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Labor Ministry's Concept Paper on Occupational Safety and Health September 2011

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  • 8/13/2019 Labor Ministry's Concept Paper on Occupational Safety and Health September 2011


  • 8/13/2019 Labor Ministry's Concept Paper on Occupational Safety and Health September 2011



    purposes through the exercise of its power and has enacted a number ofSafety and health legislations to provide for Safety and Health of theworkers.




    3.1.1 Under the Constitution of India, Labour is a subject in the concurrent listwhere both the Central and the State Governments are competent toenact legislation subject to certain matters reserved for the CentralGovernment. Occupational Safety and Health is one of the subjectsallotted to Ministry of Labour & Employment under the Government ofIndia Allocation of Business Rules. The Industrial Safety and Healthbranch of the Ministry discharges the overall functions relating to policy

    decisions and laying down guidelines for countrywide adoption. As mostof the legislation on safety and health are Central Governmentlegislations, the Ministry performs the important function of piloting the billsthrough Parliament after inter-ministerial consultations and consultationswith the State Governments and other organizations of employers andemployees. Liaison with the International Labour Organisation and othercountries is carried out by the Ministry.

    3.1.2 Co-ordination at the national level is undertaken by the Ministry byperiodically convening the State Labour Ministers Conference and StateLabour Secretaries Conference, in which policy matters and issues onuniformity in labour laws are discussed The Ministry of Labour &Employment, Govt. of India & Labour Departments of the States andUnion Territories are responsible for the safety & health of the workers.Directorate General of Factory Advice Service & Labour Institutes(DGFASLI) and Directorate General of Mines Safety (DGMS) assist theMinistry in the technical aspects of Occupational Safety & Health infactories & port sectors and mines respectively.


    3.2.1 The Directorate General of Factory Advice Service & Labour Institutes,(DGFASLI) being the technical organization of the Ministry, liaises with theState Factory Inspectorates and advises them on the administration of theFactories Act, 1948, Besides, DGFASLI, carries out important functions ofproviding training for Factory Inspectors and co-ordinates their trainingoutside the country.

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    3.2.2 The Central Labour Institute at Mumbai and Regional Labour Institutes atChennai, Kanpur, and Kolkata and Faridabad are having professionalsfrom various disciplines such as Engineering, Management, Hygiene,Occupational Health, Industrial Physiology, Ergonomics, IndustrialPsychology, etc. These institutes have facilities for conducting research

    and consultancy studies in various areas of safety and health in anintegrated manner and arrive at practical solutions to the problems.

    3.2.3 The Director General, DGFASLI is also Chief Inspector of Dock Safetyunder the Dock Workers (Safety, Health and Welfare) Act, 1986 in respectof major ports. Dock Safety Inspectorates are established in all majorports. The Dock Safety Division at the headquarters coordinates with theDock Safety Inspectorates regarding enforcement activities and also forbringing about amendments in statutes concerning dock work.

    3.2.4 DGFASLI assists the Ministry of Labour & Employment, Government of

    India in the operation of Prime Ministers Shram Awards (PMSA), NationalSafety Awards (NSA), and Vishwakarma Rashtriya Puraskar (VRP).


    3.3.1 Under the Constitution of India, Safety, Health and Welfare of personsemployed in mines are the concern of the Central Government (Entry 55-Union List-Article 246). The objective is regulated by the Mines Act, 1952and the rules and regulations framed thereunder. In order to achieve suchobjectives, rules and regulations are made:-

    a) Coal Mines Regulations, 1957;b) Metalliferous Mines Regulations, 1961; andc) Oil Mines Regulations, 1984.

    3.3.2 Besides the Mines Act, 1952 and the Rules and Regulations framedthereunder, the Indian Electricity Act, 2003 and the Indian ElectricityRules, 1956, and the Land Acquisition (Mines) Act, 1885) are alsoapplicable to mines.

    3.3.3 The main functions of DGMS are to carry out Inspection of mines,Investigations and Enquiries into Accidents, Dangerous Occurrences and

    Attending to complaints etc. Grant of: Statutory Permissions, Exemptions& Relaxations, Approval of mine safety equipment, material & appliances,Interactions for development of safety equipment, material and safe workpractices through Workshop, Seminars, Discussions etc., Development ofSafety Legislation & Standards and Dissemination of Safety Information

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    3.3.4 DGMS also conduct Examinations for grant of Certificates of Competencyand Safety Promotional Initiatives like Organisation of Conference onSafety in Mines, National Safety Awards, Safety Weeks & Campaigns,Promoting of safety education and awareness programmes and ensuringworkers participation in safety management through workmens inspector,

    safety committee and tripartite safety committee


    3.4.1 The provisions under the Factories Act, 1948 and the State FactoriesRules notified there under are enforced by the Department of Labour ofrespective State governments. For this purpose, in every StateInspectorate of Factories is established which enforces the Factories Act1948 and the State Factories Rules and other labour related statutes suchas the Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986; the Maternity

    Benefit Act, 1961; The Employees Compensation Act, 1923 etc. asrelating to factories. Factory Inspectors are appointed at local and districtlevels for enforcing the provisions of these statutes. The Inspectorates ofFactories are also staffed with specialists in the field of occupationalhealth and industrial hygiene at their headquarters to extend support tofield inspectors.


    3.5.1 While framing the legislations concerning safety and occupational health,the Government of India, as one of the founding members of the ILOderives inspiration from the various conventions, recommendations andcodes of practices framed by ILO in this regard. The ILO has so faradopted 182 conventions and 190 recommendations encompassingsubjects such as workers fundamental rights, workers protection, socialsecurity, labour welfare, occupational safety, women & child labour,migrant labour, indigenous and tribal people, etc. The Government ofIndia has so far ratified 41 ILO conventions,


    3.6.1 The National Policy on Safety, Health and Environment at work place wasdeclared by the Govt. of India on 20-02-2009 by the Hon'ble FinanceMinistry Shri Pranab Mukherjee. The fundamental purpose of the NationalPolicy is not only to the eliminate the incidence of the work related injuriesdiseases, fatalities, disaster and loss of national assets and ensuring

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    achievement of high level occupational safety and health throughproactive approaches but also to enhance the well-being of the employeeand society at large.



