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Copyright Buttercups Training Ltd October 2012 1 Level 3 Pharmaceutical Science Module 2 Assignment 3 Name …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Module 2 Assignment 3 is composed of 7 questions. This assignment contains questions with ‘Pass Criteria’ and ‘Merit and Distinction Criteria’ sections. Answer all questions under the ‘Pass Criteria’ initially and submit these for assessment. Once these have been assessed Buttercups will advise you if you are able to obtain a higher grade for this unit of your course syllabus. Should you subsequently wish to achieve a higher grade you will then need to attempt and submit the ‘Merit and Distinction Criteria’ sections in this assignment and all questions in the assignment 4, which can be downloaded from the PeTS website. To achieve the knowledge criteria for this assignment please refer to the marking grid provided with the cover sheet for the Module 2 Assignments. The marking grid outlines how many questions you must answer correctly to achieve the knowledge criteria specified. P8 Explain how drug dependence treatments are supplied to drug misusers P10 - Explain how legislation impacts on pharmacy services P12 - Explain the role of the professional regulator for pharmacy technicians P13 - Describe the role of the professional leadership bodies for pharmacists and pharmacy technicians P14 - Compare the roles and responsibilities of the pharmacist, pharmacy support staff and other healthcare professionals within pharmacy practice P15 - Describe the requirements for conducting a retail pharmacy business P16 - Explain the principles of clinical governance P18 - Describe the key principles of audit and quality improvement P19 - Explain how National Health Care Standards contribute to improving patient care M8 - Assess how drug dependence treatments are supplied to drug misusers M9 - Explain how other laws relate to the legal and safe delivery of pharmacy services M11 - Compare the roles of the professional regulator and professional leadership body for pharmacy technicians M12 - Discuss how pharmacy staff work with other healthcare professionals to provide effective pharmacy services M13 - Explain how the requirements for conducting a retail pharmacy business are monitored M14 - Discuss how pharmacy contributes to clinical governance M15 - Explain how audits lead to quality improvement within pharmacy M16 - Discuss how pharmacy contributes to improvements to patient care using National Standards D3 - Evaluate the implementation of legislation that relates to the safe delivery of pharmacy services D4 - Assess how the regulation of pharmacy professionals impacts on the pharmacy work place and profession D5 - Discuss how pharmacy contracts affect the provision of pharmacy services D6 - Discuss how risk assessment in pharmacy contributes to patient care

L3 Module 2 Assignment 3 Questions Oct 2011

Dec 17, 2015



Lauren Harris

Buttercups assignments for law and ethics NVQ3 in pharmacy sciences
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  • Copyright Buttercups Training Ltd October 2012


    Level 3 Pharmaceutical Science

    Module 2 Assignment 3


    Module 2 Assignment 3 is composed of 7 questions.

    This assignment contains questions with Pass Criteria and Merit and Distinction Criteria sections.

    Answer all questions under the Pass Criteria initially and submit these for assessment. Once these

    have been assessed Buttercups will advise you if you are able to obtain a higher grade for this unit of

    your course syllabus.

    Should you subsequently wish to achieve a higher grade you will then need to attempt and submit the

    Merit and Distinction Criteria sections in this assignment and all questions in the assignment 4, which

    can be downloaded from the PeTS website.

    To achieve the knowledge criteria for this assignment please refer to the marking grid provided with the

    cover sheet for the Module 2 Assignments. The marking grid outlines how many questions you must

    answer correctly to achieve the knowledge criteria specified.

    P8 Explain how drug dependence treatments are supplied to drug misusers P10 - Explain how legislation impacts on pharmacy services P12 - Explain the role of the professional regulator for pharmacy technicians P13 - Describe the role of the professional leadership bodies for pharmacists and pharmacy technicians P14 - Compare the roles and responsibilities of the pharmacist, pharmacy support staff and other healthcare professionals within pharmacy practice P15 - Describe the requirements for conducting a retail pharmacy business P16 - Explain the principles of clinical governance P18 - Describe the key principles of audit and quality improvement P19 - Explain how National Health Care Standards contribute to improving patient care

    M8 - Assess how drug dependence treatments are supplied to drug misusers M9 - Explain how other laws relate to the legal and safe delivery of pharmacy services M11 - Compare the roles of the professional regulator and professional leadership body for pharmacy technicians M12 - Discuss how pharmacy staff work with other healthcare professionals to provide effective pharmacy services M13 - Explain how the requirements for conducting a retail pharmacy business are monitored M14 - Discuss how pharmacy contributes to clinical governance M15 - Explain how audits lead to quality improvement within pharmacy M16 - Discuss how pharmacy contributes to improvements to patient care using National Standards

