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Support to Recovery PROMOTING POSITIVE MENTAL HEALTH WELLBEING PACK 3 Hello from S2R! This is the third of 6 Wellbeing Packs we’ll be sending out to you between April - June. We know it can be difficult to connect with others, remain engaged and stay motivated in these unusual circumstances we are living in, so we wanted to send you a little something to keep you feeling connected and to let you know we are thinking about YOU! Getting creative is a great way to keep your mind occupied, your mood uplifted and feeling calm and relaxed. The Wellbeing packs are designed around the national Ways to Wellbeing initiative, these are recognised to keep you fit and healthy in different ways, each pack will have different tips and creative activities for you to try. During May we celebrate Mental Health Awareness Week, the theme this year is kindness. This pack shows how kindness has positive effects on our physical and emotional wellbeing, by not only being kind to others but ourselves too! Remember it’s really important to follow current Government Guidelines to keep yourself and others safe, please continue to social distance. If you would like to chat with someone about your wellbeing or would like to know more about S2R please give us a call on 07933 358 800 (between 10am - 4pm). Stay well and keep in touch Support to Recovery
21€¦  · Web viewMental Health Awareness Week . 18. th – 24. th. May ‘Kindness is defined by doing something towards yourself and others, motivated by genuine desire

Oct 10, 2020



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This document is posted to help you gain knowledge. Please leave a comment to let me know what you think about it! Share it to your friends and learn new things together.
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Hello from S2R!

This is the third of 6 Wellbeing Packs we’ll be sending out to you between April - June. We know it can be difficult to connect with others, remain engaged and stay motivated in these unusual circumstances we are living in, so we wanted to send you a little something to keep you feeling connected and to let you know we are thinking about YOU! Getting creative is a great way to keep your mind occupied,

your mood uplifted and feeling calm and relaxed.

The Wellbeing packs are designed around the national Ways to Wellbeing initiative, these are recognised to keep you fit and healthy in different

ways, each pack will have different tips and creative activities for you to try.

During May we celebrate Mental Health Awareness Week, the theme this year is kindness. This pack shows how kindness has positive effects on our physical and

emotional wellbeing, by not only being kind to others but ourselves too!

Remember it’s really important to follow current Government Guidelines to keep yourself and others safe, please continue to social distance.

If you would like to chat with someone about your wellbeing or would like to know more about S2R please give us a call on 07933 358 800 (between 10am - 4pm).

Stay well and keep in touch Support to Recovery

 Mental Health Awareness Week 18th – 24th May

‘Kindness is defined by doing something towards yourself and others, motivated by genuine desire to make a positive difference. We know from the

research that kindness and our mental health are deeply connected. The research shows that kindness is an antidote to isolation and creates a sense of belonging. It helps reduce stress, brings a fresh perspective and deepens friendships. Kindness to ourselves can prevent shame from corroding our sense of identity and help boost our self-esteem.  Kindness can even improve feelings of confidence and optimism.’ 

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We all like to receive acts of kindness, someone holding a door for us or letting us go before them in a queue: it gives us a warm feeling of gratitude and puts a smile on our face. When we do something kind it lights up the reward centres in our brain and makes us feel great! Here are a few simple examples of acts of kindness you

could try during lockdown to make you and others smile. Try it! Post a ‘thinking of you’ card to a friend. Give some homemade baking to a neighbour. Text a picture of some flowers to someone you miss.

Ways to WellbeingGIVE

Giving to others can be defined as providing a gift, love or other emotional support or caring. Giving our time and love to others helps our well-being and improves our self-esteem – helping us to feel good about ourselves.

 Some Giving Quotes

 “For it is in giving that we receive” - Francis of Assisi

 “We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give” - Winston


“You give but little when you give your possessions, it is when you give yourself that you truly give” - Kahlil Gibran

 There is a list of suggestions below but feel free to set your own targets, try to see how you feel after each activity and make a note of the impact on your well-being.

