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  • 8/14/2019 Label4 Web


  • 8/14/2019 Label4 Web


  • 8/14/2019 Label4 Web


    4 Labels inboxyour emails & letters

    6 News sectionwhat you need to know

    11 Features sectionscandal, blogs and more

    18 Lifestylefashion, living

    20 Whats on?this month in the bubble

    22 Music sectionall the latest music and gigs

    you need to know about

    31 Culture sectioneverything exciting in

    the world of film, art andliterature

    36 Sports sectionthe best of Lufbras sports

    vEv u

    Every Issue




    Label is the independent publication o

    Loughborough Students Union. The opinions o

    Label are those o the individual contributors not o

    Loughborough Students Union or any offi cer o the

    Union, unless otherwise stated.

    Editor In Chief

    Jon Naylor

    Acting Editor

    Pete Washer

    Deputy Editors

    The Photography Team

    News Editors

    Rob Witherow & Mel Wright

    Features Editors

    Becci King & Lauren Westwood

    Culture Editors

    Sarah Cobbold & Alex Neale

    Music Editors

    Jack Black & Mel Paramasivan

    Acting Lifestyle Editors

    Katie Hobbs & Darren Boshorin

    Sports Editors

    Emma Forsyth & Sophie Tuckett

    Head of Photography

    Seamus McDonagh

    Head of Design


    Head of Illustration


    Head of Proofreading

    George Arnold


    Sales Team

    Amy Leong @ LSU

    Helena Krzeminski @ LSU

    01509 635 100

    Label MagazineLoughborough Students Union

    Ashby RoadLoughborough

    LE11 3TT01509 635 051

    [email protected]

    14 Getting aroundFeatures does a speedy survey

    of how you get back froma night out - walk? taxi? or

    Laurens personal favourite, getcarried by a fitty!

    18 Winter WarmersLifestyle takes a quick look at what youre going to be wearing come the


    8 Fred!News investigates: Just who is the guy weve all seen out

    break-dancing in the union?!

    38 Euan DaleLabel gets an sneaky interview the

    famous British swimmer

  • 8/14/2019 Label4 Web


    So, here we are


    Another Label Tuesday,another week... Jons owatching the Liverpoolgame and Im stuck inthe offi ce watching Mr &Mrs Smith (Oh dear. Yes,I know...) putting thenishing touches to theissue.

    What I cant believe is how quickly this term

    is going. It eels like Ive only been back inthe not-so-sunny-at-the-moment Land othe Lu and yet Im already thinking aboutwhat Im doing or my Birthday (13th Decem-ber by the way!), Christmas, New Years...

    I guess what Im getting at is theres only 11issues o Label let! Make sure you scour thisone avidly, because weve got all sorts o ex-citing things going on as it starts to get dark-er, and i youve not had enough by the endo this issue, weve just done the shoot ornext issues Style special ashion take over!

    Make sure you get a copy, get one or yourriends and get one or your Mum and Dadback home.

    See you at the Rag Bonre on Saturday!

    Pete x

    Dear LAbel,

    Im Darren and I work

    here in the Students

    Union as Volunteer

    Development Oicer. We have

    put together some great training sessions to help

    students out with their studies including organis-

    ing an event, leadership skills and many more upuntil Christmas. They run every Monday rom 6pm

    until 7pm.

    We are also looking or students to become trainers

    or these sessions, especially some lads, so i youre

    reading this and interested drop us an email: train-

    [email protected]

    We also have some brilliant through an organisation

    called Junction 49. They oer students the chance

    to develop your own volunteering programmes or

    the local community and getting up to 750 in cashto help them out.

    You can email me any time through the email above

    and I am always happy to help and support you.

    Im looking orward to my mailbox becoming ull

    very soon.

    Darren Batey

    Volunteer Developmnent


    [email protected]


  • 8/14/2019 Label4 Web


    HI Label!

    Im so happy that Woolly is back in

    Label - Ive missed him over the sum-

    mer months!

    I spotted him in Issue 3 page 36 at the bottom o

    the page. I was so glad to see him, but I thought

    I should email in to get my prize.

    Look orward to seeing you all at Hey Ewe!

    Clare Tomlinson

    2nd year economics

    Congratulations Clare - your free entry will be wing-ing its way to you soon!

    If you can nd Woolly this week you too could win

    free entry to Hey Ewe. Just email [email protected] as soon as you see him to be in with a chanceof winning.

    Dear Label,

    How are you? Many congratulations on

    a sterling magazine.

    The news item you ran about Freshers

    Ball noise really brought a relevant point to my at-

    tention. I do, though, think that the whole thing got

    blown way out o proportion.

    I personally really enjoyed the Ball and hope thatthe union will nd a way to continue to provide

    great quality events like the ones we got to see at

    the Freshers weekend.

    Keep up the good work and look orward to the

    new issue!



    Thanks for the comments Keith - hopefully you en-joyed the Feeder gig on Saturday!

    The Tpyo

    Cmopetitoin is bcak!Can you spot a typo in Label? Find the deliber-

    ate errors in Label and you could win a special



    The Lbeal Editroil Taem


  • 8/14/2019 Label4 Web


    union stresses importance of safety IMAGO COMPENSATES STUDENTS

    Loughborough Students Union hasurged their members to be especiallyvigilant in the winter months as theylaunch a new campaign to ensure studentsaety in the dark hours.

    With the arrival o the new campaign, Vice PresidentCommunications Georgie Payne has said, Studentsaety is a main priority to the students union, espe-cially at this time o year.

    The timing o the messages is especially relevant, withthe clocks going back and the nights becoming colderand darker. The union is urging students to ocus onsaety, despite the relative security o Loughboroughcampus.

    The campaign stresses the importance o utilising serv-ices such as the night bus toget home saely and ensur-ing that your belongingsare secure at home andwhen out and about.

    Campus Policeman DaveBliss said, Thankully vio-lence against students israre in Loughborough,but there are some stepsyou can take to keep sae.

    When you are out, alwaysmake sure you walk homewith riends and neveralone, travelling along welllit main roads.

    By Jon Naylor By Rob Witherow

    Ater negotiations involving the Hall Stu-dents Association and LSU, Imago haveagreed to compensate students aectedby the construction o the new halls, to thetune o 40,000. The students in the roomsaected - in Rutherord, Royce and Faraday

    - will receive 3 weeks rent worth, and each hall will re-ceive 3000 rom the Universitys commercial wing.

    The compensation was due to demands made by theexec and HSA, who nally settled on an amount lowerthan originally asked or. David Goss called the out-come a antastic success and thanked Lucy Hopkins oHSA and Rob Hulme or their work. Throughout the lastacademic year, residents looking onto the constructionsite had complained o dust, noise and the proximity oworkers during the day.

    The SU President, David Goss also reminded studentsthat i they were having problems with situations suchas this, the Union is here to help, and are more likely touse their inluenceto get results whenneeded. Once theunion are involved,

    the University takesthese things more se-riously he added.

    Student kidnappers jailed

    ALoughboroughstudent who waskidnapped and heldat gunpoint a year

    ago has seen two ohis captors jailed or 11 years atLeicester Crown Court.

    Sin Jung Lin (28), Xiao Bo Yan (25)and the ringleader, who cannot yetbe named, burst into the studentshome and held him and three terri-ed emale housemates captive atgunpoint.

    The 23-year-old student was thenkidnapped and taken to Londonwhere he was orced to transer allo his 13,699 savings his tuitionees into his current account.

    Although the money was trans-erred, the student, who resided atGarendon Road in Loughborough,didnt have the correct PIN and wasallowed home to get the unds.

    He said: They let me go and gave

    me 100 o my money or train are,and told me to keep the phone onas theyd be in touch or the [ex-tra] 6,000. They threatened thatI wasnt to tell anyone. I was sure

    people close to me could be inhuge danger. Ive no idea why Iwas picked out.

    The student admitted he was toorightened to contact the policeor his parents, however a call romthe ringleader harassing him orthe money led to the phone callsbeing recorded and the arrests be-ing made.

    Two o the gun-toting criminalswho claimed to be part o the Triad,a branch o the Chinese criminal

    underworld, each admitted eightoences including kidnap, black-mail and possessing an imitationrearm and were sentenced to atotal o 22 and hal years in prison.

    By Sandeep Singh Dhillon




  • 8/14/2019 Label4 Web



    Sandeeps Snippets

    Sandeep Singh Dhillon

    Got a snippet for Sandeep?Email [email protected] and you might see

    your story in Label!

    LIGHTNING QUICK BURGERSFity-two cows have been killedat a Uruguayan cattle ranch atera lightening bolt struck a wire

    ence that the cows were leaningagainst. As one meteorologisttold the newspaper El Pais, theincident was incredible bad luckbut at least it might help lowergreenhouse gases emissions.

