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Anna University of Technology,Madurai

Anna University of Technology,Madurai

B.E./B.Tech. Degree Programme Regulations 2010 Raja College of Engineering & Technology, Madurai 625 020

Department of Science & HumanitiesSyllabus



0 1 2 2

Basic Commands in UNIX

Working with files

Files and File types

Sorting the contents of a file

Counting the number of words in a file

Working with Directories

UNIX Editor


Simple Filters

Command line parameters with simple UNIX commands

Shell Programming Fundamentals

Shell Variables

Conditional Statements

Testing and Loops

Simple shell Programs

Grep and Sedcommands

Awk filter

Security commands


Simple C programs to simulatethe basic UNIX commands (Fork, Signal)

File handling



1 UNIX Clone Server

33 Nodes (thin client or PCs)

Printer 3 Nos


OS-UNIX clone (33 user license or License free Linux)

Compiler- C

Raja College of Engineering and Technology

Department of Science & HumanitiesLaboratory Manual 2010-2011(Even)

Computer Practice Laboratory II

Class: 02nd Sem. B.E./B.Tech.


List of Experiments



1. Basic Shell Commands (6 Hrs)

2. Unix Editor (3 Hrs)



3. (a) Shell Script to swap values in two variables x and y

(b) Shell script to concatenate to two Strings and display the resultant string along with its string length.

4. Shell Script to Simulate a Simple Calculator

5. Shell script to read 3 numbers and find the greatest of the three

6. Shell script to find whether an input number is palindrome or not

7. Shell script to find whether an input number is Armstrong or not

8. Shell script to print Fibonacci series



9. Write a C Program to find Prime No.

10. Write a C Program to Sort n Numbers

11. Write a C Program to Swap two Numbers using Pointer

12. Write a C Program to demonstrate Dynamic Memory Allocation

13. Write a C Program to demonstrate File Handling using getc and putc Functions.Ex.No.1

Study of Basic Unix Commands

1) Command : cat

a) To Create a New File:

Synatax : cat > filename

[it@rcet ~]$ cat > one.txt


Welcome to IT Lab

Raja College of Engineering & Technology


Pressing Ctrl+z to save the file

[2]+ Stopped cat >one.txt

[it@rcet ~]$b) To Display the Contents of the File :

Syntax : cat filename

[it@rcet ~]$ cat one.txt


Welcome to IT Lab

Raja College of Engineering & Technology

Madurai[it@rcet ~]$

2) Command : mkdir

Syntax : mkdir filename

[it@rcet ~]$ mkdir programs

[it@rcet ~]$ ls

a.out college.txt new.txt

col1.txt coll.txt one pgms

college2.txt file.txt one.txt programs`[it@rcet ~]$

3) Command : cd (change directory)

Syntax : cd directory name

[it@rcet ~]$ cd programs

[it@rcet programs]$ cd ..

[it@rcet ~]$ cd programs

[it@rcet programs]$ mkdir shellprogram

[it@rcet programs]$ cd shellprogram

[it@rcet shellprogram]$ cd

[it@rcet ~]$

4) Command : pwd (Print Working Directory)

[it@rcet shellprogram]$ pwd


[it@rcet shellprogram]$ cd

[it@rcet ~]$ pwd


[it@rcet ~]$

5) Command : ls (List Files and Directories)

