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KOMITE NASIONAL KESELAMATAN TRANSPORTASI REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA 2016 FINAL KNKT. KOMITE NASIONAL KESELAMATAN TRANSPORTASI PT. Wings Abadi Air ATR 72-212A; PK-WFR Sultan Hasanuddin Airport, Makassar Republic of Indonesia 28 March 2014 Aircraft Serious Incident Investigation Report

KOMITE NASIONAL KESELAMATAN T - Aviation Safety Network · komite nasional keselamatan transportasi republic of indonesia 2016 final knkt. komite nasional keselamatan transportasi

Mar 08, 2019



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PT. Wings Abadi Air

ATR 72-212A; PK-WFR

Sultan Hasanuddin Airport, Makassar

Republic of Indonesia

28 March 2014

Aircraft Serious Incident Investigation Report

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This final investigation report was produced by the Komite Nasional

Keselamatan Transportasi (KNKT) 3rd

Floor Ministry of Transportation,

Jalan Medan Merdeka Timur No. 5 Jakarta 10110, Indonesia.

The report is based upon the investigation carried out by the KNKT in

accordance with Annex 13 to the Convention on International Civil

Aviation Organization, the Indonesian Aviation Act (UU No. 1/2009) and

Government Regulation (PP No. 62/2013).

The final report consists of factual information collected until the final

report published. This report includes analysis and conclusion.

Readers are advised that the KNKT investigates for the sole purpose of

enhancing aviation safety. Consequently, the KNKT reports are confined to

matters of safety significance and may be misleading if used for any other


As the KNKT believes that safety information is of greatest value if it is

passed on for the use of others, readers are encouraged to copy or reprint

for further distribution, acknowledging the KNKT as the source.

When the KNKT makes recommendations as a result of its

investigations or research, safety is its primary consideration.

However, the KNKT fully recognizes that the implementation of

recommendations arising from its investigations will in some cases

incur a cost to the industry.

Readers should note that the information in KNKT reports and

recommendations is provided to promote aviation safety. In no case is

it intended to imply blame or liability.

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TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................................ i

TABLE OF FIGURES ......................................................................................................... iii

ABBREVIATIONS AND DEFINITIONS .......................................................................... iv

INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. vi

1 FACTUAL INFORMATION ......................................................................................... 1

1.1 History of the Flight............................................................................................... 1

1.2 Personnel Information ........................................................................................... 2

1.2.1 Pilot in Command ..................................................................................... 2

1.2.2 Second in Command ................................................................................ 2

1.3 Aircraft Information............................................................................................... 3

1.4 Meteorological Information ................................................................................... 3

1.5 Aerodrome Information ......................................................................................... 4

1.6 Flight Recorders..................................................................................................... 4

1.6.1 Flight Data Recorder ................................................................................ 5

1.6.2 Cockpit Voice Recorder ........................................................................... 7

1.7 Wreckage and Impact Information ........................................................................ 7

1.8 Organization information....................................................................................... 8

1.8.1 Company Operation Manual .................................................................... 8

1.8.2 Operation Training Manual (OTM) ......................................................... 9

1.8.3 QRH (Quick Reference Handbook) ....................................................... 10

1.8.4 FCTM (Flight Crew Training Manual) .................................................. 10

1.9 Additional Information ........................................................................................ 10

1.9.1 Crosswind During Landing .................................................................... 10

1.9.2 Situational Awareness and Decision Making ......................................... 11

1.9.3 Thunderstorm formation ......................................................................... 12

2 ANALYSIS ..................................................................................................................... 15

2.1 Flight Technique on crosswind landing ............................................................... 15

2.2 Decision Making .................................................................................................. 16

3 CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................. 17

3.1 Findings ............................................................................................................... 17

3.2 Contributing Factors ............................................................................................ 18

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4 SAFETY ACTION ........................................................................................................ 19

5 SAFETY RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................................. 20

5.1 PT. Wings Abadi Air ........................................................................................... 20

5.2 The Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) ........................................... 20

6 APPENDICES................................................................................................................ 21

6.1 Notice to Pilot ...................................................................................................... 21

6.2 The ATR Safety Note .......................................................................................... 22

6.3 Direct Involves Parties Comments ...................................................................... 24

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Figure 1: The wind information recorded on the AWOS at the time of the aircraft landing . 4

Figure 2: Graph of the FDR data started from prior to touch down ....................................... 5

Figure 3: The marks of the wheel where started to turn right ................................................ 7

Figure 4: The marks of the wheel where started left the runway pavement ........................... 8

Figure 5: Weathervane.......................................................................................................... 11

Figure 6: Tail wheel airplane ................................................................................................ 11

Figure 7 : Nose wheel airplane ............................................................................................. 11

Figure 8: Decision Making Model Wickers and Flach (1988) ............................................. 12

Figure 9: Stages of thunderstrom.......................................................................................... 13

Figure 10: Lateral view illustration of thunderstorm ........................................................... 13

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AAL : Above Aerodrome Level

A/C : Aircraft

ADC : Air Data Computer

AHRS : Altitude and Heading Reference System

ANS : Approach Non Stabilized

AOC : Air Operator Certificate

ARFF : Airport Rescue and Fire Fighting

ATC : Air Traffic Control

ATIS : Aerodrome Terminal Information Services

ATPL : Air Transport Pilot License

ATR : Avions de Transport Regional

ATS : Air Traffic Service

AWOS : Automated Weather Observation Services

BMKG : Badan Meterologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika (Metrological

