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La Partie Orale de l’Examen Final de Français II

La Partie Orale de lExamen Final de Français II Information Générale Choissis UNE fiche On fait une conversation de CINQ échanges en français. Cette.

Mar 28, 2015



Jessica Ingram
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  • Slide 1

Slide 2 La Partie Orale de lExamen Final de Franais II Slide 3 Information Gnrale Choissis UNE fiche On fait une conversation de CINQ changes en franais. Cette partie vaut 10 points de la note pour lexamen!! Slide 4 Tche #1 I am your friend. We are discussing what we did last weekend. You will start the conversation. Vocabulaire et Grammaire Necessaire Pass Compos > Activits, Places, People, Days, Times Avoir (Rguliers et Irrguliers) tre (Rguliers et Irrguliers) Slide 5 Tche #1 I am your friend. We are discussing what we did last weekend. You will start the conversation. Pour Commencer: If we are friends, how will you get my attention? Hey (there)> _______________ Whats up?> _______________ Whats going on> _______________ Dis donc, Schepeez a va bien? Quest-ce qui arrive? Slide 6 Tche #1 I am your friend. We are discussing what we did last weekend. You will start the conversation. La Conversation: How will you launch into your conversation? You know what?>_________________ I had a fab wknd>_________________ I had a lot of fun>_________________ Tu sais quoi? Jai pass un bon weekend Je me suis amus(e) Slide 7 Tche #1 I am your friend. We are discussing what we did last weekend. You will start the conversation. Pour Finir: How will you close your conversation? Next weekend Im going?>______________ I have class...Im off>______________ I have to go to...> _____________ Le prochan je vais Jai une classe. Je pars Je men vais Slide 8 Tche #2 I am an exchange student from France. We are discussing what we like to do in our free time. I will start the conversation. Vocabulaire et Grammaire Necessaire I like, I prefer, I have fun doing... > Jaime/Jadore/Je prfre > Je mamuse quand... Activits, Places, People, Days, Times Slide 9 Tche #2 I am an exchange student from France. We are discussing what we like to do in our free time. I will start the conversation Pour Commencer: How will you respond to my introduction? There is a lot to do here >______________ Theres a + place >______________ One can do... > _____________ Il y a beaucoup faire Il y a + place On peut + inf Slide 10 Tche #2 I am an exchange student from France. We are discussing what we like to do in our free time. I will start the conversation Pour Finir: How will you close the conversation? Do you want go?>_________________ When can you?>_________________ Ill call you later>_________________ Veux-tu aller avec moi? Quand peux-tu + inf Je te tlphone plus tard Slide 11 Tche #3 We are friends. We are trying to organize a party. We need to decide what food to serve. You will start the conversation. Vocabulaire et Grammaire Necessaire Verbs of Want and Need > Food, Drinks, Adj to describe food Avoir besoin de Avoir envie de Slide 12 Tche #3 We are friends. We are trying to organize a party. We need to decide what food to serve You will start the conversation Pour Commencer: If we are friends, How will you get my attention? Hey there, listen>______________ Im going to the store>______________ Should I buy?>______________ Dis-donc, coute-moi Je vais au march Je dois acheter...? Slide 13 Tche #3 We are friends. We are trying to organize a party. We need to decide what food to serve You will start the conversation La Conversation: How will you launch into your conversation? I like ___ because...> _______________ I dont like ____> _______________ What do you like?> _______________ Jaime ___ parce que Je naime pas ___ Quest-ce que tu aimes? Slide 14 Tche #3 We are friends. We are trying to organize a party. We need to decide what food to serve You will start the conversation Pour Finir: How will you close the conversation? Ok, Im going> _______________ Do you want to come> _______________ See you later> _______________ Daccord, je men vais Veux-tu venir avec moi? plus/ toute lheure Slide 15 Tche #4 I work in a restaurant. You are a customer and you are ready to order. You will start the conversation. Vocabulaire et Grammaire Necessaire Verbs of Want and Need > Food, Drinks, Restaurant, Adjectives Avoir besoin de/Avoir envie de Je voudrais, sil vous plat Slide 16 Tche #4 I work in a restaurant. You are a customer and are ready to order. You will start the conversation Pour Commencer: How will you get my attention? Excuse me, please >__________________ May I order, please? >__________________ I have a question? >__________________ Excusez-moi, SVP Puis-je faire une demande Jai une question, SVP Slide 17 Tche #4 I work in a restaurant. You are a customer and are ready to order. You will start the conversation La Conversation: How will you launch into the task? Any suggestions? >_________________ Are there specials>_________________ I (dont) eat __>_________________ Que suggerez-vous? Y-a-t-il des spcialits? Je (ne) mange (pas) Slide 18 Tche #4 I work in a restaurant. You are a customer and are ready to order. You will start the conversation Pour Finir: How will you close the task? Thanks, it was great> _______________ May I have the check> _______________ Have a great day! > _______________ Merci tout tait parfait Laddition, SVP Bonne journe! Slide 19 Tche #5 I am your host parent. You call to tell me what youre going to do after school today You will start the conversation. Vocabulaire et Grammaire Necessaire >>>> Activities, Places, Reasons for going Aller + inf & Venir de + inf Impratif (giving and receiving) Slide 20 Tche #5 I am your host parent. You call to tell me what youre going to do after school today. You will start the conversation Pour Commencer: How will you start a conversation by phone? Hello, this is >____________________ Im calling from >____________________ Bonjour, cest moi, Schepeez Je vous tlphone de Slide 21 La Conversation: How will you launch into the task? I would like to go>______________ There is __ going on>______________ Im very excited >______________ Je voudrais aller Il y a un(e) ____ Je suis trs excite Tche #5 I am your host parent. You call to tell me what youre going to do after school today. You will start the conversation Slide 22 Pour Finir: How will you close the task? Thank you, Ill see you>_____________ Please dont wait up>_____________ Ill be back at __ >_____________ Merci, plus! Ne mattendez pas Je reviens __ Tche #5 I am your host parent. You call to tell me what youre going to do after school today. You will start the conversation Slide 23 Tche #6 I am your Skype pal in Algeria. You and I are talking about our families. I will start the conversation. Vocabulaire et Grammaire Necessaire Describing Verbs > Family members, Hobbies, Adjectives tre and Avoir Expressions Making Adjectives Agree Slide 24 Tche # I am your Skype pal in Algeria. You and I are talking about our families. I will start the conversation Pour Commencer: How will you start a conversation by internet? Hello, this is >____________________ Im calling from >____________________ Whats going on? >____________________ Bonjour, cest moi, Schepeez Je te contacte des tats-Unis Quest-ce qui se passe? Slide 25 Tche #6 I am your Skype pal in Algeria. You and I are talking about our families. I will start the conversation La Conversation: How will you launch into the conversation? My _ is here with me >__________________ Do you have a __? >__________________ Whats your __ like? >___________________ Mon/Ma ___ est ici aussi As-tu un(e) ___ Comment est ton/ta __? Slide 26 Tche #6 I am your Skype pal in Algeria. You and I are talking about our families. I will start the conversation Pour Finir: How will you close the conversation? I have to>__________________ I need to go >__________________ Can we chat later?>__________________ See you later>__________________ Je dois + inf Je men vais On parle plus tard? plus!