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RELIG10US APPOINTMENTS. HKTHOIM^r. Ukt. Oa K. J.vars, PaMor. irrinKtun. Flr-et h;io Third Sendaya, 11 A. M. ¦ii'l ati-i Pottrt h Buooaja. Dlafat. " fru>> riutM.tuiK W«dueaUay niatata. whlt «>StotK\ Kirsr and Tblrd SuutUy- v.I aad Pourtb NumiIhvs, 11A.M. >>n'i Suoday, .i I'.'ji Sunday m Poplar Waek. Pourt u Buadajr, a 1". M. BAFTFJBT. Kav. r. BT. Ca*av aBBaaau Pastor. IrviUijiou.Si'tHjuduad'ourtliSundMya.i I r.v Kirst and Tbird Kundaya, 8 p.M. tP> Prayor mwUnc). imi Tliird ^uodaya. li A. M. Kiimarm>ek.>«co.,.i aud Fowirtta baa Biutr Potat ciia-.ei. PourtB ffaaaaj 7:;«j p. M. Kkv. «;. v. Bbibibj. r* aaaaa, Ptral aaa TBlrd Buaaajra at n '. ML; aeoood aml PourtaBun ii\ i H p. tu. inm and PourtB ftnmBaj - «i II A. M.; Plrsi aad i Bli i oun davs a |>. iu. PUESiiV I I.IU W uav. li. l w aiaoa, raaaaaN i»«i and Puurtta Sundajra 11 A. M nikI -.:¦*) f. M. M | T1UMXST PUt» IKST.VNT. r. j. w. Pahk, raatata B u nailrio, Plrat aad l bird Suudaya at 3:30 P. M.; ttocood aud Kourilt Suodaj " II v. M. Bmyroa Flrat ai d Thtrd Bandaya :it 11 A. M. BaaapaoBti Whaurf, Bebool Hou ?., aoooadaUMl PourtB Suudara at ¦." ''. >l. JLOCAL MENTION. 1 I.. Wiigiiri-, Kdilor Locill < <>rr«-»|>oinl<-ii< t\ ?lleOtaaBunieations should l>e a<ldres.-el to PiauiaiA i'im/.in, IrvlDKton. \ m. J. E. I.eonard made a BJteg trip to Tappahanuock last week. *7. HaO Laa lafi Triadaj for a two weeks' slayiu Fredericksburg. Ra*. C. H. Jaaaaa will priacb in the llaptist church next Suuday night. GharUe witite, ol Baatara Bhora, has aaaa viatttBg his btataar, vT. T. Waite. PowOar Boc BJea, rlcaaa: a, uv. .Mi^-. atary L. Baaaaoaa left vTedaaa* daytO attend Woman's College, Kich- Baoad. Miss Kate Howe has becun teaching in the family of VV, B. Simmons aaai Chases Wbarf. *Ve aotc Mcsdames Sallle Rowe aud Gea, I). Oalaa and vT. O. Aahaara as aaaoag our sick oni'M. Mrs. Magjgjia Wfldar icft to-day (Thara- day) for BaJttaaora, where she aaaa t.> BBitthaBB fall millioery. Baooorau* tu>mc aattaraaaaa aaaBaa your runiH-: ..: W.U.Jcaaa, LftwaJton. Laneaster \a*. M.Mterial tbo best. priees low, bi* irt-iulita . avei. W, A. vTaavar, a prominent colorcd BBBfl trotn l.itwalton, was here Tuesday tradlagufl his raotag oaaaa, ..vould warn all hicycle rulers from \\ hiteStor.e to heware of the liltle hank belwaaa the praaoalaa aud GhaBBoaaha Acudcmy. 0, B. Newbill, o! Ehaea county, came doa B Friday to enler bis daughtcr, Misa ireiie. at a pupil at tbe Cheaapvakc* Aoaast Iho tre.-O su<Tr.s «,f Chnmherlaln'-. ('o'.ie. i.iun.l Dtaj-rhooa Kemedy in the treal tueut ol bowel oomplalnta aaa aaada us aaaa ifanl over tb<* irtvater e.iri ol tbe ctvtllaed world. r'or taie o\ I. J. W||||nc*Co^ Irv limtou, \ a.. ... \v. Mandem, White Stooi \ .1. v*. it. Mai Va. Mr. and Mra. A. Katidolph Howard and littledaughtor, Who had been spcnd- ing a few da)s bare, iefl Saturday for in hfrtcbaaeug. <*. IJ. W, Nalle, of Oalpapar, spcnt .; daga bare thia week. aa tbe ajaaat of baa Boa, W. 0, Kalla, Assiatant Oaabaat Lancaatcr Natioual liank. Mrs. C. J. Bobatta rt'.urued Tbureday froma vi-dtto ber brotber iu WOBt Point, Va., aud waa accompanied home by her nii-ce, .Mi.-s Muriau Oweua, of that city. ai.-ii \aa bay fJbaaa- b. riain** « ollo, Cbole*ra aml 1iiarrh.i*a Uein ? <ly. T. ... \\ tilitiK .v CO., lrxintrion; <i. W. *-..i.i.i>, White Mi.ta . or W. 11. Hhi.Uiiu .*. n,.... Woaaaa, will reraad your money Lf \....;.i lootaatlaaaUafioruataaTlt. Ii Laaven wbere admltted i<» ik- Um m..*.t aaaeaaenil .111,*.t> ni uae for bowel eoniplalnta aad Baa onij on.* that noM-rtailM. It is |>1< asaut, .sai«* rvliablo. A 11. lord, while woiking at Weenis *>n ThuracUy laat.fotl from Loomia* oyaler boaoi BBd when found waa.unconacions. Bftaaagh aaearely heaaaad Mr. Pord c*.- aaaed berioua Isjary. Tbe little sail yacbt, Waap, of Nor- folk, barbored here one night last week with Howard B Baalgtaa, II. s. Mott, i>r. 11. n Weaater, Bdward F. Lawier uud B. F. Billups aboard. We are in.bbted to tbe Tidewater AgeklOhoial a Stock Asaociation, at Tap- pabaaaOOB*, for invitatiou to viait their fair, aBhlaa batBB on Oeiober :{, 4 and 5. The fair promises to bo tbe moat attract- tve aear bcid tbero. The c;rr»t«-Ht KviOruc* or the daiiKora of Cholera BMirbua, diarrhu-a. aud d>>entery is the iiiik.;.-.-iu tliedeathiateduriux thobiini- mermoutha Youeaaoot ba too oarofuL and parBoular attentioti *.houwi n,- va,ui to tho aaa. a auppiy ..t pa» biujbb aaoaid ai- vaxabeal baad for Ueaa ba raBeioaaft all tLateaaaaati. aureaadapeedy. Ateat-pooufu] Mlleun- auy onlina.j oaao. Avoi.i -.uOsti U>ere 1.- hui uoa Palo-KUler, Horry 1 »a\ is". }': Re BMi aud f.Oe. Bteeaaar Oarea Dillard will carry those ftoai ihia section deairiug to bear Hon. Jao.YV. DanieJspeak atSaludato t'rbana on ber rcgular trip next W'ednesday morning, returuing Xor them at night. Fare, 7.*> oaata round trip. aliaaes Itebecca llardiug, Beile and Bali, all of Nortbumberland OOBBtr, tOOB sieamer here Weduesday BBOfBiag tarout* to Farmville, where Ciey will atleud tbe State Female Nor- ..ual Bohool tbt coiuing seaaion. 1 abeaa h a eaaaaja aa mo«tev**ry- Uanaa, arraa Uu* aaaaoea, and I hearthebofl- tom rall h.i*. >rotten BB O.p at the old .-taii.l. 80 >-¦> lh. re aml l>e ...nvineed ol tlie pBaaaa, nnd BM what *o:: :iee.l in the way of guod tliiiiRS md aaar. Ibera\iaoaaxwhaa aa tiuu atate audyou're nure to jrei »iood welKhtand jair anoao, baa n«»t aaoa* e<>-t, ut T. J. IU*. ix.\ .v Boat, Irxfut-ton, Vu. lir. G. Uussell Cottingham, of Olto- ¦oiau, epeat a few daya this week with frieuds here. The Doctor leaves Satur- day for Montagues, Essev couuty, where he will practice in tbe future. The best w iidies of his host of friends hore goes aitb bim. Viaitors &een here recently: Mr. and Mrs. O. it. Daatoa, Mr.*>. E. C. Crosa iud fiieuda, Mac Rohbtaa, J. H. Elliott, fi. 1*. Grcaham, Tom Hall. Sr., aud Jr., Geo. W. Thompson, 1). it. .lamea, Jr., (Jeo. W.aaaiero, .Ir., Misa E'la Davia, E. Hruce Squirea, Euataee Hrent, Jas. M.irding, Mias Marian JaoQca, Cy llard¬ iug, C. S. Dunton. *100 Reward If5l<)<). Tlie readers of this paper will be. pleaacMl t ) loara that there im at leattl ono dreadml dia- .(-.¦ tluO sei.-m-e Iimh l.eeii uldt* to eure in all ttasea,aadtbal BQatarrb. M.«ir.s eura is the only iK.silUe eure known to the niolieal Iraternlty. Catarrb belnv a conati- tuUonal dlaaaaa, requtraa a eon-ititutional treatiix nt. HallV Catarrh Cure Ix takeu ln- teniiillv, aetlBB direotly ii|H>n the iilood and nmooua aurfaoaa <>r tbt iialiiai.tBarabj ms ttroyiaa tbe fouadauUoa <>i the .liseaae, and uivinw ih<* patleat atrenatb i.y i.uii.UiiK up tbe oonatitutlon a.i.l aaMiMtiiiK nature in do- intrltawork. Tbe proa-rtoiora bare aa aaook 1.1.O1 in it-* 'inatne |>oweiH, that thoy ofer <»n ilun lie.l .loiiarM for mi>\ case that it faila tocur.%. Bend for liatol toatimonials. Addreaa. P.J.CHKNKY .V (o., Toledo, O. >....l l>> drugiriat. 75 oenta. * llalla Family Pills are the bcat. SBKAK1NG HKBE. Aa advertl'ed. Hon. J. M. Stubba bald forth at the pavilion of the Irviagton Beacb Ho'.cl Monday BBgaa. Accornpany- iug hitu were Keputli-an County Chalr- inan, S. 1'. tireshatu, and Thos. Ball, Sr. It being a Bepublicau meeting by virtue of appointment thut uot iu alleiidao-i. as thete was not a Bepublicau face vlstble other thau tbe three uamed visitors) Un terins were decidedly iu favor of the Ke publicans. Mr.Cresham introduced Mt Stubba, who Baada practically the BBBM speeeh that he did h few hturi previou-* at the paauraaaaaaa Jadga Haaa was introduced by Demoeratie County Chair- ¦BB, W, B. Sanders, and gtVBB htilf an aaOr. In that short space of time the dudge paid a great deal of attentiou t«> the eandidaey of Mr. Mutths aud t he e<ut- tiuuous applause from the assembied la- BBBB and gentlemen showed that his shots were well aiined and got home. Mr. 11*11 ciosed, and endeavored to reeover someof the ground toal at the Court- house, but his talk was pretly much the sittie, aud, aside from the advanta^e to be derived from the "last say," it had little effect. Tbe BBBBtlag was strickly and uuauimously Demoeratie. There were present about seveuty-tive gentle¬ men and a do/eu ladiet. A Niglit ot'Terror. "Awful anxiety was felt for the wi k>*j of the hrave General Burnham of Maota- ihs, Me , when the doctors said she aroatd dla trom l'neumouia before BaOralag" writes Mrs. S. U. I.ineoln who attaadad her that fearful uitht, but she baawad for Dr. King's New Diseovery, wliich had more than once saved her life, and earad Iter of .'onsuiiiptioii. After taking, she slept all night. Furtber uec entuely eured her. This marvetous BBadlda* is guar¬ anteed to cure all Throat.Chest and Laag Dlaaaaaa Oalv gOc aml 1 00 Trial botlles free at T. J. Ilaydon & Son, Irv- ington; L. I). Stoneham, Molusk; T. C. Itland, Behobotb Church. CAUGIITON Tlli: ILY. Leslie C. Garnett, of Mathews County, was last week adntitted to the Virginia Bar. Hon. Jno. W. Daniel will speak at S.i- luda ucxt Wednesday on tiie laaaaa of the day. There will be a meeting ot the Confed- eratc camp of Westuioreland at Monttoss on court day. Mr. aud Mrs. B. B. Gritlitit, of I'.m- niettou, are spendiug tliree or four days iu Baltimore this week. The Nocthern Neck Agricultural As- soeiation has postponed its fair until Oc- ber 31th, N&vcmber 1st and 2nd. It bas turned out that the uegro BBB< pectwho went from Middlesex to Halti- more did not have small-pox after all. J. S. KfTo»d,of Blrhmond county, who had the misfortunc last week to hreak his arm, is doinir as uicely as could be expected. Lucius H. Coles and Mlss Ina It. Con- way, both of Northumbcrland county, were grantcd a marricge licensc in Bal liniore Tuesday. Mr. Eustace.Tones and Miss Etta JoaBB. both of King Georgc couuty, were inar- ricd last Saturday. Bev. II. II. Four? perforraed the crremony. ggaaahop Whtttta wm peaaah at vTbtta Chapol, October 0th, :t p. nt., Trinity, Oc tebertthaSa, m.. Grace, October lOtlt, 1 bSO a. m., Farnham, October tgah, 1 |£0 a. m., St. John's, Warsaw, OetOhet I tth. 1140a m. aod St. Paul's Chapel, Noniini Grove, 3 p. m.,on the eamc day. Bev. H. II. Foues, who has been pas- tor of Bound Oak Hill llaptist chureh, in Iving Georgc count*. for nearly twenty-iive years, hastendered his rcsig- uation. It is to take effect October 1st. Corporal L. C. Hammack, of Sunny Hauk, Va., who has had a recruitittg olllce |a Chieago for the past three months, has been ordercd to Washing¬ ton forcxamination preparatory for pro- motion. .Messrs. Jones and Stubbs, opposing eeadMatea for Congress, were both on ateamcr Lancaatcr Tucsday. Tbe rorniei wa8 on hia vvay to fill an .ippointiuent bj Haltimore and tbe letter on a busluesa trip to Phikdolphiu. The Bowling Grecn Feiualo Scmlnary i-* BBoet foeteaata hi aaooilBglbaaaaihaai as teacber of Miaa Suaic A. Rock, daugh- ter of L. T. Hock, of Litwalton. Miss Hock is a graduate of Woman's CoUegO, Lynchbarg, and ia one of Lancaater'a most accomplished aud attractive young ladies. A AVOXDERFUL CURE OF DIARRHOEA. A Proniinent Virglaia Editor Had AluiostUiveo Up, but Was Brought Back to Perfect Health by Chani- berlaia'a Colic, Cholera aud IHar- rlioea Remedy. Read IIis Edl- torial. From the Timex, HlUstille. Vu. 1 auffercd with diarrhoea for a k*BB time andtn.)UKhIwiu**paatl>einKCured. 