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A RESEARCH REPORT ON “IMPACT OF TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS ON EFFECTIVENESS OF EMPLOYEES” Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements For the degree of Master of Business Administration Under the Guidance of :- Submitted By :- DR.AMIT SHISHODIA KOMAL MALIK Assistant Professor (Roll: 1311470011) (IPEM) INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL EXCELLENCE AND MANAGEMENT 1
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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements

For the degree of

Master of Business Administration

Under the Guidance of:-

Submitted By:-



Assistant Professor (Roll: 1311470011) (IPEM)


U.P. Technical University, LUCKNOW (2013-2015)


I, KOMAL MALIK declare that the project report entitled Impact of Training & Development Programs on Effectiveness of Employees being submitted to the UTTAR PRADESH TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY for the fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Business Administration is my own endeavors and it has not been submitted earlier to any institution/university for any degree.


Head, Department of Management Studies,

IPEM, GHAZIABADACKNOWLEDGEMENTI would like to take this opportunity to thank the following people who have directly or indirectly contributed towards the completion of this dissertation and without their help this in the present form would have not been possible.I am thankful to Dr. Amit Shishodia for giving me opportunity to work on such a nice project as my project. And last but not the least my special thanks to my parents without their support my MBA course would not have been possible. komal malik

MBA (4th Sem) Roll No. 1311470011

Executive summary ABOUT THE TOPIC

Training & Development programs is most important factor of the organization for improving the efficiency & performance of the employees as well as increase the productivity and turnover of the organization. It is organized for the fresher and also for existing employees. These programs are helpful in enhancing job satisfaction, opportunity in future, increasing morale and motivation.

Training is the process of increasing the knowledge and skills for doing a particular job. It is an organized procedure by which people learn knowledge and skill for a definite purpose. The purpose of training is basically to bridge the gap between job requirements and present competence of an employee.

The researcher has done a study on the impact of Training and Development on the effectiveness of employees.

Table of Content1. introduction

Concept of Training

Training & Development

Need for Training

Importance of Training

Benefits of Training Employees

Types of Training

Training Methods & Techniques


Concept of Executive Development

Literature Review

2. research objectives

513. research hypothesis

534. Research methodology 55 rESEARCH dESIGN



5. Data ANALYSIS & Interpretation

606. FINDINGS 757. Limitations

778. Recommendations & Suggestions

799. ConclusionS

8110. BIBLIOGRAPHY 8311. Questionnaire


Todays investment environment is complex, dynamic, and challenging. Its not superior infrastructure or technology or the deposits which keep it ahead of competition, but its ability to manage investments markets. The banks ability to manage its investments requires knowledge of investment markets and instruments, as well as an understanding of the regulatory, accounting, financial and economic forces that affect investment performance and how they all interrelate to each other. Having understood this to be a prerequisite the greatest resource of any organization is the potential of its people.

But the fact is that employees do not come ready made, fitting to the organizational requirements. They have to be shaped and developed and tailored in terms of their skills, attitudes and behaviors in order to say compatible with the organizations culture and goals, thus, contributing to its productivity and profitability .Precisely speaking they have to be trained . Beginning from the policy of the organization the basic rules of the job to key concepts to team performance to catering to the rising customers demands training is a necessary tool without which viability if not success is impossible in this era of cutthroat competition .

Though this fact is universally know the conventional wisdom says that strangely there is very little organization that attaches the commensurate level of importance to training in their concerns. The interesting fact is that a majority of them belong to the public sector. It is a known fact that despite the huge amounts of state spending on staff college and universities for training employees in the banks the most frequent names which figure out in the top 10 belong to the private sector this continues necessitating emergence of many question in the mind as to how training is being done how much is the tentative spending on each employees for training programs what is the general perception of employees towards training how is ROI calculated if it is being done at all a common perception exists that though a lot of investment made is not being made on training the return

Private sector enterprises play a very crucial role in developing the industrial base of an economy .Training and development was deemed necessary in view of lack of trained manpower (pant 2000) .After the implementation of new economy policy in 1991, private sector enterprises need to improve overall organizational effectiveness and productivity, and also need to ensure competitive edge .These changes necessitate the training and development of personnel in the private sector enterprises.

Today organization is passing through massive changes due to advancement in science and technology and due to competition from global players .India has nearly one sixth of the world population. This overabundant human resource needs to be converted into asset which is only possible through proper training and development. Our former prime minister, Rajeev Gandhi rightly sensed this need had established a separate ministry for human resource development in1985 .he stressed on the development of human resources and because of his initiatives, training occupied a front seat in the national economy. Later on, most of the business organization realized the need and importance of training their employees for better and improved results. The human resource development approach is essential in order to have optimum utilization of manpower for the benefit of both, the employees and the organization.

After the opening up of economy, talent is moving from one organization to another search of high paying jobs in private and multinational companies, which leads to scarcity of trained manpower. This again emphasizes the need and importance of training and employee retention.

A major study was conducted taking 575US-based publicly traded firms during1996,1997and1998.the American society for training and development (ASTD) found that companies which invested $680 more in training per employee than the average company had an increase of 6% in their total stakeholder return in the following year (even after considering other factors). ASTD researchers also found a similar pattern while comparing gross profit margin, income per employee, and price to book ratios for firms in the top quarter of the study group who invested on average $1,595 per employee in training with firms who invested average $128 per employee. It was found that the former experienced 24% higher gross profit margins, 218% higher income per employee, and 26% higher price to book ratios (ASTD, 2000)

This paper will review and analyze the training and development policies and practices of a few private sector enterprises. The outline framework for any training and development activity should be linked with the organizations vision and mission so as to make it more effective. The framework should comprise:

Training to be treated as one of the tools for increasing organizational effectiveness.

Creating environment for self-motivation towards training and development.

Learning through training should be transferred to the job/work.

Today, private sector enterprises in India are passing through a phase of metamorphosis. On one hand they are facing tough product market competition with the advent of global players and on the other; there are threats of closures due to inefficient operation. in this scenario , organizations are under pressure to improve organizational effectiveness by finding ways to become cost-conscious and resource-efficient (joshi,2000).most of todays business are still using labor intensive technology and large scale as well as long term cost reductions can be achieved by improving the productivity of employees through effective training and development.

Participants perceptions about training program are very important because they directly affect the acceptance and later implementation of the learning from these programs.

