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WHAT IS RADAR BULLETy Radar bullet is a special type of bullet which is use to y find landmines without setting foot into the ground. y This consists of firing a special bullet into ground from y a helicopter which could pinpoint buried landmines.

TYPES OF MINESAnti-tank (AT) and Anti-personnel (AP) landmines. AT mines range from about 15 to 35 cm in size. They are typically buried up to 40cm deep, AP mines range from about 5 to 15cm in size. AT mines which are designed to impede the progress of destroy vehicles and AP mines which are designed to kill and maim people.


Technologies used for landmine detectiony 1.Metal detectors- capable of finding even low-metal

content mines in mineralized soils.

y2 Biological sensors such as dogs, pigs, bees .

HIGH FALSE ALARM RATE190,000,000 Antitank mines Antipersonnel mines Unexploded ordnance Scrap (shrapnel, coins, cans, etc.) Number of items removed during mine clearance in Cambodia, 19921992-1998




Majority of Time Is Spent on ScrapAntitank mines Antipersonnel mines Unexploded ordnance Scrap47,000,000

Hours spent clearing items in Cambodia, 19921992-1998




Poor Detection Equipment Accounts for 72% of Mine Clearance Casualties72%-POOR DETECTOR PERFORMANCE 28%_OTHERS28%

Poor detector performance


Other and unknown causes

HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF RADAR BULLET SYSTEMThe radar bullet system Research developed Centre and in the for Radar



(IRCTR). Impulse radar bullet system comprises Impulse generator, Transmitter, Receiver, Pulse extender, display. A/D converter, Processoran ,visual


IMPULSE GENERATORThe pulse generator produces 0.8 ns monocycle pulses. The unique feature generator is small trailing oscillations, which are below 2.4% of maximum amplitude during the first 2 ns and below 0.5% afterwards.

IMPULSE generator continuesIt produces monocycle as a result, the magnitude of the field radiated by an antenna system fed by a monocycle is considerably larger than the magnitude of the field radiated by the antenna system fed by a monopoles with the same magnitude.

output signal from the 0.8ns generator

ANTENNA SYSTEMThe antenna system is one of the most critical parts of radar bullet system. The antenna system contains transmitter and receiver. The transmit antenna should: Radiate electro magnetic energy within a narrow cone in order to filter out undesirable back scattering from surrounding objects.

The waveform of the radiated field on the surface and in the ground should be the same and should not depend on ground. The receiver antenna should: Provide sufficient sensitivity in order to receive very weak fields. Be elevated at least 10cm above the ground surface.

PULSE EXTENDERPulse extender will amplify the ground reflection signal up to the maximum level acquired by A/D convertor.

A/D CONVERTERInformation received from receiver is converted from nanoseconds to milliseconds so that it may be digitized by a conventional A/D converter for processing and display.

PROCESSORA/D converter converts the signal into digital signal which passes to the processor. Processor filters the signal. This signal shows presence or absence of surrogate mine in the soil. Processor allows passing the presence of mine detecting signal. Processor selects the mine detecting signal and passes to the visual display.

VISUAL DISPLAYVisual display helps to see the range of targets. It displays the exact position of landmine

EXPERIMENTAL SET UPA special bullet is fired downward into ground from helicopter flying about 100m above the ground. The bullet is designed to give powerful bust of radio waves from under the ground. The bullet will produce a pulse of radio waves as it pierces the ground, and the signal reflected from any landmines within about a 15m radius will be detected by an antenna on the helicopter.

Radar pulse spreads to a radius of 15 m



Once the mines are located, they can be destroyed at once or their exact position noted so they can be destroyed at once or their exact position noted so they can be dealt with later. And if the bullet hits it, it would explode the radar pulse is generated from the bullets hit by a process known as magnetic flux compression.

MAGNETIC FLUX COMPRESSIONInside the bullet is a solid metal cylinder, surrounded by a tightly wound coil of wire. As the bullet leaves the gun, there is a battery

generating a magnetic field in the cylinder. When the bullet smashes into the ground, the sudden deceleration forces the cylinder out from inside the coil. The sudden movement of the metal

Magnetic flux compression continuescylinder through the magnetic field induces a large pulse of current in the coil. The coil then acts like an antenna,

converting the pulse into a short burst of high frequency radiation.

ADVANTAGESThe light weight system can be fitted to any helicopter. i.e. the gun antenna computer controllers etc. Extremely small bullets can be

used for detection. A 30 mm bullet gives out a 4 KW radar pulse - almost 10 times more power than a standard ground penetrating radar- from 20 centimeters down.

ADVANTAGES CONTINUESIt has accurate measurements. It locates even small targets. It has been well founded by the defense.


Biological sensors can only operate for limited periods, but in GPR has no such limits. It has been tested in different environmental conditions.

DISADVANTAGESIt is highly expensive. It is more power hungry. It can suffer falls alarm rates as high as metal detectors.

An Effective Detection System Would Save Lives and Money1. Save up to two-thirds of $14-50 billion mine

clearance price tag2. Prevent millions of casualties among civilians

and deminers

APPLICATIONSy . It can be used for detecting landmines

y 2. It could help geologists surveying for oil,

minerals and other buried natural resources.y 3. It can be used for detecting buried pipes. For e.g.

recently an illegal pipeline carrying drugs between Afghanistan and Turkmenistan have been discovered. Such type of illegal pipeline can be found out using radar bullets.

MINE EFFECTED COUNTRIESy The countries known to have severe

landmine problems are;Afghanistan, Bosnia, Eritrea, Croatia, China. Unfortunately India Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Myanmar are also in the list of less-mine affected countries besides other 100 countries.

Landmines: Global Humanitarian Problem

y 84 countries have a problem with landmines y 58 of these countries reported mine casualties in 2004

FUTURE PROSPECTS1As the UN has already implemented a world wide ban on antipersonnel mines, the invention of radar bullet helps to speed up the destruction of the mines. 2..Current detection methods range from hightech electronic (ground penetrating radar), infrared, (magnetic resonance imaging) to biological detection schemes(Dog Sniff or) and insects or bacteria to simple brute force

detonation methods (Flails, Rollers and plows) and the use of the hand held mechanical prodders. Most of these methods are very slow and or expensive and suffer from a high false alarm rate .So with helicopters and radar bullets, the mines can be cleared easily.

CONCLUSIONThis can be used not only for detecting antipersonnel mines, but also for detecting antitank mines as well as for the mines used in sea for targeting the ship and submarines. . Since it can also be used for exploring oil, minerals and other buried natural resources, the discovery of radar bullet is a big boost for the modern world as we are in 21St century