a) ls

[it@rcet ~]$ ls

a.out college2.txt coll.txt new.txt one.txt programs

col1.txt college.txt file.txt one pgms

[it@rcet ~]$b) ls l : Lists Files and Directories in Long Listing Mode

[it@rcet ~]$ ls -l

total 112

-rwxrwxr-x 1 it it 5890 Jan 29 15:16 a.out

-rw-rw-r-- 1 it it 300 Feb 23 09:55 col1.txt

-rw-rw-r-- 1 it it 603 Feb 23 10:10 college2.txt

-rw-rw-r-- 1 it it 300 Feb 23 09:55 college.txt

-rw-rw-r-- 1 it it 0 Feb 27 12:43 coll.txt

-rw------- 1 it it 129 Feb 19 10:18 file.txt

-rw-rw-r-- 1 it it 132 Mar 6 09:50

-rw-rw-r-- 1 it it 222 Mar 6 10:16

-rw-rw-r-- 1 it it 59 Feb 23 09:47 new.txt

-rw-rw-r-- 1 it it 95 Feb 14 09:46 one

-rw-rw-r-- 1 it it 81 Apr 15 11:44 one.txt

drwxrwxr-x 4 it it 4096 Jan 29 15:45 pgms

drwxrwxr-x 3 it it 4096 Apr 15 11:59 programs

-rw-rw-r-- 1 it it 236 Mar 6 10:05

[it@rcet ~]$

c) [it@rcet ~]$ ls -a

. .bashrc .emacs.d new.txt .swn .xemacs

.. col1.txt file.txt one .swo .zshrc

a.out college2.txt one.txt .swp

.bash_history college.txt pgms .viminfo

.bash_logout coll.txt programs .viminfo.tmp

.bash_profile .emacs .gtkrc .viminfz.tmp

[it@rcet ~]$

d) [it@rcet ~]$ ls x

a.out col1.txt college2.txt college.txt coll.txt file.txt new.txt one one.txt pgms programs

[it@rcet ~]$ 6) Command : mv (Move)

a) mv (Move a File to Directory) Syntax : mv SourceFile DestinationDirectory

[it@rcet ~]$ mv coll.txt programs

[it@rcet ~]$ cd programs

[it@rcet programs]$ ls

coll.txt shellprogram

[it@rcet programs]$

b) mv (Move Contents of one File to Another File)Syntax : mv SourceFile DestinationFile

[it@rcet ~]$ cat one.txt

Hi, Welcome to IT Lab

Raja College of Engineering & Technology

[it@rcet ~]$ mv one.txt new.txt

[it@rcet ~]$ cat new.txt

Hi, Welcome to CSE Lab

Raja College of Engineering & Technology

[it@rcet ~]$

7) Command : rm (Remove a File) Syntax : rm filename

[it@rcet ~]$ ls

a.out college2.txt file.txt one programs

col1.txt college.txt new.txt pgms

[it@rcet ~]$ rm new.txt

[it@rcet ~]$ ls

a.out college2.txt file.txt pgms

col1.txt college.txt one programs

[it@rcet ~]$

8) Command : rmdir (Remove a Diretory) Syntax : rmdir Directoryname

[it@rcet programs]$ ls

coll.txt shellprogram[it@rcet programs]$ rmdir shellprogram

[it@rcet programs]$ ls


[it@rcet programs]$

9) Command : rm -rf (Remove a Diretory which is not Empty) Syntax : rm rf Directoryname

[it@rcet programs]$ ls

coll.txt[it@rcet ~]$ rm -rf programs

[it@rcet ~]$ ls

a.out college2.txt file.txt pgms

col1.txt college.txt one

[it@rcet ~]$

10) Command : echo (Prints the Given String)

a) Syntax : echo String[it@rcet ~]$ echo "Raja College of Engineering & Technology"

Raja College of Engineering & Technology

[it@rcet ~]$

b) Syntax : echo n String (Dont Print a New Line)[it@rcet ~]$ echo -n "Raja College of Engineering &Technology"

Raja College of Engineering & Technology [it@rcet ~]$

11) Command : head (Prints required no. of lines in the File Counting from the Beginning of the File)

Syntax : head n filename

n : Number of Lines to be displayed[it@rcet ~]$ cat one.txt

Welcome to Raja College of Engineering

MaduraiIT Dept

Computer Practices Laboratory

[it@rcet ~]$ head -2 one.txt

Welcome to Raja College of Engineering

Madurai[it@rcet ~]$

12) Command : tail (Prints required no. of lines in the File Counting from

the End of the File)

Syntax : tail n filename

n : Number of Lines to be displayed[it@rcet ~]$ cat one.txt

Welcome to Raja College of Engineering

MaduraiIT Dept

Computer Practices Laboratory

[it@rcet ~]$ tail -2 one.txt

IT Dept

Computer Practices Laboratory

[it@rcet ~]$

13) Command : who (Displays the Users Who Logged into the System)

