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LADIES' JACKETS - Wikimedia Commons

Jan 29, 2023



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_ gMasaa

' VOL, »». vrcn r. APRiTT irTsee.NO. 21.

Early In the year we received reliable in formation that the price <»f Diamonds was almost sure to advance, the demand being •itbch greater than the world's supply. Acting on this Information we fortunately i.m. hated very heavily and now have on hand a splemVd stock of all sites, which wo osn ami will sell AT TUB OLD PRICK; for since purchasing what we then considered enough 10 last us for a year. Diamonds have advanced 25 per cent. Last week we^nadc a cash offer for several thousand duller*’ worth at the old price,

but the reply came: “Can not replace at leas than 25 par cent, advance.’*Taka oar advice. If you Want any Diamonds, get them now, while the

^rtce^a still low, as whea this stock Is gone we positively can not duplicata It

Challoner & Mitchell,47 Qoverameat •treat

•Phone #75. fHE JEWELLERS.




On View and Tor Sale This Afternoon and •This Evening).—.

THE HUTCHESON CO., Id.April lot. 1800.

Spnug smiles on us again. The Gibson Is ont in her Easter costume and we art* «.at with oar Raster prices.

Christie’s Sodas, tin . .3 Maizena Wafers “ . . 3 Oatmeal Wafers " . . 3 Grahame Wafers “ . . 3

A fun list of Fresh Biscuits.,—

Dixi H.Ross&Co.Spring is /

at HandTon don’t need to wait until the ther

anometer registers UÜ In the ‘-shade hef-we

tiM* are convinced that spring Is n*»ar at and; you may as well ark now )««!«* tt at uimw. Darden making wesson Is here and

|M will hetxl the proper tools for this pmaaot occupation. Tools are what we •HI and It will b«‘ surprising if your ta annuity can conjure up anything la this lroc that we haven’t got.

Nicholls & Renouf, Ltd.---- ■ -tier. Yates and Broad Ate.,

Victoria. B.C.


Clothiers, Hatters and Outfitters.100 CASES OF NEW SPRING GOODS





On .ezhlbftfoa under preaanrc of •team ('an. be opened and closedin «Be minute, A perfect at*ate-


ooooooooooooooooooooooooefo i

A tlrload of fin. WallPaper. jo.t arrived.

Some Hands*» Frelies andCcfltnft*

Per Ingrain Papers

ID1! 76-7* Fort St. VtctorU.'fcX.




RÀ A ■ ■—1 Oa .om.itee L.h«.hS \ I . U-l a . Mil., from

ArntKsLn D.n.o.’n stall..

250 Actes AH Good Farming landPartly cleared and cultivated, as acres under first-class fruit trees Dwelling of nine rooms ; bath , hot and co^d water and other conveniences. Bara with accommodai'on «or h head of cattle. Whole farm fenced Will be sold as a whole or ia tracts of io acres and upwards For particulars apply 40 GOVERNMENT ST.

or MR. K. MUSGRAVB, oa the premises.*°*°*o+ô*o*o*o*o^o*o+o*o«><>**o4K>+o*o*o*o**o*o«>o*o*o*oigSIL - ■■ .. 1 ■ ■ ■■ .............. .......... . ,

[aster VioletteEASTMAN’S


PERFUME.Pnt apl. a» parkng,.Thn correct tblag for Matter. SOn. per package.


N.W. Cor Yale, and Dougina SU.

Ut Us FUI Tesr SrwcrWiw.

TENDERS.Neale* tenders wi'l be recetv... ______

undersigned until d.h>b on the 23rd April next fur ih«- purchase of the property, 22x4.3», at 112 Government etieet, known as the Teuton n snUmmi. The pn*|N-rtv in- eludes the buildings thereon, together with the license and good-will of su old estab-

Klgbcst or any tea- ■**te terms.


'<1 saloon iMMiuess. Highest or s notJ»w;cgseariiy aromtrd. State

Jf MRS A It A CMC A|P VT Quadra ?

MBW ADV1HTISEWKNTI.FOR HALE -Good fi<WiB-haud piano; a

bargain. X. L., offl't» «>f this pe|w.

FGR HALE- Bicycle», sevond hand, from *M ufiwards, at 65 Yates street.

FOR HALH-Two heavy teams, weight JL- •'**> **. « years «»l«i. guaranteed :t.:atO.

TttiNIGHT, in Temperance HaII. nd< *!ty TeiwuJe. No. 26. I.O.G.T., Will give g arr-ond pcrfurmAnre or their unique en- lertalmiieul, <>»n*l*tltig of songs. « b<«ruses, drills, marviiea, revit a lions, dialogue*. Admission 10 rents.

FOR HALE New American organ. 13 Stop#;, «•heap for cash; owner ’>avlag for Atlln.« OX, I lines.

FOUND—Two strayed JArsev calves. Owu- •w Bptdy to Vtetoria l>uek A l*ray Go.

HANGING AGADBMY. Harmony Halt view Street, will give k* first annual hall oa Friday evi-nliq^ April 7th. Grand March at 8.46. Tickets fi rs* per roupie taken

_\ jctyit- HALE (price- _inimlilr atnit-tyThe whole of the property known aa King’s Bakery. Ac., located vu Alfred.Chambers and 1‘titnam streets, bring nix lots, with house ami garden, large hamand stable and brick bwkety thvmm. If /mi™-. ,,_rUl.r . , not sold, the owner «Hfers the premise* 1 itioert 1 ark* r had

Protection of Shipping

British Admiralty’s Scheme of Commercial Defence Dur­

ing War.

The Government Withdraws Sub­ventions from Trans-At­

lantic Steamers.

I St. Juan road she overtook a beg­gar, who drives a cart drawn by two Wff St. Bernard dogs. The beggar whipped Uf* the «logs and

Raced the Royal Landau to the great amuHvmenl of the royal party, the (Jtieen, princess Henry of Rottenburg and the. Ducliewt of York, laughing heartily. The beggar, after getting ahead, drew up beakle the road and waited hat in hand. He received the «ilrii*mary alms, blessed the Quisn in the |Nit«HM <rf the district, and re-

: tumed Back home.I The recent hurricane weather on the Atlantic and the consequent losses of shipping, .ha* attracted attention t«* the Boanl of Trade’* ad ion in abolishing the winter north Atlantic mark on

I vessels over 290 feet long, and an agi­tation for It* rv-e*tiibfn*hm en t ha* W- fftiu. It uHH'ar* that since January 20 ttiue Stcanr.-n* of toû* and of

April 1.—The London sea- *»V-3MK>0 value, having three hundred eon, which officially begins to morrow, fler"0Jl" 1,11 have been lost. It ispromise* to be a really good one. Not r addml they were da wed to9 A. 1 at for years bare no many large houses Lloyda, Is isdieved they were been wtupied by RRv nera. while the gen- exemt)t frotoeral ceemerdal prosperity ami the f«»r- ‘ T'he Winter North Atlantic Mark.

of the late ■dié

turn** made in the stock. exchange, inwhirl, the .rl.tu.ra.-y ha, parti.Tpa't.d, A*'*. Vm"'""!!; j“î,W of1 ' lirumiw» té provide th- when withul f..r , M, ‘ " ”b"Uriah which, t«r ycara, “U fur •“»»“* “nd >■>h ire ben lacking , ff lhe «amen, that he wa« known ns

The feature ut the «enwm will he the "th* friend," has decidedlarge number of Americana who have

Irtfluenza is Still

for long lease to reapoua bly t**rtyT° For terms, apply to John R. Lovell, 180 View

I Mr—Lm

, upm-tting^many *«»«•);;I engagement*. Mr.“ * invite«l it «liâtin

guiahvd company t«« n—et Mr, Cboiite

Balsam of Aniseed.The reliable remedy 'for Coughs. Colds, Bronchitis, etc., prepared by

HALL S CO;, mrmm tmm""™CUrence Blh , Yates sad Douglas Sts.

cixitiniw her husband's work. InI hctiwi. Practically ererybody .n ? , Jü“î'"'! ^ <*arart'ir-!■ «S, nr wh„ hut*» to In- in. fash ~Atlantic mark a* a cruel wrong, for

tKe-”winter mark was acknowledged to represent the minimum line of safety,” ami «ijrys: *T>$d peigde but realise the terrible danger onr brave men. and the misery and deaolation of women and

. -, v- . - - ---------- 1-hiWren, *urHy protesta would tieou Monday night, but late in the after- . ma<le throughout the «-ountry.”

---------------------j----------- ------------- ------------- »"7* catuc that both the amhaa- A majority of tin- net end thentrea«!OAL AND W(>OI>- It-st wi«-k. •d.firi; Dry • kttl‘or hw wife were suffering from are- clouad. Gharb *. Frohmnn ha* ar-

WwA lier eerd. gS.’Vft, F lut «X 0*1.. is influ—. |B&’, ____ 1 1 l'aii- holy week brooght crowds -»fCOAL. *3.50 DKR TON -New Wellington ' T.laitd|i. The hotels there ar«f

Collieries. Klngbnin A G«i.. sgents; ethev. fuller than they have tteefi silice the 44 Wfl telephone call 647. j race for the tirand l»Hx. The Maundy

wharf an«l great *|dvmdor at Notre î>ame TatHe^oiie 407; ct'y oflite, Swlnuer , thulral. and at the Madeleine1 and the


toe A FMdy1». teie|«bnnp 4trt.I'ROK. KAUFFMAN. D-m rWcag^l

llano. Violin and uuttidolln. 77i Five H'sters block. OR-r hours, 2 to 3 P-a Beat references; moderate terms.

C. M. ( OURSON—First -class pltunblug

fas. steam and !>«* water titling, comer lroa«l and Johnson street«. Tel 674 Jobbing promptly attended to.

I N ION It Y L*EI*OT, L.V» Govern

Bog Food.....Bmlth's Dog Biscuits for working dogs. There’s nottdng better. No un-imratlon Is needed to feed these b'sctttte. They keep the dog healthy, and no other food la necessary,

for Sale by all Deniers iqd B. ■. Sityth â Ce.

VICTORBicmts-The higiHwi er«dT tmmihlc to mtte. m -

taa same price as low grade *uake«. |VICTORS sell for *48.00 STEARNS SR.OO IImperial " 40.00

First-claw repair work.

JOHN BARNSLEY O Co.11* Government street.

i <;î6T.MKo,tKtoïTER TO paint ITDRKH.s !*i*it |u*| <;j. x* gruKET.



(Hetdriberg and Letpatg). itkte anslyat for the Province of New Brunswick, office. Board of Trade

g. Tletorlbuilding. oiia. B.C.


131 Gevrminert St., City

jWffl. by private tnwty one u the choicest and fargeet Farms, near the city of Vlct«»ria. at a very low pri«-e. to cuouuaud a ready sale. N«> reasonable.. offer- rsfnaed, Oor nipondt nw aolkdted.

—Wi BWBfir ttete Agent.— This la a genuine snap.

REPORTS,Worklu Estimates and Suÿertatradrac*____ »

JAMES BRADY, MJLfThe Balmoral. Victoria. B.C.

Seine and the larger «-hnrch*** Cardinal Robert*, Archbiwhop of I'aria, assisted by the chaplain.

After Washing Yhelr Feet,serv««d a number of aged peopleewith a Lenten rep«ist.

At the theatre* to-night the subjects •re mostly scriptural.

<bie of the events of the Lentet^ week wan tb«* «plaint and ancient «vn-tiMiny of the distribution of tlie R,*yal Maundy

Westminster Xbl*ey *>n Thursday ...

; l^iwarv! III. in l.’hSî. ami ha* survived up to the pnWut. It « ..naist* of giv­ing i In»*, food and cloth tug f*n the Thursday before Good Friday to a*

j ,ua,li l‘«*<d»lc a* the reigning monarch is year* old. TW* year it U eighty The

, Bishop of Kly officiated.\ I' ' I ‘

was >«*rme«l in the have and pa**cd in-

J i^ iritlg Lhv mace, led the pnn . Then came four chiblron of th*» t’haï* I

li«»yal «ireiwiMl - in white, the children of I l,H* K'*'-1 Almonry in seiriet and g**l«l. ^1?i«» c'.umf ringing, -the « iergyniPTl îi» bJaV'k

guwns, Ike 4-Hitou*. and Anally the yeo JUiUL ul_ tile guard Jjv the -modiev at w*» teme, one of them carrying the dish u|H*n which were the aim*. >n anthem was sung a ml the U»r<| High Almoner distribute*! the aim* in white purse*, with wl and while streamer*, contaih- ing neveral |wnin<l* au«l purse* contain- ing a* many |M-nni<»s ns the Qunn i* year* o|«i,

"T ► '!;«> ed t -

ranged for Nat Goodman to apj.« ar in Lomkm during the M>a*on.

Meant ForLoubet

A Wer.ithy Paris! in Gentleman Murdered in Paris Last


The Assassin Mistook His Vic­tim Tot the Trench


Pari,. April. 1.—A Swrnlthy gentlviniin nuniM Tonrret «*> *hr>t .iv.d yr*t.rd,T evt tiliig tar fhe Bdî* de Boulogm* by a nmn who mistook hi* victim f«*r Presi-

! t«* th*» «hoir. The tieadle «*f the abliey dlDt l^»»bc<. t«i wImhii M. T«*urret bore* ri rikbiy reaemhtâiwi».--------- ; t r ~

The murderer,whndename i> Orotii. andw ho ia u8 yearp oW, j* thought to be


Trains will lean Victoria as follows :

FRIDAY, March 31- ~9K» ami. and 4t35 p.m.

SATURDAY, April I-9i00 a.m. and 4t35 p.m.

SUNDAY, April R-888 '~1SK mu. ai V65 ~£m.

MONDAY, April 3- ~“9*00 a.m. and 4t35 p.m.

*11 ststions good to ratura until -April** --- ——■ •-*. «dvjtej

GEORGE L COURTNEY, <,*R *Trsffic Manager.

«own mu. eeoto strut.

Mock Parliament TO-NIGHT

.kTh«.,,*‘tylt on ,?e I» n-ply totbe Nteecli from the Thrum» will be ««weJ'7 2,n'lü‘;:r (’i»*“l*b«ll ami «when. The Kprsker will tak* the «bnIp at 1 p.m.

The Boscewltz Steamship Go., Id.

STR. BOSCOWITZ-------- Will lw»ve 4pr*4tt « wharf *>n .... _HATI KDAY.THK Htb APRIL

AT 8 I’ M.

For Naas River and Way PortsVIA VANCOUVER.

For. freight u ii « I pnsHflge npplv at the «■P"®7 * «»««**, J*nlon N«w*. Ht«»rc smwt. > l«ii*rtn. B.C.

The ciMiipsuy reserve* the right of «hang lug this time table without notiticatlon.

, B- LOGAN General Agent.


Prominent Citizen* of a South Carolina T«»wn Chrfrge*! With Lynching.

Charleston. S. C.. April 1.—Fifteen prominent citizen* of Lake City. S. C„ will he put on trial here at the Cnjted States clnhiit ctmrt next Wf«*, to answer the charge of lynching P«**tina*ter Fraaer B. Buker, more than a year ago. Be.-dd«‘s killing the postmaster, who wn*.4 11- — 1 |MI, _l l ■ ■ — - 4,- , _wHim - uw.(kmi ustp art rdswit the charge yf killing JB^^er'x ift-.. fant chird and burning I*nke Oity iM**t

. ofltqp, with jail lU-Acctjs. This i* tV- nr*t time on record that the Fod«rral gov­ernment hn* come into the South to take up n lynching trial.

Tlie mu nier of Baker was-probably the moat brntai crime known in the history of the Mtutf. Baker mu imninlal msIi

EXCURSION TICKETS ee rate ml mseter st Ukt> City, .«d W hat■ eliarjra of’thp nlfip,, ws.-warned tn keft» sway. He n fuaril and an alteropt wns

a rcenlnr hand waa organterd lo pul h|n out of the way.

publiai.e. an artlele derm, the arsunn-ut SSOltst the [lake

*f Marl bon ugh'*Claim t<* I*rimi»ly Rank

and daiu ing to eorrect the alleged min tjke of the American

mi MW IHUKfSTrraps sad Vwuatcer, Are Ecafiy is Assist

lh« British Hareli p» IsSamoan Waters.

Welllneten. X. Z , April l.- Rellerlng the imperial .1 inherit lex might nettd prompt eonuuunieatiun with Satinai, th.- 1‘remivr. Mr. H. has •■nhk. -l Umt the Miroitier Tutauekai will hdd I herself

thi, ......Je..,.' The wVr'XiET ra iB '"»«— ■« Auekhtnd, de,hare inr.-atirstrel tla- matter in offieial P*t‘b*' *'"1 1,11 * "««^"d to ,.,at a hat- quarter, in Knglaml whi r,- he could not l"l,OB ot '’«‘«I» and vutuol.x-r, t|> agttC uncertain ir the title waa legitimate „r ,ho KriIi-h wardiip,. not. He th.n oiquired in tin- record, of * ’u> voluuteera. who an I'tl.-Mu.J'i.i at the Holy Roman Empire at Vienna and Auckland for the Easter ma 11.curera, found, he iso-rts. that the irin.çiv promptly otfnrcd their aervirew.

^Metra'^r^M^ES,': ..'1 <»-«Iay,” th.Mi xaye. ’’(Ym*aelo mu*t 1,v',lu* AI,r;' *• The cot n^Mudeut

LNBtuul. wUh.xibe T#nk. or lUf A^«—inttit* ou-»u huglinU duchess.. A prin.vly rrown tnontaf; vtiy tiiat ;iltU‘r luVtlbg ifrUiixtv*. d>c* not adorn her brow, nn«! the prit»- 'dTRWffifn àffaira Barim vbu Rumuilffeli « ély « rowti and imperial eafcle mu*t l*» bnd «*lf>set«*fl with the empirtir to-removed from th«* duke's e*vut«»he<»n.** ,b*7 lbe Vmte«l States ambuitsailbr ptiss- The «ltrfce-h»t^1«eH, hair taken the trouble ^ H,i hour it tin- foreign ndiert It b, to inquire tnto hi* *ur< «vwioii to the generally l* !i« vyd au understamling ha* i**im« |y rank, it i* a«l«b»d, go h«» is reâcheil whi«h is likely t|* bringprobably n«»w aware of the actual eir- :‘hout an amicable nnd eatlsfavtory *6!ui

tion of the whole Sa in nan «UtficwU. itimiri a nee*.The ann«)uncement of the withdrawal

ofThe Government Subvention*

to the Cunar.1 Une gteiuner» Lucania i»n«l Campania has crent»*! intense in­tercut. The withdrawal means a h«»uvy l«*s* to the Cunan! line, and also to the White Star line, from which the sub­

it» undershHid fhat while the V ni ted Stite* and Great Britain steadily de- clmvtl to accejtf Germany"* two p-evUm* proposition*, the new one ha * tni-u ac- eefitetl by all fhr«*» power*. Acconling to a high- GenuiUi oitivtal, “The^ Ameri­can explanation* have been fourni «ati*x. factory," and the prop«>*ai "to *<inl a

reniions are also to he withdrawn, "in of investigation to Samoa"fact it seem e»pecltily hard «m the haa baen acceptéd.White Star line, whom* new monster *t«»amer Oceanic Won built in et*np!i- nnc.» with the RrltWi admirality re- quirenu-nts. The admValty vi«»w <«f the «a*.» np|iear* t«. be thtit Great .Britain i* rajudly selling her sailing tonnage and replacing it with steamship which will have the effect «rf confining ocean traffic to welbknown route*, and that in the event of hostilities these routes would be still simplified, so that

Washington. April It—The new pro­posal. referre«l to in a Berlin de*\ratch as being accepted by all thr«s* govern­ments. fs for a joint high commission, that boiug the only proposition, now pending. Ambassatior White's ««all at the German foreign office was «loulitless to exjzri»** the favorable view which this g«»v««mro«iit take* of thi* j>r«>js>*e«l set- tl«»jm»ut. The British government has not sign!fini its forn*:»t a<,« «“pffrm»e np to

tufii *iti»«fliv:'fhc'!rctw ..nrciiiis nf'fiicl it.- Vrolih ui -£ .l.itiMMcul. Itefcww.

i!^P"ï!r-n.0î V"‘ foretis» "Httv-tukc.-Hirh o fj.voroldo vtewtir11uii.i 1 t tt*h thiit British.ncregitanio is «on,idcrt,l as*I«r—.. x to accontidlah thn partly by .... ,,q«Hdr»m, mv-cntrcoy-yhtlyi Uhll* TpSrlTy U ■---------- ----- •______ 1by flying squadron, opcratleir fr.>m ttl'X DOWN AM) Kil l.EDbases roiiimnnding these route*. Thi, ___ o— vvituv. however. U critirlsetl here .ind Montreal. April l.-A very* rad ‘tted-the newapupera quote Captain Muhan dent, by which «.«tromim ni MmilreeUr and Admiral Rompaon s* showing the lost his life, took- pince at the Windsor luuoente SCCMIV susilliarr rnttefr, as «r«et «trtkm yesterday. Ueo. II. Ms. seout* can do fote riwilar «^mtdrona. retoo-ws. In charge trf the wettera Admiral Sampson, stnteinent that the briltnh of R. H. RoberMon, eoal mcr- Aiueriemi line stenmera jieored in.tix chant, while walking along the truck

ïfojiwtsSBEHfcJç fis.r£Xraralraraio'. aim_________ _ __________________ _______ _____Her Majesty had an nmnalng eneottut- moat Instantly killed him. Mills was 38

er during law week. While driving on years ot age, and was greatly respeeted.


Extraordinary Series of disas­ters in the English


A Search Steamer Bans Ashore Near the Casquet


A Serions Loss of Life and Property Is Reported


'Southampton, April 1. The Loudon A S«»ufhwewt«Tu Railway Co.’* steamer Southwestern, which Was sunt to wnrch for bodim of the victim# uf the wreck.of the same company’». *t«atu«-r Stella, which sank after running- on ri**» V»»- QWt r.-t k- ee Him d»j ashore last night.The nëitw <ïflh> iBfsnstcr to tlu* S*mth-

w««item we* received in a despatch from tbe signal station nt Cap*- La Hague, on the coast of Nonnandy, op|>»it«- Aurigny iwlantl, il» the same district as the t.’as- qu«*t roeka.

The message said th«* Southwegfem was ashore in that vicinity with her hull stove in. The "crew remuiued uu

Steamers in CoflîsiagLDover, April 1.—The G«*rmun .«teumef

Pont us. fn«n R«»*ario al**ut F«4»ruar> iêTr bar bèttt strait I# the -ebWùnfl 'after ls-ing in,«««llirifm with t! er Star of New Zealand, which arrived at London on Pebruary "JN from WeT- litiffton, N.Z.. and which was «intward bound. The Isiatw of- the Star of New Zcnland were stove in. ami she is re­turning to Lomlon.

Th«* Ponton had on !»oar«! a cargo of cattle. T.flOO sheep and a qnajitity of wool.

It appear* the Star of New* Zealand ran into the Pnnw>* durtny the* ttarinwwn in the early morning, striking h««v am Id- ship*. Twefv«- sen mm who left rh« Ger­man stcomer in a b«mt : were picked up vxaaraltul. and. have -hewn UuuU*k tw-vs. Tbe captain and ID of the crew were . landed at Hastings.

A larg«» np-channel steamer hn* sig- nnllad’*,h»« Imm ■ • -* v:.• i t> of the crvwv and six passenger* of the Pon- t»'*. _ Tim*, all the crew, numbering !W

tn st««am«-r have b«vcx rescued.Six Seamen Drow|u«'d.

. Dover, April : L—The Britirii risanter Rth«»l Hilda is off l>uug«»ness. |>rv«Te«l- ing shwwly ami not uuder control, at1- «-ording t«* a signal flying. She hn* ran- -V4t*. - -about her-bow*, and fier—brrrn are hanging over her side*. She ha* signa Tied she lias Issuiu- wdlriitta ttttd her forehead i* full of water.

A French fishing suiack. which waa ««ff Dover yeaterday evening, was in cvdlision with un unknown vessel, pos­sibly the Kthel Hilda. Six of h«r crew were «irowiMvl. The Ethel Hilda, com­ma »«le« I by Captain Harrison. left Buenos Ayr«*w on February 2tirh f«»r Antwerp.

Collier Sunk,Brighton, Eng., April 1. -The British

*t«»aui collier Henth|s*d. from Sunder­land for St. Nuxaire. France, waa run down and sunk yesterday evening off B«»avhy Head. Only mu» of her crew was saved. The IIeathpo«>l was a steamer of tUiO ton.>, built at Sntider- latid in ISSfi and owned by the Irimbton Collie ries. Uuiited. of Sutuerhiml. She waa 210 fe« Imig. had a :ti feet 3 in­ches beam and was 14 feet «J Inches

«El nw:Tbe teatfbt of DcadmxoV (stand and the

Park -Rpfsia Wâats a Consol at Vsscoeve r.. —

Ottawa. April 1.—Sir Wilfrid I.tturicr has n«ceive«l a letter from the Russian government asking for th«* appointment «»f Russian consul at Vancouver, B. C. The Premier has rVidied, agreeing to tlo *o.

Sir dlibb<»rt Tupper left here to-day for the <N»ast. He intendeil to go yest.or- d.iy but did not get away.

It is just probable that the orderdn- rouneil granting IKtulman’* Island will l*‘ reaclnded, and a new one passed, giving the lease ««f the jsirk t-. th • city, ami the lease of th«: island to Mr. Lu«l- gate. That, at any rate, is snggested, but notbutg <lt‘tiint«- has l*een «lone ubiHit it. Mr. Ludgate saw Dr. Borden

,tu-‘Uy. At prvs«»Mt the ««ity- <b»es not h«dd any lease for the park.

It is underriooi! that the gov««rtuinsit ha* under conaidernthm th«» withdrawing of a number of troops from the Yukon. There are 2(ft oflkvrs and men in the « «mringent. About 73 will likely be left

The department of agricultural will take rharpr «>f all ejfcHKC* of ffwul pro- ' ducts intended for the Ihirie exhibition, and make them |iart of a grand Do­minion exhibit. Several exhibitor*, who furnish exhibits which ore aewpted, will «*a<4i have a ehamt' to receivt» an award on the merit* of his product*.


^<*w Tstli. April 1.—A fniYcrnt triitn with 150 utidnntifie'i bodies of soldiers from OdlKt, lefi Jersey Gity for Waslting-

---t—------------- » —rife mm**?'have be® enloaded, and make a second trip.

. i



Page 2: LADIES' JACKETS - Wikimedia Commons






OUR XMAS GOODSHave arrived.

4ggaKT-rv "-»-..■.dry?

teilflCB44 Honesty, is the

va ' -t£*

The Ex Gold Commissioner Denies the Allegations Made

Against Him.

Finest line of Toilet Articles In the city.

THE OZAtt’H PRESS.——o—- *• -

London i March 31.—The Ruwlsn embassy here ha* sent to the !►«*«* the follow’»* «Menage from the Csar, which U probably the *rtr»t commu»kitti«n that an Kmtieror of Ituaalâ haa ever addrwni to foreigner*: “Nuiulierleae «x présidons of gratitude have reached the Bmpcnr of Ri'**l* from «M < numbs# for the Initiative which H'a Im­perial lirghuew has iu.ignauitiiltm*ly taken with a view of alleviating the heavy l»or- <1« u cast by the prevent arma ment# Th* Emperor ha# omuiqiukN hi# ambassador* to convey H'a Majesty*» thank# to all who etthw* t« addreaaea, Irttera. telegram# er any other way bave expressed their ailbenlou

• to.hi# humanitarian work ", . .


eleven vnllslvd men. After establishing n |M-rmanent ramp at Tyoonok, on Otok Inlet, tlie expedition will aend out partie* to explore the unknown and «maiÿpal chantry to the northward, rta the Mata- n auk a. Kiwhtmo. Ycdno. amt Ktwkokwln river*. The expedition will Inrnte the moated*rent and practicable route from tide water to the <*ro*Mlng of the Tanann river and from the Tatiana to Rampart City and Circle City. where military reaervntloiia j ami supply depots have been i-»t«U'.l*h«*l.

The route# travelled by both wpdtivp will be marked and definitely located, so a# to be of use to the travelling public I» that dietr*rt.

He Is

chÇpver was a morepointed saying put into print, and yet to be honest only be­cause it is policy is a poor

Banni tu Ottawa to kind of honesty. ’Better

m nits il.Particular! at tbr Wreck el tkc Ricanlea j

Slearner Slella In the thanael.

S Ox. Lead Fackete"For Those in Doubt” :

Thousands have become converts to the daily Usa çf

Defend Himself Against Charges.

THE MYSTHIUOV8 (U'irio.——»---- -

She Will Hr $ok) at ltr,M>ktyu to Highest Bit! 1er.


New York. Mardi ."11.—The Time# way#• The Kvipio. a craft from nowhere,

Is Miss Linscy’s Endor.ition . of to u«»W. Sylna w tu owner-’ I#** and <Ti wIcAw. la to lie wild to the

Dcdd's Kidney Pills.

HThey Cured Her of Female Weakness

an J Headache, When Other Medicines Were Without Effect—Her Cure

Began When She Stirted Using Dodd's Ktdney Pilla.


gneltee. March 31.—A very abort, very piihj and *eighty.ataletiunt i# given for ptiHîciiRohW Mis> TatiilP Linsry. of thi# city. This itateoient, made and signed ip the prvwmee of tvitiHvwv*, carries a momg- of ho|M . and. eecoeragemeat to the vast majority of women, for mm* of' <•*. cry tea women are solfcrer# from une or Other of the long train of III# known popiilgrty as Fwttait* TrotiMw.

To tlitew*. to thorn aUT without Vxivp-t*nv; .Mia# Limey’«...nMMnentthat there i*. in D«*ltTa Kidney Pill*, .a piiwitim mwt permanent cure for the <11*- eawa that r«»b life of aH Us plaaanw

•Mi#* Uniejr write#: “I have hem a

g • it #nff-*rer from Female Weakness and Hendgchc. 1 Buflartd all the tor­ture* attendant upon theia*,diseases, and could g*>t no rmief? though 1 trinl many different- kind* of remedies. Home time no T lfi^tfan n*ing Dodd** Kidney l*iHs. aud tiiv com pluie »vuiw Xedan. at 3us *ntw time. I am now strong and well in every way. thank* to Dodd*# Kidney

' -----——------ ;----------- ------------:-----Weak. pale, nervous women, whose

live* are n cotit:mial round of suffering, nwvi U*ik no furtht r fur t cure. If they will use Dodd** Kidney Pilla, they are sure of complete restoretlew -to vigorous

•I'odd’* Kidney Pill* strengthen. the

Kidney*. nn4 the Friiuiry Organ*, ami bring health. *trength and vitality to weak; •. defective organ*. N * K l>’sea*e rah exist when Dodd’s Kidney P:,ls are nsrd. • 1_____ 1 _________


W.rà».‘No. Tlie. Du

highest bidder at the Brooklyn navy yaid by the I’uitcd States government.

At the outbreak of hwtililie* agents for this government were engaged in hitving ship* and war munition# in Kng-

-4and. The hegiuiug of actual warfare found some of the deals hweeaphrie. king- land being a neutral power, those iu- LiUaplctctl dealsr could pot be pushed .lUroush tlivt i* to *uy. aiqienuitly mît. Soon after the U-gilining of hostilities a steamship in |wrfwt trim from nhin to sternt with furnaett fires hunting, with steam up. lull without a sul on iwnrd. was found adrift off the coast of

.. Newfoundland--found by a United States ship. too. oddly enough. The <tvwW* rit;p wa* the Kéîjpev She flew no flag and there wws not so much as a scrap of paper to be fonnd aboard her to fndicitte where she aattwt from, wrhete- alie was Milling to, or who ownvtï her. She was w mystery of - rite -deeys The Scijiio carrpsl a cargo of coal, b(it never did such strange thing* come out of a cargo of coal as came from the de|»th* of the anthracite piled in-the hold.

Among the paaaHigeis who arrived from i Isweei b| Àc « ?St| ol 8a> H exdtoid Cotnmieakmgr of the Yukon, Thomas,Fawcett, lie t# en route to Ot­tawa to defend hiimmif agaiintt the charges nmde against hitu.

Many un I grave are the allegations of wrong doing on the part of the bite official by returning miner*, chiefly by the Americans. He has been pictebNl by them a* au autocrat whom ;t was difficult to approach and Who was a# ar­rogant as an Indian Maharajah. But M.\ Fawcett is a very mild mannered ****** when he can lie thawed, dot and doe* not seem jike a inun wrhn would cause such..a vast amount of trouble and commenr. '

"I deni :ilI the stattmenta that have been made against me,” he said to tin* Pval-luttdligencer oa hi# arrivât. “The investigation which ha# gone on before the royal vommUslon and which has just eodeit proved that I had conducted th<* office honestly and competently. <’barges were preferred against me and we had a thorough and complete invos- t g.ition. Not a single otn* of aueir alle­gations was upheld.

"They made six specific charm*# against me. one that 1 had sold Infor matlon conccruing g«s1 claims, another that- I .had charged in entrance fee t-. my office, that I had forcetl people to pay before tber con Id r-ssurd claim# and that l had not coud net <*d uiy office com latently.. Then there were statement# of pvrticnlar caw# iu which it wa# «aid

i that I forced T<erseiH lo-give me. or my reprvMMrt-.tivc. iutiHs-sts in claims before they couid In* recorded.