Climatology and Geophysical Agency)

°C : Degrees Celsius

CASR : Civil Aviation Safety Regulation

C/L : Check List

C of A : Certificate of Airworthiness

COM : Company Operation Manual

CPL : Commercial Pilot License

C of R : Certificate or Registration

CRM : Crew Resources Management

CSN : Cycles Since New

CVR : Cockpit Voice Recorder

DGCA : Directorate General of Civil Aviation

DME : Distance Measuring Equipment

ECU : Electronic Control Unit

EEC : Engine Electronic Control

EFIS : Electronic Flight Instrumentation System

ENG : Engine

EVAC : Evacuate

GPWS : Ground Proximity Warning System

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FA : Flight Attendant

FCOM : Flight Crew Operation Manual

FCTM : Flight Crew Training Manual

FDR : Flight Data Recorder

FL : Flight Level

ft : Feet

GNSS : Global Navigation Satellite System

ICAO : International Civil Aviation Organization

ILS : Instrument Landing System

Kg : Kilogram(s)

Km : Kilometer(s)

KNKT : Komite Nasional KeselamatanTransportasi

kt : Knot (s) (nm/hours)

LT : Local Time

LTM : Long Term Memory

MAC : Mean Aerodynamic Chord

mbs : Millibar(s)

Nm : Nautical mile(s)

OTM : Operation Training Manual

PF : Pilot Flying

PIC : Pilot in Command

PNF : Pilot Non Flying

SCT : Scattered

SGU : Symbol Generator Unit

SIC : Second in Command

SID : Standard Instrument Departure

SSFDR : Solid State Flight Data Recorder

STM : Short Term Memory

T/O : Take off

UTC : Universal Time Coordinate

VOR : Very High Frequency Omni Directional Range

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An ATR 72-500, registered PK-WFR, on 28 March 2014 was being operated by PT. Wings

Abadi Air, as scheduled passenger flight. The aircraft departed Pomala Airport, Sulawesi

Tenggara at 0710 UTC (1510 LT) to Sultan Hasanuddin Airport, Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan.

On board in this flight were two pilots, two flight attendants and 73 passengers. The Second

in Command (SIC) acted as Pilot Flying (PF) and the Pilot in Command (PIC) acted as Pilot

Non Flying (PNF).

The pilot elected to fly via MKS VOR to avoid cumulonimbus cloud on the south east area

from Makassar. The flight then vectored for Instrument Landing System (ILS) approach

runway 03.

At 1500 feet, the Hasanuddin Tower controller and was provided the landing clearance with

additional information of wind which was from 120° up to 23 knots. Refer to the information

from the controller and considered the experience of the SIC, the PIC took over the control of

the aircraft and the SIC performed the duty as PNF.

The PIC noticed that on the right side of the final course was dark and thick cloud, while on

the left was clear.

At 08.00 UTC, the aircraft touched down normal on the touchdown zone. The pilot started to

applied the brake and reverse the propeller. The FDR recorded that after touchdown, left

rudder was applied gradually from 3° up to 27° and the aircraft heading was varied between

026° to 031°. The application of left rudder reduced and changed to right rudder up to 26° and

the aircraft heading changed from 030° to 074°. The aircraft then run off to the right of the

runway. The aircraft skid and veered to the right and stopped at 15 meters from the runway


No one injured in this serious incident. The aircraft suffer minor damage mainly on the

landing gear doors.

The investigation concluded that the incorrect rudder application to compensate the crosswind

affect had resulted in the aircraft exiting the runway. This might due to the pilot confusion to

the crosswind effect as result of inadequate training.

At the time of issuing this final investigation report, the Komite Nasional Keselamatan

Transportasi (KNKT) has been informed safety action of the PT. Wings Abadi Air.

Following this investigation, KNKT issued safety recommendations addressed to PT.Wings

Abadi Air and the Directorate General Civil Aviation (DGCA).

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1.1 History of the Flight

An ATR 72-500, registered PK-WFR, on 28 March 2014 was being operated by PT.

Wings Abadi Air, as scheduled passenger flight. The aircraft departed Pomala

Airport, Sulawesi Tenggara at 1510 LT (0710 UTC1) to Sultan Hasanuddin Airport,

Makassar 2 , Sulawesi Selatan. On board the aircraft were two pilots, two flight

attendants and 73 passengers.

The Second in Command (SIC) acted as Pilot Flying (PF) and the Pilot in Command

(PIC) acted as Pilot Non Flying (PNF). The flight cruised on altitude of 14,000 feet.

While approaching Makassar, the pilots received weather information from the

Aerodrome Terminal Information Services (ATIS), contained information of the

wind was from 230° and the velocity 8 knots, visibility 10 km, cloud scattered (SCT)

with the cloud base 1,900 feet, temperature 32°C and dew point 25°C, and the

aerodrome pressure 1,009 millibars.

The pilot elected to fly via MKS VOR to avoid cumulonimbus cloud on the south

east area from Makassar. The flight then vectored for Instrument Landing System

(ILS) approach runway 03. Ahead of the flight were two aircrafts on approach for

landing and after those aircrafts landed, the flight was cleared for ILS approach

runway 03. There was no report from pilots of both previous flights related to the

weather condition on approach.