 Day 1Suggested Activity:Check on a neighbour, leave them a note to see if they need anything during lockdown. What activity could you try?How do you feel after doing this activity?

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Day 2Suggested Activity:Look after yourself, find time for a soak in the bath or time for meditation. There are lots of soundtracks to listen to during meditation for example: What activity could you try?How do you feel after doing this activity?

Day 3Suggested Activity:Take some photographs of things that make you smile and share them with others. It could be something you have made or baked, a beautiful flower that you see on a walk or a cute animal – if it made you smile the chances are it will make others smile too. What activity could you try?How do you feel after doing this activity?

Day 4Suggested Activity:Send a gift or a letter to someone who may need a ‘pick me up’ or who you haven’t seen in a while. What activity could you try?How do you feel after doing this activity?

Day 5Suggested Activity:Share a book that you have read with someone – pass it on. Or put some old books outside in a box with a sign to let passers-by know they can take one. What activity could you try?How do you feel after doing this activity?

Day 6Suggested Activity:Thank 3 people you’re grateful for and tell them why. Practicing gratitude is very good for our mental health and wellbeing. What activity could you try?How do you feel after doing this activity?

Day 7Suggested Activity:Find some positive stories in the news and share with others. What activity could you try?How do you feel after do

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 Day 1Suggested Activity:Plant some seeds and leave small token plants on the doorsteps of neighbours. They could be in a yoghurt pot, take away food tub or jam jar. What activity could you try?How do you feel after doing this activity?

Day 2Suggested Activity:Think of friends that may be lonely or struggling, give them a call and check in with them. What activity could you try? How do you feel after doing this activity?

Day 3Suggested Activity:If you are able, do some shopping or gardening for a neighbour or friend that is unable to do this. What activity could you try?How do you feel after doing this activity?

Day 4Suggested Activity:Read some poetry or a passage from a book to someone who may need cheering up. Sir Patrick Stewart is reading a Shakespeare Sonnet each day via Twitter, try listening and sharing the link with a friend What activity could you try?How do you feel after doing this activity?

Day 5Suggested Activity:You are just as worthy of the love and time you give so freely to others. Take 5 minutes every morning to stop and think and love yourself. What activity could you try?How do you feel after doing this activity?

Day 6Suggested Activity:Focus on what you are managing and less time on worrying about what you should have done.

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What activity could you try?How do you feel after doing this activity?

Day 7Suggested Activity:Give back to nature by putting some seeds out for the birds, plant some flowers for the bees, and make a bug hotel out of boxes and cardboard. You can find out more about bee friendly plants at What activity could you try?How do you feel after do?



Practicing an act of kindness has a profound effect our own mental & physiological health, helping us to become happier and more compassionate

towards others.  


Kindness is Contagious

Experiencing an act of kindness can improve our mood, it can make our day, and increase the likelihood of spreading that kindness to others.

  This is a list of some of the positive effects kindness can have on our health:

 Reduce Pain – kindness releases endorphins in the brain. It’s a natural painkiller. Reduce Stress – statistics show kind people age slower and have lower stress than

the average person. Relieve Anxiety & Depression – kindness improves mood, depression and

anxiety. Kindness stimulates the production of serotonin which heals, calms and increases happiness.

 Lower Blood Pressure – kindness helps release oxytocin,  a cardio protective

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hormone that releases another chemical called nitric oxide in the body that dilates blood vessels, thus reducing blood pressure.

 Feel Happy – elevated levels of dopamine in the brain causes pleasure/reward

centres to light up. This is known as the ‘helpers high.’ Increase Self-Worth – kindness can make us not just feel good about ourselves,

but begin to believe in ourselves, increasing our self-worth. 

Improve Relationships – kindness helps improve relationships by reducing the distance between individuals.

 Most importantly:

BE KIND TO YOURSELF! During these challenging times we all have to do thing differently, be

separated from those who mean the most to us, we are unable to go where we want - when we want. This can affect some of us more than others: whatever

your circumstances, please ,take a moment to congratulate yourself, give yourself a pat on the back, give yourself a break, however you do it ,you

deserve it You are doing a great job!!


