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Kursus Gemcom Minex

Apr 09, 2018



Erland Prasetya
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  • 8/7/2019 Kursus Gemcom Minex



    Copyright 2008, Gemcom Asia Pacific Pty Ltd.

    May 2008

    Gemcom Software International Inc.Gemcom Minex5.2 Core Module Training Standard

    October 2008

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    Copyright 2008, Gemcom Software International Inc.May 2008

    Core Module Training (Day 1Core Module Training (Day 1--3)3) 2

    Creating a New Project

    Setting Local Origin

    Minex Graphic User Interface

    Basic Concepts File Types

    Data Displays Geometry Files

    Rotating, Zooming & Panning

    Basic Concepts Grid & Triangles

    Data Displays Grid & Triangles (Mesh/Sides, Solid, Contour)

    Data Displays Borehole

    Parameter File

    Object Control Panel

    String Creation

    Digitising Modes

    String Operation (Delete, Duplicate, Copy, Hide)

    String Operation (Connect & Disconnect)

    String Operation (Generate)

    String Operation (Alter)

    String Operation (Move, Fit To)

    String Operation (Area Operation)

    String Operation (Base Map Function)String Operation (Export, Report)

    String Operation (Geometry Tools)

    Point Operation

    Import/Export Files eg: XYZ, DXF/DWG

  • 8/7/2019 Kursus Gemcom Minex


    Copyright 2008, Gemcom Software International Inc.May 2008

    Core Module Training (Day 1Core Module Training (Day 1--3)3) 3

    Grid Compute

    Grid Convert

    Grid Arithmetic

    Grid Manipulation

    Grid Edit

    Grid Volume

    Triangle Compute

    Triangle Convert

    Triangle Arithmetic

    Triangle Manipulation

    Tri angle Edit

    Triangle Patch & Cut

    Triangle Volume

    Plan and Section Mount Creation

    Shade Colour Plots, Pit X Section Plotting, Seam X Section Plotting

    Surface Masking


    Mounts Control Panle

    Graphics Capture & Archives

    Seam Model OperationsInsitu Resource Reporting

    Detailed Resource Reporting

    Report Generator

  • 8/7/2019 Kursus Gemcom Minex



    EP Collections

    Copyright 2007, Gemcom Software International Inc.

    Gemcom Software International Inc.Gemcom Minex5.2 Core Module

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 -- Minex InterfaceMinex Interface

    These areas are:

    1. Menu bar.

    2. Toolbars.

    3. 3D Design & Drafting tab.

    4. Status bar.

    5. Project folder.

    6. Minex Explorer.

    7. Graphics window.

    8. Output window.

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 -- Starting a New ProjectStarting a New Project

    1. From the File menu, select Project and then Project Manager.

    2. Click New.

    3. Type the name of the project, for example Training_Core and then click OK.

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 -- Setting a Project DirectorySetting a Project Directory

    1. On the left side of the Minex window, click the Filesystems tab.

    3. Right-click the Getting_Started_M5 folder and click Set Project Directory.

    2. In the Filesystems tree, navigate to the Ashes folder by clicking the symbol beside

    C: drive and beside the folder for Minex and the tutorials folder.

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 -- Setting a Project DirectorySetting a Project Directory


    If, at any time, the Minex Explorer indicates that the link to the project folder is broken, view the broken link

    property and open Windows Explorer to check whether the folder exists. The folder might have beenrenamed or moved.

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 -- Setting Local OriginSetting Local Origin

    1. On the left side of the Minex application window, right-click the file MAP.GM3 and click Open.

    2. Click Toggle Black/White

    The background of the Graphics window will become white when you show some string data.

    In some situations, white provides a better contrast for the data; in other situations black is more suitable.

    3. Right-click MAP.GM3, and click Display.

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 -- Setting Local OriginSetting Local Origin

    4. Click Query and then click a location, within the Graphics window, in the centre of the geometry data.

    The Output window displays the coordinates of the location where you clicked.

    5. Right-click to cancel the query that you started.

    6. Write down or mentally note the X and Y coordinates shown in the Output window.

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 -- Setting Local OriginSetting Local Origin

    7. From the Tools menu, click Options.

    8. Expand the tree so that it shows the Local Origin row.

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 -- Setting Local OriginSetting Local Origin

    9. Select the Local Origin row and enter the same coordinates that you noted from the Output window

    when you ran a query.

    10. Click Close and then click OK in the Information message box.

    11. Exit Minex and restart it.

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 File TypesFile Types

    After you open a file, a red, blue or a black tick icon appears beside the file.

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 ConceptsConcepts Geometry DataGeometry Data

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 ConceptsConcepts Geometry DataGeometry Data

    Structure of the geometry file:

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 ConceptsConcepts Geometry DataGeometry Data

    Structure of the geometry file

    Geometry FileGeometry File Data TypesData Types

    StructureStructure MaskMask Base MapBase Map

    HierarchicalHierarchical GroupGroup MapMap IdentIdent ClassClass

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 ConceptsConcepts Geometry DataGeometry Data

    Structure of the geometry file





    PIT A



    PIT B





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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 TheThe Geometry FileGeometry File

    Structure Data TypeStructure data type is 3D line and point data used for storing strings and points representing topography or geological

    structural surfaces such as coal seam roof and floor, crests and toes, and surface spot heights.

    Mask DataMask Data is 3D string data used to represent closed polygons. These polygons are used to represent enclosed areas and are

    use for masking operations on triangles and grids.

    Base Map Data

    Base Map Data is used to represent lines, text, symbols, color fi ll areas and dimensioning in the 3D graphics display.

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 TheThe Geometry FileGeometry File

    Structure Data Type

    3D line and point data used for storing strings and points ex. Topography or geological structural surfaces

    point/spot heights




    These can be used to generate surface models in eithertriangle or grid format

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 TheThe Geometry FileGeometry File

    Mask Data

    3D string data used to represent closed polygons Dams



    Rehabilitated Areas

    These can be used to report volume and tonnages with the polygon

    This data is also stored within the Geometry File

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 TheThe Geometry FileGeometry File

    Base Map Data

    Represents lines, text, symbols, colour fill areas within a 3Dgraphics display

    String data such as power lines, lease boundary, building andassociated text descriptions and fill colouring are stored within

    base map dataStored within the geometry file

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Opening FilesOpening Files

    Open and Display the Geometry Data

    Right-click MAP.GM3 and click Open.

    Right-click MAP.GM3 and click Display.

    The plot geometry data form will allow you to retrieve data types from the geometry file

    Select the data type

    Select the map filed and select the required file

    Select the F, P or ECS button to plot

  • 8/7/2019 Kursus Gemcom Minex


    August 2007 Copyright 2007, Gemcom Software International Inc.


    Manipulate the displayed imageManipulate the displayed image ::

    Zoom, Pan & 3D Navigation

    Dynamic Zoom, Pan & 3D Rotation using 3 Button Mouse or Roller mouse

    Zoom, Pan and 3D Navigation icons

    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Rotating, Zooming and PanningRotating, Zooming and Panning

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 ConceptsConcepts GridGrid

    A grid is a virtual surface that represents a geological interface:

    - Geological structure: seam floor, seam roof, seam thickness, topography, weathering zone

    - Geological quality: calorific value, ash, sulphur, moisture, volatile matter, fixed carbon

    The z attribute (elevation values in the example below) is stored at the centre of each square of the mesh.

    This centre point is often called the grid node, or centroid.

