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KY Creative Living - July 2011

Mar 28, 2016



Jordan Kellogg

KY Creative Living - July 2011
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Page 2: KY Creative Living - July 2011

I remember beingpicked on when Iwas growing up.Kids can sometimesbe so cruel to oneanother. It’simportant to besensitive to this fact,especially as school-time draws near.Children today face many difficulties and manydifferent types of abuse from bullies. We’ve allheard about the horror stories of cyberbullying.Take the time to read this issue’s article on howto prevent this type of abuse. It’s important toprotect our children, to communicate with them,and to take a stand for them. This article will givesome helpful tips on where and how to begin.

Also in this issue be sure to take a look at thearticle about being your own health careadvocate. Just as it is important to protect ourchildren, it is important to protect ourselves.Knowledge, as always, is our most importantweapon.


Creative Living is a monthly advertising-sponsoredmagazine published by the Specialty Publications

Department of The Community Press/The Community Recorder.

Questions and comments can be sent to Editor Melissa Stewart c/o The Community Press/

394 Wards Corner/Loveland, OH 45140 or e-mail

[email protected].

For advertising call 578-5501.


TopicsHealth & FitnessMind • Body • Spirit

Dental CareSmiles

Senior LivingCare • Home

3 8 Back to SchoolEducation

Local BusinessGoods • Services

At HomeDecorating • Improvement


FeaturesBBee yyoouurr oowwnn aaddvvooccaatteeGet the important information you need from your doctor.




Editor’s note

PPrreevveenntt yyoouurr cchhiilldd ffrroomm bbeeiinngg ccyybbeerrbbuulllliieeddTips for taking a stand against online bullies.


Page 8


RReeiinnvveenntt yyoouurr ffuuttuurreeHow to stand out in a tough job market


Page 3: KY Creative Living - July 2011

H E A L T H & F I T N E S S

3K e n t u c k y T h u r s d a y J u l y 2 1 , 2 0 1 1

Do you snore? Do you suffer fromsleep apnea? Have you tried CPAPbut just can’t tolerate wearing ortraveling with it?

At Cincinnati Dental SleepMedicine, Dr. Kitzmiller treatspatients every day with state-of-the-art Oral Appliance Therapy, a very effec-tive, comfortable and convenient treat-ment. An oral appliance is a customized,FDA-approved CPAP alternative thatfits over your teeth and holds the lowerjaw forward, keeping your airway openwhile you sleep.

A sleep apnea sufferer and oral appli-ance patient himself, Dr. Kitzmillerknows first hand the effects of sleepapnea and the benefits of his oral appli-ance. His patients are thrilled with thecomfort and convenience of their oralappliance too!

“The Somnodent is wonderful! It hasreplaced my big, cumbersome CPAPmachine and bite guard. I no longerhave to take it and distilled water along

wherever I go. The Somnodentfits right in my purse!”

said Jeanne V.“I find the oral den-

tal appliance veryeffective in the treat-

ment of my snoring andsleep apnea. I love the fact

that it is so easy to use! No more plug-ging in, filling a water reservoir andattaching a mask like I had to do withmy CPAP. I just put my oral appliance inmy toiletry bag and go!” said Randy T.

“After years of struggling with aCPAP machine, I was overjoyed to findan oral appliance that worked to treatmy snoring and sleep apnea. My mouthappliance is easy to use, does not restrictmy motions, and very portable whentraveling. My husband is grateful too!”said Anne S.

Call Dr. Kitzmiller at 513-248-8848 toschedule your complimentary consulta-tion to see how Oral Appliance Therapycould be an option for you too!

Snoring, CPAP alternativethat fits in the palm of hand

Want More Info?Visit

to learn more!

Dr. Kitzmiller treats his snoring and sleep apnea patients with Oral Appliance Therapy

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H E A L T H & F I T N E S S

4 K e n t u c k yn k y. c o mC R E A T I V E L I V I N G T h u r s d a y J u l y 2 1 , 2 0 1 1

Chances are thatyou’ve tried many dietsbefore and lost weight,but ultimately ended upfrustrated because youregained the weight andmaybe even more.

Dr. Greg Weckenbrockand his team of physi-cians and staff at FigureWeight Loss, convenientlylocated in Edgewood, arededicated to helping theirpatients lose those extrapounds – safely andquickly.

The Figure Weight Lossprogram is a physician-supervised program thatwill help jumpstart yourweight loss.

By combining FDAapproved prescriptionmedication, dispensed

directly in the office, andcounseling on a healthylifestyle including a prop-er diet and activity, nearlyall Figure Weight Losspatients achieve theirweight loss goal.

The friendly staff atFigure Weight Loss con-

sists of multiple physi-cians headed up by Dr.Weckenbrock, who haspracticed in NorthernKentucky for over 25years.