[it@rcet ~]$ who

cse pts/2 Apr 15 13:34 (

it pts/1 Apr 15 15:10 (

[it@rcet ~]$

Command : who am i (Displays the Name of the Current User of this


[it@rcet ~]$ who am i

it pts/1 Apr 15 15:10 (

[it@rcet ~]$

14) Command : date (Displays the Current Date and Time)

[it@rcet ~]$ date

Wed Apr 15 15:25:49 IST 2009

[it@rcet ~]$

15) Command : cal (Displays the Calendar)

[it@rcet ~]$ cal

April 2009

Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8 9 10 11

12 13 14 15 16 17 18

19 20 21 22 23 24 25

26 27 28 29 30

16) Command : wc (Counts the No. of Chars, Bytes, lines, Chars in the Longest Line)

[it@rcet ~]$ wc -m college.txt

300 college.txt

[it@rcet ~]$ wc -c college.txt

300 college.txt

[it@rcet ~]$ wc -l college.txt

11 college.txt

[it@rcet ~]$ wc -L college.txt

44 college.txt

[it@rcet ~]$

17) Command : grep (Displays a Line from the file Containing the Given String)

Syntax : grep String filenameSyntax : grep i String filenamei Ignore Case of the Given String

[it@rcet ~]$ cat one.txt

Welcome to Rcet College of Engineering

MaduraiIT Dept

Computer Practices Laboratory

[it@rcet ~]$ grep "Rcet" one.txt

Welcome to Rcet College of Engineering

[it@rcet ~]$

18) Command : Sort (Sorting the Contents of the File)

The sort command is used to order the lines of a file. Various options can be used to choose the order as well as the field on which a file is sorted. Without any options, the sort compares entire lines in the file and outputs them in ASCII order (numbers first, upper case letters, then lower case letters).


sort filenamesort r filename (sort in the reverse order)


John Doe


lsmith Laura Smith 3/12/96

pchen Paul Chen



Jake Hsu


sphilip Sue Phillip


[it@rcet ~]$ sort users.txtjdoe John Doe



Jake Hsu


lsmith Laura Smith 3/12/96

pchen Paul Chen


sphilipSue Phillip


19) Command : uniq (Simple Filter to remove duplicates)

uniq filters duplicate adjacent lines from a file. Syntax

uniq file []

ExampleConsider the following file and example, in which uniq removes the 4th line from file and places the

[it@rcet ~]$ cat > fi

1 2 3 6

4 5 3 6

7 8 9 0

7 8 9 0

[it@rcet ~]$ uniq file

[it@rcet ~]$cat

1 2 3 6

4 5 3 6

7 8 9 0

20) Command: pipes ( | - redirect the output to one command to Another Command)

The Unix system allows you to effectively connect two commands together. This connection is known as a pipe, and it enables you to take the output from one command and feed it directly into the input of another command. A pipe is effected by the character |, which is placed between the two commands.Example

To make a pipe between the who and wc -l commands,

[it@rcet ~]$ who | wc l5 (number of users logged in the system)

The standard output from the first command is connected directly to the standard input of the second command.


UNIX Editor

General Information:About vi:vi (pronounced vee-EYE, short for visual) provides basic text editing capabilities. Three aspects of vi make it appealing.

1. vi is supplied with all UNIX systems.

2. vi uses a small amount of memory, which allows efficient operation when the network is busy.

3. vi uses standard alphanumeric keys for commands.

You can use it on virtually any terminal or workstation in existence without having to worry about unusual keyboard mappings. As a point of interest, vi is actually a special mode of another UNIX text editor called ex. Normally you do not need to use ex except in vi mode.

vi commands are case-sensitive, which means that upper-case and lower-case commands are not the same command. For example, j moves the cursor down, but J combines two lines into one line.