”Th • investigation continued for a imHith before <’.enm •«siotic» OgffvU* a à chairman. All the* tcsiirtmiy was taken down and it will !*• forward*#! to Ot- itM to Ik* reviewed by the minister of instice whn- \vrtl def* rmiuc what action is to f. Uù» •”

Am »*ig the not.-ibfes who arrirt#i by the rttr of Seattle from the North was • Ccrr. t’arr is said to have iiuid»* the trip out from Dawson in ten days.

change 4‘policy” to “prin­ciple” and the world ‘will like you better. In the medi­cal world there is one medi­cine honest for principle's sake—and that is Hood’s Sarsaparilla.

It ia the specific of the age for all blood troubles. The liver, kidneys and

•bowels are all toned up by its action as a cleanser aud thus good fiealth en­sues. It never ditnppoint».

Rheumatism I believe Hood’s Sar-

Bouthamntou. March .‘11.— Furtherparticulars have beeu obtained regarding ; the Making of the passenger steamer ! Stella, while on the trip from this port j lu H»- Channel lalamU. The steamer ( struck the i’aspuct rocks near the island of Alderney at alwut 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon, and the captain, seeing that

; the Stella was fasf sinking, ordered the ! life-boats tô Ik* lautuhed. His instnK-

tk»!is were carried out witji the utmost j celerity and the women land children ! were embarked in the boats, An explos- ! i«»n. afterwards occurred and the vessel

sank into the s«-a. Thf last thing the : survivors saw was the figure of the cap­tain standing calmly on tip! bridge and

: giving his last orders. The captain i**r- i iabed with hht V4*ssel.! A survivor who got Into the first boat [ *»•>#■ "ibc anctioa when the wtearner , disappeared was so tremendou* that we j thought our boat would Is- engulfed. I

saw five boats and the... . , , -• .. P i —-- ——— —« .as. <*olla rwîble I mat,S.rliah»Myl l., "Ur Ikm). ,h» ,r,, k. Thwbos done me more good than anj^other t..... . « — j a/Vx

Mas.medicine I have taken.’ KK**ET,.I>VBmpl*KI. <MU.

sad Cough--After my Ion* Ilim-M, I was very weak and had • bad oovgh. I could not eat or sleep, tllffemit retuedlea did not help me but Hood’s Sarsaparilla built 'me up and I am now able to attend to my work.” Mixwik Jaqc«s, Oshano. t hit.

■Wouaneaa- 1 hare h*n tmubted with headache and bIWmsnes# and was mut h run down. Tried Hood's Sarsaparilla and it gave me relief and built me up.” A. Moaatso*. H9 Defoe Street, Toronto. Ont.

coatft.'ned altogether between 5i> and 100 passenger*. Five of the boat* were

«MU !x>*t to View,bill we took a boat IgBed with-women i».. tbw. and the occupants of oer boat tool

I the nor* in timtj *be «sini in turn and rowed all night j long till most of us UropiK-d asleep, thor- 1 ovghly exhausted. W*

CEYLON TBAThrough thl. medium, as . “Tea Pot" Te.t aate doubt, at ra.t

Muk. your orrocer for a packet.1 ‘

J. PIERCY 8 CO.Wholesale Dry Goods

Spring: stock in Undtrwtar, Silk, Wool and Cotton, Pria Zephyrs, Fancy Flannelettes, Muslins, Lace

Curtains, Dress Goods,, 27, ag and MB Yates ftt. - - ... VICTORIA, BX.


The brutal practice of cutting off thé notw uf their women, or wives, by na­tive# is, ami always ha* been, in all parts of the East, a common method of dealing where then* haa been jealousy on the part of the man or for inticdll- ty or otjter less cause on the part of the woman A case in point occurred here

i on the 30th ultimo, when a young, but

sighted a #ail- ! I oat at <1 o’clock in the morning, but the

<Jrcat Western ‘Railway Company’s ,.w "teenier, the Lynx, from Weymouth, had

Heart Trouble--I b«<t hmrt tnwhle ! ">'-»n»Kle ho»,, in »ighl. Sin- bore down for a number of years amt different medl- , "n ,,M Jl**,% tf*°k n# all on board. 8h<* clnes failed to benefit me. I tried HimmI’s eventually I? ivhsi us at Guernsey."Marèaparllle and three bottles completely , Later Mfoimla say that the HteMa had roaprrtacnrrumina" Haa.c. A.Vues. 148 |»WnpT. on Surd, and (hat h.w w.lluw Brida». V H. crow mnpbrml «<Wt*on».

A Safeguard “ A» 1 bad dost ftrs chlh ! ‘dren with diphtheria I gave my remainingtwo children Hoods Sarsaparilla as they ’tViji'll” J” ''.TJ'0" T î^un,^y*t I her hands a bo badly cut. but fortunate::,7se'vxrzzrssspz ! »Zrszx. ,h,n : jsrzjsL'siïx

10kl- ; ;ri" »-;*«■*-, »•- u» w..«„.iVaricose Veine -.“I ha» 6èB1 a [ no: dindni«bod. tMrnxb f-w wfn.ttm nir,n“'hi.* wm'nto’h^

sounded. Hush add* that, at 3".30 a.m. 1 cut in the struggle which poaeibly en- th * engineer #howt*l him in the engine , sued. He is in custody, and it b to be room a dial registering a speed of ISj | hoped will meet hi# just deserts in due knots, and that the vessel struck within ! eoarae. It would ap|*-nr that he habit- 1Î.» minute* afterward*. Rush further ! daily illused the woman, who left his assert* that two life-boat» wor«- sunk i tiCutteduLoa. and refused to return to him. with the itektuer, which, after resting


not partieularly preposst-wiing. woman A.x-wlln, to Ibo' " <>, !w*’ bronpht to the May*, h,>|.itnl with

I I ho oltii inl« ,* tho tom.l.m A Sonthwott ““'!r OD tlp "f her n""e- «“»[ ^rn Railway Company, not mere ' "*> pawngers were drowned.

great sufferer from varicose veins, which •welled my foot and limb, discharging watery matter. I took 1 loud's Sarsapa­rilla faithfully and the sore» heeled.” Mas. A. K. < h loom. Hart land. Vt.slfccdâ SaUatxiû&i


sating. Pain In the Side, 4a.

Thor, wvr.- Hne mort. rn affair. „f a««».h.8 prunUarW »M,r wa, maki-. Maxima. Ilt.t.hti,. van-" f. ' < »'■“ .tl... ram. .«It fromtmu. ti. VI I nth.w ..r.lnan».. to- "a,"w arr ,l., um-.l al««.lut.l, to lwp-th.-r with ammunition. Joat how th. 'f rvUK7i.b.wvdM|.lo ,„nr to h.: .drift with .ttrh I "l"*' "" ,h" wh'V'*""'a cargo ha, never been told officially. "• 'he North ».tue ,tx or eight month.

_____________ , ago with tin* fake »ti»ry t»f Andre* This..ïl£?JKL nJSf:ASE tiflteveDaTN so; «t'»-y Mr. fair diligently mdeaTOTéd toh.'ïii Sim'S rlllJ',"';”"lxr*, ,r"'"t Vi"’;riaVrgMOlc or Sjcipathctlc lluirt Irtsesoe la. EltH- l,ut without at ail.,ilL in In Ht»-» and *pe«#llly fffects a cure. It I Then* wct two *ih*i*t pn-sengers on ££ |T|" m7,TwhW tongne,

*11 symptom* of ■ Dbeso-d llu 1 Y** n by the waml of death.and m h »sv ImhIîc# came into part as mere

■sags rms w Hrsr HU ; tfcB jRQB trrfwim mné i iu 1 Wu :“1'1 l>»=<!‘PP* an I.only esifcortit io"uh# trttk ««""T, *BrB»BririTW limitug. Bu#li said: "When the

Htella disapiieared. 40 or SO pmomnger#


Sydmy Jh*bn«tist# lntswi«*t«*l i: touu’s Allogeil Discovery.



Nagiiur Tim**».

CATARRH RBfaIRVllD IN 10 TO W> MINT One short puff of IU bevaththrongU the Rlower./annulled with each bottle of-l»r. Agnew/s Catarrhal Powder, diffuse# thl* Puw fit*a, over ihe surface of the nasal passages. Palnîes» and <K*i!ghrful to nee. It relieve# Instantly, and per- ma lient ly euros Catarrh. Hay Fever. Gobi#. Headache, Rore Throat. Tonetlltb and

fold *•» 1'r.n * Hlieoek. ,nd H.ll * Co.

CUREBek HwAaehe and relieve all the troubles M dent to a bilious eUte of the system, such a* Xhxztnese, Nausea, Drowsiness. Metres# after

..............a In the Rida, Ac. While their meds eacceee has boon shown la oastr*

SICKyet Garter's Little Liver

ueLLa In Constipation. curt*i| ieannojingcomplaintwhlle lleorders orlheetomschuitlir igulate the bowels. Even tf i


jel Carter's Little Liver MB SSB

eeneeudldi____________ . ____P^eread regulate the boerela. Even tf wage

were discovered clinging to pirns of tiw* wns-kagv or cabin furniture, and crying piteously for help. All tb* gmuengren and crew had been provided with life

j I wits, - and there was little panic. I first , ,! #lii>pcil into the water and then swam . TlM‘ ml»r*tlof bird* l# sappaetd »o

VVb»*u tbc new* of tbr tic ding of a sea t -to «me of the. Eioets. into which I was 1 , ** ^Slnated. during the glacial period,serpent on Huwarrow, a «wtiom visite! helped. Wt* rowed *u|*p«wc«lly in tbr ^ of water fait ..f 0u,ra«T. hut «•»«, hour. I m'1.- "‘rnplk,. r.,„l.later wu touu.1 «mrin, ,wt Ihe » re*. ! ^ -•* *r «**"«•» «)■ If tfaeedislamDin the Solomon groap, wa* ttde-

graphed from hen* by the local com*a-I - —" | .» . IU vaapmwMnt nt the HnnhYanerm, tfaltw the- n.we„g, r. efghnr-^n..Üm sue, wtH- ttatch"tu tYro or ' three ]

f*tdc andM^HH Heart One dose f-«uvvln«**e , Sold by Dean A Hlws-k* and Hill A Co.


X'aiUadi-tftetes. Oon-«Uaims on Nt. Ni«*hs«4

t WUI Reisignlte

Kiilm y Fills are sold by nil at. fifty « a box. *ix boxes sent. -*n receipt of price, by

i’a Mrdii-uuh A*».. Linu4e*i, V**-

mining the military

ht -a'-- for the associatioog tb it been wrnjUK-tl aUtut the mHt whil ? they Wv-c r. live'One of th«*sc was William Clark, of Whim-lauder.

The imsscngers all agn*‘ that perfect | <<der and discipline prevailed on boa-d

the Stella. The vessel’* entire company t-Nrk tlieir- stations when the vessel struck. #cr>«*d out the life belts and low-

i ered the boats. The s<*«jie at the .mo-

ant Secretary of War MHklejoliii, rtntms on Ttn* AnvH Hv«T. rsaervat'on ;u Nt. MV-tiael. will »u*resft«»r l>e r*ss»gnlx«#l by the government officials .... at that «dation. Partb-ulanTTiav- already 4

arrival of the steamer Warrtuioo, nliich brought the new* of the find, tin* enter prising 8au Francisco daily cabled their Sydney corr«*w|ivn«lent asking for more detail* of the remarksld«- find. Tln ir

___________ _ \V»#v representative iu New South Wales sentMIte jfifiLil- IcOg Cabin, on March 24, -tkff ftfHo.wing under dato of March 27tb; - ntcur of the sinking of the vccwd waw of ptiettfmima. Mi. Clark wa# a men. 1 h«-* Hiu.oimci-ment of the discov.wy of a heart rending. Women were screaming her of i large fmity from hi* town, of w* «waster at the island of#Suwarrow ; atil| praying, and p.s.ple were clinging towfiofli T. Letm.n and J. Tompkin* were netted great itilenwt, l»dh in acini- ; spar# niul other' wre#*kage in every dins*-kadet^ Thl- extent-I.f Ilnir tiflf circle* and among the gemfnl pub- . Thos^ who had sncc***ted 4wwet-way Ik* judged from the fact that the ,ic- °ul> * em»n IK>rtion of the skeleton ting Into tho boat* hadduty on their mittit was about ff 1,000. was brought here by the stnuoffblp Emu.



\ iKTcronddo Will Nei« .-t unitary .Reservations... Put Rude *'»e.

Definite and complete loslntetb-ns to Pie commanding otHeers of the, two mllltarf rxpbir'ng parties to be sent' to Alaska have l*eeu puldl*he«l by the United States war department, ** general onW-rs from the In 'i'tuiirtcrs of The orders give an • mtliu*1" of the purpofM-e of tlte two e\. poditton* and clearly lllnstrate their im IHirtaace to tin* future development <»f

Tb«* two expedition* will Ik* commanded bj Captain W. It. Aberrromtiie. Second UuU»«l States Infantry, ami Captain HdwHt i' Oh nn. Twenty-fifth Infantry. Thev will •>e equlpjie«l In N**att|e with <-imp mirfits, pr.iv.o4- r end forage *upphe*.: bCFf Cat tie. pack animal*, etc. Captain Abercrom­bie will sail for Copper river April 10, or |SS© ihtrcMf}tt. .H.Uil Attain tiRmu, UUNfU-kw,-.,n rt» -rwroarspnec'"

___ One of the, mosf Important |*>wer# ccn-■ faer.a#a*4 .La h là.» mmm »b purVfWMwf 'irpmi rrpT'iPv1

l«ven gtTen nt rhô dHuvitery of gtiTiTTh AnvTk rfver Bars. There was some numtloti ns to the right of the claimant* to hold the min*-#, as they are within the Hie hnmlrvil mlh* limit of Rt. Michael Island.-made a military reservation by pro rlamatton of the secretary, nf war a year ago.

A «-opy <*f tlie rwvpt order of the aaslst ant- #A*a-rvt a ry uf war -baa n y.~4 |^ H«*attle. and will be forwanle«l to tb<> <jf ficer in command of the military station at St. Michael.

.Hier body wa* that .*f Herbert A. Nt. it is inluoded during the next trip -of-Lbe-v-eacsel Ua cbII again at Huwayrow

c«»ncu##i«>n nf -the7 brain, cmnidirated •rith «ry*i|M‘la*. Mr. Well* Wmvc* a wife in Seattle.

Details were brought of the fire of March Rth. Th* Jo** of f’Jo.tMiD was dUt il nt«#l oa follows: Adeoek biiAding. ÿô.iMHt; »t«K'k in same,>; RiMMTithal ImiLIIng, FJ mill; l.arls r sh<»p and iaiiu

a narrow e*ca|** from Iwing cugnlfe|l on account of the suction can*e«l by the sinking vessel

The Kmp--for William nh# teh-graj»h-d t-» the -Imperial rhantxdlor. Prince Ifj.henlobe. « n the ocras un of the letter's birthday, a* follow#: “May Hod continue to vouchsafe health ami strength to yon a<. that v«ur dlstlngnt*b<*l senlix-* may - Up long pre­served to me and to our country.”

ami • recover »U the l«eee#. It 4# e*- plained that the remain* consist <»f two skulls, with one lower jawlsme, a rib. and one of tin* bom*# of the vertebrae. The skulla men sure al# ut thriv fwt fr >m tin* nouk to the point of the nose.and hare skull of

dry. ff:kuuu; Mr Fnnchrr. FMKWh Haglc ******* Nt there nr.* evidema» itf the.

ALexarijoUe wllLLc that enaldln? him to lay -fit military reservation# along the route- from Yuklc* np the valley of the Copper river to the Ta nr na. and I hence to Engle City. 'I he#** are the chief pointa on the m.n- guvi-mmeni mi>‘l route from the — c«Na>t to the Yukon gold ftp|il« Thy yd-^ ■

- roîoHnV- to tHc-#c4r*^TrÆ 4^ Vnnftary 'rcu r- ’ valions reads a* follows:N.3. The commanding officer will ré'ccJ

suitable b-Ottilias at 4"able*. Copper Ceu- ’ tbw rif -in.- >r tin- Upper r,.j per river, rhe_rrising of the Tanana. the Read °f Forty Mile creek and nt #m-h other point# a# In tils judgment he may deenf Proper, fi.r mllbary reservations, and will survey, lay out by mi tea and bound*, and declare #H«h reservations. Reporting hi* ac­tion hereunder to the department for the approval of the secretary of war.'

It I* believed that the order Imttriitp* n pur|*o*«» on tlie part' of the government to eet-iMUli permanent military re**r\atU»ua aud supply depots on the rwite from A-aide* to the Yukon.

Tlte general objects of the expedition# are given In .mbatance as follows-

"The expedition will cover a* much ter

rv7»raurant. ffl.tts*. The tire *ta»t«*l in a hurts r *h«;p in fin- R«i.*c«thal building. lH*itig c.-uiM-.l by .n defective fine. The Main»* gpread to' the Adcock rwoWofy l uilding aud that imvii|h«*I by Mrs. Fan- «•hvr. Botli were «lv*troy«*l. Damage to the Eagle restaurant wa# chiefly l»y wa- IcK

No on# knows better than those who haw used Carter's Little LNer I'll!# what relief they have given, when taken for dvs JH-P#la, dlsxlnes*. pain In the side ronstl pntlor. and dlaordt-rcd stomach.


r w.';/v -

NV V“hciaia

|ë iTtt*<l. îtn ü vcfiT ci lé# men iftéd their wives and children into the l*mt* and then |*cri#be 1 thionselvcs in . their prcm»pcc. One wife who was thus tw- rvaveil lost her reason, a large number

, nf the survivor* wirtrcd here wittwot partial rroetnhlaiu'e So the | nny dothing. clad only in tdnnkrt*. j*II*gntor.. The teeth arc , .....

Stirvtvuf* R«*ach I##lod.laondon. March -*31.—The train from

Southampton thi* morning brought brcc of the survivors, Mc*#r*. David King, a l#.adon merchant; llcillwtKi ami Gre**n- er. nil of whom were wrapped in ruga and bore criileut traces of their suffer*

One of them *»id: ITn* gn*ater part of yesterday wa* exceedingly pleasanL but toward cviuting we ciu-ountertsl a mist which *-k»xi devclopetl into a fog. There was, howev«*r. no a|fpn4ien*«»n. Suddenly a gréât «hock told tw that the Htella had struck tin* rucks. Hcrenma rent the air. The crew l#4iavcd #|4cn- dtdlv, latmehing the boats with tin-

existence of two small tu*ks at die ex­tremity of the lower jaw. There arc channel* in the #kull whb h #**■« to have I»**» for the purptro " of breathing. The rib is aihf-it 2% feet in nr.gth. and the spim* i* -apparently about 4 inches in dinm<4er. All <he bonns arc Nttrrtnflf light.

The native*, it approra. Mh! that in addition to ita other |M*cnliar chayarirr- iatb-s. the monster sad fiapinrs like those of a seal.

4 very huveckkffff wteniJd have on hand a ls»x of Dr. Chase*» ointment. Tim dl verelly of uses to wbb-k It can be put ««"I

,s>na.- aa.a»m» -- -----------------------

tin- cap tii re

war dniartmot attic tM»t with tb,- * nr»_»hi^ «»rt^i u«t mai» in th,. im- of M.llolo, < ivn. < Hi- will n ,I ""«"iMWim of fW'mriffo FM-IUTS.

Jt-There ia no ambltiotlvnobler than that of

tiv hardworking farmer, lie toil# early and late to secure for himself and hi* family that most lasting of fortunes, an allotment of land, clear of indebtedness. No other fortune is so .secure and permanent. There *Çe in England families of small farmer*, living, in assured comfort and contëntun-nt, upon the lands acquired by their forefather» <*> years ago.

The achievement of the farmer'* ambition depend* egreat deal upon the good health of binnetf and hi* family. If they smT^r from bilious attacks and indigestion and do Dot promptly-resort to the right remedy, almost any known sickness may be the re­sult. Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discov­ery i* a speedy cure for biliousness, indi­gestion and the evil* that follow them. It makes the liver active, the digestion per­fect, the appetite keen and tfie blood pure, and build* healthy fle*h and muscle. Anrltqry as possible, and will coller t and

... lni-ol lUirilli' in 1 hi; ri««>rta .alt lnlmniu|L,A . il/»rnuLtSfSrjBJt-'iZxstiJXTt ■ff.'gPnÆffwaffa^gagaaHaRiMaBa^Ma „niai tutty T*. valnabTc to. IM ilevel opmcnt sfitufe. of tho omntry explored r^ardlpg, tppo- h‘‘n'££ü*grnphlcal f.-«rur#*s. available roitfc* for writes gdward D. O'Neill. M»q T3 No 14 Rwan travel, feasible runt es for railroad con- St., Cleveland, OMo -1 hope you will publish

'' 'ëÜTTTrt iriri," " ailHjifflbnrtyTor' agrlcnfforii 1 n rtil 1 tbe’tfUie a* ft ran y bcti eSt #001 e other poor suf ^ s'tcx-k rals'ng. mineral resource*, timber,

fuel, food prwlocts ’ a lid the stock tiest sultisl for fi#*! and transportation pur ►oees. Mikim and photograph# win acnm*- pany nil rei«orts." •• -

Thé AhcixToaihlo cxpafftloo will coosist f"«f iwo • officer*. ■ t'-nurgeo».’ ' Imepltai stew

r ard. <*>wmlHsury Hcrgcent, two non-com Wlwldaicd officer# amt • (right private# of Infkstry

Captain Glenn’s party will number four officers, one surgeon, comm Unary ser­geant. two sergeant», one con*ora| and

1be*â-Wé as ft mîiÿbenefît saine oihrr poor sui frrer who U troubled in a like-manner. I was laid up with tumbaeo or neiitlc rheumatism. I could only walk with help of two sticks lor nine weeks. 1 tried several remedies and doctored with some of our beat physician* and was- not getting rriief tip I-Wed ffr. Pteree'e RoMeo Med’ ‘ *r- ' ' .........................edical Diimvrry Affer using two bottles of U I was all rtgtM."

Dr. «exce*» Conrraton Sense Medical Ad­viser teaches you all about the home-treat­ment of disease*. It contain* 1,008 pages and yso illustration*. It used to coet ffi.50; now it'* gaR*. . For paper-covey, send. 41 one-cent stamp*, to cover cuatoms and mailing ; doth-cover, 90 stamps. Address, Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. ,

Box Factory at 14 and 1À Tremont street. Han Francisco, spread to the àdjo'nlng 8ve-storey Imlldlnr. occopied hy Miller; Nlo## A N«*>tt, wholeoalv hardware dealers, totatty- «h*straying the fact-of^niff ilQUiff ♦ b«- h-trrh« :»r*‘ wsrchmwe. The ' tos* will probably aimnint to half a million dollar*.

-»D»kc a cfltnfmign ilnrinc the rainy *c *un, nor i* it Ih*ücv«<I that he will dt Rt^aéUÎ rhaar Ühc Filipinos lato—the tio-rnfaig fa*tnc**c* of l«nton. _

•A -ih'rrt TT*t ”,WÎ11 dtffarffiîtté^wiiclKèf itin*- Filipino* intend to keep up a guer­illa war fan-, and it so. a plan i* nl- r< nd.v lint tiring to meet any such condi­tion*. Natives will l*e t*n>|doycd to fight the .guerilla*, nnd the government can give them 1*4ter pay mil afford them

■letter protection than Aguinniuo. If* there must be gncrlfftt fighting during the fnini" reason, which will soon lie upon the Philippines. . the United Htate# wljlnot sacrifice it* tr#»ps in »tidi warfare But This Timç We re Preparedwhen natives enn lw* ohtaineil.



iL>iu> troubled—oflTwUl» pain* In my Iwck. c«ii*«*l by ««Hi*rlpat’on.‘ I fried a* viY11I kind# of pill# 1 had seen Hdrertlsed, and to put th# truth In a nut shell, ly. f haw*# Kidney Liver PHI# are the only pills that have proved effectual In my case.

Hi enn heartily recommend

j to Fight-Dr. ChascS's Syrup of L insetd and Turpetine

Has Conquered La Grippe. x

Dr Phase's Ryrup- .of Uneeed and Tur­pentine cannot jte rivalled ae a cure for In grippe, because It not rnly acts on the throat and air passage# and prevents pneu----- •- end -m **■-them J VO "‘O0*"* *nst also quiets1,11 n«TVHr » tka »>nl

T nr 1 » WriUmtime for all the l#sit# to clcitr away; but

* (UnfitPnty rtic boffer# dmrwt with a -dcaf— «•ning rciK»rt.v, rending, the ship nmid-

i#hi|m.”>11, King and two firemen. Oslwrnt

and Bayley, were the last to leave the ^vessel. He had just given Up » life hHf

to old .n clergyman’s wife and wav liter­ally pulled into a Inutt by m*cott l mate

; Reynold*, who was instrumental in *av- i in g many Uvea. The boat, with twenty- j two imsKMtigvrs. ilriftetl for fifteen h«nirs

in the Intense cold and*wa# finally pick- f *<d tip by the Great Western Railway

Company’s steamer Vern from’ Hmith- f ampton.

London, April 1.—The eight survivors who were landwl nt Fherlwîbag by the tug Marsouin wtwv picked off n floating fttrnitntv van l>y h fishing iutat. The la lie» on iKMird one of the lifeboats sang hymn# all night long to k<*l» up the spir­it* of their cxmijienions.

The (’hertmnrg Vorresj»on«lcnl of the Drily Mail ways: "The eight pn**eng-

rvsctk'tl fr<Hii a boat that original- soothe*1'"the ly contained fourteen men. The boat

- r-About- •fr rt'dw’k yesterday morntmr n great mas# of r<K*k. estimated to weigh over tou*. Xri from the cliff on the.south rifle of the Niagara whirlpool ele- va tor a ml plunged down on to the «orge road track* umL the building* at the f<#»t of the elevator shsift These bn*Idlngy Wf«rs -cnmhfsl i v ihe L-Ulng mass a# rock A jMrilpn of the lower ÿirt of ihe eleyafhr , abaft wük also torn .owfij ,

Recrriary Hay yesterday Informed lbe delegate# from the f’uban a**en-h!> thgt the United Rtntvs government woaMH tnrrrii*.* the amount to par the army above the three million df

• UwmuU. >a« ^La. Jwla.^Ljfc4.^.taua»i4. aii.l ail Kiri- ilniWHfil, . .cSaJB®SJ1SSia«.r irisai. BIvolÎ".*" <» tlb^XS-rWItT,- TwSFMr. Clma. Ballej,* manager Jeaaop Steel

tVorka, residing on Close avenue, Toronto,

“As a quick cure for family nee, I con­sider Dr. (’haHe's Syrup of L4userai and Tunn-ntlne the most wonderful remedy » <»n v el vaille This remedy cured me of a severe attack of la grippe very promptly.

then ninitagid to tight the boat, which wua half full of water."

WHAT A FI.^*T! Sour Itomarh. nil-

tn*#s after Eating. Weight in the Rtomach, Wind on the Stomach. Lois of Appetite,

;lne*s, Nausea, Rick Headache-f*ir ride .foe# to good health—hut Dr. Vonami 1 may any unexpectedly, ae 1 used It health

not «rmiimertlM* children safe ft*>m croup |»«ttle*hl|w that can-put to ---------------- Without thl» preparation la the j W ^ *h"

To clear the head, atop the running the n*se and eyes,' dropping» Into throat, and dull, splitting headachik

: On.

ready sent to Cuba.

____ -,____ _____ ...... A large _ RHmid u t Chase's Catarrh Cure should be used lu , CotUT’ TttoréTu«Vf.reccutiTttrep sr ifffiff,'o. ^ -v-*, rr,rr' ln,-- -* -» or Ednianaon, ! ,h** ‘‘cuntry, and In sonr.e case# men “f

, * I property have been killed.•ell at 2SC. at all dealers. Bates A Co., Toronto.

Thousands^ of people throughout the land are prostrated with

jy^niaa*and thousands more are warding off this terrible disease by the constant use of the great tonic-stimulant


“MAiHAMf ai«>

Nothing will so quickly re­lieve the weak condition

ultiug fromthis malady bsmd-the many evil after-

Aebs th*y wnuldbe a&scc t pricelsas to (hoao «Ml Buffer frvin/-.lsdfstrcos..ij complaint; but fort»nstoly ; hair c-KMlnese does ncteud here.snd those Who once try them will find theeo little pills sal» able In so msn y wars that they will not he wU Rag to do without thetr. Rat after all ink heaff

ACHEllfbahaaeof aomany live» that betels sti— We make our greet boast. Our pill* cure it while•there do not. .................... ......

Cartel's Little Liver Pills are vary small and Vwy easy to take. One or two ptlla makes deeeu They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe *w

- fs*V* but by 1 Heir gentler'■ttoo rdeseeaH vte us* them. Iu rialsatlSoenta ; tlvefer|L datff bf druggist* ovirywhoro, or aent by maik

CARTER WniClflE Ca, New Yoflu


Fee simile ot metal cap of the Vin Mariani bottle with aàgastnr*. Be careful to avoid sslw etitstaa. See that the cork la breaded aa above.

IVIN MARIANI,’Nourishes, strengthens, sustains and refreshes; Is very palatable, and may

I was cured of a bad case of Ortp < . by MINARD'S LINIMENT.

Sydney, C. B.C. L I-AGUE. « ►

I was cured of lore of voler by MINARD’8 LINIMENT.


I was cured of Sciatic* Rhcnmat- hmi hy MINARD’S LINIMENT.

Burin, Nffd.LEWIS'S. BUTLER.


feebled stomach; never produces constipation, but, on the contrary, it aids digestion and assimilation, removing fatigue, and im­proving the appetite.

wins gtaaa fuH three time» a day.


Tuesday,March 21



»i^j For, St,rtl


la prepared to supply and eiwct In woeS-lug order Wuttig, MilRng IM ttritfnwfffael ^

and Diamond RocklWMa a riait y. Office: li Board of Tyade kt luff. Victoria. P. a Bof Ml.

Page 3: LADIES' JACKETS - Wikimedia Commons


Dominion Parliament


Nicholas Flood Davin Talks the House Empty in Four and

a Half Hours,

Applications for Charters and Amendments.-Proceedings

in the Senate.

Ottawa, March 24.—Not to be outdone hy his leader in the length of his speech. Mr. Davin to-day spoke for four and a half hours to au almost empty House. He was succeeded by Mr. Rufus Pope, who took up the remainder of the night, so that the whole day was takeu up lty these two' member». Mr. Davin bitterly attacked Mr. Sifton, making charges inala limnistraUnu in the Yuk -n au l in- aiuuating that fount Tolstoi or someone else was making a protit out of the im­migration of the Doukhobors. Mr. Pope made a genera! attack ujhju the govern*

After rent!ne business Mr. Beausoleil submitted the ninirt of the committee recommending the appointment ot Mr. <r»«o. Mapm to tito ptatthl <»u tin; Hansard staff made vacant by the dcuth of Dr. Bradley. Mr. Waltef Boyce waa recommvuded for the pimition of editor of llnmutrd. The report wa* unanimous­ly adopted.

The Speaker informed the House that official information had beeq nwleed of the eteetion of Mr. Isoaiw 4L ltomvr* for the electoral division of Levin. —

Mr. Daviu Speaks on the' Address.Mr. Daviu resumed the «lebate on the

address. After arguing at some length that the Liberal tariff afforded no relief to the farmers of the cbun6ÿTif appval- ed to the Speaker, as a mau of |w«w ful imagination, well acquainted with the Liberal party, to imagine what the •dutdes of Hon. tivo. Brown and lion. Alex. Mackmzle xnrottLnay were they to revisit the House of Common* at the present day- The fluent Westerner gave a graphic picture of fhe vision as it ap­peared to nltn, and of the dialogic be-


" bnf- n-irialiK fb VI»'power and un-^twTOTiaWtoCmintToktiem-tbr DeO- <lvr Ihv s-.-l). In that ihe Prime "Min-. liuUvr., aud wa. more thlu waa later Wl.'to-Jer the K««»t ol l quired 'lor Uh- !.-a«iug i.r the «hip to

' SMPflj»r _____Mvphistopheles. , Sir Richard Cartwright with nepotisen,

Mr. Dariu n-fvrrrd‘aenin In rtw linip «*>'that the following moniker* «* of "the Yukon. and Mr. T*h« c*Uo Jhl. hi. tnrnOr were in ;tttv »hiMu- «tïilv: attention to thé fact that a footnote ex- 81r Itlctwrd Cartwright, minister of plainrtTlhc whole thing, and-that the trade and commerce; Rev. C. t artwright. hou. gentleman must have known that brother, chaplain, Kingston penitentiary; fac t when ht» made the statement. Robert Cartwright, sou, aaaistnnt attor-

Sir Wilfrid Laurier, iu reply to the ney-general; Frank Cartwright, eon, În- bon. gentlemen, also stated that the map apveUtr Northwest Police; Hurry Cart- referred to did not and could not have w right, sou. < ^nturio civn aeryk-e^Jamei. influvuced the deliberations of the com­missioners, and pointed out further that it was on too small a scale* to be of aer-

Mr. Davin then proceeded to diseuse matter» relating to the Yukon. Mr. Ogilvie was. he admitted, a good en­gineer, but In* was, he declared, as nu- tit as his (Mr. Davin'*)" friend Major Watsh proved to be for fhe poririr.n of eommisrfioner. The information he.had received was that Mr. Ogilvie iu order to raise money put a tax upon wmien who were plying au Improper trade.

Mr. Domvllle. who had recently re­turned from the Yukon, at once gave the statement a ilenial. but Mr. I*a\ n re­peated it, and added that"(16,000 was raised in this manuar Ip one day.

