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Evesham Land off Abbey Road NON-TECHNICAL SUMMARY PREPARED FOR: Hallam Land Management Ltd BY: David Lock Associates NOVEMBER 2016 ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT

Land off Abbey Road Evesham - IEMA - Home off... · Evesham Land off Abbey Road NON-TECHNICAL SUMMARY PREPARED FOR: Hallam Land Management Ltd BY: David Lock Associates NOVEMBER 2016

Aug 16, 2018



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Page 1: Land off Abbey Road Evesham - IEMA - Home off... · Evesham Land off Abbey Road NON-TECHNICAL SUMMARY PREPARED FOR: Hallam Land Management Ltd BY: David Lock Associates NOVEMBER 2016

EveshamLand off Abbey Road



Hallam Land Management Ltd


David Lock Associates



Page 2: Land off Abbey Road Evesham - IEMA - Home off... · Evesham Land off Abbey Road NON-TECHNICAL SUMMARY PREPARED FOR: Hallam Land Management Ltd BY: David Lock Associates NOVEMBER 2016

Land West of Abbey Road, Evesham Outline Planning Application

Environmental Statement Non-Technical Summary

David Lock Associates Ltd Jubb Consulting Ltd Brookbanks Consulting Ltd FPCR Environment and Design Ltd Orion Heritage Montagu Evans LLP Land Research Associates Ltd


Page 3: Land off Abbey Road Evesham - IEMA - Home off... · Evesham Land off Abbey Road NON-TECHNICAL SUMMARY PREPARED FOR: Hallam Land Management Ltd BY: David Lock Associates NOVEMBER 2016

Land West of Abbey Road, Evesham Outline Planning Application

Environmental Statement Non-Technical Summary

David Lock Associates Ltd Jubb Consulting Ltd Brookbanks Consulting Ltd FPCR Environment and Design Ltd Orion Heritage Montagu Evans LLP Land Research Associates Ltd



1.1 This document summarises the findings of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

of proposals for a mixed use development for up to 220 dwellings with employment

uses, provision of up to 60 extra care units, open space and landscaping, new

vehicular and pedestrian access, orchard and infrastructure works on Land West of

Abbey Road, Evesham.

1.2 EIA is a process whereby the environmental effects of a proposed development are

rigorously assessed. It enables potentially “significant” environmental effects to be

identified and appropriate mitigation measures to be proposed, removing or minimising

potential adverse effects.

1.3 The proposals are the subject of an outline planning application. The Application Site

lies within the administrative boundary of Wychavon District (WDC). The application

site boundary is shown in the following Plan.

Application Site: Land West of Abbey Road, Evesham

Page 4: Land off Abbey Road Evesham - IEMA - Home off... · Evesham Land off Abbey Road NON-TECHNICAL SUMMARY PREPARED FOR: Hallam Land Management Ltd BY: David Lock Associates NOVEMBER 2016

Land West of Abbey Road, Evesham Outline Planning Application

Environmental Statement Non-Technical Summary

David Lock Associates Ltd Jubb Consulting Ltd Brookbanks Consulting Ltd FPCR Environment and Design Ltd Orion Heritage Montagu Evans LLP Land Research Associates Ltd


1.4 David Lock Associates (DLA) is the co-ordinator of this document. DLA are members

of The Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA). This is a not-

for-profit membership organisation established to promote best practice standards in

environmental management, auditing and assessment.

1.5 In line with IEMA best practice, the EIA has been an integral part of the design of the

Proposed Development, with the principal aim to reduce of significant adverse

environmental effects or, wherever possible, to remove them through the design

process. Such mitigation is referred to as inherent or design mitigation. In assessing

the environmental impacts of the Proposed Development, full account has been taken

of both its construction and operational/post completion stages.

1.6 The significance of particular effects of the Proposed Development is determined by

the interaction between the magnitude of those effects and the sensitivity of the

receptors affected. Four levels of significance are identified across the ES: “major”,

“moderate”, “minor” and “negligible”. Any beneficial effects are noted, as well as

adverse ones. Where any temporary, short- or medium-term, indirect, secondary or

interactive effects are predicted, these too are recorded. All assessments of the

significance of effects take account of proposed mitigation measures, although any

significant potential effects in the absence of such measures are also identified. The

terms “effect” and “impact” are used interchangeably.

1.7 This document is a non-technical summary of the main findings of the full

Environmental Statement (ES) which also accompanies the application. The ES

includes chapters on each topic identified as potentially being significantly affected by

the Proposed Development. Chapters are supported by figures and technical

appendices. The ES is structured as follows:

• Volume 1: comprises the main text of the ES; and

• Volume 2: contains figures and appendices as referred to in Volume 1.