    3.7.1 At present there are comprehensive safety and health statutes forregulating safety and health of persons at work in respect of four sectorsnamely, factories, docks, mining and construction sectors and thesestatutes are highly sector-specific. The approach in these statutes is to laydown specific and detailed requirements to prevent risk of injuries inspecific operations and circumstances.

    3.8 THE FACTORIES ACT, 1948

    3.8.1 The Factories Act, 1948 is applicable to those units where manufacturingprocess is carried out employing 10 or more worker with the aid of poweror 20 or more workers are employed without the aid of power or where thestate government is of the opinion that the manufacturing process oroperations carried out exposes any person employed in it to a serious riskof bodily injury, poisoning or disease The object of the Factories Act, 1948is to secure the workers employed in the factories health, safety, welfare,working hours, leave and other benefits.


    3.9.1 The Dock Workers (Safety, Health and Welfare) Act, 1986 aims atproviding for safety, health and welfare of workers employed in loading,unloading, movement or storage of cargoes into or from ship, port, dock,etc. DG, DGFASLI is appointed as the Chief Inspector of Dock Safety andenforces the Act in the Major Ports of India through the InspectoratesDock Safety in these ports. The Central Government has notified the DockWorkers (Safety, Health and Welfare) Regulations, 1990 which isapplicable to the 12 major ports in India.

    3.9.2 Some of the important aspects covered in the Regulations framed underthe Act relate to Fencing of Dangerous Places, work on Staging,illumination, fire protection, means of access, working spaces in ships,dangerous and harmful environment, construction, maintenance andtesting of lifting appliances, loose gears and wire ropes, TransportEquipment, Handling of Cargo, Stacking and Un Stacking, Handling ofDangerous Goods and Containers, reporting of accidents and

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    Occupational Diseases, appointment of Safety Officers and WelfareOfficers, Cleanliness, washing Facilities, First Aid, Canteens, rest Sheds,Medical Examination and Training of Dock Workers, Occupational HealthServices, Emergency Action Plans Employers and Employee GeneralObligations etc.

    3.10 The Mines Act 1952

    3.10.1 The Mines Act, 1952 deals with the matters relating to safety, health andwelfare of persons employed in mines including oil mines. The Actspecifies the provisions for regulating employment of persons, leave withwages, duties and responsibilities of owner, agent and manager, drinkingwater, First-Aid and rest shelters, medical examinations and occupationalhealth surveys, notice of accidents and occupational diseases in additionto framing of rules, regulations and byelaws on specific subjects includingthe penalty provisions for violations of this Act.

    3.11 The Building and other Construction Workers Act 1996

    3.11.1 The Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulations ofEmployment and Conditions of Service) Act, 1996 aims at regulating theemployment and conditions of services of building and other constructionworkers and providing for their safety, health and welfare measures.


    3.12.1 The Occupational Safety and Health System, Policies and Programmesunder the various sectors such as manufacturing, port, mines andconstruction sectors, are to be implemented with high Occupational Safetyand Health Standards which will go a long way in ensuring the Safety andHealth of employees in these sectors.

    3.12.2 The effective implementation of the National Policy on Safety, Health andEnvironment at Work Place with the coordinated efforts of the Central andState Governments, and all stakeholders would ensure enhancedOccupational Safety and Health Standards in India.

    3.12.3 The following are the Areas concerning Occupational Safety and Healthwherein cooperation with the European Union could result in improvedworking conditions of the workers at workplace.

    Development of National Network System on Occupational Safety &Health with linkage of Ministry of Labour & Employment (MOL&E) withConcerned Ministries of Central & State Government, DGFASLI, DGMS,

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    ESI. Labour Department Directorates/Inspectorates of Factories of allStates and Union Territories, International Bodies of repute such as BVQI,TNO, DNV etc and other stake holders.

    Occupational Safety and Health and Welfare issues in Micro, Small and

    Medium Enterprises (MSME) and Unorganized Sector includingConstruction Sector.

    Conduct of seminars, workshops, training programmes and researchactivities in the field of Safety, Health and Environment at work placeincluding Social and Psychological Factors jointly by the Experts of Indiaand European Union.

    Development of a Suitable System of Accreditation of SafetyProfessionals, Institutions and Services.

    Exchange of Information, Sharing of Experience and Best Practices,undertaking Missions, Visits, etc.

    Development of Training/Information Materials such as leaflets, Films,Presentations etc.

    Capacity building of DGFASLI and Inspectorate/Directorates of Factoriesin the Modern Techniques of Inspection, Chemical Process Safety,Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (HIRA), Auditing, Surveyingetc. the field of Occupational Safety and Health.


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    1.1 The constitution of India enshrines detailed provisions for the rights of thecitizens and other persons and for the principles in the governance of thecountry labeled as Directive Principles of State Policy.

    1.2 These Directive Principles provide for securing the health and strength ofemployees, men and women, that the tender age of children are notabused, that citizens are not forced by economic necessity to enteravocations unsuited to their age or strength (Article 39), just and humaneconditions of work and maternity relief are provided (Article 42), that theGovernment shall take steps, by suitable legislation or in any other way, tosecure the participation of employee in the management of undertakings,

    establishments or other organizations engaged in any industry (Article43A), for ensuring that no child below the age of 14 is employed to work inany factory or mine or engaged in any other hazardous employment(Article 24).

