutherfurd, N. J.The Mayor and Council reserve lha rlgn! lu rejn I any or all blda.

By order of the Mayor anu CoundUF. A. STEDMAN, Borough Clerk,

Dated Ituiherforrl. N. J., March II, I9l4jNOTICE TO COKTRACTORS.

Sealed proposals will be re-eivcd by the I fiun- II of the Borough of Ruihtr-ford, N, J.. i>n Tuesdav. the seventh day of April. IB14, ST B o'uloik y. M-. for the gra liiig of Erie H\phue, between Cneatnul aireel and Moht- r->MS avenue.

FlBiiB anr| iperiflcation* may be sxamlhsil mil Informailon and blank forma of pro­posals obtained at (he office of the borough -■lerlc In the city hat). Park avetiue, Ruther- f--rd, N. .1.

Each bid must be acrompanle-J with a certified -•berk for the auin of one hundred 'I'dlars ((li>0>, pajabie to the order of the Jinrough uf Hmliorfnrd, N. .1.

Thr Mayor and Council reservea the right in reject any and all bids.

By order of the Mayor and Council.F A. STEDMAN. Borough Clerk.

riBled Kiitlicriord, N. J.. Aiar^h 34, 1914.


strike of the eruployes of the Germtiti Arrifilli-, xvcuvlruf •< Company wus *et- tlrd Saturday And p lans were made to ­day by th- > c-wners of the plant to get the fihop hark on a normal workim; hgei*

It \\aB iigrord (hal the w eavcis will not pet the n4rif-hour duy utiIchb Ihu Bamc hoiirH are g ran ted to the rum pell- lore of the com pany In th is cmiiitry. An Incrsuae of in n ‘ per cent In the uRg-R floale waa g iantcd- It was also sgreed that the w ravera employed Iti ilie plant at tlie beginning of the atrlke Rhoulil have the ir pliicca in preference t-V new he|p


BOARDINGHRKINTh'ALL i’L.. 24 Continuation of

Markst. near rnurtbouBe, elegant large fr-ml *ivR.m healed room*, with veranda; sulL able fnr iw o; tabla bi-jOfd: hpme cookltig,private. ___ _______________BROAD ST.. 1122—Large roetn and board

on second floor, with private family; home coolsing. HUltoble for two geiillemcrt or Iwo ladles; rates |& per week.________________BROAD ST.. II6a—Wed furnlahed largo and

Binah rooniB; une or two gouHpineni hoard c-pilonal: home conking Tel. 2WL'iW Wa^e^lv,BLEEUKEH ST.. 47. noer lubes—LurRo

front parlor, iilcely furnished; st-^am heat; single rouina. (Irsl-ctasu table board,l_U_______ __________________________R B L L E V lL l-E A V E.. 23t»-Nli-»ly furnished

nKims lo rent, w ith or w ithou t board; fine location fu r a-'cior or iK-nilat; ab c.invpTileiic<-s,

BKRGEN HT., *43—Dinner aerved from 12 to 1. or three mealB a luy.

COLUMBIA BT,. 69—Nicely furnished single and double front rooma; comfnriahle;

homeilke; private liouue. two blo-'ks illy hall; with or without boaVd; flrst-claeii. tel, 11237W Mkt.

ISfi—HIx targe light room*, newly decorated: baihrtxjm tiled; iiaUa fur-SOUTH SIXTH BT., decorated:

nlBhed. Inquire on prcmlBe*.SOUTH SEVENTH HT.. ;t07—Second and

tiilrd floor; nix ronms each; light rooms; all Improvements hut heal.SOUTH ELEVENTH HT.. 450-l'our mome and

batb, all hnprovemeuts, dr t Boor: hloo loca­tion; reaeonable.SCHBJERKR AVE., 127. a-?rond floor - BIx

Tooni*. balfa and pantry; large, airy and lota of aunehine: new deggratlon* throughout; rent 428.


WANTKD. immediately, by two adults upper part of two-famlly house, five or

six roams; modern conveniences; refined neighborhood; nenr Brink Church Station; rent not to ex-l-eed |2D. Full particulars, M. TL. IQ.V Mt._Figag[iin_t-kyg-.

_ FURNISHED FLATS TO LETAFART.ME.NT of two large rooms and

klicheneite; all connected;; furnished for houHckecpiiig: hnt and cold running water; nil Improveiiicnt*: near Lackawanna Bta- lloo aud tube. 69 Plane at.APARTMENT, Stilton, Eleanor; 4-6 rooms;

flrat, second, third floors; all Improve­ments; Inducements; Janitor; handsomety furnlBhed, fine rooma, 322 to 330 Seventh «ve.


APAHTMKST. Raat Ortnge. flrat floor tfPo-fai_lly bouse: bouHx no Mcoad floor: ell room* and

platxa; furpHheil, eumsner or^Iopier; trolley and depot convenient; refeteace*. rETBRBBN, 99 SiisSHX aTc,. Kast__OTaM^

FURNISHED ROOMS TO LETBKRGEN ST.. 710. blpck from Clinton ave.

Large, light, nicety (urnlahed room with klU'heu. for light houaekeeplni; all lm> rrovementr; eteam heat; reaxonable; good location: private.BROAD ST.. 1167—One single and two con-

nocllng front rooms; all Impta.; private, BFp. entrance: tel.; electricity; reaaonabte.BROAD ST.. IIM—Front room aultable for

one or two. with hall room If deelred; hot and cold water; bath; telephone.

(.'LINTON AVR , ]IW. near Lincoln Fark-IJeal reeldontla) neighborhood; room* and board;

aU Imirovemenli; flrel-class.FOREST HILL. Lake at . 73fi—Twn large

connecting rooms with board; aecoiui floor, neai' bath. Telephone 3Dt11 HL B.HUMBOl.UT ST.. 4—Large and small

rooms; furnlahed, with or without board; convenient to Iralii* and two trolleya.NELSON PI*. 4S, near courthou*e-Ttiree

minutes to lubes; private family; will rent large front parlorf.suitable for two; aloo *ingltf room, with board. _____________________NELSON PL.. 10. near courthou*e-^Two large

front rooms, all nrst-claBB, Improvements, Bultable for genrtfinen; with or without boardn o r t h " e l e v e n f TTll'r!. ?7—De«lrab1e \o.

ration; near train* and trolleys; with or without hoard; all cotivenlencce,ORCHARD BT.. 95, near Cheilnul—Very

dealrable single room; hath; steam heat; homelike, reasonable; good table,ROHEVILi.E, North Third st.. 209—FuT

nlahed room, overlooking Branch Brook Park, with or without board; terms reaaon- ahle.SUMMER AVE.. near Chenier—Attractive

and convenient neighborhood, large and medium size room, with excollenl table; 17- (8; home comforte; detached house, with Bcreensd porches. 914H B. B.

The f'liiuwlns deeds tvere filed S atur­day in Hid uoiinty regiHier a uffh'e;

NKWAKK.l.minR Ij Wegner and hue to Hensler

Realty t ’o, cor lot land Win Boyce on S Orange av, 32x206. $1.

Helen K Smith and hua to Fannie L Moigg, e u N bth 7b ft s fr tflh av, 2&X&0. $1.

I'hae HqU ct el exrs to Oeo Pitney, »* J^'itllel• Pi 2” ft w fr Sfierman uv, 25x100, $2,»U0

Arthur li LTaae el ux to August Kauf- maiui f t MX. e e t»ewey at 175 fl a fr Hawthorne av, 25xi(j(i, j i .

Elizaheth Miller la Jas S Bradley J r el hI, n K Blencker bi 2uu ft w fr \t'a*hlng- loh 9t, 25x113, (1.

UL'THIDK OF NKWAKK.Wm J Axt ct ux to Ju lia Ilelabowltz.

Irvington, e e 8 2Lat at Uo ft n fr IGih av. 25xlUH. $1.

l\|]izBl»eth HarriatJii to I' raTik R Tlohe- nor ct MX, Caldwell, w s KUsuheth pi line laniJe eat of Jgs i ’ Gould. 4^x135, |1

Michael Thjcl to Uco II Huber, Cedar Cifuve, e fi G arret si 378 f t a fr Cedar *t, 8r.xlu0, $1.

Fredk W Aabworth c t ux to Antonio hlnriaco, Cedar Grove, s e cor Fomplon av ami i.'cdar 3l, 136x141, |1 .

( has F fli. hncpfllh e t al to Francis C Miiidnlch, Irv ington, c s Sanford st 60 f t II fr KImwood av, ri0xl04, $1.

Krancls t- M indukh to Chas F Bchoep- flincL NX, Irvington, same properly, $1.

Ureiilffjnridge & 'J'ichenor Inc to Henry nucher. Irvington, e s Uevlne gt ICO ft n fr Breakenrldge tur, 25x131. $1.

Wm Funke cl ux to Arthur Van Steen- bergli et ux, Irvington, e a Grove st 186 ft s fr Alpine et, 37x122, |L

Geo It Weber e t ux lo Otto W^eck «t ux, Irvington, s e cor 17th av and 22d at. 50xU>0. $1.

Otto 5\‘eck ol ux to Daniel Sags et al, Irvington, h c enr 17th sv and 22d st, 5Uxli>h and other trac t, $1.

Agnep Phelps and hus to W^m H Conk’ lin et ux. F. Orange, w e Amherst *t 149 ft s fr Central av, 29x100, $1.

By 8el Realty Co lo Oscar A Peterson et al, Montclair, fl w cor land first party e 9 land Thos Poison. P5xl00, |I .

E T Van Zandt to Klla I Weiss. B Or- ,ange. e a Hlchmond av 2()0 ft s ir Mld- : land Boulevard, 100x150, $L

SprHal Nfn i<T of Vf.'lV.V.SPARTA, March 3fi—That he was in

the habit of souling with the inwn com­m ittee for the face of the tax dupH- rate, se verified hy tlip Puimty ILiurd of Taxation, and did noi include the dog or poll tax of his district. Is the explana­tion former Tax Collector David Kinney of ihtfl township, who reilrcd a your ago. made last week for still having In his hands $3,SOD belonging lo Sparta Town­ship. He subsequently turned iho money over to the township committee, He also Rgrwed to turn over to the town .com- inltlee ll.BfiO more ihat he tiss cullcctod but has not accounted D r.

This fltald of affa irs was dlficloa^d a t a meeting of the committee which was held Thursday and continued Frldai'. Tf'* add to the j^erplexlng sHuatton, Tax Col­lector Joaeph M. Palm er announced he had $525. which ho said did not belong to] him. and. as he had hern hundUng the funds qf the lownehlp. musl l>elong to iho district. Uo turned ih« money o \e r lu ihe committee.

Kinney s admlsalnn of owing tUo tow n­ship $3,500 caused an PiaminHUotj of the hooks for the period from 19'ul to 1912, Inclusive, which showed. It Is alleged th a t he waa between $l,&00 and $2.0(H> behind !n the money turned over, of which Mr. Kinney admits a shorlago «f $1,000.

11 appears th a t (hat Ogdennburg part of the township which la soon to hci-ome a borough had signified it* lntcnMi»n of having all llio aermints cHrcfully gone over before assumiiik boruugli govern- ment.

Mr. Kinney before retiring fmm office had made a full flclUernent with the town commlliee, ft«-cordlng tu the face of fhe dupllcalo, which «*nntalnfl only the per- KOital and real cstaie tax. und di>ca riol iticlude poll and dog lax,

II Is said llia t there Is no Intention upon the iiart of the town roimnitteo lo take any *>llier acti'>n agalnsl e lih rr of uie men,beyond securing for the town-ihip all thti money tlial has hten collected by them for taxes.

E fforts made yesterday and today to get Into telephonic ctuumtmlcalion with Mcasru. Kinney and Palmer were unaviiU- Ing.


KAIjKM, March SO.—Dnable tr> furnish $10,D00 hall bonds required for enih, I»u!a J. end John J Blrnberg. brothers, accused of attem pting the deslruc-tloti by Nre of thoir nlldolh ractories ben*, have hern In Jail since tliclr srrcBi fli 'J'renton ir^elurday. 'J'ho brothers refuse to Ulk with the anlliorltlcH.

Prosecutor Sinnlckson Is making fu r­ther inquiry Into the alleged plot, asslaicd by John B. ram pbell, manager of the American Oil Clotli Company, a fat'O.Oua ' orporatlon. In which the Blmbergs have a half InlerGHt. It was with I'ampbcll Ihat the lirtjll^era hto said lo have pJoU'M for the burning of the plant. They are alleged to have offered him $ir>,fitK) to set the fire.

Cfthiphell Is cxperled lo be lUc prin­cipal wUne.'<s Hgntnwt the tricn wluui ilic m atter c«>iuea licforc the grand Jury, nti I subsequenliy al iheir trial. In liui event of an Indictment. <'nmphell i oniniunh alcd with Pri.ise« lUnr Hinnlcksnn upon receiv­ing the alkged offer to burn the plant A contraet is alleged In ha\e been drawn up In tho Hinglmni IbUol, In PhlladelphiH, XV Uh private ilcicctlvea In an adjoining roiim, (n which, iia L"M, s dlctagrapli |S'J.

Ball was set Hulunluy by Jiistico of tlic peaco Hmllh. <‘i1y detectives In TrcrUoii aoaivhe<3 two lin;uming Iraihs from J'hll- ndclpliia before they incated llic men In a MiiU'kef. At that time tlie HlmluM'ga prn- tealed iheir fnriocenc-o and threatened to ])rosei-iil« the police

l/OUl8 J RImberg llvca al 23 WoodlKod pla.p, While I'lriln-1, N. Y.. and his brother lives at H) WofnilHrul plai’S Hutli are married and has a children

Tbcjo is Insurance ui tls© ^■lklt>1h plant hern In the siim of (17fi mill HPlillUllIn A. tt'hddlngton of this place is preslilent of the American plant- ■' t Ihc Hotel I'ennls. m Atlantic O ly. yoslRrdas. where he lia.s been reciJ|>prH.ting from sn llIncHs, In* do-

larcd that lu* had ahsioUilely no knowl- edgo of the alleged doings of the Blm- hergs. William G. Hockbrhlge of J-6 Fifth avenue. New York, n nig dealer the fourth dircclor In the nlldolh plant, also denied knowledge of iho m aucr He­wn id, iKiwever, that the Rlmhergs have n-d hren In ai'cnrd with UlmsHf end Mr. Wiid-llngton on mutters peTtatiiing to the business.


BPRINGEtELD AVE-. 14, one block abovs High Ht.—Five rooma and bath. Inquire A.

FldCH, owner. (00 Broad st.STORAGE, $1 momhly; moving. |4 a load;

ptapos hoisted, (8 each. Newark Htnrage 'war«room*, 224 Wsshlngion *L; tel. 4700 MNt.BIX ileganc l*rg* light room* and tile bath,

newly decorated, all rnod*m lmpro^'eme^tl oxcest heat. Inquire MRI . AUEIL 229 Twen­ty-first st., near Plank rosd car.SIX light room* and bith. corner. 65

liawkln* fit, and Brlnimald pi. Inquire grocery, MRS. DONAH LB, 44 Hawktn* st.BIX large, beautiful ronme and bath; all

Improvement* exeept host; rent very rea* eonabt*. Elm at._________________ ■BIX rooma and balh; all tmprovemaati: rent

| l f. >21 Runyon *t.__________ ________SCOTT AT,. 21—For eolorad tenant, five room*

U«. PFROMMER-WEBER CO- «02 Metro- politan bulldlttg. Market and Wgahlngton ■!*.SUMMIT S'C.riii^rbwTiind four room flat*. sQ

Itnprovcmvot*: rent reiaoDahl*.SOMEHSET st . 44—Four lurge Ufht pless-

reasonable rent; efleond floor; maul IS p r^ r re d .BUMMER AVE., 91-Three nice, largo, light

room*. 18. C. E- SHIPMAN. 911 Essex balldlpg._______________________________ _THIRD AVE.. 13«. corn*r Oarslde st,^Two

fine, light apartments. 7 and I room*; Trnt 13$ and $2t; poaset>slon mX. onoe if d«' ■Ired. JAMES A. BEHRT, 21 CtiiUon it.TO LET—Steam heats.d corner apartment, 8

rooms, paniry and bath, laqulre LET- TAUER, 417 NtUen p t . ______________TO LET—Four nice rofun* at 09 Howard et-*

rrfti |]2. Inquire on premises.TO IffS Wear l a ^ anewM; post Impie-t

OM floor. 89 BefleviUe ave.

broad st .. 26: Falrmounl ava., 190—Aparl- menli. two and three rooma, |3 to |6 weekly;

hot water didly; heat; Janitor._______BANK ST., 168-Flne, large, front room,

batb; all Impruvementa. private; reason' able; also nice fiont room, I1.T6.BANK and Halsey sts.. Stag Hotel—Rooma

for men only; all room* newly furnished; hot water, bath. eiectTlc lights.BANK ST.. 9C—Furnished room* for men

or.iy. (I.IO and | lBALDWIN ST.. 23t^Two or ttirea fumiahed or

iintumf^ed rooms to let; alt ImprovemanU; private fatnlly.BLROEN ST., 170—One furnished ball

room, |3,$0 per week; near trolley.CDURT 8T., S$-—Nicely furnished front

rooni for one or two gentlemen; steam heat, bath. 8 minute* Broad and Market; with or without board; mode ^ te price.COURT 6T., 72—Slngtt: and coimeoting room*.

furnleheft for houoeheeplng; running water, gs* and bath; also eleeplng rooraK $1-26 up.COURT 8T., 60. at Woshltigton si.—Central

■team heated fumlslied rooms, single or double, for men; bath; electricity; ‘phone.COURT 8T.| $1—Room, suitable for one or

two persona; five minutes to Market and Broad Its,; rent reasonable; private.

TO RENT. ■ floor of four large, light roome, fl8, 2S Cherry rt. Inquire IS st.

THREE pletstinl light rooms, water and gas, near three car lines; rent |f . Inquire 211

First st., city. _________ __________THREE large, light rooms; toilet, gas and

water, $4 FoirmounL ave., oppoatta Slav* enth.THRBE nice rooma to lat: gas and water.