    Big Fat Mexican Wedding The worlds heaviest man hasmarried. However, it wasnt quitethe traditional wedding ManuelUribe was towed by truck to theceremony and donned a shirtand bed sheets. Did Manuel be-come a sell-out and sell his storyto OK! ? Hell no, you can see hiswedding on the Discovery Chan-nel instead.

    Toilet stop delays trainWeve all experienced train de-lays at some time, or one reasonor another. Well in France, where

    their trains are never late appar-ently, a train was delayed ater aman got his arm stuck in the toi-let whilst retrieving his mobilephone. Poor chap was literallydans le merde.

    Goner KebabA Wolverhampton court hasheard how the owner o a kebabshop in the city had been ound

    preparing ood just eet awayrom a dead man laying on asoa. According to the Press Asso-ciation police were called to theshop to investigate the suddendeath o a worker. I guessit brings a whole newmeaning to the phrase

    graveyard shit.

    On Monday eve-ning, Lough-borough Students

    Union hosted an

    inspiring Womens

    Nike event, The Show Up, in or-

    der to celebrate women in sport

    with special guests Paula Rad-

    clie, the renowned Olympic

    gold-medallist, and Faye White,England Ladies ootball captain.

    The event, which was a part o

    Nikes Here I Am campaign, was

    a huge success, giving students

    the opportunity to become a

    Nike Select and star in the next


    Here I Am is an ongoing Nike

    campaign, which was launched

    to build condence or womenin sport and encourage more

    women to take part. It is sup-

    ported by top emale athletes

    such as Paula Radclie and

    Maria Sharapova and highlights

    the benets o sport or women,

    raising awareness about debates

    concerning sportswomen.

    Radclie and White were present,

    giving advice to students takingpart in sports. The athletes shared

    their success stories and talked

    about their highs and lows. Rad-

    clie spoke o her injuries during

    the Athens and Bejing Olympics,

    and how she got through it, both

    physically and mentally, in time

    or her next races. White talked

    about the lack o publicity given

    to womens ootball, and how the

    FA plan to improve this, by pos-

    sibly setting up an Elite womens

    league in Summer which wont

    have to compete with the mensootball league.

    Both athletes encouraged stu-

    dents to get more involved. Get

    out there and enjoy, Paula Rad-

    clie said, the acilities out there

    are amazing, and sport leads

    great pathways to improve it-

    ness, health and condence.

    There was also a perormance by

    the prominent D-Clash 07 Crew,many reebies, a raffl e and inter-

    active games. Students were even

    given the opportunity to get pic-

    tures taken by proessional Nike

    photographers. The event overall

    was a huge success, encourag-

    ing more emale students to take

    part in sports, and gain greater

    condence within themselves.

    Faye White said Football openedup so many doors or me that I

    could never have dreamed o;

    just get out there and challenge




  • 8/14/2019 Label4 Web


    In case you mighthave not noticedat the Student nights

    around town andin the union the at-

    tention on the dance foor is o-

    cused on a slightly more mature

    member o the local commu-

    nity. His name is Fred and he is

    Loughboroughs avourite break

    dancing pensioner.

    Fred Bowers, 72, can be seen

    taking the dance foor by storm

    regularly at Vice Versa, Hey Ewe

    and FND, usually accompanied

    by a pack o cigarettes and a

    J2O. Freds passion or dancing

    came rom being a ormer Latin

    American dancer, which he used

    to take with his partner eight

    years ago. Sadly, Freds part-

    ner passed away and the Latin

    American dancing was never the

    same without her. He stumbled

    upon a break-dancing class butelt uneasy attending it with the

    kids due to his age, but he asked

    or help, training and advice a-

    ter the class had nished.

    Fred practiced at home and he

    ound a new lease o lie. Since

    then Fred has never looked back.

    Extremely t or his age due tohis ormer excellence in cricket

    and badminton, Fred is now ar-

    guably the most amous man in


    Fred says he is getting his own

    agent, and has aspirations o

    taking his hip-hop and break-

    dancing to London, perorming

    in breakdancing shows. Hes also

    had an article on his history and

    personal lie published in a na-

    tional magazine and even made

    an appearance on ITV News!

    Fred has been living this crazy

    lie since 2006 - the ormer land-

    scape gardeners standard night

    out is hitting the pubs and clubs

    at around 10PM, staying until

    closing time then going home

    and walking his dog Lucky. This

    is, Fred says, done up to 7 timesa week.

    The most important topic is how

    Fred is viewed by the students

    he entertains and socialises with.

    Neil Fraser, a 3rd year Politics

    student says At rst I thought

    he was a bit o a joke, but now

    I have come to realise he is justpart o the woodwork. It is true

    to say he is now an offi cial insti-

    tution in Loughborough - he has

    various Facebook an groups, en-

    titled Old man o Lubra appre-

    ciation, Right said FRED and

    Fred the oldest and best break

    dancer, reveller and party ani-

    mal in Lubra!, some with several

    hundred members.

    Facebook groups are a genuine

    sign o popularity and notoriety.

    One student described his hair-

    style as outrageous! - it displays

    his youthul exuberance. There is

    no doubt that he is riendly and

    has sound intentions, and has

    become a cult gure or some.

    Fred is not everyones cup o tea.

    Some eel he puts himsel up or

    humiliation and mickey taking,

    some eel he is an outsider in a

    student population. It is slightly

    odd seeing an old man break

    dancing in the union surrounded

    The (old) Man about Campus By Oliver Sloane



  • 8/14/2019 Label4 Web


    by a ew drunken students who are laughing and

    shouting and pointing.

    Martin Murphy 3rd year just described him as acrowd accumulator. It would be interesting to see

    what everyone thought i they saw him when they

    were sober.

    Fred has guaranteed us that he will be around or

    the rest o this year beore perhaps setting o or

    pastures new. Avid ans should watch the next

    season o Britains Got Talent to see i Fred impress-

    es the judges. He called the early stage o the au-

    dition process, which has just been to one o the

    best days o my lie.

    Im really proud o mysel or doing something I

    love, and the popularity has just become a social

    eect. I cant believe the amount o support Ive

    been getting!

    Im really proudof myself for doing

    something I love

    Got any pictures of you and Fred? Send them

    in with a brief explanation of why its so bril-liant to [email protected] and well see

    about printing them in the next issue!



  • 8/14/2019 Label4 Web


    By Becky Coyne

    Lo u g h b o r o u g hUniversity hasonce again been

    awarded the Best

    Student Experi-

    ence award at The Times HigherAwards on 23rd October. The

    prestige award, which was voted

    or solely by students, makes it a

    hat trick win or the university,

    ater winning it consecutively or

    the last three years.

    Students were asked to rate not

    just the university in terms o

    what it has to oer but also their

    Loughborough experience andonce again Loughborough has

    beaten all opponents.

    The event is held annually at

    the Grosvener House Hotel in

    London and is organised by The

    Times Higher Education maga-

    zine, with the Best Student Expe-

    rience award being one o only

    two awards o the night voted

    or purely by students.

    The purpose o the night is toacknowledge British universities

    who are making a dierence, not

    only to their university but their

    contribution to the economic

    and cultural health o the coun-


    Loughborough Students' Un-

    ion President David Goss com-

    mented: "It's a real privilege to

    have received this award or the

    third successive year, particularly

    as it is voted or by students. Theaward is a refection o the well-

    rounded academic and social

    experience enjoyed by our stu-

    dents at Loughborough."

    The results ound that students

    were particularly impressed with

    the universitys vast choice o ex-

    tra-curricular activities, sporting

    acilities, the library service and

    the helpulness o lecturers.

    It is another proud win or the

    university as earlier this year we

    were awarded The Sunday Times

    University o the Year award,

    proving the Loughborough ex-

    perience really is like no other.



    it is a real privilege

    for loughborough to receive thisaward : GOSSY


    Many studentsdue to startuniversity next year

    will ace oreseeable

    inancial diiculties

    as grants are cut because o the

    increasing number o students

    applicable or support.

    The Department or Innovation,

    Universities and Skills has admit-ted a huge unding shortall o

    over 200 million. The students

    most aected will be rom mid-

    dle income amilies where only

    students rom amilies earning up

    to 50,020 next year will be eligi-

    ble a cut rom the 60,000 limit

    in 2007.

    University Secretary John Denham

    admitted that only one third o

    students were expected to qualiy

    or the ull grant when in act over

    40% had qualied aected over

    50,000 students.

    The proposed plan has been met

    with a barrage o criticism; the

    measures introduced by the gov-

    ernment to compensate or its

    miscalculation will aect many

    amilies who are already strug-

    gling with the impact o the credit

    crunch. Wes Streeting, president

    o the National Union o Students,

    said "The government needs to

    stop tinkering with grants and ees

    every year, and recognise that the

    entire higher education unding

    system is unsustainable.