    1.3 On the basis of these Directive Principles and international instruments,the Government of India declares its policy, priorities, strategies andpurposes through the exercise of its power. The Government is committedto regulate all economic activities within the country with a view toensuring that every working employee is provided with safe and healthfulworking conditions. Accordingly, Govt. of India enacted the statutes

    relating to Occupational Safety & Health (OSH) at workplaces namely TheMines Act, 1952 and Rules and Regulations framed thereunder; TheFactories Act, 1948 and Rules framed thereunder; Dock Workers (Safety,Health and Welfare) Act, 1986 and Regulations and Rules framedthereunder; The Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation ofEmployment and Conditions of Service) Act, 1996 and Rules framedthereunder; The Dangerous Machines (Regulation) Act, 1983 and Rulesframed thereunder; The Insecticides Act, 1968 and Rules framedthereunder; The Shops and Establishments Act of State Governments;The Beedi and Cigar Workers (Conditions of Employment) Act, 1966; TheMunicipal Solid Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 2000 notifiedunder the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986; The Manufacture, Storage& Import of Hazardous Chemicals Rules, 1989; The Electricity Act, 2003etc. These are some of the important statutes covering OSH aspects ofworkers.

    1.4 An overview of Occupational Safety & Health Institutional frame work in

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    India is covered in detail highlighting the initiatives taken by IndianGovernment in OSH.


    2.1 In India, there are about 3,09,618 registered factories with totalemployment of 1,21,41,881 out of which 1,05,45,060 are men workers and15,96,821 are women workers. In the year 2008, as per the data releasedby DGFASLI vide Standard Reference Note 2009, the Safety organizationin these factories is taken care by 2,164 Safety Officers. The Safety Policyhas been declared by 14,120 Factories and as such 12,802 SafetyCommittees are functioning in these registered factories. As for as theinjuries in factories are concerned, there were a total of 330 04 injuriesincluding 1493 fatal injuries during the year 2009. There were 23 fatalaccidents, 140 reportable accidents and 16 dangerous occurrences in 11Major Ports during the year 2009. The statistics of industrial injuries in

    factories during the year 20002007 is given as follows:

    Year FatalInjuries


    Frequency Rate (FR) Incidence Rate (IR)





    2000 486 23976 0.07 3.6 0.22 10.93

    2001 627 28364 0.07 3.24 0.19 8.67

    2002 540 20453 0.13 4.88 0.16 6.14

    2003 525 16432 0.08 2.50 0.11 3.33

    2004 562 15020 0.05 1.33 0.08 2.21

    2005 613 14776 0.05 1.27 0.09 2.06

    2006 1068 19912 0.08 1.42 0.13 2.41

    2007(P) 821 15290 0.09 1.73 0.10 1.91Source : Labour Bureau, Shimla.


    3.1 The Institutional Framework in India originates with the setting up of Officeof Chief Advisor of Factories in the year 1945 subsequently renamed asDirectorate General Factory Advice Service and Labour Institutes(DGFASLI), Mumbai under Ministry of Labour and Employment,Government of India in the early 60s with the objective of providing

    technical advice and services to the Central and State Governments,Industries and Ports on various Occupational Safety and Health relatedissues.

    3.2 The Directorate General of Factory Advice Service & Labour Institutes,(DGFASLI) being the technical organization of the Ministry, liaises with the

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    State Factory Inspectorates and advises them on the administration of theFactories Act, 1948, the infrastructural facilities required for the purposeand issuance of Rules under the Act. Amendments to the Act are dealtwith by discussing those issues in the Conferences of Chief Inspectors ofFactories belonging to the State and Union Territories, and their

    recommendations are communicated to the State Governments throughthe Ministry for follow-up action by them. Besides, the DGFASLI, onbehalf of the Ministry, carries out important functions of providing trainingfor Factory Inspectors and co-ordinates their training outside the country.Considering the number of industries in the country and the fact that theState Governments have the major responsibility for enforcement, trainingin safety and health for personnel from industries is carried out by the fiveLabour Institutes of the DGFASLI.

    3.3 The Central Labour Institute at Mumbai and Regional Labour Institutes atChennai, Kanpur, and Kolkata and Faridabad are having professionals

    from various disciplines such as Engineering, Management, Hygiene,Occupational Health, Industrial Physiology, Ergonomics, IndustrialPsychology, etc. These institutes have facilities for conducting researchand consultancy studies in various areas of safety and health in anintegrated manner and arrive at practical solutions to the problems.

    3.4 The formulation of policy, priorities and strategies in occupational safety,health and environment at work places, is undertaken by nationalauthorities in consultation with social partners for fulfilling such objectives.

    A critical role is played by the Government and the social partners,professional safety and health organizations in ensuring prevention and inalso providing treatment, support and rehabilitation services. Governmentof India firmly believes that without safe, clean environment as well ashealthy working conditions, social justice and economic growth cannot beachieved and that safe and healthy working environment is recognized asa fundamental human right. Education, training, consultation andexchange of information and good practices are essential for preventionand promotion of such measures.

    3.5 The Director General, DGFASLI is also Chief Inspector of Dock Safetyunder the Dock Workers (Safety, Health and Welfare) Act, 1986 in respectof major ports. Dock Safety Inspectorates are established in all majorports. The Dock Safety Division at the headquarters coordinates with theDock Safety Inspectorates regarding enforcement activities and also forbringing about amendments in statutes concerning dock work.

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    4. Directorate General of Mines Safety (DGMS)

    4.1 Under the Constitution of India, Safety, Health and Welfare of personsemployed in mines are the concern of the Central Government (Entry 55-Union List-Article 246). The objective is regulated by the Mines Act, 1952

    and the rules and regulations framed thereunder. In order to achieve suchobjectives, rules and regulations are made:-

    4.2 To regulate technical operations in mines, separate codes of regulationshave been framed in respect of coal, metalliferous and oil mines. TheCodes of Regulations currently in force are:-

    a) Coal Mines Regulations, 1957;b) Metalliferous Mines Regulations, 1961; andc) Oil Mines Regulations, 1984.

    4.3 Welfare, Health and Medical Surveillance, Workers Participation in SafetyManagement in respect of coal, metalliferous and oil mines have beenelaborated in the Mines Rules, 1955.

    4.4 In order to provide for rescue of work persons in the event of explosion,fire etc. the Mines Rescue Rules, 1985, have been framed. These apply tocoal and metalliferous underground mines.

    4.5 To equip the mine workers in all types of mines, to recognise and deal withhazards the Mines Vocational Training Rules, 1966, have been framed.