46S WMhlngton st. Inquire In store.

,n . TWO. three, four and ftva roonus; rent M t» Stl. Ftnit fldoL tS4'Ottvar i t

COTTAGE ST., 11—Neatly furnished rooms for light houoekeeping: single or »n suite;

also small aleaping room; bath, gas, laun­dry.HAST PARE BT„ l$-rLarg«» will furniqhed

front room; sudtabia for two; also singla— - ..................... . - ------ ---------room; all Improvements;

phone.■team hsat; tsl

^AST p a r k BT„ 48..*v«ry central; alngl* room; ascond fJo<M’; aieam heated.

rURNisiiED H ix jji-^ team neid Hot water; us* of batb; In fine neighborhood;

one door from trolley; ons block from Erie; buslneoa woman preferred. Address Widow, Box 101, New* office.

BOARD WANTEDGENTLEMAN and daughter attending high

eohool desire* board with a refined pri­vate family; must bs reasonable. Address

'' Board, Box 46. News office. „ __MAN and daughter (8 years), board, private

family loot boiirdlng-house»; give terms, particulars. Address Terms, Box 37, New* office.___________ ______________WANTED, board and rofun; near Summer and

Berfiond ave*.: by young man, teacher. Ad- drifts Board. Box 3. News office.___________YOUNG MAN wishes room and board, with

private parly, where one can feel at home; must be congenial and In good loca­tion; state price and give full particular*; answer* atrfctly confidential. Addraos H., Box 66, New* office. _____TOUNG MAN wlshe* nice claag furnlahed

room In private family; ventral and home­like; etate lermo. Addrese Reapectable,Box 72, News offic e . ____________YOUNG^MAN wlshe* room, with breakfast

and Sunday meals; Hill aertlon preferred, Addresa R,. Box 68. New* oHIce.__________TOUNQ MAN wishes to board with Hunga­

rian family. Addreas 1*. Box 28. New* office.

BOARDlNG-OUT OF TOWNa m p e r e Park ava.. 85, three mlnuUa from

D L and W. Station—House newly decor­ated and furbished: exceUeUt table; home cook- tpg; rate* reaaonabis. ________BAST ORANGE, Sodlh Maple ave.. 4--Two

cnnpectiDg steam heated rooms; also liyge and amall roi'ms; Improv^meisis excellent tabic: thrtc m lrute. Ortve SI. Station.Tclapfcona >M7J Orange. ____________ _b a st ORANGB, S3 Qrove pi,—In privata

family, two connactlne front rooma: mod­ern Improvcmcnla. threa mlnuloa to Orova 81, Btatloo._______BAST OftANOa The Btnnabury. I t - t l North

Arlington ave.-**-Few beautiful furnished rooma in nice locatlofi: reoaonabla; finest table.NORTH FOURTEENTH _8T.. IID—Vary de-

alrabla front room; all Improvenwnloi pri­vate family; with or without board. ______room and board, very desirable,

family; ganUem^n only,*rapihs'SUITE two room* and bath, rtrictty private

home; quiet, refined neighborhood; meal* neart breakfast if dealred; easy walking dle-

• *• acroened porch;

MORTGAQEa.Th« following m ortgages were filed;

NEW ARK.Harris 'Kanlrowllz e t uic to W est End

R & L Afisn, e a S 16th flt 223 ft n fr 16th av, $T.D00.

j'aiUlno Kollm ar and hits to John Svhunberger et ux, a w cor fi 15th Bt «od aAvoii uv, $4,di)0.

Mathias Hlitgen e t ux to Wm Hornlch, • fl fi 19th at 422 f t B fr 18th av, $1,000.

<leo W Pitney et ux to Ninth w ard D & L Assn, A B Folnlor Bt 225 f l w fr Sher­man av, 2,800.

Wni H Corey c t ux to Fourteenth W ard B & la Aesn, u b W&taon av 1125 ft a e Ir Hunterdon ut, $3,500.

Aug K aufm ann et ux to Arthur D Craii^> e s Oewey at 175 f t s fr H aw ­thorne av, $543.

J Edward Guthrie e t ux lo Thirteenth Ward li A L Assn, n s E Klimey at 38 f t w fr o n h a rd at, $8,000,

Cha* Schleicher el ux to Security 'Sav Bank, e a Waverly av 571 f t s fr fiprlng- fleld a \ . $5,500.

Minnie Nate and hue to same, n e e W right st 150 ft n w fr Frellnghuyaen av, $2,600.

H arry Heller et ux to same, e a High st 123 ft n fr Jus Alden's land, $2,000.

tu same, w a Bloomfield av g • cor N athan Baldwin's land, $12,000.

Pearl Putnam and hua to Morris Kau- aer, w s 3 I5th at 742 f t s fr Clinton av, $750. ’•

OVTSIDK OF NEWARK.Julia Cilunowltz to Elisabeth Felger.

Irvington, e s S 2lBt s t 175 f t n fr 16th av, |l,50u.

B ertha Nlchthausef and hua to Bloom­field T r Co, Bloomfield, e * W ashington pi 230 ft n fr W ashington it , $3,000.

Frank H Tlchenor et ux to Anna E Sloroh, Caldwellr w h E llaabetb pi adj Joe P Gould'fl estate. $3,000.'

Antonio Monaco to Cedar Grove B & L Asen, Cedar Grove, o a Pomplon av ■ a Cedar at, $2.QUO.

Same to Fredk W Ashworth e t ux. Cedar Grove, seme property. $1,300.

Angelo R Bicclo et ux to Franklin B 8b L Aasn. NUtley, e s Bloomfield av 220 f t fr Jefferson st. $300. « .

Chas Duork et ux to Herman flchnelder, Irvington, s s Ncabitt U r 150 ft e fr Yale av, $400.

Famine Rak«*tt snd hus to Augusta M Johnson, E Orange, * s Olive st 175 f l e fr Prospect st, $850.

A rthur Van fiteenbergh e t tix to W'm Funke, Irvington, e b Grove at 186 ft e fr

Artrirc of f/<p .V/MVAMORHlSTOtV’N, Merrh ' —Mnmbfrs

'■f Ihe Morris County Kchonl Moiirds' A*- 80.-!Fition and iho Prinrlpfils' ^AfiaocUition 'net In Jriinl s'*?slon Shtu/ilay a t tbo t ourthouBfi. the rlilof Address being by J t . Calvin N Kendall, SUle Commis- slom r of liducatlon. whoBP therno waft •■h;ffl<*1ency.'' (^fflrera were re-el^cl^d Hs folhjwtf' PrePKlftfit. William T. T»p|gh- lOTi of Hanover Township: vh-e-preflldcnt, Arthur Blancharri of no.mton; aroretary and treasurer. Cpunty Superintendent. J. Howard ilu lsarl.

Dr, KendaJl said there had heen a steady reduction In the number of puidlfl p»*r teacher, and said that a lack of ef- flolenry In Bcliool work Is often due to the short time, eomparatlvely. apent by the pupHa in schools, r'redlctlug th a t In the cities the forly-oight week Bchool yc^r would soon bO the rule.

Among the thlnge ernnhasiKed by fnin- mlssloner KemJall as necehulUoa were tho shortunlng of teai-her»‘ vacations, more perfect school organization, Rympathy of V.oardfi of eduraLion und the people of roinmunltlcs with progreflalvo courses mul industrial training directed for the beny- n t of producerfl ra ther Uian that of enp- pumerft. Training In cookl^^" he lieM should primarily be lo teach girls how best to speud a dollar.

b'pct'lnf b'errifC nj ihfi’KlNCICTON, March 30.—Princeton

Hililetic iollowers have pot heard such «"od nesvH smro Hio championship foot- t'«ll ftftafuui of 1911 as the announcement from (he office of president Hlbben Sat­urday, lo the effort that a Princeton alummift. Kdgsr I ’almer of llyoi N. Y, I'lHse of Htu3, and president of the New JcrHcy Zinc t ‘om|vunv, hud offered l-> hulld u i3un,(K'0 stadium and pmaftnl it to (he miivcrslty for the Ufie of the ath- hull' HSj^^ariattou.

The grounds and building commlliee met on Saliirday and went ihruugh the form of uprovltig the a iih ltcc l* plana. Thtt only other formality remaining la for the Ixverd of trustees to nanctlon It at the meeting scheduled tor April 9.

WUh Ihat u \er, actiml work on the pi'djci'i. fur which Hthletes here have in'Cii liopltvK f'h’ tt decade, and toward whit h M 'U ylor f j oe and lH>an Howard Mt t ■Icnaimn, icspoctlvcl\ rUuirman and Hci i'-tHiy i'( the commiUet t.n n stadium, iiHvr IcVh actively w*>rklHK fur prac- iP-Mlh u will begin The first ink- 1lliLK "f Ihe pnaalhllUy «'f Uu* gift by Mr. ; I’Klmcr \u*fl made known privately Ust fall, whf’n .Mr Pyne rep ined that the aiihjr.-i Imd been mentioned and Mr. ralnuT WHS I'HUUtIdcrIng It.

liiirifHl III laches to the gift because It Is the firfll nntabln sum thai Mr Palmer has given lo llin universUv, and slao be- iHiifio he WHF not noted for alhleilca In any whv whilo m college sno w^as m>t drawn U* t1u‘ propo«®> beesusp 11 per­tained ti. Hiliictiift especially Ho gave ii.T Ills motive lit offering the glfi tlm t he WHhied lo iix.-ilftl in procuring for lh« uni­versity (I PiihHlftiillal InorCRaP In the en- downuiit ni-Mrne. wblch will le made pnssihle hy rcflHon of the $lu.oiiii rtiiani antumPv bv liic athletic awHO'-IhUon for thi> crc'.’linn «-f tcinponiry blcftchers oD rm vcr.ulv Field now being thrown back into Uo' c-iffeiP of the tinlver^lty fur svhoUislio purpoflcfl.

!tfiidlilin Id Bf If Sh«prA.In hlzt* rttid tovrttinn Ihe I 'r ln d io n

etailiiiMi will i:oTii|J:iio fnvorably with Ui6 DiluT coiliHi" tuii'lum a. As loltl. 11 la m hn .if II.e 'T " Blieped lype InsUiHil (‘f ihu Yelo howl, w ith Uio Boullicni end (ipi'ii I hi' 1'1' Hllon hns heen eclei’ted for the HiJiilhern Blopo. of "LauBhUln l''ield," wlik'h UoB to Ihe sou th ot the fnrujiiis. h rotn the cen tre of ihe I'sniiitjs tlic new field will lie nhout the snriB dlhiimce a» ts the r r r a e n t field. The main en tn ince fru n is lirw ard Pros-

1 ;ieet avetuic and there will he u jiavtd iv.iik from the uvemie In the Bale, it d lstnn re of fl"H feet. In luidltlon 10 th is e 'liin n re there a re to lie tw enty- Keren nimpn nicnif the sliU-b. The flrlda nhoiit the etiidliiin are to he iititizcd for iiarltluB aiitainobilee, and npiTotehi a rare lo he made for the nia- elilnee from W iisliinsion road, H arrison Bln e t ami from the m ain p a rt ot thelOV II

The lop of the w alls w ill have an e len iilo n of ai*ly-«1x leel above the Idaylnt; level. Across the open end the lirefi-nl iiliin in lo hulld a wire fence iind ihirliiK the Ramen to station police­men th ere to keep off slBhtseer*.

'!'hc nm'.ddO estim ated Roal In re- BHriled liern aa sm all and It In known Ihiil Mr. i'lilm rr will not InKIst upon eiitiliiK Hie expense down to th a t fim ire. The F u lle r C onstruction C’om- [lai.y Ilf New York w as aw arded the inn ira i't prlviitely, end It is roiniy to hesln operalirm a Jnal aa soon as tlio triia iei's ofncliilly set th e ir seal on lha Bift, II is clalined th a t the sladliini Ktriiciiiie will he ready (or chrlBteuIng n lth the YTile-Pii:iretoti foolhalt game next fall. Mil the only p art of the inojocl ahout which Iho con trac to rs have liny feiir Is th a t the playlnR tlidd may not he In perfect sh a p e by th a t lime.

The BlidUim la to contain the faellS- llcB for I rack meelB. anti' It w as elated unofficially th a t th e a u th o ritie s here w ere lookiliE ahead to the lim e when Princeton mlRhl have the Inlorcol- leglutca held In their new stadium .

for llr*sftliia-rooni,M'liil* no prnvlwir>n l« a(H(pd In thfi

Talinvr gift I'm a (infflalng-rorim ib -rc 18 H rf.BlrtU'i oif $l8,0l}fi from tno Cyrui* H, McGormiik fund, given lo the 1211 (’Uii)nplonflhlii flcvcn. wblch will prob- .’ibiy he used lu the rrceflon of a field liouae to acuonimodale as m any a* 8D0 men.

Tho aulhorillefl took the prarautlon to sound mil the ground well where the Btadiuni l.*i lo he built before going on with the pUnft. Thirty borings were made for rock and water, and experts pronounc'd tlu' pliualton excellent for tlu maRflIvB structure. Th© ftladliiin will rest In a big plot of unuse<.l ground which runs down lo the luko fmni. In wize Iho structure will rncBSure 7fi(i feel on tin* long axis and 5’' ' acroR* U will bopi.lhlr In ftrchlterture. correnpondlng, au much a» a Ktarlium ran posHlbly do. with the arrhll^'ctiiro used in the recently built dormiinrlea,

The stadium dnner is a eon of the late Htpphen H, Falmor. who wai» far many yeaiH n niornber i>f the board of trustees of ITlncetou LTiivcr.slty and gave lurge Buma to the univcr.'illy The Palmer I'hysicel l.ahoratory. the gift df the elder Faimer. Is regarclnd rs the most thor­oughly ciuipperi fliriictur© of Ita kind In the world

T]\<' n»*w’ stadium will he knowTi *e the "I'alm cr Moinorla* Stadium.'" In honor of Stephen S. Palmer.

The plana were prepared by Harden- bergh of New York.

Speriflf Svrxift of fAe XEW8,PAKBAIC. March 30.—H arry H. W«lu«

b erger of th is city began alx dam ag* ■ult* Saturday lu Bergen C ounty C ourts In behalf of the Pae&ato InvM l- rneni Company and of Joseph T. Bunt* Ing ag a ln e t the United Piece I>r« W orke of Lodi, the HammerBchloa^ M anufac tu ring Company and the Nesr Je rsey W orsted tiplnnlng Companyi both of G arfield .

The su it* ch arge the companies wUh pollu ting th e Saddle Klver, a s tream th a t rises In the h ilts back of R idge­wood, and f to w i th rough RoohsUe Perk , Maywood and Lodi and eraptlea Into th e Passaic R iver a t Garfield. Each euU le for $100,000. The Paesalo Investm ent i'om pany is composed of local real ee- (at© operatore, who own considerable property In Gurfleld.

\\h1l© some of the company'e prop- orty Is Along the banks of the tieddle R iver it Is also the owner of aeverat large tra c ts on tho same etream on th e o u tsk ir ts of Lodi. For several ysare, U Is charged th a t chem icals from th e r i i l l r d Piece Dy© W ork* p lant in Lodk the llamTuerschliiag and the New Jereey W orsleil Hplnning Company'! p lan t iiave in ju red the property of the com­pany and Joseph T. Bunting, to such an ex ten t (hiit it le Impossible to sell liny of the land for mill or o ther uee& it Is aleo asnerted th a t pollution of th© stream has caused an obnoxious odor

111 dlsrusftlng the su its yesterday Mr W einberger *uld th a t the recen t declftlone gf iho C!ourt of E rror# and Appeals In uphoidlug verdicts a g a in s t the Eaat Je rsey W ater Company have Induced m any prople lo helleve th a t they can prevent pollution of flircAms. He said o ther suite wouM be filed.


SprrinJ t^cixirf of (Ac Vt’ITK,NEW RRPiNSWICK. March 30.—A de-

Boriptinn given in a Brooklyn newspaper received by Coroner W. F. Harding yei- terday o f a woman who has l>een mlsstng In that city ©Inc© February 22, and ebooe name Is given as Sylvia Cassamafl*Sg( of 1 43 4'nnovcr ftlieel, Houlh Brooklyn* lies closely with tho hotly of Ihe unliJeiitt- fled woman who wa* killed hare by g I’ennsybnnlR Railroad train last Monday night- 'I'he body was buried today.

Mr*. (!anRamN*fta waa five feel one Inch In height, weighed 106 pounds, and had chestnut hair, fihe waa born In Italy hut icjuld talk Lnifllfth well. Th© names of her parents are given as Mr. and Mre. Nlcolu Dello Vacone. Mr*. Caftsainasaa, who had iieen married three years, left a two-5ftnr-old daughter. A picture of a Imby was found under the waist of the dead woman. Thl* picture, which wee reproduced In the New*, w ill' U® aspt to tho Brooklyn addresfl to aee woman was Us mother.

if th is


T'ATEHfiON. Miiri'h 30,—A fter she WAB hru liilly beaten. »he Bays, by Sam ­uel of 1^9 Beech stree t, F&ntile pRlerino, ten years old. of 1J8 Besoh Mtreet, vvah ihreatenftd w'lth m ore harm If Hhe uppeurod ag a lu it him In court t.odiiy, wccordliifi to tho g irl's sto ry to the police. Gcrlano was locked up In police hcudquartci’P, follow ing the a l ­leged a tta c k yesterday afternoon.

The g irl w'ue pUiy4ng wHh a ru b b er ball a ttach ed to an elastic s tr in g tn Fieech street, when the elastic broK ^ Thd brill Is declared to have bounced Hgiilnat Gerlano. who thereupon tu rned on tlie girl- He 1b nUegeil to have siruck her hard w ith his clenchert f is t l until she fell lo tho ground, blood flt^w- liig from her mouth.

CONG RESS A SPIR A N T S GROWTRENTON. Marvh 30.—With alx men

nnmlnBtlon for CunBreaa from th« Fourth Dlalriet, in d a t loaat “ acore seeklns to be the party 's candltlaW fur aheriff. next fall's rampaiBn in Mercer C.iutuy aeetiifl dostincfl to be one of tha hrl.akeai primary b atika In Cl. O. P, liletory horc.