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    Stored in .grd directories

    All have extension .grid names

    Uses seam + suffix

    Maximum 8 characters

    Recommend system

    Minex5.2Minex5.2 ConceptsConcepts GridGrid

  • 8/7/2019 Kursus Gemcom Minex


    Suffix Explanation Example

    SF Seam Floor A1SF

    ST Seam Thickness A1ST

    SR Seam Roof A1SR

    RD Relative Density A1RD

    AS Ash A1AS

    SE Specific Energy A1SE

    SU Sulphur A1SU

    NA Sodium A1NA

    BTU British thermal units A1BTU

    Minex5.2Minex5.2 ConceptsConcepts GridGrid

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    Suffix Explanation Example

    SF Seam Floor A1SF

    ST Seam Thickness A1ST

    SR Seam Roof A1SR

    RD Relative Density A1RD

    AS Ash A1AS

    SE Specific Energy A1SE

    SU Sulphur A1SU

    NA Sodium A1NA

    BTU British thermal units A1BTU

    Must use

    Minex5.2Minex5.2 ConceptsConcepts GridGrid

  • 8/7/2019 Kursus Gemcom Minex


    X Origin = 1300 Y Origin = 8000

    X Extent = 1440 Y Extent = 1600

    X Mesh = 25.0 Y Mesh = 25.0

    Rotation = 0 0

    origin Extent X

    Minex5.2Minex5.2 ConceptsConcepts GridGrid

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    Task from MODEL.GRD report grid A1SF

    Summary Of Grid : A1SF.grid

    From Directory : C:\Minex521\tutorials\....\Model.grd (Model )

    Owner : aat

    Creation Date : 19-Jul-2007 16:31

    Description :

    X Origin = 1300 Y Origin = 8000

    X Extent = 1440 Y Extent = 1600X Mesh = 25.0 Y Mesh = 25.0

    Rotation = 0 0

    Total Mesh Points = 4096 (2170 Data,1926 Null)

    Statistics : Maximum = 60.70

    Minimum = -20.28

    Average = 14.89

    Minex5.2Minex5.2 ConceptsConcepts GridGrid

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Opening FilesOpening Files

    Open and Display the Grid file

    Right-click A1SF.grid and click Open.

    Right-click A1SF.grid and click Display.

    Grid Display Plot Style

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 ConceptsConcepts TriangleTriangle

    A triangle is a file that contains a series of adjoining three sided polygons which represent a surface.

    Triangles are stored with the .tr5 extension in the Minex project directory.

    Triangles are useful for volume calculations.

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Opening FilesOpening Files

    Open and Display the Triangle file

    Right-click SEOVB.tri3 and click Open.

    Right-click SEOVB.tri3 and click Display.

    Triangle Display Plot Style

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 ConceptsConcepts Borehole DatabaseBorehole Database

    Borehole Database ( .b3*)Borehole Database ( .b3*)

    .b31 = Borehole Location (Collar).b31 = Borehole Location (Collar)

    .b32 = Sample Data (Lithology & Quality).b32 = Sample Data (Lithology & Quality)

    .b33 = Seam Data (Seam name & Start.b33 = Seam Data (Seam name & Start--Finish Depth)Finish Depth)

    .b34 = Header Data (Core Type, Driller, Date, etc).b34 = Header Data (Core Type, Driller, Date, etc)

    .b35 = Seam Stratigraphic Sequence.b35 = Seam Stratigraphic Sequence

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Plot 3D BoreholesPlot 3D Boreholes

    Plot 3D Boreholes

    Right-click BOREHOLE.B31 and click Open.

    Right-click BOREHOLE.B31 and click Plot > Plot 3D Boreholes.

    Borehole Display

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Parameter FileParameter File

    Task: Create Parameters

    1. From the File menu, select New to open the New Wizard.

    2. Select Parameters.mpf and click Next

    3. Click Finish.

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Parameter FileParameter File

    Task: Save and Get Parameters

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Clearing Graphics and Hiding DataClearing Graphics and Hiding Data

    By clicking Clear Graphics .

    All objects are removed from the Graphics window and all the files that were displayed are closed.

    By clicking Object Control Panel.

    The object is removed from the Graphics window but it remains open.

    Tip: Try changing the transparency of an object to 50 instead of turning its visibility off. This technique is useful for reducing the prominence of an objectwithout completely hiding it.

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Point OperationsPoint Operations

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Grid OperationsGrid Operations

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Triangle OperationsTriangle Operations

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Mounts OperationsMounts Operations

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    October 2008

    Copyright 2007, Gemcom Software International Inc.

    Gemcom Software International Inc.Gemcom Minex5.2 Core String Operation

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 String OperationsString Operations

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Plot Geometry DataPlot Geometry Data

    Plotting Modes

    F This plotting function allows you to plot with basic line styles for fast plotting and design work.

    P This plotting function allows you to plot set-out lines i.e. those used to set out symbols and base

    map text etc. This function is also called Pen plot as it allows you to plot strings in the pen

    number defined in the layer field. This is useful for displaying groups of strings in unique colours.

    ECS Shows all true line styles with all the symbols. Lines are not simplified for faster plotting. Usually it

    is fine to use this plotting function these days with the advent of more powerful computers.

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Opening FilesOpening Files

    Plotting Modes

    Create two boundaries:

    Boundary 1:

    X = 0 ; Y = 0

    X = 50 ; Y = 0

    X = 50 ; Y = 50

    X = 0 ; Y = 50

    Boundary 2:

    X = 10 ; Y = 10

    X = 40 ; Y = 10

    X = 40 ; Y = 40

    X = 10 ; Y = 40

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Open Cut Pit Design DisplayOpen Cut Pit Design Display

    Control Bench Display

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Create a StringCreate a String

    1. Click GM3 Definition

    2. In the Map text box, type String1

    3. From the String menu, select Create.

    4. Select the Masks data type and the Mask string type, and then click Ok.

    Notice the yellow Digitise prompt that indicates Minex is ready for you to create a string.

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    - Dynamic Digitising Mode

    - Choosing the best digitising options

    Minex5.2Minex5.2 DigitisingDigitising

  • 8/7/2019 Kursus Gemcom Minex


    Digitise Context Menu Accept: accept digitising Cancel: cancels and starts again Continue: resume if you had accepted Step Back: undo Whole Line: select another line to join the string youve just digitised Part Line: same but prompts you to digitise the start and end of line

    Ending Digitising Right-click in graphics If working with strings, right-click and accept and then right-click and accept again

    Minex5.2Minex5.2 DigitisingDigitising

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Saving GeometrySaving Geometry

    When you are creating or editing a string, or making any other changes or additions to a geometry file, you

    must save the geometry data file to keep the changes.

    In addition, when there are unsaved changes Minex displays a disk icon on the geometry file in the Minex


    To save a geometry file, right-click it and select Save Geometry File.

    When you try to exit Minex, and there are unsaved changes in the geometry file, Minexprompts you to save.

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 String >String > BaseMapBaseMap

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 String > AnnotateString > Annotate

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 String > Connect and DisconnectString > Connect and Disconnect

    o Connect allows two strings of the same data type to be joined into one common string

    o Connect Continuous allows you to connect multiple strings until the mode is switched off

    Notes: The resultant string will have the same parameters as that of the first string you use in the Connect process.

    o Disconnect allows you to disconnects all points from the string

    o Split allows you to split a string at the marked point

    o Split Continuous allows you to spli t multiple strings until the mode is switched off

    o Break allows you to break a string at the marked point, leaving the two strings with a common point

    S GS G

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 String > GenerateString > Generate

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    Mi 5 2Mi 5 2 St i G t T i l G d St iSt i G t T i l G d St i

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 String > Generate > Triangle Grade StringString > Generate > Triangle Grade String

    Triangle Grade String dialog box allows you to generate a string at a nominated Gradient

    The system will then attempt to generate a string intersecting the selected triangle surface at the nominated

    Gradient. An error will be displayed if there is no solution available.

