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1 Laboratory 2 Hydrometer Analysis Atterberg Limits Sand Equivalent Test INTRODUCTION Grain size analysis is widely used for the classification of soils and for specifications of soil for airfields, roads, earth dams, and other soil embankment construction. The hydrometer analysis determines the relative proportions of fine sand, silt and clay contained in a given soil sample. A knowledge of the range of moisture content over which a soil will exhibit a certain consistency is beneficial to the understanding of how a soil might behave when used as a construction material. The Atterberg limits, which include the liquid limit and plastic limit, are readily accepted in the engineering community as an objective measure of consistency. When coarse soil particles (sand and gravel) are used as a construction material, their suitability and behavior is influenced by the amount of clay fines that may be present after processing. The Sand equivalent test, developed to provide and indication of the clay content of a coarse aggregate, may be used as an indicator for specification compliance. HYDROMETER ANALYSIS A hydrometer analysis is required to determine the particle size distribution for that portion of the soil which passes through a No. 200 sieve (0.075 mm). The test is conducted on that fraction of a soil sample which passes through a No. 10 sieve (2 mm); however the sand particles in excess of 0.075 mm settle almost immediately and thus little information about their size and relative proportion is obtained during this test. Mechanical sieve analyses are commonly used to determine the relative distribution of soil particles greater than 0.075 mm. When both the mechanical and hydrometer methods are performed on the same soil, the analysis is said to be a combined analysis. The hydrometer method depends on Stoke’s equation for the terminal velocity of a falling sphere. Stoke’s equation was developed for perfect spheres whereas most silt and clay particles are platey shaped. Furthermore, clay particles have a tightly bound layer of adsorbed water which remains on the particle as it falls through the water column, resulting in a greater resisting surface than that of the clay particle alone. Notwithstanding these discrepancies, the hydrometer method is accepted as being of value in attempting to learn the diameter and proportion of the smallest soil particles.

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Jan 31, 2018



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Laboratory 2Hydrometer Analysis

Atterberg LimitsSand Equivalent Test


Grain size analysis is widely used for the classification of soils and for specifications of soilfor airfields, roads, earth dams, and other soil embankment construction. The hydrometeranalysis determines the relative proportions of fine sand, silt and clay contained in a given soilsample. A knowledge of the range of moisture content over which a soil will exhibit a certainconsistency is beneficial to the understanding of how a soil might behave when used as aconstruction material. The Atterberg limits, which include the liquid limit and plastic limit, arereadily accepted in the engineering community as an objective measure of consistency. When coarse soil particles (sand and gravel) are used as a construction material, theirsuitability and behavior is influenced by the amount of clay fines that may be present afterprocessing. The Sand equivalent test, developed to provide and indication of the clay contentof a coarse aggregate, may be used as an indicator for specification compliance.


A hydrometer analysis is required to determine the particle size distribution for that portion ofthe soil which passes through a No. 200 sieve (0.075 mm). The test is conducted on thatfraction of a soil sample which passes through a No. 10 sieve (2 mm); however the sandparticles in excess of 0.075 mm settle almost immediately and thus little information abouttheir size and relative proportion is obtained during this test. Mechanical sieve analyses arecommonly used to determine the relative distribution of soil particles greater than 0.075 mm.When both the mechanical and hydrometer methods are performed on the same soil, theanalysis is said to be a combined analysis. The hydrometer method depends on Stoke’s equation for the terminal velocity of a fallingsphere. Stoke’s equation was developed for perfect spheres whereas most silt and clayparticles are platey shaped. Furthermore, clay particles have a tightly bound layer ofadsorbed water which remains on the particle as it falls through the water column, resulting ina greater resisting surface than that of the clay particle alone. Notwithstanding thesediscrepancies, the hydrometer method is accepted as being of value in attempting to learnthe diameter and proportion of the smallest soil particles.