The word RETURN represents the action of pressing RETURN key. ESC indicates pressing the ESCAPE key. Also, sometimes you will see a keystroke like CTRL-F. CTRL-F means you hold down the key marked CONTROL or CTRL, and press F. The CTRL key acts in a manner similar to the SHIFT key.A Brief vi Session:Starting vi:To start vi, enter:

vi filename RETURN

Where filename is the name of the file you want to edit. If the file does not exist, vi will create it for you. You can also start vi without giving any filename. In this case, vi will ask for one when you quit or save your work.Example:Start vi in preparation for some tutorial exercises; throughout this document, the exercises will use the file, sample. In an xterm, type:

vi sample RETURN

The window clears and displays the contents of the file, sample. Since it is a new file, it does not contain any text. vi uses the tilde (~) character to indicate lines on the screen beyond the end of the file.Command Mode and Input Mode:vi has two modes,

1. command mode

2. input mode

In command mode, characters you type perform actions like moving the cursor, cutting or copying text, or searching for some particular text. In input mode, you type to insert or overwrite text. When you start vi, it is in command mode.

To switch from command to input mode, press the i key (you do not need to press RETURN) Vi lets you insert text beginning at the current cursor location. To switch back to command mode, press ESC. You can also use ESC to cancel an unfinished command in command mode. Unfortunately, vi does not normally indicate which mode you are in. The next exercise turns on a mode indicator. If you are uncertain about the current mode, you can press ESC a few times. When vi beeps, you have returned to command mode.To Know the Current Mode:Before you start typing text, the command below activates the modeline indicator. You are not required to use it, but it tells you whether you are in command or input mode. Type::set showmode RETURN

Nothing appears to change. When you are in command mode, there is no indicator, but if you enter input mode, one will appear in the bottom right-hand corner of the window.Line Numbers:Many vi commands use line numbers, which simply count the number of RETURN characters in a file. You can cut and copy text by line number or jump to a certain line. Line numbers can be useful when you ritive error messages during program compilation. Frequently compilers will print the line number, so you can use vi to jump to the appropriate line and look for the error.

Exercise to display the line numbers, enter the following command::set number RETURN

This command will immediately display the line numbers in the left margin of your vi window. It may cause long lines to wrap around the right edge of the window, but they will not be damaged. The G movement command lets you jump to any line within a file. First type the line number, followed by G. If you do not type any line number, vi jumps to the end of the file. Thus, 1G takes you to the beginning, and G takes you to the end.

Vi Commands A Quick View:


vi File NameOpen or Create File

viOpen New File To Be Named

vi -r File NameRecover Crashed File

view File NameOpen File Read-Only

vipwEdit the /etc/passwd file, setting locks and doing appropriate processing.

There are three modes of operation:Command ModeInsert ModeLast Line Mode

Vi Commands A Quick Review

Vi Commands Used To Edit Files Positioning The Cursor:


hMove left one character

jMove down one line

kMove up one line

lMove right one character

wMove right one word

WMove right one word (Past Punctuation)

bMove left one word

BMove left one word (Past Punctuation)

eMove to end of current word

ReturnMove down one line

BackspaceMove left one character

HMove to top of screen

MMove to middle of screen

LMove to bottom on screen

Control-fScroll forward one screen

Control-dScroll forward one-half screen

Control-bScroll backward one-half screen

GGo to last line of file

1GGo to first line of file

21GGo to 21st line of file

Table Vi Commands to Edit Files

Appending Commands:


AAppend text after cursor

AAppend text at line end

IInsert text before cursor

IInsert text at beginning of line

OInsert line below cursor

OInsert line above cursor

Table: Appending Commands

Example 1:To enter input mode, press: i Note that in the bottom right-hand corner, vi indicates that you are in input mode. Then enter the following text, and remember to press RETURN at the end of each line. You can use the special keystrokes if you make a mistake. We scrambled to strike camp. Water crashed down upon us, far too slow in foot and hands to do it. Oh, no, I said. Our heavens darkened grimly. Thunder echoed overhead and shook the clouds, even the ground rumbled as each clap loudly exploded.