    Mi 5 2Mi 5 2 St i AltSt i Alt

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 String > AlterString > Alter

    Mi 5 2Mi 5 2 St i MSt i M

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 String > MoveString > Move

    Mine 5 2Mine 5 2 String Fit ToString Fit To

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 String > Fit ToString > Fit To

    o String Fit to Grid function allows you to change the elevation points on a string to match the elevation of agrid. The X and Y values of the points are unchanged, but the Z value is changed based on the selected grid

    o String Fit to Triangle function allows you to change the elevation points on a string to match the elevation

    of a triangle. The X and Y values of the points are unchanged, but the Z value is changed based on the

    selected triangle

    Minex5 2Minex5 2 String Export Talpac FormatString Export Talpac Format

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 String > Export > Talpac FormatString > Export > Talpac Format

    String Export Talpac Format function allows you to export a string (e.g. road centre line) to Talpac file format

    Minex5 2Minex5 2 String > SegmentString > Segment

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 String > SegmentString > Segment

    Minex5 2Minex5 2 String > SegmentString > Segment

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 String > SegmentString > Segment

    Interp Points at Spacing Opens a dialog box to prompt for the value to use to set spacing between points

    Insert Points Opens a dialog box to prompt for the number of points to insert inside the current string


    Insert Point from Projection Allows you to insert a point at the intersection between the projection of the

    current string segment and the digitized string

    Insert Mid-Point Allows you to insert a point in the middle of the current string segment

    Insert Online Allows you to insert points at the digitized online positions. Right click to end digitize mode.

    Insert Points Offline Allows you to insert points at the digitized offline positions. Right click to end digitizemode.

    Minex5 2Minex5 2 String > Area OperationString > Area Operation

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 String > Area OperationString > Area Operation

    String Area Operations dialog groups together some common String Operations so that they can be

    performed on multiple Strings that fall within a nominated region. Alternatively, the operation can be

    performed on all displayed or nominated data.

    Area Parameterso Inside Polygon Select this to use a Polygon to limit the Area Operation to Strings only within the polygono Outside Polygon Select this to use a Polygon to limit the Area Operation to Strings only outside the polygono Total Area Select this to perform the operation on all visible and selected Strings

    o Digitize Digitize a polygon in the Graphics Window on-the-fly (the polygon is only created temporarily)o Pick Pick a polygon from the Graphics Windowo List Pick a polygon from a List presented from the current opened Geometry File(s)

    Data Selection

    o All Datao Structure

    o BaseMapo Masks

    Minex5 2Minex5 2 String > Area OperationString > Area Operation

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 String > Area OperationString > Area Operation

    Copy & Delete

    o Select Action lets you choose between Copy or Delete of data.

    o Copy To allows you to specify the resulting Group, Map, Ident and Class of the copied Strings, if Copy is selected as the action.

    Minex5 2Minex5 2 String > Area OperationString > Area Operation

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 String > Area OperationString > Area Operation

    XYZ Offset allows you to shift all the selected Strings to new positions, relative to their original position.

    You can either specify the actual XYZ offset values to be used (+ or -) or digitize the XY offset on-screen.

    Minex5 2Minex5 2 String > Area OperationString > Area Operation

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 String > Area OperationString > Area Operation

    Project allows you to project all Strings in a number of different ways. This function is similar to the

    Projecting and Offsetting Strings operation.

    Minex5 2Minex5 2 String > Area OperationString > Area Operation

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 String > Area OperationString > Area Operation

    Fit will fit each point of the selected Strings to the given Grid or Triangle.

    The Elevation of each String Point fitted to the Surface will take on the Z of the Surface being fitted to.

    Add points at surface intersection, if selected will create new points where each String segment intersects

    the nominated surface facets

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    Minex5 2Minex5 2 String > ReportString > Report

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 String > ReportString > Report

    Report Creates a report that lists the XYZ values of the string. The report is displayed in the Minex Report


    Detailed Report Creates a detailed report that lists all the information about the string. The report is

    displayed in the Minex Report window.

    Report Plan Area Reports the Polygon area and centroid for the string. The report is displayed in the Minex

    Report window.

    Minex5.2Minex5.2 String > Geometry ToolsString > Geometry Tools

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 String > Geometry ToolsString > Geometry Tools

    Minex5.2Minex5.2 String > Geometry ToolsString > Geometry Tools

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 String > Geometry ToolsString > Geometry Tools

    Delete Geometry Data The Delete Geometry dialog box allows you to delete selected data types (such as

    Maps and Idents) out of the geometry file.

    Once you have selected the data you wish to delete, press the OK button to update the Geometry file.

    Delete Viewed Geometry Data Immediately deletes the geometry data currently displayed.

    Copy/Rename Geometry Data This dialog is used to make bulk changes to geometry data

    Copy Multiple Idents This dialog is used to make bulk changes to geometry data

    Geometry Data Cleanup This function allows you to validate MAP data in the geometry file for various


    Transform Geometry Data This dialog lets the user apply bulk transformations to existing Geometry data

    Summary Geometry Report This option will generate a summary report of the contents of the Geometry

    file. The report is generated in the Minex Output Window.

    Detailed Geometry Report This opens the Geometry Data Report - Detailed dialog allowing you to specify

    what portion of the Geometry file you wish to include in the report. This report is generated in the Minex

    Output Window.


  • 8/7/2019 Kursus Gemcom Minex


    October 2008

    Copyright 2007, Gemcom Software International Inc.

    Gemcom Software International Inc.Gemcom Minex5.2 Core Point Operation

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Point OperationsPoint Operations

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Create a PointCreate a Point

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    1. Click GM3 Definition

    2. In the Map text box, type String1

    3. From the String menu, select Create.

    4. Select the Masks data type and the Mask string type, and then click Ok.

    Notice the yellow Digitise prompt that indicates Minex is ready for you to create a string.

    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Point > Annotate > AnnotatePoint > Annotate > Annotate

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    Active in Point Mode option

    o Annotate Fast allows you to annotate the current point with its Z-value


    o Mark Points allows you to place a temporary marker on the selected point.

    o Annotate allows you to specify the appearance of the annotations and the typesof information you want displayed for a point.

    Minex5.2Minex5.2 String > GenerateString > Generate

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Point > AlterPoint > Alter

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    o Regrade allows you to modify the grade of the selected point

    o Add Constant allows you to change the elevation of the selected point by a value(constant) you specify

    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Point > MovePoint > Move

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    o Drag XY allows you to drag the selected point in XY plans

    o Drag XYZ allows you to drag the selected point in XYZ plans

    o Modify Elevation allows you to change the elevation of the selected point by avalue (constant) you specify

    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Point > SegmentPoint > Segment

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    October 2008

    Copyright 2007, Gemcom Software International Inc.

    Gemcom Software International Inc.Gemcom Minex5.2 Core Module Grid Operation

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Grid OperationsGrid Operations

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Grid ComputeGrid Compute

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    Grid Area Gridding Parameters Kriging Parameters

    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Grid ComputeGrid Compute

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    Grid Area

    1. Origin and ExtentDig the lower left and upper right corner

    2. RotationThe default rotation is 0 degrees with grid Y pointing to the North of the grid. Apply a rotation if required

    3. Mesh SizeTo accurately reflect the data, the rule of thumb is:Mesh size ideally should be 1/4 the data spacingor

    Mesh size should not be more than about 3 to 4 times of data spacing.

    4. Scan DistanceAn algorithm must be able to observe the raw data when generating a value at a given mesh point on the surface.The user gives a scan distance(s) to the algorithm. If raw data is found within the scan distance then the algorithm willproceed to generate a mesh value, the rule of thumb:

    Scan distance should be 3 times the maximum data spacing.5. Data Boundary

    Normally we model using data inside the area parameters. In the example below, with a data boundary of 0,Data 2 would not be used.