1 ha,isiM*nt mueh time and money and autTored so ruueh miaery that 1 haa Hlniostdoci.le.l toniveup all bopeaol reeo\e.y and await the rosult, i.ut Dotlotng theadverttaecaeat ot Cbamborlaiua Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedy aml also some testinioiuals atatintr how some womier tulcuroa had been wrouitht by this remedy I dec'ced to try it. Atter takinK a few doOM I wasentiroly well of that trouble. and 1 wish to say furtjjor to ir-y readers aml lellow sot- tereiathat 1 am a hale and tiearty man t<> daj and feel as well aa l o»or did in my lifo..O. U Mookk. Sold by T. J. WfllintfA; Oo ' lrvm/ ton, G. W. Sandera, White Mtone; w. 11. Har.l oiK & Hro., Weem.s, Va. JUNIORS CELEBRATE. <>u last Tbursday cvening, Sept. 13th. tlrememberaof Weems Council, No. 100, Jr. O. U. A. M., which ia in a tlourish- ing condition, beld a iitcrary aud social eniertainuient in their hall at Weems. Every member brougbt two or tbrec friends and a royal good time was liad. The following programme was raadpead after which tbe membera and guests; to the number of 200, were treated to ie< cream, lemonade, cakes, peacbea aud other OeiaaWBBa of Ibe season. 1'UAOKAMMK. Address of Wclcome by tbe Councilor, J. C. Harding; Cborua, "Red, \\ hite and Blue," by Council; Recitation, "Vankee in Love", by Miss Lilian Hoberts; Vocal Solo "Little Georgia ltoae," Misa A. Blanche Measick; Piauo Solo, Mr. L. L. Gore; Recitation, "The Fireman's Weddiug", by Miss Georgia Meekins; Piano Solo, by Misa Marian Owens; Recitation ,"Aunt Nancy'a Account of a Fashionable ParlorRecital," Miss Kate Rowe; Vocal Solo, "Every Nigger Had a Lady but Me", Mra. L. M. Irviag; enchore ."My Lady Lu"; Duett "Sunny Teunessee", by Messrs. Fax Harding aad J'aul Palmer. Tbe Couucil deairea to extend tbanks to the Chaa. M. Stieff Piano Company, of Baltimore, through their agent, Mr. L. L. Gore, for the uae of a handaome piano. _^^ AJu.nior. Stood l>eath Off. E. B. Munday. a lawyer of Henrietta, Tex., once fooled a grave-digger. He aaya: "My brother was very low with malarial fever and jaundice. I perauaded him to try Electric Bittera, aud he was aoon mucb lietter, but cojitinued their uee until be waa wholly cured. I am sure Electric Bittera aaved his life." Thia remedy expels malaria, kills disease germa and puriliea the blood; aida dlaaa .ion, regulatea liver, kidncya andbowela, ouroa conalipation, dyspepaia, nervous diaoaaea, kidney troubles, fcinale com- plaints; givea peefeethealth. On. at T. J. Haydon & Son, Irvington; L. I). Stoneham, Molnak; T. C. Bland, Reho- botb Uhurch. J Lancaster County. W ilKALTON. J. W. Brillhart loadad t> BBBbBB» af cattle Tuesday and aecontp.uiied thetn to Ilaltiuiore »o make sale. At \Vatei\ie\v, tag t«> loaii seven ht-ad aaora laaj gofl ava*> aaaad,aad Mr. Bi ttlaj t haard Braaaaafl they arata aavad aa dravrw atlasea tfalla aad Sarah Taoaaaa lafl last week farad BBBak la Ball: i.ore a> d aaad laaray Ool Capt. J. H. ffBaabu ¦ h in Crisfi,.| taJa araeh aaaa] rj iag ot hfa r aaatat Kll,M.\i;.\(HK. The Mn (tots r.r taa Gbeaaa cultural Assoeiation ¦aatia taat Tuesday to make BUBBgnBBBBlB IBI the coruing fair. B. A. vT. KiMattt Baa aol n- yat baaa able to lind the gjtBj he > t in the ro.vl. The good paapla < f the vluara are get- tins; up apurse so as not to make | so heavy. Mr. vV. II. ti. Chase aad Blaa Vargta I.utirell, the tattet of Northtimherland eountv, were inarried Wedrn sdav Iag la lha Ktlaaaraoi irch by ;t. v. f. v. I ybrook. Oaatl* brotaar of the grooaa, aatad aa ba t aua, wbUaMra H. \v. Bardtag readan areddlag Baareh. WHITE STo\ I). .! Ba little daa .lulia, and Bi (,HV taj 4a Wilming- loa, Dal. Mra. 1'hilby, af Near J been viawiag hat atatar, Bra Waller Bataaway, lafl i to tpaad daya la Baltlta >re. M pallb ahortlf ratara. Ura Jao. D. Wtat .bergaaat, her sister, Mrs. QaargB Arnoid, of BaHl aaora. Buck Oliver |y ||J wph nia lartal favar. The prolraclad Baaatlag, aideb li i- beaa la progrcaa al taa Methodtatcbarcb for the paat ; ty af- taraoaa. Ba* B. M. Bopa, of Bfebi arho aaalBted taa pastor, aroa many friends and did cfeat good, a aeaabat BBhtag aritb iba eharch as n raaali oftbe meetintr. Be*8. Bopa BBd this week BBrryiag n:» aflBeeUag ai alghl ary M. B. caarch and alghi or taa aoavaraloaa have alrcady baaa aaa A little soti (coiored), lltriag aaar Daatoa'a Mtll,traa atraek <>n th. baad Wadaaeday by ¦ fall< lag liinb and hi< skuii fraetared. Dr. B. B. Treakle BTM aaad and that the HaUa fallaa i- dofag as wall as aoald be iipacaad. A Baaabat of tha proaaiaaat men Ib this*Otagaaad the lalaad have foraaed ¦ Poaapaay aritb a Bapttal or |SO0 to baild a tatephoaa Uaa from taia plaoa t<> Wil bob'b wharf,a dfaataai e af bbbb it\i:. permit has alrcady bBBB giaatad by lha BTarthara pb aad Taia ptionc Ooaaaaay to araet the Uaa aad Work wtB eaaiBtaaea witbia a LANGA8TEB 0OUHTHOU8K, Ja. Doagtaaa, s.m of u. T. i>«>. has beeu ipiite si.k for tl, - lrom ahitavriaiag aa the baea it is raarad that ba will have to be take.i to BBBta far traataaaat Dra Ptaokard and Baaaaaaada are Bttaadlrg tha patieat. vYaa »J. Beaae oaatlaaeaaaaaaedbb his frafl. the effBOUOf B B id felon. Ba*.Qraaville B. afJooa, af aiaaaa* dria, has aceepted the BBQ BI tended hiut by the BBfeeeaaJ eharehaa ai Laai eoaaty. Be wtBarrtvatoiU appoiaa* BBaaaahajrlaahiB lha rirst Beaday iu Oc- taber, whieh are as follows: Whitc Chapel 11 h. Bk BOd Trinity (Q. B.) I B, m. tiist and third Baadaye; Qraoa li a. BB. BBBOad Sunday; Trinity 11 a. m. and Qraoa I p. bb. faarth Baaday in every BBOatB. There will be the regular BBOatblg of LawaaahBallCaakpO. Laaoa H. on Wednesday. OetOOOt :>rd. A big Baeettag is aapaoted, at whkb taaa there will be a preaoatataaa of plotaroa, Tbe Sona' and Daughters' eaaapt are cordlal- iy larttad tO parti'i; Jao, Pahaar, a worthpaad ladaetrieaa coloicd inan about :i:> years of age, llrlag aaar Broaa*a Btore, attaadad praycr meetiugat Chestnut Urovochurch last Suuday night uear hia home. He waa called upou to lead tlie meeting in prayer and re\ erently lifting bls band Beeeeawerd be baajaa, "<> Qod, thoe kaowaal are baraprayedaaloTlM eral times before." ThaBB were his last wordsonearth for hedied iu that atlitude. Dr. H. W. Bardlag was barrladty »um- monedand foundhitn dead iu a posturcof pr&yer. This sud len de.Uhcieated ipiile a sensation people. At Reboboib Metbodist church last Sunday inorning tbe pastor stated that eighty-Iive dollars was assessed that aharab for ooatereaee eolleettoa, and much to his aurprise and pleasure, iu a low Baoaaeata, tbe wbola aaaeaat was subscribcd and BBOBt of it paid BDOt cusb notwitkstunding tbe drought aud bard times. Well done for Bebobothl Itr.Baheoeb v.:11 tili h\* regalar ap- peiauaaate at Bethel aad \:'.¦¦¦.,¦ aaxt Baadar. Be will also prercb at Rebo*- botb on Wedaeaday night of aesl week. Mrs. Dr. Il.irdin; and Mi-s Susie Tbrift, With Mrs. Boowdao C. Hall as al- ternate, have been BJBOtaJ as delegates from the Laaoaater circuit to the a oeaaa'a roreiga alaadoaary Conference which aaaeta in Ohariotteartlle uext inoutb. Mrs. Jao, t> Robertaoa, who waa taken siublenly aick at Marvin QiOfB camp nnd had to aadergo a aargteal >>p eration, is aaaaewbat worae, aaaeb to tlie regret of ber host of fri. Virgiuius A. Cbowalag, who moved to Haltunore winter, has relurut-d to bis home aaar Molusk oa aeooaal of his aifVl beallb. Geo. R. McKenncy's family at Iberis, which has been sufferiug BBBeh of late with malaria, ure now much improved. Tbe Sunday scbools at White Marsh and Babehoth, Whhlb have been much broken into by tbe protracted meetings bero of late, will opeu up for fall and, winter work next Sunday. The Relio- botb acbool mceu at 9:;S0 a. m., and White Marsb at l :)0 p, in , after wbleb dent McKeuney will ooadOOt ihe regu. ular Epwortb Leaguc service. Judge Brouu found the lost pocket book and knifeof Rev. II. M. Hope and has retaraod them to their owner. Missea Lula and Ida aaaa, of BOfftb Twenty-aixtb street, bare hath aaoared schoola at Lancaster, Va., and will sl.ort- ly enter BpOB their dulie*. Miss Lula taiight there last session..AVWW />/.*<- BBBaV Mrs. .1. H. Siininoiids baa BB her BJBBBOJ Mra. Alphin, of Bot Springs, and Mi-. Libhy, of Rieaaaoad, Alfba Barea. U SUltF. OF THIS. aay. Brberadid .\<>ii -.'.-t tbat medicino from'.- QBrrj it aBnabjM Baab and aa! u rraaa th<> abf rellal.lestore, whon'l l.ey U. ep m arlj alUort** Of drutrs, iu.'lii>lin« l..\dia B, I'liirkmu'M, Oeaaap Beet, Qiepli i ... mmi Bfctaarj Cure. i.i.|ui.i raeeaaaoawaal Baaaaraai etbe* thinum. I in. an T. .1 lla\.l.,i, .V .*-.mi - Store. Irvington, Va. LANCASTKK COIUTS. agBCt tT COCa* 1'KOCBKDINUa. Thecases of Daveuport tra. Gunth. r, Struvett and VVacker va. F. A Gunby BBd B. M. Sutton ,V. Qa BB I 0. 1't.luie'r .vere all contioued. BB Sander.H, breaeltof p'omise sdit. eontinued till special term »<r i.'ir Batl ('"urt to ba baaf Baaaaaaai tlae. laaaataaaaof Landreth aDdothers v- Baiaabetb Kemui deeided iu favor of plaintifT. JavaBaaaaaJ gtvaa <;ritiith, Turner gj Ch» rB B II Bot.inson. In the case of .1. A. Edmondson A aaa v- C *T. aatraaah aa ravraaa Jaaagaaaat, v\ a-. diaaaJaai d at aaal af bbbbbiIbT. of Paul Brooks va. t'i>mui<in- vaaltb aaaaa up fraaa i'ounty Court and $.*><> judgmcnt of lower court susta'ned. - ailoarad to take case to Court of Appeals). Ohaaoaty proraadfagB wateaa laBavra Wm. H. Oriflith vs. L B. FMem- . mpromisetl. BaaryJoaea vs Boherta Jones, divorce graata L Jadgaaaaal for sale of land to Detrick Ferti!'./er and Chcmical Co. vs. Jaa. H. *Y. f. Maaaaah and BaUta B. Williug, ezaeatlix, Sallie B. Willing in her own !'.. L Willing aud others, report .i Coraaalaal Naar (atoek «>f gooda) aaa- iirmed. W, '.'