Success of any training program largely depends upon various factors like content method instructor work environment external support and above all employees motivation .Motivation to learn and then transfer it to job can be considered as one of the major components of training., it generally reflected in the employees attitude towards participation in training .motivation and successful implementation of training to practice are interdependent. Motivation creates a better learning environment that leads to better training and later successful implementation of learning from programs and successful practice of the learning from training programs is a great motivator to generate interest among the employees (Craig & bittel 1969)

According to Clark, Dobbins and Ladd (1993) career utility is the perceived utility of training in achieving career goals .Career goals can be promotion or increment in salary improvement in personal skills and better job prospects. Noes (1986) model of training effectiveness proposed that rewards resulting from successful completion of training influence an individuals motivation to undergo training and to learn from it.

It is quite common in organization that the training activities are largely measured by number of training programs conducted per year or number of training programs per employee per annum to highlight fancy figures.

Training transfer climate (support for learning to the job) is also equally important for transferring learning to job. Noes (1986) model proposed that environmental favorability affects transfer of newly learned skills or knowledge to the job. Environment favorability comprises task constraints (e.g., lack of resource), the perceived social support for training i.e., support provided (with opportunities and reinforcement for practicing newly learned skills or knowledge acquired in training) by other employees (either by top management, immediate boss, peers or subordinates).

It is also necessary to evaluate training programs periodically. Current research scenario concerning evaluation of training through sophisticated research design is not very encouraging in Indian context. The evaluation of job behavior is generally sidelined. This is needed to bridge the gap between training and work practices.

Concept of Training

Training is the process of increasing the knowledge and skills for doing a particular job. It is an organized procedure by which people learn knowledge and skill for a definite purpose. The purpose of training is basically to bridge the gap between job requirements and present competence of an employee. Training is aimed at improving the behavior and performance of a person. It is a never ending or continuous process. Training is closely related with education and development but needs to be differentiated from these terms.

Training and Education:

Training should be distinguished from education Training is any process by which the aptitudes, skills and abilities of employees to perform specific jobs are increased. On the other hand, education is the process of increasing the general knowledge and understanding of employees. Thus education is wider in scope and more general in purpose than training .Training is job-oriented or occupational having an immediate utilitarian objective and the major burden of training falls upon the employers. Training is vocational whereas education is general and major burden of education falls on the Government. Education is person oriented while training is job oriented. Training is essentially practical consisting of knowledge and skills required to perform specific tasks. On the contrary, education is theoretical consisting of concepts aimed at stimulating analytical and creative faculties of the individual.

Training & Development Employee training is distinct from management development. Training is a short term process utilizing a systematic and organized procedure by which non managerial personal learn technical knowledge and skills for a definite purpose. It refers to instructions in technical and mechanical operations like operation of a machine. It is designed primarily for non managers. It is for a short duration and for a specific job related purpose.

On the other hand, development is a long term educational process utilizing a systematic and organized procedure by which managerial personnel learn conceptual and theoretical knowledge for general purpose. It involves philosophical and theoretical educational concepts and it is designed for managers. It involves broader education and its purpose is long term development. In the words of Campbell, training courses are typically designed for a short term stated set purpose, such as the operation of some piece(s) of machinery while development involves a broader education for long term purposes. Training involves helping an individual learn how to perform his present job satisfactorily. Development involves preparing the individual for a future job and growth of the individual in all respects. Development complements training because human resources can exert their full potential only when the learning process goes far beyond simple routine.

Need for TrainingTraining is required on account of the following reasons:

1. Job Requirements: Employees selected for a job might lack the qualifications required to perform the job effectively. New and inexperienced employees require detailed instruction for effective performance on the job. In some cases, the past experience, attitudes and behavior patterns of experienced personnel might be inappropriate to the new organization. Remedial training should be given to such people to match the needs of the organization.

2. Technological changes: Technology is changing very fast. Now automation and mechanization have are being increasingly applied in offices and service sector. Increasing use of fast changing techniques requires training into new technology. For instance, staffs in public sector bank are being trained due to computerization of banking operations. No organization can take advantage of latest technology without well trained personnel.

3. Organizational Viability: In order to survive and grow an organization must continually adopt itself to the changing environment. With increasing economic liberalization and globalization in India, business firms are experiencing expansion, growth and diversification. In order to face international competition, the firms must upgrade their capabilities. Existing employees need refresher training to keep them abreast of new knowledge.

4. Internal mobility: Training becomes necessary when an employee moves from one job to another due to promotion and transfer. Employees chosen for higher level jobs need to be trained before they are asked to perform the higher responsibilities. Training is widely used to prepare employees for higher level jobs.

Thus, there is an ever present need for training people so that new and changed techniques may be taken advantage and improvements in old methods are affected. Importance of Training

A well planned and well executed training program can provide the following advantages:

1. Higher Productivity: Training helps to improve the level of performance. Trained employees perform better by using better method of work. Improvements in manpower productivity in developed nations can be attributed in no small measure to their educational and industrial training programs.

2. Better quality of work: In formal training, the best methods are standardized and taught to employees. Uniformity of work methods and procedures helps to improve the quality of product or service. Trained employees are less likely to make operational mistakes.

3. Less Learning Period: A systematic training program helps to reduce the time and cost involved in learning. Employees can more quickly reach the acceptable level of performance. They need not waste their time and efforts in learning through trial and error.

4. Cost Reduction: Trained employees make more economical use of materials and machinery. Reduction in wastage and spoilage together with increase in productivity help to minimize cost of operations per unit. Maintenance cost in also reduced due to fewer machine breakdown and better handling of equipments.

5. Reduced Supervision: Well-trained employees tend to be self-reliant and motivated. They need less guidance and control. Therefore, supervisory burden is reduced and the span of supervision can be enlarged.

6. Low Accident Rate: Trained personnel adopt the right work methods and make use of the prescribed safety devices. Therefore, the frequency of accidents is reduced. Health and safety of employees can be improved.

7. High morale: Proper training can develop positive attitudes among employees. Job satisfaction and morale are improved due to a rise in the earnings and job security of employees.

8. Personal Growth: Training enlarges the knowledge and skills of the participants. Therefore, well trained personnel can grow faster in their career. Training prevents obsolescence of knowledge and skills. Trained employees are a more valuable asset to any organization. Training helps to develop people for promotion to higher posts

Benefits of Training to Employees

Training is useful to employees in the following ways:

1. Self-confidence: Training helps to improve the self confidence of and employee. It enables him to approach and perform his job with enthusiasm.

2. Higher Earnings: Trained employees can perform better and thereby earn more.

3. Safety: Training helps an employee to use various safety devices.

4. Adaptability: Training enables an employee to adapt to changes in work procedures and methods

5. Promotion: Training employees can develop him and earn quick promotions.

6. New Skills: Training develops new knowledge and skills among employees .The new skills are a valuable asset of an employee and remain permanently with him.