After many years of

Lose those extra pounds safely, quickly

The Tri-State Running Company staff.

The Figure Weightloss team.

LOSE see page

Tri-State Running all about supportinglocal runners. Specialstore discounts are offeredto cross country and trackand field students.

Spikes are marked 20percent off for runningstudents in middle, highschool, and college. Inaddition, everything in

the store is 10 percent offto these atheltes.

Owner CameronSimoneau said it is impor-tant to him and the Tri-State Running Co. staff tosupport young runners.They even have a LloydMemorial High Schoolsenior working at theshop. Cameron said he

has been a great additionto the staff, helping cus-tomers with his runningexpertise.

Last year Cameronopened the Tri-StateRunning Co.

“We are here to helppeople make running apart of their lifestyle,”Cameron said. “Runningshould be something you

Supporting local runners

SUPPORT see page 13

Page 5: KY Creative Living - July 2011

Summer is a time to visit withfamily, go on vacation, and getthings done that our busy winterschedules will not allow.

If time or fear has kept youaway from the dentist, thinkabout taking one day this sum-mer to get your needed dentalwork taken care.

Decide today to schedule yourappointment, so that when thebusyness of the fall and holidaysarrive, your smile will be beauti-ful and healthy.

Many of the patients that seekout Gentle Dental Care are terri-fied of the dentist. For this veryreason Dr. Dallmann and her car-ing team offer IV and oral seda-tion.

This is a wonderful way forthe most fearful patient or thebusiest patient to finally get thedental treatment they so desper-

ately need. The team is readyand waiting for those of you thatneed to make it happen as soonas possible.

Brenda is ready with theforms and the medication youwill need to be sedated; Kim andWendy are ready to get any need-ed preliminary x-rays or photosthat may help you decide whereto start; and Dr. Dallmann takesthe time to go over the treatmentyou need and together you willcome up with a plan of action.Gentle Dental Care truly workstogether as a team.

If you are fearful and unsure,Dr. Dallmann invites you to comein for a complimentary consulta-tion. If time is of the essence, acomprehensive exam might bejust the thing you need.

In this extensive exam, Dr.Dallmann and her team develop

a plan of action to get your oralhealth back on track.

Most of all, when you pick upthe phone to schedule your firstappointment, let them know thethings that concern you mostand the team will do everythingin their power to help youthrough it.

To make it a little easier Dr.Dallmann is offering a $150 dis-count for the sedation portion ofyour visit. Just mention this storyand receive the savings.

Here is what patients are say-ing about Gentle Dental Care:


5K e n t u c k y C R E A T I V E L I V I N Gn k y. c o mT h u r s d a y J u l y 2 1 , 2 0 1 1

Summer is finally here

Come to Gentle Dental Care and be treated like royalty.

SUMMER see page 13

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6 K e n t u c k yn k y. c o mC R E A T I V E L I V I N G T h u r s d a y J u l y 2 1 , 2 0 1 1

Which of thesetwo acts do youthink will cause acavity the fastest, ifdone on a dailybasis?

1. Chugging 2liters of a “sugardrink” in 20 min-utes (once perday).

2. Sipping 12ounces of a “sugardrink” over a six-hour period of time.

Most people believethat the amount of sugarin a drink is the greatestfactor in the speed oftooth decay. As it turnsout, the greatest factor inhow fast you or yourchild will cause a cavitythe fastest is the amountof time that the sugar ison the teeth.

The good news is thatyour saliva is actually atool that can help recoverthe damage that “sugardrinks” cause to teeth.However, it takes 1 to 2hours after the drink is

consumed for your salivato do its job.

So, if you consumeanother sugary drinkwithin the 1 to 2 hours ofthe last drink, then youhave canceled out all thehelp that your saliva hadgiven your teeth, and acavity starts to grow.

What can you do toreduce your chances oftooth decay? The answeris simple if you maintaina good habit of brushingand flossing twice a day.All you have to do iseliminate sugary foodsand drinks from yourdiet!

In today’s society, therealistic answer for aperson already in goodhealth would be to limityour sugar intake to oneor two 20 minute ses-sions of sugar in-takeper day. Make sure youlook at the labels onmany of the foods anddrinks that you normal-ly consume and youmay be surprised athow much sugar is in

them. Sodas, sportsdrinks, energy drinks andcandies, to name a few,are all enemies to yourteeth.

If you cannot eliminatesugar from your diet, thentry to limit the timethroughout the day thatyou consume sugarydrinks, snacks and otherfoods. At MortensonFamily Dental, we careabout our patients’ dentalhealth because we believeeveryone deserves ahealthy smile!