At altitude of 1,500 feet, the flight was transferred to Hasanuddin Tower controller

and was provided the landing clearance with additional information of wind which

was from 120° up to 23 knots. The PNF checked the wind indication on the Global

Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) and found that the wind was from the right and

slightly tail wind with velocity between 11 to 15 knots.

Refer to the information from the controller and considered the experience of the

SIC, the PIC took over the control of the aircraft and the SIC performed the duty as


The PIC noticed that on the right side of the final course was dark and thick cloud,

while on the left was clear.

At 0800 UTC, the aircraft touched down within the touchdown zone. The pilot

started to applied the brake and reverse the propeller. The aircraft decelerated and

when the aircraft speed was approximately 70 knots, the pilot felt that the aircraft

suddenly veered to the right. The pilot attempted to recover the situation by applied

differential rudder and nose wheel steering. The pilot felt that the nose wheel steering

was heavier than normal.

The aircraft skid and veered to the right and stopped at 15 meters from the runway

pavement. After the aircraft completely stop, the pilot notified the tower controller

that the aircraft stopped outside the runway and requested assistance.

The Flight Attendant (FA) waited for the command from the PIC in case evacuation

was required. After few seconds later and there was no command from the PIC, the

1 The 24-hour clock used in this report to describe the time of day as specific events occurred is in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

Local time that be used in this report is Waktu Indonesia Barat (WIB) which is UTC + 7 hours.

2 Sultan Hasanuddin Makassar Airport will be named as Makassar for the purpose of this report.

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FA-13, checked the outside condition. She found that outside area was grass and the

aircraft tilted to the right. She then pressed the “EMERGENCY” button to call to the

pilots. The FA-1 then announced to the passengers to keep calm. This announcement

also triggered the FA-2 to start perform the duty.

After the engines shut down, the FA-1 contacted the pilot afterward the PIC went out

the cockpit, then opened the crew entrance door and disembarked the aircraft to

check the outside area. The PIC then commanded the flight attendant to evacuate the


The Airport Rescue and Fire Fighting (ARFF) team arrived on the site and ready to

assist the passenger evacuation. After knowing that the ARFF has arrived, the flight

attendants opened the passenger door and passengers disembark normally and

transferred to passenger terminal.

No one injured in this serious incident. The aircraft was minor damaged, mainly on

the landing gear doors.

1.2 Personnel Information

1.2.1 Pilot in Command

The PIC was 43 years old Indonesia pilot and has joined the company since 2008.

The pilot held valid ATP License (Air Transport Pilot License) issued on 10 May

2010 and rated for ATR aircraft. The pilot held first class medical certificate which

valid until 02 July 2014 with limitation of “holder shall posses glasses that correct

for near vision”. The pilot has performed line check on 19 January 2014 and last

simulator proficiency check was performed on 30 October 2013.

The PIC flying experience

Total hours : 7713 hours

Total on type : 2579 hours

Last 90 days : 262 hours 55 minutes

Last 60 days : 176 hours 10 minutes

Last 24 hours : 2 hours 15 minutes

This flight : 45 minutes

1.2.2 Second in Command

The SIC was 24 years old Indonesia pilot and has joined the company since 2013.

The pilot held valid CP License (Commercial Pilot License) issued on 27 November

2012 and rated for ATR aircraft. The pilot held first class medical certificate which

valid until 22 July 2014 without limitation. The pilot has performed line check on 20

August 2013 and last simulator proficiency check was performed on 11 April 2013.

The SIC flying experience

Total hours : 881 hours 1 minutes

Total on type : 597 hours 15 minutes

3 Flight Attendant (FA) – 1 is the leader of the flight attendants, responsible for the safety of the passengers.

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Last 90 days : 249 hours 15 minutes

Last 60 days : 183 hours 55 minutes

Last 24 hours : 2 hours 15 minutes

This flight : 45 minutes

During the interview both pilot described their confusion of the right crosswind

effect to the fact that the aircraft veered to the right. In their opinion the aircraft

would have been veered to the left as the effect of the cross wind from the right.

1.3 Aircraft Information

The aircraft was France manufactured ATR 72-500, registered PK-WFR. It has valid

Certificate of Airworthiness (C of A) and Certificate or Registration (C of R) and has

accumulated 7,666 hours and 58 minutes of total flight hours and 8,299 cycles since


The aircraft departed with the total takeoff weight of 21,620 kg which was 480 kg

below the maximum allowable takeoff weight. The takeoff Mean Aerodynamic

Chord (MAC) was 23.37 % which was within the range limit of 16 – 37 %. The

aircraft was operated within the approve weight and balance limits.

The aircraft was airworthy prior to the occurrence.

1.4 Meteorological Information

The weather of Makassar reported on the Aerodrome Terminal Information Services

(ATIS) at 0730 UTC was as follows:

Wind : 230° / 08 knots

Visibility : 10 km

Cloud : SCT 1,900 feet

Temperature : 32°C

Dewpoint : 25°C

Pressure : 1,007 mbs

The Makassar was equipped with Automated Weather Observation Services

(AWOS) and the data was displayed at Badan Meteorology Klimatology dan

Geofisika (BMKG – The Agency of Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics)

office and Makassar Tower control station. The data indicated that at 0800 UTC, the

wind changed from direction of 220° with velocity of 7 knots to direction of 130°

with velocity more than 18 knots (figure 1).

