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2 in on your students’ needs for KS3 Spanish The only new KS3 Spanish course on the market Zoom español is an inspiring new two-part Spanish course offering fresh, exciting material and a fully integrated video drama for the whole ability range at Key Stage 3. l Fully flexible with clear routes through for students following either two-year or three-year courses so students and teachers know exactly what to cover. l Integrated video drama makes the language relevant to students and provides a real insight into life in the Spanish-speaking world. l National Curriculum levels on the page show progression and motivate your students. l Delivers the revised KS3 Programme of Study, PLTS and the Renewed Framework. l Graded progression leading to Level 6+ by the end of KS3. with fully integrated video drama

KS3 Zoom español Course Guide

Apr 27, 2015



Zoom español is an inspiring new two-part Spanish course offering fresh, exciting material and a fully integrated video drama for the whole ability range at Key Stage 3. Get an overview of Zoom español using our course guide - see how the components work together to support you and all your students.
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Page 1: KS3 Zoom español Course Guide


in on your students’ needs for KS3 Spanish

The only new KS3 Spanish course on the market

Zoom español is an inspiring new two-part Spanish course offering fresh, exciting material and a fully integrated video drama for the whole ability range at Key Stage 3.

l Fully flexible with clear routes through for students following either two-year or three-year courses so students and teachers know exactly what to cover.

l Integrated video drama makes the language relevant to students and provides a real insight into life in the Spanish-speaking world.

l National Curriculum levels on the page show progression and motivate your students.

l Delivers the revised KS3 Programme of Study, PLTS and the Renewed Framework.

l Graded progression leading to Level 6+ by the end of KS3.

with fully integrated video drama

Page 2: KS3 Zoom español Course Guide

See the

back page

for ordering


Captivate your students, whatever their starting point! Full of inspiring activities linked to a video drama about four teenagers from Barcelona, this brand new KS3 course boosts motivation in your classroom and provides a real insight into life in the Spanish-speaking world.

Sample pages from Zoom español Student Book 1



Student Book 1 0 Me presento1A Me describo 1B El cole2A Mi semana2B Donde vivo yo3A Me gusta comer…3B Las vacaciones4A Lo pasaste bien?4B La vida tecno

Student Book 2 0 Soy yo1A La vida en familia1B La moda2A Me gusta hacer2B Vacaciones en Madrid 3A Los deportes3B La orientación4A El medio ambiente4B El mundo hispano

Part 1 Student Book

See Zoom OxBox

La hora y el horario1A.5

32 treinta y dos See Zoom OxBox

Me describo 1A.5

33treinta y tres

Escucha y verifica. ¿Qué falta?Les is checking what animals he has on FarmSpace. Which animals has he forgotten?


Ejemplo: 1 dos serpientes verdes

1 two green snakes 4 five brown goats2 three black sheep 5 six black and white cows3 four white guinea pigs 6 seven yellow ducks

Empareja.Do you know the colours of these countries’ flags? Match each description to a flag.

Ejemplo: 1 a


país bandera

1 Paquistán verde y blanca 2 Marruecos roja 3 Polonia blanca y roja 4 Rumanía azul, amarilla y roja 5 Senegal verde, amarilla y roja 6 Somalia azul y blanca 7 Turquía roja y blanca 8 Estados Unidos azul, blanca y roja 9 India naranja, blanca y verde10 Grecia azul y blanca



Descifra y completa.Work out the nationalities within the snake. Use them to complete the table following the example.

a b c d

e f g h

i j

¡Bingo!Bingo with a twist! Write nine nationalities you have learnt on these pages and pages 28 and 29. Take turns to call out a full sentence.

Ejemplo: Soy galesa.


CountryI am / we are from ...I live / we live in ...

PaísSoy / somos de ...Vivo / vivimos en ...

Nationality (I am / we are ...) / Nacionalidad

Soy ... Somos ...