    Expansion in student numbers isalso set to be cut next year to no

    more than 10,000 which will mean

    there will be signicantly ewer

    places on oer next year despite

    record numbers applying.



  • 8/14/2019 Label4 Web



    DiaryOkay, its no secret that I love

    a bit attention rom the lads

    (rugby boys, take note), but last

    week I discovered that some-

    times, you CAN have too much

    o a good thing, especially when

    the good thing is dressed as

    your nan.

    Weve all been there, readers

    the night where your best

    riends boyriend has had one

    too many and relishes in re-

    minding you o past conquests

    youd rather orget, that riend-

    o-a-riend whos tongue is

    sharper than a machete and the

    mate whos lost all concept o

    grip and can only throw emptyglass bottles at your eet.

    So, ater having put up with

    this lot on Hey Ewe, I decided

    to head home beore the rest

    o my riends unortunately,

    who did I bump into?! Oh yes,

    do you remember Mr Strawber-

    ry Seedless rom a ew weeks

    ago? There he was in all his

    glory, dressed as an old womanand clearly wanted a bit o a re-

    peat o the seeing to I gave him

    as a nave resher, and would he

    listen when I told him where to

    go? Did he hell!

    23 phone calls later (all o which

    I rejected), he eventually got the

    hint but heres a hint or you

    boys, grovelling just aint hot

    We all look somewhatdisapprovingly towardsthe girl at the bus stop at nine

    oclock in the morning, wearingheels and last nights eyeliner,

    or the boy in the ruffl ed shirt,

    walking with his eyes irmly

    glued to the ground, a pinkness

    to his cheeksBut really, secretly

    maybe were a bit jealous?

    Okay, they look a bit trampy and

    worse or wear, but they also

    have that distant glint in their

    eye; a glint that says: YeahI got

    some last night.

    And i its you heading home ater

    a longer night than intended, try

    to see the unny side. Ater all,

    it could be worse; you could be

    in ridiculous ancy dress or even

    bump into that one person you

    really dont want to see. But i you

    are a pirate/airy/reman strolling

    home in the harsh light o day,at least its a hilarious anecdote

    to share with your buddies,

    who most probably have a very

    similar tale under their belt, and

    i they dont then they havent

    really lived!

    So, dont look scornully at these

    victims, who all prey to decisions

    that seemed so right ater a

    couple o beveragesEmbrace

    them, give em a cheeky wink andlet them hold their head up high,

    or this isnt a walk o shame, but

    one o triumph. Congratulations:

    youve still got it!

    a Walk Of Triumph

    They also have that distant glint in

    their eye; a glint that says: YeahIgot some last Steph Jennings



  • 8/14/2019 Label4 Web


    Relationships that begin at University face many challenges, butalso give us lots of pleasure. Finding love in the Luff shouldntbe too hard when you look at the stats, acording to those in theknow at Label...

    I am The One and Only!Aaah the single lie. and whens better

    to be single than at uni?

    Some might try and tell you that being in

    a relationships the bees knees, but really,

    nows the time the phrase young, ree

    and single really comes into its own.

    Dont be ooled by the loved-up couplescanoodling in the corner; they may seem

    like they cant get enough o one another,

    but surely this monogamous, exclusive

    club-or-two conficts with our innate

    human instincts to share the love?

    The one thing that really grates the nerves

    on a night out is the other hal breathing

    down your neck/ evil-ing potential new

    buddies/getting possessive/getting

    stroppy/getting wasted and, worst o all

    sins: pulling out the immortal havent

    you had enough, lets go home un-

    ny never used to be an issue!

    Without sounding uber selsh, being sin-

    gle does exactly what it says on the tin

    youre a ree agent. A lone ranger, i you

    will: its all about number one and thats

    the way (uh-huh, uh-huh) we like it.

    Theres no need to worry about anyone


    Singletons are unique, uninhibited and

    unimpeded upon. Its no coincidence

    that this learning establishment we

    know as university also begins with those

    three little letters, that together translate

    as one

    relationships at




  • 8/14/2019 Label4 Web


    Long DistanceRelationships: Make or

    Break?By Sarah JuckesEveryone who has come to Uni in a long

    distance relationship has experienced

    the look.

    The Look, o course, being the: what-



    relationships-never-work look. WRONG!

    The truth is, long distance relationshipsare a make or break thing. When they

    break, they break (and lets ace it, eve-

    ryone knows o one that has).

    But when they make they sure make!

    Lets be honest here peeps, i a relation-

    ship can last 3 years long-distance, then

    you know there isnt much else that

    can break it.

    What with the new wizardy technolo-

    gies we have these days, it is possible to

    see your lover every day i you want. Get

    a webcam, a phone or a rail card.

    One weekend they can come see you,

    and one weekend you can go and seethem. Relationships dont have to ruin

    your Lubra experience; they can en-

    hance them.

    And i all o this seems too much like

    hard work, then maybe you shouldnt

    be trying.

    Loved Up On CampusBy Steph Jennings

    In an area where youre surrounded by

    people o a similar age, the odds o nd-

    ing someone you click with are probably

    the highest theyll ever be.

    However, i and when you do nd that

    special someone, there could be una-

    voidable issues. Whilst your new lover

    may be ve minutes across campus, the

    ve months o the year spent in your

    real home might not be so convenient,

    and youre looking at a long distance re-

    lationship - always an added pressure.

    Relationships at this age are tough;

    youre still young and this is the time

    when youre encouraged to be ree and

    experience all that lie has to oer.

    However, some o us are simply more

    comortable in a relationship. They

    mature you, whether you plan on it or

    not, so i you enter into a serious com-

    mitment at university it may mean less

    nights out at the union.

    But, it wont make your Loughborough

    Experience any less exciting, because

    whats more exciting than alling in




  • 8/14/2019 Label4 Web



    As students we are not collectively the richestgroup o individuals and with the current cred-it crunch looming over us it is clear that we needto consider where our money is going. In a Label

    survey o Loughborough students, we discovered

    that 90% have admitted their most requent way

    to travel in the evening is by taxi! In a complete

    contrast rom day travel it ap-

    pears that we are more willing to

    splash the cash on a night out!

    I you were to go out twice a

    week and get a taxi both to and

    rom your chosen destinationyou would be spending an aver-

    age o 176 a year!

    Question: Post Night out, AreYou Johnny Lazy? Or Are YouCaptain Spends-a-lot?!Day

    Walking seems to be the preerred

    method o travel; people obviously

    love to strut their stu about the

    borough. This is also the healthi-

    est option as we are meant to walka mile a day, according to Govern-

    ment guidelines.

    Driving around is very lazy, people:

    think o your carbon ootprint!

    However, how else are we meant

    to get all our Tesco Finest into the

    ridge? And as we all know, walking to lectures in

    the rain is just not cool.

    Pedalling is also a good way to burn o last nightsPapa Simon. A bike comes in handy but the lycra

    stays at home.

    Crawling made a surprise appearanceOne too

    many at Hey Ewe?

    Kieran Walsh

    Label has decided to investigate how the students of Lough-borough move around by day and stumble by night.

    Putting this into perspective you could purchase 70

    double vodka red bulls or 222 songs rom iTunes.

    Keep this in mind next time youre leaving a clubor bar and talk your riends into walking home, or

    even jump on the union night bus, which costs just

    1 to anywhere Loughborough.

    Jenny Francis



  • 8/14/2019 Label4 Web






    INGLEPINGLEWe have all walked past this little treasure andwonderedwhy on earth it was named so?And Label has theanswer!

    Sort o

    A Pingle isa midlands term or an allotment.Asor the In-

    gle, no one seemsto have any idea. But it rhymes, sowere

    happy. InglePinglewas also thetitle olocal Loughborough

    band Apache Outlawsdebut album.

    Kieran Walsh

    CLAYPIPEJITTYThis alleyway, known as said jitty by locals, runs alongside Wilkos,

    but despite its amusing name, theres notmuchhistoricalexcitement,

    were araid.

    Theres several versionsotheclay pipe: a pipe or sewage (ooh, hownice!), and the type that you smoke tobacco with. Just imagine, back

    in the day, when the onlyhoodies you would fnd hanging aboutthe

    streets wore peaked caps, shirts andbraces, smoking fnerthings in

    their clay pipes.

    Zoe Green


    Once considered Loughboroughs romantic spot, leg-

    endhas it that during the plague, this is where quar-

    antinedloverswould meetin secret.However, today

    it is somewhatless romantic and Label would advise

    that youdont walkthrough this alleyater darkwith-

    out a strongriendor two.

    Dear Label,

    Im taking a hot girl out at the

    weekend, but my mates man-

    aged to singe o an entire eye-

    brow with a sparkler on bonre

    night I look like an prat! What

    do I do?!