    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Grid ComputeGrid Compute

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    Gridding Parameters

    1. MethodsLog Gridding: converts the input data into natural log form for gridding can be used to ensure no negative

    values are produced

    Extrapolation: Uses gradient information and honors the trend of the data recommended for topography

    2. AdvanceThere are three options you can choose: Regional Gamma, Interpolate Gamma, and Confidence.These advanced options allow you to smooth the grid during creation

    3. Grid ExpansionThe Fill option enables the model to expand beyond the data until the full model is created

    The Distance allows grid values to be extrapolated above or below real data values. This facility honors thetrend of the data and is recommended for structural grids such as topography.

    Some users require that the grid extend only to the data boundary. In geological applications, there may be validreasons to expand the grid surface beyond the data - eg beyond boreholes to the lease boundary

    4. Grid SmoothingAllows a filter pass to be made on the grid mesh to reduce small irregularities.

    With this option you can specify the radius of the area to be smoothed* a filter of 2 - 4 times mesh size is light or cosmetic

    * a filter of 9 times mesh size is MAXIMUM allowed by the system and this wouldbe regarded as a heavy or extreme filter.

    5. Limits

    Limitsforce the mesh points created to lie between the maximum and minimum values

    6. Limiting PolygonThe Limiting Polygoncheckbox allows you to specify an existing polygon for use to define the limits.

    Minex5.2Minex5.2 GridGrid Grid to Geometry DataGrid to Geometry Data

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    This function allows you to convert nodes in a grid to random points that can then be stored in the geometry file.

    Minex5.2Minex5.2 GridGrid Grid to TriangleGrid to Triangle

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    This option converts a grid to a triangle.

    Minex5.2Minex5.2 GridGrid Grid Contour StringGrid Contour String

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    This option allows you to create individual Minex Geometry Strings from specified contour intervals

    for a nominated Grid. The Contour Strings are created in the current open Geometry File and can be selected

    and manipulated in the same manner as other Strings in the Graphics Window.

    Minex5.2Minex5.2 GridGrid Compute Safety FactorCompute Safety Factor

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    The "Compute Safety Factor" dialog allows for the calculation of:

    o Safety Factor,

    o Pillar Width, and

    o Bord Width

    using the Salamon-Munro formula.

    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Grid VolumesGrid Volumes

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    Uses two selected grid and reports volumes

    only over the area where the two are common

    1. Grid to Grid Volumes

    The Sub Linesfield allows you to subdivide the grid

    mesh into smaller sections to improve accuracy

    around the edges of the grid.

    For example, '1' represents the whole mesh while '2' will put two lines through the mesh to result in 4 mesh.

    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Grid VolumesGrid Volumes

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    Uses a grid and a specified datum level

    2. Grid to Elevation Volumes

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Grid ManipulateGrid Manipulate

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    Scale allows a single grid to be multiplied or divided, adjusted by addition or subtraction or raised to a power

    by constant factors and saved under a new name.

    You can specify a value in any four of the Multiplier, Divisor, Add Constantand Powerfields.

    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Grid ManipulateGrid Manipulate

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    The Limit tab allows you to choose how the data will be modified and lets you specify the grid limits.You can set data beyond limits to one of three options:

    Nullsets the data, which exists above the upper and below the lower limits to null.

    Limitsets the data which exists above the upper and below the lower limitsto the values specified in the Upper Z Limitand Lower Z Limitfields

    Constantsets the data, which exists above the upper and below the lower limits, to the value specified in theConstantfield.

    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Grid ManipulateGrid Manipulate

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    Transform tab allows you to redefine the extents of the grid.The values in the Origin (X and Y) fields represent the X and Y coordinates.The values in the Extent (X and Y) fields represent the X and Y extents.

    Use the Digitise button if you want to specify the origin and extent based on selections in the graphics window.

    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Grid ManipulateGrid Manipulate

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    The Shift tab allows you to movethe entire grid by a defined distance in X and Y.

    Specify the X and Y distance or cl ick the Digitise button to specify the distance in the graphics window.

    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Grid ManipulateGrid Manipulate

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    Compute on Slope

    The Compute on Slope tab allows you to create a grid of the slope angle or horizontal to vertical ratio.

    This function is similar to the gradient grid function.

    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Grid ManipulateGrid Manipulate

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    This option calculates a grid of the same origin, extent and mesh size as the original,but where the Z-value represents the slope of the original grid.

    The slope may be calculated in Degrees, Ratioor Percentform.A calculation can also be made for the Maximum Gradient which is computed along the direction of the maximum slope.

    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Grid ManipulateGrid Manipulate

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    The Aspectoperation which allows you to generate a grid that will consist of values ranging from 0 to 360.

    This creates a grid where the Z-value is the aspect of the original grid in degrees, with north being zero.This is useful to create colour shade plots to indicate the aspect of topography.

    The Apparent Factoroperation creates a grid of apparent factor.This factor can be used with the thickness grid to convert from apparent thickness to true thickness.This is useful for steep coal seams.

    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Grid EditGrid Edit

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    This function allows you to edit a grid or part of a grid using

    a polygon to define the area you want to edit or exclude from editing.

    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Grid ExpandGrid Expand

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    The Expand Grid dialog box allows you to expand grids based on an Extrapolation Factoror Scan Distanceyou specify.

    The Extrapolation Factorcontrols the amount of trending. A large value allows more trending.

    Tick the Expand Distancecheckbox if you want to specify the distance outwards you want the grid to expand.If you don't choose this option, the grid will be expanded to the boundary (origin and extent).

    The Infilloption fills "holes" within the gridded area using the surrounding grid trend in a defined scan distance.

    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Grid SmoothGrid Smooth

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    . The Smooth Grid dialog box allows you to specify filter, smoothing and trend surface fitting variables.


    The Cut Off Xand Yvalues represent the radius of the operator to be applied in the X and Y directions respectively of thegrid. The units are in meters.

    The Filter Radiusrepresents the value at which the filter effect drops to 0. Its value can be 1.5 and 2 times the CutOff. Where the X and Y cut off are different, Filter Radiusshould be larger than both.

    When ticked, the Amplitude cut offoption converts the filter to a noise filter by allowing a maximum Z value to be applied. Forexample a value of 5 means the fi lter will not affect any anomaly having amplitude greater than 5.

    When ticked, the Honor Featurescheckbox causes the filter operation notto occur across features.

    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Grid SmoothGrid Smooth

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    . The Smooth Grid dialog box allows you to specify filter, smoothing and trend surface fitting variables.

    Maximum Value

    The Max. Value tab allows you to specify a search radius.

    The Search Radiusis used to determine if the mesh point should be replaced by a maximum value within the defined searchradius. The radius is specified in meters.

    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Grid SmoothGrid Smooth

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    . The Smooth Grid dialog box allows you to specify filter, smoothing and trend surface fitting variables.

    Surface Fit

    The Use (n)th Grid Valuefield is used to change the number of grid points displayed.

    You can determine the type of surface to be generated and the level of detail required by specifying the number of terms in theTerms for Surface Fitfield.

    Terms for Surface Computeis the second step in trend surface analysis where the coefficients generated in the Surface Fitare applied against the input grid to generate a regional grid.

    When ticked, the Exclude Nullscheckbox causes null values to be ignored.

    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Save GridSave Grid

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    The Save Grid dialog box allows you to save a grid from memory (in the graphics window) to disk.

    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Report Current GridReport Current Grid

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    Creates a report for the current grid. The report appears in the Minex Output Window.


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    October 2008

    Copyright 2007, Gemcom Software International Inc.

