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LAHNER - Tactical Concepts - Summa Maxima · 2015. 1. 2. · Ranks in Combat Systems: 3rd Degree Blackbelt Combative Tactical Systems 2nd Degree Blackbelt Combat Arnis Black Belt

Mar 11, 2021



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LAHNER - Tactical Concepts

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LAHNER- Tactical ConceptsOne of Europe´s leading Training and Education Providers for Tactical solutions:About us:We are a highly innovative company offering a broad spectrum of services in the area of security. We set ourselves apart from others by using n e w e s t t e c h n o l o g i e s a n d concepts. We specialise in Tactical Training for Extreme Close Quarters and Education as well as Anti-terrorism related Consulting.

Tactical Training:„Extreme Close Quarters: Where others already feel uncomfortable we feel just right and will exceed your expectations.“LTC is a leading company in tac t i ca l t ra in ing for Law Enforcement, Military and Security Personal in Europe. We specialise heavily in Extreme

Close Quarters in distances ranging from 0 to 5 Meters. That is exactly the distance where traditional concepts often fail, but where most of the real life conflicts happen. Our concepts are innovative, modern and uncompromising. We thought the solutions for E x t r e m e C l o s e Q u a r t e r Distances through to the end, and did not allow ourselves to be misled by so-called "authorities" and doctrines. As the first company in Europe we made the Extreme Close Range distances to our area of expertise, and developed this to be our core doctrine of training, because that is the distance where you will need to do your job.

Our training in Extreme Close Quarter Shooting, Tactical K n i f e , E d g e d W e a p o n Awareness, Tactical Baton and others are among the most sought after trainings in Europe.

LAHNER - Tactical Conceptsw




uLAHNER - Tactical Concepts

LAHNER - Tactical ConceptsLycker Str. 1790768 FürthGermany

+49-911- 4797467

[email protected]

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•State of the art training in tactical concepts and physical conflicts in Extreme Close Quarters for Law Enforcement, Military and Security Personal

•Anti-Terrorism related Consulting for companies, critical Infrastructure and critical asset facilities

•Education and Training in anti-terrorism related Subjects, Kidnapping Prevention and physical conflicts for government authorities, companies and Security Personal

•Protection of critical asset facilities, vulnerable Infrastructure and strategic targets against terrorist attacks and organised violence by deployment of LTC's Operative Service Personal.

Florian LahnerD i r e c t o r / C E O a n d S e n i o r T a c t i c a l InstructorFlorian Lahner, born in 1974 has been written about just recently in the Mag az ine „Sa f e t y & Secur i t y International“: „... is one of the leading tactical instructors in Europe. (...) In fact he is one of the very few non-government instructors teaching frequently to professionals as a main job.“Training in defensive and combat systems since his early youth, he holds various degrees in both combative as well as tactical systems and high level instructor certifications. Exceptional in Europe he was the first non-US instructor ever to be awarded in the WHFSC Hall of Fame, as „Tactical Instructor of the year“ in 2005. The World Head of Family Sokeship Council (WHFSC) is the one of the most elite and largest gathering of Grandmasters of all different styles of Martial Arts, defensive Systems and Combat Systems in the world. The Hall of Fame takes place annually in the United States and is one of the most important events the of the Martial Arts and Combat Arts business in the USA.Lahner is especially proud to be awarded in the category of professional tactical trainers. He won this award 4 times now, last time this year in May in San Antonio, Texas.Florian Lahner is also a certified Anti-Terrorism Officer and provides anti-terrorism-related consul t ing for governments, companies and critical infrastructure through his company “LAHNER-Tactical Concepts”. The Anti-Terrorism Officer are experienced

Special Service Group (SSG) personal trained in a program set up immediately after 9/11. Few security officers outside of the government community have the training or experience to effectively prevent and respond to threats associated with terrorism and organised violence. Being a source of risk, terrorism is unique and the methods used by terrorists require that security personnel receive specialised training, equipment, planning support, and tactical supervision.Lahner was one of the first ATOs in Europe and is sharpening his skills since by gaining certifications in related topics.

Florian Lahner is bridging the gap between civilians and professionals of the Law Enforcement, Military and

Security community . His teaching ranges from women defense classes over street-based empty hand skills for Security to Extreme Close Quarter Shooting and Small Team Tactics for Special Operation Groups.Delivering knowledge and innovative training he is one of the leading instructors in the tactical community who especially focuses on combat ranges of under 5 meter. A distance that is very likely to encounter in todays operation in combat zones as well as LEO missions.Especially his classes „Edged Weapon Awareness for Law Enforcement Officers“, „Tactical Knife“ and „Extreme Close Quarter Shooting“ are right now receiving outstanding feedback from all over the world.