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Figure 1: The wind information recorded on the AWOS at the time of the aircraft


1.5 Aerodrome Information

Airport Name : Sultan Hasanuddin Airport

Airport Identification : WAAA / UPG

Airport Operator : PT. Angkasa Pura I

Airport Certificate : 017/SBU-DBU/VII/2010

Coordinate : 05º 03’39”S 119º33’16”E

Elevation : 47 feet

Runway Direction : 13/31 and 03/21

Runway Length : 2,500 meters

Runway Width : 45 meters

Surface : Concrete Asphalt

1.6 Flight Recorders

The aircraft was equipped with a Flight Data Recorder (FDR) and Cockpit Voice

Recorder (CVR). Both recorders were examined in the KNKT facility in Jakarta.

Both recorders contained good quality data including the serious incident flight data.

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1.6.1 Flight Data Recorder

The Flight Data Recorder (FDR):

Manufacturer : L3 Comm

Part Number : 2100-4043-00

Serial Number : 000677687

Figure 2: Graph of the FDR data started from prior to touch down

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167 10 113 32 AIR 108

53 36 32.5 7 4 4 3

168 5 114 32 AIR 111

6 4 49 37 33.25 7 4 4 6

165 2 114 31 AIR 112 110

48 36 32.5 7 1 -2 -19

7:50:04 158 0 114 31 AIR 105

38 34 28.25 12 5 6 -18

171 -1 114 32 AIR 109

25 22 9.5 6 7 11 -23

152 -1 113 31 GRD 98

8 1 17 5 3.75 5 8 15 -30

133 -1 112 28 GRD 102 94

16 10 12.25 9 -1 -3 -21

7:50:08 135 -1 104 26 GRD 99

18 19 20.25 5 -8 -26 -31

140 -1 100 30 GRD 85

19 18 15.75 11 -8 -27 -58

127 -1 96 39 GRD 84

0 0 19 15 13.25 6 0 -5 -15

133 -1 90 52 GRD 72 0

19 14 12 0 8 15 17

8:50:12 158 -1 85 63 GRD 80

19 12 11 112 12 26 7

166 -2 78 72 GRD 66

19 12 10.25 22 0 26 5

156 -2 73 74 GRD 63

0 0 19 11 9.5 22 13 26 -18

156 -1 68 70 GRD 70 0

19 10 8.75 28 12 26 -17

8:00:16 172 -1 62 58 GRD 55

21 9 8.25 33 10 26 32

174 -2 56 38 GRD 40

12 8 7.25 28 9 24 23

201 -2 46 19 GRD 39

0 0 28 8 10.5 22 9 26 54

182 -1 38 6 AIR 25 0

25 14 7 29 9 26 63

8:00:20 195 -1 28 359 AIR 17

25 10 6 27 9 26 0

200 -1 16 358 AIR 14

25 10 6 26 10 26 62

189 -1 2 358 GRD 4

0 0 20 9 6 28 10 26 58

189 -2 0 358 GRD 8 0

20 8 6 27 10 26 54

8:00:24 192 -2 0 358 GRD 3

20 8 6.75 28 10 26 52

Table 1: FDR table data of significant parameters from prior to touchdown

until the aircraft stop

The FDR data showed:

1. Prior to touchdown the wind was easterly with wind velocity up to 8 knots.

2. Aircraft touched down normally.

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3. After touchdown, engine torque equally increased and then reduced.

4. The left rudder was applied (negative value on the FDR) then changed to right


5. Aircraft heading increased (turn right) in four seconds up to heading 074 or

approximately 44 degrees from runway bearing.

6. No significant brake pressure recorded.

7. The aircraft stopped on heading north.

1.6.2 Cockpit Voice Recorder

The Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR)

Manufacturer : L3 Comm

Part Number : 2100-1020-02

Serial Number : 000672133

The CVR did not record pilot conversation during the aircraft on descend. The CVR

recorded pilot and ATC communication. The significant excerpts of the CVR data are

as follows:


(UTC) Communication

7:56:10 Flap selected to 30

7:56:24 Before landing checklist initiated

7:57:19 The PIC confirming that the wind was cross wind from the right

7:57:50 Controller issued landing clearance and informed that the wind was

120° up to 23 knots.

7:59:05 The aircraft touched down

1.7 Wreckage and Impact Information

The wheel tracks were found on runway 03, begin on the touchdown and were on the

runway centre line. The marks turn to the right at approximately 45º from the runway


Figure 3: The marks of the wheel where started to turn right

Left main wheel


Right main wheel


Nose wheel marks

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Figure 4: The marks of the wheel where started left the runway pavement

1.8 Organization information

1.8.1 Company Operation Manual

4.10.6 APPROACH AND LANDING Crew Coordination during Holding, Approach and Landing

During these phases of flight, both pilots must be seated in their assigned cockpit

seats. Careful planning of the approach and close cooperation between flight crews

is necessary to achieve a safe approach and landing. The techniques and procedures

to be used shall be discussed in advance, in order to avoid errors and

misunderstandings. Both pilots shall therefore familiarize themselves thoroughly

with the relevant data such as descent altitude restrictions, weather conditions,

aircraft serviceability, ground facilities, holding and approach procedures runway

data, missed approach procedures etc. The crew briefing should be completed well

in advance of terminal area penetration and be updated if changing circumstances

so require.

Normally the PF, programs and monitors the auto-pilot/flight director and

autothrottle, and gives the necessary commands (e.g. checklist, gear down, flaps etc).

