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The one who has come to a standstill in his development is moving backward – Dmytro Oleksiyovych, as you know, the University is successfully completing its national accreditation by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Why do you need its re-accreditation – this time by the USA educational and research stan- dards? – The official certificate of the Ukrainian University accreditation under the USA standards is de facto recognition of the international status of the University. In the post-soviet space this is being done for the first time and will ensure official recogni- tion of the NULESU diploma and its stability in the whole world. For six months we have shown the American experts our university documentation: we had to prove that we have every chance to go through it successfully! Along this process experts expressed many comments and proposals on how to improve objective indicators of status and effectiveness of the uni- versity – both within the national and global educational networks, provided many other recommendations that we have successfully implemented. And now the University will be going through accreditation in the whole – with all its regional departments, and not of just the basic university as it was planned before. – Have you thought about this ending in the early 90's, when you just signed the cooperation agreements with the leading universities in the USA and Europe? – Frankly speaking, I felt that this time will come, and knew that it wouldn't happen soon, and not just by itself. From the beginning we chose the tactics of direct contacts with the leading universities in the world – were studying their strengths, tradi- tions, achievements, etc. It turned out to be the most effective among others possible. On implementing a six-year Ukrainian-American project in 1996 and 1998 the Iowa and Louisiana State Universities signed the memorandums of mutual recognition of education systems of our universities with ours. It was our triumph, which "has opened the gates" of the universities of many other states – Ohio, Arkansas, North and South Dakota, Pennsylvania, Cali- fornia, Illinois, Connecticut, Missouri, Vermont, Oklahoma, Minnesota. These memoranda have played a decisive role in the well-established contacts with the universities in Europe and Asia as the cradle of Nobel Prize win- ners – Humboldt (Berlin), Natural Resources and Life Sciences (Austria), Wageningen (Netherlands), Ghent (Belgium), Tokyo Agricultural (Japan), Seoul National (South Korea) and oth- ers. Most of our students who studied and were on probation there, have become successful businessmen, sci- entists, and government officials. For example, just last year under similar programs our 700 students were abroad. All this has been taken into account by the current expert com- mittee. In view of this we cannot but thank the former and current leader- ship of our state – the President of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma, Prime Minister Viktor Pustovoitenko, Viktor Yanukovych, Mykola Azarov, heads of the Verkhovna Rada Ivan Plyushch, O. Tkachenko, Oleksandr Moroz, MPs, Ministers of Agricultural Policy and the Ministry of Education, Ambassadors of Ukraine to the USA and many others who was constantly contributing to this work. The experience gained has been largely used to develop modern Ukrainian education system, which is fixed by the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education". It also lies at the heart of the Bologna agreement. And we should remember that in those days, working conditions and reforms were much heavier than now ... – In 1998, on your initiative while celebrating the 100th anniversary of the University was founded the Global Consortium of the establishments of High Agricultural Education and Research, which you were heading for four years, and now you are remaining at the helm. Has it played any role in the accreditation in question? – History of this consortium is unique and, in my opinion, extremely positive. The main purpose of its cre- ation was to speed up reforms in the system of agricultural education and science above all in the countries with transition economies and the develop- ing countries, and the drive was coop- eration at the time of the National Agrarian University with a number of universities in the USA and EU. We ini- tiated creation of the consortium, nearly 500 universities from more than 130 countries worldwide having expressed their desire to become its members. Its first president was a rec- ognized scientist and organizer of higher education worldwide, presi- dent of the University of Iowa Zhyshke Martin, and I was a president-elect, in other words, the next president. We were eventually replaced by Yanpinh Cheng (China) Zahlul Jose (Costa Rica), Nick Hateru Vandzhohi (Kenya) and now – Philip Chocet (France). The main result of the consortium was the modernization and unifica- tion of changes in curricula and pro- grams of degree education system, transformation of typical agricultural specialties for market conditions. Of course, it seems unusual for someone, that today modern agroindustrial and food sector is a concentrate of the most advanced science intensive technologies and engineering, and the university which does not have prop- er modern laboratories, centers, chairs and faculties will experience great difficulties in its development. The aforesaid was added by the prob- lems of quality of life resources and environmental objects, sustainable environmental management and safe- ty of life. The consortium coped with all these issues, and now our educa- tion system has no serious external complaints. This is the main result of the consortium. Today, it has been transformed into a global confedera- tion of the world associations of the universities of agricultural, natural and life sciences – one of the biggest social educational and research organizations in the world. Its new status, tasks, etc., are being formed accordingly and there is a great hope that it will get significant financial support of the World Bank and the UN FAO. I have honor to remain its lifelong honorary president. The main thing is strategic vision of general problems – What other features are charac- teristic for such a huge University as ours, where more than 20 former enti- ties – educational, research and industrial structures where have got together? – The fact that over the last quar- ter of the century we have created new training and research laboratories, chairs, faculties, more than a dozen of research institutes, etc. – is not new. The key to this is a clear strategic vision of the general issues concerning the mission and goals of the mega- University, where in the whole more than 60 thousand people work, study, improve their skills, etc. It is important to create the conditions for self-activi- ty of each of its structures while main- taining personal responsibility to the center for the consequences of the autonomy given. Another important component is a system of horizontal and vertical linkages of the basic uni- versity and its departments in the world and national educational, research and innovation networks, etc. More in detail? The mission of our University is generating, storage, gen- eralization and dissemination of knowledge. It focuses, above all, its activity in the life sciences, the state and development of biological re- sources, sustainable natural resources (especially in the process of providing agricultural raw stock and food), envi- ronmental protection with all its bio- diversity, and finally scientific safe- guarding of quality and safety life of people. Strategy of their implementing involves multi-profile University spe- cialties (there are 45 now) and their close integration. With this purpose in the NULES of Ukraine complex, the units representing all four levels of our educational accreditation, are operat- ing. They must operate in the systems of their individual and integrated activities. Let's take for example, the training of an agronomist. It should be conducted, above all, depending on his places of study and future employ- ment. Someone wants to become an agronomist for knowledge-intensive organizations (virologist, biotechnolo- gist, parasitologist, etc.), someone is looking for the field of industrial tech- nologies (agronomist of crops, vegeta- bles or other crops, etc.), someone else End p. 2 No 6 (1950) June 28, 2013 FROM THE FIRST PERSON Every High School in Ukraine and the former Soviet Union is dreaming about the possibilities of the leading American universities. But to what extent do these desires coincide with our possibilities? To correlate it dared the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, whose rector Academician D.O. Melnychuk has initiated its accreditation by the USA educational and research standards. And here is a good news: by the resolution of the expert committee of one of the centers of accredi- tation of the USA High Schools the official accreditation procedure of NULES of Ukraine - so far the only one out of Ukrainian Universities - will be going on in full swing, and there is every chance for its successful com- pletion. The course of these events and the opening up perspectives are in the interview with the newspaper " University Currier." DMYTRO MELNYCHUK: "We have all the chances to pass successfully the international accreditation of the University by the USA standards." In the course of accreditation rector of the university Melnychuk D.O. and his assistant on international questions Vashchik M. co-operated with American experts Claudette Williams, Donna Barrett and Ann Chard.


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Page 1: ku_6_13_a

The one who has cometo a standstill in his development

is moving backward– Dmytro Oleksiyovych, as you

know, the University is successfullycompleting its national accreditationby the Ministry of Education andScience of Ukraine. Why do you needits re-accreditation – this time by theUSA educational and research stan-dards?

– The official certificate of theUkrainian University accreditationunder the USA standards is de factorecognition of the international statusof the University. In the post-sovietspace this is being done for the firsttime and will ensure official recogni-tion of the NULESU diploma and itsstability in the whole world. For sixmonths we have shown the Americanexperts our university documentation:we had to prove that we have every

chance to go through it successfully!Along this process experts expressedmany comments and proposals onhow to improve objective indicatorsof status and effectiveness of the uni-versity – both within the national andglobal educational networks, providedmany other recommendations that wehave successfully implemented. Andnow the University will be goingthrough accreditation in the whole –with all its regional departments, andnot of just the basic university as it wasplanned before.

– Have you thought about thisending in the early 90's, when you justsigned the cooperation agreementswith the leading universities in the USAand Europe?