„Florian Lahner, born in 1974, is one of the leading tactical instructors in Europe (...) In fact he is one of the very few non-government instructors teaching frequently to professionals as a main job. “

Safety & Security International (S&SI), II/ 2008

Extreme Close Quarter ShootingFlorian Lahner (left) teaching ECQ-Skills with the rifle to Special Forces Personal.


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Ranks in Combat Systems:3rd Degree Blackbelt Combative Tactical Systems2nd Degree Blackbelt Combat ArnisBlack Belt in Defensive System:2. Dan Ju Jutsu DJJV

Instructor Certifications:Senior Tactical Instructor Level 2 for:MBC2- CQCTactical Knife Kinetic Knife CQC- Rifle and Gun CRMIPT- Impact ToolStickTactical BatonOCEmpty Hands

Awards:WHFSC Hall of Fame, USATactical Instructor of the year 2005 – Tactical Knife – CQCTactical Instructor of the year 2006 - CQC Tactics and TrainingTactical Instructor of the year 2008 - CQC Edged Tool – Projectile ToolTactical Instructor of the year 2009 - CQC Edged Tool – Projectile Tool

Blackbelt International HALL OF HONOR & SPIRITS, 2008, UK and GermanyInstructor of the Year Award 2008 – “Tactical Instructor”Continued Excellence in the Martial Arts 2009International Instructor of the Year 2010Weapon Instructor of the Year- 2011

Qualifications in Anti-Terrorism related fieldsAnti Terrorism Officer (S2)Terrorism Related Risk ManagementBomb Threat ManagementBomb Threat Management for Executive ProtectionEntry Point Screening Kidnapping in  Terrorist EnvironmentSuicide TerrorismCrisis Management/ Post Incident ProceduresBasic Crisis NegotiationAdvanced Officer Survival

Publications:DVD:Tactical BatonDefensive Knife/ Tactical KnifeWeapons of opportunityBook: Defensive Edged Weapons/ Practical Knife

NetworksMember of German European Security Association (GESA)Member of S2- InstituteMember CSSD/SC internationalDirector Training at BONOWI GmbH, MainzExclusive Instructor for the German Police Union (DPolG), State Bav.

„Although we think that skill is rank, we want to let you know how others rank and certify our abilities.“

LAHNER- Tactical Concepts

Facts, Qualifications and Ranksof Florian Lahner











„Oscar“ for TeachingIn 2005 it was already little sensation, when Florian Lahner (...) was awarded the tit le „Tactical Instructor of the year“ in the professional division as the first European ever. Some weeks ago, it happened again, as Lahner had the honour of being recognised as „Tactical Instructor of the Year - CQC Tactics and training“ for the second time.The Hall of Fame Award can be seen as the „Oscar“ of the Martial Arts and Combat Arts scene.(caliber magazine, 2006)

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Not only are we professional, we even teach them!

Lahner- Tactical Concepts

„Extreme Close Quarters: Where others already feel uncomfortable we feel just right and will exceed your expectations.“LTC is a leading company in tactical training for Law Enforcement, Military and Security Personal in Europe. We specialise heavily in Extreme Close Quarters in distances ranging from 0 to 5 Meters. That is exactly the distance where traditional concepts often fail, but where most of the real life conflicts happen. As the first company in Europe we made the Extreme Close Range distances to our area of expertise, and developed this to be our core doctrine of training, because that is the distance where you will need to do your job. Think about it: How often will professionals in the security field encounter enemies beyond more then 10 meters? The vast majority of problems take place inside rooms, in rural areas, urban warfare, counter-terrorism-warfare, at security gates, on patrol duty, even inside cars. What has been true for Police-style work for a long time, is already the fact in military

operations. Very rarely does anyone face an armed opponent far away. Yet classical technique fails in such close ranges. An edged weapon attack cannot be dealt with using „normal“ shooting concepts. The knife attacker will always have a chance to kill or injure the officer or soldier before going down from being shot. Anyone to encounter firearms in ranges below 10 meters will have a serious disadvantage trying to outdraw the attacker. Instead it is paramount to know how to move and shoot as well as using non-classical concepts with the gun.Another often overlooked fact is the need to escalate and deescalate within the continuum of force as to adapt ones response to the level of force used i the attack. That is especially important for security forces, Law Enforcement officers but also for Military once there is a need to capture and question the adversary.Our training in Extreme Close Quarter Shooting, Tactical Knife, Edged Weapon Awareness, Tactical Baton and others are among the most sought after trainings internationally.

Tactical Training for ProfessionalsInnovative Concepts that really do work







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„Terrorism and organised violence as a source of risk can be dealt with by using appropriate tools in a Risk Management process“

Lahner- Tactical Concepts

In a global economy not only government institutions but especially companies are the main targets of terrorist attacks and organised violence. This could be because of the symbolic as well as strategic value of the target. Especially big or otherwise symbolic companies, critical asset facilities or sensitive infrastructure are prone to terrorist activities. The consequences of a terrorist attack are huge. The primary loss in the first few minutes (loss of life, damage of structure) is followed by secondary effects with in parts long time impact (break down of infrastructure, loss of production, environmental disaster), as well as financial loss and damaged image.