Pakistan Paquistán paquistaní paquistaní paquistanís paquistanís






Write what these young people would say and invent one other character. Pay attention to word order and agreement. Example: Me llamo Layla, tengo trece años y mi cumpleaños es el tres de enero. Vivo en España pero soy marroquí. Hablo inglés y español y tengo tres gatos negros.

❯❯❯ En otros lugares ❯❯❯





Vocabulary: recognise words for additional animals, countries and nationalities

NC 1–2

NC 1–2

NC 2–3

Think skills boxes develop language-learning skills and support PLTS

Plenty of engaging activities to support listening, reading, speaking and writing

Clearly labelled two- or three-year route, including an extra double-page spread per unit for students following three-year courses

Page 3: KS3 Zoom español Course Guide

Sample screen from Zoom español interactive OxBox CD-ROM 1

Sample pages from Zoom español Student Book 1


Part 1 Student Book

See Zoom OxBox

La hora y el horario1A.5

32 treinta y dos See Zoom OxBox

Me describo 1A.5

33treinta y tres

Escucha y verifica. ¿Qué falta?Les is checking what animals he has on FarmSpace. Which animals has he forgotten?


Ejemplo: 1 dos serpientes verdes

1 two green snakes 4 five brown goats2 three black sheep 5 six black and white cows3 four white guinea pigs 6 seven yellow ducks

Empareja.Do you know the colours of these countries’ flags? Match each description to a flag.

Ejemplo: 1 a


país bandera

1 Paquistán verde y blanca 2 Marruecos roja 3 Polonia blanca y roja 4 Rumanía azul, amarilla y roja 5 Senegal verde, amarilla y roja 6 Somalia azul y blanca 7 Turquía roja y blanca 8 Estados Unidos azul, blanca y roja 9 India naranja, blanca y verde10 Grecia azul y blanca



Descifra y completa.Work out the nationalities within the snake. Use them to complete the table following the example.

a b c d

e f g h

i j

¡Bingo!Bingo with a twist! Write nine nationalities you have learnt on these pages and pages 28 and 29. Take turns to call out a full sentence.

Ejemplo: Soy galesa.


CountryI am / we are from ...I live / we live in ...

PaísSoy / somos de ...Vivo / vivimos en ...

Nationality (I am / we are ...) / Nacionalidad

Soy ... Somos ...

Pakistan Paquistán paquistaní paquistaní paquistanís paquistanís






Write what these young people would say and invent one other character. Pay attention to word order and agreement. Example: Me llamo Layla, tengo trece años y mi cumpleaños es el tres de enero. Vivo en España pero soy marroquí. Hablo inglés y español y tengo tres gatos negros.

❯❯❯ En otros lugares ❯❯❯





Vocabulary: recognise words for additional animals, countries and nationalities

NC 1–2

NC 1–2

NC 2–3

Each unit links to a video clip and video blog about four teenagers from Barcelona




Prepare a written description of one of your teachers. In small groups take it in turns to share your description out loud and work out who others have described.Try using one or more of these connectives to extend your writing further:pero but también alsosin embargo however

See Zoom OxBox

La hora y el horario1A.4

30 treinta

Vocabulary: describe yourself and others Grammar: use quantifiers to enhance description Skills: extend sentences using simple connectives

¿Cómo eres?

See Zoom OxBox

Me describo 1A.4

31treinta y uno

Escucha y elige.Listen to these customers. Which wig have they bought?

Ejemplo: a 4

¿Qué significa ...? With the help of the wig shop, work out the English meaning of the words in the vocabulary box.

¿Verdad o mentira?Look at the dark room. Is it true or false? Correct the false sentences.

Ejemplo: 1 Mentira: Tengo los ojos verdes.

1 Tengo los ojos marrones. 4 Tengo los ojos azules.2 Tengo los ojos negros. 5 Tengo los ojos marrones.3 Tengo los ojos verdes. 6 Tengo los ojos grises.

