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1 Lake Tahoe Nearshore Water Quality Protection Plan Draft January 2014

Lake Tahoe Nearshore Water Quality Protection · PDF fileThe Lake Tahoe Nearshore Water Quality Protection Plan ... that apply to the nearshore of Lake Tahoe. The Report analyzed 62

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Lake Tahoe Nearshore Water Quality Protection Plan


January 2014

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Executive Summary

In October 2013 the Desert Research Institute released the Lake Tahoe Nearshore Evaluation and

Monitoring Framework Report (Report) (NeST 2013). The Report presents a conceptual understanding

of the processes of the nearshore environment, assesses the heterogenic nature of the nearshore,

highlights the lack of raw information available to characterize the environmental status of the Lake

Tahoe nearshore, and identifies that current agency implementation efforts will benefit the nearshore


The Lake Tahoe Nearshore Water Quality Protection Plan (Plan) outlines the Lahontan Regional Water

Quality Control Board’s (Lahontan Water Board) response to the changes in the Lake Tahoe nearshore

environment as informed by the Report. Based on the Report findings and recommendations, the

Lahontan Water Board will

(1) establish an integrated nearshore monitoring plan to track environmental change in the nearshore,

(2) continue implementing programs to reduce pollutant discharges to the nearshore,

(3) assess areas of heightened environmental change,

(4) adopt new water quality standards as needed to protect nearshore water quality, and

(5) adapt regulatory approaches as new information becomes available.

In establishing and maintaining nearshore water quality protection policies, the Lahontan Water Board

will continue to coordinate with other government agencies. Because available resources are insufficient

to fully implement all recommendations, a dedicated fund source must be found to adequately protect

and enhance Lake Tahoe’s precious nearshore. The Plan also serves as response to a request in the

2013-2013 Budget Bill specific to the Lahontan Water Board’s approach to the nearshore.


The Lake Tahoe nearshore is the portion of the lake in close proximity to the shoreline. It is the area of

the lake that people interact with most when viewing the lake from the shore, wading, swimming,

enjoying paddle sports, and much of the recreational boating activity. The Report defines the nearshore

as the part of the lake from the shoreline to 350 feet offshore, or to a depth of 69 feet, whichever is a

greater area (Figure 1). In parts of the shoreline where there is a shelf present the nearshore can extend

far beyond 350 feet from shore before the depth reaches 69 feet (Figure 2).

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Figure 1. Definition of Lake Tahoe nearshore for purposes of monitoring and assessment (NeST 2013)

Figure 2. Nearshore area variation due to depth (NeST 2013)

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The public and natural resource agencies have observed changes to the nearshore waters and the lake

bottom. The anecdotal reports include observations of increased algae growth, increased presence of

invasive species, and a reduction in nearshore clarity. Figures 3-5 illustrate some of the observed

nearshore conditions. The California Water Quality Control Board, Lahontan Region (Lahontan Water

Board), Nevada Division of Environmental Protection (NDEP), the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency

(TRPA) and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) (hereafter referred to as

“nearshore agencies”), initiated the nearshore evaluation work documented in the Report to better

understand current nearshore conditions, assess how best to monitor change in the future, and

establish the desired conditions and resource management objectives for the nearshore environment.

The Report is the first attempt to examine the state of knowledge of the nearshore and establishes a

baseline understanding of the Lake Tahoe nearshore environment. The Report includes:

Nearshore Definition

Nearshore Desired Condition Statement

Evaluation of Existing Water Quality Standards for the Nearshore (CA, NV, TRPA)

Framework for a Nearshore Monitoring Plan

Evaluation of Recommended Monitoring Metrics

Conceptual Model of Nearshore Influences and Processes (what affects the nearshore condition)

Indicator Framework Narrative

Annotated Bibliography of nearshore research

Key Report Findings

The nearshore is a heterogeneous environment. It is not well mixed. The factors affecting one

part of the nearshore may differ substantially from those affecting the nearshore at a different

part of the lake. As a result the water quality and environmental condition of the nearshore

differs from place to place.

The nearshore environment often reacts slowly to environmental changes. To be successful,

efforts to restore and maintain the Lake Tahoe nearshore must be long term and sustained.

There are many existing water quality standards that apply to the nearshore of Lake Tahoe. The

Report analyzed 62 standards identified by the Lahontan Water Board, the TRPA and NDEP

applicable to nearshore water quality. The Report lists 23 of these as ”important” or ”relevant”

for nearshore management, and 18 of these as ”important” or ”relevant” for nearshore

monitoring (Attachment 1).