Glancing back, I saw an ocean rising behind us. It just wouldnt stop raining. Our weathered tent was a poor shelter tonight. As a lightning bolt flashes over the hills, we made out a small cave on the mountainside. A safe haven, thought I.Our heavens fell down, but just up ahead lay safety. After entering this text, press ESC to return to command mode. Notice that the mode line clears, too

Example 2:Move to the line Our heavens fell... and press A to append text at the end of the line. Then type (the symbol -- means a space character):

--We crawled in, and wept. ESC

Next go to the line in foot and hand... and open a new line below it. Press: o to start open mode, and observe that vi creates a new line for text. Type: Take a step and fall. ESC

Deleting Text:


xDelete Character at the cursor

XDelete character to the left of the cursor

dwDelete word (or part of word to right of cursor)

ddDelete line containing the cursor

DDelete part of line to right of cursor

dGDelete to end of file

d1GDelete from beginning of file to cursor

:5,10dDelete lines 5 through 10

Commands to Delete TextExamples:Try using the cursor movement keys to place the cursor on the word hands. Move the cursor onto the s. Press x to delete it. Now lets delete the word loudly. Move to the beginning of the word. Although you could press x seven times to delete the word and its trailing space, it is quicker to delete it by typing dw. Finally, remove the line It just wouldnt stop raining. Move the cursor anywhere on that line, and type dd. The line vanishes.

Changing Text:


CWChange word (or part of word) to right of cursor

ccChange line

cChange from cursor to end of line

sSubstitute string for characters from cursor forward

rReplace character at cursor with one other character

r ReturnBreak line

Examples: Lets correct some words. To maintain proper verb tense, flashes should be flashed. Move the cursor to the last s in flashes. To enter replace mode, type: r and notice that the mode line says, REPLACE 1 CHAR. Next type the letter: d to make the change. Notice that you do not need to press ESC or RETURN when replacing just one character. Next change safety to sanctuary. Move to the beginning of the word safety, then type: CW vi shows a dollar sign ($) indicating the end of the text being corrected. Type: sanctuary ESC

To finish the exercise, move the cursor to do. Well change all the text from do to the end of the line. Start the correction by pressing: C Again vi shows a dollar sign (this time at the end of the line). Make the change by typing: reach that island. ESC

Insert Mode Commands:


JJoin current line and line below

xpTranspose character at cursor and character to the right

~Change case of letter (upper or lower )

u or :uUndo previous command

Commands in Insert Mode

Example 1:

Move to the line flashed over the hills... and delete it by typing:


Bring back the line by pressing:


which undoes the last text change. Press u a few more times, and watch what happens. When you undo something, you change the text, so your undo becomes the last text change! That explains why undoing appears to flip between two displays. Leave the line flashed over... on the display.Example 2:Move to the blank line just after in foot and hand. Press:


and insert the following text: I saw everything spinning wildly. RETURN

Press ESC to return to command mode. Now move to the line in foot and hand and press:


to join it with the line you just typed.

Copying and Pasting:


yYank or copy line

YYank or copy line

pPut yanked or deleted line below current

PSame as above

Commands to Copy Text and Paste Text

General: vi has its own terminology for cut and copy: delete and yank, respectively. Note that the delete command is the same one you have already used; every time you delete text, vi changes the automatic buffer and pushes the previous delete into the next numbered buffer. When you delete or yank, the desired text enters a buffer. If you do not specify a named buffer, vi uses the automatic buffer (buffer 1).

The delete and yank commands take the following form:

1. Move the cursor to one end of the desired text.

2. If desired, specify a named buffer by typing letter where letter is a letter from a through z. If you do not give a named buffer, vi uses the automatic buffers 1-9.

3. Type a repetition number, if needed. (To copy 5 words or 8 lines, for example.)

4. Type d to delete text, or type y to yank text.

5. Type a cursor movement key to determine the text unit; if you type d or y instead, vi uses the line unit. The cursor key completes the delete or yanks and stores the text in the desired buffer.

Using Markers: Markers also let you specify a range of text for cutting or copying without having to count words or lines. The next procedure shows you how to delete or yank text by using markers.

