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Lasseter Lantern Vol 3 #3

Apr 07, 2018



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  • 8/4/2019 Lasseter Lantern Vol 3 #3


    AS!-L a ss e te r S tu d e n t C hristm as C oncertR e c e iv e s N a tio n a l4 .8 S c ho la rs h ip Planned For Tonight

    Ceil Baker, secretary of Las- "? Come AU Ye F a i t h f U I " 1"FaIling Snow on Christmas:~'s co~l-;geCI~~hO~~hrpw~~~e~h: ~USIC lovers to the third annual Day" and "Chestnuts Roasting on

    National 4-H Convention in Chi- O ; C ~ ~ ~ ~ \ O ; i ~ ~ ! : . t m a soncert at a :c ~e : ra I~ ; ; : 'in be sung byeago. The ~usic department o~ Las-! Admiaslon to the concert willShe was one of six south- serer will. presen.t It,s Christmas he fifty cents fol' adults and twenty.

    ! :~t~~~OI~%~~~~~s \;~Ofr~I!~i~~~ ~ ~ ~ f ; : : u ~ ~ e : ~ : ~ :~~:h~~~~~:;\'~~~~.for students ,The pubIJethe highest honor obtainable by High Hatter band, the Junior and

    4-~: :\CholarshiP was presented ~:~!~ra!~g~h;h;:~~~ast~eE~:'~:easonal Festat a Horticultural Banquet span- tary Band, all under the dtrecttcnsored by Am'l-Chalm~r$, rnanutac- of Mr. and Mrs. William Wilson. To Be Co edturers of farm equipment. Each i Among the selections the High .. -c ontestant for the prize was judged Hatter band will play ate "What Tomorrow, December 20, theon the basis of his record book, a Child is This?", "1 Heard the Bells Lasseter and Mark Smith music de-log of all his: past 4-H activities. on Christmas Day", and "Santa; partm.ents will combine to Pl"esent

    As one o fthe thirty-eight dele- Claus is Coming to Town." The a joint-school Christmas fest in thegatea to the national convention CREATOR JACKIE BUFFINGTON AND ARTIST JENNY MACM!LLAN -Iementary band will play "Jingle Lasseter auditorium.from Georgia, Ceil joined about admire their blue ribbon on the prize-winning seer of Room 104. Bells," "0 Come All Ye Faithful," 'phe High Hatter band will join2,000 other a-H'ers at. Chicago's and "Three Chorales for Christ- the Bulldog band In"March of theConrad Hilton Hotel-November 24 mas." Toys" and "Danee of the Sugar

    t~~f\~c::~e~h~" ree;Plent of 104""::Sh.owsPo:u'o ' t ,News; Of~!ei;~:~g~,I~~J'':;~'~~'~T~~~~ ra\?~~~~~~~1r~: : : : :several 4-H awards since 5.'1Cloined! C I D t p II and "Thirty-two Feet and Ei,:!ht by the Lasseter choruses and thethe organization five years ago. I alms ecora lo,n rlze Little Tails." Sever al number s will Choraliers, "0 Holy Night" will beH a v i n g w o ncounty and distric t I be presented by the Senior High performed as a special by the com-i~~jc~~e~~~pe!~!Oll~r~~ree~~~ a : ~ i u r e ~ r i ~ ~ ~t~~e ~!g~~e ~~f:~~1 ~~~;i~~!~~~ti :~~sco~~~stt~~~1~U~~::i~i:~ C~\~I 'Ubs~ ~{;~~t ~~seGr~e~~c~~~~i '~:~~'sba:~~ a~~s:~~~~sseS~t~::~the state level. Here she captured i 104. Your Pretty Little Baby?", "0: bodies will be accompanied andsecond place in 1966 and was! Following with the se cond place title was Supervision 306, and Holy Night", and "Mary Had ailed by the bands. and chorus In