Three Stages of Pandemic Response

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Richmond Fellowship

For more information on Gabrielle’s Theory of the ‘3 stages to Pandemic response’ please visit:

3 Stages of Pandemic Response Explained:

Stage 1

You feel overwhelmed by the changes, the uncertainty, the news, yours and others' feelings. You're trying to make it through each day, you're angry with other people's behaviour, you're frequently checking the news and scrolling social media. You find it hard to think about anything else, you feel powerless, you're lethargic, unproductive and it's affecting your sleep. Many of the symptoms of grief are tied up in this Survival stage.

Stage 2

You don't like what's happening but you’re not railing against the situation so much, you've realised it helps to check in with the news and social media less often and

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you're creating a new routine in this current normal. You're feeling a bit more able to let go of what's not in your control, you're noticing the little things that make you smile and you're getting the hang of chatting with your loved ones o n a screen. You're counting the days since life radically changed and longing for life to get back to normal but you're making do for the moment.

Stage 3

Here you're starting to look ahead to what you want life to be like after this is over. You're getting a sense of what you don't want to go back to, what parts of 'normal' life weren't actually working for you and that there's an opportunity here to make changes. You're savouring the present more rather than worrying about the past or future, you're feeling a burgeoning hope and you feel more connected to the people who really matter to you. While you are fully aware of the severity of the situation and appreciate how difficult life is for so many, your eyes are opening to what you may have taken for granted in the past and how you want to live going forwards.

Can you recognise which stage you're in today?

You're going to move around the stages, in and out of them, back and forth, depending on many factors. This is an evolving process, you're adapting and changing just as the situation is. And none of it is wrong. How you're feeling is not wrong.

Spending time in one stage more than another isn't a reflection on who you are or your ability to deal with what's happening. It's simply an aid to help you to understand what's going on in your head and heart. And, with that knowledge, look at what will help you.

In Survival it could look like giving yourself a break and allowing yourself to just get through the day.

In Acceptance it could mean looking for others to talk with, share what you're thinking and feeling, find new ways of dealing with the challenges and be inspired to look for and explore the potential and possibilities that lie within this time.

And if you're spending (or wanting to spend) more time in the Growth stage it could mean looking at what will help you with the changes that you're feeling called to make. What support will empower you to go through and emerge from this time more confident that you can and will live your life in a way that feels true to yourself? Again, what support feels right for you is up to you.

Just as in 'ordinary' life where we each respond, act and feel differently, where we each have different needs, the same applies in these extraordinary circumstances.

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Don’t forget…be kind to yourself

This is a tough time for everyone and everyone is feeling a mix of emotions and that is perfectly normal. Valuing our achievements is important but so is acknowledging that we are human and its okay to make mistakes - that is kindness to ourselves

Spiced TeaDid you know that a humble cup of tea has many health benefits?Tea comes from the Camellia sinensis plant and is often blended

with other plants for different flavours for example Earl Grey,English breakfast or Chai.

 In Britain we mostly drink black tea which is stronger in flavour and contains more

caffeine than green or white teas, but less caffeine than coffee. 

Black tea also offers a variety of health benefits because it contains antioxidants and compounds that can help reduce inflammation in the body. Here are 5 scientifically

researched benefits of black tea: 

1) Black tea contains a group of chemicals called polyphenols that have antioxidant properties. Consuming food and drink that are antioxidant helps to remove damaging free radicals and decreases cell damage, which reduces the risk of inflammation and chronic disease. 2) Along with polyphenols, black tea also contains another antioxidant called flavonoids and these are known to be good for the heart. As well as tea, flavonoids are found in fruit and veg, red wine and dark chocolate. Research showed that drinking black tea on a regular basis can help to reduced high blood pressure and bring down cholesterol levels. 3) The polyphenols found in black tea help to maintain a healthy gut by promoting the growth of good bacteria and inhibiting the growth of bad bacteria, such as Salmonella. Also, black tea contains antimicrobial properties that kill off harmful substances and improve gut bacteria and immunity by helping repair the lining of the digestive tract. 