The Report identified the elevated nutrient concentrations (primarily phosphorus and nitrogen),

along with increased sediment inputs and aquatic invasive species threats as the primary drivers

of change in Lake Tahoe’s nearshore environment.

There is overlap between the pollutants of concern addressed by the Lake Tahoe Total

Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) assessment and the factors influencing the nearshore. Current

water quality improvement efforts within the Lake Tahoe basin will help protect the nearshore.

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There are relatively little data for many of the nearshore monitoring metrics, though the data

that does exist is generally of high quality. A comprehensive lake-wide nearshore monitoring

plan must be developed to effectively assess nearshore status and trends.

Figure 3. Periphyton at Burnt Cedar Beach, Incline Village Credit: Sierra Sun

Figure 4. Eurasian watermilfoil, an invasive macrophyte, Emerald Bay State Park, before and after treatment to remove the invasive weeds Credit: California State Parks

Figure 5: Invasive Asian clam shells on the bottom of Lake Tahoe

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Nearshore Water Quality Protection Plan

In response to the nearshore Report findings and growing stakeholder concern about observed

nearshore environment changes, the Lahontan Water Board is pursuing a multi-faceted nearshore water

quality protection plan (Plan). The Plan includes measures to develop a functional monitoring plan to

track change in the nearshore environment, continued implementation of established programs to

address the factors influencing the nearshore, determine if additional standards are warranted, and an

evaluation of localized “hotspots” where nearshore change has been clearly documented. The Plan will

also take actions to better understand how climate change variables are influencing environmental

parameters in the nearshore.

1. Establish and implement an integrated nearshore monitoring plan.

Current monitoring efforts funded by the Lahontan Water Board include monitoring of two

phytoplankton related metrics (algal growth potential bioassays that measure biostimulatory

content of nutrients in the water and enumeration and identification of phytoplankton species

in the water column) and periphyton quantification. The Water Board is working cooperatively

with the nearshore agencies to develop a more comprehensive nearshore monitoring program

that will incorporate water quality, water clarity, and biological community status monitoring in

addition to the parameters already measured. Monitoring plan implementation will enable the

agencies to characterize nearshore environmental conditions, track changes in key

environmental indicators, and identify nearshore areas that warrant further investigation.

The Report recommends ten important monitoring metrics to track nearshore health status:

Turbidity (cloudiness of the water)

Transmissivity (light penetration in the water)

Chlorophyll (an indicator of lake productivity)

Phytoplankton (floating algae)

Periphyton (attached algae – see Figure 3)

Macrophytes (vascular plants – see Figure 4)

Macroinvertebrates (see Figure 5)

Fish and crayfish


Harmful Micro-organisms

Evaluating these ten metrics will allow resource managers to better understand the nearshore

environment and determine if new and existing efforts to protect Lake Tahoe are successful in

protection of the nearshore.


o Draft monitoring plan - Fall 2014

o Pilot monitoring plan implementation - 2014-2015 (as resources allow)

o Ongoing data collection, analysis, and reporting - 2015-annually (as resources allow)

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Costs and Challenges:

o A sustained nearshore monitoring effort is estimated to cost approximately

$450,000 annually (see Attachment 2 for budget details). Currently available

nearshore monitoring resources are estimated at $150,000/year, leaving an annual

monitoring budget shortfall of roughly $300,000. Some cost efficiencies may be

achieved if portions of the proposed ambient monitoring effort can be performed

by Lahontan Water Board staff using its South Lake Tahoe laboratory.

o Refining monitoring program methods - further work is needed to establish

appropriate sample locations and frequencies and identify efficient monitoring

parameters to limit monitoring program costs

2. Continue implementing programs that benefit nearshore environmental quality

Programs that benefit nearshore water quality include Lake Tahoe TMDL implementation and

the Lake Tahoe Aquatic Invasive Species Program (LTAIS). The Lake Tahoe TMDL was approved

by the US Environmental Protection Agency on August 16, 2011 and emphasizes reducing fine

sediment particles, nitrogen, and phosphorus inputs to the lake. These pollutants generally pass

through the nearshore on their way to the deep waters of Lake Tahoe. Consequently, Lake

Tahoe TMDL pollutant load reduction efforts will also reduce pollutant inputs that are the

primary pollutants promoting turbidity and algae growth in the nearshore.

Aquatic invasive species can have considerable impact on native species and the aquatic

community structure. They also indirectly affect trophic status and in some cases may

contribute to diminished clarity of the nearshore environment. The LTAIS Program addresses the

threat of aquatic invasive species through prevention, early detection and control efforts.

