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Kyd s Excel Shortcut Keys

Apr 04, 2018



Santosh Das
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  • 7/31/2019 Kyd s Excel Shortcut Keys


  • 7/31/2019 Kyd s Excel Shortcut Keys



    I intend this to be a complete list of Excel shortcut keys when a worksheet is active.

    Most of these key combinations perform the same task in both New Excel (version 2007 and

    after) and Classic Excel (earlier versions). Where the tasks differ, "XL-C:" indicates the ClassicExcel result and "XL-N:" indicates the New Excel version.

    In addition to the All Shortcuts sheet, this workbook includes a Dialogs sheet. This shows allshortcut keys I've found that launch dialogs in Excel. Notice that in some cases, you can usemore than one key combination to launch the same dialog. For example, both F5 and Ctrl+Glaunch the Go To dialog.

    Please email me your additions or corrections. When I make corrections I'll update theworkbook and alert everyone who subscribes to my newsletter.

    Note: I don't own a Mac. But if Mac users want to send me additions or corrections for Macs,

    I make this info available as well.

    Charley Kyd, Excel [email protected]

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 7/31/2019 Kyd s Excel Shortcut Keys


    ExcelUser Keyboard Shortcuts, New Excel (XL-N) and Classic Excel (XL-C)

    Key Default Shift Ctrl Alt WinKey Shift+WinKey Ctrl+Wi

    Function Keys

    Display or hide the Start


    Switch to the

    that displaye

    message in th

    notification a

    F1 Help Help (Context


    XL-C: Show/Hide


    XL-N: Show/Hide


    XL-C: Create a chart

    sheet of selected data.

    XL-N: Insert a chart


    Display Windows Help.

    F2 Toggle Enter and Edit


    Insert or edit a


    XL-N: Print preview Save As dialog

    F3 Paste Name dialog Insert Function dialog XL-C: Define Name


    XL-N: Name Manager

    F4 In sheet: Re-Do. In

    formula bar: Toggle

    relative & absolute cell

    Find Next (from last


    Close active window. Close Excel

    F5 Go To dialog Find dialog Restore window

    F6 XL-C: Next pane of split


    XL-N: Also ribbon,

    Previous pane of split


    XL-N: Also ribbon,

    Next workbook


    Switch to VBA IDE if


    F7 Spelling dialog XL-N: Show Research


    Move window with

    arrow keys. (Esc to

    sto .F8 Toggle Extend

    selection mode.

    Add another range to

    selection mode

    Resize window Macro dialog

    F9 Calculate Now Calculate active sheet Minimize window

    F10 XL-C: Toggle menu bar

    XL-N: Toggle ribbon


    Activate Right Click

    (Context) Menu.

    Toggle Maximize &

    Restore window

    F11 XL-C: Create chart

    sheetXL-N: Create chart

    Insert new worksheet. Insert XL 4 Macro


    Opens and shows VBA


    F12 Save As dialog Save Open dialog

    Number Keys

  • 7/31/2019 Kyd s Excel Shortcut Keys


  • 7/31/2019 Kyd s Excel Shortcut Keys


    D d D Fill (Copy) Down - If a

    single cell is selected,

    copy the cell

    immediately above it.

    If a range is selected,

    copy the uppermost

    cell into the lower

    XL-C: Data menu

    XL-N: Alt, D key combo

    Show the desktop.

    E e E XL-C: Edit menu

    XL-N: Alt, E key combo

    Open My Computer.

    F f F Find Dialog XL-C: File menu

    XL-N: Alt, F key combo

    Search for a file or


    Search for c

    G g G Go To Dialog Cycle through gadgets.

    H h H Replace Dialog XL-C: Help menu

    XL-N: Alt, H key combo

    I i o Toggle Italics XL-C: Insert menu

    XL-N: Alt I ke comboJ j J

    K k K Insert Hyperlink

    L l L XL-C: Create List

    XL-N: Create Table

    Lock your computer if

    you are connected to a

    network domain, or

    switch users if you are

    not connected to a

    network domain.

    M m M Minimize all windows. Restores minimized


    N n N New Workbook OneNote Clipping Tool

    O o O File Open dialog XL-C: Format menu

    XL-N: Alt, O key combo

    P p P Print dialog Choose a presentation

    display mode.

    Q q QR r R Fill Right Open the Run dialog

    box.S s S Save or Save As

    T t T XL-N: Insert Table XL-C: Tools menu

    XL-N: Alt, T key combo

    Cycle through programs

    on the taskbar.