Training is required for several purposes. Accordingly training programs may be of the following types:

1. Orientation training: Introduction or orientation training seeks to adjust newly appointed employees to the work environment. Every new employee needs to be made fully familiar with his job, his superiors and subordinates and with the rules and regulations of the organization. Induction training creates. Self confidence in the employees. It is also known as pre job training. It is brief and informative.2. Job Training: It refers to the training provided with a view to increase the knowledge and skills ofan employee for improving performance on the job.

3. Safety training: Training provided to minimize accidents and damage to machinery is known as safety training. It involves instruction in the use of safety devices and in safety consciousness.

4. Promotional Training: It involves training of existing employees to enable them to perform higher level jobs. Employees with potential are selected and they are given training before their promotion,

5. Refresher Training: When exiting techniques become obsolete due to the development of better techniques, employees have to be trained in the use of new methods and new techniques. With the passage of time employees may forget some of the methods of doing work. Refresher training is designed to revive and refresh the knowledge and to update the skills of the exiting employees. Short term refresher courses have become popular on account of rapid changes in technology and work methods.

6. Remedial training: Such training is arranged to overcome the shortcomings in the behavior and performance of old employees. Some of the experienced employees might have picked up appropriate methods and styles of working. Such employees are identified and correct work methods and procedures are taught to them. Remedial training should be conducted by psychological experts.

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Identifying Training Needs

All training activities must be related to the specific needs of the organization and the individual employees. A training program should be launched only after the training needs are assessed clearly and specifically. The effectiveness of a training program can be judged only with the help of training needs identified in advance. In order to identify training needs, the gap between the exiting and required levels of knowledge, skills, performance and aptitudes should be specified...

Training needs can be identified through the following types of analysis.

1. Organizational Analysis: It involves a study of the entire organization in terms of its objectives its resources resource allocation and utilization growth potential and its environment. Its purpose is to determine where training emphasis should be placed within the organization. Organizational analysis consists of the following elements.

a) Analysis of objective: The long term and short term objectives and their relative priorities are analyzed. Specific goals and strategies for various departments and sections should be stated as a means for achieving the overall organizational objectives. b) Resource Utilization Analysis: The allocation of human and physical resources and their efficient utilization in meeting the operational targets are analyzed.

c) Organization image Analysis: The prevailing climate of an organization reflects the member attitudes. It also represents managements attitude towards employee development.

d) Environmental Scanning: The economic, political, technological and socio-cultural environment of the organization can influence and the constraints which it cannot control.

2. Task or Role Analysis .It is a systematic and detailed analysis of jobs to identify job contents the knowledge skill and aptitudes required and the work behavior. On the part of the job holder particular attention should be paid to the tasks to be performed, the methods to be used, the way employees have learnt these methods and the performance standards required of employees.

3. Manpower Analysis: In this analysis the persons to be trained and the changes required in the knowledge, skills and aptitude of an employee are determined. First of all , it is necessary to decide whether performance of an individual is substandard and training is needed Secondly it is determined whether the employee is capable of being trained Thirdly , the specific areas in which the individual requires training are determined . Other alternatives to training e.g. should also be considered.

Training Objectives:

Once the training needs are identified, the next step is to set training objectives in concrete terms and do decide the strategies to be the adopted to achieves these objectives. The overall aim of a training program is to fill in the gap between the existing and the desired pool of knowledge, skills and aptitudes .Objectives of training express the gap between the present and the desired performance levels. Definition of training objectives in both quantitative and quantitative terms will help to evaluate and monitor the effectiveness of training. Involvement of top management is necessary to integrate the training objectives with the organizational objectives

The main objectives of TRAINING may be defined as follows:

(a) To impart to new entrants the basic knowledge and skills required for efficient performance of definite tasks.

(b) to assist the employees them to the latest concepts , information and techniques and developing the skills they would require in their particular fields

(c) to build up a second line of competent officers and prepare them to occupy more responsible position

(d) To broaden the minds of senior managers through interchanges of experience within the outside so as to correct the narrow outlook caused due to over specializations.

The above objective may be classified in terms of learning levels e.g. motor skills, adaptation level, interpersonal understanding and values. These may alternatively be classified into status quo objectives, corrective objective, problems solving objectives and innovative objectives.

According to Harris, training of any kind should have as its objective the redirection or improvement of behavior so that the performance of the trainee becomes more useful and productive for himself and for the organization of which he a part In other words training objectives should be stated in terms of changes required in behavior and performance.

While setting training objectives, the following criteria may be used:

(1) Nature and size of the group to be trained.

(2) Roles and takes to be coined out by the target group

(3) Relevance applicability and compatibility of training to the work situation

(4) Identification of the behavior where change is required

(5) Existing and desired behavior defined in term ratio, frequency, quality of interaction, repetitiveness, innovations, supervision, etc.

(6) Operational results to be achieved through training e.g., productivity, cost, downtime, creativity, turnover etc.

(7) Indicators to be used in determining changes from exiting to the desired level in terms of ratio and frequency.

Designing a Training Program:

In order to achieve the training objectives, an appropriate training policy is necessary. A training policy represents the commitment of top management to employee training. It consists to rules and procedures concerning training a training policy are required

(a) To indicate the companys intention to develop its employees

(b) To guide the design and implementation of training program

(c) To identification the critical are where training is to be given on a priority basis: and

(d) To provide appropriate opportunities to employees for their own betterment.

A sound training policy clearly defines the following issues:(1) The results expected to be achieved through training.

(2) The responsibility for the training function.

(3) The priorities for training.

(4) The type of training required.

(5) The time and place of training.

(6) The payment to be made to employees during period.

(7) The outside agencies to be associated with the training.

(8) Relationship of training to the companys labor policy.

Once training objectives and policy are decided, an appropriate training program can be designed and conducted. Decisions on the following items are required for this purpose.

(1) Responsibility for Training: Training is quite a strenuous task which cannot be undertaken by one single department. The responsibility for training has to be shared among:

a) The top management, who should frame and authorize the basic training policy, review and approve the training plans and programrs, and approve training budgets

b) The personnel department which should plan establish and evaluate instructional programs

c) The line supervisor, who should implement and apply the various developmental plans,

d) The employees who should be properly organized. But good organization alone is not adequate, proper planning and training is equally important

(2) Selecting and Motivating the Target Group: It is necessary to decide who is to trained new or old employees; unskilled or semiskilled workers, supervisor or executives. The type and methods to be used will depend upon the type of persons to be trained .It is also necessary to create a desire for learning. The employee will be interested in training if they believe that it will benefit them personally.