1.8 The individual topic chapters in Volume 1 of the ES are structured as follows:

• Introduction – identifying the topic under consideration;

Page 5: Land off Abbey Road Evesham - IEMA - Home off... · Evesham Land off Abbey Road NON-TECHNICAL SUMMARY PREPARED FOR: Hallam Land Management Ltd BY: David Lock Associates NOVEMBER 2016

Land West of Abbey Road, Evesham Outline Planning Application

Environmental Statement Non-Technical Summary

David Lock Associates Ltd Jubb Consulting Ltd Brookbanks Consulting Ltd FPCR Environment and Design Ltd Orion Heritage Montagu Evans LLP Land Research Associates Ltd


• Assessment Methodology – setting out the scope and method of the assessment,

and identifying the criteria used to assess the significance of the effects of the

Proposed Development;

• Relevant Policy – summarising policy, legislation and guidance relating specifically

to the topic under consideration;

• Baseline Conditions – providing a description of the baseline conditions pertinent

to that topic;

• Potential Effects – identifying likely significant effects in the absence of mitigation

measures, during both the construction and operational/occupation stages of the

Proposed Development;

• Mitigation Measures – proposing any measures which are necessary to avoid or

reduce any significant potential adverse effects, beyond the measures inherent

within the Proposed Development; and

• Residual Effects – identifying any residual effects of the Proposed Development,

taking account of the mitigation measures proposed and assessing the

significance of those residual effects.

1.9 The ES will be available to view on the Planning section of the WDC website

( and can be viewed in person during office hours at the

following address:

Wychavon District Council

Planning department

Civic Centre

Queen Elizabeth Drive



WR10 1PT

1.10 Copies of the ES may also be purchased from David Lock Associates at the address


David Lock Associates

50 North Thirteenth Street

Central Milton Keynes, MK9 3BP

Page 6: Land off Abbey Road Evesham - IEMA - Home off... · Evesham Land off Abbey Road NON-TECHNICAL SUMMARY PREPARED FOR: Hallam Land Management Ltd BY: David Lock Associates NOVEMBER 2016

Land West of Abbey Road, Evesham Outline Planning Application

Environmental Statement Non-Technical Summary

David Lock Associates Ltd Jubb Consulting Ltd Brookbanks Consulting Ltd FPCR Environment and Design Ltd Orion Heritage Montagu Evans LLP Land Research Associates Ltd


1.11 The ES is priced as follows:

• CD of the full ES: free of charge

• Hard copy of the Non-Technical Summary: free of charge

• Hard Copy of Volume 1: £80.00

• Hard Copy of Volume 2: £250.00

Page 7: Land off Abbey Road Evesham - IEMA - Home off... · Evesham Land off Abbey Road NON-TECHNICAL SUMMARY PREPARED FOR: Hallam Land Management Ltd BY: David Lock Associates NOVEMBER 2016

Land West of Abbey Road, Evesham Outline Planning Application

Environmental Statement Non-Technical Summary

David Lock Associates Ltd Jubb Consulting Ltd Brookbanks Consulting Ltd FPCR Environment and Design Ltd Orion Heritage Montagu Evans LLP Land Research Associates Ltd



The Site

2.1 The application site is located immediately to the south-west of Evesham town centre

inside the bow of the River Avon, to the west and to the south. Immediately to the

south is the prominent Evesham Leisure Centre. To the south of the river the suburban

area of Fairfield straddles the A4184 (Cheltenham Road) while the distinct settlement

of Hampton extends westwards either side of the B4084 (Pershore Road). The rising

escarpment of the Cotswolds AONB lies some distance to the south of Evesham.

2.2 The application site totals some 20.1 hectares and is located to the west of Abbey

Road (A4141) which heads north/south towards the town centre, and across the River

Avon. The centre of Evesham lies some 400m to the north (from the nearest point of

the site).

2.3 The Site occupies a generally west facing slope which levels out into the River Avon

floodplain. Boat Lane which extends westwards from the town centre to the River Avon

divides the Site into two parcels.

2.4 The northern part of the Site, to the north of Boat Lane, is bounded to the north by

Blind Lane and to the east by new residential development and properties forming part

of the Evesham urban area. It comprises part of a former garden nursery. This part of

the Site is dominated by rough grassland.

2.5 To the south of Boat Lane the Site comprises predominantly arable farmland which

extends in a southerly direction as far as Evesham Leisure Centre and the open space

of Corporation Meadow near the River Avon. The land again falls very gently towards

the western Site boundary and the Avon. The river in this location has good margins

of riparian vegetation whilst the associated low lying grassland is used for recreational

activities and provides a focus for activities in adjacent areas of public open space.

Page 8: Land off Abbey Road Evesham - IEMA - Home off... · Evesham Land off Abbey Road NON-TECHNICAL SUMMARY PREPARED FOR: Hallam Land Management Ltd BY: David Lock Associates NOVEMBER 2016

Land West of Abbey Road, Evesham Outline Planning Application

Environmental Statement Non-Technical Summary

David Lock Associates Ltd Jubb Consulting Ltd Brookbanks Consulting Ltd FPCR Environment and Design Ltd Orion Heritage Montagu Evans LLP Land Research Associates Ltd


2.6 A plant nursery comprising polytunnels and areas of hard standing together with

cultivated ground occupies a position within the Site adjacent to the eastern boundary.

This part of the Site has a circa 125m road frontage to Abbey Road. To the north of

the nursery the Site is bounded by generally commercial properties on Abbey Lane

and residential properties on Boat Lane.

2.7 The Site does not fall within any national or local landscape designation. While the

western parts of the site fall within the 1 in 1000 year floodplain of the River Avon, no

new built development is proposed within the floodplain.