. Bechaaa aad others vs. Jas. E. a, Oyatar laapactar, oijaaatiaa pet petaatadL Caaa of B. M. Baadata vs. Currcll's Bxccatora and otaara, case of Juo. r Parker, adaaiatatratot to Bettie A. Bar ker, *a Jaa K Ball, aud case of \Y. C. vTbaley aud arlf* vs. La*i Harneit, all rad to Coiiiiuissioners for repork "''..' for report of Coinmissiom r \ W. A Leland vs. ,):io. Towles «nd o! ttaatad Vfaaaar TawHa vs. Tomlin aud othcrs for divisiou of laad. In ease of F. E. II. K'elly and Jas. Ilb Katty vs. vTUoaaa Wood, a aaaraa raalad to raat hiall af iafoadaat Of V. C. Bowlett vs. S. T. Bassett aattlad bafoee Baaaiag in court. ooaanra oooae monday. of aceoaata mdarad to .e aud report ou sullleiency of Hy Traaaarar*a baad, L m. Fitpp.. i) b. Jaaaaa, 0. II Barkar, H. I*. Ball, Baa. ¦ aad w. ii. Jmm iVOra M aad jurv. Wiii ofJao. vT. Baurga. aaaaaaat, ad- uaitted to raeard. ni Court was iu taaal .11 Tuesday, tad eoaatyaaart i*aaaaad itssittingon m aday. l'Ol.lTICM. SfKAKINC. Th. aftaraooa aaatakaa ap la Bataa« i''^ tO i>oliiical speeches. Hon. J. M. -.Bepublicau eandidatc.was pies.r.t aad opeaad bhaddraaa Baaaedkataly afaaa litiner aud had linishcd before Judgc W. II. Mann, tiie chunpion whoni the DlBaoecabl had on hand. arrived at 2 B. Mr. Stubbs' speeeh showed laatha ha<l not cuitivatcd oratory. H*. .l'splayed a good dcal or courage and I to staud before an audience OOaapoaad BBlafly Of Lancaster Demo- Brata When Judgo Mannarrhed t.rin-. »an Btade between him antl Mr. Thos. Ball, Sr., who waa to ehampion tha Be- pahlkaa oaaaa Jaaga Mann lad otr and BavasadBBOat fully the national iaaucs lavolvad la thh carapaign. Imleed there waa nothing that coulJ be thought of that he did not fully explaiu. He, con- aaqaBBft*/, occupied a great dcal of liinc, but his audience did not BBBBB to feel it and were vociferous iu their applause. Mr. Ball followcd, touching upou points BB a rather rainhling tuanner, so flBBOh ao that Judgc Mann Ia bia ro- Jaiadar said that he had started to koep BOtai BWt his opponeut had jumped from pillar to post Iu auch a rapid manncr that he gave up the attempt. The Judgc, ncvcrthelcaa, aucccedcd in touch¬ ing up Mr. Ball in a lively mauncr aud kept his audience In a contlnual uproar oflaaghtaraadahoaaa. it aaaeattaialy B lield day for Democracy. One of the .raiifying things of the wholc oc- BBiOB was the courleous and good naturcd manncr iu which Messrs. Mann and Ball couducted their discussion. I.ATK8T KltOM COl'RT. The Grand Jury hrought in indlctnicnts against Capt. Thomas, of stcamer Ida, and Capt. Dan Davis, of ateamer Esecx, for violation of the "Jirn Crow" law. Theae will merely be test casea and should they be convictcd, indictmenta against the otlicr captaiua will follow. 1.IST BO OKKUS, KTC, Admittcd to rceord durlng and aincc August tenn Lancaster County Court: Trust deed from Emanuel Cartcr to C- S. Towles, benctit of J. E. Blakemore, on II acrea in White Chapel District. Deed from Wm. Cbilton to C. II. Dudley on 97J acrea in Manlua, also one on 84A acres in Mantua. Deed of gift from Jno. Smith to Lucenna Smith for :$ acrea in White S'one. Deed from J. Bj, Blakemore and wife toJas. Carter for lot of land in White Chapel. Trust deed from Jas. Carter to C. 8. Towles, for J. E. Blakemore, on lot of land in White Chapel. Deed from R. U. Carter to Wiu. Ghtltoa, adaalatetfater of o. f. Bardtag, d, for lot of land in White Chapel. Deed from II. S. Cresbam, comrnia- aioaer, to Roland Smith for «a acres iu White Chapel. Trust deed from Priacilla Smith et al to W. M. Piackard, benefit of L. E. Mumford Bauking Ccmpany, on 5 acres iu White Chapel. Trust deed from Roland Smith and wife to W. M. Pinckard.for L. E. Mum¬ ford Banking Company, on 7 acres in White Chapel. Trust deed from Jno Taliaferro and wife to .J. H. Davenport.for L. E. Mum¬ ford Baukiug Comp*ny, on 15 acres in White Cbapel. Deed biinj R. Q. Norria and wife to Lucius Williama for Q acrps in White Chapel. Trust deed from Luciua Williama and wife to W. M. Pinckard, for L. E. Mum¬ ford Banking Company, on 10 acres :n White Chapel. Deed from J. BL Chowninjr fet al to C. II. Keyser on2t acres in White Chapel Trust deed from C. H. Keyser and wife to J. C. Ewell, for bencfR of Glebe Fund, on above tract. Trust deed from W. W. Beane and wife to Wm. Cbilton, benefit of Glebe. Futid, on Slj acrea in Mantua. Dead from C. B. Dudley to F. W. l.ewis, for L. E. Mumford Banking Com¬ pany on 182 acrea in Mantua. Deed from E. W. Long and wife to L 11. Bussells for 3 acres in White Stonc. D.ed from N. A. Hammock et al to W, W . Beane for G6> acrea in Mantua. D.ed from hulie aud Jno. Wiuegar to A. Ii. Mercer for 5 acres in White Stoue Deed from Lulie and Jno. Wineg*r to <I. W. Mercer for 10 acrea in White Stonc. Deed from Wm. Davenport and wife to Howard Hathaway.for L. E. Mumford Hanking Company.on 88 acrea in Mantu i. SHINGlES! SHINGLES!! <»ver 100,000, 4, ft, and 6 inch cypresa BBMaajlaa at lowcst pricea. W. A. Dambkon & Bro., Wecm«. ¦aaal DaatHTQBT :iicoki:n. Io our last laaue, w hicb weut to preaa on Thurmlay Blgbl ef laat week, wi an- aaaaaad thal the Weeibae Bureau pre- dtaVed tiiat*. Ireaatha ¦ waa la < at Beathwaat aeaitd ba f- n aa the Allautie about Fn.'av. .rniinr eorly, bafara Baaay or ..or n a baa ha.l re- t!o o aopj ol the Vm. i* x BBB, the droBgbt, v. bi b ihe inid.ilo of JttBe, « witbin BJ bours ucarly tweatl laehes ol waWr baii fallon thrOBghoatt] Tiu* raia ettaadad all over tae Bttae hmI aa] bbbbi good, altl tae arapa are t.... : u pae atthei towarda Baatartty <>r deetractloa bo raoatreaay great beaedl froea the rala. The gra*<8 for paatare will be .; haahaaod op, boweeer,aad tbegroaad aeftaaed for fall ploaghlag. Workiny; Niulit aml !>.»>. Tbe baateet aml Balghtleei little ihtae tbat oeee whs bbbSb la Dr. KlBg'a New Life 1'ills. Thaae ptUe nhangn veahaeaa into atrenglb, listl. to aaergy, brain-fa-j into inental power. The? re wcMicb'rful in balldleg Bp the bealtb Ouly BSc per iiox. BofdbyT. J. Baydoa & Sou, ireiagtoB; l>. D. Dtoaabaaa, M<>- luak; T. 0. Baaad, Bahobotb Charch. DEATH OF WARREN .JOHNSON, Warreu K. Johnaon, BOB of Capt. Jno. Johaaoa, lirlag in Plaat*a ! >uy Back, passed cpiietly away Fiiuay afUrnoon at .*> o'.-loek of OOBSaBJpUofl coattaeted last winter froiu au Bttack of tb*; grip. Tbe deccaaed was urimarried and about 09 years of a^e. The reinains were intcrred iu tbe White Siotie Daptist <i inetery on Saaday morning, Rtrr. 0. B, -lauics con- ductiug tbe funerul services. A Woid to Motliers. MntBim of ohildreo affected witb oroup or B wtraw cold aoed not aeattaus to admlnUtet Uhatabi r:.ioi"s Cougb Kemedy. li oootalaa no opiata aor naroottc m aoy rortn and taaj bo afvoo aa eonttdentlj to taa babe aa to aa adttit. I'ne piltal sueress that Uu< atteedi'd itv u<(. in tiie tn-.tti.ictit otooldaand oroup Bm woa i"i it ..n<l praiae it baa reowtved throuabout tbe fJnlted Statcsand in iu. ny forelsa laoda. Por tale T, J. wuiing \ i<>.. Irvtajttloa, Va., «;. W. Haadera. Wbitc St.>ne. "»'«., W. 11. Uardluu At llro., iVovmtt, Va.. ^^^^^ A CAKH. To meet hills that are now due and Iboaa that will aoeae aae this fall, and baviag been BBBaaally laaieal i*i the paet with those who BWB BBC, cspeeially BO during the BBBt stinuncr, I now ask theaa who are indchted to me for pro- :ta! services to BBttla sainc darlag the prcaaal oyatar aeaaoa. [willtakala settlenieut of leesany faim prodBOB that can be Baad Ifl a family or that can he exehanged with meichauts for nter- nbandiao. All back hills BBpaid at aad <f the yaar must be etaaad with Bagotiaala aote with aaotavad Beearity. To all partlaa who oaa aaeet taaaa rvqaireaaaaU), bat ahoa bo dtapoettloa or make n<> affort to do so.i will rafaaa in taa fatBra,aadai aay cireutnstances, to raadaf thetn or th< tr famiiies furthcr professmual serviie, exeept foreaaa, To wtdowa aad baada of famiiies who have depaBdcat OBOI tO prO*tde for, and have BBBt with BBBVOld able losses and nfllictions, thus rrnder- in^: them unable to ;>ay. il will he in the future, as it has bBBB baratolOra,a plaaa- ure BOraadaV them at all titms profes- ateaal aarvtaa, lagardlaaa of any raaia- neration whalever. It. P. Ki¦ii\nk, M. I). Ottoman, Va., Baptaaabar la, 1900. m_ ^laaaaa POIalTlCAL NOTIOB. The Dcmiu rats of Litwallon preeinet are leipiested to meet on Saturday (to- morrow)at :\ p. BB. for the BaVBOBI "I < r- gani/in- a Dem« c -ratie eluh. Kespt'etlully. w. ir Jaaaa, rtatilBmOhah. xotki: tiicsi:: Card of Dr. B. IV Kubank. New ad of Couper Mnrble Works, Norfolk, Va. Change af ad of Hciman vv. l.ehmau, clolhiers, Baltimore. Beport of the Lancaster National Bauk. New ad of taaaaatroaa** Bhat House, Baltimore. A Shockhiu t alamity "I.ately befell a rallmad laborcr" writes Dr. A. Kelletl. of V. illifonl, Aii;. "His foot waa badly crushed, but Buck< len'a Aruicia Salve ipiiekly OBtad him. ll'a siuiply wondcrful for Burns, Bolla, l'Ues, and all skiu eruplions. [tfB the world's champion healer. t'ure guaran¬ teed. aaa, Boldby T.J.Baydoa 4$8oa, [rviagtoa; L D. Btoaehaaa, atolaak; T.c. Baaad. Reaoboth Okorcb. Northumberland Co TBILBY. Mrs. Vloivneo Fore.ster will leavc to-day (Monday) for Baltimore, afteff spending the sunimcr with Ifiei Bl.mche White. Mastcr Kari 1'arson, WOO has been ill withpneumnuiu. is ahle to he out. Ifiea Oowart aud foar ebildrea will leare WodnoadBy for Baltimore, where they erpeot to spend the winter. They will bogreat ly tnissed bj their many frieoda here. Chills an* anite proraloat around bero. Misses Milion Lachey and Herinan beaie, of Pairflelda, eieited ooar bera Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Lewe Dawaoa riaited Capt. nnd Mrs. (i. 11. White Sunday. ifeaara.Qeargeaod Fraok Doaglaa, Wade Palho aud Lotber Lewae, of Village, apeat hist week Beaf here. Miss Kannie Dawsoo recently apent aweek with bereiater, Ura.Dnnaway, of Sunny Beak. SOHOOLOUtL. HEATHSVILLK Now that fall has ooeaa and the leavi'S are fallitlg, many of onryoun^ peopie are goingBWOj tO tbe dilTer** oat schoola. llenry DeSbii »d"f and 1,'ichard L. Heale left thi week for rUcbnaoad College. We wiah theaa all success. Others will ;,<> later. Mrs. K. Wella retoraed from Washington today, where she has been rittttpg for tbe paa| few veeks. Aiies Ireae BlakeHiore, of ICilletv beck, 1ms beea rraititigin tbe village the past weels. Mr. and kfra. Uoyd Sncad leave to-day for Baltimore to spend some time. Pub'.io aoboo) beglns here to-day (Taeaday). We have certainly cnjoved "Des- mondV letters to the CrnzKtf and hope that some one from here will write regularly, for I know he would like to see a letter from here everv week now that he is away at schoof. The home pOnera are iheaext thing to a letter from home to a child at school. TOPAZ, RICHMOND COLLEGE, RICHMOND, VA. roaOowed. n-.uiU!n>'M.*ositao,coo. $vi. ocospeio lor i:ev. BBtBUBga aad aoleauoe equiri- U.eiil lasL year. I).-Kreesor 11. A., ». S , M. A .01.1 Uaehelor <>r i...... BaaaBBa <-r BW- Btaa, $-200 to 52.10. opens Septeuiher 20. Kor llluatratoU booWlet aud catalogue, addrvss P. W. BOATWRIUUT. ITesl.ienu Medicinc Dcntistry-PharmaLV. I nl\ri-.!ly (ollrtrrof Mcdlrlnr, Rkl:m..u.l Ba. Ul $TE» BrCI IKK. B. IV. U.D.. Pn*iJfat. ix racejavea. Rl « llllll.^l....... l... v.