    4.6 The Mines Creche Rules, 1966 and the Coal Mines Pit Head Bath Rules,1959 have been framed to provide for shelter to children of femaleemployees in all mines and bathing facilities for workers employed in coalmines respectively.


    5.1 The provisions under the Factories Act, 1948 and the State FactoriesRules notified there under are enforced by the Department of Labour ofrespective State governments. For this purpose, in every StateInspectorate of Factories is established which enforces the the Factories

    Act 1948 and the State Factories Rules and other labour related statutessuch as the Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986; theMaternity Benefit Act, 1961; The Workmens Compensation Act, 1923 relating to factories. Factory Inspectors are appointed at local anddistrict levels for enforcing the provisions of these statutes. The

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    Inspectorates of Factories are also staffed with specialists in the field ofoccupational health and industrial hygiene at headquarter to extendsupport to field inspectors.



    6.1 The National Policy on Safety, Health and Environment at Work Place wasdeclared by the Honble Minister for Finance, Shri Pranab Mukherjee onthe 20th February, 2009 at New Delhi during the Indian LabourConference.

    6.2 Government of India recognizes that safety and health of workers has apositive impact on productivity and economic and social development.

    Accident and Injury prevention is an integral part of economic activities ashigh safety and health standard at work is as important as good business

    performance for new as well as existing industries.

    6.3 Government of India firmly believes that without safe, clean environmentas well as healthy working conditions, social justice and economic growthcannot be achieved and that safe and healthy working environment isrecognized as a fundamental human right. Education, training,consultation and exchange of information and good practices are essentialfor Accident prevention and promotion of such measures.

    6.4 The fundamental purpose of this National Policy on Safety, Health andEnvironment at workplace, is not only to eliminate the incidence of workrelated injuries, diseases, fatalities, disaster and loss of national assetsand ensuring achievement of a high level of occupational safety, healthand environment performance through proactive approaches but also toenhance the well-being of the employee and society, at large. Thenecessary changes in this area will be based on a coordinated nationaleffort focused on clear national goals and objectives.

    6.5 The Government of India firmly believes that building and maintaining aNational Preventive Safety and Health Culture needs to be developed inclose involvement of the social partners to meet the challenges ahead inthe assessment and control of work place risks by mobilizing localresources and extending protection to such working population andvulnerable groups.

    6.6 The policy aims to develop such a culture by providing statutory framework on occupational safety and health in respect of all sectors ofindustrial activity through designing suitable control system of compliance,

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    enforcement and incentives for better compliance, focusing on preventionstrategies and monitoring performance through improved data collectionsystem on work related injuries and diseases, developing and providingrequired technical man-power and knowledge, incorporating teachinginputs on safety, health and environment at work places in schools,

    technical, medical, professional, vocational courses and distanceeducation programs, providing for research and development, improveddata collection system and extending coverage relevant to work relatedinjuries and diseases including measures of exposure and occupationalgroups that are currently excluded.


    7.1 The Institutional OSH Framework is also extended through National SafetyCouncil (NSC) which was set up on 4

    thMarch, 1966 by the Ministry of

    Labour and Employment, Government of India as a non-profit making,non-political voluntary organization, the objective of which is to generate,develop and sustain a voluntary movement at the National level topromote awareness of safety, health and environment, so as tosupplement and strengthen Government efforts in the field. To provide thevoluntary safety movement at the Regional level, the Council hassubsidiary Chapters in various States across the country.

    7.2 Institutional OSH framework is also extended through EmployersAssociations like Confederation of Indian Industries, All IndiaManufacturers Association, Madras Management Association, IndianChemical Manufacturers Association, Employers Federation of SouthernIndia, Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industries, etc.who also take up the cause of OSH of workforce on various Governmentaland Institutional Forums. It has also been extended through establishmentof Labour Unions at National, State and Unit level who take up the causeof occupational safety and health of the workforce on variousGovernmental and Institutional forums.

    7.3 Certain Universities / Technical Institutions like National Institute ofTechnology, Trichirappalli, few other Engineering Colleges, Industry

    Associations, etc. across the country runs professional industrial safetyprogrammes like M.E. (Industrial Safety), Diploma in Industrial Safety,Industrial Safety Certification Course, etc. for the benefit of industries alsoforms part of the Governmental / Institutional OSH Framework. Thesyllabus of Engineering Graduation / Diploma Course includes OSHcomponent which highlights the importance given to the occupationalsafety and health improvement in the country. Certain Universities and

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    Medical Colleges across the country who runs certification on IndustrialHealth for the benefit of industries also forms part of the Institutional OSHFramework.

    7.4 Certain Institutions such as National Environment Engineering Research

    Institute, Nagpur, National Institute of Industrial Engineers, Bureau ofIndian Standards, National Institute of Occupational Health, Ahamedabad,Industrial Toxicology Research Centre, Lucknow, All India Institute ofHealth and Hygiene, Kolkatta, etc., who carries out OSH related activitiesin the country also forms part of Institutional OSH framework in India.

    7.5 As regards the Institutional Framework which exists in Europe the EUdelegates may be requested to provide a brief of the existing scenarioprevalent there.


    8.1 The ultimate goal of all Occupational Health and safety programs is tofoster a Safe Work Environment. The implementation of OccupationalSafety and Health also protect co-workers, family members, employers,customers, suppliers, nearby communities, and other members of thepublic who are likely to be impacted by the accidents and dangerousoccurrences in them.

    8.2 It also involves interactions among many subject areas, includingoccupational medicine, Industrial Hygiene, public health, safetyengineering, chemistry, health physics, ergonomics, toxicology,epidemiology, environmental health, industrial relations, public policy,industrial sociology, medical sociology, social law, labour law andoccupational health psychology.The coordinated and joint efforts betweenIndian and European Governments on Occupational safety and healthManagement Systems would pave way for improved SHE at workplaces.