¿Cómo eres? ¡Descríbete!Use the vocabulary you have learnt on this page to write a short description of yourself.

rubiopelirrojocastañolargocortolisorizadoonduladode punta


2leer To say your hair is neither short nor

long you say: No tengo el pelo ni largo ni corto.

Llevo gafas

Llevo bigote

Tengo barba

Tengo pecas


¿Qué dicen las chicas?Look at what the boys say. What would the girls say?



Use quantifiers to extend your writing and reach a higher level:demasiado toomuy verybastante quiteun poco a little

Gramática ➞ p.168

Empareja los contrarios. ¿Qué significan?Find the 8 pairs of opposite personality adjectives. What do they mean? Use a dictionary to help you.

1 12 23 34




Escucha. ¿Es el chico a o el chico b?Listen and decide who is being described. List the adjectives used.

Describe al otro chico.Describe the other boy.



a b

2 3

4 5 6 7 8

Soy alto.

Soy bajo.

Soy delgado.

Soy gordo.

No soy ni alto ni bajo, ni gordo ni delgado:soy de talla mediana.



antipático/a estudioso/a




flexible bobo/a

maduro/aperezoso/a inmaduro/a

Tengo el pelo rubio, largo y liso.

Soy alta.

NC 2

NC 2–3

NC 34escribir

Page 4: KS3 Zoom español Course Guide


More on the web…Visit and download more samples.

Sample pages from Zoom español Student Book 2

Part 1 Student Book

34 treinta y cuatro

B Verbs – present tense

See Zoom OxBox

A Possessive adjectives

Singular (one thing owned)

Plural (two or more things owned)




(1 o


er) my mi ➝ mi perro mis ➝ mis perros

your tu ➝ tu perro tus ➝ tus perros

his/her/your (formal) su ➝ su perro sus ➝ sus perros


ral (

2 o

r m




s) our nuestro ➝ nuestro perronuestra ➝ nuestra rata

nuestros ➝ nuestros perrosnuestras ➝ nuestras ratas

your vuestro ➝ vuestro perrovuestra ➝ vuestra rata

vuestros ➝ vuestros perrosvuestras ➝ vuestras ratas

their/your (formal) su ➝ su perro sus ➝ sus perros

Comprender – Possessive adjectives and verbs


See Zoom OxBox 35treinta y cinco


C SpellingRemember, in Spanish it is a spelling error to use a capital letter for months of the year, days of the week, nationalities and languages unless these are at the beginning of a sentence.

Aprender – Spelling, quantifiers and connectives

Hablar – Pronunciation

1 Add the correct possessive adjective.

Example: 1 mi

1 my rat ➝ rata

2 his rabbit ➝ conejo

3 your (plural) mother ➝

4 my parents ➝ padres

Me describo

4 Rewrite these sentences, correcting the errors where necessary.

Example: 1 Vivo en Inglaterra pero soy español.

1 Vivo en Inglaterra pero soy Español. 2 Hoy es Martes tres de octubre.3 Abril es mi mes favorito.4 En Agosto visito a mis abuelos en Italia pero no hablo Italiano.

D Quantifiers and connectives These help you improve the quality of your Spanish and achieve a higher level. Use them frequently to avoid short repetitive sentences.

un poco a little y andbastante quite pero butmuy very también alsodemasiado too sin embargo however

5 Improve Phoebe’s work by rewriting what she says using quantifiers and connectives. You should use at least five different ones.

E Pronunciation – the letter cThe pronunciation of the letter c has the same pattern in Spanish as it does in English:

cat, cot and cue but celery and cinema

The correct way of pronouncing ce and ci in Spanish is like the ‘th’ in ‘theatre’. However, in most Latin American countries and even in the South of Spain, people pronounce ce and ci almost like se and si.

The multiple kingdoms of verbs

2 Look at this table and the table on page 29. Can you identify the pattern? Based on what you see, write rules to explain how regular verbs work.

3 Write in Spanish.

Example: 1 Beben Coca-Cola.

