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Vol 2. No. 6 - WINTER 2012 Saam boer ons vooruit! WEN! ISSN 2222-9663 AGROCHEM ‘n Uitstappie na die 4-Nasie Wedstryd tussen die Bokke en die All Blacks op bladsy 27! Loer Binne: Spesiale Sitrus- Bylaag Silverskurf & Swartspikkel Hoe nou gemaak? Identifying & treating root rot and crown rot Rot Remedy

Laeveld Issue 6

Feb 22, 2016



Gwynedd Peters

Laeveld Magazine is a fully bilingual (English & Afrikaans) industry-specific publication, produced on behalf of Laeveld Agrochem, one of South Africa's leading agricultural corporations
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Page 1: Laeveld Issue 6

Vol 2. No. 6 - WINTER 2012 Saam boer ons vooruit!

WEN! ISSN 2222-9663


‘n Uitstappie na die 4-Nasie Wedstryd tussen die Bokke en die All Blacks op bladsy 27!

Loer Binne:Spesiale Sitrus- Bylaag

Silverskurf & SwartspikkelHoe nou gemaak?

Identifying & treating root rot and crown rot

Rot Remedy

Page 2: Laeveld Issue 6

0 - Winter/Winter 2012 LAEVELD

Saam boer ons al 21 jaar vooruit!


Vir die beste optimalisering van jou oes

Page 3: Laeveld Issue 6

2. Redakteursbrief

4. Geloof en hoop

6. Laeveld Nuus


Strongarm: ‘n Wenner teen onkruid

in soja- en grondbone


Biodiversity and supporting rural



Assured protection with K-Obiol®



Silverskurf en Swartspikkel: Hoe

nou gemaak?


Die uitwissing van bankrotbos

22. DISEASES & DISORDERS:Identifying and treating root rot andcrown rot.


Games & activities for the family.Wen ‘n uitstappie na die 4-nasie

toets: Bokke vs All Black


Explore the Zulu Kingdom

36. PRODUKPROFIEL: Belt®Die optimalisering van bemarkbare

gewasse met wurmbeheer


Sustainable agriculture


Winning weekday dinners


Hazards in the home


LAEVELD Winter/Winter 2012 - 1

EDITORIAL:Editor-in-Chief – Corné LiebernbergManaging Editor – Fiona MoscaCreative Director – Gwynedd Peters

PUBLISHERS:Main Angel Publishing462 Grysbok Street, Waterkloof RidgeTel: 012 347 3630Fax: 086 242 0031e-mail: [email protected]

DESIGN & LAYOUT:DesignlogikArt Director – Nick Hlozeke-mail: [email protected]

CITRUS SUPPLEMENT: Liza van der Walt

IMAGES:Roger Bosch, Graeme Williams, Chris Kirch-hoff (; Stock Xchange, Laeveld Agrochem, Knysna Tourism, iStock.

PRINTED BY:Four ImagesTel: 012 349 1113Fax: 012 349

CONTRIBUTORS:Phillip Venter (Zinchem), Jan Viljoen, GerhardVerdoorn, Dr Charles Gilfillan, Glwadys AymoneGbetibouo & Claudia Ringle. All editorial, business and production correspond-ence should be addressed to Main Angel Publish-

ing: Postnet Suite 335, Private Bag x1028, Lyttelton, 0140.

Unless otherwise agreed to, all contributions are the property of Laeveld Magazine, and its pub-lishers.

The editor and publisher reserve the right to alter copy and visual material as deemed necessary.

The opinions expressed in Laeveld Magazine are not necessarily those of the publishers or Laeveld Agrochem, its suppliers, subsidiaries or affiliates.

© Copyright by Main Angel Publishing. All rights reserved.

LAEVELD Winter/Winter 2012 - 1


Page 4: Laeveld Issue 6

Beste Laeveld-kliënte en Agribonus-lede

Hierdie uitgawe sluit ‘n spesiale sitrus-

bylaag in vir die sitrussimposium,

maar glo ons, dit is ook ‘n handige

en waardevolle inligtingsbundel vir

enige sitrusboer om te hou. As Laeveld

Agrochem is ons in die uiters gunstige

posisie om vir ons kliënte die heel beste

reeks sitrus oes-optimaliseringsprodukte

te bied, komende van Bayer, Syngenta,

DOW, Villa, Ag-chem, Philagro, Metson,

Madumbi, Chempak, KlubM5 en vele

meer, wat beteken ons kan ‘n volledige

oplossing vir enige toestand bied.

Dit is tans ‘n opwindende tyd in ons

land om boer te wees. Die uitdagings is

steeds daar en sal seker altyd daar wees,

maar uiteindelik sien die regering en die

res van die wêreld die noodsaaklikheid

van volhoubare voedselsekuriteit raak.

Die geld wat tans op navorsing en oes-

optimaliseringsoplossings spandeer word

asook al die finansies en hulpbronne wat

tot ons land se beskikking gestel word,

gaan almal vorentoe baat.

In ons strewe om slegs die beste vir

ons kliënte te bied, maar ook om seker

te maak elkeen bereik sy maksimum

potentiaal, is ons gedurig besig om die

mees suksesvolle boere te bestudeer, so

ook al die wenners van al die verskeie

“boer van die jaar” tipe kompetisies.

Amper sonder uitsondering is een ding

baie duidelik in almal se verklarings -

goeie praktyke, kwaliteit produkte en

meestal ‘n bietjie ondernemingsgees is

alles belangrik. Maar daar is veral twee

faktore wat hierdie suksesvolle boere

gewoonlik laat uitstaan:

Hulle het meestal ‘n ontwrikbare

geloof (en besef hul weerbaarheid in

die groter prentjie) en voortspruitend

daaruit gewoonlik dan ook ‘n besonder

unieke verhouding met hul personeel en

plaaswerkers, wat beteken lg. se volle

potentiaal word ontsluit want hulle wil

werk en werk nie omdat hulle moet nie.

As mens dan na sulke suksesvolle

boere se geloof, optimisme, karakter

en selfversekerheid aan die een kant

kyk; teenoor die baie dinge wat daar

is om oor te kon kla, soos grondeise,

plaasmoorde, die weer, stygende

insetkostes, kontantvloei en jy noem

dit, dan maak dinge ewe skielik baie

2 - Winter/Winter 2012 LAEVELD



Page 5: Laeveld Issue 6

sin. Iemand wat werklik glo dat God die

aarde, die mens en die heelal met sy

miljarde sterre (slegs in ons melkweg!)

gemaak het, kan mos onmoontlik nie dan

ook glo dat dieselfde God wat daardie

ontelbare sterre gemaak het, nie “klein”

probleempies soos reën, markpryse en

politiek ook kan oorwin nie.

As jy dus regtig glo in die skepping

behoort geen uitdaging wat oor jou pad

kom ooit vir jou enige slapelose nagte te

gee nie.

In elk geval, ons gevolgtrekking is dus dat

die boer met die positiewe lewensuitkyk,

wat probleme as uitdagings beskou, wat

alle mense as sy gelyke hanteer, en wat

die visie het om vooruit te dink en te

beplan, die een is wat jaar na jaar die

rekords sal laat spat want niks wat na sy

kant gegooi word sal hom kan onderkry


Hy is goed voorbereid, boer met

passie en geniet wat hy doen, maar

hy is die sakeman waarna ons ook in

ons advertensies verwys wat sy vennote

reg kies, tegnologie en innovasie tot sy

voordeel benut en slim beplan vir die


Ons by Laeveld is trots om sulke boere

as kliënte te kan hê en SAAM deel ons

in jul vreugdes en suksesse.

Julle maak ons en ons land trots!

Corné Liebenberg


8 - LAEVELD Winter 2012

Laeveld Agrochem het al vir die laaste 21 jaar die grootste reeks blaarvoedings, insek-, swam- en onkruiddoders beskikbaar. Laeveld Agrochem versprei die bekendste, navorsings-gedrewe maatskappye se produkte vir u absolute gemoedsrus.

Vir ‘n


optimale oes

en ‘n groter


Saam boer ons vooruit -

Laeveld Agrochem21 jaar en steeds volstoom vorentoe


Page 6: Laeveld Issue 6

Ons het geploeg… Ons het gesaai… Daar is niks in die lewe so kragtig soos om geloof in aksie te sit nie. Om te lewe met die vertroue op wat ons hoop en die sekerheid van wat nog nie sigbaar is nie. Daar is baie mense in die lewe wat droom van ‘n hoe ‘n eindproduk moet lyk. Maar die groot kuns lê daarin om drome tot vervulling te bring.

Om soos ‘n beeldhouer die hamer en die bytel in jou hande te vat en die meesterstuk uit die rots uit te kap. Dit is altyd in diè meesterstuk dat die heerlikheid van die beeldhouer na vore kom. Ek persoonlik hou die meeste van die groei seisoen of soos die Engelse dit sal stel die “nurture” seisoen. Daar vind vir die eerste keer interaksie tussen my en my boerdery plaas. Daar is lewe. Die groenigheid glinster ‘n teken van nuwe geboorte wat plaasgevind het. Pragtig! Ek het so baie moeite, tyd en bloedsweet in die oes belê en vir die eerste keer ontvang ek iets terug. Deur net my landery aan mense voor te stel kan hulle my ontmoet. Die teken van lewe. My geloof het begin lewe! Believing is seeing!

Die woord “nurture” word so verduidelik: Om

te voed en te beskerm. Om te ondersteun en aan te moedig. Te beoefen en te ontwikkel, leer en op te voed. LIEFDE!!! Presies wat van ‘n ouer verwag word t.o.v. sy kind. Dit is onbeskryflik maklik om kinders te hê, maar seker die grootste uitdaging om hulle suksesvol groot te maak en in die wêreld in te stuur.

Almal weet dat die wenpaal die eind-bestemming is, maar Paulus skryf dat die kind van God so moet hardloop dat hy wen. Dis nie een groot besluit wat ons identifiseer as gelowiges nie, maar eerder die baie klein opeenlopende besluite wat ons voorberei om eerste oor die wenpaal van die lewe te wandel. Dieselfde kan gesê word van jou oes. Nou hang dit van jou af as “ouer” om die volle potesiaal uit jou ‘kind’ uit te haal! Die Woord sê: “Volharding is wat ons nodig het, om nadat ons die wil van God gedoen het, die belofte te verkry”. Die oes is reeds daar… voor jou oë… net nog jonk, onvolwasse en desperaat vir jou liefde!

Met my oudste dogter se geboorte kry ek een van my grootste openbarings deur ‘n boekie van Dr. James Dobson oor die beginsel van om jou kinders te groei… Dit lees as volg: “Weet

Die Groeiseisoen...

vervolg op Plantseisoen, vorige uitgaweDeel 3

Page 7: Laeveld Issue 6

net een ding Pa, as jy nie jou dogter gaan grootmaak nie, iemand anders gaan, en hulle het NIE dieselfde intensies vir haar as wat jy het NIE”. Dit was net in die voorwoord! Ek het toe al gevoel asof ek die volle openbaring gekry het want deur dit deel die Here iets met my! Dan verstaan ek nou hoekom Hy die duurste prys ooit sou betaal deur Jesus Christus, om my ‘n nuwe geboorte te gee as Sy kind… Want SLEGS HY het die beste intensies vir my en KAN die volle potensiaal uit my uithaal. Hy sou deur die kruis Sy Heilige Gees aan die binnekant van my plaas, om my groot te maak want net ‘n Vader kan die heerlikheid bepaal van ‘n kind. Om te groei sonder liefde is katastrofies, maar met dit, die volharding wat elkeen nodig het om suksesvol deur die lewe te kom én nog as ‘n verteenwoordiger van God.

Die klem lê op oesbeskerming! Met die regte hoeveelheid water, snoei en behandeling is die oes bloot die gevolg. Selfs Jesus was bekommerd oor die onkruid tussen Sy saad (Matt 13:24-32). Hy vergelyk ons met ‘n koringsaad, want van koring maak jy later brood. Wanneer ons reg gegroei word deur Hom en Sy Woord, sou ons opgroei om die

geestelike stapelvoedsel te wees waarmee Hy die wêreld bedien om Sy liefde bekend te stel en te bewys. Alhoewel onkruid nie die saad noodwendig doodmaak nie, verstrik dit die potensiaal van die saad en beperk dit die grond om die koring by sy volle potensiaal uit te kry! So hou die onkruid jou dan jonk en onvolwasse. Kan ek sê “ongegroei”! Die volgende gelykenis gaan verder en sê die saad wat Hy in ons saai is soos ‘n mosterdsaad… die kleinste in saad maar die grootste in potensiaal. Alles hang dus SLEGS af hoe en deur wie ons gegroei word! Daar is niemand meer in staat om jou land tot sy volheid te bring as jy self nie… Slegs jy het die hart om dit te kan doen!

Geniet elke oomblik van die groeiseisoen! Gebruik die BESTE VAN JOU om die BESTE UIT JOU SAAD uit te haal sodat jy die BESTE OES kan hê! 1Kor 2:9 “Wat die oog nog nie gesien het nie, wat die oor nog

nie gehoor het nie, en wat in die hart van die mens nog nie opgekom het

nie, het God klaar gereed gemaak vir die wat Hom lief het”!

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6 - Winter/Winter 2012 LAEVELD


Baie geluk aan Jan Rheeder, van

Rheeder Boerdery Edms. Bpk. Hy is

die gelukkige wenner van die vorige

uitgawe se iPad-kompetisie. Ons is

seker hy sal sy prys

geweldig geniet.

Onthou om vir hierdie uitgawe se kompetisie op bladsy 29 in te skryf. Dalk is jy ons volgende wenner!

Page 9: Laeveld Issue 6

LAEVELDNUUSDie jongste nuus uit Laeveld Agrochemjg g

LAEVELD Winter/Winter 2012 - 7

“Die wat met trane saai, sal vreugde maai.”Krag vir die DAG

Gedurende Juniemaand het Laeveld

Agrochem die produksie begin van

hul korporatiewe video, wat deur

Faction Media te Brits verfilm is.

Volgens Laeveld se Corné Liebenberg

is hy heeltemal oortuig dat hierdie

korporatiewe video ‘n onmisbare

hulpmiddel vir elkeen gaan word,

veral vir gebruik op boeredae en vir

die nuwe agente.

Ons sê dankie aan Johan en sy span

van Laeveld se Brits-depot vir hul

heeldag regtsaan en rondspring… julle

maak ‘n bakgaai span uit!


Psalm 126:5

Page 10: Laeveld Issue 6

Strongarm is korrelvormig en

waterdispergeerbaar. Dis aangedui vir

vooropkomsbeheer in tenkmengsel met

sekere grasdoders vir die beheer van

eenjarige grasse, breëblaaronkruide en,

onder sekere toestande, ook geeluintjies.

Mnr Lourens Bibbey van Frankfort in die

Vrystaat, waarskynlik die boer wat die

meeste soja in Suid-Afrika plant, het

vanjaar 2 700ha onder soja gehad en

sê dis ‘n genade as ‘n boer ‘n produk

soos Strongarm kan koop en gebruik. Op

sommige lande was dit nie eens nodig

om glifosaat te spuit nie, sê hy.

“Strongarm is op al die lande gespuit met

uitstekende onkruidbeheer. ‘n Mens kon

die verskil duidelik sien waar die spuit

8 - Winter/Winter 2012 LAEVELD


Strongarm 840 WG, die selektiewe onkruiddoder van Dow AgroSciences - geregistreer vir gebruik op soja- en grondbone - het sy eerste seisoen se spuit op boere se landerye met vlieënde vaandels geslaag. Boere wat dit gebruik het, het net lof vir Strongarm se deeglike werking om selfs van die hardnekkigste onkruid ontslae te raak.

STRONGARM‘n Wenner teen onkruid by soja- en grondbone

Mnr Johan Bothma van Dow AgroSciences se noordelike streek (links) saam met mnr Lourens Bibbey in sy sojaland.

Page 11: Laeveld Issue 6

LAEVELD Winter/Winter 2012 - 9

Wenner onkruiddoder

nie gespuit het nie,” sê hy. “Waar reën

kort na spuit op sekere lande geval het,

was dit nie nodig om die lande ook met

glifosaat te spuit om laat ontkiemende

onkruid te beheer nie.”

‘n Suksesvolle boeredag is in Februarie

deur mnr Jan Schabort van Laeveld

Agrochem op mnr Lourens Bibbey se

plaas gehou waar Johan Bothma van

Dow AgroSciences ‘n aanbieding oor

Strongarm gedoen het.

“Strongarm was verlede jaar die eerste

keer in die mark en was ‘n topverkoper.

Dit bespaar koste omdat die boer

minder glifosaat hoef te spuit en selfs

glad nie as toestande gunstig is. Waar

Strongarm gebruik is, het dit effektiewe

onkruidbeheer bewys en ook moeilik

beheerbare onkruid soos wandelende

Jood, stokroos en selfs uintjies onder

sekere toestande goed onderdruk,” sê


Mnr Japie Grobler van Karookom,

Bothaville, oud-president van AgriSA, is

net so tevrede met Strongarm op sy

grondbone. “Op ons groot blok is dit

silwerskoon. Strongarm werk beslis,”

sê hy. Sy seun Philip is die man op

die land. “Ons het alles met Strongarm

gespuit. Dit werk uitstekend. ’n Mens

sien die verskil duidelik waar die spuit

gemis het of ’n baan oorgeslaan is. Waar

nie gespuit is nie en later geskoffel

moes word, vertoon die grondbone baie

swakker as waar gespuit is.”