Call 525-7586 to set upan appointment.

How to reduce tooth decay

Baptist Towers, locatedat 800 Highland Avenuein Covington, has a stur-dy foundation rooted intwo distinct but interwov-en philosophies known asquality and caring.

Baptist Towers containsboth independent livingunits and personal carewithin one building.

The studio and one-bedroom apartmentsinclude housekeepingservices, as well as mealsavailable in the diningarea.

There’s also a full-timeactivities director on staff

and various outingsplanned throughout themonth. Barber and beau-ty-shop services, and astore staffed by a commu-nity pharmacy are alsoavailable.

The personal care areasprovide a friendly, 24-hour staff that offer morepersonal assistanceaccording to the variousneeds of the resident.

Baptist Towers is deco-rated in a gloriousVictorian style. An openchapel on the second floorand the Baptist Chaplainprogram serves the spiri-

tual care needs of resi-dents with regularlyscheduled religious serv-ices.

Baptist Towers is oper-ated through Baptist LifeCommunities, a ministryof Northern KentuckyBaptists whose mission isusing the ministry ofJesus as their model, pro-viding quality of lifeoptions to assist adults 55and over to remain ful-filled by maintaining ahealthy lifestyle.

For more informationcall 491-3800 or

Quality care at Baptist Towers

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7K e n t u c k y C R E A T I V E L I V I N Gn k y. c o mT h u r s d a y J u l y 2 1 , 2 0 1 1

This can be challeng-ing if a person’s cancer isconsidered rare, which isdefined by the NationalInstitutes of Health as acancer that affects fewerthan 200,000 people.

Patients with rare can-cers are more likely thanthose with more commoncancers to say they lackaccess to credible andreliable information,causing them to feelalone in dealing withtheir disease, accordingto a national survey.

For many like newly-wed Carolina Williams,getting the right diagno-sis and information abouther GIST, a rare and life-threatening cancer, wasimportant to both herand her family.

One day, about a yearinto her marriage,Williams becameextremely bloated andexperienced terriblestomach pains whichcame on suddenly. Herhusband knew some-thing was seriouslywrong when he foundher unconscious on thefloor from pain.

He immediatelybrought her to the emer-gency room. There aphysician conducted aCAT scan which revealeda large mass in her stom-ach that was diagnosedas a benign cyst. After

four days of medical pro-cedures to drain the cyst,a 7-pound solid tumorwas removed and testedfor cancer.

“Once my doctorremoved the tumor, Iwanted to make sure thatthe hospital did the prop-er tests to check if themass was cancerous,”said Williams.

“I wasn’t going toleave it up to chance so Irequested that an oncolo-gist perform the tests. Iam glad that I pushed forthis, because I was soondiagnosed with a gas-trointestinal stromaltumor, or GIST, which isconsidered a rare form ofcancer. I was then able toget the information Ineeded to help under-stand my disease,” shesaid.

When it comes tohelping manage theirown disease and actingas their own advocate,patients should seek outresources both throughtheir physicians and reli-able online websites.

For some rare cancers,like GIST, there are anumber of onlineresources,, an educational sitefor GIST patients andtheir families that wasdeveloped by NovartisOncology.

“It is so important forpeople with cancer, espe-cially those with a rarecancer like me, to act astheir own advocate whenit comes to getting theright diagnosis, diseaseinformation and ulti-mately the right diseasemanagement plan,” saidWilliams.

“Working with mydoctor and learning moreabout my disease hashelped me focus on theother important things inmy life, including enjoy-ing time with my hus-band and taking care ofmy son. They mean theworld to me.”

About GastrointestinalStromal Tumors (GIST)

GIST is a rare, life-threatening cancer of thegastrointestinal (GI) tract.Most cases of GIST devel-op in the stomach orsmall bowel. They oftendo not cause any specificsymptoms, making it dif-ficult to diagnose and totreat.

The exact number ofpeople diagnosed withGIST each year is notknown. In the U.S. alone,the incidence of GIST isestimated to be up to6,000 new cases eachyear.

For more informationabout GIST, go to

Getting a diagnosisof any kind of cancercan be frightening. Oneof the first things manypatients do is learneverything they canabout their illness,including what optionsfor disease manage-ment and treatment areavailable.

Be your own advocate. Talk to your doctor to stay informed about your disease.

Beyourownadvocate: Get the information you


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Merle Norman is made in Americaand proud of it. Merle NormanCrestview Hills takes it a step furtherand supports products for its boutiquethat are manufactured locally. MayCreations Beads and Jewelry is one ofthose right out of Walton, Ky.

Each clay bead with sterling silvercore is a work of art and no two areexactly alike. The designs on the beadsare not painted – the designs are “in”the bead and will not rub or wear off.