    ~~I;~:t t!~::rt ~ ~ ~ ~ n ; : ~ : nl~~:!~i:~C:e~~~u';:~vfs~e:s i014S~!~r~i:;~n 314. Receiving honorable ::b:~;~i!~~turingVirginia Jackson ~~n~~g~~eo:,ld ~amiliar favoritJesnematodes. The winning door traced steps I

    s an entrant in her district's taken in the public ation oj THE

    ~~t~::nso~: :o~~veotit;on~n!~e!~o:~ ~~~:'~~:~e~e~:ERN by Santa's

    f rom the twenty-seven county area "Merry Christmas to All thewho were awarded a trip to World" was the theme of the lang- iwashmgtou, D. C. Here she at- uage lab supervision, Room 3Da j

    tended an eight-day National Citi- .Jt featured one Christmas sceneze':::;:~r S: . :t;i~~rS~~il took last from Spain and another from~u:~~~r~~: s~~e a i l e H ~ ~ ~ : ~ ! ):ra::'orn:::d:~! d~~: ~::;:::C:m~P, S~te Counc.i.l Meeting, Di~ '1Williams, who was assisted bytrIct Proiect Achievement, and Anita Baney and Sheila Wilkinson

    Sta:er c::.~:s~lans for 4-H include, as well as other supervision mem-

    acampalgn for a state office thls bers.year. Supervision 1314's door, titled

    "Peace on Earth", featured three!INews Briefs Idim ,,,,ional wi" men. !P e e k I n sid e !I ::N~~~esA~~~~:t~:' e~ : ! ; ;::ft~~i~II:!1 : m ~ o ~ ~ : e G ~ ' s c a : ~ a ~ :~~JJ~:~;:~B;:~;,~-:~~~'ll.

    Awaiting their stories are (right. back) Jackie Sparks, Kay Butt, and Marcia Bowen who will act .s

    :~~~:' ti! !e~~~d:g ~~lle~~l. 9:00 Alumnae News 2 prose editors, Staff artists Anitl! Bailey, Kate Pendleton, and D o n n aCollins (seated) have pads andBook Review 2 p(;ncil.s read, to sketch illustrations.

    Con~st':~~~d,'!in:[~: ve s:;; :1e' - --- 3 Addleton Nam ed Literary M agazine Editso:red by the senior class, is slated Cultural Comer 7 Sandra Addletcn has been named ICarol Ilrent, who will act as: Batley, Donna Collins, and Kate:~h J ~ ~ ~ a r : O r : : a t f ~ ~ o ~ ~ l J t ~ h ~ ; ! 1Guest Editorial ---- 2 ~~\~~it~~~~~::eia~~e~~~,!9~e~~~~~ :d~~~iak::ts~~~'cia Bowen, and [ :;~~!~:o~~s~~~ l:;!~t~~ni: il~~:on January' 31 during activity! John Michael Mouse __ .__ S magazine. Jackie Sparks will select and com- ilion.period; ... ' Principal's ,Principles . 2 ! Evie. ~ rl lmbli. sll , editor or . the i ".)ile the prose contributions to Ii At its first meeting, the staff

    TheLasseter chapter of the F u - iSerial . 7 i first edition which was published the magazine. established a release date in April.tnre.Teaebers of America has re-I I l ~ : S ~ t : e ~ , c : ~ ~ ~ e t ~l~On~u~ce;r:~~ Composing the poetry staf are Anyone interested in ~aVing herceieed special recognition in the SPDrts -----.---- iO successor to the student body on "are Eschmann, Ellen Blum, and I prose or poetry ceasldered ~orFTA State Ne wsletter for its out- TV Tips -------'-_____ 1 November 22, Mary Anne Berg. IThe Collage should turn her entriesstanding acnviues.. .... -- ..J Appulnted to aid Sandra was! The art start consists of Anita linto Room 104 by January 31.

    Selections from the choral con-cert will be on VlBML radio to-

  • 8/4/2019 Lasseter Lantern Vol 3 #3


    Pav2 The La_tor L..... m Decembor 19, 1967

    E av esd ro p p in g O n A M in dwi;en in on the mcnclcgue of a conscience to a mind:"Chr is tmas , Chr is tmas . Chr is tmas .''What are you thinking' right now?"Was your first reaction to the 'WOrd Christmas that of the pro.

    crastinating shopper-panic? Or did it bring to mind a cozy,Iul scene of the famUy drowned In wrapping paper surroundingChristmas tree on The Big Morning? Perhaps the association youwas with the gay decoration of the season-c. the' riot of .llghts, the stately trees adorned with aluminum Spanish moss?

    be your, spirit soared in antIcipation of the gay festivitiesornaments foreshad'ow?