Mnr Danie van Wyk van Wonderfontein, Middelburg, kniel in sy pragtige stand soja. Dit is duidelik Strongarm het gesorg dat die gewas geen mededinging van onkruid het nie.

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10 - Winter/Winter 2012 LAEVELD

“Strongarm is ’n wenproduk,” sê mnr

Zakkie Steyn van Bothaville. Hy het ’n

verwerkingsaanleg op sy plaas waar

grondbone onder die handelsmerk

Peanut Bear gegradeer en verpak word.

Hy voer keurgraadgrondbone uit na die


“Iemand sê anderdag hy wens hulle wil

’n Roundup-Ready-grondboon op die

mark bring. Ek dink nie dis nodig nie

– ons het dan Strongarm; dit is nou die

oplossing. Onkruidbeheer is net soveel

beter. Wat dit merkwaardig maak, is

dat dit so lank gewerk het nadat ons

ontsettend baie reën gehad het. Ons het

kort na spuit reën gekry en dan werk dit

veral soos ’n bom.

“Waar dit nie gereën het nie, kom

onkruid deur. Daaraan kan jy niks doen

nie. Op een plaas het die spuit leeg

geraak en deur die land gery. Daar

kon ek sien hoe goed Strongarm is op

wilde lusern. Selfs wandelende Jood,

’n moeilike onkruid om te bekamp, is

na ons groot reën in Desember nog

uitstekend beheer. Waar nie gespuit is

nie, was die grondbone toegegroei onder

onkruid. Ons het ook gevind die beheer

van uintjies, ’n halsstarrige onkruid, is

baie goed,”

Mnr Wim Nel van Palmietfontein,

Bothaville, is net so tevrede met

Strongarm. Sy grondboonlande was nog

nooit so skoon van wilde lusern nie, sê

hy. Een strook land is as kontrole nie

gespuit nie en daar floreer die onkruid.

Mnr George Steyn van die plaas

Humanskraal naby Ottosdal is ’n groot

boer. Hy het Strongarm op aanbeveling

van mnr Tom Wiersma van Technichem

Oesbeskerming gespuit.

Mnr Theunis van der Westhuizen in sy sojaland (links) saam met mnr Louis Botha, van Nulandis in die Middelburg-area. Links kan ‘n mens sien hoe hoog staan die stokroos waar die spuit gemis het.

Page 13: Laeveld Issue 6


LAEVELD Winter/Winter 2012 - 11

“Onkruidbeheer met Strongarm is baie

goed. Ek het een keer gespuit en die

lande is silwerskoon. Ek dink nie ’n

mens kan meer sê soja is ’n pieperige

gewas nie, mits lande onkruidvry is

nie. Ons grootste vyand is wandelende

Jood. Ander onkruiddoders maak hom

nie dood, wel die ander onkruid. Dan

floreer die Jood want dis net hy en die

gewas wat die vog en kunsmis gebruik,”

sê mnr Steyn.

“Strongarm is ’n wenproduk. Die boer

wen by die oes,” sê mnr Theunis van

der Westhuizen van Groenkraalfontein,

Middelburg, ‘n boer met baie ander

ysters in die vuur.

“Een van my groot probleme is

wildestokroos (Hibiscus cannabinus) en

daar is nie ander onkruiddoders wat

stokroos by sojabone goed beheer nie. Ek

het in die verlede baie probleme gehad

met pap implementebande. As

die stroper die stokroos se droë

stingel aftrap, bly ‘n kort stukkie

stam in die grond geanker. Dit

is sterk en skerp en steek deur

‘n implement se buiteband met

groot vertragings om pap wiele

eers te herstel.

“Beheer van stokroos met

Strongarm is dus ‘n bonus

en dit word nie eens op die

onkruiddoder se etiket aangedui

nie. Daar is ander moeilike onkruid soos

wandelende Jood en kankerroos oor op

my lande maar hulle is deeglik met

Strongarm beheer as jy kyk na waar die

spuit gemis het,” sê hy.

Mnr Danie van Wyk van Wonderfontein,

Middelburg, ook ‘n kliënt van mnr Louis

Botha, se plaas lê neffens die N3 op

pad Laeveld toe. Hy het 100 ha soja

geplant en goeie onkruidbeheer beheer

met Strongarm saam met een bespuiting

glifosaat gekry. Van die mooiste soja was

op sy onkruidvrye lande te sien.

“Dit was ‘n moeilike jaar maar Strongarm

het uitstekend gewerk. Dit bespaar ook

op addisionele glifosaatbespuitings,” sê


Strongarm 840 WG (Reg. No. L 8667).

Kontak u naaste Laeveld agent vir meer inligting oor Dow AgroSciences se Strongarm 840 WG.

Mnr Johan Bothma van Dow AgroSciences (links) en Danie du Plessis van Laeveld Agrochem (middel) saam met mnr Zakkie Steyn van Bothaville.

Page 14: Laeveld Issue 6

The links between poverty and environ-

mental degradation in rural areas is usu-

ally easy to see - but the causes are

always complex. Rural areas can be rich

with untapped human and environmental

potential and call for innovative, integra-

tive approaches.

The Environmental Monitoring Group The EMG’s work with rural communities

aims to illustrate the value of participa-

tory approaches that draw on inherent

resources, build problem-solving capac-

ity, and develop the base for sustain-

able livelihoods. At the same time their

Rural Development Programme aims to

develop arguments for better policy and

practice that promote effective adaptation

to climate variability and address land

degradation while maintaining biodiver-

sity, agricultural productivity and local


Small-scale FarmersEMG has been working with small-scale

rooibos farmers of the Suid-Bokkeveld for

some years, assisting them in accessing

fair trade and organic markets. For these

farmers, marginalised by apartheid and

the monopoly rooibos processing indus-

try, the higher prices obtained on the

fair trade and organic markets, mean that

tea-growing is no longer merely a surviv-

al strategy, but a viable farming activity.

EMG provides a range of on-going sup-

port to Suid-Bokkeveld farmers organised

under the Heiveld Co-operative, repre-

senting some 60 small-scale farmers and

their dependents. With access to alter-

native trading systems comes supportive

financing and training. The farmers have

been able to raise capital to build their

own tea-processing facility and have re-

cently purchased their own administra-

tive and processing facility in the vil-

lage of Nieuwoudtville. As their farming

activities have become more profitable,

so opportunities for building sustainable

farming practices have increased.

12 - Winter/Winter 2012 LAEVELD


Biodiversityrural development&


Page 15: Laeveld Issue 6

LAEVELD Winter/Winter 2012 - 13

Rural Development

Adapting to Climate Change

In the Suid Bokkeveld in 2003, a pro-

longed drought wiped out most of the

small-scale farmers’ cultivated rooibos.

Since then they have been engaged in

a process of learning and action to en-

hance their resilience in the face of cli-

matic variability.

Every three months members of the com-

munity gather to share their records of

the weather during the previous quarter.

They discuss weather impacts and their

responses to these, review long term

forecasts, develop plans to adapt their

farming practices and livelihood strate-

gies and learn more about the drivers of

climatic change and its effects.

Farmers have modified their farming

practices and have appreciated the natu-

ral adaptation of wild rooibos to increas-

ing temperatures and drought events,

recognising that husbandry of wild rooi-

bos provides a safety net that reduces

their vulnerability and conserves biodi-

versity at little or no additional cost.

Wild Rooibos TeaThe leaves and young shoots of the

rooibos bush have been used by in-

digenous peoples of the Western Cape

since pre-history to produce a health-

giving beverage known as rooibos tea.

It was only in the early 1900s that the

species began to be cultivated on a

commercial basis.

The cultivated rooibos variety is fast-

growing and high-yielding, but less re-

sistant to pests and drought than wild

varieties. Because of increasing demand,

much of the specie’s natural habitat has

been ploughed up and put under in-

tensive mono-crop cultivation. There are

very few areas remaining where wild

tea plants can still be found (mostly in

marginal and mountainous areas). Like

the wild tea, small-scale coloured farm-

ers were also limited to the more mar-

ginal areas by successive colonial and

apartheid laws. Communities of small-

scale rooibos farmers have been har-

vesting wild and cultivated rooibos for

many generations, and have become the

de facto guardians of the wild rooibos

genetic stock.

The EMG facilitated a programme of Ac-

tion Research with small-farmers of the

Heiveld Co-op and Wupperthal Co-op to

identify, characterise and map popula-

tions of wild tea.

Wild rooibos offers a potentially more re-

liable source of income, but farmers are

keen to develop a sustainable harvesting

strategy, and gain more insight into the

ecology of the plant in the wild and its

response to a changing climate.

The importance of managing and pro-

tecting this wild genetic stock cannot be

overstated, particularly as climate change

may put new pressures on the cultivated

variety and threaten the viability of the


Page 16: Laeveld Issue 6

14 - Winter/Winter 2012 LAEVELD


K-Obiol® EC25 is a modern pyrethroid formulation containing deltamethrin, synergised with piperonyl butoxide for the control of all stored product insects known to infest grain and pulses. This pyrethroid formulation is an ideal alternative to organo-phosphorus formulations.

K-Obiol® EC25


Earn Agribonus points on any products bought from Laeveld

Page 17: Laeveld Issue 6

LAEVELD Winter/Winter 2012 - 15

Root Rot Protection

Up to 12 months control (Admixture)• K-Obiol® EC25 is a liquid grain

protectant for the control of stored

product pests including crawling

insects such as grain weevils, flour

beetles, grain borers, saw-toothed

grain beetles, bean weevils and

flying insects such as warehouse

moths, rice moths, Indian meal

moths and grain moths.

Add 1 litre of K-Obiol® EC25 to 99

litres of water and apply this to 100

tonnes of grain for protection up to 12


Fabric of the building treatment (pre-harvest) • K-Obiol® EC 25 can be applied to

the fabric of the building.

Add up to 60ml of K-Obiol® EC25 to

5 litres of water. Refer to the label

for different porous and non-porous

application rates. This fabric treatment

provides 2 months protection.

• K-Obiol® EC25 can be used in

grain silos and stores that are

subsequently used for oilseed

rape storage as a fabric of the

building and equipment treatment

only. K-Obiol® EC25 does not have

approval for use as an admixture

treatment for oilseed rape.

No Withholding period• On finished, manufactured product,

flour and bread: no residues over

the MRL are found as deltamethrin

does not significantly penetrate the

grain but remains on the bran.

• Within hard wheat manufactured

products, semolina and pasta:

no residues over the MRL of

deltamethrin were detected.

• In malting: No residue over the

MRL of deltamethrin is found in

wort or beer, and therefore has no

effect on beer.

K-Obiol® EC25: Deltamethrin

(pyrethroid) 25 g/l; Piperonyl butoxide

250g/l(Reg No. L4586 Act No. 36 of


Please contact your nearest Laeveld Agrochem agent for more information on this product.

Page 18: Laeveld Issue 6

Die Suid-Afrikaanse tafel aartappelpro-

dusent moet dikwels ‘n keuse maak


Plant van saad van sy gunsteling kultivar

wat met silwerskurf-swartspikkel besmet

is; plant van skoon saad van ‘n ander

kultivar; of plant ‘n ander gewas.

Die doel van hierdie artikel is om feite

rondom die silwerskurf/swartspikkel-

kompleks te gee sodat die produsent ‘n

ingeligte besluit kan maak.

AgtergrondDie simptome van silwerskurf en

swartspikkel word meestal nie op

ongewaste aartappels raakgesien nie.

Dit verklaar waarom die siekte-kompleks

wêreldwyd, en tot relatief onlangs, as

minder belangrik beskou is. Die siektes

word dikwels as ‘n kosmetiese siekte,

of ‘n “blemish disease” beskryf. In Suid-

Afrika het die simptome van die siekte-

kompleks reeds in die vroeë 1980’s tot

afgradering van tafelaartappels gelei.

Dit is waarskynlik te wyte aan die feit

dat die Suid-Afrikaanse verbruiker lank

reeds gewaste aartappels sonder enige

vlekke vereis. ‘n Verdere implikasie

is dat aanplantings vir saad ook nie

gesertifiseer kan word nie, indien die

siektes die maksimum toleransie wat die

skema toelaat oorskry.

Al hoe meer verslae van navorsing in

die buiteland toon egter dat silwerskurf-

swartspikkel as ‘n belangrike siekte

regoor die wêreld erken word. Die

siekte-kompleks is reeds so vroeg as die

1980’s al in Suid-Afrika nagevors (Denner,


Die siekte-kompleksSilwerskurf word veroorsaak deur

die swam Helminthosporium solani

en swartspikkel deur die swam

Colletotrichum coccodes respektiewelik.

Hoewel simptome van die twee siektes

deur die geoefende oog onderskei kan

word (Tabel 1), lyk hulle op die oog af vir

16 - Winter/Winter 2012 LAEVELD



Hoe nou gemaak?

Page 19: Laeveld Issue 6

LAEVELD Winter/Winter 2012 - 17

Silverskurf en Swartspikkel

baie mense dieselfde. Daarom word daar

dikwels net gepraat van silwerskurf. Dit

is egter meer korrek om van silwerskurf-

swartspikkel te praat. Hoewel die siektes

afsonderlik op knolle kan voorkom, kom

hulle ook in kombinasie voor omdat die

toestande vir siekte-ontwikkeling baie


Silwerskurf en swartspikkel ontwikkel

albei by temperature tussen 20 – 30oC.

Vogtige omgewingstoestande speel

‘n uiters belangrike rol by siekte-

ontwikkeling van albei patogene. Indien

plante onder stres verkeer kan dit ook

bevorderlik vir siekte-ontwikkeling wees.

Die spore van veral silwerskurf word

maklik deur lugstrome versprei. Hierdie

feit is veral belangrik by siekte-

ontwikkeling en -verspreiding tydens

opberging. Skoon saad wat saam met

besmette saad opgeberg word kan

maklik op die manier besmet raak.

Knolle kan enige tyd na oes, tydens

hantering of gedurende opberging

besmet raak.

Tydens die groeiseisoen vind infeksie

deur albei patogene reeds vanaf

blomstadium plaas. Die mees kritieke tyd

vir infeksie is gewoonlik die laaste 2 na

3 weke van die groeiseisoen. Hoe langer

die knolle na loofafsterwing in die grond

lê hoe hoër word die besmettingsvlakke.

Infeksie deur beide silwerskurf en

swartspikkel word meestal beperk tot die

buitenste lagie van ‘n knol, net onder die

skil (periderm).

In die geval van silwerskurf veroorsaak

infeksie dat die skil losgemaak word van

die onderliggende weefsel, daarom die

Page 20: Laeveld Issue 6

18 - Winter/Winter 2012 LAEVELD

silweragtige voorkoms. In die geval van

swartspikkel kan die kleur van die letsels

varieer van ligbruin tot donkerbruin.

Wat is die effek van beide siektes op

saadkwaliteit, stand en opbrengs?

Silwerskurf en swartspikkel kom net onder

die skil van knolle voor en infeksie lei

tot die beskadiging daarvan. As gevolg

van die beskadiging van die skil raak dit

deurlaatbaar wat tot vogverlies van knolle

lei. Indien vogverlies plaasvind tydens

opberging word die knolle ‘pap’ en

beïnvloed dit die fisiologiese houvermoë

van die knolle. Die plant van dié saad

kan tot standprobleme lei.

Daar ontstaan ook skeurtjies

in die skil wat ideale

omstandighede vir besmetting

van bv. siektes soos sagtevrot

en Fusarium spp. skep.

Hierdie sekondêre infeksies

kan reeds voor plant tot

verrotting lei. Besmette

saad kan onder gunstige

omstandighede ‘n goeie

stand en opbrengs lewer. Die

risiko bestaan egter dat die siektes na

die nageslagknolle oorgedra kan word.

Wat kan ek doen as besmette saad wel geplant moet word?• Behandel saad met ‘n geregistreerde


• Sorg dat groeitoestande so optimaal

moontlik gehou word.

Omdat infeksie van die saad en/of

grond na dogter knolle, veral laat in

die grondseisoen plaasvind, moet daar

geoes word sodra dit prakties moontlik


Bo: Aartappel met silverskurf

Page 21: Laeveld Issue 6

LAEVELD Winter/Winter 2012 - 19

is. Moenie aartappels in die grond stoor

nie, dit sal siekte-ontwikkeling/uitbreiding

bevorder. Monitor die teenwoordigheid

vir beide siektes weekliks, veral die

laaste vier weke van die groeiseisoen

asook na loof afsterwing.

Hoe beperk ek besmetting van grond?• Moet nie saad wat met swartspikkel

besmet is, in waardevolle nuwe

grond plant nie.

• Ken die geskiedenis van die land.

Die swartspikkel patogeen kan tot 8

jaar in grond oorleef.

• Gewasrotasie moet nie minder as 4

jaar wees nie.

• Vermy die plant van alternatiewe

gashere (bv. tamaties) in ‘n

gewasrotasie met aartappels.