– Frankly speaking, I felt that thistime will come, and knew that itwouldn't happen soon, and not just byitself. From the beginning we chose

the tactics of direct contacts with theleading universities in the world –were studying their strengths, tradi-tions, achievements, etc. It turned outto be the most effective among otherspossible. On implementing a six-yearUkrainian-American project in 1996and 1998 the Iowa and Louisiana StateUniversities signed the memorandumsof mutual recognition of educationsystems of our universities with ours. Itwas our triumph, which "has openedthe gates" of the universities of manyother states – Ohio, Arkansas, Northand South Dakota, Pennsylvania, Cali-fornia, Illinois, Connecticut, Missouri,Vermont, Oklahoma, Minnesota. Thesememoranda have played a decisiverole in the well-established contactswith the universities in Europe andAsia as the cradle of Nobel Prize win-ners – Humboldt (Berlin), NaturalResources and Life Sciences (Austria),Wageningen (Netherlands), Ghent(Belgium), Tokyo Agricultural (Japan),Seoul National (South Korea) and oth-ers. Most of our students who studiedand were on probation there, havebecome successful businessmen, sci-entists, and government officials. Forexample, just last year under similarprograms our 700 students wereabroad.

All this has been taken intoaccount by the current expert com-mittee. In view of this we cannot butthank the former and current leader-ship of our state – the President ofUkraine Leonid Kuchma, PrimeMinister Viktor Pustovoitenko, ViktorYanukovych, Mykola Azarov, heads ofthe Verkhovna Rada Ivan Plyushch, O.Tkachenko, Oleksandr Moroz, MPs,Ministers of Agricultural Policy and theMinistry of Education, Ambassadors ofUkraine to the USA and many otherswho was constantly contributing tothis work. The experience gained hasbeen largely used to develop modernUkrainian education system, which isfixed by the Law of Ukraine "OnHigher Education". It also lies at theheart of the Bologna agreement. Andwe should remember that in thosedays, working conditions and reformswere much heavier than now ...

– In 1998, on your initiative whilecelebrating the 100th anniversary ofthe University was founded the GlobalConsortium of the establishments ofHigh Agricultural Education andResearch, which you were heading forfour years, and now you are remaining

at the helm. Has it played any role inthe accreditation in question?

– History of this consortium isunique and, in my opinion, extremelypositive. The main purpose of its cre-ation was to speed up reforms in thesystem of agricultural education andscience above all in the countries withtransition economies and the develop-ing countries, and the drive was coop-eration at the time of the NationalAgrarian University with a number ofuniversities in the USA and EU. We ini-tiated creation of the consortium,nearly 500 universities from morethan 130 countries worldwide havingexpressed their desire to become itsmembers. Its first president was a rec-ognized scientist and organizer ofhigher education worldwide, presi-dent of the University of Iowa ZhyshkeMartin, and I was a president-elect, inother words, the next president. Wewere eventually replaced by YanpinhCheng (China) Zahlul Jose (CostaRica), Nick Hateru Vandzhohi (Kenya)and now – Philip Chocet (France).

The main result of the consortiumwas the modernization and unifica-tion of changes in curricula and pro-grams of degree education system,transformation of typical agriculturalspecialties for market conditions. Ofcourse, it seems unusual for someone,that today modern agroindustrial andfood sector is a concentrate of themost advanced science intensivetechnologies and engineering, and theuniversity which does not have prop-er modern laboratories, centers,chairs and faculties will experiencegreat difficulties in its development.The aforesaid was added by the prob-lems of quality of life resources andenvironmental objects, sustainableenvironmental management and safe-ty of life. The consortium coped withall these issues, and now our educa-tion system has no serious externalcomplaints. This is the main result ofthe consortium. Today, it has beentransformed into a global confedera-tion of the world associations of theuniversities of agricultural, naturaland life sciences – one of the biggestsocial educational and researchorganizations in the world. Its newstatus, tasks, etc., are being formedaccordingly and there is a great hopethat it will get significant financialsupport of the World Bank and theUN FAO. I have honor to remain itslifelong honorary president.

The main thing is strategic visionof general problems

– What other features are charac-teristic for such a huge University asours, where more than 20 former enti-ties – educational, research andindustrial structures where have gottogether?

– The fact that over the last quar-ter of the century we have created newtraining and research laboratories,chairs, faculties, more than a dozen ofresearch institutes, etc. – is not new.The key to this is a clear strategicvision of the general issues concerningthe mission and goals of the mega-University, where in the whole morethan 60 thousand people work, study,improve their skills, etc. It is importantto create the conditions for self-activi-ty of each of its structures while main-taining personal responsibility to thecenter for the consequences of theautonomy given. Another importantcomponent is a system of horizontaland vertical linkages of the basic uni-versity and its departments in theworld and national educational,research and innovation networks, etc.

More in detail? The mission of ourUniversity is generating, storage, gen-eralization and dissemination ofknowledge. It focuses, above all, itsactivity in the life sciences, the stateand development of biological re-sources, sustainable natural resources(especially in the process of providingagricultural raw stock and food), envi-ronmental protection with all its bio-diversity, and finally scientific safe-guarding of quality and safety life ofpeople. Strategy of their implementinginvolves multi-profile University spe-cialties (there are 45 now) and theirclose integration. With this purpose inthe NULES of Ukraine complex, theunits representing all four levels of oureducational accreditation, are operat-ing. They must operate in the systemsof their individual and integratedactivities. Let's take for example, thetraining of an agronomist. It should beconducted, above all, depending onhis places of study and future employ-ment. Someone wants to become anagronomist for knowledge-intensiveorganizations (virologist, biotechnolo-gist, parasitologist, etc.), someone islooking for the field of industrial tech-nologies (agronomist of crops, vegeta-bles or other crops, etc.), someone else

End p. 2

No 6 (1950) June 28, 2013


Every High School in Ukraine and the former Soviet Union is dreaming

about the possibilities of the leading American universities. But to what

extent do these desires coincide with our possibilities? To correlate it dared

the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine,

whose rector Academician D.O. Melnychuk has initiated its accreditation

by the USA educational and research standards. And here is a good news:

by the resolution of the expert committee of one of the centers of accredi-

tation of the USA High Schools the official accreditation procedure of

NULES of Ukraine - so far the only one out of Ukrainian Universities - will

be going on in full swing, and there is every chance for its successful com-

pletion. The course of these events and the opening up perspectives are in

the interview with the newspaper " University Currier."

DMYTRO MELNYCHUK:"We have all the chances

to pass successfully the internationalaccreditation of the University

by the USA standards."

In the course of accreditation rector of the university Melnychuk D.O. and

his assistant on international questions Vashchik M. co-operated with

American experts Claudette Williams, Donna Barrett and Ann Chard.

Page 2: ku_6_13_a

wants to become a doctor-agronomistin phyto-medicine, soil-expert or justan agronomist in general, that is afarmer. In the university like ours, allthis can be achieved.

But note that training profession-als of science intensive specialties is,so to say, "a single-piece product",with its professional support andlogistics being sometimes very com-plicated and costly. And now thinkabout the diversity and complexity ofrelevant curricula, programs, teachingand methodological provision, etc. Iftraining agronomists-farmers can beheld in big groups and with signifi-cantly lower expenses (you can planeven 18 students per teacher), thenthe training of an agronomistbiotechnologist requires a standardteaching load not more than 6:1, etc.So no wonder the government allo-cates for such universities finances byindividual standards. I believe that theattempts to identify this kind of uni-versities with all others – whether infinance or by the workload and plans,is a dangerous mistake for big univer-sities and it would deteriorate scientif-ic and technological progress in thestate. Thus, again we should discussthe issue of the University personalcertificates.

Not without reason, in the U.S. forexample, all of a thousand universitiesare divided into four categories. Thefirst are research universities, whichmake only 7-8 percent of the totalnumber. These are top-level universi-ties, usually federal, which mostlyhave federal projects and multimil-lion-dollar budgets. Almost all special-ties are available in there and thenumber of students ranges from 30 to100,000. More than 60 percent of allfundamental research of the countryis concentrated in there, and simulta-neously a large complex of practicalresearch and scientific innovativedevelopments are carried out in here.They have successfully functioningscientific and technological parks,business incubators, etc. In the USAthere is even an Association of theresearch Universities, which hasdeveloped the criteria governingaccess to it from the so-called trainingand research universities, which areabout 20 percent.