Mr. Deauville again gave the state ment a most emphatic dcuial. but Mr. Darin refused to accept It on the ground that the Minister of the Interior was the proper authority to give tie* denial, if one was required, and coni|daijied that when *o iiu|»orta?it a question wa* tinder discussion the Minister was not In his place.•"'T* The Yukon Administration.Sir Wilfrid Laurier stated that the

Minister of the Interior wa* detained from hia official dutiee by a rather Fer­ions illness, and Mr. -Darin apologiaed and withdrew his censure. Continuing. Mr. Davin a numU*r of chargea against Mr. Ogilvie** a<taiinist ration of ufffiir* in the Yukon. The first thing that ntfirbil had done-wa* to compel the pay meut of government chargea in cur- rency instead of accepting gold luat,

Cartwright, cousin,- position lu Ôâgodflé Hall; John Onrtwright, cousin. deputy ittMMHnml, Toronto; Mr. O’Hara, second cou*in, private secretary, with the commissioner*; Straubwixie Cartwright, sorond coiudn, appointed to military school before qualified anil Mr. O'Hara, married to cousin, master in chancery, Chatham. Mr. Davin charged Mr. Tarte with having given dredging contract* to Mr. McOillicuddy for Goderich harbor, and to Mr. Gauthier for Montrml barber without public tender, a statement that wa* indignantly denied by the minister of public work*. Mr. Davin dosed with a general' denunciation of the goveru-

One of the incident* that bring a sud­den hu*h over the member» and mollify the bhlerne* of debate occurred dur­ing Mr. I hi v in's address. He declared dramatically that during the recce» he had discovered that Mr. T. 0. Davis, 5l.Fi for Saskatchewan, had made a cor­rupt Imrgain iu regard to the patronage in hi*Constituency. He chulleugeil Mr. Davis to dtmjT’this, aud at firm Mr. l>a- vis. who was writing on a telegram form, piid no attention to him. Then Mr. Davis, who was tv follow Mr. Davin ill lbs h-Ltiv, Aiful quiltly that Me 616 deny it. Then Mr. D.tvin proceeded with his accusation*. Mr. Davi» stood up, hausled a telegram to a page boy, and, fuming abruptly, left the chamber, say­ing he, would return hi a few minute*. Mr. Darin aid the House thought he had fMf to procure aumc document, and a pau*- easped. Then when Mr. Davin resumed. Mr. Mutoek, who wa* lendiug fhe Him**, asked him to defer that part

W Flili n»Ul fimtaBii, «wMftuP»* ! #1 H with tHHiadWm-prwdwt*. Theyer; Waller Goodman Brunson, mauufac- believe iu showing Canadian mineral tutor; lt>ti Crdhuil. all of Ottawa; in five ton pyr^iiiK iindonr agninanuf ichirvr; .1 atm ^e^xi ensi- liÙy

P., Woodstock, and Thus. Jsmew Got- able at first, but as $u advertisement rnully. OLtuwu, barrister-iu-law, arc up- they believe nothing can take the iteye plying for incorporation as tin? Ottawa of actualities- which plan they irjj oar-Cartide Company. The chief place of businean will be Ottawa, aiul the pro­posed amount of capital stock is (200,- 000.---------------- ~

Mr. Louis Julien Dtiucra will be gux- etted to-morrow a member of parliament

Application wiH be made at the privent session for an act confirming ti deal <>f amalgamation between the Ottawa, Arn- prior A Furry Mound Railway Company and the Canada Atlantic ltailwdy Com­pany, and to turoepnittf the edpialii into oue corporation under the name of the “Canada Atlantic Railway." with power» as in the several acta relating to the two cvmrwnivs respectively.

Another ap|ilication ndll be made for an act to incorporate a company under the uamc of "The Canada Mining & Metallurgical Company," Limited, for the purpose of exploring for mining, smeltiug, treating, manufacturing, ox- trnrting. reducing, refining and selling gold, silver, copper* lead, iron ami other ores, metal ami miuiTil substamw, with |K»wer to conatruct and operate •meh railways. tramway*. vessels, wharfs, elevators, telegraph and tel«* ph*Ftb*e 11 an Becempty for the part pose» of the company's business.

rylng out, in their meetings in Ontario an,I Quebec. There will bv room in tin- big building in Loudon for à fair ■bow of aH of Canada's |ys*lncts,

The Senate.In the Senate this afterwaw tb« fol­

lowing standing committees reported that they had elected their chairmen as follows: Railways, Telegraphs and Harbors, Senator Baker; Internal Econ­omy and CoiHiugent Account a, Senator Kirchhoffcr; Frivate Bill», Senator BeHemee; Banking and “• Commerce, Senator Allan; Staudiug Orders, Sen­ator Macdonald (Victoria). The Stand­ing Orders Committee also nqsirted in favor of extending th<* time for recoJv- iug petition* for private bills until a fortnight from th«- Uth of April. 5*

The Divorce Committee reported that they had examined the petitions in the uiqdicatlou of David Stock of Toronto for lekve to introduce a bill for divorce 1 from Niie wife, Mary Stock, aud found ! the notices sutfW-ivut. The committee i had also examined evidence regarding vutfie prayer of the |*4iti<mef to sue in forma pauperis, and recommended that * ÏR# the fe«-s in this <wse be remitted. Si-n- |;ii-.r McMUlan mid t lia t if the report Id*graut<sl the prayer of the pettiiom-r he 1 would o|>|Hise It. There were too many

CEYLON TEARICH, PURE, FRAGRANT. Tbetinest-œoneycantHnr.

tiVer 1,000,000 packagrs Llpton's Teas sold weekly In Cleat Britain alone. ' *

In 4. i lb. and g lb. cloisters. Pot op by the grower.

TWOS. EARLE. Victoria,Nhelssals Agent.




In bemtlful Color Combmatioes for Curtain», toveriip* and Bedstead

White, Fancy, Frilled end Printed Good».- The very latest good* lo the


whii-h. hv «-« rtwl. »i« thr vurrHicy of ||f hi„ „dll"re„„ lmtM XIr tlnvi, rvlurui,!.the mining çanuMü, the result l*ei«g that the bunks ,1,» not give the actual value

explaining that he bed just received a, . . . .. . „ , „ tel«,‘gram unnounring 'hv werloiis illness svr .,ul,uwm tn ,-,m.

til the* mliu-u.anil * or ht« rhlMrm. ftrat Mr.Hert. ro(,i„g Hm-. nufWiin* <h.- !»*„• of,u,, pn,et, out of th.. inuifr. WM th,,h„ *|r. lt.,1, «.a „n,l oth.T ....uri-who w«re twin* lewd. Ihv rhartvml w„, t,errvilMI ,„.r lhp rai|w„ «iithm. .:---------- ...................................... . •-----iu,......hanks arv also i-harmu* - ikt veut |. r Mr llarln. liwnidleWt . ff. rv.1 to . h- monrh u«urv. Hv rvlstv.1 an Mfail lir,,!v ..r M. H„wh. Imtwhich 0i'curn*i( at a fire where .Mr.

Applicition will also l* made fur on art authorixing the construction aud op- ! of these bille, mtkm *»f a railway from the town of 1 (wiutor Lougbged Ilk is s cave Sudbury norfhêastecly i dinloiici of rs> where the fees ought t.» i*- remitted. miles to a point near the southerly ! Tb,‘ l^riliom-r wee. diverted by hie wife, i shore of I^ake Tamagaàüag. in the Nip- } who married another man, and both issireg ilist ru t || were imprisoned for bigany. He has

Thv Human Cathelk Kpl^ml O.r- 11 children anil• tr anpnmti.n. ot Pontiac wtn „ th, thwiit «Moyw of ,hv On. tonn-n. In Tn- *-.!« „f I'arliainvut f„r „„ act « --ry api.ll -alary.. hawing tiw uwh- of ,hv «u.l crpora- ; ™ "f ■'“f,1'''' lh“'1 *** '"Tlinn't.. "The Homan Cathiiu, l:|.i.v,.,«U ( T”' wbM‘oiom^ttio. hvimi fhv vtI- Vurporation ot l umhrvkv. " and fur uihvr , ^«■. .ni^concnrrvd In th.- rn.w. of

'"'TT v —- u ii ' Hvnatiir MvMillan did not want It.rbc t.rmt Xunhvrn KnUw.y < ytnoinv ,o |v |mdmnM, rh.t rhe îtvnat, madv-


A very Boe lise of Counterpanes, Sheetings. Dama«k Table 1 Inens, Na|.kiaa, Tray Cloths aod a large stock of Towels ol all kinds.

New goods coming.,In all the time. [WEILER BROS.) 81-38 Port *t.

Write for simples.

will make application fur « xtryffipk the time for completion of the‘^railway, rhaigtng-tt» name, ratifying agreemunt* made for the puroha* or leaae at con

in implicatton» of thia le ricn and the poor, but

any distinction kind between thehe did not want to *ee the number of these application* incrimaeU. In the l*tkt the fee* had been remitted only In

m PBHL, I eanrs of the wife apidving for divorce.Iln n-quiri-1 to iirr, ..ut Ihv vniuHtt.w* Th;» waa thv 6r»t ra».. whvrv Ihv fv.'» nf »o-h nunihaw nr lv«*-. .nlhvrlrlnr wrr, lM. rvmiltvd in thv'hr viMiFtnivtînn or ! wvfklug .if bronrh „f , aliidlritlûli nf a himhuml.

ttoilviv had hv c,.ut.n,1vd art,»! In an .Mr •*■*".”* >" .»*»l'*r.i-"»t<-| tti,rw wttrt-ttf rra!« rlrr.ttnf< wtiirhon., «. tlAn. tk-rid Slit» »ai.l that undrr thei.i itviv -, t-», if lur nnoihvr apport unity, and Mr. l-atin hvtrls and v, lui r f.. on! thv liitildlnit and vLrvumotauws in thia coav hv thunglit'"Vn.«h.v,,hiv, v Mr Kv.nilKOlk and ,hv U ought hr rvndttvil. Hv mmere was an mquuy w «mww oe hho b** wNpirtitry tifiôVrtî fhv adjonrtUBieiT of the ------------- ‘—-------------- ~


Toronto, Murcb-jH.™'To-day — a péti­tion was tiled against the return Of Mimteitb. <Viuaervolive, recently re- turuvd for South lyrth by a majority of seven.

The Ontario legislatun dosed at 7 o'clock thi» _ morning, haviug been in • •emdoii sfare ideven o'clock yesterday.

Odwmrg March 31.—-After Judge Strrtq yeeterday decided to go on with thi? hearing of Ponton's action against the Domhrion Beak ftv (60,000, |dain- tifTs cotinwd tlr,i#iH-il th«- case, offering no evidence or explanation.


■thv two grif.t aUtwinvn an thvy ,„„hinc ,,,„ ,„„Kuin, ..... piritinuirvogntual Sir Wilfrid I^nnvr and thv U, Mr. ugi|vir, hr i.ldvd. haduivmhvr* vf Ida CUbiner In fauvy hr ; ,x,,ri„r for the imattiM, and bailhvtrrd Mr. Hmwn any. whvn hr had «ni i ,, , ,h-. K,.isht „..r th.-for the

whole manage incut since he went iba»,ml ii wimittritr fumnr Hart■■■ifimi,,WTr*-'wt3wfcjiT' — ""Vr. Fnpg* .......——

Mr. Rufw* Fopv (('omptunj followeil. He asserted that the governunnL had

on.,,. „«„,,linivntar) thing. ■•*«« *», tn,| i, would In- fmh.1 thatHat wh.. ia that brhiod h.m? j,, ha, m,dn gr,.„ --Wilfrid

la not that Tarte?"* Then Mr. Maeken- gie would scratch his ghostly head au.l nay: “I befieve it 6." Mr fhrrfu Im- j agineil similar cob versa tiims iu regard

with Mr. Fawcett, so he was told: also he was. duady- related... » conirin. of the _

agme.1 sirnuar coavenmiHms iu regam ■ no; ^link qntte prulH,r Mr. Klfler>Mr- Hln^. Mr. anil Mr. Do- tyi|d„yiN. „f lh.. 1-uhliv

h-ll, a atut-m iaw of Sir IMv.d M.c,,h,T- ! w ^ ,^r,mVttt. wvnt up thvrv l«»t eou, and y.nvlndv.1 hi. gho.tty dmhntnr ,ylir „,d if then .n iuiidiy hv

"Wtlh thrrrUinfk-tlÿ nonnTThr drvnrraH lH , wilm s„,, |n lh,. box to iwolv lvedvr» that thv rrvnUvr had *«thvrrd a „.ml,.nuni w„ in<„

.the Gold thunmissioner's office ami hn,k over the books, showing where claim*

by the corruption putclived iu the bye el<-ctton* low Viol the stamUird "f po- litivnl morality iu thi* country, which had never before bom dragged down to the depths tv w lu, h it bas reached. They bad mstituted a reign of leth-r. dis*ui»sing officials after mock investi­gation*. SOBWI with cause, dioibtle**. but for every one of that «daw there- were

"twenty dismissal* without cause. That TrifX Tbe~-first fault—hr- fnwnd---attir-tW- government, the next l*dttg that they had fOflRf i < 'HtU«uuitioii of fSc local governuient* for party purposes and ugaiiksf the Iutirest* ut the pcitplet. The blame for the bad adniini*lnitioti of the Y'ukon rc*ted with th«- govemiuetit,

«X- ............ ... ..... Winnipeg. March 31—J. ti."Wafers Touchw| Of readied ibwire tu see * Istiiy jif grimilug mayor of West Ssdkirtr, baa been up1

divonv. ('anyda ha«i bn»u fortunate Tn regard to th,'' nnmbe divorces graute«l. During twenty years

rsvTgnWiby thv mill rail wav and U* co«»wting lines, anil for otli'er [mrpo#*s<

Mr. George fflmpson'* Aprolntmeail.A4 the meeting of thv debate* com­

mittee to-day Mr. Beauaollel - wa* ap- I*tinted chairman in plmv of Mr. Choquette, aiqwdnletl judge. The va-, cancy on the ILm-anl staff, caowil by the death «»f W, Bradly, waa filled by th*- appointiuciil of Mr. Ge«»rge Simp­son, the tlttawa coweapoudeot of the Globe, win* waa the unanimous choice. Hr. Craig moved 5Tr. Simpson'* ap-

• Mr Ri. h.mi-toll iii-.\.-l flu*

th«^ Senate had grantml 110 decrees of divorce, white during the eume i«eriv«l the Tntied State* had grouted no lea* t bon 40M0&

The report was ndiqited. and Senator Aikin* introduced a bill for the relief oTttmt St«8 k. which wa* read a first time amf stand* for a second reading on the 10th of April.

Before—tfcg nrdtTg ot the dav were caHed Senator Ixtnghrtnt said he had been asked by a number of Senator* to

ram* HWVPrtiHWBt lhat j|


queer 1<H around hint. Mr. Ihiviii- at- tacked Mr. Sifton. riil<ullag thespeeches he has made ami the pr»m-^ puor ^Invnw givi'11 tn thvtu hy Uk-raî m-*» „f i lain,-, «-hil. th,.»-«hn wvivl«apvi> T1m-u Mr. Derto acvawi thv , „u„id, W„„M kn„w .hour it. .11 v , .gmwnmvnt .,f h.ruur *«,yv,l thv Pa- M ,h,,„ w.oU h,„ ,.I11|.«ril.. „r ‘,H «ml. thvrv mn.t he an ........................ mtruna bjthvir pWitvsto brm* m . purr- i mlww> «tit th-'rUnt: amt thv, »"lf 4"“ W kl"'w whatI, rVTvnnv tariff Thv rytvntian iff , „,m|d b„„. ,i,n » p„a,r whi.h waoU l"nl, f aihttuni^raUim th„- nrv «nv- «hat Sir Itiihqrd Carttrrnfht valU.1 thv ; g.T<, unP.half y,,, ,.lailn Ul(,med kr. Thv Ptvtmvr ha,l. h, ,hi lar

! one-quarter to M* satellite, aud the oih- | er quarter to the miner who did the stak­

ing. Taking McGregor and Wade a* the

! tie 1 from the Yukon the moment Mr.| Ogilvie went up. McGregor, who was

taka thv i«i»itu.n -r hi- fatlwr. Ihv latv dld llld Inivrfvrv tvilh ft»- priigri .. nf

**—■ *-*p'r : kiinti-.l i.rtnvinal nf St. raul'« Indian nher of mdustrial *cwm«I.

St. John. March 31.—The trial of Francis MctNdl, charged with the rour- • der of lii* father at H«. Brigiile. Que­bec, which ha* been in yrogri-s* tiefore Judge Ohariand at S<. John's for some" days, hu* been, concluded, the jury re- turnmg a verdict of not guilty.

Halifax. Match 31.—The steamer Gispcsia i> still jammed in the id* off Elang du Nord beach. The *hon- ic«‘

-hm half a mile «»f the eteamroy and -die was vTsitT-r! ÿéet»‘riTay fiy a number of people. .<11 th«* passengers sad crew are in good health.

ii The Ose That Gh*s •wieli Quickest fte.lst That's i



•t Is the best


ZTlZT'c KiJn’/. Mur- le «ir J---M » f. %_____________ [prWtW ll-hwe E-ibetlt !•OleaW.L»lts«.MU»eAtVM at i.tliu,Ha ■- V

<*1. 1m-«»i willing to. exchange certain Lauadiau iudu*tri*w with tlo* Tuil*si State» If he could get free hay anil har- lev. which hr Ik-1 1er«V, would Is»with the agricultural community, lie

Chartes Boyce, a* «Nliior of Hansard. Thi* was al*o -atried uuauim<mfUy. a.< wa* a!*" the résolu lion of Mr. Riclmnl- *ou to leave the choice of the chief of Hansard to the staff reporter*. In the

igreeing. thecommittee

bnwluc** the aitj'M*nmieut over Easter shouhl, be until Tui-wlay. April 1L in I order - to allow those of the Senators who lived at a distance to retrurn to their homes. II«m. David Mill* said

. that when he hail proposed the ad-

Militia Orders. Understood that the lower House wouldhe aide to finish the d«4»ate on the ad-

EFFECT8 WERE WONDERFUL.*T bad lM-en trooliled for rears with pains

hi my *Wr* and kidney* and had. aches la all parte of my body, owing lo stomach and I'w troubles. I began taking Hood"* Rnr- Mt parti It ami Its cffwti were wonderful. In a short time 1 was entirely cured." Mr*. Francise. ‘Jtjn <ho,lngton avenue, To-

r Mué

A militia gcturul order i**ued to-day lu.» Use following in regard to Woora and salute* to hv given by troops on

ernuc or- lieuteuant-governor

that the loeger adjournment would iii-

if *a n,®th,n *'** adopted that when the Sen-

viUainy of the protective system" in their tariff by thv government after their pledges, he said, was one of the moat

»|Mwr«f-l»»w thaï ha* ev«-r Iwen wtinesw-il in any country. The farmer*

pr.HnT’WÉjOUj WUgWumvO ttv? „f raiHi,adnvt. going dfmt- . m n-vronvo,, wr.vv arv MorJ-tariff from whlvh ------- ,.. .... i.___ , „.w.! -n« ' .,tv. and 1-H.kmg aflrr Ihv h-t.

and the announcement that the gov

only cai-hartle to take with 1

avwptv l thv n-|»,rt that Ihv diwiaaela | wy nr MS o.miuh»iotH r act- ..'J.jf,‘'"-flî'.rJ.In'v."a,!vM U."»t M o vl-wk

would L’ii'1 Ike* every vestige of protection wa* muoyed. He Matted the government for having taken out of the pn#‘'» pocket $1,700- iMMl wore than was required, in ordet that they might say they had a sundus. and went un to show that instead of there being a surplus there wa* in real­ity a deficit of $4.777.0no. and the Min­ister of Finance hud a man over in Eng­land now trying to borrow $3.«**U*iti. Passing on. Mr. Darin renewed the charge that has jneen made throiwhout the country that the Canadian commis­sioner* had lieen embarrass**! during the negotiation* at Washington by the pro­duction by the AhivrIran cnnrmtsidnn of a mai» issued .lev the Department of th** Inti rior. accepting the Alaskan bound­ary a* claimed by the American*, and he produced a copy of the map in qmatjaB..

“What map i* tliatT* iuqu'.mt Hon. 51 r. Tarte.

“Take that over to the Premier and ' let WAT-see fhr - hfrrèiH*tÿ:”J Mr.Divin, a* he hantied it to a page. **I

, J^fa-wiLiliiiiht hi- has Ai.vii it.LcIuCi^Ainl

-interior?. At <1 o'clock Mr. Da via had not con-

id uded his romark*.

feriftt DcpaWfirrtlTT^ffff^gfhg that there was so'methlng that neeiled ex|4auation nlwMit the |iarinent of (7 per head for the transportation of thv Duokhobors to Canadq. He said this money had

wilt reengnlie it," he added. |M*. Tartu, who was u» his seat im­

médiat i ly bediind" Sir Wilfrhl Iatnrier, icanetl forward and made a remark to Mr Wilfrid, who,-after looking nt the map. rose and *a*1 : “I have never seen that map he/urc."

Attack on Mr. Tarte.N "Mr. Davlri. YîWIhiTnÿ. saiiT riml he

saw the Minister of Public Work* was behind the Prime Minister giving him pointers. He waa- a great ail mirer of the Premier, but he would say to him that he must not always rely upon the advice given him by the Minister of Pub­lic Works, ns there was never any man In public Ife in any coeotry so dis­credited as the present Minister of Pub­lic Work* Was. Thv whole homut lib­eralism of Quebec'was in revolt against him. and thv Liberals of Western'Can­ada, tod. are in revolt, but through

V some extraordinary power he continue» to wcupy his place of Influence with the Prime Minister. Some French Liberalsarc asking theni*elvc* the question: , - . , .-Where i* it going to end? i* it going to remedy. It is nothing new;

iutUfes. «me remcqj; that has been curing ,th«e case.

Work* over the Prime Minister, and It la i:M thing fwr the Pnrmier that he cantsf be awakened from, the a|*dL It ■was a painful thing to çontemplate/ andrecalled to hi* mind a situation.that haa he**» treat**! with, consmnmatv power by a German poet and repwwChtvd on the state, in which a smiling an^ innocent phtmy maw l* brought «sl*r the of :i dgrk and evil spirit; completely

-rsks,»e%«' îütir’-iS,,

- WWftSW «www-w-tw *Sr(|x wvr tn «aj fo him "pt itao tivUin.l

in, ont Monte 1.1»ml, an.1 with hi. frivnils mailt* «an. .a 17ft- j ra.G"L, 'n' - "*'«*-(*«. in ctnuwqnvnve nf hi. M kunw- h,"i''n “»• “f «" «■»«*lv,lge. Ah ilttnlW WW3 »h.« that ' ™g .j.«1.vv -It-the d,.,-. tun..ut b»» -ny

____ . . „ .__L ,, ia„ i such Intention they musL he said, givetot, were bein, tapt bach J™«bein* ^ ,„fr noU(t t,..nar Ifataked ont. In the Udereat, of emebetly { |haJ ,u<| ^ ^ lppu|d^ Uu«.b,r.

were going to stay just where then | were until they, too. were ready fi*r a

contest. They would not- leave the House without 1*4ux thoroughly orgen-

j ixed. and it made no diffrmice to timtn j whether they stayed then1 one mouth

or other, he *up|*ised in the interest* of men like Drury, who got lots staked last year and then went over to Eng­land to sell tbrm a tauiper and came ha<*k a half-millionaire. M«4lr«v-r was a hono-ileab-r.

An Hen. Item her A horse-thiefl | or gjx months, they wx>uhl not leaveMr- Darin—That was an inspired re- t|,e Hou»# until they are prepared to

mark. ‘ fhe police were after him a ,llwV lh<. K„vt.rnnM1, rTm ground couple «.f year* ago fog horse*eteallng to Morr lhe. Th*, opposition had,the il rot. Continuing, Mr. Daviu said intimated, many tiling* to observe that MHlfwgor and Wa«le wrort back,; aD,| inq.yn. i0t0f gn<| they would insist and what do they *ay • That they had , upon: doing ■«>.•• The government, he la-rmlmOoe to .take ..." Wh.. dw.,,mli bld by tbeir t1>rru|,d„n tow. gnv,- th.m ,. rmi,.K.n : Who «old giw rled th, ehole aatkmal honor ana Ih-t" pom.I.don b, th.- Mlmator of thr btot#M tho woyle nl Vaue^a *,.•« to


jL <sy.i

^ i nut

Mature— royal salute, standard* ftivd colors krwered, officer* saluting, men prewentiug arm*. ImiikL playing the first six bar» of the National Anthem."

____ M in ihf B>ran\ti»v gy*«»Hi-the agmr-api-u

Spared Nebcsly.At the evening*» aemtoo of the House

Mr. Daviu spoke for another hour aiul a half, making the total length of his speech four hour* and a half. He spoke ,h> an almost empty llmise. and theml win- very fewr in the gallery.

cattle, sheep i»r swine, or any utb»r ar« _ JgJiykn iAaL.i>qy..tos BifmJiu;,

to the plebiscite, he declared that the entire strength nf the ffCmSffient Bad been brought tv lanr upon Quebec to roll up tho majority against the vote; tjiat fcir Wilfrid Laarier hall suit Sir Henri Joly and tlu« otiier minietmi into the provim-e. t«* arouse thv people against it. and he questioned the nc-He rontinned hi* attack upon the In- j____ ,

roe**» 1 fWWT <« me stwtrtncnt (tint a ' nega-

Lost flesh lately?Does your brain tire?Losing control over your

nerves ?Arc your muscles becom- ; g^ing.

ing exhausted ? !, At 35 minnt#* nfR-r

live majority of 04,000 had been given at the poll* in that province. He also eriticixe<1 the govrtumnvt for not har­ing secured the beet and fastest *h‘ps available for the cold storage *™-vice instead of a lot of obi “coal boxes.' and censured it for not having given proper encouragrturtit to the pulp industry. He. ridiculed lion. Mr. Dobell for hi* advocacy of s 11m? of steamship* built alike at both end*, and" which, if they got turned around in a gale of wind, would not know which way they were

11-Mr Davis.I 8a*k:it( Im-wi-1. moved the adjournment

You certainly know the of the debate.The Order Paper.

I Rtr Wilfrid Lanrier ha* given noticehHt.WJlfeiMlW Urn* wtinwwt.

next TBuniday it will staml adjourned until the following Tuesday.* < ■ -

Mr. Gillies hua givri notice of a re­solution to reduce the detie» cm to-

Mr. Davi* (Saskatchewr.n> will move for Cue report* and rei «.mmendtitious of the commission vppnhitffi to lnr«sti- gatc and FK’ttk1 claim* fin* kww«* arisingoat <>f the Saskstehewan rebellion In V*©. also a sfatemrut of thr* Haim*presented, "the amount paid' In each

of thinness and paleness for twenty-five years. Scott’s Emulsion. The cod-liver oil in it is the food that makes the flesh, and the hy- pophosphites give tone to

•COTT h KOWNE. Tenet» :

nted,‘care, and-also the daim» presented and tierfee

d rntwtdtfirtir * "• -rr-iggfi

Erskine Henry Bronson, manufactur

■ ■ ■ -The first instalment of the New On­

tario delegalMHi arrived here early thia A feW in ■

later. They are arranging for their public me*»iug for Tuesday next. By that time th*- full contingent will huv«*‘ arrived. They luimtEwid the Mluts- t*-r of Uailwuyh and t'aual* shortly af­ter th«‘ir arrival. They are distributing New Ontario & St. Joe Railway fold- era all over the city, aud are strong­ly advocating 11 lag display of <Vm ada'e mineral and agricultural woh 1th at the Paria expoeitiôn, that the /vari- ioua province* la? asked to each roniieh its own display, and lhat thv Ibniiin- km guvcnmient take charge > of the varions «li*play*. They aim ft#k that

Senator Macdonald < Victoria?'—ratted" ~ ^ “altenUw !.. a deapatib fr*m* EugUnd fTwo T"",IH Wl11 Be Occupied CmI! Ord r to the effect that the British govern- ! ,e Guaranteed,ment h«d made the statement that ne-

Rubbcr Neck r B p|S|Bi every-<l»y citlsenis^raean5^efru‘/?™


al'lv f<itv in a bmlteti centre aid «-r. «•! nu il a ni-nlfrii fnrt-fî: l.nlMIhq and

g<fiat ion* were in progress for the e* ètnblixhmrnt of a Biodtte vivendi on ^he Aldskan frontier landing a settlement regarding the tsmndary. He wanted to know if the gnrrromriît was- aware of thia.

Hon. R. W. Scott said the govern­ment had received no information on the wnbject. but thought that snrh might be the case.

Senator Perley a*k**l if it wa* fin* intention of the government t«> issue t%*• writs for a bye-election in the city of Winnipeg thi* *e*sion.

Hon. David Mills *aid if the matter wa* brought to the attention of the Speaker of the Commons he would is­sue hi* writ for an electiqe.

Senator Perley wanted to know if it i was true that a meeting of the Privy | Council had been held in the city of i Srar Tor* cut Snedltr..................

Hon. David Mill*-—"No meeting of the Privy Cmukll wa* held in N«‘W York. {

TteiWen -wanrwf ’ rtn f


Troubled with Sick Headaches, for •rcr a year- LaxarLiver Pills

have cured her.

Those terrible sick headache*.How they take out etery bit of life and

ambition.Bring on depression— and often end in

eomplete mental and physical prostra­tion'.

But how to get rid of them? that's the question.

Here’s the way.Take a Laxa-Liver Pill at night before

retiring.’Twill work while yon sleep without

gripe or pain.

sas* ing about the eyes wijj bo gone.lira. Joseph Woodworth, Ohio, N.8.,

endorses what we say s This la her statement; •4,I have been troubled with sick head

ache for over a vear. Lately I com­mence* to take'Lexa-Liver Pill* and find they do me more good than any other medicine. They are an excellent fill, causing no pafn griping and leaving no bed after-effeefe.”

Every Laxa-Lirer Pill ia guaranteed Ufcj^t jjfthflfft liffiigriff to#.. or sickening effect

T. MiuvRN * QcToronto,. Ont.'

I>'udnti. April 1.—Thv Pvkln correqwL- 1 dent of the Times says: *ti'nd*r or4«r* i from Berlin thv fivrman* will wenpy clan- 1 i u and l-Vhau Fn. ‘n the prorlnre of Shan 1 tung, until-China.ia »t»tf tu give the re- 1 «intslle guaranlve of her ability to |^rewvr^•v order within that .province. Slncv she Is r unable to give yurh guarantee* tit-rniaiiv * action Is equivalent to effcclw lnterfcr- j vnee in administrative control within the German sphere of Inlluebrc."

Another Permanent

ure of crofula.

Not long ago we published the case of Sirs. Rennet, of

Crewson'sCerners,Qnt.,whom Burdock Blood Bitters cured : of one of the severest cases of ■ Scrofula met with in Ontario.

So thorough and permanent ' has the cure been that in nearly 5 years the disease hasshown no signs of returning.

This time we give the caseThv Nvtiatc then adjourned .until Zxt xr u c

Tuesday, April Hth, at 8 o’dock in the ot Mr. Norman L). Murray, ol ; rTrnln*- Brook Village, N.S., who was

permanently cured by B. B. B. of scrofulous sores that defied, j the skill of two prominent

physicians. Mr. Murray writes as follows : ..

" Tt is with pleasure I write in praise of



i, WE DOj i

Bicycle Repairing ^


STr 9pftH’kmrw- tf James D: Mcfiirpr had been , appoint**! Imq»vvt«wr of Miuca for the Yukon Territory, hi* duties, salary and, the amount of royalties collected dur- imr tliv 11 ms- Ju> waw 1ft offieeu " ■ j

Hon. David Mill» said that .lame* D. McGregor had been appointed Inspeetoe

-of Mine* ob fbc 28th of Scptcmtivr. : 1867, :it * aalary of (1,866 i year and hi* vxpvnwe*. whW-h had Ikn-ii $11111. Hi* dutie* were to see tint the miner* paid the government thv royalky of 16 |*‘r cent, on the gross Output of thv minv*In th<‘ Yukon. There had been paid in : I r«>vakie* up to thv 31 *t of January, lKfil. the sum of $30i;.4«!S.

The Svnatv then adjounied , until

Columbia,Cleveland mi Crescent Bicycks A»

aA 60 Govcrcment Street.3hrwmtfi

• <*> .'el

thr samoan

Washington. March 31.—A Joint high coin- ml**l«>n to settle the entire Bamiwlrtnmbk ha* Inen pravtlmlly ngrc«*l upon by the Ol'lfd (totee, British and Hitman govern­ments. Thv new." plan ha* been fully -gnn* cfvec. by. Secretary Haÿ nul the Brlftoh and Gvrmiin ambaaaadoca here and Its e-*vntl-il

represented by ope member on the commis- . «Ion. It 'U to have' pra<•(Irti11ylimited authority without the 'neceaa'ty of rvft»r- ring-thv decisions b»rt to the several gov­ernment a for approval. Still another Im- , perlant .provision under ormsldvratlon is, that King ttosir of .Norway-aud Swyd-n shall I- • -v the three h'gheommlasloaers should fall tn rtwrh a de-‘terndnall

V1MPÎ.FS ON TTTF VyV tian b* vu red by tly ere of Dr. Agnew’e Ointment.





. PRICE ... $53

cured me of Scrofula. I consulted two of bur most skilful doctors, who gave me some acid to apply to the sores, but I regret to say that the application only made them worse. My face was a«l one running sore and I could get no ease. Àt 1 l ist 1 purchased onè bottle of B. B. B.,

E.G.PRIOR & CO'SCorner Government and Johnson Sts.