    Dear Baldy-Brow,

    Looks like youve got yoursel inquite a pickle! Here at the offi ceweve had a think (and a laugh!)about your options, heres ourtop ve

    In at 5: Eyebrow pencil;

    4: Shave the other one o soyoure balanced out!3: Explain, hope she has a senseo humour and nds your new

    look hot;2: Get a ringe; and nally.

    1: Get a hat (good or this

    weather!) and remember, iit gets to that point take

    Tom Joness advice andleave your hat on.

    Good luck!Label



  • 8/14/2019 Label4 Web


    Monday:Pick & Mix 3 - 5: A little bit o everything, all rolled into one!

    Malins and Armstrong 6-8: Kick back and chill out on a Monday evening.

    Jamies Alternative Show 8-9: Jami guides you through the best that new music has to oer.

    Tuesday:Its Denitely Tuesday 10-12: JJ and Pete take an irreverent look at lie.Annie 3-5: A selection o great tunes to bop along to during those busy revision periods.

    Tom Westwood 8-10: Warms you up or Stupid Tuesday with the biggest and best dance anthems

    and foorllers.

    Wednesday:Em & Em Show 3-5: Brilliant music and even better chat rom the girls to make sure Wednesdayaternoons fy by.

    Midweek Meringue 6-8: Irmak warms you up or Lubras biggest weekly night out.

    Dj Soc 10-12: Missing Hey Ewe? Not to worry. DJ Society hit you with all the best mixes and hottest

    new favours all the way through to midnight.

    Thursday:Luke and Sam 10-12: The guys do their best to get you through those Thursday morning hango-

    vers with top tunes.Artist of the Week 6-8: Irmaks back and previewing the hottest new bands and the lowdown on

    the best new music.

    Dickie Heath 8-10:The grandad o LCR brings his world amous shows to the ariwaves o Lubra

    with the best alternative music in the world.

    Loughborough Campus Radio is pumping out topquality music and features each and every day.

    Here's a look at bhe Biggest and Best that LCR

    have to offer live on

    Labels handymedia guide...


  • 8/14/2019 Label4 Web


    Friday:Georgie 12-2: Georgie brings you all the latest news rom the Exec offi ce and tells you how you

    can get the most out o your time at Lubra.

    Weekend Warm Up 8-10: Andy Marlow bring you his Award Winning Show to end your week in

    style and kick-start your weekend. Tune in or the biggest and hottest tracks right now.

    FND Live: Cant make it to FND? No worries: LCR bring you all the action rom Room 1 live til the

    early hours o the morning.

    Breakfast Show8-10 weekdays:Dave and the team give you the perect way tostart your day. With the biggest Lubra guests and

    all the news rom around campus, LCR breakast

    is the best way to wake up each and every morn-


    Lufbra Live: 5thDec

    LSUTV News: 24thNov

    Lufbra Gold:

    14th Nov, 11th Dec

    In Control 12-2:Simon Bushell, James Spokoini, Chloe and

    Mel, Gemma Taggart.

    LCRs nest make sure your lunchtimes are

    catered or with the best music and biggest


    Never one to be out-

    done, LSUTV has sometop live shows comingout before Christmason


  • 8/14/2019 Label4 Web


    By Claire Lucas

    Trench coats are a massive trend,

    theyre perect or walking to a

    lecture in the rain! This gorgeous

    beige coat is rom is rom Lipsy

    and is a steal at 65.

    This coat rom is a tad

    pricey at 100, but its bang on trend

    and the bow on the back is really

    cute. Plus, Sienna Miller was seen

    wearing the black version!

    Have a peek at or cute woolly hats,

    gloves, socks, basically woolly everything!

    I you love the tartan look but dont want to go

    ull on Braveheart go or accessories like this..









    Go woolly in hats, scarves, gloves and our avesocks! Pick your own avourites

    rom this Accesorize selection...

    ASOS 12 ASOS 4




  • 8/14/2019 Label4 Web


    In keeping with this weeks winter theme, here are Labels best buys:

    Best dressed this week:

    Florrie Thomas, a Textile Design 2nd Year,

    shows us the perect example o how to get

    a great outt on a budget.

    Cowboy Boots - Charity Shop 10

    Skirt - H&M 12

    Belt - Camden Market 5

    T-shirt - Uniqlo 12

    Cardigan - Topshop 20

    Bag - Carboot Sale 50p

    Necklace - Ladyluckrulesok 14



    ASOS 2! Accessorize 10


    UNIQLO 24.99

    By Laura Bullen

    By Janhavi Rane

    Do you think youre the best dressed?

    Email [email protected] with a




  • 8/14/2019 Label4 Web


  • 8/14/2019 Label4 Web



    Cert.12A, 106 mins, Fri-Sun

    11.00am 12.00 2.00 3.00 5.00

    6.00 8.00 9.00 Mon-Thu 2.00

    3.00 5.00 6.00 8.00 9.00

    SAW V

    Cert.18, 92 mins,

    Daily 5.00 7.00 9.00


    Cert.12A, 102 mins

    Fri-Sun 4.20 6.30 8.50 Mon-

    Thu 2.10 4.20 6.30 8.5



    Cert.U, 112 mins,

    Fri-Sun 11.00am 12.15 1.15

    2.45 3.45 5.30 6.15 8.15

    8.45 Mon-Thu 2.45 3.45 5.30

    6.15 8.15 8.45

  • 8/14/2019 Label4 Web
























    is or Electro!

    Electro is typied by the use o a drum machine

    as the base o a track with the instrumentation

    being mainly electronic.

    Legends: Kratwerk, Gary Numan, Dat Punk

    Artist o Today: Boys Noize, MSTRKRFT, Metro-nomy

    Check Out: Digitalism


    is or Folk!

    Evolving rom songs which brought to-

    gether lower classes, olk music uses tra-

    ditionally sot guitar rits mixed with lyrics

    expressing ways o simple lie.

    Legends: Nick Drake, Dylan, Cat StevensArtist o Today: Laura Marling

    Check Out: Broken Records, Jeremy


    Gis or Grunge!

    Fusing elements o hardcore punk and heavy

    metal coupled with angst-lled lyrics, Grunge

    dominated the airways throughout the 90s.

    Legends: Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, Mudhoney,Screaming Trees

    Artist o Today: Future o the Let, Part Chimp,


    Check Out: The War on Drugs

    His or Hip-Hop!

    Arguably, still one o the cornerstones

    o modern-music today, its legacy and

    importance is undeniable.

    Legends: Run DMC, Public Enemy, NWA,

    Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five

    Artist o Today: Jay-Z, The Roots, Jurassic

    5, Outkast

    Check Out: N-Dubz, Lil Wayne

    Label loves music, Loughboroughand Students. Realising these threeacts weve come up with the antastic

    idea o merging them together! Con-

    used??? Right, basically we need you

    to start sending us in your music! I you

    are in a band, send us some o your

    tracks by email or CD and i we like

    them, well try and squeeze them in

    the magazine. Even i you have a bandback home but come to Loughbor-

    ough wed love to hear rom





  • 8/14/2019 Label4 Web


    What do you get whenyou mix a MySpace pagewith over ive million

    views, teenage good looks anda set o tracks drenched in teen-age angst another pop punkMySpace band?

    Well, yes, yet tonight Surreybased You Me At Six prove to besomething o a conundrum.

    With support slots being provid-ed by American bands (Farewell,Houston Calls) its clear to see whyYMA6 have been criticised orollowing the trail blazed by thewave o successul US pop punkbands. Yet tonights perormance

    holds as a powerul statement toany critics labelling them as an-other Blink 182 rip o.

    YMA6 oer a slice o the Britishpie straight out o the kitchen o

    UK pop punk acts that is provingyou dont need to be all sweptaside ringes and skinny jeans topull o a perormance seen likethe one tonight.

    Playing a selection o tracks rom

    their recently released debutalbum, the set is fawless. Tour-ing with the likes oThe Auditionand New Found Gloryhave clearlymade the band more solid as alive act, perorming with a stagepresence similar to that o theiridols.

    The Gossip instantly gets handsclapping with its inectious open-ing chant, with every mouth

    within the venue singing along.The loud cheer beore Take OYour Colours implies an instantcrowd avourite or the albumtrack which raises the tempera-ture even more in the now swel-

    tering venue.

    By the time set nisher The Ru-mour is played the band andcrowd erupt. The seas o sweatdrenched bodies actively ol-low as bass and powerchord are

    employed creating a ormidablecombination and culminating ina climax that sees both band andcrowd nish the gig ashionablydisruptive.

    This is a scene knee deep inAmerican infuence, yet tonightYMA6 add the British ingredient,proving to be as exciting and en-ergetic as any Stateside perorm-ance. Perorming with a maturity

    usually seen in their US counter-parts and a support slot withFall Out Boycoming up, it seemstheres only America or this actto conquer. Maybe theyll t it inbeore they turn 19?