The. lateet to annauiico kia defllre to he ConKfcasman la formor Aaaemhlyman ’William de l j i Rorhe Anderaon of North Plainfield, SomerBet i.'oimty In addition, former Mate Henator Elijah r . Hutcliln- eon of Hamilton Townahlp, former Con- greefiman Ira W. Wood of thla city, Coun- aelor Jamea Parker of FlomInKton. County Bollcltor Samuel C. Kulp of thla city and Aaaemblyman Harvey 3. Moore, also of Trenton, are candidates.

U Is believed the county committee wilt keep Sts hands off and let the men fi«hl It out for the noinlnatlon, unless a dark horse is trotted out a t the eleventh hour.

Efforta are beltiK made to gel County Chairman Jam es H. Mollieron to enter the race. Although he le not anitlous to climb higher politically, he may be In­duced to make the try. He Is a practical potter and Is being urged both hy m anu­facturing potlere and the workingmen.

STEVENS T E C H . N O TESK’pf. lel Berricr of lYc .VfSfffl.

HOBOKEN, March SO.—Tn« SIcvrns Tech. Dramatic Hociety has eleoteil John (I, Wiley of .SoulIt O iangn president. ton V. H ill of Nutlcy waa chosen a e .r . 'la ry arid treaBum - and Alwlri B. tichwah of Bi-ooklyn h’lsiness m anager,

Adolph C. Keuffel of Hohoken, ch a ir­man of the aenlor hall com m lliee. has Hiiiionnccd th a t tire fiance w ill take plHoc March & at llif Castle

The ai'iilor cliiss ilay com m ittee has hr I'll cho.srn as follows: A rthur I.. f ol-lliiH of I’hlladrlldiln. F rederlrll W, Islna of Brooklyn, I'liiirleB Colvin ol East iira iige, How'ari! C- Jlunyon of P laln-

_________ field. Henry Iirons and Hay Maaler ofalready In the field for tha Itepuhllrun 1 ,.„,j ch a rlea Buawoil of


BCllLINOTON, Mareh 30,—U nder guard In the county Uoapltal, Michael T antorl. who Saturday n ig h t sh o t Mr*. Kosh IKinelll and tried to kill her h u i- hand. Is reported recovering from w h a t phyeleiatiB a l fli’et feared would prove n fa ta l wound In hla forehead.

Iie tectlves wore uncertain y esterday w heiher T an torl, as told hy severa l wltneBses. ahot him self o r wae sh o t or stabhd In the melee th a t follow ed the BhooUng, Physlclane have been unahlo to find any sign o t a hu lle t In hie wound, and only two d lse h a rje d ahollB w ere found In his revolver, w hile ho is alleged to have shot tw ice a t Mrs. lio n tll! . one bullet h ittin g h er In the arm .

Nciw' York.Th** fa 'ujliy ha© unrtftr* rnnaM eration

(hft af1optl''u5 uf (he "pulnl nyBltm' in r'’KHrd ti» ftu 'lent activities. Larh dtutiy OT HThlftUc npor! wlU b© given a vrIui'. hI'U hy lim iting the num ber of poirit.s any ftiudcnt is wllowed to hold It will rftdU'-'e 111© num ber of atudent* tak in g I'rirt In flo m any activ ltle* a t the flume lime.

A I'Oolilet. ffl-llftfl "Stevena Tech. Ac- tlviricft,’’ which ru.'ido lin fSrflt appear- an*6 F riday ovenlng a t Prep. School nlgbtg* will be Hont to about DuO of PBFirby high and prep, achoola during (ho rom liig week,


Epffiai t-FTfpf! of tfie JKRRKV CITY. March 80.—Common

rie a a Judge* George O. T ennan t and Mark A. aSuitlvun sla ted today th a t (here would be nu reconalderatloj^O i! HfitUences pabaed In cotinecllonj (he. Hoboken pritm iry fraud caael. Til ftenience o f on© huiI h ha lf to th r^ year* w ould stand, (hey declared*

Friend* of the th irteen men s e t - tenced lo fila te’a prlaoti had hoped t h l t the ju dges would consider lig h te r tencoB a f te r the form er election <T* f lc fi* had snerved a motilh or two Ihoir setilenres.


CHATHAM, Murrh 30.—Tom orrow Rev P atrick A. Maher, recto r of St. Ihttrlck'H (.'alhollc riiurcli, w ill leave for li>B new charge ua rector o£ St* jMary'H Churcli, UnUv.'ay. To th* pariHhIonore yesier^lay, F a th e r M aher aaid he wkh ao n y to leave C halhatn but th a t the opportun ity presented llHelf fo r a la rger fie’d and he fe lt JuiHtiflcd in .iccepLlng it

K alher Maher was assigned to th e roctorahip of the local uhiucn Decem ­ber 3, r . 'l l , ftucceedliig Rev, W illiam A. Keycft. who had b'l-ti rec to r fo r nine years. F a th e r Keyes 1* now recto r of St, Joseph’* Church, W est New York. F a th e r H.ainptcn w ill begin hlfl duLlea tomorrow

RITTGERS COLLEGE N OTESKrt-l'fre of tfif yKW8.

NLW BRUNSW irK , M arch 30.—The f irs t rush betw een the tw o low er claea- tts th a t ha* occurred elnce lae t fall waa held on the Queen'* Cam pus S a t­urday, when a num ber of freshm en ap­peared am oking pipes on w hich their

A K Bugbco o f lc U sf t num eral* had been engraved One tW» Clt5 hslng grmimsd by I r i s '\ i f th s ruler, for frestitnen le th a t they

privat* Arilnstotu

OREEN 8T.t T7-»Puraish*4 rooms f*r housekeeping; $3 up; a1*o hall room tor

man. $L$Ct; bath; coeveeleao©*.GARSIOE Bt.. lHO"One reom for Ilfbt house-

heeping; *lso dim *10x1* r«om; esoual loca- tlon; private house,BtUH 8T.# flts^Lsrg*. oomforUbl* Tc«n

with bath for feflned cefersaoee; U BUpetee*•hd MIMk

1 Mauamas wJfh mit Breei

tano* to irsias or iroUey; screened porch;

Montel*!'- ______________________THE BOCKiNOHAlT. Prospsrt I t . IT, Bsit

Orsngs—Rotims «lfigl« or on vults. with siivoM both; Uhl. » wwoloily; lUinmMrateei 'phone 1401 O raoi*.___ .

ygfWTito^Idale boarditte-hooM;

Alplnb *t, }E,(HW. .Datil S ius e t al to Otto Week et rjv. Ir-

vlhRton, B e eor l l l h *v and 22d el, I I .700,-

Allleon P Clark et u i to P O Herman Faven, Mmilclair, w « private rd 140 (I w fr Midland av. JS.500.

Alfred Birch e l u* to Blla C Northrup. Bloomfield, e s Broad st SS f t n « fr an angle, tt.OOO.


ing deed and mortgage affecting property In W eet Hudaon have been recorded:

k b a r Ij t c o n v e y a n c e .Henry H Slncock J r et u* to Frederick

Brunner e t ux. e » K « rn y av fiO f t * fr Pomeroy av, tSxlOO, yi.

.KEARNY MORTOAGE.John Cetrulo « t ux to C lB k B t E

Aian. w a B e ^ at U i R i (r Oakwood

thie city la also friends to run, hut he has not as yet an- niounced hie position.

D EA D M AN GETS APPO INTM ENTSpertoi SrrtJee 0/ lOrr ■Vi'H'S.

HACKETTSTOWN, March 30.—Cer- tltlcatos as commissioners of deeils of Couraen H. Albertson of Independence Townahlp and Jacob M. RorkafelloW Of Manufleld Township have been received a t the office of the rounty clerk a t Belvl- dere Mr. Albertson haa been dead more than a year, while Mr. Rockafellow moved from W arren County to Netcong h£Ally 1*0 yoara ago.

gayaw nc Chureh C'entrlhutloBa feOO.gpsdal Soprlco ol Ihk UllWS.

BAYONNE, March JO.—That JSOO had been pledged m voluntary contribullona was the aaaertlon of Rev. Theodora F. Baylaa las t night a t the Flrat Reformed Church In hla etatem ent regarding the reeu lti o f the every-member canvaso. Names of th irty proapectlve membeia w ere turned In tty the cenvaiaerA

shall not amoke pipes In public. The Bophoinores Im m ediately rushed tnem.

Spring football p rac tice fo r the m em bers of Ibe v a rs ity squad will be­gin on the Nellaon Field today under the d irection of Coach Howard M. tia rg an . The work will be chiefly signal drill as next year's team will bo practica lly th e eame as It la now, atid It la dnatred to get the men fam iliar w ith tha algnals before the opening o l ball practice.

c e l e b r a t e t h e ir S aV ER WEDDINGgpsetal g.ndca Of the Willi'S.

BRANCHVILLE. March 30.—Mr. and Mrs. Whitfield Lance ot Main and Broad Btreeta, celebrated Iheir tw enty-fifth wed­ding anniversary Saturday evening by ra* newing their m arital vowe In the presence of forty friends.

Unknown to Mr, Lance the party of friends to(()i poieeaslon of h li home, while he was absent on busineu . Besides a great am ount of food the vlsHora brought IITA Lance a cutglaai w atar g a t

H oot l.atersns RlirglSrs.PATERSON. March 30.—D etectives

today are searching lor the th ieves who entered tho home of A drian IVen- tlnk o t 10 North S tra igh t s tre e t S a tu r­day and attem pted to break open a aafe con ta in ing the family Jewola and silver. The IntruilerS also forced an en tran ce Into the rooma ot Adrian W entlnk J r . on tho aecond floor and etolo c ig ars and a revolver.

LUMBERof NI Kinils for Factory Purposes


LumberJ r Millwright WorkFrom^ DeDverlra a Specialty

A,B.A¥ER!SS a w a n d P lsun lna M ill

358 OKdni SL, near ClayT «L * 79T B ra a id i B coafc



20NBWABK e v e n in g new s. MONDAY.



Cbiman BUkeilee of Trade Aaioci- 'alion UpslaHTe Committee So

Declares at Annual Banciuet.|A)CAL SHOW QUESTION IN ABEYANCE

DvcIftrinK th a t lha htU tiefora th* t .a f ' i|i.tiirw providing for an Increase In the 'Motor car license fees of this S tate was dead beyond recall, and th a t Its denilM

due to the efforts of the co m ^ tte e Swm the New Jereey Automobile Trade aaaoclotlon of New Jersey, of J^ h a irm a n , George Rlakealce " l ly cheered the motor car d " '* " t t 'n city and other sections of 'he lom M nw ealth a t their annual banfluel Sat urday night a t the W ashlr^o"^ Trad*

The largeat gatheHng that •*'* laaoclallon ever had a t Ita f j ‘S "oIn i heard Mr. Blahcslee. and he talhed to g « m atralght from the ‘houlder. JS w bla U lk had been accorapliahed. anolin Informed the motor car men th a t It S i , « e m duty to reciprocate "y aupport- ii._ .1^ Aaaemhlyfnen and Senators who STfris^dedTh?m when they come up tor

*^"The'autidsfs know who helped them •nd . It la now up to the atilolets to help 5kn letlslslurs," was the way Mr. Wakes Me p * It. "When we were threstened Crth this adverse legislation.- he con­tinued. "we first found Sine Assemblymen from Kssex. fhen twelve from I ju d ^ n ^ rg e ly through the . i- .-n

FW der-s meeting when It *»"tf> turn It Into a caucus for the suppm tOf the auto hill. he^Ir.iMd tha motorism to give the " ing and not to railroad It. As a ree th e proposed cations was never held.

"At nresent the Governor has no more f t ia n ib o u t sixteen votes for his £ , doean-t care to have It hrought out of committee because he does .Y*"Vu„S S r . a spanking l«f«re t"® Tj!«Jufomoblle bill Is d' * ' * ' ’’" “ i nd

^ T h « ^ % r C d / i r « : s . l o i " r « i d t r ^ r ^ a n n t e n d . d t o t « VSSSht. hut who was prevented because of lllnttsa.”

W hat Aolotals Fay fo r Hoads.C hairm an W akeslee told

th in g s in teresting to m^\A ih a t New Jersey epen^'^TKU ss per average mile on Jm m ber of other KIstes,

"otre^r’ s tM e rpeopU who had been ®*“ nnlng In

v'ery% «cent. past th a t nu olsts

Real baseball within our mldal !• now only a m atter of a few dayi. The In­diana will be on the home reaervatlon next Sunday Playing the Philadelphia Athletlct, but we will not bo obliged to wait that long to ao. the real article, for the season la to bo opened In the Metro- polllan diatrlct with a game between the

, Vankeei end Superbaa Thuraday a t 'ib - ' beta Flehl. Brooklyn. Over In Philadel­phia the Athletlea and Phllllea will get In action Wednesday, a day ahead of .he Yanks and the Superbaa, and from then until the end of the world s aeries we will havs the baseball players with us snd will be more or less busy "doping" out probable winners. and determining whether the Feds are to make a hit with the public or bow out after a short but meteoric career,

—4®“There le more or !ee* uncerta in ty

over the relative s tre n g th of the v a ­rious team s In the b ig leagues and It really will not bo un til April H. when they pry the lid off the big league seasun. th a t we will begin to get a

! Un,. on them. The en trance of the I Pederals has been th e cause of the sh ifting of a num ber of playera and teams which appeared strong last sea- ion have been more o r less weakened by defections. On paper It appears ns If the A thletics and G iants were the s trongest team s In their respective leagues. The A th le tlea unim paired by the Federal liivaelon. a re the fa ­vorites, of course. In the American Gengur, although the w 'ashlngtons, who have practically kep t th e ir forces Intact, a re sure to give them a hard rare and perliupa beat them to the wire. As tor the rest of the American League not a g re a t deal of oppoeltlon Is expected. Cleveland has been shot to pieces by d ese tllons, Boston uppur- ently has lost Its snap, and D etroit Is much of an u ncerta in ty . The W hile Sox will depend on Ed W alah. I t he Is In condition he may keep the team up near the lep, b u t o therw lae not much danger Is expected from Comlaky'a tribe.

M atty Is show ing all his old skill, which m eans the G ian ts probably will

as* ’ V, 'd.J,A . H r ! * ) - ■ V ■ >

. - f A

w are wVret ^ d i in New Association, > ,ho decision o f A rt S hafer to retire^ " s t a t e d sent an accountan t to T ren- leave* a hole a t third toto n th i* w inter and le»r"®;* be filled. I t may be filled, all right, asMwsral years the fees^ McGraw has the k n ack of moldingXllllsta. which m ore than niaver* fo r the poaltlons he w ants toS ta ? . V oid ru J h a , been m ore than5ne-hnH of the o ^ n s iAhmuch SlRlo aid and tn a t oons^u .n tfy the w l , " ’ " "# i%s ftiA poftdB than tho State w »B i

im otorU tii ihould UnowS id ha tirsed them to supportrtl^po .!tlon for either a

H udson R iver from New T o rk to K sw Jeraey or for a b ridge over tha w a te r from the same point. , ,h ,

H t,. Carpenter, president of ibe R n ^ l v n Motor Car Dealers Assm Is - tlon , to ld how the m oto ris ts In New

..T ork had Impressed th e ir pow er on th e le g is la to r ; of hla S ta le by aaaem-

in numbeia a t Albany and get- . , « « conc«t“ d action of car ow ner. • ih M u g h o u t the S tate by organljmtlom

Kow he tay a the m otorlala have a M M idliig a t Albany and th e ir J*ar of ^ t they con .tder u n ju s t leg islation

P r e s i d e n t A ugustus V, H am b u rg of th e N ew ark Board of T rade th a t N ew ark and New Je rsey should TOater the aalom oblle **",.jnnee of He m agnitude and R ichard C. J e n k in so n epoke a g o ^ w ord JJ®- t o r l t t t In ffeneral. Q eorga P»ddocK toM of the pewly organised Automobile Club of Kaee* County which the asaocta- -tlan had Indorsed and he u rged the MmioWdatton of nulom oblle club Inter- gMa In th is c ity so th a t a ll m otorlete w ould be united In one c lu h

W H. Elhs. president of the associa­tion , who w as re-elected for a second te rm a t a business m eeting prior to th * banquet, snd who ac ted as toasG inaater, w as in a happy fram e of mind.

T ie ta lk ed "shop" la rg e ly and touched upon th e question of an o th e r autom o­bile show In N ew ark by say ing th a t I f th e "dealers w anted one they could have it." He said th a t w hile the a t ­tendance of the last ahow w as "<>' “ P to th a t of the year before, and th a t While the am ount of m oney tak en in a t th e door w as (30 less th an last year, i t i l l he expected th a t 'h a P®''- een tage of prollta to th e e t h '” w ould be about the aam e ao In 1S13. A final se ttlem ent has not been made yet, although one rebate h as been paid.

players fo r the positions he w ants to fill and may have a good th ird baae- man In Snodgrass, If he doesn’t he will have to go ou t for one, The P ira te s a re the ones looked to m ake tho n inn ing w ith th e Q lanta. a lthough Brooklyn Is not to be overlooked. The team Is going very good and If Its pltchera hold ou t w e m ay see Squlr* Ebbet* f ig h tin g w ith the leaders all season. E vers may m ake Boston a fac­tor. but Just now th is does not appear probable. The Cubs a re no t considered daPgeroua, and th a Ph llllea are thought to be out of It. If th e re are lop-aldcd raoea in e ith er the N ational or can League, th e F ed e ra l, benefited very much.

lop-aldcd or Am^rl-

w>G bo


COLLEGE ATHLCTIC NOTESEbon Cross, captain of th a P r in c e

to n sw im m ing leam. h as been aw ardM • varsity "P" In recognition of nia perform ance in crea tin g a now fu r­lo n g record of 2 m inutes and 31 soo- onda. I t t« seldom th a t an ath lete outside of tho m ajor sports, baseball, fSotball. track , crew and hockey. Is aw arded a letter.' The In tercollegiate gw im m lng Leagus

w ill lose by graduation th e pick of Us ■watermen thla year- Among those dom pletlng th e ir te rm s a s s tu d en ts are Roberta, Mayer and Sm ith of Tale. Cross end P ain ter of Princeton, and O uerbacher of Pennsylvania , a ll con- ip lcuous figures In the cham pionship events. McAlccnan of Tale, In fact. Is tb e only title -ho lder who will again be available next fall-

Columbia and Fordham will open the college buseball season In tho metrup- olia when they m eet on the diamond W ednesday.