2.8 The Abbot Chyryton Wall Scheduled Ancient Monument (SAM) is located within the

Site on the south side of Boat Lane. The remains of Evesham Abbey SAM lie

approximately 200m to the east of the Site on the opposite side of Abbey Road. At its

closest point the Evesham Conservation Area, comprising the historic core of the

settlement, lies approximately 50m from the Site boundary.

2.9 The main vegetation features associated with the Site comprise hedgerows and tree

lines (both deciduous and coniferous) together with occasional scattered broadleaved

trees. An avenue of mature lime trees extends around the south western periphery of

the Site adjacent to the River Avon. There are no ponds or standing water features

located within the Site.

2.10 In terms of landscape character, the Site, comprising arable fields, rough grassland,

patchy scrub and areas of hard standing, is strongly influenced by the built up area

and existing settlement edge. Primarily the site falls within the Evesham urban

character area. It is visually influenced by the surrounding built form including

residential and commercial properties together with Evesham Leisure Centre.

2.11 With the exception of the Abbot Chyryton Wall Scheduled Ancient Monument (SAM),

which is to be retained, the Site itself contains no particularly distinctive, unusual or

rare features in respect of landscape character. The river itself is a distinctive

landscape feature.

Page 9: Land off Abbey Road Evesham - IEMA - Home off... · Evesham Land off Abbey Road NON-TECHNICAL SUMMARY PREPARED FOR: Hallam Land Management Ltd BY: David Lock Associates NOVEMBER 2016

Land West of Abbey Road, Evesham Outline Planning Application

Environmental Statement Non-Technical Summary

David Lock Associates Ltd Jubb Consulting Ltd Brookbanks Consulting Ltd FPCR Environment and Design Ltd Orion Heritage Montagu Evans LLP Land Research Associates Ltd


The Application Proposals

2.12 The application is submitted in outline for:

• up to 220 dwellings;

• up to 60 Extra Care units;

• up to 2,490 sq m square meters of employment floorspace;

• open space and landscaping including provision for children’s play;

• community orchard;

• vehicular and pedestrian access off Abbey Road;

• parking;

• expansion of car parking for Leisure Centre; and

• engineering and infrastructure operations.

2.13 The formal description of development comprises:

Outline Planning Application for a mixed use development to provide up to 220 dwellings, up to 60 extra care units (C2) employment uses (up to 2,490 sq metres of B1 business uses), open space and landscaping including children’s play, new vehicular and pedestrian access off Abbey Road, community orchard, parking, expansion of leisure centre car park, engineering (including ground modelling) works, site reclamation (including demolition) and

infrastructure (including cycle and pedestrian connections).

2.14 The application drawings are as follows:

HLM016–052 Application site

HLM016-DFP-001F Development Framework Plan

HLM016-BHP-001C Building Heights Plan

W14134-006-Rev B Access Junction

Page 10: Land off Abbey Road Evesham - IEMA - Home off... · Evesham Land off Abbey Road NON-TECHNICAL SUMMARY PREPARED FOR: Hallam Land Management Ltd BY: David Lock Associates NOVEMBER 2016

Land West of Abbey Road, Evesham Outline Planning Application

Environmental Statement Non-Technical Summary

David Lock Associates Ltd Jubb Consulting Ltd Brookbanks Consulting Ltd FPCR Environment and Design Ltd Orion Heritage Montagu Evans LLP Land Research Associates Ltd


Development Framework Plan

Page 11: Land off Abbey Road Evesham - IEMA - Home off... · Evesham Land off Abbey Road NON-TECHNICAL SUMMARY PREPARED FOR: Hallam Land Management Ltd BY: David Lock Associates NOVEMBER 2016

Land West of Abbey Road, Evesham Outline Planning Application

Environmental Statement Non-Technical Summary

David Lock Associates Ltd Jubb Consulting Ltd Brookbanks Consulting Ltd FPCR Environment and Design Ltd Orion Heritage Montagu Evans LLP Land Research Associates Ltd


2.15 This application follows the previously submitted proposal on this site for up to 380

dwellings, 2,500 sq m of B1 employment use and associated open space and

landscaping which is still in determination by Wychavon District Council under

application reference W/15/02325/OU. Accordingly, comments which have been

submitted regarding the previously submitted application have been considered and

reflected, where appropriate, in this application.

2.16 The concept behind the development at land West of Abbey Road is one of a

sensitively designed, well planned scheme which respects the site’s landscape setting

but retains and reinforces a strong relationship with the existing town framework,

connecting effectively with the rest of Evesham.

2.17 This proposal proposes a lower quantum of development (up to 220 dwellings), from

that previously submitted and in addition, includes an element of car parking for the

adjacent leisure centre and provision for up to 60 extra care units.

2.18 Up to 40% of the new dwellings will be affordable in nature (including affordable rent)

and providing a mix of house types. The average density of the development is 30.2

dwellings per hectare, but variations in density across the site, will be reflective of the

character of each part of the site.

2.19 A small area of approximately 0.6 hectares of employment land is proposed within the

development at a location adjacent to the existing employment areas beyond the site.