WATERLOO(>«7* Tons Register.)

r-oiii l^.nd-'ti and ■Llrcrriool, will receiveand before I bad used it, all I was com- gi tu-ruj cargo for tMe port ât yie. per tou. phriciy cured. Words canuOt express my , Kh<* ™ ri,,w* vo lb* **l®wlnR dntn,;feelings toward your God-sent medicine. London* • • IBîh April.

—er ,¥0,bs-“MSC,‘ Liverpool,- - 13IU Kajr, .**ghKiraj t ?*Tu«ar to-wJt » pttmanaat- «wo • Vat-my. trot T»t lo a* tii.-rraft.r,

M«>.rltidprae&aflyl£iv.n“Sold t>t rtf an 1 Hlicx-k, pod Hall * Ce.1


Page 4: LADIES' JACKETS - Wikimedia Commons


■W 111 IW to.B. Ç,, March Th—Van

• . --.liveliest ports on thv Pacifie Goast or Satimiuy. '‘Tin* cupacity of every dock seemed to 1m* taken tip; and the w#te> front 'With its moving crowd of

Supply from their Nanaimo, Southfield and Protection Island Collieries

: Steam Gas , • Mouse Coal

of the following grades:

Double Mcreetied Lump,Run of the Mine,Rushed Nut» and Screening. ]

SAMUEL M. ROBINS. Superintendent

The Daily Times.

first itml li-It Victoria’, water-front atory ' in k«*|>lug with thoao of a Brttlah per- ’ not Ion* .Imre, The Toronto World after: : ’ I llaiin-ntaHan than one it anally meet» In ! of ehout two week, ago had an editorial

Vancouver.’ B. C, March 2*~V» hWltuHO, He la atrongly tn faror of j

» Ijrn'mÊtHKHæÊKÊtmiÊÊtÊti&mmffî&imSémï/mtivil service, and of giving to tlic „re# 0( Southern British Columbia. Mr. French “touch something of the dignity Hill, we are told, coinprchcivls.thejpavc and iudepeuilettcc which make the ; rrefKHiâibility, if smvitmt are not eetab-

llshed here, of the siitcKlug industry be­ing firmly established a crow the line."

Here is the triegrnm: “Spokane, March 1: will be a thousand pith s if this tine .10.—It is reported here that Prcsidsot

sailors, proa|icctive northern initier». 1 British touch the highest type <)f,judicial coaat mining men and shipper* present- authority.ed animated sight. Karly in. the

Published (except Sunday)y day (> by the

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The 1>A1I.Y TIMES U On Sale At the Poltowing Place* in Victoria:

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MRS. -;AN'S STATIONERYSTORE. 46Mi Gorcrnment etheet.


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Wifli feeling* <if regret all thoughtful CanadUin* will note that the current *•*.*- sion.Rt..the-Uuminioa Horae is ndt to be productive of any serious »j>epe!ics or useful suggestion» from the opposition. We really expected to sec Sir Obaiiee Tupper autl hia collcaguen make a much more- 4tgrfV4ie<l--ftn4 impreewve- shewing in tbeir chargee regasdiu#»».tie- wikrgwl maladministration of tAe Yukon. We were told with great serlowmew and many «minou*- hoad-sbaTtlng* that when the time was fully ripe tho*e charge* would be brought lip In the Boone, mid the reçoitiQion of the-mimater uj the iiLv torior. hud. indeed, the whole govern­ment. would lie blasted forevermore oyer

- Ihia dvplarnblv busiueaw At P»WWI, _ The charge* have been brought up.

speeches of outrageons length nnd out- TSieou* virulence have been made by the leader of the opposition and his bench

('fetch from Victoria, on her way north, and New England, from the Halibut bank* off Queen Charlotte Islands, ar­rived in port ami increased the bustle and activity at the docks. For a few hours the Vnion Steamship Company's d(Vok was the liveliest spot in the city. The up-coset steamer Coquitlam was louling there for Shoal Bay and way porta. The New England was discharge me tWO CSftOMdl <>r about 9(^000 pounds of fish taking oa a n*oohl load of freight and passenger* ^oe Lyqh canal porta;

That corresifondent la not well-in­formed; the Pacific Coawt Is tt big place and Victoria, the second ifort in the Do­minion of Canada is far ahead of Van­couver in shipping brininess, a* we “hail uow show; Almost any day one rujr stroll Slong the docks here and e« ocean liners, tall barks and full-nggcd ships from the uttermost ports of the earth, big freighters and ,‘lram;i*'‘ taking iu or discharging cargo. Often one may sec one of Ihe 3,005 ton boats of the Nippon Yuseu Kaisba at the outer wharf with oy of the (1,000 ton Empresses outward bound for China: the Tacuuut. ur.sjmc other member of the Northern Paiftc Oriental line; the Queeu or other, of the 8a n Francisco aud Alaska boats, the Cottage City, Dauulie. and many other regular call­ers at aud home boats of this port. In the .Inner harbor are to. be neen the (Sty of Kingston,' Islander, Yosemitc, WlITiph. Qtâeëü City, PHBSSs Louise, City of Nanaimo, the ocean-going steamer* Huron and Alpha, the Amur, the D. G. 8. Quadra. Once in a wh'le a torpedo boat or ^kgtruyer from Ksqii- . feialt tizze* at nigh spvetl into and out of thv harbor; up the harbor thc/e is a forest of masts, tin- scaling schoon­er* and /rchliï Off In Royal Road* at any time «nie may observe half a lTozcn Liverpool. London or Clyde etippees at anchor; and imseing and repassing the hartfor-mouth Her Majesty** trim ship# of war. from the stately lm- prrlewse - «fwwn'"Ttr""tlwr ""Unie Torpedo craft■- Jlir.L.aiiii .above, jail .those, larger .„ vesuris there is the towing fleet; a flotilla of swift tugs, some hauling log- boom* tit hers coal barge# from Na­naimo. Indeed, in proportion to its size Victoria la probably the busiest seaport on the Pacific Coast, certainly in Can­ada.

Vancouver is pretty well for Its age •»h4 iôt-ut*4 h*o.. but it vxcitc*. htughlcr to— mention it as a seaport in comparistin with Victoria; it will never.U* the sea­port Victoria bt; nature and the ways of modern commerce are against It. It may nol ‘ be T5ng~ljieT0rc~ Victoria Is ’ Canada's premier port. It all deinmcls on how the Orient l* developed.

man be cut off by the hand of the sassin—and more pitiful for France than for himself; for with the election of a man like Loubet to leadership friends of the Republic took comfort in the thought that in spite of the desperate condition of affairs revealed by thv Dreyfus scan­dal (oh the back of the Panama scandal) there is yet i« France a saving element which will make itself felt for good even iu the darkest hours of her politicaldegradation.

I*mg may President Ixwbet jirevfo ex­ert his beneficial influence In the stormy arena of French polities.

Aguinnldo acts wisely in playing the Imperious i»art with hi# follower*. Pa­triots in action will not follow a man who falters. The Filipinos probably prefer to have their leader say (what the American* are now laughing at); “Fili­pino*, join the Anwy-or take the con­sequences, when l shall have finished with the Americans." He is going to. finish the h«- betlevea; andwhy not? The.fight la only beginning, an I the outlook for the Americans Ip no better than it is for the natives. Tsar Nicholas said his heat generals were Jan­uary and February; Aguinaldo may say hi* best general# are the Philipfimo cli­mate and the swampy jungles of his nu tive land.

Article* such, oA hcttfi, purse?,; pocket- book#. card-case* ami small bag* are now made of human skin by Loudoo tiny*. A few week* ago a considerable per: toft of a fwsbkmwble wt*n*u'* u-ou* m‘ju was made of nicely tanned human skin. These skin* hre from thp^boiltos of the Indigent poor who are dlaaected at sclenRlc TnstltiitlQft*. and are soli to tanners by the leépeeenioiis medîcaT sit*délits. There i* a steadr-démamt for this «las* of leather. What next?

Hill of the Great Northern Railway Company intends to make this city a smelting erttfre, and furnish all trans­portation facilities required, if the citi­zen# will erect the smelter. The idea is to prerent the smelter industry getting on a solid basis in Southern British Co­lumbia. and Incidentally tv cut off the Canadian Pacific Railway out of. this.

It would appear »e If *otneou« were wire-pulling, and the t>nd in View la not wrappnrf to hbeenritv OBSERVER.

Cremated in the Stable

Two Horses Burned to Denth in Porter * Sons’


Good Work of the Fire Biigade Saves the Ledingham



You may throw aside all misgivings when you go awheeling on a Dunlop-tired mount.

ManiiTacturers put the proper finish to their best wheels by fitting them with DunlopDetachable lires.

So it's always safe to look for the trade mark on the tire-^-

“ Danton Annal " mailed tree trie Department U Dunlep Ottkes, 36*31 lombard Street. Toreeto.

A TRAINED MALE NURSE, with «X- perlem-v In hospital ami prU.i

• UU ftprti fur easoagy^wtit. Addree*, ..hi*#*

MAltHlBI) COWPlJt, wlthvut chlldr,BfEnglish), would Iw glad <»f any sltuatlou.


WANTED—Aotlvfe *man to travel for large nisnuroeturing h.«i*e and arkp»»lnt agents; $18 weekly and expense*, state age and reference. AtMrews til.*,- Co., 733 L'tuwt- utlt street, Philadelphia,- Pa.

UOOI> pmIGU AHA MEED; general , Ing solicited; ll.OU per day. 179• (

W ANTED (by a Indyl—Eneagemeut s*p'snlat at private or publie dautiest good a<*Nsupanlst also; terms moderate. Aunlr

Imea office. ^ mWANTED—Employers In need of practical

ly trained offive assistant*, bookkeepers,----------- '----- typewriter*, etc. Plea*»

imbla Com mew-la | College. B. A. Vogel, prig.


Mr. Reekie# Wilson, wHl-ktunrn to

clrver siircial article# In the British

At 3^5 this morning a man pnt hi# head in the fire hall on I’amlora strwt and shoaled "barn sttrer* Although it win April’s fool itay thr nightwat<1tm*n

'thought it advisnbh* t»» enquire into the roattei* sml turned u> qumtion the in­formant as to where the hern We* he rated, but he had Ufft without ,1c# ring his card or any trace of hi* identity. The watchman ran out on Gormnraot street and saw a blase in the direction <4 the Chine»»- Ittitugc Hume. He ll once eounded the alarm, and In two min- utea time the brigade was at the scene of the tire with a full complemeet <>t men. The building, which was burning

• ’i, of JobSons, the butiîieri" of Johnson . street,

. ■ whirh t.M-ateil <.n Fi#*uanl stnvt next preo* about their nwpe^ve eonntrtn.. ^ |he carriage of Ledingham

Bro*. When the firemen arrived aabout to bene a book on the Hudson Bay Company. Mr. Wilson, It is said, ha* haJ %creas to the arrive# of the company—a perfect quarry for a writer.


Doe# it nut seem rather an odd ar- raugurnett that Mr. Tboma* I*. Sorby should to exi Iu Ivd from all the meeting* of the committee appoinle<l to enquire into the m-betne for the improvement of

"Tletoria hartmT? 8irrfely~"tf" imr- man ought to be prraeot at all those11 meft- ing# it is the man who probably knows more u'oout the sulijoet than any man

stranger, whose name «‘oqld not be aager- tained, was calmly leading two horse* out of the burning building as if be was taking tb»ut for ezurcuu.-. Thu. imiL UtV- der the lUrectlon of Chief Deasy at once started to battle with the flame*.

The building, which fa a frame one, has in the front part a cart wind divided from~tBf stable by * à Wooden partlfion, whiTi* ten horse# atableii. A loftwaa built in the aH»er part which runs from end to end. This toft was filled with bay aad here '!«•• fire était ed.

ttotef-Degsr'*'*# Thr first tn enter the building and at «are attempted to free a hvr#e that waa ia the first stall on the left hand side He tuggeu and pulled at the halter, but ibt beaal wa* m terri­fied that the chief fourni it impossible to

\'Ut i toosen the animal. He ran back fdr a * 1 knife with whi<ti to cut the halter, but

by the time he returned the burning hay# —• — ... i L — I.... fc....■I... .1 ^11.... „,> t K.»r rxwftt I fît- i-’Ir 7rT"*Tt* tr irr, tt via 1 — ’horse and set ita tail and mane alight

. us» .. |-------men. am! what is the result? XMiy. a living. His presmee at tho#«- meetingsbigger, n more utterly ludicrous and screamingly farcical result than that which followed the Turner party’s at­tempt in the British Columbia legisla­ture to impugn the motives of His Honor Ltwrt. Governor Mrlnaea in. bundling, them out of office a* they deaervvd. Sir Charles Tupper and the Tory party are this day the laugliing stock of tjfenada. Thttir dark hint* of awful disclosure# hare come to nothing; they hare shot thrir bolt aud not only failed to make a hull'* eye they hare misaed the target and hit space.

Will- they not ..have

would, it »eciii«i to us, save the committee from wasting time in atlimpting to dis­cover for themselves matter» with which he is perfectly familiar, aud the details of which he could place at their service at a inotoeut’a notice. Of course, the committee may have some reason fur ex­cluding thp only expert on the subject, and we may be doing them an .injustice to criticising adversely an arrangement with which w e are perhaps not thoroughly convenient, hut our renink* are made en­tirely from the ordinary citizen's point of view. We fall to see what Use there Is in the committee apimding time in at-

tide ami sulk the rvmalivlrir of theIimrtftiir to « .Ivo qomtlow ef-ee mm*. i*uu attir thi, «.mml doee of S, w ‘ ImportiiiKv and fiffionlty »od then, when "Brun.vvili. *ilWl»T r.Tt.imfy thi-r ’ fh"T 'IhewmlTW in wnmlhln* of »

n. vvr mention the Yukon | mulMIf. cillhnt in Me, Borhy end «nttin» ngatti: ü hnuTwVlMirnfnl '«uhji.t will. Mm f»> raplem nml "fuoT.Into thv whole them now Ni-holti. Klood Davit, trU.t l-ditt at i-n.-. Why not hare Mr.,Bor- 4o «lay tiu pm;;.t.i„... elth t> «amt j by.ere-vut at *rmj mretiaTT «F-rntt

5 Bi* bat h.- ttwh] MTt the tomaiüttw rnm-h time and it*.-

four hour# and a half to put them to sleep. Darin is fas$ losing hi* edge; he used to commit a bon mot onre in a long while, but not now it is all old-wifish scolding and «ItM-idedly dubious attvnipt* at wit. His masters should wind him up for shorter period* of alarm-clock ora-

When Cecil Rhode* was leaving Ber­lin KaUer WiZhalm preaentel him with a |k»rtr»it of bia imperial hoet^ Ntrauge to say rrwiïi one of tlmniiWthrTmrtnritir ..f ihff'ffiljprot SCWawWbAt significant in view of the outcome of the confabulation the distmfwshed pair had enjoyed.


Because th< Toronto Telegram for rea­son* that no fellow can unoerstand has cuncerYeit a violent dbdike Ie Mr.Siftun. H insists that the Dominion gov crament gave away the Crow'* coal ‘land* to-'INironto capitalists »t know* perdcsaly well, MUd cverytosly in British Columbia know* perfectly well.that our own Turner gOvomment eor ^ beast ws* th.-n perfectly mad gineered that little affair. we know , wif|l fr|gbt a|)d Waa |MbjM out with il5» "551 lie t^Thir parties wtorltwsi Gw-av lvgs Xn>rw hly TeTTYfedlflfltiff tbc j pocket* -with a fowl thick ckMOnq; y 1W 55ntlë anlmsr* Diet. 8»Haf result of that transaction. The I de- grant men4y reflts-ts the viotont 1 preju­dices of it* proprietor.

The record of the po»A departmeut s'hmv the Lito rals came into power furnishes a strong illustration of the criminal incapacity of the former- gov- ernhn-nt and the bu*in<ws-like methiwls of the new. A deficit Of about thre*~ quarter* of a mill ton has been reduced to one of and thv pontage 1*1It ttesy to all part* of the Empire has________ ______ _ _______ _______l»> a reduced in eowscqueaee. Tktfs, the remaining horses, logetber with the were over 11.000,0110 more h*ler* ear- j rart8 in the front shed. Another horse ried last yt'ar than in th.- year pri-vi that was in the third stall1 also met an on*, with a mrrrsptmdtng increase hi ; àwfnl fate, for although effort* were other mail matter. j made to release it. the law at was so un-

• * • ! mauagi-abto that It had to be left untilMr. Foster concluded r. #iM«»eh abound- the fire v'iùled its ag»ny.

ing in nice phrase* with the following Never»I of the other horses Were slight- silly bit of litith<w; "Thi* plébiscité vote jy eeoreheil. and after being released was *J3 iH-r vent., but. <ml the credu- sFqiihLpaealst in tryine u> rusli back, into lity and the^utmtanlines* <»f it. *»d th«* jaws .if death. The t« totor of mythtosf tike publie frafthweet «rf i whinnied and monYred t% ft they wen* it. to bring the two sectloits of the !*«>• ; nwnre of their i-ompaniona* fate, and

r,r ms ■■yffiwnmTpw^tn- irtrwp w-ifiwr arfutr



FO* KAif®, — ,Ix>t M on Clarke street, Knrlng Ridge, for $150 cash; this lot ouet $400, and Is offered cheap In order to effect a sale. It I* 0 very good lot and Is situate on high ground; only two min­utes' walk from the terminus of the Soring Itldge car line. A. W. More A Ok.

Government street

It was impossible to rescue the suffering toast. Chief Deasy called on a constable | to end the tortures of the brute srlth a bullet, but a* the men were in and around the building it waa not safe to fire. The poor toast was then a mass of tiamtw aud was moaning pitonudy. At last the halter was burned through and the horse staggered out of the stall and fell on the floor 0/ the atuble. where It expired in a few second». Meanwhile the tinmen had tocn doing good work a ml bad succeeded in rescuing eight of

A Sentimental Folly.Rich men must bum their money tomehow and are the

naturel prey of high-clau tailors.But—men of moderate menu, reflective mindi and buri­

ner* renie, should query why their hat* and «hoc* ate ready- made before paying a ctutam tailor twice the price ol “Fit Reform" garments.-

As carefully made a* perfect fitting—as shape-retaining. Pfjinj and iiif maker#* prier in Mt biraft ptykri-

•10, $12, $13, $18, $20. $22, $25 per Suit.see



TO LET—Room» and board, or light hoose- kcctilng rooms, with uae nt kitchen; «*•- traf. Apply Y., Tlmee office.

TO LET—Butcher a shop, vqyy good . .. /. street, this Is n good

_ , a. wmiiAgent. 104 Yates street.

TO LET - From 1st April, well furnished front bedrotmi la nicely eltoateel cottage, flfteeu rnlnote*' walk from city, on car line; bathroom and use of *ltting-rooms; gt-ntleman only. Address Craddock, Tlmee

TO REXT-Offlce In the ground floor, after 1st of Apply at Time* office.


less trouble, for he will not to likely to ait idly by and sec them make mistakes which a word of explanation from him can set right at once.



tory. 1Thi* Tory tin«Êo ’about the Yukoq

come* at a bad time for that diaintcnrat­ed party: they needed “a bit of a boost" just now : but the ridiculous failure to make the Yukon charges "atictf1 can have only deleterious effect* upon, fhe already ipuch-dtogusted rank-and-jlie of the poor old om-arwas-aTarty.

------- j----------- -—» / •*!fiOMKWHAT AMUSING.

.—o------One plight to justifiisl in suiTffbKiug

that *'>me sort of league exist* lunoug

tiaé their dty at every poe»IWe A<>fi|yr faulty, everywhere ataj anywhere, in and out of «toffiwgb 'Phe truthfàl Van­couver < <>rrespundentM ' Fose no opportun: kefp their town's hams well to the front Wfitm they get « 1 R*to- spaee in to air their notions In the^ii«4»eft wee*» v

i&M*. aiid tie- ‘ufTni-s-4" of the dis- , pat cher*s « iHiclusionV wRT make Vic­

torians laugh very heartily,' knowing--^but.

How long will Ixiutot live? That is thv ghastly query which i* now circulat­ing in the dub*. President L>ûtot Ik h man in the full flush of manly strength lied health: a comparatively young man; end yet hi* life hung* by iierhap* a mnru slèftder thread than that of the Tsar of Russia. He has not to<*n a month in «dfifv ns head" of tin* French republic to*, fore the first nt tempt upon his life ha# to^-n ma le. We say U|*m hia life al­though he was far from the scene <i< the horrllie assassination in the Roi* de B<»iilogne; b<-<-an*e the hotoleidnl maniac who fised the abot tkmt kilted - an - m-

W V - -contest over a greet ptto<i|4e. hivI to k,M-p see ret from -tbem the ultimatum, which lie knew* wiuiM dash down irre- parkldy every befn* they had of carrying which they believed to to good for the eoumtT"

Mr. Foster hiw*e!if **■# not ex­press any opinion Ion th«* qnwtkm at prohibition, although hi* ifem- tattoo a* n temperance Terhrrer gained hpii hi* sent originally in n Coiwrvatire enbinct. In spite of all th«‘ir bluster there is of the would-l>e leader* of the (’«mservntive party in fnror of prohibithui cir would lift his little finger if that were *H that wn* necessary t* facilitate thi- passing of prbhibitory legtola*ion.

gallop. Only two of them hare yet torn I captured.,r Fanned by a fairly strong west wind,

the flames were-spreaiTtng m the dlree- ; lion of losilngham Bros.’ Works, nine I feet distant, nml it was only by the

effort* of Chief Deasy and his men that the adjoining building was saved.

When stsii this morning by a Time* ' reporter, Mf\ Porter said he thought the

fire had b<««n caused by someone sleep­ing in the hay loft. He states that on

! leaving the stable Ia*t evening the door • wa* shut and no one had been in the ! loft. -The 6r«tt man tin the scene this

morning found the door open, and in view of the fact that the man who gave

| the alarm did not atop to be interview­ed. it Is probable that Mr. Porter's aur-

The council of the Toronto Board of j Trade reetmtly dealt with the question of ; n mint for Canada nml pn*eed a rmolu- ; lion unanimously in favor of such an in- stittttion. A letter to the txwrd pointed ! out'that there were now three mint* in Austmli». and that the one at Mvl- boarne. Victoria, has ^savisi that colony the sum of tH.toM^mnually since it* «#•- talitialiueuL Tint, writer, .uf ttn- Ittftcr

, „ . . , .. , . also added that the profit* of a GnmnUan'r';;-,mm, mi n,u*hir «#*. «sh-.the likeness of his victim to Prwmkut annum.

■ ,.y ......... yL, - ■ . . -I.,, -, ? .... ,iv .'Hie present chief magintrnte of France C.msiTvntiVc fsdTtician* and in

is from all account*, one of the tout the East a* well as in British Cviumbinw«m*»

lh.- Ml. ,i.hI it 1» k-l.m-nl ib.l |n RrirUh oVnmbli. nn.l on roa.llmrunder hi* gultlance Frattee Is bound to that t«4eisni-m which i* being made uw

iqiring that the stable was ignile«t by sottie careless tramp who was enjoying

sleep and a smoke iu the loft, is cor­rect. I

W ■-■îr to;. nf km 5 W» w*Fn-nchnn-n. Sontiu-rn Fivnch- "hj-rt nf ,„nvlndnr tW SÔà"!

. . , , « ______thnl It .M nn unwlw thlnx In pnwlng nm,.n. ho * <ool. OTmi-toraporM ram.. in favor gr„nllM n olmrlorprudent, reticent end Ter)- ahrewd. while for >!r Corblii’s railway, it struck me t

shall giVe the dispatch his view* upon ‘'politic* are sound—-mofe had read something like It somewhere

Theriiuildiug was not Insured. Mr. Por­ter estimati** the (faniage at about f!HWl. There were two borne* burnt, a* well a* two ton* of hay, ami ten set* of har­ness.

Great credit^ is due to the fire brigadef"r flu in.i uiirr in \\ îii' I. i !eare the b^ildi^ npd ttie horj^ew^ flfed. CÜlet Deasy say# that tin- unknown rnan who so <-«»olîr roscue«l the first two

bravery. .' ,The work of rctuuvituc the dead- horses

w:is vurrit-d out thi- iiminin-.' un.lor tin* aupervlwinn of Mr. Clii|M*hnse. the IpealSanitary Inspector,

named Madden succeeded in rescuing lux of the horses it conalderabto rfsk 1o theiftaelre* before the h«wt became too intense to permit of entering the building.

for Sale Ny Haberdashers and Dry Csods Mouses Everywhere.

WINDSOR HOE FIRE.Twa Mere Bodies el Vielles Taken Free the

Rales -The Dead New Number 43.

»w York, April 1.—At about 1:30 o'clock till* morning the workmen In the ruins of the Windsor hotel discovered the body of a woman, which was almost Intact. When the body- was "partly raised n~ nod chajn was seen to fall from it. Xm thy outs'de of the watch caae wa* the word “Dors, '' The maker's name »a the wuti-h wa* "L. ' F. Dantte, Geneva," and •he numtver of the time peace, 7514. It I* tottev«l the body I» •.hat of Mi*» Dora- Hoffman, Baltimore. Shortly after another body, which from all nppeeranee* I* that of aw oht asaia'wst fiwwiw A. It 1* wel! preserved and l* snpponed to be that of the woman who lived With ill** Htiff- man. The total d«-ad of the WTndhot1 Tic Are now numbers 43. Of these 12 are an Identtfled-ibod'ea


A Wholesale Hardware House In San Fntn ct*co Almost Entirely Destroyed.

Kan Francisco. April 1,.— The wholesale hardware house of Miller, Keiiloss nud Scott wa* aimowt entirely destroyed by Are laat night, the total In** being estimate»! at about $409,000. The firm o-seupled the fourth stordk and the basement of a brlvl

an. w nen Imlhllng at 18, 22 Front Street, near tin*

finest, atçx*» »>f hardware un ihc Viivttl,- remit. The origin of the Hr,* to unknown.

•Ita.llun, t'ltlwT whoi;"l,r"';Vr“il|ra.; high- refereneea, mid mu furnish se-

rurit, If required. Addryp* F.H., Tlmee


Vancouver,. BtU., dpal.



t-— - - ——- v,„„ Itay forhorses er cows. Apply Win, Notto. Hamp­shire road. Oak Bay avenue.

WittUn four minutes* walk ofOR RENT- _______the Douglaa street tram llne-flroonv« hoiwe, bath, Ac., and four acre# of fertile land suitable for small fruits, vegetable, giM>d orchard and outbulldluge; Immediate l.oswssl.m will be riven to a reliable tea- ant. Apply Box 167. City.

Times building.


STRAYED—T» my place, one sorel mare, with white tace. <»n the 1st February. Owner ran have the annye hv peylng e*- * nues. Ajqdy Yew. Tree . Farm, Col-


. A W. WILSON, VIumbers, ind Gas Fit­ters. Bell Haug«-r* ami Tinsmith*; Deni­er* In the beet deavrinttoiw of Heating aud Cooking Rtovt-w, Range*, etc.: ship­ping supplied at luweet rates. Broad street, Viotorto. B.Ç. Telephone *call


JULIUS WJBBT. General Kcnvenger. eueeee-

Ing earth, etc. All order* left with James Fell * Co., Fort street, grocers; J.,hn Cochrane <"rner Yàte* aiul Doug­las street*, will be promptly attended to. H**«i<Jen<-e. 50 Vancouver street. Tele- pheae Ilk---------------------- ----- :----------------------


A VICTORIA COLUMBIA LODOB. No. 1. meets first Thurnday In every month at Masonic Tetopte, Douglas street, at 7:30 p.m.

B. 8. ODDY, Secretary.


8. F TOLMTE. VeTerinary Rurgeun ailre at Ilray'e livery. 100 Johnson street. Telephone 183: resilience telephone 417.


Gilbert and Sullivan's Moat Popular Vomie Opera,

I0LANTHE”<Or the Peer and the Pert.)By an Excellent Company of

50* Well Known Amateurs-50Under the direction of MISS MARRACK

and a full orvbeelra.

I MIL PftRDNER, Musical Directe-,J. M. CRVDBlkN, State Manager

Price»—35e, fiOo, 7.V and $1. Bile of iwte owas at 0 o'clock on Thursday morn-*g at Vtoorta> k»N* a ihtrtnw*j ' Store,


REMET IN SIX HOURS. - DI.tre.elnR K'.ln.y nn.l Bl.ddrr rellrred In III hour. 6. the "dodlh tmerinui Kldnvy Owe." TIU. new remedy Is A greet .or nrlw «nd oe «reoimt of In trered- In* nromptare* In retiring pain is th. hlndder. Hdnejl, b.rk .nd fv.rr cart of lh. orln.rr paaito. In met. or It rrttrrre retrnthro »f mstrr *»d pawing It hlmoel Itnmrdl.telT. wait gelok relief a.0 core thi.

* «treor-h 1,^8 ff.1l L &. —demand blue label vigilri. •


AreNotJingoes |* BUT fc2 W«>e get tk: Goods. *3 We've lot the Men. and *^ We've get the Styles and Keveltfee ™ig One of the strong features of • ur business gt « la HIAfe-cIwsft Uood». AoutbefLew t 2 end Medium Prier». We have 5 ” never shown more beautiful Spring and J* “ Summer Goods then those now in Stock X

nd coming forWard weekly. *r CREIGHTON G CO., '* , TIi. Tellers - - as Breed »t. ?

«#.**.'•***»****;» jUWJlfc'JtWd*#


Theoaophlcad Society and International Brotherbottol League.

Public LectureHINtALMANB.

-Ay-. ALBERT g.

or nww rAn JSUBJECT, PWIOSOWIY 68At V. B- Hnirtoe.*,n gt.-...l!!

WUltaiâs Bin*.


Page 5: LADIES' JACKETS - Wikimedia Commons

VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, APRIL 1, 1890, 5--Headquarters of (he Seattle Post-

letetiigeoeer at Frank Campbell:», oti poatvffiw. + ■ ■ *

—What is tiw» origin of tbl» “IÎONÜÏ" tea? A growth ou hue of the beat en­tâtes in Ceylon- . .

—Many article# suitab!* for miners cheap for cash at R. A. Brown & Co. » 80 Douglas Street.

—Get your bicycles fixed up by the old reliable firm, Onions & Plimley, the only practical bkyete makers in city; 4‘f and 44 Broad street. *

—Spring Millinery Opening on Tues­day, Wednesday and following days at the Sterling, 88 Yates street.

—The contract for the .construction of the wharf at West Sooke, near Muir's mill ha» been awarded to T. H. Trahe>, of Victoria. The wharf will have a«-ui«r*auijr euvn unir. i ne >nuiru»o «m- „ . . . ... , ...

ug gives pis<**• to one vf buoyancy and the length of JTiO feet and a Width of 40 : emulated Individual I* transformed Into a with a slip. A spacious warehouse.. -* ■* K ““ “m' will be erected on the wharf.

eaganfpe: he dispenses ! —The rumor p^siatently circulatedDUnCVp pmFSGRIPTIONS duriug the past few days to the effect

100 Government Rt„ near Yates. 1 that the llutcheaou Company of the_____________ Telephone 425, West side a re intending to remove from

^ , tbtûr present store to the une at present WBATHBff BULLETIN. occupied hy M^rs. Weller BnHhvrs,

-----O----- . *1. is given a most emphatic contradictionÇally Report Furnished by the Victoria by the offices» of the company.

McteorvlogloU PeButou Bt. -Two’ a rant , wi re tiefolv the inner»-tratv ih- morning. The first Was Bps# $2.30 and |l coats for hack hire. The second wan not only charged with being drunk, but also with exposing hi* per-

Direct to the Blood.Our Sarsaparilla, with Iodide*. Is one of

the most HBo'eut RI’RI V» MKDU'INBH - made. It reaches every i*art of the sys­tem and produces beneficial results In a remarkably short time. the languid feel i**i 'vigorous, string and happy mn 114^,4 ti-Sfl deucy la not due to deleterious dings.

Powell’s vioJSIC. IjSsST............ »* moderato'. I

the tones pr

Victoria; April Lr-5 a.m.—A trough of low barometric pressure stilt covers the i Pacific slope, while off the coast and east • df the Rockies the barometer remains high.SIW I UV iwnmum • ' . . . — r,.Wrt* w «.«Iraet.- nrcxâU alutl* Un- ,oe' °» «•«* <*«nrè he w»« Bord S7.JO,rntln- ra»tK>ra.l. and -1th Ih7 ««pttoo of «Ith I ho option of Bft.-ra. iUtÇ naprt- Ihowora ln-<>rwm Ih., W.atu.r romain» «ouoitoI in oaae of noniwymont. fair ee.tKard !.. till- Urvu Lain». lu the.». th ,h.. unwn'i-r.Trt.,«dra tW r.^tra-W h(lt,4 Z7’«, r«r,o„. a r.,H,,I arrivalbalow zero la AlUarta to wro tn Manlioba. ^ |h<, (>min(va j,.trict< where ho ha.

Naualmo-WIml. ralm: woethor. rtomlx , ,hl, uu,nlh.» ill the iutor-Vtctort.-, IWrwratra. »•*•: tomperUnro. (.>M (>f , victoria rmnpany. Mr. l'ear-

40. miainnmi. Ml -wind, calm; woalbor. Mml that the heavy ha.cloudy. ___ 1 caun.1 a tini|xirary .uaia-nnion of min-

Westminster Ibu-ometer. 21UEI: tempera -l ton*. :w, ndhimum. 3«; wind, calm;

r w i'a l her, cloudy.V a noouror—Weather. doody.Otter Polut — Wind. H.W.