1 They drink coke. 2 We listen to rap music.3 You (singular) teach French.4 She calls her sister on the


6 Listen to these phrases. Which of the two boys is speaking? Pablo is South American, and Jordi is from Spain.



Me llamo Phoebe. Soy americana. Vivo en Canadá. Soy alta. Soy delgada. Soy simpática. Soy estudiosa. Soy divertida. Tengo un perro. Es viejo. Es bobo. Es grande.

Pronombres personales(Who?)


Ejemplo:cocinar (to speak)

Ejemplo:leer (to learn)

Ejemplo:escribir (to live)



lar yo cocino leo escribo

tú cocinas lees escribes

él/ella cocina lee escribe



nosotros/as cocinamos leemos escribimos

vosotros/as cocináis leéis escribís

ellos/as cocinan leen escriben


Pages at the end of every unit dedicated to grammar, study skills and pronunciation support

Helps with progressionZoom works for the whole ability range and includes graded progression leading to Level 6+ by the end of KS3. The books include differentiated extension material for lower and higher ability students at the end of each unit. Plus, National Curriculum levels on the page show progression and motivate your students.

Page 5: KS3 Zoom español Course Guide


Sample pages from Zoom español Student Book 2

Audio CDsAudio CDs provide lots of interesting, authentic dialogues to support the Student Books giving your students a good model for German pronunciation. Go online to hear samples at

Part 2 Student Book

See Zoom OxBox

El cole1B.3 1B.3La moda¿Me queda bien? Vocabulary: buy clothes, say what size you are and how well clothes fit Grammar: demonstrative adjectives Skills: understand Spanish clothes sizes: number revision

45See Zoom OxBox44 cuarenta y cuatro cuarenta y cinco

Escucha y decide. ¿Este, ese o aquel?

Ejemplo: 1

Completa las frases.

1 Quiero probar camisa. (this)2 Me gusta mucho vestido rojo. (that close)3 No me gusta nada jersey – ¡qué feo! (that far)4 ¿Te gustan vaqueros? (those close)5 ¿Quieres probar botas? (those far)6 Me encantan guantes. (these)7 ¡ sombrero es horrible! (this)8 camiseta es muy bonita. (that far)

Juega con tu compañero o un grupo. ¿Qué quieres?

Ejemplo: A Quiero ese lápiz. B ¿Este lápiz rojo? A No, ese lápiz verde.

¿Qué talla usas? ¿Qué número calzas?

A ¿Qué talla usas de vestido?B La cuarenta y dos.A ¿Qué número calzas de zapátos?B El treinta y nueve.



Demonstrative pronounseste, ese, aquel – this, that, that over thereWhere we have one way of saying “that”, in Spanish they have two, one for that close by, and one for that far over there.Me gusta este vestido – I like this dress.Me gusta ese vestido – I like that dress.Me gusta aquel vestido – I like that dress over there.The endings of demonstrative adjectives must change if the noun they are with is masculine, feminine or plural:

this that (close) that (far)

ms este ese aquel

fs esta esa aquella

these those (close) those (far)

mpl estos esos aquellos

fpl estas esas aquellas

Gramática ➞ p.000


4hablar Vestido (mujer)

Reino Unido España

8 3410 3612 3814 4016 42

Camisa (hombre)Reino Unido España

15 3815½ 3916 4016½ 4117 42


Reino Unido España

4 375 386 397 408 419 42

¿Qué talla usas?¿Qué número

calzas?(Quiero) probarlargo/a

corto/aholgado/aajustado/aquedar bien

Mira los dibujos. ¿Verdadero o falso?

1 El traje le queda muy bien al chico.2 Las sandalias son un poco grandes para la señora.3 La camiseta es demasiado holgada para la chica.4 Los pantalones son muy largos.


me queda bien – it suits meThis works a bit like me gusta.So:te queda bien – it suits youle queda bien – it suits him (or her)

How do you say: it doesn’t suit me / they don’t suit meLook back at the pictures.