• Beheer gasheer-onkruide.

Waarom presteer behandelde knolle soms swakker as wat verwag word?• Swamdoderprodukte van saadaartap-

pels is slegs geregistreer as ‘n na

oes of voor plant behandeling.

• Geen che-

miese opvolg behan-

delings gedurende

die groeiseisoen is

beskikbaar om ver-

dere siekte-ontwikke-

ling wat mag ontstaan

te beheer nie.

• Geen produk-

te is geregistreer vir

die beheer van C. coc-

codes in die grond nie.

• Groot aan-

plantings lei daar toe dat knolle

nie tydig geoes kan word nie.

• Die tydige oes van knolle is een

vandie belangrikste beheerpraktyke

waar beide siektes ‘n probleem is.

Skrywer: Dr. Fienie Niederwieser,

Aartappels Suid-Afrika en dr. Freddie

Denner, Agchem Africa. Oorspronklik in

Chips gepubliseer, die amptelike tydskrif

van die Aartappels Suid-Afrika.

Verwysings:Denner, FDN, 1997. Black dot and silver scurf of potatoes in

South Africa - PhD tesis, Universiteit van Pretoria.

Denner, FDN, 2006.Geïntegreerde beheer van silwerskurf en

antraknose op aartappels. Chips Vol 20 no 4. Beskikbaar op

Nortje, PF. 2001. Hantering van silwerskurf en antraknose in

die sertifiseringskema. Chips vol 15 no 6.Beskikbaar op www.

Danaher, J & Hilton, A. 2005.Prediction and manipulation of

black dot development in potato crops. Project report 2005/2.

British Potato Council.

Hamm, PB., Johnson, DA; Miller, JS; Olsen, & Nolte, P. 2007.

Silver scurf management in potatoes. A Pacific Northwest

extension Publication.

Silverskurf en Swartspikkel

Bo: Aartappel met swartspikkel

Page 22: Laeveld Issue 6

D it is betalend vir die boer om te

betaal om bankrotbos op ‘n plaas

uit te roei as die wins aan drakrag van

die veld teen die koste van bestryding

opgeweeg word, sê ‘n beesboer van die

distrik Vredefort in die Vrystaat.

“As ‘n mens suiwer na die ekonomie van

die saak kyk, maak dit absoluut sin. Dit

sal my so drie jaar neem om my uitleg

te herwin,” sê dr Chris Reinecke. “Daarna

is opvolgwerk nodig om bossies wat wel

weer opkom, summier uit te roei.”

Dr Reinecke het ‘n doktorsgraad in

Chemie en was vroeër hoof van ‘n groot

korporatiewe maatskappy. Hy boer op

Reitzbrug in die distrik Vredefort.

Die plase waar hy die bankrotbossie, ook

bekend as vaalbos en slangbos (Seriphium

vulgaris), bestry het, is Leeukop en

Modderfontein – sowat 365 ha.

Hy benader die saak wetenskaplik, het

die ekonomie van die onderneming

fyn uitgewerk en mnr Chris Richter

van Terracare Vegetation Consultants,

‘n spesialisfirma van Bloemfontein,


20 - Winter/Winter 2012 LAEVELD

Dit betaal om te betaal om bankrotbos uit te roei, sê die boere.

BANKROTBOSuitwissing vanDie

Die verskil tussen die bankrot(bos)kant en die gerehabiliteerde kant is baie duidelik te sien.


Page 23: Laeveld Issue 6

“Ons het lugtoediening gebruik en

dit is binne so drie uur afgehandel.

Trekkerbespuiting sou seker drie

maande geneem het gepaard met baie

probleme en intensiewe arbeid. Op ou

lande kan ‘n trekker nog werk maar nie

in klipperige veld soos myne nie. Die

plase was erg besmet en die drakrag

waarskynlik helfte van die potensiaal.

“Waarom betaal dit om te betaal om

bankrotbos te bestry? Ek sou op hierdie

stuk grond omtrent 70 beeste kon aanhou;

met bankrotbos kan dit net 35 dra. Ek

kan nou nog 35 koeie aanhou en met my

kalfpersentasie van 70% beteken dit 25

meer kalwers per jaar, wat teen vandag

se pryse amper R100 000 hoër omset gee

en sowat R70 000 aan netto wins.

“Die lugtoediening het my sowat R200 000

gekos. As dié koste gedelg is, hou die

wins nie op nie. Verdwaalde bankrotbos

wat weer groei, moet gemonitor en

met handtoediening bestry word,” sê dr

Reinecke. “As ‘n mens vandag onder die

dooie bossie kyk, sien jy hoe polle gras

hervestig; ‘n pragtige gesig. Ek sit met

grond wat R10 000/ha kos.

As ek te suinig is om sowat R365/ha

te betaal om my veld se drakrag te

verhoog, is dit dom ekonomie. Tegelyk

vrek ander bome, selfs bloekom, en

sommige indringerplante ook.”

Mnr Leon van Vuuren van Shumbas Valley

tussen Parys en Fochville in die distrik

LAEVELD Winter/Winter 2012 - 21


‘n Welkome gesig van gesonde weiding! Mnr Chris Richter, ‘n deskundige op die gebied van die beheer van bankrotbos, wys na ‘n dooie bankrotbossie in Mnr Louis van Vuuren se veld.

Dr Chris Reinecke en mnr Chris Richter van Terra Care midde in die dooie bankrotbos wat deur die vee platgetrap word of self omval en terugkeer na die grond. Die nuwe weiding wat deurkom, is duidelik te sien.

Page 24: Laeveld Issue 6

22 - Winter/Winter 2012 LAEVELD

Potchefstroom is uitsluitlik ‘n deeltydse

wildboer en was maar anderhalfjaar op

die plaas toe hy teen die bankrotbos

opgetree het.

Hy het ook Chris Richter se deskundige

kennis gebruik maar met die hand

bestry omdat hy nie natuurlike bome

en struike wou uitroei nie. Hy het baie

beboste randjiesveld. Sewe maande

na behandeling sê hy: “Daar is net ‘n

ontsaglike verskil. Selfs harpuisbos, ‘n

moeilike kalant, word goed beheer. Ek

maak nou meer waterpunte. Die wild

benut die veld om die nuwe drinkplek.

Waar hulle wei, trap hulle die dooie

bankrotbos plat en vreet die gras wat

opkom. Jy kan sien die gras se toppe is

afgewei. Ek kry die wild nou oor ‘n baie

groter deel van die plaas.

“Ek het so 600 stuks wild op die plaas en

skat ek sal vorentoe so 900 op dieselfde

grond kan laat wei,” sê mnr Van Vuuren. Hy

bedryf ook ‘n massavervoeronderneming.

Mnr André de Beer, wat ‘n

staalonderneming in Potchefstroom

bedryf, boer deeltyds met beeste op

die plaas Modderdam in die Vredefort-

distrik. Chris Richter het vier jaar gelede

op sy plaas gespuit en verlede jaar

opvolgwerk gedoen. Die bestryding is

met hande-arbeid gedoen omdat André

as beesboer nie die nodige implemente

het nie. “’n Mens moet opvolg,” sê mnr

De Beer. “Ek dink daar bly maar saad

agter wat mettertyd ontkiem. Ek meen ek

het 85% gras bygekry. Kostegewys was

Anderkant die draad tier die bankrotbos! Mnre Johan Bothma van Dow AgroSciences en Louis van Vuuren, wildboer van Vredefort, kyk na ‘n stewige groen stand van die indringerplant op ‘n buurplaas. Teen die draad is dit duidelik dat die bossie behandel is en gevrek het. Voortdurende opvolgwerk is nodig om verdwaalde plante uit te roei.


Page 25: Laeveld Issue 6

LAEVELD Winter/Winter 2012 - 23


dit die moeite werd want die drakrag

het verhoog en ek kan seker tussen 60

en 70 meer beeste op die plaas aanhou.

Ek maak nog steeds kampe en sal dan

moontlik selfs nog meer beeste kan laat


“Dit is nodig om opvolgwerk te doen

as bestryding met hande-arbeid gedoen

word omdat dit maklik is om in ‘n digte

stand enkele bankrotbosplante oor te

slaan. As jy besin oor wat in vier jaar

hier gebeur het, is dit ongelooflik,” sê hy.

“Dit betaal beslis om die bankrotbossie

uit te roei.”

Chris Richter is ‘n weidingsekoloog en

probleemplantspesialis wat op die che-

miese bestryding van indringerplante

soos bankrotbos/slangbos konsentreer. Hy

sê in die gevalle hierbo is Molopo 200

GG Reg. No. L6111 uit die lug toegedien

en waar dit met hande-arbeid gedoen

is, is Molopo 500 SC Reg. No. L 5854

gebruik. Albei produkte van Dow Agro-

Sciences is geregistreer ingevolge Wet

No. 36 van 1947.

Hy sê sukses met bestryding van

bankrotbos hang af van ‘n paar faktore :

• korrekte geregistreerde produk;

• korrekte konsentrasie en dosis;

• korrekte tyd van toediening;

• metode van aanwending (vliegtuig/trekkerspuit/hande-arbeid); en

• goeie toesig en beheer tydens


Laeveld help graag met die bestryding

van bankrotbossie.

Mnr André de Beer van Modderfontein, Vredefort, staan in sy weikamp by ‘n verdwaalde bankrotbossie wat opgekom het.

Mnr Louis van Vuuren meen hy sal ‘n derde meer wild op sy plaas kan laat wei nadat die bankrotbos onder beheer gebring is.

Page 26: Laeveld Issue 6

Root RotIdentification

Common root rot is a serious disease of

wheat, barley, and oats. Infected plants

tend to produce fewer tillers with

smaller and fewer seeds per head.

This disease is caused by a complex of

soil-borne fungi. The spores germinate

in the soil. Seedlings become infected

following germination. Spores are

produced on diseased tissue and are

spread by wind, water, cultivation, and

infected seeds.

Patchy emergence is usually the first

indication that damage has occurred.

Infections start on the roots and sub-

crown internodes and move to the

leaves. Seedlings may die before or soon

after emergence even though they only

show slight damage.

Drought and warm weather cause more

severe infections. Nutritional stress can

also favour infection.


Look for brown discolouration of stem

bases, roots, crowns, and lower leaf

sheaths. Infected plants are generally

shorter and produce fewer stems and

grains per head.

At times, plants appear bleached and

dead. Root rot may be tolerated by the

plant with no above ground symptoms,

as long as sufficient new roots are


Treatment & Prevention

Avoid soil compaction. Turning under

stubble may help to reduce infection

levels. Apply adequate nitrogen,

phosphorus and potassium to encourage

vigorous root and shoot growth to

enable plants to resist or tolerate


Under cooler temperatures, delayed

seeding and proper seeding depths

promote uniform germination and

24 - Winter/Winter 2012 LAEVELD


Rot Remedyidentifying treating&

root rot and crown rot

Page 27: Laeveld Issue 6

LAEVELD Winter/Winter 2012 - 25

Rot Remedies

emergence to reduce infection. Avoid

growing continuous wheat or continuous

barley. Rotation with non-cereal crops

and control of grassy weeds will reduce

inoculum levels.

Commercial seed treatment fungicides

that prevent seed decay also provide

some protection against post-emergence


Crown & Foot RotIdentification

Crown rot is a disease which affects

many different types of plants, including

fruits, shrubs and trees. Plants afflicted

with this disease experience rot around

their stems, in the area where the stem

joins the root.

Several different organisms can cause

crown rot. One of the most famous

is Phytophthora, an organism which

is often mistakenly referred to as a

fungus, although it is actually a protist.

Fusarium fungi can also cause crown

rot, as can several other fungal species,

and sometimes the condition is linked

to bacteria or nematodes.


The first symptom noticed is usually

wilting of the leaves. Within several

days, the entire plant wilts and dies.

If the soil is removed from around

the base of the plant, a very distinct

necrotic rot of the crown and the upper

portion of the taproot is evident. The

rot develops first as a light-coloured,

water-soaked area, which becomes

progressively darker. It begins in the

cortex of the root, causes cortex tissue

to slough off, and eventually destroys

all of the tissue except the fibrous

vascular strands.

The main and lower portions of the

taproot are not affected, except under

extremely wet conditions. Likewise, the

stem is not affected, except for the

lower 2–4 cm immediately above the

soil line.

Treatment & Prevention

Prevention of crown rot starts with

using good quality, sterile soil for

new plantings, so that plant pathogens

cannot be passed around.

Plants should also be given a stable

supply of water which meets their

needs, and farmers should avoid over

watering or allowing plants to dry out

totally, as these conditions can promote

the growth of unwanted organisms in

the soil.

Because the fungus survives in the soil

for only 2–3 years, a 4-year rotation is

usually adequate for disease control.

Planting fungicide-treated seed is also

effective in reducing the incidence of

disease initiated from infected seed.

Page 28: Laeveld Issue 6


26 - Winter/Winter 2012 LAEVELD





3 4

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5 1


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Page 29: Laeveld Issue 6

LAEVELD Winter/Winter 2012 - 27

Games & Activities for the Family

*Terme & voorvaardes van toepassing. Kompetisie sluit einde Julie.


Page 30: Laeveld Issue 6

0 - Winter/Winter 2012 LAEVELD


chempacM A I Z E S TA L K B O R E R LU R E

Lowveld Agrochem -Together cultivating your success

Find your nearest agent at or 012 998 5909

Egg stage Larval stage Adult stage

A Pheromone attractant designed to lure the male Maize Stalk Borer moths

to the Chempac Yellow Delta Trap.

Placement of Yellow Delta Trap1. One trap per 5ha.2. Place the trap towards the highest point

of the plant.3. Ensure that there are no leaves near the

trap openings.4. Prevent sun from shining into the trap.5. Place towards the center of the land.6. Place 2/3 up against a slope.

Placement of pheromone in Delta Trap1. Use a paper clip, to which the pheromone

emitter is attached. 2. Push the paper clip through the Delta Trap

so that the emitter in positioned towards the middle of the trap.

(When handling the pheromone emitter be careful not to let it touch the side of the trap, as this may impact negatively on its catching potential.)

Monitoring Guidelines• Monitoring should commence in Novem-

ber. • Traps should be replaced and recorded on

a weekly basis.• Approximately 4 to 6 weeks after crop

emergence, weekly physical inspections should be conducted on leaves, stem and developing heads.

• Pheromone should be replaced every six weeks.

Page 31: Laeveld Issue 6

LAEVELD Winter/Winter 2012 - 1

Earn Agribonus points on any products bought from Laeveld

Find your nearest agent at or 012 998 5909

Affected host plant

Identification of Maize Stalk Borer• Adult stage: In their adult stage moths

generally have dark brown, patterned fore-wings and white to grey-brown hind wings. Adult moths are nocturnal and have a wing span of 25 to 40 mm. Females are general-ly slightly larger than males. Females usual-ly mate on the night of emergence and will oviposit on the subsequent 3 to 4 nights. Females lay eggs in batches of 100 to 200. Each female can lay up to 1000 eggs in a lifetime. Adults have an area of dispersal of up to 1.6 km and occasionally further.

• Egg stage: Eggs are light yellow in colour, spherical, and approximately 1mm in diameter. Eggs are character-ised by approximately 70 radial ridges on the upper surface and are laid in a single column on the stem under leaf sheaths. Eggs hatch after about 10 days.

• Larval stage: Young larvae are generally dark brown, purple or black in colour. They migrate to the whorl to feed. There are usu-ally 6 larval instars although 8 are possible in unfavourable conditions. Instars burrow into the stem and feed on the central stem tissue. Typically only one larva is found per stem, as larvae are cannibalistic. Later, in-

stars are creamy-white with a grey or pink tint. Mature larvae can be up to 40mm in length and have small black spots along the length of the body. Larvae mature in about 35 days and pupate within the stem. Prior to pupating, larvae cut a small hole in the stem, which enables the adult moth to emerge.

• Pupae stage: Pupae are generally 25mm in length and shiny yellow brown to dark brown in colour. Males are usually smaller than females. Pupae are found in galleries within the stem and have a pair of plain spines located on the terminal cremaster. The pupae stage lasts from 2 to 3 weeks.

Usually 2 to 3 generations occur during the growing season.

Often, eggs from the 2nd or 3rd generation are laid around the ears and emerging larvae then cause extensive damage to young kernels before burrowing into the stalks.In favourable conditions, the life cycle can take 7 or 8 weeks.

Host PlantsMaize, sorghum, barley, sugarcane, and various thick-stemmed grasses such as Napier and Su-dan grass.

Page 32: Laeveld Issue 6

Durban, known as eThekwini to the

local Zulu population, forms part of

the eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality

and is the largest city in KwaZulu-Natal.

Durban is a sophisticated cosmopolitan

city of over three million people - a city

where east meets west - a city beneath

which beats the pulse of Africa – a city

known as the home of Africa’s best man-

aged, busiest port.

Its an an exciting city in which to play,

shop, experience the nightlife and relax.

This city is home to the world-class Inter-

national Convention Centre Durban, which

has hosted a historic line-up of events

including conferences of a global scale.