The PNF, monitors the approach, keeps lookout, executes the allocated system

operation on command of the PF and confirms its execution, does the radio

communication and checks for visual reference. The PNF therefore, shall be fully

familiar with the intentions of the PF, and shall have facts and figures ready when

needed. The use of facilities shall be planned beforehand, and on passing one

facility, the PNF shall inform the PF and be ready to retune to the next facility

immediately. During the descent phase, at altitudes below approximately 10.000 feet,

and during taxi, all flight crewmembers shall concentrate on cockpit procedures,

cockpit monitoring and lookout, and refrain from non-essential matters.

Right main wheel


Left main wheel


Nose main wheel


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1.8.2 Operation Training Manual (OTM)

The OTM Chapter 5.5 ATR 72-500 Pilot type rating training shows that the pilots

had been trained for the cross wind landing twice which were on session 4 and

session 5.

The OTM Chapter 5.5 ATR 72-500 Pilot type rating training

Type Rating Simulator Session 4

Briefing ................................................................................ 1 hour

Exercises............................................................................... 4 hour

1. Internal inspection – Preliminary cockpit preparation

2. Final Cockpit Preparation – Before taxi – Taxi – before TO C/L

3. TAKE OFF – Climb sequence – After TO C/L

4. Climb on SID to FL 9000 feet

5. AFCS utilisation AP ON and AP OFF with FD

6. Configuration changes as needed

7. ARRIVAL preparation (weather, datacard, arrival briefing)


9. GO AROUND – Radar Vector

10. VOR DME approach

11. Cross wind LANDING

12. After Landing – DYNAMIC ENG TEST, Parking, Leaving the A/C C/L

Debriefing ............................................................................ 1 hour

Session 5

Briefing ................................................................................ 1 hour

Exercises............................................................................... 4 hour

1. SHORT TRANSIT preparation – Final cockpit preparation – Before Taxi

2. Eng 1: NO ITT DURING ENG START then start A+B – Taxi – Before TO

3. Take Off – EFIS COMP (ROLL) – SID FL 8000 feet – Failure treatment



Stall with Ice accretion WITHOUT ICING AOA ON

Stall with Ice accretion WITH ICING AOA ON

6. Ice accretion – ACW BUS 2 OFF (ADC disagreement) (reset)

7. AHRS fail on PF side (reset)


9. Radar Vector – ILS - Landing

10. VOR DME approach

11. Cross wind LANDING

12. Take Off – SGU FAIL (reset) – normal procedure – SID FL 8000 feet –Failure


13. Take off – climb straight ahead 3000’ – ECU/EEC FAULT before

acceleration altitude – radar vector.

14. After failure treatment BOTH ECU/EEC FAULT

15. Vector for ILS keeping HIGH SPEED (190 kts) up to 2000’

16. ANS (Approach Non Stabilized) at 1000’ AAL – GO AROUND to 2000’ –

Freeze at the end of the C/L

17. Reposition A/C at TO to demonstrate BOT ECU/EEC FAULT effect on ground

Debriefing ............................................................................ 1 hour

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1.8.3 QRH (Quick Reference Handbook)

1.8.4 FCTM (Flight Crew Training Manual)


page 2 Sep 2012.

Part of the on ground evacuation procedure stated that evacuation command conducted by

the captain through public address and afterward switch off the battery.

1.9 Additional Information

1.9.1 Crosswind During Landing

When an airplane is airborne it moves with the air mass in which it is flying

regardless of the airplane's heading and speed. However, when an airplane is on the

ground it is unable to move with the air mass (crosswind) because of the resistance

created by ground friction on the wheels.

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Characteristically, an airplane has a greater profile or side area, behind the main

landing gear than forward of it. With the main wheels acting as a pivot point and the

greater surface area exposed to the crosswind behind that pivot point, the airplane

will tend to turn or "weathervane" into the wind (figure 5).

Though it is characteristic of most airplanes, this weathervaning tendency is more

prevalent in the tail wheel type because the airplane's surface area behind the main

landing gear is greater than in nose wheel type airplanes (see figure 6 and 7).

Wind acting on an airplane during crosswind landings is the result of two factors -

one is the natural wind which acts in the direction the air mass is traveling, while the

other is induced by the movement of the airplane and acts parallel to the direction of

movement. Consequently, a crosswind has a headwind component acting along the

airplane's ground track and a crosswind component acting 90º to its track. The

resultant or relative wind, then, is somewhere between the two components. As the

airplane's forward speed decreases during the after landing roll, the headwind

component decreases and the relative wind has more of a crosswind component. The

greater the crosswind component the more difficult it is to prevent weathervaning.

Figure 5: Weathervane Figure 6: Tail wheel airplane Figure 7 : Nose wheel airplane

In February 2014, the aircraft manufacturer issued the Safety Note "Be Prepared For

Crosswind Landing" to provide guidance to the pilots to perform crosswind landing.

This Safety Note particularly emphasizes the use of rudder during landing roll that

must be smooth, mainly for any upwind input. The detail of the Safety Note available

on the appendices of this report.

1.9.2 Situational Awareness and Decision Making

Relation between the Short Term Memory (STM) are the spatial orientation, ability

to process information, and emotional/physical condition, and the Long Term

Memory (LTM) is the experience, training, management skill, physical skill, and

personal attitude refers the figure below shows the process and relation of the input

cues assessment (diagnostic) includes the risk assessment decision making.