    Gemcom Software International Inc.Gemcom Minex5.2 Core Module Triangle Operation

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Triangle ComputeTriangle Compute

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    Triangle From Open String

    Puts you into a Digitize Select mode to Select Multiple Open Geometry Strings (first and last points cannot

    be equal), from the Graphics Window, and to create a Triangulated surface from them. The tool is

    specifically designed to Triangulate Open strings that are in the same direction and follow much the samegeneral trend - such as Road Strings (Centre Line, Batters and Curbs) to create a Road Triangulation.

    Triangle From Closed String

    Puts you into a Digitize Select mode to Select a Single Closed Geometry String (like a Mask or a Boundary)

    to create an enclosed Triangulation from.

    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Triangle ComputeTriangle Compute

    1 Display a Geometry Data

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    1. Display a Geometry Data

    2. Triangle > Compute

    Uncheck to specify

    your origin

    Use to clip thetriangulation to a boundary

    Specify a different plane tocompute triangle reference to

    Straight: minimum distanceto interpolate additional

    points along a string

    Curves: minimum distance tointerpolate additional points

    along a curve, using a centrepoint and radius

    If you want to use only survey points, specify a large value in the Interpolation - Straight field to ensure that no new points are added.

    Use all Structure Data causes alldata selected in the geometry file tobe used.

    Pick Structure Data puts you intothe digitize mode to pick strings in

    the graphics window.

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 TriangleTriangle -- Triangle to GridTriangle to Grid

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    This option converts a triangle to a grid.

    The ECS gridding technique is used to compute the grid

    Minex5.2Minex5.2 TriangleTriangle -- Triangle Contour StringsTriangle Contour Strings

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    Create Strings from Triangle Contours dialog allows you to create individual Minex Geometry Strings

    from specified contour intervals for a nominated Triangle Surface

    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Triangle VolumesTriangle Volumes

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    Uses two selected triangles and reports

    volumes only over the area where the two are


    1. Triangle to Triangle Volumes

    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Triangle VolumesTriangle Volumes

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    Uses a triangle and a specified datum level

    2. Triangle to Elevation Volumes

    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Triangle VolumesTriangle Volumes

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    Allows you to report the cut and fill between


    3. Triangle to Bench-Elevation Volumes

    Minex5.2Minex5.2 TriangleTriangle ArithmeticArithmetic

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    Arithmetic works with two sets of triangles to create a new triangle.

    The arithmetic function are:

    '+' allows two triangles to be added.The output triangle has the X, Y parameters (origin and extent) of the primary triangle.The elevation or Z value of the output triangle is the sum of the two input triangles.

    '- allows two triangles to be subtracted.The output triangle has the X, Y parameters (origin, extent and mesh size) of the first input triangle.The elevation or Z value of the output triangle is the difference of the two input triangles.

    '*' allows two input triangles to be multiplied.The output triangle has the X, Y parameters (origin, extent and mesh size) of the first input triangle.The elevation or Z value of the output triangle is the product of the two input triangles.

    '/ allows two input triangles to be divided.The output triangle has the X, Y parameters (origin, extent and mesh size) of the first input triangle.

    The elevation or Z value of the output triangle is the dividend of the two input triangles.MAX computes the maximum of two input triangles.MIN computes the minimum of two input triangles.

    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Triangle Patch and CutTriangle Patch and Cut

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    This function allows for the replacement of a part of one section of a triangle (called Primaryhere) with another set (Secondary).The result will consist of the primarytriangle where it exists, and the secondarytriangle everywhere else.

    The Patch command will only work properly when the insert surface (Secondary) is wholly within the master surface (Primary).

    If the insert triangle exists outside the master triangle area error message will appears on screen.

    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Triangle Patch and CutTriangle Patch and Cut

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    This option makes a cut inside the secondarytriangle based on the outer boundary of the primarytriangle.This is almost similar to the Edit/Mask (set to null ) option. Using the last two triangle sets in the previous example.

    The Cut option will result in the following triangle as shown below.

    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Triangle ManipulateTriangle Manipulate


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    Scale allows a single triangle to be multiplied or divided, adjusted by addition or subtraction or raised to a power

    by constant factors and saved under a new name.

    You can specify a value in any four of the Multiplier, Divisor, Add Constantand Powerfields.

    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Triangle ManipulateTriangle Manipulate


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    The Limit tab allows you to choose how the data will be modified and lets you speci fy the triangle limits.You can set data beyond limits to one of three options:

    Nullsets the data, which exists above the upper and below the lower limits to null.

    Limitsets the data which exists above the upper and below the lower limitsto the values specified in the Upper Z Limitand Lower Z Limitfields

    Constantsets the data, which exists above the upper and below the lower limits, to the value specified in theConstantfield.

    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Triangle ManipulateTriangle Manipulate


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    Transform tab allows you to redefine the extents of the triangle.The values in the Origin (X and Y) fields represent the X and Y coordinates.The values in the Extent (X and Y) fields represent the X and Y extents.

    Use the Digitise button if you want to specify the origin and extent based on selections in the graphics window.

    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Triangle ManipulateTriangle Manipulate


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    The Shift tab allows you to movethe entire triangle by a defined distance in X and Y.

    Specify the X and Y distance or cl ick the Digitise button to specify the distance in the graphics window.

    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Triangle EditTriangle Edit

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    This function allows you to edit a triangle or part of a triangle using a polygon to define the area

    you want to edit or exclude from editing.

    Specify the name in the Triangle field

    Edit Inside converts all mesh points inside the mask to the specified Null, Surface Number or Set Constant valueEdit Outside convert all mesh points outside the mask to the specified Null, Surface Number or Set Constant value.

    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Triangle EditTriangle Edit

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    Set Null , If you choose the Set Null option, the value of all mesh points in the affected area will be converted

    to NULL.

    Set to Surface NumberIf you choose the Set to Surface Number option, the value of all mesh points in the affected area will have the

    specified surface number added to the grid value. Note that this number (0 - 9) replaces the least significant

    digit in the Z value at each mesh point.

    To be effective, each area of the triangle MUST be given a surface number, or else those areas not given one

    will have a random surface number.

    Set Constant

    If you choose the Set Constant option, the value of all mesh points in the affected area will have the specified

    constant replace the grid value.An example of using a constant is where a polygonal outline might represent the floor of a pit. The constant

    would be the elevation of the pit floor.

    Add Constant

    If you choose the Add Constant option, the value you specify is added to all mesh points in the affected area.

    Smooth - Curvature

    The value you specify in this field is the radius of the curvature you want to use to smooth the points in theaffected area.

    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Save TriangleSave Triangle

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    The Save Triangles dialog box allows you to save a triangle from memory (in the graphics window) to disk.

    File Name: Specify the name you want to save the triangle as.

    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Report Current TriangleReport Current Triangle

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    Creates a report for the current triangle. The report appears in the Minex Output Window.


  • 8/7/2019 Kursus Gemcom Minex


    October 2008

    Copyright 2007, Gemcom Software International Inc.

    Gemcom Software International Inc.Gemcom Minex5.2 Core Module Mounts

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Mounts OperationsMounts Operations

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Plan > CreatePlan > Create

    o Plan Create dialog box allow you to create a plan

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    o Plan Create dialog box allow you to create a plan

    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Plan > CreatePlan > Create

    Sheet field has a pre-defined set of paper sizes that you can select by clicking in the field. If none of the

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    Sheet field has a pre defined set of paper sizes that you can select by clicking in the field. If none of thepre-defined sizes suit your requirements, select Custom from the Sheet drop-down list, then change the X

    and Y values. You can also choose Portrait or Landscape.