Potential targets often are only protected against simple classical attacks like vandalism, espionage or theft. Protection against terrorism and organised violence requires special skills in terrorism related Risk Management and is much more complex than traditional security. On top of classical approaches, an overall Anti-Terrorism planning consists of concepts regarding Operative Security, Protective

Counter Intelligence, strategic Threat Assessment, and Post Incident Procedures.

We at LTC look at Terrorism as a source of Risk in a Risk Management Process. A Threat Assessment, Vulnerability Assessment and special analytical tools lead to the development of a security concept that allows for specifics and needs of the individual company.

When doing all this, we know about the characteristics of terrorist attacks, and their goals and consider the enemy operational procedures when developing a security concept. That makes us exceptional to classical security companies, and sets us apart from normal Risk Management. LTC combines unique expertise and qualification on that topic for the European market.

Anti-Terrorism ConsultingHardening the Target - being prepared


- TE








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„No machine and no physical security device are a match against an educated mind. Skills are the most powerful tools in the fight against Risks“

Lahner- Tactical Concepts

Security companies:Security companies compete on a hotly contested market. Only quality will prevail in the long run. The key to being able to do the job in a professional manner is education and training. LTC boost your Profile to a new level, by offering education and Training in topics like Anti-Terrorism Skills, Conflict Management and Tactics.

Industry and CompaniesCompanies outside the security branch also need to adapt to new challenges in international markets. Statistics show that most terrorist attacks and organised violence is aimed at companies, not government institutions. The impact and loss in case of an attack is huge and even large companies might not be able to recover from such an incident.However by implementing skills in your personal and benefiting from the human factors there is a lot that can be done to prevent the worst case scenario. Once your employees know what to look for they will easily notice things

out of place, can take part in hasty bomb searches, make well informed decisions and take countermeasures themselves should something happen. Having emergency plans and skilled personal to be proactive as well as begin a post incident management pays off really quick.

We at LTC help you by educating and training your employees in Solutions for Physical Conflicts, Kidnapping Prevention and Terrorism Awareness. We make sure your employees absorb the skills and we implement that into your every day routine.

Education and TrainingSkills: The most powerful weapon









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„While groundprocedures to protect the aircraft fail up to 80%, the last line of defense will always be in place: The cabin crew.“

Lahner- Tactical Concepts

Aviation-Security is a highly discussed topic that is widely and frequently talked about are in the media, the public and politics alike.

The psychological impact of attacking an aircraft is so huge, that it will always be a target for terrorism and disturbed persons alike. The financial loss in case of an event is huge, due to the multitude of factors, like loss of aircraft, payment to passengers and their families, loss of faith in the airline and dropping transport rate.

Statistic by even the TSA itself show that ground-procedures will never be able to prevent attacks. The sad truth is that even on major airports with a maximum investment ins security technology and screening, testers were able to board planes with dangerous goods, weapons and explosives up to 80% of the time.While one cannot discard ground-procedures, it is clear that the very last line of defence that will always be in place will

be the cabin crew on board. So it just makes sense to train them.

While analysing security-programs we sadly had to discover, that obsolete paradigm in teaching prevents catching up with today´s threat-situation and reality. So we came up with an innovative and reality-based concepts that is easy to learn and really works.We offer a broad range of options to maximise security in-flight. Our concepts for cabin crew are the latest and furthermore we make sure crew-members gets all the tool they need to deal with a broad range of potential dangerous situations inflight.We do not use old-school police tactics that are made for totally different types of situations and different type of human character. We find a way to reach flight-crews...not Special unit personal.We empower them to save your aircraft, your employees and most important your passengers.

Aviation: Inflight- and Cabin SecurityHuman Factors as the most valuable tool









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„There are those who have techniques. Only some have actual physical skills. Very few however do have concepts.

We have all three. Therefore what we do is teachable in a class-environment, learnable by our clients and applicable in real world.“

Lahner- Tactical Concepts

Operative ServicesFew security Companies can effectively prevent and respond to terrorist threats and organised violence. Conventional gate duty or Security Service is not suited to protect from motivated attacks with automatic weapons and Explosive devices, as well as other specific ways of attack used by terrorists (Mail bombings, Bio-Terrorism, Sabotage).

LTC Operative Services Personal (OSP) is specially trained and equipped to prevent and counter terrorist attacks and organised crime as well as to implement Protective Counterintelligence and Operational Security thus reducing the terrorist's ability to gain intelligence on the target and to prevent dissemination of sensitive information. LTC responds directly to attacks and initiates the first qualified post incident steps to minimise consequences.