    "Enough of these questions! Let's pin down these elusiveflies and examlpe th!el.r wings'. The shopper, forpicture e nsco nce d by co unte rs a nd ' co unte rs a nd s he lve s a ndobjects for sale, or standing at a counter solemnlyfold in- one hand, pondering how mueh-Iighter it hasA closer I,ook at the family wul reveal that they have 00attacked the, oyster shells of tissue and ribbon in search of,within that they are still clad in pajamas and robes.these prime activities of the Yule season axe centeredgifts and money. .

    "Then on w e proceed to the ornamentation ofparties , and the feasts. Festive sJghts, occasions, andbut then that's just what th.ey are - physical

    "But stop! Have you once in the course of thissociated Christmas with the Natlvtty? More than likely __ r: ,_". ,scenes would come after intermission if your visions of

    were made into II. film. Yet how can you as aallow the religious meaning of this day to fall below thein your sb.opping list and appear on the block of yourlabeled December 82?

    "So thus abideth in your imagination three elements ofobjects, phyaieal pleasures, and religious celebration. But theof these, it appears'in' your eyes, is religlcus celebration."

    Would your conscience be justified in this role?

    su ,oLantemWishes

    Yo u . . .

    G U E S T E D IT O R IA L

    Local P astor TellsYule Spirit Source

    by Rev. Louis C. KnightEDITOR'S NOTE: Reverend Louis C. Knight, native of Sanden-

    ville, Geof'Jia, hilS served as th e, putor of C!'(ISS Keys Bapti st Church

    for the past two YNrs. He holds a bachelor pi arts degree from NewOrleans Bapt is t Theologica l Seminary. His prtlvlous pastorates are tit.First B aptist C hurch of Dudley, G.or;ll , and the First Baptist Churchaf Glennville, Georgia.

    Through this season of the year world to a mania for buying andyou 'will hear it orten repeated: receiving. When the tinsel Is laid"You know, I just can't get Into aside, the pretty paper has loundthe spirit of Christmas." its way into the incinerator anil

    Let me ask you this question: the gift is laid alongside ouris the spirit of Christmas? abundance of trinkets and gadgets,many people it is a hoUday. even gift giving leaves us with

    so is Washington's Birth- an emptiness,Fourth oI July, New Year's For many people it I.!; a time

    and Labor Day. If Christmas) for feasting. But then almost everyanother holiday, then pl aced I meal for the average American is

    . the many other holidays a feast. Should Christmas be just

    . annual calendar it loses its another time to stuff oneself?


    is just a time for it Si~e;y ~~~.!li:S :Olid;:ito together. ~\ the~ together, it is a time to give andsuch. as 0 hers receive gift.~, and it is a time forDay, birthdays, an- festive parties' but it must be

    . a.nd hOI?ccomings. U more than just thiS.'

    ge~S i~;~t~e~,m~h:e~~:~ . ~he word Christmas, whenalongside the other ceca- divided, b~comes Christ. and mas.

    our families meet it Leave Christ out of Christmas andluster and becomes just you have left only mast and m.~

    gathering. means a great thro~g gathered mit is 3. time of gift] frenzy and frustratlcn.

    loved ones. Our society On this day you must rememberby the commercial "unto you a Savior is born,"

    tanding Invitation Extended

    T o Graduates; Some AcceptAll we want for Christmas is to at Georgia Southwestern Collegef rom our one hundred grads! in November. She portrayed Sigindeed is a very precious nora Cini In Luigi'andelli's

    gift, which perhaps Ius- "Right Yo~ -!t_re (If You Thinkblushing disclosure that You Are)"; a comedy dealing with

    couldn't wait and sue- the lrnposslhility of knowing theto temptation before The truth about any person or sttua-

    now that the gifts have ttcn. \why not share them? Familiar but rarely seen faces

    Ingram, in her letter from popped up Just before Thanks-College, writes in praise of giving holidays, us freshmen from

    mater: "Thank you Las- various colleges returned to seeHigh School! 'I'hat may if their alma mater was exaetly as