-.r I.f.,rr7fl,»i#a.m. i«m» r,r aaa* M f*ac« Ckt*lA«, j.Mnu i»r. j. aaaaaaa awaaaiBi i»«***». Over-Work Wcakens Your Kidneys. Unbcairhy Katocvs Make Impurc Blood AUUm i bocy paaaaati your k: s every three tninu:- fj. . «h« kkineys are your I purtficrs. they fil- cut ihe waste or I ipu-iticsin theblocd if tltey areiilck or ou' of order, they faii to do their work. TTrf I \ F*ains.achesar.drheu- ItW BaBtaarn come from ex- aBva Bctd in the , V, blood, due to ncgiccted ktdney trou iay ttoub;, icg or unEt-acjy S^V - one feelasthougn they hau heart trouble. bocau^e the heart is over-v. n purripjng thijk kidnc. h vcins and arteries. i to le con.stJsred that only urinary be traced to the kidncys\ But now meae-rn ocicnee proves that neariy all constitutional diseases have their beein- alar-la '.-.; Iney trouble. 6 If you are sick ycu can make no mirtake by first doctoring your k^dnevs. The mild ^-«^.o:^,dinuary e,fect c'f Dr- Kilmar'a Swamp-koot, the great kidney remedy is soon real zed. It stands the highest for its rful cures of the mo:t distressing cases ^10 i^ ccld on its tr.erits by all druggisis in fifty-, ccnt and one-dollar siz-L c . You may have a ^BJSagWwi aantpla bottle by mail -J T T trec. alco pamphlct tellingyou how to find oet if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mcntion this paptr u hen writing Dr. Kilmer 5c Co., Bir.r:himton. N. Y. BEPOST OF THE lOM'ITlON OF The Lancaster National Bank (No. S3tv) at Irrlagtaa. in the state or Virghiin. nt the Closc of Busi¬ ness, Si'ptemher ."»th, 1000. KF.SOfHOES. I.oan-i :mi.| liiseoiint-, JBB.BI '.venliat't*.. - -eure.l aml uns<*eurcd ¦rtti B. Bonda to aaeara ciroulatlon S Preaalnaia on r. s. BaaOa I^XkXXN B bouae, rnrnltarav, aad Baturea b«M Iro.i. Kattoeal lliink*. Inot Bj aenre aaaeaa BBBUi t»ne ii.i.i siate baaba aai itankera aaaa Daaa Croaa apptorei Beaarre Ajronta 3.7:m.«j; Iiiterim! Bevaaaa statnps BBJ| aad other eaab itemi bjjbj Noie- o| other National Uanks :il.">.i*t PiMillnaal paaareaaraaaB/.afcaala, aml . out * j|- -g Uiwlnt money l.*ser\ein baeeta anjaaai haaal BaaOat ¦otea ajBBBai luii.I with t". S.Treaaurcr (J ikt eent. elriiiliOioio LBBkBl To,,«'* $87,454.14 LIABIMTIKS. Uapital atoeb i>»i-i ba $26,000.00 Uudiridod proi ¦, aaaaeaeaa' taaea padd taJt National Baatft aObBB aatBBBBBBJ B\tBaOI Indlrfctanl aapeaBB artrinel leebeafe a8.tw1.4-; T",;l'* 0*7.454.14 Btateol \ irvinin. County or Laneaator. iw: I. Frank c;. Newbill. caahicr of the aliove- n.oiiecl Imtik. <lo f-otemnly swear that tho abeee atateaaaad litraa Ba the tx«st of my Baowteaae aai i>*itef. raaaa o. Xnwrnn, Oaahbar. Bubaeaibad aad aweraaabaaara m.> aaa ritb .layot S.|it, 18U0. Joaa a. pai.mi.h. n. 1*. \lf.--t: W. McDna \i.1, i.i-k. ] A. Randolfm Bowaaa, i- Dlrectora. a .1. Nixx nii.i.. lli:»ll AL (0LLEC.E0F VIRCIMA. Tbe Blxtjr-tbfrd Bceataa wiu iwtrin uiM.ut Oetabae i*t. Baa ¦edleal Braiai CaaFao, foar yeara, .&.*.»."» per sesaion. B-eatal eradad Pearao,tareo years, $<».> per M's-ion. IMiarmacentieal Courae. two year*, S<»0 per seaaion. x Ktata l.'i 1 urther pB tleuUos «<l.lresa Chrleiaphai TaaapkloB. BL D., Dean, KICIIMdMI, VA. IWTROMZE HOME INDUSTRY. BaWehanta, <lo thia. and your custom- t»ra will patronlze you. THE KKVMORE SIIOK CO., FKKDKlUCKSnUKQ. aaa aa aBoddj Bataee. Btaaj pah afaaiiiali warraaUtd by them, and If, with roasonahle wear.tbcy .1.. n«.t yixe *.*iti*itaotiou, tho dealer B authori/e.i to make it BB. BWBeaa, caii for aaa Beaaaeee aaaa, ASIIIIl'RN & JAMES. Irvington, R. BL SAXDEKS, White Stone, W. A. DAMERON i HRO.,) CRALLE i SISSON, | VVcems- GEO. BT. ItEEl), Keedvillc, Agents. JAS. A. TURNER, Salesman. CUNS, RIFLES, REVOLVERS. For tho nexl Bg davs all guna in atock, exeept BaaalagtOBB, go at coat. Also bargalae in Rtflea, Re- voiver.**, Trapa, TBrgeu, Aaaaaaat* tlOB, eti. I hare iu *tock all hraada of Hlack and Siuokelesa Powdersal bottaaaprleaa. Hiaatmg Powder, Dyaaaatta, Fuse and Capa LER0Y t. LELABD, I0G LIWIIT ST. BALTIMORE. MD. ADAMS', IN FREDERICKSBURG, VA., Ia the place to huy all kinda of Uooks and Stationery, and in ad- dition to theae lines there are aeveral distinct departments, vi-^ Wall Paper, Painta aud Glaaa. Picture Franies, I'ianos aud Orgaus Each flapailBBBBl well equipped. In a few woeks Bicycles will he prominently displayed. Mall ordeis reccive Trompt Attcntioa, NEVER! You are never diseatiafied with any dewclry hougut of us. The BBOat selett liue of Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry. .lu-*t think of a S;.li.l 80M (ladies) Wateh. Btaj or a Bolid Gold (Qoafa* Wateh. f.i\. *v year Gold Ulle-', Wateh. o-iiarantetMl, $10. Hterling-BUver Cbaln Braoafcaa. BL Meriin^ fllver l iieii.ishipHr.iits.oor chaln braceleta) I" i- t.. .11 xis. Weddlnx Utnjjrt», any atylo and xvi.hti doeired. LarKC hno of VVt*d<lit<i: neeaawa, Mail orders promjdly tllled, W. J. MILLER, ¦n .IKWKI.KK, 2S E. ItaltlBtore St . Baltimore, Md. HARRf k. LEONARD, Expert Watchmaker, Jeweler and Engraver. I St. Taul Street (ncar Ralto.), BALTIMORE, MD. Roferonoo:.Bdltor of thia papor. Jt:»«.! Jwo, c. i:\vkii, Piaeiiial ~ ! [ ~" *" raajri o. Nawi ' ( ash ' aV KaJTDO H HoWAatD, \ ice-l'n aitleot ." M \ a*l Caahier. THE LAN BBBj ¦"*- BfaaaB NATIONAL BANK, IRYINGTON, \TJL. Deposits Solicited, Negotiable Papfr Discounted all COBBBaPOBOBXOa e,:<:.OT. Y ANSWKKEI. l> s. AI.,i, ^vrior,." Handsome Lithographed Chech Books presented to each Custoraer btai.i. Bvaiasaa kbpt in btkici < o:>hi>i;n< , je BAMK OPEW FROM 9 A. W.. TO 6 F. M SPRBNC HAS CQMF b" : 8UMMER IS HERE. Prepare for the warm season by sunnlvino- v.->-ir<=otf -nri+v. uu. eoods. Our stock offers attractions /uchasCe never se<£ 1tJ&? Everybody admits that Fredericksbureil the Soest Dla/^n 2? Sd^ffi GO°dS aDd ^tionf--anTwCeh\r?LPlcabCe6ap^ THREE FLOORS X-OS.1DEID With Dry Goods, Notions, Milliaery, Men's and Eoys' Clothing Th good pcopk of Um Rappahaanoei aaa tforUwra Kcek an aa. our hZi . *¦¦¦ ;:!,:;x S25 jya.r- ** °*"*. -*¦ r-S 2&£ -jssss T. IN. BRENT, - - Fredericksburg, Va. I FOR YOD! A FALL GREETING: W the aeaaoa of ti.e ovater and the bnckwheat oakc is tbawm* near, aad while the moth >stafang bk last bita oat of vot.r aioter oaat and the ruiWy pumpku, ia in the aiiti..«,ml noaet, we WBOl to tawaiod you that it is lngh time to be tJnkiog of your Pall aad Wiattr al lake good care of your feet this eoiviing Winter. You v.i\\ expect lota of thetn before the robins neat agum, aad your feet that do so for vou de- serve your temler raie aad rjropaiby. J uu) ofn,a,l,aml Wio*e* Pootwear tbai will pl, .. M1:in. ,v.m;tn and child. Oaraboeeemaaobati verybody tal ire in Wrariojr. \\Y feTglSE law*? "orkman.hip aud . Sltstyhsarethe eaplacooaoor Bbelvee. We have ,he exeloeive aale ... baltitaore of ibe piadoctiooe of aoaaa of the best laaBBfactarera n. Aaaerk The best, shoes for me.Mlu Kest BDOM for lad boal lOOea for boya, Miaeee aad ebiMreo are l. , aad woald .ppn w% ;l u to^^aawalUbatbaiterbi yoa tbaa aay o . ;, ., Tilati8 expect to give you BBOK for yooi aboa BrOO BVWhare elae! f you bojaoylbiag it ia not aatiafactorT, brtag it baok. We will rxcbaaae the fal^V0""0!?^1 Bgramble. [it thi. I ,/ v,V feJi e ,re aft, a bea readj for yoar \\ fater Footwaar, yoor f -1 will tora door GOLDSTROM'S GREAT YELLQW FRONT SHOE HOUSE, BALTIMORE, MD. 421 S. BROADWAY, A. BENESCH'S (407-409 S. BROADWAY, BALTIMORE, MD,) . Grand Summer Opening and timely bargains for watchful buyers of Furniture of every description. Carpets, Oil-cloth, Linoleums, Mattings, Refrigerators, Baby Coaches, Gro- carts, in fact, anything needed to furnish homes. I can give you a good parlor aoit, coveivd in sf*k, tapeatry or hair cloth for $|5 aud upwarde. I can give you a solid oak iO-pieoe bed rooni auit, with large tevel glass for 20 " A good baby coach from $4 tfj $25. A good go-cart from $2.50 tO $15. Cood Matting at |0C, letter Matting at | 5C.f Best Matting at 20 and 25C. Fr yard. Linen warp Mattings, carpet designs, for 25 311(1 30C. If any goods you may desire are not mentioned above, write and all in. formation and prices will be furnished at short notice. Prices guaranteed to be as low as consistent with quality. An early call solicited. Prompt ship- ment and low prices guaranteed. A, 407-409 S. Broadway, BALTIMORE, MD. WANTED. Adverttsements in thia eolumn Jnsorte.l at lOeentaper lineeaeh msertwm wlu n (or leaa thana moittli. For a moiith or ren- uiar BBBvaarai ratae. WANTKD TO KKXT-Hoaaa and Lot in first class order, aituated in tlw; villaKe of BaatbavlUe aud now oeeupie.l by Mr. Lloyd Snead. Fine home for professional raan or traveliug aaiaBBBBB Apply to T. .). Downino, Davraiaaa, Vn. ImoticeT. To Baa. Roaaara Joaaa..7oa will BOtieatbal l BBBll, <>i> tba 111 fi dayof Baptaaaber, 1000, at vTattaBtoaa, Lancaster County, taUe the dapoaitioa of Benry Juaea and others to he re.n.l ;t> avidaaoe io tbe case now paadiag la the Cireuit Conrt of Leaoaatai Ooaaty, la which you ara dafaadaat aad 1 am plala- tiff. Taeea dapoahioaa *U1 be takaa i>c- fore a.lustice of the Faaea in theaoaae at White Stoae whare taa |aatleaooaii is BVaally held. If for ativ tbe takiug of said depositlons should not be corupleted or if not ooaMBaaeed <>n that day, the BBBBB will be eontinued froir c):i} to day at the >ame place uutil they are coiupleied. Raaaeetfaity. Hk.nky Joaaa FOR SALE. I*bm two atoiy raaideaea. T rooms, ball aad I BorcaeB, la goaei oooditioB, with ? acres land BttaBBei. LoOBtod iu VVest Irvington OB ereek. (iooil out- buildinga, arbarf baBdtag aml oyatai shore. \\ili B0 BoM on easy tcrms. Ap¬ ply to B. \v. vTn i.kv, Irvington, Va. NOTICE. H. V. Thomas, of Norfolk, can after tbis week be found at Weems, where be will be pleased to take all orders for tuakiiig aud rcpairiug aails. FOR SALE. . gJKHi will biiy tba pungy "Zingara," in tirst-class OoadtitOB, recenlly rebuilt; will cany about 1,000 bushels; good sailer, aud as good a dredgc boat aa there is on tbe bay. ?200 will bay taa pungy "I.ydia A. Claville," aboat 100 BBBbal boat, and in fair condition. Hoth BBBgtaa are rcady for work. Wi'l sell on sai isfaetory ternis. Apply to Ulto. K. Hkku, lieedville, \ ;i. OUR FALL AND WINTER STOCK IS NOW COMPLETE. RrerrtbiBf in the waj of Clothing for aaaa or boy can DB fouud here. We inanufaoiure eeerjthing we eeil and eaa aare eaa the who e- ra profit Oor raerohant tsiloring doiaart- aaent Ia a apeoial featare of oor bnaineaa. We etajrloj the beel eottera nnd tailore to In* had, nnd our prices tbe rerj, very loweet Bead for BBBaplea. HEIMAN & LEHMAN, 428 S. BSOADWAY, BALriffiORE. MD. JOB PRINTING, RUBBER STAMPS, PAPER BACS. Loweat prieea in Virginia. Baad for aainplea and prieea. R. A. KISHPAUGH, Fredericksbrtrg, Va. MONUMENTS AND GRAVESTONES. We pay the frcight, and gaaraatee aafe deUrery. Largest Stock in the South. niaatrated Oata'ogue Free. KMabii-died Ifgf, (g THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS, B 159, Ibl apd 163 Bank Si., INORKOLk, TA.