    Jack Black takes a quick trip to Nottingham Rescue Rooms to take a look

    at what turns out not to be yet another teen-pop-punk sensation for the

    one hit wonder drawer...



  • 8/14/2019 Label4 Web


    Mel and David caught up with Matt and Doug after thegig and tickled their brains for some answers

    So, how did you nd playing Loughborough Stu-

    dents Union?

    It was cool. Weve just come back rom playing the

    USA where they expected longer sets, so we added

    brass sections and instrumental sections. We hardly

    play to set demographics like student audiences.

    A refreshing atmosphere?LABEL:

    Yeah, its a really good mix which is really nice. Not

    that dierent rom a estival crowd.

    Youve decided to keep on a female vocal-LABEL:

    ist after Laura Marlings departure, why is this?

    The parts were there and sound great live, its nice tofesh things out. The majority o our album works in

    many layers, so we need another voice.

    Do you think youll work with Laura Mar-LABEL:

    ling again at some stage?

    Its possible, she is a very talented lady but very busy.

    Well be making the next record at around January,

    it may be the case that the next album doesnt have

    any emale vocals on at all.

    Youve got very romantic and naturalisticLABEL:

    themes throughout the album, from where do you

    draw inspiration?

    Its diffi cult to pin down all our infuences and hard

    to crack the sub-conscious. I guess place is an im-

    Noah and the Whale


    Students Union


    By Mel Paramasivan & David Smith

    I you missed Noah and the Whale at the Union, youmissed one o the most exciting new bands play oneo the most intimate venues they will ever grace.

    I you thought 5 years was all they had to oer, youwill be pleasantly surprised. The humble Londonbased olk band, are in act our answer to Arcade Fire.Experimenting with an array o unusual instruments,they perormed a beautiully composed set, trans-orming Room 1 into an intimate cave o harmoniousdreams.


    I you Gotta Run

    2 Atoms

    Shape O My Heart

    Give A Little Love


    2nd Home


    Red Alert


    Rocks and Daggers

    5 Years time

    First Days

    Encore: 2 bodies




  • 8/14/2019 Label4 Web


    portant actor.

    The album was made to have a vocabulary and have

    recurring themes and continuity.

    You mentioned place, is Twickenham aLABEL:

    particularly inspiring place, home to other artists

    such as Mystery Jets and Pete Townshend

    We didnt actually meet the Jets until we movedout into London, but a lot o artists like the Who

    played Island.

    But we are literally the other side o the tracks.

    People have suggested that 5 years time isLABEL:

    not like your album... what dyou reckon?

    Like every song, someone always brings something

    new to it. I you read the lyrics in a particular way,

    then the song may seem more cynical about lie, in

    a world weary way.

    What will you be doing in 5 years time?LABEL:

    Promoting 10 years Time. The ollow up single that

    well get to in about 5 years time. So well be span-

    ning about 15 years at least.

    Do you think 5 years time will become yourLABEL:

    signature song?

    We like playing it and it was our rst single, our sec-

    ond one hasnt even come out yet. It will only be an

    issue i you make it. Its powerul that people latchonto your songs like that.

    We were getting along quite well with the boys, so

    at this point we thought wed test their eloquence

    to the ull.

    We were wondering because you are soLABEL:

    romantic, you could re-write a few colloquial lyrics

    for us?

    Oops, I did it again

    I ventured orth into the depth o your misty soul

    and I came out none the wiser

    I aint saying shes a goldigga

    Interesting. Im not saying her avarice is a problem.

    But perhaps it something we should look at

    I feel like a Woman.

    I eel like a women errr is it enough Ive said it.

    Man, I do eel like a woman. Saying it out loud was

    a big enough step. This is awkward and quite an ex-plicit way o coming out.

    On that note, they bid them adieu and wished them

    luck on their rst national headlining tour.

    Fact File

    The name Noah and the Whale comes

    rom a mix o their avourite lm The

    Squid and the Whale, and the directorNoah Baumbach.

    They played 26 estivals this summer

    including Latitude and Field Day

    By their own admission, their biggest

    inspiration is Bonnie Prince Billy

    Loughborough were the 1st audience

    to see their new video and 2nd to hear

    their new material



  • 8/14/2019 Label4 Web


    Kanye Westlove lockdown

    Leona Lewisforgive me

    The Viewfive rebeccas

    Kaiser Chiefsoff with their heads

    Simple and original with a verycatchy chorus.

    Upbeat catchy chorus, i yourea an o Mariah Carey this isyour thing.

    Standard indie-rock which iyou heard it you couldnt helpbut enjoy it, a powerul songthat will get your eet tapping.

    Not up to usual Kanye stand-ard. Such a voice, such a waste.

    It just sounds the same as whatThe View have done beore and

    can anyone really understandwhat hes saying.

    Aguilera and Mariah, pleasedont become a clone Leona!

    Following on rom the riotous success o their rsttwo albums, there were great hopes or the latest e-ort rom Leeds avourite sons. However, O With Their

    Heads is a poor, monotonous eort rom the KaiserChies in all honesty.

    With Mark Ronson in charge o production you mighthave cause or optimism, but that ades ast. The al-bum sounds like it was made very quickly, with careand thought in short supply.

    The lyrics are simple and uninspiring. There are no realbrilliant standout tracks. There is just no lie in thisalbum.

    Never Miss a Beat is probably the track

    with the most energy, Lily Al-len providing the backing

    vocals in an eort whichthreatens to scale the

    heights o a KaiserChies classic.

    There is also the random eature o UK rapper Swaywhich livens Hal the Truth just beore you wereabout to all asleep.

    The Kaiser Chies have produced some great tracksin the past but sadly here they all short o anythingseen beore and seem in need o a new direction. Dis-


    Beyonce Knowlesif i were a boy

    This does sound somewhatamiliar.

    Yet another upliting girly eelgood song.

    Her earlier Destinys Childdays.

    Usher enough said. The Fratellis, The Wombats, etc.



  • 8/14/2019 Label4 Web




























    Big Feature


  • 8/14/2019 Label4 Web


    International Rock Band andChristian arent a normal com-bination o phrases. But then,

    Delirious? are anything but a

    normal band. Any band that can

    pack Loughborough Students

    Union out with ans ranging romten to sixty years old is just a lit-

    tle bit dierent, even beore you

    start thinking about their music.

    But then, theyre no spring chick-

    ens themselves; having been go-

    ing strong or well over 10 years,

    theyve inally admitted their

    need to take a break. Ater 7 al-

    bums and 3 top-20 hits (which

    or a non-mainstream band, isnt

    bad), theyve decided to call it aday. Theyve supported acts such

    as Bon Jovi and Bryan Adams on

    tour, played everywhere rom

    Glastonbury to Wembley and as

    o Saturday 25th Oct, Loughbor-

    ough Students Union.

    Saturday night saw Room1

    decked out in shopping trolleys, a

    lampshade, a disused ridge; not

    your average band props. Theirtour is called Kingdom o Com-

    ort, a comment about the con-

    sumerist society we live in, and

    the paradox that even when we

    have everything we need, were

    constantly being told we need

    more. Pulled in all dierent direc-

    tions, we need a central point,

    something to ocus our lives

    around. Were all wired to worship

    something; be it sport, ashion,looking good, music whatever

    your god is, it shapes who you

    are how you spend your time and

    how you act. As a Christian band,

    hal o Delirious? discography are

    worship tracks. That is, songs that

    over the years have trickled down

    into churches and are now sung

    across the country by thousands

    o people.

    How does this lie with being an

    international rock band? Famousacross the globe, and having re-

    leased mainstream music, their

    integrity shines through their

    reusal to sell-out by keeping

    ocused on why they make mu-

    sic. Delirious? want to reach the

    hearts o their listeners but more

    importantly, urge them into ac-

    tion. Some o their most amous

    lyrics are: Im gonna be a history

    maker in this land. Im gonna be

    a speaker o truth to all mankind.

    Theres something inspiring in

    their passion and never-ending

    optimism that the little guy really

    does have the power to change

    the world.

    In one o their last ever inter-

    views, Sarah Cobbold and Fiona

    Levey chat with Delirious? about

    love, open-air experiences andlucky socks.

    Your new single, Love Will Find

    a Way, comes out in less than

    a month, can you tell us a bit

    about it?

    Stu G: Its sel-exp lanatory: we

    believe in love being a great orce

    and a great power. Some o our

    experiences have been in India,

    and places like that, o coming

    out o a 5* hotel and then walk-

    ing into a slum, and actually how

    that messes with your head. And

    to ask or a response rom you in-

    dividually, what does this mean?

    Were tackling some o that in

    Love will nd a way. Were just

    saying that love is the answer.

    Youre huge on both sides of the

    Atlantic. Which crowd is better:

    American or English?