2.20 Variations in Building Heights will be adopted across the development although the

substantial majority of buildings will be no more than 2 storeys. On the western edge

of the site a maximum building height of 7.5 metres is proposed. In limited locations

along the primary street in the southern part of the development the maximum height

will be 10.5 metres to allow a limited number of buildings to be 2.5 or 3 storeys.

2.21 Vehicular access to the site will be directly off Abbey Lane onto Abbey Road via a

standard priority junction. The new residential area will include a network of safe

streets that will be designed to promote the ease of movement for pedestrians and

cyclists. This includes the pedestrian and cycle links to Boat Lane and Bewdley Lane.

Bewdley Lane will also provide for an emergency access.

Page 12: Land off Abbey Road Evesham - IEMA - Home off... · Evesham Land off Abbey Road NON-TECHNICAL SUMMARY PREPARED FOR: Hallam Land Management Ltd BY: David Lock Associates NOVEMBER 2016

Land West of Abbey Road, Evesham Outline Planning Application

Environmental Statement Non-Technical Summary

David Lock Associates Ltd Jubb Consulting Ltd Brookbanks Consulting Ltd FPCR Environment and Design Ltd Orion Heritage Montagu Evans LLP Land Research Associates Ltd


2.22 The proposed development will be set within an attractive landscape setting, with the

establishment of a high quality public realm that is served by formal and informal open

spaces. Some 11 hectares of the site will comprise open space, over 50% of the site.

2.23 Areas of open space are provided abutting the riverside area, adjacent to Abbot

Chyryton’s Wall and also separating residential development parcels to provide green

corridors through the development and provide opportunities for views towards the


2.24 Open space abuts the River Avon with a combination of other elements of open space

located at other points within the development. Provision is made for children’s play in

the form of a Locally Equipped Area of Play set in open space south of Boat Lane, as

well as through more informal opportunities within the site. Specific areas of open

space are identified at the entrance of the site, where a community orchard is

proposed, and generous open space provision is made on either side of Boat Lane

(particularly to the south).

2.25 The retained Abbot Chyryton’s Wall Scheduled Ancient Monument (SAM) will be

located within the open space setting on the south side of Boat Lane. A range of

sustainable urban drainage solutions will be incorporated into both the built and green

environments. While the western parts of the site fall within the 1 in 1000 year

floodplain of the River Avon, no new built development is proposed within the


Page 13: Land off Abbey Road Evesham - IEMA - Home off... · Evesham Land off Abbey Road NON-TECHNICAL SUMMARY PREPARED FOR: Hallam Land Management Ltd BY: David Lock Associates NOVEMBER 2016

Land West of Abbey Road, Evesham Outline Planning Application

Environmental Statement Non-Technical Summary

David Lock Associates Ltd Jubb Consulting Ltd Brookbanks Consulting Ltd FPCR Environment and Design Ltd Orion Heritage Montagu Evans LLP Land Research Associates Ltd



3.1 The ES sets out the principal elements of the relevant planning policy context for the

proposed development on Land West of Abbey Road, Evesham.

3.2 The policy context comprises primarily the National Planning Policy Framework, and

the South Worcestershire Development Plan (SWDP).

3.3 The South Worcestershire Development Plan has now been adopted and allocates

this site for development under Policy 50/7. The policy sets out a number of design

principles related to the site’s development. The design of the proposed scheme

responds to these policy aspirations.

Page 14: Land off Abbey Road Evesham - IEMA - Home off... · Evesham Land off Abbey Road NON-TECHNICAL SUMMARY PREPARED FOR: Hallam Land Management Ltd BY: David Lock Associates NOVEMBER 2016

Land West of Abbey Road, Evesham Outline Planning Application

Environmental Statement Non-Technical Summary

David Lock Associates Ltd Jubb Consulting Ltd Brookbanks Consulting Ltd FPCR Environment and Design Ltd Orion Heritage Montagu Evans LLP Land Research Associates Ltd



Socio Economic Effects 4.1 No significant adverse socio-economic effects are predicted. Instead a number of

beneficial effects on the local economy are predicted including beneficial effects in

terms of meeting local housing needs, including for affordable housing.

4.2 Beneficial effects on open space and play provision also arise.

4.3 Any impacts on education and community facility provision would be mitigated through

the provision of any necessary contributions to address specific impacts arising from

the development.

Transport Effects

4.4 A Transport Assessment (TA) has been produced and forms part of the Environmental

Statement. The TA sets out in further detail the transport issues and how these are

addressed and demonstrates how the proposals are consistent with the principles of

sustainable development and with transport objectives. The TA demonstrates, based

on extensive evidence and surveys, that the application proposals will not have a

significant impact on the local road network.

4.5 The development will result in a network of high quality streets for pedestrian and

cyclists which will link into the existing pedestrian and cycle network and provide

access to key facilities and services including the town centre, railway station and

employment areas. This will include links through to Boat Lane and Bewdley Lane with

Boat Lane being closed to through traffic enhancing the walking/cycling environment.

An emergency access will be provided off Bewdley Lane, controlled by a barrier similar.

4.6 The street pattern will be designed on a legible and direct network of interconnected

routes. Streets will be overlooked by properties and will act as functional community

spaces. Streets will not be designed on motor traffic criteria and will be interesting,

varied and attractive, offering higher levels of safety and pedestrian and cycle priority.