Laag FOR YOD! - Chronicling America « Library of · inm and PourtB ftnmBaj-«i II A. M.; Plrsi aad i

Oct 29, 2018



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Page 1: Laag FOR YOD! - Chronicling America « Library of · inm and PourtB ftnmBaj-«i II A. M.; Plrsi aad i


Ukt. Oa K. J.vars, PaMor.irrinKtun. Flr-et h;io Third Sendaya, 11 A. M.

¦ii'l ati-i Pottrt h Buooaja. Dlafat." fru>> riutM.tuiK W«dueaUay niatata.whlt «>StotK\ Kirsr and Tblrd SuutUy-v.I aad Pourtb NumiIhvs,11A.M.>>n'i Suoday, .i I'.'ji

Sunday mPoplar Waek. Pourt u Buadajr, a 1". M.BAFTFJBT.

Kav. r. BT. Ca*av aBBaaau Pastor.IrviUijiou.Si'tHjuduad'ourtliSundMya.i I r.v

Kirst and Tbird Kundaya, 8 p.M.tP> Prayor mwUnc).imi Tliird ^uodaya. li A. M.

Kiimarm>ek.>«co.,.i aud Fowirtta baaBiutr Potat ciia-.ei. PourtB ffaaaaj 7:;«j p. M.

Kkv. «;. v. Bbibibj. r*aaaaa, Ptral aaa TBlrd Buaaajra at n

'. ML; aeoood aml PourtaBunii\ i H p. tu.

inm and PourtB ftnmBaj - «iII A. M.; Plrsi aad i Bli i oundavs a |>. iu.

PUESiiV I I.IU Wuav. li. l w aiaoa, raaaaaN

i»«i and Puurtta Sundajra 11 A. MnikI -.:¦*) f. M.M |T1UMXST PUt» IKST.VNT.

r. j. w. Pahk, raatataB u nailrio, Plrat aad l bird Suudaya at 3:30 P.

M.; ttocood aud Kourilt Suodaj "II v. M.

Bmyroa Flrat ai d Thtrd Bandaya :it 11 A. M.BaaapaoBti Whaurf, Bebool Hou ?., aoooadaUMlPourtB Suudara at ¦." ''. >l.

JLOCAL MENTION.1 I.. Wiigiiri-, Kdilor Locill < <>rr«-»|>oinl<-ii< t\

?lleOtaaBunieations should l>e a<ldres.-el toPiauiaiA i'im/.in, IrvlDKton. \ m.

J. E. I.eonard made a BJteg trip toTappahanuock last week.

*7. HaO Laa lafi Triadaj for a twoweeks' slayiu Fredericksburg.

Ra*. C. H. Jaaaaa will priacb in thellaptist church next Suuday night.GharUe witite, ol Baatara Bhora, has

aaaa viatttBg his btataar, vT. T. Waite.

PowOar Boc BJea,rlcaaa: a, uv.

.Mi^-. atary L. Baaaaoaa left vTedaaa*daytO attend Woman's College, Kich-Baoad.

Miss Kate Howe has becun teachingin the family of VV, B. Simmons aaaiChases Wbarf.

*Ve aotc Mcsdames Sallle Rowe audGea, I). Oalaa and vT. O. Aahaara as

aaaoag our sick oni'M.

Mrs. Magjgjia Wfldar icft to-day (Thara-day) for BaJttaaora, where she aaaa t.>

BBitthaBB fall millioery.Baooorau* tu>mc aattaraaaaa aaaBaa yourruniH-: ..: W.U.Jcaaa, LftwaJton. Laneaster

\a*. M.Mterial tbo best. priees low, bi* irt-iulita. avei.

W, A. vTaavar, a prominent colorcdBBBfl trotn l.itwalton, was here Tuesdaytradlagufl his raotag oaaaa,

..vould warn all hicycle rulers from\\ hiteStor.e to heware of the liltle hankbelwaaa the praaoalaa aud GhaBBoaahaAcudcmy.

0, B. Newbill, o! Ehaea county, camedoa B Friday to enler bis daughtcr, Misaireiie. at a pupil at tbe Cheaapvakc*Aoaast

Iho tre.-O su<Tr.s «,f Chnmherlaln'-. ('o'.ie.i.iun.l Dtaj-rhooa Kemedy in the treal

tueut ol bowel oomplalnta aaa aaada us aaaaifanl over tb<* irtvater e.iri ol tbe ctvtllaedworld. r'or taie o\ I. J. W||||nc*Co^ Irvlimtou, \ a.. ... \v. Mandem, White Stooi \ .1.v*. it. Mai Va.

Mr. and Mra. A. Katidolph Howardand littledaughtor, Who had been spcnd-ing a few da)s bare, iefl Saturday forin hfrtcbaaeug.

<*. IJ. W, Nalle, of Oalpapar, spcnt.; daga bare thia week. aa tbe ajaaat

of baa Boa, W. 0, Kalla, AssiatantOaabaat Lancaatcr Natioual liank.

Mrs. C. J. Bobatta rt'.urued Tburedayfroma vi-dtto ber brotber iu WOBt Point,Va., aud waa accompanied home by hernii-ce, .Mi.-s Muriau Oweua, of that city.

ai.-ii \aa bay fJbaaa-b. riain** « ollo, Cbole*ra aml 1iiarrh.i*a Uein? <ly. T. ... \\ tilitiK .v CO., lrxintrion; <i. W.*-..i.i.i>, White Mi.ta . or W. 11. Hhi.Uiiu.*. n,.... Woaaaa, will reraad your money Lf\....;.i lootaatlaaaUafioruataaTlt. Ii Laavenwbere admltted i<» ik- Um m..*.t aaaeaaenil.111,*.t> ni uae for bowel eoniplalnta aad Baaonij on.* that noM-rtailM. It is |>1< asaut, .sai«*


A 11. lord, while woiking at Weenis*>n ThuracUy laat.fotl from Loomia* oyalerboaoi BBd when found waa.unconacions.Bftaaagh aaearely heaaaad Mr. Pord c*.-

aaaed berioua Isjary.Tbe little sail yacbt, Waap, of Nor-

folk, barbored here one night last weekwith Howard B Baalgtaa, II. s. Mott,i>r. 11. n Weaater, Bdward F. Lawieruud B. F. Billups aboard.

We are in.bbted to tbe TidewaterAgeklOhoial a Stock Asaociation, at Tap-pabaaaOOB*, for invitatiou to viait theirfair, aBhlaa batBB on Oeiober :{, 4 and 5.The fair promises to bo tbe moat attract-tve aear bcid tbero.The c;rr»t«-Ht KviOruc* or the daiiKora ofCholera BMirbua, diarrhu-a. aud d>>entery isthe iiiik.;.-.-iu tliedeathiateduriux thobiini-mermoutha Youeaaoot ba too oarofuL andparBoular attentioti *.houwi n,- va,ui to thoaaa. a auppiy ..t pa» biujbb aaoaid ai-vaxabeal baad for Ueaa ba raBeioaaft alltLateaaaaati. aureaadapeedy. Ateat-pooufu]Mlleun- auy onlina.j oaao. Avoi.i -.uOstiU>ere 1.- hui uoa Palo-KUler, Horry1 »a\ is". }': Re BMi aud f.Oe.

Bteeaaar Oarea Dillard will carry thoseftoai ihia section deairiug to bear Hon.Jao.YV. DanieJspeak atSaludato t'rbanaon ber rcgular trip next W'ednesdaymorning, returuing Xor them at night.Fare, 7.*> oaata round trip.

aliaaes Itebecca llardiug, Beile andBali, all of Nortbumberland

OOBBtr, tOOB sieamer here WeduesdayBBOfBiag tarout* to Farmville, whereCiey will atleud tbe State Female Nor-..ual Bohool tbt coiuing seaaion.

1 abeaa h a eaaaaja aa mo«tev**ry-Uanaa, arraa Uu* aaaaoea, and I hearthebofl-tom rall h.i*. >rotten BB O.p at the old .-taii.l. 80>-¦> lh. re aml l>e ...nvineed ol tlie pBaaaa, nndBM what *o:: :iee.l in the way of guod tliiiiRS

md aaar. Ibera\iaoaaxwhaa aa tiuuatate audyou're nure to jrei »iood welKhtandjair anoao, baa n«»t aaoa* e<>-t, ut

T. J. IU*. ix.\ .v Boat, Irxfut-ton, Vu.

lir. G. Uussell Cottingham, of Olto-¦oiau, epeat a few daya this week withfrieuds here. The Doctor leaves Satur-day for Montagues, Essev couuty, wherehe will practice in tbe future. The bestw iidies of his host of friends hore goesaitb bim.

Viaitors &een here recently: Mr. andMrs. O. it. Daatoa, Mr.*>. E. C. Crosaiud fiieuda, Mac Rohbtaa, J. H. Elliott,fi. 1*. Grcaham, Tom Hall. Sr., aud Jr.,Geo. W. Thompson, 1). it. .lamea, Jr.,(Jeo. W.aaaiero, .Ir., Misa E'la Davia,E. Hruce Squirea, Euataee Hrent, Jas.M.irding, Mias Marian JaoQca, Cy llard¬iug, C. S. Dunton.

*100 Reward If5l<)<).Tlie readers of this paper will be. pleaacMl t )

loara that there im at leattl ono dreadml dia-.(-.¦ tluO sei.-m-e Iimh l.eeii uldt* to eure in allttasea,aadtbal BQatarrb. M.«ir.s

eura is the only iK.silUe eure known to theniolieal Iraternlty. Catarrb belnv a conati-tuUonal dlaaaaa, requtraa a eon-ititutionaltreatiix nt. HallV Catarrh Cure Ix takeu ln-teniiillv, aetlBB direotly ii|H>n the iilood andnmooua aurfaoaa <>r tbt iialiiai.tBarabj msttroyiaa tbe fouadauUoa <>i the .liseaae, anduivinw ih<* patleat atrenatb i.y i.uii.UiiK uptbe oonatitutlon a.i.l aaMiMtiiiK nature in do-intrltawork. Tbe proa-rtoiora bare aa aaook1.1.O1 in it-* 'inatne |>oweiH, that thoy ofer<»n ilun lie.l .loiiarM for mi>\ case that it failatocur.%. Bend for liatol toatimonials.Addreaa. P.J.CHKNKY .V (o., Toledo, O.>....l l>> drugiriat. 75 oenta. *

llalla Family Pills are the bcat.

SBKAK1NG HKBE.Aa advertl'ed. Hon. J. M. Stubba bald

forth at the pavilion of the IrviagtonBeacb Ho'.cl Monday BBgaa. Accornpany-iug hitu were Keputli-an County Chalr-inan, S. 1'. tireshatu, and Thos. Ball, Sr.It being a Bepublicau meeting by virtueof appointment thut uot iu thete was not a Bepublicau face vlstbleother thau tbe three uamed visitors) Unterins were decidedly iu favor of the Kepublicans. Mr.Cresham introduced MtStubba, who Baada practically the BBBMspeeeh that he did h few hturi previou-*at the paauraaaaaaa Jadga Haaa was

introduced by Demoeratie County Chair-¦BB, W, B. Sanders, and gtVBB htilf an

aaOr. In that short space of time thedudge paid a great deal of attentiou t«>the eandidaey of Mr. Mutths aud t he e<ut-

tiuuous applause from the assembied la-BBBB and gentlemen showed that his shotswere well aiined and got home. Mr.11*11 ciosed, and endeavored to reeoversomeof the ground toal at the Court-house, but his talk was pretly much thesittie, aud, aside from the advanta^e tobe derived from the "last say," it hadlittle effect. Tbe BBBBtlag was stricklyand uuauimously Demoeratie. Therewere present about seveuty-tive gentle¬men and a do/eu ladiet.

A Niglit ot'Terror."Awful anxiety was felt for the wi k>*j

of the hrave General Burnham of Maota-ihs, Me , when the doctors said she aroatddla trom l'neumouia before BaOralag"writes Mrs. S. U. I.ineoln who attaadadher that fearful uitht, but she baawad forDr. King's New Diseovery, wliich hadmore than once saved her life, and earadIter of .'onsuiiiptioii. After taking, sheslept all night. Furtber uec entuely euredher. This marvetous BBadlda* is guar¬anteed to cure all Throat.Chest and LaagDlaaaaaa Oalv gOc aml 1 00 Trialbotlles free at T. J. Ilaydon & Son, Irv-ington; L. I). Stoneham, Molusk; T. C.Itland, Behobotb Church.

CAUGIITON Tlli: ILY.Leslie C. Garnett, of Mathews County,

was last week adntitted to the VirginiaBar.Hon. Jno. W. Daniel will speak at S.i-

luda ucxt Wednesday on tiie laaaaa ofthe day.There will be a meeting ot the Confed-

eratc camp of Westuioreland at Monttosson court day.Mr. aud Mrs. B. B. Gritlitit, of I'.m-

niettou, are spendiug tliree or four daysiu Baltimore this week.The Nocthern Neck Agricultural As-

soeiation has postponed its fair until Oc-ber 31th, N&vcmber 1st and 2nd.

It bas turned out that the uegro BBB<pectwho went from Middlesex to Halti-more did not have small-pox after all.

J. S. KfTo»d,of Blrhmond county, whohad the misfortunc last week to hreakhis arm, is doinir as uicely as could beexpected.

Lucius H. Coles and Mlss Ina It. Con-way, both of Northumbcrland county,were grantcd a marricge licensc in Balliniore Tuesday.

Mr. Eustace.Tones and Miss Etta JoaBB.both of King Georgc couuty, were inar-ricd last Saturday. Bev. II. II. Four?perforraed the crremony.ggaaahop Whtttta wm peaaah at vTbttaChapol, October 0th, :t p. nt., Trinity, OctebertthaSa, m.. Grace, October lOtlt,1 bSO a. m., Farnham, October tgah, 1 |£0a. m., St. John's, Warsaw, OetOhet I tth.1140a m. aod St. Paul's Chapel, NoniiniGrove, 3 p. m.,on the eamc day.