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Prior to the conduct of the hydrometer test, the hydrometer bulb (151 H) is calibrated to thedispersing solution and prevalent test temperatures. This is simply accomplished by obtaininghydrometer readings in a 5g/l sodium hexametaphosphate solution at two or moretemperatures. The 151 H hydrometer bulb is manufactured to provide a reading of 1.000when placed in pure distilled water at 21 oC. Because the sodium hexametaphosphatesolution has a specific gravity greater than 1, a hydrometer reading in excess of 1.000 will beobtained. The difference between this reading and unity is considered as a compositecorrection factor which is applied to all subsequent hydrometer readings of the soil-watersuspension.

To provide reasonably accurate results, a soil sample must be completely broken down intoindividual soil grain prior to testing. This is accomplished by thorough wetting and mixing ofthe soil in a dispersing agent. A concentrated solution of water and sodiumhexametaphosphate (40g/l) is used for this purpose. After complete dispersion, the soil-watersuspension is introduced into a 1 litre settlement tube and diluted with distilled water such thatthe resulting sodium hexametaphosphate solution a concentration of 5g/l. Successive, timedmeasurements of the specific gravity of the soil-water suspension, using a calibratedhydrometer bulb, provides an indication of the maximum size of a soil particle still insuspension and the proportion of soil fines still in suspension. These values are then used tocompute the percent of soil by weight finer than a given diameter.


When clay minerals are present in fine grained soil, the soil can be remolded in the presenceof some moisture without crumbling. In the early 1900's, a Swedish soil scientist named AlbertAtterberg proposed a set of six rather arbitrary states of soil moisture content to assistagriculturists in determining field agricultural conditions. He termed the divisions betweenthese six states as limits, known as the shrinkage, cohesive, sticky, plastic and liquidlimits. The methods suggested by Atterberg to determine the moisture contents associatedwith each limit were highly empirical and not very applicable to engineering. In 1942, ArthurCasagrande revised the original agricultural definitions, dropped the cohesive and stickylimits, and developed procedures that could be adopted for engineering applications.

It has been found that the water contents corresponding to the transitions from one state toanother usually differ for clays having different physical properties in the remolded state, andare approximately equal for clays having similar physical properties. Therefore, the limitingwater contents, or limits, may serve as index properties useful in the classification of clays.Actually, as the soil-water mixture passes from one state to another, there is no abrupt changein the physical properties. The Atterberg limit tests, therefore, are arbitrary tests that havebeen adopted to define the limiting values. The Atterberg limits vary with the amount of claypresent, the type of clay mineral, and the nature of the ions adorbed on the clay surface.

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Unlike finer soil particles, gravels and sands do not possess the required cohesiveness whichpermits the Atterberg limits tests to be performed. However, the finer sands and silts oftencontain sufficient clay coatings to permit the tests to be successfully completed. Thus theAtterberg tests are performed on only that soil fraction which passes through a No. 40 sieve(0.425 mm).

Shrinkage Limit

The shrinkage limit is defined as the moisture content at which no further volume change(reduction) occurs with a further reduction in moisture content. An alternative definition definesthe shrinkage limit as the moisture content representing the amount of water required to fill thevoids in a given cohesive soil at its minimum void ratio obtained by drying.

Plastic Limit

The plastic limit is defined as the moisture content at which a soil thread just begins to crackand crumble when rolled to a diameter of 1/8" (3 mm).

Liquid Limit

The liquid limit is defined as the moisture content at which a 2-mm-wide groove in a soil patwill close for a distance of ½" (12.5 mm) when dropped 25 times in a standard brass cup,falling 1 cm each time at a rate of 2 drops per second.


Most granular soils and fine aggregates are mixtures of desirable coarse partiles, sand, andundesirable clay or plastic fines. The sand equivalent test is intended as a rapid fieldcorrelation test to indicate the relative proportions of clay-like or plastic fines and dust ingranular soils and fine aggregates that pass the No. 4 (4.75 mm) sieve size. The test assignsan empirical value to the relative amount, fineness, and character of clay-like material presentin a test specimen. A minimum sand equivalent value may be specified to limit thepermissible quantity of clay-like fines in an aggregate.