    Method, there are four methods from which you can choose. The Co-ordinate Definition fields become

    active or inactive based on the method you choose.

    o Upper/Lower: Choose the Upper/Lower method if you want to type in Origin and Upper X and Y co-

    ordinates. You can also click the Dig button to go to the digitize mode and select your co-ordinates in

    the graphics window. Minex will automatically fill in the Origin and Upper X and Y values for you

    based on the co-ordinates you select.

    o Origin/Extent: Choose the Origin/Extent method if you want to type in Origin and Extent (distance) X

    and Y co-ordinates. The Dig button can also be used with this method.

    o Origin/Scale: Choose the Origin/Scale method if you just want to type in an Origin and the Scale touse. When you use this method, Minex will calculate the Upper and Extent values for you based on

    the scale you specify. The Dig button can also be used with this method.

    o Surface Extents: Choose the Grid Extents method if you have a "current" grid in memory. Minex will

    fill in the Origin and Extent values based on that grid.

    The Rotation field is valid with all of the methods, and allows you to specify the degrees you want to rotate.

    You could also click the Dig button to digitally select a point and the rotate direction. Minex will fill in the

    Rotation field for you based on your maneuver.

    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Plan > Coordinate GridPlan > Coordinate Grid

    o Plan - Coordinate Grid dialog box allows you to specify how a coordinate grid on a plan is plotted

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    o a Coo d ate G d dialog box allows you to specify how a coordinate grid on a plan is plotted

    1. Continuous option, the coordinate lines will be continuous from top to

    bottom and left to right Intersections option, the coordinate grid will consist of cross hairs at the

    intersection of the coordinate interval

    Edge Ticks option, small ticks or lines will be drawn on the boundary of theplan at the coordinate interval

    Grid Interval: Grid Interval is the spacing of grids.

    Auto-generate grid intervals option divides the grid or plan so that 5

    grid lines or intersections are plotted Plot Grid Boundary option allows the boundary to be plotted. Use the

    Select Color button to change the boundary color if required.

    Annotate Corners option will annotate the four corners of the grid with Xand Y values

    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Plan > Line ContourPlan > Line Contour -- GridGrid

    o Plan Line Contour Grid dialog box to enable the plotting of the contours of a grid to a plan

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    g p g g p

    o The Boundary Line tab allows you to specify the appearance of the boundary line

    o The Mask Grid tab allows you to specify a mask grid to use

    o The Highs & Lows tab allows you to specify annotation parameters

    o The Faults tab allows you to define the appearance of fault lines

    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Plan >Plan > Line ContourLine Contour -- TriangleTriangle

    o Plan Line Contour Triangle dialog box to enable the plotting of the contours of a triangle to a plan

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    g g p g g p

    o The Boundary Line tab allows you to specify the appearance of the boundary line

    o The Mask Grid tab allows you to specify a mask grid to use

    o The Highs & Lows tab allows you to specify annotation parameters

    o The Faults tab allows you to define the appearance of fault lines

    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Plan > Shade Contour GridPlan > Shade Contour Grid

    o Plan Shade Contour Grid allows you to set up color shades associated with grid contours

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    y p g

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Plan > Borehole LocationsPlan > Borehole Locations

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Plan > Seam Correlation PlanPlan > Seam Correlation Plan

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Plan > Plan Detail Pit BlockPlan > Plan Detail Pit Block

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Plan > Seam OutcropsPlan > Seam Outcrops

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Plan > CreatePlan > Create

    Sheet field has a pre-defined set of paper sizes that you can select by clicking in the field. If none of thed fi d i it i t l t C t f th Sh t d d li t th h th X

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    pre-defined sizes suit your requirements, select Custom from the Sheet drop-down list, then change the X

    and Y values. You can also choose Portrait or Landscape.

    X-YYou can type in the X and Y values or click the Digitize button to select the co-ordinates from the graphics



    You can type in the Upper and Lower Z co-ordinates (depth) or click in the Use Z From field to choose an

    object from the drop-down list (these are objects such as grids that you've been using).

    If you choose to select an object from the drop-down list, Minex will fill in the Upper and Lower Z values for



    You can specify Upper and Lower tolerance values.

    Scale & Ratio

    If you want to specify a scale of 1:1000, type 1000 in the Scale field.

    If you want to stretch the vertical axis, type the vertical value in the H/V Ratio field. For example: 5 in the H/V

    Ratio field means 1 meter horizontal = 5 meters vertical.

    Type a value (in meters) in the End Clearance field if you want to specify a clearance before the starting pointand after the ending point.

    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Section > Coordinate GridSection > Coordinate Grid

    o Section - Coordinate Grid dialog box allows you to specify how a coordinate grid on a section is plotted

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    1. Continuous option, the coordinate lines will be continuous from top to

    bottom and left to right Intersections option, the coordinate grid will consist of cross hairs at the

    intersection of the coordinate interval

    Edge Ticks option, small ticks or lines will be drawn on the boundary of theplan at the coordinate interval

    Grid Interval: Grid Interval is the spacing of grids.

    Plot Grid Boundary option allows the boundary to be plotted. Use theSelect Color button to change the boundary color if required.

    Annotate Corners option will annotate the four corners of the grid with Xand Y values

    Annotation Parameters

    When ticked, the Geographic annotation checkbox causes the X and Y

    axis to be labelled, otherwise the east and north axis are labelled. When ticked, the Annotate RL checkbox causes vertical annotations to be

    suffixed with "RL". When ticked, the Annotate Outside checkbox causes annotations to be

    placed outside the coordinate grid.

    When ticked, the Annotate Dogleg Points checkbox causes annotations tobe placed against section bends.

    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Section > Grid Cross SectionSection > Grid Cross Section

    The Section - Cross Section - Grids dialog box allows you to plot cross-sections through oneor more grids on a section mount in a Drafting

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    or more grids on a section mount in a Drafting

    Mode, The plots modes available can be selected from the drop down box. There are 3 choices:o Draw the specified grid (in the Grid column) as a single line on the section no secondary grid is

    required for this option

    o Color fill between the specified grid (in the Grid column) and the grid in the Associated Grid column -

    For example, you may select the seam floor as your main grid, and seam roof for the second

    grid. This will color fill the range between both grids.

    o Color fill between the specified grid (in the Grid column) and the surface created by adding the

    associated thickness grid to the specified grid.

    Associated Grid, If color fill is selected, specify the name of the second grid to be used in conjunctionwith the grid specified in the Grid column (see above, mode 2 or 3).

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Section > Seam Cross SectionSection > Seam Cross Section

    The Seam Cross Section dialogue is used for displaying grids on a cross section through aSeam Model including a topographic surface, weathering and other surfaces (Grid or Triangle).

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Section > Seam Cross SectionSection > Seam Cross Section

    The Initialize tab allows you to setup the Topographic surface, a reference and weathering surface.o Topography, tick this option to choose to display a topographic surface It may be displayed as:

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    o Topography, tick this option to choose to display a topographic surface. It may be displayed as:

    o Reference Surface, allows you to select a grid or a triangle surface to be displayed horizontally across the section movingthe grids/triangles above and below this surface respectively. The Vertical position on the section where you want thereference grid to be plotted. 0 will plot at the top of the mount, 1 will plot the reference surface at the bottom of the mount

    and 0.5 (default) will plot in the center of the mount.o Weathering Surface, allows you to identi fy additional grids/triangles besides TOPS (topography) that act as weathering

    surfaces (i.e., can function as a "cutting" grid, if overlapping seam grids are to be cut off).

    o Fault Block Model - Tick to select this option if the seam model grids you want to plot are from a 3D faulted model (viaSeamModel-Unfault Refault)

    o Plot Faults - will display the trace(s) of the faults used when generating the 3D faulted modelo Plot Annotation - will display annotation of fault and seam names for the 3D faulted model.

    The Surfaces tab allows plotting of gridded or triangulated surfaces for layers not defined in the .B35 file

    from the current Borehole database, ie non conformable surfaces. An example would include modelled

    formation boundaries Base of Tertiary or ground water surfaces. If the user wishes to plot such grids on across-section, but does not wish seam/layer grids to be cut off by such grids, these grids can be defined

    through this option.