Bev. H. II. Foues, who has been pas-tor of Bound Oak Hill llaptist chureh,in Iving Georgc count*. for nearlytwenty-iive years, hastendered his rcsig-uation. It is to take effect October 1st.Corporal L. C. Hammack, of Sunny

Hauk, Va., who has had a recruitittgolllce |a Chieago for the past threemonths, has been ordercd to Washing¬ton forcxamination preparatory for pro-motion.

.Messrs. Jones and Stubbs, opposingeeadMatea for Congress, were both onateamcr Lancaatcr Tucsday. Tbe rornieiwa8 on hia vvay to fill an .ippointiuent bjHaltimore and tbe letter on a busluesatrip to Phikdolphiu.The Bowling Grecn Feiualo Scmlnary

i-* BBoet foeteaata hi aaooilBglbaaaaihaaias teacber of Miaa Suaic A. Rock, daugh-ter of L. T. Hock, of Litwalton. MissHock is a graduate of Woman's CoUegO,Lynchbarg, and ia one of Lancaater'amost accomplished aud attractive youngladies.


A Proniinent Virglaia Editor HadAluiostUiveo Up, but Was BroughtBack to Perfect Health by Chani-berlaia'a Colic, Cholera aud IHar-rlioea Remedy. Read IIis Edl-torial.

From the Timex, HlUstille. Vu.1 auffercd with diarrhoea for a k*BB timeandtn.)UKhIwiu**paatl>einKCured. 1 ha,isiM*ntmueh time and money and autTored so ruuehmiaery that 1 haa Hlniostdoci.le.l toniveup allbopeaol reeo\e.y and await the rosult, i.ut

Dotlotng theadverttaecaeat ot CbamborlaiuaColic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedy aml alsosome testinioiuals atatintr how some womiertulcuroa had been wrouitht by this remedy Idec'ced to try it. Atter takinK a few doOM Iwasentiroly well of that trouble. and 1 wishto say furtjjor to ir-y readers aml lellow sot-tereiathat 1 am a hale and tiearty man t<> dajand feel as well aa l o»or did in my lifo..O. UMookk. Sold by T. J. WfllintfA; Oo


lrvm/ton, G. W. Sandera, White Mtone; w. 11. Har.loiK & Hro., Weem.s, Va.

JUNIORS CELEBRATE.<>u last Tbursday cvening, Sept. 13th.

tlrememberaof Weems Council, No. 100,Jr. O. U. A. M., which ia in a tlourish-ing condition, beld a iitcrary aud socialeniertainuient in their hall at Weems.Every member brougbt two or tbrecfriends and a royal good time was liad.The following programme was raadpeadafter which tbe membera and guests; tothe number of 200, were treated to ie<cream, lemonade, cakes, peacbea audother OeiaaWBBa of Ibe season.

1'UAOKAMMK.Address of Wclcome by tbe Councilor,

J. C. Harding; Cborua, "Red, \\ hiteand Blue," by Council; Recitation,"Vankee in Love", by Miss LilianHoberts; Vocal Solo "Little Georgialtoae," Misa A. Blanche Measick; PiauoSolo, Mr. L. L. Gore; Recitation,"The Fireman's Weddiug", by MissGeorgia Meekins; Piano Solo, by MisaMarian Owens; Recitation ,"Aunt Nancy'aAccount of a Fashionable ParlorRecital,"Miss Kate Rowe; Vocal Solo, "EveryNigger Had a Lady but Me", Mra. L.M. Irviag; enchore ."My Lady Lu";Duett "Sunny Teunessee", by Messrs.Fax Harding aad J'aul Palmer.Tbe Couucil deairea to extend tbanks

to the Chaa. M. Stieff Piano Company,of Baltimore, through their agent, Mr.L. L. Gore, for the uae of a handaomepiano.



Stood l>eath Off.E. B. Munday. a lawyer of Henrietta,Tex., once fooled a grave-digger. He

aaya: "My brother was very low withmalarial fever and jaundice. I perauadedhim to try Electric Bittera, aud he wasaoon mucb lietter, but cojitinued theiruee until be waa wholly cured. I am sureElectric Bittera aaved his life." Thiaremedy expels malaria, kills diseasegerma and puriliea the blood; aida dlaaa.ion, regulatea liver, kidncya andbowela,ouroa conalipation, dyspepaia, nervousdiaoaaea, kidney troubles, fcinale com-plaints; givea peefeethealth. T. J. Haydon & Son, Irvington; L. I).Stoneham, Molnak; T. C. Bland, Reho-botb Uhurch. J

Lancaster County.W ilKALTON.

J. W. Brillhart loadad t> BBBbBB» afcattle Tuesday and aecontp.uiied thetn toIlaltiuiore »o make sale. At \Vatei\ie\v,

tag t«> loaii seven ht-adaaora laaj gofl ava*>aaaad,aad Mr. Bi ttlaj t haardBraaaaafl they arata aavad aa dravrw

atlasea tfalla aad Sarah Taoaaaa lafllast week faradBBBak la Ball: i.ore a> daaad laaray Ool

Capt. J. H. ffBaabu ¦ h in Crisfi,.|taJa araeh aaaa] rj iag ot hfa

r aaatat

Kll,M.\i;.\(HK.The Mn (tots r.r taa Gbeaaa

cultural Assoeiation ¦aatiataat Tuesday to make BUBBgnBBBBlB IBIthe coruing fair.B. A. vT. KiMattt Baa aol n- yat baaa

able to lind the gjtBj he > t in the ro.vl.The good paapla < f the vluara are get-tins; up apurse so as not to make |so heavy.

Mr. vV. II. ti. Chase aad Blaa VargtaI.utirell, the tattet of Northtimherlandeountv, were inarried Wedrn sdavIag la lha Ktlaaaraoi irch by;t. v. f. v. I ybrook. Oaatl*brotaar of the grooaa, aatad aa ba t aua,wbUaMra H. \v. Bardtag readanareddlag Baareh.

WHITE STo\I). .! Ba little daa

.lulia, and Bi(,HV taj 4a Wilming-loa, Dal.

Mra. 1'hilby, af Near Jbeen viawiag hat atatar, Bra WallerBataaway, lafl i to tpaaddaya la Baltlta >re. M pallbahortlf ratara.Ura Jao. D. Wtat .bergaaat,

her sister, Mrs. QaargB Arnoid, of BaHlaaora.Buck Oliver |y ||J wph nia

lartal favar.The prolraclad Baaatlag, aideb li i-

beaa la progrcaa al taa Methodtatcbarcbfor the paat ; ty af-taraoaa. Ba* B. M. Bopa, of Bfebiarho aaalBted taa pastor, aroa manyfriends and did cfeat good, a aeaabatBBhtag aritb iba eharch as n raaali oftbemeetintr. Be*8. Bopa BBdthis week BBrryiag n:» aflBeeUag ai alghl

ary M. B. caarch and alghi or taaaoavaraloaa have alrcady baaa aaaA little soti

(coiored), lltriag aaar Daatoa'a Mtll,traaatraek <>n th. baad Wadaaeday by ¦ fall<lag liinb and hi< skuii fraetared. Dr. B.B. Treakle BTM aaad andthat the HaUa fallaa i- dofag as wall asaoald be iipacaad.A Baaabat of tha proaaiaaat men Ib

this*Otagaaad the lalaad have foraaed ¦Poaapaay aritb a Bapttal or |SO0 to bailda tatephoaa Uaa from taia plaoa t<> Wilbob'b wharf,a dfaataai e af bbbb it\i:.permit has alrcady bBBB giaatad by lhaBTarthara pb aad Taiaptionc Ooaaaaay to araet the Uaa aadWork wtB eaaiBtaaea witbia a

LANGA8TEB 0OUHTHOU8K,Ja. Doagtaaa, s.m of u. T. i>«>.

has beeu ipiite si.k for tl, - lromahitavriaiag aa the baea it is raaradthat ba will have to be take.i toBBBta far traataaaat Dra Ptaokard andBaaaaaaada are Bttaadlrg tha patieat.

vYaa »J. Beaae oaatlaaeaaaaaaedbbhis frafl. the effBOUOf B B id felon.

Ba*.Qraaville B. afJooa, af aiaaaa*dria, has aceepted the BBQ BI tended hiutby the BBfeeeaaJ eharehaa ai Laaieoaaty. Be wtBarrtvatoiU appoiaa*BBaaaahajrlaahiB lha rirst Beaday iu Oc-taber, whieh are as follows: WhitcChapel 11 h. Bk BOd Trinity (Q. B.) I B,m. tiist and third Baadaye; Qraoa li a.BB. BBBOad Sunday; Trinity 11 a. m. andQraoa I p. bb. faarth Baaday in everyBBOatB.There will be the regular BBOatblg of

LawaaahBallCaakpO. LaaoaH. on Wednesday. OetOOOt :>rd. A bigBaeettag is aapaoted, at whkb taaa therewill be a preaoatataaa of plotaroa, TbeSona' and Daughters' eaaapt are cordlal-iy larttad tO parti'i;Jao, Pahaar, a worthpaad ladaetrieaa

coloicd inan about :i:> years of age,llrlag aaar Broaa*a Btore, attaadadpraycr meetiugat Chestnut Urovochurchlast Suuday night uear hia home. Hewaa called upou to lead tlie meeting inprayer and re\ erently lifting bls bandBeeeeawerd be baajaa, "<> Qod, thoekaowaal are baraprayedaaloTlMeral times before." ThaBB were his lastwordsonearth for hedied iu that atlitude.Dr. H. W. Bardlag was barrladty »um-monedand foundhitn dead iu a posturcofpr&yer. This sud len de.Uhcieated ipiilea sensation people.At Reboboib Metbodist church last

Sunday inorning tbe pastor stated thateighty-Iive dollars was assessed thataharab for ooatereaee eolleettoa, andmuch to his aurprise and pleasure, iu alow Baoaaeata, tbe wbola aaaeaat wassubscribcd and BBOBt of it paid BDOt cusbnotwitkstunding tbe drought aud bardtimes. Well done for Bebobothl

Itr.Baheoeb v.:11 tili h\* regalar ap-peiauaaate at Bethel aad \:'.¦¦¦.,¦ aaxtBaadar. Be will also prercb at Rebo*-botb on Wedaeaday night of aesl week.

Mrs. Dr. Il.irdin; and Mi-s SusieTbrift, With Mrs. Boowdao C. Hall as al-ternate, have been BJBOtaJ as delegatesfrom the Laaoaater circuit to thea oeaaa'a roreiga alaadoaary Conferencewhich aaaeta in Ohariotteartlle uextinoutb.

Mrs. Jao, t> Robertaoa, who waataken siublenly aick at Marvin QiOfBcamp nnd had to aadergo a aargteal >>peration, is aaaaewbat worae, aaaeb to tlieregret of ber host of fri.

Virgiuius A. Cbowalag, who moved toHaltunore winter, has relurut-d to bishome aaar Molusk oa aeooaal of hisaifVl beallb.Geo. R. McKenncy's family at Iberis,

which has been sufferiug BBBeh of latewith malaria, ure now much improved.Tbe Sunday scbools at White Marsh

and Babehoth, Whhlb have been muchbroken into by tbe protracted meetingsbero of late, will opeu up for fall and,winter work next Sunday. The Relio-botb acbool mceu at 9:;S0 a. m., and WhiteMarsb at l :)0 p, in , after wblebdent McKeuney will ooadOOt ihe regu.ular Epwortb Leaguc service.Judge Brouu found the lost pocket

book and knifeof Rev. II. M. Hope andhas retaraod them to their owner.

Missea Lula and Ida aaaa, of BOfftbTwenty-aixtb street, bare hath aaoaredschoola at Lancaster, Va., and will sl.ort-ly enter BpOB their dulie*. Miss Lulataiight there last session..AVWW />/.*<-BBBaV

Mrs. .1. H. Siininoiids baa BB her BJBBBOJMra. Alphin, of Bot Springs, and Mi-.Libhy, of Rieaaaoad, Alfba Barea.

U SUltF. OF THIS.aay. Brberadid .\<>ii -.'.-t tbat medicino from'.-

QBrrj it aBnabjM Baab and aa! u rraaa th<> abfrellal.lestore, whon'l l.ey U. ep m arlj alUort**Of drutrs, iu.'lii>lin« l..\dia B, I'liirkmu'M,Oeaaap Beet, Qiepli i ... mmi BfctaarjCure. i.i.|ui.i raeeaaaoawaal Baaaaraai etbe*thinum. I in. an T. .1 lla\.l.,i, .V .*-.mi - Store.Irvington, Va.


Thecases of Daveuport tra. Gunth. r,Struvett and VVacker va. F. A GunbyBBd B. M. Sutton ,V. Qa BB I 0. 1't.luie'r.vere all contioued.

BB Sander.H, breaeltof p'omisesdit. eontinued till special term »<r i.'irBatl ('"urt to ba baaf Baaaaaaai tlae.

laaaataaaaof Landreth aDdothersv- Baiaabetb Kemui deeided iu favor ofplaintifT.JavaBaaaaaJ gtvaa <;ritiith, Turner gj

Ch» rB B II Bot.inson.In the case of .1. A. Edmondson A aaa

v- C *T. aatraaah aa ravraaa Jaaagaaaat,v\ a-. diaaaJaai d at aaal af bbbbbiIbT.

of Paul Brooks va. t'i>mui<in-vaaltb aaaaa up fraaa i'ounty Court and$.*><> judgmcnt of lower court susta'ned.

- ailoarad to take case to Court ofAppeals).Ohaaoaty proraadfagB wateaa laBavra

Wm. H. Oriflith vs. L B. FMem-. mpromisetl.

BaaryJoaea vs Boherta Jones, divorcegraata LJadgaaaaal for sale of land to Detrick

Ferti!'./er and Chcmical Co. vs. Jaa. H.