    Tim: [Without hesitation] Oh, the



    Martin: Well I think in America

    you need to explain yoursel a

    lot. Theres a lot more dualism,

    so things always have to t into

    dierent little boxes. But were

    quite broad in the sense that weplay a lot o great rock music but

    with a powerul message. Some-

    times youve got to be either one

    or the other in America but in the

    UK our ans love that we just step

    outside those two boxes.

    Youve played a lot of dierent

    venues over the years- whats

    your favourite place to play?

    Stu G: Theres so many, and somany have great memories. I re-

    member one o my highlights o

    being in the band was playing in

    the Greek theatre in Caliornia,

    and playing under the stars.

    Obviously we know your an-

    swer will be Loughborough

    Students Union after tonight.

    (All murmur agreement).

    Martin: I think like Stu says, the

    open air concerts always have a

    bit o magic to them. Theres no

    roo anywhere, so the music has a

    bit more space. We love that.

    Big Feature


  • 8/14/2019 Label4 Web


    Your music has a bit more

    meaning behind it than the

    average top 40 band. What

    kind of message do you hope

    to communicate to your fans

    through your music?

    Stu G: I think every band hassome kind o message in their

    songs even i its a song about

    a relationship or something but

    or us, music is a great vehicle

    or just wanting to promote

    goodness, love and grace, jus-

    tice and peace and stu like

    that. Theyd be the themes.

    I have a pair o lucky songs that

    I cant sing without; do youhave any lucky items that you

    cant perorm without?

    Paul (the drummer): My drum


    [All laugh] That is lucky.

    Finally, why the question

    mark at the end of Delirious?

    Martin: Because weve been

    keeping people guessing or

    years as to what we are.

    And this is at the heart o Deliri-ous?. Sure, plenty o rock bands

    are anti-consumerist and pro-

    activist. Martin, asked what his

    ideal job post-Delirious? would

    be, said music by day, UN by

    night. But what sets this band

    apart is their reason or caring,

    and wanting to make a di-

    erence. Their songs ocus on

    someone who they believe can

    ease the injustice and heal thebroken hearted. They unasham-

    edly sing out Gods name while

    still providing rock music good

    enough to hit the mainstream

    charts and that makes them

    very dierent indeed.

    Delirious?s new single, Love will nd a

    way is released November 17th.

    Big Feature


  • 8/14/2019 Label4 Web


    So youve read the review and

    youve read the interview, but

    you might be still wondering

    just who Delirious? actually are.

    How is it that such a amous band

    among the Christian community merely fickers on

    the main-stream radar? Music charts, in their ckle

    way tend to ignore the cliquey bands who dont ea-

    ture heavily on todays equivalent o Top o The Pops

    or NMEs charts. Have a look round HMV or some-

    where similar and youll nd at least sixteen o their

    albums or singles, most o which have a 5 star cus-

    tomer review on the website.

    How have this band who, to be honest having seen

    them, have quite a range o musical talent slipped

    through the net?

    Even i you dont appreciate the lyrics, you might ap-

    preciate the rocking bass-lines or the odd screaming


    Maybe thats just it. Maybe people cant see past the

    lashings o religious ervour that litter the bands


    To be honest, and in some ways it does pain me to

    say this, perhaps that is true or me. Stood in the au-

    dience, at times it was uncomortable just how reli-

    giously overt the night was.

    Growing up loving a bit o AC/DC. Led Zep, Iron Maid-

    en and the likes, it just eels so... wrong... to be using

    rock music to portray this sort o message. No doubt

    a lot o people will disagree, calling me some sort o

    Bible-bashing Atheist, but realistically the carriages

    dont suit the engine.

    Stryper tried it in the 80s, and although they got a

    couple o Gold and a Platinum records, one could

    quite easily argue that they were instantly sprung to

    ame by the unusualness o both their lyrical content

    and the bands ethos.

    Delirious? have some good things and some bad

    things going or them. Maybe not one I would see

    again, but alright i guess i you like that sort o thing.

    Pete Washer

    Big Feature


  • 8/14/2019 Label4 Web


    Saw vdavid hackl

    Holly Stainburn

    hungersteve mcqueen

    Alex Neale

    A harrowing and utterly realpiece based on the last 6 weeksin the lie o IRA prisoner BobbySands, instigator o the 1981hunger strike, by which they

    were ghting or political status.

    Both shocking and moving, wesee their unbelievable determi-nation in the ace o the brutalbeatings they suer. There is alarge ocus on the graphic vio-lence o the lm, and British art-ist and director Steve McQueendoesnt hold back.

    Some shots are so close-up and

    prolonged that you are almostable to eel every strike on yourown body.

    It has topped the list at the Brit-ish Independent Film Awards,collecting seven nominations.However, when rst screened, itreceived walk-outs as well as astanding ovation; an indicationo exactly how intense the lmis.

    Deep-thinking, arty types willlove it, however those look-ing or an easy watch, steerclear o this lm -its anythingbut!

    Saw returns or a th and potentially nal instalment by ollowingthe ootsteps o Jigsaws new protg, orensics expert Homan,and his attempt to continue the legacy.

    The return o Saw has become an annual occurrence now and eachyear the sequels get progressively worse.

    Saw V continues this regular theme by relying too much on fash-backs and churning Out the same old plot.

    On the other hand Saw V denitely doesnt disappoint on the goreactor. With the opening scene showing a man being sliced in halby a swinging pendulum, the usual Saw ormat o torture, bloodand more torture ensues.

    I you havent seen the rest o the Saw movies, give it a miss. Simi-larly the squeamish and aint hearted should avoid at all costs.

    For those looking or a good Halloween scare, avid Saw ans, wan-nabe psychopaths and those who welcome an alternative to the

    equally grotesque HighSchool Musical 3, Saw

    V is denitely wortha look.

    QUANTUM OF SOLACEmarc forster

    Luke KaileBond is back in this extension o Casino Royale with more action, tauterdialogue and a quirky plot. The lm continues moments ater the Ca-siono Royale nished and starts a little thin but soon picks up, taking therevenge motive to new grounds.

    Craigs Bond appears dierent to his predecessors; he learns lessonswhile desperately trying to hide his humanity. Dominic Greene is thevillain and very much like Casino Royale, he has ar more interesting mo-tives than your average 007 are.

    Furthermore, neither Bond nor hisgirl companion are seeking Greeneas their ultimate goal, which createsan innovative twist. Quantum evenmanages to create a more accom-plished Bond than Casino Royale.

    A dark lm; violent and unorgivingbut never short o a little light hu-mour. Highly recommended.



  • 8/14/2019 Label4 Web


    got faith?

    By Hardeep KaurSikh Soc President

    like all great easterncelebrat ions, thereis always a story toaccompany

    You probably havent real-

    ised that two o the biggestevents in the World Faiths cal-

    endar have slipped by - Bandi

    Chor Divas and Diwali. Al-

    though both are celebrated on

    the same day, each is celebrated or

    dierent reasons by their respective


    A cha (Indian tea) and Samosa party

    was held by Sikh Soc to celebrate on

    Monday. Sikhs celebrate Bandi ChorDivas to represent reedom. Like all

    great eastern celebrations, there is al-

    ways a story to accompany.

    This one is based on the sixth Guru be-

    ing released rom wrongul imprison-

    ment, alongside 52 Hindu kings, who

    were political prisoners. Upon release

    Guru Hargobind Ji went to the Golden

    Temple in Amritsar, where he was wel-

    comed by people who lit candles tocelebrate his return.

    Similarly, the Hindu estival o Diwali

    also celebrates the return o an impor-

    tant gure, Lord Rama, who was ban-

    ished rom his home town and orced

    to battle the demon king Raven.

    Upon his return deevotees lit the

    path with small candles to guide the

    rightul King o Ayodhya back to his


    Although both estivals cel-

    ebrate dierent triumphs, peo-

    ple o all religions use this day

    to come together and celebrate

    with their riends and amily.

    got faith?

    By Hardeep KaurSikh Soc President

    With the UK on the brink

    of recession, consumer

    spending is being reined


    Whether it is opting or thecheaper alternative at the super-

    market or choosing a Blockbuster

    rental over visiting the cinema,

    the credit crunch has rmly em-

    bedded itsel in the economy. As

    ar as the arts and culture scene

    are concerned, the end result is

    an increasing number o venues,

    rom theatres to restaurants, are

    accruing more debt than they

    can handle and having to shutpermanently.

    Theatre, one o the greater vocal

    points o the UKs arts and cul-

    ture scene, can be categorised

    into two groups one accommo-

    dating the theatres ound in the

    capital, a.k.a. London Theatreland,

    and the other encompassing the-

    atres outside the City.