    The Plotting Parameters tab

    The Seams tab is used to define which seams will be displayed on the cross section. The table is

    populated for all seams or selected seams. Then you can edit / customise lines in the table on an individual


    The Legend tab allows yout to setup legend parameter.

    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Section > Borehole SectionSection > Borehole Section

    The Seam Cross Section dialogue, use this option to plot Boreholes on a Section mount in aDrafting window.

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    Note: This menu can also be used to plot Boreholes on a 'Solid Section' in the 3D Design window. To do this, go to

    theMounts Control Panel, expand the 'Sections' node and right click on a section mount name to choose the 'SolidSection' option. This will display the solid section for the selected section mount and you will then be able to setupthe Borehole Section Plotting dialog and click OK to plot the Boreholes on the solid section.

    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Section > Borehole SectionSection > Borehole Section

    Seven Tabs are available to configure the final output:

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    Function - To select the Borehole and the Seams you want to include in the plot.

    Trace - Setup parameters for displaying the trace of the Boreholes on the section mount.

    ID's - Setup parameters to display Borehole and Seam names.

    Intervals - Setup parameters to plot depth and sample intervals.

    Anno & Litho - Setup to annotate seam and/or sample data from the Borehole database, and whether to

    plot an additional trace for a second lithology variable (a brightness profile for example).

    Histogram - Setup to plot histogram(s) of sample data held in the Borehole database (downhole

    geophysics for example).

    Sheet Params - Controls the final plot sheet size, orientation and margins. This is for information only andcannot be used to edit the section mount.

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    InsituInsitu Resource ReportingResource Reporting

    Minex5.2Minex5.2 InsituInsitu Resource ReportingResource Reporting

    Seam & Quality Definition

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    Seams - Select Seam Range - either all seams, or

    seams between a top and bottom seam (inclusive).

    Thickness Grid Suffix - By default and by conventionthe grid suffix for seam thickness is "ST

    Density Suffix - By default and by convention the grid

    suffix for Relative Density is RD. Other options include


    Default Density - Define a default value for thesoftware to use as a Density default if the defined

    density grids are not found. Min. Thickness - Define a

    minimum seam thickness to report resources for.Quality - You can optionally enter a list of Seam Quality

    grids by suffix. These Quality Grids can then be used in

    2 ways:

    o The Qualities can be reported for the Reserves on

    a tonnage weighted basis, or

    o The Qualities can be used to limit the Reserves

    (eg. Maximum ASH of 30% would only report those

    quantities of coal for which this was true.) Multiple

    selections of Quality limits can be used

    Minex5.2Minex5.2 InsituInsitu Resource ReportingResource Reporting


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    Upper Limit

    There are 2 ways of defining an upper limiting surface

    for the calculation, Topography or Weathering surface

    for example: Grid - Define a grid name and the name of

    the grid folder containing that grid

    Elevation - choose an elevation (R.L.), the default is


    Lower Limit

    There are 2 ways of defining an lower limiting surface

    for the calculation, a pit surface for example: Grid -

    Define a grid name and the name of the grid folder

    containing that gridElevation - choose an elevation (R.L.), the default is


    Polygon Limit

    You can also limit reserve calculation within a polygon.

    You may either Digitize a new polygon, Pick and

    existing polygon from the Graphics Window or select an

    existing polygon from a List.

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Detailed Resource ReportingDetailed Resource Reporting

    Seam Defaults

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    Seam Defaults

    Setup the seam default values. These values will be

    used to populate the Seams table when you

    subsequently select the seams you wish to include inthe report. If necessary, these defaults can then be

    customised for individual seams.

    Density - Define the density to be used if no density

    grid(s) exists for the selected seams.

    Min Thickness - Define a minimum seamthickness. Data less than this value will not be reported

    as a resource but will instead be allocated to waste


    Mine Recovery - Define the value for mine recovery to

    be used if no mine recovery grid(s) exist. The default is

    set to 100%.

    Yield - The default yield value to be used if no yield

    grid(s) exists. The default is set to 100%.

    Select Seams - Opens the Select Seams dialog where

    you are able to nominate the seam name(s) for theresource calculation. The list of seams offered is

    accessed from the current Borehole Database.

    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Detailed Resource ReportingDetailed Resource Reporting

    Surface/Weight Grids

    Thickness - Define the Seam Thickness Grid suffix (by

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    Thickness - Define the Seam Thickness Grid suffix (byconvention the suffix ST is used) and the choose the name

    of the grid folder containing the seam thickness grids for all

    selected seams.Density - Define the Density Grid suffix (by convention RDor ARD) and the grid folder containing the density grids for

    all selected seams.

    Mine Recovery - Defines the Mine Recovery Grid suffix (byconvention MR) and the grid folder containing the recovery

    grids for all selected seams.

    Yield - Define the Yield Grid suffix (by convention YD or

    YLD) and the grid folder containing the yield grids for allselected seams.

    Set Nulls to:

    o Zero - MINEX reporting options can optionally assign

    zero thickness values to points where thickness wasundefined (null).

    o Null - If there is a null value in a grid use this setting toleave the value for each point as null.

    Micromesh number - Minex detailed resource reporting

    offers an option to 'micro-mesh' to achieve greaterresolution. This becomes important when reporting within

    closed polygon strings which cut across cells.

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Detailed Resource ReportingDetailed Resource Reporting


    Vertical Limits:

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    Vertical Limits:Use this tab to setup vertical and areal limits to use whengenerating the resource report.Top Grid - Select the name of the Topography grid to be used asan upper limiting surface, by convention this grid is called TOPS.Weathering - Tick to enable the use of a weathering grid

    Lower Limits:Tick to enable the use of a Basal grid to limit the calculations.Base: Specify either a Base Grid or a fixed Depth or Elevation.Pit: Use this option to choose a Minex Pit as a limiting surface.

    Pit Number - Select the Pit number

    Base Bench - Define the Base Bench NumberOutput Grid - Nominate a Depth (RL) to use as an upperlimit for the resource computation.

    Area Limits

    Limit Area - Tick to enable the use of limiting Polygons.Accumulated - Click this option to report combined

    resources within all polygons you will subsequently select.Separate - click this option to report all selected polygons


    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Detailed Resource ReportingDetailed Resource Reporting


    Bench Report

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    Bench Report

    Bench Report - Tick to enable the generation of a report including abreakdown based on benches.

    Class Report

    Class Report - Select to classify the resources into classes based on value

    ranges. These classes may be used as sorting keys (See Report TemplateGenerator) in the output report. Nomination of classes must be on anincremental basis and must NOT overlap.

    Select Variables - Click here to open the Select Variables dialog. Pleasenote that the list of Variables offered in this list matches the Quality Variablespreviously setup on the "Quality Tab". The variables you select will be used to

    populate the table below. To add variables to the list offered, go back to theQuality Tab on the Seam Detailed Resources Report dialog.

    Unassigned - Tick to include in the output report data which is not assigned

    to any of the defined Classes in the report.Incremental - Select whether to report the classes incrementally orcumulatively.

    Table:Variable - The Variable name.Text - Any text you want to add to the output report.

    Lower Limit - Defaults to 0. Define a numeric lower limit.Upper Limit - Defaults to 0. Define a numeric upper limit.Class Name - A user-allocated name for the class you are defining. Multiple

    lines can be allocated to the same class.Accept - Tick to include the data in the report. Clear to exclude it.

    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Detailed Resource ReportingDetailed Resource Reporting

    Reports Example of Class Reports

    The following sample of a setup of this part of the dialog is a simple 3 class setup. This setup will report

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    g p p p g p p p p

    resources classified into the following ranges:

    Where ASH is between 0 and 5%, this section of the output report will be labelled class 1.