    8.3 It is suggested that the OSH Institutional Framework in India could bestrengthened by cooperation with the European Union in the followingareas:

    Strengthening of the Enforcement Systems in the Manufacturing,Port, Mining and Construction Sectors by enhancing Capabilities ofDGFASLI and Inspectorate/Directorates of Factories Officials in theModern Techniques of Inspection, Chemical Process Safety, HazardIdentification and Risk Assessment (HIRA), Auditing, Surveying etc
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    Development of OSH Information system for improved DataCollection on, Occupational accident, injuries and diseases andensuring timely reporting of the same to develop suitable controlstrategies.

    Exchange of Information, Sharing of Experience and Best Practicesfor adoption of the same.

    Development of a Suitable System of Accreditation of SafetyProfessionals, Institutions and Services.


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    1.1 Hazard is a characteristic of the system/plant process or material thatrepresents a potential for an accident causing damage to people, propertyor the environment and the risk is the product of probability of anoccurrence and the magnitude of its Consequences. Risk Analysis dealswith analyzing the risk, qualitatively and quantitatively. Risk Assessmentis a decision making process by which acceptability of the risk is studied.The Risk Management is a process of identification, assessment andprioritization of risk followed by coordinated and economical application ofresources to minimize, monitor and control the probability and / or in theimpact of undesired events. The risk reduction is also a component of riskmanagement and in case of unacceptability of risk; the risk reduction

    methods are considered to reduce the risk to the acceptable level.

    1.2 The chemical disasters worldwide are classic examples to highlight theneed for the implementation of Risk Management programmes inindustries, including conducting Risk Analysis studies in industries.


    2.1 Risk Assessment Process is the process by which the results of riskanalysis are utilized to make decision on whether to accept the risk or not.It helps in analyzing potential losses from a given hazard or threat using acombination of known information about the situation, knowledge aboutthe underlying process, and judgment about the information that is notknown or well understood. Thus, the risk beyond the acceptable levelsshould be provided with risk reduction and risk management techniquesand methodologies such as to bring the risk level below or at least up tothe acceptable level. Hence, the process of risk assessment requires riskestimation and accepted criteria for necessary evaluation and decisionmaking. Risk assessment has become a more structured activity duringthe past 50 years and increasingly, is being used in major policy decisionsaround the world. It has become a dominant public policy tool for makingchoices, based on limited resources, to protect public health and theenvironment.


    3.1 Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) is a mathematical approach topredict the risks of accidents and give guidance on appropriate means of

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    minimizing them. Nevertheless, while it uses scientific methods andverifiable data, and its results have a large degree of uncertainty. QRAshould not be the only input to decision-making about safety, as othertechniques based on experience and judgment may be appropriate aswell.

    3.2 Risk assessment does not have to be quantitative, and adequateguidance on minor hazards can often be obtained using a qualitativeapproach. The first stage is system definition, defining the installation orthe activity whose risks are to be analyzed. Then hazard identificationconsists of a qualitative review of possible accidents that may occur,based on previous accident experience or judgment where necessary.Once the hazards have been identified, frequency analysis estimates howlikely it is for the accidents to occur. The frequencies are usually obtainedfrom analysis of previous accident experience, or by some form oftheoretical modeling. Consequence Modeling evaluates the resulting

    effects if the accidents occur, and their impact on personnel, equipmentand structures, the environment or business. Estimation of theconsequences of each possible event often requires some form ofcomputer modeling, but may be based on accident experience or

    judgments if appropriate. When the frequencies and consequences ofeach modeled event have been estimated, they can be combined to formmeasures of overall risk. Risk to life is often expressed in twocomplementary forms. They are

    Individual Risk - the risk experienced by an individual person.

    Societal Risk - the risk experienced by the whole group of peopleexposed to the hazard.

    3.3. Up to this point, the process is known as Risk Analysis. The next stage isRisk Criteria, which are yardsticks to indicate whether the risks areacceptable, or to make some other judgment about their significance. Thisstep begins to introduce the issues of risk acceptability and decision-making, and this process is known as Risk Assessment.



    4.1 The relevant Clauses under the National Policy on Safety, Health andEnvironment at Work Place pertaining to risk assessment are coveredunder Clause: 4.3.4 Clause: 4.4.10 Clause: 4.5.1 and Clause: 4.6.3

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    5.1 THE FACTORIES ACT, 1948

    5.1.1 Section 7 A - General duties of the occupier, Section 7 B - General dutiesof manufacturers, etc. as regards articles and substances for use infactories, Section 41- B (4) of Chapter IV A of the Factories Act, 1948 andRule 82 A of the Model Factories Rules under The Factories Act, 1948 arethe legal provisions under The Factories Act, 1948 in connection with Risk

    Analysis and Risk Assessment:

    5.2 MINES SAFETY ACT, 1952

    5.2.1 As per the Coal and Metalliferous Mines Regulations as well as inaccordance with the provisions of Mines Rescue Rules, every mine should

    prepare an emergency plan in accordance with the risks of dangersexisting in such mines. Such emergency plans are examined by DGMSand approves the emergency plan which are to be implemented at time ofemergency.

    5.2.2 There is a system to monitor the risk of accidents due to inundation, firesand explosions in mines but updating and review by an independentsafety auditor and risk management expert is lacking.


    5.3.1 Under the Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous ChemicalRules, 1989 framed under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 requireRisk Analysis and Risk Management under the following rules:

    Information to be furnished for the notification of Sites - Part ISchedule -7 [Rule 7(1)]

    Information to be furnished in a Safety Report - Schedule-8 [Rule10(1)]

    Information on the Hazards Assessment

    Information to be furnished for the notification of Sites - Part I

    Schedule -7 [Rule 7(1)]Information to be furnished in a Safety Report - Schedule-8 [Rule10(1)]

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    6.1 Basic purpose of Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Risk Assessmentand Management is to create a mechanism involving all concerned atvarious levels so that dangerous events and accidents may be prevented.

    Health and safety management systems include well-documentedmodules of safety management method in form of action procedures at alllevels of management and decision making.