Outreach efforts and boat inspections have prevented new introductions of AIS, while control

efforts are underway to address invasive macrophytes (Eurasian watermilfoil and curlyleaf

pondweed) and Asian clams. Ongoing LTAIS Program implementation is crucially important for

preventing the introduction of new and aggressive aquatic invasive species to Lake Tahoe and

for reducing the extent of existing aquatic invasive infestations.

Finally, the Lahontan Water Board supports TRPA Regional Plan elements and the

Environmental Improvement Program that also protect and enhance the nearshore

environment. In 2012, the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency approved amendments to its

Regional Plan, including several requirements that will aid the protection of the nearshore.

Updated policies on limiting fertilizer use, incentives for the removal and restoration of

impervious surfaces on sensitive lands, an emphasis on restoring and protecting riparian areas,

and promoting the reduction of vehicle miles traveled are all important elements for nearshore

water quality protection. TRPA retained its existing nearshore clarity threshold standard and

adopted two new nearshore related threshold standards to reduce extent and distribution of

attached algae and aquatic invasive species.

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Schedule – Lake Tahoe TMDL, LTAIS, and TRPA Regional Plan implementation are ongoing

Costs and challenges:

o Local government partners lack funding needed to effectively achieve required Lake

Tahoe TMDL pollutant load reduction targets. In particular, cost efficient and highly

effective operations and maintenance actions are estimated at $4 million annually

for regulated jurisdictions in California. Proposition 218 limits local government’s

ability to raise local revenue and federal and state grant funds generally don’t allow

for operation and maintenance expenditures.

o The LTAIS Program faces an uncertain future if sustained funding is not found.

Federal funding sources supporting the program are expected to expire after 2014,

leaving an estimated shortfall of approximately $1.5 million annually.

3. Investigate nearshore hotspots

The nearshore agencies have identified the need for geographically focused investigations of

land uses and soils/geology to determine the causal factors affecting localized nearshore

“hotspots” where elevated periphyton, increased turbidity, and/or high invasive clam

populations have been measured. Controllable factors, such as proximity of impervious surface

to the lake, sewer line exfiltration and uncontrollable factors such as climate change and

geology may be responsible for observed conditions. The nearshore agencies have identified

increased periphyton growth on the northwest shore (from Tahoe City south through the

outlets of Blackwood and Ward Creeks) as an initial hotspot to begin causal assessment analysis.

Pending available funds, the Lahontan Water Board will work cooperatively with other

nearshore agencies to conduct targeted stormwater monitoring, land use assessment,

groundwater monitoring, and sewer line infrastructure analysis coupled with nearshore

condition monitoring to investigate the factors possibly responsible for the observed elevated

periphyton growth.

Following causal assessments monitoring and analysis, the Lahontan Water Board and other

regulatory agencies in the Lake Tahoe region will be better suited to adapt current regulatory

and implementation tools to address identified problems. Future causal assessment studies may

target the invasive clam populations noted on the east shore in Marla Bay and areas of elevated

turbidity along Lake Tahoe’s south shore.


o Targeted causal analysis for northwest shore periphyton growth – 2015 pending


Costs and challenges

o Individual causal analysis studies are estimated at $250,000-$400,000 per

investigation. Nearshore agencies are pursuing Nevada state grant funds to initiate

the referenced periphyton study. Additional funds would be needed to support

further causal assessment work.

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4. Investigate climate change influence on nearshore water quality

Climate change impacts on Lake Tahoe’s nearshore environment are evident in elevated water

quality temperature, changing species composition, and increased algal growth potential. The

nearshore agencies are committed to better understanding the impacts of climate change and

how those changes differ from locally controllable inputs and natural annual and seasonal

environmental variability. Ongoing status and trend monitoring, along with the causal analysis

studies will provide critical context for determining how the changing climate is influencing Lake

Tahoe’s nearshore environment.


o Initial status and trend monitoring to continue from 2014-2016

o Causal analysis studies to be initiated in 2015, funds permitting.

Cost and challenges:

o Technical challenges associated with defining the scope, duration and cost of climate

change study with an emphasis on assessing nearshore conditions.

o Integrating existing data and the need for data collection

o Securing funding for status and trend monitoring and causal analysis studies needed to

support climate change assessment

5. Consider Nearshore-specific standards

The Water Quality Control Plan for the Lahontan Region (Basin Plan) includes specific water

quality standards for Lake Tahoe, including several that are important to the management of

nearshore waters. The Report identified nine Basin Plan standards as important to nearshore

water quality management, including standards for water clarity, phytoplankton growth,

concentrations of biostimulatory substances, suspended materials, and biological indicators.