Y ale's track leam will lose, tem por­arily , three of Its m em bers through ateknesa or scholastic tro-jhies, R us­se ll H Lucas, a long-d lstnnce runner, w as operated upon yesterday for ap- pendtcltla. W F. Roos. the shot- p u tte r. la under probation , and A. Revel, a quarler-m ller, has broken arches. In addition to being low In studies.

The -Wisconslii U niversity will be represented in Penn’s relay racee next m onth for the f irs t tim e in the ir his­tory. M anager J o r e s has definitely entered Wahl, th e ir crack high Jumper. ■Wahl ten days ago. a t the Conference Indoor cham pionship, won the high Jump, clearing six feet tw o Inches.

Ponn S tate Is considering the ad- v ieablllty of adop ting th e one-year residence rule, w hich w ill b a r fresh­men from com peting op the varsity m ajor sport team s.

Newark Is th* problem of the Interna ttonal League and whether w* are to have another championship team whether It will be no belter than a sec ond division contingent la very hard to determine. The situation hers la acuta, with a m anager dlsheerlened.andan owner who stands ready to snatch away any player who ahows promise, and a band of playera who are dissatisfied with condi­tions and some who have/no apprsclatlcn a t all of the feellngg of haanager or fa n s H arry Smith liaa bean trying hla hardest to mold together a strong aggregation, blit it appears the fa tes ere against him, poor weather conditions have thrown hla players off form and H arry Is sick a t j heart. This sta te of affairs may be only temporary, and a s we have three weeks | yet before the season begins, w* may see a silver lining to the dark cloud, whicb now hangs over us. Newarkera would like to aee, Newark people own the club, however, and then there would be more confidence.

■“ 'I***The s itu a tio n In th a N ewark club la

such l a has been pointed out hy the News ever since th e middle of the sea­son of 1913. T hen the course of Charles H. E b b e ts Sr. w ith regard to the Indians w as clearly se t forth , and w as la te r s tren g th en ed In an In te r ­view w ith O w ner Bbbela. and finally proved by th e course of the Bqutr* of IGatbush th is sp ring , O w nsr Ebbets w ants to get o u t of N ew ark and maybe he -will before long, b u t In tha mean time he Is g iv ing the fan s much to w orry over. He doesn 't make any ex ­cuses for hie eourss, and declares U Is sim ply due to th e conditions of base­ball. "While N ew ark appears to be In the dumps, B uffalo and Baltim ore are playing fa s t b a ll and give evidence of being s tro n g contenders, Aochestsr.

I of course, can be looked to, bu t who will be the fo u r th team to make the runn ing for th e f i r s t division Is now uncerlaln. *^et u s hop* It will be th* Redskins.


There Is yet roneldersbl* uncertainty as to whether H arry .Smith will resign ' a* manager of the Indiana. Harry Is expected home today, but he may stay over In W ashington a fte r be has a con­ference with Owner Ebbets. As far ss President Charles H Ebbets Jr. of tho Indians knows there Is nothing irnusuai doing In the camp of tho Indians. He Bays he h asn 't heard Chief Smith In­tends to resign nor th a t Hi Myers had !<ft the team, and he doesn’t believe either story. In fact, ho says he has had no word about any of thll^ m atter from tha,South and as fa r as he I* con­cerned the club ie going along as serenely as ever.

League Ba-ukctball for H arrison

Because the basketbaU fans of H arri­son and vicinity have supported the H ar­rison Big Five so loyally during the sea­son, Thomas Cavanagh, manager of the team, le going to reward them by m ak­ing an effort to obtain a franchiee In th* Eastern League. Follower* of the game In this vicinity will welcome an oppor­tunity to see league basketball. Many of them have been patronltlng tho New Turk S tate Ikiagu* games a t Paterson, turning th e ir support over to the Cres­cents when F rank "W. Morgenweek's Newark Club In the same league tailed a t the Palace ballroom because It lacked support. M anager Cavanagh Is confl- dent a league team In Harrison will be a paying venture. Me said ysslotday that he thought the attendance would average more than 1,000 a game and th a t H ant- m an's halL In Harrlaon avenue, H arri-

seasons both In H arrison and Newark, and Instead of only one or two team s In each city , th e re w ere dosone, and the r iv a lry w as a t a high pitch. Today the only team s playing good b a sk e t­ball In N ew ark a re tho Bay Views and th e St. M ichaels, And the Bt. Michaels have to go to P aterson to r th ree of th e ir p layers. Powers. JCIowln end Blehl. Th* T urnera are no longer the s tro n g con tenders they once were and tho Bayleys, Celluloids, Dominicans. Ironsides—w here are they now ’ Syn-

I dlCB-te playflrB killed the aport, in my . opinion. I iiore i approved of one p lay ­

er holding down a Job on two or th ree d iffe ren t team s. I t 's bad for the game. ' Thla can 't he done In a league and th a t la -why I am slrong for league basketball. I th in k I can break into the E aste rn League and a f te r tho . gam e w ith the T renton league team ! on our cou rt F riday n igh t I will have a p re tty good Idea of how we would

the outdoor season he will be able to show some of tbe speed which has made him noted on the track. Collins, though, is an old hand a t "riding the rollers," and as there la a great deal of knack In operating a bike on the machine It may he he will be able to divide honors with Clark.

near future. BIrtoe th* death of Mike Murphy, Georg* Orton has been in charge of the tralDing a t the university, and it la possible th a t he would remain In the poeltlou should he desire to hold It, but th a t doe* no t seem to be the cate. Orton 1* a g rad u a te of the university, and has alw ays followed athletics there closely. H e has had some experience In coaching, and would no doubt prove sa t­isfactory In handling the track men a t least Ju s t how he would do with tho football tra in ing Is not so certain. There Is, however, not room for much dlcus- slon, for Orton seems to have other a f ­fairs to a ttend to th a t will not allow him to devote all of hla time to college athletics. To handle lb* work e f­ficiently a tra in e r m ust give Ws un­divided atten tion to It through the college year. There was some talk of obtaining the sendees of Georg* Connors, the track and football tra in e r of Exeter Academy. Connors he* had a long experience, hav­ing spent tw o years a t Cornell before golni to Exeter, and ha* proved a suc­cess both w ith th e collegians and school boys. Robertson, however, has had a wider experience than Connors, and la considered one of the best trainers In the country, having had experience In alt branches of a th letics th a t he would have to look a fte r a t Pennsylvania or any other college. fVlth Lawson In charge of the Q uakert this spring there will be an excellent opportunity to step to the front as a college trainer a t once, for the p roapecu a t th* university are un­usually b righ t fo r a winning team on track and field.

Navy BaaebnJI ____The Navy has started Its baseball sea- |

son by defeating Swarthmore and Penn­sylvania, and from the Une-up shown there seems to be reason to ex­pect th a t the m iddles will be well up In the Ite t o f Inatllu tlone represented on the diam ond a t the end of the sp ring term . W hile the Navy lost to W est Point In th* fin a l game last year the team show ed up w ellk h rp u g h the se a ­son and won from Colgate, Cornell. Pennsylvania, Virginia and Notre Dame, all ag g re g a tio n s th a t had unusually s trong nines. The team th is year has seven veteran* , m ost of whom havs played tw o years of varsity baseball. Vinson Is ag a in on hand as a tw lrle r. and In him th e middles have an exce l­lent p itcher. Ham ilton. Sm ith and Valden w ill probably take care of the sacks ag a in , w hile Adams, tho veteran shortstop , Is once more show ing up In good shape. F isher Is tak ing care of r ig h t field and In centre Is Rodgers, Left field Is to be filled, though Gloverf a f irs t-y e a r m an, seems to be doing well and h as so fa r ^eld down th e Job. The o ther v acan t position Is th a t of catcher. In the gam e W ednesday H tcka and Miles were both tried out, though during the ea rly p rac tice the form er seemed to have the preference. H icks has a s trong w ing and gets the ball down well to second, bu t M iles ,has ao far show n some l it t le superiority In b a t­ting. Wa-rdeli will no doubt a lte rn a te w ith V inson In fhe box. Th* form er has p lenty of speed, but has no t the contro l of th e veteran tw lrler.

— 1 "-

A T ra in e r fo r P en n

While no announcement has been made yet. It Is probable th a t Ijiwson Robert­son of the Irlsh-Araerlcan A. C. will take bold of the Pennsylvania athletes tn the

P o lo P ra c tic e

According to present plane the Amer­ican polo players will s ta rt practice at Lake'wood Saturday lo r the International event In June. While the Englishman have a big lead over the players on this | side of the water as far as the length

I of time for working out Is concerned, the [


f ig u re In fa s t company.'

M oran M ourns M issing TYunk

Jim m y M oran m ay have regained h is ti t le of "B earcat" by his perform ances In the six-day races held In Europe thl.s w in ter, b u t he Is far from being tn a p leasan t fram e of mind. The cause of th is la t te r condition of a ffa irs Is th a t Jam es F rancis, a f te r h ts a rriva l lu th is country la s t week, learned th a t his tru n k w ith h is racing parap h ern a lia an<k some other vaUiablea had been left behind In B erlin. The reason for th is

ahootlng in a continuous rainfall the Log Cabin Gun Club team defeated the Ballusrol Golf Club trapehooters In a match at the la tte r 's traps Saturday af­ternoon. The score was 539 to 520, th* Plainfield gunners showing their best In the last tw o strings, overcoming the lead previously acquired by the Baltue- rol men. At the end of the third string the home shooters still held a lead of two but the Plalnflelders clinched the inal'ch by finishing up with 12T b r^ k s 111 the final string against 116 for Bal- tusrol. The scorea of tha match wera as follows:

LOG CABIN CLUB.Tingley ..........................13 IB 1®L. sm ith ................... 9 n 19ilalefl............................... ['•Van B u a k irk ............H jrnpso ii..................

I H lfforney...................I JUhS r ...................... ^' I’r a r y ............................~

r i f l k e 1-

i t&ken part in numerous matchea as mem- ] bers of team s in the South thla winter,! The practlrft a t lAakewooiJ will not, how-

ever, be confined entirely to Iho perfect- ' Ing of team work, for there are aeveral players beaidefl the original four th a t will


ilWeerm Jt


Fincke .. .................B ro w 'n r......................

21 21 21—M IS 17 13—63

trenr - Isloyd

14 18 13 17—6213 9 11 13—46

lit'tiwick •• . , . . 1 4 19 9 11“ 53O r u n h e r r y ...........( ’owperthwalt -s ■■ ^2 !! )2"^52Vi’u t k t n a ............... , . 12 8 13 10—43JF N. Flake ............ 2(. H 1& 10-59

Total ....................................................The acorca of the Baltusrol ehootera

were counted in the monthly trophy competitSon. The handicaps allowed the shootere for thla cut gave them the fol- i<iwintc totals: Finoke, 83—IZ—flS;Itrnivne, 62—13—75; Oeer, 62—12—74; Lloyd. 46— 16—82. Renwlck, B3—14—87: fjTanl>efry, 62--10—72: Cowperthwalt,f,0—le —76: Watkins. 4 3 -2 0 —83; Flake, 59 —14—73, Geer's total score for tha month won the cup for hitp-

With a Hcore of forty-aeven points I’inck© captured the weekly trophy.

try out for the team, and 11 will take Urn© to decide which are to tak e th© field aa flre t atrlng men. W ith two months, however, there should be plenty of chanc© to pull a team Into fighting trim. W ith the trip acroaa tho w ater and men In th e ranks th a t have no t been aa actl've during the winter ajj the American players, the longer practice by the Eng­lishmen Is no doubt necessary to bring the challenging four into the proper sort of shape.

reside In Now York tre a tsd th e re free of ObargtT '"I- T’-

T he academy Is located a t IT W est F o rty -th ird stree t. C hlld ien a re no t tre a te d free a t the academ y, I t i t s ta led .

Y. SS.How m any expedition* tn th* la»t

tw en ty -five years have se t o u t tn art a ttem p t to reach the N orth and South poles? H,

D uring th e la s t tw en ty -fiv e year*1 f ifteen expedition* have se t o u t lo r th e N orth Role and eleven have so u g h t the Bouth I'oie.

Y Z.:W hat hour* a re the F ree P ub lic

L ibrary, F ifth avenue and F orty -second stree t, open, bundaya? G. B.

The lib ra ry Is open Sunday from 3 F M. to t F. M.

—I—Y Z

To whom should I apply fo r a posi­tion a t the playgrounds con tro lled b f the Essex County Park Com m lsrio^?

Apply fo Alonxo Church, eec rq ta ry of th e commission, 819 Broad s tre e t.

—I—Y. Z.;

W hen will tho cfvtl service ex am in a ­tion for sect lid grado postal clerk* be held a t the postoffice? READER.

The next oxam lnatlon la scheduled to be held In November, the exac t da te of which''haa not yet ticen decided upon.

Can a person who was born una b rough t up In the city of N ew ark, but who now resides In Irv ing ton , tak e the civil aerclce exam ination for the police d epartm en t in th is city? G. B-

To lake the exam ination a person m u st be a resident of th is city .

- + -T. Z.:

Who are the presiding officers of the S ta te and of th is eltyv How m any R epresen tatives are there from th la S ta te ; iilao. w hat Is the sa la ry o f an A ssem blym an? W hat sa la ry does G ardner Colby, secresary of the Civil Service Commiselcn, rece ive’ W here can 1 aecure a copy'of all the S tate law s and a copy of the C onatitu tlon of the United S tates? M. P. H.

The Governor la the Chief E xecutive of the S tate and the Mayor is I ’h lef E x ­ecutive of the city. The prcaldeiit of the Senate 1* the presid ing officer of the Senate when In set-alon. and also ivhen the Senate and the H ouse m eets In jo in t session. The p resid in g officer In tho House Is tbe Speaker. The presid ing officer of the Common C oun­cil la the president of th e council There a re twelve R epresen ta tives from th is Slate. T h t sa lary of an Assem bly- man Is $600 a term. G ardner C olby’s sa la ry is tUi'OO per annum . F o r a copy of the S late laws w rite to John W. W esem an. custodian of the S ta te house, Trenton. A copy of the C onstitu tion of the United .Statoe can be secured a t any book etcro, or you can see a copy of It a t the P’roo Public L ibrary .

T. Z.:Where should 1 apply for a position to

learn the electrical trade? A. O.Get a Job aa a helper with an electrical


T. Z.;To whom should I apply fo r a posi­

tion on a farm thla sum m er? V. O.Reckon you had b e tte r pack off to

New York snd look up Inspecto r Green, th e governm ent man. a t 17 P earl street. He could supply you w ith the desired inform ation.

—+ —Y. Z.L

Let me know If any Shakespearian plays a re booked to be s ta g ed a t any o t the local theatres th is season.

H. D. A.None booked a t the p resen t time.

Y. Z.;Let me know It the U nited S lates

Governm ent pays th e ra ilro ad fa re of a person who has passed th e civil service exam ination for fish cultu re . F, 3,

T ransportation Is not paid except unrler certain clrcumstanceB. F o r com­plete Inform ation w rite to G. E. Parks,1 Civil Service Commission, C ustom ­house, Trenton.

Y. Z.:Please let me know w hat type of aero­

plane is considered best for all-around purposes? W hat ere the names of the American avlalore? J. E. B.

The biplane type of m achine Is con­sidered by many aviators to be the safest sort to use, that Is, there la less likeli­hood of accident with them than with the monoplanes. The monoplanes, how­ever, are generally capable of attaining a higher rate of speed. The Hat of Americans who hold aviator s J®too long to be printed In th is ^heAero Club of America Issues the a ' latom licenses. You may possibly obtain the names a t the d u b ’a offices, New York.

W here Is th* U. 8. S. M ontana, and when Is It due to a rr iv e a t th e B rw k - lyn Nevy Yard.? IJ’ " ’

The M ontana Is now a t Bay. Cuba. She h as no sa ilin g orders for the Brooklyn Navy Yard.

there any place In w here a sm oker can hav e h is th roat painted In ord*r to cu rs ‘he hablU


American Open Champion Plans Tries for Honors m England,


BOSTON. March SO,—Francis OulTart* th© Brookline youth who hold* th© Ameri* cftQ Open golf championship, w ai bldd*o bon voyag© hy * big delegation of Ad­mirer* yesterday when ha sailed on th© LsapUnd for England. During his stay Abroad h© will plAy In Englmnd, FrAiiC© and Scotland. H© U accom­panied by A. G, I-oekwood, a rorip*r Maasachuflotts lllleholder, and th©y will meet whll© in Europ© American Amateur Champion Jerom e D. Traver* of Mont­clair, N. J., and Frederick Kerreahoff, who wa* twice runner-up for tbe la tta r 'a title. Oulmet plana to tall for home June 30, from Liverpool.

A change which will make for con- »lderabl© Improvement will be mad© a t the homo hole a t Fox 11111s. It i* planned to carry the green clear back to th© hill And thus Increase the length to about 325 yards. Running up Approaches will b« prevented In future tlirntigh th© exten- ©ton of the trapa on either aide of Ur© present green acroxs the fairway.

Tho object of thja alteration ia to pro­vide a better test of golf by requiring a* player who has mad© an Indifferent drive to keep back of the trapa. for these cannot be carried on th© second shot under th a t condition. At present a thre© Is difficult blit a four Is comperallvely easy. The sllghtst m istake under the changed conditions would mean Ih© tosi of a stroke. Th© hole will be about th irty yards longer.

Fox llllla golfers plan to open their season Saturday, April 18, and a squad of workmen under Isaac Mackle, thus pro­fessional. begins work today.