Leisure facilities abound in Durban…Visit uShaka Marine World, Wilson’s

Wharf on the Victoria Embankment and

the nearby BAT Centre. Enjoy fine and

traditional dining, entertainment and shop-

ping in scenic surroundings or shop till

you drop in the city’s ulta-modern shop-

ping malls. Grey Street and the Warwick

Triangle boast vibrant local’s shops and

markets and Durban’s unique beachfront

stalls sell traditional arts and crafts, known

the world over.

Enjoy the excellent entertainment on offer

at the city’s theatres and clubs or take

a township tour. If it’s peace and sheer

beauty you are after, head off towards

Durban’s nature sanctuaries or parks. Sail,

30 - Winter/Winter 2012 LAEVELD


Situated along the east coast of South Africa, the Zulu Kingdom boasts a coastline over 600km in length, bathed by the warm waters of the Indian Ocean. Not surprisingly, travellers and tourists alike flock to its shores year-round to soak up the sun, swim in its seas and experience the

vibe and culture that defines the province.

Zulu KingdomExplore the

KZN at Play

Page 33: Laeveld Issue 6

LAEVELD Winter/Winter 2012 - 31

Discover KwaZulu-Natal

swim, run, and play tennis or, alternatively

stroll along or relax on the sun-drenched

beaches watching the world go by.

Experience ZululandThe sheer majesty of Zululand will take

your breath away. Under the hot African

sun, the cobalt blue Indian Ocean, man-

grove swamps and limpid lagoons give

way to rolling green hills and indigenous

forests which shimmer in the distance be-

fore they reach the Drakensberg Moun-


While you are in Zululand, enjoy the wel-

coming wide smiles extended to you by

the local people. Enjoy the comfortable

accommodation in major towns, game

lodges, to seashore cottages, Zulu homes

or floating lake chalets. Zululand teems

with private and provincial game re-

serves which offer game-watching facili-

ties as well as hiking and nature trails.

But it is probably ‘the Zulu experience’

which will linger in your mind long after

you have left Zululand. Take an ox wagon

to Zulu villages of bee-hive huts and ex-

perience traditional Zulu hospitality, or a

rural wedding ceremony, and if you wish,

visit a sangoma (traditional healer).

You cannot leave without a visit to Ulundi,

the site of the final battle fought in the

Anglo-Zulu war. Nearby, Zulu kings lie

buried in the Emakhosini Valley. In total

contrast are the township tours showcasing

Page 34: Laeveld Issue 6

32 - Winter/Winter 2012 LAEVELD

modern Zulu life including taverns,

shebeens and traditional medicine shops.

Further inland lie tea plantations, cattle

ranches and pretty, historical towns such

as Vryheid and Paulpietersburg where

you can relax in the therapeutic sulphur


The PeopleAn ethnically diverse people populate

KwaZulu-Natal, which is home to the

proud Zulu nation who ruled this terri-

tory with prowess and skill, and whose

cultural influence remains strongly evi-

dent. The English speaking residents

are largely descendants of European

settlers and missionaries, originating

from many world regions, and each

group displays interesting traditions.

The Indian population is the largest

community outside India itself and their

influence on cuisine, religion and life-

styles is colourfully evident in stores,

events, restaurants and cultural institu-


This assortment of citizens creates a vi-

brant population united in their friendli-

ness, generosity of spirit and welcom-

ing nature. They may appear laid-back

as a result of the relaxed lifestyle but

are founders and hosts of many world-

leading institutions and facilities. The

locals don’t care why you came, but

that you chose their home as your geta-

way, and no matter where in the prov-

ince you choose to lay your head, you

can be sure to be made welcome.


Page 35: Laeveld Issue 6

LAEVELD Winter/Winter 2012 - 1

Discover KwaZulu Natal

Page 36: Laeveld Issue 6

Dit bied groenteprodusente die

geleentheid om Lepidoptera-plae te

beheer deur die vreetskade op groente

te beperk of onmiddellik te stop. Die

lae dosis van aktief per hektaar, en

die teikenspesifieke spektrum maak

die produk uiters gunstig teenoor die

omgewing en voordelige insekte.

Stop vreetskade onmiddellik

BELT® veroorsaak spiersametrekkings

in die teiken-insek wat lei tot vinnige

staking van voeding, gevolg deur

verlamming en uiteindelike dood van

die larwe kort daarna. Dit is belangrik

om daarop te let dat die skade aan die

bemarkbare gewas drasties verminder

word deur dat die voeding vinnig

gestop word. ‘n Groter gedeelte van die

oes kan sodoende bemark word.

Minimale impak op voordelige insekte

34 - Winter/Winter 2012 LAEVELD


BELT® is onlangs deur Bayer CropScience teen Ruitrugmot, Landmeterwurm, Amerikaanse Bolwurm en Aartappelmot onderskeidelik op tamaties, kool en aartappels geregistreer.

Optimaliseringvan bemarkbare gewasse


met wurmbeheer

Met Belt behandel

Sonder Belt se behandeling

Page 37: Laeveld Issue 6


Klas 2

Klas 1

Klas 2

Klas 1

BELT 480 SC @ 15ml/100l water


LAEVELD Winter/Winter 2012 - 35

Optimale Wurmbeheer

BELT is spesifiek ontwerp vir die

beheer van Lepidoptera insekspesies.

Dit beteken dat die impak op ander

voordelige organismes dus minimaal is

en insekte soos rooi spinmyt se getalle

beperk word.

Kort onthoudingsperiode

Die voordelige toksikologiese profiel van

BELT gee ‘n verdere voordeel van kort

onthoudings- periodes soos hieronder gelys.


In nat toestande kleef BELT aan die plant

binne een tot twee ure na toediening en

bied uitstekende translaminêre beheer.

Die kombinasie van reënvastheid, die

minimale effek op voordelige organismes

en die vinnige staking van vreetskade

bied aan groenteprodusente ‘n ideale

middel om meer bemarkbare groentes

te bemark. Die voordeel van BELT

word hierbo geïllustreer waar ‘n proef

gedoen is met BELT in ‘n spuitprogram

op tamaties.

Laeveld is die trotse verspreider van Belt.

• Tamaties 1Dag

• Kool 3Dae

• Aartappels 14Dae

BELT®: Flubendiamied 480SC; Registrasie no. 8860 Wet 36 van 1947.

BELT® -behandeling (links), in vergelyking met onbehandelde plante (regs), op tamaties bied meer bemarkbare vrugte.

Page 38: Laeveld Issue 6

In partnership with


Kontak jou naaste Laeveld Agrochem ver teenwoordiger, of besoek www.lantic .net/yahcl ick v i r meer in l igt ing of skakel ons by 087 805 0003

R186.00*per maandMaandeliks

R1 197.00Installasie Fooi Subskripsie


Value 512Spesifikasies: 512 Kbps Aflaai spoed. 128 Kbps Oplaai spoed. 1.5 GB Aflaai data per maand. Onbeperkde oplaai

R6553.00**R262.00** p / m

(Eenmalig) (36 Maande huur)

*Hardeware uitgesluit (CPE); **Prys van standaard installasie

Moeg gesukkel met swak Internet verbindings?

Skottel en toebehore





* AGWORLD‘n Volledige bestuurstelsel vir jou boerdery • Vinnige intekening van jou plaas via Google EarthBeskikbaar deur Agworld-webwerf of iPad app Geriefliker vaslegging van data•Direkte toegang tot relevante inligting • Toegang tot aktiwiteitsverslae, informatiewe

artikels en produkkaarte


Page 39: Laeveld Issue 6

In partnership with


Kontak jou naaste Laeveld Agrochem ver teenwoordiger, of besoek www.lantic .net/yahcl ick v i r meer in l igt ing of skakel ons by 087 805 0003

R186.00*per maandMaandeliks

R1 197.00Installasie Fooi Subskripsie


Value 512Spesifikasies: 512 Kbps Aflaai spoed. 128 Kbps Oplaai spoed. 1.5 GB Aflaai data per maand. Onbeperkde oplaai

R6553.00**R262.00** p / m

(Eenmalig) (36 Maande huur)

*Hardeware uitgesluit (CPE); **Prys van standaard installasie

Moeg gesukkel met swak Internet verbindings?

Skottel en toebehore





* AGWORLD‘n Volledige bestuurstelsel vir jou boerdery • Vinnige intekening van jou plaas via Google EarthBeskikbaar deur Agworld-webwerf of iPad app Geriefliker vaslegging van data•Direkte toegang tot relevante inligting • Toegang tot aktiwiteitsverslae, informatiewe

artikels en produkkaarte


Page 40: Laeveld Issue 6

38 - Winter/Winter 2012 LAEVELD


Sustainable agriculture is the practice of farming using principles of ecology, the study of relationships between organisms and their environment.

Sustainable Agriculture

Page 41: Laeveld Issue 6

LAEVELD Winter/Winter 2012 - 39


It has been defined as an integrated

system of plant and animal production

practices having a site-specific

application that will last over the long


• Satisfy human food and fibre


• Enhance environmental quality and

the natural resource base upon

which the agricultural economy


• Make the most efficient use of non-

renewable resources and on-farm

resources and integrate, where

appropriate, natural biological

cycles and controls.

• Sustain the economic viability of

farm operations.

• Enhance the quality of life for

farmers and society as a whole.

Farming and Natural ResourcesSustainability can be understood as

an ecosystem approach to agriculture.

Practices that can cause long-term

damage to soil include excessive tillage

(leading to erosion) and irrigation

without adequate drainage (leading to


Long-term experiments have provided

some of the best data on how various

practices affect soil properties essential

to sustainability. Certain countries

even have agencies or organisations

which specialise in providing technical

and financial assistance for those

interested in pursuing natural resource

conservation and production agriculture

as compatible goals.

The most important factors for an

individual site are sun, air, soil and

water. Of the four, water and soil

quality and quantity are most amenable

to human intervention through time and


Although air and sunlight are available

everywhere on Earth, crops also

depend on soil nutrients and the

availability of water. When farmers

grow and harvest crops, they remove

some of these nutrients from the soil.

Without replenishment, land suffers

from nutrient depletion and becomes

either unusable or suffers from

reduced yields. Sustainable agriculture

depends on replenishing the soil while

minimising the use of non-renewable

resources, such as natural gas (used

in converting atmospheric nitrogen into

synthetic fertiliser), or mineral ores

(e.g., phosphate).

Possible sources of nitrogen that would,

in principle, be available indefinitely,


1. Recycling crop waste and livestock

or treated human manure,

2. Growing legume crops and forages

Page 42: Laeveld Issue 6

40 - Winter/Winter 2012 LAEVELD


that form symbioses with nitrogen-

fixing bacteria called rhizobia,

3. Industrial production of nitrogen by

the Haber Process uses hydrogen,

which is currently derived from

natural gas, (but this hydrogen could

instead be made by electrolysis

of water using electricity (perhaps

from solar cells or windmills) or

4. Genetically engineering (non-

legume) crops to form nitrogen-

fixing symbioses or fix nitrogen

without microbial symbionts.

Although proposed during the 1970s,

the last option has only recently

become feasible. Sustainable options

for replacing other nutrient inputs

(phosphorus, potassium, etc.) are more


More realistic, and often overlooked,

options include long-term crop rotations,

returning to natural cycles that annually

flood cultivated lands (returning lost

nutrients indefinitely) such as the

Flooding of the Nile, the long-term

use of biochar, and use of crop and

livestock landraces that are adapted

to less than ideal conditions such as

pests, drought, or lack of nutrients.

Crops that require high levels of soil

nutrients can be cultivated in a more

sustainable manner if certain fertiliser

management practices are adhered to.

WaterIn some areas, sufficient rainfall is

available for crop growth, but many

other areas require irrigation. For

irrigation systems to be sustainable

they require proper management (to

avoid salinisation) and must not use

more water from their source than is

naturally replenished, otherwise the

water source becomes, in effect, a non-

renewable resource.

Improvements in water well drilling

technology and submersible pumps

combined with the development of drip

irrigation and low pressure pivots have

made it possible to regularly achieve

high crop yields where reliance on

rainfall alone previously made this level

of success unpredictable. However, this

progress has come at a price, in that

in many areas where this has occurred

the water is being used at a greater

Above: Sustainable agricultural techniques include water conservation.

Page 43: Laeveld Issue 6

LAEVELD Winter/Winter 2012 - 41

rate than its rate of recharge.

Soil ErosionSoil erosion is fast becoming one of

the world’s greatest problems. It is

estimated that more than a thousand

million tonnes of southern Africa’s soil

are eroded every year.

Experts predict that crop yields will

be halved within thirty to fifty years if

erosion continues at present rates. Soil

erosion is not unique to Africa but is

occurring worldwide.

The phenomenon is being called Peak

Soil as present large scale factory

farming techniques are jeopardising

humanity’s ability to grow food in the

present and in the future.

Without efforts to improve soil

management practices, the availability

of arable soil will become increasingly


Some Soil Management techniques

1. No-till farming

2. Keyline design

3. Growing wind breaks to hold the


4. Incorporating organic matter back

into fields

5. Protecting soil from water runoff.


Above: An example of drip irrigation

Page 44: Laeveld Issue 6

0 - Winter/Winter 2012 LAEVELDLowveld Agrochem -Together cultivating

your successFind your nearest agent at or 012 998 5909

Aangedui vir optimale;• Gewas Gesondheid• Wortelontwikkeling en

gewasvestiging• Opbrengs en winste• Stresverligting –

droogtetoestande, versuiptoestande, stres agv versouting van koue stres en onkruiddoder stres.

• Voedingsvlakke

Algemeen• Marinure® DS is mengbaar

met die meeste insekdoders, swamdoders, makro (N, P, and K) en mikro-element produkte.

• Indien twyfel bestaan, is dit raadsaam om die mengbaarheid te bepaal deur

eers klein hoeveelhede te meng of kontak u naaste verteenwoordiger.

• Marinure® DS is geskik vir alle soorte bespuiting en besproeiingsisteme asook lugbespuiting.

• Marinure® DS behoort toegedien te word na enige stremmingstoestande om die herstelvermoë van die plant te stimuleer.

• Hou houer toe.• Aanbevole bergings temperatuur

is onder 40ºC. • Vermy bevriesing van produk.• Moenie opgeloste mengsels

berg nie.


Marinure® DS contains Phosporic acid <1% Reg np. L3812 (Act no. 36 of 1947.) Handle with care.

Earn Agribonus

points on ANY product bought

from Lowveld

Page 45: Laeveld Issue 6

LAEVELD Winter/Winter 2012 - 1Find your nearest agent at or 012 998 5909





Gewas Gesondheid

Wortelontwikke-ling en gewasves-tiging

Opbrengs en winste

Stresverligting Voedingsvlakke

Marinure® DS is ‘n Seewier bevattende blaarvoeding met bygevoegde

mikro-elemente. Aangedui vir optimale:

Page 46: Laeveld Issue 6

44 - Winter/Winter 2012 LAEVELD


Winningdinners for the Work-week

Baked Macaroni & CheeseIngredients• 500g macaroni

• 30 ml olive oil

• 1 onion, chopped

• 4 cloves garlic, crushed

• 300g smoked ham or bacon, cubed

• 5ml paprika

• 500ml white sauce

• 200g Cheddar Cheese

Method1. Heat the oven to 180ºC.

2. Cook macaroni as per packet

3. Meanwhile, heat olive oil in a large

frying pan.

4. Sauté the onion, garlic and ham/ba-

con together until lightly browned.

5. Add the paprika and cook for an-

other 5 minutes.

6. Drain the pasta and return to the


7. Add the ham and vegetable mixture

to the pasta and mix thoroughly.

8. Add the white sauce to the pasta

and toss.

9. Transfer the pasta into a large oven-

proof dish and sprinkle with ched-

dar cheese.

10. Bake for 40 minutes, remove from

oven and serve immediately.

White Sauce:• 60 ml (4 Tbsps) salted butter

• 60 ml (4 Tbsps) flour

• 500 ml (2 cups) full cream milk

• 2 gratings of nutmeg, salt and pepper

Method1. Melt the butter in a saucepan.

2. Stir in the flour and whisk in the


3. Let it boil for 2 minutes.

4. Season with salt and pepper and

nutmeg and remove from heat

Page 47: Laeveld Issue 6

LAEVELD Winter/Winter 2012 - 45

Watertand Werksweek

Chicken a la KingIngredients• 30 ml Sunflower Oil

• 500 g Chicken Fillet Strips

• ½ Onion Finely sliced

• 1 Green Pepper Finely sliced

• 1 Red Pepper Finely sliced

• 5 ml Garlic Salt

• 45 ml Cake Flour

• 180 ml Cream

• 100 ml Chicken Stock

• 5 ml Mixed Herbs

• 125 g Button Mushrooms Sliced

• Salt and pepper to taste

Method1. Heat 15ml of the oil in a large heavy

based saucepan

2. Sauté vegetables

3. Sprinkle the flour over then add the

cream, chicken stock and herbs and

chicken, stir well and allow to sim-

mer for 10 minutes

4. Season with salt and pepper to taste

5. Serve immediately with rice

Seafood PaellaIngredients• 75 ml Olive Oil

• 1 Small Onion finely chopped

• 2-3 Cloves Garlic crushed

• 2 Skinless Chicken Breasts cut in

large chunks

• 1 Green Pepper sliced

• 1 Red Pepper sliced

• 15 ml Portuguese Chicken Seasoning

• 1 x 410 g Tin Tomatoes

• 10 ml Sugar

• 500 ml Long Grain Rice

• 6 cups Water

• 1 Chicken Stock Cube

• 5 ml Turmeric

• 12 Large Mussels (in shells)

• 2 Fillets of white fish such as hake

• 300 g cleaned prawns

Method1. Sauté onion and garlic in olive oil

until onion become transparent.