    ~l'=1 ........ ,ound trite, but it's sincere. After they left it. Evie Crumbliss 's vis itEnglish essays all quarter, had special significance, for she

    notes in every class, and returned to name her successorFrench verbs, I have a as editor of The Collage. Linda

    of what all Anderson, Jewett Tondee, andkept saying last year, Janice Bush also stopped by to reothis when yo u get to taste the "leisurely" high school

    They weren't kidding!" life.on the road to drama- Tatrie Becker reports that she

    is Diane Sanford, wh.o! loves the University of Georgia,In a student presentation' .wbere she-plans to major in ele-

    imental'), education.Bertlyn Harris, who is now em-

    ployed at a local pbotographysbop, really kept up-to-date withthe happeningS at Lasseter byviewing the demorutrations at the

    by CII,.. Esdmlenn open house.. . . Through the mailbox Barbara

    Althoug~ written during the 1001 Ithe Chrlstl~n theol?gl~ns. In faet, Edwards reports an exciting visit~~~~~~e:;::~:~te o~e::::' ~e t: ~~~ayh~o~~:n~~t:~o~:! t? California, whe~ she

    t~nd ~er

    for members of tOd.SY'S fast.pacedj Omar himself-c-or as interest.ed in .Sl.Ste~ kepib an lapa men k~r ~o

    :c !e :~g~:e:.~~~t;di tz:~:iaintiT!er~~oreiife w ~ : : i i ~ ~:::n:~dit. ~e;ar=n~o~f m~ib:ald. captures the exotic Eastern /Chan'ccs of e life here after, ManuIacturmg. Company. _g,avor through strange sImiles, IKhayyam writes: Caught up in the . busy life ? fstriking metaphors, and graceCull "How sweet is mortal Sever- D freshman. at Middle. GeorgIa

    imagery. Rather than a strict' I' eignty!'-think some: College, Regina Bolden. filled heri translation, it is an . insplred para. Others-'How blest the Paradise letter to the Lant~rn with news of! phrase of the quaint wording of to come!' Governor Maddox s speech on that

    the original aouthor. I Ah, take the Cash in hand and cam~us ~d. :he college's home-Besides bei ng a deli ght ful poem, waive the Rest; eomms ecuvrtres. .

    Rubaiyl t expresses with grace the Oh the brave Music of a distant Another busy student 18 Bev:gospel of flesh versus spirtt. It Drum!" erly . Clance, who Is currentlyacknowledges II. supreme being, but Says Lawrence Housman, au- working at Sears between classesadvises to let the future take care thor of the introduction, about the ut Mercer.of itself and to let life be a guide question of divinity as analyzed in Lasseter welcomes visits and let-for l iving. the Rubaiyat. "It is to o resigned ters from its graduates all year,

    OInU Khayyam argues in a to be poignant, too philosophical but particularly at the Christmashwnanistic way that there 18 a to be bitter about it, it dlsmlsses season. This is the time for fami-

    "Petter" to mould human me, the dream, and accepts with ap- ly gatherings and indeed all Las-


    What? Pass Up A Gift?"fe ere all ~am1liar with the saying "the gift without the giver

    bare". In less poetic language but with equal t ruth one may"a gift without a recipient is barren". Although we rare ly'to accept a tangible gift, many times the intangibles which are

    in such abundance are rejected.We live in a world filled with beauty, but our eyes and heartsblind to it. Multitudes of people share with us through wri tingmost ex-citing, the most inspiring thoughts and experiences oflives, but our laz~' minds are Indifferent. In fad, thi s columna special: bonus to these who read it A gift will be give.nauthor to the first ten who, after reading this, request it.of the Lantern staff are not eUgible. Friends offer lovestanding but pride or seUishncss. blocks (W.r acceptance of

    Countless individuals have created for us a nation inIs possible for 200,000,000 people to live in freedom. Howeverexistence of this freedom Is based on our willingness to acceptre9pGnsibilities that go with it. The more freedom we have.greater our responsibility. Often we readily accept half thefreedom - but shun the responsibility. If we continue to dow e shall lose our freedom.