(3) Preparing the Trainers: The success of a training program depends to a great extant upon the instructors or the resource persons. The trainer must know both the job to be taught and how to teach it. He should have an aptitude for teaching and should employ the right training techniques .and should employ the right training techniques.

(4) Developing Training Package. The step involves deciding the content of training designing support material for training and choosing the appropriate training methods. Training course may involve specific instruction in the procedures of doing job. Training courses may cover time period ranging from one week to facilitate choice.

(5) Presentation: This is the action phase of training .Here the trainer tells demonstrates and illustrates in order to put over the new knowledge and operation. However, before, it the learner should be put at ease. It is necessary to explain why he is being taught to develop his interest in training. The learner should be told of sequence of the entire job, the need of each step in job, the relationship of the job to the total work flow etc. Instructions should be clear and complete.

TRAINING METHODS & TECHNIQUESThe methods employed for training of operatives may be described as under:

(1) On the Training (OJT): In this method the trainee is placed on a regular job and taught the skills necessary to perform it. The trainee learns under the guidance and supervision the superior or an instructor. The trainee learns by observing and handling the job. Therefore, it is called learning by doing.

Several methods are used to provide on the job training e.g., coaching, job, rotation committee assignments, etc . A popular form of on the job training is job instruction training (JIT) or step by step learning. It is widely used in the United States to prepare supervisors. It is appropriate for acquisition or improvement of motor skills and repetitive operations. The jit involves the following steps:

(a) Preparing the trainee for instruction. This involves putting the trainee at ease, securing his interest and attention, stressing the importance of the jobs; etc.

(b) Presenting the jobs operations or instructions in terms of what the trainee is required to do. The trainee is put at work site and each step of the job is explained to him clearly.

(c) Applying and trying out the instruction to judge how far the trainee has understood the instructions.

(d) Following up the training to identify and correct the deficiencies, if any. JIT method provides immediate feedback, permit quick correction of errors and provides extra practice when required .But it needs skilled trainers and preparation in advanceAdvantages

a) The main advantage of OJT is that the trainee learns on the actual machine in use and in the real environment of the job. He gets a feel of the actual job. Therefore, he is better motivated to learn and there is no problem of transfer of training skills to the job.

b) This method is very economical because no additional space, equipment, personnel or other facilities are required for training. The trainee produces while he learns.

c) The trainee learns the rules regulation s and procedures by observing their day to day applications.

d) This is the most suitable method for teaching knowledge and skills which can be acquired through personal observation in a relatively short time period. It is widely used for unskilled and semi-skilled jobs e.g., machinist, clerical and sales jobs.

e) Line supervisors take an active part in training their subordinates.

DisAdvantagesa) In on the jobs training, the learner finds it difficult to concentrate due

to noise of the actual work place

b) This method is oft method soften haphazard and unorganized. The superior or experienced employee may not be a good trainer.

c) In this method the trainee may cause damage to costly equipment and materials.

d) On the job training is, however, the most widely used and accepted method of training.

e) It is suitable for all levels of employees, workers, supervisors and executives. It

Is appropriate for teaching knowledge and skills which can be learnt in a relatively short period of time and where only a few persons are to be trained on the job.

In order to make on the job training successful, some conditions must be satisfied.

(a) What and how to teach should be carefully decided,

(b) The instructor should be carefully selected and trained, and

(c)A definite follow-up scheduled should be used to judge the result of training.

2. VESTIBULE TRAINING: in this method a training centre called vestibule is set up and actual job conditions are duplicated or simulated in it. Expert trainers are employed to provide training with the help of equipment and machines which are identical with those in used at the workplace.


a) The main advantage of vestibule training is that the trainee can concentrate on learning without disturbance of the workplace noise.

b) The interest and motivation of the trainee are high as the real job conditions are duplicated.c) This method is essential in cases where on the job training might result in a serious injury, a costly event, or the destruction of valuable equipment and material e.g., aeronautical industry.

d) Correct method can be taught effectively by the trained instructor who knows how to teach.

e) It permits the trainee to practice without the fear of being observed and undisturbed by the superior/co-worker.

f) It is a very efficient method of training a large number of employees of the same kind of work at the same time.

g) This method is also useful when it is not advisable to put the burden of training on line supervisors and when a special coaching is needed. It is often used to train clerk, bank tellers, inspectors, inactive operators, testers, typists, etc.


It is necessary to evaluate the extent to which training programs have achieved the aims for which they were designed. Such an evaluation would provide useful information about the effectiveness of training as well as about the design of future training programs.


Training effectiveness is the degree to which trainee are able to learn and apply the knowledge and skills acquired in the training program . It depends on the attitude ,interest , values ,and expectations of the trainee and the training environment . A training program is likely to be more effective when the trainees want to learn, are involved in their jobs, have career strategies. Contents of a training program, and the ability and motivation of trainers also determine training effectiveness.


Evaluation of training effectiveness is the process of obtaining information on the effects of a training program and assessing the value of training in the light of that information. Evaluation involves controlling and correcting the training programe. The basis of evaluation and mode are determined when the training program is designed. Retraining:

Retraining is the process of providing training to persons who underwent training earlier in their job. Retraining programs are generally arranged for employees who have long been in the service of an organization. Such programs are designed to avoid obsolescence of a person in terms of job requirements. Retraining is required on account of the following factors:

I. Some employees concentrate on a narrow task and lack all round

Knowledge and skills. Training is required to wider their knowledge and attitudes.

II. Employees who are called back to work after layoff are given training

So as to handle highly skilled jobs.

III. Due to technological changes some jobs may become unnecessary.

Employees working on such jobs are retrained for other jobs.

IV. Retraining is necessary to develop a versatile workforce capable of

Performing more than one job.

V. Retraining becomes necessary when the knowledge and skills of employees

Become obsolete due to rapid changes in technology. With automation and computerization new skills become necessary.

VI. Due to changes in demand for goods and services, some new jobs are created.

Retraining of exiting staff is needed to handle new jobs.

Retraining may be required at all levels. But it is more common for rank and file workers. This is so because technological make an immediate impact on these people. Moreover, they are less equipped to four see their personal needs and therefore, require greater assistance than others. Workers need refresher courses to help them recall what they have forgotten. They require retraining when work tools and methods change due to technological progress.


Executive development or management development is a systematic process of learning and growth by which managerial personnel gain and apply knowledge, skills, attitudes and insights to manage the work in their organizations effectively and efficiently. It is an educational process through which executives learn conceptual and theoretical knowledge and managerial skills is an organized manner . Management development involves relating experience to learning. The main aim of formal education for manager is to increase his ability to learn from experience.