In their rights they are similar tothe research ones but have less multi-profile specialties, students are limitedto 30,000, and scientific activityfocuses mainly on applied research.Typically, these are the state universi-ties, funded mainly through its proj-ects. They may also have the researchstatus, receive federal projects and aredirectly responsible before theGovernor for scientific supervision ofcorresponding manufacturing tech-nologies that are practiced in thestate, their personnel and informationsecurity. Usually they are formedaround university associations (com-plexes, systems), which includes alleducational and scientific institutionsof the state, headed by the presidentof the primary university. The thirdcategory are educational universitieswhich are the vast majority. Theywork only for education. Funds forbasic and applied research are notallocated for them and creative activ-ity focuses only on the implementa-tion of modern scientific and techno-logical progress in the manufacturingsector, the state of which they areresponsible for. The fourth category

make universities that are leadersamong professional colleges that aretrying to level up into the category ofeducational universities. They trainmostly Bachelors.

So during our accreditation it isassumed that the Kyiv center of NULESof Ukraine will strive for the status of aresearch University, its Southernbranch – "Crimean agricultural uni-versity" – for that of a training-scien-tific University, Nizhyn and Berezhanyagro-technical institutes – educationaluniversities, and 11 colleges which wehave – the colleges with a universitystatus (or just Colleges).

– Yet till now in Ukraine it isbelieved that all universities shouldhave educational, research andinnovation components in their gen-eral activity. From your words itappears that more than 60 percentof universities in the U.S. have almostno connection with science. Andwhat about Europe? Who are theysubordinate to?

– In fact, it is the same as in theU.S. In European countries, there areso-called professional High Schools.Now they are also universities (ofapplied sciences), where within fiveyears students receive engineer spe-cialty (our Specialist), but these gradu-ates work only in manufacturing andare ineligible to take a graduate courseor to occupy high administrative posi-tions. To do this, one must graduatefrom a classical university. But weshould not forget that they are taskedwith a mission of innovation activityand scientific supervision in industryand in a particular area, and this workis very important and not that simple.It can't be performed without involv-ing science.

As to the universities subordina-tion, in the USA, for example, there isno Federal Ministry, and all federaluniversities are autonomous and gen-erally have the research status. Thestate coordinates their activitiesthrough supervisory boards. State leveluniversities are coordinated by corre-sponding agencies under the gover-nor's office and also by the executiveboard of supervisors. Thus, their role isvery great here. In Germany, for exam-ple, classical universities have greaterautonomy and the ones with appliedsciences are under the branch min-istries. The content of training curricu-la, for example, of an agronomist dif-fers crucially in these two types of uni-versities: The first train agronomistsfor high science absorbing technolo-gies and management activity, and thesecond – to work directly in manufac-turing, where the main requirement iscompliance with international stan-dards in environmental managementand quality and safety of the resultingproduct.

– Returning to the topic of NULES ofUkraine accreditation to the U.S.A. stan-dards. Can it be so that one will need towork within the same specialty underseveral training plans and programs?

– Yes, some problems may occurbut we should not be afraid of this. Itis necessary to balance, say, two curric-ula, highlighting the common andspecific parts of the program. The sec-ond part will require additional teach-ing materials, etc.

Reasons for confidence– Isn't it a bit scary to lay claim on

the research university status as to anamerican scale?

– Any contest might be unpre-dictable. But we hope for a positiveresult, and for good reason: Our scien-tists are awarded almost every yearState Prizes of Ukraine in Science andTechnology, every year we haveapproximately 350 patents and 250-300 monographs, textbooks and man-uals. Our team has about 40 academi-cians and corresponding members,350 PhDs, and more than 1,000Candidates of science. We have 14 sci-entific-research institutes and 3 scien-tific-research stations, 21 academiccouncils of theses defense, etc. Isn't it abasis for such a confidence?

A few words about the verticaland horizontal integration of univer-sities in the United States. The firstinvolves the relationship and cooper-ation of their different categorieswithin university systems, startingfrom the research university up toprofessional colleges, the second, gen-erally involves external relationsbetween universities of correspondingcategories. First of all, this applies tomutual recognition of education sys-tems, in other words – the diplomas.It is possible only horizontally: thestate does not interfere with thisprocess, and each university issues itsown diplomas. Mutual recognition ofdiplomas draws up in the form of amemorandum between universities. Ifone of them, for example, a memberof the Association of ResearchUniversities, recognized the trainingsystem of your university, then othermembers will treat you with respectand will not force your graduates topass additional exams on specific sub-jects, or to have additional training,etc. We felt this on our own example:in the end of the last century, theUniversity of Iowa and Louisiana,which have the research status and agreat reputation in the U.S., signed rel-evant cooperation agreements withus that are prolonged for nearly 15years as of now.

Similar vertical and horizontallinks are already working in theNULES of Ukraine, and it is a big plusin general.

– In the light of what we haveheard, the conclusion is that practical-ly all textbooks and manuals will haveto be reshaped...

– So be it. And a lot of it we havealready done. The fact that a third ofthe 45 existing majors at our universi-ty is taught in English is also one of thesteps to its international recognition.In the future, all specialties will be sup-

ported by English-speaking groups,and the formation of German andFrench groups for separate specialtiesis beginning.

Generally, one should understand:today machinery, farms, warehouses,processing plants, everything thatapplies to agriculture – are appliancesof new generation. So, whether we likeit or not, we need to learn many newsciences and technologies: geographicinformation systems, cutting-edgeelectronics, hydraulics, computer con-trol systems, etc. And as soon as possi-ble we have to create a new trainingbase of physical infrastructure – standand actively operating, the new tech-nical-service stations, to link technolo-gies with environmental, legal andsocial requirements, to master worldmanagement and economics, to beable to work in a competitive marketeconomy, slumps and emergencies etc.There is no other option. Otherwise,the only thing remained to do will beland lease.

– As far as I know, a scientific parkaffiliated to the NULES of Ukraine isalmost completed...

– Yes, and we already have the firstnews on its work. A few days ago, inthe presence of Prime Minister ofUkraine M. Azarov and the membersof the government, at the FirstInternational Business Conference anagreement between the NULES ofUkraine and the company "Amaco"(USA) on the establishment ofUkrainian-American innovative-edu-cational Centre of modern agro-indus-trial machinery and technologies onthe basis of educational-researcheconomies of the university wassigned.

NULES of Ukraine-Yale Universitydouble diploma for the

Ukrainian student –is an achievable reality

– Last year on your initiative thegovernment of Ukraine prepared anappeal to the correspondingUkrainian-American commission withthe request to support the offers ofyour university and Yale University ofthe USA about the creation of a jointCenter concerning radiation and bio-logical safety on the basis of NULES ofUkraine...

– Today this question was practi-cally divided into two ones: the firstone – is the creation of an interna-tional regional East Europe fires in theforests of the Chornobyl zone moni-toring centre, the office of which hasalready been opened at our university,and the second one – is theUkrainian-American research Centreof ecological and biological safety(Yale University of the USA conjointlywith NULES of Ukraine. – Editor). It isexpected that future graduates of thiscentre (institute) will receive twodiplomas – Yale University diplomaand NULES of Ukraine diploma. Anattractive prospect for Ukrainian stu-dents, isn't it? It is also very important

for NULES of Ukraine accreditationpositive completion, according to theUSA standards.

– It's nonsense, but at the universi-ty which has really great achievementsup to international level, few foreignersstudy. What's the problem?

– As the saying goes it is neces-sary to save our face. To teach for-eigners on bachelor course at themean for less than 3 thousand dollarsa year, 4 thousand dollars – for MAcourse and 6 thousand dollars forpostgraduate course is firstly unprof-itable, and secondly, it is a frequentlybungle studying on primitive scientif-ic and technical base. Sooner or laterit will come to light, and the universi-ty will have problems of anotherlevel. It's ridiculous, but someUkrainian institutes of higher educa-tion, teach for... 600 dollars a year!This is where our foreign students goover in a year of studying: while thediplomas are still identical in all theuniversities. But this is their and theMinistry of Finance business. I willjust mention that, for example, thecost of a bachelor course in the USAresearch university is on the average30 thousand dollars per year, and thecost of studying at analogous univer-sities of the European Union coun-tries is 8-12 thousand euro per year.