May Creations is built on the premiseto help business, charities, awarenessfoundations, teams, schools, and othersto raise sales, money, and awareness byoffering custom beads.

The beads and jewelry are an excel-lent source for fundraising and aware-ness – especially since custom designsand logos are available in very low min-

imums to assist even the smallest oforganizations.

Teams and mascots for almost alllocal high schools and colleges are cur-rently available in the Team Spirit BeadCollection. Whether your school isDixie, Cov Cath, Notre Dame,Beechwood, or NKU, sales of beads area great way to raise more money in lesstime. Unlike popcorn or candy, a schoolbead is a lasting and desirable symbol ofyour school spirit and provides personalstyle that sets you apart from the rest.

In today’s environment, high schoolsneed funds more now than ever to keeptheir extracurricular programs alive.And they are seeking effective and low-risk fundraising opportunities. ContactMerle Norman at 344-0500 to find outhow to maximize your profit and mini-mize your effort.


8 K e n t u c k yn k y. c o mC R E A T I V E L I V I N G T h u r s d a y J u l y 2 1 , 2 0 1 1

Finding money for your schoolCyberbullying, the bul-

lying of a person throughthe use of an electronicdevice such as a computeror cell phone, is becominga growing national prob-lem.

Anyone can be a victimof cyberbullying, but stu-dents are frequent targets.

From fake Facebookpages, to the posting ofembarrassing videos andphotos, to Kick a GingerDay (harassing red-head-ed people based on a 2005episode of “South Park”),more than 20 percent oftoday’s U.S. students,ages 10 to 18, report beinga victim of cyberbullying(26 percent for girls ver-sus 16 percent for boys).

Because of a number ofhighly publicized cases ofcyberbullying – includingmost recently, the suicideof a Rutgers Universityfreshman whose room-mate posted a video of thestudent having sex in hisdorm room – colleges,school districts, lawenforcement and state leg-islatures are taking actionto address cyberbullying.

More than two dozenstates have specificallyenacted legislation orupdated statutes toaddress the growing prob-lem of cyberbullying,according to,the leading online resourcefor legal information.

Most new laws man-date that school districtsenact policies involvingcyberbullying, and takesteps to suspend or expelstudents who engage in it.

Here are some tipsfrom onwhat parents can do nowto prevent cyberbullying,and what to do if you sus-pect that your child isbeing singled out bycyberbullies:

• Ask about friends orother kids.

Start the conversationby asking your child if hehas heard about otherkids at school who havebeen victimized.

• Watch for signs. Doesyour child seem with-drawn? Reluctant to usesome forms of technolo-gy? Maybe depressed?

These are generaliza-tions, but if you’venoticed any changes inyour child’s behavior, heor she may be the victimof technology torment.

• Set boundaries. It’scritical to talk to yourchild about cyberbullying– what it is and what todo if your child feelsthreatened. In addition,parents should set clearboundaries about youryoung person’s use oftechnology.

Clearly communicateyour expectations forresponsible use of tech-nology and that, whileyou respect your child’sprivacy, you intend tomonitor it.

• School policy. Findout if your school has apolicy about cyberbully-ing.

• Safe place.Cyberbullying is very realand it is possible thatyour student could atsome point be one of itsvictims.

Ask your school to cre-ate a safe place orresource for kids to reportcyberbullying – such as avoicemail tip line – andask your school to invitespeakers to address theissue.

Stop cyberbullying

Call 578-5501 to advertise inCCrreeaattiivveeLiving

Page 9: KY Creative Living - July 2011

Boyle Jewelers, inElsmere, is a family-owned business that hasbeen helping NorthernKentucky residents withtheir unique jewelrydesign and repair formore than 24 years.

Founders Larry andKathy Boyle retired in2004, and their daughterColleen BoyleWeckenbrock along withher business partner,Shannon Wartman, pur-chased the store and arecontinuing the tradition.

Boyle Jewelers employsthe most experienced andtalented jewelers in thearea. The staff has morethan 70 years of combinedexperience and is wellversed in all aspects ofjewelry repair and customdesign.

They feel it is key tokeep up to date on all thelatest technology andrepair techniques, whilestill maintaining the oldworld craftsmanship thatonly experienced jewelershave.

With the full-time, on-

site jewelers, Boyle’s isable to do most repairs inless than three days.

Their knowledgeablesales staff is always will-ing to help you select ordesign that special piecethat will become an heir-loom for generations tocome.

If you want to sell yourunused jewelry – you def-initely want to see theexperts at Boyle Jewelers.They will use your oldgold and gems to createnew one-of-a-kind pieces.

They don’t go through amiddleman, so you willget top dollar when sell-ing your jewelry.