    D3 - Evaluate the implementation of legislation that relates to the safe delivery of pharmacy services D4 - Assess how the regulation of pharmacy professionals impacts on the pharmacy work place and profession D5 - Discuss how pharmacy contracts affect the provision of pharmacy services D6 - Discuss how risk assessment in pharmacy contributes to patient care

  • Copyright Buttercups Training Ltd October 2012


    Level 3 Pharmaceutical Science

    Module 2 Assignment 3

    Jenny, a methadone patient (not supervised), is going to ask her mother to collect her instalments as she has a new job which means she wont be able to get to the pharmacy before it shuts. She asks if there is anything she needs to do.

    a) State what you would ask Jenny and her mother to do and explain your answer.

    b) Jennys prescription states that Jenny should take 30mls methadone daily and it should be dispensed by instalments: 90mls on Fridays, 60 mls on Monday and 60mls on Wednesday. Today is Saturday and a note from the locum informs you that neither Jenny nor her Mother came into the pharmacy yesterday. Jenny comes into the pharmacy at 10.00am and explains her mother was ill yesterday and asks for Saturday and Sundays supply.

    What would the prescriber need to have written in order for the pharmacist to be able to supply Saturday and Sundays dose today?

    c) The NHS prescription was written by Jennys GP. What NHS code(s) would you expect to see on the form in your part of the county and how many days supply of methadone via instalments can be prescribed on this form?

    d) Outline what other two services may be offered by community pharmacies for drug misusers.

    Question 1

    Pass Criteria (P8)

  • Copyright Buttercups Training Ltd October 2012


    Level 3 Pharmaceutical Science

    Module 2 Assignment 3

    e) Assess the factors that need to be considered by the pharmacy before offering services to drug misusers.

    You are going set up a business with a pharmacist as your co-director which will own and run a retail

    pharmacy. Using the information in modules 1 and 2:

    a) Who must you register the pharmacy with? (P15)

    b) What you would need to consider when deciding on whether to call it a pharmacy or a

    chemist? (P15)

    c) You wish to have an NHS pharmacy contract, who would you apply to in your local area to obtain

    one? (P15)

    d) To lawfully operate as a pharmacy what must be recorded each day the pharmacy is open? (P15)

    Question 2

    Merit and Distinction Criteria (M8) (optional)

    Pass Criteria (P10 and P15)

  • Copyright Buttercups Training Ltd October 2012


    Level 3 Pharmaceutical Science

    Module 2 Assignment 3

    e) Please give one example of how each of the following legislations will affect how you provide

    services to customers in your new pharmacy: (P10)

    Consumer Protection Act

    Trade Descriptions Act

    Weights and Measures Act

    Equality Act

    Data Protection Act

  • Copyright Buttercups Training Ltd October 2012


    Level 3 Pharmaceutical Science

    Module 2 Assignment 3

    f) To ensure you comply with Health and Safety legislation in your new pharmacy explain at least 4

    assessments/installations which you will need to carry out before you can provide a safe

    environment for the delivery of pharmacy services. (M9)

    Merit and Distinction Criteria (M9, M13, D3 and D5) (optional)

  • Copyright Buttercups Training Ltd October 2012


    Level 3 Pharmaceutical Science

    Module 2 Assignment 3

    g) Once you have an NHS contract and have opened your pharmacy, name three different bodies

    which may inspect the premises and write a checklist of what they will be monitoring/assessing?


    Monitoring/inspection body

    What will they be checking?

  • Copyright Buttercups Training Ltd October 2012


    Level 3 Pharmaceutical Science

    Module 2 Assignment 3

    h) Discuss the NHS pharmacy contract in your part of the country including the compulsory

    pharmacy services it delivers and the opportunities for a pharmacy to provide other services to gain

    additional revenue. (D5)

    i) In your new pharmacy you are thinking of providing additional services such as EHC and Chlamydia

    screening to under 16s via PGD.