Gramática ➞ p.000




With a friend or a small group, prepare and perform a role play in a clothes shop. What do you like, this one or that one? Which colour and which style? What size are you? Are there any problems?

prefiero aquel jersey

Me encanta ese abrigo

me gusta este vestido

Ese traje me parece bastante

ajustado. No le queda muy bien, señor.

Pues, quizás estos pantalones no me quedan bien. Son un poco largos...

¡ Ja, ja! Esa camiseta es

demasiado holgada! Te queda fatal! ¡ Qué lastima,

señora! Las sandalias le quedan perfectamente – pero

son un poco pequeñas.

NC 3–4

NC levels on the page for productive and more challenging activities give an indication of your students’ progress

Page 6: KS3 Zoom español Course Guide

Teacher Book 1

Sample pages from Zoom espanol Teacher Book 1


1AMe describo

AT 3.2 3 ¿Verdad o mentira? Students look at the illustration and answer ‘true’ or

‘false’ to each of the statements.

Answers: 1 Mentira: Tengo los ojos verdes. 2 Verdad; 3 Mentira: Tengo los ojos azules. 4 Mentira: Tengo los ojos grises. 5 Verdad; 6 Mentira: Tengo los ojos rojos.


AT 3.2 4 ¿Cómo eres? ¡Descríbete! Students use the vocabulary they have learnt on

the page to write a description of themselves.

AT 3.2 5 ¿Qué dicen las chicas? Students look at what the boys say. They then

note down what the girls would say.

Answers:1 Soy alta. 2 Soy baja. 3 Soy gorda. 4 Soy delgada. 5 No soy ni alta ni baja, ni gorda ni delgada: soy de talla mediana.

PLTS Gramática Explain to students that quantifiers are words

such as ‘very’, ‘too’, ‘quite’, ‘a little’, ‘extremely’, etc. Encourage them to think about the difference these could make in an English sentence. Explain that it is by using words such as these that they will get higher marks in Spanish.

AT 3.2 6 Empareja los contrarios. ¿Qué significan? Students find the eight pairs of opposite personality adjectives and then note down what they mean. They can use a dictionary to help them.

Answers:ordenado/a – tidy desordenado/a – untidysimpático/a – friendly antipático/a – unfriendlypaciente – patient impaciente – impatientestudioso/a – studious perezoso/a – lazyextrovertido/a – outgoing tímido/a – shyinteligente – intelligent bobo/a – sillyflexible – easy-going testarudo/a – stubbornmaduro/a – mature inmaduro/a – immature

AT 1.3 7 Escucha. ¿Es el chico a o el chico b? Students listen and note down who is being

described. They also make a list of all of the adjectives they hear.

CD 1, track 33 página 31, actividad 7

¿Pepe? ¿Cómo es Pepe? Bueno, ummm… la verdad es que es bastante inteligente pero no es ni estudioso ni responsable y eso puede ser un problema. En mi opinión, pienso que Pepe es un poco inmaduro para su edad: siempre discute con sus padres y es demasiado testarudo. Deberías ver su dormitorio… ¡buff! Es super desordenado. ¡Ah! Y es muy, ¡pero que muy perezoso!

Answer:Person being described: Pepe; He is quite intelligent (inteligente), but isn’t studious (estudioso) or responsible (responsable); a little bit immature (inmaduro); too stubborn (testarudo); untidy (desordenado); lazy (perezoso)

AT 2.3 8 Describe al otro chico. Students describe the boy from the other photo.


AT 4.2–3 Challenge

Students use what they have learnt in the spread to prepare a written description of one of their teachers. In small groups, they take it in turns to read their description out loud and work out who others have described. Remind students to try to use one or more of the connectives listed.