    Fortunately or Londons Theatre-

    land, comprised o the West End

    and the more historical venues

    such as the Globe and the Old

    Vic, their market remains airly


    From tourists and avid theatrego-

    ers to Shakespeare enthusiasts

    and school groups, there remains

    a source o income to prevent

    them rom going under.

    However, the urther one travels

    away rom the capital, the more

    noticeable the problem becomes.

    My hometown, Lincoln, will lose

    its most notable stage this com-ing April, with the Theatre Royal

    having its council grant discon-

    tinued. Ticket revenues alone are

    not able to sustain the theatres

    survival. Consequently, the clo-

    sure o the theatre has orced the

    attached Theatre Royal School

    o Perorming Arts and Theatre

    Club to disband.

    There is o course the chance o

    having it unded through

    taxpayers money,

    yet in the cur-

    As a section, culture is about film, th

    of leisure, and all costing money. Whstrings, surely discretionary spendi

    what is the future for Culture? Mark

    The CultureCulture


  • 8/14/2019 Label4 Web


    rent economic climate, this option stands extremely

    remote amongst the public.

    Bars and restaurants are similarly eeling the e-

    ects o the crunch. Terry Miller, winner o the sec-

    ond series o Hells Kitchen and subsequently given

    250,000 to open his own restaurant, was orced toclose down his restaurant and sell his house to re-

    nance his debts he incurred rom the credit crisis.

    Fortunately or Terry, he is now reported to be a mil-

    lionaires personal che working on a yacht o the

    coast o Sardinia.

    Regrettably, not all owners o caes and restaurants

    are handed such luck. Across the pond, France

    saw the closure o 3,000 establishments during

    the opening quarter o 2008. The same period saw

    bankruptcy in the restaurant sector rise by 25%. Un-

    less a plethora o millionaires have been unearthed

    in recent months requiring personal ches aboard

    their yachts o the coast o Monaco, the repercus-

    sions include a staggering rise in unemployment


    In the capital at least, there still remains a chance o

    enjoying the arts and culture at a cheap rate.

    Due to government unding, admission into venues

    ound in the Albertopolis area, including the Natu-

    ral History Museum, the Science Museum and the

    Victoria and Albert Museum amongst others, is ree.Yard tickets at Shakespeares Globe sell or 5, al-

    though this does mean standing i its overcrowded

    and dont orget to bring a blanket with you.

    Fringe theatre is a cheaper alternative to the West

    End, and although sometimes located above pubs

    down the more seedy back alleys o Soho, oers an

    enjoyable ew hours at budget prices.

    While theres always the pub downstairs to all back

    on, ringe theatre perormances can be extremely


    On a related side note, or my parents upcoming

    25th anniversary, my sister and I wanted to treat

    them to a long weekend in the capital. My parents

    are rom an entirely dierent generation than me,

    where they nd more pleasure in attending the

    opera than watching the next Bond fick. They still

    think Pierce Brosnan plays 007.

    The plan was tickets to a West End show, an Eric

    Clapton concert and a ew ancy restaurant reser-

    vations. However, we had to realise the other eecto the credit crunch; the less people go and pay or

    tickets and meals, the more the establishments are

    orced to charge to keep afoat. And the more that

    happens, the more access to such culture is pushed

    out o our reach.

    Free and cheap alternatives are the only solution;

    try a Stage Soc production (

    and a homemade meal rom Cookery Corner.

    Cant go wrong.

    eatre, art, eating out: all means

    en we need to tighten our purseng such as this is the first to go-

    Burrows investigates.


    France saw the closure of 3,000establishments in the openingquarter of 2008



  • 8/14/2019 Label4 Web


    A night primarily aimed at post-graduates and internationalstudent has evolved into a greatsocial, bringing together inter-national beats- everything romHouse and Hip Hop to pop- andexotic aces.

    International parties have beenrunning or a while in Lough-borough; rom Fridays in Rain atthe beginning o last year, andmoving to Fusion towards theend, the nights have been slowlygaining momentum and goingrom strength to strength.

    The irst night was promotedsolely on word o mouth, wherethere were at least 500 studentsin attendance; rom then on apromotion team has been setup, reaching out to everyonewho wants to experience a pieceo the cosmopolitan society o


    So come up to Fusion on Thurs-day. All drinks are on 2-4-1 oerso bring a mate, and mingle withthe oreign and meet someonenew! UniversalThursdays

    are on every week



    Recession, debt, credit crunch, blahblah blah. Students have alwaysbeen living on the cheap, so whats

    changed? All we want is a good

    meal! But i you nd the Thai Grand

    or tempting Thai takeaway a little out

    o your price range, dont ear! A goodThai green curry can be knocked up

    in no time, at a raction o the cost. I

    youre ultra-keen, you can make the

    curry paste rom scratch, but a jar will

    only set you back just over a 1 and

    tastes just as good. (Serves 4)

    Put the rice on to boil, and cook ac-cording to pack instructions. Heat1 tbsp oil in a wok until hot, then

    add 4-6 tbsp curry paste (depend-ing on how hot you want it) and ry

    or 1 minute. Take 4 chicken thighs or

    breasts and chop into bitesize pieces,

    beore adding to the pan and coating

    in the paste. Stir ry or about 6 min-

    utes until cooked. Then add 4 hand-

    uls o chopped vegetables- what-

    ever you have available. Peppers,

    courgettes, green beans, carrots and

    broccoli all work well, just make sure

    theyre all chopped into similar sizedpieces. Pour in a 400ml can o coconut

    milk, stir well, and leave to simmer or

    15 mins. Finish with a squeeze o lime

    juice, and serve with steaming rice.

    Each issue, were going to bringyou a recipe to turn you romkitchen novice to Michelin-star

    che over the course o the year.

    This week, crack on with a bit o

    Thai Green...

    week 4 -thai green curry- Dont orget to pay a visitto the LoughboroughStreet Fair Not that its

    easy to miss! Traditionally,

    airground rides, games and

    stalls ll the streets o Lough-

    borough town centre or our

    days every November, ever

    since the offi cial charter was

    passed by King Henry III in

    1221 (although, we have a

    eeling there werent many

    dodgems around in the 13th

    century). The council aim to

    cater or everyone, so wheth-

    er youre a thrill seeker or just

    out to soak up the sociable at-

    mosphere, its worth popping

    down. The air is open rom

    Wednesday 12th November

    to Saturday 15th, and is open

    until 11PM every night.

    Every now and again, the Culture team spots something

    truly awesome happening in and around Loughborough.In our usual way of letting you know everything thats

    awesome, well make sure we drop you a line...

    By Carla Renton



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    Always obsessed with genrelms, Millers Crossing theirattempt at the gangster epic,

    Blood Simple a reworking o lm

    noir, O Brother, Where Art Thou?the hayseed movie (anyone?),

    okay, the prison chain-gang lm

    -- we now arrive at the spy thriller

    (or rather anti-spy thriller) with

    Burn Ater Reading.

    As lmmakers the Coen brothers

    have a unique playul side. In their

    best works the playul oten com-

    bines with the macabre resulting

    in moments o darkly comic bril-liance. Frequently, there are or-

    ays into screwball territory such

    as Raising Arizona or The Big Leb-

    owski. Following the laudation

    No Country received, it might be

    seen as a surprise that their ollow

    up, Burn Ater Reading, is yet an-

    other screwball caper.

    The critics arent pleased. A thor-

    oughly disposable comic romp

    made by a bunch o people who

    probably should have been work-

    ing on bigger and better things,writes one unimpressed reviewer.

    For the ans, however, that mat-

    ters not, as in its rst week on UK

    release it went straight to number

    one at the box offi ce.

    Sadly, Burn Ater Reading is a

    mess. It is a ailure, not, as some

    have suggested, because they

    didnt go ahead and make an-

    other portentous classic. Theact that the lm is somewhat o

    a lightweight oering is not in

    itsel something to be derisive

    about. The act that it is simply a

    bad lm, is. Highlights come only

    by way o the violence, which is

    shot in such a temperate way, yet,

    made so much the more visceral

    or it. But, thats as always. Points

    or style aside, then, there is lit-

    tle else to love. Nothing by way

    o characters, dialogue in act,

    what the plot nally boils downto is nothing. And its a painully

    slow boil.

    Comparatively, the brothers have

    laid back on Burn Ater Reading.

    Theres no deep exploration o

    the human psyche or anything

    ambitious tackled thematically.

    But, you know what, thats ne.

    Theyve made a lm or them-

    selves. Had un. Took some de-cent change. Now theyll move

    on. Some ans will have been

    pleased, and some wont. Its

    strange that making the so called

    easy lm rom now on, may in

    act be the hard thing to do. I,

    that is, they want to stay darlings

    with the critics.