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Figure 8: Decision Making Model Wickers and Flach (1988)

1.9.3 Thunderstorm formation

Generally, thunderstorms require three conditions to form:

1. Moisture

2. An unstable air mass.

3. A lifting force (heat)

All thunderstorms, regardless of type, go through three stages: the cumulus stage,

the mature stage, and the dissipation stage. The average thunderstorm has a 24 km

(15 miles) diameter. Depending on the conditions present in the atmosphere, these

three stages take an average of 30 minutes to go through.

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Figure 9: Stages of thunderstrom

Figure 10: Lateral view illustration of thunderstorm

Cumulus Stage

The first stage of a thunderstorm is the cumulus stage, or developing stage. In this

stage, masses of moisture are lifted upwards into the atmosphere. The trigger for this

lift can be insolation heating the ground producing thermals, areas where two winds

converge forcing air upwards, or where winds blow over terrain of increasing

elevation. The moisture rapidly cools into liquid drops of water due to the cooler

temperatures at high altitude, which appears as cumulus clouds. As the water vapor

condenses into liquid, latent heat is released, which warms the air, causing it to

become less dense than the surrounding dry air. The air tends to rise in an updraft

through the process of convection (hence the term convective precipitation). This

creates a low-pressure zone beneath the forming thunderstorm. In a typical

thunderstorm, approximately 5×108kg of water vapor is lifted into the Earth's


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Mature Stage

In the mature stage of a thunderstorm, the warmed air continues to rise until it

reaches an area of warmer air and can rise no further. Often this 'cap' is the

tropopause. The air is instead forced to spread out, giving the storm a characteristic

anvil shape. The resulting cloud is called cumulonimbus incus. The water droplets

coalesce into larger and heavier droplets and freeze to become ice particles. As these

fall they melt to become rain.

Dissipating Stage

In the dissipation stage, the thunderstorm is dominated by the downdraft. If

atmospheric conditions do not support super cellular development, this stage occurs

rather quickly, approximately 20–30 minutes into the life of the thunderstorm. The

downdraft will push down out of the thunderstorm, hit the ground and spread out.

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The investigation considered that the aircraft was not a factor. Air traffic controller

information of wind condition was a good practice to improve pilot awareness.

Therefore, the analysis will discuss the cause of the aircraft veered to the right and

the weather condition in the airport vicinity that might affect the aircraft and pilot

decision while on the landing roll.

2.1 Flight Technique on crosswind landing

Prior to approach on runway 03, the pilot noticed cumulonimbus clouds on the east

side of the airport and decided to avoid the area. During the approach the pilots also

noticed black and thick cloud on the right side of the approach path, while on the left

side was clear.

There was no report from any pilot related to the weather condition on approach area.

The controller notified the pilot of wind which was from 120° up to 23 knots or

perpendicular to the landing direction up to 23 knots. The wind indicated on the

GNSS was from the right and slightly tail wind with velocity between 11 to 15 knots.

Considering the wind condition and the experience of the SIC, the PIC took over the

control. The aircraft touched down normally.

The FDR recorded that after touchdown, left rudder was applied gradually from 3°

up to 27° and the aircraft heading was varied between 026° to 031°. The application

of left rudder reduced and changed to right rudder up to 26° and the aircraft heading

changed from 030° to 074°. The aircraft then run off to the right of the runway.

Prior and during the approach, there were several significant information of

cumulonimbus existence which were the visual view of the pilot to the cloud

formation and controller information of significant cross wind condition. There was

no pilot discussion recorded on the CVR to anticipate this condition. The only action

was that the PIC took over control of the aircraft.

After touchdown, the pilot initially applied left rudder and able to manage the aircraft

heading on runway bearing. The pilot then applied right rudder and the aircraft

turned to the right.

During the interview, the pilots explained their confusion of the effect of the wind.

They assumed that the aircraft would have been veered to the left as the effect of

right crosswind.

The shape of the vertical stabilizer will have greatest effect to the crosswind

condition. The vertical stabilizer and all part of the aircraft behind the main wheel

will be pushed by the air, hence the nose will move into the wind (weathervaning).

So, on a right crosswind, the aircraft will turn to the right. The right rudder

application would make the aircraft veered more to the right.

Misinterpretation of the pilot to the effect of crosswind might have led to incorrect

recovery action.

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2.2 Decision Making

The Company Operation Manual on 4.10.6 APPROACH AND LANDING

Stated that; Careful planning of the approach and close cooperation between flight

crews is necessary to achieve a safe approach and landing. The techniques and

procedures to be used shall be discussed in advance, in order to avoid errors and

misunderstandings. Both pilots shall therefore familiarize themselves thoroughly

with the relevant data such as descent altitude restrictions, weather conditions,

aircraft serviceability, ground facilities, holding and approach procedures runway.

In the dissipation stage of cumulonimbus, the thunderstorm is dominated by the

downdraft. The downdraft will push down out of the thunderstorm, hit the ground

and spread out.

The wind direction as recorded by AWOS changed from westerly to easterly and

increased in velocity. This related to the cumulonimbus which was existed

surrounding the airport.

Prior and during the approach, there were several significant information to the pilot

related to the existence of cumulonimbus such as dark and thick cloud on the right

side of the final course and strong crosswind condition.

The CVR recorded that the pilots noticed the crosswind condition, however there

was no discussion recorded concerning the anticipation to this condition. The only

action was that the PIC took over control of the aircraft.