    6.2 The Safety Management System must:-

    a. Define safety and health policy of a company,b. Contain a plan to implement the policy,c. State how to develop capabilities to achieve the policy,d. Include principal hazard management plans,e. Include standard operation procedures,

    f. Contain ways to measure, monitor and evaluate performance of thesafety management system, correct matters that do not conform withthe safety management system,

    g. Contain a plan to regularly review and continually improve the safetymanagement system,

    h. Contain a plan to review the safety management system if significantchanges occur,

    6.3 Risk Management

    The main elements of the risk management process are:-

    Establishing the context - This step will establish the strategic,organisational and risk management context in which the rest of theprocess will take place. Criteria against which risk will be evaluatedare established and the structure of the analysis is defined.

    Identify risks - Identify what, why and how things can arise as thebasis for further analysis.

    Analyserisks- Determine the existing controls and analyse risks interms of likelihood and consequences in the context of those

    controls. The analysis should consider - (a) how likely is an event tohappen, and (b) what are the potential consequences and theirmagnitude.

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    Evaluate and prioritise risks - Compare estimated levels of riskagainst the pre-established criteria. Risks are then ranked to identifymanagement priorities.

    Treat risks - Monitor low priority risks. For other risks develop and

    implement a specific management plan, which includes considerationof funding.

    Monitor and review- Monitor and review the performance of the riskmanagement system and changes which might affect it.


    7.1 An exposure assessment is the determination or estimation (qualitative orquantitative) of the magnitude, frequency, duration, and route of exposurefor each potential or actual receptor population to be evaluated in the risk

    assessment. During the exposure assessment, the risk assessor:

    characterizes the exposure setting to identify the potentially exposedreceptors, their activity patterns, and any other characteristics thatmight increase/decrease their likelihood of exposure;

    identifies exposure routes (develops a conceptual site model) andscenarios;

    estimates the exposure concentration; and calculates a chemical-specific intake or dose.


    8.1 The followings are the Indian standards related to Risk Assessment inIndustries.

    i) IS 15656 : 2006 Hazard Identification and Risk Analysis Code of Practice

    This code of practice is intended for Safety professionals andEngineers in the areas of Chemical Plant safety to upgrade safety

    performance and covers the methods of identifying, assessing andreducing hazards including evaluation and selection of methods forparticular applications. This standard also prescribes format for Risk

    Analysis report.

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    ii) IS 18001: 2007 Occupational Health and Safety ManagementSystemRequirements with guidance for use.

    This standard provides guideline for identification, assessment andcontrol of risk in industries.



    9.1.1 ALARPstands for "as low as reasonably practicable", and the principledefines an upper threshold above which no risk is tolerable and a lowerthreshold, below which risk is considered negligible. The ALARP regionlies between these thresholds, within which risks should be reduced untilthe cost of any further action outweighs the incremental benefit gained.The industries should make use of the ALARP principle in managing the

    risks in them.


    9.2.1 Risk based Inspection (or RBI) is a risk-based approach to inspection inthe Oil and Gas industries. This type of inspection analyzes the likelihoodof failure and the consequences of the same. It is also called Risk Based

    Asset Management (RBAM), Risk Based Integrity Management (RBIM) orsimply Risk Based Management (RBM). It is used to prioritise inspection,usually by means of non-destructive testing, requirements for major oilrefineries and chemical installations around the world. Items with highprobability and high consequence are given a higher priority for inspectionthan items that are high probability but for which failure has lowconsequences.

    9.2.2 Risk Assessment Tools can be developed for specific areas of risk andthey are as follows:

    Mechanical Risk Assessment

    Electrical Risk Assessment

    Chemical Risk Assessment

    Biological Risk Assessment

    Nuclear Risk AssessmentConstruction Risk Assessment

    9.2.3 PHAST, ALOHA and other Software are available in the market whichmay be used to carry out risk assessment studies in industries.
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    9.3.1 Risk Observatory is a system to identify new and emerging risks inoccupational safety and health, in order to improve the timeliness andeffectiveness of preventive measures. To achieve this aim, this system

    provides an overview of safety and health at work, describes the trendsand underlying factors, and anticipates changes in work and their likelyimpact on occupational safety and health. It concerns with anticipatingnew and emerging risks, their linkage to the technical innovation / socialchange, thus to bring the risk under control in all types of occupations.Hence, it requires ongoing observation of the risk themselves based onthe systematic collection of information and scientific opinion.

    9.3.2 Risk Observatory cell has been formed at Regional Labour Institute,Chennai, under DGAFSLI, Ministry of Labour & Employment, Governmentof India. The cell has been provided with PHAST Software of DNV for

    conducting risk assessment studies.


    10.1 Occupational Safety and Health legislations demand that a riskassessment is essential for hazardous industries. The Risk assessmentshould be recorded and reviewed periodically and whenever there is asignificant change to work practices. The assessment should includepractical recommendations to control the risk. Once recommendedcontrols are implemented, the risk should be re-calculated to determine asto whether it has been lowered to an acceptable level. The Risk Analysisand Risk Management process needs to be extended to all workplaces byeffective implementation of existing legislations and with the active supportof Risk Observatory System thus ensuring self compliance.

    10.2 The following Areas concerning risk analysis and risk assessment whereincooperation with the European Union which could result in tangiblebenefits are -

    1. Conduct of seminars, workshops, training programmes and researchactivities in the field risk analysis and risk assessment jointly by theexperts of India and European Union.

    2. Capacity building of DGFASLI and Inspectorate of Factories officialsin the areas field risk analysis and risk assessment and developmentof safety inventories.
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    3. Establishing of Risk Observatory Centres with appropriate riskassessment tools and other softwares for risk estimation, control andprediction.


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    1.1 Occupational health deals with all aspects of health in the workplace and itprimarily focuses on prevention of occupational illnesses and diseases.The health of the workers has several determinants including risk factorsat the workplace leading to occupational diseases. Occupational health ofthe working community should be ensured throughout their working periodto protect them from the illness, ailments, injuries and diseases that maybe contacted during their employment. Health surveillance of the workerson a continual basis is very much essential to ensure and monitor thehealth of the workers. Occupational Health Audit and Health Issues areintegral part of Occupational Health Management in industries.