Check out the wideassortment of loose dia-monds that can be used tocreate that engagement,wedding or anniversaryring of your dreams.

For exceptional person-al service and premiumquality, you need to go toBoyle Jewelers.

Call them at 727-0055or visit their web site


9K e n t u c k y C R E A T I V E L I V I N Gn k y. c o mT h u r s d a y J u l y 2 1 , 2 0 1 1

Experience, dedication

Colleen Boyle Weckenbrock with dogs Sassy and Honey.

Whether you are lookingfor work or working at a jobwhere you want to advance tothe next level, staying relevantin the current job market canbe a challenge. Here are sometop tips from employmentinsiders about how to createyour own brand and stand outabove the competition.

How to stand out in a

tough job market


future :Education

If you want to hear“you’re hired” or “you’repromoted,” a great placeto focus your efforts is oneducation. Keeping yourskills current in yourindustry is crucial if youwant to stand out aboveother candidates. Getting

an advanced degree, tak-ing college classes andother job training canmake a big difference.

Luckily for the 21stcentury workforce,attending college isn’t justfor those fresh out of highschool. With onlinedegrees, flexible schedul-

ing, and more variety of courses than ever before,you can take the exact class to get the skills youneed to make a difference in your career. Researchcolleges like University of Phoenix, which isknown for its innovative approach to curriculumflexibility for students who need to balance edu-cation with family and job commitments.

Industry networkingSometimes finding the right job is all about

who you know. The best way to increase yournetworking is to join a professional organizationin your industry. Some organizations are freeand others may require a small membership fee,but the investment can have high returns. You’llget the opportunity to attend meetings, stay cur-rent on what’s happening in your field, and alsomingle with others who might have the careerconnection you’re seeking.

TOUGH see page 11

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Last month Cincinnatiofficially passed Seattle, inrainfall, by 1.7 inches.

With more than 9 inch-es of rain in June alone,we have more than dou-bled our average rainfallamounts of 12.33 inchesand are now at 25.03 inch-es of rain for the year.

The heavy rains com-bined with numeroushigh winds this pastspring have local roofersworking double to fix allthe damage.

Even though theCincinnati BBB lists over600 roofers locally; thesimple fact remains thatthere are more roofs to bedone than there are good

roofers to do them! The Better Business

Bureau lists informationand an A-F grading sys-tem on all 600 roofers,which a consumer canaccess for free.

Tip No. 1 is checkingwith the BBB before invit-ing a contractor to bidyour home can help sepa-rate the skilled roofersfrom the guys that roof.

Log onto the BBB web-site and use the link torequest a free quote froma roofer whose profilecatches your eye.

Remember; there areno licenses required inCincinnati and NorthernKentucky to install roof-

ing. Anyone with a phoneand a truck can advertisetheir roof “services.”

Justin Shoemaker is aproject estimator with ANew Roof Time. His com-pany has an A+ rating atthe BBB and he offers TipNo. 2 for finding the rightroofer for your job.

“Check with Angie’sList,” he said. “For lessthan an evening out,homeowners can join andshare feedback on roofers,other tradesmen, as wellas doctors, dentists andeven veterinarians.”

Angie’s List has morethan 20,000 members inthe Tristate and lets mem-bers file reports and A-F

grades on everyone theydo business with.

Shoemaker loves towork with Angie’s Listmembers because of whathe says is their high levelof interest in getting itright when hiring a con-tractor.

“Roof Time has an A+rating and have wonAngie’s Super ServiceAward every year since2007, which is somethingthat only one other rooferhas done can! Membersappreciate the experience,training and skill webring to their home’s proj-ects. I love working ontheir roofs,” he said.

The Roof Time staffalso offers three more dif-ferent tips for finding theright roofer for your proj-ect.

Tip No. 3 is to get anaddress where the roofcompany’s crew is work-ing, go sit on the streetand watch them work.

In this case, what yousee is (probably) what youget. If a roof crew lookssloppy, rough or makesyou uncomfortable, youwill know before bringingthem to your home.

Tip No. 4 is to call alocal supply house (lookunder roof supply in thephone book) and ask fortheir top roofer who buysmaterial and pays theirbill.

Most roofers work on ajob completion basis, nomoney down. This meansthat if a homeowner isunhappy or has an issue,


10 K e n t u c k yn k y. c o mC R E A T I V E L I V I N G T h u r s d a y J u l y 2 1 , 2 0 1 1

Summertime is Roof Time for your homeFive tips to selecting the right roofer

ROOF see page 13

Roof Time is here to help you.

Page 11: KY Creative Living - July 2011

Social media is another great chan-nel when expanding networkingefforts. Consider joining LinkedIn andconnect to colleagues as well as indus-try insiders. Facebook is another popu-lar option, but make sure you keepcontent and conversations professional.