1. Move the cursor to one end of the selection.

2. Type mletter to set a marker.

3. Move the cursor to the other end.

4. If desired, specify a named buffer by typing letter If you do not give a named buffer, vi uses the automatic buffers.

5. Type d or y to delete or yank text, respectively.

6. Using letter from the marker, type letter to delete or yank the text between the marker and the cursor. You may instead type letter to delete or yank the text by line.Example:This exercise performs a standard copy-and-paste. It uses the automatic buffer and does not use any markers. Move to the first line of text, then yank three lines of text by typing:


Nothing appears to happen, but vi has put the first three lines into its automatic buffer. The message 3 lines yanked appears at the bottom of the screen. Now move to the line A safe haven and paste the lines in place. To do so, just press:


Saving Changes and Quitting:


:wSave changes (write buffer)

:w new fileWrite buffer to named file

:wqSave changes and quit Vi

:q!Quit without saving changes

Commands to Save and Quit

Displaying and Hiding Line:


:set nuShow line numbers

:set nonuHide line numbers; setting is case sensitive

:set icSearches should ignore case

:set noicSearches should be case sensitive

:set listDisplay invisible characters

Commands to Hide and Display a Line

Search and Replace:


/stringSearch for string

?stringSearch backward for string

NFind next occurrence of string in search direction

NFind previous occurrence of string in search direction

:%s/old/new/gSearch and replace

Commands to Search and Replace

Refresh the Screen and Including Files:


Control-1Clear (refresh) scrambled screen

:r file nameInsert (read) file after cursor

:34r file nameInsert file after line 34

Commands for Screen Refreshing

Repeating a Command:Often you will want to act on more than one character, word, or line. For example, suppose you want to delete three words. Rather than type dw three times, you can type 3dw, and vi will execute the command three times. Many vi commands can be repeated in this manner.

Just type a number (it can be more than one digit), then type the command. If you want to abandon the number, press ESC to cancel it.Example:

Start vi with the sample document by typing:

vi sample RETURN

Once vi starts, turn on the modeline with:

:set showmode RETURN

Move to the e in echoed overhead and, then type:


and notice that vi deletes three words at once. (Then press u to undo the deletion.)

Ex.No.3 (a) Shell Script to swap values in two variables x and y


1. Start the Program

2. Read the Value of X and Y3. Using temporary variable Z interchange the values of X and Y4. Display the result after Swapping

5. Stop the Program

Ex.No.3 (b) Shell script to concatenate to two Strings given as input and display the resultant string along with its string length.


1. Start the Program

2. Read Two Strings as Arguments

3. If Number of Arguments less than two exit the Program

4. Concatenate two strings and store the result

5. Using Length Function find the length of the result string

6. Display the Concatenated String with its length

7. Stop the Program

Ex.No.4 Shell Script to Simulate a Simple Calculator


1. Start the program

2. Read a, b, op

3. Check for no. of inputs and if it is less than three exit the program

4. Use case statement for op

a. If op is + add a, bb. If op is subtract a, b

c. If op is / divide a, bd. If op is x multiply a, be. Else print error

5. Display the result

6. End the program

Ex.No.5 Shell script to read 3 numbers and find the greatest of the three

Algorithm:1. Start the program

2. Read a, b, c3. Using If Statement Check the condition to find the biggest value

a. If value of a is greater than b and c print a as biggest

b. If value of b is greater than a and c print b as biggest

c. If value of c is greater than a and c print c as biggest

d. If values of a, b and c are equal Print all the numbers are equal

e. Else Print Cannot guess greatest of three numbers

4. End the program

Ex.No.6 Shell script to find whether an input number is palindrome or not


1. Start the Program

2. Read the value of n3. Initialize sd to zero, empty the string variable rev

4. Assign the value of n to variable on5. While the value of n is greater than zero

a. Using MOD operator, separate each digits of n and store value in sdb. Divide n by 10 to get new value of nc. Concatenate value of sd with variable rev

6. If the value of rev is equal to the original input value na. Print the number is Palindrome

7. Else Print Number is not a Palindrome

8. Stop the Program

Ex.No.7 Shell script to find whether an input number is Armstrong or notAlgorithm:

1. Start the Program

2. Read the Value of n3. Initialize sd=0,sum=0

4. Assign the value of n to the variable no5. While value of n is greater than zero

a. Using MOD operator, separate each digits of n and store value in sdb. Calculate the Cube value of sd and store it in variable arc. Divide n by 10 to get new value of nd. Add the Value of sum and ar6. If the value of sum is equal to the value of noa. Print the Given number as Armstrong Number

7. Else print the Given number is not Armstrong Number

8. Stop the program

Ex.No.8 Shell script to print Fibonacci series


1. Start the Program

2. Initialize i=1,a=0,b=1

3. Read the value of n4. Print the Value of a5. While value of i is not equal to value of na. Add the values of a ,b and store it in variable bb. Print the value of bc. Using Variable c, Interchange the values of a and bd. Increment the value of i6. Stop the Program

Ex.No.9 C Program to find Prime No.


To write a C Program to check whether the given number is Prime or NotAlgorithm:

1. Start the Program

2. Declare Variables no, i as Integer Type3. Read the value of no and Initialize i = 2

4. While i is less than or equal to no - 1a. Using MOD Operator Check the remainder after no / ib. If the remainder is equal to zero

i. Print the Number is not Prime

c. Exit the Program

d. Increment the value of i by 15. If the value of no is equal to the value of ia. Print the Number is a Prime number

6. Stop the Program


Hence the Given number is verified as Prime or not Using C Program.

Ex.No.10 C Program to Sort n Numbers


To write a C Program to Sort n Numbers in Ascending Order.


1. Start the Program

2. Declare variables x, n, i, j as Integer type3. Declare variable a as Integer array of 100 elements

4. Read the no. of elements to be stored in the array in variable n5. Using For Loop, till the value of i is less than na. Read the Elements of the array

6. Using For Loop, till the value of i is less than na. Using For Loop, till the value of j is less than n-1i. If Value of a[j] is greater than a[j+1]1. Interchange the values of a[j] and a[j+1]7. Using For Loop, till the value of i is less than na. Print the Elements of Array

8. Stop the Program


Hence the Given n Numbers are sorted in Ascending Order using C Program.

Ex.No.11 C Program to Swap two Numbers using PointerAim

To write a C Program to Swap two numbers using pointer.Algorithm:

1. Start the Program

2. Declare two variables a, b as Integer type

3. Read the Values of a and b to be swapped

4. Call Swap Function by passing the address of Variable a and b5. In the Swap Function, Interchange the values of a and b using temporary variable

6. Print the swapped values

7. Stop the programResult

Hence the Given two numbers are swapped using Pointer in C Program.

Ex.No.12 C Program to demonstrate Dynamic Memory AllocationAim

To write a C Program to demonstrate the Concept of Dynamic Memory AllocationAlgorithm:

1. Start the Program

2. Declare two variables number, i as Integer type

3. Declare variable ptr as Integer Pointer

4. Read the Number of Integer values to be stored and Store it in Variable number5. Using malloc function , Allocate Memory to the Pointer Variable ptr6. If variable ptr is Not Null

a. Using For Loop, till the value of i is less than value of numberi. Store the value of i in the pointer variable ptrb. Using For Loop, till the value of i is greater than 0i. Print the Stored values of Pointer Variable ptr7. Using Free Function, Clear the contents of the variable ptr8. Stop the Program


Hence the Concept of Dynamic Memory Allocation is demonstrated using C Program

Ex.No.13 C Program to demonstrate File Handling using getc and putc FunctionsAim

To write a C Program to demonstrate the Concept of File Handling using getc and putc functionsAlgorithm:

1. Start the Program

2. Initialize the file pointer f13. Initialize variable c as Character type

4. Using fopen, open a text file for writing

5. Using getchar, get the characters as input till the new line6. Using putc, Put the characters in the file through file pointer f17. Close the file8. Using fopen, open the text file for reading9. Using getc, get the characters in the file till the EOF10. Print the Characters then Close the file .11. Stop the ProgramResult

Hence the Concept of File Handling using getc and putc is demonstrated using C Program.