According to flippo, management development includes the process by which managers and executives acquire not only skills and competency in their present jobs but also capabilities for future managerial tasks of increasing difficulty and scope . Thus, executive development is any planned effort to improve current and future managerial performance. It is an attempt at improving an individual s managerial effectiveness through a planned and deliberate process of learning.

An analysis of these definitions reveals the following characteristics of executive development:

(1) Executive development is a planned and organized process of learning rather than a haphazard or trail an error approach

(2) .It is an ongoing or never ending exercise rather than a one-shot affair

(3) .It continues throughout an executives entire professional career because there is no end to learning.

(4) Executive development is a long term process as managerial skills cannot be developed overnight.Executive development is guided self-development. An organization can provide opportunities for development of its present and potential managers. But the images for learning have to come from the executive himself. Executives development is possible only when the individual has the desire to learn and practice what he learns. No amount of coercion can lead to development . Executive develop Executive development aims at preparing managers for better performance and helping them to realize their full potential.

(5) Development is eventually something that the executives have to attain him. But he will do this much better if he is given encouragement, guidance and opportunity by his company.

(6) Executive development aims at preparing managers for better performance and helping them to realize their full potential.

Objectives of Executive Development

Any program of executive development aims achieving the following purpose:

1. To improve the performance of managers at all levels in their present jobs.

2. To sustain good performance of managers throughout their careers by exploiting

Their full potential prepares managers for higher jobs in future.

3. To ensure availability of required number of managers with needed skills so as

To meet the present and anticipated future needs of the organization.

4. To prevent obsolescence of executives them to the latest concepts and Techniques in their respective areas of specialization.

5. To replace elderly executives who have risen from the ranks by highly competent and academically qualified professionals.

6. To provide opportunities to executives to fulfill their career aspirations.

Prof. A. Dasgupta has given objectives of executive development at various levels of authority. These are stated in table 3.3. It can be seen that for top management the objectives are mostly general and aim at developing the ability to understand and decide. On the other hand, objectives at middle and lower levels are more specific.

Executive Development Objectives at three levels of Authoritya) Top management

1. To improve thought process and analytical ability in order to uncover and examine problems and take decisions in the best interests of the country and organization.

2. To broaden the outlook of the executive in regard to his role, position and responsibilities in the organization and outside.

3. To think through problems this may confront the organization now or in the future.

4. TO understand economic, technical and institutional forces in order to solve business problems.

5. To acquire knowledge about the problems of human relations.

b) Middle line Management

1. To established a clear picture of executive functions and responsibilities.

2. To bring about an awareness of the broad aspects of management problems, and an acquaintance with, and appreciation of, inter departmental relations.

3. To develop the ability to analyses problems and to take appropriate action.

4. To develop familiarity with the managerial uses of financial accounting, psychology, business law and business statistics.

5. To inculcate knowledge of human motivation and human relationships

6. To develop responsible leadership.

c) Middle Functional Executives and Specialists1. To increase knowledge of business functions and operations in specific fields in marketing production, finance, personnel.

2. To increase proficiency in management techniques such as work study, inventory control, operations research, quality control.

3. To stimulate creative thinking in order to improve methods and procedures.

4. To understand the functions performed in a company.

5. To understand industrial relations problems.

6. To develop the ability to analyze problems in ones area or functions.

Importance of Executive Development

Executive development is necessary for the following reasons:

(i)The size and complexity of organizations, both business and non-business are increasing. Managers need to be developed to handle the problems of giant and complex organization in the face of increasing competition.

(ii)The rapid rate of technological and social change in society requires training of Managers so that they are able to cope with these changes. Automation, cut throat competition, growth of new markets, enlarged labor participation in management, growing public and government interest in business activities are the major problems that have to be handled.

(iii)Business and industrial leaders are increasingly recognizing their social and public responsibilities. They require a much broader outlook to discharge these new responsibilitie.

(iv) Labor management relations are becoming increasingly complex. Executives require new and better skills in union negotiations, collective bargaining, grievance redressed, etc. Workers are better educated and more aware.


There is a noticeable shift from owner managed to professionally managed enterprises, even in family business houses. Executive development programs are required to train and develop professional managers.

(vi) Executives need education and training to understand and adjust to changes in socio-economic forces. Changes in public policy, concepts of social justice, industrial democracy, ecology(pollution) ekistics. (Humansettlements), ergonomics (working environment), cultural anthropology (problem of fitting machines to men) are the main socio-economics changes. Without management development programs, executives may become obsolete.

(vii) Management of public utilities, state enterprises and civic bodies is being professionalized in order to improve operational efficiency. Similarly, agriculture, rural development and public administration require professional executives. In the words of Peter Drucker, an institution that cannot produce its own managers will die. From an overall point of view the ability of an institution to institution to produce managers is more important than its ability to produce goods efficiently and cheaply

Process of Executive Development

The essential ingredients of an executive development program are as follows:1

1. Analysis of Development needs: First of all the present and future developmental needs of the origination are ascertained. It is necessary to determine how many and what type of executives are required to meet the present and future needs of the enterprise. This calls for organizational planning. A critical analysis of the organization structure in the light of future plans will reveal what the organization needs in terms of departments, functions and key executive positions.

2. Appraisal of Present Managerial Talent: A qualitative assessment of the existing executives is made to determine the type of executive talent available within the organization. The performance of every executive is compared with the standard expected of him.

3. Inventory of Executive manpower: this inventory is prepared to obtain complete information about each executive. Data on the age, education, experience, health, test result and performance appraisal results is collected. This information is maintained on cards or replacement tables, one for each executive.

4. Planning Individual Development Programs: each one of us has a unique set of physical, intellectual and emotional characteristics. Therefore, development plan should be tailor made for each

5. Establishing training and Development Programs: The human resource department prepares comprehensive and well conceived programs. The department identifies development needs and may launch specific courses in fields of leadership, decision-making, human relations, etc. it also recommends specific executive development programs organized by well-known institutes of management.

6. Evaluating development programs: considerable money, time and efforts are spent on executive development programs. It is therefore; natural to find out to what extent the program objectives have been achieved. Program evaluation will reveal the relevance of the development programs and the changes that should be made to make these more useful to the organization. General result of development programs can be measured in the long run. But some specific result may be assessed during the short term.

Methods and Techniques of Executive Development

Various techniques of executive development may be classified into two broad categories as shown in fig.

Executive Development

On the job Techniques

off the job Techniques



Under Study

Case Studies

Position Rotation

Group Discussions

Project Assignment



Role Playing

On the job training is most suitable when the aim is to improve on the job behavior of executives. Such training is inexpensive and time saving. The motivation to learn is high as training takes place in the real job situation. The trainee can size up his subordinates and demonstrate his leadership qualities without artificial support. But neither the trainer nor the trainee are free from the daily routine and pressure of their respective jobs. On the job-training is given through the following methods.