CbMidT.Kam loops- Haroroeter. tempi-rsture.

30, minimum. 3H; wind, W., 14 miles; weather, doudy.

BarkervUle- Barometer. 20.00; tempera

ing work. "Travel to the CdflAt H gorat Mil tbe proipwU tor * busy «lient:

—Maitager 'Hobbis, of the Home for Agetl and Infirm, acknowledges with thank* the receipt of the following do- nations during the month of March:— Reading matter, Messrs. W. J. Hanna, Noah Shakesi>cnre, G. Marsdon, Id. J.

tun*. 4, minimum. 2 below; whiff, calm; t. Sbotbolt W. A. Elliott,went her. deer. Cyrus H. Rowes ami O. Brown; coui.

Waah 3>.M; tempera . M'p W„t: rfothina. rcadin* mat-tniVT42. mTntmum. 40; wind. W.. 4 mile.: „m| lHm, g. Dalla» Hel-weather. cloudy. ............... mcken. an.» rhnbard, Mr. A. J Woo*

Purtlaud. <Iregon—Barometer. .»>.(*>; tern- wartj pernture. 12. minlmnm, 42: wind, R.W., 4 —mtlto.-urta. ti.i.i oraraec. t.lay. — ----- ?—2jnnt~f|ifW1 gf"Bfh'ifTRy"7iT"CflBTT~Vaff:B

T.wana—Barometer ai t»; temperature. TOnrcr. A, O. F.. will t*. hidd on Monday miles;42. minimum, 42; wind. S.W., 4

rain. .02: weather, doody.Kan Fraudsci>—Barometer. 30.04: tvmpee-

. attire. 30, minimum. SO; Wind, N., 4 miles; weather, dear.

evening, when several initiations will take place and a number of applications 1 «allotted upon, and others pn»posed. There will also he a meeting of the Ju-

| venlle committee ami of the social club------------ rsfURH . . f commititw.—Oa tb4 fottowteg «Tcning

For 3d hours mdlug 3 p.m. Kunday the Jurenilc Court will Instal officers, VkKhria and Vicinity.- Moderate v-itlablc after which a banquet and magic lam

winds, bw-al showers to-night, probably fair tern eahihitlon will he given.Kumlay. •' 1___________ _ _ __

Lower Mainland. Moderate >nr<n!>!e ‘ -Fallowing Is the' programme of the winds, local showers to-night. pn>bably fair promenade concert to be given t»y the Rth Sunday.

In Metronome's weekly contribution to the Colonist last Sunday appear some original remarks which mu*t-=not lie al­lowed to pass unchallenged. They might Ih» copied Into the New York Courier by Julian Durham, and for the sake of our musical reputations I won y not like that to hapimi. To qu<de. Metronome stab’s: “It is contCnde«l that the non-exécutant et»m|HMvrs have exertwl a greuter lu­ll uenev on modern music than those composers who have risen from the ranks of the <»rcbestra. The vxumtant- (•umpostra being familiar with the com­pass and po-iwlbilities of e^rh iiiatrument, are inclinetl to make slight variants in the |wrta assigmil to the different in­struments. The non-exe<*ulant com|Hwcrs- hiuvv the advantage of Mug entirely free from these restraints, they give free vein to thair imagination, and the result is greater scope for originality.M

What originality? VVhat nmrvellons intuition? It may be uvws to you. Met romane, but I must humbly assert that It is impossible for any one to com- pow for an orchestra nulesa he is famil- H»r- with tile eomiNtss ami |*MwiKiUtu>s of each instrument. This must be ap­parent to the most superficial student of music. As for the illustrious name* which Metronome calls upon to mibatan- t'lMte so gb-jurd an hypo the* la, thi-y prove m»thing, for Ilk» classification i* histori- cr.lly incorrect. In the list of what he calls “orchestral performer*'*—though it is hot quite cleâr what precise meaning he would attach to this phrase^he hi- i Itt'les Ba<h. Hamid. Haydn, Gluck, Moenct, Beethoven. Rchnbcrt and Mt*n- delssuhti. True, Bach. Hamid. Gluck nnd.Moxarf piayétl on the violin more or less as well as the organ and han^i- cTion!. and Haydn as a youth |>I*iywf second violin at the Hamburg opera, i>ut the three first named were fatuous iu their day as performers on the organ. On the other hand. Mendelssohn vumfined himself principally to the piano. Of courset Haydn. Handel, tîliivk. Moxart, Memldswdm, W«*ber, Mcycrlteer, Ber- liox, Wagner and Brahms all. more or ii*ss* corntncted their own compositions, yet Metronome would have us believe that gpne <>f rh.-in wi rv merely pianists and accordingly could have known noth, ing of the compas* and possibilities of the different inxtrum't'lftï^îhrThe <>rclus­tra. If. dear Metronome, you ever aer- ln*w1.î lommenre- rhe -wtudr- *if mmsband for the sake of your readers. I sin-

violin contributions were pleaa- though 1 think he- made

a Jiot standing in front below : ti'«!t ca »1 4w*h intt' rtomr. ' - :help noticing the difference in pnxiuced in Un* obligatos, and

that in the solus. Metronome unfairly Ci»mi*res Mr. lNiwell’s Work at this re­cital with hi* solo at the Philharmonic concert iu reference to the tone prwlticeiK The Institute Hall and the Ht. Andreatla. church are wltlei>- different not only in area hut in acoustic qualities. Mr. Bur­nett was also heard in the well-known Tannhaoser March, but the organ at Ms dis|xtsul hardly gave sufficient ef­fect to I he rich <»rcb<*st ration of the ori­ginal. Nevertheless Mr. Burnett made the ln**t of it am! put in some grand work in the Storm Fantasia. Just when the hurriénne came I fancied I heard jnrnHliing g«* wroni wlrti the organ and I fully exiHfted the wMde thing tx» colm» down. Mr. Burnett’s talents an* worthy of a Isdter instrument. The recital eon* <*l«ded .pith the “Gavotti' Victoria.*’

•Which, by the way,-1 consider very rwin- iniscent of the Migmm Gavotte, and a duet ami chorus by Miss t'larke, Mr. James Pilling and the choir.

Mr. T. V. Twinning has been, giving several interesting reeitals in the Sir^ William Wallace Hall during the |«st' fortnight, in wfoich Mr. Sydney Morse has taken part together with a number - of Mr. Twinning’s pupils. ’ It ia a relief . to hear new vturrs and this snereesfnl teacher has accomplished wonder* al­ready with wme of thtm. 1 am Him* cveryliody Will is* glad to hear that Isith .XIr. Morse and Sir. Twinning eon- t «en pi ate remaining hem for somemunthj. ___ ^____________

A; St. Ja^Ul’e « Imr. !i Mr A I.-.n.' field lias <••>11!iuiit"il t<> pr iutXT«ntingafifr eveeeong récital», commiknorn$fve of the lam ten wamm and during the last three or four Hunlays. the church lias been crowded.

Next week, namely mi Mitmlay’ and Tnesdey, “lolnnthe** will be given nn- dcr the direction of Mlaa Marragk. and nu excefleiit perfomiancc w-.idti s«»vm"t«i he aaaurni. Qt IS *e etUhave the ,«N‘cond Arlon concert, and the week following will witne** the protluc- tivu of Dt* Kovou's comic opera, Robin Hood, in ai 1 of the ,B. (*. B«*nevolent Society, un 1er the musical direction of F. Victor Austin. Ho wv have lots to look forward to. MODERATO.

- 5

Bead the local Testimonials of well knew» people as to Its curative properties.

Victoria. B.C., Oct. li)th, 1808. Messrs. John* Bros.

Doar Sir*:—I have used Wm. Radain*» Microbe Killer for Inflammatory Rheu­matism and have is-en entirely cured, no that l have not felt ary return of the pain* for nearly two years. My family all use it u* a family medicine with the bc^t of result*, pnd I wot.hi recommend It as one of the best medicines known,


Prlca $1.00 per quart bottle, •earf ter Peinphler.



Lyon*. N.Y., April 1.—John J. Finni- gan, sii|H*rintendent of Lyon* Water Work* Company, died to-day from burn* received from a In nip explosion last night. He .retired .leaving a tmiall gn* brocket lamp burning. At midnight he* -invoke and found the lamp Waxing and the wall and woodwork on fire. “I’ll save you and the children,”'he shouted to his wife, and picked up two children and took them to a place of safety. He returned, and while endeavoring to put out the lamp, the flame* set fire to hia night shirt. His wife threw a blanket over him. but he was burm-d ho imdly that he d;e<l this morning.


Oorawill, April 1. Mrs. Macdonald. » the-wife- of a |>rmui»HHt marchant here, - who left her husband three weeks taking

with her in cash and a little three- year-old daughter, ha* I teen traced to t'levehmd. Ohio, whc»re she was living with n man n*me«l Jfffin Ttevicr. with whom *bi‘ had c4o|hsI. Both were ar-

! rested. The woman admitted the


R. Mrot~.H, t.« MWHtc fr.,m ! April l.-lt w», lr«rnvd t~f»TViabavcr. / j that a punitive expedition consiatnng ofr. K. J.'-iim returnnl rwtrriUy fr .in « I 12» >* ,0 »<'”• »■> Tft-CW, In

trip to Vancouver I th** province of Shan Tung, that place—2—7. Ahnllnr... ml.w.P.1 r.'.l.rj». fn.m It »pi»»r«, th.' wnit of rnorat din-a visit to Vancouver ; Tnrtiahce*. IT is aiTdisTThat To-rtnaiT*

I tir tee ronr *1*" h iv uni wife wit. '» lw proTi.InnnlIy wlietl. nlthmuth there,r* *'•"* y,,u W,l|-Jr"a ; from v.m».n,4 ,^enlnf. .1» ne lutenti,,, of nnnoxln, It.

th.t beforo anyone ran ««pose for »n ,. „ , L Wrr tn» V.n ; ' --------- ;--------------on hratra the prinolple. at hmtratnen- ,r; Ctar»ra. TWO PRETTY SCHOOLGIRLS.taUoa un»t ftrnt he mnetered. A novel M„ ... . ,h„ keaiwnenra it wonl.l If tolwr .n or- ^ on rratenlny . i ha™. Bnln, Slowly Pomoned to by

attempting to play something 1 t.r -------'----------------- -—----------n----- Con»» - A.Mothar'a »to» y.

of the rotntnm. uf the dlfrerant'S^ j M.«4 *r..ln^ly I»ment* and wht». according to Metronome. ; <lny ha* “the advantage of being entire!; fn*«» from *«c*h rewtraints." It *onnd by a person who is ignorant, M. „ lMWl ,J fcmewarB “Uur vdaugfiter. M*id, grad.

on the f hinSer yeaier- _#n to „iu,w mvrv aim more aieWoua •iv „ _ • , . trouble during her st-huul days last.T . E. llraimner ̂yunnagOL uf !M Auer and it cayne to a p**w- that

. lA*ht »«WPUV. '-f >unc-mver. le tu the a huge joke. I trust sincerely that I have misunderstood Metronome.

Metronome i* more interesting and more a tee—fui when he. write* not as

City News In Brief.

—Boycott non-union cigars.—Use “HONDI" pure Ceylon tea. j God Have the Queen.

—Use Blue l|ik.>n Baking Powder. • —Objections have Imhu fibil with Mr.~_________-t——^ ________ ___ j PftfsnlH*fl. collector of Totii for TCsc|iti

—SuperfluouM hair ^removed ^^by ^elec malt electoral district, to the retentionon the voter»* list for that district of

Regiment hand at the Drill Hall Mils evenlllg.Overture—“Keimwamlde'’................ Rossinifkdo for cJornet—Mnflamatu" fr. “Ktabct ; :l I**eU'Io-mu*îcian, but as a nhtnb^t of

Mater’' ................................................ Buss nl the general public who is fond of music.Bandsman W. North. Kololst. " ‘ » *»-' » — --------- »- —- - «—•

Waltse*- -\My crhanner-’ ............ Waldtuefri“March to Calvary" fr. “The Redemption”«•har. Piece—“Danse Turque” ...........Daniel*Selection fr. “Brarime”................JakobowaklMarch-"The Tempest “ .................... Graff ula

city» c), II,

the Sea toria

she wqs uot making; tho. progress desir . _ . . ___ __ ... , ! ed, and w;w so terribly nervous, that•ir?.*; «W i.# u» utnH»-,.eurt »h, ™m.i•r 11 '* *« '•» Vl- j wot rit «ill, or Ert.hra mi.t.1 , bra

GRAND OPENING^— ■ S--- ------OF------ . -

SpringMillineryTuesday, Wedaesday and.Following Days


A Very StyUsh Rant* of Aw-ricae mi ta»bh Sellera.



CUTLERY STORE.Pocket, sportln# and Hunting Snivel. Carver, and Table Cutlery,Razor,, Scl»*or*, Shear,, etc.Cook,’ and Bulcher,’ Knlve,,Shaving Outfit, a epeclalty


Address to Miss McMillan

Directors of the Royal Jubilee Hospital Eulogize Their


Handsome Address and Beautiful Escritoire


Tile matron', nwun at the Royal Jnhi- 1

from Kent tie on the CTty of Kin get op yesI In this latter capacity. In- raise* a just ’ tsrday. * j

complaint against the pi cent reix-rt.iry ! James Dnnemulr, Mrs. Dunsmulr çtnd ‘of the Fifth Regiment band. I heartily 1 Mtsw Imnwwtrtr have» goae m a Wda# trip.

Jakotxmski j hi* plea for a little near music *<» Kasterti titles.

w VetrtsHft Krar*t-v evening _1 asketl her what , lee Ho»|dtaJ waa the scene <#f a very ,r,..«. .... S.,TT7„ zrf k.n„,.vn ill the world hied her. «iiuTtold her te Tpretty gathering this afternoon, when

Electric Parlor, 114 Yatestrolyais.iSeet. ~™

—Lawn mower* and garden tool» in variety M R. A. Brown 4i Co-’w, XU Douglas street. *

—Monument*, the largest stock in the •province to select from, and all kinds of cemetery work. at A. Stewart, corner Yates and Blanchard streets. *

—Those m««mWrs of the fair sex who have invested in charming millinery creatioua will- read with satisfaction the prognostication of the clerk of the

the names of about marine», .Royal Engineers and sailors, who were placed on the list Jn»t prior to the general eiec- tion in 1S7M. The «»bjectim* will Ih* heard at the court of revision to is* held on May 1st next. The act passed by the Legislature last session provides for the striking off of the name* of member# of the Imperial force on this station.

—Changed Hand#—The headquarter* of the Post-Intelligencer of H<>attle after April 1st will be at Mr. Frank Camp- Im’II"#, the old po*tuffice building. All

meteorologieal department whk*h ap- .abscribera not receiving their paper will pears in another column, to the effect p|nK n,»t if y him.that it will probably be fair tomorrow.

—From the public library in the month of March there were i*Miietl Ü.H17 twM»ks; To lafiii, IM*'»; to gnrtkuMi, môi.

, The highest number issued in one day was l.'H, and the avenge nmuix-r 8i>. Forty-eight new mem fier* have joined

imr hra Ira»» UI|W until moraltu:. ... j ,h„ ,jir thl. matrull.that .she could »i2*t. Hhe said. .’No. [■mother, I ^nust get this leswou to-night . .llW- M<‘Millun, who re>igne<l her piv and be tip early J*» get* another in j sition.y*onie^ four weeks ago, with afhe

jlmst getf «riy j

J>.ruing,,v I ilu'n't know why it is, | mark " uf thrir Ïriviwishii, nn.t atm,.. ■>'»’•: IK.', fulling hrliin,| nty « lu.» Thu unj.Mity of the dirraton won- j

. fW..o<Vr Ax rnoMh, und 1 inrat w,*k I ttnil thl. 1>rv.i,Uvt uf lhy b(„lr,,, jin qrder to gru<luate this spring. 1 t>e- ; ' 1 \ „ .__ * ffteve t wflt gff nnd maire me a cun of | Alux, XVtiwm. in * few writ chosen ,

"at imr Halurday l»and. concerts. With ] George Hlnke, of the Wellington Enter- regard to the vexetl queetipe of pitch, l*tae. I- In the city. II*'returns home to-' w«- cannot hojte f<a* a change until some morrow sfternmm.TbertroW Vr».m h‘. ou ‘m-T aiïiuï' fa™'*' watrat na twite me , rupaf |Irani wind pluyrr. with new lu.tnim.-nt. [*•' tk-<Ju« n , II» j. nutmtin* Ihl(l will brara u„. • remark., iwe..-ntol Ml» McMUIan withur -pcovidc»._t.he_ ue«*.^»r> fi^inls for al- 1 .... t._____ L , ■rrlrsul «»,>*■ 1 « gmnl cup of coffee was made and a handsome engr*noted address and a 1tering the old ones. No n-asonalde rom- i .IT *LZIUT?.7-ZÜ.T7Îa“Î**1 Mfcnd^-1*ftwneh with her Wm* *t iXmuuiitul Anuriiuiro. J.

eleven d‘(-lo«-k. ! Mr. H. Dallas lid mcken, M. P. P., ;plaint can be made ^gainst the Cauadlon from «he Terminal City yesterday, and a#-manu fjuturvra to K-.J, wgh»«e»ed at th • ATIctoria. cj -

MHrurunt... n..f ran .hr, b,not adopting an, untfiwm pitc h under ra- ««* - ' » N"‘"' « ' -r!istiug conditions. It ia to be rememInw- .

—The Friendly Help room* will Ih» closed on Monday on account of it be­ing à holiday, l»ut members are re­minded that the monthly meeting will be befit at the usual time and place on1 ll,**da,e - - . . . . . .... -li—!-•- -• " 4, U the library, IT ladi»»^,. ;

- „ . There have 1h*cu addel To the Iil»rnrv f

are among the gneets at the Drier- .„ " . . . . . , . . * | II. M. May. Wellington; A. A1.»xiuv*<^r,rd that th, p.trh rranuvd by their .«• I „ j , r,

turner» tranra from u «-mi-tone below Wwmlu.ler; H lla.lln**', \»‘u>nr..-organ-iMtvh to the prerant rnneert pitch. K Hender».n. PunratA. .«•a low pitch,.I p,atH. naturally lining pr.- uu„vn|.hF.I at immtoloi. ' \ferre«l by vocalist*. I Ja*. Heshaw. Howland; Izouts HoJpUr.

Last Tuestlay evening Mr. J. <«. Bur ^ g^i,; ,• nn»wn. It.wwtand;* F J.nett gave hi* fourth «irgan recital of the «divert. Wlrmlr»eg: r Rasett. Dun cans; seri**s >f 1KÎIM-!*», the malting capacity ||. w. MelNUmhl, <’hem*t«H*>-l.. G H4H. of St. Andrew's being sorely taxis! by < hemaiuu*; and Donald Lulle, Kiunewyll. the large niimlsT of iieoplc pre#4»nt. Con- ; *re nmougsi the mvut arrivals at the siderable interest had liccn arou*e<l over |(»ria. i ,the fact that a new composition by this Edwin Ahtml and O-’l Atdmt. of MU talented organist was promised, nnd S|»rlng Island, are at the New Ragland, bearing in mind hi* beautiful setting to J. F. Whiting, Berlin ; J HoVd, Vancôtv "Nn'irvr My God to Thee,” which ini- | ver; Donald Ibid. Montreal; f'. J. KtiiÉlmw

UtThe uaoR, morning I heard a ralti- 1 viceyptcaidenL also eulogissMl the matron , Jpg ivt the s'fove about half past four, ami said that her resignation had been j and fweut 'down .to find Maud there | received wit-h heartfelt regrot by the , building a tin1. She *aid she could not 1 Imard of directors. In hi* usual’ happy ■ <le«î> upd/fhat she had,’to study, so she , style be roferyetl to the auspicious event j thought shf would Juake’.aome e<iffee j w hu ll was to take place shortly, uqd J

jbjtjHf it. h*^H*d her tin* night before. I | assured the iiluwhing matron that the Wfit IhiA to' bed wijh a h',‘avy heart. ! niemlH-r* of the board, one and all, | Çbr there was a thought of danger ' wished her |H-rfect happiness in her , creeping in. Step by step my mind ; new sphere of life.went Inick over the last year, and the \ Miss McMillan, who was overcome WptS.Ot 'our dear daughter «luring that ' with emotion, n spomle.1 suitaHy. and! time, passed iM-fore me like a pa nor- ; ihanke«l the eredfinen for the kind in- ama. She u*ed to Ih* so well and haiqiy, ter«*et rin*y hail taken in her. She said 1mjt ffinv she >ct«il ns if she- w ns almost she had always tri«sl to «!«>. her duty, ernxy with nervousness anil a wreck of j ami it had made her very happy toli.»y fnrnuiP Irani il t i f it 1 .milf lb ,1 n u-,I 1 tlilt.her Dinner Is-autiful -self. It ilnwne<l J think she had sncci-tsletl. Sh«* would ujeni the, iuojther'a ’mind that Maml was alaray* rt*menilH»r. the thoughtfulness fading away, an* looking to God, I I and* . Aindnes* the directors, and


The Greatest Life Insurance Company In the world formn- lites 1 new policy secured by over $270.000.000 of assets.

U* UweatPrsefae Baler eee- stateat with safety.

liberal Irens te the Insured, the annual amounts belif set forth In the policy.

Option for extended term la-

without exchange of policy If you cannot continue the insur­ance.

Cash Surrender Values stated leihrpoHtyr

One month's trace In payment ef premiums.


Jhe Mutual Life^ lasaraacc Ce'y of ÜT.


I/4ycr ta 4he deptr ♦ wembl Iroasim* the tribute» which had cnil«l. | been pr«*stuited trt her.

T!b^--tuUUv<Wk- which wa* a very hand;-.

prove r ran UeqwialaBee, it in net to ' Taeamà; J. A. ÜkU»opf»r V s aedwet { hcmUhod a. siil eut wondered et At the finie when this W. M. t’linllff. IlotMlniul, »ro gw*!* «t the j father t<i save my child.

mKKÊÊÊÊKtÊÊIÊKÊÊÊÊÊM », eNmpnwiriow 'mw • fir»f ffl UÜ ff lWFli ¥****> '|"l ^ y , ______-Grand Millinery Qpdhfng on Tueu- • \nT 'TV’S? *n"V «narked baa local critic that f«.r her’ Gunner F Fawcett, ,4 N«>. t Company, çon.alt the ran.dyphysich.n bu ju*f «mm* «me wa# engrossetl and was *d*t.- l-to Vn___I__'♦helve*; Jack .SheWmrd, Am*worth; The j th.,r<, one setting tv this hvmn Finn ltettallqn, who .tiad tha. mlwforiune >t the door, 1 met a n.4ghb«»r * «laugh off with a bord.*r «»f marguerite* «Tone iniy and Wednesday and following Mi,J? «if fhe Gml*. tenetts; Talcs Fr-mi 1 ,^« tll X!r Harnett a gentle »° hroak h-s Wrist Wldle drilling with a ter on h.-r way to school. A year ago wat«»r colors, and rofleet.M credit upon

3T8 at the Stérüng,"88,,¥steil StrseL >,tilv .Totem*. Deane; RolHiison TriiïUH’. ! .- # h, «n.-nthm to koiim» otb. r 13 tb. field gun at tie Drill 'Hall on Thur* 'this young lady hail been confined to th«* artist. Mr. T. Bam ford. wh«* veryi Bee». Nw»-> An«t,lm i :!'!;• '.Lr.n -111! II. ra • fh.-limu.tieA.iur.» ’ikith, 4wrüM»m. urtm, 1 kilMUy-a'tUiial-toJw .tram»»* fra■wv ... . . _ i hittt to turn hia aftentbm to some other

Kepofftbr M-ester»- .Australia i , . « . Jiuilu«ri*nitH In—The Speaker «>f t1ie f>egl*lrttnro of ; Year Bo»ik, lSîWV-7. Department of dulgvu i-i on Tuesday evening with n- I lnJorvd hmb haring been^wocarsafuHy set.

th*» Commonwealth of British Coltmihin ! Agriculture, Ottawa.will take the chair in th»' BqW». EiWri* ---------Halt thi* weeing at 8 b’dock, and the —Stylish American and English

.t. « the j»'i«ir.■■«* in r.-piy to th.- paiiors just arrived at the Sterling; f *peech Tïcan the fhrone i* the |trincljr’! 88 Yates street.

fîctn on the orders of the day. Pn-mier I -------y" *?amp>^rwigYcd the adjournment *4 the J —Those who iuiased swing ami hear*

ddttite last week and proroist»* a scath- ing the eiitt-ftainment last Tuesday ing «lenunclation of some of the critic* !«s»vening i»y Fidelity Temple, I. O.of the government ami a • vigorous «!«- fence «-f the policy Indicated in the speech. Th«»n there are several legiilin- 11\,• proposal» before tin- House fend In* terost will «h* added to the «letsite by speeches from several recalcitrant nienv Ihts who have seen fit to ally themselves with “the third party.” A large aGeml- ance of number* I* «lesiraWe ami all who attend will be well entertained.

Awardedlilffb^at Honors—World** Pair*

Oold Medal, Midwinter Fair.DR,


BAM MO' A Pur, Grape Cream ef Tartar Pewier.âû YEARS THE ST ATÎDARD

G.T.. will have an ojiportunity this even­ing. The programme will be repeated at the Saturday evening concert in Tem|H»runce Hail. The ..pronounced suc­cess anti .large audience that greeted the young people justifies them in present­ing their entertainment a second time; it pica**»» all. young and oM, and the admission fee i* M» small that none are debarred, t'oneert U»gin* sharp at 8

■ d'cjocfc, and if tin- iiildi« !i< «- i< 0» large "* as last Tuesday it would lie ay-wise

thing to go early and secure seat*.

—George Millet, the yonug l*>y who atTwted on Thursday night for steal­ing a la«ly's bicycle, wnstUried this morning hy Police Magistrate Hail. Bishop Perrin, in whose employ, the lioy's father i*. appeared in the hoy’s intémit and while willing that the boy be puuiaWdt mfattL- BhB» h% ***4 ^ut« sto jail. The lad is a eonfirmi*d rna-

1 a way and his jaironts haw tx»<»n anahle to keep jUtu at home. I^ast sumfher he livtfl tn wome {tacking f»ase over which he had thrown un xiilskin, and thi* year la* ha* been «iotiilciled ijft;(uuu«* lwx«y jn a v.acatttiot on Broùgh*ton at reel. I fere. With RoWfii hay and biaiiket*; hf luid

m44»mI» K,,.. jrtl#"tv'T. ‘IM'Irv.ll JjUlir vTJIJ'7**Xbe/ViTBe^ enough hy running message»

uf Hothes and m par whoot». .He has also made a little money hj WHwfiwi «»ki botn#. He was S«'I1 A'mtfd to throe month» in the reforma*tory.

gant to hi* latest effort, an original set­ting to ‘‘AbWJe, W’irh Me.” I certainly think su«'h e««raperison# unfair. Judge riie «M*mpo*Uion on 4ts ow« merit*: A« obi tune i* like an old hat. <Hte gets use to it. and ir. takes time to appreciate

- The r«*cital opened with an rxcetienT performance of Theyer's Cimcert Fan­tasia in a well-known hymn of PU-jel'*. by Mr. Birrnett ami hi* pupil. Bem-dict Bantly. The last named young g«»ntle- mnn h making rapid »trides, and his renr dering of .Scotson Clark's Chun» of Angel* * ho we«i him to Ih* a careful stu­dent. If he has a fault, he is a little iwchanical in his interpretations, !mt it i* a good fault at His present stage of lirogrosM. Mt*s Loewen wa* in excep­tionally good voice, and sang both dn»r Solo* with touch charm. Her voice is delightfully pure, ami apart from a cer­tain hard quality of tone that creeps in­to her upper note*, there is a fullness in her Iow«t register which is quit»* ex­ceptional at her age. “Nearer My God to Thee” was nqieateil from last' season, and for her second solo, the m*w coni|H>*i- tion “Abide With Me” was given. -In

verse*. 1 rblqk Hie second ds w<»ok. an loot not lipwn a sufhcii-nt cimtrnst The ybdin oUigato* by Mr. Powell |<L bofh number* were symiiàtbtticallÿ rvn- lered. They are exceptionally well writ­ten—n«‘ inevitable third* ivnl sixth*, but

-Smoke union made cigars.

Mr. PHtinr *nng the- “IAmt («’bor.l*- and Sf. Quentin** “Hossanna v si*" very effeutiveU- JL» i* uatuniily gifted with a roroarhably fim- vd while he larks finish and culture In his renditions, one cannot help admiring the beautiful quality of his • voice, Mr.


Anothi-r Amateur l‘«rfurm*m-e to.»Tak\» Place In file Tlctoila Theatre

—o—lteginahl De K«»ven's comic op«»ra “RoMn

Hood" will be i»Crf«»niie«l In thel Victoria t heat n- on Wednesday””#uff* Ttitirmtny.' April 12th and 13th. under the mu*lc:il <|lr*>«-tD»n of F. Victor-Austin, and In aid of the llr-ilwh f’oluiulda lleiievoient.Soulety.

The following is the «■ast :ItuhIn !!'**!-Mr. James lining.Sheriff of Nottingham —Mr, Deary Moxiul Hlr Guy-Sr ri. A. W<**t.Outlaws—I.lttle John, ih. lleri»ert. Kent;

Will Ms'arlett, Mr. E. tîrlxx«*l!«■ r Tuck.4Mr. W. Allan: Allan-a-Dalc. M1m* Clarke.i-

Mald Morlou M!s* HlM»lllDaasa Pu4n Mm, Hetbert K- nt.Annat>el—Ml*# I.ugr'p-

ALLUAA. . + SUOiMAJ , j;c tt ration, and it wa* w hisp«;re.l alHuit j hi* work. The ad tiro that if she.livetl. she Would Ih* likely to , low*: lose h<r mind. Her parents sent fier yiw Margaret McMüleaf away to a village near liy, and this

rr ■Rrr

elect Your Caster Neckwear Now • • •


In Wilson v. JobneiHi fin application was ma«le thi* nmrtiing to Mr. Justfee Martin to commit' E. M. «Johnson for nnitempt of court in not' olieyhig the or- <ler made at the trial of the fiction or-

Johnson filed an affidavit showing that l- the n«des h:i I de*tri»ye«l and there^fnro-he cmrM tmt iibUver them up. Hi* hmlship h«»ld t'haï tip» affidavit' 'was riot satisfactory' and toe tended th«* time for

embo.l,iis pratlx raenfra nrahKlira.' Mr.numott i.TT !.. cVmsritifited nn hi. nrat. T- P. D«ir f-.-hh.>nTl«f»

4 L. Md h'hl" I '■ '."••*11.

—The - t!tising for tinnier* for carrying the mail

’twfrr a week between Rncky Point and Victoria, calling at Folwood and Metcho- sin post utticcH. Trinen will be recette ed up to May lffth, and the new con­tract take* effect ou July 1st.

waa the first time 1 had «i-n her■ since her ntm, I saw that ahe waa the pie tare of health, end 1 said. ‘Why. Fan» ni«* I*rayer, what have fyoti t*»en doing with youradfŸ* I never aaw such a rhrrnge in my life/ She answered. "Why. you know 1 finally found out that the coffee 1 wits drinking was ruin­ing me. a ml w hen 1 got out to Auntie's she took the coffee away -entirely anil gave me IVstum Cereal Food Coffee. That is tiie only thing I have hmj, and you can see whfit* the result is. 1 am just as well as 1 can |****iW.v be, and getting along beautifully with my school work. - -__“I wtif* so deeply impres*ed with Fan-nle^s exiM*rrehce amV her former comli- tkm tallied so closely with Mfiud's, that I ahnmlomNl jny props«H»d trip to the physician,]*. an«l went instead to the grocer’s and *i»eured a packagi* of Pps- tiim. That night Maud had Dostum F pod ( ‘««fft»!». instead of eolftn* and the next morning the dear child said she had slept and waa very much refrosheil.“ “ iHi haHThe effect was so instantaiiemi* that

rWaf»snrhero mtgTd''Tie''»«»ni«' 'uîciTTcTm *' in Puhtuni, biit 1/have since Imhmi a**nr-

«Î that it contain* no medicine* what -ever* -but that on the contrary, it i* made of pure ,cereal*, so handled by skilled expert*, in it* manufaeture, that the delicate small particle* of phoapbate of -pnfash :ffrr retahird in a natural, state a* founding cert ni n j»art* rtf the «*erenls, amt that this, together wHh fW" aibhhicti In. f«»6d :'ÿèrs -quleHy to work to rebuild the nervous system’. Our daughter ha* tieeur saved to it*. She graduated witTi honor, and instead nf the. nèrvon* wreck she wa*e at one time, *he ia now the picture of tionwhng health.

The «Mre«*tor*. of the Vruvlntjal Il -yal Jubilee Hnsspltal, having m«u*t unullllagly Im. ii obUged acciyit rom* rHrignallon a| matron «if thbr hospttnh a po*s'tl<m w'd«"h you hav«* so ably filled for the past six und a lia If year*, avail thems'dvc* of ihU opprasti«n>ty of eximrawing to yon their high upprei-lntion of your post *« rvi«»s.

During the |*>ri<Ml In whiel. y«m have occupied the pus'firm of matron innjKv li ne- fii lul Iroprornnents hav been lii*iWiite<l In the. management of the hospital, the k»rac- i tlcal success of which hare Always Ih*»» ' muterlally advanced by your cooperattan. A* the head <»f rhe S« ho,.l Xureen, wv cen only a«bl our hi-urty conmrriMiee to i that whl«-h Is fully admitted on all *hle*, ; that many graduate* now practising . Ihrotighmil the |m>v'nce are deeply indeb,- | t«| to your f«*r their snceess.