The absence of pilot discussion related to the cumulonimbus existence as required by

the COM, most likely had reduced or absence the important information stored as

short term memory which might require for the pilot to make decision during the

approach and landing roll.

The OTM Chapter 5.5 ATR 72-500 Pilot Type Rating Training shows that the pilots

had been trained for the crosswind landing two times on session 4 and 5.

The FDR recorded that after touchdown, initially left rudder was applied and able to

manage the aircraft heading on runway bearing and center line, afterward the right

rudder applied up to maximum and the aircraft turned to the right.

The pilots opinion the aircraft would have been veered to the left as the effect of the

cross wind from the right. An aircraft has a greater profile or side area, behind the

main landing gear than forward of it. Characteristically the crosswind, will tend to

turn or "weathervane" the aircraft into the wind and requires correct rudder

application to counter it.

During the landing roll, the wind was from the right which would tend the aircraft to

turn to the right, therefore left rudder application required. The right rudder

application was not in accordance with the characteristic of countering crosswind

effect on landing roll.

The rudder application might be caused by the pilot confusion to the crosswind effect

as stated during the interview.

The pilots had been trained for crosswind exercise two times in aircraft simulator.

However, the pilots were confused to the crosswind effect. The pilot confusion

indicated inadequate training.

It can be concluded that the incorrect rudder application to compensate the crosswind

effect had resulted in the aircraft exiting the runway. This might due to the pilot

confusion to the crosswind effect as result of inadequate training.

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3.1 Findings4

According to factual information during the investigation, the National

Transportation Safety Committee founded any findings as follows:

1. The aircraft was airworthy prior to departure and there was no any aircraft

systems problem reported.

2. All crew has valid licenses and medical certificates.

3. The OTM Chapter 5.5 ATR 72-500: Pilot Type Rating Training showed that the

pilots trained for the cross wind landing twice, on session 4 and session 5.

4. The aircraft departed within the weight and balance operating limit.

5. The Second in Command (SIC) acted as Pilot Flying (PF) until on final approach

when the Pilot in Command (PIC) took over control of the aircraft.

6. During approach, the pilot noticed dark and thick could which was

cumulonimbus cloud formation.

7. Controller informed the pilot that the wind condition was easterly with velocity

up to 23 knots.

8. The wind condition as recorded by AWOS changed to westerly wind and

increasing speed that related to the cumulonimbus which existed surrounding the


9. COM. Crew Coordination during Holding stated that approach and

landing techniques and procedures to be used shall be discussed in advance, in

order to avoid errors and misunderstandings. Both pilots shall therefore

familiarize themselves thoroughly with the relevant data such as weather

conditions, holding and approach procedures runway.

10. The FDR recorded that after touchdown, initially left rudder was applied and able

to manage the aircraft heading on runway bearing and center line, afterward the

right rudder applied up to maximum and the aircraft turned to the right.

11. During the interview, the pilots explained their confusion of the effect of the

wind. They assumed that the aircraft would have been veered to the left as the

effect of right crosswind.

12. After the engines shut down the PIC went out the cockpit, then opened the crew

entrance door and disembarked the aircraft to check the outside area. The PIC

then commanded the FA to evacuate the passengers.

13. Part of the on ground evacuation procedure stated that evacuation command

conducted by the captain through public address and afterward switch off the


4 Findings are statements of all significant conditions, events or circumstances in the accident sequence. The findings are

significant steps in the accident sequence, but they are not always causal, or indicate deficiencies. Some findings point

out the conditions that pre-existed the accident sequence, but they are usually essential to the understanding of the

occurrence, usually in chronological order.

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3.2 Contributing Factors5

The investigation concluded that the incorrect rudder application to compensate the

crosswind affect had resulted in the aircraft exiting the runway. This might due to the

pilot confusion to the crosswind effect as result of inadequate training.

5 Contributing factors is defined as events that might cause the occurrence. In the case that the event did not occur then the

accident might not happen or result in a less severe occurrence.

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Following the occurrence, the PT. Wings Abadi Air management held a meeting to

discuss the occurrence and the corrective action. The meeting was attended by the

Director of Wings Air, General Manager Safety, Security and Quality, Safety

Manager, Chief Operation Safety, QMR manager, Chief Pilot ATR, Chief Operation

Training and Chief Analyst.

The meeting concluded that there was manual input from the cockpit that lead the

aircraft veered off to the right, and after the aircraft stopped, the PIC did not

command the flight attendant until the FA-1 called to the cockpit.

The meeting agreed to provide recurrent training for the flight crew and limiting the

crosswind component for PIC as pilot flying to maximum of 25 knots and the SIC to

maximum of 15 knots which was informed to pilot by a notice. (Detail of the notice

available in the appendices of this report).

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The Komite Nasional Keselamatan Transportasi (KNKT) consider that the safety

actions taken by the aircraft operator were relevant to improve the issued identified

in this investigation.

In addition KNKT issued safety recommendations to address safety issues identified

during this investigation. The safety recommendations are based on the factual

information, analysis and findings of this investigation. However the operator shall

consider that the condition possibly extends to other pilots and related supporting

units within the company.

DGCA requested to ensure that the recommendations addressed to the relevant

parties are well implemented.

The safety recommendations addressed to:

5.1 PT. Wings Abadi Air


To ensure the pilot understand and consistently implement the company

policies stated in the COM.