  • 7/31/2019 Kyd s Excel Shortcut Keys


    U u U Underline Open Ease of Access


    V v V Paste XL-C: View menu

    XL-N: Alt, V key combo

    W w W Close Workbook


    XL-C: Window menu

    XL-N: Alt, W key combo

    X x X Cut

    Y y Y Redo last action

    Z z Z Undo last action

    Keys Near the 10-Key Pad

    - Minus Toggles the Add mode Delete dialog Toggle Excel's Window

    control+ Plus Insert dialog

    * Multiply Go To Current Region

    / Divide Go To Current Array

    Punctuation Keys

    ` ~ ` (Left Quote) ~ (Tilde) Alternate between

    displaying cell values

    and displaying

    formulas in the

    - _ - (En Dash, minus) _ (Em Dash) Delete dialog Toggle Excel's Windowcontrol

    = + = (Equal Sign) Start a


    + (Plus Sign) Calculate all sheets in

    all open workbooks

    Autosum a range of


    [ { [ (Left Bracket) { (Left Brace) Select only cells that

    are directly referred to

    by formulas in the

    selection. (Go To

    Special dialog,


    ] } ] (Right Bracket) } (Right Brace) Select only cells with

    formulas that refer

    directly to the active

    cell. (Go To Special

    dialog, Dependents.)

  • 7/31/2019 Kyd s Excel Shortcut Keys


    \ | \ (Backslash) | (Pipe) In a selected row,

    select the cells that

    don't match the

    formula or static value

    in the active cell.

    ; : ; (Semicolon) : (Colon) Enter the current date. Select only visible cells

    in selection " ' (Single Quote) " (Double Quote) Copy the formula from

    the cell above the

    active cell into the

    Format Style dialog

    , < , (Comma) < (Less-Than Symbol)

    . > . (Period or Decimal) > (Greater-Than


    Move clockwise to the

    next corner of the


    ? / ? (Question Mark) / (Forward Slash) Select current multi-

    cell arra .

    Other Keys



    Move up one cell . Extend selection up

    one cell.

    Move up to the last

    cell in the area.

    Close the AutoFilter list

    for the current column

    Maximize active


    Stretch active window

    to the top and bottom

    of the screen.



    Move down one cell. Extend selection down

    one cell.

    Move down to the last

    cell in the area.

    Display AutoComplete


    Restore active window Minimize active




    Move left one cell. Extend selection left

    one cell.

    Move left to the last

    cell in the area.

    Maximize the window

    to the left side of the


    Move a window from

    one monitor to




    Move right one cell. Extend selection right

    one cell.

    Move right to the last

    cell in the area.

    Maximize the window

    to the right side of the


    Move a window from

    one monitor to




    Delete one character

    to the left in the

    formula bar

    Collapse selection to

    the active cell.

    Scroll to display the

    active cell


    Delete Clear selection andactivate the formula

    bar. Clear one

    character to the right

    in the formula bar.

    Cut selection Clear to the end of theline

  • 7/31/2019 Kyd s Excel Shortcut Keys


    End Toggle End mode.

    (Scroll Lock on: Move

    to lower-right corner

    Extend selection to the

    last cell in the row.

    Select bottom right cell

    of the used range.



    Complete cell entry. Enter value and move

    up in selected range.

    Fill selected range with

    the entry in the active


    Redo. In formula bar:

    Start a new line in the

    same cell.Esc Cancel most dialogs

    and modes

    Cancel most dialogs

    and modes

    Display the Windows

    Start Menu

    Home Move to the first cell in

    a row. (Scroll Lock on:Move to upper-left

    corner of window.)

    Extend selection to the

    first cell in the row.

    Select the first cell in a

    window or pane.

    Insert Toggle Overwrite

    mode while editin .

    Paste Copy



    Move down one page Extend selection down

    one page.

    Move to the next

    sheet in a workbook.

    Page Right



    Moves one screen up

    in a worksheet.

    Extend selection up

    one page.

    Move to the previous

    sheet in a workbook.

    Page Left



    In a dialog box,

    perform the action for

    the selected button, or

    selects or clears a

    check box.

    Select entire selected

    row(s) in a worksheet.

    Select entire selected

    column(s) in a


    Display the Control

    menu for the Excel


    Preview the desktop.

    Tab Move: Right one cell in

    a worksheet. Between

    unlocked cells in a

    protected worksheet.

    To the next option in a

    dialog box.

    Move to the previous

    cell in a row or a


    Move to the next

    workbook or window.

    Switch to the next tab

    in a dialog box.

    Switch to the next



    Display the SystemProperties dialog box.

  • 7/31/2019 Kyd s Excel Shortcut Keys


    Send additions or corrections.

    Ctrl+Shift Alt+Shift Ctrl+Alt Ctrl+Shift+Alt

    New Sheet Insert a new XL4

    Macro sheet.