Kv«-r reiuly to oblige and assl.-t the I lx sunt we feel that jv.e an- losing a friend, und the hospital a consclentWi* worker and adviser. Vmlenion*iraUve in your ae- Uous, )Mtient* and emplovt*** bare often acknowledge*! to it* how gntefnl they w;«tc to "you for your prai-tlcal kltidmi* uinl sympathetic nature

happiness « ver pervtnb- your home. Wv hope you wfll • a«i*ept thl* «»s<‘rltoîre a* a mark of oar high vH»rj>l;ttlon *f your s«»r viivn as matron of thl* tnnqdtal, and also as a token of our frlemlshlp and es tee hi.

On belie If of the -hoard of directors , of the proviucUl . Uoyal Jubilee llospltak


’ y; Kl,WitftTflŸ. flevTrinrF, ' " ' • 'Mi:zVictoria, B.C., 31st Mar. b. 1M4)

How (tn you expert to get barnl- < i some neckwear that pleases you In ' ’ every way if you wait till the East- [ er rush sets litf You can select your Easter ne**wear now,.. While t here I* ample time for choosing, and while the stock I* new end fresh and save disappointment later

. Iu the week, »

FIs* «elected Faster Neckwear)Imported direct From Ira-1 dra't Sen maker,. Four-1 to-Hradv Scarfs. Sow,, it I

W. 6. CAMERON,The acknowledged Cheapest Gash <'lothier In Victoria. S3 Johnson street.

- Th«> carptmtcrs of the city are ro- mhiilf*i of the meeting fqr organisation purpose* to be held on Monday night, hot ou Wednesday, as erroueously stated.

REMOVAL.Beeeewlt* B Son» have ro­

od to the corner oT Short

aHfeWfLSs lutter rot istteetAsmts.

Svpeiradi»* autor ^kpgh^ru rochie. P.ra,

Or«ier of all chemist*, or poet free for I1/J0 from EVANS k HONS. LTD. Vlctoiih.

».. •»—*’ Phana*rout leal Chemiat.MARTIN,Southampton.

—Send jrbur carpet* to Weller Bros., if you want them thoroughly beaten. *

Page 6: LADIES' JACKETS - Wikimedia Commons


It takes a man to talk economy ; A woman to practice it.Use Blue Ribbon Baking Powder. 12-0z. tins, 25c.

Provincial News. $

i'R AN BROOK.Ti rfvtu v Ilya*, of Montreal, was rour-

dmx! here cm Monday night. It la siq>- jHvtiil that -the crime wa» byan Italian, 'who mistook the murdered man fur another with whom he had a raw. No arrvet* have betm made.

KAMLOOPS. (Jo». Power, the oldest employee in the

P. H. round house here, tit leaving the vumpany'» employ after twelve years' continuous service a* carpenter.

The movement to vkwe all places of business at 0 p. 111. during the spring ami summer mouths has im\ with gen- eflfcl appcuvaJL. a»4 it will nrobably take effi-vt next week.

Mr. ■ J. A. Fraser, of Grautlc Prairie, had a narrow escape last Sunday up the North river. He was crossing the ice with his team ami they all ^eiit in together. It was a close call but

residence of her sdn-in-law, Mr. J. Horner, of"B12 Westmiuster avenue.

Westmiiyiter avenue is coming to the front as a business centre; Many new •tore» gre opening and its well-paved roadway makes it as attractive to cyclist* and driver* as the. huutlsome new store* do to the whopper and house­keeper.

A meeting is called for this evening at 8 o'clock at the Board of Trade rooms of all members of the Vancouver Boating <Mub ami the Burrard Inlet Bowing t’ulb, to complete amalgama tion, which has been lauding for MM time. The apodal committe H|p»iut(Hl will submit s draft of constitution and

XKLfiOX.Hudson is erectingTheo.

n'M.lenee <Ul lot> IS and fronting on Mill street

two-story IV. block 100,

__ west, and 93L-peel» to more Into It on May tiff]

The traffic over the Crow'* Nest Pass both freight and passenger is lighter than it was, though a steady business is being done. When the line first opened there was * great rush, 447 cars of n-ight being hauled in one

At the meeting of the city council the report of James MclHuty a* to theamount of wire and numbed....Of pole*necessury for improving the electric light service was read, and «ni motion the council decidetl to call f«»r tenders fvr the erection of The requiredarid empowered the |HiWic works -wmi- mitée to proceed with the- work. The rei»vrr* recommended the erection of a line froth Victoria to Mill street* on Jo*ei*ine; from Josephine street to the power house on Mill street; from Ward

Behdtys oa'GarPonate; from Observatory to ltol»M»n on Josephine

luckily the driver and team escaped.

MIDWAY.The dam ou Boundary Creek being

complied, the Tillmau sawmill started opei a Lu.ils vu Friday last, thci^fore the near future should see the last «C the lumber famine as far as Midway is con­cerned. “ —‘ .

Tlurconatifblca' life is not. a happy one.VVhilA paradiug the Boundary Creek toad tire other erruing on horseback looking for a party that is wanted, thli- cer Uardoui came up tv a man that anew el til the dtsictlpuon. He baited the party, asking him t*v stop a* he wishedto speak to him. Foe answer the *u«*- ______ I_____ ^ _______ _____pect drew a revolver and tired point I irwi; "aDd from ioeiihine “to™ Haïf on blank at tin officer, but fortuuatHy observat«wy street.misstnl him, and then dodged quickly into ----------the thick timber by the roadside, and til- : NEW WESTMINSTER,though promptly pursued managed to The funeral of the 1st.* Alex. luuc$get away.----- ------ -----—------~r-ithc aged rancher, wk«> died recently gpl

-------- - . his home ou Pill Meadows, took placeVERNON. ° l mi Wednesday àfternooiL to Ihu Oddfvl-

About twenty mrmbmt rrf Vernon ' |uW„* lvulïUT} at Sa.qwrtuu.-ley 'Iwdge. ’k- 4>.- c*. ann-inlrlvl «01* tTrrrVno pile* Ytrp'tonmg dTirro rm thr Thursday night to give a parting *‘^‘0d #ite vf thl. ut.w I». U. depot, prépara off * to two of the most valued brethivu p>ry- to laying the fouutlatious. In of- the lodge—Mt-^*rs. Uwiewe end j Home piano thy* ground is very soft, ami Bon«l—who left this week, for Mntutoba. necessitates the driving home of piles , Win Uw« l«-ft "11 Tm-day V- eel* „r |Q M ,„„g fj Uud«-r*t..w| .1 the employment vf the U. 1. B. at iwt* mcoad ptledriver will l". darted on this

hrorTfiT ah earj) Jai*.Mr. Alex. Bell on Wedn«*«lay noticed

Morr'son. Haywsnl. Hell, Hitt, Wilson, Newbury, Nesbitt, Acton, Austlu. O'iwsrd, Saunders, Colquhoun, J. f’otquhoun, Kltto, v Kin... iiimh ii end Glffnfc

There ere two weiiew. the first being en Arcadian lr;ndscape, »ml the second. for which upciel scenery Ues be.*u painted, le the "Palace Yard. Westminster." ,

The plot or the opera wee written toy Messrs. Gilbert and Sulllvou. end. fallow­ing on the ••rirate* of Peusance," wee first produced In London In Nmnukr, 1882. It uiay be truly described ee one of Ok* prettiest of their op,was.

The plot «votre* In the trouble* of e bout ClulwHer, who, Iw'hg In love with Lie ward, Phyllis, «!«•< lines to c«mw»nt to her marriage with Htepbon, who la an Amtdlan xh«-l>h« nl. and the son of lolantbe. lolanthe IpVafei» tho aid of (h* f.ilrles, and they vow vengeamv against the Lord Chancellor ami the llotlse of Peer*, semlleg Ht.phon Into parliament. In the end. In «wder to fnsmvrtoA marriage of Htephon w-'4b- l*4yi- Hs. lolanthe «llselowes to tlie Chancellor that she Is his wife, whom he twHevrs «lead, and «mi bis «llacnverlng that Rtephou Is hla sou. lie gives his «-«inscrit to the marriages wnd all en«1s happily, both peers und filltllM go'ng to Fairy la n<i.

Mr. tonII Pferdner, the well known ron «hvtor, has been **ntniwt«d by Mis* Mar: rack with the direction of the opera, and will have ten performers In hi* <ir<*beslra. Mr. Ilradbnrn will act as stage manager.

The best m<*d,rine money can buy for Impure b'ood. nervousness, »n«l all stomach and kidney trembles Is H"«**V* Sa ran partita

Hank-hivd Hobbs—I'm innt nhont dfa- ceeiragv'l, lady."

The Lady—Ob, but you mustn't getdiscount g cd. Uobba tsobbing huidiy)—Oh. but I «ain't help It. lady» I've heggeti all <lny long nn«l only mn«le 14 —Jwlge.

Pacific-Railway Pacific

lineThe meat direct rest* to all points Bast

and Southeast

liraoi Poioce ood lounsi Sieemno conTo Minneapolis,

St. Peut,Toronto,



Neither camels nor elephant* can Jump. The allkwimu Is liable to over 100 dis-

Washington 4 Alaska SS. Co’y.


Dyea--8kaftwayi* BO HOUR».

SS. CITY OF SEATTLEBella for Dyes end Rkarwav direct everyten days. No stope. No delays. Round nip In seven days. Ratse same as on other steamers. Next selling Tuesday, April 4th. Sulweum-nt saUlttgi April 13. 23. F«»r ratee and Inrormatlou apply to DOD- XVKLL k 00^ Ltd., 61 tJoverument at met. Telephone 680. »

i Vousfuble Rose, of Kelowna, broughtbp »• demented PU ■■■•d U»u;> B» au open wludvw in ont* of hi? houses nut-l «leur, on Haturday. who had been giving of whivU tb<l tt lwht had just uu.v.mI. <>n «•on*iiii«‘r:ihU- fr«»nblv to the resident# g-,iug in he was.snrprisetl to tm«l txxu Otanftgnn Mission. Hr- wa* !-ui«jc<t«l , fohs-ably writ ifre«ep<t immpR aslcvp on" to a mental examination bm*. and pro- the () on being rouwsl. ti*hv«leeouneed a tit subjtvt for tlie msam- i out quit<, good aixed wallet fn>m be- a*ylum at Now >\e.sttnm-trr, where lie n,.ttth hiit im|)n,vlH<Ml pmow. They sfyod y a» iak«Nt by the constable on Tik-wlay, mit .upon., the onkt-ut lixcir guiug. but

It is a matter «»f rogrvt that i . H. w#.ut. l>efroy ha* n**ign«sl hi* i*»*iti«m a* arc- 'INa-,, young half-bre*sl* hml a narrow retary of the Okanagan an«l Spalluma- from «Irowiting Ui the* Frasetrt-heen Agrirnttîmil Bin-b-ty havtng fourni „ yvFtwl8y nF thry m.n. raiwimg in an that thu-prcatiir* of w«»rk lutfl-fercl too ; ((J(| j,,<_ above the Lulu Islan.llarp-ly with hi* perwmnl busme-s* mt^ | bridge <»u Weelm'sdwy, Tb- canev *n.l- est«*. Mr. I**froy has^giviu the «ww* °f ! deody iiarhnd r.n*.U!*hiii* and priK-iiutatesl satisfaction during ht* term «.f -dtbv. j th<. llM1l illf„ ,h,. b7 water* «>f Fatherboth to the *och-ty ami the public.-, ' vr* j Fraser. There was ne»t a bemt in sight.

OVERTAXEDExercise is an exwllent thing when

taken in moeleration. Overexertion and exhaustion, however, weaken the

stem and are often the cause of con­sumption. It !• easy to take cold after violent exvr*

, and such colds usually last | «longtime. }If you are ! susceptible > \ J- to coughs

and. colds and feeling* of ex- h a u a tion the lirwt thing- you- cando is to take Shiloh* Con­sumption Cure.

J. O. KTMNKUftr,M i d d 1 e t own,

“ My little old eng ineer had

such a cob! and cough that at times Itafiiî the exhausted" nnd 1m*huinT*-d swTm ' caufwd him to vomit. I took eotnpaa-

________________ROSSLAHti. ____ ______Young Chf-yurki, a wrll built. stout

’waiter weight, le lu tin- «it> fnp San yVancisco. He Ls seating a «•haiwt1 for a giove* eente*t with «nyone 4» 4iis cUs* in this vicinity. Auuuig the Events that he ha* participated in is a *ix-n>un<! draw with Ihvk <.’a*e of Seattle, a four- rnuud draw with (icorgv tlfwn of San Kranciaeo. anil an eight-rouml draw with I>. Evan*, lief ore I ht» Partiim» Athletic

iu4-j '« \\ere lieing carried by :i *tr«mg ehh Title "antT ciirri-itt towanls the bridge, when Home bov* ran out out on a l*>om of l^g*. and, at some ri*k to thewteeivc*. an«‘ew[»ded in poshing out « long pole, which ' was grip|H'«i by the swimmers, who wvre thus rescued, inure dead than alive.

Court Royal Columbia. N«i. thenewly orgsnlxtvl bnlge of th«‘ Ancient O-der <if Foresters, wa* sncct-wfully In-

«leb of rortlead. IWoto. lb— h. hud i »ti,at«l on « ..In^ nj untliL in Hukot » «mtosts an«l liirbt, wiUi rurying result, | • «* ami In-in I.O» Angel.-, and .nie r plare.. i ,'barter men.lg-r, m _

Hire Chief tiuthrie ha, wrilba. to the : '««•-» Int» theanchm m,>tene. of the , city auggeating that another i ,,r,l"r' r)i,h'"'' '►ntamr. r John Mil1.0m» feet of h«»*e In* obtained f«>r the «le­

sion on him and bough t a 50-cent boUle of Shiloh'» Cough' and Conaumption Cure, telling him to take a teaapoonful every hour. Instead, he took a table- spoonful, keeping thgt up all night. Next morning his cough had entirely left him. I never saw any mceliving work so quick.”

Shiloh's Consumption Cure is sold by mil druggist* on a guarantee that the purchase money will be refunded in case of failure. 25c.. 50c. and Si a bot­tle in Canada an<! the Vnited States. In England, la2d., 2a.3d. and.4a.6d.

Klondike, YukonAtlin Traffic.

iKCfflaîDtttieicuiAre prepared t» handle tbroafk freight

and passenger trattr from Coast Foists

Dawson City,The Klondike,

Taken and AtlinfatllllfifJilfl‘-----------1 " WetilTlgraanr.


For rates snd infer ma t:cn apply t* the Company s Office, 31 Port Street, .Vic­toria, B C.

H. MAITLAND KERSBY.Managing Director.



Time Table No. 41—Tn king Effect February * let, 1899.

VANCOUVER ROUTE.Victoria to Vanoouver dally ex «Nipt Monday

at I o'clock.Vancouver to Victoria dally ex<*pt Mondy

at 13:16 o'«Hock, or on arrival of O. P. R. No. 1 train.

NEW WESTMINSTER ROUTE. *Leave Victoria for New Went minster, Lad­

ner and Lulu Island Sunday at 13 «>'olock, Wedneeday and Friday at 7 o'clock. Snndày'a steamer to New Westminster connecte with C.P.R. train îfo. 2, going east. Monday.

For Plumper FaM, Wedneeday and Friday ■t 7 o'clock.

For Pender sad Moresby Inland», Friday at 7 o'clock.

Leave New Westminster for Victoria, Mon- <l*y at 13:13 o'clock; Thursday and Bat- unlay at 7 o'clock.

Fee 1'lum^r^‘aao, Thursday and Saturday

Per Pendor Island and Moresby Island, Thursday morning at 7*>'clock.


Port mpaon and Intermediate pointa, via Vancouver, the let and loth of each month, at 8 o'clock.

KLONDIKE ROUTE.Steamship» of this company will leave for

weekly”1, Juneau, Dyee and Skagway


mi14th and 2l>th -of each month, extend­ing latter tripe to Qoatalno and Gape Scott.

the right ofThe company reserves the cbeegiM this time table-wt any out notification.out notification. a. A. < A HI. ETON.

Oen. FriHght Agi.O. R. BAXTER.

Paawnger Agt.

C. P. N. Co., Id., SteamersWill leave Turner. Bee to* A Oea

wharf for

!ï. iy Winmail us yAs follows, rts.:

“DANUBE*’ . . . Amll 5.19 "IBS"..................... April 12,2»

And from VaAouver at 12, noon,-—v on following days-

. For freight and pasàage apply at the rlBce of the company. <14 Wharf street, victoria. R.C. The" company res«frres the right of changing »bls tin-.--table at any time without notification. ’


The White Pass am Yukon Route


From Skaguay, Alaska, to the Summit of White Pass iu a Comfortable Railway Train.

the White Pass A will make hi* headquarters

-----------------------1 appointed Cos tome Agent*®koa Route In Alaska and British Columbia. He will make Ms headquart i* j**<rrar The appointment Is made that petrol* of the White Pa** Yukon Route will not be subject to troubleaome delays or exceaalve duUea.

150 Pounds Baggage Free.Investigate Fully. Do Not Be Misled,


SKASUAY IS THB ................................................. .


J. H. GREER. H. L. «RAY,- CaRUjpaglfiLKyf»------------------- Oaaaral Tralte Maaagar,16 Trounce avenue, Victoria. Dexter Horton Bldg.. Seattle. Wash.

Bead t cent» In atampa to any of ear agent» for our new map of Atlin.


partHKMkt, nnd al*o th »t eight more hy­drants hv piu«x*I in the city. He alt"» revommehiln that th<» bV-law rt'ganling fire «wap<-* l«e enforced. In conclusion he says, “To put your «lepartment «m proper footing you want af least tire m ire pmnanent and paid men. and I can aieerrc you my amlntion i* to put your

, igegeflaJsL r Urs-ilr** *-*wndttlon. trusting yon one and all will wive me your earnest amt loyal snp|H>rtin regard to the name. I must al*o *ny it 1* absolutely nrewshry to have two

i for yonr -heSmtca!"engine. *«< aaVl engine .'an be used to gtvat ^«Ivan- 1 4age where there aw an hy«lrunt.< l j alno in*i*t npon having the npiminting r.nd fnll control of all, «men under my

In-irt. The Ldlowing were «luly elcct<*<t nnd installed into their re*iDe«-tiv«* «»tfi«*c* In* night: Past Chief Ranger. Richard M« Rri«l<‘. M.V.P.; Chief Banger, <l«i>rgo Adams; sub-Chief Banger. Allw-rt Walr ; ker: Trwsnrer. P. A. Devoy; SwrHary. . John Gui^hon: ^L%ii<>r W<Hhlwnr«l. <îeo. McMurphy: Junior Woodward, T. Gif­ford; Senior Beadle. W. K„ Sinclair; I Junior R«-aille, II. J. Williams; Medical


"1 he.. First. I'vrfuviiuui**- t±f- the ‘ IWr snd the P«rP* by a 4'ompnny of lyx-il

Amaiiurs. •

VANCOUVER. . . .A drunk pn*wmt«l hinrself aF the"

police station on Thursday night mid asked to be given a night's l«>dgiug. lit* wal aocomioodiited.

The |«wr iwx at SL Jamee's Chunk wa* 1 iroken into on Wednroday. M is lwlicved that there wa* ul*>ut $1 in It. but of courtie tin* axact amount is not

Th«* Van Anda smelter is now being rushed a* fast a# (Ml or 70 men ron atlvawt1 it. The fOUWlAtioOS lit com- |»l«‘t«- and with a large mblitiou to the working staff next week, it i* hoped to have the smelter fitii*ie<! an«l ready for the handling <ff oni in about 00 days' time. It will have a capacity' of fri» tons i*‘r diem. .

Th<* «bath of Mnr. Mary Abrams . took plan» on Thursilay monong at the


You w01

A gen nice trmt Is In sl«ire for Victoria : i th«‘atre-g«w-rs on Momlny ami 1 ue**lay «yen- ! jisn. Wfe* the hwrtfc “Itfwfjhv" mm^oC j

«'Ibert au«t Sullivan's moat enjoyslde ciea- j [ tion*. will. 1>V staged—la the Victoria j

theatre. Iteheamals have lieen c«»lng <m i f«ir some time and un«1i*r the <*apalile dlre«‘- tion of Ml»# MarnK-k th«- principals nnd chôma hn^ ntt.ilm-il to n <1«‘gre«* of exccl- toniTT whtc%wltl toe a surprise to the targe majority of those who w'tm-ss the Initial performance. Those who have been privi­lege!! to attend the drew* rehear*»’* have <-xpresse«l surprise at the smoothness wl»h whl«*h the whole nppta goes, ami the mush-al training the performers have hn<! ha* b«‘«-h so thorough that nothing uuuv nearly sppfoai-hlng iH-rfe«-tl«in could ren*«>n- ably b«- expected.

The /net Is as follows:The Lord Chancellor. . Mr. T. M. BnidbornEarl ,»f .Moiiiitararat................Mr <«.-Vhtlllp*■all T«dloll«*r ............................ Mr II I CMVfVrlvatr Will'»------------- Mr. ft. Ar.imii If

(of tlie Orvaadler 0«iar«1*>Ktephon... .........................Mr. f\ W. Rh«rtk»4

(an Arradlaa *h«‘j»h«-nf) IThe. J SnludsfiiAtl»Queen of the Fairies. .. Miss Mabtd Oatidfn ' lolanth. .......... ,_.MIs* Edith U»mlia“d

ta Fairy, fitephon’s mothcrl . 1 The




For Alaska and the Gold Fields.

“ROSALIE.”Seterday, 8tb April.

ria l from Onter Wharf. Victoria» for Yen- «•ouver, Mary Island, Mi-tlakaktla. Ket«*l- kan. Wrangel. Juneau. Skagway snd Dyee.

For full particular* apply to NORMAN HARDIE, Agent, 64 «overnmeut street. VI«Norle, B.C. Telephone 5H0.



Atlin Cold fieldsSTEEL STEAMSHIP

AMURl eaves Porter's wharf

On Tuesday, April 4thFC*


----------------AND WAY PORTS-------

For freight sad passenger rates apply

BSM MB * KM üüïflûliûfl CO.3» Government St, Vitoria

Fast Mall

Not a Substitutebut superior to lath and

plaster, will not crack and fall off, absolutely fire­proof, handsome in appear­ance. Estimates furnished Oil receipt of plans.

Pedlar Metal Roofing Co.09-HAWA, CANADA.


Skagway, Way Ports

Alert Bay, Rivers Inlet. Skeena River,


For dates and particular» apply at wharf.


Spokane Falls 4 Northern Nelson & Fort Sheppard 7" fed Mountain Hallways

J?Ulrica- <c-Uu* Mfia“ F let a

PfcyUt» ____

only all ral!. routa Wlthotk* ! m oh«nee of cars between Spokane,

--------. RjO.elahd and Nelson. Aleo between..i MH» K. Hayward Nelson and Roaeland......... Ml** L. Han nage I :

utu AvtauLiU Hlu-pbvr.l.^M iind ward In I DAILY TRAINS.- - CbeiH^rri - Î 1^8 ve. ' Arrive.

mtnwryi i 8^10 a.fu......... Spo.kony .............. 3:10 p.m.. ( lutrua x «T- duke*. mar##jiri*«M.: yuri*. >U-. ....... Rwudaud .IjW.- PÀ

f'-Mrs. Lung. .1., win. .K.-lih ll irilv YV.xiui W.efmA rt—a. , . ’ ■***Keith. Hardy. Wood. Acffih, W,irl»« k. H-v |

watt*. Otqitfcfta*. A U*tn. Wry. TErirw*, WIT': WMiB,"fniimrWB ; m?wnn1. Svrrth^j- nolds. Fowler, Hchl snd Martin. k dally.

-Ttoofu* of FàTriSt—Thc ^**<-4 X*f?Sr,T"’

ill................. ■’“pun , . . .... ..OHN,____ cohntxilon al Nelson with steamer

for Knsl«> and all Kootenay Lake'Points.- rnsHvugers for Kettle River and Bonnd-

eelsawi at Marcus iltt iTigil

4L AK LUX ON. G. P. A T. A,.Spokane, Wash.


FACTS.When people are contemplating a trip,

whether o* buslrittk or pleasure, they naturally want the beet service obtain­able so far aa speed, comfort and safety are roimemed. Employee* of the WIK- OONHIN CENTRAL LINES aro paid to serve the public and our trains are oper­ated so as to make close connection» with diverging line» *t air Junction points.

Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair Care on through trains.

Dining Car ærvlçe unexcelled. Meals served a la Marie.

a*k Hu- ticket agent to sell you over



and you will make direct connection» at Bt. Paul for Chicago, "MUwapkee and all point» Keel. ;

1'or any further Informa tien call on any ticket .agent, or correspond wltu

General Pas*. Agent,Milwaukee. Wle.

or JA8. A. CLOCK,General Agent,

246 Park atresd,Portland, Ore. j

THE NORTH-WESTERN LINEHave added two more trains <;he Fast Mall! to their 8t. Paul-Chic*

Jo service, making eight traîne ally

Minneapolis,St. Paul #od Chicago.

This assures |ia**enger* fiom thé west making couneedeoa.

Ontnry " Train, "the " finest trnki In the world.*' leave-*8t. Paul every day In the year at

F. W. PARKER.General Agent,—-r ■ --- • Wfi llwi Avaaas -

Beattie, Waab.



Chilkoot lass RouteChllkoot Railroad » Traaeport Company.

Alaska Railway O Treasportatlon Company. Dyee-Klondike Tr a «. sport a t Ion Company.

Operating a System of Aerial Tramways !i Between Dyea and Crater Lake.

These tramway» did three-fonrtha of the boelneee last year and will do four-flftha of It tala year.

Old Yukoners Employ This Route Almost Exclusively. ..Wl.e m.n will I.Teetlgete lbe rout.* and onditlnn, b<-forp committing i

th.dr frrlght to an, peril, nier IrelL Our fecilltlne .uebl,- us to give a cbo«p.r , , in.I mort- .-xpo.Mll. rH wnloe than any othrr route. We .hail give both, aa , , wlU be demonstrated'upon application.



For rates and full partkqlaru apply tu



Pacific Coati S;y xuhlp Co.

For Sau Francisco.The ,-ompany’» . elegant !

»tfum*hl|w QUKKN, WAL­LA WALLA and ÎJMATIL- ! LA, carrying H.R.M, mails,

j leave VICTORIA. È.C., 8p.m . Mar. 5, 10. 15. *J0, 25. M; April. 4.9. 14. 10. 24, 29; May 4, and every fifth day thereafter. , ,

Leave Kan Fran deco for Victoria. R.C.,10 a.m., Mar. 2. ^. 12. 17, 22. 27; April 1.6. 11. 16. 21, 26; May 1, and every fifth day thereafter.

FOB ALASKA.The elegant steamships COTTAGB CITY.

CITY OF TOPEKA and AL KI leave Seat­tle. # a.m.. Mar. 1. 6, 11, 16. 21, 26. 31; April 5, 1Ô. 13, 20, 25. 30; May 5. and every fifth day thereafter.

The steamer COTTAGE CITY will call at Victoria. B.C., p.m.. Mar. 1, 16. 31; | April, 16. 30, for passengers and freight. |

For further Information obtain folder.The company reserves the right to change ,

without previous notice, steamer»,' sailing : «late» and boor» of salting

«rWhiTf lH. TTctwfi^ Tr^’4J. F. TROWBRIDGE, Pügei 8opnd.

ftupt. Ocean Dock. Seattle. Wash, rr—• J8GÔDALL. PERKIN8 A CO,,

1 General Agent». San Prandeco.



and all peinte 4astvand South

The only fine fanning two dally trans­continental trains.

Quick "time. Good service. Bates aa low as other line».

For all Information, time card», maps, etc., call on or ad«lre*e

- E. E. BLACKWOOD.Freight and Passenger Agent, Victoria.

. British Columbia.A. D. CARLTON,

Aaalstant General Paaacnger Agent. 225 Morrison street, Portland, Ore.


..row •'Hawaii, Samoa,

Row Zealand and Australia.

KM. AUSTRALIA to sail Wedneeday, April 5th. at 2 p.m., for HONOLULU only.

HK. MAUI POSA to sail WedueedAZ, April Hi. at 10 p.m.

Line to COOLGAROIE, Au»., and CAPE­TOWN, South Africe.

J. D. 8PHECKLRS A BROS. CO.,• Agente, 114 Montgoan-ry 8t.,Freight 327 Market street, San



ÎTEST RSHORT ROUTE"Beattie to all po'nta East and Kouthènat, via 1'ortlnud. salt Lake City and Denver. Pullman petite* steeper», upholstered- tour­ist sleeper* and free reclining chair care ntt-iiin heat. I'lntech Uj[ht.

For ticket» to or free» way peint» in the I'oltcd hi » tea, Canada orYurope.eall on,

RICHARD HALL, Agent.. W wrwiefiw inwt

B. K. KLLIS, Gen. Agent,W. H HÜLBUBT, O.P.À.. *



Fffeetlve Nor. 14th, 1898. Subjectchange without aptipe.


Via 8t. John, Halifax, Boeton or New York, and all steamship lines.

For all Information aa to aalUnga, rate», etc., apply

B. W. GREER, Agent, Cor. Government and Fort It*.

Victoria and Texada Island.


Victor,» for Xinulmo, Tlmrwliy. . .* ».m.Saesimo fur. Tm.<M, ruât/.;..........7u.m.Ibib far Wautfx D»t»rtuy..... .1 .p. Nunelrao for Vldurto, T»ulte»-.. .. >U.m.

r.lllog st way purtu.trory WodMuduy ut T l.«t. fur »o<*e tad

return Mat day.

For rates apply ou board or at Porter'» Wbarf.


SUNDAY).I.v. Tacoma......................................... 8:00 a.mAr. Beattie.......................{. .. .. 10:00 a.m.Lv. Beattie............................................. 10:30 n.m.Ar. Port Townaend................ .. 1:15 p.m.Lv. Port Townsend......................... l:3t> P-oa.Ar. Victoria......................................... 4:15 p.m.


Lv. Victoria................................. 8:00 p.m.Ar. Port To*neend.........................10:45 p.m.Lr. Port Townaeml......................... 11:00 p.m.Ar. Beattie.............................. .. 1:46 a.nuLr. Beattie. . ................ .... .. 2:15 a.iikAr. Tacoma.. .... •, _ • < . .. 4:15 a.uu


Victoria & SidneyRAILWAY.

Trslna will run between Victoria an* Sidney as follow»;

DAILY :Leave Sidney at......... .8:15 aimiTs^^tLiâr

SATURDAY AMD BUNGAY tI,cave Victoria at.'... .7:00 a.m., -î-OO p.nk Leave Sidney at.............8:15 a.ui., 5:15 p.m-

threat Northern. w Cwiuuktlliurvi»bib.<. C.

EI ItiSTfiglim-Connecting at Seattle with overland Flyer.

J. H. ROGERS. Agt.

____ _ , .... . - ■ ■ .■ ■ -

Page 7: LADIES' JACKETS - Wikimedia Commons

VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, MATVBDAY, APRIL 1, 189».possible during the present month

1 of «-ugin*HnH)ni artificers, carpenters J' I shipwrî|&ts, coopéra, rtumbers THE WISDOM OF EARTH POINTS TOMatters, [.

TO CONTRACTORSCommunications from m^mbfis of the dif- feiertt brooches of Her fcia^ty s Service it-, resented in Vktoii* and Rsquimalt will to- welcomed Addiess “CSevroaT l lees

HAS A CURE FOR EACH DISEASEWith Mnnjon's Improved Homoeopathic Res-

idles li the House, Mothers til Be cow the Family Physician.

Maj-'i U««?nd Hutton hr1 determined ____ .____ ■ . ... ..»,. ...... .... ** ,i......... JfiSSZlive and uiuskt<ry generally of the (!au- -, Hla new and humane methods 6f treatmentuiliuu uiilitia. Hv ha> reconnue wlc«l thefollowing |K»iuts to the vvuwidvration of the l>oiuiuiou Hide Association: U) The reduction in the sise of the bull’s-eye used at the Dominion Rifle Aaswiirtiou matches aiu! an increase in the range* tirvd at; (2) the eneourageuivnt of maae and Individual tiring exercises; (3) firing at moving objects; (4) tiring at disap­pearing objects. Lient.tCol. Ull*«ou, president of the Dominion Rifle Asso­ciation. has rupfied, expressing his will­ingness to tit-opera tv with tJeneraJ Ilut- tou in the accomplish meut of the above suggestion*

"■________ ___0.0The dispute whkh toot piaee 'W

tween OoA. <>K>ke and his D. U. (’.. W. Roy. has been amicably settled, the former having expressed his regret tit the occurrence.

cooWhen a sub-iusi>e«*tor was hearing a

class -f London lri<U boys repeat Mi caiilay’s “Horatius,” hF’"enquired whe- 'ther three soldier* would tie likely nowsi'days to hold a bridge against a whole army. “Wtrokh 1 ■*—«-i.