    1.2 In India, at present the Occupational Health has been made mandatory forfactories, mines, Dock works and construction sites. Managingoccupational health issues in the workplace means taking steps topromote the well-being of, and to prevent illness and injury to the workers.


    2.1 The Ministry of Labour and Employment , Government of India has anodal organization viz. Directorate General Factory Advice Service andLabour Institutes (DGFASLI) in dealing with Occupational Safety andHealth issues in Industries. The Directorate General Factory AdviceService and Labour Institutes (DGFASLI) is the technical arm of theMinistry on matters connected with Occupational Health in themanufacturing and port sectors.


    3.1 The National Policy on Safety, Health and Environment at Workplacedeclared by the Govt. of India on 20

    th February, 2009 provides for

    Occupational Health in the Clauses Clause -1.7, 4.3.1, 4.3.10, 4.4.9, 4.5.2and 4.7.3 of the Policy.


    4.1 The Factories Act, 1948 provides for appointment of qualified MedicalPractitioners and Certifying Surgeons to examine young persons engagedin dangerous manufacturing processes and to ensure medical supervision

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    in case of illness due to the nature of manufacturing processes. TheFactories Act, 1948 also provides for notification of certain occupationaldiseases as listed in the Third Schedule of the Act. As per Section 90 ofthe Factories Act, 1948, the State Govt. is vested with the powers toappoint a Competent Person to conduct inquiry into the causes of any

    accident or notifiable diseases.

    4.2 The office of Directorate General of Mines Safety (DGMS) Under Ministryof Labour and Employment, Government of India is responsible forenforcement of Mines Act, 1952 and subordinate legislations. The healthsurveillance, detection and control of occupational diseases includingsilicosis are primarily the responsibility of the mine management. It is alsothe statutory responsibility of the mine management to notify all cases ofsilicosis detected in the mines.

    4.3 The Mines Act, 1952 and Rules and Regulations framed thereunder, is

    also related to Health Surveillance in mines and these are discussed inNational Conferences on Safety in Mines. Some of the importantrecommendations of Conferences on Safety in Mines are:

    (a) Training of medical officer in Occupational Health and use of ILOClassification of Radiographs for Pneumoconiosis.

    (b) Certification of pneumoconiosis at profusion 1/1 or more as per ILOClassification.

    (c) Medical examination of every person within one year ofsuperannuation.

    (d) Computerization of records of medical and environmentalsurveillance.

    (e) Classification of chest radiographs of Initial and Periodical MedicalExaminations for detection, diagnosis and documentation ofpneumoconiosis in accordance with ILO Classification forPneumoconiosis.

    (f) Setting up of an Occupational Diseases Board consisting of oneOccupational Health Physician, one Radiologist and one General /Chest Physician.

    4.4 The Dock Workers (Safety, Health & Welfare) Act, 1986 provides for themedical supervision; the ambulance rooms, first aid and rescue facilitiesand arrangements for the removal of dock workers to the nearest place of

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    treatment; the safety and health organization; and the training of dockworkers and for the obligations and rights of the dock workers for theirsafety and health at the work place; providing for the investigation ofoccupational accidents, dangerous occurrences and diseases, specifyingsuch diseases and the forms of notices. Dock Workers (Safety, Health and

    Welfare) Regulations, 1990 provides for the Occupational Health Servicesfor Dock workers for First-aid and Emergency treatment, Pre-employment,periodical and special medical examinations of dock workers, Periodicaltraining of first-aid personnel, Surveillance and rendering advice onconditions at work-places and facilities that can affect the health of dockworkers and Promotion of health education including family welfare amongdock workers.

    4.5 Section 40(t) of The Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulationof Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 1996 provides for medicalfacilities for the building workers. The Building and Other Construction

    Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) CentralRules, 1998 provides for medical facilities such as medical examination ofbuildings workers, occupational health centres, Ambulance room,

    Ambulance van, occupational health service for the building workers,notice of poisoning or occupational diseases, first aid boxes andemergency care services or emergency treatment.


    5.1 The details of medical facilities in factories for the year 2009 are asfollows:

    Full timeMedical Officers

    Retainer ship or part-time Medical Officers

    Factories havingAmbulance Van

    Factories havingAmbulance Rooms

    2586 4223 2273 2481

    5.2 The details of medical facilities in the major Ports for the year 2010 are asfollows:

    OSH Centers Ambulance Rooms First Aid Empanelled Doctors

    17 28 182 17

    Source: Standard Reference Note 2010 - DGFASLI


    6.1 An exposure assessment is the determination or estimation (qualitative orquantitative) of the magnitude, frequency, duration, and route of exposurefor each potential or actual receptor population. This should be evaluatedin the risk assessment. It helps in identifying causes for occupational

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    illnesses thus enabling the industries in devising and implementing properand adequate control measures.

    6.2 During the exposure assessment, the risk assessor:

    characterizes the exposure setting to identify the potentially exposedreceptors, their activity patterns, and any other characteristics thatmight increase/decrease their likelihood of exposure;

    identifies exposure routes (develops a conceptual site model) andscenarios;

    estimates the exposure concentration; and calculates a chemical-specific intake or dose.



    Micro, Small and medium scale units such as quarries, agate, slatepencil, quartz grinding having greater risk of exposure to highconcentration of free Silica are susceptible to Silicosis. Suchindustries falling outside the regulatory framework has drawn theattention of the government in the current times. Reporting of casesand deaths due to Silicosis in the weaker sections of societyespecially the migrant workers employed in such industry has beenon increase and hence there is an urgent need for comprehensive,inter sectoral , national level plans, programs and practices on

    public private partnership basis to reduce its prevalence in IndianIndustries.

    Asbestosis is yet another occupational disease of the Lungs which ison an increase under similar circumstances warranting concertedefforts of all stake holders to evolve strategies to curb this menace.

    Building and construction - The fitness of the workers for particulartasks as well as preventing injury and exposure to excessive noise,vibration and hazardous materials.