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CEEN 162 - Geotechnical Engineering - Laboratory Session No. 2Grain Size Determination (Hydrometer Method), Atterberg Limits, Sand Equivalent Test

OBJECTIVE: To obtain data necessary for the classification of a soil.

EQUIPMENT: 151H Hydrometer bulb, scale, sodium hexametaphosphate dispersion solution, mixingapparatus, beaker, sedimentation cylinder, thermometer, liquid limit device, porcelain dish, spatula, balance,moisture content cans, glass plate, distilled water, drying oven, sand equivalent apparatus, working calciumchloride solution.


LAB PROCEDURES:Part 1 - Hydrometer Calibration (Data Sheet 1)

1. Select and clean a 151H hydrometer bulb and record the identifier number.

2. Obtain hydrometer calibration readings in each of the the 1 L graduated cylinders filled with a 5g/Lsolution of sodium hexametaphosphate in distilled water. Record the temperature of the solutions to0.5 oC.

Part 2 - Sedimentation Test (Data Sheet 2)1. Obtain a 100 g sample of air-dried soil (minus #10 soil from Lab 1) and place in a 400-mL beaker.

Cover with 125 mL of concentrated sodium hexametaphosphate solution (40g/L). Stir until the soil isthoroughly wetted and allow to soak for at least 15 minutes. After soaking transfer the soil-water slurryfrom the beaker into the dispersion cup, washing any residue from the beaker with distilled water. Adddistilled water, if necessary, to fill the dispersion cup approximately half full. Mix the suspension inthe mixer for 1 min.

2. Immediately after mixing, wash the specimen into a 1 L graduated cylinder and add enough distilledwater to bring level to the 1 L mark.

3. Mix soil and water in cylinder by placing a rubber stopper over the open end and turning the graduateupside down and back for 1 min. The number of turns during this minute should be approx. 60,counting the turn upside down and back as two turns. Any soil remaining in the bottom of the cylinderduring the first few turns should be loosened by vigorous shaking of the cylinder while it is in theinverted position.

4. After shaking, replace the cylinder on the table, start the timer, and insert the hydrometer in thesuspension. Record the hydrometer readings ( top of the meniscus formed by the suspension aroundthe stem) at elapsed times of ½, 1, 1-½ 2, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 60 and 80 minutes.

Part 3- Liquid Limit Test (Data Sheet 3)1. Dry sieve the soil remaining from Lab 1 through a No. 40 sieve. Obtain a 200 g sample of the soil

which passes the No. 40 sieve, either by discarding excess soil or by adding additional soil from thecontrol jar.

2. Check the fall height of the liquid limit cup using the end of the grooving tool and adjust as necessary.Record the mass of 5 marked moisture cans to the nearest 0.01g. Three will be available for the liquidlimit test and two for the plastic limit test.

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CEEN 162 - Geotechnical Engineering - Laboratory Session No. 2Grain Size Determination (Hydrometer Method), Atterberg Limits, Sand Equivalent Test

3. Place the 200 g of soil on a glass plate and add about 15 ml of distilled water. Mix soil and waterthoroughly using an alternate of repeated stirring, kneading and chopping action with the spatula.Continue adding water at the rate of 1 to 3 milliliter increments and thoroughly mix each increment intothe soil before adding the next. Enough water should be thoroughly mixed to produce a consistencythat will require 25 to 35 drops of the cup to cause the groove to close.

4. Place a portion of the prepared soil mixture in the cup of the liquid limit device at the point where thecup rests on the base, squeeze it down, and spread it into the cup to a depth of about 10 mm at itsdeepest point, tapering it to form an approximately horizontal surface. Take care to eliminate airbubbles from the soil pat but form the pat with as few strokes as possible. Heap the unused soil onthe glass plate and cover with an inverted storage dish or wet towel.

5. Form a groove in the soil pat by drawing the tool through the soil on a line joining the highest point tothe lowest point on the rim of the cup. Hold the grooving toll against the surface of the cup and drawin an arc, maintaining the tool perpendicular to the surface of the cup. Avoid tearing the sides of thesoil groove and do not permit the soil pat to slide in the cup. Up to six strokes are permitted to formthe groove.