These standards protect Lake Tahoe’s clear waters and the biological community that lives in the

nearshore. The biostimulatory substances, biological indicator and phytoplankton standards are

designed to prevent algae growth from reaching nuisance status and impacting clarity.

Additional data collection anticipated as part of the comprehensive nearshore monitoring work

will provide the Lahontan Water Board additional information to assess compliance with existing

nearshore-related standards and to take action to improve nearshore water quality where

monitoring shows a violation of these standards.

In assessing the need for new water quality standards, the Water Board must consider whether

any proposed metric would provide added value over existing standards to monitor changes in

the nearshore environment. Any new metric would need to be dynamic enough to reflect

environmental change, yet static enough for consistent and meaningful measurement and be

responsive to controllable inputs to allow for meaningful resource management input. The

Lahontan Water Board must also consider the cost associated with standard development,

including data collection and target setting, to determine if the expense related to developing a

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new water quality standard would outweigh the benefit of applying resources to other actions

to protect, improve, and maintain the nearshore environment.

Of the ten metrics recommended for monitoring in the Report, only one (periphyton) is

identified as having sufficient data to support creation of a new numeric standard. The Lahontan

Water Board Basin Plan currently includes a narrative water quality objective for biological

indicators in Lake Tahoe that explicitly addresses the importance of controlling periphyton

growth. The standard states:

For Lake Tahoe, algal productivity and the biomass of phytoplankton, zooplankton, and periphyton shall not be increased beyond the levels recorded in 1967-71, based on statistical comparison of seasonal and annual means.

The Water Board may consider updating the above-referenced standard. Such an update is not, however, required for the Lahontan Water Board to assess relative nearshore conditions, nor is a numeric standard needed for the Water Board to target actions to improve nearshore condition.

Metrics other than periphyton do not have sufficient data available to support creation of new

water quality standards. Although the monitoring plan framed in the Report is sufficient to track

the environmental status and trends of nearshore water quality, collecting data to support

standard development for parameters other than periphyton would require a more intensive

and directed effort to ensure that any new numeric standard adequately accounts for natural

environmental variability. A water quality sampling plan explicitly targeted at collecting data to

support new standard development would need to be developed, funded, and implemented. As

noted above, the Lahontan Water Board is committed to the ongoing collaborative work to

develop and implement a comprehensive status and trend monitoring program. As data become

available, the Water Board will continue to assess the need and value for revised and/or new

water quality standards that explicitly address Lake Tahoe’s nearshore environment.


o Limited periphyton monitoring - 2014-2016

o Additional data collection for other parameters - 2016+ pending available funds

Costs and challenges:

o Insufficient data for establishing standards

o Insufficient funding for a targeted standard-specific monitoring study - $200,000-

$500,00 depending on selected metric and available data

o Additional Water Board staff resources would be needed to develop an appropriate

standard target and engage stakeholders in the standards development process –

estimated at one full time personnel year

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Assembly Bill 1464 (Chapter 21, Statutes of 2012)

California Governor Edmund G. Brown signed into law the Budget Act of 2012, which included a

requirement that the Lahontan Water Board prepare a schedule for nearshore objectives based on the

Report. Specific language from the law states:

The Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board shall, within 120 days of receipt of a scientific

report on Lake Tahoe near-shore indicators, establish a schedule for the development and adoption

of Lake Tahoe near-shore water quality objectives to improve Lake Tahoe near-shore water quality

conditions along with a comprehensive implementation strategy describing the nature of actions and

associated timelines that will be necessary to implement the plan or its component parts.

This Lake Tahoe Nearshore Water Quality Protection Plan serves as a direct response to the above-

referenced requirement.


NeST 2013: Heyvaert, A.C., Reuter, J.E., Chandra, S., Susfalk, R.B., Schaldow, S.G. Hackley, S.H. 2013. Lake Tahoe Nearshore Evaluation and Monitoring Framework. Final Report prepared for the USDA Forest Service Pacific Southwest Research Station.

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Attachment 1: Existing standards evaluation for nearshore relevancy. The 62 standards of the nearshore

agencies overlap and cover 38 parameter categories (NeST 2013).

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Attachment 2: Estimated funding and budget for Integrated Nearshore Monitoring Plan implementation

Annual Monitoring Funding as of 2014 Calendar Year

Parameter Funded Estimated Funding Needs


$80k Transmissivity


Phytoplankton $150k





Macroinvertebrates $55k

Fish and Crayfish $80k


Harmful micro-organisms*

Coordination/Integration $25k

Totals: $150k $300k

*Anticipate need met through agency staff monitoring resources and coordination with water supply agencies

**One-time funding source of $50-100k not reflected in totals

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