To improve pilot skill and knowledge to the aerodynamic effects of crosswind

condition including the recovery technique and to consider the additional

training session of crosswind landing exercises.


To improve pilot knowledge of weather effects to the flight characteristic

including the cumulonimbus effect.


To ensure appropriate coordination during emergency evacuation by improving

the crew emergency training.

5.2 The Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA)


To oversight the operator training to ensure the achievement of the training


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6.1 Notice to Pilot

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6.2 The ATR Safety Note

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6.3 Direct Involves Parties Comments

Bureau d’Enquêtes et d’Analyses (BEA), France


KNKT RESPONSE Extract of the Report Proposed Changes Justification

1. Cover ATR 72-500 ATR 72-212A “72-500” is a commercial

name. The model, as

identified in the EASA Type

Certificate is “72-212A”


2. Synopsis

Page vi

There was no windshear alert

from the Ground proximity

Warning System (GPWS)

during the approach

Delete the sentence There is no windshear

alerting system on ATR 72-

212A aircraft.


3. Synopsis

Page vi

The investigation concluded

that the contributing factors

to this serious incident was

inadequate Short Term

Memory from the absence of

discussion related to the

weather condition and

inadequate Long Term

Memory from the training

related to the input cues

assessment (diagnostic) to the

risk assessment and decision

making might have led to the

incorrect recovery action.

The investigation concluded

that the main contributing

factor to this serious incident

was the full upwind rudder

pedal application at

relatively high speed, under

crosswind conditions.

Investigating human factors

issues is very valuable.

However, the conclusion

expressed in the terms of lack

of short term memory or

inadequate long term

memory can be confusing

and not understandable by all

the readers.

Accepted with rephrase

4. §1.1 There was no wind shear Delete the sentence There is no windshear Accepted

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KNKT RESPONSE Extract of the Report Proposed Changes Justification

Page 1 alert from the Ground

proximity Warning System

(GPWS) during the approach

alerting system on ATR 72-

212A aircraft.

5. §1.7

Page 8

1.7 Wreckage and Impact


1.7 Wreckage and Impact


Considering the damages

evidenced on the aircraft

consecutive to the incident,

and that the aircraft is back

into operations, the term

“wreckage” is not


Rejected. This tittle is the

standard KNKT format, even

though no information of the


6. §1.9.1

Page 12

Complete paragraph

“Thunderstorm formation”

Consider deleting the


The intent of this paragraph

is unclear. If it aims at

explaining the risk of

encountering windshear, then

it should be deleted as no

windshear is evidenced

through DFDR data analysis.


7. §1.9.2

Page 14

Extract from the ATR 72

FCOM 2.02.12 Page 1

Remove this extract and

replace by the ATR Safety

Note attached to this letter.

In February 2014, ATR has

issued the Safety Note “Be

Prepared For Crosswind

Landing” to provide guidance

to the pilots to perform

crosswind landing. This

Safety Note particularly

emphasizes the use of rudder

during landing roll that must

be smooth, mainly for any

It is good information.

However KNKT require

confirming whether this ATR

Safety Note has been

received and understood by

the pilots.

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KNKT RESPONSE Extract of the Report Proposed Changes Justification

upwind input.

8. §2.2

Page 17

The thunderstorms formation,

regardless of type, goes

through three stages: …. to

the cumulonimbus which was

in view surrounding the


Consider deleting the


Refer to comment 6 Rejected

9. §2.2

Page 17

There was no pilot discussion

recorded on the CVR to

anticipate this condition. The

only action was that the PIC

took over control of the

aircraft because of the

crosswind landing.

Add information in §1.2 or

1.8 about TEM training.

To potentially better

understand why the pilot did

not discuss the anticipated

landing conditions, the report

should highlight whether the

airline organizes Threat and

Error Management (TEM)

training for the crew.

Accepted and additional

information added to the

report on chapter 1.6.2.

Changed in the analysis.

10. §2.2

Page 17

It can be concluded that the

incorrect recovery action was

result of inadequate Short

Term Memory from the

absence of discussion related

to the weather condition and

inadequate Long Term

Memory from the training

related to the input cues

assessment (diagnostic) to

the risk assessment and

decision making.

It can be concluded that the

aircraft exiting the runway


the result of full upwind


pedal application at


high speed, under crosswind


Refer to comment 3 Accepted and changed in the


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KNKT RESPONSE Extract of the Report Proposed Changes Justification

11. §3.1

Page 19

15. There were combination

of the lack of experience and

information stored affected

the pilot misinterpretation to

the effect of crosswind which

might have led to incorrect

recovery action.

Move to § 3.2 This should be considered as

a contributing factor and not

a finding.


12. §3.2

Page 19

The absence of pilot

discussion related to the

significant information

weather particularly on the

cumulonimbus existence

which was required by the

COM, might had

reduced/absence of the Short

Term Memory and

inadequate Long Term

Memory from the training

might have led to the

misperception to the effect of

crosswind and incorrect

recovery action.

Add at the beginning of the

paragraph :

It can be concluded that the

aircraft exiting the runway

was the result of full upwind

rudder pedal application at

relatively high speed, under

crosswind conditions.

Before the contributing

factors paragraph

highlighting the absence of

pilot discussion and potential

effect on pilot memory, it is

necessary to clearly indicate

what physically led to the

aircraft exiting the runway.

Accepted and changed in the