    Save Open dialog Print Dialog

    Create Names dialog XL-N: New Name


    ind Previous (from

    ast search)

    Close Excel Close Excel Close Excel

    XL-N: Refresh All

    PivotTablesrevious workbook


    Calculate all Rebuild the

    dependency tree, then

    calculate menu

    Open Script Editor

    rint dialog

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  • 7/31/2019 Kyd s Excel Shortcut Keys


    Apply number format:


    Apply the time format:

    :mm AM/PM

    Apply the date format:


    Apply the currency



    Apply the percentage

    ormat: 0%

    Apply the exponential

    ormat: 0.00E+00

    Apply the outside

    order to the selected

    ells.elect the current

    egion.Unhide any hidden

    ows within the

    election.Unhide any hidden

    olumns within the


    nsert the argument

    ames and

    arentheses for a

    unction, after you

    ype a valid function

    ame in a formula

  • 7/31/2019 Kyd s Excel Shortcut Keys


    ont Drop Down List

    L-N: Toggle AutoFilter

    elect all cells with


    L-C: Point size drop

    own list

    L-N: Font tab of

    L-N: Toggle Total row

    n Table

  • 7/31/2019 Kyd s Excel Shortcut Keys


    L-N: Toggles

    xpanding and

    ollapsing the formula

    Paste Special

    ~) Apply the General

    umber format.

    emove all bordersrom the selected cells. Toggle Excel's Windowcontrol

    +) Display the Insert

    ialog box to insert

    lank cells.{ ) Select all cells that

    re directly or

    ndirectly referred to

    y formulas in the

    election. Highlight

    ndirect Cell

    } ) Select all cells with

    ormulas that refer

    irectly or indirectly to

    he active cell.

    Highlight Indirect Cell


  • 7/31/2019 Kyd s Excel Shortcut Keys


    n a selected column,

    elect the cells that

    on't match the

    ormula or static value

    n the active cell.

    nter the current time.

    opy the value from

    he cell above the

    ctive cell into the

    opy the formula in

    he cell above the

    ctive cell to the active

    opy the formula in

    he cell to the left of

    he active cell to the

    ctive cell.

    Move up to the first

    ell in the area and

    xtend the selection.

    Move down to the last

    ell in the area and

    xtend the selection.

    Move left to the first

    ell in the area and

    xtend the selection.

    Ungroup rows or

    columns. Ungroup

    selected PivotTable

    Move to the left

    between nonadjacent


    Move right to the last

    ell in the area and

    xtend the selection.

    Group rows or

    columns. Group

    selected PivotTable

    Move to the right

    between nonadjacent


  • 7/31/2019 Kyd s Excel Shortcut Keys


    xtend the selection to

    he bottom-right cell

    f the used range.

    Array-enter the


    Display the Windows

    ask Manager

    xtend the selection to

    he first cell in a

    window or pane.

    xtend selection to the

    ext sheet in a


    Extend Selection Page


    xtend selection to the

    revious sheet in a


    Extend Selection Page


    elect the entire

    worksheet. If

    worksheet contains

    ata, select current

    egion; press keys a

    econd time to select

    ntire worksheet.

    When an object is

    elected, selects all

    bjects on a


    Move to the previous

    workbook or window.

    witch to the previous

    ab in a dialog box.

    Switch to the

    previous program

    Indent text

  • 7/31/2019 Kyd s Excel Shortcut Keys


    Shortcuts to Excel 2003 and 2007 Dialogs Send additions or corrections.



    File, Open Open Open a worksheet



    File, Print Print Print a document

    F12 File, Save As Save As Save a workbook as new file

    Ctrl+S File, Save or File, Save As Save or Save As Save or Save As

    Ctrl+- (hyphen)

    Ctrl+- (minus)

    Edit, Delete Delete Deletes selected files



    Edit, Find Find Find

    Ctrl+H Edit, Replace Replace Replace



    Edit, Go to Go To Go to cell or range name

    Ctrl+Shift+= (equal)

    Ctrl++ (plus)

    Insert, Cells Insert Inserts cells in worksheet

    Shift+F3 Insert, Function Insert Function Quick access to worksheet functions

    Ctrl+K Insert, Hyperlink Insert Hyperlink Insert HyperlinkCtrl+Shift+F3 Insert, Name, Create Create Names Create names from row and column

    labelsCtrl+F3 Insert, Name, Define Define Name (XL 11)

    Name Manager (XL12)

    Define a range name

    Manage range namesCtrl+Alt+F3 New Name Define a range name

    F3 Insert, Name, Paste Paste Name Pastes a defined name into a formula.

    Ctrl+1 Format dialog Format Displays the format dialog for selected

    object: cell, chart, drawing object, etc.



    Format, Cells, Font Format Cells In XL12, opens the Format Cells dialog

    with the Font tab selected

    Alt+' (apostrophe) Format, Style Style Format Style dialog box

    Alt+F8 Tools, Macro Macro Opens the Macro dialog.

    Alt+F11 Tools, Macro, Visual

    Basic Editor

    VBE (window) Opens VBA's Visual Basic Editor (VBE)

    F7 Tools, Spelling Spelling Spelling dialog.


    Ctrl+T XL 12

    Data, List, Create List Create List Create List (XL 11)

    Create Table XL 12


    --with insertion point to

    the right of a function in

    Function Arguments Provides help using the function

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