.. ^ . isp.;t'Uclsmlth*. iu' x-ach of these depart- meal*'is etinsiderably less than the number provided for in the navy estimates last March, and throughout the- whole of the year the scarcity of dceirable metr has bti-n especially felt In' the imgiue-room artificer. e«riH*nter and cooper lira inches. The training ship officials have had a similar requrst sent them respecting the entry «of boys, it being necessary to en­ter a leant six hundred more boys by the end of this mouth to meet tlie w- qvirements of the service and the pro­vision made in the .current year's esti­mates. In March last, it was arranges! that the navy should tie strengthened by the entry of 3,500 stokers, and although the standard of measurement and phy-

!«Hvirement* for Shew1 men has

have swept away all the old-fashioned Ideas of doctoring with polaonoua drugs that create a dozen diseases In the effort to gvt rid of one. He does not claim that he has one remedy that will cure alt complaints, but that he baa prepared a specific care for nearly every disease. He does not claim that Munyon’s Rheumatism Cure will edre consumption, dyspepsia or env Other complaint, hut he does assert that ft i V ,will cure rheumatism. Munvon’a Dyspepsia ■ 11 - . . . #Cure la prepared expressly to cure dja- ' been kept high the number provided Tor pepsla; Munyon’e Cough Care t«* curw ha»- been secured without the slightest coughs: Munyon'a Catarrh Remedte# to ..... ... *■core catarrh; Munyon'a Kidney Cure to ; difficulty, cure kidney troubles. The same may be ^ O O O•aid of all Munyon’a different remedies. The Impérieuse, which sailed fur Issue ■KMtly”*? 25o °a *bottir ** 10 etoree* to-day from Kaquimalt, expeHs t«* uus*

IVrstmal* letters to l*rof. Munyon. 1.506 ( the " nrspli* ill the Straits of Magellan bAA: answer [and there turn over to her the command.

PAINE’S CELERY COMPOUNDThe Great Nerve Builder and Blood Purifier.


f advice for any <ti*eaie

snanent force; is certainly unfair and can ably be interpreted as.another indication of the editor’s desire to take advantage of anything which he caff mahe the pretext. for * dap at the per­manent staff. There are inefficient old country officer* on the staff* of the dif-

__________ w_ _ lowing whs& feib a rimt issue Miimen, for exampleV" he said. “No. sir." haT’o some.force, that portion of it refer- aaid the clasa. “Would three Scotch- riiùf to the “Knirlishmen” on the per- men?” They again dissented. “Would three Irishmen’/" “Please, )dr," shout- oil an excitable little fellow, “one Irish­man would do it!"

• ...O O O . ..........The (’ôruhill Magazine says: It was

in Malta harbor on i\ sultry day that a four;fv« it -eight midshipman <sum- to join hi» first sea-going ship. Haying duly reported himself to the enplane— an officer of some six f»*et two inches— the,latter, literally looking down upon the boy, said :

“Welt, youngster, SO you've come to join—eh}”

"Ye*. IT you please. air.'* meekly re­sponded the midshipman."

“What is it—same old yarn, sent the fool of the family to sea—etiT*

"No. *ir,v ingenuously replied the youngster; "oh, no, things have altered since your lime, air."

“Ho away!" roared the eapi^in, and the middy flew below a» fast 6» 6Î*little legs could carry him.

and order will la* left to forty men and the Mounto-l Police.

o o oThe Canadian Military Haaette i* be­

coming such a fishwife in its treatment of mgiila matter* that the effivt of itsstricture* have become minimized to a . , .... ,, , ...«*» ,r.„„ «,rol. While „.r, ,.f .he fol- !I, rallie é^lr.ii-1 fr..n, „ i*<He <11 HV ** WR WlIDStlXM THC 01*00 *n

fnrrThe turnout of .the First Battalion

yesterday was far from what it ought to have been. The light attendance was doubt It1** due to the attractions of Shawv.igan and Hooke, but one cannot dismiss the impression that a man who will mi** a parade of his corps even for a day with fhe rod and line is not the

menti! of outride attractions, amt. while the parade was not large. Col. Gregory gave hi* men two or three hour* very hard work The evolutions included the march pa*t, general saluti», inanliing in line column, quarter column with deploy- uivuta .from those formations. The '►tfi- cvr commanding one of fir eoiapEtiUHl will itanlon the suggestion that there

,T Ta»,(«ir caautoiB» n,vllivr- nr,- h,„„1r,,l, i,f in, ffi. ivut h«brr »to.W W « ^

militia force. H„l among ihr office, or " ,,,,h.. imrmanmt force arc a number of m nn.fomr- Oh. a hat a IIKton. toleilous sad rayahlc w who a_rc <lolM_. I”1”1.”i -̂,— .crvicc" for Cnnmla and who «houl.l wtnvh 1 bare nuotml Innot la- selected to the carplnga of ir- ^ rohlron M „v„.| mvaau.n. uf late nvamalldc <'rit ira Hie t.aaetlc « dia- wgUi„r, ,t being n Treated and tr i.,-.follow»: - MnJ^-tieneral Hvillon. e ^ for britt|iiug rhlleulent Ternoto. dewnhe,! the militia aa bo, ,jn,uniform, have ing in a state of paralysis, an 1 expressed .jn-.i.J, ti„. fUu

ui*»n the now a local ap-

P- -■ ® plie* lion. The full lieard which ahis desire for an efficient national «rtny n.,.ruit „f the Ftrut Battalion ttaimted in' its proper That the militia in |1m. few „( the spectatura yesterday, wm correctly described by Gen. Hutton gnve |he panule of one of the com thrrr- ctm U--no-questi.w, but-Ue^failed ta p,,^ the-appearance of a ina*.t»eradc |M«uit out that ÏÜe creeping paralysis was iM.rfurtuuuce instead of a serious affair,

o O O — "Itr fW BllWirwtir,^ WTWt»g The o O oThe year'* grace given to all French militia for the last thirty year*. Kx- No officer *of experience w ill judge of

deserters from the army and navy and army officers, W'ho were riot Canadians, hi* popularity with hi# men by the inili- from the ct mnn-rcial vessels, to make and who left the army for one reason tary exactness with which they bring their |*eaee with thy French govern- nr another, drifted to Canads. sod were ; the right hand to the 'forehead when ment, ia nearly over. The last day on Invariably welected for staff appoint they rcf»ort “all present and correct, which they may present themselves, lie- mi-nts in our militia. -There was no sir." .The barrack room and the quart fore a French dqriomatic agent and re- question of fitness involved, and thewe rr deck often echo commeutarie» «poll

_reive their jiardon against a declaration t.x army officers^ a* a rub. continue'l to the *taif whieh would surprise that gold edf repentante is April. 27. 1809. S'one lH.rf. rm their «lutieê much In the same laced body were be to bear them, while

way as thev did in the army. They re- the onlerly officer making hi* post- mcinberetl more or Usa of their army midnight visit to hi* guards and *cii knowledge—usually less-and were con- tru* heara in a sleepy monotone from the teirrtn rest on That, âfld tfeàt with dia- interior of a tent remark* regarding -•«in »nv ehonceo Or .mn-oreim-ou that himself occurred in the army from time to time not calculatewhich were applicable to our militia.They ha 1 no enthusiasm for the force.





TENDERSTea«1em, MililrcMci! te the un«tcrslgne<|

will be re?celvertl by the Honorable the Chief Vi.mmisstuiUN at i.aml* and Works up tw luhhi of Miitm-diiy. Nth April, for the eon- v mruitlon i.f a iiMi1 nary. h«i*|-ltul ward, and **indtjr work* re<iiilnil at the Asylum for tl«e Insane, nt Xew Westminster.

Plan* amt wpecltieatlon* can l»e seen, and forms for tender obtained, at the office of the undersigned, and at the office of ihe Government Agent at New Westminster.

The. lowest or any tender will not neces­sarily be accepted.

W H. GORE.Deputy- <Commissioner of l.nnds & Work*.Isiin's and Work* Department. Victoria.

H.G.. SBr« March, 181*'.


master.This vreset will ihwharge cargo at oor

outer wharf on Tueedây. March 28th. and following days. < onelgnee* an» reqneebad to present toll* of lading at the office at the undersigned, pay freight, and receive onlers for their ri**lii.

All good* remaining on the wharf after » o'clock each day. and while on the wharf, will l»e at the riak of the consignee* there­of resnectlvelj. .and.may be *uae«t at th*«lv“T P. R1THRT â GO.. Ltd.. Agents.

Charles Hayward,• (Betabllehed 1867).

have yet applied: for the pardon from this city.

o o oMilitia general orders issued (o-day

contain the following:Rifle associations not affiliateil with

any <-nrp* are hereafter t<* be supplied with I^-e-EnfieM ball ammunition at #15 per thousand rounds, a mluction of 5D per cent., thus bringing tlie pri«-e to that pai.l by militia Imitation* hii-1 rill- a*-

esteem. Sailors prerogative when off duty and their ole serrations on different ipa tiers arc of-and failed to impart to those under the* ^valions «XZ*Z\ JjS

.. __ wvt-k ku..„i.i ten interesting as indicating what Ja<K!w " V ! » Ter nnd Tummy A.k.n, think whrn n-poaareenl. a- a mmv r , i. fr,1|u the rhe parade

i shared the rear platfonn ofrim* in turn, voniHM-lrï will, thmn. thpT ,rt«l „ a -brake on tbe wh.n-1 of .

An im|*»rtant change is made with re- ■ •• th».m««»* ground. .gnr.l |7. mrdlcsl ruimlltlon». Otflrm 1 murk overwnckf-.l and wry much 11,1 Eaqulmelt oar a to* day» aince wfth khall be entitled t<i medical atlenianc*1 , , ,, - . r..‘. ' the a mer^ne‘ w^(>. "fat imbtic .«UHffix undex- blowing cun- L^ me with his otmervattom,au;___ "w ” 1*T 7^ Tt™ imrt ^ vo even-thing fnun the rear admiral fo

rate of pay received by the army ..fh- ^uuiu( t,;wvr. This particularoo-» hnliling oorroaponiMos BM'Mintmonla, nillrini, hsd „ ge, , for dn-ad-

ditionsl*t.—That tbe officer is at a .station

ore is Mug sacked at ÛS» property.The Klocaa 8tar will add tlO men to

U* force Just b* soon ns the water wih permit the <i»mvnlrator to la1 operated.

t)n Is-mon creek dewslepeNWt work ia Uiug done ni tin- CànaÆaa Star. Missing Link, Outre Star and Bailey group.

Private ad vice* from Spokane stale that the Arlington ha* been sold for giti.nuu. - Thcp family VMlVMSd hi debt.r Bob Cntlngton will tinUB TU» "FolSfHiW1

on the Joker group next month. This property shows gold pnd i* qwnetl in Englaml.

The tjueeti B«-sw I». ( leaning up some of the ore that ha* accumulated during the IhmI road season. It went out 2*J<1 tone last week.

-The--Ar K. adjoin» the’ Little Daisy and xx ill have cotulderaMe xxt.rk done oil it this summer. Fclr foM aasays have been obtained from surface rock.

Heavy ore ahipment* from tbe Wocan Star and Noble Five will *tsiu Tiie niii<rC.and the shipment» from the Btocan

1.300 ton* a

. ... ~. . . . . It is only within the last couple of year* “Take the ArnnhWm. fair An»orhoMin»ji ^*5-*-1---Smt-ti»-wimi>-h«d 1-o<-d fnn-d from ih»t k.- ««id, *gBrT$8 Tw®y rS-l;fiMT.nd rraidra wfitin , „dlmi of ow- ^ <dRr,r ln ,he militU. ", ,h’' t- furu b- .. .uls u. ,-u.h.milt- from tmgpital. ur if there br m> ho*- „Ild. tu-dar. <n-ry uffirrr In rommind ef 4V.-|I, w *«» down then- fur ru vi-ral

»ithin a mile «>f a p<Hnt I» be n ,|i,Hi'l is a Canadian hy birth. It m„nth»i lay u,, fur a while at Acapulro, ax-ul hr the rentrai ufficer commanding | |in lnltbfullx «aid that the iirewent w|„ „ w-ord came that we mn»t to and prinelital medical uflici-T. The n.O. dl.,^c| ,)B,vr, >,,mman-line Compere l-„lmmn. Well, we *«■« there, and

*BI. hcixxdc majora Will corocwithm fn.. tarombly with Ihelr pre-ten-*. wait in» for a I'"-l while wethis category.

The name of the Royal Reginfent of Canadian Infantry, which has #.> often been changed is again altered, this time to the Royal Canadian Regiment of In­fantry.

A reward of #10 will lie paid to any person for the apprehension of any de­strier from the permanent corps.

1 sors. But tbe strangest and most di*- come* back to the bloomin' station, tie graceful acts of maladministration ter chucks us in dry dork for a couple of the Militia Department have been the dajs, when off we goes to Behriqg Sen. appointment of Englishmen to Ihe per. J We goes up there for a while, where inanent force, who never had even the you cane *ee nothin* l>ut your matw1

: advantage of an army <?r a«y otbe- and the sea. and when we gala hack tr lining, and who go into the permanent we ’hardly gets ia port when the ad-

! force “for what’# in it." It has not been mirai he say*. *GV south again and wait i suffieient to pnrairzj1 the militia for *<> order*.' The bloomin l*»at basn t been

many rears peal by1 employing ck army i» port long enough for ua blokes to get ! officer* regardless of fitness, but it Is peri acquainted wHh the station. >\e met

peteated- by dumping into the permanent Charlie Beresford here.’ <i.ntinned the force untrained Enrlishmen uko come to marine, “he * a great nn for our i*h>-

] Canada and acquire a “pull." In the pie. ’Give me a thousand marines and ! natural course of events, #uch officer* 1 H nek the world I*1'8 .5*' . j**

t° hl. «Hfv mih„ exercise the fcsme

It is said that #1,5<*M**0 is a _tct|j eonservative estimate of Its ore in eight in the Enterprise, on Ten-Mile creek.. TbU promises to b$ -*ne of the greatest .of all the great Klocah mine* —New- Denver I»«ilge.

Kamloops Camp.A visitor to Coal Hill would i»e sur­

prised at the iffiourif bf work going off.A fine body of ore has been struck oà

the Con Verdant. Andrew NoMe, who . Jkaa been -doing ■***«■>.moot work oo Ma

claim, i* greatly pleased with the strike. There ia a twenty fi*» ledge of solid ore in *ight. and though of low grade, with depth Jt should prqve one üi the best strike* yet made on Coal Hill.

The Ada. c»wmil by J. Blair and K. Coughan. situated iw»rth of Jacko Lake, is showing up In fine shape, a shaft of about 20 fut having been sunk, and a vein of about 3 ft. 4 In. of white quartz, highly mineralised with copper pyrites and containing a small percentage of gold ha* Mfi*-cx|M**ed. fQ>e vein run* a* do all the principal'W^es in the camp, in n south easterly arid north easterly direction. Assays giving re­turn* of #72.00 in rouan- have- been

free ArtClassesThe Canadian Royal Art Union

Limited, a? Montreal. Canada,

Offers free courses In srt to those desiring same. The course lnclud«-# drawing and painting from still life, modem and for magasins work. These rworse# ere stisotutsly lise, and ■piilita.lon for admission may be made at any time.

The Canadian Royal Art Union. Limited, was founded for the pur­pose of encouraging art, *nd dis­tributes works or art at each of It* monthly drawing*, which are held on the Inat day of each month.

For further pert'volam apply to

Tne-Csnni6ii| loyal Art Oqlon, Limited,

»j§ and *4* St Tàmes St , X-Montreal, P. Q. X

Pâ*t Crawlqg; Thursday, March 30. ô


<»f Jacko lake and owned by Hmn.Fowler, Carter ami Dillon, a vein ou the east ett«r of the claim, iiuisistiiig <>F 30 inchim quartz. 0 inches copper and 18 inches of magnetic carrying <i»p|**r*>haa been vxpoetil. West uf thi* there is apparently ; not her govl lead with, a well defined foot wall, the ore body is «i tupoaed of magnetite. carrying eop- per in a gangue of diorite and quartz; stitt further west on the flat Is an im­mense catqdug of magnetite which is

The owner* intend yinking a shaft nt thi* |MHnt early in the fall.

Thv Delaney property i* n frartioual Haim. 1.500 in length by 000 feet in wkkh. jit la situated about mile#south west of Kamloo|w. on the main Cherry Creek road.

---3PI»e~lead on tbe-Drlanry t* ly a true contact, having good hanging and foot walla. The vein matter is about 20 feet in width and can be | traced for some distance on the surface. *"The gangue appear* tw be a gnbbro. j containing siliciu and heavy spar. Tht1whole ledge matter i* well miueralize«l, I ----- . 1 ■: ■ irr.:.v......,-arnrlB* write, in m.«lxe on, nwl th, dim.tonu. «,'! M,m.- varigah.l nml ,»,<■,»* ,.uUf l# I. tiwr. m . rompnn,ffrea. Tlie mintral appear* to hi1 very | uv«*ly few days

The Stmtiuel ha* devoted no math | atitre in the past to (tentcrlptioiis of the j Tide .Faune Cache country and the ad- j ventage* of the North River mute into that section that there ia no need for ti* to go into any lengthy detail* on the subjiit just now. We have all liTôtig contended that north of Knmlmqw was a rich mineral and ramhing dis-

Funeral Director nod Embalmer. Governmrat Ural, VlclorU


John Heston \

Carriage Maher, Blacksmith,


Broad St., Betweem Pandora and Johnson.


evenly di*iributed through the content* between the walls, and assay# from #4L5ti to in gold and eopper, prin- eiptilly <iig*‘r. Tbe Delaney., ha* to-en well ami iwactically developed. Consid­erable aurLtce stripping and open enta, a* well as a shaft 5x7. 30 feet deep attnk W the le*d - fottmeing the hanging wall.-, j , 4 tHcf: which warher or later would proveTh,- iratd «rtnwerr si» SlMWti,, «,UrSCT,f wrairirîoth.

y\TLIIM MINES.Reliable imformatioo cam Se had kg applying to

RANT 4 JONES,Notaries. Mining Brokers > * and Geœral Agents. ( AUR, B.C. j

The council of the National Rifle A*- soeiation ha* decided to nwind it* *e#o- lution. recently announced, to mince the bull’s-eye -of the J|M> yard* target at lh«- Bisley meeting to seven inches in diameter and the inner ring to sixteen

much ojqHwsittoh west tnffthDT" It-ha a i LJEtitiLi1 attributable to gros* mnla^mini* voldier aaid sailor too,** smiled signifi-

egntly. I got him back to the subjectthnr rhe dimensions and di vision* of i

m rvmiia “tbiT wun'!3St " - ...ii;- rH-v.r- O o I «w« "V»-n.Uh,rr of mnney « h«,, n h|oiM n.,lU„1: .-hv-,Lt-Col. McLein. of Ibt- 02nd b,tu|-1 mde aad »re to molnt.ln the-JmiIw„ „r ,ld h-i„ni„. H„ b,-’,n, St. John, ha* Ht^en chosen n# com- j B"VÎ'l MHdiry ( ollege for >e express letter than he i* in Victoria, and

man i-mt nf th» ^ror’s Bislny from, and « ‘^«ring the .pcHmuient ^, owt of the - wayC.'Vt. Helmed, of the 43nl battalion. Of- | f°rcc and staffing the militia. - ................tawn. ha* been selecterl a* second '** ' ^|~r: ® °<i tumand. One hundred and fifty men . « , , .__ . ..»f the Yukon militnnr force .re lo I»- P-J ' h--';- been r-que.te.1 lo orake er«0

- The naval recruiting officer* at Devon-

witk'lrawn. The muiuteuaucc of law ffivt to secure as many entries a*


Victim» of Dyspepsia.

Neither Pleasure N:r Nourishment Ob­tained From Their Food-Dodd's

D)rspepsià Tablets Remedy the Trouble-Makt New Bloo<i,

But he's not the sailor old Ftnnis 1*. no not on your Rfe." he concluded ' em­phatically.

o o oOwing to the fact that tlic lmperien*e

anjleil to-day and many of th«- It. M. A. were on leave to see their com­rades off. the gun team* from companies 2 and 8 di<| not go down to Mncauliije Point to-day They WjU pndmbly vialt the Point on Saturday next.


Cobble-art just as enjoy aide, to the dyspeptic as d* the daintiest iind mom seJojrpMe and ilo«riaki&( fbod,

ÎTvery mor#«d he eat* lie# on the #t-om--k - u'di. a hard lump, causing a du4l> acbr

ing' ugooy, that last* from om- meat- iu4; iuakmg-tbe vu

vti« uttiriy uufit fur work. pUy-im or.eten for mingling with W* Mlowmen.

4 The lùoofl become* thin, weak and wn terrr -it -mrrio* n-» woarii

scspBsatm1» aiul twiuvs'W MIC * 1


ttnd flabby, the niuscWtmn ll and week, and nuiny of the chief function* of the body are stopped. - 1

Coiuriipatiofi step» in. :irul unie** it In1 h-mishi d s|Hi‘«lily. IiUl-iui nation of the;

. Bowrie follow*. xDodd’* Dyspi'psia Tablet* remove the

entire trouble, by di grating *t he food, coo- j renting it into rich, nourishing strength to the digestive organ*. *a,,t w*e*t t*M‘ Last t Hnnce.imilm# ibui>i , .i^ ter -doing-Their own A«e*tUer nUquaeul **f 2U ton*, waswork, bringing fn**h vigor to every part la#t week from the Treasureof the body, and building new, Hlnng jl' tissue*-, flesh and mu*ele*„

Dodd's Dy*|M'p#Ui Tablet»gr,-n!.-,t.t,l,M-,l mak,T« »WI muK'le-lHtil-l- |h|- p |nill,. „ „hl „, 47„.t. evef kn„wu. Th-Tr; Th). j,H|M whl|l|lNI Eng.

Mines and Mining.

Rlocan Mineral Float.The Reeo shippul 20 ton* ln*t week. Beven car loud* of ore were shipped

When the water rise# the Noble Five the ' <',>,MTntrator will resume operation*.

'* La*t week waa the lamner week for

to rcaiHue her Kiiaptmdoil operntions, «and u, correct nil. imitatuml conditi--:

Thr «ïTn:ill -hmxvn tablet# that go wilh every box of I^idd'a DygpegWtg TklNrt» «»» < -rtH-tip-iti,* „d >tinmla«p -«heliver to healthy action.

The action of thu large Taldets I* ^bua Sffffpt'eWmted ^hd made complêfe, flhVf

flow decay bt‘giiia. TrÜÉjk li P tnAwxigor~4».J59S.tor« 'l ,le flesh grow * soft fo the body nromptlÿ àrid porifîtely. " J t>Wn P01

Tlie ore ran high in

the .only shipper^ veek. Tliifty-

land last week, sine.

The Jackson v from Whitewater three tons were wnt doNm.

The' Tom M<*»re, near th«‘ Antoine i* to be dweiopyd. 'The company owning It have ten da i m * in that vlenify, _ „

Lou.- tbanJlmUy-ExlitrakuiL ctytmnvneed. CouskWaUU* glean

nearer home. Now there i* an out­break of thi# “yellow" fever on the tributaries of the Fraser river near Tete Jaune Cache, practically within a ■tone's throw of Kamlinqw. For year* past Ktimbsqw has been the outfitting ami stiming point for proiqicetor* go­ing into that section of. the province.- Tbe roawm f»r thi* ha* lM*en that whilst the actual distance to be travers­ed between Katnloop* -an«l Teté Jaune Cache 1* somewhat greater than. *ay. to-tween Donald and that |*R»t. yet the Kumloiqm route, via North Itiver. pre- wuta mi difficulties whatever to any with the Irtg experience psA- ing. Travel hu* been so miwtant be­tween K anti oops and the <*ountry in the

On No. 7 mineral claim aituated north | vicinity of Tele- Jaune Cache that no

Metical Treatment on Trial to Any Honest Man.THE FOREMOST MEDIAL COMPANY IN THE WORLD IN


Htitlh and Energy Assured; Happy Marriage,Good Temper, Long Life.

all the vortd no doctor or Institution has treated and restored so many "weak men" as has the famed Erie Medical Company of Buffalo, N. Y.

This Is due to the fact that the company controls some Inventions and discoveries which have no equal

In the whole realm of medical science.So much deception has been

practiced In advertising that this grand old company now makes this startling offer.

They will send their magically effective appliance and a whole month> course of restorative rem­edies, positively on trial without expense, to any .honest man.

Not a dollar need be paid till tesuhs are known to ahd acknowl­edged by the patient.

The Erie Medical Company'sennlienre and ff tT.Cd.C.X hZVM

mm—ith »<» tiw Fr« vinev generally ami thi* city in par­ticular. At present the Tele Jaune I ache aeetion i* included in the f’ari- bno mining division. Thi* i* obviously a- very inconvenient state of affair*, mnwsitatiug w-rion* delay* in tiling n«- ctinl*. etc. We may say that tb«- atten­tion of the minister of mine* hit* al­ready been drawn to thi* matter with a view to baring thi* *ectinu inclndt I hi the KaIlibNip* diviiiim. ‘ With the rnwpert of inereaaetl travel the imp<»rt- anîw of speedy iwogti»* being made with the improvement* nfr North River vannot be over estimated.' lteiH»rt* of the gold dUniiveric* in the vicinity of Te*» Jaune Cache have Iryen furwnidtil to Ottawa ahil urgent ni»n»*vutatlon# made that the improvement* to the navigation of the North Thompson Hier be at once proceeded with.—In­land Sentinel.

Will Stait I’p the Load Furnace. f The Hail Mine* smvlv-r will amuikw-p

Uâ • iu-A|t un dar*. Fob Ilk* luwt twomentit* the compat'v Un* been rtreiving ouf from SI wan and Aiuaworth ■ pnqK-r-

* n«.‘ft h. torttiàderahk; sBuek. uu «WUrp intvution of The pmi-

ee «ad 66*s yates st.

Watch Repairing Department

Complete stork of skiletiel kept for Bng- n*b, Waltham, Elgin and ft* las watcher, enabling ns to It or reconatru.'t any make known. American watches cleaned and warranted oar year, 75c.; lever staff, $1.25; jewel bole, 50c.; all other repairs in like proportion. Watches regulated fr««e of charge. Xickle clock* cleaned for 25c.

CURE YOURSELF!t*w B|* « for Conorrtw»^

I Gleet. 8»«rmslorrhoa, I Whites, unnelorel die-

___ __ charges, or eey iuflimn»iîMIÉYMlCHEWCuCa^ irritatiun u, ,

HOTICK. _ Appl'catbm wttt be 'trade_____ __

Court of the Board of I leenahig (Ànmdw liHti. .A'.». uLtivuiU.- tuv . treataa-.ut -uf . thv, . Uuum foe1*, trsnoter-«< -the llwTun» to »eli. aiher-lead vrva by thviiu-tJvtv». Silver wines, spirit* and fermented Honors, by re-

of I ,ul1* ut ,jlt‘ °°,<inlet Hotel. Iteecou Hill 1IIX .1 «Ml I»«nwtnin- ..r l Vl,mI«. fr,>ei tbe ue.ler,l«ue-l te Alfred treated .\nh the galena Wood.

King ore* <-arr> copper will be treated with the galena


ore*, aa4 ihe tt*e of fliS, wIth thafWhich jfta beiex already i urcbamil will <fi>mre a fai-ly long run with the lead fureacn Te re;mrt of Mr. llimlmnn on

; the ore <»f the Silver King tn- j tim*itvd that then» Were large quant,itU#r ; «»f mr> carrying littie capper, and he I pin'd «-nt that to profitably treat the , Name in tbe nqqi'r furtuu-e it would to*

m--»arv ti <u-un* other ores to mix' with it which carried a large quantity of copper. The move' of. the company to treat thi* ore with the galena ore* will probably render the policy suggested by Mr. Hardman . tmww«rry. — Nelson

been talked about and written about all over the world, till aTmctl every man has heard cf them.

They create strength, vigor, healthy tissue and new life.•They repair drains on the system that sap the energy.They cure nervousness, despondency and all the effects of evil

tablts, exces:es, overwork, etc.They give lull strength, development and tone to every portion

ertd organ of Ihe body. Failure Is Impossible arid age Is no baàrter.No C. O. D. scheme, no bogus philanthropy nor deception, no.

exposure—a clean business proposition by a company of high financial and professional standing. Little book giving lull Information mailed tree In plain sealed envelopé. "

ERIE HEDICAL CO.. 64 Nlanrait.. Buffalo. N. V. '

- The» total knov. n to to* dead nt *b«* Wind­sor hotel fln*. which «*-vnrrv4 last Hr|dav, now im ml it* 41.

Backache I* almost Immediately relieved hv wearing one <if Carter’* Smart Weed end r.ellndonna Backache H**ter*. Try one and be free from pain. Price 25 cents

îbitêd lkle 11th day of Sarrb tEDWARD SMITH.

WUiuw: J. L..fc'ABia>X,Hold Keeiu-r.

TO LOAN.. ....,# SWInfirton 8 Oddy. #0 toi Gmrnnfnt Street

V nrlouhAnuxuntiSorsfi»Ss«


plumbermmshSisorb.M ..Cam,

Not Wo tea

, woTice.To the Board of Licensing t'otnmUalonero

<if the vity of Victoria, B.C.:Deetlemea: I beg to apply to your hon­

orable board for a transfer of the litvna» held by me to sell aplrituou* or fermented bquorn by retail at the preuilae* known aa the Commercial Hotel, altiuited on the northeast corner of Cormorant ahd Dowg- lrt* at recta. In the city, to William l-'b-hl.

EDWARD NASH.Victoria, Fak. U, 18UU.

HOTICK.NoS'ce I* hereby given that I shall, on

behalf of the Klaplox Baml of Indiana, apply to the l'oeimtowiom-v for the xvhb-h liK-Imb* that portion of Ihe Vpper Skeen* Valley In which Ilazeltoa I* *ltua ted, for permlwalun to record (272) two hundred and seventy two Inches of water for motive power fin* the tMiriMwie of w«irk- Ing a saw mill. K*ld water to"he dlverteil fr.mi the Al'puch Creek. x< hlch rise* nt itnmse Lsk«- and dtochnrgew Into the hkecnti River, the mill " to he bnllt At or near the month of the said Allpach ('reek, the water to ha dlTOrfAt tw*m aaid erikdt ut a point 1.200ft. dtotant from the mouth rtu-reef. T

R. K. LOKINO, Indian Agent.Per J W. MACKAY.

ytotorla. |iarch 30. lyuu.


; 6 P.M. TU tu P.M.'*ilw 11 ^ % ̂nte of flall-

ors mid ohlpp'ng generally. Is wWl aup-

tiflUMssasu;A. Pêfetd of literature can be had for r-* $iiwi éT|» os appMrotisa h

All are heartily welcome.

Page 8: LADIES' JACKETS - Wikimedia Commons



CBPBCWt•«rflMt To-Morrow.

J Along the Waterfront. J

John II. AM an A.B.. of th«* Italian bark Alt car. ha* reached K»‘*ttle with a strange story. II** claim* to have lawn for four years'a member of the crew of the battû«*hi|» Iowa; to have paused through the Santiago campaign <m board of her, ami to have been shanghaied at Caltnci, t*vrn, white the lows was mak in g her toiv* from New York Bah Francisco in .la unary. Briefly told. AM’s story is that when the Iowa got to Callao he, in company with several of his. mates, wa* given twenty-eight iitmrs' shore leave. Aw sailors will, they went out on a grand #>«*1 time, ami sprat cmwidoralde timé and money *ee- ing the sights of Callao. During their revel they fell in with ^the keeper of a jailor boarding-house. AM claim* that, the inan Aleck vntieed him into hi*

. boarding-house and gave him knock-out droj»s in a \lriuk of whisky. W heu he came to himself again he wn* »*n l*»ard, the I talian bark A hear, bound for Van­couver. B.C. It was on January *2 that he was shanghaied lie says, mid heaped* the next two mouth* on the Altcnr. which got into rVan« uufcr on March J. The next day |he sailor* otto board the Alt* sr naked the captain for money , *”d were f«>td that they most sHurn Vi

St. John* church. — Celebration of the Holy tUuu mo plan at S. murulng prayer at 11. with wrmnu by the r«*ctor. Her. l**r- < Ival Jeune, followed • by a celebration of the Holy Communion; evensong will be at 7, when the preacher will be the Lord Bishop of the diocese. After evensong Mr. I.ougfleid hew nmmged for a recital of Keeler innate as follows;organ 8olo~“Audaute In I» Flat". .Lemaire

Mr. A. Longttcld.Mr—"With Verdure C!Ad*'.......,,...................................... Hayup

Miss Jatueaou.Jtedt. au»l

Tenor Solo.



It Mine.I


I»r. Robert won.7" ..................... .. .Miss A. St.sldart.

I Know that my Redeemer «Ltvrih......................................... ................ H uude!

Mrs. Belyea.Unn-lel

’Omeward conn's the flngwhip until H. M. S.. War* spite bringing the new admiral arrives.IT— --------------------------------

The Flagship Impérieuse Leaves Esquimau for Portsmouth,


Xui[4»[du ÏHÜ.ti.! fh.‘ i hj.'f oWTrerTTI; llii. ufli-miKiu. ' .

Ocserai Otis PrafsH», >• Cesllsee •» Active Caapaiia Asslssl Iks Fliiplsos All

Quiet it SaW»,.

Much Pomp and Circumstance . Attached to tier De­


Between six and seven hundred blu»*-BVhold I tell Y mi a Mystery,", jacket* and marine* together with Hear

Admiral Biiry Pallleef and the officer* under him, are huiqiy to-day, for they

'The Trumpet Shall Sound'Mr. J. ti. llrowu.

Solo—**I Will Extol Phve. O Lord**.. .CostaMis* ti.Mnlwlu.

Organ Solo—••The Hallelujah Chôma"......................... ...................... ................ Handel

Me., A. Lougtivld.