*Y. f. Maaaaah and BaUta B. Williug,ezaeatlix, Sallie B. Willing in her own

!'.. L Willing aud others, report.i Coraaalaal Naar (atoek «>f gooda) aaa-iirmed.W, '.'. Bechaaa aad others vs. Jas. E.

a, Oyatar laapactar, oijaaatiaapet petaatadLCaaa of B. M. Baadata vs. Currcll's

Bxccatora and otaara, case of Juo. rParker, adaaiatatratot to Bettie A. Barker, *a Jaa K Ball, aud case of \Y. C.vTbaley aud arlf* vs. La*i Harneit, all

rad to Coiiiiuissioners for repork"''..' for report of Coinmissiom r

\ W. A Leland vs. ,):io. Towles«nd o!

ttaatad Vfaaaar TawHa vs.Tomlin aud othcrs for divisiou of

laad.In ease of F. E. II. K'elly and Jas.

Ilb Katty vs. vTUoaaa Wood, a aaaraaraalad to raat hiall af iafoadaatOf V. C. Bowlett vs. S. T. Bassett

aattlad bafoee Baaaiag in court.ooaanra oooae monday. of aceoaata mdarad to.e aud report ou sullleiency of

Hy Traaaarar*a baad,L m. Fitpp.. i) b. Jaaaaa, 0. II

Barkar, H. I*. Ball, Baa.¦ aad w. ii. Jmm iVOra Maad jurv.

Wiii ofJao. vT. Baurga. aaaaaaat, ad-uaitted to raeard.

ni Court was iu taaal .11 Tuesday,tad eoaatyaaart i*aaaaad itssittingonm aday.

l'Ol.lTICM. SfKAKINC.Th. aftaraooa aaatakaa ap la Bataa«

i''^ tO i>oliiical speeches. Hon. J. M.-.Bepublicau eandidatc.was pies.r.taad opeaad bhaddraaa Baaaedkataly afaaa

litiner aud had linishcd before JudgcW. II. Mann, tiie chunpion whoni theDlBaoecabl had on hand. arrived at 2

B. Mr. Stubbs' speeeh showedlaatha ha<l not cuitivatcd oratory. H*..l'splayed a good dcal or courage and

I to staud before an audienceOOaapoaad BBlafly Of Lancaster Demo-Brata When Judgo Mannarrhed t.rin-.»an Btade between him antl Mr. Thos.Ball, Sr., who waa to ehampion tha Be-pahlkaa oaaaa Jaaga Mann lad otr andBavasadBBOat fully the national iaaucslavolvad la thh carapaign. Imleed therewaa nothing that coulJ be thought ofthat he did not fully explaiu. He, con-

aaqaBBft*/, occupied a great dcal ofliinc, but his audience did not BBBBB to feelit and were vociferous iu their applause.

Mr. Ball followcd, touching upoupoints BB a rather rainhling tuanner, soflBBOh ao that Judgc Mann Ia bia ro-Jaiadar said that he had started to koepBOtai BWt his opponeut had jumped frompillar to post Iu auch a rapid manncrthat he gave up the attempt. TheJudgc, ncvcrthelcaa, aucccedcd in touch¬ing up Mr. Ball in a lively mauncr audkept his audience In a contlnual uproaroflaaghtaraadahoaaa. it aaaeattaialyB lield day for Democracy. One of the

.raiifying things of the wholc oc-BBiOB was the courleous and goodnaturcd manncr iu which Messrs. Mannand Ball couducted their discussion.

I.ATK8T KltOM COl'RT.The Grand Jury hrought in indlctnicnts

against Capt. Thomas, of stcamer Ida, andCapt. Dan Davis, of ateamer Esecx, forviolation of the "Jirn Crow" law. Theaewill merely be test casea and should theybe convictcd, indictmenta against theotlicr captaiua will follow.

1.IST BO OKKUS, KTC,Admittcd to rceord durlng and aincc

August tenn Lancaster County Court:Trust deed from Emanuel Cartcr to C-

S. Towles, benctit of J. E. Blakemore,on II acrea in White Chapel District.Deed from Wm. Cbilton to C. II.

Dudley on 97J acrea in Manlua, also oneon 84A acres in Mantua.Deed of gift from Jno. Smith to

Lucenna Smith for :$ acrea in WhiteS'one.Deed from J. Bj, Blakemore and wife

toJas. Carter for lot of land in WhiteChapel.Trust deed from Jas. Carter to C. 8.

Towles, for J. E. Blakemore, on lot ofland in White Chapel.Deed from R. U. Carter to Wiu.

Ghtltoa, adaalatetfater of o. f. Bardtag,d, for lot of land in White Chapel.

Deed from II. S. Cresbam, comrnia-aioaer, to Roland Smith for «a acres iuWhite Chapel.Trust deed from Priacilla Smith et al

to W. M. Piackard, benefit of L. E.Mumford Bauking Ccmpany, on 5 acresiu White Chapel.Trust deed from Roland Smith and

wife to W. M. Pinckard.for L. E. Mum¬ford Banking Company, on 7 acres inWhite Chapel.

Trust deed from Jno Taliaferro andwife to .J. H. Davenport.for L. E. Mum¬ford Baukiug Comp*ny, on 15 acres inWhite Cbapel.Deed biinj R. Q. Norria and wife to

Lucius Williama for Q acrps in WhiteChapel.

Trust deed from Luciua Williama andwife to W. M. Pinckard, for L. E. Mum¬ford Banking Company, on 10 acres :nWhite Chapel.Deed from J. BL Chowninjr fet al to C.

II. Keyser on2t acres in White ChapelTrust deed from C. H. Keyser andwife to J. C. Ewell, for bencfR of GlebeFund, on above tract.Trust deed from W. W. Beane and

wife to Wm. Cbilton, benefit of Glebe.Futid, on Slj acrea in Mantua.Dead from C. B. Dudley to F. W.

l.ewis, for L. E. Mumford Banking Com¬pany on 182 acrea in Mantua.Deed from E. W. Long and wife to

L 11. Bussells for 3 acres in WhiteStonc.D.ed from N. A. Hammock et al to

W, W . Beane for G6> acrea in Mantua.D.ed from hulie aud Jno. Wiuegar to

A. Ii. Mercer for 5 acres in White StoueDeed from Lulie and Jno. Wineg*r to

<I. W. Mercer for 10 acrea in WhiteStonc.Deed from Wm. Davenport and wife

to Howard Hathaway.for L. E. MumfordHanking Company.on 88 acrea in Mantu i.

SHINGlES! SHINGLES!!<»ver 100,000, 4, ft, and 6 inch cypresa

BBMaajlaa at lowcst pricea.W. A. Dambkon & Bro., Wecm«.

¦aaal DaatHTQBT :iicoki:n.Io our last laaue, w hicb weut to preaa

on Thurmlay Blgbl ef laat week, wi an-

aaaaaad thal the Weeibae Bureau pre-dtaVed tiiat*. Ireaatha ¦ waa la

< at Beathwaat aeaitd ba f- n aa theAllautie about Fn.'av. .rniinreorly, bafara Baaay or ..or n a baa ha.l re-

t!o o aopj ol the Vm. i* x

BBB, the droBgbt, v. bi bihe inid.ilo of JttBe, «witbin BJ bours ucarly tweatl laehes olwaWr baii fallon thrOBghoatt]

Tiu* raia ettaadad all over taeBttae hmI aa] bbbbi good, altltae arapa are t.... : u pae attheitowarda Baatartty <>r deetractloa boraoatreaay great beaedl froea the rala.The gra*<8 for paatare will be .;

haahaaod op, boweeer,aad tbegroaadaeftaaed for fall ploaghlag.

Workiny; Niulit aml !>.»>.Tbe baateet aml Balghtleei little ihtae

tbat oeee whs bbbSb la Dr. KlBg'a NewLife 1'ills. Thaae ptUe nhangn veahaeaainto atrenglb, listl. to aaergy,brain-fa-j into inental power. The? rewcMicb'rful in balldleg Bp the bealtbOuly BSc per iiox. BofdbyT. J. Baydoa& Sou, ireiagtoB; l>. D. Dtoaabaaa, M<>-luak; T. 0. Baaad, Bahobotb Charch.

DEATH OF WARREN .JOHNSON,Warreu K. Johnaon, BOB of Capt. Jno.

Johaaoa, lirlag in Plaat*a ! >uy Back,passed cpiietly away Fiiuay afUrnoon at.*> o'.-loek of OOBSaBJpUofl coattaeted lastwinter froiu au Bttack of tb*; grip. Tbedeccaaed was urimarried and about 09years of a^e. The reinains were intcrrediu tbe White Siotie Daptist <i inetery on

Saaday morning, Rtrr. 0. B, -lauics con-

ductiug tbe funerul services.

A Woid to Motliers.MntBim of ohildreo affected witb oroup or

B wtraw cold aoed not aeattaus to admlnUtetUhatabi r:.ioi"s Cougb Kemedy. li oootalaano opiata aor naroottc m aoy rortn and taajbo afvoo aa eonttdentlj to taa babe aa to aaadttit. I'ne piltal sueress that Uu< atteedi'ditv u<(. in tiie tn-.tti.ictit otooldaand oroupBm woa i"i it ..n<l praiae it baareowtved throuabout tbe fJnlted Statcsand iniu. ny forelsa laoda. Por tale T, J. wuiing \i<>.. Irvtajttloa, Va., «;. W. Haadera. WbitcSt.>ne. "»'«., W. 11. Uardluu At llro., iVovmtt,Va..


A CAKH.To meet hills that are now due and

Iboaa that will aoeae aae this fall, andbaviag been BBBaaally laaieal i*i thepaet with those who BWB BBC, cspeeiallyBO during the BBBt stinuncr, I now asktheaa who are indchted to me for pro-

:ta! services to BBttla sainc darlagthe prcaaal oyatar aeaaoa. [willtakalasettlenieut of leesany faim prodBOB thatcan be Baad Ifl a family or that can heexehanged with meichauts for nter-nbandiao.

All back hills BBpaid at aad <f theyaar must be etaaad with Bagotiaala aotewith aaotavad Beearity. To all partlaawho oaa aaeet taaaa rvqaireaaaaU), batahoa bo dtapoettloa or make n<> affort todo so.i will rafaaa in taa fatBra,aadai aaycireutnstances, to raadaf thetn or th< trfamiiies furthcr professmual serviie,exeept foreaaa, To wtdowa aad baadaof famiiies who have depaBdcat OBOI tOprO*tde for, and have BBBt with BBBVOldable losses and nfllictions, thus rrnder-in^: them unable to ;>ay. il will he in thefuture, as it has bBBB baratolOra,a plaaa-ure BOraadaV them at all titms profes-ateaal aarvtaa, lagardlaaa of any raaia-neration whalever.

It. P. Ki¦ii\nk, M. I).Ottoman, Va., Baptaaabar la, 1900.

m_ ^laaaaa

POIalTlCAL NOTIOB.The Dcmiu rats of Litwallon preeinet

are leipiested to meet on Saturday (to-morrow)at :\ p. BB. for the BaVBOBI "I < r-

gani/in- a Dem« c-ratie eluh.Kespt'etlully.

w. ir Jaaaa, rtatilBmOhah.xotki: tiicsi::

Card of Dr. B. IV Kubank.New ad of Couper Mnrble Works,

Norfolk, Va.Change af ad of Hciman vv. l.ehmau,

clolhiers, Baltimore.Beport of the Lancaster National

Bauk.New ad of taaaaatroaa** Bhat House,


A Shockhiu t alamity"I.ately befell a rallmad laborcr"

writes Dr. A. Kelletl. of V. illifonl, Aii;."His foot waa badly crushed, but Buck<len'a Aruicia Salve ipiiekly OBtad him.ll'a siuiply wondcrful for Burns, Bolla,l'Ues, and all skiu eruplions. [tfB theworld's champion healer. t'ure guaran¬teed. aaa, Boldby T.J.Baydoa 4$8oa,[rviagtoa; L D. Btoaehaaa, atolaak; T.c.Baaad. Reaoboth Okorcb.

Northumberland CoTBILBY.

Mrs. Vloivneo Fore.ster will leavcto-day (Monday) for Baltimore, afteffspending the sunimcr with IfieiBl.mche White.

Mastcr Kari 1'arson, WOO has beenill withpneumnuiu. is ahle to he out.

Ifiea Oowart aud foar ebildreawill leare WodnoadBy for Baltimore,where they erpeot to spend thewinter. They will bogreat ly tnissedbj their many frieoda here.

Chills an* anite proraloat aroundbero.

Misses Milion Lachey and Herinanbeaie, of Pairflelda, eieited ooar beraSunday.

Mr, and Mrs. Lewe Dawaoa riaitedCapt. nnd Mrs. (i. 11. White Sunday.ifeaara.Qeargeaod Fraok Doaglaa,Wade Palho aud Lotber Lewae, ofVillage, apeat hist week Beaf here.

Miss Kannie Dawsoo recently apentaweek with bereiater, Ura.Dnnaway,of Sunny Beak. SOHOOLOUtL.HEATHSVILLK

Now that fall has ooeaa and theleavi'S are fallitlg, many of onryoun^peopie are goingBWOj tO tbe dilTer**oat schoola.

llenry DeSbii »d"f and 1,'ichard L.Heale left thi week for rUcbnaoadCollege. We wiah theaa all success.Others will ;,<> later.

Mrs. K. Wella retoraed fromWashington today, where she hasbeen rittttpg for tbe paa| few veeks.

Aiies Ireae BlakeHiore, of ICilletvbeck, 1ms beea rraititigin tbe villagethe past weels.

Mr. and kfra. Uoyd Sncad leaveto-day for Baltimore to spend sometime.

Pub'.io aoboo) beglns here to-day(Taeaday).We have certainly cnjoved "Des-mondV letters to the CrnzKtf andhope that some one from here willwrite regularly, for I know he wouldlike to see a letter from here evervweek now that he is away at schoof.The home pOnera are iheaext thingto a letter from home to a child atschool. TOPAZ,


roaOowed. n-.uiU!n>'M.*ositao,coo. $vi.ocospeio lor i:ev. BBtBUBga aad aoleauoe equiri-U.eiil lasL year. I).-Kreesor 11. A., ». S , M. A.01.1 Uaehelor <>r i...... BaaaBBa <-r BW-Btaa, $-200 to 52.10. opens Septeuiher 20. KorllluatratoU booWlet aud catalogue, addrvss

P. W. BOATWRIUUT. ITesl.ienu

Medicinc Dcntistry-PharmaLV.I nl\ri-.!ly (ollrtrrof Mcdlrlnr, Rkl:m..u.l Ba.