    Evaluate the benefits and barriers of the safeguarding legislation on the implementation and

    delivery of these services in your pharmacy (D3)

  • Copyright Buttercups Training Ltd October 2012


    Level 3 Pharmaceutical Science

    Module 2 Assignment 3

    a) Complete the table below by naming the pharmacy leadership bodies and the pharmacy regulator

    and describing their roles (P12&13)

    Type of Organisation

    Leadership body for pharmacists

    Leadership body for pharmacy technicians

    Professional regulator for Pharmacists and Technicians

    Name of organisation

    What is the structure of the organisation

    Role of the organisation

    Question 3

    Pass Criteria (P12 and P13)

  • Copyright Buttercups Training Ltd October 2012


    Level 3 Pharmaceutical Science

    Module 2 Assignment 3

    Reasons for joining

    Cost to join

    b) Using the table above compare and contrast the roles of the professional regulator with the

    professional leadership body for pharmacy Technicians (M11)

    Merit and Distinction Criteria (M11 and D4) (optional)

  • Copyright Buttercups Training Ltd October 2012


    Level 3 Pharmaceutical Science

    Module 2 Assignment 3

    c) Evaluate and give examples to illustrate how the professional regulation of pharmacists and

    technicians affects what we do in the workplace and how pharmacy is viewed by the public. (D4)

  • Copyright Buttercups Training Ltd October 2012


    Level 3 Pharmaceutical Science

    Module 2 Assignment 3

    Complete the table below to compare the roles and responsibilities of healthcare professionals

    involved in the supply of medicines (this could be within a hospital or community setting) and

    explain how you may need to interact with them.

    Column A covers the Pass Criteria and therefore you must attempt this. Column B covers the Merit

    Criteria and is therefore optional.

    Column A Column B (optional)



    Roles and responsibilities

    towards supplying

    medicines (P14)

    Explain how you (as a Pharmacy Technician) may

    interact with these other healthcare

    professionals/staff to deliver an effective

    pharmacy service for the patient. (M12)






    Question 4

    Pass and Merit Criteria (P14) and (M12 optional)

  • Copyright Buttercups Training Ltd October 2012


    Level 3 Pharmaceutical Science

    Module 2 Assignment 3

    a) Explain what clinical governance is in relation to pharmacy.

    b) List three activities which are undertaken in your pharmacy under the heading of clinical

    governance. Describe how each activity improves the standards of service in your pharmacy and

    contribute to patient care.

    Question 5

    Pass Criteria (P16)

    Merit and Distinction Criteria (M14 and D6) (optional)

  • Copyright Buttercups Training Ltd October 2012


    Level 3 Pharmaceutical Science

    Module 2 Assignment 3

    Your manager has asked you to do a clinical audit on the owings levels in your pharmacy. The

    criterion is that all prescriptions or orders should be fully dispensed when initially presented, and the

    standard to achieve is 98% of the time.

    a) Name and describe the steps you must undertake to complete the audit cycle.

    b) Explain how will it help you to improve the quality within your pharmacy?

    Question 6

    Pass Criteria (P18)

    Merit and Distinction Criteria (M15) (optional)

  • Copyright Buttercups Training Ltd October 2012


    Level 3 Pharmaceutical Science

    Module 2 Assignment 3

    There is a continual drive to improve standards within the NHS. Have a look at the following links for

    some examples of national standards.

    The National Care Standards in Scotland

    The National Service Frameworks in England & Wales NICE/SIGN

    National Patient Safety Agency

    Identify and state an example of one national standard in your part of the country and explain how

    this helps to improve patient care in the delivery of pharmacy services.

    Question 7

    This question covers both P19 and M16. The level of detail in your answer will determine

    whether the Merit Criteria can also be awarded.

    Pass and Merit Criteria (P19) and (M16 optional)

  • Copyright Buttercups Training Ltd October 2012


    Level 3 Pharmaceutical Science

    Module 2 Assignment 3

    Trainee Declaration of Authenticity

    I understand that:

    The work in this assignment is my own

    All word processed documents must be signed and dated.

    Trainees may study together but all assignments are completed independently.

    Buttercups Training Ltd may follow up this assignment with oral or written questions to ensure work sent for assessment is authentic.

    Copying of other trainee's work or plagiarism will be considered as malpractice and Buttercups Training Ltd will investigate any potential cases. Should malpractice be proved the trainee will be withdrawn from the course.

    Print Name: Signature: Date:

    ................................................. ................................................. ...........................

    Pharmacist or Senior Pharmacy Technician Declaration*

    I confirm that all work completed in this assignment is the trainees own work.

    Print Name: Signature: Date:

    ................................................. ................................................. ...........................

    Registration Number (if applicable):


    * If you are completing the course without pharmacist supervision then your line-manager or dispensary manager can

    sign this declaration