6. Using a continual motion of the crank, lift and drop the cup at the rate of two drops per second. Recordthe number of drops of the cup required to cause the two halves of the soil pat to flow together for adistance of 13 mm (1/2 in).

7. Remove a slice of soil approximately the width of the spatula, extending from edge to edge of the soilcake at right angles to the groove and including that portion of the groove in which the soil flowedtogether. Record the mass of the moist soil and moisture tin to the nearest 0.01g. Place the tin ina drying oven.

8. Return the soil remaining in the cup to the glass plate. Wash and dry the cup and grooving tool andreattach the cup to the carriage. Remix the entire soil specimen on the glass plate adding distilledwater to increase the water content of the soil and decrease the number of blows required to close thegroove to between 20 to 30 blows.

9. Repeat Steps 4 through 8 for at least two additional trials producing successively lower blow countsto close the groove. One of the trials shall be for closure requiring 20 and 30 blows and one for closurebetween 15 and 25 blows.

10. Record the mass of the oven dried soil and moisture tin to the nearest 0.01g.

Part 4 - Plastic Limit Test (Date Sheet 3)1. Select a 20 g portion of the soil from the material remaining after the liquid limit test. Reduce the water

content of the soil to a consistency at which it can be rolled without sticking to the hands by spreadingand mixing continuously on the glass plate. The drying process may be accelerated by blotting withpaper that does not add any fiber to the soil, such as hard surface paper toweling.

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CEEN 162 - Geotechnical Engineering - Laboratory Session No. 2Grain Size Determination (Hydrometer Method), Atterberg Limits, Sand Equivalent Test

2. From the 20 g mass, select a portion of 1.5 to 2.0 g and form into an ellipsoid. Cover the remainingsoil with a moist towel. Roll this mass between the palm or fingers and the glass plate with justsufficient pressure to roll the mass into a thread of uniform diameter throughout its length. When thediameter of the thread becomes 3 mm, break the thread into several pieces. Squeeze the piecestogether, knead between the thumb and first finger of each hand, reform into an ellipsoid, an re-roll.Continue to alternate rolling, gathering, kneading, and re-rolling until the thread crumbles under thepressure required for rolling and the soil can no longer be rolled into a 3 mm diameter thread.

3. Gather the portions of the crumbled thread together and place in a moisture tin and immediately cover.

4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until the moisture tin contains at least 6 g of moist soil. Record the mass ofthe moist soil and tin (without cover) to the nearest 0.01g. Place the moist soil and tin in a dryingoven.

5. Repeat steps 2 through 4 to produce another moisture tin containing at least 6 g of soil. Record themass of the moist soil and tin (without cover) to the nearest 0.01g. Place the moist soil and tin in adrying oven.

6. Record the mass of the oven dried soil and moisture tin to the nearest 0.01g.

Part 5 - Sand Equivalent Test (Data Sheet 4)1. Obtain a 500 g sample of soil passing the No. 4 sieve. Fill one tin measure to the brim or slightly

rounded above the brim.

2. Siphon approximately 4 in of working calcium chloride solution into the plastic cylinder. Pour the soilsample into the cylinder using the funnel to avoid spillage. Allow the wetted specimen and cylinderto stand for approximately 10 min.

3. After the 10 min soaking period, hold the cylinder in a horizontal position and shake vigorously in ahorizontal linear motion from end to end. Shake the cylinder 90 cycles (back and forth motion) inapproximately 30 seconds using a throw of 9 inches.

4. Irrigate the sample using the working calcium chloride solution by forcing the irrigator tip through thematerial to the bottom of the cylinder while the solution is flowing. Continue stabbing and twisting theirrigator tip until the cylinder is filled to the 15 inch graduation mark. Raise the irrigator tube slowlywithout stopping the flow so that the liquid level is maintained at about the 15 inch mark. Regulate theflow just before complete removal of the irrigator tip so that the final fluid level is at the 15 inch mark.

