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Analyzing Consumer Markets Marketing Management, 13 th ed 6
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  • Analyzing Consumer MarketsMarketing Management, 13th ed6

  • Chapter QuestionsHow do consumer characteristics influence buying behavior?What major psychological processes influence consumer responses to the marketing program?How do consumers make purchasing decisions?How do marketers analyze consumer decision making?

  • What Influences Consumer Behavior?Cultural factorsSocial factorsPersonal factors

  • What is Culture?Culture is the fundamental determinant of a persons wants and behaviors acquired through socialization processes with family and other key institutions.

  • SubculturesNationalitiesReligionsRacial groupsGeographic regions

  • Fast Facts About American CultureThe average American:chews 300 sticks of gum a yeargoes to the movies 9 times a yeartakes 4 trips per year attends a sporting event 7 times each year

  • Social ClassesUpper uppersLower uppersUpper middlesMiddleWorking Upper lowersLower lowers

  • Characteristics of Social ClassesWithin a class, people tend to behave alikeSocial class conveys perceptions of inferior or superior positionClass may be indicated by a cluster of variables (occupation, income, wealth)Class designation is mobile over time

  • Social FactorsReference groupsFamilySocial rolesStatuses

  • Reference GroupsMembership groupsPrimary groupsSecondary groupsAspirational groupsDisassociative groups

  • Family Distinctions Affecting Buying DecisionsFamily of OrientationFamily of Procreation

  • Personal FactorsAgeLife cycle stageOccupationWealthPersonalityValuesLifestyleSelf-concept

  • Brand PersonalitySincerityExcitementCompetenceSophisticationRuggedness

  • Lifestyle InfluencesMulti-taskingTime-starvedMoney-constrained

  • Table 6.2 LOHAS (Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability) Market SegmentsSustainable EconomyHealthy LifestylesEcological LifestylesAlternative Health CarePersonal Development

  • Key Psychological ProcessesMotivationPerceptionLearningMemory

  • MotivationFreudsTheory

    Behavioris guided by subconsciousmotivationsMaslowsHierarchyof Needs

    Behavioris driven by lowest, unmet need


    Behavior isguided by motivating and hygienefactors

  • Maslows Hierarchy of NeedsPhysiological needsSafety needsSocial needsEsteem needsSelf-actualization needs

  • PerceptionSelective attentionSelective retentionSelective distortionSubliminal perception

  • Figure 6.4 Consumer Buying ProcessProblem recognitionInformation searchEvaluationPurchase decisionPostpurchase behavior

  • Sources of InformationPersonalCommercialPublicExperiential

  • Non-Compensatory Models of ChoiceConjunctiveLexicographicElimination-by-aspects

  • Perceived RiskFunctionalPhysicalFinancialSocialPsychologicalTime

  • Other Theories of Consumer Decision MakingInvolvementElaboration Likelihood ModelLow-involvement marketing strategiesVariety-seeking buying behaviorDecision HeuristicsAvailabilityRepresentativenessAnchoring and adjustment

  • Mental AccountingConsumers tend toSegregate gainsIntegrate lossesIntegrate smaller losses with larger gainsSegregate small gains from large losses