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4) If you drink black tea without adding sugar it can help to improve how your body uses insulin which in turn can help to reduce the amount of glucose (sugar) in the blood. By making our insulin work more effectively tea can help reduce the chances of developing type 2 diabetes. 5) Black tea contains caffeine plus an amino acid called L-theanine. Working together these two chemicals have been shown to increase alpha activity in the brain which helps us to feel more relaxed and focused. Research has shown that because black tea contains both caffeine and L-theanine it is better than drinks which only contain caffeine such as coffee. Therefore, there is now scientific proof that black tea is better for our focus and concentration than coffee.

 You can find more information about the research into tea

Spiced Tea Recipe

Adding spices to tea can bring in additional health benefits as many spices offer anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. Try this winter tea recipe which is good to help fight off coughs and colds:  Warm a tea pot then add a tea bag or a teaspoon of loose black tea  Add 3 cloves, a small cinnamon stick and 1 star anise Add a few strips of fresh orange zest Pour on boiling water and allow to brew for 5 minutes This spiced tea is best served without milk and is even better with a little bit of honey added for sweetness.  You can have fun trying different variations of spices as they all have different health giving properties, for example try adding a few slices of fresh ginger or grating in some fresh turmeric, adding some crushed cardamom or half a vanilla pod. For spiced tea it’s best to avoid the dried and ground spices as these have lost most of their health giving properties and are too powdery for a drink so use these for making cakes and biscuits.

Bee Kind

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Nature gives us everything we need, it’s important to connect with it and understand that we are part of it. This helps us to understand our place in the world. One way we can do this is by helping out our native bees. Bees pollinate our crops and our wild flowers and some even give us honey to eat!In Britain we have around 270 species of bee, just under 250 of which are solitary bees. Their habitats are under threat and numbers have declined recently. We can help solitary bees by building bee hotels in our gardens.Solitary bees don’t swam like the social ones and their stings are weaker, if they have them at all, so they are safe around your family and pets. In this simple act of kindness you will not only give them a home but also help the ecosystem we live in by improving pollination and biodiversity.


Britain has around 200 species of solitary bees; these differ from bumblebees in that they build single nest cells for their larvae. Some species nest in tunnels in sandybanks or old bricks; others use hollow stems of dead plants or old wood to create their nests.You can make use of recycled materials to create their own bee hotels, providing spaces for solitary bees to nest. These bee hotels could be positioned in a garden or around your meeting space throughout the summer. Just make sure they are placed in a south facing position as bees love the sun.

Make a bee hotel;

What you need• Three clean tin cans• Bamboo canes• Non-toxic PVA glue• Wood glue• Paint• Two thin pieces of wood for the roof• A thin square piece of wood for the back of the hotel

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Instructions1. Place the piece of wood you have chosen for the back of your bee hotel onthe floor. Put wood glue on the bottom of the cans and stick them to the wood in a pyramid shape (two below, one on top). Leave them to dry for an hour.2. Take the pieces of wood for your roof and place them in a triangle shape covering the cans. Glue the wood into place and leave them to dry for an hour.3. Ask an adult to help you cut the bamboo canes into short sections the depthof the tin cans. Place a little PVA glue on the end of each cane and push it into the can. Fill up the can with the canes.4. Now your bee hotel is nearly ready. Paint it in bright colours and patterns (withnon-toxic paint) and leave it in a quiet, sunny, place outside for the bees to start using.

Grow on: A guide to growing at homeBringing seeds and plant to youFrom Grow to School

In this time of self isolation ad keeping your distance, try a bit of companion planting. We have put together some simple partnerships for you to try; plants that ither look good side by side or help each other out while they grow.