2. Add chicken and peppers and Rob-

ertsons Portuguese Chicken Season-

ing cook stirring for a minute.

3. Add tomatoes and sugar and bring

to the boil, simmer uncovered until

almost all the liquid has evaporated.

4. Stir in rice, water, stock cube, and

turmeric. Stir until boiling and then

simmer covered for about 10 -15

minutes. Stir in mussels, top with fish

and prawns.

5. Cover and simmer for about 5 min-

utes or until fish and prawns are

cooked. Gently stir the fish and

prawns through the rice and serve.

Page 48: Laeveld Issue 6

46 - Winter/Winter 2012 LAEVELD

Classic LasangeIngredients• 30 ml oil

• 1 ml large onion chopped

• 500 g minced meat

• 5 ml mixed dried herbs

• 110 g tomato paste

• 1 Can whole tomatoes chopped

• Salt and pepper to taste

• 250 g instant lasagne sheets

• Grated cheese to sprinkle

For Cheese Sauce:• 60 ml margarine

• 60 ml flour

• 625 ml milk

• 2.5 ml nutmeg

• Salt and pepper to taste

• 250 ml grated cheddar cheese

• 1 egg

Method1. Heat the oil and fry onion. Add the

minced meat, herbs, tomato paste

and tomatoes.

2. Stir well and cook slowly until meat

is cooked through (about 15 minutes).

3. Arrange the meat, pasta and cheese

sauce (see below) in alternate layers

in a greased baking dish.

4. Repeat until all ingredients are used

up, ending with a layer of cheese


5. Allow to stand for about 1 hour be-

fore cooking.

6. Sprinkle a little cheese on top and

bake for 40 minutes in a hot oven


Cheese Sauce: 1. Melt margarine, and then stir in the

flour. Gradually add the milk, stirring

until sauce thickens.

2. Add Nutmeg, cheese and season-

ing and allow to cool slightly. Stir in

beaten egg.


Page 49: Laeveld Issue 6

Old Fashioned Chicken PieIngredients• 2 rolls puff pastry

• 6 chicken breasts (cubed and cooked)

• 1 can button mushroom

• 1 can corn kernel

• 200 grams feta cheese

• 100 grams margarine

• 2 packets mushroom soup

• 2 cups milk

• 2 cups cream

Method1. Prepare 1 roll puff pastry and lay into

large pie dish/pan.

2. Mix the mushrooms, whole corn, feta

cheese and chicken in a bowl.

3. Melt the margarine, and add the

mushroom soup and stir well until


4. Add milk and cream to the soup

mixture, and bring to the boil.

5. Remove from the heat.

6. Mix the sauce and the chicken

mixture together, and spoon into

prepared pie dishes.

7. Cover with the last roll of prepared

puff pastry.

8. Cook for 1 hour at 180ºC.

Tasty Bacon FrittataIngredients• 2 Tbls olive oil

• 1 onion finely chopped

• 1 cup of mixed peppers chopped

• 100 g bacon chopped

• 4 medium potatoes peeled, par

boiled and sliced

• 2 eggs lightly beaten

• A handful of parsley chopped, for


LAEVELD Winter/Winter 2012 - 47

Watertand Werksweek

Method1. Heat a medium sized non-

stick frying pan. Add oil

and stir fry onions, peppers

and bacon for 5 min.

2. Stir through the sliced

potatoes, and eggs, then

flatten the surface with the

back of a wooden spoon.

3. Sprinkle over the cheese.

Turn down the heat &

allow to cook gently for 5


4. Heat grill and place the

pan under the grill to melt

the cheese.

5. Allow to cool slightly be-

fore cutting into wedges.

Page 50: Laeveld Issue 6

Firstly you will need to sort your household goods into corrosive, toxic and reactive products and then ensure that you read the storage labels before decide to store them all in the same place.

Handy tips on storage and usage of household hazards• Identifying and sorting the products in your household is the first step to acting responsibly with chemicals and poten-tially harmful acids under your control.

• Practise a responsible storage regime. Store products that can be harmful or omit fumes in a well-ventilated area and ensure that lids are sealed. Store incom-patible products separately.

• Temperature control is important. Con-tainers for flammable products bulge if left in high temperatures, and liquid ma-terials expand if they freeze, causing the containers to burst.

• Keep all chemicals and cleaning con-tents in their original containers. This way you can always identify what it is, what the cautions are and how to use and store it. If you have to decant a hazardous product, practise safety first and ensure that it is stored in a clean container of exact packaging materials and label effectively with all the neces-sary warning indicators.

• Keep household cleaners and other haz-ardous goods out of reach, especially when you have inquisitive little ones around.

• Do not store your household hazards close to food sources, especially your pets’ food, as trace amounts of poisons or corrosive acids can potentially be life threatening to our animal friends.

• Use household products sparingly – it will not only save you money. Never pour pesticides or household chemicals down the drain, into the toilet or storm water drains, rivers or dams. As there are no facilities for the disposal of toxic or hazardous waste in South Africa, the best option is to dispose of them into your municipal rubbish bin.

• Experiment with safer alternatives; take a look at these household items: Baking soda cleans ovens, deodorises, softens water and is a good scourer for greasy surfaces and plates. Borax also cleans, deodorises, disinfects and softens water; it even repels cockroaches. Baby pow-der and ground cloves repel ants, and white vinegar can be used as a toilet and window cleaner. Mix it with a little baking soda and you have an effective drain cleaner. Essential oils (extracted from herbs) and fresh or dried herbs are excellent toilet fresheners.

48 - Winter/Winter 2012 LAEVELD



POISON CENTRE TELEPHONE NUMBER: 0800 333 444. For advice on cases of human poisoning contact the

Poison Information Centre: Johannesburg 011 642 2417 or Bloemfontein 051 475 353 or Cape Town 021 689 5227

Page 51: Laeveld Issue 6
Page 52: Laeveld Issue 6
Page 53: Laeveld Issue 6

Laeveld AgrochemSitrus Simposium 2012

Vir die totale beskerming van jou sitrusoes

Saam boer ons vooruit!

Page 54: Laeveld Issue 6

Saam boer ons vooruit!

Lowveld Agrochem (LAC)Wth more than 80 agents and 30 depots based in the primary growing regions, LAC now 21 years in existence, has the strongest and most complete range of citrus crop protection chemical and bio-logical solutions as well as the best nutritional range of products in South Africa. Experienced and quali-fied agents assist you with monitoring, as well as nutritional and pest & disease programs, to achieve optimum packouts.

Symposium PartnersIn our display area you will find information and dem-onstrations from our Conference partners Agworld, Chempac and Madumbi Sustainable Agriculture.

Agworld have a complete software program (Data into Profit), which is ideally suited to helping the farmer and his supplier manage his programs and budgets.

Chempac are the leading supplier of monitoring aids, traps and pheromones into the South African agricultural market. The novel False Coddling Moth (FCM) mating disrupter, Checkmate will soon be the first FCM control option to have an aerial registration.

Madumbi boast the finest biological solutions avail-able to the RSA market. Together with their Swiss partner Andermatt, who are the world leaders in virus technology, they have offered the best virus-ses to the market. This is demonstrated by Cryptex which demonstrates superior formulation techno-logy, UV protection, shelf life and efficacy. This is proven by results,(the registration has been submit-ted) where Cryptex is sprayed without molasses.

Multinational and other partnersLAC has a proud assosciation with the world’s fore-most Multinational Agrochemical companies. We

are Syngenta’s, Bayer Crop Science and Dow Agri-cultural Science’s largest South African distributor in our region of operation. Additionally we boast a proud business partnership with other formidable companies such as Makteshim Agan, Villa Crop Pro-tection, Klub M5, Monsanto, Nufarm, Philagro, and H&R GSP who supplies our mineral oils.

Our nutritional range is made up of AgChem Africa’s excellent foliar feeds and is complimented by Met-son Manufacturings’ seaweed range.

Citrus Spray ProgramLAC is able to offer the most comprehensive citrus pest, disease and nutritional program to growers. This is backed up by outstanding service and techni-cal support.

Bayer Crop Science’s excellent insecticides are the basis of a successful program. Proven successes over the last few seasons with Movento and Confidor/Provado give growers confidence for the season. New research has shown synergy between these 2 different active ingredients whereby all sucking insects and mites are well controlled. Addition-ally thrip and mealybug populations are kept at low levels.

Dow Agricultural Science’s citrus chemicals allow a new approach in the flowering period, a light cover spray with Delegate which controls thrips and Boll-worm frees up spray machinery, allowing quicker completion of the spray cycles. This spray is gene-rally followed by a full cover spray with Dursban WG and Dithane which targets mealybug and black-spot but has good efficacy against other pests such as thrips. This new concept means one fewer full cover spray and significant savings as well as bet-ter timing against mealybug crawlers. Dursban WG is one of the few remaining organo phosphates


Citrus Symposium 2012

Lowveld Agrochem is proud to be involved again in the CRI’s Symposium in this our 21st year of existence. Once again we have demonstrated our support of the event and for the South African citrus industry, by our sponsorship. This is but a part of the role we have played over the years. We have supplied quality registered products for over 2 decades now which have afforded the South African citrus farmer peace of mind. For the first time we are Gold sponsors and we invite all symposium delegates to visit our display area where our product range may be viewed. We together with some of our important Supply partners would welcome the opportunity to discuss any citrus matters.

Lowveld Agrochem is proud to be involved again in the CRI’s Symposium in this our 21st year of existence.

Page 55: Laeveld Issue 6

Laeveld Agrochem strewe daarna om met uitstekende produkte en ken-nis maksimum winste vir sy kliënte te behaal. Laeveld Agrochem is in 1991 gestig, en die bestuurspan het gesamentlik reeds meer as 150 jaar ondervinding in die oesbeskermings-bedryf.

Laeveld Agrochem ondersteun die boerin elke stap van die boerdery en bied toegang tot ‘n formidabele chemiese arsenaal van onkruid- swam- en insekdoders, asook blaarvoedings-, grondverrykings- en biologiese produkte.

Laeveld Agrochem bestaan uit 31 volwaardige handelstakke wat strategies in die kern landbou-gebiede geleë is. Laeveld Agrochem is reeds 21 jaar aktief in landbou en ploeg ook baie terug in die gemeenskap. Hulle glo nie in kitsoplos-sings of kortpaaie nie en stap die hele pad saam met hulle kliënte, want langtermynverhoudings word gebou.

Hulle omvattende produkreeks stel kliënte in staat om die beste moontlike keuses te maak. Laeveld Agrochem het ‘n uitstekende logistieke netwerk wat verseker dat meeste produkte binne ‘n dag of twee by hulle kliënt kan wees.

Laeveld Agrochem glo dat hulle beste wapen, die uiters goed opgeleide en hoogs gekwalifiseerde oes-beskermings-spesialiste is, wat met hul ken-nis en raad ‘n oes se maksimum potentiaal kan verwesenlik.

Ons glo dat die onvoorwaardelike ondersteun-ing wat ons reeds vir 21 jaar van meeste van ons suksesvolle kliënte ontvang, is ‘n bewys is van die onmisbare waarde wat hulle aan ons dienste en produkte heg.

Beproef Laeveld Agrochem gerus, u verwagtinge sal oortref word.

Vind u naaste Laeveld Agrochem agent by of 012 998 5909

Vedien Agribonuspunte op alle produkte in hierdie boekie genoem en wat deur

Laeveld Agrochem aangekoop word


that allow the flexibility of spraying after 90% petal drop, (it has a 60 day witholding period for all markets).

Further thripicide options include Mesurol or Dicarsol and sugar as a bait spray, or Calypso, Rossi, Savage or Klartan. This in turn relieves some of the selection pressures that have been put on Abamectin in the program. Sanamectin or Biomectin can now be utilized in a responsible fashion allowing other chemistry, (especially Movento and Delegate), to take care of supposed resistant insects.

The blackspot program is completed by the choice of Flint or Ortiva with Dithane in the spraytank, allowing a 6 week spray interval.

Fruit size issues are adressed either by Corasil P which normally increases fruit sizes by one or two counts, or by the improvement of root health and growth stimulation with seaweed extracts such as Marinure or Ecklomax. Of importance is to ensure that a good crop is set by using Pro Gibb or Falgro. This makes the choice of Corasil P an obvious one as returns are in the region of 5 to 10:1 as a result of the increased yield and the number of desirable fruit class cartons for export.

The False Coddling moth program is made up of the extremely succesful combination of Cryptex and Checkmate. Feedback over a number of sea-sons from growers who have utilized the program show no rejections overseas and even reports of far less fallen fruit meaning easier sanitation.

There are no gaps in the LAC citrus range, budmite is well controlled by Mitigate and fruit-fly is taken care of by GF 120. We sell a range of rootcare products, the mainstay is Syngenta’s Ridomil Gold. We have many other product options which have not been mentioned in this short introduction.

Please feel welcome to come and discuss these combinations or other queries with us at our display area.

SincerelyThe Lowveld Agrochem team

produkte heg.

Beproef Laeveld Agrochem gerus,

Please feel welcome to come and discuss these combinations or other queries with us at our

Page 56: Laeveld Issue 6

Daar is verskeie faktore wat die bemarkbaar-heid van uitvoervrugte kan beïnvloed waarvan insekskade een van die belangrikste is. Heelwat plaagbeheermiddels is beskikbaar om verskeie insekprobleme aan te spreek, maar onoordeelkundige gebruik kan lei tot sekondêre pes uitbrake en onaanvaarbare residuvlakke wat die bemarkbaarheid van die vrugte kan beïnvloed. Die keuse van plaagmiddels moet so gekies word dat dit ’n minimale negatiewe impak op die bemark-baarheid van die vrugte het. Movento® (spirotetramat) is so ’n produk en word wêreld-wyd erken as ’n leier produk wat nie die bemark-baarheid van vrugte negatief beïnvloed nie.

Movento® bied die sitrusprodusent en uitvoer-der die geleentheid om ’n produk te gebruik met uitstekende dopluisbeheer (Fig 1) wat hoë gehalte opbrengste verseker. Verder het dit ‘n minimale impak op voordelige insekte (Fig 2). Aangesien Movento® tot die groep middels van die tetramiese sure behoort is dit die ideale produk om in ’n weerstandstrategie te gebruik indien weerstand vermoed word. Die toediening van Movento® kan enige tyd plaasvind sodra dopluiskruiperbeweging waargeneem word. Dit laat die gebruiker van Movento® toe om ’n pasmaak spuitprogram te beplan sonder enige addisionele trekker- beweging in die boord.

Uitstekende DopluisbeheerMOVENTO®

Verdien AgriBonuspunte op Movento deur Laeveld Agrochem gekoop

Die Suid-Afrikaanse sitrusbedryf is die tweede grootste uitvoerder van vars sitrus in die wêreld naas Spanje. Dit alleen is ’n merkwaardige prestasie aangesien Suid-Afrika maar die 14de plek in globale sitrusproduksie bekleë. ’n Totaal van 64 persent van alle sitrus in Suid- Afrika is bestem vir die uitvoermark, dus is die suksesvolle produksie van bemarkbare vrugte vir die uitvoermark van kardinale belang vir die Suid-Afrikaanse sitrusbedryf.

Figuur 1: Uitstekende beheer teen dopluis met Movento® met hoë infestasie dopluis

Figuur 2: Movento® - die omgewingsversoen-bare oplossing vir dopluisbeheer in sitrus

Omgewingsversoenbare oplossing


Page 57: Laeveld Issue 6

Movento® is ’n blaarbespuiting (Fig 3) wat be-stuur en gemak van ‘n spuitprogram bevorder. Die impak op die omgewing is ook minimaal deurdat daar minder aktief per ha toege- dien word as van die ander produkte wat teen dopluis gebruik word. Die toksologiese profiel van Movento® is van so ’n aard dat dit selfs goedgekeur is vir gebruik op vrugte/groente bestem vir babavoedsel in die VSA.

Die keuse van Movento® as ‘n besigheids- besluit is onder kommersiële boorde bewys gedurende die afgelope seisoen. Ter illustrasie hiervan is 2.63% beter uitpak verkry in die Movento® behandelings as in blokke met ‘n alternatiewe dopluisbeheerprogram (Fig 4). Die beter uitpak was nie alleen as gevolg van ’n verlaging in uitskot weens dopluisskade nie maar ook laer witluis- en blaaspootjieuitskotte.

Hierdie tendens kan moontlik toegeskryf word aan die verminderde impak wat Movento® het op voordelige insekte wat ’n rol speel in die biologiese beheer van die ander peste. Die Movento® program was ook R1000 per hektaar goedkoper waar die verskil tussen die twee programme toegeskryf kan word aan addisionele behandelings om sekondêre peste soos myte te beheer.