    Where ASH is between 5 and 15%, this section of the output report will be labelled class 2.Where ASH is between 15 and 30%, this section of the output report will be labelled class 3.

    If ASH is 30, it will not be reported as the Unassigned option has not been ticked.

    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Detailed Resource ReportingDetailed Resource Reporting

    Reports Example of Class Reports

    A more complicated setup example will report:

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    Where ASH is between 1 and 10 and ARD is between 0 and 1.4, this will be labelled as Class 1.

    Where ASH is between 1 and 10 and ARD is between 1.4 and 1.5, this will be labelled as Class 2.

    Where ASH is between 10 and 50 and ARD is between 0 and 1.4, this will be labelled as Class 3.Where ASH is between 10 and 50 and ARD is between 1.4 and 1.5, this will be labelled as Class 4.

    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Detailed Resource ReportingDetailed Resource Reporting

    Fault Blocks

    Fault Block Model

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    Fault Block Model

    Use this tab if you are reporting resources for a 3D

    Faulted geological model.

    Fault Block Recognition - This tick box

    enables/disables this whole panel.

    Fault Block Separation - Tick this box to report

    resources based on the fault blocks.

    Report Zero Values - Tick this box to report zero

    values found.

    Select Fault Blocks - Click here to access a list of

    Fault Blocks in the current model. This will populate the

    table below the 'Select Fault Blocks' button.

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Report Template GeneratorReport Template Generator

    Current Template

    Current Template

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    Current Template

    Template: You can either enter the name of an existing

    or new template. You can also use the button toselect a pre-existing template using the file explorer.

    Save - This button is enabled whenever changes are

    made to the template. If you attempt to leave the dialog

    without first saving your changes, a warning message

    will be issued

    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Report Template GeneratorReport Template Generator

    Add Variables

    Add/Edit Variables

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    Add Variables

    This button open the Select Variable dialog. This is

    where you select the variables that will be used in your

    report. These are:

    o Name - Name of the Variable.

    o Disable - Tick to Disable any processing of this variable.

    o Output - Controls whether or not the value of thevariable is output to the report. This can be used to

    include variables which are used as filters or part ofcalculated variables and which you do not wish to print


    o Title - The column header which will appear in the

    report.o Width - The number of columns allocated to the value in

    the output file.

    o Decimals - The number of decimals places to beprinted.

    o Round - Controls whether the value in the report istruncated or rounded to the number of decimal places


    o Accumulate - If this is ticked, the cumulative value of

    the variable is displayed in the report.

    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Report Template GeneratorReport Template Generator

    Calculated Variable- Click here to add a calculated

    variable to the report. As well as all the properties

    Add/Edit Variables

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    variable to the report. As well as all the properties

    defined above, you must supply a Definition for the

    new variable. For example: COAL_VOLUME/1000

    Include Filter- Click here to define a filter which will

    be used to choose what data to include in the report.

    The available properties are:

    o Name - Name for the filter

    o Definition - Formula which determines wether the data

    is included in the report. For example:


    o Disable - Tick to temporarily disable the filter.

    Exclude Filter- Click here to define a filter which willbe used to exclude data from the report. The properties

    are the same as the Include filter.

    Keys- Click here to select a variable to use as a sort

    key. Once the variable has been selected, you can

    specify the sort order (ascending / descending).

    Multiple keys can be specified. They are applied in the

    order of appearance.

    Only the variables which have been selected by theAdd Variables button or Calculated Variables are


    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Report Template GeneratorReport Template Generator

    Add/Edit Variables

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    Global Summary- Click here to open the RTG

    Summary Editor.The available totalizing functions are:



    Group- Click here to define reporting Groups.

    The Definition field controls what data is allocated to

    each group you create.

    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Report Template GeneratorReport Template Generator

    Report Parameters

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    Report Template Type, three formats are available:

    o Comma Separated - preferred format for exporting to other applications

    o Tab Separated - Preferred format for formatting the report

    o Space Separated - Each column is separated by a single space.


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    October 2008

    Copyright 2007, Gemcom Software International Inc.

    Gemcom Software International Inc.Gemcom Minex5.2 Core Module Export / Import Files

    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Export / Import FilesExport / Import Files


    o ECS Archives are the files you previously saved or archived using Minex. These files have an extension

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    of ECSARC, and are associated with the icon in the Minex Explorer. ECS Archives can only be

    imported into the Drafting window.

    o Import DXF/DWGo XYZ Data are ASCII files that contain the X, Y and Z coordinates of a surveyed surface

    o Mincom Grids


    o Exporting Geometry to XYZ

    o Exporting Seam Grids to ASCII

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Import FilesImport Files -- Import DXF/DWGImport DXF/DWG

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    o Tick the Reset Zero checkbox if you have, for example, title block data which is stored at X, Y coordinates of 0,0 and you wantto set them to the coordinates of the main set of data to be imported.

    o Tick the Join lines to form strings checkbox so that the data imports as a string of points rather than a col lection of disjointedlines.

    o Tick the Delete duplicate points checkbox if you want to remove any duplicate points in the data dur ing the import process.

    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Import FilesImport Files -- Import XYZ DataImport XYZ Data

    The Import XYZ Data dialog box allows you to import ASCII files that contain the X, Y and Z coordinates of a

    surveyed surface.

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    Select XYZ File, specify the name of the ASCII file to import in

    the XYZ File field.

    GM3 Parameters, the Group, Map, Ident and Type fields

    give you the ability to define how the imported data will be

    stored in the geometry file. These fields are optional.

    Record Parameters, the Record Length field relates to the

    length of the input file. You can tick the Ignore Null Z

    checkbox for the import process to disregard data with no Z

    value.You can choose the Standard (2) or Extended (3) number of

    decimals to use. (The values in the Data Definition part of the

    dialog box should change based on the option you choose.)

    Data Definition the values displayed in this part of the dialog

    box reflects the values read from the input XYZ file. You can

    allow these values to default

    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Import FilesImport Files Mincom GridsMincom Grids

    This dialog allows you to import and convert a Mincom Multiple Grid File Dump into native MinexGrid Files.

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    Select Mincom File: Select the Mincom Multiple Grid Dump File you wish to import into Minex Grids.

    Output DD Name: Select the Output Grid DD Directory Name where all converted Minex Grids will beplaced.

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    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Export Geometry Data to XYZExport Geometry Data to XYZ

    Allows the user to export Minex Geometry data to an ASCII XYZ file.

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    Data Selection, you can export the data

    currently displayed on the screen. You can alsoselect the geometry data to export by specifyingthe desired Group/Map/Ident/Class.

    Export Parameters, you can select StandardFormat (2 decimals) orMExtended Formatwhich lets you specify the number of decimals.

    The Output File you specify will be created withan ASC extension.

    Minex5.2Minex5.2 Export Grids to ASCIIExport Grids to ASCII

    This dialog is used to export Grid data to either a standard ASCII or a CSV file.

    Reference Grid

    Use this section of the dialog to define the characteristics of

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    Use this section of the dialog to define the characteristics of

    the area you wish to export.

    Select SeamsYou can restrict the export to specific seams. Click the Select

    button to open the Seam Selection dialog.

    Select Variables

    You can restrict the export to a selection of Variables / DD

    Name combinations. First, select the desired DD Name fromthe pull down menu.

    Grids to Export

    This part of the dialog lists the Grid / DD Name selection that

    will be exported. Provided that you have selected the desired

    Seams and Variables above, click on the Setup Export

    Table button to populate the table. You can also select Grids

    by using the buttons inside the table.

    Fault Blocks

    If you are exporting Faulted Grids the Rename Fault Blocks