1. Growing on a windowsill - parsley and chivesCreating a small herb garden is a useful thing to do. If you can do it outsideyou'll get better results but it'll work on a windowsill indoors too. When you need to add flavour to your cooking you won't have far to go.Flat leaf parsley can be used in anything and everything - soups, salads, saucesand curries. Chives have a more delicate flavour and are best snipped up andadded to a salad or egg mayonnaise or at the end of cooking as a garnish. Don'tworry if the chives start to flower. The pretty purple flowers are edible and canbe added to a salad to liven it up. Chives will grow back again next year so theyare good value plant to have in the home.Take a look at the growing cards and container guide and see if you can getyour children on board too.

Parsley card

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Sow: Sow seeds from May. Sprinkle seeds on surface of moist compost then lightly cover to a depth of 1cm. Water gently. Parsley has a long tap root, (it is related to carrot) so use a medium sized deep pot.Care: Water regularly to prevent drying out. Do not let the pot sit in water as parsley does not like having soggy roots. Thin out seedlings with scissors to 7 or 8 in a medium sized pot.Crop: Harvest as a ‘cut and come again’ crop as and when you need to use it.Germination: 2 - 3 weeksHarvest: Around 10 weeks

Chives cardSow: Sow seeds from May. Sprinkle seeds on surface of moist compost then lightly cover to a depth of 1cm. Water gently.Care: Water regularly to prevent drying out. Thin out seedlings with scissors to 7 or 8 in a medium sized pot.Crop: Harvest as a ‘cut and come again’ crop as and when you need to use it. Germination: 2-3 weeksHarvest: 10-12 weeks

Craft Challenge

How to make a ‘Be Kind’ decorationYou will need: 1 MDF blank with a hole near the top. 1 piece of ribbon or string, approximately 20cm long. A marker pen that will work on wooden surfaces. A bee sticker! Alternatively you can have a go at drawing a bee yourself

or use any other craft materials you have to collage a bee. 

1. Thread your string or ribbon through the hole and tie the ends together to make a loop.


2. Have you been practicing your calligraphy from Pack 2? Try using a marker, calligraphy or paint pen to write: ‘Bee Kind’ in the


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3. You could do anything you like with the extra space at the bottom - maybe draw some plants or flowers… it’s up to you!


4. Add a self-adhesive Bee sticker on the left, or try drawing one from your imagination!


Remember to send in photos of craft activities you have been doing at home! See the back page for contact details.


Kirklees Better Outcomes Partnership (Emergency Advice): 07562252940 (8am - 8pm)

Kirklees Gateway to Care – social services: 01484 414933 (24 hours a day)

Pennine Domestic Abuse Partnership: 0800 0527 222 (24 hour helpline)

Well-bean Cafe: Huddersfield 07741 900395 / Dewsbury 07867 028 755

Community Response Helpline: 01484 226 919 (8am - 6pm weekdays)

Support to Recovery (S2R): 07933 358 800 (10am - 4pm weekdays)

SPA Single Point of Access: 01924 284 555

Folly Hall: 01484 343 100

We hope you find this pack useful and enjoyable.

If you are comfortable using the internet - check out our website and social media pages for more wellbeing tips, nature-based and creative activities:

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Website: Facebook: @S2R Create Space

Twitter: @CreateSpaceS2R Instagram: @S2RCreateSpace

Pease remember to send in photos of activities you have been doing, it could be pictures of nature or a craft activity, we would love to see them and share with


S2R is a Mental Health & Wellbeing Charity delivering Wellbeing, Nature-based and Creative activities across Kirklees communities.

If you would like to support S2R by making a donation, you can do so online by visiting the ‘Support Us’ page of our website here:

Or by post, addressing cheques to: Support to Recovery, 5 - 7 Brook Street, Huddersfield HD1 1EB

Thank you

What do you think? 

Please tell us what you think of this Wellbeing Pack: all feedback is appreciated, and if there is anything you would like us to include in future packs - do let us know -

all ideas will be considered. You can contact S2R on 07933353487

[email protected]

Take Care and Stay Safe