Ul $TE» BrCI IKK. B. IV. U.D.. Pn*iJfat.a« ix racejavea.

Rl « llllll.^l....... l... v.-.r I.f.,rr7fl,»i#a.m.i«m» r,r aaa*

F« M f*ac« Ckt*lA«, j.Mnui»r. j. aaaaaaa awaaaiBi i»«***».

Over-Work WcakensYour Kidneys.

Unbcairhy Katocvs Make Impurc BloodAUUm i bocy paaaaati

your k: s every three tninu:-fj..

«h« kkineys are yourI purtficrs. they fil-cut ihe waste or

I ipu-iticsin theblocdif tltey areiilck or ou'

of order, they faii to dotheir work.

TTrf I \ F*ains.achesar.drheu-ItW BaBtaarn come from ex-

aBva Bctd in the, V, blood, due to ncgicctedktdney trou

iay ttoub;, icg or unEt-acjyS^V - one feelasthougnthey hau heart trouble. bocau^e the heart isover-v. n purripjng thijk kidnc.

h vcins and arteries.i to le con.stJsred that only urinarybe traced to the kidncys\But now meae-rn ocicnee proves that neariyall constitutional diseases have their beein-alar-la '.-.; Iney trouble. 6

If you are sick ycu can make no mirtakeby first doctoring your k^dnevs. The mild^-«^.o:^,dinuary e,fect c'f Dr- Kilmar'aSwamp-koot, the great kidney remedy issoon real zed. It stands the highest for itsrful cures of the mo:t distressing cases^10 i^ ccld on its tr.eritsby all druggisis in fifty-,ccnt and one-dollar siz-Lc . You may have a ^BJSagWwiaantpla bottle by mail -J T Ttrec. alco pamphlct tellingyou how to findoet if you have kidney or bladder trouble.Mcntion this paptr u hen writing Dr. Kilmer5c Co., Bir.r:himton. N. Y.


The Lancaster National Bank (No.S3tv) at Irrlagtaa. in the stateor Virghiin. nt the Closc of Busi¬ness, Si'ptemher ."»th, 1000.

KF.SOfHOES.I.oan-i :mi.| liiseoiint-, JBB.BI'.venliat't*.. - -eure.l aml uns<*eurcd ¦rttiB. Bonda to aaeara ciroulatlon SPreaalnaia on r. s. BaaOa I^XkXXN

B bouae, rnrnltarav, aad Batureab«M Iro.i. Kattoeal lliink*. Inot Bjaenre aaaeaa BBBUit»ne ii.i.i siate baaba aai itankera aaaaDaaa Croaa apptorei Beaarre Ajronta 3.7:m.«j;Iiiterim! Bevaaaa statnps BBJ|

aad other eaab itemi bjjbjNoie- o| other National Uanks :il.">.i*tPiMillnaal paaareaaraaaB/.afcaala,aml . out * j|- -gUiwlnt money l.*ser\ein

baeeta anjaaaihaaal BaaOat ¦otea ajBBBailuii.I with t". S.Treaaurcr(J ikt eent. elriiiliOioio LBBkBlTo,,«'* $87,454.14

LIABIMTIKS.Uapital atoeb i>»i-i ba $26,000.00Uudiridod proi ¦, aaaaeaeaa'taaea padd taJtNational Baatft aObBB aatBBBBBBJ B\tBaOIIndlrfctanl aapeaBB artrinel leebeafe a8.tw1.4-;

T",;l'*0*7.454.14Btateol \ irvinin. County or Laneaator. iw:

I. Frank c;. Newbill. caahicr of the aliove-n.oiiecl Imtik. <lo f-otemnly swear that thoabeee atateaaaad litraa Ba the tx«st of myBaowteaae aai i>*itef.

raaaa o. Xnwrnn, Oaahbar.Bubaeaibad aad aweraaabaaara m.> aaa ritb.layot S.|it, 18U0.

Joaa a. pai.mi.h. n. 1*.\lf.--t:

W. McDna \i.1, i.i-k. ]A. Randolfm Bowaaa, i- Dlrectora.a .1. Nixx nii.i..

lli:»ll AL (0LLEC.E0F VIRCIMA.Tbe Blxtjr-tbfrd Bceataa wiu iwtrinuiM.ut Oetabae i*t. Baa

¦edleal Braiai CaaFao, foar yeara,.&.*.»."» per sesaion.

B-eatal eradad Pearao,tareo years,$<».> per M's-ion.

IMiarmacentieal Courae. two year*,S<»0 per seaaion.

x Ktatal.'i 1 urther pB tleuUos «<l.lresa

Chrleiaphai TaaapkloB. BL D., Dean,KICIIMdMI, VA.

IWTROMZE HOME INDUSTRY.BaWehanta, <lo thia. and your custom-

t»ra will patronlze you.


aaa aa aBoddj Bataee. Btaaj pah afaaiiialiwarraaUtd by them, and If, with roasonahlewear.tbcy .1.. n«.t yixe *.*iti*itaotiou, tho dealerB authori/e.i to make it BB.BWBeaa, caii for aaa Beaaaeee aaaa,

ASIIIIl'RN & JAMES. Irvington,R. BL SAXDEKS, White Stone,W. A. DAMERON i HRO.,)CRALLE i SISSON, | VVcems-

GEO. BT. ItEEl), Keedvillc,Agents.

JAS. A. TURNER, Salesman.


For tho nexl Bg davs all guna inatock, exeept BaaalagtOBB, go atcoat. Also bargalae in Rtflea, Re-voiver.**, Trapa, TBrgeu, Aaaaaaat*tlOB, eti. I hare iu *tock allhraada of Hlack and SiuokelesaPowdersal bottaaaprleaa. HiaatmgPowder, Dyaaaatta, Fuse and Capa




Ia the place to huy all kinda ofUooks and Stationery, and in ad-dition to theae lines there areaeveral distinct departments, vi-^

Wall Paper, Painta audGlaaa. Picture Franies,I'ianos aud Orgaus

Each flapailBBBBl well equipped.In a few woeks Bicycles will heprominently displayed.

Mall ordeis recciveTrompt Attcntioa,

NEVER!You are never diseatiafied withany dewclry hougut of us.The BBOat selett liue of

Watches, Diamonds,*t think of a S;.li.l 80M (ladies) Wateh.Btaj or a Bolid Gold (Qoafa* Wateh. f.i\. *v

year Gold Ulle-', Wateh. o-iiarantetMl, $10.Hterling-BUver Cbaln Braoafcaa. BL Meriin^fllver l iieii.ishipHr.iits.oor chaln braceleta)I" i- t.. .11 xis. Weddlnx Utnjjrt», any atyloand xvi.hti doeired. LarKC hno of VVt*d<lit<i:neeaawa,Mail orders promjdly tllled,


2S E. ItaltlBtore St . Baltimore, Md.

HARRf k. LEONARD,ExpertWatchmaker,

Jeweler and Engraver.I St. Taul Street (ncar Ralto.),


Roferonoo:.Bdltor of thia papor.

Jt:»«.! Jwo, c. i:\vkii, Piaeiiial~ ! [ ~"*"

raajri o. Nawi' ( ash '

aV KaJTDO H HoWAatD, \ ice-l'n aitleot ." M \ a*l Caahier.

THE LAN BBBj ¦"*- BfaaaB

NATIONAL BANK,IRYINGTON, \TJL.Deposits Solicited, Negotiable Papfr Discountedall COBBBaPOBOBXOa e,:<:.OT. Y ANSWKKEI. l> s. AI.,i, ^vrior,."Handsome Lithographed Chech Books presented to each Custoraer

btai.i. Bvaiasaa kbpt in btkici < o:>hi>i;n< , jeBAMK OPEW FROM 9 A. W.. TO 6 F. M


8UMMER IS HERE.Prepare for the warm season by sunnlvino- v.->-ir<=otf -nri+v. uu.eoods. Our stock offers attractions /uchasCe never se<£ 1tJ&?Everybody admits that Fredericksbureil the Soest Dla/^n2?Sd^ffi GO°dS aDd ^tionf--anTwCeh\r?LPlcabCe6ap^THREE FLOORS X-OS.1DEIDWith Dry Goods, Notions, Milliaery, Men's and Eoys' ClothingTh good pcopk of Um Rappahaanoei aaa tforUwra Kcek an aa. our hZi .*¦¦¦

;:!,:;x S25 jya.r- ** °*"*. -*¦ r-S 2&£ -jssssT. IN. BRENT, - - Fredericksburg, Va.I


W the aeaaoa of ti.e ovater and the bnckwheat oakc is tbawm* near,aad while the moth >stafang bk last bita oat of vot.r aioter oaat and theruiWy pumpku, ia in the aiiti..«,ml noaet, we WBOl to tawaiod you thatit is lngh time to be tJnkiog of your Pall aad Wiattr allake good care of your feet this eoiviing Winter. You v.i\\ expect lota ofthetn before the robins neat agum, aad your feet that do so for vou de-serve your temler raie aad rjropaiby. J

uu) ofn,a,l,aml Wio*e* Pootwear tbai will pl, .. M1:in. ,v.m;tn andchild. Oaraboeeemaaobati verybody tal ire in Wrariojr. \\YfeTglSE law*? "¦ "orkman.hip aud. Sltstyhsarethe eaplacooaoorBbelvee. We have ,he exeloeive aale ... baltitaore of ibe piadoctiooe of aoaaa ofthe best laaBBfactarera n. AaaerkThe best, shoes for me.Mlu Kest BDOM for lad boal lOOea for boya,Miaeee aad ebiMreo are l. , aad woald .ppn w% ;l uto^^aawalUbatbaiterbi yoa tbaa aay o . ;, ., Tilati8W« expect to give you BBOK for yooi aboa BrOO BVWhare elae!f you bojaoylbiag it ia not aatiafactorT, brtag it baok. We will rxcbaaae thefal^V0""0!?^1 Bgramble. [it thi. I ,/ v,V feJi e ,reaft, a bea readj for yoar \\ fater Footwaar, yoor f -1 will tora door




. Grand Summer Openingand timely bargains for watchful buyers of Furniture of every description.Carpets, Oil-cloth, Linoleums, Mattings, Refrigerators, Baby Coaches, Gro-carts, in fact, anything needed to furnish homes.

I can give you a good parlor aoit, coveivd in sf*k, tapeatry or hair cloth for $|5 aud upwarde.I can give you a solid oak iO-pieoe bed rooni auit, with large tevel glass for 20 "

A good baby coach from $4 tfj $25. A good go-cart from $2.50 tO $15.Cood Matting at |0C, letter Matting at | 5C.f Best Matting at 20 and 25C. Fr yard.Linen warp Mattings, carpet designs, for 25 311(1 30C.

If any goods you may desire are not mentioned above, write and all in.formation and prices will be furnished at short notice. Prices guaranteed tobe as low as consistent with quality. An early call solicited. Prompt ship-ment and low prices guaranteed.

A, 407-409 S. Broadway,BALTIMORE, MD.

WANTED.Adverttsements in thia eolumn Jnsorte.l atlOeentaper lineeaeh msertwm wlu n (or leaathana moittli. For a moiith or ren-uiar BBBvaarai ratae.

WANTKD TO KKXT-Hoaaa andLot in first class order, aituated in tlw;villaKe of BaatbavlUe aud now oeeupie.lby Mr. Lloyd Snead. Fine home forprofessional raan or traveliug aaiaBBBBBApply to T. .). Downino,

Davraiaaa, Vn.

ImoticeT.To Baa. Roaaara Joaaa..7oa will BOtieatbal l BBBll, <>i> tba 111 fidayof Baptaaaber, 1000, at vTattaBtoaa,Lancaster County, taUe the dapoaitioaof Benry Juaea and others to he re.n.l ;t>avidaaoe io tbe case now paadiag la theCireuit Conrt of Leaoaatai Ooaaty, lawhich you ara dafaadaat aad 1 am plala-tiff. Taeea dapoahioaa *U1 be takaa i>c-fore a.lustice of the Faaea in theaoaaeat White Stoae whare taa |aatleaooaiiis BVaally held. If for ativ tbetakiug of said depositlons should not becorupleted or if not ooaMBaaeed <>n thatday, the BBBBB will be eontinuedfroir c):i} to day at the >ame place uutilthey are coiupleied.

Raaaeetfaity.Hk.nky Joaaa

FOR SALE.I*bm two atoiy raaideaea. T rooms,

ball aad I BorcaeB, la goaei oooditioB,with ? acres land BttaBBei. LoOBtod iuVVest Irvington OB ereek. (iooil out-buildinga, arbarf baBdtag aml oyataishore. \\ili B0 BoM on easy tcrms. Ap¬ply to B. \v. vTn i.kv,

Irvington, Va.

NOTICE.H. V. Thomas, of Norfolk, can after

tbis week be found at Weems, where bewill be pleased to take all orders fortuakiiig aud rcpairiug aails.


gJKHi will biiy tba pungy "Zingara," intirst-class OoadtitOB, recenlly rebuilt;will cany about 1,000 bushels; goodsailer, aud as good a dredgc boat aathere is on tbe bay.

?200 will bay taa pungy "I.ydia A.Claville," aboat 100 BBBbal boat, and infair condition.

Hoth BBBgtaa are rcady for work.Wi'l sell on sai isfaetory ternis. Apply to

Ulto. K. Hkku, lieedville, \ ;i.


RrerrtbiBf in the waj of Clothing for aaaaor boy can DB fouud here. We inanufaoiureeeerjthing we eeil and eaa aare eaa the who e-

ra profit Oor raerohant tsiloring doiaart-aaent Ia a apeoial featare of oor bnaineaa. Weetajrloj the beel eottera nnd tailore to In* had,nnd our prices tbe rerj, very loweet Bead forBBBaplea.



Loweat prieea in Virginia.Baad for aainplea and prieea.


We pay the frcight, andgaaraatee aafe deUrery.

Largest Stock in the South.niaatrated Oata'ogue Free.KMabii-died Ifgf,

(g THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS,B 159, Ibl apd 163 Bank Si., INORKOLk, TA.