The development will be safe, attractive and welcoming for pedestrians and cyclists.

Traffic speed will be carefully controlled by design so as to create a calm and safe

environment for all.

Page 15: Land off Abbey Road Evesham - IEMA - Home off... · Evesham Land off Abbey Road NON-TECHNICAL SUMMARY PREPARED FOR: Hallam Land Management Ltd BY: David Lock Associates NOVEMBER 2016

Land West of Abbey Road, Evesham Outline Planning Application

Environmental Statement Non-Technical Summary

David Lock Associates Ltd Jubb Consulting Ltd Brookbanks Consulting Ltd FPCR Environment and Design Ltd Orion Heritage Montagu Evans LLP Land Research Associates Ltd


4.7 A Travel plan for residents and other occupiers of the development will play an

important role in promoting the use of public transport, cycling and walking. The TP for

the residential and employment components which accompanies the application

includes specific measures and will be finalised and implemented prior to the

occupation of the residential and employment units.

4.8 With the implementation of a construction traffic management plan the impact of

construction traffic will be mitigated to level where the impact will be negligible.

4.9 Highway capacity mitigation by means of signal optimisation will be provided at High

Street/Worcester Road/the A4184 junction. This will improve highway capacity to a

level above predicted base operating conditions and hence will more than mitigate the

impact of the development.

4.10 With the proposed junction improvement and other mitigation measures including

implementation of a Travel Plan the anticipated traffic movements can be

accommodated in capacity and safety terms on the surrounding highway network. The

proposed junction improvement will improve the operation of the highway network in

capacity and safety terms when compared with the Base Scenarios. The residual

impact of the increase in vehicle movements on the local highway network brought

about by the operation of the development will be negligible.

Air Quality

4.11 Consideration has been given to the risks associated with the construction process in

particular in relation to dust emissions but also to the management measures that can

be employed to reduce emissions of dust and limit dispersion. Where dust emission

controls have been used effectively, large-scale operations have been successfully

undertaken without impacts to nearby properties.

4.12 A risk of impacts is possible at adjacent residential properties during unmitigated

construction but appropriate mitigation measures have been identified and are

proposed to be adopted in the form of a Construction Environmental Management Plan

(CEMP). Following implementation of the measures recommended for inclusion within

the CEMP the impact of emissions during construction of the proposed development

would be negligible or slight adverse.

Page 16: Land off Abbey Road Evesham - IEMA - Home off... · Evesham Land off Abbey Road NON-TECHNICAL SUMMARY PREPARED FOR: Hallam Land Management Ltd BY: David Lock Associates NOVEMBER 2016

Land West of Abbey Road, Evesham Outline Planning Application

Environmental Statement Non-Technical Summary

David Lock Associates Ltd Jubb Consulting Ltd Brookbanks Consulting Ltd FPCR Environment and Design Ltd Orion Heritage Montagu Evans LLP Land Research Associates Ltd


4.13 Operational effects have also been considered in particular in relation to pollutants

generated by traffic and other activities. Annual mean NO2 and PM10 concentrations

are predicted to be ‘well below’ the objective of 40 μg/m3 at all locations. The impact of

the development is therefore predicted to be negligible in respect of both pollutants

therefore no mitigation measures are considered necessary.


4.14 Potential construction noise impacts are localised, and temporary in nature. The

proposed CEMP to be developed will set out practical construction noise control

measures, and taking these into account, any noise effects are expected to be limited

to be a small magnitude generally and moderate magnitude at worst, equating to an

impact of low significance.

4.15 A road traffic noise assessment, has also been completed, taking account of changes

in traffic flows associated with the development. The assessments completed above

have considered both the proposed dwellings and the existing residential dwellings. It

has been noted that Abbey Lane will experience a small increase in noise levels,

however the increase in noise effect is still small. As a whole, the noise assessments

do not identify any significant adverse impacts and thus no residual effects are


Landscape and Visual Effects

4.16 The Landscape and Visual effects of the proposed development are assessed on a

comprehensive basis. In the context of the landscape and visual impact assessment,

a series of mitigation measures are incorporated as an integral part of the scheme

design. This iterative process has resulted in the proposed development being

designed and modified to take account of the surveys and assessments undertaken.

Primary measures adopted as part of the proposals have considered many aspects,

including the location, extent, siting and height of the built development.

4.17 The Site lies within the context of the urban and settlement edge of Evesham and its

landscape character is influenced by relationship with the built form and the river

corridor that lies to west. It is considered to be rather unremarkable in its landscape

character, with no marked sense of scenic quality or any pronounced sense of

tranquillity. It is not covered by any landscape designation, contains no rare or

Page 17: Land off Abbey Road Evesham - IEMA - Home off... · Evesham Land off Abbey Road NON-TECHNICAL SUMMARY PREPARED FOR: Hallam Land Management Ltd BY: David Lock Associates NOVEMBER 2016

Land West of Abbey Road, Evesham Outline Planning Application

Environmental Statement Non-Technical Summary

David Lock Associates Ltd Jubb Consulting Ltd Brookbanks Consulting Ltd FPCR Environment and Design Ltd Orion Heritage Montagu Evans LLP Land Research Associates Ltd


particularly distinctive landscape features, and is considered to be a landscape that

has the ability to absorb change and well-planned development and Green

infrastructure (GI) provision as presented by the Proposed Development.