It hn,H lie©n decided that the two pre­liminary rounds for tho Hrltish open champlunHtilp will h© t*ta>od a t Troon, on© link being th a t of ihe Troon Club and the other th© municipal course, Ther© Lh considerable objection to the week intervening between the prelimin­ary round!* and the championship proi>er a t E^realwlok, for the early test Is sched­uled for June 11 und 12. while the cham pionship proper lb carded to bei^ln June 18.

The municipal course Is the newest of the three at Trooii. but It h th© longest and mobt difficult of the three. Tho*© who have been over the municipal links declare ihut In comparison of scores mad© over the two It will not suffer.


NEWTON, March 30.—FHy a score of 38 to !4, the Washington Bible Class flv© defeated the Newton Academy basketball leam on the local court Saturday even­ing. Good team work and accurate shoot-* ing accounted for the visitor's victory. The scries Is now even, each team having won a game.

SPORTS OF A WIDE RANGEJay Gould, worlt/a cnampion, and W.

H. Huhn. American doubles title holder*, defeated George F. Covey, former world's champion, and Neville Lytton, English am ateur title holder, thre© sets to on© tn an exhibition court tennis match yester­day a t Tuxedo Park, N, Y.

The executive board of the American Olympic committee meets tonight a t New York to discuss plans for raising a fund of $100,OOU to send an American athletic team to Berlin in 1916.

Practlcdrlf'y all the rowing clubs lo­cated along th© Harlem River a t New York had some of their men out in shell* yesterday preparing for the season^s rac-


Paul With^ngton. a former H arvard athlete, has been entered Tor the Diamond sculls a l Henley hy the Union Boat Club of Boston, which hoa also named Tts clgKt-oared crew for the Grand Challenge Cup.

Alexander Brown, H arry Harrlaon, W* H. T. Huhn and R- E. Slrawbridge ar© expected to b© members of the Philadel­phia polo team that will gel Into the p rac­tice games a t IjSkewood this week, whan the American team candidates s ta r t work.

Polo pnthitslasts on the Pacific coast hope to ne© a big polo tournament a t th© Panam a-Pacific Kxposiilon next year. The exposition authorities are considerlhg th© matter.

I t Is said Melvin W. Rheppard resigned from the Irlsh ’Amerlcan A. C. becaua© th© organization officials would not promise to make him the club coach and trainer If liawson Bobcrlson resigns to go lo the University of Pennsylvania.

R. B. Benjamin, the promoter who has been arranging billiard matchea In th is country for Melbourne Imnan, the Eng­lish champion, left Chicago yesterday fof bis bom© In Australia.

SMOKER.Consult your phyBielan.

—f -Charles Leslie J r . - T e U your fa ther

to gtv* you tw o cent* fo r It.

B. J.. C a llfo n -T h eb* mailed to you upon th* receip t o( your name and address^_____ ^

H arry Lucas, a member of the pro* moting organisation, jes te rday won th , three-and-one-quarter-mll* road race m th s Momingalde Athletic Club of Ned York.

ha son, would be remodeled to accociinodtt* ^ What number comfortably.

"I t Is qu ite tru e th a t there has been a fa lling o ft in basketball' patronage tn N ew ark d u rin g the lust year," la id C avanagh. " Id th e old days w e had b ig

ap p ea rs to have been a "crossing of the w ires" betw een Moran and M aury Gordon over shipping the tru n k . Jim m y, it appears, had a ta lk w ith M aury w ith regard to sh ipping the tru n k and thought the tra in e r hart i a tten d ed to the m atter. Maury, ao It [ is said, understood Jimmy was to take care of tho tru n k him self and did not b o th er w ith it.

■"Where I* my trunk , M aury?" in ­quired Moran when he met th e trainer In th is c ity Saturday.

"1 don 't know anyth ing abo u t your tru n k ," replied the tra iner.

"D idn’t you ship It from B erlin?' fu rth e r Inquired Moran.

"N ot m©," sal<i Gordon, \T hus It daw ned upon Moran th a t his

be long ings w ere etlll In B erlin, and he w ill have to borrow some toga from some of th e o ther riders If he Is to get on a bicycle w ith in the nex t month. T here a re said to have been a num ber of souven irs In the tru n k which Moran collected while abroad, bu t It Is not ; believed he had any of his p rise money In it. Jim m y has ano ther receptacle for ca rry in g hie cash.

C la rk a n d C ollins Raoe on B o ile rs

Newark cycle enthusiast* will have an o p t r i u l u y of seeing Jackie Clark on a Wheel befote the eeaseh ”f»** •* Velodrome. The little Australian get* up <m Ml bicycle th is afternoon a t a local th ea tre for a sertee of horn# tra iner race* w ith Elm er Collin*, the motorpacod rider, .jqja m atches will run throughout th e week and W alter Rutt. the world's champion, a stanch friend of Clark and hie partner tn six-day grinds of th* past, will officiste a* referee a t some of the racee. JU Clark ha# t»en . tra ln fiif tor

SAGER TAKES CRESS m iI'Tftd Safi -'r of thifl city la tlui new

chv.'!.'i rliamplon of N>w Jersey. H e won thi^ title yesterday by a \lclory ov©r A. Armstrong of EehI Orang© in th© third gum© of a. series to decide the tl© grow- Iny out of tho annual lournanient of th© New Jersey Chess Association, which was held under tho aiisplceH of the R!o© Ches* Club of this vlly At the Newark T\ini- vereln Wftshlnfrton'a Birthday. In tho first «*me of the play-off Armstrong fltnrtod with a blctory, but Sager cam© strong In thp next two,



PLAYBALLAnil don’t buy your uniforms ■ before you have seen our now X914 designs. We make a epecisl-

outflttingty o f ----------- „, baseball teams, and

an interview with you explaining our policy of doing business will readily convince you (hat we will save you money on anything you buy, not only on uniforms, but on the supplies that you purchase all season.

The weather is becoming ideal for the great National game and now is tbe time for you to get busy. Drop us a line and-our representative wilt call on you any time with ■ full line of samples.

R.R. BRANTE »*ry«h ln i In S po rting Oeods

237 Market Street, Mitlbtrry' NCWAHK, N. d.

T. Z.:W hen and where wa* the firs t settle­

m ent m ade In New JersoT? N. 8.There le aome uncertainty about the

date, but the re la agreement th a t Bergen was the place firs t settled. One historian fays th* Hollanders settled a t Bergen In ISIS, and another declares the Danes se t­tled th ere In 1917.

Y. Z.:Gan a trip to South Beacon Hill or

FlehkIII Landing be made from Ne-w York or. a bicycle, and it so, what Is th e beat route? 'Whal la tho condition of tho roads’ » • H.

Yes, a tr ip to Fishklll Landing can be m ade on a bicycle. Ride along Broadway up through Tonkere. Irvington, 'fa rry - town, Ossining, Croton-on-Hudson. Peeka- klll and Cold Spring to Fishklll Landing, w here a cable railway ascends South Bea­con Hill. The condition of the roads juat now la no t very good for bicycle riding, for the Ice and snow has been quite deep along these roads and It would be a good plan lo w ait a few weeks before a ttem pt­ing to ride to Fishklll,

H as a elngle man any right to change his la s t nsune? J, P-

A m an, whether single or m arried, cag change hie nmne a t his own sweet wlU, and he la not responsible to any on* for so doing. To take the name of another m an w ith tho view of fraudulent opera­tion* m ight lead to criminal action agalnat th e offender, but for peawful purpoaea a m an may ua* any monaker th a t aulta hla disposition or fancy. There ts a legal process of chsLnglng one's name, how­ever and this I* done either by applica­tion to the circuit court or to the S tate Leglelature. Thla Is always a eafe plan and will forestall any complications In th e event of a person having been left a legacy under his origtnat' name.

Y 22 ''l* thsa^^fesdaw In W est Orange th a t

corap«» a tenan t to give a landlord a thlrtt® day nolle* In order to move?

8. La, O.Ther© H QO ©ucti ordlnoac© In W «ft Or-

ange. b u t It depend# alKwethor on the ©Ircumstsnoe* wbat notice m u it b* riven under th© S tate law*

T ell me w here the Du B ois H alt A cadem y of Medicine la located In New Y ork ; alao, a r t chlldr an w bo do n o t

8am Boberta. tb e New Y ork A. C. bow ler, seems to have f ir s t Individual av w age p rlie In the A lh letlo League sewed up. For fIfty -one gam es b e h a s an average of 190,1. w h ile B illy Mof- ta t l the Boaevllle A. C. pinner, Is sec­ond ' w ith 197.11. In th e raceNew York and Roeevlll© ar© tied for f irs t place, w ith Je rs e y C ity th ird , tw o gam es each w ay ahead of E liza both The final aerlee o f the season la soheduled for T hu rsd ay n igh t. A

Vic Vetorotaaa of the Greek Athlelll Club of New York won the tive-and-onri quarter-m ile croaa-country race in bl mlnul©B and 3D aeconds.

Tom Hickev. with a fuur-mlnut© ban- dicap, won the tour-and-a-quarter-m lle road run of tho Molt Haven A. C- In New York yeaterday In 28 minutes ana 17 aecondi.

Ralph L. Spotts look four of the five trapshooting prizes a t tho meet of thu Larchm ont Yacht ^ b yesterday.

George P. Granbery, breaking eighty- six blueroeks out ofpionship of th* Now Rochelle Yacht Clqb yesterday a t the d u b traps.

la B o n e a u jic a iw t j a «.tr ip le victory for RoeevlUe and a de­fea t for New Y ork w ould eftve th etit le to th© form er by a one-gam© m ar­gin. Folow lng a re th e ages compiled Olozag©-

re kuo wk*s'-.«is ^ ■by S ecre ta ry 0.

TV-New York............... 84RfMville ..................Jer7©y Clly..r,......... 30Blliabelh ............... 3JNewark Bay............ *»Columbian .............. **

« s r . . v . ' . ' INorth End.............. 2*Columbia . . . - ......... -3

La Av. H.8.17 908.4T 90617 311.7 38431 306.3(1 104733 900.60 109426 908.6 ' 1073S7 887-46 1008SB 868-30 9712D 876-28 101939 888.49 103138 672.80 986

G E T " J U S T B A S E B A L L "

Moftatt, ReMvin*...........Adama New York...........Nagley, RomvHI#^...........Dwyer. Newark Bay.......Brundsge. J*r,oy City— Mettam, Newark Bay —

Lee, Columbian, .............Lam*l«r, J*ra*y C ity ...N olts, E liza b e th . . -----Bl«hot, Newark Bay..Potter, Elizabeth...........packer, Jereey CUy.---B lachly. Colum bian. Vraeland. Newark Bay.,tVood, KoseTill*................Millar, Jaraay C i ty . . . , . , Bngla, M o n tc la ir.......••Hammachar. R oaav llla ...Half. Columbian....... .Austin, Paiside....D. Lcftarta Pasaalc.......Pep*. Columbia,, • •. • • ■ • ■

llnfelhottaT. N«w YorliBaldwin.' North ' End. E. fehuanoanh. cm™

Van B»z*. Roaavllla.......Pack, Pasralo....... , ..........J . irffarta ,. P * J ^ c . . . ..J. Bohuemaan, Columbia. Clut«> YorkHowoll. Montclair...........Sehtilt*©. Columbia..........IgCBckwoed. Montclair, e. aDutMrio, Pooialc................Kemp*. Columbian.. a a *« Booth, North E nd ... a. a Bodroaor North End. a*. Downo. Colun^lan. ..a* ..

Montclair..........Hlfler, Montclair......... . 43](Uatt Biia©beth«*sgMW»v l©

O. Av. h .b61 190.1 24651 137.41 28841 167.33 26451 <1 9B651 1SS.1I 23351 18S.U 14451 184,G51 184.8 zibB

118.89SI 188.80 264

183.2361 186.33 25361 I83a82 23551 133.19 2224i 162-13 tST61 181.17 36545 lBt.12 22048 181.11 22748 181,10 2S0

. 51 180.41 23161 180.29 23061 180.20 25946 180.18 24861 179.10 21761 178.86 267

. 45 n»ai 23743 177.41 28361 177.11 2$E

. r.i 177.17 2IT

. 51 X76.46 217

. 24 176-U 213

. 4S 178.11 241a 61 178.7 264, 48 176-43 246

Sf ' " W174.46 348

. 45 174-18 Zit

. ya ' 174.14 110a 47 1T4.4 ^118. 36 178.11 311a 51 171.11 118. 61 173.11 i na 42 173.6 116. El 172.14 ItTa 46 171.11 384a El 171.43 387a 51 17IK44 111. 4S 18ial5 114. 43 lila t n i

t ( 1U.T Ml

This handy little book­let is out and ready for distribution. It has been published by the Newark Evening News to furnish information for baseball enthusiasts and a personal application at the News office or a letter ad­dressed to "Just Base­ball,” Newark Evening News, 215-217 Market street, enclosing a two- cent stamp will bring it to you. *

Every fan needs "Just Baseball” to be up-to-date in the national game. The booklet contains records, schedules and a compen­dium of events which have occurred ip the sport which is both interesting and Instructive. The book is yours for the asking.

h £ a0t«


tl© fltiTndiai Virgil ■kin© limn

A r they Forta Thp * th in Ih© 1 nklna hour©

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newest of le longest e. Thoe* Ipal Links ores made

lE V rO N

; score uf Class five basHetbail day evuD- ate shoot-* a viclofy. am having

NGEn, and W. te holders, ler world’s n, English s to one in Ich yester-

Amerlcan rht a t New ing a fund an athletic

clubs lo- er a t New ut in shells tasoD^E rac-

T H arvard ie Diamond I Boat Club named Its

ct Challenge

arriaon, W. abridge a re rje Phlladel- to the prac- weeh, when s ta r t work,

ad flc coast nient a t the next year. coxiBlderiog

ard resigned C. because would not

b coach and resigns to go ania.

>ter who has chea in th is m, the Eng- ^esterrfay fof

of the p ro lay won tbi •oad race ov lub of Ne^

'eek Athletll f1ve-and*onH

race In

-minute han- -quarter-tnlle /en A. C. In minutes and

r of the five meet of the


aklng eighty- on the Cham- le Yacht Clyb B.


ds "Just p-to-dtte ime. The records, compen-

s which the sport terestingr h e book asking.


fpfcps Will Try Hard for Victory Fmish with Lead of Forty-three Pms(her Portsmouth Today, Weather

Permittingin Sdiurban Event on


NORFOLK. Va., Match 3i>.—Unkss the 1 a r a lh r r man sees fit to prevent the bat­tle staged between the Champion Newark ln0lan^ and the T*ortsmr>uth club of the Virginia Htate League today the Red- sklne extwet to get Into the victory col­umn for a rhangp.

A recor<l whh hpI ny tho Warriors when they jumped hero for a g«mo with the l^ortsirtouMi tvani rt\or a 'ro ss the buy., Thp dlstuTice from ChaUnnoiiisa tu more than 6u0 rntk'B luitger than any .1imip n the Inlenialioftiil I^eaguc. and the Bed- j eklna vvorin riding for nearly Iwenlj-four hours.

Tho exhibition schedule will lo brought to a ('lose tills wcok. Tlie Braves are scheduled to leave hefo t« nl5fht*for Ulch- W</nd and toniorm w ev^pini? *ho Indians will Jump into Wnsbrngton f''r u slay of four Usys.

Tho weather at rhaUunoriga <tii m i ' serve to hcnoflt the hultatis to uny urrut extent her’ann*- it ralm-d practically all the tlTi'e the Braves were In tho siiad.-w of Lookout Mountain Two gamcH wpre played and the Trsdinns lost botli

Another gam e prevented hy m in While the gnmew th a t wcit* played wore decided upon a field «i> wet ijnil muddy That no n tie m ii ev» r would ; have been m ade to i>Uy uiuici- sim ilar j cohdltloriH In a JeaKUo contest lii ad­dition M anager H arry M't'tirn\icK “pulled" a new one on the llrtiwH S a t­u rday when he refused to allow them tim e for b a ttin g practice.

Becauac uf the urow'dj^d I'ondltiuna of the Lynn H aven Hotel here, wlu're ErrangcmcnlB hiiU been mRde u> liouae the Indians, tho tr ih e will leiivi- fur Richmond ton igh t. The party did u«i get Into th is c lt\ unil! n fier u’clofk th is m orning, hav ing lt*ft ' ‘hnlUrvuonn a t 10 o'clock yvsioriiiiy morniiia. When the Braves ilUl emurgii from the sleeper they werti so and stiffth a t the en iiro irlh4* oared little Whether a cci||ic3l wmh stagi*d or not.

By the lim e the Rinvps reach home they will be in worsp condition than when they loft fivo woeha ago. Tho hardships th a t the hav<j ha>l toundergo on the cxh ih iiion trip has left them in very poor shape phystcally. tn d tite incntUui of Federal League causes Sumo very plain

Acting M anager l-^ddii- ^.innnerman, who ts in • h a rg e --f the Indians dur- Inc the absence ni Fhlef Hmiih. ex­plained th a t he did not caro Lo wdn the game agatnut I'hattanooRH Katurrtuy beoauBf it would hpoll the record "f the Bravos. ,\i iliui tho Indians h-d fo r a few Innings, w hirh wa.i som e­th ings th a t had rnH hiippencd hcf>'ii.- during the exIvtbUHm gumes.

From H finanoial standpoint the ex­hibition se ries have htnn dlpmal fa il­ures and it l.s likely th a t spring ex­hibition ganiPH in Dlxlelaml will h« played next year w'Ulioul the Redskins being InlHrented. Zimmerman Intenda to pitch Bell and Hall today In case the w eather Is fnvorahlo, althoin^h all Indications point to showers.

WASHINGTON SCHEDULE CHANGEDSpCiifll N’crW Ihr XMCN. WAtJHlNtjTON, N. .1 ...March Uf—Owing to the fat't lhal the Newton RaS<‘hall Cluh desired the yorins rhanged lo four instead of five games, as arranged, llic Washington ttascl'al) AssoctHttnn has in­structed Manager Julin Mill! to cancel the game scheduled for 'WasiiinWlon July 2i. The Newton games tvltl be played Jupe 13 and I..aLor Day, a t Washington, and July 4 and August li), a t Newton. The ■erics uf games with the liackcttsiown olub has been Increased from four to six by the change In the Newton schedule. The Hftokettstown games will be played June 37 July 3.’i. atid August H, at VVas*;h- Ington. and July IS, Augiml 21, and Rep- tamber S, a t IlacketlHlown.