1. Coaching:

In this method, the superior guides and instructs the trainee as a coach. The coach or counseller sets mutually agreed upon goals, suggest how to achieve these goals, periodically reviews the trainees progress and suggests changes required in behavior and performance.

Coaching method offers several advantages: (i) It is learning by doing (ii) Every executive can coach his subordinate even if no executive development program exists (iii) Periodic feedback and evaluation are a part of coaching. (iv) It is very useful for orientation of new executives and for developing operative skills. Coaching method, however, suffers from certain disadvantages: (i) it tends to perpetuate current managerial styles and practices in the organization. (ii) It requires that the superior is a good teacher and guide (iii) the training atmosphere is not free from the worries of daily, routine.

Coaching can be effective if the coach is a good communicator, enable motivator and a patient listener. Coaching will work well if the coach provides a good model with whom the trainee can identify, if both can be open with each other, if the coach accepts his responsibility fully, and if he provides the trainee with recognition of his improvement and suitable rewards.

2. Understudy:

An understudy is a person selected and being trained as the heir apparent to assume at a future time the full duties and responsibilities of the position presently held by his superior. In this way a fully trained person becomes available to replace a manager during his long absence or illness, on his retirement, transfer, promotion or death. The superior routes much of the departmental work through the junior, discusses problems with him and allows him to participate in the decision making process as often as possible. The junior is generally assigned tasks which are closely related to the work in his section

Under study method provides many advantages: (i) the trainee receives continuous guidance from the senior and gets the opportunity to see the total job (ii) it is practical and time saving due to learning by doing (iv) the junior and the senior come closer to each other (v) it ensures continuity of management when the superior leaves his position.

Understudy method, however suffers from the following disadvantages (i) it perpetuates the existing managerial practices. (ii) As one employees is identified in advance as the next occupant of higher level managerial position, the motivation of other employees in the unit may be affected.(iii) the subordinate staff may ignore the understudy and treat him as an intruder without clear authority and responsibility The success of this method depends upon the teaching skills and cooperation of the superior with whom the understudy is attached.

3. Position Rotation:

It involves movement or transfer of executives from one position or job to another on some planned basis. These persons are moved from one managerial position to another according to a rotation schedule. Position rotation is also called job rotation. Or position rotation is often designed for junior executive .IT may continue for a period ranging from six month to two years According to Bennett . Job rotation is a process of horizontal movements that widens the managers experience horizon beyond the limited confines of his own. Job rotation method offers the following advantage: (1) it helps to reduce monotony and boredom by providing variety of work (2) It facilitates interdepartmental cooperation and coordination (3)it infuses new concepts and ideas into elder personal (4) Executive get a chance to move up to higher position by developing them into generalists Job rotation method suffer from the following disadvantage ;(1) Job rotation may cause disturbance in established operation (2) The trainee executive may find it difficult to adjust himself to frequent moves. He may feel insecure in the absence of stable interpersonal relationship (3) the new in cement may introduce ill conceived and hasty innovations causing loss to the organization (4) Job rotation may demotivate intelligent and aggressive trainee who seek specific responsibility in their chosen specialization.

4. Projects assignments

Under this method a number of trainee executives are put together to work on a project directly related to their functional area. The group called project team or task force will study the problem and find appropriate solutions. For instance, accounts officers may be assigned the task of designing and developing an effective budgetary control system. By working on this project, the trainee learns the work procedures and techniques of budgeting. Sometimes, a syndicate or team consisting of persons of mature judgment and proven ability is constituted. It is given a task properly spelt out in terms of brief and background papers.

5. Committee Assignment:

A permanent committee consisting of trainee executives is constituted. The entire trainee participates in the deliberations of the committee. Through discussion in committee meetings they get acquainted with different viewpoints and alternative methods of problem solving. They also learn interpersonal skills.

6. Multiple Management:

This technique was developed by Charles P. McCormick oh McCormick Corporation of Baltimore, USA Under. Under it a junior board of young executives is constituted. Major problems are analyzed in the junior board which makes recommendations to the Board of Directors.REVIEW OF SOME OF THE BEST PRACTICES OF TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT IN INDIA

There are some private sector organization which are emphasizing on training and development to improve manpower utilization and employee development. A few good examples are described here

Career development: Eicher group experience

Eicher believes in role model philosophy in which supervisor can set the right example by encouraging subordinates to play leadership roles. Training in eicher emphasizes that it is primarily the responsibility of the superior to develop, her /his subordinate and become her/ his mentor. Each employee at eicher is a part of career development group (CDG)

Which consists of her/his immediate superior , the bosss superior and a person from another division .CDG is responsible for appraising , monitoring , training and planning of each individual career and development path .They write down what kind of training requirements in his annual Self-Development Review . Training at Eicher can be classified as discussed below

1. Behavioral Training Organizational behavior, interpersonal skills and counseling.

2. Functional Training Finance for non-finance executives, manufacturing skills,

Quality control etc.

3. Potential related Training Managerial skills for junior management , development executive skills

4. Multi skills training

5. Training for Dealers Dealership management program

6. International Exposure. (business today , 1996 : dayal et al ., 1996)

Benchmarking: Ranbaxy Laboratories Experience

Ranbaxy laboratories provided works first-hand experience of global best practices. Most of the workers in pharmaceutical industries have generally come from a background where even a hospital did not display good hygiene and Ranbaxy was trying to train them to achieve high quality standards. A group of workers was selected and sent on a ten-day US visit clinics and hospitals. The workers got a first-hand feel of the kind of environment in which the medicines prepared by them would be used and they came back with memories of very high quality standards and where motivated to achieve them (Business today 1996)

Learning Together: Mahindra and Mahindra Experience

Supervisors and managers should be trained with workers in the basic training philosophy at Mahindra and Mahindra . In order to bridge the communication gap Mahindra and Mahindra sent its workers abroad to expose them to quality manufacturing practices but with a slightly different strategy : The workers were sent along with the supervisors and managers (from several levels ) . It was found that at the end of the trip most communication gaps between them had been bridged. Till 1995, 40 workers (shop floor) along with managers and union leaders were sent to Japan, South Korea, Europe, UK, and us to visit various automotive plants and to learn best work practices around the world. These people were then asked to share their experience with other employees (business today 1996)

Employee Involvement: Modi Xerox Experience

The company has invested in developing high quality training .Employees at every level are exposed to international training. Each employee spends almost 5 man-days on training every year which costs Rs 4000 per employee per annum. Training is not only the responsibility of training department, but there is a continuous involvement of line managers also. The boss and subordinates sit together and match the job profile with the individuals skills. Once the gapes are identified, they search for solutions to bridge them which could range from formal to informal training one to one coaching and facilitation. Training managers workshop is organized biannually to get feedback on the present status and also on future training requirements.