Me describo1A

1A.4 ¿Cómo eres? páginas 30–31

PlannerObjectives• describe yourself and others• use quantifiers to enhance description• extend sentences using simple connectives

ResourcesStudents’ Book, pages 30–31 CD 1, tracks 32–33Foundation Workbook, page 19Higher Workbook, page 19Foundation Workbook audio, tracks 23–24Higher Workbook audio, tracks 24–25Interactive OxBox, Unit 1A Copymasters XAssessment X

Key languageel pelo; largo; corto; liso; rizado; ondulado; de punta;los ojos; bigote; barba; pecas; llevo gafas; alto/a; bajo/a; delgado/a; gordo/a; de talla mediana ordenado/a; desordenado/a; simpático/a; antipático/a; paciente; impaciente; estudioso/a; perezoso/a; testarudo/a; extrovertido/a; tímido/a; inteligente; bobo/a; maduro/a; inmaduro/a

Grammar• use quantifiers to enhance description

Renewed Framework references1.1, 1.5, 2.1, 2.4, 4.3, 4.4, 5.1, 5.4, 5.8

PLTSActivity 4: Reflective learnersGrammar: Reflective learnersChallenge: Creative thinkers; Reflective learners

Starters• Display some adjectives from the spread in the

masculine form. Give students a time limit (of your choosing) to write down the feminine and plural forms of the adjectives listed. Check answers as a class.

• Play a ‘description’ game as a class. Ask students to think of a famous person. Explain that they are going to pretend to be this person and will describe themselves (as the famous person). They write the description out on paper first. A volunteer reads out his/her description. The class tries to guess who he/she is pretending to be.

• Call out a personality trait, e.g. inteligente and ask students to give you the opposite trait, e.g. bobo/a. The first student to answer correctly gets to call out the next trait, and so on.

Plenaries• Challenge students to write five sentences using

quantifiers to make them more sophisticated. Compare the sentences which include quantifiers with sentences without these to illustrate the difference they can make.

• Challenge students to come up with the most unusual description (physical and personality).

Homework/Self-studyActivity 2: Students write a sentence describing their own hair. More able students can also describe other people’s hair. Provide less able students with a model sentence to adapt. Challenge: Students go on to describe a nightmare teacher. They should be as creative as possible.

AT 1.2 1 Escucha y elige. Students listen to the customers and note down

which of the wigs they have bought.

CD 1, track 32 página 30, actividad 1

a Tengo el pelo pelirrojo, largo y rizado.b Tengo el pelo castaño, largo y liso.c Tengo el pelo negro de punta.d Tengo el pelo rubio, corto y liso.e Tengo el pelo castaño, corto y ondulado.f La peluca me ha costado 55€.g Tengo el pelo pelirrojo, largo y ondulado.h Tengo el pelo negro, corto y rizado.

Answers:a 4; b 5; c 8; d 2; e 6; f 1; g 3; h 7

AT 3.2 2 ¿Qué significa...? Students draw upon what they have heard in

Activity 1 to work out the English meaning of the words in the vocabulary box.

Answers:rubio – blond; pelirrojo – red-headed; castaño – brunette; largo – long; corto – short; liso – straight; rizado – curly; ondulado – wavy; de punta – spiky

Contains all the notes, answers and transcripts that you need

Plenty of planning material to save you time: schemes of work, unit contents plans, two-year and three-year teaching route plans and Renewed Framework references

A variety of approaches to suit every learnerThe course is packed with support and a variety of approaches to help you adapt the resources to suit the needs of your classroom.

Foundation Workbook 1


Higher Workbook 1


1A.4 ¿Cómo eres?

rubio – blondcastan o– brown una peluca – a wig

1 Listen to the descriptions of agents X, Y, Z and 0. Write the correct letter under each picture.

2 Read, and draw the disguise on each agent.

Agente XTiene una barba blanca y larga.

Agente YTiene un bigote negro.

Agente ZLleva gafas.

Agente 0Tiene una barba negra, un bigote y pecas.Lleva una peluca larga y rubia, y gafas.

gafas bigote barba pecas peluca

3 Listen. Which agent has been caught?

4 Draw and label in Spanish a picture of yourself before and after a disguise.

Sample page from Zoom espanol Foundation Workbook 1

Sample page from Zoom espanol Higher Workbook 1


1A.4 ¿Cómo eres?

una peluca – a wig

1 Listen to the descriptions of agents X, Y, Z and 0. Write the correct letter under each picture.

2 Read the descriptions. Then draw the disguise on each agent.

Agente XTiene una barba blanca y larga.