– The university in the system of itssubmission by now reminds anAmerican model. By all three branchesof government decisions it obtainedstatuses of national, independent,research university (as for basic), andthe image of university complex NULESof Ukraine is also very high. Does suchstatus suit you?

– It is not difficult to guess thatany change of the organization statusduring its accreditation – is undesir-able. Resubmission or status changewill be not clear for accreditationagencies. As from the side it will looklike independent institute of highereducation status deprivation for somelarge fault and will lead to regressiveconsequences in the course of univer-sity recognition. Therefore, weshouldn't do it, especially now.Moreover, our 17-year-old experienceof activity as self-governing,autonomous institute of higher edu-cation should be extended to otherworthy universities of Ukraine, ratherthan contrariwise! In my opinion, fornow in our country there must be atleast 15 universities, worth autonomy.And it is more than dangerous to slowdown this process of university move-ment to world educational andresearch standards. We've already lostmany chances... It is also necessary toreturn to revision of the system of sci-entific degrees and ranks reception byour scientists: in that way as it worksnow – based on solely Soviet system –corresponding diplomas will beadmitted very difficult by the worldleading universities, in the best case –in non-system way. In this sense it isnecessary to follow more bravely ournearest neighbors' example – Czechia,Poland, Hungary where these prob-lems have already been forgotten longtime ago. It would be desirable, thenew law "About higher education" toconsider mentioned problems andprovide the Ukrainian institutes ofhigher education progressive move-ment in close cooperation with theworld community.

– Thank you for conversation.

The interview was conducted byObrambalskij V.

2 № 6 (1950) June 28, 2013

N e w s l e t t e r N a t i o n a l U n i v e r s i t y o f L i f e a n d E n v i r o n m e n t a l S c i e n c e s o f U k r a i n e


DMYTRO MELNYCHUK:"We have all the chances

to pass successfully the internationalaccreditation of the University

by the USA standards."

End. Beginning on p. 1

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3№ 6 (1950) June 28, 2013

N e w s l e t t e r N a t i o n a l U n i v e r s i t y o f L i f e a n d E n v i r o n m e n t a l S c i e n c e s o f U k r a i n e


Telecommunications, Anadolu Univer-sity in Turkey and others.

Results of the conference workappeared to be rather pleasing forguests from Ukraine: Liliya Martynuk(on the photo) occupied the thirdplace, and the first position was occu-pied by Alla Dudnyk. This is the thirdvictory running of our department onsuch level.

Our winner's speech was markedfor specifics of problem stating, appli-cation of modern research methodsand originality of problem solution.On-line supervisory regime of param-eters control in hothouse PJS"Greenhouse Industrial Complex"which was demonstrated thanks todeveloped by the department techni-cal devices and software amazed theaudience the most. It is worth tonotice that we have reached suchresults thanks to close educational andscientific cooperation with this enter-prise, therefore the head of its board –Hero of Ukraine Chernyshenko V. I. –deserves the sincerest words of grati-tude. And that fact that the depart-ment has a big scientific potential iscertified by its membership in"Greenhouses of Ukraine" Association(president Chernyshenko E.V.), by theway, the only one from a scientificcohort of Ukraine.

The results of the conference foryoung scientists, postgraduates andstudents can be formulated in threetheses.

Thesis number one. The develop-ment of technologies and technicalmeans for power saving and develop-ment of alternative energy sources – isa preferential task of any researchesdirection. Development of student'sscientific club from Lublin University,concerning the use of energy accumu-lated in speed bump, so-called "lyingpolicemen" was extremely interestingand original.

Thesis number two. Practical valueof work, its social value was a domi-nant of all the reports. For example,Warsaw University of Life student pre-sented the analysis of his (it is a ques-tion of parental. – Edit) farm: duringthe twenty years' period its sizes fromabout 4 hectares of the earth grown to1500 hectares. In this work financialand material and technical base condi-tions, valuing of risks while introduc-tion of new technologies, the ways ofpower resources rational use wereanalyzed. And a student fromBydgoszcz for hire of Poland moun-tain regions communities developedthe mountain region woods withhorsepower use clearing project. Andthe work was proved, as the sayinggoes, "to the last kilogram of oats".

Thesis number three. The reportswere marked by search of investmentsfor projects realization, for examplethe European Union fund for projectssupport, Municipal fund of alternativekinds of energy financing, funds of pri-vate persons.

As a result of the visit some proj-ects of cooperation between our uni-versities were born: preparation ofjoint English-speaking manual onrenewed power technologies andworking out of new hardware with theuse of computer-aided design systems.

Reshetyuk V., acting Head of theDepartment of Automation and

Robotic Systems named after acade-mician Martynenko I. I.

For the third time running ERI ofEnergetics and Automatics representa-tives became its participants. This timeour university was presented by post-graduate students of Automation andRobotic Systems Department namedin honor of academician MartynenkoI.I. Alla Dudnyk and Electricity SupplyDepartment named in honor ofSynkov V.M. Lilija Martynuk. A.Dudnyk's work was devoted to auto-mated monitoring systems of techno-logical parameters control in a green-house with the use of neural networksdevelopment, and L. Martinuk's work– to nonconventional energy sourcesand their use in educational-researchuniversity farms.

For this student's science forumwere entered 15 institutes of higher edu-cation – Pozna? and Lublin Universitiesof Environmental and Life Science,University of Technology and Life sci-ences in Bydgoszcz, Egypt University of

Specifics is the main thing in student'sresearches

Within the framework of experience exchange program the teachersof Education and Research Institute of Business underwent a trainingcourse at the University of Colorado state and the USA Department ofAgriculture.

The purpose of this program, financed by the United States Department ofAgriculture, – is the assistance to the development of a rational agricultural pol-icy, effective and competitive agricultural marketing and business systems.

Assistant professors of agricultural management and economics FacultiesY.M.Halchynska and A.O.Muzychenko thoroughly investigated the American sys-tem of higher education, the peculiarities of agricultural activity conducting andagrarian sphere national administration, studied the agrarian market of the USAinfrastructure and mechanisms of its regulation, experience of distance learn-ing, each of them worked out three English-speaking courses which will beadapted for teaching the students of Education and Research Institute ofBusiness. An acquaintance with the work and agrobusiness private enterprisesand the markets of Colorado and California states visiting was one of the pro-gram conditions, to understand the principles and practice of management,marketing and finances "straight from the tin".

The other day a director of the College of Business of Colorado StateUniversity, John Olijnyk and professor Gregory Graf became the visitors ofEducation and Research Institute of Business.

They got acquainted with NULES of Ukraine directions of work, studied the

peculiarities of the American education system adaptation at the university byteachers who had passed training in the American institute of higher educationunder the exchange program.

Discussion of possible cooperation directions between ERI of Business andCollege of Business, specialists preparation experience exchange of both uni-versities became basic subject areas. For teachers and postgraduate students ofboth ERI of Business faculties – agricultural management and economics – thevisitors have conducted open lecture. Preparation and cooperation agreementbetween our universities signing, adjustment of teaching staff communicationsof ERI of Business and College of Business in scientific researches cooperationdirections, an experience exchange of disciplines teaching, the further trainingof our teachers at Colorado State University is now planned.

Kaminska T., dean of the faculty of economics

Colorado receives teachers fromHolosievo

In the first decade of June, Kyivhosted the conference ofInternational congress of hop grow-ers (IHGC), which brought togetherrepresentatives of 12 countries, andfor the first time in the history ofUkraine and former USSR it washeld in the capital of Ukraine.

– To some extent it is recognitionof significant achievements of domes-tic hop growers and, above all, ofresearches of scientists of NationalUniversity of life and environmentalsciences of Ukraine – said vice-presi-dent of the Hop Grower InternationalCongress, vice-rector of research,innovation and international activityof NULES of Ukraine, academician M.

genetic, virological, production andorganic projects of Europe and theworld. Given the significant personalcontribution to the development ofmodern scientific and breedingresults in hop growing, delegatescontinued the tenure of M. D.Melnychuk as vice-president of thecongress for the next two years.University publishing house pub-lished a collection of scientific publi-cations of the congress.

A final meeting appeared to beextremely constructive in terms ofconsolidation of congress and existingrelevant scientific organizations inhop growing of the world.