5. Allow the cylinder and contents to stand undisturbed for 20 minutes after the removal of the irrigatortube.

6. Record the level of the top of the clay suspension after the 20 minute rest period. Place the weightedfoot assembly over the cylinder and gently lower the assembly until it comes to rest on top of the sand.Tilt the assembly towards the gradations on the cylinder until the indicator touches the inside of thecylinder. Subtract 10 inches for the level indicated by the extreme top edge of the indicator and recordthis value as the sand reading.

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P '1000 GS P10


R & 1GS & 1

D ' K LT

CEEN 162 - Geotechnical Engineering - Laboratory Session No. 2Grain Size Determination (Hydrometer Method), Atterberg Limits, Sand Equivalent Test


1. Using the hydrometer calibration data from Data Sheet 1, prepare a linear plot of the compositecorrection factor vs temperature and develop an equation to predict the composite correction factor forany intermediate temperature. Using the equation below, complete Data Sheet 2 to determine the grainsize distribution of the soil sample. Plot these results in combination with Lab 1 dry sieve data anddevelop a single, smooth grain size distribution curve for the soil sample.

The percentage (P) of soil remaining in suspension and the largest diameter (D) of soil in suspensionat the level of the hydrometer are calculated as:

where: P = percentage of soil in suspension, %GS = specific gravity of soil particles (Lab 1)P10= percent of original soil sample which passes No.10 sieve (Lab 1)Ms = dry mass of soil, gR = corrected hydrometer reading (hydrometer reading - composite correction factor)D = diameter of soil particle, mmK = constant depending temperature and specific gravity of the soil (Table 1)L = effective depth, equal to the distance from the surface of the suspension to the level at which

the density of the suspension is being measured, cm (Table 2).T = time of hydrometer reading, min.

2. Using the liquid limit data from Data Sheet 3, determine the moisture content of each container of soilafter oven drying. Plot the results of the liquid limit tests as discrete data points, each withcorresponding blow count and moisture content. Data should be plotted on semi-logarithmic paperwith the moisture content as ordinates on the arithmetic scale and blow counts as abscissas on thelog scale. Draw the best fit straight line through each set of data to obtain the flow curve. Report theliquid limit (LL) of the soil as the water content corresponding to the intersection of the flow curve withthe 25 blows abscissa, rounded to the nearest whole number.

3. Using data from Data Sheet 3, compute the moisture content for each of the plastic limit trials. Reportthe plastic limit (PL) of the soil as the average of these two values, rounded to the nearest wholenumber.

4. Compute the sand equivalent (SE) for each sample to the nearest 0.1%. If the calculated SE is not

a whole number, report the SE to the next higher whole number (i.e., 41.2 = 42). Prepare a plot of thesand equivalent vs % clay. Comment on the computed SE values based on the % clay in the soilsample.

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CEEN 162 - Geotechnical Engineering - Laboratory Session No. 2Grain Size Determination (Hydrometer Method), Atterberg Limits, Sand Equivalent Test




Temperature of 5g/LSodium






Weight of Beaker, g

Weight of Beaker + Dried Soil, g

Weight of Dried Soil, g (Ms)

P10 (Lab 1)

Specific Gravity of Soil Solids, GS, (Lab 1)

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CEEN 162 - Geotechnical Engineering - Laboratory Session No. 2Grain Size Determination (Hydrometer Method), Atterberg Limits, Sand Equivalent Test











(Table 1)


(Table 2)L

Percent ofSoil in




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CEEN 162 - Geotechnical EngineeringLaboratory Session No. 3 - Liquid Limit and Plastic Limit Tests



Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3

Moisture Tin Number

Moisture Tin Wt, g

Number of Drops

Wt. Wet Soil + Tin, g

Wt. Oven-Dry Soil + Tin, g


Wt. Water, g

Wt. Oven-Dry Soil, g

Moisture Content, w,%


Trial 1 Trial 2

Moisture Tin Number

Moisture Tin Wt, g

Wt. Wet Soil + Tin, g

Wt. Oven-Dry Soil + Tin, g


Wt. Water, g

Wt Oven-Dry Soil, g

Moisture Content, w, %

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CEEN 162 - Geotechnical Engineering - Laboratory Session No. 2Grain Size Determination (Hydrometer Method), Atterberg Limits, Sand Equivalent Test