Program: Shell Script to to Swap Values in two Variables x and y

echo -n "Enter Value for X:"

read x

echo -n "Enter Value for Y:"

read y

echo "Before Swap, X=$x and Y=$y"




echo "After Swap, X=$x and Y=$y"Output:[it@raja ~]$ sh

Enter Value for X:26

Enter Value for Y:15

Before Swap, X=26 and Y=15

After Swap, X=15 and Y=26

[it@raja ~]$Ex.No.3(b) Program: Shell script to concatenate two strings given as input and display the resultant string along with its string length.str1=$1



if [ $# -eq 0 ]


echo "$0 string1 string2"

exit 1


len=$(expr length $OUT)

echo "Before Concatenation String1 is $str1 & String2 is $str2"

echo "Concatenated String is - $OUT"

echo "String Length is - $len"Output:[it@raja ~]$ sh Beautiful INDIA

Before Concatenation String1 is Beautiful & String2 is INDIA

Concatenated String is - BeautifulINDIA

String Length is - 14

[it@raja ~ ]$Ex.No.4Program: Shell script To simulate a simple calculator.




if [ $# -lt 3 ]


echo "$0 num1 opr num2"

echo "opr can be +,-,/,x"

exit 1


case "$op" in

+) echo $(( $a + $b ));;

-) echo $(( $a - $b ));;

/) echo $(( $a / $b ));;

x) echo $(( $a * $b ));;

*) echo "Error";;Output:[it@raja ~]$ sh 10 + 5


[it@raja ~]$ sh 10 - 5


[it@raja ~]$ sh 10 x 5

50[it@raja ~]$ sh 10 / 5

2[it@raja ~]$ sh 10 * 5ErrorEx.No.5Program: Shell script To find largest among 3 integers (Numbers) given as arguments.




if [ $# -lt 3 ]


echo "$0 n1 n2 n3"

exit 1


if [ $a -gt $b -a $a -gt $c ]


echo "$a is largest number"

elif [ $b -gt $a -a $b -gt $c ]


echo "$b is largest number"

elif [ $c -gt $a -a $c -gt $b ]


echo "$c is largest number"


echo "Sorry cannot guess number"


Output:[it@raja ~]$ sh 10 15 20

20 is largest number

[it@raja ~]$ sh 10 10 20

sorry cannot guess number

[it@raja !~]$ sh 10 10 10

Three are equal[it@raja ~]$Ex.No.6Program: Shell script To find Whetherr an input is palindrome or not.

echo -n "Enter Number:"

read n




while [ $n -gt 0 ]


sd=$(( $n % 10 ))

n=$(( $n / 10 ))

rev=$(echo ${rev}${sd})


if [ $on -eq $rev ]


echo "Number is Palindrome"


echo "Number is not a Palindrome"

fiOutput: [it@raja ~]$ sh eight.shEnter Number:121

Number is Palindrome

[it@raja ~]$ sh

Enter Number:153

Number is not a Palindrome

[it@raja ~]$Ex.No.7Program: Shell script To verify whether the given number is Armstrong number or not.

echo -n "Enter the number:"

read n




while [ $n -gt 0 ]


sd=$(($n % 10))

ar=`expr $sd*$sd*$sd`

n=$(($n / 10))

sum=$(($sum + $ar))


if [ $sum -eq $no ]


echo "$no is armstrong number."


echo "$no is not armstrong number."

FiOutput:[it@raja ~]$ sh

Enter the number:153

153 is armstrong number.

[it@raja ~]$ sh

Enter the number:121

121 is not armstrong number.

[it@raja ~]$Ex.No.8Program: Shell script To print fibonacci series.




echo -n "Enter the No. of Terms you want:"

read n

echo ${a}

while [ $i != $n ]


b=`expr $a + $b`

echo $b




i=`expr $i + 1`

doneOutput:[it@raja ~]$ sh

Enter the No. of Terms you want:5






[it@raja ~]$Ex.No.9Program: C Program to find Prime No.




int no,i;

printf("Enter the number you want to check:");