4.18 The Site is visually contained within the wider landscape by a combination of the

surrounding built fabric of Evesham and by rising land to the west of the river.

Consequently, development upon the Site would be well contained and would result in

very localised effects, with no direct effects on the wider landscape. Moreover, built

development would be located alongside the settlement edge and within the setting of

the A4184, Evesham Leisure Centre and the modern residential edge of the town. It

would, therefore, not be a completely uncharacteristic new element, nor would it be an

incongruous element given that context.

4.19 The design approach is sensitive to surrounding receptors and elements such as the

River Avon, the riverside walks and the open space of Corporation Meadow, the Abbey

Road approach and the context of Boat Lane. The development includes an extensive

GI framework of habitat creation and accessible greenspace that provides, for

example, an appropriate and sensitively designed interface between the Proposed

Development and the river corridor which includes corridors of greenspace stretching

from the river corridor into the layout. Whilst there would be localised close range views

of the Proposed Development, the majority of receptors currently afford views of built

elements and their view -and experience- is influenced to differing levels by the built

up area of Evesham. Built development, whilst noticeable at the outset, would be

experienced within that context.

4.20 It is concluded that the initial effects Post Completion will progressively reduce through

the maturing of the proposed landscape framework with this framework, to include tree

and hedgerow planting, ‘softening’ the built form and strengthening the landscape

fabric of the site. Given time for buildings to weather and the GI to establish, the

mitigation detailed above would reduce the initial landscape and visual effects from

minor or moderate adverse, to minor adverse or minor beneficial. With effective

mitigation there would be no unacceptable or overriding landscape or visual effects.

None of the landscape and visual effects are judged to be significant.

4.21 A well planned development and an extensive GI framework is considered to be

appropriate within this landscape context and will provide a number of valuable

landscape and recreational benefits in the form of new and accessible public open

Page 18: Land off Abbey Road Evesham - IEMA - Home off... · Evesham Land off Abbey Road NON-TECHNICAL SUMMARY PREPARED FOR: Hallam Land Management Ltd BY: David Lock Associates NOVEMBER 2016

Land West of Abbey Road, Evesham Outline Planning Application

Environmental Statement Non-Technical Summary

David Lock Associates Ltd Jubb Consulting Ltd Brookbanks Consulting Ltd FPCR Environment and Design Ltd Orion Heritage Montagu Evans LLP Land Research Associates Ltd


space, improved and enhanced footpath links through the Proposed Development, and

facilities for children's play. It also delivers bio-diversity enhancements through, for

example, greater tree and hedgerow planting and wetland creation. The Proposed

Development offers the opportunity to positively address the aims and objectives of

the Evesham Riverside Strategy Development Framework. Furthermore, new planting

is in keeping with the objectives of the Worcestershire Landscape Character

Assessment Portfolio. In addition, it is considered that the development provides an

opportunity in which to provide an improved setting for the Leisure Centre.


4.22 Comprehensive surveys of the habitats and protected species of the site have been


4.23 There are no statutory sites of international nature conservation importance (e.g.

Special Protection Areas (SPAs), Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) or Ramsar

Sites) present within the application site or within a 5km radius. There are no statutory

sites of notable ecological interest of National or Regional Importance within 2km of

the application site.

4.24 The closest non-statutory sites to the application site are the River Avon SWS and

Clark’s Hill SWS/Clark’s Meadow GIS. The River Avon SWS runs adjacent to the site

and is an important wildlife corridor with woodland, scrub, reedbeds and swamps along

its length. Clark’s Hill SWS/Clark’s Meadow GIS is located to the opposite side of the


4.25 Design and mitigation measures are integral approaches that have been adopted as

part of the iterative design process. The proposed scheme has been carefully

developed to address the ecology and nature conservation issues that have been

identified by the baseline analysis. A green infrastructure framework is proposed as

part of the masterplan approach, to avoid, reduce or offset any adverse effects arising

from the scheme and includes retained habitats and diverse habitat creation.

4.26 The scheme design has incorporated the majority of the existing features of ecological

interest within the application site. These features will be enhanced by further tree and

shrub planting and enhancement of existing species-poor semi-improved grassland.

Habitats will be managed to provide further biodiversity interest and to enhance

Page 19: Land off Abbey Road Evesham - IEMA - Home off... · Evesham Land off Abbey Road NON-TECHNICAL SUMMARY PREPARED FOR: Hallam Land Management Ltd BY: David Lock Associates NOVEMBER 2016

Land West of Abbey Road, Evesham Outline Planning Application

Environmental Statement Non-Technical Summary

David Lock Associates Ltd Jubb Consulting Ltd Brookbanks Consulting Ltd FPCR Environment and Design Ltd Orion Heritage Montagu Evans LLP Land Research Associates Ltd


linkages between retained habitat features, and therefore habitat connectivity for

commuting and foraging wildlife. The informal landscape habitats to be created will

include shrub, trees, SUDs features and open meadow grassland areas designed to

link to retained riverine habitats.