VolunteerWhether you are currently working

or unemployed, volunteering helpskeep your skills fresh and showsyou’re willing to go the extra mile. Plusyou’ll demonstrate your ability to workas part of a team. Volunteering is agreat addition to any resume and isalso a perfect conversation topic duringan interview. Start by researching non-profits that have openings that interestyou and schedule a meeting to learnmore.

ReadThis advice may sound simplistic,

but staying up to date on the news inyour industry is crucial. With mostindustries changing at a rapid pace,being out of the loop for a couplemonths can mean you’ve fallen behind.Read newspapers, subscribe to tradepublications, and check out books from

your library. This knowledge will helpyou in so many ways, from knowingwhat companies are thriving and there-fore hiring, to having subject matter topull from during a tough interview.Spend just 15 minutes a day readingindustry news and you’ll give yourselfan edge against the competition.

Even though the job market remainsvery competitive, that doesn’t meanopportunities aren’t available for thosewho are proactive. By doing things likeattending an online college or network-ing at industry events, you’ll be able tocreate a strong name for yourself andreach all your career goals.

Looking for an afford-able way to increase thevalue and beauty of yourhome? S.I.Concrete/Designs, a divi-sion of S.I. Pool Care canhelp.

Whether you’re lookinginto a new addition such asa pool deck, walkway,porch or patio or simplywant to renovate yourexisting concrete, S.I.Concrete/Designs has theartistic ability to make yourdream project a reality.

“Sometimes the con-crete is so deterioratedyou have to tear it out and

pour new concrete. Wecan do that for you,”explained owner SamIonna. “Many times, how-ever, the basic foundationis in good shape, but theconcrete is dull, chippedor cracked. In those caseswe can do a simple repair,add an overlay, saving thehomeowner money.”

The overlay used byS.I. Concrete/Designscomes in colors so youcan match your projectperfectly to your home.The overlay can even bestamped!

Concrete just isn’t for

the outdoors, according toSam. S.I.Concrete/Designs havecreated breathtakinglygorgeous floors andkitchen countertops.

“You can make thatboring, unattractive coun-tertop look like slate ormarble,” he explained.

They also offer concretestaining including a vari-ety of colors and designs.

As with S.I. Pool Care,Sam, his family and theother S.I. Concrete/Designs employees arededicated to providingthe best quality service to

their customers. They will work with

you to make your dreamproject a quality complet-

ed reality.For more information

on S.I. Concrete/Designscall 859-331-4110.


11K e n t u c k y C R E A T I V E L I V I N Gn k y. c o mT h u r s d a y J u l y 2 1 , 2 0 1 1

S.I. Concrete/Designs: Don’t replace - resurface

TOUGH from page 9

Focus on your education, volunteer work, and net-working to stand out above the competition.

The S.I. Pool Care family.

Page 12: KY Creative Living - July 2011

Lasting ImpressionsDesign Center, at 241Grandview Ave. inBellevue, Ky., is one of themost unique stores in thisarea!

They always say “don’tbe deceived by the out-side of the building”

because the outside does-n’t give you a clue aboutwhat you will find insideon the third floor.

What makes LastingImpressions differentfrom other furniture andhome décor stores?

The best thing about

this store is that it is sev-eral stores rolled into one.

This terrific “loft”warehouse space is quick-ly becoming a completedesign center with theaddition of the tile selec-tion and design area.

If you schedule an “instore” appointment, Lindacan help you with tileselections as you remodelyour existing bathroom orplan tile areas for yournew home.

A carpet selection areais also coming very soon.Plans are underway for a“window treatment stylewall” as well as a sus-pended art display.

These are just a few ofthe exciting things in theworks for this exciting

shopping experience.You might want to con-

sider signing up for an“In-Home Consultation”to get Linda’s expertadvice on paint selection,accessories, window treat-ments, furniture, roomarrangement, or you mayjust need a brain-stormingsession during a walk-

through to give you somenew ideas.

Linda has a unique giftof being able to blend thethings you want to keepwith a new updated look.

Don’t miss out on thisopportunity for yourhome to coordinate and


12 K e n t u c k yn k y. c o mC R E A T I V E L I V I N G T h u r s d a y J u l y 2 1 , 2 0 1 1

Lasting Impressions Design Center …“When you care enough to make

your home a warm, welcomingplace for family and friends …

you need to visit us.”Directions:

Traveling south or north on I-471:Take Exit 5 (Newport/Bellevue)Turn right onto Route 8 (Fairfield Avenue)Continue to Taylor Avenue and turn rightTravel six blocks to Grandview AvenueTurn right on Grandview Enter the warehouse through the center door

by the dock. Follow the steps to the third floorOr call for the elevator (859-655-8187)Prepare to be amazed … CENTER see page 13

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“flow” from one roominto another with beauti-ful color.