First Prodiyler an church, corner Blau, chard and Vambwa ntnvte, llev. l>r. t’mnp- Ml, pastor. The pastor will «.veupy the pulpit at both service*. Morning subject. “The Reanrrvvtloii of t’hrUt. the Key-

of th.* -Xn-h of the Onapd.’ Rveh | lug “The Miumrreetlon of the

Body.” Sabbath *«Uoul and, HlbU» class at 7:30; nNi(ngaiIôâ«r phiyer meeting TTui?i: day evening.

The sen'eew. both morning and evening, will be of a special character with refer­ence to Kastertlde, and the munie will be <.f the same «hafaeter. Solo lu the mom-, lug. "The RtnfmtlOD Met»."* by Ml** Mary WUs.ui ; aetUern, “Why Seek Ye the Living Among th*« Dead." lu the evening ,i nolo by Mr. Brown sud the anthem* •i’brlst Dur Fees over."

"Brethren and sislern," said an old darkey at prayer meeting, "I'ae been a mighty meirh nljrgpr hr wy rime l-jtiwd- rhiirch ; T**e atôîe waterndtyana, Fee rust­ed, I'm* got dmnk. Fee shot craps, an" I'se

I'ae ilv

Washington, April l.—A cablegram to the war de|*artnient eurly ttnlay from General Otis front Manila way* the Am- «rirai» troops'restai yesterday uj^cr ejv terlng Mtilolosç .

The dispntch indicate* that the Amer lean forces have made uo forward move­ment either yesterday or to-day. All Is qui«-t ut the fn-nt.

Washington. April 1 The following wn* received this morning:

Manila, April 1.—Quiet prevail*. I have dlrérted troops *t Majohm find on

In.. tx'fnre they wouH „Be vent l of the sailor*. Abel inciuoeii., »» I sloshed odder creme wr'f my raaser. an the tgirk, ami struck ont for thcmsrivtw. _ «^me „ *ight *»f tings, hut thank He wants to get back to the lbwa. i A« .i Tea mMw lost say rottgta "

ig a prvmwet that PW : Kt. |lar»aha* church —Holy Eucharist, river steamer* now lying

,«„• ..a the tipper harbor willU-. oim- the iwaartriou H i'»* *•“ “<hv neei future for u*- lu nu mtedifon. fifin’ B. 1».Wy. of rapt- Itnhinsuu'a staff at Seattle.

There of the idle

was here

j Lawd Fee nebber lost my rellgin."

Jlarnahas church —Holy Ku« lmrlst. 7 rnd H a.», ; Choral Matin* at a.m. ; Ml**-* fantata w-tth priswalon.11 a m : i^illdren'a mrvtre .ind lfoty bap­tism. .7 p»bl; choral evensong with pnv tviudon, 7 p.iu. llev. E. ti. Miller will vtfldat.- throughout the «îny and 1m the

At o'clock this nioniing the ttagship of tin- North Veciflc fleet, H M S lni|KiictiM\ a writable floating aggwga- t'uiu of uapidiM'S», weight*! her anchor*, dippetl ht*r Hug*, and with her ship’s company chetwing long sud loudly slowly steamed out betwt-en the1 other vessels on the station and out to sea. b<iund to 1 thiit much desired place the saflor calls',

tions of the surrounding country, who retire on the approach of onr trisipg. A tP9r ' èf «tr MDOpè i(è thotihg To a hew position. I am preparing for a eontJnmwl active campaign. The army Is in «Ex­cellent spirit*. (Signed) OH*.

Another Engagement.Manila, April 1. TïflO "p.m. -Native*

have Been emleètetl along the fronts of Aa the big warship. re*|deuib*nt with tien. Lawton u|d tien. HaF.’a brigades,

color, for hunting Hu üÿ 4H around hté*. [who are IliiH^fllH lllif from the wan-r- slowly swung ..ut ..f ihc harbor, the otb- works to There whser vessels ran up their color* and signal1 nightly along this Hne. and consequentlyHugs, and to make ,the most picturesque pageant complete manned the yanla and j rigging of their vessels to cheer the de- | l<irting admiral, hi* officers and ship’s company. The sight wn* indeed a meet. inspiring one. The big turret .ship look­ing a writable nut heap of humanity, for a ldtog lUie"or htm»jacket# and 'red i l'oatetl mariiua» were rangtsl along the ' deck and the turrets, yard* and rigging «warned, with uumr Iuore. wll uf whum.. werv yhouting themhr»•*-hoarse a* th;4r floating home sped out toward* the strait*, lists were wsved and some even did a step-dance on the side in tlirir ectasy at the thought that flay MR going tv England again. On the bridge. Admiral VallisA-r and his officers, re-

preerher.lookmK urrr an.l inspcrtln* thvwhich are tv W used in exploring

AU.ka Krem hvrv Mr. Ia-ddy went to *1—r. I—tur.-ll rerrnou b. It. v.Ala.ltn. r rom . ,h Swlivi.-rt..n; 2:« plook at a vessel on the rrawr. ana mtn to Everett, where another was inspect­ed. None have lutin selected as yet.

union mintingI of the M««lh<*tl»t Sunday school* of th<*

city. • nglng by the schools ami a special , choir; 7 p-UL. «trwuu by Rev, -tie*». Main-

Steamer Quwn City wU| sail to-night . n<*rton _____ .for Naas and way ports. She will hare i (>iiVar7 napt st church. - Rev. J. B. j ted flag of the admiral at its masthead about forty pa«*cngeta and a heavj . «.ra-mioi*, f.«ruuir .j ttm lmi : tbo

Qee. E*iwton dvlailetl live whnnsthfsiter* from each company to attend tr> them, the Americans picking off a number of th- rebel*.

It is reportml that H.RÔ0 rebel* under Pilar, are «'ouc^utrating at (’alula and , Tivt.v

Gen. King fh!a Mbfhlng sent two ermv • Itnnie* of the North Dakota !>gtinent to i reconnoitre and a brisk engn gvimmt fol- ! i,,^, ) .himw- which seven Filiptnu* were | kllk-d. On the American side a licuten- i ant and two private* were wonmlisl. The death of Lieiitt nynt Gregg of the j Fourth Infantry, killed near Manila wa- : terworks yewtenlay. deeply affected the army, ns he wa* one df the most |M>pu isr young officer*.

Tired of the Fighting.

Snorting Intelligence.

ASSOCIATION FOOTRAI.L.Victorians the Champions. i

(RpewlsJ to the Times.)

Nanaimo, April 1.—Yesterday afternoon s •arg* crowd (MsqHe wltne*a«â une of the "bewt football games of the 4-a*ou, the contesting team* Mag. th«{ Nanaimo Thistles and the Vht.ola liiuVuiedlatee. The kick-off t.n.k place at 2;3o)an«l bt>th team* started !n to win. The r/me was a gttod one ami created a great/deal of In terest. and while Nanaluio list theN-up they pluytsl the l»«s*f gnnu> theXbnve phy- ed this year. During the ftrsVrimlf Jthe game was fast, neither team liavInSriany great advantage. The Victorias stuveedcd in asactaf <>»<* goal just isfsca half-ttms After the <*istoniary breathing spell they stari«-d In again and played us hard a game ns was ever played for the Intermediate cup, but unfortunately for Nanaimo some of the Th'ifli* lost their heads and Just before time wa* -called Victoria scored an­other goal, making the store two to nil In favor of Victoria. Among the Indivldmil Player# on the Victoria ti-am the backs and goal played a fine game. Xa.ialmo's goal wna rather weak and their forward* have not got the game down tn a srienre as the VM«r*a fimrahh Lave. The combina­tion play of the Victorians sh »wed op all through the gam.-, and while Nanaimo gave them a bard fight they have, herond doubt. the best team and aie entitled to the Iptcrmedlate cap.

- Victoria vs. Wet’lrgton.Next Saturday on Taledoata grooml* the

local club will meet a team from Welling ton. and this nftertioon .» practice will I» held at Beacon Htli at t *0. practices >»etug iiintlnued on 4he-» Caledonia ground* every evening during the week, cHumenoing 6:80 each evening. The Wellington tei*m Is a strung one and the Victoria hors will imre to ho tn good form tft wrpwt victory from them.

spUmihut in rucked hats and all the glories of gold braid and brass buttons, so far departed f’om their customary : New York.; April 1.—-A Washington reserve on the strength of the nera*i«»n dewpatrh to «lis Evening Joarnal says; to swing tbwir cocked hats and join the It i* reported.on seemingly food author- !

it> that Aguin.iblo III and lni-t.*l Every (mint of vantage near the naval friefltl» to trend with the American

ttai-uu wa. crowded with eilllMia who coimubaiuiuT» for u vvwation 6f bos

rnmrn| **A PERFECT FOOD-as WhotrvomcNa* it l/DrUchms."

Walter Baker & Co.’s

Breakfast Cocoa.“Th, fin» ot Walter Baker t: Co.,of I)orche.ter, M^pot up ooeof the lew te.,11, p.,„ c-e„-- aod physioanv are quit» safe in specifying their Uaml. '

-*V»minu>m SUtlkel Monthly.A copy of Miss Parloa’s “ Choice ReceipU"' will be mailed

free upon application.


Branch Houm, « Noapltnl St., Montreal.

:#Ho \ For the Gold Fields ! |

• Traders and Freighters..

OWNERS OF LAKE BENNETT SAWMILLS.Manufacturers of lumber of nil Descriptions. £

Builders of Boats and Barges. $$ THROUGH BATES given from any dty on the Coast to all point* on $ Î ®Pl*r river, wiodi shipped now can be stored In the company's t• £*r£°n|£l«rn“,t an,,, ■..Tlrttlon, F« furtbi •


tars of. lh*dr huiuvward way. and the ; naval village wa* all en fete for the oc- | vision. Igniting covered the yards and


THE WHEEL.Analuti Mooting of OtW.A.

Toronto, Marih SI.—The animal meeting of the F.W.A. wis held today. In all R2 •bilrat were repreweated. The various re­port* were read and passed.

Icon's RnhenwtHii. of Montreal, wa* elect ej prveldent by atsdamatlon.

There w<rv two onndhlate* for the vleo- presldeBry—J . W. Pnraeutt. of Vaucptwrer, and A. It. Rattray. <»f Mint real. I’lewsvlt feeing elected by a large majority.

The Dtuulttlou luwt was changed from j l*ehor Day to take place at Brantfunl on j Doiulnhvn Day. The membership fee was I rained from Si> cemta to 81. Thsicmi» SpnVrtf ima •trtMpBwr, ut 'Xi'nwuffTr wtPr wffrj stated.

<*f lrt*h birth and Heotrh iqUirlnglng. j rtf *11 |»M. -hiiMuu • both ‘‘war*hii>- Mr*. Merlngton h id lived In Ixmdon. Paris, spar» of .ill Uh >htppiag. both warship- and yieawu * ad had hadtn her <Uy <-------1

eargo of fn-ight. including a Bomber "f shipments of cannery wppîle*. Among those booked to wail by her are U. Gun- | stBsham, J. E. Elmore. G. 8. MeTarkh. Ar 8. Robert won. wift- «nd famUy, E. J... Olekdtay, G. XVhittaker. T. J. Matter. J, G. Johnson W. Green and party of •shermen. E. Berna ni. W. Morrie. K. W. and I). De Ville. H. C. MeDermfitt and wife. Mr*. Morriwon. Mr. Mil^wb- iau, W. II. Uumphrie*. and F. J. Ilall.

A dispatch from 8an Franrisro way*: News ha* been n«reire«l here id the loss of the stwnner Stella E. Krland. which sail**I f«-«mi here on the ‘Jilth «f last Biouth with a party of scientist* sent out by the Htnithsimtan Itistitnte ttr ittrewti- *ate animal and marine life in the trop ie*. The little vessel was commanded by Prof. A. XX’. Anthony anti wa* wreck- ea olT lhe coast of F/ow»**, TS1. A3T <m | board wtwe saved*, but the valuable col­lection "of siKfimi-ns gathensl by the party.was lost.

A Spokane correspondent says Gapt. Ansel Griggs, of Alex. Griggs & Bons, owners of the steamer Ellenatmrg. on the C’olumhia. la about to betid a light draft river steamer to eonnwt with their wteamer Elleireburg on the Okanagan be- Inw -JubiHMtn creek. The new -4comer will 1h- ready within a few week*, and ■will immediately go into sert ice. If the

, , v . .. , . n . mm vjpniui. men n*u uu in urr nay oppor-piikg uud merehaul, from the big flag t unities of study lug men and manner*, love ship with the red cross and two red dot- , and life, suvh a* are afforded to few uf her

Atwmt life she had many characteristic L

HOCKEY.To-day s Game

The final In the <tiamp(onshlp sériés 1* beli.g played at Oak Bay this afternoon between Vancouver and Victoria, each club

__ ____ |»uvlpg a strong tvata la the firlfl, Th»r?*r f'*r haPprnMM* b,r<‘ below, ! •mndlng of the club* la equal and there

heart* an* the world's pincushion." b*» b«»*n so ke.-n a rivalry between them To succeed In life, he selfish and good-1 that § good game I# assured. The players

"ami twRffereôt." t!r«'

Th. M*.h n# Uuiti run twhir • I. ! WSshee man to H.M. Navy. The mon ,„e without ev.-r having , «nd Mûrie» ; lialf ba. k*. i.rveh, Itonlt ardThe |iari*h <»r I urmw. *utn,* i*aw,. i* wharTPei both at the'navy yard, the pub- i Bred; mmuc «...... ... without ever having Smythe, forward*. Murgatmvd, Mahon. K.

* *" * ....................... "" lie binding and tile marine way», were iV1®* vrltlce without ever having | j rri<-kmay and F.- <1. (Nlekmay bwpt.ilm.

... ,, n lN,UT ll|Fm big irua. square rigger I owy* asybig*. of e, lately arrived with Cardiff coal. "The onlyworn superintendent «»f mlaelonè for I’> . C»*tle, I

will prtHicB at tnHh aenl.v* to-morrow at j I hi shun*, flag* flew from every eon- 11 a.m. and 7 p.rp- Kunday school and t eelvable point, from the big pole in the io mu tu 1B Bible < taw at 2:30. The usual *♦ rvhe.t [ ngvai yar l to the shack of XX’tth Ttifii, ' tempered, vooiihqit

Status in the naval i.llngc ^ that jWilt l*i held during thr week.

atioat to receive the benefit of f 10.001» be- qiM-»f1ied to It 35 year* ago, subject to the condition that two *l*ter* were to wetve the latarssi <»f it during their ttfh Tÿs last la now dead. I

Fui versai Itrotherh«*wl. 38 Broad etreet. William* hhtek.'-Public lecture at 8:15 p.m. by A. K. Smyth»-, of Toronto: “TheFhll.wtophy of L’fe." Aftermwin claw furrhlldri‘0 at 2:80 oclqrk.

Easter service* In the Centennial Me,*hi* dl*t vhnreh; *fH**ial wrmon* by the pa*t»w. Rev. W. H. Barraeloogh. II.A^. and ajtecliL. ringing by the rhor, awlatetl by W. H. Barton and other*.

jarat i:ungn-ggtl<»nsi i<mnJL-gervjgcg_ai. 11 a.m. and 7 | nuwnlng aubjeet. “The TJvliig Fhrlal:" ever'ng aulijert. “Ye Are Bought With a Price ' Rev. F. Pay ne. the lulator, will preach.

8. AiJdrew"* Preahyterian chunh.-—Rev. W. I>Mtile day. pastor, will preach at II a.m. and 7 p.m.: Sabbath school at 2'8»; Bible claps at 8 p.m. ; Y.P.8.C.E. after the evening service.

“The Inevitable Isable.**

•Telling the truth may be the worst1 treachery," f ‘‘Noth'ng Is

thronged with handkerchief waving spectator*, who. a* mn*n as the flagship and her two rtwieorls. the I*haet«m.G*|d. Kieayr *n4 Kgert*. Gapt. 8»ythe. rounded Hie |K>iut into the Komi», swetd np the street* on the run to the rock* from where they watchel the outgoingvessel until s(he wa*. round the Race. ........ . ....... ...

The band of the Imperlense was hfird * afbr# bn-ak hearts.” worked. Although there wa* no n«-c.1 i . * impowrere :

of gu»m1 jK-ople and

luvartahlr disagree I Viet oris—Oosl. Patton; back*. Hwlimer- ! ton and Maclean; half-backs. Innés, tllllea-

of j p'v and York; forwards, H» hoi» field. Itogcr*.more ..tonlnhlns Ih.o th- | «”*** »"* K"H*”■V' the goodaesa

IT WILL PAY YOUT. cteuaU m il you require either Heme er Lot. c ouatent drain of paying reel.

We have Mem y to Loee at low rates.Your Fire l.samce Solicited.Cool Heaters. Co.veys.cers, etc.

fi food Eetldeqcos, Richmond »eo . . Cheep full let god Cottâfe, tipper dohtyeoo et . ierfil. 2-ttorey House on Second street. . . 1850

( College or| ogr Uryo, Oak ky .moue . $5502-etorey Dwoltlnf, Johnson . Offering cheap 1-»«W«T ««urn, King*» id., nr. Douglas, bod lay Chck» hcra, OeV gay em . Will sail fer OIOOO

Now io the lime lo get e keme sheep and atop thte

MACGREGOR G RICHARDS*15 Broa4 Strsst, Rest Dr lard.



Tare the best goods obtainable tor money, and are ready to sell them at a reasonable profit. We have had a large experience in this business, and it will pay you to call on us.

Nos. 76-79 and 80 Wharf St., Victoria. I♦ t♦H88888080^0»0408080»A0»08040»040»0»080W888888»8

trad»* will warrant It. awl there 1* reason j Hon>e of Truth. 71 lH*env«*ry street.-' te believe that it will, more small craft Sunday nervier a will I*» condaeted by Miss will be built fori this route. Rl* ilate of Jam Ang»*le*. CalA at 11 a m.

—— ' and 7 80 p.m. Kunday school and BibleTiic long overdue liark D»»mini»>n ha* | vlniui at J2: 5.

passed the “obituary rate" of 90 per ; ______cent, and in now quoted at 92 per rent. ( Victoria West Methodist church. Rev. J. She i> MME 71 lAyi out from Honolulu , lf 1*. Kn-.v. fliW* flflsdal Easter s»-r- A>r thi* i»ort. The-e I* *lim hope ttf her j vb-e*. The t»w»i«r will pr»»ai-h at 11 a.m. ever turning up. | »#d 7 p.m.

Steamer Amur rvachM Nanaimo thi* Reformed Rphreiwl.- llhhop fridge will morning at 2 a.m.. and after coaling left j preach In the moralag and Dr. Wlluoi» lu

->4eSaetL*a-p*»t,>«at UJM- a.Uht>- Kbe -IrAbw-ovaalag. m _■ ---—-— ...pecte<l {«» rvnch here about i p.nt. —

of music t*« cltrer the sailors, it was i Itpwary ftttiwi <»f th.- .k>

Tw«imr-wnd- wn impromptu- baud reiicert was given while tlie pr«t>arations were \, living made for de|iarture. A* soon as th*- anchor* were taken up the liand ' struck up fhal faviwite pb^c «ni» tar. j "Rolling home to merry old England." j and to the strain* of that and the loud j huxza* of those on fhe yards of the oth- j er vesiels and of those ashore, th*» lm-. | |M-rit«u*e fournie»! the point, those on board l**;ng much etivksl by the remain­ing sailor*. “Not as *ow we don’t like Victoria." sail one. “it ain't that; but when I ’ear* that 'Rolling *ome to old England* played it make* me feel m ’<Hiie sick.” and with a long drawn sigh he continued under hie breath a* the sounds of the familiar tune came aero** the waters, “Gawd I wish It was u* as w »•» going *onle."

At the navnl yard a squad of scarlet coated Royal Engiiwer* were lino»! up in front of the flagstaff with their rifles presented, and below, near the shore, ulKiiit a iiuwlred yards from the home­ward bound Impérieuse, was a squad of Royal Marine .Artillery saluting the

“It I* .finer sot to suspect evil than to i excuse It."

Hard words break no bones, but they

6 twf twh jegtous UT

THE OVÜ.Khuotlng iVxqpetltlon.

The twmbers of the Capital Gun Club, ebt- a shtiuf yeatenlsy aftémoiwv -«t thw

Just." head of the Arm. There wa* a good at-“Hoqie people are like net Mes: if yea do tendance of member* and some capital

T°« ■”» ; .h..„te. ... 4». A rawtHfcra teteS K|«*nklug of tii.we who are -arrieil away place Mwwn three cla«wes. In «Hase 1 S',

l.v Irni.uU»- and have canne ïster to regret ! fatbeart was first: elasa 2. N. B Greeley, their ImfortonoRy. she said, “The pleasure to be had out of making a fool of oneselfIs at best but momentai

Mall Magasine.-Some beaafifui wall papers at Woiler

Bros.; w>me special thing* in Ingrain*, with bordering*, etc., to match. •

Rtcomer Pottage Gify nailcd this moni-iair f<»r Àlaskaii mnil |*»»rf« with 20f> f*a*- aeuger* an 1 a heavy freight.

Steamer XV il lapa will leave for the West Coast this evening.

Mr. T. W. Davey will speak at the «W street mle*l«m at 8 8» p.m. -—-»—


The r.Hd-I write, sir. for all time. Tim Merchant—I e«n aider myself

bv ky when I can do any good by writing for .**» days' extension.—Indianapolis Journal


Three mny knej, a «wret If two of th«Tn •re degd.—Franklin.

............. .....I Is Your Hair I Failing Out

Do sot worry .boat tie falling of ■, the threatened departure I of youth end keenly. And why f I

• Because, If there le a «park of life I remaining là the root, of the hair,


win arouie it iato healthy actirity. .• The hair ceaaea to come oat ; it he-| gina to grow, and the glory of your '• youth la restored to you. H will ale.) .• cure deed ref, make a rich growth, •

- "4 reetore color. «1.00 a bottle 1


S'flBt VAtlNM CT RKt) IS1 A DAY-’H»Mith Amerti-ao Rheumatic Cure, for HlK-umntUni and Neuralgia, radically cur»>s ; in one to three durs. Its action upon .lb»* system U remark able and mystertoua T* removes at om-e the «*»■«*, «od the d'sseee immediately dlaatmeirs. The .first ttase ; greatly benefits, ifi cents.

Hold by Deau & IIl»co< ks and Hall tc Co.


Paris, April 1.—Baron»»** Hirsch, wi­dow of the late Baron Hirsch, the He- br-w philanthropist, 1* dead. <*-

The bite Baroness h*«vcs w-vernl mil­lion |Hinnd* Stirling, bequeathed chiafly to charities. Burone»* Hirsch gave mil­lions to promote the welfare of Jews throughout the world, and recently gave

to eulimixation <*nh-rprises. in which she wn?» much inttrewted.


.Chicago.* April 1.—The death i* an* nonnivd from diphtheriH of Andrew Cbaiser, editor and pu hi Usher of the Ohicngfh-8wevllsh Tribune.

XX’e are eon<rinntly a*k»sl “XVhy do you a dr ctTlse? Rvcrrbody know* of Dr. Humphrey*, everybody knows **T7”.”

• XXV answer In asking, do y mi use “Seventy-w»vea"sI No! then you haven’t a saving knowledge of it. that'* why.

Knowing aImhiI “77” fur Coldie andivoym .«sumit- .\m«nj *•■<>•>«$ >“»• ! gj-j. a__ffaiwaff wtrtr an <19? prtmp aod" elmmi1 ']. u Htame. The iyr«**<inted rifle, however. ; c y us* ^ow tGr did not seem enough though, for as the [ HUB |^l f |

j big < n»wd»-d _h!iij> j*wept by they j«^n»‘»l : _ -:t i^etr~ rherri wifftr ihoke- r'" ' ■ : '■’* :-""i

tors.Thu. Ibn flogetoS wa» u-heretl out of ; I)r Humphrey.' Ktunou., Spreilo

th. port which bse Wren homo to lltr,^, „ (W, tlMrtfhVt^'UhvZhe Z ......... ........... .. the, Stop. Ungoriui

from amonght the tooling launches and off to sea, the Imnd changing the air to that old, but ever impressive, “Home,

ami eh»** 3. Murer». A. Smith and II. Smith trirel. Three trophies jaloed at $10 each wm press ntad.

GOLF.The Spring Tournament.

The X’lctoria enthusiasts In the royal gam»- are sali I to he holding the spring tAitinuiiueot Oak Ray. 8«»me gam»-*. It la lielleved. were playetl yesterday, and It Is supposed that. imme are taking place to-day. bat nidwtthstomlleg the fact that lh<- newspaper* have ex ten.hit the favor of gratuitous advertising no Information as lo th»* progmw of the t"ornament haw been vouchsafed them hy th»» club oflb-taltt.







***+*♦+*ADDRESS - - - 66 YATES STREET

THE TIRF.Monday's Run,

The X'lcturta Hunt riidi will meet at th- Oak Bay hotri On Monday aft.vnoon at 2..'to for the r«-gola;- weekly run.

nff I « uul me *• rip, Stiqi* lingering Goligh*. ClietkN ItiflnenXii. Sirdlnv the

War ob the cols," la the çry of the 1 ,i Hitlers In West Vumherland. who are de-

TJBfisT» •FBjBTârNBpC*- iwwwiffîTortmrs tfistlécts. camltlîieif wtth great hlrengtb. Dr. Braithwaite, chairman of the WeeV - UtualMsrLuwl. fishery hoard... says hs saw n sslnion In one of the north country lakelets attacked by s large »*«. A des­perate struggle ensued, and when It wr.s over the salmon was dead, w^th a big hole In It* *l»le. Ijarge numbers **f salmon have been ktlled kj rth ltidl’.4 ,

Throat. <’he*t and Lung*, kinds of

XhtceNtokw -âsfcw *e 8t- Erttwlswts-by the Finnish deputation against Uu- Riwsllb-ation of Finland wa* so largi* that the runjorn officers at first did n#>t

, wish to 1h it paw free of duty. A cart had to l*e employed to take It from the railway ktafion.

Kit her ther»* wlH'hnve to .he some elîgthlc l:A4 tUHt»r* lin|Khrte«l into Southport. >^up . says the Northern Daily Telegraph, nr j few ttoAeaud riigibh» maldeit* wRt have to lew •.Xpert*# t/t some région- le»»- pn-bfi-- >i snperiMtuttO women .Tin- medic* 1 oflWr of health (Dr, If. B. Vernon) tn Mi latest

-report shHes-Rnt jipt éf w- p»»pulaMfm-ef 4tt,«7N, the feyiales ontnnmberlng the males

.by 0.W8. /,

Strut ll'imv " Thi* dune and duly Ip idaiuled. the last gmsl-bye* were waved and bi the tiAie of "Auld I*nig Rytiv" she «teamed out of hearing and noon afterwards out uf sight. II»*r consort* | left her in th»» roads, tsuh heading np ; the Gulf of Gtfwgia. the Fh.neton bound ; tu Comox and the Egerin <m a survey- j ing cruise.

From here the Impérieuse goes to , Acupuleo. where she should arrive on j April Itith. Her next stop will lie j Panama, at which .port she is due on . April 2l!th. Guayaquil should be toiieh»*!. at on May 3rd. Oalluo on May 9th and Iquiqne on May 20th. A* Caquimbu. the first stay of any length, will lie made. The flagship should ar­rive then- Ofi the 80th uf M.iv and re-

«btæ 44th; -. From tbewe she goes to Rntidy Point, just the other side of the Strgits of Magellan, where- ^ she exptH-fs to arrive on June 29rd. She , is whediiled to reach Rio de Jnniero on j July 14th: - Rt. X’lucent, in the A sores, ) mi -I'll> STth, and ""univ," PodsOOtlth, on August 11th.

II. M. 8. Amphion. Gapt. Finnis, be-

COLDSAt druggists or s»M»t prepaid;

and fl.Oo.25c., sec.

Steam Is no stronger now than It »Bid years ago; but It I» pat to better use.

PASSENGERS.Per steam«»r i banner from Vamt-over—

Mrs 0 Warren. Mrs Warren. Mr* Johnston, Mr Wdmot, It Jamieson. (!o|»t Jones. K A Wylde, Max Lelser. ("apt Bendrott, Mrs Whyte. Misa Hmlth. Jos Irvine. C l: Jouis, K II McTwan, Mrs Wtlmot, F G Wilson. C Iumu. J A Angus, C C Brown. Miss Evans. Mr* Tbelli. A . < Uistahadle. J K Relie. F •artrtdf»». .1 G Alexander. R F. Young, II

Donald. C W Abt>«tt. W O Howlett H G Harvey. D Douglas, Wm Thompson. Wm Tytler. Ja* HI slop. Ctiss LlVealey. II O It•*«». Mr McNeill. H P Motxly. Mr* Moody. Mrs Nlcholles. Mm Murray. K E L Dead ley, Jno Boyd, J J She Heroes. <’ B Rwnnl. R J Clarke. J A McMaster. J II Bowls. Wm HasCng*. It Ie»*sll«*. F J Calvert. D !t*dd. F. A AbtsHt. Ml mi R Wylde, G Itorcth. Va:iHnckei Team. .... . '

Per Hi earner Klugwton from the Hetind— II Kirkpatrick, K Auld. F A tonkins. Mrs Jenkins. J H Irvtne, R C Tnrby, A Cevcra.

•Halt. A Jarmoe. K BekJek H R For ter, G K IT under. Mrs. Plunder, F Dls- inoiid. D Hard, F Paterson. XV Springer. Jbs Disbart. C J Kerahtm, A Oenuan. J IkM-kvofie. A K Arron, M Ilyrnt»». R R Der- «VP. B W ,M«wtBA«w-ry. O Butler, J * (ifnnt. i, E Bell, II M Kersey, F P Meyer. T Lc Farn.

D». HUMPHREYS' BOOK SEPT FREE.Humphreys' Med. Co . t*4r. William and

John streeL New York. Be sure to get


■ Hsss ffia

TtkShooc 694.

Nunn, itelland 6 Co.Vj Corner Broad St and Trounce A vs.ïnumsnm

A CARD.Reverend A. H. Macfarlnhe, Frank town,

Out , ««Ivises all men who are weak and who desire o speedy and i>erf<-ct cure to

DR. O. N. ROBERT!, an» kosdward Avo., Detroit, Mlsli



1 Have a Ptep at the Show Window

Harry Salmon's.





Mined byWhitelabor.

Best Protection Isliwl Net toU

il for cookmg stores.

Best Protection Island Lamp Coal

CONSIOKBKa.Per - steamer Charmer from X’anconver— Plerey * Co. W G Cameron. Henderson

Bru-», B William* Sc <X Mr* C C Ruraell, II F. Murray, P K Turner, X\*m Bryi-e, Col­onist PA P Co. Mm X’tgor. lWirlM»r Bros, M W Waîtt Sc Co, Shore Sc Andoraun. D Spencer. M * H A Fox, û W Neill, Weller nrq*. Steven* Sc JenkfiK*. F T Gold. •* Morley, Mrs Bickford. I.era A Lelser, Mrs C Bloor, A M<<lregor & Son, Nl« b-dlee L ltenouf. O M ('ookson. Onion* A Pllmley. j Hatchs—, Jno Hutetecii. HaAsoWtt Rsy Co, Martin A- RoU»rt*on, Olm Fo«>k Yuen. Paison* Produce Co. Canning Co. Fell St Co, S I.riser * Co, E Geiger. O A Richards A Ço, V Y Trading Co, Dominion Express Co,. H'ekman Ty*» Co. Clark A Pear—. W llowoèss, G Powell * Co; 8 ahuR- IUâ lMttr A <". W S K 1LJCriiKAjUa

BHfl P:\Tllt WWsEPW^]8a1 moh.'CnnaiTnKeon, J H' Baker.

Per at earner Kingston from the Sound-*.G U Jackson, J Fullerton,, W H Durant, B r. 8npt>ly Co. Canoda Paint Co, Wm Hodge.G E Monro. XbAIIllan k H. Ni-holle* A ltenouf. Mansell k M. Valo Sc Brook*. W H Adams. Wade Sc McKeou. Crrightoo Sc C«. . .K Cl Prior a, O'. KOrek. U LNti,-MmjUm- ,..Th,t* Ar‘ll,‘ 8.U‘|1.'ls Bros. Robt Johnson. Barrioy k A. W E Stnriatr, J. Plerey A -Co. -Kdw Upwdt.HwtidUsoa A Jly .V’flMi A Ce., A J

$5.50Par tee, delivered.


Sole Agent « for Vlctort* for the New Wellington Collieries.

‘ Telephone Call Mo. 647.Wharf, Store St (Sprati's Wharf)



Among Mohammedans there are many *<H‘ietiee existing for devotional purposcM and the member* give thetn- aelvea entirely up to prayer. Their lives are ascetic and they are huityoctsd

Clyde. 8 T.cliu*e Sc Co.

—The spring stock of lace curtain*, mwline. art cretones, etc., are now to be seen at Weiler Bros.

Five tlm«»a daily .every goml Moham­medan must render, praise nnd prayer- ^ . at dayl*x»ak, before sunrise; when the sun begins to »leq)ine after niH»n, p»id- wny b»»tween n#xm and nightfall, n few minuttw aft<»r and wbeA tin* firstWitch uf the night COfMfi itt.

The A rah ataml* or ... it _ mat when praying and adopt* right differeet pow$-tiullij.. Jhft.HMBlac public nc-relc? to Of. ...,miwme oecuir* Friday so*» and ’ seryu-v* 4a ^very slmtiar ^ tfé priWtie V'' devotion*, with the addition of a *er- k mon. Islam ha* no omw of ministers, r and any competent person officiates at the smrtoer - ~ . ’ -4-

f .