Die finansiële effek van die gebruik van Movento® kan met die volgende aannames bereken word:

Laeveld Agrochem bied die grootste reeks oesbeskermingsprodukte

Figuur 3: Movento® ‘n pasmaak toediening in bestaande spuitprogram

Figuur 4: Vergelyking in uitskot persentasies tussen Movento® en alternatiewe dopluisprogram

% verhoogde


Ekstra uitvoer-


Addisionele inkomste @ R50 / karton

1600 2.63 42 R 2 100



kartonne per hektaar

Page 58: Laeveld Issue 6

Die gebruik van Movento® as dopluisbeheer-strategie het nie net ‘n hoër uitpak verseker nie maar was aan die einde van die seisoen ook koste-effektief.

Cobus Rabie van die plaas Goudmyn in die Robertson-vallei het dieselfde ondervind in ’n Clem-late boord waar daar ’n hoë voorkoms van dopluis, sitrusrooimyt en witluis was. Hy het besluit om vier blokke van 540 bome met verskillende programme te behandel en die effektiwiteit en koste van die programme te vergelyk. Aan die einde van die seisoen moes tussen 2 en 4 addisionele toedienings gedoen word vergeleke met die Movento® boorde. Die addisionele behandelings het die koste van die alternatiewe programme duurder gemaak as die van Movento®.

“Without a doubt, the Movento® application had the most successful result,” says Cobus.

“This chemical is strictly for the control of Red Scale but in addition it also controlled the big problem that we have with Citrus Red Mite (please note that the regitration for red mite is still pending) in that block very successfully and I did not have to spend time and money to follow up with further sprays for these pests. This had been like a new broom and has elimi-nated a range of pests simultaneously.”

Die getuigskrif is ‘n bewys dat Movento® nie net uitstekende beheer teen dopluis bied nie - dit bied die sitrusprodusent ‘n pasmaak produk met ‘n omgewingsversoen-bare oplossing met geen kruisweerstand teen bestaande chemie nie.

Kontak jou naaste Laeveld Agrochem agent vir meer inligting oor Movento®

en Dopluisbeheer.

Dopluis op boomstam Gesonde resultate

Movento® bevat Spirotetramat (Tetramiese suur) Reg. nr L8559, Wet Nr 36 van 1947

Movento® is ‘n handelsmerk van Bayer cropScience AG, Duitsland Bayer (Edms.) Bpk. Reg. no. 1968/011192/07

Posbus 143, Isando. Tel 011 9215252

Verdien AgriBonuspunte op Movento deur Laeveld Agrochem gekoop6

Page 59: Laeveld Issue 6

Laeveld Agrochem is die trotse verspreider van Bayer CropScience se puik reeks produkte 7

Page 60: Laeveld Issue 6

Laeveld Agrochem verseker gesonde oeste

Só kan lemoene gesond bly Kenner gee raad aan sitrusboere

Só kan lemoene gesond bly Kenner gee raad aan sitrusboere

Ben PretoriusOorspronklik gepubliseer in Beeld Landboufokus

“Ons kry ál meer siektes op ons sitrus. Siek-tes wat jare laas kop uitgesteek het, doen nou weer die ronde,” sê Lesar.

Volgens hom word goeie boordpraktyke nie meer gevolg nie en lyk dit boonop of die ver-keerde toediening van swamdoders veroor-saak dat swamme nou ’n weerstand teen dié middels opgebou het.

Die boer kan nie ‘siek’ lemoene pakhuis toe neem en dan verwag dat die pakhuis hulle sal regdokter nie. “Die pakhuis is nie ’n hospitaal vir siek lemoene nie,” sê Lesar.

’n Paar faktore veroorsaak ‘siek’ lemoene. Daar is byvoorbeeld steeds boere wat lemoene wat afgeval het, bloot opkerf en net so in die boord los. Lemoene moet uit die boord ver- wyder word, opgekerf en so gou as moontlik in die son gedroog word.

In die verlede is ’n spesiale span werkers as plukkers opgelei, maar deesdae, met ’n mini-mum loon in werking, word van huurarbeiders gebruik gemaak wat betaal word vir elke sak-kie wat hulle pluk.

Hulle hanteer nie die lemoene met genoeg sorg nie en die lemoene doen plukbeserings en kneusplekke op. Sodoende kry siektes soos die wondpatogene, blou- en groenskimmel en suurvrot asook die latente patogene soos antraknose ’n vatplek.

Boere word aangeraai om die kleurstof Indigo Carmine te gebruik om te kyk hoeveel bese-rings op hul vrugte is. Dooie takke moet ook uit bome gesny en dan uit die boorde verwyder word omdat antraknose en diplodia op dooie hout voorkom.

Ná goeie reën kan dit gebeur dat Phytophtho-ra of bruinvrot sy kop uitsteek. Dit word ver-oorsaak deur ’n patogeen wat in die grond bly. Reën tref die grond en spat op en die patogeen kry vatplek aan dié lemoene wat laag hang.

Onopgeleide werkers klim dan met besmette skoene in die bome en versprei die siekte só. Voorkomende spuitstowwe word aanbeveel. Lesar vertel van ’n boer in KwaZulu-Natal wat R30 miljoen se skade só opgedoen het.

Vrugte word in ‘n bad in gestort waar enige oorskot sand, blare en vuil afgewas is.

Boere dra dikwels die meeste skuld vir die siektes wat sitrusvrugte opdoen. Só sê mnr. Keith Lesar, ’n plantpatoloog van Citrus Research International (CRI). Van die meer as vyf miljoen kartonne sitrus wat per jaar uitgevoer is, is 1,5 miljoen afgekeur weens letsels of verrotting.


Page 61: Laeveld Issue 6

Die patogeen is veel meer vernietigend as blou- en groenskimmel en steek sy kop eers uit as die lemoene oorsee is.

Met ’n onopgeleide plukspan stuur boere ’n ‘smartie-boks’ van vrugte – met verskillende kleure in die rypwordstadium – na die pak-huis. Die gevolg is dat vrugte te lank in die ontgroeningskamer bly en dat dit nadelig is vir dié vrugte wat ryper is as die res. Suid-Afrika voer tussen 70 en 75 miljoen kar-tonne uit. Daar word verwag dat sitrusboere oor ’n paar jaar meer as 100 miljoen kartonne gaan uitvoer, sê Lesar.

Lemoene beweeg teen ’n geweldige tempo deur pakhuise en dit bring mee dat lemoene nie minstens 30 sekondes in die swamdoder-baddens lê nie. “Ons wil kwantiteit vir kwaliteit verruil,” sê Lesar.

Pakhuise behoort daagliks met ’n ontsmet-tingsmiddel ontsmet te word. Die uitskot-vrugte wat met swamdoder behandel is, mag nie in ’n krat eenkant in die pakhuis staan tot-dat die krat vol is voordat dit uit die pakhuis verwyder word nie.

Lesar meen ook dat ’n spesiale tenk langs die swamdoderbad geplaas moet word met ’n mengsel swamdoders van volle sterkte.

Die swamdoderbad verloor in die voerband-proses water en dit kan dan deur die tenk aan-gevul word.

Vrugte wat nie voldoen aan die standaarde nie word verwyder.

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Page 62: Laeveld Issue 6

Verdien AgriBonuspunte op alle produkte deur Laeveld Agrochem gekoop

‘n innoverende alternatief vir die beheer van valskodlingmot

Checkmate FCM-F is 'n Feromoonbevattende kapsule suspensie formulasie vir die beheer van valskodlingmot in sitrusboorde deur paringsontwrigting

Checkmate FCM-F

is ’n unieke vloeibare formulasie waarin geslagsferomoon van valskodling= mot in mikrokapsules voorkom.

is stabiel by kamertemperatuur vir 2 jaar. kan met enige standaard spruitapparaat toegedien

word maar afloop moet tot die minimum beperk word.

kan met meganiese vrugtevlieg lokaas toedieners toegedien word.

kan met vrugtevlieglokmiddels gemeng word. moet teen ’n minimum van 110 m per toediening

per ha toegedien word, afgesien van die tipe spuitapparaat wat gebruik word.

Moet toegedien word voor die eerste valskodlingmotvlugpiek en daarna elke 21 tot 28 dae opgevolg word.

is uiters doeltreffend onder lae valskodlingmotdruk maar behoort in hoëdruk situasies deel te vorm van ’n geïntegreerde beheerprogram.

moet gebruik word op ’n minimum area van 5 hektaar.

Feromoongevulde mikro kapsules


Page 63: Laeveld Issue 6

Sitrusprodusente se keusevir swartvlekbeheer

Produsente vir die sitrus-uitvoermark gebruik Ortiva, dié strobilurien vir swartvlekbeheer waar

streng fitosanitêre regulasiesoorkom moet word.

Ortiva® verleen buigbaarheid aan ‘n voorkomende spuitprogramomdat asoksistrobien oor unieke verspreidings eienskappe in die gasheer beskik. Drie-ledige beskerming met kontak, translaminêre en akropetaal-sistemiese aksies verseker langdurige werking.Buiten vir betroubare beheer van sitrusswartvlek, bied Ortiva® van die gunstigste maksimum residulimiete vir strobiluriene om meer gemoedsrus te verseker.

LEES DiE EtiKEt vir vOLLEDiGE BESONDErHEDEOrtiva® bevat asoksistrobien (Wet nr. 36 van 1947, Reg. nr. L5968). VERSIGTIG. Ortiva® is die geregistreerde handelsmerk van die Syngenta Groep Maatskappy.Syngenta Suid-Afrika (Edms) Beperk, Privaatsak X60, Halfway House, 1685. Tel. (011) 541 4000.© Syngenta Ag, 2000. Kopiereg van die dokument is voorbehou. Alle ongemagtigde vermeerdering word verbied.

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Page 64: Laeveld Issue 6

Verdien AgriBonuspunte op AgChem produkte deur Laeveld Agrochem gekoop

Na intensiewe navorsing op glifosaat is harde spuitwater as ‘n primêre knelpunt geïdenti-fiseer. Power-Up is ‘n vloeibare byvoegmid-del vir gebruik saam met glifosaat, wat ook spesifieke benatter/verspreiders, herbenat-tingsmiddels asook ‘n versuringsisteem bevat wat die halfleeftyd van glifosaat verleng en die optimale toestande daarstel vir effektiewe onkruidbeheer

Power-Up word gebruik om die negatiewe effek van die 2+ en 3+ metaal ione op die glifosaat te elimineer. Die ammoniumsulfaat dissosieer na ‘n positief gelaaide ioon- NH4+ en ‘n negatief gelaaide ioon- SO42- sodra dit in die water gegooi word. Die ammonium ione word dan aangetrek deur die negatiewe lading van die glifosaat molekuul. Die glifosaat molekuul het ‘n sterker aantrekking vir kalsium ione. Die sulfaat ioon bind met die kalsium ione en sal ‘n onoplosbare presipitaat vorm naamlik CaSO4.

Dit is dus belangrik dat die Power Up eerste in die spuitwater gegooi word om die waterkwaliteit te verbeter en te stabiliseer voordat die glifosaat bygevoeg word.

Hierdeur sal die sulfaat eerste met die metale bind en die ione inaktiveer en sodoende sal die ammonium met die glifosaat bind. Indien die regte dosis van Power-Up gebruik word, word genoegsame ammoniumsulfaat byge-voeg om die glifosaat molekuul te omring en te beskerm teen die metaal ione. Die sulfaat het egter beperkings deurdat sekere metaal

ione beter geblok word as ander. Kalsium reageer beter met sulfaat as bv yster. Swak sure soos glifosaat dissosieer gedeeltelik sodra dit in water gegooi word en gevolglik sal ‘n gedeelte van die onkruiddoder molekules dissosieer en die ander nie.

Die wat dan nie gedissosieer het nie word makliker deur die plante opgeneem. Gedis-sosieerde molekules het dan ‘n negatiewe lad-ing wat veroorsaak dat die molekuul met ander positiewe katione kan bind wat die opname daarvan kan benadeel of selfs bevoordeel. Power-Up bevat swaelsuur wat die versuring-saksie tot gevolg het.

Die hoë konsentrasie spesifieke benatters in Power-Up verseker nie alleen die kontak tus-sen glifosaat en die plantoppervlak nie, maar ook die kontak oppervlak vir optimale opname. Glifosaat se hoë soutindeks veroorsaak dat die gewone tipe benatters se benattingsaksie nie effektief is nie. Power-Up bevat die regte benatter wat die sout kan weerstaan en die kardinale benattingsaksie behou. Produkte kan slegs opgeneem word as dit in oplossing is.

Power Up: Die perfektebyvoegmiddel vir glifosaat!

Slegs Glifosaat

Gerhard Henning, Areabestuurder, AgChem Afrika


Page 65: Laeveld Issue 6

Verdien AgriBonuspunte op AgChem produkte deur Laeveld Agrochem gekoop

Glifosaat plus Power-Up SL

Die effektiwiteit van glifosaat word grootliks toegeskryf aan die suksesvolle opname daar-van. Dit is belangrik om die druppel so lank as moontlik nat te hou op die blaar vir optimale opname. Power-Up bevat herbenattingsmid-dels wat die druppel langer nat hou. Indien die druppel uitdroog sal dit tydens periodes van hoë lugvogtigheid weer herbenat en verdere opname verseker.

Deur Power-Up by die spuitmengsel te voeg word die beskikbare hoeveelheid glifosaat wat opgeneem en getranslokeer word binne die plant verhoog. Die werking van die produk word verbeter en moontlike hergroei van die onkruid dramaties verminder. Power-Up het ‘n voordelige of neutrale uitwerking op die effektiwiteit, opneembaarheid en translokasie van glifosaat. Teen aanbevole dosisse sal dit die werking van glifosaat verhoog.

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Page 68: Laeveld Issue 6

Word deel van Laeveld Agrochem se wenspan

Clementines and navel oranges from South Africa arrived during June at the Gloucester Terminal in Gloucester City, NJ, on the refriger-ated vessel, Iberian Reefer, with 2,621 pallets of citrus comprised of 1,096 pallets of clemen-tines and 1,525 pallets of Navel oranges. The fruit will be distributed to supermarkets and other retail stores across the United States.

The ship’s arrival marked the official beginning of the 13th season of shipments of South Af-rican Summer Citrus to the U.S. The program began in 1999 with 50 tons and last year, ex-ports to the U.S. exceeded 41,000 tons. A ves-sel with citrus from South Africa arrives in the U.S. every 10-12 days to assure best quality fruit is fresh and available in the market place.Growers expect consumers will be especially pleased with the taste, texture and overall eat-

ing quality of this season’s crop. There is a very large quantity of citrus on the trees and weath-er and growing conditions have been ideal to increase the fruit’s brix or sweetness levels. Cooler weather has turned the fruit a brilliant orange colour that appeals to consumers.

“We expect to see continued growth in our exports to meet the increasing U.S. demand for our excellent quality of citrus products,” said Suhanra Conradie, CEO of the Western Cape Citrus Producers Forum (WCCPF) “Cle-mentines comprise the larger percentage of early season shipments, followed by Navel Cara Cara, and Midknight oranges. A small quantity of Star Ruby grapefruit also will ship to the U.S.” South African Citrus will continue through October with an expected +/- 46,000 tons expected this season. The WCCPF is a consortium of 350 growers approved to export their citrus to the U.S.

With a keen awareness of U.S. consumers’ de-mand for safe, healthy food choices, the citrus is inspected multiple times. It is inspected at the pack houses in South Africa, inspected in Cape Town prior to loading onto the vessel, and again on arrival in the U.S. “Because our fruit is maintained at cold temperatures close to - 0.55° C or 33°F during shipment, it does not require chemical fumigation on arrival as does citrus from other southern hemisphere coun-tries,” said Ms. Conradie. “This cold shipment extends the shelf life of the fruit and further and more importantly, avoids the need to ap-ply unnecessary chemicals to the fruit.”

Increasing demand forSA citrus in the USA

Citrus at market

Export Industry

Consumer demand for South African summer citrus has been increasing as the citrus is recognised as a sweet, delicious and nutritious staple to the summer menus and meals.


Page 69: Laeveld Issue 6

During May, a small number of pallets arrived on container vessels carrying mostly Clemen-tines and a few pallets of navel oranges. The container vessels are intended to meet the growing early season demand for South Afri-can citrus. “The fruit takes times to ripen and achieve the high level of sweetness U.S. con-sumers prefer. Only small amounts of fruit are available and are shipped early in the season on containers,” said Ms. Conradie.

The marketing initiatives of South African summer citrus have continued to increase. This season an increase of in-store promotions that include grower visits are planned, new recipes have been created and include both standard, vegetarian and vegan options. The WCCPF’s relationship with Youth Soccer has expanded with participation at various regional and national tournaments across the U.S., and the creation of the first Summer Citrus Soccer Star Award is to be presented to Youth Soccer select players.

South African citrus sold in the United States comes primarily from the region near Citrusdal about two hours northwest of Cape Town, the Northern Cape near Kimberly, and the north-west along the Orange River, near Upington.

Next to Spain, South Africa is the second larg-est exporter of citrus in the world, producing 60% of all citrus fruits grown in the Southern Hemisphere. Other than the United States, South Africa’s primary export markets include the European Union, Far East, Middle East, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the rest of Africa.