100% S

95%S - 5%C

90%S - 10%C

Lab Sample

(1) Sand Equivalent = 100% x (Sand Reading / Clay Reading)

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Table 1: Values of K for Computing Particle Diameter in Suspension



2.45 2.50 2.55 2.60 2.65 2.70 2.75 2.80

16 0.01510 0.01505 0.01481 0.01457 0.01435 0.01414 0.01394 0.01374

17 0.01511 0.01486 0.01462 0.01439 0.01417 0.01396 0.01376 0.01356

18 0.01492 0.01467 0.01443 0.01421 0.01399 0.01378 0.01359 0.01339

19 0.01474 0.01449 0.01425 0.01403 0.01382 0.01361 0.01342 0.01323

20 0.01456 0.01431 0.01408 0.01386 0.01365 0.01344 0.01325 0.01307

21 0.01438 0.01414 0.01391 0.01369 0.01348 0.01328 0.01309 0.01291

22 0.01421 0.01397 0.01374 0.01353 0.01332 0.01312 0.01294 0.01276

23 0.01404 0.01381 0.01358 0.01337 0.01317 0.01297 0.01279 0.01261

24 0.01388 0.01365 0.01342 0.01321 0.01301 0.01282 0.01264 0.01246

25 0.01372 0.01349 0.01327 0.01306 0.01286 0.01267 0.01249 0.01232

26 0.01357 0.01334 0.01312 0.01291 0.01272 0.01253 0.01235 0.01218

27 0.01342 0.01319 0.01297 0.01277 0.01258 0.01239 0.01221 0.01204

28 0.01327 0.01304 0.01283 0.01264 0.01244 0.01225 0.01208 0.01191

29 0.01312 0.01290 0.01269 0.01249 0.01230 0.01212 0.01195 0.01178

30 0.01298 0.01276 0.01256 0.01236 0.01217 0.01199 0.01182 0.01165

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Table 2: Effective Depth vs 151 H Hydrometer Reading



EffectiveDepth, L




EffectiveDepth, L


1.000 16.3 1.020 11.0

1.001 16.0 1.021 10.7

1.002 15.8 1.022 10.5

1.003 15.5 1.023 10.2

1.004 15.2 1.024 10.0

1.005 15.0 1.025 9.7

1.006 14.7 1.026 9.4

1.007 14.4 1.027 9.2

1.008 14.2 1.028 8.9

1.009 13.9 1.029 8.6

1.010 13.7 1.030 8.4

1.011 13.4 1.031 8.1

1.012 13.1 1.032 7.8

1.013 12.9 1.033 7.6

1.014 12.6 1.034 7.3

1.015 12.3 1.035 7.0

1.016 12.1 1.036 6.8

1.017 11.8 1.037 6.5

1.018 11.5 1.038 6.2

1.019 11.3

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21 22 23 24 251.50







Temperature, C



te C



n F



CEEN 162 - Lab 2Hydrometer Calibration Data

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0.001 0.01 0.1 1 100











Grain Size, mm

% P



CEEN 162 - Hydrometer Test Results

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1 10 10010













er C


nt, %

CEEN 162 - Liquid Limit Test Results


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CEEN 162 - Geotechnical Engineering - Laboratory Session No. 2Grain Size Determination (Hydrometer Method), Atterberg Limits, Sand Equivalent Test




Temperature of SodiumHexametaphosphate

Solution (5g/L)



1.004 21.5 .004

1.002 24.5 .002


Weight of Beaker, g 325.8

Weight of Beaker + Dried Soil, g 425.7

Weight of Dried Soil, g 99.9

P10 (Lab 1) 89.5

Specific Gravity of Soil Solids, GS, (Lab 1) 2.75

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CEEN 162 - Geotechnical Engineering - Laboratory Session No. 2Grain Size Determination (Hydrometer Method), Atterberg Limits, Sand Equivalent Test