We will train your teams as well as provide intermittent protection and leadership until the trainees are ready to take

over. We then implement the standard operating procedures in daily routine. After the trained team runs the operation on its own, we came back to evaluate, analyse and adjust if necessary.

As much as we can do operative work ourselves, we see our main focus in providing consulting, assessment, training, and logistics to local teams.

We strive to help you to become even better.

Operative ServicesWhat we teach we also can do







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LAHNER- Tactical Concepts provides training and consulting to Law Enforcement, Military , Security professionals as well as companies and industry. Teaching tactical concepts, weapon application and anti-terrorism related topics, LTC is one of the very few private companies that regularly services professional clients in Europe. The unique spectrum of qualification ranges from tactical blade concepts, ECO-Shooting, to anti-terrorism related qualification to crisis negotiation or basic defensive concepts.LAHNER - Tactical Concepts offers a variety of trainings centred around the topic of "Security". We also offer you programs tailored to your specific needs. Below you can see some topics that are very much sought after at the moment.

Classroom Lectures‣ Anti- Terrorism Basics‣ Advanced Anti-Terrorism Skills‣ Bomb Threat Management‣ Bomb Threat Management for Executive

Protection Personal‣ B o m b T h r e a t M a n a g e m e n t f o r

corporations‣ Entry Point Screening ‣ Kidnapping in  Terrorist Environment‣ Kidnapping Prevention‣ Suicide Terrorism‣ Crisis Management/ Post Incident

Procedures‣ Basic Crisis Negotiation‣ Advanced Officer Survival‣ Aviation: Inflight- / Cabin Security

Hands-on Training:‣ Tactical Knife‣ Kinetic Knife‣ Extreme Close Quarter Handgun‣ Extreme Close Quarter Rifle‣ Extreme Close Quarter Machine Pistol‣ Edged Weapon Awareness‣ Impact Tool‣ Tactical Baton‣ empty hand skills‣ defensive Concepts

Some programs include classroom lectures as well as hands-on training. Also we are happy to provide you with a training tailored to your specific needs.

Consulting‣ Physical Security‣ Anti-Terrorism (AT) related Consulting‣ AT-Threat Assessment‣ AT-Vulnerability Assessment‣ OPSEC‣ Counter Intelligence

Operative Services‣ Executive Protection concepts‣ Security Detachment‣ an more

„Not one- fits- all solution, but a specific program for you chosen from a wide spectrum of qualifications.“

LAHNER- Tactical Concepts

Our ServicesWe tailor our programs specifically to your needs




Training for realityW e n e v e r a r e satisfied with just p r e s e n t i n g t h e k n o w l e d g e . We want to make sure it is yours and you can actually use it in t h e re a l w o r l d . T h e r e f o r e o u r t r a i n i n g i s unconven t i ona l , innovative and does not limit itself by overcome paradigm or school doctrine. W e s t a r t w e r e o t h e r s a l r e a d y stopped.

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We do know for the problem of missing criteria for you to judge how good we really are. Training and Consulting cannot be judged until the product is delivered and therefor paid. Then you cannot return the product as it is already delivered. That problem ,common to all training and consulting, cannot be solved. But there are comparison factors that will help you.

We know we are unique in what we do and we think that our achievements with our clients are telling enough.But to give you a hand in deciding for LTC, here is something you should know:We continuously do test ourselves in what we teach and how we teach and how our attendees are able to transfer the knowledge into real world.

To help you judge our services, please take a brief look at the graphics.

„Not only are we professional. We even do teach them.If specialists want to learn, they come to us. And we give them the right tools and skills to prevail in reality.“

LAHNER-Tactical Concepts

How good are we?factors to help you decide












What we achieveC o m p e t e n c y i n critical Situations for different test groups before and after our training. We are able t o i m p l e m e n t e n o r m o u s improvements in the trainee. At the end of the training we have almost constantly o v e r 7 5 % o f participants that are now able to resolve c o n f r o n t a t i o n s professionally and successfully. Usually 30% is considered great...






Begin End

Typical Training success Results from ECQ-Shooting Seminar. Outcome of injury Police Officer vs. Aggressor.

Whereas 87% died i n a a r m e d encounter before we started teaching, the lethality went down to 6% after having been taught by us.




lethalsevere injurylight injuryunharmed



before our training after our training

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ContactPlease feel free to contact usThank you for taking your time and reading our information. We hope you found our program to be interesting and suited for your needs. Please feel free to contact us for any questions or information you might need to be answered.

We look forward to talk to you.

visit us @:

LAHNER - Tactical Concepts

Lycker Str. 17

90768 Fürth


+49 (0) 911- 47 97 467 [email protected]




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Extreme Close Quarter ShootingEdged Weapon AwarenessCQBTactical KnifeTactical BatonEmpty handsTeam Tacticsand more....

visit us @:




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