The $100 fee will repayyou many times over withLinda’s unending supplyof creative new ideas, col-ors, and décor.

You will enjoy workingwith her to create just theright style and atmos-phere for your home oroffice.

Call 655-8187 for moreinformation or to sched-ule an appointment.

Is there anything newat Lasting Impressions?The answer is “Yes” …there is always somethingnew!

You will find a brand-new look each time youvisit as new furniture,accent tables, home décor,and seasonal items con-tinue to arrive.

Take a look at the latestShaw area rug style releas-es in the latest colors!

“The Attic at LastingImpressions” has beentransformed from a“warehouse” into part ofthe Design Center show-room.

You will find newitems along with greatbuys on discontinueditems during your scav-enger hunt in “The Attic.”Check out the green tags!

The friendly folks atLasting Impressions takepride in excellent cus-tomer service and tryingto meet your every need!

It’s a shopping experi-ence you are going toenjoy and repeat againand again!

The direct phone lineto the third floor is 859-655-8187.

You may call when youarrive if you need eleva-tor service, and someonewill be glad to comedown and give you a lift.

“Thank you so muchfor working me in. Dr.Dallmann is wonderful.My mouth feels so muchbetter. Don’t know what Iwould do without youand your staff. Best den-tist EVER!” – A.R.Alexandria, Ky.

“I’ve never had such apositive experience with adental office. From themoment I walked in andwas greeted warmly byBrenda, taken back to thetreatment room by Dr.Dallmann, cared for byKim and Dr. Dallmann

until the moment I leftwith all the information Ineeded to make a decisionregarding my treatment, itwas an overwhelminglypositive experience.Excellent communicationand genuine care for bothphysical and emotionalcomfort. I can’t recom-mend this group highlyenough for those of uswho have had bad experi-ences in the past.” – L.P.Crestview Hills, Ky.

Call 363-1616 todayand “Experience theDifference.”


13K e n t u c k y C R E A T I V E L I V I N Gn k y. c o mT h u r s d a y J u l y 2 1 , 2 0 1 1

Matracia ContractingInc. has been solving con-crete problems since 1995by using a process calledconcrete lifting, whichraises a concrete slab backto its original position.

It is the economicalalternative to tearing outand replacing concrete.Your concrete is lifted bydrilling holes into the sur-face of the concrete slab,and pumping a cement-based grout materialthrough the holes.

This fills any voids anddisplaces any standingwater under the slab thatmay have occurred by set-tling or burrowingrodents. Workers continuepumping until enoughmaterial is pumped under

the slab to raise it back toits original position. Thisprocess works on drive-ways, sidewalks, porches,garage floors, housefloors, steps, pool decksand more.

Matracia’s portablepump allows it to go any-where on your propertywithout damage to yourlawn. Work trucks stay onthe street, there is no messand no heavy equipment.And most jobs are complet-ed within one day – or less.

Matracia Contracting isa proud member of theBetter Business Bureau withan A+ rating. To reach theprofessionals of MatraciaContracting, call 371-1398and an estimator will callyou back within 24 hours.

Matracia solves concrete problems

SUMMER from page 5

practicing family medicine and seeing the effects obe-sity was having on his patients, Dr. Weckenbrockchose to dedicate his medical profession to helpingmany achieve healthy, sustainable weight loss.

Your initial visit to the program is $89 and includesboth your office visit and generic prescription medica-tion. Our physicians will provide a medical assess-ment, counsel you on any concerns and prescribe theright medication for you. You’ll learn all of the detailsof our proven program and leave with goals you willreally be able to obtain.

The Figure Weight Loss team is with you every stepof the way. If you’ve been struggling to lose thoseextra pounds, you really need to give them a call at371-4555 or visit their website at to see if you qualify for the program.

the roofer must work to resolve it to get a payment. Roofers who pay their bills at their suppliers are

installing roofs that homeowners like and are payingfor. That is the roofer you want to hire for your house.

Finally, Tip No. 5 is to look for a roofer that isinvolved with social media.

For example, A New Roof Time has almost a thou-sand fans on their Facebook page, tweets dailyupdates to followers, and has Internet-only deals onfoursquare and web malls, for check-ins at their show-room in Northern Kentucky.

The advantage to homeowners is that social mes-sages are conducted in real time, without regard tonights, weekends, and holidays. Leaks can occur any-time; being able to reach out to a roofer when it hap-pens is comforting.