    Parents ?ftall say, "the most important thing I can give my.I s a~ education". Therefore, parents and ether citizens in ourllllUlJ.ty demand that schools provide the best in educationcommuni ty seeks to give the finest, some students spend .in schools hut accept only a small part of that which is

    In this season of giving it Is my 'hope that we will learn .with ~aciousncs:' and generosity 'and to reoelve with gratefuland minds the richness of the gifts poured out for us.

    MI Ann Henry

    The Lantern H u m a n is t V ie w A r g ue d I n P e rs ia nC la ss ic , O m a r K h ay ya m 's 'R u b aiy at '

    published by studants of

    H. S. LASSETER HIGH SCHOOL1654 Upper River Rd.

    Muon, Georgi. 312001

    Member of the ~orgls Scholastic Press ASSOCiation, National Schol,astIe PreStl AuoQiatlon, and Columbia Scholastic Press Association.:blbhe! six times yeuly at a subSCription rate of $1 per year,

    per pr IT AFFE~ltor.ln-Chlef ' _.__ ~._ _. Karen B. Ouzts~ews E(ijtor _._ _. .. _.__ M a rg ieE. DavisAssillblnt,News,Edltors _. ._ ..__ Donna T. Darity and Letty

    E. CarswellFeature Editor .__ ._ Clare B. EschmannAssistantFeature Editors .... .. Jackie A. Sparks an~

    Janet L. BlackshearArt Editor -_._ _. Anita L. BaileySPO l.'U E ditor - . __ ._~ ~ Jean C . Ford

    Busfneu Manager __ .. Paula V. TaylorManager . Sandra 0 Addleton

    Exchange Edltor.' . Sharon L. Smith

    Hesd Typist ._ Florence W. McSwainAdvertising Artist Donn'a

    Faculty Advleors:

    June M. EmmettPatrlela S Howell

  • 8/4/2019 Lasseter Lantern Vol 3 #3


    A senior math elasa from Las- they will go to the Grandseter l-oured the Georgia Farm to see tho movie. The show A film of the Lanier-Mark SniithBureau oWee in the Ingleside cotnctde with their studies at that football game was shown bv CoachShopping Center on Tuesday, No- time. At noon, the students will Minton Williams at the N~vembervember 7, under the supervision dine at the Magnolia Room at 2 meeting of the Lasseter Athletic

    or rrr:rs. Laura Mixon, teacher of Rich's, which Is in walking dis- Association. He eve a play-by-playthe third period business math tance from the theatre. narration, pointing up successful

    class. The group wiII then view the plays completed by both teams,The trip, whose purpose was to Cyclorama, a life-like presentation mi5j:a!res, and reasons for wing

    explore the computer area and the of the Battle of Atlanta. After certain offices of the .Bureau, their busy day in Atlanta, they During the exciting week beforegave the students much infornia- will board buses and return to the Lanier-Smith game, L.A.A.tion pertaining to their math class. Macon. members made over 300 voodooThe director of the Data Precessing F'RACTICING FOR THEIR ALL..sTATE CHORUS AUDITiONS dolls, which were sold0' the~?~::7a:~t~ ~ : ; ~ ~ : : ~ S E ~ ~ ~~ Zip Directories T o : :~~a l " ;7 :~e ; I~~7 ~:~ ~!~ ~ , t~~ ' toM ; .; ilb :n~ :a ;! : :: ! ,J~~ ~~ eaartin , I ~ ~ ~o:o:~peos~e~e~~~~ion~:tSj~~~employees in their dailv work. Mary Williams, and Vicki Hardie. Lanier game were done by varloua

    One st~dent comrrul~t!ld, "Our B e S old By F B L A Athletic Club member w as very Interesting and l t G I C The faculty volleyball 'gamereally knew slot concerning' the Business Clu'o members will sell asse er If S ompete sponsored by L.A.A., was held i~computers, The omce equipment zip code directories for borne and F 5 Ch S the gym on October 23,and computers were much easier office as a ~oney-making project or tate orus eats.. S u , P Ito understand when you observed for December. 'hey will cost one p e r V I S I O n so ythem as they were explained," dollar apiece. Each spring approximately 500 M('l\1ichael, Jackie Martin, Marilyn