L. Nedobiichuk, assistant of vice-rector of research,

innovation and international activity

From the editor. President ofthe congress Elisabeth Seigner andall the scientists expressed theirgratitude to the rector of NULES ofUkraine academician D. O. Melny-chuk and workers of the university,business partners and sponsors –publicly traded company "Obolon",Lutsk brewery "Zeman", bank"Natsionalni investytsii", hotel "Kyiv",restaurant "Prohodymets na Podoli"TM "Smachne kachenia" and "Vysolyiposolr", agricultural corporation"Skvyra", enterprise "Apeks", compa-ny "Pershe ekskursiine biuro".

D. Melnychuk. – During the confer-ence the latest achievements in thehop growing were presented, whereparticipants willingly representednational scientific achievement.

Current status of hop growing inthe world, breeding of aromatic vari-eties, morphological, cytological fea-tures of hops, biochemical and genet-ic characteristics of wild hops,biotechnological approach for cloningof virus-free hops and formation oforganic hop-gardens in Ukraine – thisand more were in the spotlight.

Visiting of publicly traded compa-ny "Obolon" – the largest brewery inEurope, delegates discussed withbrewers the latest advances in brewing

beer using hops and hop-products,possibilities of practical application oforganic hops on virus-free brewingbasis, and during a professional tastingthey noted the diversity of taste vari-eties of different kinds of Ukrainianbeer .

Scientists saw practical steps ofgrowing virus-free hop kinds ofUkrainian and American breedingafter visiting an educational andresearch hop-garden of NULES ofUkraine in an educational andresearch farm "Vorzel." Original organ-ic hop growing technology of scien-tists of our university without usingany chemicals and pesticides arousedgreat interest. A significant advantage

in growth of plants of Ukrainian kindof hops "Natsionalnyi" above sorts ofAmerican selection "Nugget" and"Newport" was especially pleasing forUkrainian side.

High-tech and economicallyaffordable for small farms of hops linefor granulation of hop cones "Eco-Bio100" (while using of 2 kW/h of elec-tricity it produces 100 kg of high-qual-ity hop cones of cold pressing) waspresented during visiting the Agrono-my research station. This granulator ismade by scientists of NULES of Uk-raine together with Czech colleagues.Delegates of the conference wereimpressed by work of oils productionplant and biodiesel, noted prospectsof ether-oil plants processing.

Members of the congress visitedVerkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Duringthe official tour president of IHGC sci-entific commission Dr. ElisabethSeigner (Bavaria, Germany) wasawarded to a nominal clock from thehead of Verkhovna Rada of UkraineVolodymyr Rybak.

It was noted that specialized sci-entists of NULES of Ukraine (abouttwenty of them represented Ukraineat the congress) currently are maincenter for scientific support in hopgrowing and that they were invited toparticipate in numerous breeding and

Oh, hops of ours, our hops, hops of Ukraine ...

Three years have passed since the moment of signing the contractabout cooperation between NULES of Ukraine and Warsaw University ofLife. During this time there is a regular students exchange betweenEducation and Research Institute of Energetics and Automatics andWarsaw institute of higher education engineering production facultyunder the program "Renewed Engineering Technologies", students andpost-graduate students take part in mutual conferences, and scientistscoordinate joint developments. ÕÕ²² international scientific students andpost-graduate students conference "Modern aspects of production engi-neering", which recently took place in Warsaw on the basis of partner fac-ulty was one of such actions.

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The last but one day of thisyear spring was really hot due toemotions that were raging behindthe scenes as well and in the hall ofthe show, "PEARL OF THE COLLEGE– 2013."

For the title "Pearl of the College2013" of E. Khraplyvyi Zalishchykyagricultural college ten of our mostbeautiful pearls were fighting. The firstdefyle of the girls in Ukrainian nation-al dress convincingly proved:Ukrainian beauties really have noequals and put a difficult task beforethe jury.. For the first time it was inter-national in the history of college com-petitions: Mr. Arkadiush Oleksiak,commandant of the Police ofNamysliv (Poland), a true connoisseurof female beauty visited us with a del-egation of teachers from Opoleprovince.

More than forty educators, teach-ers and leaders of elementary school,gymnasium and kindergarten from

Last year cooperation betweenNizhyn Agrotechnical Institute ofNULES of Ukraine and H.S.SeytkasymovIndustrial and Economic College of thecity of Astana (Republic Kazakhstan)has begun. Last year in February the del-egation from Kazakhstan visitedUkraine with fruitful visit ("Universitycourier" informed about it in detail).Astana College is extremely young (it'sonly seven years old), therefore it triesto borrow and introduce the best tradi-

tions of Nizhin Agrotechnical Institute– educational institution with morethan centenary history.

The cooperation yielded the firstresults: Kazakh students and scientistsconstantly take part in internationalconferences which take place on thebasis of NATI, publish materials in col-lections of studies.

And here in May a visit of delega-tion from Nizhin, a membership ofwhich also included the representatives

of NATI took place.Together with Industrial and

Economic College we have spent "around table" "New Kazakhstan patriot-ism – a basis of multifunctional andmulti confessional society success" incourse of which the questions of cul-tural and political cooperationbetween Ukraine and Kazakhstan, inparticular an experience exchange inan education sphere have been eluci-dated, which interested the partici-pants most of all.

Our delegation also took part in aworld scale event - VI Astana econom-ic forum. This action, convoked morethan 9000 participants from 120countries of the world, and appearedto be an ideal platform for expansionof cooperation and signing of long-term memorandums and conventionsbetween the countries and organiza-tions.

Rasputnya L., deputy Director of NATI

The beauty Astana welcomes the citizens of Nizhyn

Namysliv came to Zalishchyky andbecame spectators of beauty feast"Pearl of the college – 2013."

The traditional stage of the com-petition was defyle of participants incocktail dresses. The third competi-tion of "Video presentation" enabledgirls to reveal their personality, lifeoutlook, to show the ability to per-ceive the beauty of the world. Thestage "Constellation of talents" wasinteresting and exciting as usual: pret-ty girls were performing Ukrainianpop songs, sharing skills of Easter eggspainting, painted, created flowerarrangements, impressed by playingpiano and poetic creativity. But themost amazing was their defyle inevening dresses. It was this competi-tion that helped the judges to finallydecide on the winner of the crown. Bythe will of the jury and from thehands of the director of the college V.S. Hlova Olena Kovalchuk, who isstudying a speciality of "Productionand processing of plant products" getthe crown. It's nice that for severalyears the jury's and the audience'sthoughts are the same: OlenaKovalchuk was also "Miss people'schoice." For several months she willpresent our college at the "Beauty ofNULES of Ukraine – 2013". Also twotitles of "Vice-beauty of the college2013" and "Miss fashion model" –were got by a future ecologist NataliaZvarych. Solomia Sapishchuk got theband of "Miss people's choice on-line"by result of the voting in a social net-work "Vkontakte".

All pretty girls were awarded flow-ers and gifts from student trade unionof the college and sponsors of theevent and, of course, diplomas: YuliaStasiuk – "Miss grace," SolomiaSapishchuk – "Miss artistry," Mariana

Vasyliuk – "Miss charm", IvannaChuplak – "Miss attractiveness", InnaDanishchuk – "Miss originality" YlianaBerehulko – "Miss sophistication,"Hrystyna Lesyuk – "Miss tenderness,"Iryna Kondrat – "Miss mystique."

In the moments when the girlswere preparing for the next competi-tion, the audience was entertained bythe winner of "Beauty of the college2011" Iryna Kovalchuk, students ofmodern dance group "Vohnyk" (leaderOlena Litvinova), dance group ofnational amateur song and dance"Hlibodary" (choreographer LarysaVylka) and dance group "Asorti" (cho-reographer Natalia Peleshchyshyn),vocalists Anna Demchuk, OksanaMatsynska, Victoria Chervinska, ZinaPavliuk, Yaroslav Rybak, TetianaHolodryha, Myroslav Pankiv, OksanaMelnyk, Ivan Kabanets. Overall, theholiday would have been impossiblewithout the artistic director, accompa-nist, director of defile and vocal num-bers Svitlana Tarasevych and her assis-tants – sound engineer OlehMartynchuk, developer of printed pro-duction Olha Halaidida, broadcastorganizer Andrii Protsiuk and hostsYaroslav Rybak and Vasyl Moroz.