To get a free estimate on roofing, roof repairs, atticinsulation, gutters and gutter toppers, call A New RoofTime at 513-753-8463, or 859-341-8463, or visit themonline at

ROOF from page 10CENTER from page 10

LOSE from page 4

enjoy, something to bring good health throughout yourlife. We can help you achieve those goals.”

The Tri-State Running Co., located at 148 BarnwoodDrive, in Edgewood, off Turkeyfoot in the EdgewoodPlaza, offers shoes, apparel, nutritional products, andpreventive injury equipment.

They also offer free running groups at 6:30 p.m.Wednesday and 7:30 a.m. Saturday.

“All levels and abilities are welcome,” Cameronsaid. “We’ve had people training for the Flying Pig tothose who just want exercise. We welcome everyone.”

“We at the Tri-State Running Company hope to sup-port you with all of your running needs and to make itas enjoyable as possible; therefore helping you achieveall of your running goals.”

Visit for more information.

SUPPORT from page 4

Page 14: KY Creative Living - July 2011




Are you experiencing any of the followingwhen thinking about your housework?

(Please check all the apply)

��You deserve a BREAK

��When your home is a mess, you are a messor stressed

��You don’t enjoy spending nights and weekendscatching up on housework

��You need help getting organized

��You are just too busy with work, family, orsocial priorities

��You are exhausted

��Your home hasn’t been high dusted since

you moved in

��You have guests coming for a party or event

��You are putting your home on the market

��You don’t want to do it yourself

��You have the “ROOM” that just overwhelms you

��You are having a yard sale

��You constantly feel like your to do list is too long

�� Feel that there is just not enough time in the dayto do it all

��You just need some help with the “harder stuff” and you will maintain

��You physically can’t keep up with or get to certainareas of your home that need attention

��You have always wondered if you could afford itbut haven’t checked

�� Too embarrassed to have company over to yourhome as is

��You are moving out and need to prepare yourhome for next owner

��Are taking care of a friend or loved one’s cleaningin addition to your own

��You are going on vacation and want to comehome to a fresh clean house

��Are in need of a unique affordable gift for a babyshower, wedding, house warming, birthday, etc.

Page 15: KY Creative Living - July 2011


15K e n t u c k y C R E A T I V E L I V I N Gn k y. c o mT h u r s d a y J u l y 2 1 , 2 0 1 1

Ready for a change butcan’t afford to or don’t real-ly want to move?

Do what many familiesacross the Tristate are – lookto AE Door & Window.With a new garage door andenergy efficient windowsyou can change the look ofyour home while increasingits value.

Benefits of a new garage doorGive your home a whole new

personality by replacing yourgarage door. Sure, a door thatmoves up and down isn’t amaz-ing, but a door that moves you isanother matter altogether! Withtoday’s garage doors accountingfor 30 percent more of a home’sfacade, homeowners are increas-ingly looking to make their doorsan integral part of the overalldesign. So, who better to turn tothan America’s favorite garagedoor manufacturer – Clopay!

At AE Door & Window, theyknow you not only need to livewith them, but they want you to

look forward to seeing themevery day. And, with the Clopayproduct, they are built to last. So,come in and let AE Door &Window help you find the per-fect door for your home. Then beamazed as you increase yourcurb appeal.

Don’t worry about security.An operating garage door canhelp protect the items in yourgarage.

Benefits of new windowsChoosing your windows is

one of the most important deci-sions you’ll make as you remodelyour home. And, choosing the

right window system for yourhome should be the most impor-tant factor in the decision. Why?AE Door & Window knows thatthe right windows can provideyears of comfort and beautywhile saving you hundreds ofdollars on your energy bills.

AE Door & Window choseAeris Windows to bring conven-ience and durability to yourhome. Available with differentglass options, colors and superiordesigns, Aeris Windows are safe,secure, and energy efficient.These windows help reducenoise and add a protective rein-forcement from outside elements.

Let AE Door & Window bring

beauty, comfort and securityto your home with AerisWindows.

About AE Door & WindowFor more than 30 years, AE

Door & Window Co. has beenthe leader in residential andcommercial garage doors,entry and storm doors, garagedoor openers, windows andjust recently awnings.AE Door & Window works

very hard to offer the best possi-ble products at the most competi-tive pricing, along with the mostprofessional installation andservice departments possible.Some satisfied customers includeKentucky Speedway, theCincinnati Bengals and theCincinnati Reds.

For more information on AEDoor & Window visit or contactone of their show rooms, 1260West Sharon Road, Cincinnati,513-742-1984 or 8430 U.S. 42,Florence, 859-283-1984 or

AE Door & Window can help you increase the value of your homeFor more than 30 years, AE Door & Window Co.

has been the leader in residential and commercialgarage doors, entry and storm doors, garage door

openers, windows and just recently awnings.

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