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KONGSBERG MARITIME - Environmental Monitoring - Early Leak Detection oil & gas. Rio March 3rd 2015 INTSOK Arild Brevik Business Development Mgr Subsea Monitoring Kongsberg Maritime do Brazil

KONGSBERG MARITIME - NORWEP · C : Kongsberg Maritime existing field Infrastructure 09.03.2015 WORLD CLASS - through people, technology and dedication Page 5 Kongsberg HiPAP Kongsberg

Jan 29, 2021



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  • KONGSBERG MARITIME - Environmental Monitoring

    - Early Leak Detection oil & gas.

    Rio March 3rd 2015 INTSOK

    Arild Brevik

    Business Development Mgr Subsea Monitoring

    Kongsberg Maritime do Brazil

  • Kongsberg Maritime , Subsea Division

    Technology overview

    A : Sensor Systems for subsea leak detection oil & gas

    B : Subsea Sensor Carriers

    C : Field Infrastructure

  • A: Sensor Systems for subsea oil & gas leak detection

    09.03.2015 WORLD CLASS - through people, technology and dedication Page 3

    Hydroacoustic sensors - detection of subsea gas leak in bubble shape

    Hydroacoustic sensors - detection of subsea oil leak

    Subsea camera systems

    Chemical sensors / sniffers – for detection of dissolved oil & gas in water

    3rd party sensors , current profilers ADCP, turbidity, met-ocean.

    - for drift modelling and spread.

  • B: Sensor Carriers

    AUV’s and Sea Gliders

    Subsea Sensor networks

    K-Lander integrated sensor unit


    Self contained

  • C : Kongsberg Maritime existing field Infrastructure

    09.03.2015 WORLD CLASS - through people, technology and dedication Page 5

    Kongsberg HiPAP







    Shut down

    - System Control

    - Dynamic Positioning

    - Subsea Data uplink

    Field infrastructure multiple use

  • KONGSBERG AWARDED STATOIL IEM R&D Project. - 3 year development project

    Environmental monitoring is a

    vital component in reaching

    Statoil’s goal of zero harmful

    discharge from our oil and gas

    operations. We must take

    environmental monitoring from

    being expedition based data

    collection events to an integral

    part of daily operations according

    to R&D President Karl Johnny

    Hersvik. If we succeed, this will

    represent a quantum leap for

    offshore environmental

    monitoring; additionally it will

    further improve operational safety

    and reduce cost.

  • Statoil IEM project

    09.03.2015 WORLD CLASS - through people, technology and dedication Page 7

    Integrated Environmental Monitoring System

    Drilling , monitoring of drill cuttings and modelling of spread

    Leak Detection. Leak detection of oil and gas.

    Daily Operations .

    Demonstrated november 2014

  • KONGSBERG PROPRIETARY: This document contains KONGSBERG information which is proprietary and confidential. Any disclosure, copying, distribution or use is prohibited if not otherwise explicitly agreed with KONGSBERG in writing. Any authorised reproduction in whole or in part, must include this legend. © 2013 KONGSBERG – All rights reserved.

    Vision for the Statoil IEM project :

    Monitoring through the lifetime of a field

    - prior to development

    - development phase

    - production phase

    - decomissioning

  • Environmental impact assessment for oil & gas operations

    09.03.2015 WORLD CLASS - through people, technology and dedication Page 9

    Real time access to subsea data basis for online processing

    and fast response

    Scalable system

  • Integrated solutions for safe operations


    Contact : [email protected]

    [email protected]