The WCCPF facilitates logistical, marketing and sales support coordination of products for its members. Its mission is to maintain and expand its role as the preferred supplier in the U.S. and throughout the world, and continue to be a reliable supplier of safe summer citrus for the U.S. and all global markets.

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Page 70: Laeveld Issue 6

Your Partner in Sustainable Solutions

More BioManagement Solutions.Quality biological products for your IPM strategy.

Bolldex - A nucleopolyhedrovirus (HearNPV) SC formulation for the biological reduction of African bollworm (ABW) Helicoverpa armigera larvae.

Eco-Bb - unique, easy to use oil formulation Beauveria bassiana for control of a wide range of insect pests.

AgriSil - Liquid Silica specially formulated for agricultural use. Silica is known to assist with tolerance to pests, disease and a variety of environmental stress factors and should form an integral part of any IPM program.

Cryptex -An advanced granulovirus for the biological reduction of False Codling Moth larvae (FCM) Cryptophlebia leucotreta. The market leader in virus control the only FCM virus product registered for application without the aid of feeding stimulants.

The No. 1 Virus for FCM Control

Solutions for building a healthy root system.A healthy, biologically active root zone is vitally important for a healthy plant. Eco-T - Trichoderma harzianum, a powerful beneficial micro-organism that will establish a symbiotic relationship with root systems providing protection and stimulating healthy root growth. An investment for the life of you crop. RhizoVitalHighly concentrated liquid formulation of the beneficial bacterium Bacillus amyloliquefaciens for the development and maintenance of healthy root systems with an improved tolerance to stess and disease.

tel. 086 104 2527 fax. 086 616 2527

Verdien AgriBonuspunte op alle produkte deur Laeveld Agrochem gekoop18

Page 71: Laeveld Issue 6

Laeveld Agrochem is die trotse verspreider van Madumbi se puik reeks biologiese produkte 19

Page 72: Laeveld Issue 6

More cultivated land in environmentally hos-pitable climates plus society’s passion for the foods, drinks and medicinal properties found under the colourful skin of citrus fruit make this a viable enterprise for anyone wishing to grow a new business. Although the industry offers many opportunities it is not without its constraints.


• The industry is not highly competitive between provinces, since each province has specific citrus that can be grown in that area due to land and climatic conditions.

• There are barriers to entry, for other provinces attempting to infiltrate the citrus market, which is exclusively grown in Cacadu.• Research activities are underway to improve fruit sizes that comply with all regulations.• By increasing the water transferred from the Orange River; the Sunday’s River catchment areas provide further oppo- tunities for citrus production and other high value horticultural production (vegetables, flowers and exotic fruit).• The climate within the CDM is advant- geous as it permits growers to diversify their range of products and hence increase the length of their picking season.• Investors or new citrus producers have the advantage of being able to access the SRCC’s three pack-houses which are certified according to a well-recognized global food standard (BRC – Global Food Standard, HACCP, etc.). • Access to the SRCC Technical Department, which has been closely involved with various disease prediction modules, enabling them to make scientific decisions about spraying methods and timing schedules.• Organic farming methods or niche citrus markets.

Citrus Farming: The Constraints and Opportunities

Northern Cape province orange orchard in the Vaalharts Irrigation Scheme region

New Business Development

A world without oranges, lemons, limes and grapefruit would be unthinkable. That is exactly why world citrus production continues to grow, averaging more than 100 tons every year. Citrus is a major international commercial fruit crop that is widely consumed both as fresh fruit or juice on a global scale. Its worldwide demand is attributed to its high Vitamin C and antioxidant content.

Citrus Farming: The Constraints

Laeveld Agrochem se kennis en kundigheid verseker kwaliteit20

Page 73: Laeveld Issue 6

Key constraints:

• The intensive nature of citrus farming is in some instances resulting in the destruction of many natural ecological processes.• In order to tap into the international market, there are strict entry level quality standards to meet before the exporting process can begin.• Capital costs are significant; however the profit gained is substantial once production is started.• The production and maturing of the fruit takes several years, therefore it is not an immediate process.• Fruit sizes have been decreasing as a result of climatic changes experienced over the last two years as well as a lack of maint- nance and care of trees.

Success factorsTree spacingTree spacing has a direct impact on produc-tion (tons/ha), orchards with a 660 per hectare or more can be classified as high-density spacing, while anything less than that is classified as conventional spacing.

Tree ageTree age plays a vital role in determining the value of a farm, most cultivars start to bear in year three, although in hotter climates it can be earlier and in colder climates a year later. Lemons also start a year earlier because of the fruit’s vigorous growth habit. The lifespan of citrus trees varies for different cultivar varieties.

Soil requirementsSoil preparation is essential to optimize citrus production, therefore the ideal chemical soil requirements are:• 15% - 25% clay percentage (above 30% is marginal)• The pH (H2O) should be between 6,5 and 7,5• No salts in the top 50 cm

Vind u naaste Laeveld Agrochem agent by 21

Page 74: Laeveld Issue 6

DICARZOL het die vinnigste uitklop-aksie van al die geregistreerde produkte teen blaaspootjie. Blaaspootjies raak onaktief binne enkele ure na toediening en voed nie meer nie. DICARZOL is dus die produk wat by uitstek geskik is om ’n hoë besmetting van blaaspootjie blitsvinnig onder beheer te bring.

DICARZOL het van die langste nawerking van al die produkte geregistreer vir die be-heer van blaaspootjie. Tipiese lengte van beheer wat verkry word is 4 – 6 weke. Dit gee aanleiding tot die feit dat DICARZOL die laagste prys per week van beheer bied as enige van die kompeterende produkte. Ander geregistreerde produkte kos tussen 32% en 300% meer per week van beheer, alhoewel die prys van die kompeterende produkte per 100 liter water op die oog af laer is as die van DICARZOL.

DICARZOL bied ’n lae risiko van bestand-heid. Die rede hiervoor is die feit dat dit ’n dubbele meganisme van werking het. Dit beteken dat die formetanaat molekule in werklikheid twee verskillende meganismes van werking bied: Een as karbamaat en die ander as formamidien. Indien blaaspootjies bestand sou raak teen die een meganisme van werking, bly die ander meganisme nogsteeds doeltreffend. Dit word in die vol-gende diagram geillustreer:


Karbamate word geklassifiseer onder IRAC insekdoder groepkode 1a. Dit inhibeer cholinesterase en vergiftig dus die sentrale senustelsel.


Formamidien word geklassifiseer onder IRAC insekdoder groepkode 19. Dit inhi-beer die ensiem mono-amien oksidase, die neurotransmitters norepinephrien en serotonien word aangeval en blaaspootjie word onaktief en gaan dood.

Karbamaatbestande insekte word 100% beheer deur Formamidien en vice versa. DICARZOL is beskikbaar in ’n maklik- vernietigbare verpakking. Geen plastiek word in die verpakking gebruik nie.

DICARZOL® word reeds vir baie jare as die standaard produk beskou deur sitrusboere vir die beheer van blaaspootjie en wel om die volgende redes.

DICARZOL®DICARZOL® vir die beheer van blaaspootjie in sitrus.

Posisie van karbamaat aktiwiteit


® Geregistreerde handelsmerk van Gowan Comercio Internacionale Servicos Limitada Reg. Nr. L 4685 (Wet Nr. 36 van 1947) *Aktiewe bestanddeel: Formetanaat (karbamaat)


Posisie van formamidien aktiwitiet

Laeveld Agrochem se kennis en kundigheid verseker kwaliteit22

Page 75: Laeveld Issue 6

As sitrusboer het jy meer as genoeg uitdagings, soos die weer, wat heeltemal buite jou beheer is. Moet dus nie vir jouself nog onnodige probleme en bekommernisse skep met sake waaroor jy wel beheer het nie.

Gebruik die bekende hansdelsmerke wat jy ken en vertrou, en wat hul doeltreffendheid deur en deur oor die jare bewys het. Goedkoop oplossings het produsente vanjaar baie geld gekos.

Moenie met jouoes dobbel nie!

Jy het hard gewerk en baie insetkostes gehad, maak nou met slim keuses seker jy behaal die maksimum oes, en die beste moontlike kwaliteit uitvoergewas. Gebruik Bayer Crop-Science se Confidor 70 WG.

Confidor word al 19 jaar lank suksesvol deur Laeveld Agrochem bemark. Vir totale gemoedsrus gebruik Confidor, die noodsaaklike en betroubare produk vir alle sitrus uitvoerders.

Gebruik Confidor 70 WG*

Uitverkoop vir 2010

Weer beskikbaar in 2013

Vind u naaste Laeveld Agrochem agent by 23

Bayer (Edms.) Bpk. Reg. no. 1968/011192/07Posbus 143, Isando. Tel 011 9215252

* Aktiewe bestandeel ImidaclopridRegistrasie Nr. L7240 (Wet Nr. 36 van 1947)

Page 76: Laeveld Issue 6

Waterkwaliteit in plaagbeheer

Laeveld Agrochem se kennis en kundigheid verseker kwaliteit

“Die water wat in die spuittenk gebruik word dien hoofsaaklik as draer van plaagdoders wat op gewasse gespuit word. Die kwaliteit van hierdie spuitwater is bo alle twyfel grootliks verantwoordelik vir die doeltreffendheid van die plaagdoder wat toegedien word,” sê mnr. Hennie du Plessis van Ag-Chem Africa.

Hoewel meeste vervaardigers van plaagdo-ders daarteen waarsku dat water van swak gehalte nie gebruik moet word nie, plaas som-mige produsente dikwels die blaam op die plaagdoders indien die werking daarvan nie na wense is nie.

Wanneer daar van watergehalte of kwaliteit gepraat word, word daar normaalweg na die fisiese en chemiese gehalte daarvan verwys.

Die fisiese gehalte van water word beïnvloed deur die teenwoordigheid van troebelheid, alge, organiese materiaal en slik. Met che-miese gehalte word daar onder meer verwys na water se suurheidsgraad (pH) en konsen-trasie opgeloste soute daarin , wat weer na die hardheid en alkaliniteit verwys.

Baie produkte se werking word nadelig deur die fisiese gehalte van die spuitwater beïn-vloed. Die aktiewe bestanddeel glifosaat dien as sprekende voorbeeld hiervan. Wat die spuit-water se chemiese gehalte betref, is dit so dat die meerderheid van plaagdoders se doeltref-fendheid daardeur beïnvloed word.

In hierdie opsig is dit hoofsaaklik weens die pH en opgeloste soute in die spuitwater, sê hy.Die doeltreffendheid van die meeste plaag-doders is optimaal by ʼn spuitwater pH van ongeveer 5. Daar is egter produkte wat ʼn laer pH van byvoorbeeld 3 verkies, terwyl ander ten beste in spuitwater met ʼn neutrale pH van 7 presteer.

Wanneer ʼn plaagdoder in ʼn spuittenk met water gevoeg word, en die pH van die water is te hoog of te laag, vind hidroliese (afbraak) van die aktiewe bestanddeel in die plaagdoder plaas. Dit beteken dat die aktiewe bestand-deel chemies begin verander, en nie meer die-selfde as die oorspronklike aktiewe bestand-deel is nie. Die tempo van hierdie proses is ʼn

Een van die belangrikste aspekte by plaagbeheer is dat die effektiwiteit van ‘n plaagdoder hoofsaaklik bepaal word deur die gehalte of kwaltiteit van spuitwater.

Waterkwaliteit in plaagbeheer


Page 77: Laeveld Issue 6

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direkte gevolg van die water se pH en hidrolise kan dus die plaagdoder se doeltreffendheid verminder of die werking daarvan selfs in ge-heel inaktiveer. So kan weerstandbiedendheid van insekte, swamme, bakterieë of onkruide onstaan.

ʼn Groot aantal aktiewe bestanddele is ook baie sensitief vir die teenwoordigheid van opgeloste soute in spuitwater. Plaagdo- ders wat in sout vorm geformuleer is, is meer sensitief vir opgeloste soute in spuitwater. Opgeloste soute kan met die aktiewe bestand-deel reageer sodat dit hetsy aktiwiteit ver-loor of onoplosbaar raak of nie deur die plant geabsorbeer word nie. Hierdie verskyn-sels staan as sout antagonisme teenoor die plaagdoder bekend.

Die konsentrasie opgeloste soute in spuitwa-ter word uitgedruk in mg/ℓ en kan onder meer met ʼn elektriese geleidingsmeter (EC meter) bepaal word. Hoe meer opgeloste soute in die spuitwater is, hoe hoër is die EC, en gevolglik meer nadelig is dit teenoor die aktiewe be-standdeel in die plaagdoder.

Met die beskikbaarheid van die produk Aqua-Right is dit egter vir produsente moontlik om die gehalte van spuitwater nommerpas reg te stel sodat hidrolise óf soutantagonisme nie langer ’n probleem hoef te wees nie. Daar is drie weergawes in die produkreeks wat spuit-water respektiewelik by pH 3, 5 en 7 buffer. Hierdie voorafgekose pH word behou en ver-ander nie wanneer plaagdoders by die spuit-water gevoeg word nie.

Die produkte bevat ook sekwestreringsmid-dels wat skadelike opgeloste soute in die spuitwater onaktief maak, terwyl dit as bonus, benatters en herbenatters bevat wat blaarbe-dekking verbeter en dus opname van die plaagdoder bevorder.

“Die gebruik van die Aqua-Right produkreeks is maklik en bevorder die doeltreffendeheid van plaagdoders se werking om sodoende insetkoste te verlaag en gewasproduksie te bevorder,” aldus Du Plessis.

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Laeveld Agrochem se kennis en kundigheid verseker kwaliteit26

Page 79: Laeveld Issue 6

Laeveld Agrochem is die trotse verspreider van DowAgrcoSciences se produkte 27

Page 80: Laeveld Issue 6

Laeveld Agrochem se kennis en kundigheid verseker kwaliteit

Voedingstekortsimptome by sitrus AgChem Africa & Laeveld Agrochem

STIKSTOF (N)• Simptomeeersteopoudsteblare.• Egaligevergelingvanblare en later oor hele boom.

Figuur 1. N tekort by sitrus. Gesonde blaar links bo.

Figuur 2. Verskillende grade van N-tekort by sitrus. Gesonde blaar links.

Regstelling:• Basiesebemestingregkry.• BlaarvoedmetVoemaVegetative NT of lae biuret ureum.• IndienKaliumlaag,blaarvoedmet Voema Flower & Fruit NT.


‘n Verskeidenheid van voedingstekorte kom by sitrus voor. Visuele voedings- tekortsimptome van beide makro- en mikro-elemente is al regoor Suid Afrika in sitrus produserende gebiede waar- geneem.

Hierdie tekorte word gewoonlik uitgeken as kenmerkende simptome op die blare, vrugte of takke van sitrus.

Visuele simptoomidentifikasie word reeds in verskeie lande gebruik om voedings-tekorte uit te ken en op te hef deur toe-diening van enkel element-produkte, hetsy deur blaarvoeding of grondtoe- diening. Hier volg van die belangrikste tekortsimptome.



Page 81: Laeveld Issue 6

KALIUM (K)• Simptomekomvooropblareen by vrugte. • Blaarsimptomeisgewoonlik‘n vergeling of verbronsing vanaf die blaarrande. Met volgehoue tekorte verbruin die letsels (nekrose) en lyk soms soos chemiese brand.

Figuur 3. K tekortsimptome in die begin stadium.

Figuur 4: Vruggrootte negatief beinvloed deur K-tekorte (normale vrug links).

Regstelling:• Basiesebemestingregkry.• BlaarvoedmetOnlyK,GlucoK

of Voema Flower & Fruit NT.

Verdien Agribonuspunte op alle AgChem produkte deur Laeveld Agrochem gekoop

Voedingstekortsimptome by sitrus

MAGNESIUM (Mg)• Simptomekomeerstevoorop volwasse blare naaste aan vrugte.• Ditlykdansoos‘nomgekeerde “V” vanaf die blaarsteel en is ken - merkend van Mg tekort. (Fig. 5).

Figuur 5: Mg-tekortsimptome op sitrusblare. Let op die “V” vorm van vergeling, met die groen basis.

Regstelling:• Krybasiesebemestingreg• BlaarvoedmetMag-Pro,GlucoMag of met Ultra Mag


Page 82: Laeveld Issue 6


Laeveld Agrochem bied die grootste reeks oes-beskermingsprodukte vir sitrus30

YSTER (Fe)• Fe–tekortekombaiealgemeenvoor in sitrusproduserende gebiede.• Simptomeopblareis‘nvergelingvan die blaar met duidelike groen hoof- en synerwe (tussen-nerf-chlorose).• Hierdiesimptomekomhoofsaaklik op jong groei voor, maar kan in ernstige gevalle ook op ouer blare waargeneem word.• Komgewoonlikvooropalkaliese gronde (pH >7).

Figuur 6: Fe-tekortsimptome op sitrusblare.

Regstelling:• Krybasiesebemestingreg,ook grond pH• BlaarvoedmetIron-Pro,FeEDTA, of met Fe EDDHA

SINK (Zn)• Zn-tekortelykbaiesoosdiévanFe, deurdat jong blare vergeel en die hoof- en synerwe groen bly (Fig. 7a)• Zn-tekortekomgewoonlikvoorop jong blare. Blare bly gewoonlik klein (Fig. 7b).• Internodesopnuwegroeiverkort.• Abnormaleseldelingindievrugskil kan “duikvlekke” of “rind pitting”, olieselbeskadiging en selfs kraakskil teweegbring.