O. Kuriets, production director and head

of the jury

From the editor. Special thanksis expresse to the sponsors of the proj-ect – Zalishchyky branch of "RaiffeisenBank Aval" and the bank "Nadra",modern clothes shopping "Hlamur"and "Oksamyt" beauty salon"Harmonia", store "Tehnika dlia domu"private enterprise "Adriatyka", privateenterprise V. R. Didur, director of dis-trict house of folk art VolodymyrHyryliuk.

Pearls of Zalishchyky


Three months have passed as the project "Utilizing Stream Waters inthe Suppression of Forest Fires with the Help of New Technologies " withthe acronym "STREAMS-2-SUPPRESS-FIRES" has begun.

The aim of the project – is working out and introduction of forest conserva-tion from fires integrated system for separate pilot territories of the Black SeaRegion. It will be reached by carrying out of innovative scientific researches andtheir introduction into forest conservation from fires practice, to promotereserved territories preservation at the expense of the newest technologies andnatural water currents use.

The lead partner is Kavala Institute of Technology from Greece. Additionallythere are five more partners from the Black Sea Region – NULES of Ukraine,Artvin Coruh University from Turkey, Zikatar Environmental Center fromArmenia, Braila Prefecture from Romania, and Eco-TIRAS InternationalAssociation of River Keepers from Republic of Moldova.

The actions of the project will be held in all participating countries. One thestrengths of the project are the great number of different partners from differentcountries. It also was one of the highest funded projects for the EU INTERREG IV"Black Sea Basin 2007-2013" framework – 766 thousands euro.

Zibtsev S., the head of Regional Eastern European Fire Monitoring Center

The newest technologies in forestfires extinguishing


For several years, students of the University under the direction of anassistant professor of the chair of history and political science N.P.Isakova have been successfully participating in the work of Internationaland All-Ukrainian student conferences.

So this year in the work of the XVI International Student ScientificConference "Ukraine: history, culture, memory," which was held at the NTUU "KyivPolytechnic Institute", 17 students of economic, agro-biological, computer sci-ence and economic cybernetics, pedagogical, biotechnology faculties of NULES ofUkraine took part. They not only presented their research papers and made sci-entific reports, but submitted them for publication. By the way, all of them aremembers of the student's academic historical circles "The unknown pages of thehistory of Ukraine" and "History of Motherland is the history of my country," fourof them (all of them, by the way, represented the faculty of economics) haveoccupied the price-winning places. Master Andriy Seleznyov was awardedDiploma of I degree, II - the 1st year student Lozovska Carolina, III - the 1st yearstudent Iryna Dyhodyuk and the author of these lines.

- Personally, I was very interested in this conference, because we not only pre-sented the results of our scientific achievements, but also learned a lot and pickedup the experience of other students - says the 1st year student Lozovska Carolina,awarded the Diploma of II degree. - At the "round table" we considered urgentproblems of our society, shared our impressions and plans for future research ...

A. Voskolovych

Tandem "teacher�student" bringsresults

The second stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad on"Chemistry" discipline for all highereducational institutions of Ukraineof III-IV accreditation levels, wherechemistry is not a main specialty,was held in NULES of Ukraine.

The chair of analytical and bioinor-ganic chemistry and water quality for thethird year in succession has been holdingthis Olympiad for the students of agri-cultural, environmental, medical, phar-maceutical and technological specialties.With this in mind, the jury divided the

participants into three sections – agro-ecological, medical, technical and techno-logical areas.

Our university was presented in a section of agroecological area. This year thefirst place was not given, and the second was given to the first year student of thefaculty of veterinary medicine Mozolyuk Anton, who was awarded a diploma of IIdegree.

V.Kosmatyi,acting head of the chair of analytical and bioinorganic chemistry and water quality

The II stage of theAll-Ukrainian Student Olympiad on "Accounting and Audit"specialty of the study area "Economics and Entrepreneurship" completed.

In the Mykolaiv National Agrarian University students from 23 agriculturaluniversities were competing and in the Ternopil National Economic University -64. The 4-year students of the NULESU faculty of economics Maya Antonova andMaryna Bulakh having successfully done the competition tests, returned homewith III level diplomas. These girls owe their success the lecturers on accounting,analysis and audit, who were preparing them for the Olympiad the head E.V.Kalyuha, assistant professors N.P. Kuzyk, S.V. Tyvunchuk and assistant O.H.Kryvorot.

Our cor.

Success is common

When Chemistry is not a core subject

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It was this name under whichin Laxenburg (Austria) the thirdInternational conference of theGlobal group on studying carbonin forests of the planet in theInternational Institute for AppliedSystems Analysis was held.

My invitation to this internationalevent, on the one hand, was high confi-dence in scholars of NULES of Ukraineand in me personally, and on the other– a great responsibility for presenting areport "The future, viability and balanceof carbon in the forests of EasternEurope." It was necessary to work outand submit all necessary informationnot only on forests in Ukraine – thestate with the largest forest territoryand area (excluding European Russia)in the post-Soviet space, their dynam-ics, volumes and trends of the carbonbalance, but also on our neighbors –Belarus and Moldova.

This name is MykolaKyrylovych Malyushytskyi – youwon't hear frequently, but once hedid a lot for the development of theKyiv Agricultural Institute. It is notsaid in vain that time, like memoryis a terrible thing. Today, only alonely photo in the universitymuseum and not very visibleplaque installed on the facade ofthe 4th Training building ("MykolaK. Malyushytskyi, KAI professor,full member of Byelorussian SSR,14/I – 1872 – 28/VIII 1929")reminds about this scientist.Professor I. P. Hryhoryuk and adevotee of library work L. P.Polozenko have undertaken toreturn this name from oblivion.

Many sources devoted to the histo-ry of our University, recall the name ofM. K. Malyushytskyi extremely rarely,although for many years he was work-ing with such renowned scholars as E.P. Votchal, V. V. Kolkunov, P. Rudzynskyiand others. But the only thing we havemanaged to find is the first edition of1930 of a scientific Bimonthly of theUkrainian Institute of Applied Botany,preserved in the University scientificlibrary. It contains a short article of aco-researcher, and later a member ofthe Academy of Sciences of the BSSRM. M. Honcharyk about the life and sci-entific-pedagogical activity ofProfessor M. K. Malyushytskyi.

He was born in winter, 1872, inthe village of Byelynichy, Mohylivprovince, attended the Novozybkivreal school, and in 1888-1893 –studyed at the Moscow AgriculturalInstitute, where he received first classagronomist profession. Then for sometime he was working in the Engelhardagricultural experimental station ofSmolensk province.

Mykola Kyrylovych was remark-ably workable, capable, theoreticallytrained researcher and dedicated toscientific work. Working in MoscowAgricultural Institute in 1898 for thework "Determination of ratio betweenthe readings of the simplest evapo-rameters in different appliances andevaporation of some soils with a spe-cific plant cover", he was awarded thehighest award – the Gold Medal.

M. K. Malyushytskyy began hisresearch work from studying the livingconditions of the plants, their lifeprocesses. Botanical laboratory ofProfessor E.P. Votchal, founded in1898, once was considered one of thebest in the Russian Empire, and itenabled scientists to learn the exactmethods of strict accounting the basicphysiological processes of plants. Inplant physiology he attached para-mount scientific importance to study-ing the influence of osmotic pressureof the environment on the plant body.

In 1900 he arrived in Kyiv, beganworking as an assistant of the chair ofbotany of the Kyiv PolytechnicInstitute, led by Professor E.P. Votchaltill 1911 and in parallel was holdingclasses with students. By the resolutionof the Council of Kyiv agriculturalcourses in 1903 he was elected a pro-fessor of the chair of special graingrowing and plant production. In thelate 1911, he went on scientific mis-sion abroad, and returning in twoyears – headed the department ofapplied botany and selection of theKyiv agricultural experimental station,where he organized new scientificsub-units. Here he was working till thelast days of his life and sometimesserved as a director.

In 1920, M.K. Malyushytskyi waselected a professor of a chair of specialagriculture of the agronomy faculty ofthe Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, and in1921 – head of the chair of partialagriculture. In parallel he continued tosupervise scientific work in the exper-imental field of the Kyiv regional agri-cultural research station.