These examples show the importance of employee involvement superior role and accountability in training and developing the human potential and exposure to international standards for measuring quality, to develop good training and development practices in any organization.



research OBJECTIVES:1. To find out the impact of training& development programs on the performance and attitude of employees as well as organization productivity.

2. To gain the in-depth information and knowledge about the training and development program and its impact on the effectiveness of the employees

3. To get the information about the training and development programs and its necessities that how it helps the organization in increasing productivity and in achieving objectives effectively and efficiently.

4. To find out the impact of training& development programs on the performance and attitude of employees as well as organization productivity.



H1: Training and Development helps in increasing the effectiveness of Bank employees

H2: Training and development increases the productivity level prove to be right.

No individual or system is perfect for all times, so training and development activities with the changed order must take place. Following suggestion have been proposed to improve the training effectiveness of banking sector employees:

1. Technical training should be provided

2. Training must be imparted in a trainee friendly atmosphere.

3. Training and development activities should be a regular process.

4. Top management should appreciate the role of training and development.

5. Transparency should be maintained in selecting the trainees.



Its aim to understand the research methodology establishing a framework of training and development of employees through primary and secondary research and it explains about present employees scenarios and its present base of organisation through training and development techniques and concepts used during primary research in order to arrive at findings; which are also dealt with and lead to a logical deduction towards the analysis and results.


The researchers propose to first conduct a intensive secondary research to understand the full impact and implication of the industry, to review and critique the industry norms and reports, on which certain issues shall be selected, which the researchers feel remain unanswered or liable to change , this shall be further taken up in the next stage of exploratory research. This stage shall help the researchers to restrict and select only the important question and issue, which inhabit growth and segmentation in the industry. These set of questions are then proposed to be studied under a descriptive research setting finally leading to formation of hypotheses and testing under causal research.

The new data gathered to help solve the problem at hand. As compared to secondary data which is previously gathered data. An example is information gathered by a questionnaire. Qualitative or quantitative data that are newly collected in the course of research. Consists of original information that comes from people and includes information gathered from surveys, independent observations and test results. Data gathered by the researcher in the act of conducting research. This is contrasted to secondary data which entails the use of data gathered by someone other than the researcher information that is obtained directly from first-hand sources by means of surveys, observation.


Information that already exists somewhere, having been collected for another purpose. Sources include magazines, various web sites, and subscription services. Data that have already been collected and published for another research project. There are two types of secondary data: internal and external secondary data. Information compiled inside or outside the organization for some purpose other than the current investigation. Data that have already been collected for some purpose other than the current study. Researching information which has already been published. Market information compiled for purposes other than the current research effort; it can be internal data, such as existing sales-tracking information, or it can be research conducted by someone else, such as a market research company. Mainly the secondary source of data has been used consists of magazines, books and websites and newspapers about present employee scenarios in banking sector.


Based on the type of data collected and the target segment with the appropriate statistical methods, inference should be made. The response set of one variable is compared with another set of variable to ensure a detailed analysis of data.

It has been used the SPSS software to analyze our data accurately. After the respondents had filled in the questionnaires, the data was entered into the software and the analysis was made thereby.


Some important points which each member kept in mind while doing the fieldwork. To make the respondents comfortable before questioning him by introducing ourselves as students and ensuring the respondent that all information collected is only for academic purpose and will be kept confidential Ensure that we fill the questionnaires our selves Not to lead a person into any preconceived notion Not to influence the respondents answers in any way/form. Use simple language, so that the technical language does not intimidate the respondent.

The main objective of this chapter is limited to expressing its research results, analysis and interpretation of the gathered data. The following chapter presents details review of the data collected and it relevance in drawing inference.It hence stands the valuator of the hypothesis generated in the earlier chapter.


The first stage of the data gathering study was our dummy run a pilot study. This helped the researcher to throw up some inevitable problems of converting the design into reality. An experiment or a survey can and should be piloted on a small scale in virtually all circumstances. We soon made changes to the questionnaire like reduce the number of questions to reduce time, also provided income under brackets instead of asking for absolute figures.




Graphical data Interpretation

Q.1. For how long have you been working in the organization


Out of 100employees interviewed 40% had an experience of less than 2years while 30% had experience of 2-5 years while rest had experience of 5years and more.

Q.2. Does your organization have regular training programs

Interpretation :

Out of all the employees surveyed 90% of the organizations are providing training to their employees.

Q.3. Training programs are conducted only after identifying Training needs?


In the research it is observed that training programs are conducted after the training needs are identified.88% respondent are say yes while 12% are say No. Q.4. Training programs are conducted in your organization to

Improve: Interpretation:

In Training Programs 35% concentration is over Technical skills, while 30% on

Managerial skills,19% on Administrative skills and 16% on Interpersonal skills.

Q.5. Training programs have been able to improve interpersonal relationship


80% of employees agree that training programs help to improve Interpersonal skills while 10% hardly agree and rest disagree.

Q.6. Training programs have always been beneficial for Employees?


Out of 100 employees surveyed 75% of employees strongly agreed to the fact that training helps while rest 25% also agree.

Q.7. Training programs reduce work stress?


50% of employees agree that training helps to reduce stress, 10% also agree while 25% hardly agree and 10% disagree.

Q.8. Training programs reduce the monotony of job?


55% of employees agree that training helps to reduce monotony of job, 9% also agree while 20% hardly agree and 16% disagree.

Q.9. Training programs reduce absenteeism?


9% of employees strongly agree that training helps to reduce absenteeism, 36% also agree while 30% hardly agree and 25% disagree.

Q.10. Training programs are helpful in reducing turnover rate?


10% of employees strongly agree that training helps to reduce turnover, 40% also agree while 30% hardly agree and 20% disagree.

Q.11. Training programs increase the self-worth of employees?


18% of employees strongly agree that training helps to increase self worth of employees, 70% also agree while 12% hardly agree and none disagree.

Q.12. Training programs actually help in overall development of employees?


9% of employees strongly agree that training help in overall development of employees, 60% also agree while 25% hardly agree and 6% disagree.

Q.13. In which areas do you think there is more need of training?Interpretation:

26% of employees think that training is needed in enhancement of soft skills, while 30% require in employee development, 37% require technical skills and rest in others.