The game un August 31! will be played in the rnurtiing, aa that day wlU be a hullday at H arkeustuw n. owing m Its being the last day of b'hautauqua week. In the afternoon, Washington ■will play High Bridge on th e Washington grounds Tlifi schedule now calls for twenty-two gamcf , ju st one-half of which will be played a t home. 1‘hc schedule Is well arranged, the team being Hi home every other .Halurday. Nearly 160 members have already enrolled In the Washington Baseball AKHorlatlon.

tisurff* Butter and Andrew Graef, bowling a s a taani. captured first honori In the Suburban League nine-hour en­durance coittast Batiirduy on the alleyi of the Gottfried Kruegrr Associatian. w ith a flcore of 3.82ti. The pair flnlibed but forty-three pinn ahead of Kddle Mar­ti neau. who rolled tho entire conleat alune. Only eight leams participated In the affa ir, though a number of otbera had entered, but failed to appear. Eigh­teen ganifH iv4?ro rolled. The prise offer­ed for higli individual score was captured by (Irnef v.lth a roimt of 333.

Marllneau polled great tenpins and pre.'^srd the winners hard throughout. Ho led the first threo games, and In the fourth Butler and Graef tKSiJined the lend, orily to h»fia It again In the sixth. Martineriii held the lead ip ihtj next two games, hut lo»t It in Iho ninMi. Krueger Aseoclut.nn, May View Wheelmen and tli« MHlfvlIlo riulia were liio rnly ones tlial wero rc-prcft'nted. Tho scores:."^utrer fiml tlracf .............................. r-®?®M arliiiCftu ...................... • • • •T n y l m a n d N sg lo . ............Si>e&ry ai'.d \ ’an N ess........iillland and J^arlnp ...........Murndl am i VenU^JUlc.........(■’ort anti H o lzh u u e r..........Jacksufi and M cNair..........

, .. 2.7S3 . . . 2.745 . . . 3.712 . . . 3.fir-7 . . . 2.653 . . . 2.646 . . . 2.511



'jf'- K i .


Locil Featherweiglit Completes TriiniBg for Bailie at Ceotnl

Institute Tonight.LONG AND DUNDEE O PEN T H E SH O W

w ith sn B.-'-rs of ll.ll'i: J.W hit. KH.l n W’hltf nf MorrlBUiwn. hut- iiraav, won th f Un-hour enejuranor c-nn- tPiit h . ld OJI cami'holl b Summit a ll ri* . Iv MeClrath and O. Mrt'ormlck uf Or- anse were Boeond wHii 'J,70i. O th .r scores were as follows. O'Maru and Flood. Orange. 2.664. Carroll and Huff, Hpringfleld, 2,627: T- Gardner. Madison. 2 Young. Mlllhurn, 3.&40

520: Pougherti snd Howe.

1 tA \ iRAUnON pUtVior

lianty 1j«wIs completed his training this afternoun for his battle tonight with Bobby North of Now York a t tho Heptrai Inilitute. Lewis finished hla work with a fivc-rutle run through Weequahlc Park, and according to the battler, he never fell In such good shape before, Nortii haH bean working out in the Now Polo A. A. of New York, and Is said to be In fine fettle for the fray. 1/ewla hopes lo win by knockout

Young Paddy and Young Hormati are rettorted to be Jn good condition for their bout in tho prellruinarii's, as are Art Hchlelf and Young DIbbs. Ji« Nally and Kid Henry will clash In amHlier go, and Matlllng ('urnell und George Brown will swap punches.

.Tack Lundy and Jim Relllv, two rapidly rising youngitcrs. will be seen lu action, and Joe porky and Batlting rh^Htcr will measure aaltops. The op^'nlug bout will be between Rabbit Ijong and Vuimg luiu- dee.

Gardner and G.fi22: l.ynch and, Whit*- and Tale,


N* e^^ark h ..*.-.hiimmll. 2.47'., Clrinstfnd snJ I.b Tuuellc. N'fwarh 2 4fi0. Wnterflnld und I.enli,SiirlnKflPld, "7®rolled. K. Gardner wmi the tTl'-e fur high IndlvldviBl score, with 2«# to his credit. On the same alleys Thuriday night the local team of the I,«cIib« anna l-eagus will ro ll'th e VVavcrly five.

Tommy rMnnIns and Tony Wiley, who har e won more endoran.e come* • Ih a year than any other bowlere In this U- rlnltv , a.ided an o th .r to their long Hat yesterday hy . aT'Inrlng fhe one held on Miller's allevs. Kt-arny The pair af ‘ counted for 2,861 and finished seventy- five pins ftlicail uf Gustave Thellc and

, Mat Kleihrr of tlie Natlunal Turn<>rH.! Three liuwlera rolled the entire eiKht j hours alone am! fluislicd in thu place

IfrizoB 'Hk- scoresI Ijf-nnlng and WMey ...................I Thiele end M- Kleiber ............-\ Schi’oedcr ......................................

Van Sant ........................................1‘eihl ........................................... .. *Ifauspltn;,' and <'■ K'l'UUcr.........J >unliff and lictl ..........................rirake and Vt'atson .....................Riirke and Hrlimeck ....................W aller and Lccmanl ....................

In a special match rolled H alurJa/ afternoon on the tVeipKarlh-Whalton alleys. bowlcrK of ihe Hcdden Iron Co-i- Mtruciion icain captured two out of three

from the Hay Foundry quiniet. Keffrr. anchor of the Hcddm tPam, was hlgli man with u 2f8 tally in the second game

It iA pxpericil tlial the Roseville Ath- Association bowlers will rail their

m atches In the National Rowling Aaso- I’lat'on tournam ent next month at Atlan­tic r ity . April 17 and IH. Thfi AthleLic team and the FirstoknJghts have been entered

H arry Fohn. Glen Riddell. Georje Haller and l^eo Lucke. who hold Gie firat four places In the Greater New’ lo rk and /n te rd tv Individual TouTnament. have averages nf 3fHl or belter. Asa H arris Die lorwl pinner who is fifth, hna a mark of IDR.2US for 236 games Cohn baa wnn twent>-slN series and lost seven and has rolled 296 games for an average of 207.^16.

J " H A P P R E Y

a - 4,

_ , _ C lptain.f - i r r t B a r e . ^ T U H

g"' ■ p

. m l

BA SEBA LL NOTESKing i.;oIe o f tho Yanks will pitch

th e firs t of tho five-gam e se rita against th e tluporhaa, w-hleh will begin Thursday.

The Phillies a re in Baltim ore today fo r a gome w ith the Orioles. Joe Oesaler of St. M ary'a College, Cali­fornia. a husk y tw irler. Joined the Phillies yesterday .

The Jersey , 'i ty ttkeelera, after winning two games from the Hurhain, .N, C., cluh were defeated yeaterday In the farewell encounter, 7 to 6, The Peals are now at Petershurg, Va.. where two gemea are lo be played with Ihe Virginia Htale Leaguers.

b ill Coughlin, forme.r eaptaln of the D etro it A m erloana and later m anager of the R eading and Allentown team s tn the T rl-B ta le League, signed to play th ird base for the Hprsnton elnb of the New York S ta te League, ycraii- ton Is Coughlin’s home.

Federal L eague agen ts failed lo In­duce C ueta. Jacksonville 's Gubaii catcher, to Jum p to the Federals.

Bill Bradley, m anager of the B rook­lyn Feds, slipped out of the Colum­bia, 8, C„ tra in in g camp yestorday on > m y ste rio u s m ission. He la believed to be a fte r an esperlenced pitcher.

There w ill be a g rea t head-lopping when the Tanka reach New York Wedneaday. M anager Chance has an- nounesd th a t he w ill cut the squad down as soon aa he reaches home.

M arquard hnd From m e pitched well for the G ian ts ag a in s t Houston yes­terday. b u t th e w ildness of Malloy and th e heavy b ittin g of the McGraws accounted fo r th e II to 7 victory.

Mllu Donitn, leader of the Giant oolts, w as In b a tt in g humor yesterday, se ttin g four sa fe tie s In the gam e a t San Antonio, Tex., which the Colts won B to 2. H arriso n left last n ight to Join th e D allas team and W lltso played firs t base.

Dallas. Tex., b ea t P ittsburgh yester­day B to 2. k n o ck in g George McQuil­lan ou t of th e box.

Cubs defea ted the Louisville, Ky., club on a soggy Held yesterday. B to 0. Tho Cub re c ru its won a t Owensbor- ough. Ky.. from the Louisville club of the A m erican Aesoclatlon, 7 to 2.

Ty Cobb's tw o doubles, a single and a trip le helped th e D etroit T igers de­feat the M em phis club of tbe Bouthern League a t th a t city yesterday, B to 1. The D etro it second team, playing a t M ontgom ery, Ala., lost to the local- club, 3 to 2.

• Cincinnati Nationals were beaten by New Orleans o f the Southern Association yesterday, 4 to NlehoS's homer,w ith H o h lltie l on baec, accounted fo r C incinnati's on ly runs. Bob H iggins, the fo rm er N ew ark Indian, caugh t part of th e gam e fo r New Orleans.

The in te rc lu b se rie s In 8t. Louis w as postponed y es te rd ay because of rain .

The firs t squad of the Philadelphia A thletics a r r iv e d ! home yesterday to prepare fo r th e % H es w ith the P h il­lies.

A Clncinnstl attorilbiMaldto be repre­senting Herbert S. MHIs brTBhlMgo. has opened negatUUans. sdtb CtwrW W Tiift

. fcr tbe purchsee of the Chictgo Cubs.Gus Olelchmson continues to play

sUssy baseball with tbe Birds. Jack Dunn says be will mshe a treat first baseman.

Marty Kavanagh, with tbe Detroit!, bss been m ^lng . an ImprewHon in Hughey Jennings, who has used the Har- rItOB youngster frequently.' Torn Beaton, Uke' the FlnnegsA «fBiitfj', li "•£( agta. ««t taia.-

B A S K E F B A L l LEAGUE SEASON OVERThe New York State League basket­

ball aeaaon closed Saturday night. P a te r­son defeating Coboca 25 lo 31 in the final gam e in the Silk CJl>‘. I 'tlca liaa won the pennant and Troy finished in second place, Newark is charged with ftnlBliing In last place. Tbe team occu­pied th a t position when the Brooklyn franchise was transferred lo this cUV and during the three league games played here did not succeed In bettering -ta standing.


been set for the launching of two of tbe yachts th a t are being built for the defftnae of the America's cup. The Reao- lute, being built by tlie Herreshoffa for the ring officer a.vndicate of the New York Yacht Flub, will I'e put overboard a t Briatof. l.orur [aland, during the week <if April 12. with April 17 aa the ten ta ­tive date, Thn Defiance, the tri-city boat under coriairm’tlon a t the Bath Iron Works, tn Bath, Me., wiit take the water during ' the week of May 10, with May 11 as the tentative date.

Raising and Lowering the Baseball Curtain

Tli« oppnInB' urn! iloaing in t h e m o r e I m p o i t a n i b a a e i i a u leaffuea are aa follow a.

Natlunul Leagut'. April 14. October 7, , , a

Anieri<’un lapngue, .\p fll 14. October 7. ,

Federal lacaeuc. April 13. October 1.

In ternational. April 21. Sep­tem ber 7.

Allan!k- Ijeague. May 20. plele tu'hedule not >,K adopted.)

New York S tate , April 30. Pep- ternber H.

T ri-K u ie T^eague. May 6, Sep- tembyr 7,

Tf'xafi, April I*. Septem ber 7.LVePteni. April If. SeptL-ni-

ber 27.f. 1. I.. A pril 23. £>epteiriber^ 7,N o r i h e r u Leag^uc, Alay 6, f e p -

l e m b e r 7.Southern M ichigan, May 12,

September 13.South A llanllc, April 6. August

29,New E ngland, a\prll 29. Sep­

tem ber 12.C entral League, April 23, Sep-

tem ber 7.Pacific Coast, M arch 31, Oc­

tober 26,N orthw estern . April 14. Sep­

tem ber 27.V'lrginla. April 16. Septem ­

ber 12,American AbsocIoHoh. April M.

Septem ber 27.Southern T^eague. .\prSl 14.

Septem ber 17.Canadian. May 7. Septem ber 7.K enturky - Ind iana - Tennexsee,

^!ay 8, Septem ber 7,


L' f

• ' , r <V i -A X '*

- ***

m' f K


,m : w YORK. March 30. Tbrao ten- roiiiirt houtH are on the firogram for thu N.tllnnal Hportln* f.'hib tonight. '■’) ankle Biirna of Jersey Cily ii lo m eet Gene I'Hnnnii of Milwaukee In tho m ain boul. Gannon la a comer, and. according to Tom Andrews of M ilw au­kee- he Is a (.oinlng champlui,. In tbe aecond ten Mike Maile. chiimplon of S taten Island, claehea with Johnny Bedell of Berth Amhoy, N. J. Builell Is a hard h itte r and la fnlriy clever. Much in lereat la being taken In thla bout.

The opening exhibition will he b e ­tween Young Oardell of New-ark and Young Drummle of Jersey Cit>. i 'n r- del! la in fine sliuiio and has been prom ised a a tn r boul a t th is should he dispose of Drummle.


N u g e n to P l ' t ' c k a i ' * . ^

V f

KtRRl&AN.PltCaai" 9

Seton Hail College m II open ili base- littU eeapon Ihis afternoon In BaMImorw bgHinHt Dip Ml. ril- Jofleph’ft CuUoge nine, ruled among the strongosl of Soulhurn teurna. The South Orange players left Ihia n ty n t 4:66 o'clock yesterday a f te r-J

’ noon for the neat of the Orlolea. and this morning advices from the South d<'clHre<l the Jerseyjnen were anxous lo sho\v how

. much baseball they had learned under



DOG SHO W BACK IN GARDENS r:w Y017K. March 33-—C ontracts

have been signed hy the W estm inster K ennel Club, sponsors of the annual champlonKblp, dog show, for the use of M adison riquare Garden for the exhi­b ition wbloh w'lll be hnid in 1P15. For th e peat th ree years the show has no t been held in llie big am phithea­tre , bu t w ith tho announcem ent th a t th e G arden would not be dcinollahed th e KennaJ Club signed a con tract for i ts next show, w ith an option covering a period of four additional years.

SiM-inl Kenii-f of (fie . V f i r s . I Coming from behind and scoring twoTIANOVKR, N. H-. Man-h 30.—The ' Ronle in rapid succession In the second

Newark conllngent a t Dartinoulh College half enabled the Belhlehem F. c . to playcut quite a figure Haturday In the last g game with the Jersey A. C. yester-of a series of indoor athletic rneeta. Two ^ afternoon a t the West Side Park, records were amnehed and one was Bed | j semi-final round of theby the former N ewark whoolboy,_ One , ^ competition. The Je r-of Ihes* *vas not allowed, Frank Isagay, ■^uiouLajs . ^running from scratch in the quarter-mile. **'*>'* tallied their two g # *i thwaa beaten by a twelve-yard handicap ; mg period. As a reault of the ti®. tneman In 51 3-5 aeeonda. IjOgay was ! two team s arc to replay the match Sal- clocked tn 61 4-5, which beats the college ' urday a t Bethlehem, Pa. The wonderful Indoor record of 52 Bcconde. As he did j of Anthony a t goal saved th e ’ Jer-hot win the race the m ark was not al- , defeat, for on eight occaalonalowed ' ' - ...................

(hp tutelage of Foacli L»a\e n n st oll. 1‘he flcledule calls for three games, hut Man- hger Paul Ik’Utioy w'HM in conference this morning with the officials of the Baltl- mon; J‘‘'rderal lyRaguo club, and a game rrftj’ he ait'ansed with Die Terrapins.

FollowInK the game today fteton »TalI w ir move on to KmniUHburg, Md., for a tusfile with Ihe ML St. Mary'a c'cjllege nlno. Hiid’On Wednesday Ihe players wlh probably return to Raltlmore for a Ham* It ere with the Federal LiOafruors. Tlie next Jump will take the team lo W ash­ington. where the t'athohe Unlveralty will en tertain the travolers,

T he bulk of the work on the trip will fail nn The pltehers, ItAlaton and K erri­gan. and on .Ia<'k Fish, captain of the tOHin. who will do all the catching. Joa Shaffrey and Tom Nugent, who will play firs t haae and second base, are expected lo bolster up tho strength of the Inflald-

RITCH IE m L BOX W H ITECHICAGH, March 30.—WllHn K luiile.

I lrh tw e lg h l boxing cham pion, has ag reed lu meet (’harley W hite, u local boxer. In a ten-round bout In MDwau- h e r May 8. fiilch le will g e t 610,500 g u a ran ty or forty per cent, of tlift g ross recelplSs while W hite will gel tw enty-five p'*r cent , according to R itchie 's iiianager, who said the cham ­pion had pruinleert lo Slgu hla agreo- m ent early thin week. The subject of w elghU , It was said, w'as not se ttled

WITH TH E BA TTLERSBilly Ambry, Ihs Jersey I'Uy f'e'U

mauBker, who has been out of the earue for about a year, hae decided to again enter the flstlC sport and has taken under hie wing Yount McKenna, a rip ld ly ris­ing bantam of Jersey City. .MeKenna fought Heine Theei a t Brown's Gym, Nevr York. Haturday night and won by a shudo. Ambry managed Banly Lewi.s before Jnek 'McCarthy got him. Hie address Is. Billy Ambry. 6 Canal street. Jersey City.

Babe Angvrt. the paperweight title- holder of the Ktate, Is anxioua to box the winner of the Young Bosner-Frankic Mahon bout, which is scheduled fur tho Central Institute.

Patsy Kline is in fine share fo r his bout rielurday night with Willie Jones of Brooklyn. They will clash tn Brook­lyn. ^

Young K uril la training to r a fight which has been promised him by the pro­moters of the Broadway Bporting Club, Brooklyn. As yet his opponent has not been selected, hut it probably will b© Tojiimy Maloney.