    Not since Fargo has a lm by the Coen brothers received such a warm reception - both critically and commercially.The Coens 2007 eort No Country for Old Men took $161,024,535 worldwide at the box o ce, as well as win-ning four Academy Awards and appearing on more critics end of year top ten lists than any other lm that year.With their latest release Burn After Reading, the brothers attempt to follow up that success.

    by Mark Stones



  • 8/14/2019 Label4 Web


    IMS is one of the most popular ways of playing sport on cam-pus. With 41 events in 27 sports, it takes a lot of dedica-tion and organization to keep the IMS train on track.

    This week, Label got the inside story on the people who makeIMS tick and find out what its really like to be a SportsSec...

    Rich Smith, IMS Chair and Ex Falk Egg Sports


    You spend hours sending out e-mails and sorting

    out teams and then people agree to play and then

    5 mins beore the match they pull out leaving you

    to play a sport which you would be as much good

    at as a turd in a space suit!

    Wellie Clark, IMS Media and Merchendise Rep

    and Ex Towers Sports Sec:

    Approximately hal the number o people who

    showed interest in playing hockey/basketball/rock-

    it-ball, will eign amnesia i the event starts beore

    midday. This gure will double or any sport which

    takes place in the swimming pool.

    They didnt tell you that all your sports teams will

    be almost exclusively made up o the same vepeople. You can identiy them early on in the rst

    term. They are not usually the best athletes, more

    likely they are the people who are most araid o

    saying no to the sports sec! I one or more decides

    to go home on the same weekend, you can write o

    any xtures that sunday!

    Adam Henson, Falk-Egg Sports Sec

    Worst thing about being a sports sec? Losing a match

    to Faraday

    Things they didnt tell me about being a sports sec?

    That there would be so many lovely looking emale

    sports secs rom other halls!

    Charlie Buck, Telford Sports Sec

    Being a sports sec requires 3 things: Hard work, Un-

    limited text messages, and an uncontrollable urge

    to beat every other hall on campus!

    Ben Croucher, Bill Mo Sports Sec

    They didnt tell you that all the best sportspeople in

    hall will only inorm you o how good they are and

    that they wanna play AFTER their sport is over or

    the year!

    Rachel Pearson, Harry French Sports Sec

    At the slightest spot o rain youre focked by text mes-

    sages Is the hockey still on? o course its still on, rain

    isnt going to kill you doesnt the name Waterbase

    give you a bit o a hint that water wont aect it!

    Despite all of these trials and tribulations involved with

    Sports secs.



  • 8/14/2019 Label4 Web


    Kite surng. It pits ordinary hu-

    man beings against the wild

    unpredictable waters. Armedonly with a kite and board, you

    conquer wave ater wave in your

    ight to stay aloat. When the

    winds become unstable, its the

    calm head that pulls through.

    Ecstasy. Its only the start o what

    kite surng has to oer.

    Once you have learnt the basics

    you can bring in all the jumps

    and tricks that make it such an

    exciting and growing sport.

    Kite surng was rst thought up

    in the early nineties, ater kiwi

    Peter Lynn attached a kite to a

    buggy. Ater urther develop-

    ment some Americans decided to

    attach a kite to some water-skis.

    However, kite surng as it is today

    really took o in the mid nineties

    when a couple o surers in Ha-

    waii got bored o simply surng

    twenty oot waves and decided

    to add a kite into the mix.

    Now, thanks to Liam Huntley, kite

    surng has come to Loughbor-


    Due to the changeable nature o

    the activity, kite surng comes

    with a high risk actor. It is a bat-tle on two ronts. The strong bit-

    ing wind requires physical prow-

    ess whilst the erratic undulating

    waters require balance and con-


    To master the art, you must have

    both a strong body and mind.

    In competitive situations per-

    ormers compete in dierent dis-

    ciplines. Some vie to be the ast-est; others to ride the waves or

    even brave a race. Recent accom-

    plishments in the sport include

    the rst man ever to break the 50

    knot barrier, Sebastien Cattelan,

    and Erik Ecks accidental 39 sec-

    ond airtime.

    Loughboroughs kite surng club

    Kite is always looking or new

    members who are up or a chal-

    lenge. Not only do you

    experience the

    thrill o the board

    on water, but

    you can also

    be tugged

    along in-

    land at a local aireld to master

    those 30 oot jumps.

    On top o this there are many var-iations to the sport, including kite

    landboarding, kite buggying and

    snowkiting, in which you experi-

    ence staggering views whilst be-

    ing hauled across a vast expanse

    o snow.

    Kite surng is becoming increas-

    ingly popular due to the risks

    and challenges that it presents,

    and once you have learnt the es-sentials you will soon be ready to

    take on the open water.

    Every wednesday Kite use Air-

    boss, a disused aireld less than

    5 miles rom campus to go kiting.

    For further info

    regarding Kitecontact LiamHuntley

    throughthe AU.

    surf's up...By Ben Snowball



  • 8/14/2019 Label4 Web


    Theres a great cohesion be-

    tween all o the swimmers, its

    good un and its not that much

    o a chore to come to training.

    Why do you do the Individual Med-


    Honestly? Because you dont get bored.

    When you do the medley you get to think

    about the stroke your doing next, the turns,

    the technique on each stroke i I stuck to

    one I think Id be mind dead.

    How hard is the training and balancing that

    with your degree?

    Its really tough. Getting up at hal past 5 in the

    morning is hard and when all the other students are

    getting up youre still really tired rom training. I youredoing a ull time degree and ull time training, its incred-

    ibly hard. You get really tired during the day and you go

    to bed totally exhausted. But Loughborough is really sup-

    portive because you can take a year out, and adapt studies

    around your training.

    Euan actually took a year out from studying at Loughborough lastyear to concentrate on the Beijing Olympics. He nished 6th in his

    heat of the 400m Individual Medley.

    You said it was your dream to go to Beijing, did it live up to your


    By miles. I walked out on the rst day in a heat with

    Ryan Lochte (Bronze Medallist) and it was unbeliev-

    able. The crowd were going wild, so many people were

    watching. Thats what you swim or, thats why you do


    How did you cope with the pressure?

    The pressure or me wasnt as great as or people who had

    high expectations o a medal, but the pressure still gets to

    you. Youre standing on the blocks with all these great athletesand you have to ocus on what you have to do.

    Euan Daleis one o the inestyoung swimmers inthe country. By the age o 20, he had already

    grabbed 2 Commonwealth Silver Medals, and

    this summer saw him compete in the Water

    Cube in the Beijing Olympics. LABEL was

    able to catch up with the star ater one ohis early morning training sessions

    So Euan, why did you choose to

    come to Loughborough Univer-


    There was a lot o hype surround-

    ing the university, the acilities

    were really good and the

    course I wanted to do was

    available here as well. I

    was oered to go to theUnited States, but ater

    speaking with Director

    o Swimming Ian Ar-

    miger, he was really

    enthusiastic and I

    was sold.

    Whats it like

    being part

    of Lough-

    boroughS w i m -




  • 8/14/2019 Label4 Web


    Away from the competi-

    tion, what was the atmos-

    phere like in the Olympic


    With the whole o Team GB, it was

    incredible to be a part o it. Every-

    one was so riendly. You could walkpast somebody you dont know in the

    village but because theyre wearing the

    same tracksuit, youd say Hi, how you do-

    ing? When Becky (Adlington) and Jo (Jack-

    son) got the Gold and Bronze, Ive never elt

    emotion like it.

    Arguably Team GBs most successful squad in Chinawas Swimming. The euphoria created by their unex-

    pected triumphs has led to huge media interest in the

    Sport. Loughborough Swimming had David Davies Sil-ver in the 10k Open Water to celebrate and Euan is hopeful

    this can lter into more youngsters taking up the sport.

    [Euan] Id like to hope it would take o. The only problem

    is that its such a short event its over so quickly. With Cricket

    you have 3 or 4 days; with ootball its 90 minutes. But Swim-

    ming is over in a fash, but I hope it will raise the Sports prole.

    Before Beijing, Euans only experience of a major international gameswas at Melbourne in 2006 for the Commonwealth Games. And what animpact he made 2 Silver medals for Scotland!

    Euan, what did it feel like to stand on

    the podium receiving your medals?

    Unbelievable. I had no expectations going

    into it thinking Id make a nal and ending

    up on the podium was brilliant.

    Do you ever get spotted around campus?

    Thankully no! I know people like Becky Adling-

    ton (Double Olympic Gold Medallist) have come

    to ame really quickly but Im not like that and Im

    cool with it!

    While interviewing Euan, you got a real sense o his

    love or the Sport and how he simply does it or

    un. Luckily or him, hes not too shabby at it either.

    Watch out though olks Euan Dale is on the brink

    o something very special!

    Euan Dale FactfileAge: 22

    Sport: Swimming

    Event: 400m Indi-vidual Medley

    Personal Best:4:16:33

    Finished 19thin the 400mIndividualMedley inBeijing



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