(Table 1)



(Table 2)L(4)

Percent ofSoil in






9:04:00 0

9:05:30 1.5 1.0380 23.5 0.0026 1.0354 0.012783 6.9 49.9 0.027

9:06:00 2 1.0370 23.5 0.0026 1.0344 0.012783 7.2 48.5 0.024

9:06:30 2.5 1.0360 23.5 0.0026 1.0334 0.012783 7.5 47.1 0.022

9:07:30 3.5 1.0340 23.5 0.0026 1.0314 0.012783 8.0 44.3 0.019

9:10:00 6 1.0310 23.0 0.0029 1.0281 0.012790 8.9 39.6 0.016

9:14:00 10 1.0280 23.0 0.0029 1.0251 0.012790 9.7 35.4 0.013

9:24:00 20 1.0260 23.0 0.0029 1.0231 0.012790 10.2 32.5 0.009

9:34:00 30 1.0250 23.0 0.0029 1.0221 0.012790 10.4 31.1 0.008

9:44:00 40 1.0240 23.0 0.0029 1.0211 0.012790 10.7 29.7 0.007

9:54:00 50 1.0240 23.1 0.0028 1.0212 0.012789 10.7 29.8 0.006

10:04:00 60 1.0230 23.0 0.0029 1.0201 0.012790 11.0 28.3 0.005(1) Determined from equation developed from hydrometer calibration data(2) Hydrometer reading - composite correction factor(3) Determined from Table 1 based on temperature and specific gravity of soil solids(4) Determined from Table 2 based on corrected hydrometer reading(5) Calculated based on equation provided; P = fn {Gs, P10, Ms, R}(6) Calculated based on equation provided; D = fn {K, L, T}CEEN 162 - Geotechnical EngineeringLaboratory Session No. 2 - Liquid Limit and Plastic Limit Tests

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Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3

Moisture Tin Number A1 D1 E4

Moisture Tin Wt, g 25.2 24.9 25.1

Number of Drops 28 22 18

Wt. Wet Soil + Tin, g 45.2 46.2 46.5

Wt. Oven-Dry Soil + Tin, g 41.8 42.3 42.3


Wt. Water, g 3.4 3.9 4.2

Wt. Oven-Dry Soil, g 16.6 17.4 17.2

Moisture Content, w,% 20.5 22.4 24.4


Trial 1 Trial 5

Moisture Tin Number A2 J2

Moisture Tin Wt, g 24.8 25.3

Wt. Wet Soil + Tin, g 30.9 32.2

Wt. Oven-Dry Soil + Tin, g 30.2 31.4


Wt. Water, g 0.7 0.8

Wt Oven-Dry Soil, g 5.4 6.1

Moisture Content, w, % 13.0 13.1

Page 20: Laboratory 2 - Opus College of Engineering - Marquettenewmand/Lab2.pdf · Laboratory 2 Hydrometer Analysis Atterberg Limits ... limit test and two for the plastic limit test. 5 CEEN


CEEN 162 - Geotechnical Engineering - Laboratory Session No. 2Grain Size Determination (Hydrometer Method), Atterberg Limits, Sand Equivalent Test










100% S 4.3 4.1 96

95%S - 5%C 4.4 3.8 87

90%S - 10%C 5.3 3.6 68

Lab Sample 13.2 1.1 9

(1) Sand Equivalent = 100% x (Sand Reading / Clay Reading)

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21 22 23 24 251.5







Temperature, C



te C



n Fa





CEEN 162 - Lab 2Hydrometer Calibration Data

Y = 0.018333 - 0.000667 X

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0.001 0.01 0.1 1 100











Grain Size, mm

% P



CEEN 162 - Hydrometer Test Results

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1 10 10010













er C


nt, %

CEEN 162 - Liquid Limit Test Results

LL = 21.6 = 22


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0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 1000











% Clay


d E




CEEN 162 - Sand Equivalent Test Results