    SatuxdaYi, January 13, is the ~ shon: style show displaying 0: the m~st outstan.ding high school Crawford, Donna Reeves, Vicki S T C h 'lddate which has been set for Mrs. office attlr~ was pl'e~entcd at a singers III Ge~rgla converge to Hardie, and Cheryl FUllington, a n t a 0 I r e nAnn Williams and her American recent meeting. A l s oshown was a form the Georgia All-State Chorus. Each girl is to sin gin.history classes to visit Atlanta to film antttted The Secretary - A Preparation for this event begins dividually before a judge, and Christmas plans of. Studentsee Gone With the Wind and tour Normal Day. early in the fall with district clinics , will go to Atlanta Council consist of assigning eachGrant Park and the Cyclorama. held all ever the state. three days of intensive supervision an underpriviledgedThe three classes wiiL board 'Twelve Angry Jurors ' wi.tll the entire chorus. child for whom the students willschool buses early Saturday !, the All-state play Santa. Each child will be

    lng and after arrival In N am e d A s S ch o o l P la y :l~i~~~~es~~~s~~l give a ~i : .ngifts put in a special box forconcert before the Georgiation Assoc ia tion Convent ion.

    Tuesday, December 19, 1967

    M ath , H isto ry C ro u p s C oT o F arm B u reau , A tlan ta




    I17 Cotton AVI~.

    Page 3

    L. A. A. ViewsLanier - SmithF ootball F ilm

    Following a re-cent meetingthe Red Cross, its annual RedCross Drive WaS begun. Eachmember was assigned to collectfrom different supervisions. The

    fir s t supervi sion cont ribut ing il:===:;~;;;;;=00% were awarded a coke party, IOn December 21 the Town and gountry Nursing Home will be

    visited by members of Lasseter 'Red Cross. The girls will singChristmas ca rols and give fruitand cornucopias to the residents,

    Taylor'sBUBBEW KING

    \jSouthside~ Recreation

    r ece nt guest.. Include dsongs 'he presented wereBy;" "People," and "Theof Your Smile",

    Songs such as "Merryto You", and "Carol of

    __ . ~ were sung to music club

    by the Melodettes FromHigh at another rocent

    A cookie, cake, andsale is tentatively planned

    'held by the club at TownCountry Shopping Center,



    Air ConditioningBroadway

    M a c o n

    Keebler Company

    M a k ers

    o fS tr ie tm a n n P ro du cts




    USED CARS Trophy


    972 Sunnydale


    557 Pine Street



    323 Third Street

    RACI NG OU ..


    667 Arc:h St. M a c o n NO.1

  • 8/4/2019 Lasseter Lantern Vol 3 #3


    Tuesd.y, December 19, 1967

    !Hanukka Observed

    \~ n ~ k a ~ ~ ~ ! m ~ ~IJ : !~! . ! .~!fu o n eLights, is the only important candle and to Increase the numberJewish holiday that is not men- by one on each successive evening.

    tioned in the Bible. The This. is a reminder of a great, ~f t~ : ;~Shon :bse f rv t : : ce :os to p u l a r I; :; :; i: ~ ~ ~b :~ ~ ~ ::o ~ :~It is celebrated for eight days, IAntiochus. In the Temple there

    PROJECTS TO BE DISPLAYED at the FHA Open HOUN !nclud.. nut tro with a tableware base ( lef t) beginning on the twenty-seventh was a- small cruse containing oil, .. hloned by. Br~nd. Wonham. AI~ on exhibit are ~'Ie Yeo's candle arrangement (center) and I of Kislev (Dece:nber), to c o m " l f o rthe altar light---a light that.fNP bottle elllSvlsed by Barbara SWICOni a.' an angel (rIght). memorate the victory of Judah was supposed to. burn eternally.

    the Maccabee and his followers Judah Maccabee and his followers

    F H A H ke C I W e ll0'" t he fo rcesof theSyrian king tea . .. d t h a t t h eoil was , " , f ido. om em a Ing asses IAnitochusIVln165B.C. surpris-lfOrOnlYOnedayandth3tthere