4.27 The GI will provide a variety of informal habitats for recreational and amenity activity.

Impacts on local designated sites through increased visitor pressure are therefore

expected to be Negligible in magnitude and significance.

4.28 Any potential pollution effects will be addressed by good management practices will

be adopted, including the implementation of standard pollution control mechanisms

and adherence to the relevant Environment Agency Pollution Prevention Guidelines

(PPG) at all times during works.

4.29 With the implementation of the mitigation and enhancement scheme the residual

effects on the relevant habitats and species are considered to be reduced to Negligible

effects or Minor positive benefits for all groups with the exception of breeding linnet at

local level, for which there will be a Minor (not significant) residual effect.

4.30 The habitats to be created or enhanced will enrich the existing broad corridor of semi-

improved grassland bordering the River Avon and will include naturalistic planting of

native trees, scrub, ponds and enhanced grassland areas that will link to the retained

hedgerows and tree lines within the site and to neighbouring riverine habitats in the

local area. As the new habitats mature the site will provide value to a greater range of

fauna than it does currently, both increasing the variety and extent of priority habitats,

providing increased foraging, commuting and nesting habitats for a wide range of

species as they mature. This benefit is considered to be of at least Minor magnitude

within the context of the overall site, with Minor permanent positive benefits at a local

level for a wide range of protected, notable and more common species.


4.31 A series of surveys have been completed included a desk based assessment,

geophysical surveys of the site and evaluation trenches dug within the site.

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Land West of Abbey Road, Evesham Outline Planning Application

Environmental Statement Non-Technical Summary

David Lock Associates Ltd Jubb Consulting Ltd Brookbanks Consulting Ltd FPCR Environment and Design Ltd Orion Heritage Montagu Evans LLP Land Research Associates Ltd


4.32 The archaeological remains recorded within the Application Site are generally in arable

fields and are subject to regular ploughing.

4.32.1 The evaluation trenching has enabled the results of the geophysical survey to be assessed. The evaluation was implemented according to a Written Scheme of Investigation that was submitted and approved by Worcestershire County Council and its results are considered to enable a full assessment of the archaeological survival on site and the potential impacts of the proposed development on archaeological remains to be undertaken to a high degree of certainty.

4.33 With the mitigation identified, there will be no adverse residual effects on non-

designated heritage assets. Archaeological remains within the developed areas of the

Site will have been excavated and recorded and the results published. There will be

no long-term adverse effects once the excavation and recording of the archaeological

remains have been completed. There will be a benefit accruing from the investigation

into and the dissemination of the results of excavations and/or watching briefs of

remains that may be present within the Site leading to a better understanding of the

archaeology of the area.

Built Heritage

4.34 The site contains one scheduled ancient monument, Abbot Chyryton’s Wall (it is also

a Grade II listed structure). This is part of the wall defining the northern boundary of

the outer enclosure of the Abbey. It forms the southern edge of Boat Lane and is in a

relatively poor state of repair. With the exception of Abbot Chyryton’s Wall, there are

no listed buildings within the site although there are listed buildings within the Evesham

Conservation Area to the north and east and at Hampton on the opposite side of the


4.35 Some minor adverse impacts on the cultural heritage value of assets have been

reported, comprising the Evesham Conservation Area, Evesham Abbey, Bell Tower,

Church of All Saints, Church of St Lawrence, Abbot Chyryton’s Wall, however following

a qualitative appraisal of the impacts, these effects are not considered to harm the

appreciation of the assets.

4.36 The layout of the development has been devised to maintain areas of open space,

particularly along the river to the east and north, and to the west alongside Abbey

Road, which is the area of the Site closest to the Abbey Scheduled Monument. It is

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Land West of Abbey Road, Evesham Outline Planning Application

Environmental Statement Non-Technical Summary

David Lock Associates Ltd Jubb Consulting Ltd Brookbanks Consulting Ltd FPCR Environment and Design Ltd Orion Heritage Montagu Evans LLP Land Research Associates Ltd


proposed to extend the riverside walk across the edge of the site bounding the river,

which is a landscape enhancement. From this area, the placement of the development

blocks will enable glimpsed views of the Bell Tower.

4.37 The application proposals have been designed to respect the setting of Abbot

Chyryton’s Wall). The scheme has been designed to ensure that it is retained in an

area of open space. The eastern end of the setting of the wall will change due to the

presence of the access road that will cross Boat Lane.

4.38 The Proposed Development provides the opportunity to create new views, publicly

accessible and managed for their amenity, including from a new public open space,

extending the riverside walk, which will reinforce an awareness of the Abbey, the

appreciation of the historic form of the town and special interest of the listed buildings.

Agriculture and Soils

4.39 Consideration has been given to the effects of construction and the development on

the existing soil resources, on agricultural businesses and on agricultural land.

4.40 The use of soil protection measures and a re-use strategy through the construction

stage will mitigate potential residual damage to the topsoil resource. The protection of

topsoil resources and the retention of generous areas of open space within the

development proposals will result in a minor adverse effect on soil resources. The

effect of the loss of the land on agricultural businesses is also considered a minor

adverse effect.