Out of 100employees interviewed 40% had an experience of less than 2years while 30% had experience of 2-5 years while rest had experience of 5years and more.

Out of 100employees interviewed 40% had an experience of less than 2years while 30% had experience of 2-5 years while rest had experience of 5years and more.

Out of all the employees surveyed 90% of the organizations are providing training to their employees. In the research it is observed that training programs are conducted after the training needs are identified. In Training Programs 35% concentration is over Technical skills, while 30% on Managerial skills, 19% on Administrative skills and 16% on Interpersonal skills.

80% of employees agree that training programs help to improve Interpersonal skills while 10% hardly agree and rest disagree. Out of 100 employees surveyed 75% of employees strongly agreed to the fact that training helps while rest 25% also agree.

50% of employees agree that training helps to reduce stress, 10% also agree while 25% 9% of employees strongly agree that training helps to reduce absenteeism, 36% also agree while 30% hardly agree and 25% disagree hardly agree and 10% disagree.

10% of employees strongly agree that training helps to reduce turnover, 40% also agree while 30% hardly agree and 20% disagree.

18% of employees strongly agree that training helps to increase self worth of employees, 70% also agree while 12% hardly agree and none disagree.

26% of employees think that training is needed in enhancement of soft skills, while 30% require in employee development, 37% require technical skills and rest in others. 9% of employees strongly agree that training help in overall development of employees, 60% also agree while 25% hardly agree and 6% disagree.



Though best efforts have been made to make the study fair, transparent and error free. But there might be some inevitable and inherent limitation. Though outright measure are undertaken to make the report most accurate

The limitations of the survey are narrated below.

1) It was not possible to cover each and every organization due to time contains of the research report.

2) There may be some biased response from the respondent.

3) Some respondents did not provide fully data.

4) Restriction to disclose the organization information which is necessary for research work.

Recommendations &

SUGGESTIONsTraining is the process of increasing the knowledge and skills for doing a particular job. It is an organized procedure by which people learn knowledge and skill for a definite purpose. The purpose of training is basically to bridge the gap between job requirements and present competence of an employee. Training is aimed at improving the behavior and performance of a person. It is a never ending or continuous process. Training is closely related with education and development but needs to be differentiated from these terms.

The overall aim of a training program is to fill in the gap between the existing and the desired pool of knowledge, skills and aptitudes .Objectives of training express the gap between the present and the desired performance levels. Definition of training objectives in both quantitative and quantitative terms will help to evaluate and monitor the effectiveness of training. Involvement of top management is necessary to integrate the training objectives with the organizational objectives


Once the training needs are identified, the next step is to set training objectives in concrete terms and do decide the strategies to be the adopted to achieves these objectives. The overall aim of a training program is to fill in the gap between the existing and the desired pool of knowledge, skills and aptitudes .Objectives of training express the gap between the present and the desired performance levels. Definition of training objectives in both quantitative and quantitative terms will help to evaluate and monitor the effectiveness of training. Involvement of top management is necessary to integrate the training objectives with the organizational objectives

From the study it has been found that 30% respondents believe that training programs improve managerial skills, while 35% believe it is responsible for improving technical skills. Further it is found that training programs improve interpersonal relationship. About 80% respondents are of the same view. 75% respondents believe that training programs are always beneficial for employees. 25% respondents strongly emphasis this point.. Moreover, training programs increase the self worth of employees and are even responsible for increasing overall efficiency level of employees, reduced monotony, stress & absenteeism and are responsible for development & growth.


Magazines / Newspapers

1. Business World

2. Business Today

3. The Times of India

4. The Economic Times



3. www.citehr.com6.

BOOKS:-1. RKBKs training planner and induction guide.

2. Human Resource Management : V S P Rao

3. Encyclopadeia of Management (trg. & dev) : edited by John Prior

4. Human Resource Management - L M Prasad5. Training for Development Lynton & Pareek

6. Principles & Practices of Management

7. Training for Development R K Sahu


Questionnaire for Employees




Gender Male / Female

Contact No


Note : All the information provided will be confidential and will only be used for research project purpose

Q.1.For how long have you been working in the organization?

A) 0-2yrs


B) 2-5yrs


C) 5-8yrs


D) More than 8yrs

(Q.2.Does your organization have regular training programs?

A) Yes

( B) No


Q.3.Training programs are conducted only after identifying Training needs?

A) Yes

(B) No.


Q.4.Training programs are conducted in your organization to improve?

A) Managerial skills (

B) Technical skills


C) Administrative skills(

D) Interpersonal

(E) Any other (Q.5.Training programs have been able to improve interpersonal relationship?

A) Strongly agree


B) Agree


C) Hardly agree


D) Disagree


E) Strongly disagree (Q.6.Training programs have always been beneficial for employees?

A) Strongly agree


B) Agree


C) Hardly agree


D) Disagree


E) Strongly disagree (Q.7.Training programs reduce work stress?

A) Strongly agree


B) Agree


C) Hardly agree


D) Disagree


E) Strongly disagree (Q.8. Training programs reduce the monotony of job?

A) Strongly agree


B) Agree


C) Hardly agree


D) Disagree


E) Strongly disagree (Q.9. Training program reduce absenteeism?

A) Strongly agree


B) Agree


C) Hardly agree


D) Disagree


E) Strongly disagree (Q.10. Training programs are helpful in reducing turnover rate?

A) Strongly agree


B) Agree


C) Hardly agree


D) Disagree


E) Strongly disagree (Q.11. Training programs increase the self worth of employees?

A) Strongly agree


B) Agree


C) Hardly agree


D) Disagree


E) Strongly disagree (Q.12. Training programs actually help in overall development of employees?

A) Strongly agree


B) Agree


C) Hardly agree


D) Disagree


E) Strongly disagree (sQ.13. In which areas do you think there is more need of training?

A) Soft skills


B) Employee development(

C) Technical skills


D) Any other

(Q.14.Suggest same ways to improve the efficiency of training programs?Identifying training needs

Setting training Objectives and policy

Systematic approach to training

Designing Training programme

Follow evaluation

Conducting the training

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Stongly agreeAgreeHardly agreeDisagree








Hardly agree, 25%


Stongly agreeAgreeHardly agreeDisagree









Soft skillsEmployee developmentTechnical skillsAny other









Managerial SkillsTechnical SkillsAdministrative SkillsInterpersonal Skills
















Strongly agreeAgreeHardly agreeDisagree









Strongly agreeAgreeHardly agreeDisagree









Strongly agreeAgreeHardly agreeDisagree









0-2 yrs2-5 yrs5-8 yrsmore than 8 yrs