M.K. Malyushytskyi who was bornand spent his childhood in Belarus,always felt nostalgia for his native land.Therefore he tried to closely combinehis research work in Ukraine and

Belarus, he was repeatedly invited tooccupy the position of professor ofplant physiology in the BelarusAgricultural Institute in Horky and thedirector of the Belarus Scientific-research Institute of agriculture andforestry. But he could not accept thisinvitation through family issues, but hetook an active part in scientific andorganizational activities and advisedthe staff of these institutes. In October1927, M.K. Malyushytskyi was elected afull member of the Institute of Belarusculture, and after its reorganizationinto the Belarus Academy of Sciences– Academician of the chair (depart-ment) of botany and plant physiology.A student of academician E.P. Votchal,he continued to implement his scien-tific ideas.

Another source that got into oureye sight is an article by Prof. M.K.Malyushytskyi "To the question of cre-ating an agricultural Academy inUkraine" published in the KyivAgricultural Institute collection"Materials on organization of the All-Ukrainian Agricultural Academy. –1926. – Vol. 1.". In it MykolaKyrylovych formulated conceptualstatements regarding futher develop-ment of the Kyiv Agricultural Instituteand described the poor conditions ofits activity for three years of its exis-tence. In particular, he proposed toclarify all the barriers that delay thedevelopment of KAI, consider all thepossible ways to address them, findthe sources of funding, to "beginimmediately the creation in Ukraine,at least one but properly organizedAgricultural High School, which wouldbe consistent with the current require-ments of life".

One of the main reasons and bar-riers to training qualified personnelfor agriculture M.K. Malyushytskyi sawin the lack of lands and plots, con-tributing to and entwined with train-ing – nurseries, educational andresearch fields, gardens, orchards,woodlands, etc. At the same time hestressed the lack of reagents, dilapida-tion of equipment, impossibility toprescribe all necessary equipmentneeded from abroad (even in case offunding available he drew attention tothe shortage of funds to fill the library

with modern current literature andperiodic foreign and domestic publi-cations).

Describing all these reasons,Mykola Kyrylovych proposed five waysto provide everything necessary forthe Kyiv Agricultural Institute, espe-cially land and buildings. He thoughtthat the most suitable things for thedevelopment of the institute were, "...complete transfer of all KAI toHolosiiv where in one place all thenecessary land plots are concentrated:fields, forests, meadows, gardens, etc.,– which solves the problem in Kyiv offully equipped Agricultural HighSchool. Continuation of tram railwayfor only some 1/2 mile, connectsHolosiiv with the center of Kyiv, andtherefore the future UkrainianAgricultural Academy will be even inbetter conditions on this side than theTimiryazev Academy."

In 1914 M.K. Malyushytskyychanged the biological direction of hisresearch into practical – applied oragronomic – and developed originalmethods of vegetation and field stud-ies. He studied the problems of selec-tion of potatoes and justified thenecessity of applying chemical fertiliz-ers in agriculture.

In preface to the publication"Overview of work of the Departmentof Applied Botany and Breeding (Kyivareal agricultural experimental station.– 1929. – Vol. 16.) professor M.K.Malyushytskyi corrects the program ofthe department approved by the Kyivareal congress of experimental work,arguing that it is irrational to makeselection of many cultures, even wildand natural prairie plants. And there-fore the work of this departmentshould be directed to the selection ofpotatoes, corn, peppers and clover.Every one of his staff is instructed byhim to conduct scientific research onone culture, leaving for himself thefollowing activity: "Head ofDepartment prof. M.K. Malyushytskyisupervises the areas of the departmentwork and maintains direct work onbiology, physiology and breeding pota-toes, and likewise on physiology andbiology of cereals."

In the same edition the work"Potato" was published. In it Mykola

Kyrylovych fairly in detail analyses thestate of potato cultivar and the meth-ods of working with this culture. Hestudied 422 potato varieties, importedfrom Mogyliv, from the collection ofthe nurseries of the Peter's Academy,Germany, Sweden and the USA. In1930 he compiled a detailed bibliogra-phy of potatoes which comprehen-sively covered the study of culturefrom 1885 to 1908. As the object forresearch, Mykola Kyrylovych was tak-ing cultivated material of potato vari-eties from farmers of Kyiv, Volyn,Podillya, and Chernihiv areas.

The most characteristic features ofscientific and educational activities ofProfessor M.K. Malyushytskyi are highdemands to himself, extreme care andresponsibility for the results obtained.He was a talented scientist who couldskillfully, yet simply convey to theaudience the most difficult problemsof agriculture and crop production.Creative heritage of the scientist hasdozens of scientific papers, and hisname had to be inscribed in the histo-ry of native science in golden letters.But alas! ..

Mykola Kyrylovych was a memberof many scientific societies, who con-ducted the work in nature science andagriculture, editorial boards of scien-tific journals "Master" and "Agricultureand Forestry", was leading "PlantPhysiology" section in the publication"Journal of Experimental Agronomy."

Today the study of scientific andpedagogical heritage of E.P. Votchal,V.V. Kolkunov, I.M. Tolmachov, M.K.Malyushytskyi, O.I. Dushechkin andother scientists who had been work-ing in the Kyiv Agricultural Institute isgaining particular importance.

In 2008, our university acquiredthe status of the research one. At last, adream come true for the scientistswho carried out research in 20-30s ofthe XX century: "Not only to teach butalso to be engaged in science" ...

I. Hryhoryuk,Professor of the chair of physiology,

biochemistry and bioenergetics,

L. Polozenko,Head of the information

and bibliography departmentof scientific library

Authoritative representation ofeminent professionals in this spherewhose names head collaborate scien-tific publications in internationallyrenowned journals (Science, Nature,etc.) - such as Richard Birdseye, JudePan, Dave McGuire (USA), GullbriceDavid, Stephen Sitch (UK) AnatolyShvydenko, Florian Kraksner, DmitrySchepeschenko (IIASA), Gert-JanNaburs (Netherlands), Ben Poulter(France), Ben de Jong (Mexico) EtushiKato (Japan), Sabina Fuss (Germany),representatives of the InternationalUnion of Forest research organiza-tions (where NULES of Ukraine is acompetent member), executive direc-tor Olexandr Buk and IIASA directorPavel Kabat - gave meetings efficiency,effectiveness, orientation in futurestudies.

The next meeting of the Globalgroup for studying carbon in the

forests of the planet is scheduled forthe beginning of 2014 in Mexico.

P. Lakyda,Director of the Training and Scientific

Institute of Forestry and LandscapeArchitecture

Global Future of Forests


The status of carrying out research in the Scientific-research Instituteof Forestry and ornamental horticulture and the Boyarka forest researchstation has been checked.

The Commission has studied the work of scientific-research laboratories ofcomprehensive accounting of forest resources and forest management and forestpyrology. For the first time scientists of the Regional Eastern Europe FireMonitoring Center, whose office has recently appeared in the university, made areport. However, the most interesting turned to be the inspection of the researchobjects directly in the forest territories of the station.

Scientific search of arborists

"Not only to teach but also to be engaged in science"

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Newsletter of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences

of Ukraine

Issued since September 1956 as “FOR AGRICULTURAL PERSONNEL”,

since april 2009 – “UNIVERSITY COURIER”

State registration certificate:№ 148�10�24 from 30.03.2009

Founder:Newsletter National University of Life

and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

Original design: Publishing center of NULES of Ukraine,

Heroiv Oborony 15, Str., Kyiv �03041, Ukraineoff. 115, corp. № 3

Теl. /fax (044) 527�82�09 (62�09)

Newsletter office:Editor in chief:

Valentyn Obrambalskyi

Issue was prepared by:

correspondent: Iryna Bilous,

translator: Halyna Sydoruk,

page�proof: Natalia Berezovenko

Photos:Hennadiy Kushanov

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We are continuing the topic of medicinal plants used for treatingcolds. We are going to tell about Echinacea purple, which belongs tothe genus of perennial plants in the family of Asteraceae(Compositae).