Figuur 7a:Tussen-nerf-vergeling van Zn-tekorte op sitrus.

Figuur 7b:Klein blare met tussen-nerf vergeling wat tipies is van Zn-tekorte op sitrus.

Regstelling:Basiese bemesting regkry, asook pH •van die grondBlaarvoed met Zinc-Pro, of Zn EDTA•Fotos geneem deur:

H.du Plessis, C. van Ginkel & E. de Beer.

Page 83: Laeveld Issue 6

MANGAAN (Mn)• SoosbyFe-enZn-tekorteword Mn-tekorte gekenmerk deur tussen- nerf-vergeling van jong blare. • Tekortsimptomevanhierdiedrie elemente kan dus maklik met mekaar verwar word.• Indiebeginstadiumkomditvoor as ‘n groen “mottling” (Fig. 8a).• Mn-tekortissoms‘naanduiding van ’n lae grondtemperature en/of versuiptoestande.

Figuur 8: Tussen-nerf-chlorose met groen nerwe agv Mn-tekort. (a). Beginstadium

en (b) volgehoue tekort.

Regstelling:•Basiesebemestingregkry,asook pH van die grond•BlaarvoedmetMan-Proofmet Mn-EDTA

KOPER (Cu)• Inteenstellingmetmeesteander mikro-elemente word Cu tekort- simptome nie met vergeling van blare (chlorose) geassosieer nie. Inteen- deel, blare vertoon abnormaal groot en gesond met ‘n normale kleur (Fig. 9)• Takkiesenlotegeneigom“S”–vormig te groei.

Figuur 9: Abnormale groot blaar agv Cu-tekort by sitrus.

Regstelling:• Basiesebemestingregkry,asook pH van grond• BlaarvoedmetCop-Proofmet Cu- EDTA

Verdien Agribonuspunte op alle AgChem produkte deur Laeveld Agrochem gekoop 31

Page 84: Laeveld Issue 6

Date: 14 August 2009

Evaluate the effect of Marinure® DS / Trace applied as a foliar application or soil drench, on yield and fruit size, in an estab-lished citrus orchard.

AimTo evaluate the effect of Marinure® DS / Trace applied as a foliar application or soil drench, three-times before harvest, on yield and fruit size, in an established citrus orchard.

Material and Methods of evaluation

The trial was conducted in the Letsitele area, Limpopo province, on cultivar Va-lencia in a commercial citrus orchard. Marinure® DS / Trace was applied as a medium to full cover spray (5000 l / ha) with a commercial citrus sprayer or as a soil drench, at fruit set followed by two

To evaluate the effect of Marinure® DS / Trace applied as a foliar applica-tion or soil drench, 3-times before harvest, on yield and fruit size, in an established citrus orchard.

Louis Pieter van JaarsveldLouis Pieter van Jaarsveld

Evaluation Report on Marinure® DS



Material and Methods of evaluation

The trial was conducted in the Letsitele area, Limpopo province, on cultivar Valencia in a commercial citrus orchard. Marinure® DS / Trace was applied as a medium to full cover spray (5000 ℓ / ha) with a commercial citrus sprayer or as a soil drench, at fruit set followed by two more applications at two week intervals. A replicate consisted of three row blocks, with ten trees per row, and replicated three times in a randomised block design. Data was collected at harvest on four randomly selected data trees per replicates, a total of 12 data trees per treatment. Treatment, application dates and dosages are depicted in Table 1.

Table 1. Treatments and dosages applied on citrus in a commercial orchard in the Letsitele area.



Application dates ApplicationMethod

Dosage(ℓ / ha)

1 Marinure DS 17th of Nov, 26th of Nov and 16th of Dec 2008 Soil drench 1

2 Marinure DS 17th of Nov, 26th of Nov and 16th of Dec 2008 Soil drench 1

2 MarinureTrace

6th of Jan , 16th of Jan and 28th of Jan 2009 Foliar spray 6

3 Untreatedcontrol - - -

* Nov = November, Dec = December, Jan = January

The effect of treatments on yield was determined at harvest by striping the four data trees for each of the 3 replicates per program on the 3rd of August 2009. Yield was determined for each program by weighing fruit from each data tree separately. A representative sub-sample was taken, consisting of approximately 20 kg fruit for each of the 12 data trees per treatment, pooled, and then sized with a commercial “rope-and-roller” sizer at Bosveld Citrus packhouse to determine the effect on fruit size.

Analysis of variance was done on the yield and fruit size distribution of the Valencia fruit. Differences between means were determined with the LSD test at a 5% level of significance, using Statistica 8.0 by Statsoft.

Applications by: Willem van de PypenkampEvaluation and reporting by: Louis Pieter van JaarsveldClient: Sunlab Site: Bosveld Sitrus, Letsitele, Limpopo Province, South AfricaCrop: ValenciaDate: Oct 2008 to August 2009

Laeveld Agrochem se kennis en kundigheid verseker kwaliteit32

Page 85: Laeveld Issue 6



ResultsYield results and fruit sizes of each treatment are depicted in Table 2 and 3 and Figure 1 and 2.

Table 2. Average fruit size distribution in percentage Fruit size distribution in percentage Treatment 

125  105  88  72  64  56  48  40 1  Marinure 

DS 0.16  

4.51 a 

5.24  26.95 a 

19.04  16.10  17.36 b 

10.59 b 

2  Marinure DS /Trace 

0.68  10.14 ab 

9.66  42.06 b 

18.49  12.26  6.04 a 

0.53 a 

3  Control  0.44  10.98 b 

10.10  36.13 ab 

18.21  12.63  9.18 ab 

1.26 a 

*Percentages in the same column followed by different alphabetical letter differ significantly. No alphabetical letter in the same column indicates no significant differences.

Figure 1. Average fruit size distribution in percentage

Table 3. Mean weight of fruit per tree    Treatment  Weight per tree (kg)

1  Marinure DS  190.7    ab 2  Marinure DS / Trace  207.1    a   3  Control  186.8    b *Mean yield per tree followed by different alphabetical letter indicates significant differences.

more applications at two week intervals. A replicate consisted of three row blocks, with ten trees per row, and replicated three times in a randomised block design. Data was collected at harvest on four ran-domly selected data trees per replicates, a total of 12 data trees per treatment. Treat-ment, application dates and dosages are depicted in Table 1.

The effect of treatments on yield was de-termined at harvest by striping the four

data trees for each of the three replicates per program on the 3rd of August 2009. Yield was determined for each program by weighing fruit from each data tree separately. A representative sub-sample was taken, consisting of approximately 20 kg fruit for each of the 12 data trees per treatment, pooled, and then sized with a commercial “rope-and-roller” sizer at Bosveld Citrus packhouse to determine the effect on fruit size.



ResultsYield results and fruit sizes of each treatment are depicted in Table 2 and 3 and Figure 1 and 2.

Table 2. Average fruit size distribution in percentage Fruit size distribution in percentage Treatment 

125  105  88  72  64  56  48  40 1  Marinure 

DS 0.16  

4.51 a 

5.24  26.95 a 

19.04  16.10  17.36 b 

10.59 b 

2  Marinure DS /Trace 

0.68  10.14 ab 

9.66  42.06 b 

18.49  12.26  6.04 a 

0.53 a 

3  Control  0.44  10.98 b 

10.10  36.13 ab 

18.21  12.63  9.18 ab 

1.26 a 

*Percentages in the same column followed by different alphabetical letter differ significantly. No alphabetical letter in the same column indicates no significant differences.

Figure 1. Average fruit size distribution in percentage

Table 3. Mean weight of fruit per tree    Treatment  Weight per tree (kg)

1  Marinure DS  190.7    ab 2  Marinure DS / Trace  207.1    a   3  Control  186.8    b *Mean yield per tree followed by different alphabetical letter indicates significant differences.

PO Box 416, Letsitele, 0885 ● Tel (015) 345-1227 ● Fax (015) 345 1840 ● E-Mail: [email protected]

QMS Reference: 09QR29 Client Reference: Izak

Date: 14 August 2009

Evaluate the effect of Marinure® DS / Trace applied as a foliar application or soil drench, on yield and fruit size, in an established citrus orchard.

Applications by: Willem van de Pypenkamp

Evaluation and reporting by: Louis Pieter van Jaarsveld

Client: Sunlab

Site: Bosveld Sitrus, Letsitele, Limpopo Province, South Africa

Crop: Valencia

Date: Oct 2008 to August 2009

AimTo evaluate the effect of Marinure® DS / Trace applied as a foliar application or soil drench, 3-times before harvest, on yield and fruit size, in an established citrus orchard.

Earn Agribonuspoints on all Marinure Ds purchaces from Lowveld Agrochem 33

Page 86: Laeveld Issue 6

Analysis of variance was done on the yield and fruit size distribution of the Valencia fruit. Differences between means were determined with the LSD test at a 5% level of significance, using Statistica 8.0 by Statsoft.

ResultsYield results and fruit sizes of each treat-ment are depicted in Table 2 and 3 and Figure 1 and 2.



ResultsYield results and fruit sizes of each treatment are depicted in Table 2 and 3 and Figure 1 and 2.

Table 2. Average fruit size distribution in percentage Fruit size distribution in percentage Treatment 

125  105  88  72  64  56  48  40 1  Marinure 

DS 0.16  

4.51 a 

5.24  26.95 a 

19.04  16.10  17.36 b 

10.59 b 

2  Marinure DS /Trace 

0.68  10.14 ab 

9.66  42.06 b 

18.49  12.26  6.04 a 

0.53 a 

3  Control  0.44  10.98 b 

10.10  36.13 ab 

18.21  12.63  9.18 ab 

1.26 a 

*Percentages in the same column followed by different alphabetical letter differ significantly. No alphabetical letter in the same column indicates no significant differences.

Figure 1. Average fruit size distribution in percentage

Table 3. Mean weight of fruit per tree    Treatment  Weight per tree (kg)

1  Marinure DS  190.7    ab 2  Marinure DS / Trace  207.1    a   3  Control  186.8    b *Mean yield per tree followed by different alphabetical letter indicates significant differences.

Evaluation Report on Marinure® DS

The Marinure DS and Marinure Trace treatment combination yielded the best average fruit weight per tree (207.1 kg), which was statistically better than the un-treated control (186.8 kg). The weights of fruit in the Marinure DS treatment (190.7 kg) were also more than the weight in the control treatment, but not statistically so (Table 3 & Figure 2).

Statistically there were significant dif-ferences in the fruit size distribution of sizes 105, 72, 48 and 40. The Marinure DS treatment had a lower percen-tage of smaller harvested fruit (size 105) and a greater percentage of larger harvested fruit (size 48 and 40) compared to the untreated control’s and Marinure DS/Trace treatments fruit size distribution.

The Marinure DS treatment had statisti-cally more fruit in the 48 (17.36%) and 40 (10.59%) size than any of the other two treatments (Marinure DS/Trace, 6.04% and 0.53 %; untreated control 9.18 % and 1.26%)(Table 2 & Figure 1).

DiscussionThe Marinure DS and Marinure Trace treatment combination increased the av-erage fruit weight per tree. The Marinure DS treatment increased the average size of the fruit on the trees.

Evaluation Report on Marinure® DS Evaluation Report on Marinure® DS Evaluation Report on Marinure® DS

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Philagro Suid-Afrika (Edms) BpkReg nr: 1998/010658/07Posbus 36213 Menlopark 0102Pretoria Tel: (012) 348 8808Somerset Wes Tel: (021) 851

Philagro se bewese reeks sitrusprodukte verseker topgehalte uitvoervrugte.Rugby 10 ME of Rugby 10 G• Los die probleem van aalwurms in sitrus op.Nemesis• Doen sy reputasie gestand wat rooi- en mosseldopluisbeheer betref.• Die enigste piriproksifen wat in Japan en in die VSA geregistreer is.Meothrin• Laat blaaspote en valskodlingmot die aftog blaas, terwyl rooimyt en bolwurm wat teenwoordig is

tydens bespuitings vir die blaaspote en valskodlingmot, ook beheer sal word.DiPel DF en Florbac WG

• Sal bladroller en lemoenvlinderlarwes effektief beheer sonder om dienie-teikeninsekte te benadeel.ProGibb 4 % of ProGibb 40 %• Sal vrugset verbeter en kraakskil verminder.Impact beskerm nawels teen nawelentverrottingSumimax WP• Beheer sekere grasse en breëblaaronkruide, en kan in tenkmengsels met glifosaat

of parakwat toegedien word om bestaande onkruide te dood.Aurora 40 WG sal, in 'n tenkmengsel met glifosaat, moeilike

breëblaaronkruide soos skraalhans, beheer.Praat gerus met jou naste Philagro-agent oor

betroubare sitrusprodukte wat werk.

Sitrusproduktewat werk


Raadpleeg die etiket vir volledige besonderhede.Rugby 10 ME, reg nr. L 6368, Wet nr. 36 van 1947, bevat kadusafos, giftig. Rugby 10 G, reg nr. L 4110, Wet nr. 36 van 1947, bevat kadusafos, skadelik. Nemesis.reg nr. L 7099, Wet nr. 36 van 1947, bevat piriproksifen, versigtig. Meothrin, reg nr. L 6385, Wet nr. 36 van 1947, bevat fenpropatrien, giftig. ProGibb 4%, reg nr. L5118, Wet nr. 36 van1947, bevat gibberelliene, versigtig. ProGibb 40%, reg nr. L 6777 Wet 36 van 1947, bevat gibberelliene, versigtig. DiPel DF, reg nr. L 6441, Wetnr. 36 van 1947, bevat Bacillus thuringiensis var kurstaki, versigtig. Florbac WG, reg nr. L 5531, Wet nr. 36 van 1947, bevat Bacillus thuringiensis var. aizawai, versigtig. Sumimax WP, reg nr. L 6358 , Wet nr. 36 van1947, bevat flumioksasien. Impact, reg nr. L 4088, Wet nr. 36 van 1947, bevat flutriafol, versigtig. Aurora 40 WG, regnr. L 6794, Wet nr. 36 van 1947, bevat karfentrasoonetiel, versigtig.Rugby en Aurora is die gergistreerde handelsmerke van FMC Corporation, VSA. Nemesis, Meothrin en Sumimax is die geregistreerde handelsmerke van SumitomoChemicals Co, Japan. Progibb, Florbac en DiPel is die gergistreerde handelsmerke van die Valent Bioscience Corporation, VSA. Impact is die geregistreerde handelsmerkvan Cheminova, Denemarke.Ti


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Laeveld Agrochem has the largest range of foliar feeds, insecticides, fungicides, pesticides,

herbicides and biological products available.

Laeveld Agrochem distributes the best known, research-driven companies’ products

for your absolute peace of mind.

Laeveld Agrochemfor peace of mind

Laeveld Agrochemfor peace of mind

Laeveld Agrochem

Laeveld Agrochem se kennis en kundigheid verseker kwaliteit38

Page 91: Laeveld Issue 6

Wonderful Citrus RecipesWonderful Citrus Recipes

Orange CakeIngredients:• 1 large orange, pips removed• 120 g butter• 200 g (250 ml) white sugar• 3 eggs• 280 g (500 ml) cake flour• 5 ml baking powder• 2 ml salt• 5 ml bicarbonate of soda• 125 ml warm milk• 100 g pecan nuts, choppedFor the syrup:• 100 g (125 ml) white sugar• 125 ml orange juice Method:1. Preheat oven to 180ºC.2. Chop the orange in a food processor or very finely with a knife.3. Cream the butter and sugar and add the eggs one at a time.4. Add the chopped orange and raisin mixture to the butter mixture.5. Add the sifted flour, baking powder and salt.6. Dissolve the bicarbonate of soda in the warm milk, and add to the flour mixture.7. Add the chopped nuts and mix well.8. Spoon into a greased 24 cm ring pan and bake for 60 minutes or until done.9. Remove from oven.10. Leave to cool in pan for 5 minutes and turn out onto a wire rack.Syrup: Boil orange juice and sugar together for 5 minutes. Spoon syrup over cake.

Lemon and Thyme Roast chicken Ingredients: • 2 whole chickensFor the brine:• 2l water• 60 ml salt• a few sprigs of thymeFor the herb butter:• 125g butter - room temperature• 1 tbsp fresh thyme - use only the leaves, remove it from the woody stems• Zest of 1 lemon - keep lemon and place one half in each chicken’s cavity• 1 clove garlic - crushed• salt and pepper

Method:1. Brine: Pour the water and all other ingre- dients into a stainless steel or glass bowl and leave the chickens to brine for at least 1 hour, but not more than 4 hours. Remove chickens from the brine, rinse under clean water and pat dry with kitchen towelling.2. Herb butter: Mix all the ingredients and stuff underneath the chicken’s skin, especially over the dry breast and leg areas.3. Preheat oven to 170°C. Place the chickens on a roasting rack inside a roasting tray and roast chickens for about 90 minutes or until the leg feels lose and comes away from the body of the chicken when you pull it. For the last 5-10 minutes of cooking time, sprinkle a little Maldon salt over the chickens and roast again.


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