    , . I~: :~~: :~a~: :{~: :~ tb~:~" ; ' ,~ :I: ~ U I !n~~:;;;:: . ~~" ! :

    Oe lsp layP re iects C row n Q ueen ~ ;~ ~ ,~' :~ . th~i '~ : I I ; ; :OU:f'':.: 1 : ~ : ~ :I ~ :I :i:~., candle each evenmg at dusk. The nme it cou ld be rep leOlshed.Tbe home economies department will go to the auditorium for Christmas skits and the crowning

    will hold its annual Christmas of the FHA queen by Balinda Junior li'HA Degrees will alsoOpen House tonight beginning at Dykes, last year's queen. Girls be awarded to outstanding home6:45 p.m. nominated for the honor are Libby economies students, who will con-

    Each member of the Future Jones, Patricia Brooks, Nancy tinue working towards ChapterHomemakers of America and the White, Sue Lynn Scott, Virginia Degrees.home eccnomtcs departme nt will Crosby, and Carol Pierce. The girl After the program, refreshment.!ldisplay articles she bas made, to receive the crown has been made . by. the home economicscreating a collection ranging from chosen t~rough a point system and classes Will be served, and thecakes and cookies to tin can by election in FHA. open house will resume.

    '-='finte v e n t01 the e v e n i n g4rt C lub B az aar H eld48will be the open house In Rooms fl 11106 and 110. Ftom fum visitors A M oney . M ak ng P roJ ec t ( fr CM 1 t r ow ) Paul R~vere and

    Mark Lindsey; (back row) Freddv Weller; JCIO, Jr., lind Charlie Coe,perf ormed to an enthusiastic audientft of Mac on teenage re,

    A3 a money-making project this Lasseter which members of theyear, the Art Club held a bazaar Art Club managed.before and after school on the A .point system has been set Paul Revere Raiders Show11th and 12th of December. up 10 the Art Club. Members ,

    !~t~e~~~bi:m~f ;:\~u:o~~de the :~:;ed::~nts ::Co~~~~~gw~~~~: Attracts Macon TeenagersSome of these were decorated during study halls or before and . . . .

    bottles ornaments made from after school on items that were The Paul Revere and the Raiders Show, sponsored by WNEXsoap, Christmas decorations, and sold in the bazaar, and working station, \~tlS he~d November 30 at the Macon Municipal Audiother things of this sort. in the shops when Deeded. Appearing with Pau~ _Revere and the Raiders were Keith

    There was a country gift Mrs. Judy Grundy, advisor for AIls?n. Tommy Rowe, Merr-ilee, and Flash Gordon and the Boardshop set up In the art room at the club, said of the articles, "1 of.D_uectors. The show ran from B p. M. until 10:15 with one inter-

    .... .,r---------.I ;:~nkc~~:fm:llanr;;a~~e;iC~e:!~~ ml~I:~ Rowe sang his hits such hits as "Kicks", ''Hungry'',very expensive." "Sweet Pea", "Sheila", and and " P i e c < 1 Iof MInd". Also per!Ol'-

    je~~i;ob~~9:~r~~d~: 1 ~ ~ < ;:O ~ ~ ~ : ~ ~ ~ ~ ""~~VilR:~t~'~ n ; ; ~ I > ~ ; ~ ~ : ' ~ :ances of Sam and Dav:'s "Soulto buy supplies for -the art depart- and "Summer Rain" were sung by Man" and the Bcxtops' ''The Let-ment and finance a useful gift to Keith Allison. Merrilcc galle her ter'' were given.leave to the school. renditions of Billy J{Je Roya]'11 Paul Revere said, "We noticed.----------;1 "Hush, Hush", and Otis Redding's a lot of new buildings in Macon.

    "Respect" and "Sad Song". "Soul We saw the Coliseum and would

    i l l t ,!1meriwelherFinger" was performed by Flash like to come back and play thereGordon and the Board of Directors. sometime."

    Aft~r the intermission PaQ~1Revere end the Raiders gave an

    hour performance, d:di"tin g their A lte re d N a m e p lsongs to Otls Reddmg. They ap-

    ~;::~e dlnsu7~it:n:ro:~~~e d:::~:, M a k e s I ts D eb uEach set of outfits tor them costs