As far back as in ancient times, the Aztecs and American Indians used it,where it grows in the wild (south-eastern states). It is unknown when it appearedin Europe. But we know that Echinacea was used in medical practice in 1938 bythe recommendations of a German doctor Madaus who was the first to study itschemical composition. In Ukraine, this kind of studies was carried out in 1990 byUkrfarmacia and a state consortium "Ukrfitoterapiya." Echinacea purple wasintroduced into the culture by the Ukrainian Experimental Station of MedicinalPlants (Poltava region) in the 80s of last century, and in 90s the author of thispublication was directly involved in creating plantations of Echinacea in the col-lective farms of "Ukrfitoterapiya" state consortium, which he was heading at thattime. It is a pity that the consortium was liquidated. But he managed to save threespecial farms where Echinacea has been cultivated. In addition, some farms andPCB got interested in its cultivation.

Sore throat, tonsillitis and various inflammatory diseases, including those ofinternal organs – these are the diseases in which the first medical prescriptionswith Echinacea were recorded. Over time, due to its remarkable pharmacologicalproperties the list of diseases in which drugs with Echinacea were used has beensignificantly extended.

When studying chemical composition of Echinacea a great number ofbiologically active substances in all its parts (herbs, flowers, seeds, roots) wasfound. Especially valuable is the presence of a great number of selenium andzinc. Existence of 24 zinc-dependent enzymes involved in the formation ofgonads and securing immunity has been proved. Selenium inhibits the cre-ation of antibodies, red blood cells. Because of presence of molybdenum,strontium, chromium, silver Echinacea preparata are advised for use in den-tistry, as well as for treating atherosclerosis, osteoarthritis, diabetes, cardio-vascular disorders, allergic diatheses. Some Echinacea substances exhibitonco-static properties.

Echinacea purpurea preparata are particularly effective in many bacterialanti-inflammatory and viral diseases as they enhance the body's defenses, con-tribute to forming white blood cells, strengthen the immune system. They arealso used in adenoma (benign tumor of glandular organs), arthritis (joint dam-age), hepatitis (liver inflammation), gonorrhea, eczema, various chronic infec-tious diseases. In addition, they have wound healing and radioprotective effectand a positive effect on sexual potency with males without causing side effects,as it happens after an overdose of ginseng, Eleutherococcus, Aralia, Schisandrachinensis.

Doctors note that products made of medicinal plants, despite at first relative-ly mild pharmacological effect at first sight, in some cases may appear more effec-tive than their synthetic counterparts.

In the same 90s after some research the State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine per-mitted the use of Echinacea root as official raw material – both raw and dry, andprepare an alcohol tincture from it, which may be purchased at pharmacies.

Currently, Ukraine has registered the following medicines with Echinacea asImenal, Imuton, Prostalad, Echinacea-ratifarm, Echinasal, Imunoteiss, Esbertox,Prostavid, Prostanorm and also teas. "Carpathian Lichnytsya", "Echinacea Plus","Immmunozmitsnyuyuchyi" fito-biological, "Neboliyka."

At home with Echinacea one can prepare such drugs as tinctures of raw (1: 5,on 60% alcohol) and dry root (1: 10 on 70% alcohol) and a decoction. Decoction.Take 1 tbsp. of chopped dried grass of Echinacea with its inflorescence, put in anenamel bowl, pour 200 ml of boiling water, put for 20 minutes on the boilingwater bath, cover with a lid. The resulting broth to cool at room temperature for40 min. Take 1/3 cup three times a day at any inflammatory diseases as immune-modulating agent. This decoction has pain-relieving and spasmodic action thatfacilitates the flow of any disease in all its manifestation.

V. Bilenko,head of the training laboratory of medicinal plants

Plant of Aztecs and Indians

The all-Ukrainian ecological expe-dition for the Minor Academy ofSciences of Ukraine students took placeunder the guidance of NULES ofUkraine Professor Starodubtsev V. M.,coordinator of environmental pro-grams. This pioneer expeditionary proj-ect, in the form of summer school, hasinvolved pupils from 15 Ukrainianregions, who are not indifferent to ourcountry's and world's ecological securi-ty problems, to the researches ofimportant ecological problems ofUkraine and to educating younger gen-eration's ecological culture.

Starodubtsev V. M. told themabout Dnieper main ecological prob-lems and biggest reservoirs. Young sci-entists were excited by the voyagealong the river. While travelling by cut-ter, they got acquainted with Dnieperislands and coast landscapes, took thesamples of water in the Kaniv



Last fall, having got moreauthority and thus the tasks in itsnew staffing the Council of YoungScientists at the Training-ResearchInstitute of Animal Health startedits work.

A task was put before it: to conductpreliminary defense of candidate thesesof the Institute full-time postgraduatesat the Board meetings. This initiativecaused much criticism, doubts andquestions about the appropriateness ofthis practice. Will young scientistsreveal sufficient expertise not only tolisten to, but to help the same begin-ners as they are? However the idea out-weighed that young people whose atti-tudes have not yet become obsolete,will cope for sure. All graduate studentsin writing their thesis experience simi-lar difficulties. Therefore, we think thatin such a way they will share them, con-sider proposals of how to solve com-plex problems, exchange experience.In addition, a graduate student in thecompany of his own kind will feel moreat ease, less nervous, which will helphim to remove some psychological bar-riers in the future defense procedurealready before the professors. Finally,this measure can serve an excellentrehearsal of defense at the SRI problemAcademic Council. Therefore, despitesome concerns, yet it was decided toswitch on "green light."

For the first months of this year,together with the management of theTraining-Scientific Institute we havebeen actively discussing the procedure,organizational features, the format offuture analyses of PhD theses. And hereon May 16, at the Board meeting for thefirst time a report on the topic of theYaroslav Serdyukov's thesis "Morpho-functional characteristics of cells of the

diffuse endocrine system (DES) ofporcine stomach in chronic gastritis,"which was submitted for gaining thescientific degree of candidate of veteri-nary sciences, was heard. The seekerwas asked 28 questions, that is we maytalk about a lot of attention and activi-ty in discussing scientific problems ofyoung scientists. They were interestedin the novelty of the experimental stud-ies, finding the right method to solvethe theses problems, etc.

We recommend this thesis forconsidering at the problem AcademicCouncil of the SRI of animal health ofthe TSI of veterinary medicine andquality and safety of animal products.

And from today, each PhD thesis,prior the defense at the problemAcademic Council of the Institute, willbe tested at the meetings of our Board.And not in order to make the processof graduate students' defense more dif-ficult, but only to help and support. Bythe way, within last months, an officeof the council of young scientists,

where they can get together to discusscurrent affairs was founded and thefirst year graduate students can evenget consultation and advice on theorganization and putting experiments,possibilities of participation in confer-ences, symposia and congresses,obtaining grants and internationalcooperation. Registration or check-inof graduate students through anenhanced questionnaire takes part toimprove motivation for scientific activ-ity of young scientists and establishbenchmarking from the experience ofscientific schools of the Institute.

By the results of the council meet-ings already held we may talk about itseffectiveness. By the way, the Board ofyoung scientists also includes a stu-dents' scientific society, and in resultwe managed to prepare and submit ina proper way the work of Institutegroups at the " Festivals of StudentScience-2013".

R.Bilyk, chairman of Young Scientists' Council

M.Halat, the Board Secretary

Council of young scientistsis called upon to make the life

of graduate students easier

Reservoir, and the soil samples, fromthe Dykyi Island, for the further analy-sis in the MAcS laboratory. There theyhad an opportunity to work with thelatest equipment, which you practical-ly can't find in schools, and to acquirethe unique practical experience.

By the end of the summer schoolchildren wished to increase the dura-

tion of future expeditions and toinvolve as much not indifferent peopleas possible. Each participant received acertificate about studying at the All-Ukrainian ecological expedition ofMAcS.

Yatsenko S., senior lecturer of landscape ecology

and protected areas chair

Young scientists were investigating environmentalproblems of the Dnieper river

A poll is conducted among thestudents from different countriesabout how much time they need tolearn Japanese. Firstly they asked anAmerican. He looked through theInternet and said:

– One year and eight months.

A Frenchman was the next. He ranto the library, looked through the cat-alogues and promised to learn it in ayear.

The Ukrainian student was foundin a smoking area. They put him aburning question.

– Is there a manual? – heasked.

A manual was given to him. Helooked through it and said in amoment:

– I'll finish smoking and goto pass it.