    Manufacturing - take into account a range of hazards, from excessivenoise and temperature extremes, to potentially dangerous processes,materials and chemicals.

    Transport - drivers' comfort and posture as well as the hours theyspend at the wheel.

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    Warehousing - exposure to sudden changes in temperature, liftingheavy items and poor lighting.



    8.1 Consequent to the writ petitions filed by a number of NGOs andsubsequent judgments of the Honorable Supreme Court of India giving anumber of directions for actions to the key stake holders specially to theShip breaking and in Micro, Small and Medium Scale Enterprises. TheGovernment of India is considering the ban the mining and use ofchrysotile asbestos in India to protect the workers and the generalpopulation against primary and secondary exposure to Chrysotile form of



    8.2 The problem of silicosis is much more severe in the unorganized sector ofindustries like slate pencil cutting, stone cutting and agate industry. Theflaw here is that most industries belonging to the unorganized sector donot fall under the purview of the statutory tools such as the Factories Act,1948 aimed to protect the health and safety of the working population.Moreover, the employers lack the will to provide safe working environmentfor the workers. It is probably economic compulsions that the workerschoose to work in hazardous environments and are subjected toexploitation.

    8.3 Consequent to Honorable Supreme Court of Indias direction and theinitiatives taken by the NHRC for protecting the human right ofunorganized sector workers affected with silicosis a number of steps havebeen initiated to address this issue. According to the pilot survey carriedout by NHRC and NGOs the number of silicosis victims especially thosebelonging to the states of Gujarat, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh andJharkhand who deceased young is quite large.

    8.4 Silicosis being a widespread disease an urgent action is required.Government has recognized the existence of this debilitating occupationaldiseases and the need for inter sectoral cooperation and public privatepartnership to tackle the dual problems of Silicosis and Silico-tuberculosisin the country. Honorable Supreme Court of India directed the NationalHuman Rights Commission (NHRC) to provide for compensation to thosewho had died due to Silicosis and to provide immediate medical relief tovictims of Silicosis.

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    8.5 Some the other Occupational Health Issues relate to

    Back Pain and Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) - a variety of lifting,repetitive and other kinds of work, including computer work, canresult in injury or longer-term disability. Good ergonomics will help to

    reduce the risks.

    Heat, light, noise and vibration - Exposure to sudden changes intemperature, poor lighting and excessive vibration or noise levels canresult occupational health issues.

    Radiation - exposure to radiation (ionising and non-ionising) is a riskin manufacturing, construction and engineering occupations.

    Stress - excessive work pressure, work concerns or personalproblems can affect the employees' psychological, social and

    physical well-being.

    Smoking, drug and alcohol abuse - not only can adversely affect anindividual's performance, their behaviour can have a significantimpact in the workplaces.


    9.1 The following measures needs to be implemented in the work places toenhance occupational health:

    Identify and involve workers in assessing workplace risks.

    Assess and consider employees' needs when planning andorganising work.

    Provide advice, information and training to employees, as well asmechanisms for employee feedback such as a suggestion scheme.

    Occupational health surveillance and Occupational health audit.

    To develop a system of creating up to date data base on mortality

    and morbidity due to Occupational diseases especially thoseoccurring due to asbestos and Silica exposure in these categories ofworkers and use it for performance monitoring of the same.

    Extending support to the state government for effective enforcementof the health provisions stipulated under section 41F of the Factory

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    Act by equipping them with work environment monitoringtechnologies.


    10.1 Tackling occupational health in the workplaces should address thefollowing areas:

    Silicosis Asbestosis Stress Repetitive Strain Injury or Work-Related Upper Limb Disorders Back Pain control of hazardous substances Heat, Light and Noise

    10.2 It is essential that promoting occupational health at work places should beresorted and the following are the benefits of such measures:

    Injury and illness prevention.

    Enhanced occupational health of the workers.

    Reduction in occupational illness and diseases.

    Legal Compliance.

    Lower absenteeism.

    Improved relationships with customers and suppliers.

    Improved productivity.

    Reduced staff turnover.

    Sensitization of stake holders to adopt low cost dust controlappliances to ensure safety and health protection of weaker sectionsespecially migrant workers in dusty trades.

    Technical assistance to state health department to set up diagnosticcentres of international standards and evolve a system of periodichealth surveillance of such workers on a regular basis and at par withthat made available to workers in large scale asbestos and Silicabased industry

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    Generate adequate numbers of Associate Fellow of Industrial Health(AFIH) qualified doctors through increasing the number of accreditedmedical colleges to start AFIH courses to maintain the supply chainof qualified medical officers competent to tackle the problems of

    Asbestosis and Asbestos related disorders and Silicosis.

    The deliverables like Standards, Codes of practices, Guidelines,Posters, and films on key Occupational health issues are generatedand utilized as tools for raising awareness levels of key stake holdersfor promoting safety and health standards of the vulnerable groups ofworkers.


    11.1 Occupational Health requires to be accorded highest priority likeoccupational safety in workplaces. The Various Safety and health

    legislations and the National Policy on Safety, Health and Environment atWorkplace provide measures for enhancing Occupational Health in alleconomic activities. It is imperative on the part of stake holders that theOccupational Health programmes are implemented in workplaces byaiming, promoting, managing and maintaining the highest degree ofoccupational health meeting the global standards.

    11.2 It is suggested that joint collaborative efforts could be initiated by India andEuropean Union in the areas concerning Occupational Health, which couldresult in improved working conditions of the workers at workplace therebyresulting in identification and control of occupational diseases through -

    Conduct of seminars, workshops, training programmes and researchactivities in the field of Occupational Health.

    Exchange of information, sharing of experience and best practices.

    Establishment of Occupational Health Diagnostic and ControlCentres including poison/toxic control response centers anddevelopment of data bases on Occupational health diseases.

    Enhancing the Occupational Health Awareness/National campaigns

    to eliminate and control the incidence of Occupational Diseasesamongst the industrial workers as well as general public at large.
