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language points: Useful language points: sing karaoke form a band earn some extra money play jokes on sb. put an advertisement in a newspaper a year.

Dec 27, 2015



Joel Harper
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Page 1: language points: Useful language points: sing karaoke form a band earn some extra money play jokes on sb. put an advertisement in a newspaper a year.

language points:

Page 2: language points: Useful language points: sing karaoke form a band earn some extra money play jokes on sb. put an advertisement in a newspaper a year.

Useful language points:

sing karaoke form a bandearn some extra money

play jokes on sb.

put an advertisement in a newspaper

a year or so

use actors

attractive performance

fans support …fiercely

play the instrument

The Monkees reunite

Page 3: language points: Useful language points: sing karaoke form a band earn some extra money play jokes on sb. put an advertisement in a newspaper a year.

practise one’s music

give sb. a chance to do sth.

a TV show

in a different way

in the mid-1980s

pretend to do

Page 4: language points: Useful language points: sing karaoke form a band earn some extra money play jokes on sb. put an advertisement in a newspaper a year.

1.match=go with 与……相配 ; 相等

Her clothes don’t match her age.

We must find carpets that’ll match the curtains.

Do these red shoes go with the dress?

match=be equal to …in 在……方面与……匹敌 ; 势均力敌

No one can match him in knowledge of classical music.

Page 5: language points: Useful language points: sing karaoke form a band earn some extra money play jokes on sb. put an advertisement in a newspaper a year.

2.How does music make you feel?

Because of my poor English, I am afraid I can’t make myself understood .

Paul doesn’t have to be made ____.He always works hard.

A. learn B. to learn C. learned D. learning


doing …doing … donedone make + n./pron. + (make + n./pron. + (to ) do …to ) do … adj./adv.adj./adv. n.n. prep. Phaseprep. Phase make him . make him understandunderstand make himself make himself understoodunderstood make him make him monitormonitor make yourself make yourself at homeat home

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1. with 1. with + everyone+ everyone + + clapping clapping →→ with + O. + Oc.with + O. + Oc. to do …to do … donedone with + n./pron. + with + n./pron. + doing …doing … adj./adv.adj./adv. n.n. prep. Phraseprep. Phrase with him . with him leading the wayleading the way with the problem with the problem solvedsolved with him with him to help you to help you with the window with the window openopen with books with books in her armsin her arms

Page 7: language points: Useful language points: sing karaoke form a band earn some extra money play jokes on sb. put an advertisement in a newspaper a year.

Difficult sentences1.Have you ever dreamed of being in front of thousands

of people at a concert, with everyone clapping and enjoying your singing

? ( See P83)Fill in the correct form of the verb given, then

translate the sentences into Chinese:a.The prisoner was brought in with his hands

_____(tie) on his back.b.With the Spring Festival _______ (come), they felt

excited.c. He lay on the grass with his eyes _______(look) at

the stars.d.In freezing cold winter, they always sleep with all

the windows _______(close).e.In some Asian countries, it is considered very

impolite to sit with your feet ________(point) at others.





Page 8: language points: Useful language points: sing karaoke form a band earn some extra money play jokes on sb. put an advertisement in a newspaper a year.

With + 名词 + 现在分词 / 过去分词 在句子中做状语

The day was bright, with a gentle breeze blowing.

With winter coming, it’s time to prepare for our final exam.

With all the work done, he stood up and stretched,


The woman with a baby in her arms is Wei Fang’s sister.

Page 9: language points: Useful language points: sing karaoke form a band earn some extra money play jokes on sb. put an advertisement in a newspaper a year.

2. a. The musicians of whom the band was formed played jokes on each other as well as played music. b. However , after a year or so in which they became more serious about their work, “The Monkees” started to play…( See P36)

Fill in the proper preposition+whom/which to complete the following:

(1)This is the gun _____ _____ the hunter shot the antelope.(2) The athletes ______ _______he will compete come from

Greece and Czech Republic.(3) He’ll never forget the day_____ ______ he was admitte

d to the Olympic Games for the first time. (4)A great number of cultural relics have been found in a vill

age ____ ______ there are lots of old temples.

with which

against whom

on which

in which

Page 10: language points: Useful language points: sing karaoke form a band earn some extra money play jokes on sb. put an advertisement in a newspaper a year.

3.They put an advertisement in a newspaper looking for rock musicians, but they could only find one that was good enough.