' Johnny Howard of Bayonne and Young W elnorl of Orange will elasli tomorrow night a t Brown's Gym, Manhattan.

June !i la the date set for the bout between Johnny Conlon and Kid Will- lams a t Lot Angelas.

Champion Willi* RUchi* may parform In New York next month. Gil Boap la Lrylng to match him up with Jack Rrll- Ion for a ten-round bout a t the Empire A. C.

committee: of Boston business mg n has•rocommendr'ij Billy (Dhson uf New York UB hoxhiR c-ommlaaloner for the S late of MasoHchuseitB.


Cyclists, Recovering from Two D feats, Beal St. Michaels in 29

to 26 BaskeHiall Tussle.BIG CROWD EN JO Y S S P IR IT E D G A M E

After losinff OP aiicooiilva SuBdavg 4^ tho Bt. GKtirl«ti and tho Knlghta of Anthony, thu Bay WhMinwnterduy kicked over the traces thi^t hitched It to dtfeat and trimmed "homclosa" HI. Michaels on the South BIxlh street court, 29 to Jfl. thereby wHJf Pint; the IntorWuh Herles. throe game* two. The I'qntest was close and spirit## nmi x uM wltnesi^ed hy a crowded hotii#. The St. MU'lmelB made things warm fqr their nvuU und tho game was not sewe^ up until Du* final whistle blew.

The Bay Views played a well balanced panu' and the points were pretty evenly ijiviihxl IVto Hvhoon with three field ;;oal.'< 'lid heavy work and W allace K uiir nsHitl played u stmiii? game a t forward, nculnj^ the hall for six tk>ltits. Johnny Bin^nt^r. sithoiiRh opposed by h li olg ''Tuomh'" and friluw townsman, Jo h n |^ Mi'i IiiIksu, wh<> w»» a t forward for tllft St. MU-hat'lN, surt'LH'ded In umaaalitg Hrvprv polnifl on fhi* free Ihrowa o m tlin 'c fh’iii Koals. sMcOulgan foiled qR scoria a point. '*Sacklesa” Miller Of tM Hay \'lcs\s, having gone hack to h li otf love—Die poH-green slock! nffH—acortid hot a Hliigif gmil. Refareo Artie L'onloil, vompkU'ly rci oM’red frorn an lUneaa th a t ctMiflned h!iii to his home for a wetK* \MiK liH<’l( on the Job, He had chffh ulty pi>->iainM the rrow'd and h li if - I'lirt.'* wer>' iif>t uppreolated by Iha 8t< .i M^ilmel follottOTH.

Dayli*. Kle^vln iintl Ulehl acored aJt the points for Die Kt MloJiuels. the lat^ ter tosHing In three seneallonal sho ti. Tn ntoli caae. liichl threw th e ball from the fur corner of the lm!l. n e ttin g It rleaiil.v. The heat play of th e ffonid was one on whli'li Hoyle shot the foa'l w hiih tied the ecoro 23 to 23 In th^ aecniKl )mlf. M wna ihe re su lt of ia series of excellent pasaei executed Hoyle, Klewlu luui McOulKun. Klewln*a a1)-Hrouml pbiylttK ^vas of h igh c a lib e r hiii Hewers necumpHshod little.

Ahnoijni'tnncnl was nihde th a t lit the fu tu re KHnif*H would be played Sunday n igh ts Instriid of ifinnday ufternoofm The Troy five of Hol-Oken. w hich ho« >'on a eeriee from the H arrison Big

Ki\e and Ip hilleil for !\ five-gam * H^rlcB with tile Roseciiiles of HohoHiB for Die champloMshlp of Hudaon Coun* ty. will rued the Hay Views Sunday tiIkIH. The tlrs t gamu In th e ltoiedal#» Troy set \v111 h»i playrd Kkinier Sunday with Andy Ch.'imbcra of I’fttcrsoii t i referee, fh e llne-up of tho Bay VieW-e hi Mi li.iel gaiuc follows:

Hav View. St. M ichaelSi hoHii__ __ HJkIiI fo rw ard . ..WcOulfMIKum^uiuu!. .. Left fo rw a rd .. ...K lew lBMllloi-............ .. o n t r e ...............1 dwertiH Irgnrr......... Right g ljn rd ................BoyWK otrm aier-. . - Lrfi g u a rd ............... R liM

HoalB—Schoen 3. Kusmiiaul .1. B lS ^ n r r 3. Kocrinaler 2. Miller. Klewin li Movlf 3. Klebl 5. l-'rert ihrowp-r-BleB* nor &. Klewin 6. H cfcrec—ArD© CoU* Ian.

Jun iors llest VVrlllnatoo Kl^e-Manager Jo« lltire Bay View JunlOfi

defcHlod the Wellington five of O ra o « In the iircllinlnary kume by the score of 34 in 16. Porky FMynn. Alex R o th m rt und Louie performed In great «tyfOfor the winners and Dymmy Coyne of th# Armory five and NInplewoi5d Juniors, dW the bept work for the Wellingtons.

___ a-'

M O N T a A lR n V E Q U ITS IN GAM Effrrrif'P of Mr NbVfS,

SUMMIT. March 25.—T bs Inst bM - kftball gam s of tits ssaoon played (ftl the V. M. C. A courla S atu rday nlgh't ended In a dispute. The team s wsl*# the M ontclair Y. M. C. A. and the locfti kaacMjliitlQb (luliilsts. T he vlsItOtB qtieBtloiied the legality of u foul caltgtf un them by U efsrec L eonard B end if und throalened lo leave the cou rts un» lens the doclslon wan rover»«0. Ben­der stuck to hits declBlon and the Mohft** clRlrltcH loft At the Dm© the ganV ended Ihe local ri\ft w as ahead, t N Nconi aliiiiding 35 to ID, The Y outlf Mejv'ii Chapel Club defeated the *#0- ond team of the M ontclair Y. M. C. A* by a score of ’43 to ID. In the a f ts f - iiooii the local high school five caip-

\ ture<l a game from the New B ru n s w ig ' Illgli Hchool studen ts by a Hcors n

41$ lo 46.

TU RN ERS TO PLA Y T R IN IT Y A . A . iThe National T urnvcreln baskatbalJ

tPHin will play tho T rin ity A. A. of ilio Boys' Club of Brooklyn WedneidgJF lilght a t the Turn Hall in BrUce atroole

Randolph G ranger startled the crowd by a great sprint In the JjSO, which he ne­gotiated in I m inute 58 seconds. Thle ! bettered the old record by three-fifths of i a second. Gus Rraun tied his own record ' In the fllxty-yard high hurdle. His time was 3 seconds. Joo Myer, 'with a forty- yard handicap, look second to F ran r Mar- cftHU In the mile run. Marceau broke the record by four seconds, running the mile In 4 minutes 25 1-B seconds.

This form of Indoor athletlca has put the track team in excellent shape. In the rare for the point trophies for the four meets, G ranger tied with Marceau for firs t DiBCft in the mlddle-dlsUnce events. Trenholm ran Braun a close sec­ond, being nosed out by a scant two points. Spearn. the burly freshman from tho West, won the weights prize, Whitney taking second. Uarlbuck scored the most points In the Jumps and pole vault, while Ponder, the Texas sprinter, 'won the

, sprints trophy.

K ington parks,with most of last year’s puyers intoid,EXPECT another SUCCESSFUL SEASON UNDER MGR. UWRENCE

The IrvInBton Parks ere reedy to teke tits field. The outlook tor the teem Is bright, as most of last year’s players are still w ith the club and there are severs! now moTi besides. William lAwrence has been signed as manager and he ex­pect* to pilot the team to another suc­cessful seasoii. Archie Hogg has been elected captain. The nine will be equipped with new uniforms and Manager Law­rence expects to build a oew grand­stand on tho Irvington Park Oval, where the team vrill play Its home games. Law­rence will accept challenges mailed to him a t 9S9 Grove street.

The E ast End Jr. 6 . U. A. herepresented on tho baseball diamond by

1 a team. All candidates should meet Thursday night a t 249 Market atreet, a tg o'clock.

Manager Billy Simms's Newark W hirl­winds will hereafter be known as the Newark Star B. B. O. Blmms Is ready to book games with the Ironsides, Dover S tars. Brightens, Jerseys of Boonton and others. H e lives a t 267 W alnut street.

The Eric A. C. of Keerny will open the season April 19, on Riverside Oval. Gamea will be idaj od there every Sunday afternoon and the team will travel In the m orning. John J. Mason, 403 G rant ave­nue, K earny, is the menager.

The Kenworthy Field Club, formerly the Afton Field 4%lb, has signed the fol­lowing players; K gg lna Pollock, Laird. Durkin. Decker, Ryan, Lowery, Mulligan, Ring, L estar and Smith. Light am ateur ninea wiahing to booh thla teem should communicate with F. A. Lowery, 337 ChesbM t s tn e t , ArUnglon.

The U ldland A. wUI play the lYank- iln School senior team tomorrow after­noon on the N orth Park and Dodd street grounds. B a st Orange. The H Idland'i llne-np will be: Seager, catcher; Nelson, firs t haiie; Ball, th itd base; Irving, short­stop; C rafts, second ba-e; Bradey, centre

■ field; Rsyer, left field; LonidiUn and Dauley, pitchers,

T he Stag A. C, played a practice game w ith th e Bexgen F . C. yesterday attar- noon on ih e tlosevllle Oval. The seofe w*g • to i . HI W m eC ttw HU* etak.

i,r £


be made spectacular saves. Fleming did the best work for the Bethlehem*. The linfi'Up:

Bethlehem FS,*Hife...................... Coal ..............AnthoniiT^lly.............. Right fullback • •*,;,■I'l.acoch........ i/-ft fullbfck . . . .T . Fisheratew art. . . Right halfback ■■■■■,■ M orrison ... CenUe halfback ...W ald ro n 'T w lo r •. . . Lefl halfback . . . ■-S ttw a rt GalbrcUh.. Outside right wing. Zehnbauer lew is . . . . Inside rlgnt wing.. 1. Fisherr^n c o .......... Centre forward ...N ew m anb^naghy. . Inside left w ing------v?"’ !**'F lem ftg-- Outside left wing ...M cK ay

Score a t end of first h s J f ^ e r s e y A. r 2 Bethlehem F. C. 0 Final serme-- jersev A. O. 2, Bethlehem F. C. 2. Goals acorecl by itewman. hmith. l-*pne. Donaghy, Linesmen—J- Scullion and T. E^rle R eferee—Alexander Burnside of Brooklyn.

W eal IlnUaona W'In Again.The W est Hudsons, who sre leading in

the National Soccer I.eagne had no tro u ­ble In defeating the Bronx United eleven yesterday morning a t the.W est Hudson Oval, Harrison, B goals to 2. Tho vic­tory swelled the total of tho victors to twenty-two points and they now have m four-point advantage over the Brooklyn F C I which le second. The Weet H ud­sons outplayed their rivals, eepeclally In th e second period, when they sooted four of the goals. Mills was th s Indtvldqal Btar for the victors, scoring throe for the W est Hudsons.

Team s P ie r Tie Game.F or ninety minutes the Paterson R an­

g e rs and the Newark Caledonians battled yesterday In a National League game a t Olympic Park, Paterson, w ithout e ither tide benlg able lo score. Neither team played up to Its usual form, Adam Bs- pleln, form er goal keeper for the True Blues of Paterson and now a member of th e Caledonians, played a great game and h ti work between the sticks kept tbe R angers from scoring several goals.

C lan MrDoeald, 81 N ew ark F . C« 3.N ewark Football Cluh players suffered

s N ational 1-eague soccer defeat yester­day afternoon a t Marquette Oval, 6rook-i> lyn, a t th e hands of the Clan McDonalde, 3 to 3. The locals led during the f irs t period, b u t the McDonalds made a strong hnlsh and scored all of their three polnti In the flnai period of play. In the o ther league contest yesterday a t New York the Brooklyn F. C. won from the 9 t. George F . C.. 3 to 1.

In a New Jersey Junior League soccer gam e yeeterday morning a t the Clark Oval, K earny, the Kearny Athletics won from the Irlsh-Americsns. ! to 1. The victory gave the Athletics the lead In the race for tho championship end they a re now tw o points ahead of the Irlsh-Amor- icans.

For Hardy Men , We have purposely made up

a tobacco to appeal to the strong, vigorous man who wants ^0// flavor and/rugrance combined with :

natural sweetness in his smoke or chew. This tobacco isL ib e r t y . It is designed especially to satisfy the tobacco hungry man. It nils the bill.

Firemen, policem en , o u t -o f - doors m en , tw o -fis te d m e n in general, all say L lB ^T Y satisfies. O nce they start using LIBERTY they cannot get the sa m e satis­faction out of any other brand.

The T. A. Edison Inc, bussball team e f S ilver L sk o h as reorganised eiiJ decided to be a trav e lin g nine. Semi- prof easlonal com binations w ith home g rounds d es irin g to book the Ediiotis should send ehallenges to T. F. H., Box 171, S ilver Lake,

The Beaelde Field Club of HSrlem would Ilk* to book op eeveral Newark midget tesm e (or gam es to be played on the Scselde ground*. A d < fr^ all Wtn- munleatlons to M o n ^ K ja tn id , H69■MMh W Mfc * * • < * a ■ I


, B IL L IA R D f U Y TO BE RESUM ED------------J*,

F la y In thS atnuteiTr handicap lg.3 b a lk lip s b illiard tournam ent a t tbe M etropolitan in illard Academy Is to be resum ed tonight. There a re tw o re ­m ain in g gam es on the schedule, and should O sorge Bey euooeed In w in n in g bo th o f them he will, be sw arded th s cbam plonehtp. Should he break ev tnr he w ill then be tied for the lead w ith C harles H lm m elberger, O. H. L a Rue and E. 8. Bnrns. Boy 4a scheduled to p lay F ra n k McDormlt J r . to raorp ;w nIghL an d *'■

Long Cut Tobacco

has character to it. That s why it ap­peals to and pleases these men of strong character.

L i b e r t y is made from pure Kentucky leaf, aged for diree to five years, » as to bring out slowly and naturally all the uncy me/foif and richness of the tobacco. Thats i my its quality never varies—and that’s why hurricd-oip, hashed-up tobaccos can't compare with LIBERTY.

In the B^^ucnit bpim of work or in the pleasant hours <rf TelaxdlK», be «ne to have some of this wonderful tobacco with you.

U l t . E R T Y

(jNu i.ij r

Sold everywhere in 5c packages.


X I T O i i l ^ OV I f i B a k l l





’i : .•■33 ■

Wta\htr Tomorrow ^ < ProbaHy ^

Warmer S' flainy

Spodal yalue» in DecoraUi>*

U n e n i.A

Restaurant3:30 to 5:30 O’clock

The Bamberger afternoon tea dances have proven such a delight to so many that they wilt be continued this week.

Mr. Raymonil Kentonand

Miss Pbyllis Padgetfrom the Castle House. New

York City

Under the Direction of Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Castle

The “Little Tots” Shop EnlargedA Store tor Little Folks in Itself


Much to talk about since.skilful fingers have been at work on the Shop for Little Tots. Have you seen the happy transformation. You should. It has a grown-up air about it, too—mirrors, costumers, cases and show-space-in fact, all the trappings belonging to the

welders’ shop—but so invitingly cozy. It matters not what mothers want, we can fit out the children from birth to the kindergarten age, and from the plainest little play garment to a handsome little coat for the pert miss, with the real rustle of mother’s taffeta gown. We are just as careful in pricing these dear little garments as we are in selecting them for our shop.

Wise mothers with good taste will find Bamberger’s Shop for Little Tots complete in all—merchandise, service and economy. The ONLY place, in fact, to buy the sweet bedeckings for the children sEaster, . * _

styles, I Long and Short White Coats, from 1.50 to 18.98.

Dresses in many 1.00 to 13.98.


will dcmonsiraie and teach the most popular society dances, including the tango,

onC'Step, ruaxixc and the famous Castle half- and-half. Guests are permit­ted to dance and also to ask explanation of the different itepa.

Admission 50cIncluding Afternoon Ten

Inlants' Novelties of all kinds, trom 25c to 28.00.

Infants' Long and Short Dresses, from 25c to 17.00.

Infants’ Muslin and Nainsook Skirts, at 25c to 5.00.

Infants’ hong and Short Flannel Skirts,^ .f>0e to 5.00.

Hand made Dresses, long and short styles, LOO to 11.98.

Children’s Colored Coats, at 2.00 to 15.00.

Infants’ and Children’s Bonnets and Hats, 25c to 8.00.

Children's Coats, handsomely trimmed, fine materials, 5.00. *■

Dainty Dresses of Lawn, Nainsook and Batiste, 2.00.

Infants’ Bands, priced at 12V4c to 50c.Infants' Vests, ranging from 25c to 1.50Infants’ Diapers,.dozen, 98c to 1,75.Infants’ Rubber Diapers, ca., 25c to 75c.Infants’ Hosiery, ranging from 25c

to 50c.Infants’ Bootees, many styles. 12'/ic

to 2.00.Infants’ Barrows, from 25c to 2.00Infants’ Skirts, priced at 25c to 5.00.Infants’ Pads, prices from 18c to 59c.


Infants’ Blankets, from 50c to 2.00.Infants’ Sheets, ranging from39c to 50c.Infants’ Pillow Cases, 25c up to 6.M.Infants’ Carriage Robes, big variety,

1,00 to 11.98.Silk, Cashmere and Flannel Kimonos,

25c to 18.00.Worsted and Flannel Sacques, 25c

to 6.00,Infants’ Bath Receivers, priced at 1.50

and 2.00.Infants’ Wash Bags, priced at 15c & 25c.Infants’ Shoes, white and colors, 50c

to 3.00.Infants' Bibs, many styles, 5c to 3.00.