Agente YTiene un bigote negro.

Agente ZLleva gafas.

Agente 0Tiene una barba negra, un bigote y pecas. Lleva una peluca larga y rubia, y gafas.

3 Listen. Which agent has been caught?

4 Draw a picture of yourself before and after a disguise. Write a description in Spanish.

Differentiated workbooks ensure your students are fully engaged and working at just the right pace and level

Full of extra listening, reading, writing and speaking material to reinforce and support the grammar, topics and skills covered in the Student Book

Ideal for homework and further practice either during or outside of lesson time

Page 7: KS3 Zoom español Course Guide

Easy-to-customize softwareOur popular OxBox CD-ROMs include lesson planning, classroom resources, assessment, and they really work in the classroom. You can add in your own resources to personalise both teaching and learning.


Sample screen from Zoom español Interactive OxBox CD-ROM 1

Sample screen from Zoom español Interactive OxBox CD-ROM 1

Sample screen from Zoom español Assessment OxBox CD-ROM 1

Interactive OxBox CD-ROMs include: l grammar presentationsl copymasters for further practice of all core areasl record and playback activitiesl pronunciation practicel interactive games and activities, audio files for

the Student Book and copymasters

“We use the OxBox – it is great! It presents material and offers lots of practice!” Nick Ullman, Head of Modern Languages, Billericay School, Essex

Assessment OxBox CD-ROM 1

Closely monitor your students’ progress – tests can be printed out or administered electronically for ease of use, and give an indication of the NC levels that your students are working at

Interactive OxBox CD-ROM 1

Contact us

for an OxBox


Contains a wealth of extra material for your students to access at home or in school from the VLE

Each unit links to a video drama about four teenagers from Barcelona providing students with a real insight into Spanish life

Provides a full range of formative and summative assessments in speaking, listening, reading and writing

Page 8: KS3 Zoom español Course Guide

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Course structure and ordering detailsStudent Books

Foundation Workbooks

Higher Workbooks

Teacher Books

Audio CDs

Interactive OxBox CD-ROMs

Assessment OxBox CD-ROMs



rt 2

Student Book 1 978 019 912754 2

Student Book 2 978 019 912762 7

Foundation Workbook 1 (8 pack)

978 019 912814 3

Foundation Workbook 2 (8 pack)

978 019 912816 7

Higher Workbook 1 (8 pack)

978 019 912815 0

Higher Workbook 2 (8 pack)

978 019 912817 4

Teacher Book 1 978 019 912758 0

Teacher Book 2 978 019 912766 5

Audio CDs 1 (set of 4 CDs)

978 019 912757 3

Audio CDs 2 (set of 4 CDs)

978 019 912765 8

Interactive OxBox CD-ROM 1

978 019 912760 3

Interactive OxBox CD-ROM 2

978 019 912768 9

Assessment OxBox CD-ROM 1

978 019 912761 0

Assessment OxBox CD-ROM 2

978 019 912769 6

Don’t forget your dictionaries... Oxford First Learner’s Spanish Dictionary - a simple approach for very first learners 978 019 912744 3

Oxford Learner’s Spanish Dictionary - ideal for ages 11-16 978 019 911646 1

We’re also publishing new resources for KS3 German…Order your Evaluation Packs now!

Zoom Deutsch Evaluation Pack 1 978 019 912774 0

Zoom Deutsch Evaluation Pack 2 978 019 912783 2

Your next steps... l Contact us to place your order using the details at the bottom of this page.

l Take a look at the additional resources for 30 days’ free inspection or approval by contacting us using the details at the bottom of this page.

l Request a visit from your local Educational Consultant – call 01536 452620 or visit

l Visit our evaluation website at to find out more, download additional sample material or order online.