A. He wrote to his former coach telling him the good news. (现在分词作伴随状语)

B. Wandering at the beach, he suddenly heard a loud noise from the direction of the hotel.

(现在分词作时间状语)C. Following the photos, the new amber room has been

made to look much like the old one.


Page 11: language points: Useful language points: sing karaoke form a band earn some extra money play jokes on sb. put an advertisement in a newspaper a year.

坐在后面的人请安静,好吗?Will the people ________________please keep quiet?

我们到得太晚了,没能赶上八点的火车。We arrived too late to catch______________ _______.


sitting at the back

the train leavingat eight

Page 12: language points: Useful language points: sing karaoke form a band earn some extra money play jokes on sb. put an advertisement in a newspaper a year.

4. dream of / dream about 梦见,梦想,设想

He sometimes dreams of home.

I often dreamed of becoming a statesman.

dream of a better future.

dream that… 梦见… 想到…

I dreamed (that) I was flying in the sky.

I never dreamed (that) I should see you here.

Page 13: language points: Useful language points: sing karaoke form a band earn some extra money play jokes on sb. put an advertisement in a newspaper a year.

live a happy/rich/poor/miserable life过着……的生活dream a dreamgo to one’s dream 进入梦乡Don’t dream away your time.不要虚度光阴。

Page 14: language points: Useful language points: sing karaoke form a band earn some extra money play jokes on sb. put an advertisement in a newspaper a year.

5. pretend to do / that… 假装做…He pretended to be dead when he met a bear.

He pretended that he was ill,so that he could stay at home.

He pretended to study hard when the head teacher came in.

I asked him to read the book,but he pretended to have read it.

He pretended to be reading an important paper when the boss entered.

Page 15: language points: Useful language points: sing karaoke form a band earn some extra money play jokes on sb. put an advertisement in a newspaper a year.

6. honest adj. 诚实的dishonest adj. 不诚实的honesty n. 忠实be honest with 对…说老实话 ,对某人以诚相待I will be honest with you.If you are honest with the others,they will help you a lot.

be honest in doing sth.

Page 16: language points: Useful language points: sing karaoke form a band earn some extra money play jokes on sb. put an advertisement in a newspaper a year.

to be honest 坦白说( 通常置于句首)

to tell you the truth 说实话

be honest about sth. 对于。。说老实话

To be honest (with you), I don’t like you.

It is honest of sb to do sth.

某人做……是正直 / 坦白 / 诚实的

It is very honest of you to tell the truth.

Page 17: language points: Useful language points: sing karaoke form a band earn some extra money play jokes on sb. put an advertisement in a newspaper a year.

7.form vt. 1.give shape/ form 形成

form a band

Five colleges formed this up, develop 养成,

form the habit of…form n. 1 。 shape 形状

in the form of 以……的形式

2. 表格

fill in the form

Page 18: language points: Useful language points: sing karaoke form a band earn some extra money play jokes on sb. put an advertisement in a newspaper a year.

8. They may play to passers-by in the street or subway so that they can earn extra money.

passer-by 过路人 , 行人 .

合成词构成复数时 , 通常只将里面所包含的主体名词变为复数 .


son-in -law sons-in-law


new-comer new-comers 移民


Page 19: language points: Useful language points: sing karaoke form a band earn some extra money play jokes on sb. put an advertisement in a newspaper a year.

如果没有主体名词 , 就在最后一个词上加上复数词尾 go-between go-betweens

由 woman 和 man 构成合成名词 , 里面所含的成分 , 全部都要变成复数 .

man-servant men-servants

woman-doctor women-doctors


Page 20: language points: Useful language points: sing karaoke form a band earn some extra money play jokes on sb. put an advertisement in a newspaper a year.

9. extra adj. 额外的,特别的 adv. 特别的,非常的He is strong enough to carry the box,I don’t think he needs some extra help.I bought this picture at an extra high price.

Page 21: language points: Useful language points: sing karaoke form a band earn some extra money play jokes on sb. put an advertisement in a newspaper a year.

10. a chance that/to do /of doing 做某事的机会

You won’t get another chance of going there.I had the chance of visiting Beijing.

There is a chance that he will succeed.

他有可能会成功。chances 常指可能性,偶然性

(The) chances are that he has already heard the news.


Page 22: language points: Useful language points: sing karaoke form a band earn some extra money play jokes on sb. put an advertisement in a newspaper a year.

take a/one’s chance 冒险,碰运气

take chances 冒险

Don’t take chances by driving too chance/ accident 偶然,意外地on purpose/by design 故意的by any chance 或许,可能

Would you by any chance lend me a book?