^9.50 Roval Wilton Rugs, 29.95 introducing Spring Corsets^ -------------------------- ~ Don’t think of buying your

200 Brand New Rugs in 75 Excellent Designs^ Sizes 9x12 and 8.3x10,6 ft.

A sale of Royal W ilton Rugs of this scope has never before been held in Newark Every one of the rugs is brand new and of the finest quality. Many Sores sell the s L e grade for $44; our regular price is $39.50, but a special pu r­chase enables us to shave down the prices to $29.95, while the two hundred rugs

'*** In this gigantic event you may choose from seventy-five of the choicest de­signs in the most desirable colorings we have ever shown. Two sizes, 9x12 teet,

and j.yg j3 perfect; every one is new. While they last. .29.95No mail or ’phone orders will be filled.


Roller Skates—Special! BetweenHo, Boysl Springtime—roller skate time. And now is

the time to buy your sidewalk skates, while special prices Ourselvesare in force.

Ball-bMriitf Boiler Skates, 1.1#—Made of best steel plate, nickeled; extension style; half damp and leather heel straps, bail-bearing rollers; for boys and girls, p a i r .......................................

100 Roller Skates, 75c—Well made extension roller skates with steel fool plates and rollers; half damp ano leather heel straps:reaultr price $1.00 pair, special ................................. ............. ■

- 50c Roller Skatee, 85c—Extension style skates, with steel footelates and iron rollers; leather heel and toe straps; regularlyper pslr, special a t ..................... ............................. ........................


Dolls at One-Half PriceJointed dolls that have become slightly soiled front

ba placed on sale tomorrow at one-half price. 11 kinds and MoStly fall ball Jolnled papier-macheand hair wigs. Some dressed. Formerly to special.

Kctrple DoUa—Fine bisque or celluloid dolls, in a variety of tizes; the cutest dolls in doll- dom; prices range from

16c to 1.00

Jointed Dolla Papier-mache bodies, full ball lointeo, bisque heads; sewed wigs; 16 inches high; regular 50c. dolls, spe­cial ........................................ 39*

Dolla With Colored W igfr-Wlth oresses to match; doth atuffed bodies, composition heads, guaranteed unbreakable; green, yellow and blue dresses; price ......................................1-50

Jointed Dolla—23 inches tali; best papier-mache bodies, super­fine bisque heads; blondes, bru­nettes and Tuscans; Elbeco dol-Isr dolls f o r ...........................

Character Baby Dolla—Sitting baby dolls with lifelike bisque faces, moving eyes and short, croppy hair; tnoided papier- mache bodies; regular $1.50,

.......................... 98cUnbreakable Character ^ b y

Dolla—Stuffed booies, jointed arms and legs; baby-tike faces of unbreakable composition; long white lawn dress; regular $175, at ........................................... 1-39


Now comes the “Society for the Prevention of Easter Des­ecration.'’

The S. P. E, D. is a society the members of which have pledged themselves not to wear anything NEW from next Sunday (Palm Sunday) until after Easter.

The purpose of the S. P. E. D. is doubtless a laudable one, but why should not peo­ple wear new clothes at Eas­tertide? Why should we not show our reverence and thanksgiving by casting aside our somber Winter things and donning the gaily colored raiment of the new- born season ?.

N ature diBcharda th* gray for the green. The treee amt flowers acid sh rubs bedeck thennselveH In th e ir verdan t Hnery—w hy should not we? There are m any w ays of show- iiiK one's reverence and hu- intllly besides w earlh g eack- clotb and sshes. The m ere fact th a t man em ergen from Ihi’ drab of W inter Into the colors of Spring show s th a t he Is a th an k fu l O od-fearing creature,

The S. P. E. n. m eans well, but !l has not slopped to think.

Easter frock until your are proper ly corseted. The lines of the best garment can be ruined outright by a corset not intended for your figure.

The Bamberger corset department has been greatly enlarged and im­proved, It is, without question, one of the largest and most complete corset departments in America.

We stand for broad variety. Spring model “Elbeco ’ corsets, made by famous corset builders,/ which accentuate nature’s best lines in every woman, are positive lead­ers We also feature Smart Set, Redfern, La Rita, Warner, R. & G-, C. B„ Nemo Kopservice, Bien Jolie, American Lady and a host of others, showing sufficient merit to be included in our stock.

Great importance attaches also to our Juniorand Misses’section which Newark mothers are recognizing as a leading authority on proper youth- corseting. Bamberger’s staff of corset-fitters is the most proficient in town. Their service is gratis.

Special demonalration of Redfern and Warner Corsets this week.


Sale of Window Shades2 ic Window Shades, I8c-Made of good strong water opaque,

in white, green and ecru colors; mounted on strong rollers, ft^

’35'c Wn^ow^8h a £ “" ^ - G o quality American Hyland win­dow shades, mounted on strong, reliable rollers, complete with fltures- full size, green, ecru and white...............

43c Window Shades, 35e-Full size, made of an excellent grade25c

of Albert Ho Hand; complete with fixtures; strong rollers; wl^eand ecru; regular 45c.; special

s L Window Shades, 49c—Made of Lonsdale Lineri Holland of exceptionally good grade; green and while; full size; good strong

'window^^ShndesrSfie— Venetian striped window shades, in white and ecru; reliable rollers; complete withregular 69c., special price......................................... _.....................


For the Man with the Hoe

New in the

Women’s Gloves for EasterNotion Store

Spading Forkstinea, women's s l a e , . . . . . . -W®tln fs , m alleable D handle- llnea, polUhed; wooden D

handle w ith a trap fe rru le lines, heavy quality . poliBhed. wooden D handle, w ith s trap fe rru le ...................................LIO

Women’s Umhakin G1ove»-Overseam and pique 8 ^ « s with one or two clasps. Soft, pliable skins; spring weight; all sizes and colon; also black and white combinations; pair. . . . . . . . . . . . . . i.uu

Women’s Two-Clasp Kid Gloves-Made of ®e'«ted sk in^sofi and pliable; gusseted fingers; three rows embroidery on backs ,black, white and tan; also contrasting embroidery; pair............... 1.4,>

Women’s Imported Kid Gloves—“Grenetle two-clasp overseani ■loves, made of selected French kid In new sp ring shades; also black and white combinations;.,Paris point embroidered backs., 1.50

Women’s Two-Clasp Kid Gloves—Overseams and pique sewn, gusseted fingers; light and medium spring weights; heavily em­broidered in contrasting shades; two pearl snap fasteners... - - .1.50

Women's Beal Kid Gloves—“Reynier" gloves, made of finest selected French skins, in black, white, im and champagne; two and three clasps; gusseted fingers; Paris point embroidered backs. .2.00

8-Button Length "Sllp-Ons"—Just the thing to wear with coats having the new sleeves; gauntlet effect wrist, fastens with strapand pearl snap; spring weight: pique sewn; pair......................... l.6»


Colorite for dyeing straw hats;good size bottles f o r ..................19c

Net Waist Foundations, ready tocover; the price is ................... SOc

Brassiere Dress .Shields, the washable kind;priced at 1,00 to 2.00

Medici Collar Foundations, made of wire and net. each . .10c and 15c

Tango Braid Pins—Plain andjeweled pins for the hair..........10c

Ironing Board Covers and Pad;Al-Ion style, each..........25c and SOc

Tenu—A oressing for suedeshoes, per bottle ...................

Elastic Goring—Three to six in.w ide.......................3c to 7c an inch

Blanco—A splendid white shoecleaner, per box ..........................lOe

Adjustable Garment Shields—Ofgood quailly, per pair .............. 25c


Garden SetsC hildren’s 3-pteoe se ts, conatlt-

InfO' of apftdJfl, ho6 and faka.**®© Chllaron’s t-plaoe Bets, apade.

hoe, rake and f o rk . . . . . . . .*»<■F lo ris t or Women’s G arden Sets

of 3 pieces, crucible s te e l. .SOc F lo ris t o r Women’s G arden Sets

of t pieces, complete to r..l,O T

Pruning Shenr*The ’T.evln" p run ing hand

shears, cut half an Inch clear th rough w ithout tw is t in g . .

Other Specials in the Basement Stores

Garden RakesMalleable Iron ra k e s with

s tra ig h t tee th ; s in g le shanks.12 teeth I t te e th IS teeth

11c SBc S»eSteel Garden Rakes

w ith curved te e th and single shanks. .

U teeth I t te e th IS tee th49c BSe B»c

Garden SpadesHade of best q u a lity steel.

No, 2, black, w ith r iv e ted back.......................No. 2. polished, w ith riveted

hack ....................................- ' ■No. 2. Nasby, w ith back strap,

all polished, a t .........................75cNo. 2. Hpltier, w ith hack strap .

all polished, a t ..........................8®cFloral .Shovel, w om en’s size,

round point ............................. 45c

Heat Dlatributora C ast Iron heat d is tr ib u to rs can

be se t over one gas b u rn e r; w ill cook food In three u tensils on one burner; regu lar $1.76, sp e­cial ...............................................1-*®

Wizard Polish MopaRound mops for v arn ished or

paln tad floors, woodwork or lin ­o le u m regu lar T6c.. special..B »e

Polishing MittensElbeco b ran d po lish ing m it­

tens, made of lam b sk in ; splendtafor polishing shoes,^stoves, etc.;

ularegular 19c„ special.............. •«Coffee Mills

The new Im proved Bteinfeld coffee mill, w ith g la s s can ister holding one pound of coITm ; regular SBc. sp e c ia l. ................w c


Spring Sale of Beds and BeddingRamher«r’s annual spring sale of brass and iron &cds, springs, couches, mattresses, pillows and cribs holds forth

this week The event is planned upon a broader scale than ever before and it offers better values. Bamberger regular prices

holders getting the house in springtime readiness.Sample Brass Beds

05.00 Brass Beds.........75.0070.00 Brass Beds......... 55.0062.00 Brass Beds. . . . . . 50,0055.00 Brass Beds......... 43.0050.00 Brass Beds..........41.0046.00 Brass Beds..........38.0040.00 Brass Beds.........25.0038.00 Brass Beds......... 22.0030.00 Brass Beds......... 19.0025.00 Brass Beds.. . . . .15.0022.00 Brass Beds......... 14.0017.00 Brass Beds..........12.00

Bungalow Beds9.00 Brass Beds................. 7.75

12.00 Brass Beds................10.0015.00 Brass Beds................12.5025.00 Brass Beds................18.004.W Iron Beds.....................3.956.25 Iron Beds.....................5.007.75 Iron Beds.....................6.758.75 Iron Beds..................... 7.50

Feathers >and Pillows4.00 Live Goose Feather Pil­

lows ..................................3.232-50 Goose Feather Pillows, spe­

cial .....................................1.751.00 All-Feather Pillows, spe. 75c t.25 Pure Live Goose Feather

Pitlows ............................. t.OO65e' Purs Live .eireis Ftaiticr

Pillows .................... 80e7Sc Pure Live Goose Feather

Pitlows .......................... ...60c



Sample Iron Beds19.00 Iron Beds...........16.00

Beds...........14.00Beds............ 12.00Beds............ 11-50Beds............ 10.50Beds..............9.50Beds.............8.75Beds.............. 0-00Beds.............. 5.75Beds.............. 5.50Beds.............. 3.90Beds.............. 2.50

11.00 Iron10.00 Iron7.50 Iron7.00 Iron6.50 Iron4.50 Iron3.00 Iron

Beware o f the m oth! Beware of th e heat! Beware o f th e th ief! Beware of fire!—Send your fu rs an d d raperies to th e B a m b er­ger co ld s to r a g e v a u lts .

Phone M a rk e t 6 7 0 0 ; a w agon w i l l c a l l .

W hy d e la y a n y longer?

30.00 Brass Bed, 19.00This two-inch continuous post

brass bed has one and one-half inch filling rods with a panel effect. May be had in all sizes, in bright or satin finish. * Regu­lar $30 value; special sale price,

19.0018.00 Mattresses, 11.00

Warranted 100 per cent, cot­ton felt mattresses; full six-inch border; made with an imperial edge. An excellent value at 18.00, we shall offer it special at ............................... 11.00

SiHc ¥ U m25.00 Mattresses .................19.0022.60 Mattresses................17.0018.00 Mattresses.................13.75

36.00 Brass Bed, 16.00Two-inch post brass bed with

one and one-half inch top rail, and one and one-half Inch fill­ing rods. Heavy trimmings. All sizes; bright or satin finish. Regular $26 value; special sale price .................................. 16.00

10.00 Mattresses, 6.50A 45-lb. all-cotton mattress

covered with a blue and white stripe tick. Made with a roll edge. The regular price is 10.00;special this sale.....................6.50

SOc extra in two partsBos Sprint^

2ff.OO Box S p r i n g s . .31.0020.00 Box Springs............. 17J1018.00 Box Springs........15.0015.00 Box Springs..............10.00

All Steel Springs13.50 All Steel Springs----10.5*12.00 All Steel Springs........ 9.0010.00 All Steel Springs........ 8.009.00 Ait Steel Springs........ 7.7a8.00 All Steel Springs........ 6-50


Children’s sweaters made of..... ...... _ . . _ all wool worsted are interesting

a!1 ISriHS......... n s many mothers at the Bamberger

collar; pockets, pearl buttons. In maroon, gray, tan and car­dinal. Sizes 26 to 34. Price 3.60

Juvenile sweaters of all wool worsted, Norfolk style; Byron collar; in gray, tan and cardi­nal. 2 to .5 year old sizes.Price ................................... 34i6th ird floor , wabhinotow bt.

5.00 All Steel Springs........3.954.00 All Steel Springs........3.263.50 All Steel Springs........ 2.752.75 Aii Steel Springs........2.002.25 All Steel Springs........ 1.76


South American Hair IHattresees

M atlressu................ 28.90Msttressea................ 21.00Mattresses.................18.60

Sale of Sample BufTets Hand Engraved PinsMi»iy e](c6ptloniil vA luei Are

ottqrfid fn baffttti tb^t have bMn u»«l M floor samples- Thli furniture Is perfect \ti every way. The pattern* are molt deelriihle. Fifth floor.

Appropriate fo r E a s ie r siv-”s Jfilf—'ffoIiJ filled hand-ongraved handy pins, bar plTis. w ide piFiB. bucble pins and v pins. n*inty patterna. ExcelleDt QuaUiy. price 50tf each. F lee t floor, centre.

“Elbeco” Safefy Razor ^*Elbeco” Razor BladeaHav* you over ahavad wUb

an "Elboeo?” Raaor with two bladn islU for 35o^ Satlifac­tion gusrsntocd. First floor, Hslssy sL

The "Elbeco" eafety razor bladea flt all atandard makei of aafety roaori. 5 In nockace for Ho, Evory blade warrant­ed Co give entire aatiatootlon. First floor, Hnisey it.


Correctness is the keynote. S trictly observing every line and stitch of London style, Bamberger clothing for the Young Man of Today is withal never foppish. This accounts for the immense popular­ity of our young m en’s clothes. They are simply that distinctive "breed" th a t young men doff theircaps to. „ . ,

Clothes for every purpose—college, semi-dressand formal wear.—well made of selected cloths, ra­tionally priced. W hy go elsewhere when you can get real London sm artness right in the old hometown at very much sm aller prices? ^

Facts are facts. Young man, Bam berger s is " YOUR store.

English Suits for Young Men 12.50 to 30.00

Full of the English “Johnny” through and through. Obedient to every mandate laid down by the high-brow tailor, Bamberger’s sack suits, fresh off the boards, are the swaggerest things a-going for the well-dressed youth.

Special mention need be made of the one-button sack suit, as crisp and new as a 1914 bank note. They are built 0 Oxford or Cambridge gray cassimere, neatly braid-bound. Coat, like all regwarly “English” garments, have the natural shoulders—no built-up artificiality. Price, 525.00.

Other sack suits, two, three and four button models, have each a ’trick" that makes them wantable to the younger gen-e r a t io n . f l o o r . W a s h in g t o n s t r e e t

“ B a l m a c a a n s ” — T h e C o a t o fthe Hour—15.00 t o 28.00Coats for the younger Chesterfields. Ever since lead­

ers” strutted about in their bell-shaped Balmacaans, scarcely a youth who is not itching to shrug into one

Here they are—shipshape, flowing Balmacaans—$ 5.00 to $28.00; convertible or button-t^thc-neck style collars, tan and brown, gray and olive, m Bannockburn cheviot, Scotch tweeds and diagonal homespuns. Sizes 34 to 42. Who’s going to miss it?


Hatsfor Every Newark‘Dandy’Everything is "knuckling” to the smart felt hat with

mushroom brim. Have you seen it in all its glory—the puggaree of two-tone changeable silk? Hats have never had so much ado about their bands before! _ , . . ,

Mushroom hats in every shade to strike his lordships fancy. And price is very near a guess—W.0O,

Other headwear, stylish to the core, for every mood andpurpose, is with us,


That Tie for ^ Young ManMust be a Rajah Imperial. Onental? Yes, and a cahph among newer neckwear. It is cut broad—all English ties are —to conform to the English type of collar. Glorious color combinations-all good as the pri« , 50c Many consider them the quality of regular Si.00 tics and are delighted to find them but SOc.


Young Men’s ShirtsEvery youth has heard of the catchy mushroom shirt.

Slick, indeed, for the young man who prides himself on fwit- less linens. Nifty shirts, every one. in nations, cross and vertical stripes. Good both in cut andin price, 2.60.


Hands Up on GlovewearGIov« <>t style, in seasonlble weizhte, pique stitched endblack embroidery backs. Smart to their very clasps of a cut to give the Easter rigging a regular Broadway snap^

never old—leads again this spring.


Union Suits for Young MenYouths prefer union suits, the most convenient form of

quick-dress undergarments. Our stock of $1.00 union suits for young men, correctly drafted in size, leaves nothing to be desired for completeness. Every style-sleevel«s and knee length, short sleeved and three-quarter length and short sleeved with full length drawers in white, lisle, cotton, balbriggan and nainsook; all of reliable make.




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Young Men’s Smart Spring Footwear

Like all his Easter haberdashery, the young man's foot­wear must hrEnglish born. Nothing is toeing the mark so clearly as srtirt lace boots and low quarters of mahogany calf,' built on honest English last'. These are literally born to the purple of ultra-smart footwear. .

We have reproduced thi# line in ebony calf and patent colt, at $4.00, $4.50, $5.00 and $5.50. Step in line, young man, with Bamberger ti[>>top footwear!



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