4.41 Part of the site has been categorised as best and most versatile agricultural land.

However, the majority of this land is of sub-grade 3a quality, which is a common

resource in the Wychavon District. The land is separated on all sides from other

agricultural land by considerable distances, and the proposed development would not

result in any fragmentation of farmland or agricultural businesses. The effects are

therefore regarded as minor adverse.

Water resources 4.42 A comprehensive Flood Risk Assessment is included in the Environmental Statement

that accompanies the application.

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Land West of Abbey Road, Evesham Outline Planning Application

Environmental Statement Non-Technical Summary

David Lock Associates Ltd Jubb Consulting Ltd Brookbanks Consulting Ltd FPCR Environment and Design Ltd Orion Heritage Montagu Evans LLP Land Research Associates Ltd


4.43 In terms of fluvial flood risk, the majority of the Application Site lies within Flood Zone

1; being an area of Low Probability of flooding, however the River Avon to the south

and west, is identified to flood during both the 1 in 100 and 1 in 1,000 year events.

4.44 To minimise the potential environmental effects on Flood Risk and Drainage related

matters, the following specific measures are being incorporated into the design.

• compliance with guidance in terms of flood routing and resilience for new


• provision of a storm water SuDS management system;

• connection to a point of adequacy on the foul water drainage network;

• provision of ongoing maintenance for SuDS features, ordinary watercourse and

existing artificial water bodies; and

• adoption and associated ongoing maintenance of development storm and foul

drainage system

4.45 Nor is built development proposed within the floodplain. Management of the

construction process will also ensure that the risk of disturbance or contamination

during the construction process is negligible.

4.46 With the mitigation described above the risks of flooding, contamination or other risks

to the water resources are assessed as negligible. Indeed, since the project has been

designed to avoid significant hydrological effects resulting from changes in the

catchment drainage characteristics and provides for site run off controlled to below the

existing baseline rate then there are likely to be overall beneficial impacts in terms of

flooding of surrounding watercourses and adjacent land and property.

Ground Conditions

4.47 The assessment of ground conditions within this ES is based on the Geo-

Environmental Appraisal by Brookbanks Consulting Limited, and which comprises

Appendix 13.1 of the Environmental Statement.

4.48 The Geo-Environmental Phase 1 Desk Study Appraisal identifies no significant

contaminative considerations relating to the Project and the preliminary conceptual

model identifies the contaminative risk for the Project to be low.

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Land West of Abbey Road, Evesham Outline Planning Application

Environmental Statement Non-Technical Summary

David Lock Associates Ltd Jubb Consulting Ltd Brookbanks Consulting Ltd FPCR Environment and Design Ltd Orion Heritage Montagu Evans LLP Land Research Associates Ltd


4.49 With appropriate mitigation including construction management and the provision of a

Sustainable Drainage System (SuDS) which includes passive treatment to remove

potentially contaminative materials, the potential effects of the development and its

construction phases are considered to be negligible.


4.50 The Development has been designed to avoid significant adverse effects resulting

during operational phase and construction works. With the introduction of a Waste

Management Plan to include awareness of household and other recycling

opportunities, residual effects are assessed as neutral.


4.51 Short term potential effects during the construction phases are considered to be


4.52 The potential Post-completion effect is also assessed as negligible and not significant.

The site, during operation, will not impact on the baseline conditions. Information

gathered in relation to the baseline site conditions, when considered in the context of

the development proposals and proposed mitigation; does not identify any significant

environmental effect or constraint on development.

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Land West of Abbey Road, Evesham Outline Planning Application

Environmental Statement Non-Technical Summary

David Lock Associates Ltd Jubb Consulting Ltd Brookbanks Consulting Ltd FPCR Environment and Design Ltd Orion Heritage Montagu Evans LLP Land Research Associates Ltd



5.1 The EIA has assessed the effects of the proposed development having regard to the

existing baseline conditions.

5.2 It sets out the mitigation measures incorporated in or proposed as part of the

application proposals whether in the form of extensive green infrastructure provision,

measures to enhance biodiversity, a sustainable urban drainage system designed to

reduce run off from the site below present levels, a Travel Plan to promote sustainable

transport choices, and appropriate highway measures.

5.3 The Assessment has found that the proposed development would have few residual

effects that are not capable of being appropriately mitigated and few effects of more

than minor significance, whether adverse or beneficial, following appropriate

mitigation. This is particularly the case after the construction phases of the


5.4 One area where substantial effects would arise would be in the positive socio-

economic impacts of the development. The application proposals will result in

substantial and demonstrable benefits in terms of meeting the need for new homes in

a sustainable manner, fostering economic development and contributing positively to


5.5 The potential for cumulative impacts arising as a result of the Proposed Development

in combination with development of additional and adjacent sites in the immediate

areas, have been considered as part of the environmental assessments undertaken

within the ES. The nature of the cumulative impacts have been set out in full in the

assessments made for instance those related to traffic impacts where growth of traffic

within the area has been taken account.

5.6 In overall terms, the outcome of the EIA is that significant beneficial effects are

substantial, significant adverse effects are limited and beneficial effects outweigh

adverse effects.

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