Page 23: language points: Useful language points: sing karaoke form a band earn some extra money play jokes on sb. put an advertisement in a newspaper a year.

make jokes of/about 就某事开玩笑tell sb. a joke 给… . 讲笑话

11. play jokes / a joke on sb. 跟……开玩笑 play tricks / play a trick on sb. 捉弄某人make fun of 取笑 laugh at 嘲笑He is a serious man, don’t play jokes on him.Though old, they often play jokes on each other.We should never play tricks on the others.

Page 24: language points: Useful language points: sing karaoke form a band earn some extra money play jokes on sb. put an advertisement in a newspaper a year. well as

与…一样好 , 不但…而且… ,也

She cooks as well as her mother does.

He speaks Spanish as well as English and French.

His wife as well as his children was invited to the party.

Page 25: language points: Useful language points: sing karaoke form a band earn some extra money play jokes on sb. put an advertisement in a newspaper a year.

12. base …on/upon 把…建立在…的基础上 be based on 以…为基础His argument is based on facts.The writer based his book on a true story.

13. even +比较级It’s even colder than yesterday.even/much/a lot/far+比较级The garden is much more beautiful than that one.

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14.or so; about 大约

注意 : or so 放在它所修饰的词后面,而 about 放在被修饰词前。 He is eighteen years old or so.

Page 27: language points: Useful language points: sing karaoke form a band earn some extra money play jokes on sb. put an advertisement in a newspaper a year.

15.break up

1.( 指集体中的成员 )解散

The meeting broke up at 11 o’clock.

2. 变得衰弱,崩溃,瓦解

He was breaking up under the strain


When do you break up for winter vocation.


Page 28: language points: Useful language points: sing karaoke form a band earn some extra money play jokes on sb. put an advertisement in a newspaper a year.

break up

1( 通过分析,行政决定等方法 ) 分开某事物

Sentences can be broken up into clauses


Police broke up the crowd.


break up with sb. 与… .绝交

Page 29: language points: Useful language points: sing karaoke form a band earn some extra money play jokes on sb. put an advertisement in a newspaper a year.

break down ( 机器、发动机等 )停止运转,失灵 (计划、谈判)失败、崩溃,瓦解(身体)垮掉 将。。分解

break out(战争,灾难 )爆发 break into突然闯入

Page 30: language points: Useful language points: sing karaoke form a band earn some extra money play jokes on sb. put an advertisement in a newspaper a year.

Suggested answers to Exercise 2 of Discovering useful structures:

1. I remember the day when “The Beatles” played their first hit and we were so happy.

2. The guitar with which George gave many performances was lost while they are touring.

3. The name by which the group was known was “The Monkees”.

4. The show in which “The Flower” became famous was held by a fan.

5. The singer with whom Coco Li sang was very grateful.

6. The musicians for whom they worked were very popular.

Page 31: language points: Useful language points: sing karaoke form a band earn some extra money play jokes on sb. put an advertisement in a newspaper a year.

Let’s enjoy an English song

Country road ---John Denver

Almost heaven, West Virginia,Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River.Life is old there, older than the trees,Younger than the mountains, blowing like a breeze

Country road, take me homeTo the place I belongWest Virginia, mountain mommaTake me home, country road.

All my memories gather round her, Miner’s lady, stranger to blue waterDark and dusty, painted on the skyMisty taste of moonshine, tear-drop in my eyeCountry road, take me home…

I hear her voice in the morning hours she calls me. The radio reminds me of my home far awayAnd driving down the road I get the feelingThat I should have been home yesterday, yesterday

Page 32: language points: Useful language points: sing karaoke form a band earn some extra money play jokes on sb. put an advertisement in a newspaper a year.

listening taskBach


Page 33: language points: Useful language points: sing karaoke form a band earn some extra money play jokes on sb. put an advertisement in a newspaper a year.

Information 1

Feature of classical music with instruments

Example of composer

A type of music he wrote

Information 2

Feature of classical music in church

Example of composer

A type of music he wrote

Listening task

has a pattern




Choral musicBach

Page 34: language points: Useful language points: sing karaoke form a band earn some extra money play jokes on sb. put an advertisement in a newspaper a year.

1.她曾经梦想当一名医生She ____ _____ ________a doctor.2. 我将和你坦诚相见。 I shall _____ ___ __ you.3.当年轻时一个人就应该养成良好的习惯。One should ___ ___ ___ when young.4. 我以特别高的价格买下了这幅画。I bought the picture at an ___ ___ ___.5. 他总是喜欢拿我开玩笑,因为我们是朋友。He likes to __ ______ __ me because we are friends.6.你能不能借我十元来钱 ?Can you lend me ten yuan __ __?7.警察驱散了人群。 The police ______ _ the __ .

dreamed of becomingbe honest with

form good habit

highextra price

play jokes on

or so

broke upcrowd

Consolidation of the useful words & phrases

Page 35: language points: Useful language points: sing karaoke form a band earn some extra money play jokes on sb. put an advertisement in a newspaper a year.

9.根据颜色把这些卡片分类 .___ ___ ___according to their colors .

10.四天后他去了国外 .Four days _______, he went ______ .

11. 不管你说什么,我还是坚持自己的计划。 Whatever you say, I still ___ ___ my plan .12. 我们不能任何东西,最重要是不要浪费时间We mustn’t waste anything. _____ __ we mustn’t _

____ _____.13.你应该履行你的诺言

You should ______ your _______.

Sort cardsout


stick to

Above allwaste time

perform promise

I met him __ _______ in the street chance8.昨天我在街上无意遇见他。

Page 36: language points: Useful language points: sing karaoke form a band earn some extra money play jokes on sb. put an advertisement in a newspaper a year.

(1).He is the man_____ _____I went to the cinema.(2).That is the man ____ ______I talked last night.(3).This is the film ____ _____ I am interested (4).In our class there are 56 students, 80 percent

___ _____ are from the north.(5).This is a nice house, in front of ______there is a

boy sitting.(6) I like Hong Kong, ___ ______ I often go

shopping crazily.(7) This is the girl ___ _____they like to play

jokes.(8) The spy ____ ______ they are watching is from


with whomwith whomin which

of whomwhich

in which

on whomover whom

Page 37: language points: Useful language points: sing karaoke form a band earn some extra money play jokes on sb. put an advertisement in a newspaper a year.

5. 句子背诵1). Have you ever dreamed of being in front of thou

sands of people at a concert, with everyone clapping and enjoying your singing?

( with复合结构做状语)你是否曾梦想过在音乐会上面对成千上万的观众,你一边演唱,观众们一边为你鼓掌?

2). With all the work done, he stood up and stretched.( with复合结构做状语)


Page 38: language points: Useful language points: sing karaoke form a band earn some extra money play jokes on sb. put an advertisement in a newspaper a year.

3).The musicians of whom the band was formed played jokes on each other as well as played music. (定语从句)


4).However, the band broke up in 1970 or so, but reunited in the mid-1980s.

然而,这支乐队在 1970年左右解散了,到 80年代中期才又重组起来。

5).You will be fine as long as you stick to the rules.只要你坚守这些规则,你就会没事的。

Page 39: language points: Useful language points: sing karaoke form a band earn some extra money play jokes on sb. put an advertisement in a newspaper a year.

6).Above all, you should be honest with me right now.

最重要的是,你现在必须对我实话实说。7).I have to admit that we won first place by

chance.我不得不承认我们是偶然赢得第一名的。8).Gone are the days when (=on which) my h

eart was young and gay. (定语从句)心境年轻而又愉快的日子一去不复返了。

Page 40: language points: Useful language points: sing karaoke form a band earn some extra money play jokes on sb. put an advertisement in a newspaper a year.

9). Is this the hall where (=in which) the band will give an attractive performance tonight?

(定语从句)这就是今晚乐队将进行精彩演出的大厅吗?10). He enjoyed singing and all the congratulations

afterwards!他很喜欢演唱,喜欢演出后的祝贺声!11). They put an advertisement in a newspaper lo

oking for rock musicians. (现在分词做状语)他们在报纸登了广告,想招摇滚乐手。

Page 41: language points: Useful language points: sing karaoke form a band earn some extra money play jokes on sb. put an advertisement in a newspaper a year.

12). They may play to passers-by in the street or subway so that they can earn some extra money.


13). Can you sort out the messages that are getting mixed up?


Page 42: language points: Useful language points: sing karaoke form a band earn some extra money play jokes on sb. put an advertisement in a newspaper a year.

14). They produced a new record in 1996, which was a celebration of their time as a real band.


15). Without music, life is a journey through a desert.
